Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 7 2017


BY V. Susan Ferguson,

�This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness.�

~Swami Lakshmanjoo, The Shiva Sutras

God is everything.

God is the all-pervading, imperishable, immutable, immeasurable, eternal One.

There is no thing that is not God, otherwise God would not be God.

The Cosmogonic Forces that we term God, weave the universes with moving energies that can

be described with the language of electromagnetics, scalar and acoustical waves.

Cosmogonic Forces are invoked in the ancient sacred Sanskrit text the Rig Veda as Indra,

Agni, Soma, Usha, the Ashvins, the Maruts, and more.

Every prayer ever uttered throughout time is an invocation to the One Source, regardless

of how these supreme forces are named, understood and interpreted.

God is everything and everyone.

This means that every thing, person, planet, galaxy, and form is also God.

You are also God.

Your spirit-soul-consciousness is a portion of the eternal one.

In Sanskrit this is said as: TAT TVAM ASI, meaning Thou Art That!

Very simple.

You are also God, and so is everyone in this universe.

God is creating a vast, endlessly changing and transforming Divine Play, which in Sanskrit

is called the LILA, the Divine Play.

There must be polarity forces to generate such a Play, otherwise the story would become

very insipid, stagnant, boring for all of the �players� � which include you and


These polarity forces are judged by our limited five-sense perception consciousness as good

and evil, black and white, etc.

However, in the larger expanded understanding, these polarities are simply opposing electromagnetic

forces that allow for motion in the appearance of Time & Space that manifests multidimensional


In the Woven Universe, Everything is Inter-Connected

Our first job is to understand that we are individually and collectively a part of God,

the all pervading One.

We are That.

From this realization we reason that everything is Inter-Connected.

There is no thing that is not connected to everything else.

This is the meaning of the expression, The Woven Universe.

Therefore we are connected to everything.

As Light Warriors we may be fighting on the side of Truth as Wisdom-Knowledge, and yet

we also know that who and what we are fighting is also God � because there would be no

�opponent� for us to explore our own selves against without the polarity �Darkside�

to challenge our strength of courage.

There can be no Divine Play, no story without villains � which are in fact not evil villains

but are the necessary polarizing forces that allow the movement of energy.

The Science of Electromagnetics

In the science of electromagnetics there are descriptions of the motion of energy of �charge�

in various terms such as inductance, capacitor, attenuation, impedance, resistance, reactance,

immitance, and others.

There are harmonic correlations in the Sanskrit tradition, the metaphysical theory of the

three Gunas, Rajas, Sattva, and Tamas.

We may interpret Purusha as the inductor (charge � consciousness), and Prakriti as the capacitor

(Shakti/power � the matrix).

The Gunas are said to be constantly in motion.

Various metaphysical systems throughout written history have sought to categorize the Cosmogonic

Forces that generate the appearance of the universe.

There are simultaneously creative ascending forces, centrifugal, personified as Brahma

the Creator � and descending forces, centripetal, entropy, Shiva and Dissolution.

In between these two forces is Sattva, the supporting and sustaining, the calm in the

storm that allows contemplation and renewal.

Sattva is the pinch point in Plasma physics that is an integral component of a toroidal


�Biot-Savart Force Law: current filaments or wires running in the same direction attract,

while those running in opposite directions repulse.

For plasmas there is a neutral force region where filaments do not merge, but rather start

a rotational motion around each other to form a vortex-like geometry.� � Physics of

the Plasma Universe, by Anthony L. Peratt, Los Alamos; Springer, 2015

�Nearly all the matter in the universe exists in the plasma state, occurring predominantly

in this form in the Sun and stars, and in interstellar space, Auroras, lightning�

Plasma consists of electrically charged particles that respond collectively to electromagnetic


Because of their strong interaction with electromagnetism, plasmas display a complexity in structure

and motion that far exceeds that found in matter in the gaseous, liquid, or solid states.

Plasmas are prodigious producers of electromagnetic radiation.

� Plasmas exist in the sea of electrons that moves freely within energy bands in the

crystalline structure of metallic solids.� � A. Peratt

Soma as Etheric Plasma

There are four states of matter: gaseous, liquid, solid, and plasma.

In a metaphysical understanding, there is always a substratum.

Beneath the �appearance� of any form, there is another supporting substratum.

Plasma may be considered as Ether.

The substratum of plasma, I have concluded to be a subtle etheric plasma, Soma.

The Rig Veda itself dismisses the idea that Soma is a plant or a juice or anything remotely


Rig Veda Book 10.85.3:

�Laymen or ritualists may regard Soma as a creeper to be crushed for getting its juice

for use in the ritual.

But no one ever tastes him whom the Brahmans know to be Soma.� ~Soma, The Delight of

Existence by R.L.Kashyap Soma is beyond five-sense perception.

Soma is a very subtle energy force that when activated in the body by and as Kundalini

becomes a raging Fire, a neutron bomb kind of energy that transforms our consciousness,

nullifies neutralizes voids our karma, and alters our DNA.

No wonder the ancient Rishis worshipped Soma and wrote so many hymns to honor and invoke

Soma within their own being.

The Dimensional Realms of the Universe as Inter-locking Toroidal Fields

We may visualize the layered dimensional realms that make up our particular universe as Toroidal

Fields that are overlapping, intersecting, and even simultaneously contained one within

another, over above and under each other.

The appearance of separation occurs due to the consciousness of each realm which produces

a frequency time-wave form that makes it temporarily distinct.

These realms however are Interconnected, and influence each other, and the All in our Woven


The Progenitors

In the Rig Veda there is recognition of our Progenitors by the Seers, the Rishis who were

enlightened Sages with far memory and Sight.

Our progenitors, the �Pitaram� orbit the Moon

The Pitaram, our ancient progenitors � those �forefather� colonizing beings, who came

to this planet and took part in the creation and hybridization of the human races � are

described by the Seer Rishi D�rgatamas, who composed the following verse in the Rig

Veda I.164.18.

The Pitaram are said to inhabit the Bhuvas region of the air and orbit the Moon.

The progenitors were far more advanced than we are today both in technology and metaphysical


They manipulated the spectrum of wave-form frequencies, plasma physics, cosmic rays,

magnetic fields, etc. through sound modulation in order to coagulate and produce various


My intuitive rendering:

Rig Veda I.164.18 The progenitors of mankind, beyond in the

heavens, our forefathers, ancestors far distant remote

in space, [The �Pitaram� are the progenitors of

mankind and are said to inhabit the Bhuvas region of the air and orbit the Moon as regents

of the Naksatras Magh� (29�Sagittarius to 9�Capricorn) and M�la (29�Leo � 9�Virgo)

in the heavens above us.

� M. Monier-Williams Sanskrit to English Dictionary, Vol. 1, page 911-12.]

Its Mouth [moving �jaws� that speak the frequencies of sound potent with] atomic Knowledge

[the metaphysics of atoms (anu), quantum particle physics] below, [here] in succeeding [Earth]


The enlightened, the ancient & alien [not from Earth],

wise, knowing, poet-seers, arrived here they say

prior to, beyond past future [our earth time], thus [from] far beyond, in the remote constellation

Capricorn [en�], [those] who gifted with the Insight of regulated

tones of utterance, [acoustics], [transformed] Mind thought-idea

[as vvac] Sound-Light, whence, out of which produced the born, here

in this world.

E.M. Nicolay:

��since its beginning your world has been visited by extraterrestrial beings from related

as well as higher dimensional planes.Such visitations and assistance are a universal

precept related to the creation, propagation, and growth of new worlds.

�there are higher dimensional cultures and orders that are mandated to assist in genetically

engineering physical bodies that can accommodate and contain the Souls that have either been

cast out for that purpose, or have chosen to undergo incarnations cycles within that

new world.� ~THE SYSTEMS LORDS and THE TWELVE DIMENSIONS, by E.M. Nicolay and H.L. Jang;

Forethought Publishing, 2012

Our relationship with higher dimensional beings and various extraterrestrial races has, for

the most part been kept from us.

Ignorance of the history of the genetic engineering of the bodies we currently inhabit is a consequence

of this cycle of time, the Age of Conflict and Confusion, the Kali Yuga.

As we approach the closing years of this cycle, much that has been kept secret is being revealed

� and our genetic heritage is a major aspect of what we must now come to accept.

How can we take our place in the Galactic Council when we remain under the delusion

that we are alone in a universe with over 500 billion galaxies.

The �foothold� Invasion of our planet by the Zeta Reticula Grey race, which is supported

by the Draco Reptilians, has been allowed because our own governments signed contractual

agreements with these entities to trade our DNA gathered through abductions for their


Since the 1940s, the abductions have increased and it is said that there are now millions

of hybrids living around the world, primarily in so-called third world countries where the

populations have exploded.

Technology has also increased exponentially.

But consider how the technology given to our blind greedy leaders has been a Trojan horse,

a hidden agenda that is slowly surely poisoning our planet and the humans who are not hybrids.

Geoengineering the planet to the point of extinction of Nature and human life can only

be seen as a massive and intentional invasion by entities who have no interest in our well-being.

There are, as E.M. Nicolay says:

��extraterrestrial races at the present time that have as their principle objective

the hampering of your evolutionary Ascension and even the permanent isolation of your world

together with the Souls experiencing incarnation cycles within it.

Their efforts are geared towards trapping your world and the Souls that inhabit it in

third universal dimensional density�� Ascension is a process belonging to the evolution

of the dimensional realms.

It is not Enlightenment of the individual and Liberation from death & birth, MOKSHA,


Ascension, according to Nicolay & Jang, is �the evolution of universal dimensionality�

and �all elements of the current universal dimension that are ready to increase vibrational

frequency range will evolve to meet the vibrational level of the subsequent higher universal dimension,

from lower to higher, and higher to lower�� Thus when we talk of Ascension, we are referring

to the energetic process that transforms dimensional realms.

Ascension is God�s way of generating change � enhancing, transforming, charging and

re-charging the various multiple layers of creation.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, I.iv.10: And to this day, [those] who�know the self as I

am Brahman [the ONE], become all this universe.

Even the gods [any other dimensional beings] cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has

become their Self. �if a man worships another deity thinking: He is one and I am another,

he does not know.

He [who does not know] is like a sacrificial animal to the gods.

As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods.

Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when

many are taken away!

Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this [that they are the ONE].

The stage is set.

We are now in a very big Play, the Divine LILA, the closing years of this cycle of time.

What will occur?

Will you choose Liberation and Enlightenment, to Remember who you are and have always been?

Many of us will move on to higher realms.

What will you choose?

Can we walk the Razor�s Edge Home and move beyond the very real proverbial �space fence�

being created by Lockheed Martin.

Perhaps there are still many of you who are lost in the battle and have forgotten that

you are the One playing in Time & Space.

There is no judgement for those who desire to remain here as Light Warriors, protecting

this planet, and fighting the Darkside.

There is no judgement on the Zetas, who are desperate to save their own species � and

who have invaded Earth with that agenda.

The Draco Reptilians also desire to keep this planet at a frequency that resonates with

their Soul group.

Are they evil?

Are they not also a part of the One.

The Bhagavad Gita is a warrior�s manual.

On the battlefield of Kurushetra, the Great War, Krishna (as the voice of the One) teaches

Arjuna (the greatest warrior of that time) how to be the most effective warrior.

We can learn from these teachings which are just as valid today.

Moving through Space-Time in the Wisdom Knowledge that everything is God, allows us to remain

in the frequency waveform that is imbued with God Consciousness � and therefore we are

able to perform our chosen duty in the highest consciousness and be most effective.

�Consciousness shines in various external and internal forms.

There is no existence of objects apart from consciousness.

Therefore the world is simply a form of consciousness.� � Kalikakrama, as quoted in the Shiva Sutras

translated by Jaideva Singh We have the opportunity to hold the highest

understanding, to become Instruments for the Divine, and accept the outcome of all our

endeavors knowing that we have aligned our Will to our Creator and in doing so, become

�dear� to God.

This battle is indeed a great Love affair.

God is Love.

God dwells within our Heart.

Our Refuge is a higher consciousness � God Consciousness.



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For more infomation >> dil ko unse khuda juda na kare | Kalame Ala Hazrat - Duration: 6:44.


Señora Acero La Coyote regresa más recargada que nunca | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Señora Acero La Coyote regresa más recargada que nunca | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:34.


Desorden y caos en protesta contra las corridas de toros | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.

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Simple life hacks || How to make awesome Cucumber Bird - Duration: 4:00.

How to make awesome Cucumber Bird

For more infomation >> Simple life hacks || How to make awesome Cucumber Bird - Duration: 4:00.


Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: Resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> Famosos Al Rojo Vivo: Resumen de farándula de hoy | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 8:43.


Captan en video a un policía dando puñetazo a una mujer | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Captan en video a un policía dando puñetazo a una mujer | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:23.


Cita macabra deja al descubierto a un caníbal | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Cita macabra deja al descubierto a un caníbal | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:48.


Inmigrantes a la expectativa por cancelación del TPS | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Inmigrantes a la expectativa por cancelación del TPS | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:04.


I Made a Custom Play Button Drawing and Painting (2017) HD Youtube - Duration: 3:13.

step one:pencil drawing

Thank You!!!

For more infomation >> I Made a Custom Play Button Drawing and Painting (2017) HD Youtube - Duration: 3:13.


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For more infomation >> [FREE] Post Malone Type Beat 2017 - "2017" | ft Drake Type Beat 2018| Rap/Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:25.


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For more infomation >> Setting up a wired connection | Plusnet Help - Duration: 1:05.


DCS: F-15C FC3 - Takeoff - #3 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 7:53.

hi and welcome again to DCS with the F-15 of FC3

we continue with the flanker cammo

today is takeoff the signature.

in particular of the T/O trim before takeoff

I will go for this way, to show a thing of the illumination

because now is everything with light, because I have the AI behind me

this way with the S key

remember the extra turn that the S give to you

normally I do not speak about comms because that is a SOP of your vSquadron

the taxi light, is now on, and cover that area, now I have the landing light but nothing changed

the landing light is turned down to show before the runway at night

but there is no difference to do taxi

then when the light is off it's kind of the light is hidden

let´s go inside runway

let´s line up with the runway, just go forward a little bid to be sure you are full line up with the runway and use the brakes or just wait until the plane stops

now will be a check of the takeoff trim is done, use left Alt + T and wait for the tone or see the light

there is the light, but today the sound is not working, in the previous video you can hear it

it a kind of bug but not important one

we are ready to take off, flaps are down, now at 120 knots we will pull the stick slowly to take off

just move the half of the way the full stick movement, when you feel the plane raise the nose

slowly not fast

it´s depends of the weight plane of course, if you raise too early the nose you will get too much friction with air and will be difficult to accelerate

with take off trim the plane must takeoff alone

the problem is when you are in the air the takeoff trim still present, in real life that trim is automatically unloaded when the plane losse wow

we have to do it by hand, the trim keys must be in your stick always

we will have to trim in the air until we get that value 10 90, that means 1 g is loaded and 9 are allowed

first test, almost full engine and brakes pressed, everything is ok

now we release brakes and full power, if you see the plane move one side or other use the differential brakes

now at 130 the nose is trying to raise due the T/O trim, move slowly the stick to half the way and keep it there

using the G we raise the landing gear, at 250 raise the flaps, and start the trip forward

check the value untill you get the desired one

small adjustments in trim up or down

that all, in good parameters to fly, and time to start the navigation

remember to trim down when you take off

I hope you enjoyed the video, arcade or not... this is fun to use.

subscribe, give me your feedback and say hi to youtube bye bye

For more infomation >> DCS: F-15C FC3 - Takeoff - #3 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 7:53.


ESCAPE PEN PINEAPPLE APPLE PEN OBBY | Roblox PPAP Obby Gameplay - Duration: 19:10.

yellow not blue I have to remember that yellow not blue or you die and then you

sue right what wait why did I say hi everybody

I'm Paula and I am in roblox I am in an obby called pen pineapple apple pen obby

so let's see how this goes I am not the greatest at Abhi's obviously but look

we're going to that guy down there yeah let's see if we make it and I'm

definitely I know that I will not make it to the end of this because it would

take me way too long but I just want to see how a little bit of it goes hey did

we get a star awesome points awarded oh my gosh I got a thousand points for

getting to that star I don't know what points do did I get the star yes whoa

stop Wow another thousand points so I don't

know what you do with the points but that's cool look at all the pineapples

and stuff this is pretty cool definitely it's different

wait there's the Apple pen look wow he's huge and he keeps disappearing why does

he keep disappear bearing is he coming closer or is it just it looks like he's


okay this is weird

okay let's take a look look at him that is so cool look at this he is like huge

oh don't fall off while you're looking because that would be really stupid and

make you look like a noob like I'm not already hey look up there on the balls

up there there's somebody jumping me okay well let's let's see how far we can

make it it doesn't appear to be overly hard which is good oh where did I just

say no oh my goodness stop I didn't say that did I and then

die as soon as I said it that is really bad oh don't you dare oh no I didn't do

that okay Paulo don't show your noob nests you

should be able to be better and obvious than this oh don't you dare touch it oh

gosh one of these days I'm gonna be able to fly through I keep getting points

well that's awesome

whoa okay what are we seeing all there he goes it's disappearing again why does

he disappear like that

that's weird not sure why

see how far we could go oh no did I do that hey there's a lot of people in here

I could see them all walking around they look like little ants okay I have to be

more careful I was trying to hurry too fast so it didn't want to take all day

because I'd like to see how far I can actually get oh whoa that was close

and hello star

these are cool lookin whoa okay we gotta be good oh I should

save stage saved so I guess I can come back and play it later or no

okay I'm not sure what this is I guess I could just walk

okay I guess we're doing better than I thought we would

Oh No did I say that every time I say that I'm doing good

this happens Wow we're close to him did we get to go up

to him like clear on him that would be super cool wouldn't it well I don't know

if it would be super cool but it definitely would be cool

Oh what I had a time limit I didn't know oh my gosh okay well I'm gonna stand

here for a second boy there's a lot down there we came a long way already okay I

guess I have a time limit don't I

Wow and then what


I I feel like I'm playing mini golf that was so weird okay get that star okay

maybe we should save again before I do something stupid hi

yeah oh no oh gosh are they gonna disappear on me

I am afraid okay what is this still

oh gosh I'm scared now everything's gonna

disappear on me like they have a time limit

that's scary okay I'm saving

oh my oh this this looks serious it's actually going

better than I thought it would oh no okay I'm gonna save we're gonna

try this again that was good that was good okay all right oh that was close

that was seriously close if these disappear on me so help me okay

why does that one look funny well I guess there really wasn't a reason

there is a person here hi hi person did I say that old look at the cloud so it

looks so neat I don't know why they do Oh

troll I wasn't expecting that and I was talking and I wasn't paying attention

and it's so depressing

okay no oh it's not that one nevermind okay it's this place where it starts

going and it's going to troll me oh gosh

okay now you be good and don't let me die really be good oh I got more points

Wow oh wow don't disappear

don't even

oh gosh well we made it there

all right oh no this is not good oops does that mean that's not the one

you're supposed to go on

okay Yello

not blue yellow not blue I have to remember that yellow not blue or you die

and then you sue right but wait what did I say or maybe I should say yellow not

blue or you'll die and me too I don't know I'm terrible at rhyming maybe I

should learn how to rap ok let's try yellow and green it's probably yellow oh

no he's showing me yellow green and jump and pretend like you're a queen what now

I can't stop although it's good that was so good do I have to do it again no I

don't good I'm happy about that what do they be wrong ok I have to go really

slow on this because I am so slow I am so looking to jumpy too there does all

over the place what is even going on right now

oh my gosh this is gotta be driving you crazy you're probably like I am so MLG

Pro I can do this a million times and not even died look at all the people

over there cut it to the left of me they look like little ants well I think they

made it to the end so maybe we're almost there okay I have to go slow

can I just walk I guess

Wow I guess I need to jump

okay are we ha we're getting close we are so close oh gosh

if you fall off can we make it no yes oh wow what happened I'm not sure what I

did there did I just wait too long oh I see

oh wow that was kind of creepy creepy and fun at the same time

I am concentrating oh gosh

No Oh No okay this song I'm gonna hit save again

just in case just in case because I am ah I am not that good at getting out and

then getting back in and I don't know how long this is I might have to quit it

and come back if I did this once okay make sure you get the star apparently I

didn't get the star all that was good that was really good follow oh my

goodness and what is that if you buy VIP and by flying octopus what is that

wait I'm gonna save where I am right now let's buy the flying octopus

so help me if it says you can't have it until you come back in okay let's save

so where is it where's the flying octopus I don't see it I guess I'll have

to come back in and let use it and lose it lose it later what what am I saying

well we'll see how far I'm gonna go and then we will come back and try the giant

octopus because that actually sounds fun

whoa am I supposed to stand on those red things I'm gonna take it I'm not we are

right at its feet or we were what is that down there it looks a bunch of

people just died oh that makes me think there's something trolling coming up

okay I'm gonna find the next safe spot and then I there it is that's the next

safe spot right I'm taking it so let's get out first I want to save it save

where I'm at and I'm going to get out and come back and see if I really have a

flying octopus okay guys I got the flying octopus if you look down there at

the bottom you can see the little octopus and I want to see what it is I

guess I can load but I'm not gonna load right now whoa oh my oh wow this is good

this is really good oh okay Paula you need to what am I

doing wrong what is this my little octopus is just like okay you have no

idea what you're doing seriously

okay we're turning around let's go up can we go out what am i

doing okay well I have a flying octopus and I am good at this I am so good at

flying on my flying octopus I want to get up to the pin guy the Apple pen guy

pin pineapple apple pin okay how do you go out oh this is good I am so good at

this look at this I can just kind of flying and not know what I'm doing wait

that's going down maybe this is up oh is that going up okay turn around yes it's

going up it's doing it kind of derpy but it is it's like controls are backward

from what I would have thought they were like oh my gosh I'm way up here now and

there's a little apple for Big Apple

okay where's the big guy don't go down don't even oh there he is he keeps

disappearing whoa no you're doing it again

you're doing it again okay this is taking me a little while I can't figure

it out okay trigger huh let's go back let's go to the guy no let's let's go

the right way let's go up a little why is he not showing up there's his hands

okay let's see how much we could get up here or probably go right through it

which we did yes okay this is cool this is a really cool wait what

how can you disappear on this like that that's so mean let's go back around and

look again oh this is so cool I'm having fun I know I shouldn't be I know I know

I should be knitting and doing grandma stuff I know how it is but you know this

is this is probably more fun yeah definitely oh this is so weird I can't

even okay well guys I am gonna go because I've just had way too much fun

for one day I don't think I can handle any more okay and I don't know how far I

can go how far do you think I can go it's taking me away I don't know where

it's taking me oh oh wow I am way far up here look at this look how little it is

down there okay well you'll have fun and I'll talk to you later bye

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