Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 7 2017

[intro music]

>> Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

[closing music]

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Baby and Balls - Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes for Children and Kids - Duration: 1:01:22.


Hundreds to rally in Seoul during Trump's visit to S. Korea - Duration: 0:47.

"NO TRUMP, NO WAR" These were some of the signs put up by demonstrators

in Seoul over the weekend-- and on Monday.

Fearing the outspoken and controversial leader could disturb the peace on the Korean peninsula

by threatening Pyongyang... hundreds took the streets Saturday in protest of his visit.

And in stark contrast there were also some pro-Trump rallies, held to welcome the American


Such gatherings are expected to grow and continue in front of Cheongwadae and the National Assembly,

where Trump is scheduled to speak.

And the Korean government issued the highest emergency order during the period of Trump's

stay and said will maximize the police presence.

For more infomation >> Hundreds to rally in Seoul during Trump's visit to S. Korea - Duration: 0:47.


మీనరాశి వారు ఈరత్నాలని ధరిస్తే జీవితంమారిపోతింది - Meena Rasi 2017- Astrology In Telugu | Meena Rasi - Duration: 5:21.


For more infomation >> మీనరాశి వారు ఈరత్నాలని ధరిస్తే జీవితంమారిపోతింది - Meena Rasi 2017- Astrology In Telugu | Meena Rasi - Duration: 5:21.


Trump says strategic patience with North Korea is over - Duration: 1:51.

U.S. President Donald Trump has stated that the era of strategic patience with North Korea

is no more.

But,... with Trump set to arrive in South Korea in the coming hours,... Pyongyang is

stressing that the regime's stance on its nuclear issue remains unchanged.

Kim Hyo-sun tells us more.

Wrapping up his stay in Tokyo,...

President Trump declared that the era of strategic patience with North Korea is over.

Speaking after his summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday,... Trump reiterated

that Pyongyang's nuclear and missile development remains a grave threat to the entire world.

(ENGLISH) "The regime's continued development of its

unlawful weapons programs, including its illegal nuclear tests and outrageous launches of ballistic

missiles, directly over Japanese territory, are a threat to the civilized world and international

peace and stability.

We will not stand for that.

The era of strategic patience is over."

And as President Trump continues his five-nation Asian tour,... North Korea's state media is

stressing that its stance remains unchanged.

The Rodong Sinmun has published a commentary explaining that Washington should not expect

any changes from the regime.

Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency also released a commentary last weekend highlighting

that the U.S. should not even dream about sitting down for denuclearization talks.

Such a strong media response can be interpreted as the regime's intent to reiterate its stance

on its nuclear issue as President Trump arrives in South Korea,... where the main focus will

be North Korea.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump says strategic patience with North Korea is over - Duration: 1:51.


Plutão em PEIXES: 1798-1823 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Plutão em PEIXES: 1798-1823 - Duration: 5:40.




by Edward Morgan

There are seven major chakras within the human body, running from the base of the spine to

the crown of the head.

The chakra system is often discussed in yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese

Medicine, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other ancient practices.

The Sanskrit word chakra literally translates to �wheel� or �circle.� Our chakras

spin like wheels when we�re alive and healthy, allowing our vital life force energy, �Prana,�

to flow throughout us.

When our chakras are working properly, often referred to as being in balance or aligned,

they spin and allow energy to flow up the spine (or the Kundalini).

However, our chakras can also become overactive, underactive, imbalanced, or even blocked,

which can affect us both physically and emotionally.

The physical realm can affect our chakras and our chakras can affect our physical reality;

they are meant to work in harmony together.

For example, if one of your chakras is blocked, this can manifest into physical disease or

pain in that area.

Likewise, when we experience certain emotions, they can affect our chakras.

When you�re feeling heartbroken after a breakup, for instance, this could affect your

heart chakra.

When the chakras are balanced, we feel at our best and our bodies are in their healthiest


Many people who are familiar with the chakra system can quite literally feel it, and can

intuitively recognize when their specific chakras are imbalanced.

As a result, you have the power to balance your chakras yourself, which can be done through

meditation, yoga, self-reflection, nutrition, energetic healing, crystals, or even just

by being in a high vibration setting or taking a deeper look at your emotions.

Healers can also help you balance your chakras, typically by helping you work through physical

or emotional pain, but ultimately you can work toward accomplishing this yourself.

Our Seven Chakras and How to Balance Them

First Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)

Where: Base of the spine.

It encompasses the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon.

Emotions/behaviours: The first chakra is associated with security, safety, survival instincts,

basic needs (such as food, sleep, and shelter), and family.

It�s also associated with our physical identities and our ability to stay grounded and present.

Physical signs of imbalance: Constipation, cramps, and any issues with the adrenal glands,

spine, blood, bladder, and colon.

Signs of an overactive root chakra: Feeling greed, paranoia, and increased fear; obsessing

over authority and power, material goods, or Earthly possessions and other elements

of our identities.

Signs of an underactive root chakra: Feeling disconnected from nature and the Earth, daydreaming,

lack of discipline, inability to focus on our everyday lives, disorganization, anxiety,

and financial insecurity.

How to balance the root chakra: The colour associated with the root chakra is red, so

any high vibrational foods with a naturally strong red pigment or grounding properties

can help recharge your chakra (tomatoes, strawberries, beets, red apples, pomegranates, raspberries,

and even protein).

Crystals that are red such as red jasper, chanting �LAM,� going out into nature,

using colour therapy with the colour red, meditating, practicing yoga, and addressing

the physical and emotional signs of imbalance can all help to balance the root chakra.

Second Chakra: Sacral Chakra (Svhadhisthana Chakra)

Where: Slightly above the root chakra on the spine, around the reproductive organs.

Above the pubic bone, but below the navel.

Emotions/behaviours: The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, commitment,

passion, expression, emotions, and sensitivity.

Physical signs of imbalance: Issues with menstruation or reproductive organs, lower back pain or

stiffness, urinary issues, kidney pain or infection, and infertility.

Signs of an overactive sacral chakra: Sexual addiction and heightened emotions; being overly

dramatic and creating strong emotional attachment to others.

Signs of an underactive sacral chakra: Low sex drive, inability to express emotions,

insensitivity, difficulty manifesting desires, lack of desires, blocked creativity, emotional

fatigue, and denying yourself pleasure.

How to balance the sacral chakra: The colour associated with the sacral chakra is orange,

so any high vibe foods that have a deep or bright orange colour (mandarins, mangoes,

carrots, squash, pumpkin, yams, seeds, nuts, and oils).

You could also use orange crystals like carnelian, chant �VAM,� do creative tasks like painting/dance/any

other art form, practice yoga, meditate, or address the physical and emotional signs of

imbalance head on.

Third Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra)

Where: Above the sacral, slightly above the navel but below the chest.

It�s associated with the nervous system, digestive system (stomach and intestines),

liver, pancreas, and metabolic systems.

Emotions/behaviours: The solar plexus is entirely related to our sense of Self, our personal

power, our ability to separate the Ego from the Soul, and our self esteem.

Physical signs of imbalance: Poor digestion, weight problems, ulcers, diabetes, problems

with the pancreas, liver, or kidneys, anorexia, bulimia, hepatitis, and other intestinal and

colon issues.

Signs of an overactive solar plexus chakra: Finding faults in others (not realizing these

are a reflection of your own feelings toward yourself), being obsessed with yourself and

your own interests, caring more about yourself than others, being too critical, and being

stubborn in your own beliefs.

Signs of an underactive solar plexus chakra: Insecure in your beliefs, feeling lost, lack

of self awareness, anxiety, conformity, seeking approval from others, feeling self conscious,

low self worth, lack of self confidence, and being dependent on others.

How to balance the solar plexus chakra: The colour associated with the solar plexus chakra

is yellow; try eating high vibe foods that have a yellow colour and lighter protein options

(bananas, corn on the cob, fresh pineapple, yellow peppers, lentils, yellow squash, and

grains like oats).

You could also use yellow crystals like citrine or try yoga, meditation, chanting �RAM,�

or engaging in activities that allow you to truly understand who you are as a human being

and as a soul (journaling, self reflection, confidence building exercises, etc.)

Fourth Chakra: Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)

Where: Centre of the chest, across from the heart.

It�s associated with the heart, lungs, chest, breasts, arms, and hands.

Emotions/behaviours: The heart chakra represents our ability to love ourselves and others,

to connect with other beings, and to express gratitude and joy.

Physical signs of imbalance: Heart or respiratory issues, poor circulation, and problems with

the breasts (cancer, lumps, etc.).

Signs of an overactive heart chakra: Being overbearing and �too caring� toward others,

placing your love for others over your love for yourself, conditional love, anger, grief,

being manipulative, co-dependency, giving too much of yourself and not allowing yourself

to receive, and acting like a �people pleaser.�

Signs of an underactive heart chakra: Negativity, feeling unloved, unappreciated, or like you�re

�not worthy� or deserving of love, lack of self love, feeling disconnected from society

and loved ones, and having difficult trusting or connecting with others.

How to balance the heart chakra: The colour associated with the heart chakra is green;

you could try eating high vibrational foods that are deep green colours or are simply

lighter weight foods like broccoli, kale, chard, and other leafy greens.

You could also use green crystals like moss agate, meditate, practice yoga, try some �heart

opening� exercises, practice self love (have some �me� time), and chant �YAM.�

Fifth Chakra: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra)

Where: The throat center.

It�s associated with the thyroid gland, neck, throat, shoulders, ears, and mouth.

Emotions/behaviours: The throat chakra relates to our ability to express ourselves vocally

and to speak our truth/peace, honesty.

It also relates to our communication skills and our understanding of when it�s best

to speak versus when we need to listen.

Physical signs of imbalance: Sore throat, issues with the throat like an infection or

tonsillitis, thyroid problems, losing our voices, neck and shoulder pain, ear aches/infections,

and teeth issues.

Signs of an overactive throat chakra: Speaking too much and not listening enough, and being

over opinionated, verbally abusive, and �talking back.�

Signs of an underactive throat chakra: Inability to express ourselves vocally, feeling too

scared to share our emotions with others, poor communication skills, giving mixed messages

to others, and being misinterpreted/misunderstood.

How to balance the throat chakra: The colour related to the throat chakra is light blue,

so try eating any high vibe foods with a light blue colour or super light foods (blueberries,

figs, kelp, and pretty much all fruit).

You could also practice public speaking or challenge yourself to express your emotions

to others, practice honesty and your listening skills, meditate, do some yoga, use light

blue crystals like turquoise and fluorite, and chant �HAM.�

Sixth Chakra: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra)

Where: The middle of your forehead, slightly above the eyebrows.

It�s related to the pituitary gland, eyes, brows, and base of skull.

Emotions/behaviours: The third eye is associated with one�s ability to access their intuition,

seek the truth, critically think, access wisdom, quiet the mind, trust their inner guidance,

and see through illusions.

Physical signs of imbalance: Poor vision, headaches or migraines, pineal gland calcification,

difficulty sleeping, seizures, and other sleep disorders.

Signs of an overactive third eye chakra: Frequent daydreaming, chronic stress, difficulty grounding

yourself, feeling lightheaded, and overly intellectual thinking.

Signs of an underactive third eye chakra: Difficulty accessing intuition, meditating,

or looking inwards/self-reflecting; experiencing a disconnect between your outer and inner

realities; misunderstanding the spiritual realm (or lack of knowledge about our innate

spiritual nature).

How to balance the third eye chakra: The colour related to the third eye is dark blue, so

you could try consuming high vibe foods with a darker pigment (plums, purple grapes, eggplant,

purple kale, purple carrots, or simply tea and other light, all-natural, plant-based


You could also use dark blue crystals like blue onyx, meditate, engage in self reflection,

rest the mind, decalcify your pineal gland, do some yoga, or chant �OM.�

Seventh Chakra: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra)

Where: Centre of the crown of the head.

Associated with the pituitary and pineal glands, brain, hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, and

central nervous system.

Emotions/behaviours: The crown chakra represents the connection the body, mind, and soul have

to the Source of all creation.

It also relates to enlightenment, living in the present moment, understanding universal

truths (the soul and our connection to one another), and knowing and trusting your inner


Physical signs of imbalance: Dizziness, confusion, mental fog, neurological disorders, exhaustion,

nerve pain, schizophrenia or other mental disorders.

Signs of an overactive crown chakra: Difficulty grounding yourself, focusing too much on the

inner realm and not enough on Earth, having a �God complex,� or feeling superior or

�more enlightened� than others (ie. having a �spiritual ego�).

Signs of an underactive crown chakra: Feeling disconnected from who you truly are, feeling

like you constantly need to �soul search,� difficulty accepting our spiritual nature,

lacking self awareness, difficulty meditating, and blaming �God� or others for your own

actions or life circumstances.

How to balance the crown chakra: The colours associated with the crown chakra are dark

purple, violet, and white, so you could try eating extremely light foods such as mushrooms,

garlic, ginger, onion, lychee, coconut, and other tropical fruits.

It is said that once enlightenment is obtained, one can live off only the elements.

As a result, fasting can be a wonderful way to recharge your crown chakra.

Spending time in nature, being in direct sunlight, meditating, practicing yoga, chanting �OM�

or �AH,� and drinking water can all benefit the crown chakra.

What Does Science Say About Chakras?

Below are the results from a case study done by Dr. Pradeep B. Deshpande, a professor emeritus

at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville, which had

over 100 participants in attendance.

Please keep in mind that clinical studies of more than 10,000 patient cases with various

health challenges have also been well documented in Russia.

The aligned Chakras indicate that the subject was calm, relaxed, and nourished from their

participation in the case study, which involved information on meditation, breathing practices,

love, kindness, and intention.

You can also observe a smoothing of the energy field before and after the case study workshop.

Results like these were consistent with a number of volunteers.

According to Dr. Deshpande:

Each individual sector or portion of the fingertip is connected energetically with specific organs

and organ systems such as the respiratory system.

When the data of the 10 individual BIO-grams are collated and interpolated, an image of

the entire full body energy field is created.

An example of the full body energy field from a healthy and unhealthy/emotionally unbalanced

individual are shown in Figure 3.

The gaps and the reduced emissions and out-of-balance Chakras for the unhealthy individual are quite


Our chakras have a direct impact on our health, our emotions, and our physical reality, and

vice versa.

Many people and healers who have recognized this use this knowledge to further understand

the health of our bodies and our minds.

Even Harvard has studied the physical effects that meditation can have on the brain and

the gut, and meditation is a practice that�s literally designed to balance all of our chakras.

Louise Hay is a well-known author who discusses the emotional causes of cancer in her book

You Can Heal Your Life.

A cancer survivor herself, she cured her disease in only six months using a combination of

affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy.

According to Hay, cancer is simply the manifestation of deep hurt, secrets, longstanding resentment,

grief and/or hatred.

Radiation oncologist Dr. Carl Simonton and his wife Stephanie Matthews-Simonton, a psychologist,

wrote the book Getting Well Again: A Step-by-Step Self-Help Guide to Overcoming Cancer for Patients

and Their Families.

The book explores how people can affect their disease process through healing their emotions,

and one of the recommended ways to do so is through meditation.

CE views the chakra system as a universal truth, one that affects all human beings and

even the Earth we live on.

Even planet Earth has its own chakras, which you can read about here:

Understanding The Chakras Of Planet Earth

We strongly suggest that if this information resonates with you, research the chakra system

further and take note of how your chakras impact your overall life!



Los 6 Payasos Más Aterradores de los Videojuegos - Pepe el Mago - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Los 6 Payasos Más Aterradores de los Videojuegos - Pepe el Mago - Duration: 7:39.


[AVANCE ] entrevista REAL a Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> [AVANCE ] entrevista REAL a Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas - Duration: 2:12.


It's Confirmed! Team Desperately Pursuing Kaepernick In Nasty Plan That Will Ruin The NFL Forever. - Duration: 4:32.

It's Confirmed!

Pursuing Kaepernick In Nasty Plan That Will Ruin The NFL Forever.

Colin Kaepernick has created a legacy for himself that he will never live down, causing

mass devastation in the NFL far beyond his personal affliction of not being signed by

a team as of yet.

Droves of other players carelessly followed his lead by kneeling for the National Anthem,

despite the negative effect it's had on the entire industry.

Kaepernick essentially killed the NFL and doesn't care as he feels entitled to a place

on a team in the league that can't get people to watch because of him.

However, his relentless pursuit of getting signed seems to have paid off as another team

now has a sincere interest in him for a sick reason.

Rather than accepting that his inability to get a job is entirely because of his own actions

and lack of performance on the field, Kaepernick has blamed racism and even the President of

the United States for his demise.

He got an attorney to help bully his way back into the league he destroyed and seems to

be getting his way.

It might be too late for Kaepernick even if he does start to play because nobody is around

to watch and sponsors are dropping like flies.

However, one team seems to have specific interest in what he can do for them that will ruin

the NFL's chances of ever returning to their former glory.

Numerous teams have intentionally passed over Kaepernick this season out of principle and

for knowing the cancer that he is to a franchise.

However, the Houston Texans have just announced they are taking a close look at signing him.

"Head coach Bill O'Brien confirmed Monday that his team talked about the possibility

of signing Colin Kaepernick after Deshaun Watson was lost for the season, but emphasized

it was part of the team's usual discussions about available free agents," The Score


It's the call he's been waiting for for months, but he shouldn't be too excited

about it, considering the reason for their sudden interest in him.

Despite Kaepernick and his attorney seeing this as a win for them against everyone boycotting

because of him, the Texans aren't interested in him because they side with his argument.

"'Everybody gets discussed,' O'Brien said, according to Aaron Wilson of the Houston

Chronicle," The Score reported.

"'Is that a problem?

Don't most teams do it like that?

We talk about the roster and what's out there every day, (general manager) Rick (Smith)

and I,'" O'Brien added.

"'Colin Kaepernick is a good football player, hasn't played in a while.

These things are going to continue to be discussed.'

O'Brien also said he expects Tom Savage to remain the starter for Week 10 despite

a terrible performance in Sunday's loss to the Indianapolis Colts."

"The quarterback was 9-for-28 passing for 96 yards in the first half and ended the game

with a 43.2 percent completion percentage, and an average of 5 yards per attempt.

'Right now, I do expect him to be the starter,' O'Brien said.

'We've got to get Tom playing better.

I think he has the ability to play better.'"

The team's defiant response and defense in signing him has made their allegiance known

that they don't care about America, the Anthem, the flag, or the principle of standing

up for any of those things.

In fact, they don't even seem to care about the league failing since bringing Kaepernick

back would be the final nail in the NFL's coffin.

It's astounding that with all the empty seats, unprecedented plummet in ratings, major

sponsors pulling funds from the NFL, and every other kind of fallout, that many in the league

still refuse to reverse this crash course they are on.

Looking at bringing Kaepernick back is like inviting the man to dinner who burned down

your home, and giving him whatever is left of your property.

He needs to accept what he has done to this sport that was America's favorite pastime

but has now become a national disgrace.

He killed the league and now the team considering signing him is willing to do, so at the imminent

risk of pissing off proud Texans who have supported their team for years.

Any possible playing asset that Kaepernick could bring to the team is no comparison to

the detriment he would undoubtedly cause.

By considering him having any kind of role, even if just as a waterboy or bench warmer,

it's a slap in the face to every American who wants to see the NFL do the right thing,

but continues to disappoint.

At this rate, it doesn't seem possible for football to ever be the same — certainly

not for the rest of this season and likely not the next.

I hope that if the Texans sign him, they feel good about the message they are sending in

doing so.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> It's Confirmed! Team Desperately Pursuing Kaepernick In Nasty Plan That Will Ruin The NFL Forever. - Duration: 4:32.


Germany generates record high levels of renewable energy - Duration: 0:35.

Germany has generated a record amount a renewable energy, making it one of greenest countries

in the world.

According to local research institute IWR, the country generated 14.6 billion kilowatt-hours

of energy last month with just solar and wind power - surpassing its previous record of

12.5 billion set in March.

That amounts to more than 44 percent of Germany's total energy for October, which is another


It is enough energy to power nearly 6 million two-people households.

For more infomation >> Germany generates record high levels of renewable energy - Duration: 0:35.



For more infomation >> HOW TO FILM VIDEOS WITH YOUR PHONE - Duration: 5:22.


North Korea threat tops agenda at U.S.-Japan summit talks - Duration: 1:31.

Turning our attention back to President Trump's first stop on his Asia Tour.

In Japan,... he spent a lot of time with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

The duo saw eye to eye on North Korea's nuclear issue.

Ji Myung-kil fill us in.

At a joint news conference in Tokyo on Monday...

U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reaffirmed their policies

towards North Korea.

(ENGLISH) "The regime continued development of its unlawful

weapons programs including its illegal nuclear tests and outrageous launches of ballistic

missiles directly over Japanese territory are threat to civilized world and international

peace and stability."

Japanese Prime Minister Abe said...

North Korea had dominated their talks and that he and President Trump were both completely

on the same page.

(JAPANESE) "We reached an agreement on the measures to

be taken based on the analysis of the latest situation in North Korea, on which we spent

a good amount of time.

Japan consistently supports the position of President Trump when he says that all options

are on the table."

Abe reiterated that now is not the time for dialogue but time to maximize pressure on

North Korea, as in Japan's new sanctions that will freeze the assets of 35 North Korean

groups and individuals.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea threat tops agenda at U.S.-Japan summit talks - Duration: 1:31.


DJI Spark drone. My Spark. - Duration: 2:07.

no Subtitles

For more infomation >> DJI Spark drone. My Spark. - Duration: 2:07.


Android Playscore Scoop October 2017 | 9 Best New Android mobile games reviewed - Duration: 9:42.

9 Android Games have just received their PlayScores this October 2017.



After a long string of delays, reshoots, and actual hurricanes, the Geostorm disaster film

has gone through their own kind of disasters.

But, despite the movie's immutable tragedies, there's still at least one good thing that

came out of it.

And here it is.

As far as movie tie-ins go, this puzzler perfectly captures the atmosphere of the film, without

giving in to convoluted plotlines and cliches.

Put yourself in the shoes of three different people in three different locations, and try

to put a stop to the coming apocalypse.

The game plays and looks much like Square Enix' own Go series, with their diorama-like

cartoon environments and intriguing turn-based puzzles.

Playing as members of the Dutch Boy project, collect as much data as you can about the

coming catastrophes and transmit them to the International Spaceship.

It pits you against natural threats like Tsunamis, hail and lightning storms, and it's up to

you to save the world.

It has a Provisional PlayScore of 7.45.


Civil War: 1864

HexWar Games fuels the American Spirit with this third installment of their renowned strategy


Highlighting the events of America's great Civil War, particularly in the year 1864.

Put on your General's hat and play as either Union or Confederates in a battle fuelled

by god, and politics, and religion.

Like their previous titles, the game is a historical delight.

This title sees the Union gaining ground against the Confederates with Ulysses Grant taking

command of the entire army.

While we might already know the results of these iconic battles, the game allows you

to do a fair bit of revisionism.

With new map features, units, campaigns, you'll be able to turn the tides of battle.

Control the waterways and hammer continuously against the oppositions armies in over 40

different missions, all in glorious HD.

It's every bit as meticulous as you charge the battlefield and maneuver through the Hexagon

maps for the best strategic positions.

History is yours to control, and it has a Provisional PlayScore of 8.46.


Stranger Things: The Game

Another great tie-in has made it into this month's list.

Whether or not you've finished binging on the scifi series' second season, the Stranger

Things 2 hype is definitely still lives on.

Released before the Netflix premier, this retro adventure game gave us a taste of what's

to come.

Join Hopper and the adorable gang of miniheroes as they venture around their mysterious 80s


Travelling back to the year 1984, step inside the once quiet town of Hawkins and uncover

the secrets behind its paranormal events.

Much like the series, the game itself is wrapped in wonderfully retro visuals that captures

the spirit of decade.

Think like the geeky main characters and use their unique skills to solve the puzzles scattered

around the 8bit world.

Collect eggos, visit familiar locations, and decode the riddles of the Hawkins lab.

While it's definitely a marketing tactic, it's also a well-crafted adventure game that

both fans and non-fans can enjoy.

It has a PlayScore of 8.57.



Take a deep dive into Lovecraftian delights in this card game from Spoopy Games.

While the chances of entering cults are slim, Underhand takes the next best step by making

you your own leader.

Guiding you through the inner workings of a mysterious assembly, your task is to manage

your cult's resources using a deck of cards.

Respond effectively to each card drawn to summon beasts from the depths and beyond.

As simple as it is, it hides its own brand of strategic depth.

React to the consequences that befall you, and bring your cult to economic stability.

It is heavily based on the Cthulu lore, and it shows in their stunning, hand-drawn visuals.

But, the best part is still the fact that it's entirely free.

Cultivate resources and summon Ancient deities without the hassle of ads or IAP's.

Aside from a few bugs, it remains a unique and deeply enjoyable card game.

It has a Provisional PlayScore of 8.64.


Love You To Bits

Crazy, cute, and emotional.

This point and click adventure is sure to steal your heart.

A tale that spans the whole universe, follow the magnetic connection of two star-crossed

lovers in a struggle to unite against all odds.

Play as the newbie cosmic wanderer, Kosmo, as he roams from galaxy to galaxy to retrieve

his robot girlfriend's parts.

It's an unlikely pairing that will draw you with each passing second.

Not only does the game warm your heart, it also stimulates your mind with all its mind-boggling


Jump from tiny planet to tiny planet, and explore the four corners of their endlessly

adorable world.

Each colorful stage is populated by adorable extraterrestrials for you to meet.

Outsmart the bizarre creatures and do what you can to bring back your robotic beau.

An indie title that excels in visual storytelling, it receives a Provisional PlayScore of 8.98.



Endless runners were the frontrunners of the mobile sphere but with its increasingly oversaturated

market, this game is one, true standout title.

Instead of the dizzying, and ever-changing landscapes of most games, INFINIROOM fits

all the trappings of the formula into one evolving room.

Take your pick from among their four characters, and use their individual abilities to traverse

the expanding arena.

Flip, ignite, and zoom along with their quirky roster of characters.

Randomness is key in this title.

Despite the static 2D environment, you'll have to sharpen your reflexes to avoid the

obstacles that sprout from out of nowhere.

Overcome laser beams, electric blocks, and the disorienting speeds to survive the ever-changing

gauntlet of challenges.

It's a sight for sore eyes, and a refreshing experience for the tired endless runner enthusiast.

It has a Provisional PlayScore of 9.06.


Dragon Hills 2

Set a few years after the first game, meet Rebel Twins' fearless little girl as she

continues to break loose in this crazy action game.

Filled with majestic mythical creatures like Dragons… and zombies, get ready to ignore

all those questions and dive into the fun and fast-paced destruction.

Run, jump, and slide off of mountains with your trusty mechanical dragon and fight to

save… humanity?

Just like its original, everything is fully destructible including the terrain, buildings,

vehicles and so much more.

You have to conquer 21 massive towers, and 3 completely different worlds to explore.

It's easy and intuitive one-touch controls takes you to a casually addictive experience.

Hear every crack, boom and roar and compete with your friends in its ever expanding leaderboards.

It has a Provisional PlayScore of 9.10


Into The Dead

Just in time for the spooky season.

The sequel to the hit zombie action game from 2012 gets a fine new adventure in a bigger


If you look at its logo, you could tell they're going Last Of Us on this one.

Guide a man separated from his family in a post-apocalyptic world filled with the undead.

Save your family in a shooter slash runner game where you evade from the clutches of

the creeping zombies.

Similar to the first game, you run and run until you find noticeable changes in your


Find weapons along the way and blast off these pesky little buggers to their doom.

Surprisingly, the story takes you to 7 action-packed chapters and hundreds of challenges.

Not to mention its "multiple endings".

So go into the dead and survive an ever-increasing zombie threat with its pristine visuals in

this new and improved zombie experience.

It has a Provisional PlayScore of 9.12


Dragon Project

Taking inspiration from Capcom's Monster Hunter franchise, this massive co-op action

game from Japan takes you to places unknown to slay magnificent beasts.

As a Hunter, it is your task to eliminate monsters threatening to destroy your home.

Gather your friends in its fast-paced one-finger combat and prove that the world needs more

than just large weapons with your bravery.

But the land is dangerous.

Monsters are overwhelming difficult and doing it alone can put you in great risk.

Team up with four of your friends similar to CAPCOM's multi-awarded franchise.

Forge new powerful weapons and cooperate with your buddies for that sweet, sweet, combo.

Surprisingly, it's a free game.

But that doesn't mean everything is free.

Microstransactions loom at every corner.

Nonetheless, the game has intuitive controls and a fast-paced combat.

It receives a Provisional PlayScore of 9.18

For more infomation >> Android Playscore Scoop October 2017 | 9 Best New Android mobile games reviewed - Duration: 9:42.


Monday's market wrap - Duration: 0:56.

Now for your closing figures on the market,...

Wall Street hit fresh record highs on Monday as investors eyed a multi-billion dollar chip

deal between Broadcom and the Qualcomm.

All three major indices set new highs,... with the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing

less than zero-point-1 percent higher at 23,548-point-4-2,... while the S&P 500 index edged up zero-point-1

percent to 2,591-point-1-3.

And the tech-heavy Nasdaq added zero-point-3 percent to 6,786.

Here in Korea,... stocks ended lower on Monday,... as investors cashed out recent gains after

the main bourse finished at a record high last Friday.

The benchmark KOSPI lost zero-point-three percent to close at 2,549-point-4-1 and the

local currency also fell against the greenback.

For more infomation >> Monday's market wrap - Duration: 0:56.


Lets hit about 500 like and 1k subs. and leave a comments below thank you. - Duration: 12:40.

For more infomation >> Lets hit about 500 like and 1k subs. and leave a comments below thank you. - Duration: 12:40.


Blue House discloses some details of Tuesday's state banquet - Duration: 2:46.

South Korea's top office is super busy putting the final touches to the state banquet President

Moon Jae-in will host for President Trump.

Our Cheong Wa Dae correspondent Hwang Ho-jun has the details about today's standout event.

( ...) This melody,... the Light Cavalry Overture,

will resonate through the banquet hall of the Blue House Tuesday night, signaling the

start of the grand performance prepared in honor of the visiting President.

The music, according to the Presidential Office of Cheong Wa Dae, was selected based on the

hope that South Korea and the U.S. will continue to march together as strong allies.

On Monday afternoon, the Blue House disclosed some of the details of Tuesday's state banquet

hosting U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.

(KOREAN) "We are preparing this banquet to show the

greatest honor and courtesy that our state guests deserve,... not only to reinforce close

fellowship between the two Presidents and First Ladies but also to invoke the spirit

of the ironclad South Korea-U.S. alliance."

President Trump will be bringing in about fifty guests including White House Chief of

Staff John Kelly, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,

and Senior Advisor Jared Kushner.

According to the Blue House, President Moon and First Lady Kim Jung-sook will

greet the American President and First Lady and other guests,...

and they will all enter Cheong Wa Dae's State guest house called Yeong Bin Gwan, which is

where the dinner banquet will be held.

The national anthem of both countries will be played, starting with the Star Spangled

Banner and moving on to Korea's Aegukga.

President Moon will welcome his U.S. counterpart and offer a toast,...

President Trump will then follow suit,.. and dinner will be served shortly.

Starting around 9 pm, a musical performance featuring both K-pop and Korean traditional

music will take place before the Trumps head back to their hotel.

Among the 120 guests are also Korea's so-called "three next-in-command,"... which are the

Prime Minister, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the National Assembly Speaker along

with government and military officials.

Those who have contributed to the allies' bilateral relations, as well as dozens of

select American citizens residing in Korea, were also invited.

(STANDUP) The Blue House's efforts to impress its guests

stem from the fact that President Trump is not only the first sitting U.S. President

to make a state visit to South Korea in 25 years, but also the first head of state to

visit the country since President Moon's inauguration in May.

That plus the two countries' strong alliance,... and the reasons for this relative extravagance

become clear.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Blue House discloses some details of Tuesday's state banquet - Duration: 2:46.


Video: Coldest air of season moving into region - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Video: Coldest air of season moving into region - Duration: 2:03.


Made in Mass.: Joseph's Middle East Bakery - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Made in Mass.: Joseph's Middle East Bakery - Duration: 2:17.


Gori Diyan Jhanjhra | Punjabi Folk Song | Wedding Songs | Meenu Palta | USP TV - Duration: 3:53.

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Galliyan de vich dand paundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Athari jawani gallan fere dasdi

Mahi gusse ho gaya na gall vasdi

Athari jawani gallan fere dasdi

Mahi gusse ho gaya na gall vasdi

Raah jande rahiyan nu sunaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Kaale je dupatte ne ki paya hnair ni

Ghund vich nain ohde laye gher ni

Oye balle balle balle

Kaale je dupatte ne ki paya hnair ni

Ghund vich nain ohde laye gher ni

Mitraan da dil tadpaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Sambe jaan nakhare na anng-anng de

Beeni utte nachde bilori rang de

Sambe jaan nakhare na anng-anng de

Beeni utte nachde bilori rang de

Aashiqan de lahu vich naundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Samb ke te rakh le nanane goriye

Roop da shingaar jaali daar doriye

Oye balle balle balle

Samb ke te rakh le nanane goriye

Roop da shingaar jaali daar doriye

Noorpuri kolon sharmaundiyan galiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Galliyan de vich dand paundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

Gori diyan jhanjhra bulaundiyan gaiyan gori diyan

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