Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

Hello friends how are you? My name is Arith Härger and today I'm going to talk about

Icelandic Rune Staves

this is the second part of this series

and I'll share with you other 13 rune staves

on the previous video I haven't mentioned this but I think it's important to underline this aspect

Icelandic talismans are numerous and make up over 1/3 of the magical operations

encountered in magical and spell work throughout Scandinavian history of witchcraft

talismans and amulets are types of magical spells that are

designed to be worn or carried by a person for a certain amount of time

in order to achieve their effect, the creation of a talisman involved a

variety of aspects from the selection of the tool to create it the material for

scribing on to the part of the body where the talisman is to be worn or carried

quite often a prayer was to be said aloud and then carried as a talisman

to imbue it with power or to awaken that power or the effect

incantations were very important in the creation of talismans many of the

magical operations are accompanied by the speaking of certain words and

in some cases, an incantation or a prayer is the only means by which the aim of the

talisman is accomplished

I've given a few examples on the previous video

incantations are the very essence of Nordic magic, the very word for magic in Icelandic is


it is derived from "að gala" - to chant

and in the previous video we have already seen that most incantations are

a mixture between the pagan and the christian

we always have in mind that the catholic church was the great religious and military booster in the

fight against the old ways, trying to wipe out, root and stem, the very spirit of pre-christian beliefs

but in iceland things were a bit different

and it seems that witchcraft and sorcery do not appear to have been persecuted

with any great vigor in the Catholic period and this is why different

religious believes were syncretized

there are hardly any indications that

the Catholic Church actively tried to wipe out the belief in the occult

in the Icelandic case, of course

however, things changed rapidly after the conversion to Lutheranism

and a new intolerance took hold

when you think someone can't be as awful as the Christians were to the pagans

well, someone comes up with a new idea

not only to delight themselves in tormenting pagans but also in tormenting Catholics

with this being said let's move on to the Icelandic rune staves

Vegvisir (signpost)

I want to begin this video the same way as the previous one

starting with one of the most famous Icelandic rune staves and just like


in the future I shall make a video only about this rune stave

anyway the Vegvisir was carried so a person would never lose his way in storms and bad weather

even if the way was not known

many people nowadays use this symbol as a sort of compass to not lose their way in the great path of life

so it gained a whole new meaning in our modern age however it is possible that

its true purpose was only to guide people to safety during long voyages

especially in to unknown places, we know that Scandinavians during medieval times

were great explorers and became experts in seafaring and obviously there was the need

to have some special spiritual assurance that people would reach the end of the journey safe and sound

however this symbol is only found in

modern Icelandic collections of spells

there are no evidences that this symbol

was known or used during the Viking Age or earlier it's possible that it was

known during these historical times but it's also possible that it was imported

or invented after such historical periods, it might even have a great Christian influence

so stating that theVegvisir

is exclusively a viking symbol, is a common mistake

so any information about this symbol that goes beyond what I've just explained you can be certain people are just making stuff up

however there's a lot to tell about this symbol if we

focus on its meaning in our modern perspectives

you will find throughout the internet many variations of this symbol such as these examples

the one I could find closer to the one we see recorded in the collection of spells is

this one

even so I've made a few alterations see if you can spot them

not much difference, cutting here and there, however on the internet everyone seems to forget this little dot here

I had to place it

it it might seem of no importance

but on the other hand it might make all the difference

the Sigil of King Solomon, son of David

now, I must say there is a problem with this one, you will find two sigils

with the exact same symbols and with exact same inscriptions but one

without the circles and the other as you can see in here

the one without the circles seems to be an older version and this is what it was used for:

against the hate and poison of adversaries and enemies

the person who carries his sigil will never be harmed by the temptations of the fiend (which means "the Devil")

and no enemy of the person will come forth against that person in any way

the person will also never be betrayed in either food or drink

which means that the wearer of this Sigil will be safe from poison in either food or drink

nor will the person be betrayed by any false things

which means that the person is protected against magic in general

and as you can see in here and I don't think there is the need to point this out because it's quite obvious but

well, this sigil is greatly influenced by Christianity, I suspect that it is a

whole new symbol for an already existing one but turned to the Christian faith

and if this sigel add any incantations at all, they probably were also very christian

added to a few pagan elements

now, this one with the circles in it

means a whole different thing

it's to count out playing cards which are lying face down

it appears that along with this symbol there was a mode of card counting

in order to win a game of cards involving a very complex mathematical method

card playing was an activity introduced into Iceland in the 16th century

and was roundly condemned by the Protestant church authorities

so probably people wanted to have fun and wanted to make sure no harm would come to them

or have any problems with the religious law and also that no one would cheat with magic

it's the only explanation I can find, for now

that links a protective sign against harm and magic in general to a game of cards

it's a symbol to virtually protect against anything so I suspect this symbol was

used for other purposes probably an amulet, even, against harm and evil in general

Brýnslustafir (Whet-signs)

this one simply states:

carve the upper sign on your whetstone, the other one below

it isn't clear if you should carve the upper sign on one side of the whetstone and the other sign on the other side of the whetstone

but maybe that doesn't make much sense and

what it simply means is that you should carve both signs together but you should start first

by carving the upper sign and then the other one

then, after the carving of the staves, lay a bit of grass over it and then whet it, or use it, under the Sun

and don't look at the edge

well, as you know

a whetstone is a sharpening stone and are used to sharpen the edges of steel tools

and implements through grinding and honing

and it was obviously an important object to have

not just for warriors to sharpen their weapons but also for craftsmen to sharpen their tools

I have one such object in my house, it belonged to my great-grandfather

he was a craftsman and he always carried his whetstone with him

it's not just any stone, it's a proper stone, only suitable to sharpen steel

people wouldn't just grab any stone they would find and work with it

it would take time and knowledge to find a proper stone for this job

one stone that would endure but at the same time sharpen tools and weapons without damaging them

just like my great grandfather

I'm sure people would carry these sharpening stones with them all the time, it would be something

very personal which would gain a certain amount of importance

so it's only natural that people would give these stones a certain spiritual connection

because without them Warriors couldn't fight nor craftsmen could make their creations

against all kinds of suffering and danger

any person (and it's quite specific that can be both genders) carries these staves and no pain may harm the person

and no sword, nor any of the person's enemies, and no worm in drink or food will harm the person

it's quite interesting to notice this aspect that

no worm will harm the person

ancient Germanic peoples believed that diseases

were sometimes caused by tiny invisible worms more akin to serpents actually

that would be in the food and drink

here it is implied that such rune staves prevented these invisible snakes to enter the person's body

these staves are 16 in number plus at the end a solar cross to seal the deal

in here we have an expression of the continuing potency of the number system of the younger Futhark

to cause fear

have the following staves on your person and your enemies will be frightened of you

these eleven staves also contain several runic forms found in the next spell that I'm about to show you

for protection against all kinds of evil

if one wishes to avoid anything bad have these staves on your person

then no one may harm you, not a sword, no torment, no worm nor poison either in your food or drink

this row of 24 staves contains many recognizable rune staves

here we have the number of the elder futhark

and also a mixture between Norse runes, stylized runes and anglo-saxon runes

Lukkustafir (luck-staves)

whoever carries these signs with him will meet with no bad luck

neither on sea nor land

luck to our Scandinavian ancestors wasn't the same thing as it is for us

the Hamingja, which is happiness, good fortune and luck

this Hamingja, or luck, was a sort of force that could be pulled to ourselves and help us in life

a force people could influence coming their way and into their lives

by a variety of actions and choices that led the Hamingja to choose a person

it's a sort of personal entity, part of the self, but can be worked in certain circumstances

when a person dies, for instance, the person's Hamingja

is often reincarnated in one of his or her descendants

particularly if the child is given the name of the original owner of the Hamingja

the Hamingja can also be lent to others during life to assist them in particularly troublesome times

when luck is needed

speaking of luck, getting lucky was also a major concern to our Scandinavian ancestors

alright that was a poor joke but let's take a look at this rune stave

quite tricky so pay attention

its purpose is to bewitch a woman and win her love

if you want to bewilder a woman so that she finds her way to no one except you

make a hole in the floor where she goes over it

and put etin-spear blood (iotun geira blod) and carve a ring on the outside of it

and her name and these staves:


maður - inverted threefold




and gapaldur

and read this conjuration:

I look at you and you feel love and

affection for me with all your heart you can't sit anywhere nor stand to be

anywhere unless you love me this I ask of Óðinn and of all those who know how

to read women-runes that you can neither endure nor thrive unless you love me with all your heart

thus it will be like you are burning in your bones and even worse

in your fleshly parts, it will be allotted to you to be unmarried unless you love me

you shall freeze in your feet and never get honour or happiness

you'll sit as if burning, your hair falling out may your clothes be ripped up unless you want to have me

you easy woman

alright, this sickening obsession sounds much more like a curse rather than a love spell

but let's take a close look to all of this


putting etin-spear blood (jötungeira blóð)

literally "the blood of etin-spears"

Jötungeir (etin-gar) is a kenning for worm and/or serpent

this forms a magical link with chthonic powers, or the infernal powers

powers of the underworld

and it's also possible that this whole thing needs snakes blood to work

after this there are a series of staves to be carved

First, mould-Þurs, the thurisaz rune

The word moldÞurs clearly means earth-Þurs (earth-giant)

which perhaps indicates a reversed thurs-rune

which is a powerful cursing sign

The "mold" could also refer to both the thurisaz rune and mannaz rune

and reinforce the image of the staves connected to the ground

after this maður inverted threefold, the rune we also know as Algiz, inverted three times

then comes blað which means leaf including a leaf of parchment or paper, as well as the blade of a knife

blað might be an alternate name for the B-rune, Berkanan

but I'm also guessing that blað is one of the rune staves we see in this set of rune staves because after that comes nauð

which is the rune we know as nauthiz

and finally homla

which might be the same case as with blað but the meaning is quite obscure and then


which is the rune stave right there

Gapalldur could mean the "age or eternity of space" (meaning: the void)

the name gapalldur is also found in

the spell of- for success in wrestling, another rune stave completely different

as you can see in here

but in this case combined with the other rune staves

it turns into a rune stave for success in the whole affair

in the conjuration it mentions "the women-runes" or Kvenrúnir or Kvennrúnar

which were originally formulas used to win the love of women

and the rest of the conjuration

to me seems more like a horrible curse and not a love spell at all

but a deep obsessive psychopathic lust

the previous rune staves were a bit creepy

and with a heavy atmosphere in the incantation and also with a certain complexity

so let's soften this subject a little bit by presenting you the fart-runes

yes, you heard it, fart-runes as in flatulence

write these staves on white calfskin with your blood, rouse your blood from your thigh and say this incantation:

I carve you eight áss, nine nauð, thirteen Þurs, which are to afflict your belly

with great shitting and shooting pains and all these may afflict your belly with great farting

may your posts (bones) split asunder

may your guts burst may your farting never stop neither day nor night

may you become weak as the fiend Loki who was snared by all the gods

in your mightiest name Lord God, spirit, creator, Óðinn, Þór, Savior,

Freyr, Freyja, Oper, Satan, Beelzebub, helper, mighty God protect with your followers

Uteos, Morss, Nokte, Vitales

no, this is not a joke

this is a real incantation, it's interesting to see that the incantation mentions a number

of Old Germanic gods such as Odin, Thor, Freyr and Freyja

as well as two Hebraic sort of demons - Satan and Beelzebub

we have also the "helper"

it's a translation from a technical term "meðhjálpari" - a parish-clerk

there is also Oper which probably stands for opera, meaning "work"

the other terms Uteos, Morss, Nokte, Vitales, have a more obscure meaning

Uteos might be from the Greek which might mean "the God", Morss may indicate the Latin word "mors" - "death"

Nokte remains obscure but it sounds a lot like "night" (in latin)

while Vitales may stand for the latin phrase "Vita Lex" - life law

there is a clear connection to the word "life" but in my opinion there is also great similarity with the Latin word "Viales"

the Viales belong to the Etruscan deities without any physical representation

spirits, the "Lares" and among these "Lares"

there were the Viales, the spirits of the roads

these spirits played an important role in the Roman religion, especially during the Republic

we know that for both the Greeks and the Romans, places where roads met - cross roads

were places of great religious activity for ceremonies and rituals, so Vitales might be referring to the Viales

the spirits and forces of roads - of the paths

to cause fear in your enemies

if you want your enemies to fear you

always have this stave under your left arm

yes, we have seen before rune staves to cause fear in one's enemies

but I've picked this one because it's cute and it looks like a crab

but also we have it again the number eight

eight staves radiating from the ring and it seems the number eight was the key number for a lot of

incantations and magical work

the shape of these staves here could be intended as Þurs-runes

or the set could be a runic code tree in one side and five in the

(3:5), 3 in one side and 5 in the other, 3 might indicate the third aett

as you know

the runic alphabet is divided into groups of aettir and the third is referred to as Tyr's aett

the set of Týr - the god of war but was once a God linked to creation and in the Sun

and the number 5 in here could refer to the 5th rune which can be Raido

in the specific cryptic reordering

this only to tell you that most rune staves

also include specific numbers and mathematical sets some more complex than others

which might be codes

the rune staves are complex magical symbols which

not only involve incantations and the power of speech, carving and/or drawing

but also numerology and mathematics to construct magical codes

Roðukross (crucifix)

The insignia of St. Óláfur which one carries for protection

Olaf II, a king of Norway during the first half of the 11th century

Ólafr Haraldsson

Icelanders wrote extensively about Olaf and there are several icelandic sagas about him

Olaf not all unified Norway but also fulfilled the conversion of the nation to christianity

Herzlustafir (strengthening staves)

wear this on your left breast to strengthen your courage; it is as simple as that

and finally just the same way the previous video came to an end I present to you svefnþorn

"sleep thorn" this sign would be carved on oack and laid under

the head of the one who is supposed to sleep so that the person cannot awake

until it is taken away

I've already spoken about this in the previous video

the importance of wood of certain trees and the magical properties

so without going any further, you probably feel quite tired by now if you have reached this far in this video

congratulations and go rest a while

too much information in one day calls for rest so one can settle all information and absorb it

alright friends thank you so much for your time and for being in here for another lesson

check out the previous video and see you on the next one

tack för idag (thank you for today!)

For more infomation >> Icelandic Magical Staves #2 - Duration: 22:17.


John Lithgow Threw a Skinny-Dipping Party While Filming Footloose - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> John Lithgow Threw a Skinny-Dipping Party While Filming Footloose - Duration: 4:24.


TIMOTHÉE VA À L'ÉCOLE - Fleur de cerisier - Duration: 24:58.

For more infomation >> TIMOTHÉE VA À L'ÉCOLE - Fleur de cerisier - Duration: 24:58.


The Interview: Simone Zaza, Valencia CF player - Duration: 7:05.

"I feel very good here. Since I arrived, I've felt very good in the city and with my teammates.

That's still the same. I feel very good, very calm, and that's the most important thing for me."

"I have a good relationship with everyone. For example, in the attack there are two

places and we have three or four strikers, but we all help each other. Some play more, some

play less, but in the end it's about enjoying being on the team, because whoever plays does well."

"We're in very good shape. We've started the season very well, but we know it's hard to stay there.

We have to continue like this, keep humble and put in a lot of work, because

at the end of the season, if we all give 100%, we can enjoy many good things."

"We have to do things well and calmly. Step by Step. It's normal that we really want to get into Europe,

but at the same time we know that it is difficult. On a personal level I want

to score a lot of goals and, at a team level, qualify for Europe."

"Now we are up at the top and the hardest thing comes now, which is to stay there until the end.

We have to have a spectacular season physically and especially on a mental level."

"I was good with Marcelo from the beginning. The only thing was that we are two people with a lot of character

and we had to get to know each other. Now we are fine. He asks a lot of his players. I'd never played

his way before, so I had to learn many things and I still have many things to learn,

but now things are going well and I want to continue like this."

"I liked the MVP award a lot, but it's not just down to me, it's the

merit of the whole team for helping me. Without them I can't score. I am very

grateful for the award and I want to share it with all my teammates."

"We are playing very well, but the fans are at the same level as us,

because they are helping us a lot and encouraging us."

When we play at Mestalla, from the time the bus arrives I can't wait for the game to start,

because the atmosphere there is incredible. I also have a particular relationship with the fans because

they have always helped me since I arrived here. I didn't arrive at a good time, but I can see that the people love me.

That makes me very happy, and I want to enjoy every goal I score at Mestalla and celebrate with them."

"I like LaLiga a lot because it's a more open style of play and there are more chances to score.

You run a lot, but above all there is a lot of technique. There are many

good players with the ball at their feet. I like it very much."

"I have no reason to leave here. I'm feeling good, I'm playing, I'm doing well at the moment and

the team are winning. Also here you live very well and you eat very well.

I don't know why I should leave. I want to continue here. I'm really good here."

For more infomation >> The Interview: Simone Zaza, Valencia CF player - Duration: 7:05.


Rebel Wilson Is John Lithgow's Australian Accent Coach - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Rebel Wilson Is John Lithgow's Australian Accent Coach - Duration: 2:36.


10 Years Ago... Matchday 12 LaLiga 2007/2008 - Duration: 3:17.

Ten years ago, Real Madrid won a very close match against Mallorca at the Santiago Bernabeu.

Bernd Schuster's side topped the table coming into a game that proved harder than expected.

Among the protagonists in the contest were Robinho and Varela.

The Brazilian managed to beat Lux on two occasions, the most outstanding of

which was the goal that culminated a combination move with Marcelo.

Varela scored from 35 metres out with a shot impossible for Casillas to save.

Something very different happened to FC Barcelona, who suffered a painful defeat against Getafe at the Coliseum Alfonso Perez.

Manu del Moral and Albin left Barça on the ropes and yet to win in LaLiga.

Away from the Camp Nou, they had taken just 6 points from a possible 18 -the worst away start since Frank Rijkaard's arrival in 2003.

At Mestalla, Ronald Koeman debuted as Valencia coach with a comfortable

win against Murcia, as David Villa displayed his scoring prowess.

The Spaniard grabbed two goals that delighted the home fans once more

after the heavy defeat incurred at home against Real Madrid.

Los Che had great performances from Silva and Albelda, as both participated in the goals for the rejuvenated team.

At El Madrigal, Villarreal continued to state their case to continue in the fight for the LaLiga title.

They managed to beat a Sevilla side who fought hard until the 86th minute,

when a penalty converted by Matias Fernandez, killed off the game.

Guille Franco provided two of the three goals for the Yellow Submarine, and was undoubtedly the man of the match.

Espanyol continued making club history under Ernesto Valverde.

With their victory against Athletic Club, Los Pericos went eight games unbeaten.

Joaquin Caparros' team defended well to fend off the attacking moves of Raul Tamudo,

but in the last minute Aitor Ocio mishit a clearance and scored an own goal.

The Lions continued their losing streak against Espanyol, making it almost 10 years since they had last beaten them.

For more infomation >> 10 Years Ago... Matchday 12 LaLiga 2007/2008 - Duration: 3:17.


Trump's Approval Rating, Animal Manure Notebooks - Monologue - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Trump's Approval Rating, Animal Manure Notebooks - Monologue - Duration: 2:53.


My Best Friend: Jorge Molina and Molinero - Duration: 2:30.

"Hello, I'm Molinero, from Getafe, and my best friend is Jorge Molina"

What superstition do I have before going onto the pitch?"

"You don't have superstitions. You are a classic person. You dress, put on your boots and play"

"If I get this one ... I'm leaving"

"It's right, yes"

"Come on! We know each other well, don't we ... "

"Of course, he sits right next to me in the dressing room"

"I think had this, and also do you kiss your wedding ring?

"Yes ..."

"Hey, I know you better than your wife! ... (laughs)"

"Well, as the romantic soul that you know that I am ... Who is my favourite singer or music group?"

"Wait, I don't even know that! (laughs)"

"It's someone who does 'remixes'"

"Luis Fonsi? Well almost…"

"Who is the athlete I admire the most?"

"That's easy, me! (laughs)"

"'re not even close!"

"I think it's ... Rafa Nadal"

"Which sport would I have dedicated myself to, if I were not a footballer?"

"You, none ... (laughs)"


"Cyclist or Formula 1 driver. Yes!"

"I was going to put motorsport too ..."

"I got excited with Formula 1 driver (laughs)"

"What's my favorite table game?"


"Yes, poker. There have been many trips..."

"What kind of hobby do I have outside of football?"

"Watching 'Game of Thrones'"

"He's mad about 'Game of Thrones'"

"Yes, I admit it"

"With the 'spoilers' and everything"

"What is the smiley that I use the most on my mobile?"

"But you don't usually use emoticons ..."

"Not many"

"I'm going to draw the last one you sent to me"

"You sent me the heart emoticon (laughs)"

"What a fake! (laughs) You've gone with the easy to draw!"

"What is the best dish I cook?"

"He doesn't cook anything. Everything he does, he puts in the 'minipimer' and that's what he gets out.

But he doesn't do anything in the kitchen "

"Go to 'Foster's'! (laughs)"

For more infomation >> My Best Friend: Jorge Molina and Molinero - Duration: 2:30.


Rainbow Wheels On The Bus | Bottle Squad Rhymes | Superhero Videos | Songs For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:06:43.

Bottle Squad with a boom we are ready to zoom

Bottle Squad!

Bottle Squad ! Be strong,

Be brave,

Be smart,

Be kind

Solving problems we don't mind!

We are the closest friends you'll ever find.

Bottle Squad

Ba Ba Bottle Squad

Wheels on the bus..

"Where is the bus?"

"It should be here any moment!"

"I'm kind of nervous about riding a bus."

"Whatcha waiting for, Ben?"

"I don't know. I've never ridden a bus before. It's kind of scary to try new things…"

"Well don't worry, Ben! You'll be save here on the bus with us! Look! Barkie saved you a seat by him!"


"Alright everyone! Let's go!"

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round

'Round and 'round 'Round and 'round

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round

All through the town!

BARKIE & BABBLES bark and meow,

Bark and meow, Bark and meow,

BARKIE & BABBLES bark and meow,

All through the town

We are on our way to the zoo, way to the zoo

Way to the zoo

We are on our way to the zoo… Come join us too!..

"It looks like we have a flat tire… but what could have caused it…"

"Just one moment!"

"I used my super smarts and saw that this is what caused our flat tire."

"Do you have a spare tire?"

"Hmmm…We know what to do"

"Ba ba boom We're ready to ZOOOM!"

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish

Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish swish, swish, swish

All through the town

The engine on the bus goes Vroom, vroom, vroom,

Vroom, vroom, vroom, Vroom, vroom, vroom,

The engine on the bus goes vroom, vroom, vroom,

All through the town.

We are on our way to the zoo, way to the zoo

Way to the zoo

We are on our way to the zoo… Come join us too!..

ZOO!! Straight ahead!!!"


"See Ben? It wasn't too terrible!"

"I'm sorry if it was a bit bumpy… After all, I don't know how to drive! Haha!

If you need a help u can count on us...

That's her ba ba promise to you!


We don't mind we are


In the walls below basic for show

We see you

Battle squad be strong be brave be smart be kind selfie problems. We don't mind

We are closest friends you'll ever find

Babies there are some visitors waiting for you at the mission center. They need your help

This early in the day. I wouldn't look at be

Battle squad be strong be brave be smart the kind solving problems. We don't mind

We are close to spent you'll ever find

Why don't you ask mr.. Yellow what happened oh, I didn't mean to

Sorry, mr. Green

it all started when we were walking into the forests collecting honey for a new recipe and

Right then we ran into the riddle me which

Me wish haven't you heard of Ruby which she lives a little far two trucks? You looked ahead swing her riddles

And then she takes away, what is yours like she?

Took away, she took away our colors

Mr.. Green mr.. Yellow mr.. Indigo mr. Blue mr.. Orange

Mr. Violet, and I were no match for her

That's terrible we'll get your colors back. Don't you fret time to power up?

Hold it right there riddle me, which those colors belong to our friends I

Was expecting you bottle squad

I'll give you the colors if you can answer three simple rhythms bring it on

It's Luke's game it opens around what you eat is around, but what you spit out is black?

Watermelon, it's a watermelon

Orange violet together blue red and indigo that is in the rainbow

Again slowly miss

Violet and you go yellow orange and three green dancers green

Black and white and red all over

How can something be black and white when it's red all over a

Newspaper is black and white and red all over. Thank you for helping us with the answer riddle me which

We would like those colors now

Thank You babies for bringing our color back

Anything for you mr.. Red and for our favorite colors mr.. Blue mr.. Green mr.. Yellow, mr.. Orange mr.

violet and mr., indigo

Be strong be brave be smart be kind selfie problems. We don't mind we are close to special effort

With a yen in five babies, let's eat

For three

You're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy, and you know it

If you're happy, and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy

And you know it clap your hands if you're happy, and you know it some peace if you're happy

And you know it stomp your feet

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet

If you're happy, and you know it shout hurray

If you're happy, and you know it shout hurray

If you're happy, and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy, and you know it shout hurray

If you're happy one when I clap your hands if you're happy and you know it clap your hands

If you're happy, and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy, and you know it clap your hands

You're happy and you know it snap your fingers if you're happy, and you know

It if you're happy, and you know it snap your fingers if you're happy

And you know it strike a pose if you're happy

And you know it strike a pose if you're happy

And you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy, and you know it strike a pose

If you're happy and you know it jump around if you're happy, and you know it jump around

If you're happy, and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy, and you know it jump around

If you're happy, and you know it do all eyes

If you're happy, and you know it do all five

Surely show it if you're happy, and you know it do all five

We power up it don't give up that's our Baba promise feel


Battle squad be strong be brave be smart the kind solving problems. We don't mind

We are close to spend you'll ever find

What a beautiful day to get some fresh air

Something's here

Be strong be brave be smart kind something problems. We don't mind we are closed to special emperor

Hey little guy it's okay, we're here to help you he must have lost his mommy


See three footprints heading over that hill over there, I don't know which one are the mommy bears let me help

The ones leading to the bush are squirrel tracks

The ones leading into the cave our Fox Trax

The ones that lead over the hill are definitely bear tracks

We don't want them to get in danger, can I trust you guys to keep them safe?

Don't worry we'll get you out of here in no time

Wait we aren't heavy enough that way that there use your super strength to get the biggest rock you can find. I'm on it

Generally walk away from us towards the other side we have your back

I'm glad we could help

Well now that's what I call a bear hug

If you yell you can count on us, that's our Baba promise see you you

Be strong be brave be smart be kind something problems. We don't mind we are the closest friends you'll ever find

Now that we finished our homework

Hey, where's perky

Where is Sparky I can't see him around let's see in the pillar room after having his fill of tree


Battle squad be strong be brave be smart be kind selfie problems. We don't mind

We are close to spend you'll ever find


I've looked everywhere. He's nowhere to be seen we need to split up and find him. Do you know where Becky can be?


MALDI he's in the mall

Let's split up and check the mall but before that let's power up you guys stay here. Okay. We'll be back soon

Barney was talking about something important he had to do all day, and he was being really secretive about it. I wonder why?

Where click bar key B, which is his favorite shop in the mall bingo?


Sorry thought you were my friend never seen bar key anywhere

There was a dog that came in but with another little girl from the description. I was given. It sounds like barky

He was given lots of candy treats, and he left with a little girl. Oh no did barky leave us

Whatever it is we must find them he's our pet let's go

Beckoned Deveny you head that way then inaudible head this way we'll sign him today

Where are you little fella, you scared us we thought you away

Be strong be brave be smart be kind something problems. We don't mind we are closest friends. You'll ever find

Guys I found a note it says

An adventure awaits you babies today using your brains with fun and play

1/300 you learns accounts day by day you learn a certain amount you will be given a clue for starts

Then you'll find a riddle so use your smarts your force riddle and your clue at the end of surprise for you

finish your surprise

Numbers just what I love

Here's the riddle I'm something that gets inflated, but I'm not a tire and when I'm filled with helium

Let go and I thought higher and higher the clue barkis doghouse

Something that gets inflated, but I'm not a tire and when I'm filled with helium let go and I slip higher and higher

Hmm, I wonder what that could be guys a balloon it gets inflated

Just like a tire and when they're filled with helium they slow

Only super smarts to think oh well we do have some balloons left from Buzzy's birthday

Nothing's too heavy for me. Why don't you guys go to Barney's doll house, and I will join you there, okay?

Got it great job Blake, maybe we should count them when we fill them with helium. Yeah. Yeah, Oh

one two




Six seven eight nine

Ten great counting Bethenny, let's all count with Bethenny

Hmm guys look there's a metal hook for the balloons. I think we need to attach it there

I'm usually white but not a sheet of paper dogs have rubber toys of me not rubber balls, but greater oh

Oh boy we have to dig up his rubber bones

How many do you think there are I don't know

But I do know we need to count starting at 11 we need to keep track of where we are from 1 to 100

12 13 14 15 16 17

Well it seems like that's where our next riddle is yeah, but it's late

Place right, we should call it a day more fun in numbers tomorrow same time same place

We should get all of our bones and balloons back to the mission center. I want to see our progress

create yeah



Have at it boy

Squat be strong be brave be smart kind something problems. We don't mind

We are close to spend you'll ever find

Good morning babies are you ready for part two of the numbers adventure?

Yes, color right even have fun. Counting 21 for 40 guys look a new riddle

These things are made of metal you might have many or single if you give them a good shape they make a lovely

jingle jingle

Yeah, but how can you have mini or single of Santa's sleigh oh?

Yeah wait you're right back up. Oh well almost it's not fastly, but honestly

Guys it's babbles color great job in her colors are all over the place

Let's split up and look for them good idea


Can't believe this little kitten can make such a huge mess

Hmm missing one I have a feeling we didn't find them all because we haven't absolutely yet



The next riddle amuse for flight especially on birds. I'm the lightest of things except for fur

In the pillow room

You really are kidding when you say you have super smart

Where are the babies after my fee

Guys look here, it's different

First my colors. Oh, this is my beautiful coats there it is a bit better

Whoa there's some Freddie, let's get back to the mission center to captain


Know I don't like waiting either all right, so we ended on 30 with the collars so we start with 31

It looks like my super smart circuit pages

Together 21

22 23 24






30 31





I think it's your turn to get your things taken

Looks like bosnia's founder next clue shall we

Squad be strong be brave be smart be kind something problems. We don't mind we our closest friends

You'll ever find

Good morning ladies today watch is part three of our numbers adventure. I'm so excited

Me too

I'm excited my things get left alone yeah

Beat you

Now the riddles spaced across Fozzie's milk cartons

You'll find that there's 41 5050 leave it to bazi to drink ten cans of milk in a day

41 42 43 44






Fozzie we're not taking them forever even have them back once we're done I

Didn't finish my milk you can have the rest if we can borrow your mom cartons

Just a bit how does that sound they do keep their word Fozzie Bear?

Let's make sure they're in the right order

Yeah, where's the next riddle, I think I know

They're what makes a rainbow, but not the colors all we use at school and at home

We need to go to the classroom

Why don't you apply bath and crayons there the colors in the rainbow that we can use at school and at home in

The high school is in our homes

It has to be here somewhere


Fuzzy there's the first carton of milk in the kitchen if you want it

That was very clever Bethany

Here's our pocket rainbow do you think it's in the box only one way to find out


Looks like a clue

It just says rainbow wrapping it has to be talking about the rainbow crayon

Maybe the next riddle is on the inner side of that wrapping

136 eight more than halfway through

With this next ripple another adventure awaits you you last furry friend Plus this veggie

That doesn't cost too much money

Speaking of veggies it's time for dinner it sounds great

41 52 53 54 55

We'll search more tomorrow same time same place

We don't give up that's our Baba promise see you

Squad be strong be brave be smart the kind something problems

We don't mind. We are close to spend you'll ever find

Well good morning mr. Sun. Why is he always so bright?

Today let's go

Our clue was

136 tea more than halfway through

With this next riddle an adventure awaits you you lass. Furry friends loves this veggie that doesn't cost too much money. Oh


Oh boy

As long as it's not our favorite one that she's leaving with I have a feeling. We'll need it

Let's start with her other carrot dolls. It should be around the classroom. Let's look for them before she gets up. We should power up

The orange one I think we might need it, let's get our little caper down here to thought sewer

I told you it's about time they took your things

So I think you figured it out, huh

Really need it for a moment to count Beansie girl. It'll be back to you by the end of the day promise

Thank you

So we ended on 60 yesterday, which means we start with 61 right

Yep 62 63 64

You guys great helps me when I'm down. I figured you could use it

Hey look there's a pocket inner carrot be super careful

Congratulations on corralling your friends to give you their favorite items that lend

now for another challenging feat a musical item that gives a beat use for marching bands for a football game or

Use on a stage for fame okay a beat like a cowbell

Huh a job keeps the beat. Oh, yeah

Then where's your toy drum? It's somewhere in here. I love to buy the Cubbies Oh

Found the drumsticks Bucky you think you could throw it where the drama siding

Let's see what Bucky I think he wants me to fight the loud bucket oh

I hid it in the bottom drawer of the dresser over there. Why'd you hide it? I have sensitive ears

You know the lad bucket hurts them

Well I found the drum and then some

We've been doing all their counting you guys want to count this one together, yeah

To see our progress all right

Ready ready

Break I think she made a quick stop in a baby boot camp to do a quick workout to power her money

She's really getting into this counting

Great work Blake what's it? Say you've almost made it babies

That's super great, but now you'll need to lift some super weight

You'll climb the monkey bars and run the treadmill you'll have to conquer the poop can the holds room

Sounds like honey - I got some

Pretty sleepy let's recap before we go to bed


Yeah, good job guys. We make a great team and so do our little capers

Your bean see girl. Thank you for lending it to us

Squad be strong be brave be smart kind something problems. We don't mind

We are closest friends your Emperor fine

I've never seen you so excited about learning

I'm beginning to feel super smart learning all these numbers, but let's power up and head to the baby boot camp

Wow Blake you were really in a hurry like I said

Using super smarts like you plus when I was going through my morning workout

It bothered me to see the numbers all jumbled up like that since already in line. Let's count them all together


Wait we're missing -

Hmm I

Know she's super strong, but this


That was sweet of you guys impressive you can't be maintained my super Street

What did I miss just baazi going in circles without you?

But where's the next riddle

Mrs.. Mission

Center mission dinner time to go, but here

Now that's the way to finish

Here you little papers earn these guys

For more infomation >> Rainbow Wheels On The Bus | Bottle Squad Rhymes | Superhero Videos | Songs For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:06:43.


கமல் என்னிடம் தவறாக நடந்து கொண்டார் ஜூலி வெளியிட்ட அதிர்ச்சி தகவல் கொந்தளிக்கும் கமல் ரசிகர்கள் - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> கமல் என்னிடம் தவறாக நடந்து கொண்டார் ஜூலி வெளியிட்ட அதிர்ச்சி தகவல் கொந்தளிக்கும் கமல் ரசிகர்கள் - Duration: 1:19.


Whatsapp Se Paise Kaise Kamaye | Earn Money From WhatsApp 2018 Trick | Youtube - Duration: 10:10.

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do not forget to SUBSCRIBE button

do not forget to SUBSCRIBE button

do not forget to SUBSCRIBE button

do not forget to SUBSCRIBE button

do not forget to SUBSCRIBE button

do not forget to SUBSCRIBE button

For more infomation >> Whatsapp Se Paise Kaise Kamaye | Earn Money From WhatsApp 2018 Trick | Youtube - Duration: 10:10.


Coldwave advisories expected tonight _ 110817 - Duration: 1:52.

Hello I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.

Yellow dust carried by northwesterly winds has blanketed the central region, and other

parts of the nation as well,...putting the condition at bad levels.

Meanwhile, dust is not the only concern we are having tonight weatherwise.

The Korea Meteorological Administration announced some areas in the capital, as well as Gangwon-do

and Chungcheong-do provinces will be issued coldwave advisories after 11 pm tonight.

A coldwave advisory is a weather alert issued when temperatures plunge to below 3 degrees

Celsius and when there is a drop of at least 10 degrees in a 24-hour time period.

With that said, Seoul will start off tomorrow at 3 degrees Celsius, while Daegu and Busan

will wake up to 3 and 9 degrees respectively.

Clear skies will dominate the nation for most of the day, with Seoul topping out at 16 degrees,

while Gwangju and Busan peak both at 19 degrees.

Another round of rain is in the forecast this week,... and after that, expect conditions

to become chillier.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

For more infomation >> Coldwave advisories expected tonight _ 110817 - Duration: 1:52.


Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies | Videos For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 1:11:29.

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.

She had so many children and loved them all too...

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.

She had so many children and loved them all too...

For more infomation >> Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies | Videos For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 1:11:29.


Barbie Hair 💇 Barbie Hairstyle Tutorial 😱 Barbie Hair Color Transformation 😱 - Duration: 10:06.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time!

Please LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE for more!

For more infomation >> Barbie Hair 💇 Barbie Hairstyle Tutorial 😱 Barbie Hair Color Transformation 😱 - Duration: 10:06.


100%Working | కొత్తిమీరతినేముందుఇవితెలుసుకోండి| Coriander Uses In Telugu For Sure | Divya Sanjeevini - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> 100%Working | కొత్తిమీరతినేముందుఇవితెలుసుకోండి| Coriander Uses In Telugu For Sure | Divya Sanjeevini - Duration: 2:33.


[ENG] LuHan message for VIVOX20 11.11 event - Duration: 1:16.

Hello everyone, I'm LuHan

Compete your hand speed

Compete the network speed

Hurry up and bid it.

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan message for VIVOX20 11.11 event - Duration: 1:16.


8 Ways to Cope with the Symptoms and Side Effects of Parkinson's Disease - Duration: 7:09.

8 Ways to Cope with the Symptoms and Side Effects of Parkinson's Disease

Of all the medical diagnoses one can receive, that for Parkinson's Disease might be one

of the most devastating.

That's because, as many people are aware, Parkinson's Disease involves the steady

deterioration of nerve cells, which in time can leave an individual unable to perform

simple daily tasks, like bathing, feeding, or clothing themselves.

For these reasons (and many others), it's important that anyone who receives a Parkinson's

Disease diagnosis take a number of critical steps towards coping with their situation.

It starts with education and leads to actions that can have a significant impact on alleviating

some of the most problematic symptoms associated with the disease…


Get Educated

The first step anyone diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease should take: learning more about the


That starts with understanding how it affects the body, including its impact on the brain

and the body's nerve cells.

For many people, this may mean heading online to peruse the many websites and digital journals

that discuss Parkinson's Disease.

This is a good idea, but shouldn't be the only step one takes to learn more about the


It's important that anyone diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease have lengthy discussions

with their physician and other, qualified medical professionals who understand the disease

and its various stages.


Connect with Friends, Family

Many people who receive a diagnosis for a serious medical condition, such as Parkinson's

Disease, react by isolating themselves from others.

This is understandable, as many Parkinson's Disease patients come to see themselves as

different than their friends, family and colleagues.

It's simply a part of coming to terms with this kind of diagnosis.

That said, this kind of self-isolation can be problematic.

It can intensify the depression that tends to accompany a Parkinson's diagnosis.

The best solution to this problem is getting out more and spending more time with friends

and family.

Sharing how you're feeling with those closest to you can be a valuable coping mechanism.


Be Active

The first response to a Parkinson's Disease diagnosis may be to cease participating in

many of the activities, especially physical activities, that one previous enjoyed.

This is often a side effect of the depression and anxiety that can accompany a diagnosis.

But being physically active can help fight many of the mental health issues that tend

to make living with Parkinson's Disease more difficult than it needs to be, according

to the National Parkinson Foundation.

That's because physical exercise releases endorphins that can help maintain or even

boost our feelings of satisfaction.

Exercise can also help us improve our physical endurance and help us resist fatigue.

So, don't give up on being physically active—it's worth the effort.


Talk to a Mental Health Professional

While it's a great idea to speak with your friends and family about a Parkinson's Disease

diagnosis, including the feelings of stress and sadness that can sometimes accompany that

diagnosis, they may not have the expertise required to help you understand the disease

and how to cope with it.

For that reason, it's a good idea to speak with a mental health professional who is trained

in helping people manage a diagnosis associated with a serious physical illness, like Parkinson's


A psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker can help you take steps to understand your

illness and develop methods for effectively dealing with the mental health issues that



Continue Doing the Things you Love

A diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease might make everything you enjoy doing—whether

it's reading, traveling, listening to music, playing video games, getting together with

friends, or watching sports—far less important than they were before.

But, in reality, continuing to enjoy these kinds of activities is even more important

after receiving a Parkinson's Disease diagnosis.

That's because doing the things you love can help take your mind off the illness.

More importantly, they can help alleviate stress, which if left untreated could have

a compounding effect on your overall health and wellness.

That's why many physicians and mental health experts recommend anyone diagnosed with Parkinson's

Disease keep doing the things they love—even if that can take more effort than ever before.


Consider an Antidepressant

Years ago, the idea of visiting a psychiatrist to explore one's mental health problems

and to, if necessary, take an antidepressant, was widely derided.

Even today, when mental health issues and their serious consequences are openly discussed,

many people continue to remain hesitant to take medications designed to help alleviate

the symptoms associated with anxiety and depression, according to this study from the Michael J.

Fox Foundation.

Indeed, antidepressants are hardly perfect—many have side effects that can make life more,

and not less, difficult.

But not all people suffer these side effects and, in many cases, antidepressants can have

a significant impact on alleviating mental health issues.

So, if a Parkinson's Disease diagnosis has left you feeling anxious or depressed, don't

be afraid to have a candid conversation with your doctor about taking an antidepressant.


Speak with a Support Group

While those diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease may see a lot of benefit to talking with their

friends, family members, and doctor about their health, they may receive additional

help by seeking out support groups consisting of people sharing similar experiences.

For example, people who are also dealing with Parkinson's or other disease that harm the

nervous system.

There are several benefits to speaking with a support group of this kind.

For one, it will help a patient see that there are other people facing similar challenges;

in other words, they are not alone.

Second, it will help a patient better understand the disease and prepare for what's to come.

Finally, it will give a Parkinson's patient a forum for expressing their feelings and,

in turn, alleviating the stress that can build up following a Parkinson's Disease diagnosis.


Consider Natural Remedies

Upon being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, many people will fall into a depression or

struggle with anxiety.

In seeking help for these mental health issues, they may speak with their doctor about taking


However, some Parkinson's patients may feel uncomfortable about the idea of taking medication

that can come with serious side effects.

The good news is that there are some natural remedies that can help with depression, anxiety,

and even some of the physical symptoms that come with a Parkinson's Disease diagnosis.

One common natural treatment is from, which suggests uric acid, vitamin E, and coenzyme

Q10 or biofeedback, massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic yoga among alternative treatments

that have shown some benefits in Parkinson's studies.

For more infomation >> 8 Ways to Cope with the Symptoms and Side Effects of Parkinson's Disease - Duration: 7:09.


Vidya Balan Movies List - Duration: 1:29.

Vidya Balan Movies List

For more infomation >> Vidya Balan Movies List - Duration: 1:29.


NATO chief calls for diplomatic and political pressure against North Korea - Duration: 1:44.

The head of NATO is calling on the international community to put greater diplomatic and political

pressure on North Korea.... on top of the economic sanctions most countries have already

slapped on the regime.

Jens Stoltenberg stressed the threat posed by Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs,

but also said any military conflict on the Korean Peninsula would be a catastrophe.

Kim Hyo-sun tells us more.

NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is demanding greater diplomatic and political

pressure against North Korea.

Speaking at a press conference in Brussels on Tuesday ahead of the NATO Defense Ministers'

Meeting,... Stoltenberg reiterated that Pyongyang's nuclear and missile development must be stopped

as it's a threat to the entire world.

(ENGLISH) "No one wants war.

But at the same time we have to avoid that North Korea continues to develop nuclear weapons

and long range missiles and therefore we need to put pressure on them by diplomatic means,

by political means but not least by economic sanctions."

He then welcomed the UN Security Council's adoption of intensified economic sanctions

against the regime in September following its sixth nuclear test and missile tests.

Saying the North's nuclear issue will be a major agenda of the two-day meeting,... he

also stressed NATO's capability and strong commitment to counter any kind of attack.

Stoltenberg also announced NATO plans to send around three-thousand more troops to Afghanistan,

half of them from the United States,... in an effort to bolster support for training

the Afghan army.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

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