Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

12 Surprising Secrets of the INFJ Personality Type

INFJ from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument is believed to be the rarest personality

type, and to make up less than 2% of the population.

INFJs can be difficult to spot due to the fact that they are not prevalent in society

and tend to be reserved individuals.

However, INFJs make fiercely loyal friends, empathetic and organized workers, and exceptional

leaders for causes they deem worthy and for the greater good of humanity.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 12 surprising secrets of the INFJ personality


If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future!

So, let's take a look at some of the "secrets" of what it means to be an INFJ personality



INFJs are true introverts.

Yet people not very close to them believe them to be extroverts.

This happens because INFJs can be social chameleons and have an innate ability to blend in in

any social setting.

The INFJ can be the life of the party for a night or two, showcasing their inviting

nature and vivaciousness.

However, this is never prolonged because, in introverted-fashion, they lose energy from


Those close to an INFJ know that this type prefers bars over clubs and barbecues over

balls, and can give a speech to thousands of people

but cringes at the idea of mingling with the crowd afterward.

Eventually, this type will need to retreat home for some quiet time to "recharge their

batteries," or they will become very on-edge and exhausted.


INFJs are sensitive to conflict.

Fe makes INFJs seek harmony in their relationships.

They strive to create good feelings whenever they interact with someone.

So when conflict arises, especially in close relationships, INFJs can become extremely


They may have trouble sleeping or lose focus at school or work.

They may even feel the stress of the conflict physically in their bodies, getting headaches,

muscle aches, upset stomaches, etc.

This does not mean INFJs should avoid conflict by becoming passive pushovers or constant


INFJs should set boundaries and stick up for their own needs.

They can do this in a way that's diplomatic, using the warmth and understanding that flow

naturally from their Fe.


One of their greatest strengths is their ability to create intimacy.

In the presence of casual acquaintances, INFJs might come across as quiet and reserved.

Remember, they usually don't open up to people right away.

But INFJs are actually extremely relational.

Because they can feel other people's pain and joy, they are able to truly walk in another

person's shoes like no other personality type can.

This ability to empathize creates strong bonds of intimacy.


INFJs absorb other people's emotions.

No other Myers-Briggs personality type has this unique ability.

Some INFJs even report absorbing the emotions of strangers.

An INFJ may suddenly feel grumpy, only to look around the room and discover a grumpy-looking

person has just walked in.

The closer the person is emotionally to the INFJ, like a spouse or best friend, the more

likely it is that the INFJ will absorb that person's mental state.

To feel not only your own strong emotions, but those of other people too, can be overwhelming.

But the INFJ's ability can also be used to bring emotional healing and comfort to


"The ability to unconsciously absorb other people's emotions with very little information

to go on.

"INFJs have the ability to get inside the suffering of others and tell them it's going

to be okay."


INFJs feel profoundly misunderstood.

Many INFJs feel deeply misunderstood.

The reason many people are not on the same wavelength as the INFJ is because the INFJ's

dominant function is Introverted Intuition (Ni).

(A personality type's "dominant function" is the primary way that person takes in and

processes information.

It's the main way a person interacts with the world.)

Ni subconsciously notices patterns.

Specifically, INFJs notice patterns related to human nature,

because their secondary function, Extroverted Feeling (Fe), orients them toward people.

Ni works mysteriously and subconsciously.

It allows the INFJ to know information without knowing why or how they know it.

Often, INFJs give up trying to explain their ability.

Or they don't try at all, because they know how unusual it sounds.

This leaves them feeling isolated and misunderstood.


INFJs have amazing long-range forecasting abilities.

Sometimes INFJs may feel like prophets or fortune-tellers.

That's because Ni helps them see the big picture, notice patterns, and make predictions

for the future based on the patterns they've observed.

For example, let's say an INFJ meets a new love interest.

Right away, possibly within minutes, they start predicting where the relationship could


Could they see themselves marrying this person or would it just be a fling?

If they don't think the relationship will bring the desired outcome, "they may immediately

cut themselves off from that relationship.

However, INFJs are not actually psychic.

They see what could be, not necessarily what will happen with absolute certainty.

But mature INFJs have honed their forecasting abilities well.


Though they are Feelers, INFJs can easily access their Thinking ability.

INFJs often mistype as INTJs, the "Thinking" twin of the INFJ.

Although INFJs are indeed people-oriented, due to their third function, Introverted Thinking

(Ti), they are also analytical and scientific.

They may enjoy careers in technology, the sciences, and research.

Because Fe is second in their functional stack and Ti is third, these two functions are fairly

balanced in the INFJ.

Indeed, INFJs don't outwardly appear as emotional as an ENFJ or ESFJ, whose Feeling

function is their dominant function.

An INFJ might lament that they are "too emotional for the Thinkers but too logical

for the Feelers."

But this common sense comes in handy, making INFJs generally balanced and well-rounded.


INFJs know a lot about people.

Ni and Fe work together to gather information about people.

But INFJs don't just remember when someone's birthday is or how they take their coffee;

INFJs use Ni to penetrate below the surface.

They get into other people's heads and figure out what makes them tick.

For example, they understand that the emotional pain their friend is experiencing stems not

just from their ex's recent unkind words, but also from a deep fear of not feeling valued.

They often know when someone is lying even to themselves.

INFJs are not consciously aware of how they know so much about other people, and they

rarely reveal the depth of their knowledge.


Many relationships are one-sided for INFJs.

INFJs tend to be great listeners because they truly care about other people.

Likewise, they enjoy helping others understand their emotions and grow.

They're nicknamed "the Counselor" for a reason.

Unfortunately, this may result in the INFJ's relationships becoming one-sided.

Other people come to the INFJ when they need to vent.

Or they may take advantage of the INFJ's desire to help.

One day, the INFJ wakes up and wonders why their relationships are so draining.

The people in the INFJ's life are getting so much out of the relationship but the INFJ

is getting little in return.

What INFJs need is relationships that are a two-way exchange of fulfillment, support,

and understanding.


INFJs are looking for their soul mates.

INFJs desire to connect deeply with others.

Shallow, one-sided relationships won't do.

Likewise, because they are introverts, they have limited social energy.

So INFJs look for friends or a partner who are their "soul mates."

These are people who truly click with the INFJ and can feed their very real need for

authentic connection, intimacy, and meaningful conversation.

However, INFJs often struggle to create the kind of relationships they desire.

When they do find people with whom they truly connect, it feels like a miracle.


INFJs are "fixers," and they gravitate towards people who need help.

This type loves a good fixer-upper and with their ability to see the "good bones" of another

person, their true motives and intentions, and to readily provide comfort and compassion,

they fall victim to the Broken Wing Theory, or the idea that they can rescue others who

have a "broken wing," or who have been dealt a poor hand.

This can be rewarding for the hopeful INFJ but also frustrating and depleting when boundaries

are overstepped.


INFJs are visionaries who always see the big picture.

This type tends to always operate about ten steps ahead.

They are skilled planners and focus their sights on the end goal and what is needed

to propel them there.

However, while INFJs are off in dreamland about their futures, they can sometimes forget

to be present in the world that is happening now.

As a result, they do well with other more grounded types who can remind them to live

in the moment.

All in all, that's the 12 surprising secrets of the INFJ personality type.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for Watching!

For more infomation >> 12 Surprising Secrets of the INFJ Personality Type - Duration: 10:38.


Japan: Illumination - Yomiuri Land - Duration: 3:49.

Hello! These subtitles are just for fun.

You don't need to read them, you can just enjoy the scenery.

Right now Rinaberry is riding a cable car.

The lights are up in the mountains,

so when you arrive it feels like you are entering a whole new world--

The ferries wheel is so big! (*´з`)

Eeeee, a rollercoaster!

Is this a tunnel of love? (^^♪

Woooooow!!! (≧◇≦)

Is that a water slide? (/・ω・)/

Uwa! so coooool~

Magic lights (/・ω・)/

Another roller-coaster?

Watch watch!

Aaaaaahhh!!! (/ω\)

Whoooosh! (=゚ω゚)ノ

Oh oh, karts?

Couples kart? (;_;)

Heee, Crepes! (^^)/

The price seems good!

Lots of fun rides to go on~

I want to try (*´з`)

Roller coaster for children? so cool~

Back on the cable car! bye bye pretty lights!

For more infomation >> Japan: Illumination - Yomiuri Land - Duration: 3:49.



For more infomation >> INTERVIEW OF A FRENCH GIRL IN KOREAN I #1 - Duration: 6:41.


Le Vere cause dell'Incontinenza. Perchè la Ginnastica Pelvica è meglio delle altre soluzioni - Duration: 17:00.

For more infomation >> Le Vere cause dell'Incontinenza. Perchè la Ginnastica Pelvica è meglio delle altre soluzioni - Duration: 17:00.


Barbra Streisand Inspired Jonathan Groff's Portrayal of King George in Hamilton - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Barbra Streisand Inspired Jonathan Groff's Portrayal of King George in Hamilton - Duration: 6:15.


DIY How to make Advent calendar (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #415 - Duration: 2:29.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make Advent calendar.

I made this video by request from my viewers.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Cut the cardboard rolls in a half.

Cut a rectangle out of wrapping paper. 10cm x 20cm.

Glue the paper to a piece of cardboard roll.

We need 24 pieces as this one.

Use a twine and a marker to draw a big circle. About 34cm in diameter.

Now draw a smaller circle inside it. About 26cm in diameter.

Cut off the big circle...

...and then a small circle.

Apply the glue and wrap the cardboard by using wrapping paper.

Apply glue on the end of cardboard roll and glue it to the cardboard.

Glue second roll next to the first one.

Glue all the rolls.

Put a candy inside a roll and tie the paper by using ribbon.

Do the same with all the rolls.

Cut off the printed numbers.

Glue the adhesive foam squares on the back of numbers.

Glue the numbers to the rolls.

And it's done.

An Advent calendar is a nice way to count the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas.

Besides the candies you can fill the rolls with some small items which are enjoyed by children.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make Advent calendar (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #415 - Duration: 2:29.


دخل من الحيط ؟! | كود 14 | 2017 | مونتاج اكشن وضحك | COD WW2 Funny Moments | كول اوف ديوتي اون لاين - Duration: 4:12.

Area Occupied

Everyone park in here

They can't shoot it if we are in front of it

Wait, there is someone

This, this game is broken man

This game is so F@#k!n broken, you should have seen what happened

Everybody pile in

How did he enter through the wall?!

holy sh!t, I just killed two with the same shot, with the shotgun


Killed the same guy again

and again

and again

can you just stop!!

ah, how F@#K!n bad can you

Stop playing war, when you are so F@#k!n horrible


I don't see why you play COD, go play Minecraft or something

Why are you so mad bro?

because this dude is sniping me from the beach

He don't know how to play!

For more infomation >> دخل من الحيط ؟! | كود 14 | 2017 | مونتاج اكشن وضحك | COD WW2 Funny Moments | كول اوف ديوتي اون لاين - Duration: 4:12.


New Long dresses for girls party dresses in amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:34.

Latest Long dresses for girls party dresses in amazon shopping online dresses

For more infomation >> New Long dresses for girls party dresses in amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:34.


Cómo usar FACEBOOK ANALYTICS para medir tus RESULTADOS de Marketing Digital - Duration: 9:02.

facebook use analytics to measure your

results of digital marketing

Today I want to talk about how you can

use this tool to better measure

the results of your campaigns

marketing in facebook

facebook analytics tools

more and give us more information and

much more detailed and if we know

use them well can take a radical turn

the results we get with this

red social

get my name is juan merodio and

Welcome to a new video

If this is your first time if you want to learn

all the tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

comienza ahora suscribiéndote a mi

canal para no perderte ninguno de los

vídeos que publicó todos los días

facebook analytics es la herramienta que

nos permite analizar las interacciones

así como otros indicadores relacionados

con la publicidad que hacemos en


es importante destacar que esta

herramienta es totalmente gratuita

pero eso sí solo va línea da con la

publicidad que hacemos en la plataforma

por lo que si no inviertes en publicidad

en facebook no podrás usar la

herramienta está ofreciendo novedades

incorporando nuevas funcionalidades como

un seguimiento más completo del embudo

de conversión de un cliente donde nos

permite ya no sólo ver el último

contacto sino poder ver la interacción

completa en el camino de conversión de

nuestro cliente

puedes ver toda la información y

acceder a esta herramienta desde

analytics punto en la

última actualización que han realizado

de de la herramienta muy recientemente

podemos destacar más funcionalidades

como sistemas de inteligencia artificial

que nos muestran que audiencias generan

un mayor engagement un seguimiento a

unicanal del usuario a través de

distintos canales la creación de

cuadros de mandos personalizados la

creación de audiencias personalizadas

basadas en los datos del seguimiento a

unicanal del usuario personalmente hay

una opción que me parece muy

interesante para muchas empresas que es

la de poder crear grupos en función del

origen del usuario lo que nos va a

permitir hacer segmentos y retargeting

sólo a esos usuarios que han seguido un

determinado camino en tu página de fans

en definitiva lo que siempre insisto la

microsegmentación como base del éxito

del marketing digital

pero para ver lo mejor y mostrarte lo

vamos a ir a la herramienta en concreto

y quiero mostrarte que datos podemos

obtener bueno ya estamos en la

herramienta de facebook analytics y como

puedes ver pues éste sería el panel

inicial donde puedes hacer una

segmentación en función de las fechas

pues personalizar los últimos 28 días

90 días

incluso los segmentos no en este caso

estamos viendo el 100% de usuarios pero

podemos crear nuevos segmentos

personalizados con distintas condiciones

lo cual lo hace especialmente

interesante donde le puedes decir pues

que tengan determinados datos

demográficos la información del

dispositivo fuente de descarga y añadir

condiciones no y darle además un

perceptible en todo ello lo cual como

digo te permita analizar una audiencia

de una manera muy interesante en este

caso podemos ver usuarios activos

mensuales semanales y diarios a lo largo

de este período usuarios únicos nuevos

y visitas a la página y el incremento

que ha tenido respecto a la a la época

anterior rango de edad si es hombre


el país unidos canadá y el canal

principal ya que nos permite hacer

integraciones con otro tipo de canales

podemos ver esta parte de de la

continuidad más detallado los países

sexo edad y dispositivos en este caso

vemos que el 36% desde ios y android

windows max mara mac y linux no tenemos

los paneles donde aquí incluso puedes

crear paneles personalizados no estés

en general pero luego tú puedes decir

oye yo quiero crear un panel en concreto

en este caso no me está dejando para

esta opción pero podríamos podríamos

crearlo en eem en otras opciones no y

después nos vamos a ir a distintos

menús con distintos tipos de


en este caso podemos ver todo el tema de

usuarios activos a lo largo del tiempo

recuerda que lo primero que hemos visto

que la inscripción en general podemos

ver temas de ingresos lo cual esto es

muy interesante para medir los ingresos

que que nos generan o como por aquí

registra eventos para ver las tendencias

de las compras realizadas incluir datos

demográficos desgloses y mucho más

para todo el tema they come resulta

especialmente interesante para mejorar y

optimizar todos nuestros canales desde

aquí podemos crear también los los

embudos de conversión podemos ver temas

de relacionados con la retención de de

la audiencia no cuando un diagrama de de

cohortes en todas en toda esta parte las

retenciones que llevamos teniendo de

cien por cien y cómo van bajando a lo

largo de las distintas semanas

podemos crear grupos no conjuntos de de

personas durante un tiempo determinado

que comprar algún criterio podemos ver

desgloses percentiles en este caso la

distribución no del valor de una

aplicación por ejemplo el 22% de

usuario ha realizado esta acción una

media de dos veces en este caso vemos un

2 por ciento de los usuarios a realizar

esta acción una media de 18 meses y

analizar todo de una manera mucho más

detallada pues por actividad usuario por

visita la página etcétera etcétera

aquí tenemos distintos tipos de eventos

también las actividades del usuario

visitas a la página si mantenemos

captación de leads páginas vistas

visualización del contenido

aquí tenemos la parte más de

depuración de decoración de eventos no

beber un poco

absolutamente todos nos vamos a ir a la

parte de personas no vamos a la parte

destacada y donde nos va a dar

información sobre la audiencia en este

caso no es lo que habíamos visto antes

podemos ver pues que en este caso es

tepic se nos dice que casi todo el mundo

esté a inglés estados unidos y canadá

y principalmente desde toronto nueva

york dicy saga san francisco y calgary

datos demográficos teníamos edad y

sexo me gustas de la página que no nos

lo muestra tipo de tecnología usada el

tipo de dispositivo versión

absolutamente todo hogar y compra estos

datos únicamente están para estados

unidos como por aquí esto es un tema de

privacidad que estos datos sólo están

disponibles para segmentos formados como

mínimo por cien personas que vivan en

estados unidos y tengan más de 18 años

este es uno de los datos que a mí me

hace especialmente interesante pero

únicamente los tenemos para audiencias

en estados unidos y aquí tenemos una

parte de configuración por si quieres

configurarlo en concreto y más ayuda

como puedes ver es una herramienta

sencilla de usar pero a la vez muy muy

efectiva para poder analizar sobre todo

sacar insight sobre comportamientos de

nuestros usuarios para fomentar las

conversiones en nuestra página web de

nuestro comercio o en nuestro tienda


yo soy yo

ese tema no voy a pensar hace tiempo y

de hecho tenía como un medio programa o

buscas una diferenciación

yo digo no te intentarlo estoy haciendo

algo al diablo pero joder yo creo que yo

le daré una vuelta porque al final hay

tanto en marketing digital es

inimaginable dar una vuelta como es que

yo idea que tenía por aquí apuntada

desde hace dos años que llevó a montar

para de gala de mattioni evernote y

resueltas y un poquillo donde tenía y

esta cosa pero va por ahí va para donde

está el dinero le rodea de gente buena

y profesores al final

conocemos a mucha gente entre los dos

que prometía y un tío bueno en

estudios buena vuelta pero buscar más

allá del marketing es decir a día de

hoy que hace un negocio que sea exitoso

porque se está muriendo toysrus se

declaró en quiebra y que hacen es la

primera persona de marketing que me dice

vamos a ir poco a poco y no me hablen

intenta vender que es una web que si eso

se me hablas en términos de negocio

único claro es que yo soy empresario a

muy pequeña escala pero es que esa es

la clave creo baldío

cuídate un fotógrafo de guerra ha

gustado el video si es así

dale me gusta y quiero hacerte

partícipe de él por lo que dejan los

comentarios con el hashtag facebook para

negocios si había usado esta

herramienta y si consideras que puede

ayudarte a mejorar los resultados de tus

acciones de marketing en facebook entre

todos los comentarios de los videos del

mes short haré mi curso on line de

estrategia de marketing digital valorada

en 995 euros por lo que cuanto más

coherentes en mis videos diarios más

oportunidades tendrás de ganarlo así

que deja ahora mismo tu comentario

si llueve


For more infomation >> Cómo usar FACEBOOK ANALYTICS para medir tus RESULTADOS de Marketing Digital - Duration: 9:02.


JAVA COFFEE SMOOTHIE - Smoothie Tuesday - Sound Fixed - Duration: 4:14.

A bright and beautiful morning to you all. Welcome to Steve's kitchen, it's a

smoothie Tuesday but it's never a good morning till I've had my coffee so today

we're going to make a java smoothie. This one is so so delicious, let me go through

the ingredients with you. Now you're going to want some frozen coffee, I've

poured really strong coffee into these ice cube trays and they've set. I've

actually used Pikes Place Starbucks, this is not sponsored, I'm just telling you

what I use for this video. We've got some bananas, we're going to flavor it with a

little bit of cardamom, I've got quarter of a cup of flat oats which is just

perfect to thicken and give us some nourishment, nice slow-release

carbohydrates. We're going to be using almond unsweetened almond milk, I'm going

to add some vanilla protein powder and because I like the texture we're going

to be adding some chia seed in there as well. So I'll start by getting the ice

cubes out, we don't want all these ice cubes I want about a cup which is about

half the tray but I'll pop our iced coffee into there. Now though I've got

fresh bananas I'm actually going to use a medium size frozen banana, I cut my

bananas up into threes and pop them into a little ziploc bag then I can just grab

three pieces of banana and add them into the blender. Frozen banana will make a

thicker smoothie, I'm adding in two tablespoons of vanilla protein powder.

Now just a little pinch, about an eighth of a teaspoon of cardamom powder this

gives a lovely flavor with coffee, a quarter of a cup of oatmeal, this is my

breakfast after all. Now this is optional but I really like it a tablespoon of

chia seeds and we're adding in a cup of almond milk in there with my coffee

stained cup, how beautiful does that look. Let's just pour it in, now I don't

actually have sweet coffee if you want a little bit of extra sweetener in here

you'll get it from the bananas but you can also add in a little bit of honey if

you want, maybe just a teaspoon, 1/2 a teaspoon. This makes two cups so you

decide. Now I wasn't going to put a sweetener in but I actually feel like it

now I've been looking at the honey, so maybe just add a teaspoon in there.

Secure the lid on your blender, power on and we're going to blend this on high

for about a minute, I've got a smoothie button so I'm

going to use it. Now that's made a super thick smoothie, if you want it thinner

then add a little more almond milk but I'm going to have it just the way it is, get

the lid off of here and give it a little shake through just to loosen it up a bit.

Now let's get them pour this out, I've got a couple of cups here, one for me and

one for Michele. Let's try and make it fairly even, now it's got a lot of

texture in there because that's the oatmeal you can leave the oatmeal out

but if you want something that's really nourishing leave it in. We've just

snapped some photographs, I've taken some granola and banana and put it on top if

you want to know how to make this delicious granola by the way you'll have

to watch episode 1 of the smoothies the recipes there. I'm ready to tuck in

I'm absolutely dying for this so let's give it a try. Bon Appetit! the bananas in

the way. It's like chocolate, it isn't chocolate obviously there's no chocolate

in it but it's rich it's so, so good, I think the combination of the banana, the

chia seed, coffee and the almond, it's just a lovely rich smoothie, an

absolutely delicious way to start the morning. If you're enjoying these

smoothie Tuesday series don't forget to comment down below and if you're

watching this on any social media share it out and like it so that your friends

can get chance to make this great smoothie. Be good and I'll see you next

Tuesday for another smoothie Tuesday. Check out some of the other recipes by

the way that we put up during the week on Steve's kitchen and I'll see you next

week, take care.

For more infomation >> JAVA COFFEE SMOOTHIE - Smoothie Tuesday - Sound Fixed - Duration: 4:14.


Stress | How To Handle Stress During Pregnancy | Tips To Manage Stress During Pregnancy | Mumsworld - Duration: 6:40.

Hey guys I'm Shreya welcome back to mums world so in today's video I will be

talking about something very common which we all go through in our day to day

lives and it's nothing but stress stress is our body's way of responding to

demands these demands can be at your workplace, your college life, during your

exams, during pregnancy, post delivery and other situations.

When we are exhausted

and struggling to cope up with these demands we feel stressed out.

a little

bit of stress is a must to keep us going in fact it can be a motivator it keeps

us alert and active but beyond a certain point stress stops being helpful and

starts causing major damage to our health, our mood, our relationships and

our quality of life at this point it's very important to know how to deal with

major and minor stress events and when to seek help.

stress during pregnancy

pregnancy is a time of many changes your body, your emotions, family

everything will be changing you may welcome these changes happily but it can

also add some new stresses to your life feeling stressed out is a common thing

during pregnancy because there will be a lot of hormonal changes taking place in

your body when stressed out you may experience frequent headaches, loss of

appetite trouble in sleeping and sometimes you will overeat if it's for a

short time then it's fine but if it continues for a longer time then you may

have problems like high blood pressure or even heart disease and this type of

stress during pregnancy can cause premature birth or sometimes babies with

low birth weight so what causes stress during pregnancy it can vary for every

women but here are some of the common causes you may be dealing with the

discomforts of pregnancy like constipation, morning sickness, frequent

headache, backache being tired all the time , mood swings bacause


hormones are changing which can cause mood to change mood swings can make it

harder to handle stress you may have the fear of labor pain or

how to take care of your baby and if you're a working mom to be you

may be worried about your job responsibilities and so on all these

things can add stresses to your life so to help you out I will be sharing some

simple yet effective tips to deal with stress during pregnancy tip number one

prepare yourself right from day one luckily for us women

pregnancy is a nine month long journey so make sure that you utilize these nine

months to prepare yourself physically and mentally start everything right from

day one don't think that you have nine months to

go because these nine months will pass in the blink of the eye tip number two

always talk openly about your concerns during my pregnancy I had a lot of

concerns and I'm sure many women go through this talk openly to your doctor

or Midwife if you're not comfortable talking to them you can talk to your mom

who has gone through this earlier or your partner or friends sharing your

concerns will make you feel a lot better tip number three create your pregnancy

journal start writing about the minute changes your body goes through each day

or each month this will keep you occupied and you could also cherish this

for years to come you can create your own journal or you can get it from store

number four stop worrying about the future don't sit and worry whether you be

a perfect mom or not parenting is something you learn along the way every

mother has her own unique way of taking care of her baby if you're still

concerned try spending some times with young

babies of your friends or family to know how it really feels tip number five

take a holiday going on a holiday is one of the best way to de stress don't

worry about your work and commitments because this is your time so just go

relax and pamper yourself you need not select exotic

locations for an holiday you can go to any place within your budget and as per

your convenience tip number six eat well and exercise if your worried about your

to be born baby's health then first you will have to take care of your own

health because a healthy mother will give birth to a healthy baby

start eating well maintain a well balanced diet and perform exercises which are

safe during pregnancy this way you can reduce stress and you also feel better

tip number seven bring back your childhood days now that you're grown up

does not mean that you can't be a kid again watch your favorite childhood

cartoons bring back all your childhood memories I love cartoons

and it is one of the best ways to de-stress I'm sure many people who love

it buy yourself a coloring book and crayons and start coloring like how you used

to do in school start playing your childhood games go through your

childhood photos and videos and recreate those memories also laughing is one of

the best ways to de-stress watch a funny movie or a video sit and chat with

friends and family and talk about the funny events that happened in the past and

laugh out loud tip number eight prioritize your life we humans do not

have any superpowers at times we all feel a bit overburdened and this is a very

common cause for stress accept that you cannot do everything at once and start

to prioritize your life tip number nine listen to music listening to music is a

very good way to de-stress whenever you feel lonely or busy with thoughts that

disturb you turn on some light music to distract yourself tip number 10 focus on

your body focus focus on your body and the baby that is growing inside you keep all

your work aside because everything else can wait always listen to your body and

give yourself enough time because you deserve it the most your body is working

hard to nourish the baby that is growing inside you so you will need enough rest

and sleep always remember one thing life is busy and sometimes it takes

unexpected turns that does not stop just because you're pregnant pregnancy is

just a phase of life so enjoy this phase to the fullest capture each and every

moment of your pregnancy because trust me later you will miss being pregnant I

hope today's video was helpful to you if you liked it do not forget to hit the

like button and subscribe also for notifications click on the bell icon

next to the subscribe button in my next video I will share simple tips to deal

with stress post delivery so I'll see you next week until then take care bye


For more infomation >> Stress | How To Handle Stress During Pregnancy | Tips To Manage Stress During Pregnancy | Mumsworld - Duration: 6:40.





The following article is sure to give the skeptics something to raise their eyebrows


It sounds hokey, I know � flower essences for healing?

Honestly, I get it.

Just stay with me here, and I�ll explain the mystery of how the vibration of a flower

could actually help you.

Flower essences are just that � the essence of a flower, harnessed in a way similar to

how homeopathy extracts medicines.

Essences are made by putting a flower or an herb into water, which is then left in the


Once ready, this water can be stretched out to make many, many vials of an essence, as

the water now holds the vibrational imprint of that plant.

A small amount of brandy is also added to preserve the concoction, so the essences tend

to have a slight taste of alcohol.

Are you still with me?

Everything Is Energy

Science is now catching up to this concept, as what was once thought of as solid material

is now being understood as moving energy.

There is a lot more empty space in an atom than we once thought, which means we are more

connected than we think.

With that in mind, it might be easier to understand how something like flower essences work, as

the vibrational signature pattern carried by each flower interacts with your own vibrational


Unfortunately, very little scientific evidence exists to back this up, which may leave a

lot of people skeptical, which is fair enough.

But if science can�t prove something, does that mean it�s wrong or doesn�t work?

Not necessarily.

Flower essence remedies generally impact our emotional states, because each emotion carries

a specific vibrational frequency, and so each essence�s vibration can affect the vibration

of specific emotions.

If you take a flower essence for sadness and then feel better, does it mean the essence

did what it intended to, or that it worked because the mind believed it would?

It�s difficult to say, though in the end, does it matter whether the flower did the

work or your brain, if the result is the same?

The following chart represents the vibrational signature carried by each emotion.

History of Bach Flower Essences

The original brand of flower essences was developed in the 1930s by Edward Bach, an

English physician.

He came up with 38 �remedies,� each capturing the essence of a different wildflower that

he believed could target a specific emotional state.

He correlated 38 of the most common emotional states with the flower he believed could combat

that emotion, and was able to blend up to seven at one time � any more than that will

be ineffective, according to his protocol.

�Rescue Remedy�

Rescue Remedy by Bach Flower Essences is probably the most popular flower essence.

Made with a blend of seven essences, many people who have to give a presentation or

do some form of public speaking swear by this remedy and take it beforehand to help to calm

their nerves and anxiety.

�The flowers are very subtle and gentle,� says Denise Eaton, a Bach Foundation registered

practitioner, and the North American education and regulatory manager of Nelson�s Bach.

�They don�t change your personality or mood.

What they do is help your body deal with states of emotion like fear or anger.

The following are a few examples of various essences and what emotion they are believed

to support.


�Vague unknown fears for which there can be given no explanation, no reason.

It is a terror that something awful is going to happen even though it is unclear what exactly.

These vague inexplicable fears may haunt by night or day.

Sufferers may often be afraid to tell their trouble to others.�

Keywords: Fear, worries, unknown fears

Human Indication: Fears and worries of unknown origin.

Pet Indication: Vague or unaccountable fears; appearing agitated for no apparent reason.


�Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions.

They constantly seek advice from others, and are often misguided�

Keywords: Confirmation, seeking advice, do not trust own wisdom or judgment

Human indication: When you do not trust your own judgment in decision-making.


�Those who are doing good work, are following the calling of their life and who hope to

do something of importance, and this often for the benefit of humanity.

At times there may be periods of depression when they feel that the task they have undertaken

is too difficult, and not within the power of a human being.�

Keywords: Depression overwhelmed by responsibilities, despondent, exhausted

Human indication: Feeling overwhelmed and depressed; that there is too much to do and

you don�t feel that you can do it all.

Animal/Pet indication: Overwhelmed by a sense of responsibility from a temporary circumstance,

abandoning their litter


�Fear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of being alone,

of misfortune.

The fears of everyday life.

These people quietly and secretly bear their dread; they do not freely speak of it to others.�

Keyword: Fear, blushing, stammering, shyness, timid, sensitive, lack of courage

Human indication: Fear of known things such as fear of being alone, fear of spiders, fear

of flying, or fear of the dark.

Shyness is also a known fear.

Animal/pet indication: For fears: afraid of lightening, visits to the vet.

May shake or shiver when confronted.

Shy and timid animals.

Essences For Animals?

You may have noticed that, in addition to uses for humans, some of these essences have

recommendations for pets.

If it works on pets, it seems logical to rule out the placebo theory.

If you have an issue that is plaguing you or your pet, it couldn�t hurt to try one

of these essences.

You can talk to a naturopathic or homeopathic practitioner to find out which essence is

best for you, or do a little research and see what you find.

Do you have experiences you would like to share about your use with flower essence remedies?

Please share in the comments section!

Much Love



American Horror Story 7x11 Promo "Great Again" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> American Horror Story 7x11 Promo "Great Again" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


Un ours polaire attaque des morses - ZAPPING SAUVAGE - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Un ours polaire attaque des morses - ZAPPING SAUVAGE - Duration: 2:58.


Lặng - LiTi K ft T.i.z 「Video Lyrics」 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Lặng - LiTi K ft T.i.z 「Video Lyrics」 - Duration: 1:21.


Halo 5 – Optimisé pour Xbox One X (Trailer VOST) - Duration: 0:58.

Master Chief believes she contacted him.


I am Warden Eternal.



How are we even supposed to bring them in?

Ask politely?



I have a job to do.


For more infomation >> Halo 5 – Optimisé pour Xbox One X (Trailer VOST) - Duration: 0:58.


Filipino Stand Up Comedy: Laugh and Stack Finals - Duration: 2:08.

for the single guys out there

this is what's gonna happen to you

so if Abe said at one point

you wanted to be this this is it!

[audience laughter]

this will be the highlight of your life

[audience laughter]

performing for a bunch of strangers on Saturday night because you want to

escape your kids

[audience laughter]

I mean we love our kids don't get us wrong but sometimes you

want to kill 'em right? that's why you leave

and then you vent and then you come back

the lovey-dovey dad again. coz you gotta take a break

otherwise... that's why in the States they don't have yayas

they kill their kids

that's what happens

I'm not saying it's right I'm just trying to explain why

they do it it's true

it's true

so what is the secret when you're married what

is the secret happy wife...

happy life. see they're well trained they know happy wife...


especially coz their wives are here

[ouch] happy life

why is it not happy husband happy life?

why not?

because it doesn't rhyme.

[audience laughter]

that's why nothing rhymes with husband

that's why it's like happy husband - who cares

nobody gives a ****

you happy you sad just pay the bill

just pay the bill [bleep]

we don't care if you're happy

we give you one day, father's day

and who cares? even on father's day

you still have to pay the bill [bleep]

[audience laughter]

everybody, all the guys they have to pay right you have to pay for

sex that's true

maybe not always in cash

you pay with commitment

you marry you ladies for life

anyway if you

guys want to keep your wife happy here's the secret

you just gotta always say those three words that she wants to hear from you

even if you don't feel like saying those three words you say it

you say ang payat mo [you're so thin]

oh my god she'll give you a...

For more infomation >> Filipino Stand Up Comedy: Laugh and Stack Finals - Duration: 2:08.


Color Video Collection For Children | Color Learning Video | Fun Rhymes | Primary Colors - Duration: 47:13.

"We are the Finger Family!"

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

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