Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

I'm not a hypochondriac, but I have just made a video about hypochondria.




That's completely mental.


Before we begin:

Let's begin.

As hypochondriacs are very afraid of being seriously ill,

it's not unsuall for them being freaked out by some physical conditions...

Ah, my arm!

It hurts.

I think that it's a tumor.

I have a headache.

It might be a tumor.

It's not a tumor!

It's not a tumor, at all!

Am I too pale today?

Wait... my heart...

It's beating somehow wrong...

Stop, stop...

My eyes are definitely strange today...

Could it be a beginning of heart attack?

This must be serious...

There is something wrong with my foot. I'm

one hundred percent sure that it's the disease I read about!

Don't worry. You are fine. You are healthy...


These are exactly my symptoms!

I should go to doctor...

But what if he says that I'm dying?

So according to this website,

I could have one of these five diseases

or I could have all of them...


Cold again!

Or is it something worse?

Believing that they are ill, they often

look for their disease online or in handbooks

which can bring quite worrying results.

George, hello, how are you?


Bad, John. I feel bad.

What's happening?

It's already sure, John.

According to the information in this medical handbook,

I am in the last stadium of linogrobeeagnosis

which is a deadly disease.



George, you don't have any linogrobeeagnosis,

you are healthy as hell.

That's not true. I have all the symptoms.

George, goddamn it...

There are about 3 days left of my life...

You are not ill!

I have already written my last will

and I decided

that you would get my shoes.

But the much worse thing is that some hypochondriacs

are even used to taking a giant amount of

preventive medicines all day long...

The morning dose of medicines!

One lecitin...

one calcium...


a dose of geritol

just for balance.

I love the iron flavor.

Now goodbye diseases!

After lunch dose coming!

Vitamin C,

vitamin E,

and my loyal L-lysine.

And the last dose for a good night.

So nytol,

excedrin for my headache,

and this syrup.

Double dose, it was a hard day!

I would say that a real challenge can come

when a hypochondriac travels to an exotic country.

Guys, I have finally found an untraditional trip for us.

We will travel to Congo in Africa!





But there is...



tsetse flies,

typhoid fever!



Are you ok?

Yeah... I am...

Don't worry, I have already done everything needed

to be safe from tropical diseases and we are vaccinated.


The trip will be great.

Hundreds of deadly diseases in millions of mosquitos

trying to kill you!

Despite the fact that I'm not a hypochondriac

I know that other people usually don't take

this disease seriously.

You don't understand me. I'm seriously scared!

I think that I caught a dangerous disease

and I'm afraid that I'm dying!

So just...

Eat some chocolate, it will make your mood better.

The treatment of hypochondria is pretty hard.

It's not about just one cure or one special vitamin.

However some people continue trying to make something like that...

No, not supervitamins. It consists of therapies,

medical consultations and many times some cures.


some effective supervitamins for every problem could be good...

Maybe in the future.

If you enjoyed this video, please give it like.

Subscribe to my channel, I will be enthusiastically happy, if you do so

and see you soon.

With another video.

For more infomation >> Hypochondriacs IN ACTION - Duration: 6:12.


Older Sister III New Monarchy Hand Cannon In-Depth Review! Better than the Better Devils?!? - Duration: 3:28.

Hi Guardians, today we are going to review the most beautiful hand cannon in destiny

the Older Sister 3.

This is the New Monarchy Hand Cannon and it looks absolutely beautiful, I like the paint

job and it is the hands down the best looking hand cannon out there.

As I mentioned before this is from New Monarchy so rank up this faction in order to have a

chance on getting this one dropped.

The Older sister sits in the same archetype as the Better Devils and the stats are pretty

similar as well.

The better devils sits in the kinetic slot , whereas the Older Sister sits in the Energy

weapon slot.

As for perks the Older Sister has the adaptive frame

The hitmark, steady hand and cross fire sights Alloy magazine

Armor piercing rounds And Ambitious assasin

I like to use hitmark and armor piercing rounds on this gun.

The gun feels very solid in Pvp, if you like the better devils hand cannon than you will

like this gun as well, because they are both so similar this gun might as well be the older

sister of the better devils but then without explosive rounds.

Because it does not have explosive rounds you will suffer much more of a damage fall

off than the better devils.But if you want to use a hand cannon in the energy slot and

for some reason you dont want to use the better devils in the kinetic slot then this is a

good replacement , you can then combine the Older Sister with for example the Antiope-D,

Mida or the Origin Story with will make it a solid combo for Pvp.

In Pve the ambitious assassin perk really comes to play, this perk will give you extra

bullets when you reload based on the number of rapid kills.

I sometimes got a mag up to 15 bullets whereas the normal mag size is 11.

This is really a great passive perk that helps you in the background so you can just focus

on slaying enemies.

But also here the Better Devils will be your better choice in terms of a hand cannon, explosive

rounds is just really such a good perk that it is a hard to pass on, but this gun definitely

comes in the number two spot in terms of the PVE utility that it has compared with other

more generic hand cannons.

Other than that it suffers from the same ammo problems like you have with any other hand

cannon in PVE.

There is just no way around it.

To conclude, the Older Sister is actually a really good hand cannon , it is reliable

and consistent and the ambitious assassin perk is very useful in PVE.

I really hate to say this but despite how good this gun is , it does live in the shadow

of the better devils, if you compare the two the better devils is just a better choice

for both Pvp and Pve.

If you don't have a better devils yet then this should be your go to hand cannon and

If you have one but you just want to use a different kinetic weapon in that case the

Older Sister is a good replacement.

Don't get me wrong this gun is good, but it is just outshined by the better devils and

thus I am going to give the Older Sister a B.

Thank you so much for watching this video, if you want this weapon don't forget to utilize

the faction token farm video that I posted recently.

This is currently the fastest way to get all the faction weapons and armor.

Let me know which faction weapon you want me to review next.

Subscribe for more and as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Older Sister III New Monarchy Hand Cannon In-Depth Review! Better than the Better Devils?!? - Duration: 3:28.


Играем в разные игры - Duration: 1:24:54.

For more infomation >> Играем в разные игры - Duration: 1:24:54.


Traveling Tips: How to Pack a Suitcase - Duration: 23:34.


I'm Kirby Allison founder of The

Hanger Project and here at The Hanger Project we love

helping the well-dressed take care of their wardrobes.

In today's video I'm going to be showing you how

I pack to travel.

Now packing is a delicate art

between balancing fitting as much

into your luggage as possible

while packing in such a way that you

protect your clothing

and all of your items arrive undamaged

and ready to be worn.

So today I leave for a six day trip to

London and Paris

and so I've got all my clothes here

and I'm going to be showing you how I fit it into my

luggage. Now we all reach a point in our

life where we just don't want to struggle

with our luggage anymore

and so I've recently upgraded

all of my luggage to the Rimowa

Salsa Deluxe.

I've got three different pieces from them.

I've got their largest carry on piece of


I've got a medium check

and a large check.

And so depending on how long I'm gone

determines which piece I take.

So if I'm going on a domestic trip where I'm

just going to be gone for a few nights

of course I'm always taking my carry on

but if I'm going internationally

and I'm going to be taking more clothes then

I'm choosing between one of my two

different pieces of checked luggage.

For a trip that's less than a week,

I'm going to take my medium

and for anything that's longer than a week

I typically take my largest piece

of luggage. You'll also see that whenever I

travel I always make a point to dress up

in a jacket and tie.

I find that I've just receive better service

when dressed properly and promise

that I even received upgrades solely

because I was well dressed.

Secondly it just makes travel

more fun.

I pack my luggage in two different sections.

On the left side which doesn't have

the railings from the handles

and is the most flat I put all

of my clothing

and then on the second side

the right side which has kind of the

rough bottom because of the the

handle reinforcements,

I pack my shoes

and then all my different sundries.

The reason I keep those apart is because

on the left side I am able to pack all my clothing.

I am able to keep it flat

and as wrinkle free as possible.

I don't have to worry about any of my bulky stuff

possibly damaging anything.

And then on the right side I'm packing

my shoes

and everything else in such a way that

again my shoes are well-protected

but I'm still able to fit kind of all those random

things in there without

bothering any of my clothes to the left.

The other thing that I've recently started doing

differently is I am always traveling

with my hangers.

And again it just goes back to this philosophy

of not wanting to struggle whenever I'm packing.

And so if I'm packing

with my hangers whenever I arrive

I'm able to just pull everything out of my


or everything out of my luggage,

hang it in the wardrobe.

I don't have to hassle

with putting things on

or off the hangers

or folding things nice

and neatly

and then second it's just nice to

have hangers that fit

and that are taking care of my clothing properly.

Now this is something you could really only do

with the proper hanger like the wooden hangers

we sell here at The Hanger Project.

If you were to try to pack

with wire hangers I would be

too worried about those sharp metal ends

tearing my fabrics

or scratching anything.

So with hangers from The Hanger Project

this is something I'm able to do.

Now as I mentioned earlier on the left

smooth side of this Rimowa luggage

is where I like to put all of my clothes

and I'm going to start with my trousers first.

So the reason I start

with my trousers first is because I

figured that between

the trousers and the shirts,

the trousers can take the most

amount of weight on top of it

without creasing

and any unsightly way.

So I flatten these out

and what's nice about this large

Rimowa is that these can

just fit in

with just being folded over once.

Now if I'm traveling

with my

carry on piece of luggage I can actually

get these on the left side of the Rimowa carry

on which is folding

you know like this at the cuff

so again I really love this

Rimowa luggage. I find that it packs very

easily. I've got the

second pair of trousers

from my gray flannel suit.

So again,

I'm going to put this in.

Right here so I like to alternate

again kind of the direction

I packed things just so that it packs


Now that the trousers are in I'm going to

pack my shirts next.

Now as I mentioned one of

the things I really love to do is to pack

with the hangers

and it's actually quite easy to do.

What you do is you just

slide the hanger into

the shirt so that the top of the hook

is level with the collar

and then you just simply fold

your sleeves over

and then fold the body of the shirt

over once

and it fits in perfectly.

OK so next I'm going to pack my

second shirt.

On my first shirt my collar was towards

the left on the second shirt I'm going

to pack it with the collar towards the right.

The reason I do this again

is just so that those items nest

as much as possible

and I find that it just allows me to

pack everything in flatter.

I'm going to position this,

I'm going to fold the sleeves.

I like to flatten these things out as much

as possible.

Since this is a French cup shirt I'm going to fold

that over once

and then again I'm

going to fold this shirt

over once.

There you go perfectly flat.

Again I'm going to drop the

hanger into the shirt body

and then I fold my sleeves


and then fold this once.

Now one of the things I do is before I pack

my last shirt,

I take a moment and I pack

any of the other items

in there before I put that last shirt.

I like the last shirt to be.

I like to have a shirt that I place in last

to just kind of seal everything in

to this clothing compartment

and so I've got the vest

that I'm going to wear with my stroller.

I'm going to put this in here.

I'm going to place this

with out the hanger just

because the direction

I placed this the hanger really wouldn't


But as you can see I can fit this in

there and nothing wrinkles.

And then what I'm going to do is pack

my ties.

Right. So again

whenever I'm packing I'm thinking 1.

How do I pack everything in such a way

that nothing wrinkles

or that I minimize wrinkling?

And then 2. How do I pack things in such

a way that minimizes movement

around inside the luggage?

So one of the tricks that I've learned

with packing ties is basically

I'll pack these kind of in a lattice


With kind of one over the other.

And what this does is again it

just locks these ties in together

so that you don't have all

your ties moving kind

of around in the luggage.

So let's see I've got that.

I'm going to throw my pocket squares

and right here.

I've got an undershirt.

I'm going to throw also

on top of that.

OK. And then I'm going to pack

my last shirt on

top of all this.

You'll see again because I've got this

shirt going on top

of everything,

it's just going to again

kind of help lock everything

in and just protect

the clothing from anything that

could damage it.

I always like that pack a few extra white shirts

especially whenever I'm traveling to London.

You know there's just nothing more elegant than a

nice white shirt

and I find that whenever I'm traveling

I really appreciate my white shirts the

most because they're just so versatile

in how I wear them.

So this is the last shirt.

And then let's see what else I'm going

to take my socks.

You know I like to put the socks kind of

in between the

hooks to the hanger.

Again just with the idea of kind of locking

those in so that nothing's moving around.

And then there's inevitably always a little bit of

void kind of around the edges.

So I pack my socks in kind of

in and around that.

But for the most part I think I'm done

with everything here on the


So I'm going to close this side over.

And again one of the things that I really appreciate

about the Rimowa is you've got these

little accordion dividers

and so it just allows me to synch

everything down

and it's just going to keep everything secure

and from moving around too much.

So for this six day trip to London I'm going

to take three pairs of shoes.

I'm going to take one pair of casual loafers which

I'm wearing

and then two pairs of black shoes

bespoke a whole cut seamless

and then my bespoke cap

toe oxfords.

So the way that I've packaged

these is basically

I'm going to put everything in a shoe bag

but what I like to do

is one is off first place

the shoe in the

Cleverley bag that they came in.

But then second I'll essentially

double pack them and what I'm using here

are The Hanger Project

mole skin shoe

bags. And I like these because they're the


softish shoe bag

and you just are going to

have the best protection for your shoe

against anything inside the luggage damaging

that. So I'm essentially

just double bagging these.

Taking the time to snap

these closed.

Another thing I really like about this

Hanger Project mole skin bag is that

it can be tied.

And again this is just going to do a better job

protecting the heel.

And then these bags are also available in several

sizes. Now another thing that I've learned

to do with my shoes is I always place

my shoes

and anything that's heavy that I'm packing

at the bottom of the luggage.

You might not be able to see it

but the wheels are on this end.

And so by having the heavy

items at the bottom whenever the

luggage is upright

and I'm rolling it through the airport,

the heaviest items are already

all the way up the bottom so you don't have to worry about them

falling down the luggage

and crunching everything.

So I always pack my shoes

at the bottom.

Another thing that you'll see

is I always travel

with my shoe trees and again because

you know I want to be protecting my shoes

and so by packing the shoes

with my shoe trees I

know that even if I've got a lot of stuff

on top of the shoe that

the integrity

and the structure and the shape of the shoe

is being protected by the shoe tree.

The other reason I like to always pack

my shoe trees is because inevitably

whenever I'm traveling I'm always

doing a lot of walking.

So it's even more important at

night to make sure that you

let your shoes rest

with the shoe trees inserted.


I know that shoe trees can be heavy.

You know we sell a travel shoe tree here

at The Hanger Project that's lightweight.

These bespoke trees from Cleverley

are especially lightweight

but regardless of what the weight sacrifice


I always feel that it's

necessary to travel

with shoe trees.

Again if you don't have one of our

Hanger Project mole skin bags,

you know you can double triple bag

your your shoes.

I mean again the more

protection you have around the shoe just

the less you have to worry about it scuffing

or anything kind of scratching

or damaging your shoes during transit.

You know personally I really appreciate that piece of


Now since these are so well-packaged

I'm going to actually place this

fourth shoe and kind of nest

it between two of these other

shoes. With the shoes packed,

now I can move on to kind

of placing everything else in

all the kind of sundry items

in the leftover space

on the side of the luggage.

And again whenever I'm doing that

I'm just thinking how do I place

these items in such a way that I'm going to protect

my shoes as much as possible?

Now one of the ways that I'll do that is take

you know some of my underwear

and some of my other kind of soft clothing


and I'll place those

on top

and kind of around the shoes

because again it's just an additional

layer of protection.

I always travel with a Maglia Francesco

travel umbrella.

So I'll put

that kind of right here

you never know when it's going to rain especially in


I've tried to travel

with a full size umbrella

but it's just too awkward getting

onto an airplane

with a full size umbrella.

So I've just kind of resolved myself to traveling

with a nice travel umbrella.

So we've got an extensive collection

of Maglia Francesca umbrellas available

at The Hanger Project. You can find one

that suits your style

and it's a small

but subtle way to really

add a little bit of flair

to whatever you're wearing.

So even in London where I'm dressed

quite formally

or in New York,

it's nice to have an umbrella that just

is a little bit out there in terms of style

and so that's one of the things I really

appreciate about the Italian umbrellas.

These are the extra shoe trees

that I spoke about earlier.

I'm just going to put these kind

of in there.

And then let's see I've got my


One of the other reasons I really enjoy


with checked luggage is

that you don't have to compromise

in terms of shaving.

You know if you're carrying on your luggage you're limited

in terms of what you can

bring so you can't bring your favorite aftershave balm.

Often times they'll try to confiscate

you know your shave cream.

You certainly can't bring a safety razor

but if you're checking your luggage you can take all

that. So if I'm traveling abroad

and I'm checking luggage

you know I just find that having the right

shaving accoutrement whenever I'm traveling

internationally is just kind of a

home comfort for me so I always take that.

So I've got my shave cream.

I've got a shaving brush.

A badger shaving brush

and then I've got some

of the this is the castle

forbes shaving balm

which I love.

Now these liquids

I always have a few kind of small

ziploc bags in my luggage

and so I'll make sure that

this cap

or the top is is closed


and then I always put you

know these liquids.

Anything that could possibly spill on my

luggage I always put it

in its own ziploc bag.

Now this I'm going

to instead of placing it in this compartment I'm

going to put this in kind of the zip

and again this kind of helps kind of protect.

Should this explode

this divider is waterproof

and would help prevent that.

So here I'm traveling primarily

with black shoes.

I'm going to take some black cream polish.

I'm going to put this in its own

ziploc bag

and then I always travel

with wax polish.

So here I'm going to travel

with some black mirror gloss

because in London,

especially in the gentleman's


you know having a properly shined

pair of shoes is very important so I'll always take a

moment at the end of the night to just

polish my shoes for the next day.

And then I'm going to take a neutral wax


and again if you're traveling

with brown, burgundy.

You can always use your neutral to just

you know quickly shine your shoes.

And so you're only going to travel

with one piece of shoe polish

I would say just a 50

mL tin of the Saphir

Medaille d'Or neutral polish is really as good as it gets.

So I'm going to put these in a bag

again just to protect them.

I'm traveling with a high shine chamois

again this is very useful

for shining your shoes.

I always travel

with one of our medium shoeshine

brushes again at the end of the day I

like to buff my shoes brush

them out just keep them clean

and looking good when I'm traveling.

I've got a small cigar case

with two of my

rolled Corona cigars.

I'll place that in here.

One of the other kind of tips

or kind of tricks that picked up over

the years of traveling is

that in whatever country you're traveling

to if you're traveling

with like Apple products you know go

by the store

and see if you can either buyer

have them give you just one

of the little adapters that goes on.

So I've got one of these

with the euro adapter I've got one for the


And I just find that it's so much better

than using a converter.

I've got the iPhone chargers

for the UK

and for Europe.

And so again it just saves all those

crazy adapters you know you might be

used to traveling with.

I've got a travel shoe horn.

I've got one of these in my briefcase

but I also like to keep one of these in my luggage.

Another thing I always travel

with and this is through experience

bad experience actually is

I always travel with an extra set

of sovereign grade shoelaces.

This is actually something you should just go ahead

and put in all of your luggage.

If your shoelaces break while you're

traveling you can rest assured

it's going to be right before

an absolutely critical meeting

and you're not going to have an extra pair

of shoelaces with you

and nobody no shops are going

to be open where you can go buy shoelaces.

So this is just something good to have

because if disaster strikes

you always want to be prepared.

I like to keep that.

I've got a little

travel pouch that I keep

my collar stays in.

And then another thing I always like to travel

with is just a spare iPhone

battery charger because

you know you're out all day.

Especially in this day and age if your phone dies

it can be rather disastrous.

And then although I've got the wireless

earphones for my iphone,

I also always travel

with a pair of kind of Bose wired

headphones and the reason is because like on

an airplane

you still need to plug in.

So these I'll keep in my briefcase.

And then another thing that I always travel

with is just a lightweight

v-neck sweater

and I'll keep this in my briefcase

and the reason is as we all know that whenever we get

onto the airplane it can be absolutely


So having a sweater that you could throw over easily

whatever you're wearing is often a lifesaver.

So there we go. We're done

with this side.

I'm going to go ahead and close this off.


One of the things that you'll notice that I didn't

pack in my luggage are my suit jackets.

And I absolutely refuse

to pack any suit jackets in

my luggage because you're just asking

for all of the structure

and kind of three dimensionality of a nice

nice suit jacket to really be


squished out of it so

I always carry all my jackets on

to an airplane and so I'm going to Europe

you know a six day trip.

I'm going to take two suits

and jacket.

And so what I'll do is I'll always

wear one of them onto the airplane

and they carry the other two in

a garment bag.

So this is our Hanger Project

luxury garment bag it's really one of the

best garment bags in

the world.

And one of the things

that we were keeping in mind whenever we designed

this was that it could be used

for travel also.

So what I'll do is I will

take my


and I'll basically I'll hang

two suit jackets

on the same hanger.


And so especially

with our luxury kind of wooden

suit hanger with the two

and a half inch shoulder flare.

You can do this snd the

garments are still incredibly


Right. I'll always put if I've got a jacket

that's cut slightly larger than the other I'll

always put that on last.

And then I'm simply just going to put

this onto the garment


and then fold

this in half.

What I'll do is again

I'm checking this piece of luggage.

Right. You're allowed two carry ons.

So I'll take my briefcase

with me

and then this garment bag

will be my second piece.

You can put this either in the overhead storage

or if you are on an airplane

and you've got a nice flight attendant you can

ask if they'll allow you to hang it

in one of the hanging closets.

Personally that's what I always do.

And what's nice about this bag is it can be

folded over

and we've got this little tab at the top

that allows it to be easily

secured in place.

And so it's just efficient to carry.

One of the other things is if you unzip

it a little bit

you can carry it underneath

the neck of the hangar

and it's just very easy to carry through the airports.

You've got your briefcase in one hand your garment

bag in the other.

Now if you try to carry it on the hooks

your fingers will hate you.

The trick to get around that is just carrying it from

underneath the neck of the hanger.

As I mentioned. you know I always

travel with my hangers.

So I'm going to just place

kind of the extra hangars that I didn't

use into my luggage.

You know what I might even do is take one

of these onto the airplane.

So if I want to hang this jacket I have the

option to do it.

You'll see that I travel

with my briefcase.

Basically I use an overnight bag.

One of the reasons I love using an overnight

bag as a briefcase is because it's

throw so much great stuff

inside that so it's always nice.

I've got my trouser hanger.

I've got the extra shirt hanger for this shirt

that I'm wearing.

So there we go. So I'm going to close this luggage.

So I've got my checked luggage.

I've got my

garment bag that

I'm going to carry on.

And then I've got my briefcase.

And I'm just going to throw this other hanger

in there

and these


It's going to be quite chilly in London

and Paris so I've got my top coat.

This is a top coat an old Christian

Dior actually inherited from my grandfather.

And then I'm taking a top hat

with me.

Anyone that's ever been in

cold weather knows that a top hat

really is almost as affective

or as important as a top coat to keep you warm.

And there's no more stylish way to travel than

top hat.

So I always take one of my optimose

with me. This is something that you would

absolutely carry on to the airplane

and wear it on

and then be very careful putting it in the overhead

space just to make sure

that no one comes in after you

and puts anything on top.

If you have any questions about anything

that I've discussed in this video

please ask it in the comments section below.

Also if you have anything that you can share

with us something that you've learned over the years

or decades of travel please

share that also.

Lastly if you like this video give us the

thumbs up or better yet subscribe to our

channel and turn on notifications

so that you can learn whenever we release

new videos.

And of course make sure you visit

with to view our full assortment of luxury hanger's,

luxury garment care

and luxury shoe care accessories.

I'm Kirby Allison thanks for joining

For more infomation >> Traveling Tips: How to Pack a Suitcase - Duration: 23:34.


How Enzymes Work - Promoted - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> How Enzymes Work - Promoted - Duration: 1:26.


The Untold Truth Of The Parents On Alaskan Bush People - Duration: 4:41.

For seven seasons, Discovery Channel's Alaskan Bush People has captivated viewers.

While Billy and Ami Brown claim to have raised their seven children by living off the land,

soaring show ratings have brought heightened scrutiny over the family's so-called "bush


We're going off the grid to uncover the untold truth of Billy and Ami Brown.

Billy's wealthy past

According to Capital City Weekly, Billy Bryan Brown led a privileged life in North Richland

Hills, Texas, receiving lavish gifts including "a new ski boat" at 14, "a new Camaro" at

15, and "the family Cessna 172 at 16.

But everything changed in 1969, when at the age of 16, he lost his mother, father, and

only sister in a plane crash.

According to Billy's two memoirs, One Wave at a Time, and The Lost Years, he became a

ward of the state, and was duped out of any inheritance by scheming judges and lawyers.

Broke and homeless, he, quote, "criss-crossed America over the next 10 plus years," eventually

ending up with Ami and their two young sons in Alaska.

Ami's estranged family

According to Juneau Empire, after 37 years of estrangement, Ami's mother, Earlene Branson

attempted to surprise her daughter with a visit, "[making] the 3,500 mile trip without

confirmation from the Browns" only to find out they were vacationing in Malibu at the


The 83-year-old Branson said of her daughter,

"I want to hug her neck and see my grandchildren.

I just want to see her before I die."

Ami accused her relatives of exploitation, and said that her father's alcoholism tore

their family apart, saying,

"Watching these things as a child, you learn from it.

That is the reason why I don't let them know where, physically, I am."

Ami's alienated kinfolk have accused Billy of being extremely controlling, and effectively

brainwashing Ami against them.

Billy's "secret kid"

One of the big plot points in season 5 was Billy being reunited with a supposed "long

lost daughter", Twila Byars, from a previous marriage.

Except according to Channel Guide Magazine, it was quickly revealed that not only had

the family known about Twila for quite some time, there's also evidence on social media

that Twila and the Browns have actually been in contact over the years.

Defrauding the state of Alaska

In January 2016, Billy and second oldest son, Joshua, plead guilty to falsifying information

for the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend, or PFD, according to Juneau Empire.

The PFD is "An annual dividend that is paid to Alaska residents from investment earnings

of mineral royalties."

To qualify, you have to have lived in Alaska for one entire year, and plan to be an "Alaska

resident indefinitely."

It was revealed that Billy and Joshua "previously signed written statements admitting they left

the state in October 2009 and didn't return until August 2012," but continued to collect

PFD funds through that time.

In total, the family swindled the state out of $20,938 in PFD money, and the ordeal proved

that the Browns have likely never lived entirely off the land.

The cabin fire

Billy has given three different accounts of how the family lost their original bush cabin.

According to The Discovery Channel's website, "the cabin where they lived for years was

seized and burned to the ground for being in the wrong location on public land."

But according to Radar Online, Billy wrote in his memoir that the fire was accidental.

And in yet another variation of the story, when talking about the fire on the show, Billy

claimed, "My cabin burned and I wasn't home…

That's all I can say."

Something's not adding up.

Ami's battle with cancer

As of 2017, the Brown family is in the midst of Ami's ongoing fight with lung cancer.

As chronicled on the show, her treatment has brought the family out of the bush, to Colorado,

so that she can receive the best care possible.

In an exclusive August 2017 interview with People, Billy revealed the doctor's grim diagnosis,

"It's cancer.

And there's no primary but we're gonna call it lung cancer."

"At least 3B.

It's in both lungs, in the middle and sides of the lungs."

Ami said the reason she wanted to keep doing the show was to help people who may be going

through a similar battle.

She said,

"I realized early into this that it's very easy to want to give up and just die.

And on the pessimist side, it could be my last days.

But I have the will to fight."

The diagnosis has affected even the youngest Brown, daughter Rain, who opened up on Instagram

in October 2017, about her own depression, as well as saying of her mother,

"I just wish I could change it somehow.

I'm very scared for her."

Though they may have a dubious backstory, it's undeniable that the couple loves their

children dearly, and are now dealing with a devastating situation.

We're hoping the best for Ami, so this lovable wilderness family can continue their adventures.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of The Parents On Alaskan Bush People - Duration: 4:41.


24 Reasons Logan & War for the Planet of the Apes Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:17.

You would think the Hollywood studio named after an animal would be more sensitive to

cruelty to animals, but (buzzer sound) guess again.

At the beginning of the third installment of this trilogy, these gunman are shooting

innocent animals.

Time out!

He's an ape and he's clearly a wolverine.

Time in!

The gunman start the fight and one by one, they're taken down as the good guy finishes

the fight.

The main character kills most of the gunman, but shows the rest mercy by allowing some

of the bad guys to get away.

After the battle, the main character travels to his secret hideout that's hidden deep

in the middle of nowhere.

It's only a matter of time before the bad humans discover where they're hiding so

he comes up with an exit strategy to find better sanctuary.

The character with the Michael Jackson skin tone hates his plan (audio).

The bad guy arrives to the hideout and are taken hostage.

The leader gives the Michael Jackson guy clear directions to take the mutant out back and

teach him a lesson.

Instead of teaching the mutant a lesson, the Michael Jackson character gets taken to school


He allows the bad mutant to get away and now the main characters are in deep trouble.

The soldier gathers reinforcements and together, they stage an attack on the hideout.

This attack sets off a chain reaction that drives the main character mad and causes him

to break almost every rule he's had to live by in the previous installments.

I don't blame him because the soldiers are ruthless.

They sneak into the bedroom and kill the main character's closest friend in bed.

Like who does that?

Next to Game of Thrones, 20th Century Fox kills more main characters than Quentin Tarantino

so there's no telling who will die next.

The main character agrees to follow the map, but it's obviously a trap.

The soldiers recruit the snitch and the idiot gives them all the intel they ask for because

he's scared to die.

Cowards get devoured.

The good guys learn their lesson about trusting people who talk too damn much.

The next time they make a friend, it's this little girl.

She's a mute and doesn't talk much so even if she did want to snitch, she barely

talks so it's highly unlikely she'd sell them out.

Together they go on a long journey together.

Later on, the Michael Jackson character dies and the action picks up after that.

The soldiers find the main characters and takes the survivors as prisoners and lock

them up in chains like they're slaves or something.

Human vs. mutants isn't a fair fight so the soldiers stand back and let the mutants

fight each other.

The main character gets knocked out.

He loses a lot of energy and starts blacking out over and over again.

When he gets enough energy, him and the other mutants schedule an escape plan.

The escape plan is going great until the soldiers start shooting up the place like ba da da

da dat ba da da da dat ba da da da dat dat dat.

The hero tries to save the day and then (arrow sound effect).

He gets shot with an arrow and you could tell it hurts.

Right when it looks like he's about to die on the battlefield, he doesn't, but the

other mutant that was working for the soldiers gets what he deserves and gets shot in the


The rest of the soldiers are killed by mother nature.

The good guys make it to the promise land and are free from their oppressors.

Sadly, the main character dies right before his check for freedom is cashed.

He's buried and has a nice funeral and everything, but you're low-key upset because you know

the sequels won't be good if he's not in it.

Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.

You agree?

Yes, no, maybe so?

If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe

button for more 24 reason videos.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons Logan & War for the Planet of the Apes Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:17.


すじ編みのアクリルたわしの編み方:細編み【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> すじ編みのアクリルたわしの編み方:細編み【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 8:54.


Portals Open, Update Timelines, And The Mandela Effect - Duration: 9:58.

Portals Open, Update Timelines, And The Mandela Effect

by Morag,

Portals are opening, portals of higher frequency energy.

Those sensitive to cosmic fluctuations may be experiencing anxiety, shaking, difficulty


Spaciness, forgetfulness, tearful.

Hunger or loss of appetite.

Hyper awareness of energy fields of people around you.


When portals open they cause intense disturbances in the atmosphere, this can be felt by some


A feeling of being untethered, making limbs shaky, causing clumsiness and insecure footing,

even walking down stairs can be challenging.

Practise regular grounding mantras drawing universal light love through crown chakra,

down out through your feet back into Gaia.

This portal is about timelines.

A further shift in human consciousness is being heralded, the rug may be pulled from

under our feet.

Disclosure is intensifying.

Disclosure of ufo and alien intergalactic communities.

Disclosure of depravity and mass programming in entertainment, in politics, in athletics

and fashion.

There is a nervous energy bubbling to the surface.

Interference is being experienced on a global scale.

The elite are upping their attempts to thwart all kinds of exposure, to prevent truth emerging.

Their energy is dangerous and desperate.

Cosmic energy is pulling us to higher frequencies.

If we fight this we can feel dissociated from our lives.

Portals can make us feel on high alert, hyper vigilant with the environment around us.

We sense something and are looking for it trying to ascertain, is it hostile, threatening

or frightening.

There is a building sense of hyper cosmic activity, something is happening.

Our reality is being twisted through artificial loops causing glitches that are increasingly


Labelled the Mandela effect we are becoming aware of engineering of our synthetic, fabricated


This is the matrix.

When something big is changed, smaller, less obvious changes occur.

Technology has enabled us to uncover and track these glitches.

From the big changes like our common memories of the death of well known people like Mandela

to the smaller glitches like missing apostrophes in logos.

Small changes indicate bigger manipulations of our global perceived realities.

Celluloid, social media, hyper technology create a trail, a path of discovery, clues

to truth and deception.

In a quantum world nothing happens in isolation.

We are being hacked, our perceived reality engineered to trip out our global consciousness.

An attempt to rewind time by dismantling our memories of the recent past.

We are being strategically deterred from the path of truth.

There are preferred timelines of ignorance, quantum electronic pathways where humanity

remains in darkness.

The elite, our infiltrators, are seeking to take us backwards, to halt our awakening.

Our intergalactic friends, old adversaries of this race of demonic forces, are taking

this guarded, engineered manipulation of our perception of reality and fighting it.

The war is stepping up a big notch for our minds, bodies and souls.

Social media, the world wide web, offers us freedom of information, global communication

and traceable evidence of who and what existence we have been present for.

This evidence opens our locked down minds showing us lies have been told.

Synthetic pathways within the matrix have drawn us deep down a rabbit hole of oppression

and trauma.

We are like hostages trying to break free, swimming to the surface for air, for oxygen,

for honesty and truth.

These are dangerous times.

We are being gaslighted.

Made to doubt our own perception of reality, this causes mass confusion, grief, fear and


We no longer feel secure as drones obeying the directives of the matrix.

We are untethered.

We break free from deception but we are not at the surface yet.

We are caught between drowning and freedom.

This is causing light headedness, dizziness, disturbed thought patterns, unpredictable

behaviour, erratic see patterns.

How do we navigate a world where the parameters are constantly shifting.

Where the very fabric of our existence, our memories, our experiences are sabotaged to

undermine our sense of self, our collective unity.

A huge mothership, a city in the sky, our allies, hovers above the Atlantic ocean, cloaked

from human eyes.

This ship and our allies aboard it are mounting a fresh attack as hostilities heighten.

Blasting waves of high frequency photon light out across the planet.

The human elite are no longer in control.

The war has stepped up.

Our infiltrators are pressing the button for enhanced manipulation of our perceived synthetic


They seek to freeze us in time, to halt the expansion of human consciousness.

The Atlantic is the scene of this great showdown.

Like a tidal wave this great battle for human consciousness, human souls, human sanity is

being activated.

To run, to hide in fear is to feed their never ending lust for our energy.

We get stuck on a low frequency unable to access fifth or higher dimensional realities.

This great battle commences.

We are part of it.

Now is the time to activate your inner warrior, to ignite the fighter within you.

Do not let fear take hold of your mind, lock down your heart or corrupt your soul.

Release all negative entities from this world.

Push back against their fear, their anger, their greed and their darkness with the glory

of joy, of love, of enlightened human consciousness.

These are the end times and the beginning times.

We are here to rescue humanity from the clutches of dark forces.

Get out your light saber, dance ecstatically, meditate with conviction.

Be specific, be focused, be driven, be secure, be clear in your inner strength.

We are old souls embedded in feminine energy release this energy to the world.

Set aside time for individual and group meditation.

Practise rituals of protection, love and illumination.

Repeat mantras throughout the day.

Ground yourself deep into the heart of Gaia.

She needs our strength.

Game on beautiful people.

We are entering the next phase.

The synthetic matrix crumbles around us.

The simulation placed in front of the eyes of the population holds them in a trance like

state, protecting them from truths they are not ready to see yet.

Those of us who answered the call, who volunteered to help this planet in crisis, in cosmic turmoil,

our time is now.

Timelines are up for grabs.

This portal of truth, a tear in the lining of the matrix, stretching across the Atlantic,

was prophesied and has come before.

When Atlantis fell our planetary vulnerability was violated.

This is our second chance for freedom.

The mistakes before, the lack of support, the lack of guidance, the lack of higher dimensional

presence has been corrected.

We are surrounded by allies in the skies, in the oceans, on land and in our hearts.

Gaia is ready to pull up her drawbridge, to close the door and banish the predators.

She needs our help.

Our intergalactic friends are calling time on the infiltrators.

Expect intense disturbances around the Atlantic that will roll out around Gaia.

As this portal stretches wider and deeper we push through the static of lies, we tear

apart the veils of deception, we destroy the predators with grounded love frequency.

Position yourself for battle.

Wield your energetic light saber strong and focused.

Unleash love upon our enemies, they will crumble, they will break apart, they will disintegrate

for love is the force that will vanquish them.

Love is the vibration of the fifth dimension and higher.

Time anomalies will accelerate.

Dimensional fluctuations will happen before our eyes.

The world is bending, twisting, fluctuating.

Their time is up.

Exit stage left.

Time for bye bye.

The war between dark and light will continue in the third dimension, for this is where

the enemy thrive.

But we will no longer be there.

Use all your gifts for healing, for premonition, for manifestation and third eye sight.

Be sensitive to humanities intense confusion.

Be compassionate for humanities accelerated evolution.

Do not let negative emotions overwhelm you.

Trust that you will be protected.

Use language as the tool to instigate protection and love power.


Meditate love frequency warriors of Gaia, the time is now.

Game on beautiful people.


I raise my frequency to connect to universal love light energy.

I release all fear.

I activate my free will.

I share love I receive love I am love.


For more infomation >> Portals Open, Update Timelines, And The Mandela Effect - Duration: 9:58.


4 أشياء تأثر فيك ◆ كيفية التحكم في الأشياء من حولك ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> 4 أشياء تأثر فيك ◆ كيفية التحكم في الأشياء من حولك ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 11:43.


Baa Baa Ovelha negra | Canções Préescolares | Para Crianças | Música para bebés - Duration: 1:20:32.

la la la la la la la la la

la la la la la la la

Baa, baa, black sheep,

have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

three bags full!

One for the master,

One for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane

la la la la la la la la la

la la la la la la la

Baa, baa, black sheep,

have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

three bags full!

One for the master,

One for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane

la la la la la la la la la

la la la la la la la

For more infomation >> Baa Baa Ovelha negra | Canções Préescolares | Para Crianças | Música para bebés - Duration: 1:20:32.


Multi-Family Composting - Report to Calgarians - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Multi-Family Composting - Report to Calgarians - Duration: 0:31.


Clear evening forecast - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Clear evening forecast - Duration: 3:06.


Hackers behind data breaches are highly sophisticated, Yahoo CEO says - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Hackers behind data breaches are highly sophisticated, Yahoo CEO says - Duration: 1:02.



Hey YouTube family! It's ya girl Lia back again with another video and today's

video as you can see from the title is another wig review Wednesday. Now I'm

just gonna jump right into this video because this is a company that I'm very

enthusiastic about working with today. This is the company if you guys know I'm

all about support. I'll link my video up above about support support support. I

support those who support me. So this company reached out to me and they were

like hey we're a company in Raleigh North Carolina and that sparked my interest

because as you guys know NC State I'm a wolf pack. I went to school four

years of my life or spent in Raleigh North Carolina so they had my they had

my interest that they are a local North Carolinian company. But then they said

you know we would love to send you some hair a wig or anything for a review and

I was like not so fast hold on wait let me do my research. So I googled them the

reviews on Google were phenomenal for this company it was so surprising that I

hadn't even heard of them and the company if you can't see from the title

I haven't even mentioned them yet its royal hair delivery company. Like I

said they are a US company you're getting a US. A company in the United

States. It's not Aliexpress. No shade to alixpress. We all love us some

Aliexpress hair but this is a company that is in the US. They are local to me

in my state North Carolina. So of course I was gonna support. I haven't unboxed

the hair yet so I'm gonna work through this with you guys on camera today. So

you guys will see me unpackage the hair and try the hair out. Now this is what

the unit looks like. They made a unit specifically for me. No name for it yet

but it's the unit that they made for me. The one thing that they have mainly on

their site and what a lot of people know them for are their bundles. So this is

not just gonna be a wig review. It's really gonna be giving you information

on how this hair works because they are an awesome bundles company. Every review

that I saw that was positive and all that were geared towards them as a

bundles company. The unit that they made for me is a 14 inch unit. They

asked what length I prefer. You guys know I'm a short length type person. They

also wanted to give me the hair not curled not any kind of style and all

that so I can really dive deep into the hair and give my honest feedback on it.

So 14 inches just straight hair. So I can curl it if I want to. So this is how the

lace part. So it's like a lace closure type of a situation. They already know me.

They know I don't not play games. I love my parting space to thick. Look at that

parting space. So this is what it looks like straight out of the pack on me. No

manipulation at all and like I said this is gonna be more so a review on the

bundles themselves because they are mainly known for their bundles they

could have sent me bundles and I could have made my own wig but also like not

the best at wig making I haven't done one in a long time so this is gonna be

more so on the field because I just told them you know I like 14 inches this is

the type of hair I like so this is what the hair looks like no manipulation or

anything but of course you guys know they sent it to me so that I can play

around with it so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go fire up my curling iron

and get me some curls in this and then flatten down this area because but this

is super super flat to my scalp but I just want to flatten down this area and

then I will come back and show you guys how it looks now I didn't even mention

it does come with a card in it - I said it got to me like in a day and a half it

says shop online order hair and it will be delivered within 24 hours 24 out I am

not joking with you guys it said 24 hours

delivery so I will link their Instagram and their snapchat down below but let me

go first and hook this thing up see you soon so

now I am back I ran upstairs to kind of put a little bit of a wave into this

hair as well as the change into an outfit that was well deserving of a hair

like this so this is it alright after putting a little wave into it and I want

to preface this by saying I even used my crappy flat iron so when I gave up

putting heat in my head I gave my good flat iron my good curling iron am I good

a curling one my family which now I kind of regret if

I'm gonna quit human here wait I kind of need some heat I gave them at my good

stuff so I used my little you know bottle of one and it came out really

good in terms of what I was looking for in terms of a little bit of a wave and

giving it a little bit of a body um but I want to say before I give my for

thoughts on this hair that we have to support companies like this this isn't

only a us-based company this is a company that is also african-american

run so why would we not support something that is african-american bro

no offense about Aliexpress things but you guys have to know me being a

youtuber out here I get approached by Aliexpress companies every single week

to do a hair of you guys don't know how many that I get and how many they say I

have to tastefully decline in all of this just because I don't devil the

devil that much the reviews aren't always that good and then you just don't

know what so many vendors out there where to trust in all that but with this

company being a company that not it gotta give it up to them for being local

but also a company that has run about african-americans that company that was

very much so approachable when I came to my questions and my customer service and

really wanting to satisfy me as a customer a company that seized me and I

am my own terms and not a big youtuber by any means but they saw me and they

reached out to me to work with me and some you know bigger and companies get

really snooty and they also know that my channel is about giving honest feedback

there's so many companies that you guys don't see me do hear reviews for it

anymore because they said they're not sending me anymore hair because my

reviews of course are a little bit more on the truthful side and they saw that

I'm a truthful person and they still knew that the quality of their product

was something that could sin and they would know they would get honest

feedback from me it's amazing I didn't mention it on their flyer it says as

seen on TV they are actually if you live in the south you might have even seen a

couple for this company my mom was like yeah I see him all the time why don't

you see him and I'm like I gave up TV six months ago so if you guys know I

don't have cable on standard TV I have Hulu and Netflix and that's all I watch

because I wanted to be a more productive individual so I haven't seen their

commercials but if you live in the south you probably have heard of this company

before and also I didn't mention but they have free same-day delivery so if

you live in the O'Reilly area you can on the same day so why would you not

support this company I'd have to say in terms of the hair

because I'm going to talk more about the hair than the wig itself because like I

said they made the wig specifically for me so of course you can't click and

purchase exactly what I have where they may make this whole thing and you can

purchase exactly what I have but I would have to say in terms of the hair

construction of it amazing amazing quality I get so used to how synthetic

hair fuse that when I feel human hair I'm always taken aback like what what

for me human hair feels amazing density of it is very full like it doesn't feel

thin at all it feels very much so heavy infall and oh rich I can't get over that

also I have to say 14 inches this is what it looks like you guys want to see

the back of it appropriate worth for me what closure this is one of those times

where you could say what closure and they would be like you oh yeah really

what closure it laid superflat when I put heat to it plates so I can go on on

about this hair but I'd say if you're checking out a company you're looking

for a company that can provide you with some amazing bundles to installing your

hair or to make wigs with why have you not why have you not checked out this

company so cute so amazing so affordable as well like I said I'll leave the link

down below to this company's website as well as their Instagram page as well as

their snapchat everything you want to check out for the Royal here is delivery

you can down below make sure if you're not a subscriber of mine you click that

subscribe button make sure you like of this video if you like this type of

content make sure you check me out on instagram at lil Ivana a mine make sure

you check me out on snapchat and miss Thalia 89 and I will see you in my next

video thank you so much for watching

For more infomation >> ROYAL HAIR DELIVERY HUMAN HAIR REVIEW | 24 HOUR DELIVERY!!!!! - Duration: 8:21.


Furukawa Fish Market - Aomori - 青森魚菜センター - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 6:32.

Located just a few blocks away from the Auga fish market in Aomori City,

the Furukawa fish market is maybe by far the most interesting market of the whole area.

Indeed, unlike any other fish market in Japan, the Furukawa fish market gives you the possibility to create your own seafood donburi known as nokkedon.

Acting like a restaurant, visitors of the Furukawa fish market can choose whatever they want

to eat directly from any stall open that day within the market itself!

For more infomation >> Furukawa Fish Market - Aomori - 青森魚菜センター - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 6:32.


Council fails to produce evidence for firing city manager - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Council fails to produce evidence for firing city manager - Duration: 1:39.


Amazing Nail Art Tutorials Videos 2017 🌼 Nails Design & Ideas 💕 Diy Manicure Compilation #12 - Duration: 10:10.

Amazing Nail Art Tutorials Videos 2017 🌼 Nails Design & Ideas 💕 Diy Manicure Compilation #12

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