Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

ਸਲੋਕ ਮਃ ੫ ॥ Shalok, Fifth Mehl: ਮਿਤ੍ਰੁ ਪਿਆਰਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਜੀ ਮੈ ਛਡਿ ਗਵਾਇਆ ਰੰਗਿ ਕਸੁੰਭੈ ਭੁਲੀ ॥ I abandoned and lost my Beloved Friend, O Nanak; I was fooled by the transitory color of the safflower, which fades away. ਤਉ ਸਜਣ ਕੀ ਮੈ ਕੀਮ ਨ ਪਉਦੀ ਹਉ ਤੁਧੁ ਬਿਨੁ ਅਢੁ ਨ ਲਹਦੀ ॥੧॥ I did not know Your value, O my Friend; without You, I am not worth even half a shell. ||1||

For more infomation >> Heart Touching Kirtan - Nanak Jee - Bhai Jagpal Singh UK - Duration: 32:43.


Nightmare Commentaries: No Rings for Sonic - Duration: 7:08.

Before I start the video, I want to give you all a quick disclaimer.

Before you ask, yes, I am aware that a few people are receiving early copies of Sonic Forces and there are leaks running around, but this commentary has been in progress right before it happened.

If there's anything I said that SEGA has confirmed in there or not, just keep that in mind. With that being said, enjoy the commentary.

You know what, screw the intro skit and plot, it's not worth being in this commentary. Besides, five bucks says someone will complain about what's going on if I did anyways. Anyways, onto the intro.

So, for this quick commentary, I'll be covering OkUrsus.

For those who don't know who he is, he has been recently making Sonic-related videos, and as of right now, he made a video on how rings will ruin Sonic Forces, which is pretty bad.

Wanna know why? You'll see later on. Anyways, let the commentary begin.

Ok, the issue I had with your intro is that the ring sound effect only goes through one ear.

I mean, I tried watching your video with my headphones, and I noticed it's playing through my right ear.

There are solutions to fix this kind of problem with Audacity, like the tutorial I will provide in the description below.

I know what you said is not 100% true, but the only Wispons they included in the game so far are Burst, Lightning, Drill, and Cube.

Before you ask, yes, I know the ones that are shown in the footage are Burst, Lightning, and Cube, but this is the demo we're talking about.

We don't know if there's a way to get the others, nor how many rings to get them if the rings are confirmed to be currency.

Well, the reason for the crazy amount of rings in the Tag Team stage and Park Avenue was because there are multiple paths the player can choose to go to, depending on what type of Wispon they use.

As for Casino Forest, it's a fucking casino, of course it's gonna have a lot of rings. The rings in the Sonic franchise are the money of the casino stages, you can either win or lose them during the slots.

And before anyone asks, yes, I know the crazy amount of rings will remove one level of difficulty by making enemies less dangerous, but easy gameplay?

I know your video came out before SEGA announced the article regarding the character losing rings, but according to it, the producer of Sonic Forces decided to balance it by preventing you from getting the rings back after getting hit.

The reason for that is to make Sonic Forces more different from the other Sonic games and to make it not too easy, but not too challenging as well.

About the thing you said about losing your rings will be similar to how you die in Shovel Knight or Kirby's Epic Yarn, the footage you're showing right there, yea, it's not like we'll take your word for it.

But seriously, if you're gonna provide examples like this, please show the footage related to it.

Well, I see where you're getting through, but you forgot to mention that there's not much hazards and challenges that made the stages ring based.

I mean, if there's a lot of rings and not a lot of stage hazards, it'll make Sonic almost immortal. Well, unless you accidentally run into a hazard or enemy.

Don't get me wrong, we have lasers in the tag team stage, bottomless pits in Green Hill Zone and Park Avenue, and spikes in Sunset Heights.

But considering what you said throughout this video, I'm surprised you didn't mentioned anything about that.

Let me get this straight, you think the game is going to be bad just because Sonic was built on a ring system? Oh my god, you can't be this serious.

It sounds like you're saying "Oh, why does Sonic have a terrible ring system in the stages?! 0/10 This game is bad! Worse than Sonic 06 and Boom combined!!"

Honestly, while yes, the level design may look like it's in the beta stage, but this game has been in development for four years.

Yea, sure, the marketing of it is not going very well for most people, but since SEGA finally listened to criticism from fans after fucking up with Rise of Lyric, I'm sure they'll take it into consideration and fix the issues the stages have.

And this is where the video ends, so final thoughts?

Honestly, from the look of this video, it looks like you don't know jack shit about the Sonic franchise, and you're only judging the level design of Sonic Forces just because of the amount of rings they have.

Whether it's true or not, this game isn't even out yet, and it's only like two weeks (one week) until it does.

Besides, they're only just previews of what the levels are, so the level designs of them may or may not be in the final result.

I can respect that some people don't like certain aspects of Sonic Forces, but to everyone who complains over them, please wait before it's released before judging the entire game.

Ok, I'm done, no fucking outro skit for this, that is all.

For more infomation >> Nightmare Commentaries: No Rings for Sonic - Duration: 7:08.


4 Reasons INFJs and INTPs Are Highly Compatible with Each Other - Duration: 6:09.

4 Reasons INFJs and INTPs Are Highly Compatible with Each Other

INFJ and INTP personality types may look very different based on their characterisctics


INTPs are often characterized as "the inventor" type.

Albert Einstein is an example of a famous INTP.

On the other hand, INFJs are often called "the counselor" type, and are represented

by famous historical figures such as Nelson Mandela.

While it may seem like Albert Einstein and Nelson Mandela are drastically different people,

if their type analysis is true, these world-changing men have a lot more in

common than many would think.

Believe it or not, INFJs and INTPs actually have a lot in common.

In fact, according to the article by Dr. A.J.

Drenth of Personality Junkie, INFJs and INTPs are sometimes called "the golden pair."

These two types have the potential to be highly compatible in both friendships and romantic


So, here are four reasons why INFJs and INTPs are highly compatible as friends and partners.

If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

to this channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future!


They're both introverted intuitive personality types.

Since both types are introverted and intuitive, they often enjoy many of the same things.

They like in-depth, one-on-one discussions, examining theories and ideas, and learning

new things.

Both personality types have deep and colorful inner worlds, but as introverts, it can take

them a while to share their inner world with others.

However, because of their commonalities, they usually find it easy to reach the comfort

level required to share a deeper part of their personalities with one another.

INTP personality types seek mental stimulation from friends and partners.

This type can get bored easily by people who don't challenge them, which INFJs are happy

to do.

INFJs seek friends and partners who fully appreciate them in an authentic and meaningful


They're drawn to the INTP's constant search for understanding and meaning.

Their intuitive natures allow them to discuss abstractions and ideas for hours that may

bore other people.


They share the same judging functions.

INFJs and INTPs share the same thinking and feeling functions, also called "judging"


Judging functions reflect how the brain makes decisions and draws conclusions.

INFJs have Extroverted Feeling (Fe) as their auxiliary (or secondary) function, and INTPs

have Fe as their inferior (or fourth) function.

INTPs have Introverted Thinking (Ti) as their dominant (or first) function, and INFJs have

Ti as their tertiary (or third) function.

INFJs have stronger use of Fe since it is higher in their function stack.

Likewise, INTPs have stronger use of Ti.

However, both types use both functions and value being able to learn and develop their

weaker functions by exercising them with their INFJ or INTP friend or partner.

The INFJ is often in awe of how well the INTP uses Ti, and INTPs feel the same way about

Fe in INFJs.


They're drawn to their opposing perceiving functions.

INFJs and INTPs have different intuitive and sensing functions, also called "perceiving"


INFJs rely on Introverted Intuition (Ni), while INTPs use Extroverted Intuition (Ne).

While neither are sensing types, INFJs have a preference for Extroverted Sensing (Se),

and INTPs prefer Introverted Sensing (Si).

Both types are intrigued by how the other uses their perceiving functions, which seems

so foreign from their own way of taking in information.

In mature and healthy INFJs and INTPs, rather than cause conflict, this is part of what

draws them to each other.

Outside of the cognitive functions, INFJs and INTPs are attracted to each others'

general personality traits.

According to Just Your Type: Create the Relationship You've Always Wanted Using the Secrets of

Personality Type by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger, "INTPs are drawn to INFJs

because of their warmth, integrity, and emotional availability.

INFJs are often attracted to the intelligence, dry sense of humor, and quiet confidence of


They admire their partner's independence and find their honesty refreshing."


There are not a lot of them in the world.

Both INFJ and INTP personality types are rare.

Combined, they make up under 5 percent of the population.

It's nearly as rare for an INFJ to meet an INTP as it is for an INFJ to meet someone

of their same personality type.

When these two introverted intuitives do come across one another, it can feel like they've

met a unicorn.

There is someone else who seems to understand them on a deeper level, yet there is still

a bit of mystery to discover.

All in all, that's the reasons why INFJs and INTPs are highly compatible with each other.

Do you have INFJ or INTP friends or partners?

Share your experiences with these personality types in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 4 Reasons INFJs and INTPs Are Highly Compatible with Each Other - Duration: 6:09.


ASMR Relaxing Back Massage with Chopstick | GigiASMR - Duration: 27:40.

ASMR Relaxing Back Massage with Chopstick


For more infomation >> ASMR Relaxing Back Massage with Chopstick | GigiASMR - Duration: 27:40.


Ты должен быть СЕРЬЁЗНЫМ, чтобы следовать за Иисусом. - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Ты должен быть СЕРЬЁЗНЫМ, чтобы следовать за Иисусом. - Duration: 5:19.


Dự Là Bài Này Sẽ Nổi Nhất Sau Túy Âm,Vị Thần Gọi Gió,Độc Ẩm | Kém Duyên - Rum X Nit X Masew - Duration: 3:45.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Dự Là Bài Này Sẽ Nổi Nhất Sau Túy Âm,Vị Thần Gọi Gió,Độc Ẩm | Kém Duyên - Rum X Nit X Masew - Duration: 3:45.


Marília Mendonça entrega método para lidar com 'haters': 'Bloqueio e excluo' - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Marília Mendonça entrega método para lidar com 'haters': 'Bloqueio e excluo' - Duration: 4:37.


MALDIVES. DAY 3: KANDOLHU /// VLOG #82 - Duration: 14:29.

For more infomation >> MALDIVES. DAY 3: KANDOLHU /// VLOG #82 - Duration: 14:29.


МУЖ МЕНЯ ОДЕЛ ♥♥♥ - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> МУЖ МЕНЯ ОДЕЛ ♥♥♥ - Duration: 7:55.


Khánh K-ICM Livestream đàn tranh tổng hợp với nhiều HIT thời 8X,9X - Duration: 1:59:01.

For more infomation >> Khánh K-ICM Livestream đàn tranh tổng hợp với nhiều HIT thời 8X,9X - Duration: 1:59:01.


Python Programming Tutorial | Statistical Functions - Part 1 | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Python Programming Tutorial | Statistical Functions - Part 1 | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 2:46.


Bình Luận CF Độc Quyền - M14 Hàng Cổ - James Nguyễn - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> Bình Luận CF Độc Quyền - M14 Hàng Cổ - James Nguyễn - Duration: 11:46.


Sketching Singapore - Poh Ho Restaurant - Duration: 1:41.

Good morning! We're here at the cross-section of Onan Road and Crane Road,

right where Poh Ho restaurant is.

It's this really old-school coffee shop.

You can tell by where the stalls are placed at, that they are pretty old school

because most of the coffee shop stalls are inside the interior of the restaurant.

But these stalls here are still aligned where the gates (of the restaurant) are.

The sun's creeping up on me again.

So I'm gonna try to get this one down real quick.

Just to let you know, they serve the best prata here in the Katong area.

Crispy... real crispy!

I might do a short featurette on that someday but the owners are celebrating Deepavali or Diwali,

so they're not here and you can actually tell because there's a drop in

the number of customers this morning

So I guess that's it. It got really scorching hot about a while ago and

then in 20 minutes it starts to drizzle but I think the dark (clouds tropical thunderstorm)

is approaching so I'm gonna pack up, cos' it's gonna take a while to pack.

So here is Alvin Mark from Poh Ho Restaurant signing off. Ciao!

Did you hear that thunder?

Ok, let's pack and go!

For more infomation >> Sketching Singapore - Poh Ho Restaurant - Duration: 1:41.


डिंकाचे लाडू | Dinkache Ladoo | How to make Dinkache Ladoo | - Duration: 11:49.

For more infomation >> डिंकाचे लाडू | Dinkache Ladoo | How to make Dinkache Ladoo | - Duration: 11:49.


Don't Hide From God with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 11-8-17) - Duration: 22:12.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.

I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Today on the Believer's Voice of Victory,

Gloria and Kellie Copeland remind you that your

heavenly Father is all knowing. Don't hide from

God, but come to Him expecting to be changed and made whole.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's Voice

of Victory broadcast. Kellie's back with us

today, and she's got some more good stuff for us.

You're going to like it. Welcome, Kellie.

KELLIE: Thank you, Mama. I enjoyed yesterday.

We got to hear a little inside in your story, so I bet

everybody loved that. And we told my story. And so today,

we're going to talk about Mary and Martha's story-- GLORIA:

Okay. KELLIE: --in the Bible. But I have this psalm I wanted

to read. We're talking about--if you're just joining us, please

catch up with us. Last week we talked about knowing Jesus in

His Word. He is the Word. The Word is Jesus. Knowing Him like

that. Not just reading the Bible but reading the Bible to know

Jesus opens the entire thing up. It's like you see Him at a

deeper degree when you have that in your heart to just know Him.

And this week, we're talking about knowing Him in worship,

going deeper into Jesus, letting Him deeper into you. He said,

"If you draw near to me, I'll draw near to you." So when we go

deeper, we let Him in deeper, and He just will turn your life

upside down, but you'll like it. You know, we all need our lives

turned upside down. If you haven't been upside down by

Jesus, it actually--it's not-- GLORIA: Maybe it's--maybe it's

upside down, and we're getting it turned-- KELLIE: That's what

I was going to say. GLORIA: --right side up. KELLIE: We just

think we're okay. He turns us right side up, but we really

have been upside down. But it feels that way a little bit when

you're hearing things that are corrective, and He's showing you

things. You're like, "What are You doing, Jesus? You're shaking

me up." Well, it's in your story. Yesterday, the Lord told

you to worship in front of everybody and to rejoice in

front of everybody. GLORIA: Yes. KELLIE: And you're like--

GLORIA: "Who me? In front of everybody? Oh, no." KELLIE: But

it changed your whole life. It changed your preaching. GLORIA:

It did. KELLIE: You know, the--if you compare when you

started, and you would, like, just stand right at the podium

and read your notes and read the Bible. And it was all good. It

was like nugget after nugget after nugget. It was strong. But

that made a shift in you. Mom, you are so funny now. GLORIA:

Ha-ha-ha. KELLIE: You are. I love it. You're just so free up

there. You're free because you've always been funny, but

you would reserve that for, you know, behind the scenes. But now

you're just free-- GLORIA: That's funny, Kellie. KELLIE:

--and you share the Word with people and you tell your

stories-- GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: --and you don't even

mind telling people where you missed it, or what's going on in

your life, or--I just love to hear you preach. And you just--

GLORIA: Thank you, my dear. KELLIE: You just-- GLORIA: That

blesses a mother. KELLIE: All of a sudden, you're sitting there

enjoying hearing you preach, and then you just say something

that, you know, is a zinger. I call them zingers. GLORIA:

Ha-ha. KELLIE: I forget what Pastor George calls them.

Gloria-isms or something. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: Anyway,

zinger--I call them zingers, bullets--zingers, bullets,

nuggets. GLORIA: That's funny. KELLIE: You all know what I'm

talking about if you've watched her very long. But He just gets

in your life, and He just fixes what needs to be fixed. GLORIA:

He does. KELLIE: You said in your book you read yesterday

that at the end--at the other side of an act of

obedience--something like this, "The other side of an act of

obedience is always a good result. It's always abundance.

It's always something you needed you didn't know you need."

GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: Well, that's--you could say it's kind

of a "chicken or the egg" thing. Like, yes, that's what's at the

act of obedience, but the reason He told you to do the act that

you obeyed is because that's where He wanted you to be free--

GLORIA: Yeah, that's right. KELLIE: --is to be set free of

stuff that you didn't even know you needed to be set free of.

GLORIA: You know how Swiss cheese has holes in it? KELLIE:

Yes, ma'am. GLORIA: I thank-- KELLIE: Where are you going with

this? (Laughs) GLORIA: I thank the Lord--ha-ha. I thank the

Lord--we're like Swiss cheese. We--in the natural realm, you

know, before we get hold of the Word, or the Word gets hold of

us, we've got holes here. KELLIE: Yeah. GLORIA: And He

fills up those holes with truth and the Word and straightens out

our thinking and gets rid of--we--if we'll listen to Him,

He'll get rid of the quirks. (Laughs) KELLIE: Well, let me

tell you something else. This is what I think about Swiss cheese.

I think Swiss cheese stinks. I do. I can't stand it. But--

GLORIA: Well, it's got holes in it. There's a question about it.

KELLIE: But I think it's appropriate to say that He can

get rid of the stink, too. And when all that stuff--we got all

that stuff on the inside, carrying stuff in those holes.

GLORIA: Oh, yeah, since you were a child, my goodness. KELLIE:

Jesus washes that out and replaces it with Himself, and

then we don't stink anymore. Our lives don't stink, to other

people, even. The stuff that Jesus gets rid of usually makes

us better to live with for everybody else. GLORIA: Oh,

sure, yeah. KELLIE: Really, the other day--last week, we talked

about how--and we did a whole series on this actually a few

months ago, how when you come in oneness with Jesus, the result

is the fruit of the Spirit. GLORIA: Yes, that's right.

KELLIE: It just comes out when you come into oneness with Him.

So this is a huge part of it, is worship, putting your life into

His hands, correct, fill up the holes, get rid of the junk.

GLORIA: Which would be-- KELLIE: We don't have holes, and we

don't stink. GLORIA: You're just a whole lot more lovely--

KELLIE: Yes. GLORIA: --if--with love, joy, peace, patience,

goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness,

self-control. Those are filling--that's filling up the

holes with the fruit of the Spirit. KELLIE: That's right.

Get rid of the fruit blockers and-- GLORIA: Yeah, yeah.

KELLIE: --and not make us difficult. We can be difficult

for people to relate to. GLORIA: Not to mention we're off--we're

better off when we're like that. KELLIE: So much better. So

the--but many times, our lives--like we said yesterday,

you don't know the stuff. Psalm 19:12 says, "How can I know all

the sins lurking in my heart?" Well, you can't, but He knows

them. So He will cleanse you of them, and then you get free. And

your life changes. Well, sometimes-- GLORIA: Amen.

KELLIE: Many times, those things drive us in a place that leads

us into a hurting place--situation either with

relationships or inside ourselves. People can have

depression come up from the stuff that's inside them, and

they think it's just mental. But it's in your soul. It's stuff

that just needs to be removed-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --you need

to be cleaned from. GLORIA: You don't need it. KELLIE: And when

you become a worshiper, those places get taken care of. But

there's a scripture that I found--I'm--we're reading out of

The Passion Translation for this because I thought this described

all of that so perfect, so well. This is Psalm 5. I like The

Passion Translation. If you don't--I think, I believe he

just came out with--you can go to "passiontranslation," I think

it's ".com," but they just came out with a whole Bible. Right

now, they come in little books like, you know, lots of little

books. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: And I love reading them. But he's

coming out with a whole--like in one Bible. So I would suggest

you get that. But song--this is Psalm 5. It says, "Listen to my

passionate prayer. Can't you hear my groaning? Don't you hear

how I'm crying out to you? My King and my God, consider my

every word, for I am calling out to you." You know, the wonderful

thing is to know Jesus always hears us. GLORIA: Yes, it is.

KELLIE: And He takes our requests. The Father--so the

Father always hears us. And He's--Jesus is so faithful, the

Word says. "At each and every sunrise, you will hear my

voice--" GLORIA: I like that. KELLIE: Isn't that good? GLORIA:

Mm-hmm. KELLIE: "--as I prepare my sacrifice of prayer to you."

Listen to this, Mom. "Every morning, I lay out the pieces of

my life on the altar." Isn't that good? GLORIA: That is good.

KELLIE: Sometimes that means just everything I do. Like,

okay, my job, my place as a husband or a wife, my place as a

mom, my place as an employee, my place as a minister, my place as

a daughter, all of the pieces of our life, a friend, you lay

those out on the altar. But sometimes it just feels like

your life is literally in pieces. And I think there have

been things--hard things that happened to me over the years,

but I never really stopped until a few years ago. I was going

through a hard place, and instead of just--instead of just

pressing through, which it's awesome to be able to press

through. Can I just say it's amazing to be able to just say,

"Lord, everybody else is everybody else. I'm going to

serve You." GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: And He took me at

that place. That's where I was prior times, you know, even in

hard places where, you know, one of your kids, something's going

on in their life, or they're sick, or maybe you have

something in your body, or, you know, somebody does something

that hurts you. Just to be able to be able to press on with God,

that's a victory in itself. But this last thing that just--I

went through, I came to the place where I said, you know,

"Lord, just--" And again, Psalm 19:12. He cleansed me of some

things that were hiding I didn't know about. But I just said,

"Lord, talk to me about me because I can't change everybody

else." There's a--that is the most-- GLORIA: That's right, and

that's the truth. KELLIE: --free. GLORIA: If people spent

as much time working on themselves to change-- KELLIE:

Yes. GLORIA: --as they do other people to change, we'd get a

whole lot more done, wouldn't we? KELLIE: Yes. And we're going

to talk about Mary and Martha with that because Martha--you're

going to see that that was Martha's big prayer. Martha's

big prayer was not, "Jesus help me." Her big prayer was, "Jesus,

make Mary help me." GLORIA: Her-- "Make her do something."

KELLIE: And I think, you know, the Bible talks about asking

amiss. All of the prayers that we pray--I had a word from the

Lord. It's a long one. And actually, I'm going to read it

on Friday. GLORIA: Okay. KELLIE: So join me. It was a word. It

wasn't just for me. It was for everybody, and it was such an

unusual circumstance in the way--it's the first time I've

ever had anything quite like what happen. And I want to tell

you about it on Friday. I'm going to read it to you. But in

that word, He talked about the sin that's in you that drives

you to ask amiss. Like sometimes we don't receive a perceived

answer to our prayer, we've asked amiss. But that doesn't

just mean asking for something that's not of God. There is sin

sometimes that drives us--like the thing that Mary--I'm getting

ahead of me. But the thing Martha asked from Jesus was a

whole missed prayer. Number one, we're going to see today that it

wasn't even what was really wrong. Jesus told her what was

wrong, and it wasn't that she was trying to cook supper by

herself. Now--so that's asking amiss because she didn't--not

even addressing the thing that's really wrong. Number two, we are

thinking that Jesus doing something in somebody else is

going to make our life okay. And any time you can judge your

prayers--right now, put them in front of you, what you've been

praying. You're not going to get--you're not--I mean, God can

change somebody else, but the best place you have

standing--you know, like legal standing, you have to have legal

standing to bring a suit against somebody. So a legal standing of

prayer, the best standing you have for God to change somebody

is if you ask Him to change you because you're the one that

really--God changes you, everything else will change.

GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: He will deliver you if He can

change you. So laying out the hard places of your life,

somewhere when your life falls apart, laying that out before

the Lord and just saying, "Okay, Lord, this is what it looks

like. I'm not hiding this from you." Sometimes we like to hide

from ourselves, and when we're hiding from ourselves, we tend

to hide from Jesus those things. Like, you know, there's

times--and you--if you've been in church very long--or maybe it

was just me, but I don't think so. I'm not that unique. You'd

be in church and an altar call will come, and you think, "Oh, I

can't go down there for that. I need it, but you know, everybody

will think" whatever. You talked about being delivered from

yourself and what people think about you. I heard

somebody--Todd White, I think, said, "One of the biggest things

Jesus came to deliver us from is ourselves, you know, because you

can be free of you." And so when you have a hard place, just

really being able to be honest with Jesus, like Dad said, just

say, "Jesus, would You please talk to me about" whatever it

is. So you can lay out the pieces of your life and say,

"This just seems like it's falling all to pieces." So

there's many ways, depending where you're at in your life.

But every morning, whatever your pieces are, whatever they look

like, good or bad, things are going great, things aren't going

great, become a worshiper. "Every morning I lay out the

pieces of my life on the altar and wait for your fire to fall

upon my heart." GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: What does that

mean? Hebrews 12 talks about correction. He talks

about--that's an interesting chapter because when He

talks--He begins talking about, "Don't forget the encouraging

word that I gave you." And you're all ready for, "Hey, go,

Kellie! Hey, you can do it! You're awesome" from the Lord.

But He says--the very next thing He says is, "Don't forget my

correction." That's the encouraging word. And, you know,

we all love the scripture that says, "Strengthen your weak

knees and lift--" you know, "get ready to run." GLORIA: That's--

KELLIE: But that scripture is after correction. That's in

Hebrews 12. GLORIA: That's an awesome part of the Word.

KELLIE: It is. Correction is the most wonderful act of love.

GLORIA: It puts you in a position to receive your answer.

KELLIE: Yes. GLORIA: Your--you've been corrected.

"I'm not doing that anymore. I'm ready now." Ha-ha-ha. KELLIE:

Ready now, ready to run, ready to do what He's called you to

do. It's just like the story you told yesterday and read in your

book. And so when that Hebrews 12 talks about the fire, God

Himself is a fire. And He says He's doing this shaking. GLORIA:

Mm-hmm. KELLIE: It's like--I said--we all said He wasn't

turning us upside down. But picture this, Mom, the cartoons

where somebody gets turned upside down and shaken, and all

the pocket change and stuff falls out of their pocket.

That's what God's doing. He's shaking us upside down-- GLORIA:

A fire from the loins-- KELLIE: --and get rid of the stuff.

GLORIA: What does it say? KELLIE: That doesn't-- GLORIA:

"A fire from the loins up and a fire from the loins down," or

something. KELLIE: He's a fire. He is a flaming fire. What's

that fire for? Not to burn us up. GLORIA: No. KELLIE: You

know, people talk about beauty from ashes? Those ashes are not

the result of Satan's work. God--you can think, "I've been

in a hard time." But the beauty comes when you let God in your

life and in your hard time and burn up stuff that needed to be

burnt up. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: And He wants to shake us

up to the point that all that's left, Hebrews 12 says, is an

"unshakeable kingdom." GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: He is

shaking us, getting rid of stuff that doesn't belong. And it says

He's a fire. What's He doing? He's cleaning house. That's what

Hebrews 12 is about. He's cleaning our house, burning up

the stuff that doesn't belong. That's why there's beauty from

ashes. He'll burn up the hurt. He'll burn up the pain. He'll

burn it all up and start you off with only-- GLORIA: Praise God.

KELLIE: --what remains of Him. GLORIA: Tell me what book--

KELLIE: So every morning-- GLORIA: --you're in and where I

am and-- KELLIE: You--I am on Psalm 5, Mom, right here.

GLORIA: But it doesn't look the same. KELLIE: Well, that's

because mine has cartoons drawn in it and yours--I didn't do

that. He just has a version that you can color. (Laughs) GLORIA:

Oh. KELLIE: And you got the--you got the serious version. GLORIA:

Oh, okay. KELLIE: I'll trade you if you want. But it says, "Every

morning I lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait

for your fire to fall upon my heart. I know that you, God, are

never pleased with lawlessness, and evil ones will never be

invited as guests into your house. Boasters collapse unable

to survive your scrutiny." If we have any of that stuff in our

life, He will burn it up. But also, He will push that stuff

out of our lives when it's in other people or other places,

the unhealthy stuff. "You will make an end of all those who

lie. How you hate the hypocrisy and despise all who love

violence. But I know the way back--" Can I just say,

too--just the Lord told me to say this so I'm going to say it.

If you're being abused in your life by anyone, the Lord will

deliver you from that. In any situation of any kind,

emotional, physical, verbal, spiritual abuse, all of it is

not okay with God. God hates hypocrisy and despises those

that love violence. "--that I know the way back home, and I

know you will welcome me into your house, for I am covered by

your covenant of mercy and love. So I come to your sanctuary with

deepest awe, to bow and worship and adore you. Lord, lead me in

the pathways of your pleasure just like you promised me you

would, or else my enemies will conquer me." Satan has a place

to conquer you if you don't get this stuff out of your life.

"Smooth out your road in front of me--" I don't want anybody

else's road, just the road the Lord has for me. "--straight and

level so that I will know where to walk." That's one thing about

a straight and narrow path, there's not a lot of options.

GLORIA: No, there's not. KELLIE: I love that about Him. We've got

to start seeing these things as good things for us, not

restrictive-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --but a blessing that He

would give you a path to be so exact in your life that the

blessing is always there. "For you can't trust anything they

say. Their hearts are nothing but deep pits of destruction,

drawing people into their darkness with their speeches."

You know that you could look at this as Satan. Satan wants to

draw people out of the light with his speeches in your head.

But stop listening to Him. Let me see. Verse 11, "Let them all

be glad, those who turn aside to hide themselves in you. May they

keep shouting for joy forever. Overshadow them in your presence

as they sing and rejoice." That's what happens when you

sing and rejoice. "Then every lover of your name will burst

forth with endless joy. Lord, how wonderfully you bless the

righteous. Your favor wraps around each one and covers

them--" GLORIA: Mm. KELLIE: "--and under your canopy

of--under your canopy of kindness and joy." That is--that

is what worship does. You know, tomorrow, Mom, I want to get

into--I'm going to have to speed up. But I want to get into Mary

and Martha. So--but I don't want to start that today. So I want

to just--we'll read Psalm 5. GLORIA: Okay. KELLIE: Oh, that

was Psalm 5. Psalm 89, I'm going to read that in the New Living.

Psalm 89, this is what we're doing here this week. And then

we'll pick up with sweet Mary and Martha. I'm not even going

to cap--recap or anything. We're just going to pick it up right

there tomorrow. But Psalm 89 says this, Verse 14,

"Righteousness and judgment are the foundation of your throne."

GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: Isn't that good? He's always

right. And He always--justice--righteousness

and justice. He's always right, He's always fair, and He always

has love for us. "Unfailing love and truth walk before you as

attendants." Whoo. GLORIA: "Unfailing love--" TOGETHER:

"--and truth--" GLORIA: "--walk before you." KELLIE: "Happy are

those who hear the joyful call to worship." I've been--God's

calling you. God's calling you through me. He's calling you in

your own heart. Some of you turn this on, and it started

resonating in you right away when we started talking about

worship because God's already been calling you, calling you to

worship. "Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship:

for they will walk in the light of your presence." You know,

we've walked in the light of the Word, but when we begin to be

worshipers, Mom, we begin to walk in the light of His Word,

but also in the light of His presence because His presence in

our life brings joy. His presence in our life brings

change, brings correction, brings peace. "They rejoice all

day long in your wonderful reputation." I love that in your

story yesterday. You had to forget about your reputation and

put yourself in His reputation. I rejoice in His reputation--

GLORIA: Yes, amen. KELLIE: --because you start doing some

different things, and people look at you like, "What's wrong

with you?" "They exalt in your righteousness. You are their

glorious strength." I love this. "It pleases you to make us

strong." GLORIA: Praise God. Isn't that a-- KELLIE: Isn't

that good? If you're sick today, if you're weak and your life is

weak in any way, become a worshiper and answer that call

to worship. It pleases Him to make you strong. "Yes, our

protection comes from the Lord, and He, the Holy One of Israel,

has given us our King." GLORIA: Praise God. That's good, Kellie.

KELLIE: Isn't that good to have Jesus? GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE:

He's our way to the Father. Hallelujah. GLORIA: Good job.

Good job. Kellie and I'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Don't Hide From God with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 11-8-17) - Duration: 22:12.


Friends Trivia Question #11 - Duration: 0:08.

When you get down there

you go up to the roof

and you let me in.

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