Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

I'm not a hypochondriac, but I have just made a video about hypochondria.




That's completely mental.


Before we begin:

Let's begin.

As hypochondriacs are very afraid of being seriously ill,

it's not unsuall for them being freaked out by some physical conditions...

Ah, my arm!

It hurts.

I think that it's a tumor.

I have a headache.

It might be a tumor.

It's not a tumor!

It's not a tumor, at all!

Am I too pale today?

Wait... my heart...

It's beating somehow wrong...

Stop, stop...

My eyes are definitely strange today...

Could it be a beginning of heart attack?

This must be serious...

There is something wrong with my foot. I'm

one hundred percent sure that it's the disease I read about!

Don't worry. You are fine. You are healthy...


These are exactly my symptoms!

I should go to doctor...

But what if he says that I'm dying?

So according to this website,

I could have one of these five diseases

or I could have all of them...


Cold again!

Or is it something worse?

Believing that they are ill, they often

look for their disease online or in handbooks

which can bring quite worrying results.

George, hello, how are you?


Bad, John. I feel bad.

What's happening?

It's already sure, John.

According to the information in this medical handbook,

I am in the last stadium of linogrobeeagnosis

which is a deadly disease.



George, you don't have any linogrobeeagnosis,

you are healthy as hell.

That's not true. I have all the symptoms.

George, goddamn it...

There are about 3 days left of my life...

You are not ill!

I have already written my last will

and I decided

that you would get my shoes.

But the much worse thing is that some hypochondriacs

are even used to taking a giant amount of

preventive medicines all day long...

The morning dose of medicines!

One lecitin...

one calcium...


a dose of geritol

just for balance.

I love the iron flavor.

Now goodbye diseases!

After lunch dose coming!

Vitamin C,

vitamin E,

and my loyal L-lysine.

And the last dose for a good night.

So nytol,

excedrin for my headache,

and this syrup.

Double dose, it was a hard day!

I would say that a real challenge can come

when a hypochondriac travels to an exotic country.

Guys, I have finally found an untraditional trip for us.

We will travel to Congo in Africa!





But there is...



tsetse flies,

typhoid fever!



Are you ok?

Yeah... I am...

Don't worry, I have already done everything needed

to be safe from tropical diseases and we are vaccinated.


The trip will be great.

Hundreds of deadly diseases in millions of mosquitos

trying to kill you!

Despite the fact that I'm not a hypochondriac

I know that other people usually don't take

this disease seriously.

You don't understand me. I'm seriously scared!

I think that I caught a dangerous disease

and I'm afraid that I'm dying!

So just...

Eat some chocolate, it will make your mood better.

The treatment of hypochondria is pretty hard.

It's not about just one cure or one special vitamin.

However some people continue trying to make something like that...

No, not supervitamins. It consists of therapies,

medical consultations and many times some cures.


some effective supervitamins for every problem could be good...

Maybe in the future.

If you enjoyed this video, please give it like.

Subscribe to my channel, I will be enthusiastically happy, if you do so

and see you soon.

With another video.

For more infomation >> Hypochondriacs IN ACTION - Duration: 6:12.


Older Sister III New Monarchy Hand Cannon In-Depth Review! Better than the Better Devils?!? - Duration: 3:28.

Hi Guardians, today we are going to review the most beautiful hand cannon in destiny

the Older Sister 3.

This is the New Monarchy Hand Cannon and it looks absolutely beautiful, I like the paint

job and it is the hands down the best looking hand cannon out there.

As I mentioned before this is from New Monarchy so rank up this faction in order to have a

chance on getting this one dropped.

The Older sister sits in the same archetype as the Better Devils and the stats are pretty

similar as well.

The better devils sits in the kinetic slot , whereas the Older Sister sits in the Energy

weapon slot.

As for perks the Older Sister has the adaptive frame

The hitmark, steady hand and cross fire sights Alloy magazine

Armor piercing rounds And Ambitious assasin

I like to use hitmark and armor piercing rounds on this gun.

The gun feels very solid in Pvp, if you like the better devils hand cannon than you will

like this gun as well, because they are both so similar this gun might as well be the older

sister of the better devils but then without explosive rounds.

Because it does not have explosive rounds you will suffer much more of a damage fall

off than the better devils.But if you want to use a hand cannon in the energy slot and

for some reason you dont want to use the better devils in the kinetic slot then this is a

good replacement , you can then combine the Older Sister with for example the Antiope-D,

Mida or the Origin Story with will make it a solid combo for Pvp.

In Pve the ambitious assassin perk really comes to play, this perk will give you extra

bullets when you reload based on the number of rapid kills.

I sometimes got a mag up to 15 bullets whereas the normal mag size is 11.

This is really a great passive perk that helps you in the background so you can just focus

on slaying enemies.

But also here the Better Devils will be your better choice in terms of a hand cannon, explosive

rounds is just really such a good perk that it is a hard to pass on, but this gun definitely

comes in the number two spot in terms of the PVE utility that it has compared with other

more generic hand cannons.

Other than that it suffers from the same ammo problems like you have with any other hand

cannon in PVE.

There is just no way around it.

To conclude, the Older Sister is actually a really good hand cannon , it is reliable

and consistent and the ambitious assassin perk is very useful in PVE.

I really hate to say this but despite how good this gun is , it does live in the shadow

of the better devils, if you compare the two the better devils is just a better choice

for both Pvp and Pve.

If you don't have a better devils yet then this should be your go to hand cannon and

If you have one but you just want to use a different kinetic weapon in that case the

Older Sister is a good replacement.

Don't get me wrong this gun is good, but it is just outshined by the better devils and

thus I am going to give the Older Sister a B.

Thank you so much for watching this video, if you want this weapon don't forget to utilize

the faction token farm video that I posted recently.

This is currently the fastest way to get all the faction weapons and armor.

Let me know which faction weapon you want me to review next.

Subscribe for more and as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Older Sister III New Monarchy Hand Cannon In-Depth Review! Better than the Better Devils?!? - Duration: 3:28.


すじ編みのアクリルたわしの編み方:細編み【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> すじ編みのアクリルたわしの編み方:細編み【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 8:54.


Portals Open, Update Timelines, And The Mandela Effect - Duration: 9:58.

Portals Open, Update Timelines, And The Mandela Effect

by Morag,

Portals are opening, portals of higher frequency energy.

Those sensitive to cosmic fluctuations may be experiencing anxiety, shaking, difficulty


Spaciness, forgetfulness, tearful.

Hunger or loss of appetite.

Hyper awareness of energy fields of people around you.


When portals open they cause intense disturbances in the atmosphere, this can be felt by some


A feeling of being untethered, making limbs shaky, causing clumsiness and insecure footing,

even walking down stairs can be challenging.

Practise regular grounding mantras drawing universal light love through crown chakra,

down out through your feet back into Gaia.

This portal is about timelines.

A further shift in human consciousness is being heralded, the rug may be pulled from

under our feet.

Disclosure is intensifying.

Disclosure of ufo and alien intergalactic communities.

Disclosure of depravity and mass programming in entertainment, in politics, in athletics

and fashion.

There is a nervous energy bubbling to the surface.

Interference is being experienced on a global scale.

The elite are upping their attempts to thwart all kinds of exposure, to prevent truth emerging.

Their energy is dangerous and desperate.

Cosmic energy is pulling us to higher frequencies.

If we fight this we can feel dissociated from our lives.

Portals can make us feel on high alert, hyper vigilant with the environment around us.

We sense something and are looking for it trying to ascertain, is it hostile, threatening

or frightening.

There is a building sense of hyper cosmic activity, something is happening.

Our reality is being twisted through artificial loops causing glitches that are increasingly


Labelled the Mandela effect we are becoming aware of engineering of our synthetic, fabricated


This is the matrix.

When something big is changed, smaller, less obvious changes occur.

Technology has enabled us to uncover and track these glitches.

From the big changes like our common memories of the death of well known people like Mandela

to the smaller glitches like missing apostrophes in logos.

Small changes indicate bigger manipulations of our global perceived realities.

Celluloid, social media, hyper technology create a trail, a path of discovery, clues

to truth and deception.

In a quantum world nothing happens in isolation.

We are being hacked, our perceived reality engineered to trip out our global consciousness.

An attempt to rewind time by dismantling our memories of the recent past.

We are being strategically deterred from the path of truth.

There are preferred timelines of ignorance, quantum electronic pathways where humanity

remains in darkness.

The elite, our infiltrators, are seeking to take us backwards, to halt our awakening.

Our intergalactic friends, old adversaries of this race of demonic forces, are taking

this guarded, engineered manipulation of our perception of reality and fighting it.

The war is stepping up a big notch for our minds, bodies and souls.

Social media, the world wide web, offers us freedom of information, global communication

and traceable evidence of who and what existence we have been present for.

This evidence opens our locked down minds showing us lies have been told.

Synthetic pathways within the matrix have drawn us deep down a rabbit hole of oppression

and trauma.

We are like hostages trying to break free, swimming to the surface for air, for oxygen,

for honesty and truth.

These are dangerous times.

We are being gaslighted.

Made to doubt our own perception of reality, this causes mass confusion, grief, fear and


We no longer feel secure as drones obeying the directives of the matrix.

We are untethered.

We break free from deception but we are not at the surface yet.

We are caught between drowning and freedom.

This is causing light headedness, dizziness, disturbed thought patterns, unpredictable

behaviour, erratic see patterns.

How do we navigate a world where the parameters are constantly shifting.

Where the very fabric of our existence, our memories, our experiences are sabotaged to

undermine our sense of self, our collective unity.

A huge mothership, a city in the sky, our allies, hovers above the Atlantic ocean, cloaked

from human eyes.

This ship and our allies aboard it are mounting a fresh attack as hostilities heighten.

Blasting waves of high frequency photon light out across the planet.

The human elite are no longer in control.

The war has stepped up.

Our infiltrators are pressing the button for enhanced manipulation of our perceived synthetic


They seek to freeze us in time, to halt the expansion of human consciousness.

The Atlantic is the scene of this great showdown.

Like a tidal wave this great battle for human consciousness, human souls, human sanity is

being activated.

To run, to hide in fear is to feed their never ending lust for our energy.

We get stuck on a low frequency unable to access fifth or higher dimensional realities.

This great battle commences.

We are part of it.

Now is the time to activate your inner warrior, to ignite the fighter within you.

Do not let fear take hold of your mind, lock down your heart or corrupt your soul.

Release all negative entities from this world.

Push back against their fear, their anger, their greed and their darkness with the glory

of joy, of love, of enlightened human consciousness.

These are the end times and the beginning times.

We are here to rescue humanity from the clutches of dark forces.

Get out your light saber, dance ecstatically, meditate with conviction.

Be specific, be focused, be driven, be secure, be clear in your inner strength.

We are old souls embedded in feminine energy release this energy to the world.

Set aside time for individual and group meditation.

Practise rituals of protection, love and illumination.

Repeat mantras throughout the day.

Ground yourself deep into the heart of Gaia.

She needs our strength.

Game on beautiful people.

We are entering the next phase.

The synthetic matrix crumbles around us.

The simulation placed in front of the eyes of the population holds them in a trance like

state, protecting them from truths they are not ready to see yet.

Those of us who answered the call, who volunteered to help this planet in crisis, in cosmic turmoil,

our time is now.

Timelines are up for grabs.

This portal of truth, a tear in the lining of the matrix, stretching across the Atlantic,

was prophesied and has come before.

When Atlantis fell our planetary vulnerability was violated.

This is our second chance for freedom.

The mistakes before, the lack of support, the lack of guidance, the lack of higher dimensional

presence has been corrected.

We are surrounded by allies in the skies, in the oceans, on land and in our hearts.

Gaia is ready to pull up her drawbridge, to close the door and banish the predators.

She needs our help.

Our intergalactic friends are calling time on the infiltrators.

Expect intense disturbances around the Atlantic that will roll out around Gaia.

As this portal stretches wider and deeper we push through the static of lies, we tear

apart the veils of deception, we destroy the predators with grounded love frequency.

Position yourself for battle.

Wield your energetic light saber strong and focused.

Unleash love upon our enemies, they will crumble, they will break apart, they will disintegrate

for love is the force that will vanquish them.

Love is the vibration of the fifth dimension and higher.

Time anomalies will accelerate.

Dimensional fluctuations will happen before our eyes.

The world is bending, twisting, fluctuating.

Their time is up.

Exit stage left.

Time for bye bye.

The war between dark and light will continue in the third dimension, for this is where

the enemy thrive.

But we will no longer be there.

Use all your gifts for healing, for premonition, for manifestation and third eye sight.

Be sensitive to humanities intense confusion.

Be compassionate for humanities accelerated evolution.

Do not let negative emotions overwhelm you.

Trust that you will be protected.

Use language as the tool to instigate protection and love power.


Meditate love frequency warriors of Gaia, the time is now.

Game on beautiful people.


I raise my frequency to connect to universal love light energy.

I release all fear.

I activate my free will.

I share love I receive love I am love.


For more infomation >> Portals Open, Update Timelines, And The Mandela Effect - Duration: 9:58.


4 أشياء تأثر فيك ◆ كيفية التحكم في الأشياء من حولك ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> 4 أشياء تأثر فيك ◆ كيفية التحكم في الأشياء من حولك ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 11:43.


Custom Offsets Match Up: 20x9 on a 295/60 R20 - Duration: 2:30.

(heavy metal music)

- Hey guys, Shawn again with Custom Offsets.

Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.

Got another one of these Match Ups for you where we're

trying to show you that wheel size

compared to that tire size and show you some of the

different dimensions and match-ups of it.

So this wheel is the Fuel Vector,

and it's going to be a 20 by 9 wide,

and then the tire is the Nitto Ridge Grappler,

which remember is that hybrid,

it's somewhere between a mud tire and an all-terrain tire.

Aggressive sidewall, pretty aggressive lug,

but still gets some highway miles,

and they are fairly quiet comparative to a mud tire.

So the size is a 295/60 R20.

What that equates out to is it's a 34 basically tall,

and then it's 11.6 wide.

So you'll see it's a little narrower than your 12.5

that would usually be like a 33/12.5 or 35/12.5.

And what that'll help with is when you're trying to stuff

and you just don't want too much width.

The other thing it'll do is on this nine inch wide wheel,

you're gonna have less of a bulge,

because you only have that 11.6 versus a 12.5.

So if you're trying to get protection for an off-road wheel,

I would lean more toward the 12.5,

because you would have more sidewall bulge,

but if you're trying to get, you know,

a little more of that square set-up look,

or not such a fat sidewall look,

then you would want to go with this 295/60,

because you've only got that 11.6

to stretch onto that nine inch.

The fun fact that we always wanna try to remind you guys of,

that when you measure a wheel,

the nine inch is inside of those beads.

So when you go to the outside of the bead,

it's actually 10 inch,

you have to add a half inch on each side.

That's why an 11.6 doesn't have that much bulge,

because you're coming all the way out to the outside edges

of that bead, which is 10 inches.

So that's why I think sometimes people expect it to have

more bulge or less, where you start to get tire stretch,

even though, you know, if it's a nine inch wide tire on a

nine inch wide wheel, it's gonna be stretched,

because it's pulling it all the way out to the 10 inches

of the outside of that bead on that wheel.

I think that's all you gotta know about that.

That is another Match Up.


(heavy metal music)

For more infomation >> Custom Offsets Match Up: 20x9 on a 295/60 R20 - Duration: 2:30.


Baa Baa Ovelha negra | Canções Préescolares | Para Crianças | Música para bebés - Duration: 1:20:32.

la la la la la la la la la

la la la la la la la

Baa, baa, black sheep,

have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

three bags full!

One for the master,

One for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane

la la la la la la la la la

la la la la la la la

Baa, baa, black sheep,

have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

three bags full!

One for the master,

One for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane

la la la la la la la la la

la la la la la la la

For more infomation >> Baa Baa Ovelha negra | Canções Préescolares | Para Crianças | Música para bebés - Duration: 1:20:32.


Mousse leve de morango e amêndoas, sem lácteos e sem açúcar - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Mousse leve de morango e amêndoas, sem lácteos e sem açúcar - Duration: 8:36.


Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Temple run oz Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 19:09.

Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Temple run oz Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons

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