Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

watch part one go one up hi guys welcome down to the fantastic golf club munchin

ash I'm here and guess where wonderful myself and flatter myself and Fletch

much play scores on the doors I am two or three two place there's a big big

couple of holes it's a big ass we've got we've got hair core here on the on the

back on the back today providing some interesting commentary on some of the

shots always nice to get someone else's perspective life he's usually he's

usually won the comments or the abuse so we invited him to play and watch we are

on the 16th hole 346 meters dogleg around to the left-hand side where we

hit hitting out towards that bunker right there which is around about 220

into the breeze flat she's out with the reward it was he did well with it

yeah yes it's gone straight though

there we go round about 180 down there is a green it's a what I said yesterday

when he hit this yeah I'll be only one down that love the plum put Carter in a

false sense of security class sir it's a very secure place to what we're free a

play finishes one down lost it will yep nailed it yeah I didn't see the to show

us treatment yeah that's my stuff middle of the fairway flats would you like I do

you like a trolleys by the way I guess

you guys yeah we're gonna give them a ring and see if they're interested let's

do it you can if you're watching we like your Tallis flats 174 middle of the

fairway longish I think it's a longer shot than he had expected I was about to

say surely you hit the fire fight again you have to call color that's really

fine you've already used it no there's no

grooves I've got it

Oh baby bunker she's a fire pain I look good in the air they take the positives

yeah nice spin back off a bullet - I left them please I'm gonna predict cars

121 well I'll use upped it Wow - the flags quite far one four six

yeah Libby Garmin could send me a good watch from edge wait you're going with

nine nine eight by in in good situation yeah

about my horse

sounded nice

well um let's get to the green

okay so up by the green I'm just near the flag here the four low is over there

so it's not quite as long past as we initially thought which it's just on the

upslope of the bunker so elevation is not gonna be a problem is that one foot

in one foot out as well so I'll make it a little bit trickier needs it up and

down like I said those are thirties interested covets there's a lot of Sun

look at this break by the way how cool is that right you don't need to stand

rake brought to you by Dukat right flex for pass we're gonna play it we're gonna

play 1718 anyway guys if this doesn't go in

racin bullets Anderson we're already thin bullet Anderson you

could join him next time oh he's not a thief he's not a pre-30 it's not happy

today you give me the whole I went too many units of alcohol that was the

problem Chris it was wasn't it yeah I went to bed at one o'clock like a good

soldier I only had four or five beers throughout the evening these two ends

about a 5 a.m. yeah you can't have two good people at one place that's true

very true right so that's the all right thank you very much it means a lot

means a lot thank you desert thanks a lot you win Charlie poor 2,000 euros on

me at 3 2 1 so he's the happy man and you know what we're gonna rock the last

two holes yeah we'll do a quick blogging last two holes but flag games on fire

nice I like it right so final two holes just as a quick

one though Carter goes to up to one up what do I do one up in this in the

Munich tour see to you though I'm at elementary I was gonna say to up as in

two points to my tally all right I'm gonna sort myself out tomorrow yeah one

back and then I'll win another three to a puppy that's the part that's not going

to happen yes sir so we've got a really

interesting looking hole hey this is the reason why we continue so you can see

the rest of the course we're hitting towards the white flag the tree there is

two seven eight meters away so that translates to about three watt 310

downwind so we don't really not gonna be hitting driver we're going to stay

of 294 sorry 294 yards to the tree so we're in three were to kind of stay

short enough back so then the approach shot is not hindered I will let you have

the honor Fletch that's the good sportsman that I am the loser go first

I tell you he's not holding back today it's the one that's the same height as

you the short joke do ya is your backswing and PD there by the way it's

close that mine will be ready I'm ready are you ready you heard here guys

flights gonna go birdie-birdie click like if you're enjoying this but please

don't click dislike based on the shots finally I shot one under yesterday for

seven holes special orders roll me I'm have enough oh I I'm having one of those

I thought I played better after searching yeah but you played by there

on the second night not the first thing

you see worth it

short cut off a shelf

what Asia Oh trees gonna be nicely of the way yes sure

all right so we are still in the fairway but she's bought what he's up to that I

was going to say youth in the bush definitely lend a car shot because you'd

have nailed it onto the green

self-praise this glorious know someone's gotta give me praise the bismi is fine

okay car so what we're looking at 160 that tree I don't know how it looks on

camera but that tree is massive it's really high 160 you know you only hit 40

pass me and I ducked it it's getting short these days

oh yeah just over it yeah Tony give yourself please get me praise from

someone else that one looks good oh yeah that was the best one of the day

yeah yeah super chef it's buddy right so oh by the green Fletch shipping pitching

just shot their round to the flag and there is my ball right come on up and

down sure

yeah two spinny - good okay you got this Tony okay gentlemen I'm glady if you're

watching we just got up to the 17th hole charter hit an enormous 9-iron over that

big tree in the distance and he's about 12 15 feet away putting for birdie

I'm making birdie my word mr. Carter you are on fire

today's a good day super guard from the first hole apartment yeah fantastic golf

thank you today's a good day what up we don't want a question we all

right flex your path come on

easy guys easy this is gold I've got a fire a German

masters German masters look at this for you not Carter moving camera I'll be

lovely I'll be honest I'm surprised I actually

didn't expect them to be this high-quality why do you think I stayed

here for so long I just thought this the only place that

give you a job the others for the beer yeah yeah is the quality of quality the

golf course is right up awesome yeah german-engineered and it's bringing

out your best golf Andy I played all right yesterday sir I played well

yesterday so I'm happy without ya tomorrow two more days of golf yeah yeah

it's probably the most golf I've played in a long time um hopefully we will get

some of our viewers coming over to Germany to play golf

well it's highly recommended from Karzai myself we're trying to promote Munich

and promote golf tourism and Munich the course is of course itself hopefully

should look as good as it was for us on camera yeah oh yeah should there I

reckon you could hit it over that person just there Carter

well waste regne today probably could

then there's lustful water hazard all the way down nah I had to look at him up

later it's find one for a big on them I should

pull a bit of muscle in my neck that really hurts oh yeah all right fire one

up there okay oh it's nicer war has it all right carbs big one Wow good shot

right what a super welcome to the day just about reach the fairway that my god

I caught one for once Tony yeah impressed sound surprised

no surprised and impressed our party up you got a few yardages hundred about 280


oh yes on the dance floor hopefully look killer

oh yeah regular a regulation part of fish regulation part to finish all right

my turn solid solid sandwich look looks good looks tasty looks tasty

he's very happy no oh yeah he's played as a golfer nothing he's gonna finish

barely better all day yesterday those things golfy toughest well when you get

hammered you have to sort out Yaga right so I'll get the plug let's prep getting

prepped and ready to good birdie chances

let's finish in another one put super Golf Course you guys have here

come on go on go in Grapher sums that you Dave lucky all day now I've been

hopeless honest yeah cos they finish with the Betty

yeah the bird a back-to-back birdies ha and that brings the end of a very fun

vlog a very very very good golf course Oh munching a shine energy hit music go

on the hawser radio station golf park one should uh shame okay

absolutely fantastic thank you very much for having us thoroughly enjoyable golf

course hopefully we will be back in the swimmer to do a front nine blog as well

because that was fun guys thanks very much for watching please do hit the

subscribe button pause on the social media platforms and from all three we'll

see you again soon thanks guys bye guys was great craic actually

For more infomation >> GAME SET & MATCH.... Aschheim Golf Club - Part 3 - Duration: 19:34.


PLANKERTON STORM SHIELD DEFENSE! - Fortnite Save the World Quest with Legendary Hero - Duration: 25:50.

oh, We've got helper. There we go so we've got someone helping us now which

is cool whoa

Hey-up Troops, Welcome back to the Litanah Army. I'm Litanah and today we're

back with Fortnite and we're doing the PvE element again today

now what I'm doing I'm doing the storm shield defense so what I'm gonna do is

defend this little thing here and I activated it shortly so to activate the

storm shield I'll just press E. So, what I want to do is I want to activate the

storm shield so that'll put it up and this is what we've got a defend there we

go and that is our storm shield so we've got to defend this now this is gonna be

a living breathing that part of the game that's gonna be there all the time so

this isn't going anywhere so now that we've got this storm shield up it's

going to where it's going to be here in all the time and it's gonna be a lot of

submissions I can do around the storm shield and this is gonna be mine other

people can help you know but this is this part of the storm shield actually

my part so I'm gonna be using this often so let's build this up first let's just

build some brick walls around it first of all and here we go so there we go so

now what I want to do is build a lot of what are called kill traps well I'm

kinda goading the husks into like a maze almost so what I want to do is I wanted

to kind of drop down but then look so here's a good spot because they might

come down the hill so the matter they come down here so what I can do here log

itself almost like a kill tunnel yeah so what kind of block this off let's push G

so I can get through there oh there we go

and for those of you that are not building yet you just hit G and it comes

up with blocks and then the hit G again this is the same on the PlayStation and

everything else so the husks are gonna come down here which actually want them to

you know and they're gonna be inside here trying to get through my wall so

these walls are massively important I'll upgrade these - these are gonna get hit

quite a lot then what we need to do is build up the other walls around the edge

now very few I don't think are gonna come round here but if they can get in

do you know they're gonna try and get in this way now they might take this wall

down perhaps and maybe even this one so we'll strengthen them as well I mean

that constructors probably better for this because they have got a constructor

or uses my one of my means but this is a legendary soldier so let's just build

around the inside here you know so I want to give him like two

walls to get through that way if they do break through it's not the end of the

world now I've only got limited materials on this one because I'm

building a loon I'm gonna put another door here this I need to get inside even

further and let's just get rid of that one there and pull out that right so now

the rest of it is gonna be you know just a big walkway like so I don't know which

way they're gonna come from but what we're going to be doing is setting up

like these little kill tunnels for when they come in doing it that way and as we

get on in the game we'll make these even bigger oh dammit dammit no no no no no

no no no you should be like a quick take down for a mis-build so you don't lose

all the mats - nevermind come on get rid get red there you go

alright put that up there you there I'm not doing another door actually just run

the other side maybe just in case we need to get in quick so I'll put one

door here maybe oops and just break it as my building it cuz that's what we do

and then we'll put another one maybe over here so if we hit G Wow now what

the hospital do the hospital only move like three squares if they're running

out this for example it will go for this wall this wall or this wall but if these

not space free then they will start attacking the wall in front of them so

in this scenario if they were coming up that wall you know the hospital actually

go here and then they get stuck there so what we need to do is get what are

called kill tunnels to kind of bring them in so what I'm gonna show you is

just down here which is what we're gonna do first I need to trap the hell out of

this section so let's put a ceiling on there so we'll do that we can upgrade

all this later and you're not to be like metal and stuff like that but this is

where if they come down the hill this is most likely where they gonna come back

they come through here which they could do down this path then they might hit

this place for example and this is gonna be a problem because they're gonna try

and get through there so that's gonna be another area that I'm going to need to

defend but first of all let's build some trap so all we do is we press I and we

go to traps along the top here I've got some food trucks now I can

build I can build quite a lot I've got quite a lot of nuts and bolts so when

you're getting nuts and bolts in the other games that's what you're actually

aiming for so what are one I'm gonna go for I want to go off or blue traps just

because they don't cost as many mats and I'm tight so one two three floor traps

and we'll do two wall traps for now two spiky wall traps and then we

definitely ceiling traps now I tend to like this one oh gosh come on men you

what are you doing to me right this one here at the ceiling electric field so if

I go one two three right and we've all dose now they're all in my inventory now

so what I can do is we can set these up by pressing T if I press T on the floor

here spike truck there Spike truck there and a spike truck there and then we'll

do wall traps because they're probably gonna come here and it would wall dart

their ceiling electric field will put there another one there another one

there and how many wall trumps did I build I don't think I built enough I

think I only built them didn't only build the two already built one so I

need two or more so let's build the two more dart traps one two really quite a

lot of wood for that let's see how much it takes the wooden the wooden planks

all right so see in there see in there perfect so this is kind of like a little

kill platform so when they come down this little Ridge here and they see this

section they're gonna try and get in you know and then they're gonna bit it with

the electric field spikes on the wall darts coming out of the wall and

everything else we can probably put another dart trap on there as well just

for good measure so we'll just build that well there we

go and I've got that upgraded wall there you can see the bricks are a different

color they're like they're like a gray color there now what I can also do is I

can build back a survivor platform so what this does it means I can place a

survivor on there so if I I'll show you what I mean by that what I'm gonna do is

I'm in a place I need to get rid of this tree well

okay your car you can't shoot trees down before you even you know before we try

and do that so let's put the floor down like this and then I'm gonna make some

steps you know what no I'm not I'm just gonna make it so that it's see I was

hoping I could get a survivor on here so we could shoot down into there but it's

probably gonna get swarmed from the back here so it's probably not a good

position that one let's leave that for now okay I don't know if i refresh G and

just edit a lot out and get rid of it no okay so let's just destroy this what

we built up then okay we all limited our materials you can see there we've not

got much left you know but that is the first corner now you probably do your

base up like bit by bit and we just do put that up there so I'll strengthen the

ceiling as well and that's use quite a lot of but it's stronger like I said and

then what we're gonna do is I might put a survivor up there so let's get inside

and build some steps so we can get like some sort of roofing go in here if I

build the steps in here like so and then go around

you know what we can just build a ceiling around it I think that might be

better all right we haven't got much materials left in the way of stone but

we collect them in missions so we can help someone else with their mission and

we can gather in that one so the personal go up there and they'll get

into here so we can put down now a survivor pad where the survivor all play

a jump pad play a jump pad defender pulse this is what we really so I

couldn't defend a pulse there look I'll make one of those make two of those in

fact tell me I made the right one I don't know if we did or not all right

never mind so let's go to T and this is the defender post here look now what we

can do here is we can put a defender on there

so if you look there compress he comes up now with the menu and press e and I

can use a shotgun or a sniper a knife fire if we want to do that way and then

we've got also the another sniper this I'm going to use this 16 sniper that

we're gonna put in there and you can look this is why it's good to level your

survivors up no weapon is selected so we'll give her this best sniper rifle

that we've got that there we go and look ammo count she doesn't need all that

ammo so we'll give a like I don't know it's a sniper rifle 500 should be enough

for a sniper right so yeah about you know battle no not max not max come

Flynn there you go and then there she is locked so she's ready now and she's got

this area where she can take out you know what she can reach so if I stand on

here you know sometimes it shows you like the area that she can that she can

reach so it's quite good to she's going to be defending that said now we have

god we could get loads from the other side you know from over here so let's

build the ceiling across the top again a little bit more so we've got this

section over here which we could get to as well so really it's doing the corners

up and making sure that we've got ample defenses all the way around can I do

another defender pose do I have enough mass for that a lot cow it takes so it

takes no some bolts crafting planks bacon because I'm guessing you've got to

feed the survivor as well and then some duct tape so we can't put another

defender post up there which is I'm gonna do so let's do that and then

we'll put another defender post and the post right there look

and if I press E I'm gonna go for a I know the sniper on this uh I even got a

sniper gun I don't think I have so I'll put that sniper in there and she's not

having my sniper so that's all you're getting for now now what I can do I can

craft a weapon in here yes I'm getting you were sniper rifle right so I don't

need to get a top n sniper rifle relay and now there's a blue one here that I

can make this pretty decent so we're gonna make that okay and then all we do

then is press E and we'll just go back on there so unsummon re-summon and then

we can give her the blue sniper rifle ammo again 500 s fine confirm probably

even too much to be fair but I think if you put the ammo in here there's a

little thing here look and then the defenders can actually take from there

and everything else now we're not gonna expand the shield just yet but if you up

like finish all these permissions in there as well if you've got someone else

helping you what you can actually do is give them permissions and it just means

that they can do other things so they can deploy traps build edit harvest and

everything else so they're not just gonna help you with the last bit okay so

let's get up here if you playing with friends as well about permissions things

pretty awesome so we've got this side kinda covered now we've got the two

sniper peeps over there and maybe I could use one over this side so let's

just have a quick look at that we're gonna get many this way hmm maybe we

will maybe we won't well then I'm gonna come through the

cliff you know so we should be all right there I think

and let's have a lot workshops we've gotten when I put some wall traps up I

think just every now and again well we've got lots of materials of nothing

we've got like tons of one two three oh alright it's kind of use a lot of it I

need wooden planks now but we can get them in the missions later on so let's

just go see put one there put one there cuz corners are always

quite susceptible one there and we'll put another one just a little bit

further around we've got the door there another one here and we can build all

this salt lay it around you know we don't have to do this now this bits a

little bit open you know must admit however I still think we're okay here

alright so I'm going to expand the shield now you don't have to it's not

like Kim I'm battle royale where you've got to worry about closing the doors up

either so don't worry about that section of it alright we need a door inside here

so this one we're gonna make a door and then let's set off our storm shield

alright here we go guys Oh what I have got as well because I'm

using the legendary soldier in fortnight I can drop this like hair package if you

like so batteries five ok I can't do it from there maybe I can't do it in the

storm shield it just said no okay five cannot do that now alright maybe that's

for what I'm actually in the game so all right let's get on here then let's get

the storm shield access menu expand the shield alright so it searches for help

first now that we've done everything and then what I'm going to do is like the

kill trap that we've got on the other side that's what I need to build more

off so lots of little kill traps and all around so that you know the husks are

kind of tunneled in and they kind of fall into a section like this you know

and it just wipes them out or so the theory goes all right so let's get our

way back up then

maybe we should build like roof sections then over these bits just so we can get

around put one there even on there there you go so we've got access to get

everywhere now a sniper rifles looking worse for wear

make sure everything's loaded up yeah yeah okay the good thing about falling

out as well if you want to reload your gun or you want to craft ammo in PvE

like the shotgun there I just hold down our and it crafts the edge while I'm all

rather than actually reloading the gun so each hold down our oh we've got the

resources to do it on this one all right we eats very very resource heavy doing

these storm shield defenses but they are worth it you're definitely worth it okay

I wonder if I can do like a solar sea oh

I can look

I was cool so we've kind of made it so that you can kind of just get up and

down these steps and still walk around it all right wait they're coming from

where they're coming from this side first course they are the side I've not

put any defenses on all right well we've got some where are they are they're all

over there look all right this can get quite sticky and

there's no one open as at the minute so we've just kind of got to be quick I

think it's quite a lot of them come on quicker or I ski shotgun on yeah we are

we've seen them all right so we just got to keep these keep these guys back now

and just defend the strong shield see the traps doing the work there these

guys aren't good because these can just take out and he's come out throw things

oh we've got a help ah there we go so we've got someone helping us now which

is cool whoa all right so we can keep repairing the walls maybe I should

upgrade this side a little bit more while we've got the mats for it

all right cool so now this guys are open that I'll make a massive difference and

other people can jump in midway through as well god this guy's like Rambo who

the hell is he all right I like this guy

all right it's me PP that's just him hey took some grenades in there and we have

got a defences run the other side because we've got the snipers that are

up there as well oh yeah I want to do I want to give him the permissions but

I've kind of left it a little bit like if we get a gap in we get a gap in play

in a minute so what I will do I'll give this guy permissions and he can harvest

and build and if he wants to do that oh we've got another guy as well oh god


alright so we'll give him permissions in a sec how'd you know what I might be

able to do that now for them let's do that there will be a break in play in a

second but you know so permissions I just go up here and I'll just tick them

two boxes there I mean I don't know whether to trust them on art you know

I'm quite new to this bear I don't think they can do that much damage if I'm

honest put that down as well so they can get that nice that guy's quite good

alright 30 seconds left for this first wave do the grenades in Nick

there we go now some of them if you saw the up these got a lot of floating

things behind them like this guy you need to take that out at the back there

and then it'll take the shield often or a can definitely is something that's

probably unwanted god there's a lot of these guys oh we've got another helper

as well oh no we haven't that's the same guy that's no nice skin though dude nice

skin oh right okay now what's good about this is we can not repair now I don't

think I've got the mats to look great maybe I have maybe I've not and alright

so I'm just trying to make these a little bit so the next attacks from the

east if you listen out to the woman speaking she like tells you what's going

next so if you look I've given these guys building permissions

ah what a dude so he's that helped out like he's brought me like a metal wall

and he's brought me like a metal on there and a purple one so that's

pretty awesome of him he didn't have to do that so the next trucks coming from

the bid that we wanted to show off so I wanted to show you this bit and just are

cool it can be alright so we're gonna stay on the ground to think I haven't

really got much shotgun ammo left we're outta mats now alright here we go

guys and the sniper rifle if your looks not got much on it oh look she's up

there she's fighting away up there so let's take these out so we just did

to defend that storm shield that's in the middle of there see if I'm getting a

bit of a bit of a better vantage point up here alright I can't see a damn thing

now see the see the defenders fight in there how cool is that so we should be

absolutely fine you know and I like the fact that you can give them permission

so they can gather resources here those women there that were just going down

the cliff did that one of what you shut out

they throw skulls and they can throw them at quite long range as well this

one here look and it does massive damage to your base so they need taking out

quite early on if every spot those all right who else we got here think that I

I think the other players taking them all out on the ridge quite a lot off

what is that I don't even know oh did you see the skull thing they're flying

over so she's out arranging the minute but she's trying there she is so they've

not even got close yet this sides well defended to be fair well there she is

alright that sounds like beast whatever it is well which way they all go and

they're not coming down the actual it's like they're trying to get down this way

all right but we're just kind of thinning the lines out she's fighting up

there up the top look maybe she know something we don't

okay let's reload the sniper rifle we got this we got this guy's so we're

doing exceptionally well a minute this side is absolutely no sweat whatsoever

so what I want to do is make all four corners of the actual base look like

this one then we should actually be fine oh look there's the skull can you see it

coming over but the well-arranged I got you what got you I got you yeah all

right we're doing fine up here with a minute

and it's really great that these guys are helping out you know cuz they don't

have to do that you know they don't have to come in I don't know what benefit it

is to helping someone else in the storm shield I've done a few but I don't

really know what benefit it gets here can I get that guy it missed oh we've

got one coming down oh I see him I got him oh and they're the ones you want dad

all right is this kind of it I missed ammo ammo I got that guy mine

yes oh nice and that's the soldier ability they're being used in the

distance always good to watch okay so we've got three seconds left all right

awesome work is that it and there we've got the SAS storm shield defense this is

the kinda mission that you have look at the cinematic there that looks awesome

this is the kind of cinematic that you get in the PvE section you know so I'll

just put you know thanks guys to those dudes down there and then what we'll do

is we all get you still get the bonuses what you get and a lot of this stuff

helps you and Peavy I think we get a chest as well let's have a look so we

get XP here I'll explain what all this is in like

another video separately because it looks awesome in your art it is and

there's a lot of stuff you can get what's great is that there's a lot of

things you can get in the PvE game that you can use in battle rail now they're

not gonna give you any extra boost or anything you know they're not going to

give you better guns or better loo or anything but they are gonna make you

look different and you're gonna be able to use the V box to buy things and the

PvE players don't have to buy a B book trailer because you can carry the buyer

that way so you could see it as a bit of an investment if you're the type that

has a lot of micro transactions and you back things like that then this could be

a great investment for your long term just the games about I think it's 40

British pounds and but 160 dollars something like that but it's well worth

it if you're gonna spend that on the V books anyway then you know this is a

great way to get it and I like the fact it's cosmetic only so you're not going

to get any sort of extra edge in the game or anything like that so let's open

this chest what we just got I'll show you the loot section just because I saw

is so awesome so if we do that we've got this chest so we open this up so I've

got some hero xB I've got a mini armor reward two of those so I'll show you

that and I got a quest complete 100 V box thanks for that dude whoever you are

now if you someone that plays shut up right so if you're someone that plays a

mad you know the battle royale these V books can be spent actually in-game you

know and you can buy cosmetics and stuff with that okay so while I'll also show

you is the loot so if you look you get these llamas what you can buy so you can

go out there that's these are the event llamas they're pretty awesome and you

get candy if you do the event quests that should be finished now though like

I said I've done loads of those now what we can do is if you look we use the V

books if you want them we can buy a llama we've got some already a lot

claims so let's claim these three we've got three of them and I'll show you how

these work so these little llamas on the string and we just hit them and then we

get stuff for the PvE so these are great you know these this is only a little

armor so you're not going to get well or you're unlikely to get Legendary's in

these I have seen epics and stuff dropping these before but a lot of is

just trash the kind of trash llamas these ones

there we go and I'll show you one of the battle llamas just before we're in the

video yeah yeah yeah alright and then what we'll do I'll get this

I'll just buy this one this is a hundred a hundred VBux so let's just buy that

one and this one's a little bit better and we should get something in there

so we've got loads of XP some more traps scan day Oh got a hero there as well so

we've got some rares in there if you look so we've got two rares an uncommon

and then two greys so it kind of like scales up the more that you've kinda you

know the more that you've got on there so guys if you are enjoying Fortnite

and you want to see more of it engine on the channel the PvE section in

particular is what I'm focusing on at the minute cuz everybody's playing

fortnite Battle Royale so what I thought I'd do is the

fortnite save the world and show you guys some guides and things if there's

something that you want to know about this game please let me know in the

comments down below and if you're not part of the Litanah Army already make

sure you subscribe down at the bottom and I will catch you on the next video

thanks for watching troops


For more infomation >> PLANKERTON STORM SHIELD DEFENSE! - Fortnite Save the World Quest with Legendary Hero - Duration: 25:50.


Leading and Communicating - Unpopular Decisions at Work - Duration: 2:52.

What's up, heroes?

This week we're going to be talking about how to deal with unpopular decisions, whether

it be a decision you make or even worse, a decision somebody else makes that you have

to enforce.

Make sure you stick around and check that out.

Hi, I'm Roman Ryder.

On this channel, I'll have you unlock your powers and be the hero of your story.

If you're new to my channel make sure you click below to subscribe.

I put out new videos every week and you don't want to miss out.

All right, so in interviews the question often comes up, how do you deal with an unpopular


All right, so first of all the key to this is just communicate.

Sometimes you're going to have to make a decision that people aren't going to like so the best

thing you can do is just tell people why you made that decision.

I've run across this a lot.

Sometimes people just don't understand all the ins and outs of decision making at a managerial

level so they may not understand budget concerns or the need to look at how you're spending

the money whether it be an operations budget, maintenance budget, capital spending where

you might have to do a capital project.

There's a lot that goes into these decisions that the average person at your job probably

doesn't understand.

Give them the benefit of the doubt that they are actually interested and they want to figure

this out and tell them exactly how you made the decision, all the factors you weighed

and why you did what you did.

When they understand that they're probably going to buy in or the worst case they'll

at least feel like you're keeping them involved in part of the process so they're going to

feel a little better about your decision.

The other thing is when you communicate how you make your decisions you're also developing

your future leaders.

Now, these people that are coming up behind you are going to understand how your thought

process works, how you come to the decisions you make, and you're grooming them to take

your spot in the future.

As I mentioned, it's not always going to be your decision.

Sometimes there's going to be a decision made above you that you're going to have to communicate

down to your organization that's not going to be popular.

What do you do in those cases?

Well, first of all, you have the right to express your opinion up the chain of command.

Let your boss know what you think about the decision, let him know what your concerns

are, give him your thoughts on it, and then you own those decisions.

You don't pass the buck and say, "Hey, my boss told me we have to do this."

No, you absolutely own that, "This is what we're doing, this is the direction we're going."

You get everybody on board for that decision.

Just like before, you communicate it, you let them know the why the decision was made

and you move forward.

All right, so you take a look at the description below, I've included a link to my Hero Mastermind

Group on Facebook, I'd love to connect with you on there.

Plus, it's a great place for you to go connect with other people that are on the journey

to become the hero of their story.

If you like this video hit the like button below and share it with your friends and don't

forget to subscribe.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Leading and Communicating - Unpopular Decisions at Work - Duration: 2:52.


Ce que une japonaise amene à Paris【préparer mes valises】パリに持っていくもの【パッキング動画PARIS編】 -JULIE(japonaise) - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> Ce que une japonaise amene à Paris【préparer mes valises】パリに持っていくもの【パッキング動画PARIS編】 -JULIE(japonaise) - Duration: 12:06.


Minor pentatonic CAGED shape 3 over a minor chord - Duration: 6:26.

Hi Stuart Bahn here and in this video we are introducing the minor pentatonic scale

CAGED shape 3. Shape 3 is not one of the most popular shapes for the minor

pentatonic scale but it is still well worth learning

partly because when you have all 5 shapes learned you can then

join up the whole fretboard and play seamlessly, but also because each of the

5 shapes presents different opportunities. Some phrases spring forth

more organically from certain shapes than others, so you can't help but play

slightly differently in each one. So just like before we're going to do this

playing over an Am chord so the Am pentatonic scale shape 3 played

over an Am chord, this is what it looks like.

I'll put a link to this scale shape

which is on my website in the notes below. Get it on screen or print it

off if that's preferable. The root notes or the lowest root note is this one so

that's the A string and of the two notes on the A-string it's the one

nearest to the bridge if you needed to play the B minor pentatonic scale then

just like a bar chord you'd have to move the whole thing along so that that

finger is on the B note the A-string fret 14 is a B so this is B minor pentatonic...

This is A minor pentatonic...

okay so as with the previous two shapes my suggestion is for stage one in

you're improvising if this is a new shape just get an Am backing on

it could be a single chord like I've put in my loop pedal which

I'll use in a second or you could program it in band in a box or iRealPro or

session band one of those applications so first of all here it is just so you

can hear it in action

so it fits perfectly over an Am let's now zoom in a little bit and pick

out a couple of notes there are two root notes, one here and one here just like

with the other shapes we talked about if you finish a phrase on the root note it

will tend to sound like a full stop at the end of a sentence; some kind of musical closing off

or a temporary pause at least. So, being aware of where that root notes is will

help you impress better you can choose to wrap up a section of improvising by

finishing on the root note or you can choose not to finish it off by ending on a non-root-note note.

Let's just quickly demonstrate that.

So hopefully you can hear the fourth phrase there I finished on the root note it kind of

closed things off it was a fairly conclusive reply to the previous three

musical statements okay so try that if you want to zoom in a little more let's

visualize the actual chord fully the Am chord that occupies

this region of the fretboard now unfortunately for us it's a nasty little shape.

It's this...

so that's fourth finger on fret 12 on the A string middle finger on fret 10 on

the D string first finger on fret 9 on the G string and the 3rd finger on fret

10 on the B string now it's not that we really want to play this chord shape - who

does? - we just want to visualize it so now when I play or when you play you can

think about whether you're playing a chord tone one of the notes in the chord

as we mentioned the previous two shapes playing chord tones produces a very

compatible sound you are effectively just reproducing notes that you can

already hear in the chord so there's nothing new being introduced

harmonically anyway when you play a non-chord tone such as this or this...

that has an effect, that creates some degree of tension rubbing against

the chord that you're listening to the Am and again just being aware of when

you are or are not playing chord tones will allow you to improvise better it

can't help but help you so quick demonstration of that listen out for

when I do or don't play a chord tones

OK so hopefully you could hear a couple of places there I was kind of laboring the

point by repeatedly focusing on non chord tones as I say it will help you

the more aware you can be of when you are or not playing chord tones the better.

OK so that is your introduction to the A minor pentatonic scale

CAGED shape 3. Get it in your practice regime,

clock up some time using it try and try to think about the

things that we've introduced in this video and occasionally move the key

around put in a D minor chord and then use the D minor pentatonic scale CAGED shape 3

same shape just position it on a D. As usual I hope you found the video

helpful please give it a thumbs up if you did and click subscribe so I can

send you more see in the next video

For more infomation >> Minor pentatonic CAGED shape 3 over a minor chord - Duration: 6:26.


Probando Snacks Turcos | Türk Aburcuburlarını Deniyoruz - Duration: 8:36.

Hi Lorena

Hi Marina

You are here again!

It's been a long time!

I was missing you.

What did you come for?

I've come to try Turkish snacks.

I've asked Lorena...

(Greek flag)

I've asked Lorena to come to my channel once more...

...Because I have Turkish snacks. What am I going to do with it?

I could eat it all alone.

-You could, but you won't.

I have to thank so much my friend Hikmet and his wife Bahar, because they have sent me a huge package with different sweets and snacks.

The idea was me trying them in front of the camara.

Let's say thanks together.

- Thanks.

Hikmet is also the person who usually translates my videos into Turkish.

So thank you for that too.

Ready to start eating?

- I'm ready. I didn't have breakfast this morning.

- I didn't have it either.

- Marina told me not to have breakfast, so I did so.

- I want you to be honest in your opinions.

- I like eating, so I hope I would love everything.

- I don't really like sweet things. Do you?

- Not really. I prefer salty things.

- There are a lot of sweet things. Let's see...

We start with this.

It looks delicious. It seems you have to dip it in hot chocolate.

- It does.

It looks like a crispy biscuit.

-It looks too good. Our expectations are high.

- SO high.

It smells so delicious!

- It smells like biscuits.

-I have to hold myself not to start eating!

Shape: tempting.

-Easty to eat.

-Let's try.

- I give 9/10


-I liked it too much.

-My points: 8/10

-It was delicious. Good choice, Hikmet.

-Next one: Hosbes.

- Pineapple biscuits.

-Yey! We love pineapple! No, I hate it.

- I don't like pineapples as fruit, but I do as juice.


-We have these biscuits in Spain too, they are usually vanilla flavoured.

-It smells like pineapple.

-It smells good.

-It's good they are so small.

-Let's try.

-It tastes like pineapple "sugus" (spanish sweet)

I like it.

You didn't like it.

-I'm so sorry Hikmet, but my points are 3/10

- 3/10 ??

-Mines are 6/10

-It's called puf.

-We cut it in half, right?

-Let me get a knife.

- Do you know where to find them?

- I don't.

- Then why do you go?

- It's made of marshmallow, Americans eat it...

It's spongy!

- What a weird thing!

- Let's show them. It's like a cloud covered by coconut.

My expectations are so high with puf.

- I thought it would be more tasty.

- It's true. But the biscuit helps. It would be too cloying if it didn't have biscuit.

I give 6/10

- I give 4/10

Even though I ate it all.

- Turkish delights.

- I'm not sure if they are rose-flavoured.

They are big! I'm used to smaller ones.

- It smells like roses! Smell it!

- I can't stand the smell of roses.

Ay, Hikmet...what did you do to me? Why did you put me in this situation?

- How come you don't like the smell of roses??

- It tastes so much as roses!

- It tastes like old lady's perfume.

Sorry, I have to go to the kitchen.

I had to spit it out, because I don't like roses.

It is a good product because the flavour is so intense.

But it's my problem, because I am disgusted by roses.

I can't give more points than 0

-Ok, I don't like Turkish delights that much...because I don't like gumdrops.

I had never tried rose-flavoured Turkish delights.

When you are able to swallow it (it takes a while), the taste of roses remains in your mouth.

I liked that.

I will give 5-6/10...ok, let's say 6/10

Next one is "balik", meaning "fish".

We have them in Spain too. They remind me to my childhood. I used to eat them when I was a little child, and I haven't eaten them again.

- I have been eating them regularly. I love them, if they taste like in Spain, they will be great.

- What if they taste like fish?

- It could be! After the roses-flavoured delights, anything can happen.

- They taste different.

- I still have the rose taste in my mouth.

- They are more tasteless.

- I can't get rid of the rose taste.

- Eat more for that.

- They are more salty here.

- They are tasteless, they taste of nothing.

- They are different. The fish is more detailed than ours.

- I give 5/10

- I give 6/10

- The last one: it looks like chips.

- It looks very healthy. It's green! Healthy snacks are so popular nowadays.

Let's see the ingredients.

- High expectations.

- How does it smell?

-It smells delicious.

-It tastes ...

-It's sour at the end.

- It's a very weird taste.

- Nor good, nor bad. Different.

- I don't know if I like it. I have to eat another one.

- It tastes of tomatoes and thyme at first.

- Then, it tastes of cumin. And at the end, it's sour...I don't like it that much.

It is so tasty, though.

-I give 5/10. But the one I liked the most is Kombo.

- I give 7/10.

Our Turkish "breakfast" is over. We say goodbye.

- Won't you say that people should click on "like"? The normal goodbye, you know?

- I'm not good at saying goodbye.

- You are worse than that.

"Like" if you liked the video, "like" if you didn't like it.

Leave comments, subscribe, click on the bell...You can also subscribe to my channel.

It will appear here or here, or here...I'm not sure where Marina will show it.

- I will show it here.

-Tell us if you have similar things in your countries.

If you have gone to Turkey, and you have tried things, what is your opinion about them...

We see each other very soon in the next video!

For more infomation >> Probando Snacks Turcos | Türk Aburcuburlarını Deniyoruz - Duration: 8:36.


ROAD TO REDEMPTION - VLOG #101 - Duration: 18:08.

Hi, in the dark

Welcome at my new video

Wait, I will turn the volume a little down

You can't see me

Welcome to my new video

I'm on my way to Iem

I'm going to pick her up at Aquabest

Because she has been to Winterpark

We're going together to the Road to Redemption tonight

Radical Redemption's party

I'm so excited

It has been two weeks ago that we went to a party


If you didn't see that video yet

You can see it over here

We're going to the Road to Redemption today

I'm so excited

I've never been to a party of Radical Redemption

This is the third edition I think

You can't see me again

See you later!

My babe is here

We're complete

Now we're going to party

- So excited, oh my god

We see you later

Here we go

It's eleven o'clock

- Why do you wearing your watch like that?

I don't know

Let's go!

Who has to play first?

- No idea, Radical?

We're going to see it

For more infomation >> ROAD TO REDEMPTION - VLOG #101 - Duration: 18:08.


عــــــــاجل: المنتخب المغربي سيتأهل لكأس العالم.. إليكم الأسباب ! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: المنتخب المغربي سيتأهل لكأس العالم.. إليكم الأسباب ! - Duration: 3:51.


Hoe kun je het beste je smartphone opladen? - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Hoe kun je het beste je smartphone opladen? - Duration: 4:38.


Grand Theft Auto V Online Nejrychlejší kolo - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Grand Theft Auto V Online Nejrychlejší kolo - Duration: 1:18.


Things They Don't Tell You About Motherhood... | MomCaveTV - Duration: 1:31.

Pimples. Yeah, I am an adult with pimples.

My new bedtime, 9:30 p.m.

I've tried to stay up past 9:30. I fall asleep standing up... like a cow.

My cat hates me now. I haven't seen her in a year.

Free time? What is that-- free time?

You know how some people go to the spa to get their nails done or you know,

get a massage or a pedicure?

I hang out at Target every week for an hour.

Kids bite. Yeah, They they bite you on your on your tits. They bite your tits.

It hurts.

If you've ever... I mean, they have teeth and they bite you. They're like snakes

but not as poisonous.

They will take over your bed. You put them in a crib.

You are like, "Okay, this is where you sleep. A nice..."

"No. I'm gonna sleep in the bed, too"

"And actually, I'm just gonna sleep in most of it. I get the middle

and you can have, like that part."

Being a mom is competitive. There should be Mom Olympic Games!

Like who can drive their kids to soccer practice the fastest and who can

feed their child this bowl of mushy peas with the most precision.

Why is being a mom competitive? We're all dysfunctional together. As one.

If you like this video share it, like it, tell your friends.

Pass it on!

For more infomation >> Things They Don't Tell You About Motherhood... | MomCaveTV - Duration: 1:31.


Interview VVX - Timothée BOMMIER - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Interview VVX - Timothée BOMMIER - Duration: 1:26.


Joko Winterscheidt: Sein neuer Job bei "Das Ding des Jahres" - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Joko Winterscheidt: Sein neuer Job bei "Das Ding des Jahres" - Duration: 2:42.


El horóscopo de hoy, 8 de noviembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> El horóscopo de hoy, 8 de noviembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci - Duration: 3:30.


Batman #33 Review - Duration: 2:41.

Written by Tom King Penciled by Joelle Jones

Batman and Catwoman travel through the dessert.

As they lose a horse, they continue the trek on just one.

Meanwhile at Wayne Manor, Damien, Dick Grayson, Duke Thomas and Jason Todd all hang out, I

guess waiting for Bruce.

I don't know.

Either way, Bat and Cat arrive at their destination.

They have business in Khadym though the Tiger King tells them they have no business there.

That business apparently has the Robin's rattled, as Alfred shines some light on where exactly

their boss is.

And that isn't all he has to say.

Batman and Catwoman are engaged - news they're obviously a little less enthusiastic about.

Back in Kandahar, the Tiger King tries to reason with the Guard in the Dessert but to

no avail.

Catwoman is a different story, and she steps up to challenge him.

At the mansion, Alfred tries to sugarcoat it as best he can when he receives a phone


Superman is on the phone.

There's been an unauthorized incursion into Khadym he and wants to know why Batman isn't


Alfred covers for him but the Justice League is in route.

Speaking of, Catwoman has soundly defeated the guard and they walk in.

Tiger explains that everyone is going to be waiting for them when they emerge but Batman

isn't concerned.

Back home, the Robins trade blame when Damian explains he knows it's his fault.

There's only one reason his father would go to Khadym before he marry's Catwoman.

Because hiding there is his mother.

The issue wraps with Talia Al Ghul rising from her love den and being told of Batman's


She tells the messenger to prepare her swords, and with that, we're left to be continued.

It's been awhile since we've seen the Robin gang in the pages of this book.

Hopefully with good reason.

The War of Jokes and Riddles drug on for what seemed like forever.

Now as I assume Batman seeks some kind of mystic annulment from what appears to be a

pretty big badass, will this be a story arc that is quickly completed?

Will the Justice League have to intervene to help?

Will Batman get in trouble for taking things into his own hands?

We'll have to wait and see.

As for this part one, it was pretty good.

I give it a 9/10.

If you like this video, there's hundreds more like it, spanning several current and classic

story arcs.

Click the boxes here for more playlists.

This video is also accompanied by my blog at

You can also follow links to my facebook or twitter pages, as well as a link to this very

issue for sale on my ebay page by clicking below.

For the Nerdiest Kid You Know, I'm Sam Terito.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Batman #33 Review - Duration: 2:41.


Did Trump Win the "Sick Vote"? Doc-to-Doc with Jason Wasfy, MD - Duration: 10:04.

Perry Wilson, MD: The 2016 Presidential Election defied expectations from political scientists

and pundits on both sides of the aisle. Since that time, researchers have been looking for

explanations of the surprising results. We've seen reports saying that votes were driven

by race, driven by class, or driven by certain ideologies. But one paper appearing in PLOS

One brings healthcare and health itself to center stage. That paper was authored by Dr.

Jason Wasfy and his team. Dr. Wasfy is a cardiologist and the Director of Quality and Analytics

at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Wasfy, thanks for joining me today on Doc-to-Doc.

Jason Wasfy, MD: Oh, I'm delighted to be here, and I really appreciate your interest

in my research.

Wilson: Your paper links community health status to votes for Trump in the last election.

Tell us a bit about what you found.

Wasfy: I think there's a lot that's known in political science about areas that vote

for republicans and areas that vote for democrats, but what's less understood is how areas shift.

Especially in this election, there appeared to be a political re-alignment that although

the overall shift was much more republican in 2016 than it was in 2012, there was also

shifting. The state of Wisconsin went republican for the first time in 32 years, yet the state

of Texas went relatively more for the democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, than any year

in the past 20 years. There seemed to be a political realignment. A lot of this had been

discussed in the popular media, for example, and associated with age and race and different

things. We wanted to see if health was related to this shift.

Wilson: So you looked at these counties that changed their voting percentage by varying

magnitudes and tied that to the level of health at the county level. Can you go into that

a little bit? What factors dictate how healthy a county is?

Wasfy: Sure. It's a hard concept to measure. What we had to do is aggregate a lot of health

status variables that were available, things like physical health, things like the mortality

rate, violent crimes, all sorts of different health indicators. So the problem is -- and

it's a familiar problem for those of us who do health services research -- that the variables

are often colinear. So areas where there are more diabetes, there's more obesity.

To deal with that in a regression model, what we did is we reduced it to a single measure

of health. We reduced all the variables we could get our hands on to a single measure

of health, and then performed a regression on the health variable with the shifting of

votes towards Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election. In that way, the shift would be

greater if the difference between Trump votes in 2016 and Romney votes in 2012 was greater.

So some of these areas were actually very republican areas, but they shifted more relatively

towards Trump in 2016.

Wilson: Just to make sure I have the direction correct. The less healthy an area was, as

you sort of aggregate all this data, the more likely they were to shift sort of farther

red, further towards Trump than they had been, even if they were voting republican originally.

Is that right?

Wasfy: Yeah, that's exactly correct. Obviously with linear aggression, it's an overall effect.

There were counties that did all sorts of different things, but in general, counties

that were relatively more unhealthy were the counties that shifted relatively more towards

Trump. So if they had voted for Romney, they went more for Trump, in general, than they

did for Romney. Or even some of the counties that both times went for the democratic candidate

went for Hillary Clinton relatively less than Barack Obama in 2012. So what we were measuring

was shifting of votes within counties, not the overall vote.

Wilson: Put this in context for us. Healthcare was a major issue in the last election, obviously.

We had both candidates talking about healthcare. Does this mean that the Trump message that

healthcare was failing, that Obamacare was a disaster, really resonated in those counties?

Was this effective messaging?

Wasfy: I think it's extraordinarily difficult to say why these areas shifted votes. I think

the thing that we can say is that the areas that were more unhealthy, the counties that

were more unhealthy, shifted relatively more towards Trump. The mechanism of that is very

unclear. That's important to emphasize for several reasons.

We don't know that poor health caused this shift. For example, they could have been associated

with other factors like social distress that were not included in the model because they're

very hard to measure. That's one thing to be very clear about, that we can't impute

causality from this, and we certainly can't say what these voters were thinking. I'm trying

to stick very hard to the data and not sort of go beyond of what I can say, but I will

say this. I think it is true that any policy that has its effect to decrease the proportion

of Americans who are insured will relatively hurt these communities more, these communities

that shifted towards Trump in the 2016 election.

Wilson: This was a multivariable model, so in addition to your health status variable,

you accounted for socioeconomic status, race, age, a variety of other factors. Can you give

us a sense of how much health mattered compared to those other things? We've heard so much

about, for instance, certain demographics, white males without a college degree, or things

like that, that people have told us drove this election. Can you give us a sense of

the magnitude of health compared to some of those other factors that you included in your


Wasfy: It's a fantastic question. As we talked about before, we reduced a lot of the health

variables, basically all of the health variables, to one unhealthy variable because of this

issue with multi-colinearity and then included it in our regression model with some of the

factors that you had mentioned, education, race, age, and so forth.

The problem, of course, is that your question is about relative magnitude, so it's a little

bit challenging to say, "Because of the way that these different quantities were measured,

if education or race, for example, was more important or less important." But I will say

this. Even after risk standardizing for things like education, race, wealth, age, the health

effect seemed very, very strong. It was particularly strong in the states where the electoral college


Again, regression is not a statistical technique that can impute causality. It never can in

observational data, but I'll emphasize that this effect seemed very significant and was

particularly significant in the states that switched their electoral college vote. Again,

we can't impute causality from the analysis that we did, but certainly a causal relationship

is possible given what we found.

Wilson: If I'm reading the paper correctly, you're looking at changing in voting as compared

to health status in a community at a single point in time. I'm wondering if you examined

the change in health status, in other words, were communities that became sicker more likely

to vote one way or another or is it just sick overall?

Wasfy: It's a fantastic question and something we've thought about a lot. Strictly speaking,

our analysis was a correlation of voting changes between 2016 and 2012 with health status that

more or less correlated with that time interval. So you're right. You're seeing a time effect

with voting, but you're not seeing changes over time in health status put in our analysis.

I think especially given our findings, it would be fascinating as a next step to understand

how changes in health status affect changes in voting, because strictly speaking, you're

absolutely correct. We did not look at changes in health status over time. I think the interdigitation

of the health of communities over time and the way that they vote would be a fascinating

next step, especially given how strong the effect we found had been in 2016.

Wilson: Given the findings in the swing states where health status was even more profoundly

associated with change in voting direction, I think both political parties are going to

be paying very close attention to your results come 2020 or 2018, even. What would you tell

them? What do politicians need to focus on to sort of swing those votes either further

or back the way they were before?

Wasfy: I think politicians and leaders throughout America need to recognize that health matters,

that the public health of communities matters to the people who live there and may have

a causal relationship with voting choices. We can't know, again, whether health is causing

these sorts of effects or a marker of distress that causes these effects, but communities

that are unhealthy are going to vote in a way that reflects their distress. I think

that that shouldn't be shocking, but it clearly happened in 2016.

I think for a variety of a reasons -- and it's not only about our voting analysis, it's

also the right thing to do is that -- when Americans are suffering that we all need to

pay attention. I think that the public health of communities is one way that the suffering

of communities can be manifest.

Wilson: Dr. Wasfy, thank you, once again, for joining me today.

For more infomation >> Did Trump Win the "Sick Vote"? Doc-to-Doc with Jason Wasfy, MD - Duration: 10:04.


Irresistibly Weird Amazon Products - Duration: 14:59.

Hey guys welcome back to my channel.

Thank you so much for tuning back in.

I have a really big treat for you today.

Before we jump into the video go ahead and hit that subscribe button so you can become

part of the family.

So today I want to share with you some really weird and bizarre yet really cool Amazon finds.

So I think some of these items that are on Amazon would actually be really great for

gag gifts or somebody might actually really like some of these products and they might

actually make some great gifts for Christmas coming up.

So first weird item we have up is called the Gummi Bear Anatomy.

So I'm just going to look on Amazon and describe this for you.

So gummi bears are an iconic gelatin candy that kids and adults love.

You can bring your favourite candy to life with this gummi bear anatomy.

It is a 41 piece puzzle toy.

This gummi bear has its own disproportional skeleton and organs.

You can learn all about the anatomy of those delicious fruit flavoured candies.

So the bear features a sturdy clear plastic case that serves as the skin or outer shell

that holds the skeleton and organs in place.

The skull cap can be removed to expose the brain.

The brain can be removed and split apart into 2 pieces.

All of the organs detach from each other.

These organs are solid and durable, they include lungs, intestines, stomach, liver, spinal

cord, heart and esophagus.

The skeleton also come apart into many pieces and the bones are made of a durable slightly

flexible plastic.

An instruction sheet is included to help guide you in the assembling process.

So the funny anatomy plastic model is a great quirky gift for any friend.

It is easily assembled, has a highly detailed finish and they recommend it is for ages 8

and up.

So this next item I think is absolutely hilarious.

I think it would make a really good gag gift for any single guy out there that you may


It is called Images You Should Not Masturbate to.

This is how Amazon describes it.

Choking the chicken, spanking the monkey, airing the orchid.

Never heard that one before.

Whatever you call it none of the images in this book will encourage the gentle art of

self pleasure.

This deceptively simple and strangely addictive book presents a laugh out loud collection

of random pictures virtually guaranteed to dampen the urge of even the strongest libido.


Some of the comments online in the reviews are, if you have a bent sense of humour the

book is rather amusing and some people actually recommend it as a bathroom read for your guests

or as a gift.

Someone also said they gave it to their buddy as a gift and he was actually really mortified

opening it in front of everyone, so that's a really cool idea.

Okay ladies, this one's for you, or maybe some guys out there too.

It is the sexy Nicolas Cage Pillow Cases.

So here are what some of the reviews are on Amazon.

Someone wrote Mr Beast.

Someone also said it is actually really disturbing and would make a really great gag gift.

And also having the pillow means you can tell people you sleep with Nicolas Cage every night.

Not sure why you would want to brag about that though.

Man he is one hairy beast.

So this next unique item is actually pretty hefty in size and also hefty in price as well

and it is the giant Yeti statue.

And this is how Amazon describes it.

So with alleged big foot sightings the world over from the Himalayas to the Americas, this

elusive mythical legend has been captured in a quality designer resin statue and hand

painted for startling realism.

With his characteristically big feet our more than 2 foot tall big foot, the garden Yeti

statue will have guests doing a double take as they admire your creative decor style.

So here are some of the reviews online from this item.

Someone said it is quite the conversation piece.

The kids actually put their hats and mitts on him to be silly.

It was expensive but we really like it.

My niece absolutely had to have it.

She loves it.

Freaks out the cat though.

Very realistic if you are a believer.

Great attention to detail including fingernails, some of which are torn because of his digging

through whatever it is they dig through, or maybe running through the woods to get away

from those finding Big Foot people.

Glad he escaped and is now living in a home.

This next item makes a great novelty gift for sure.

It also does have some use to it as well and it is the Glow In The Dark Toilet Paper.

And Amazon describes it as, now you'll always be able to find the toilet paper even in the

dark with this new glow in the dark toilet paper.

If you don't want to wake anyone up in your household at night by turning on the light,

then follow the glow of this groovy loo roll.

Perfect for power cuts or glow in the dark mummy outfits, this exciting bathroom accessory

will ensure you will never want to use a normal loo roll again.

Also it's glow in the dark.

Just when you thought everything that could have been invented had been.

So this next item is really like, what the...I don't know why anyone would want to use this

but I know there are some of you huge lovers of bacon out there so maybe this bacon toothpaste

would make a great gift.

Amazon describes it as, brushing your teeth with a strip of fried bacon is tricky, so

if it's too crisp it will break apart as you brush and if it's too limp you won't be able

to remove any of your plaque.

So when it's time to brush your teeth leave the bacon strips for breakfast and then try

the bacon toothpaste.

It's the perfect way to keep your teeth and gums healthy while also coating your mouth

with the delicious flavour of smokey meat.

Each tube contains 2.5 ounces of potent paste.

Dogs will bark and want to be your best friend.

Pigs will fear you and women will love you.

I wouldn't want to kiss any guy who brushed their teeth with this.

If anyone does buy this please post a video of your reaction using this.

I would really love to see it.

So if you're a huge popcorn lover like me then this would be the perfect gift for that

popcorn lover in your family and it is the popcorn scented pillow.

Now I personally probably wouldn't like it because I would be craving popcorn every 2

seconds, and yesh that's not good.

Some reviews on Amazon are, it's so cute.

It really smells like popcorn.

My granddaughter who is even 21 really loves it.

Very nice feel to it.

It truly does smell like popcorn so if that's what you're looking for then I highly recommend

this pillow.

And was purchased as a gag gift for my inlaws and we had to fly with it.

Our entire bag ended up smelling like popcorn.

For this next item I really have no idea what it is, so I'll definitely read to you the

description on Amazon, but this is for all you Walking Dead fans out there and this is

Zombie Jerky.

So you've destroyed the brains of your first zombie.


But now what do you do with the festering, rotting body?

It was just this question that plagued us at TG Zombie Defence.

We thought about mailing them to someone we didn't like, but that would be just too costly

and he had already been zombified anyways.

So after a lot of discussion we decided the only sensible thing to do with the redead,

undead was to eat them.

I really can't find anywhere in the description or the reviews that descibe the colour of

this or what it actually tastes like, but I'm assuming it's just kind of like a gag

gift and it's actually a beef jerky and it's just maybe coloured to look green and old

and zombieish.

I don't know.

One review does say Zombie Jerky is the best kind of jerky.

I mean sure there are all kinds of jerky that are more delicious than the dried flesh of

the mindless undead, but let's face it zombies crave the brains of the living so there's

a certain poetic justice to eating them as jerky.

So again this next item I kind of really have no idea what it is.

I think again it's more of a gag gift or a novelty item.

And unicorns and mermaids have become this huge trend recently over 2017, so this would

probably be a really good gag gift for anyone who likes unicorns and it is canned Unicorn


So Amazon describes it as, okay for real you can't eat this.

It's a dismembered stuffed unicorn in a can.

The bottom of the tin is easily removable to gain access to the mini dead unicorn inside.

Okay so it's a hilarious gag canned unicorn meat.

It contains a plush unicorn that is cut up into pieces.

The bottom of the tin is easily removable to gain access to this mini dead unicorn inside.

No can opener needed.

It has a full coloured lable with a gold coloured tin can which is 14 ounces of delicious unicorn

meat canned for your convenience.

Imported from a small independent cannery in county meath Ireland.

Crunchy horn bits in every bite.

It's an excellent source of calcium and tastes like rotisserie chicken but with a hint of

marshmallow sweetness.

It's easily spreadable for sandwiches, hors d'oeuvres and more, sparkly meat lends an

air of class and sophistication to your parties.

Why not?

So this is another great gag gift for all those bacon lovers out there and it is basically

pork plasters for injuries and it is bacon bandages in a can.

I think it is pretty self explanatory.

These are basically bandaids that look like bacon strips.

I can't find anything on Amazon that describes if they have a bacon scent.

Okay so this another item I have no idea what the point of this is but it's actually probably

for those pickle lovers out there and it's a Yodelling Pickle.

So this will give you hours of mindless entertainment and makes a great gag gift.

And this is how Amazon describes it, are you sick and tired of trying to teach your pickles

to yodel.

Pickles can be so stubborn.

Damn those pickles.

At last the yodelling pickle you've been waiting for.

With a mere press of a button, yes it has a button.

This little pickle will yodel its heart out.

You'll think you're in the Swiss Alps listening to a yodelling pickle.

This next item I think is actually absolutely genius and great for any of those heavy sleepers

out there or maybe for those kids that just don't want to get out of bed on school mornings

and it is the Runaway Alarm Clock.

So it's one of the best ways to ensure you wake up in the morning is to set an alarm

you can hear but another way is to have an alarm clock that moves when you try to turn

it off.

Okay so this is the description from Amazon, the alarm clock will run forward, out of the

corner, off a bedside table and this alarm clock can fall from about 60cm off of a bedside


The alarm clock can run on a wooden floor and most carpeting, just not too thick of


The alarm clock will run for about 30 seconds in a different way until it finds a place

to rest.

There are some flashing lights.

When the alarm clock hits a wall it will rotate and after finishing the alarm will continue

to beep for 9 minutes or you can turn off the alarm clock.

It has the language and the blare of an ordinary alarm clock.

Now ladies this next item is not what you think.

It is not flavoured for use for other purposes.

This is the wine condom.

This is how Amazon describes it.

On the go protection, wine condoms stow comfortably in your pocket, wallet or purse.

Pack them and take them anywhere.

They can be tossed in the trash along with the empty bottle so there's no hassle keeping

track of a bulky bottle stopper away from home.

But that doesn't mean you have to throw it away.

The wine condoms can be used as many times as you like.

They're convenient, disposable, recyclable and hilarious.

So basically these are acting as a wine stopper.

This was seen on NBC's Today Show and there are actually several celebrities who like

to use wine condoms including Amy Poehler, Sharon Stone, Mila Kunas, Madonna, Bethenny

Frankel, Melissa Mcarthy, Patricia Arquette, Rose O'Donnel, Ruby Rose, etc etc all have

wine condoms.

So here's another great gag gift or novelty item for your fellow nerds out there and this

is the Floppy Disc Coasters.

So you get a set of 4 coasters in the shape of a floppy disc.

Perfect copy of the original thing.

They're eco friendly, dishwasher safe.

They can be used as home decor, a spoon rest, bar ware set, bartender supplies, or table


They stay put and work well.

It's an ideal gift for a cool house warming, a birthday gift for mother or father, him,

her, man, woman.

Also, a great conversation starter for party or entertaining.

I definitely don't support hiding or concealing alcohol in any way but this is kind of an

actually funny gift for someone out there who really loves alcohol, especially women.

It is a Bangle Bracelet Flask.

So this product is pretty much self explanatory.

It's basically a flask that looks like a bracelet.

So it's an easy way to conceal your alcohol and look fashionable at the same time.

So this next item is great for any parents out there who have young kids that really

love playing with Legos.

And we all hate stepping on that Lego that's been laying around on the carrpet.

So this product is perfect.

It is the Lego Storage Box.

So this would be a really great item to give to a kid as well as a gift because they can

store their Legos in a giant Lego.

How cool is that?

And it's also going to relieve any of that stress of organization and you know avoid

that disaster of you stepping on one.

So if you're a fan of anything kind of cute, random and silly then you'll really like this

and it is the Hamburger USB Flash Drive.

So this is basically a USB memory flash drive in the shape of a hamburger.

It says it has easy plug and play installation and has a capacity of about 4GB.

It is compatible with Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Mac.

Okay guys so that's it.

I hope you enjoyed the video.

If you want me to continue doing videos like this and searching for unique items on the

internet please let me know.

Also if you do buy any of these gifts please take some video of any reactions on Christmas

of anybody opening up these gifts.

I would really love to see that.

Also I will leave all the links down below for any of these products so you can give

them a purchase and get them in time for Christmas.

Thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Irresistibly Weird Amazon Products - Duration: 14:59.


عــــــــاجل: شاهد ماقاله الاعلام الجزائري عن اطلاق المغرب قمره الاصطناعي - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: شاهد ماقاله الاعلام الجزائري عن اطلاق المغرب قمره الاصطناعي - Duration: 2:05.


World War II soldier remains return to South Florida - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> World War II soldier remains return to South Florida - Duration: 1:26.


Life Insurance Q&A, Endowment Plans Basics, November 8, 2017 - Duration: 8:05.

In this video, we are taking up queries by two of our viewers on life insurance endowment plans

To understand life insurance endowment plans, we need to provide a brief primer on life insurance

Life insurance covers your family in the event of an untimely demise

When death occurs before the end of work life, the family loses out on the regular income and savings

While income takes care of regular expenses, savings when invested, grows over time to address needs like children's higher education

Term plan provides pure form of life insurance that covers the gap in financial resources in the case of an untimely demise

Term plan provides protection during the term or period of coverage of the life insurance plan

Numerous life insurance plans combine protection with life insurance

One category of protection cum investment plans is where the life insurance company is taking the investment decisions

This is what roughly an endowment plan is about

These are lower risk, lower return plans

The company can announce a bonus annually, during the course of the policy term and the end of term, and at other times

There is also another variant where apart from the protection, you take the investment decision for your premiums

This is for buying units of a fund. These plans are called unit linked insurance plans or ULIPs

There, you are choosing which fund's units you want

The investment risk is taken upon by you

Once you have figured this major difference out, the rest is easy to figure out

Joint life endowment involves a married couple buying a joint life insurance endowment plan covering each other's lives

In double endowment plan, you get double the life insurance coverage for accidental death by paying marginally higher premium

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