Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 7 2017

To knit we are going to insert our right hand needle into the first loop on the left hand

needle, from left to right, from front to back, and once you have inserted the needle

into the loop, take your yarn and wrap it around the needle, pull that loop through

the loop on the left hand needle and slide the loop from the left hand needle off.

We transferred our stitch to the right hand needle after pulling a loop through the loop.

I'll do a few more stitches very slowly so you can follow along.

Thank you for watching this video.

It is part of a huge project on my website, all dedicated to learning how to knit.

There you will find photo tutorials, stitch definitions, videos, and so much more.

Please check it out at Please subscribe to my channel for more videos.

For more infomation >> How to Knit the Knit Stitch Easy and Slow for Beginner Knitters - Duration: 1:42.


Nicola Tesla, Free Energy and Vedic Philosophy - Duration: 13:29.

Nicola Tesla, Free Energy and Vedic Philosophy

by Dane Arr

The Properties of Space

Science works best when in harmony with nature.

If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about

when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them.

One example is �free energy,� also known as �zero-point energy,� which utilizes

the substance that exists all around us and converts it into usable energy.

This would give us a limitless source of energy, and would practically wipe out all poverty

on the planet.

(more on this later in the article)

The properties of space have been postulated by many, from ancient Vedic philosophy, Eastern

Mystics, various ancient civilizations throughout human history all the way to Descartes, Einstein,

Newton and more.

Humans are curious beings, and our quest to discover �what is� will never end.

�And they allowed Apollonius to ask questions; and he asked them of what they thought the

cosmos was composed; but they replied; �Of elements.� �Are there then four?� he


�Not four,� said Larchas, �but five.� �And how can there be a fifth,� said Apollonius,

�alongside of water and air and earth and fire?� �There is the ether,� replied

the other, �which we must regard as the stuff of which gods are made; for just as

all mortal creatures inhale the wire, so do immortal and divine natures inhale the ether.�

�Am I,� said Appollonius, �to regard the universe as a living creature?� �Yes,�

said the other.

� The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Philostratus, 220AD (source)

Science now knows that a material universe as the foundation of what we perceive to be

our physical material world isn�t quite the case.

Today, physicists recognize that physical atoms are actually made up of vortices of

energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating.

At its smallest observable level, matter is energy, and this energy that exists all around

us can be tapped into and possibly used to generate power.

Quantum physics has left many scientists baffled, again, the discovery that our physical material

reality isn�t really physical at all can be quite confusing.

Scientists began to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter

at the turn of the 19th century, this is approximately the time when the idea of a Newtonian material

universe was dropped from the heart of scientific knowing, and replaced by the fact that matter

is nothing but an illusion, that everything in the universe is made out of energy.

�If quantum mechanics hasn�t profoundly shocked you, you haven�t understood it yet.

Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.� � Niels

Bohr, a Danish Physicist

Again, if you observed the composition of an atom with a microscope, you would see a

small, invisible tornado like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices

called quarks and photons.

These are what make up the structure of the atom.

As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing,

you would observe a physical void.

The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really

don�t have any physical structure.

Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter.

�Despite the unrivalled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that

it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism,

incomprehension and even anger.� (T. Folger, �Quantum Shmantum�; Discover 22:37-43,


�Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion.

The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.� � R.C. Henry, Professor of physics and Astronomy

at Johns Hopkins University.


Tesla and Ancient Vedic Philosophy and the Properties of Space

We�ve seen a very interesting trend (especially within the past decade) of modern-day science

catching up to an ancient understanding about the true nature of reality, its make-up, how

it functions and how we can work with it to bring about change on our planet.

For anybody to label the merging of �spirituality� and science as pseudoscience means they have

not properly investigated it.

Spiritual concepts of our ancient world are directly intertwined with modern-day science,

more so quantum physics, and Nikola Tesla was well aware of this.

�All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling

all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana

or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.��

Nikola Tesla, Man�s Greatest Achievement, 1907 (1)(2)

As you can see, Tesla was aware of ancient concepts and the correlation it had with the

science he was working on -using sanskrit worlds like �akasha,� and �prana�

to describe the force and matter that exists all around us.

These words come from the Upanishads (a collection of Vedic texts)

�The aakaash is not destructible, it is the primordial absolute substratum that creates

cosmic matter and hence the properties of aakaash are not found in the material properties

that are in a sense relative.

The aakaash is the eternally existent, superfluid reality, for which creation and destruction

are inapplicable.� � (Idham thadhakshare parame vyoman.

Parame vyoman) � Paramahamsa Tewari, Engineer, Physicist and Inventor.


Nikola Tesla had correlations with Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), who was one of the most famous

and influential spiritual leaders of the philosophies of Vedanta (one of the six schools of Hindu

philosophy, the term originally referred to the upanishads, a collection of philosophical

texts in Hinduism) and Yoga.

He was the chief disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and the founder of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna


He is a giant figure in the history of the hindu reform movements.

Vivekananda wrote a later to Tesla in the late 1800�s stating:

�Mr. Tesla thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential


I am to go and see him next week to get this new mathematical demonstration.

In that case the Vedantic cosmology will be placed on the surest of foundations.

I am working a good deal now upon the cosmology and eschatology of the Vedanta.

I clearly see their perfect union with modern science, and the elucidation of the one will

be followed by that of the other.� � Swami Vivekananda

Tesla began using the Sanskrit words after meeting with Swami, and after studying the

Eastern view of the true nature of reality, about the mechanisms that drive the material


Eventually, it led him to the basis for the wireless transmission of electrical power,

what is known as the Tesla Coil Transformer.

During this year he made the following comments during a speech before the American Institute

of Electrical Engineers.

(Given before he familiarized himself with the the Vedic sincere of the easter nations

of India, Tibet, and Nepal.)

�Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any

point in the universe.

This idea is not novel�We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power

from the earth; we find it among subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians�.Throughout

space there is energy.

Is this energy static, or kinetic?

If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic � and this we know it is, for certain � then

it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the

very wheel work of nature.� � Nikola Tesla (source)

The Vedas are a group of writings that consist of hymns, prayers, myths, historical accounting,

science and the nature of reality.

They date back at least 5000 years, and are not so different from other ancient texts

that dive into the same matters from all across the globe.

The language used is Sanskrit and its origins are unknown.

�Swami Vivekananda was hopeful that Tesla would be able to show that what we call matter

is simply potential energy because that would reconcile the teachings of the Vedas with

modern science.

The Swami realized that in that case, the Vedantic cosmology (would) be placed on the

surest of foundations.

Tesla understood the Sanskrit terminology and philosophy and found that it was a good

means to describe the physical mechanisms of the universe as seen through his eyes.

It would behoove those who would attempt to understand the science behind the inventions

of Nikola Tesla to study Sanskrit and Vedic philosophy.� � Toby Grotz, President,

Wireless Engineering

Apparently, Tesla was unable to show the identity of energy and matter, this did not come until

Albert Einstein published his paper on relativity, which was known in the East for the last 5000


�All the powers in the universe are already ours.

It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.� � Swami


Tesla�s vision of the wireless transmission of electricity and free energy has been postponed

for almost one hundred years now.

Which brings us to our next topic.

What We Know Now (Today) About Free Energy

�These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories throughout the world and yet

they have not really seen the light of day.

If these technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound, it

would be applicable everywhere.

These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that have happened in the

history of the world.� � Brian O�leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics


Here is a video of world renowned Physicist Harold E. Puthoff.

An American physicist who earned his Ph.D from Stanford University.

I am best familiar with his work through the declassification of the remote viewing program

conducted by the CIA and NSA in conjunction with Stanford University.

He is the director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, and has served various

government agencies throughout his years.

�These are not just fringe scientists with science fiction ideas.

They are mainstream ideas being published in mainstream physics journals and being taken

seriously by mainstream military and NASA type funders.

I�ve been taken out on aircraft carriers by the Navy and shown what it is we have to

replace if we have new energy sources to provide new fuel methods.� � Dr. Harold E. Puthoff

�Back in about 1964 a researcher at the Hughes Laboratory by the name of Robert L.

Forward showed that there was a particular effect, called the Casimir Effect, which demonstrated

that this energy could be taped.� � Dr. Harold E. Puthoff

To see some actual research, a research paper and a visual demonstration of some machinery

with plans for the device, click HERE

This is what Tesla was talking about when he said that man would �attach their machinery

to the very wheel work of nature.�

It�s Time For A Change

Our current methods for extracting energy are destroying Earth.

It�s destroying the environment, its people and creates conflict.

We are rapidly approaching a time (if not already in that time) where we need to implement

systems to eliminate the use of fossil fuels.

I hope that this article, and the ones linked within it, show you that this is possible.

If you are further interested in this subject, you can check out Michael Faraday, Bruce DePalma,

Paramahamsa Tewari and more.

Energy source transitions do not happen over night.

It took us 100 years to transfer from wood to coal, and another 100 years to move from

coal to oil.

But the next energy transition must happen quicker than previous ones, and it must include

free energy.

�No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land,

or opened a new doorway from the human spirit.� � Helen Keller

�The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one

decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.� � Nikola Tesla

For more infomation >> Nicola Tesla, Free Energy and Vedic Philosophy - Duration: 13:29.


How to Knit the Purl Stitch Easy and Slow for Beginner Knitters - Duration: 1:33.

To purl we're going to hold the yarn in front of our work insert our right hand

needle into the loop on the left hand needle from right to left take

our yarn wrap it around the right hand needle pull that loop through the loop

on the left hand needle and slide it off the left-hand needle so we've created a

loop in a loop and transferred the stitch to the right hand needle and I'll

show you that several more times very slowly so you can follow along

thank you for watching this video it's part of a huge project on my website all

dedicated to learning how to knit there you will find photo tutorials and stitch

definitions videos and so much more please check it out at

please subscribe to my channel for more videos

For more infomation >> How to Knit the Purl Stitch Easy and Slow for Beginner Knitters - Duration: 1:33.


Aberdeen Beach Fireworks Spectacular 2017 HD - Duration: 19:41.

PC Viewers Enjoy since youtube copywrited this video banning it from mobile

For more infomation >> Aberdeen Beach Fireworks Spectacular 2017 HD - Duration: 19:41.


Happy Halloween! - MeMe - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Happy Halloween! - MeMe - Duration: 1:12.


PRIMER VÍDEO DE ROBLOX - Duration: 23:26.

For more infomation >> PRIMER VÍDEO DE ROBLOX - Duration: 23:26.


How Dropbox helped me make Kolony - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> How Dropbox helped me make Kolony - Duration: 2:17.


Ever Us "Hit the Road" :15 Commercial from Jared - Duration: 0:16.

Being in love is an amazing thing.

Being in love with your best friend is everything.

Ever Us.

One diamond for your best friend, one for your true love.

For the one woman who's both.

Available at Jared The Galleria Of Jewelry.

For more infomation >> Ever Us "Hit the Road" :15 Commercial from Jared - Duration: 0:16.


Jackfruit tree - Duration: 1:01.

Jackfruit tree

For more infomation >> Jackfruit tree - Duration: 1:01.


জেনে নিন অবসরে কি করেন কোয়েল মল্লিক | Actress Koel Mallick | Abasare ki karena | - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> জেনে নিন অবসরে কি করেন কোয়েল মল্লিক | Actress Koel Mallick | Abasare ki karena | - Duration: 1:42.


Interwoven :15 Commercial from Jared - Duration: 0:16.

Wherever life takes us, we go together.


Available at Jared The Galleria Of Jewelry.

For more infomation >> Interwoven :15 Commercial from Jared - Duration: 0:16.


Rain in Chennai - Very badly damaged area view from BOAT - 2017 - Duration: 2:14.

Rain in Chennai - Very badly damaged area view from BOAT - 2017

Rain in Chennai - Very badly damaged area view from BOAT - 2017

Continuous rainfall has disrupted lives of people.

Continuous rainfall has disrupted lives of people.

Rainwater has accumulated at several areas on the outskirts of Chennai,

Rainwater has accumulated at several areas on the outskirts of Chennai,

while residents have to struggle through knee-deep water outside their homes.

while residents have to struggle through knee-deep water outside their homes.

Power has also been reportedly cut in some parts of Chennai.

Power has also been reportedly cut in some parts of Chennai.

Exclusive video !!!

Exclusive video !!!

"Again Chennai Is In A Bad Condition With Flood Water Everywhere" Rain – flood scenario in Chennai !!!

"Again Chennai Is In A Bad Condition With Flood Water Everywhere" Rain – flood scenario in Chennai !!!

Any correct guess which area is this @ CHENNAI :

Any correct guess which area is this @ CHENNAI :

Please comment correct answer !

Please comment correct answer !

Your Choice are : Manali, Madhavaram, Mudichur, Ambattur, Perungudi or vyasarpadi ???

Your Choice are : Manali, Madhavaram, Mudichur, Ambattur, Perungudi or vyasarpadi ???

Your Choice are : Manali, Madhavaram, Mudichur, Ambattur, Perungudi or vyasarpadi ???

Don'ts do during the rain :

Don'ts do during the rain :

Never drive through waterlogged roadways

Never drive through waterlogged roadways

Do not walk in the area where water is stagnated.

Do not walk in the area where water is stagnated.

Avoid muddy roads

Avoid muddy roads

Avoid drinking tap water.

Avoid drinking tap water.

Avoid outside food

Stay away from electric poles and fallen power-lines

Stay away from electric poles and fallen power-lines

Avoid sewage line, gutters, drains, culverts

Avoid sewage line, gutters, drains, culverts

Do not play or swim in the flood water

Do not play or swim in the flood water

Do not leave your safe shelter until normalcy is declared

Do not leave your safe shelter until normalcy is declared

Ensure your safety before you help others

Ensure your safety before you help others

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For more infomation >> Rain in Chennai - Very badly damaged area view from BOAT - 2017 - Duration: 2:14.


How to make Kwanzaa knit Crochet Thread Angel Tutorial English Subtitles Translations Teresa - Duration: 16:09.

this will be a tutorial for a thread angel I'm using a size 2 steel crochet

hook and size 10 crochet cotton I'm going to start off with the Magic Loop

Magic Circle chain 3 I'm going to do 11 more double crochet in the loop

I'll pull your circle

join in the beginning chain three chain

three and now do a double crochet in the same double crochet and two in each

stitch around for a total of 24

you'll have a total of 24 double crochet on round 2 with your beginning chain

three counting is your first double crochet

now join in the beginning chain three chain two and slip stitch in each double

crochet around chain two and slip stitch

chained to and slip stitch and there's what it's looking like and this is the


now so stitch in your beginning stitch

slip stitch over to the chain two space

now for the wings we do a chain three and five more double crochet in the same

chain two space

chain three turn

double crocheting the same double crochet and two double crochet in each

double crochet thereafter for a total of 12 double crochet

chain three turn double crochet in the same double crochet two double crochet

in each double crochet for a total of 24

this is what it's looking like so far cut off your thread and secure it

now skip over to stitch 11 we're going to be working across 11 12 13 and 14

chain three do two more double crochet in the same double crochet and in the

next three stitches do three double crochet for a total of 12

chain three double crochet in the same double crochet is the chain three two

double crochet in each double crochet for a total of twenty-four

now chain for

skip one stitch double crochet in the next chain one skip a stitch double

crochet in the next chain one skip a stitch double crochet in the next and

continue across

I'm at the end here doing my last chain one you can see my last stitch is in the

second to the last double crochet so go ahead and do a chain one and double

crochet in the beginning chain three

this is one of those patterns that it doesn't have to be perfect

now we chain three and three double crochet in the space

double crochet in the double crochet

three double crochet in the space

double crochet in the double crochet and continue that on across

and three double crochet in the last space and double crochet in the

beginning chain three this is what we have so far

chain three turn one double crochet in each double crochet across an exact

count of stitches with row four and five is not going to matter as long as you

are getting the general shape of the dress

and now for the edging I'm going to chain to turn and slip stitch in each

stitch across chain 2 slip stitch chain 2 slip stitch chain 2 slip stitch chain

2 slip stitch and continue on across

I've finished up and now I'm going to cut off my thread

and then there's what we have now I'm going to take and do the same edging

along the wings just attach the thread here in the beginning stitch chain 2

slip stitch in the next stitch chain 2

slip stitch chain 2 slip stitch chain 2 and slip stitch

and then when you get over here to the center you can just keep going right on

across chain to just find a place in here and do a slip stitch you can do

about four of them chained to

slip stitch chain too

slip stitch chain too

slip stitch chain 2 and continue with the other side of your link chain 2 slip


now cut your thread and then this is what we have you have a little ruffle

across the front there now we need to sew in the tails and sew in the tails

will be pretty much the same for the whole thing

make sure you sew this one in really good because it is the magic circle and

it needs to have some really secure knots in it

you know I'm just going to weave it in here between the stitches it's done

pretty much the same as you are only it's just smaller I'm just going to hide

it in there

and cut it off and the same with the rest of the tails they're all sewn in

pretty much the same way as yarn you just leave them in

do you just find a place and so um in

and cut it off and there's what it looks like complete of course you might want

to press it and here are some of the other ones that I've made I've made some

of the heads a little bit smaller experimenting and you can do the same if

you want to make your head smaller

For more infomation >> How to make Kwanzaa knit Crochet Thread Angel Tutorial English Subtitles Translations Teresa - Duration: 16:09.


Elevage de crevettes suisses - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Elevage de crevettes suisses - Duration: 2:54.


Interwoven :30 Commercial from Jared - Duration: 0:31.

That moment when who you're going with is more important than where you're going.

Wherever life takes us, we go together.


Available at Jared The Galleria Of Jewelry.

For more infomation >> Interwoven :30 Commercial from Jared - Duration: 0:31.


6 infusões para desintoxicar o corpo naturalmente - Duration: 11:44.

For more infomation >> 6 infusões para desintoxicar o corpo naturalmente - Duration: 11:44.


10 months on YouTube - Duration: 9:44.

It's ten months since I started my YouTube channel and in this behind-the-scenes video

I'm going to give you a quick overview of why I'm doing what I'm doing, my goals, how I plan to get there

and the month by numbers.

Now, um

If you're looking for science experiments, this video is not gonna have any science experiments.

Just a head's up. So real quick

Why science mom? Why am I doing what I'm doing?

No matter what your goals,

it's important to know your why because the why is like the filter that helps you make all your important decisions

So I am doing science mom because I think math and science are incredibly important

And I happen to live in the state of Nevada where our education system is suffering a bit

I'll give you one quick example:

my husband teaches at a college just down down the road and at the college where he teaches,

he's a math teacher,

guess how many of the incoming freshmen need to take remedial math classes?

This means they graduated from high school, and they've come to college now

But they're not ready to take a college-level math class they need to take a class, that is equivalent to high school math

or even middle school math.

So take a guess real quick before I tell you


A full three-quarters of the incoming freshmen

aren't ready to take college-level math and when they are tested to see what level of remedial math

they need to take, the vast majority of them test into the lowest tier

That means that they can't do things like multiply and add fractions

solve a basic equation

Unit conversions sometimes even basic number line stuff.

These are fourth and fifth grade math concepts that these students haven't mastered

By the time they've come here to college. And it's an incredible handicap. Especially if they want to go into a STEM field.

So there's a big problem particularly in the state of Nevada and although his college is doing a lot to help these students

It's a little --- too little too late.

And in my opinion, where we really need to target is elementary and middle school level.

So science mom is kind of my own personal crusade to try and help at least some kids

Not have this happen to them because I feel like

Being inspired when you're young by a love for science or a passion for learning and can transform a person's entire life

That's one big reason why I started science mom and then the other is that it brings me a lot of joy

I love, I love it. The best job I've had. So my number one goal is that I get to keep doing it.

And in order to keep doing it, I need to earn some income.

Ideally, my long-term goal

is that I'll earn enough I can hire a team that I can hire a full-time assistant and some people to help with production

and video editing and I'll be able to produce more content because I feel like these are all the great ideas

I have this is what I want to do and this is how much time I have in which to do it

So if I can hire people then I'll be able to create a lot more science mom content

That's my long-term goal. And now the real question is how do you get there?

How do you earn an income on on YouTube in particular?

Well there are really just three ways to earn income on YouTube as far as I'm concerned.

the first is to sell attention to corporations.

and that may sound a little bit funny for me to say but truly, attention is a commodity.

and it is one of the most highly sought after commodities in the digital age

It's very valuable. And if you have a lot of attention whether that's to a blog or to your videos

Then you can sell that and there are a lot of corporations who actively seek out


influencers and people who have have an audience so they can run ads

or do sponsorship deals. So a lot of youtubers earn an income this way, and it is a way -

It is potentially a lucrative career

But it's not easy to get up to the level where you can earn income through ads. There are also side effects

For example, if you earn most of your income through YouTube,

you are penalized for linking off of YouTube. You will earn less if people watch your video and then link to your website

versus if people watch your video and then watch another video on YouTube.

so I feel like this conflicts a bit with my

my interest in science education because

There are a lot of times where I would like to post a video and then say hey download this free

worksheet that will take the learning a step deeper and will accompany the video

And I don't want to feel like I have a financial incentive not to do that.

So I'm hoping that most of my income can come from


I already am very very fortunate to have 21 wonderful people who donate each month

to my patreon campaign on Patreon, and I really appreciate their support

And I hope that I'll continue to find people through patreon who would like to be part of the science mom team and support

support this endeavor, and then the last option really is to sell some sort of a product.

In my case, I would like to earn an income selling books

Now, let's just pause real quick and appreciate the irony here because for about four years now

I have been active as a writer in the writing community

Attending writing conferences and writing books and sending out query letters to literary agents and trying to get published

And I know firsthand that not only is it really difficult to get published

But it's not easy to sell books once you do get published. Simply put, publishing has a supply and demand problem.

There are more books produced each year than there are readers to read them.

It is not easy to earn an income as an author selling books.

But having said that, I think that I've come up with a really good product with these science activity guides.

They're kind of a combination of graphic novels

science work book and comic book all in one and so far,

they have been doing pretty well, although we're only a month in and it's

very limited distribution. I haven't put them up on Amazon yet

and I could probably do two more videos just on book sales and my ideas for patreon and how I want to try and

improve the experience that my patrons have supporting me there, but for sake of time. Let's just go straight to the month by numbers


There's September. I did 19 school visits in September, and if you're looking at the videos from last year you're thinking, hey

how come she's doing less? Um, I'm not doing less visits. It's that the visits have gotten longer so last year

I was only in Boulder City doing visits and they were short 10-minute lessons, and I was going class to class,

this year I'm doing more assemblies, and I've expanded the lessons

And they are typically 25 minutes sometimes up to even an hour

So 19 school visits in October, zero new patrons. This was the first month since I started my patreon campaign [last] December

that I had no new patrons, so a bit of a plateau there. I released 4 videos in September

I got 68 new subscribers the channel had

2,754 views, I earned $303 on patreon and I spent $546 in September.

Some of that went to

supplies for science mom lessons, some of that went to shipping cost mailing things to patrons, and to other people,

a little bit went to printing the cost of printing books and a lot of it went to buying a Dewar

I invested in a Dewar to hold liquid nitrogen so I can I have liquid nitrogen at some of my demonstrations

And they are very expensive a good size Dewar cost like $300. So, there you go.

October I taught 33 lessons as a volunteer in my community in October

Patrons, I actually lost a patron in October. Videos. I produced one video the channel had 54 new subscribers in October

and 4,614 views earnings were $303 on Patreon this minus one patron won't come into effect until the next month

That's how patreon works,

and I earned $317 with book sales, and I spent


$1,211. At moments like this,

I kind of wonder about being completely transparent with my budget because I'm a little embarrassed that I was that I was that far over but

It was it was for good things that I think will really promote the the channel and help

help science mom grow in the future one of one of the big big cost items in this month was

The registration fee for going to a homeschooling conference, which I think will be a great way to connect with

an audience that I would really like to connect with more

and another one

I did spend a couple hundred dollars on what I'm going to call "secret project number 1"

because I don't want to tell you what it is until it's closer to being completed

But just know I've got something something in the works

That's going to take a few months to complete, and I started that this this month, so there you have it

Thank you for watching. Thank you very much for your support, and I'll see you soon.

And here are a few outtakes because sometimes a very simple video takes you way longer than it should

so all of that meant that I was

I had a month where I just really didn't have anything to put up on YouTube

I had one video in October.

And I'm totally nervous that nobody's gonna buy my book, and, this is just never gonna work.

That's how I'm feeling right now.

I worked so hard, and I'm not appreciated. Like, phsh, I'm having one of those days!

Okay, this is like take

17 maybe

But this is gonna be the one! This is gonna be the one that's gonna work.

Now there's no way I'm posting this.

I so should've done this in the morning

I was feeling so much better in the morning. Can you tell that I have a cold?


I had this dream that like all my patrons were gonna unsubscribe from Patreon

because they were so disappointed that I hadn't released any videos, and I kind of wake up like, oh no!

I mean it's, which sounds kind of silly to me when I'm alert

But my subconscious was deeply bothered by the fact that I wasn't being more productive in October



I feel like I'm totally rambling now.

For more infomation >> 10 months on YouTube - Duration: 9:44.


"DESPAIR" Hard Trap Beat | Naruto Trap Remix 2017 | Nasjin - Duration: 3:27.

"DESPAIR" Hard Trap Beat | Naruto Trap Remix 2017

For more infomation >> "DESPAIR" Hard Trap Beat | Naruto Trap Remix 2017 | Nasjin - Duration: 3:27.


Youtube Comments Need An Intervention! - Duration: 2:07.

So I just stopped watching a video by LeafyisHere and I went to the comments section.

and the whole comments section was full of nothing but fangirls

fangirls everywhere

Not just one page. You go down. You scroll a little bit.

It loads. More comments. Then some more.

Comments as far as the eye can see.

Comments that would not be appropriate for a channel such as mine. Mindblowing stuff.

Out there. CRAAAAAAZY.

Did I just see that?

I know it's Youtube and everyone is crazy on Youtube, but some people just need to stop.

We're going to have the next Ed Gein be a cute but insane rabid fangirl.

LeafyisHere has a ton of fans who happen to be girls.

Girls who can't get enough of his long fingers.

They don't look long to me.

That's just some weird stuff I noticed. Call me crazy.

What do you think?

For more infomation >> Youtube Comments Need An Intervention! - Duration: 2:07.


MONSTER SHOW STARTING! - Duration: 1:11.


today we have a very special guest

and here you are

here howleen wolf

welcome howleen

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