Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

Hello everyone Jorphdan here the PH is silent.

This is the start of a new series on the deities of the forgotten realms.

My plan is to go through the Forgotten Realms Pantheon, hitting as many deities as it takes

to make a 6 to 7 minute long video.

Some deities obviously have more history and story than others so it will be up in the

air how long each video is.

I hope you find it fun though.

Let's dive in.

The first god I'd like to talk about is


He is an older god of the Netherese empire.

The deity of Sun and Law.

He was very popular and a very powerful deity, however when the Netherese empire fell (click

the link to find out what happened to the Netherese) Amaunator lost his followers and

became very weak.

A deity without worshipers has no power.

Which I've always found interesting that deities get their power from their worshipers

and then their worshipers in tern get magical powers from their deity.

There were a few worshipers left after the fall of the Netherese empire but most of them

abandoned Amaunator because they believed he could have prevented the disaster but did


This was not true as Amaunator was not allowed to interfere with another deity's domain,

in this case Mystryl and her domain of magic.

It's poetic that just how the sun sets so did Amaunator.

He shone brightly for many centuries but just like a setting sun he faded away.

However he did not disappear entirely.

Amaunator came back to the Faerun pantheon as another greater deity Lathander.

We'll talk about him in a later video but Lathander is the god of the dawn and although

a separate being he is an aspect of Amaunator.

It was in 1385 just after the spellplague that Lathander revealed himself to be Amaunator.

So this is weird but both Lathander and Amaunator are in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide

as separate deities.

I mean one is the god of the sun and the other is the god of the dawn, but still they are

more or less the same guy.

I'm not sure if he really is split in two or if you can worship him under either name.

It's interesting.

More on Lathander later.

People send prayers to Amaunator when making contracts.

Much of his clergy serve as judges in the courtroom.

They can also present cases, and hear legal arguments and disputes.

Up next is Asmodeus.

I made a video on the Nine Hells and spoke about Asmodeus a bit there.

You can find that video link in the upper right of the screen.

This will be a more indepth recap, I hope.

According to some 3.5 material Asmodeus began as a servant of the lawful gods.

Described in some versions of myth as an "angel."

He was created, along with other beings, to fight the demons of the Abyss.

It was an effort by the gods to keep the demons at bay so they could focus on other more important


Eons of fighting the creatures of the abyss took its toll on Asmodeus and his armies.

For one they could never seem to win, no matter how many demons they destroyed a new one would

always take it's place.

The war was eternal.

Secondly the abyss seemed to change Asmodeus and his army.

They grew similar in appearance and methods to the demons which they fought.

The gods did not like this change and put Asmodeus on trial demanding he be cast out

of the upper planes.

But he argued correctly that Asmodeus and his followers had not violated any law and

should be allowed to stay in the Upper Planes.

Flash forward and the gods create sentient life on Toril, they created mountains, oceans,

and wastelands to seal up the gates to the Abyss.

But their creations defied their orders and explored the world, accidently opening these

sealed Abyssal gates.

The Gods didn't quite understand why their creations would not listen to them, but Asmodeus

knew; there were no consequences.

Thus Asmodeus invented the concept of punishment.

Unruly souls were punished in the upper planes by Asmodeus and his kin.

The gods did not like having this so close though.

Asmodeus could not take the punishments away from the Upper Plane because he needed the

divine magic granted to him by the gods.

The gods did not want him to stay but they also feared making him a deity which would

give him the power to take his punishment ring elsewhere.

So Asmodeus created a contract called the Pact Primeval.

This allowed Asmodeus and his fellow devils to take up residence in the abandoned realm

of Baator (aka the Nine Hells).

It is here they would punish the souls of wicked mortals but also have the ability to

extract magical energy from these souls to fuel their powers.

This seemed like a win win, the gods would be rid of Asmodeus and he would be able to

fulfill the consequences of people not listening to the gods.

What the gods did not see is that all the devils would be tempting mortals away from them.

Because the more souls they could bring to The Nine Hells the more power the devils had.

The deities saw fewer and fewer souls going to their realms after death only to find the

Asmodeus the root cause.

A lot of this is 4th edition mythology.

Earlier books talk of Asmodeus as a primal force of evil in the D&D Universe.

Apparently in the manual of the planes Asmodeus' true form is that of a Giant Serpent and he

was cast out of the Upper Planes before the creation of the current gods…?

I couldn't find much information on this.

The demon lord Pazuzu aided Asmodeus by getting him a small piece of the shard of evil which

resides at the heart of the Abyss.

Pazuzu was a demon that predates the Abyss.

He was an Obyrith that manipulated the god Tharizdun.

In 4th edition lore he was the one responsible for corrupting Asmodeus with that small piece

of the shard of evil.

Asmodeus took that piece and crafted his ruby rod out of it.

In some mythology Asmodeus is a deity already.

But in 4th edition, during the spellplague the deity Azuth was thrown into the Nine Hells

where Asmodeus devoured him, or fused with him rather.

Both beings coexisted in the same body but Asmodeus overpowered Azuth and gained his


It wasn't until the Sundering that the two separated.

Asmodeus agreed to release Azuth to help in the resurrection of an untherite god named

Nanna-Sin as a non-god immortal. They were going to bring back this god but as a non-god just immortal being on Faerun

Now the Unther were an old empire tribe brought to Faerun by the Imaskar Empire as slaves.

When they came they brought their gods with them, much like the Mulhorandi pantheon.

Asmodeus consumed Nanna-Sin's divine spark and became a true god unto himself.

Nanna-Sin was originally killed in -1071 DR but brought back in 1487, his divine spark

given to Asmodeus Nanna-Sin took the form of a Giant Dragon Turtle.

Asmodeus is kind of complicated, I hope this is more clarifying than confusing.

But even as I'm going through this I see the contradictions.

I think the real answer here is Wizards of the Coast wanted Asmodeus to be a deity so

they used some old deity nobody would miss to allow him a divine spark.

That's it for the first installment of the gods!

If you want more info on Asmodeus I have a video on the Nine Hells as well as some of

my earlier videos on the Shard of Evil and the Abyss.

Links in the doobly do.

Thanks for watching everyone, give a like to support the channel and I'll see you

all next Wednesday!

For more infomation >> Forgotten Realms Pantheon - Amaunator and Asmodeus - Duration: 6:42.


EASY FALL PASTA DINNER WITH BACON! | Little Wanders: Corbin & Kelsey - Duration: 3:03.

Hi you guys! Today you are watching Little Wanders in BabyLeague

and today we're making

Butternut Squash Alfredo!


So, this Butternut Squash Alfredo is

super yummy and it's topped with bacon, so I don't think you can go wrong with this one.

So, here's what you need to get started:

bacon, butter, diced red onion, garlic, butternut squash cut into cubes,

low-sodium chicken stock, your spices with your diced fresh sage, diced fresh thyme,

and salt, 2% milk, and your pasta.

And in a large skillet, melt the butter and

sauté the red onion for a couple minutes. Then, you're gonna add the garlic and

sauté that for about 30 seconds before adding in the squash the seasonings, and

the salt, and the chicken stock.

Stir all up cover it and let it cook for about 8 to 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, dice up the bacon and heat a small skillet to

medium-high heat and sauté until crispy about 4 to 5 minutes

Next, once the squash is tender, add the squash mixture to a food processor or a high-powered

blender and blend it all together with the milk and salt to taste until smooth.

Finally, bring a large pot of water to boil and cook the pasta of your choice.

All right! Judge Juny is having some of the sautéed squash.

This is what's on the menu.

Oh she's already interested!

Did you not like that?

I don't think June's a fan of butternut squash. Is that yuckies?

Yeah, she did not like that.

All right we are gonna…

You already dig it in! Hey!

You got first bite

Alright guys! that is our alternative to spaghetti

for tonight we're having butternut squash

and it's gonna be really yummy.

Yum it's also topped with bacon so this is amazing.

Let us know down in the comments what you would top it with.

I mean I don't think you can go wrong with bacon,

but I'm sure there's other stuff that

would taste great with this pasta.

Subscribe to BabyLeague, if you haven't already

because we do videos every Wednesday and we'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> EASY FALL PASTA DINNER WITH BACON! | Little Wanders: Corbin & Kelsey - Duration: 3:03.


Eggplant Appetizer Recipe - Duration: 1:52.

Grill on the embers eggplants

Half tea spoon tahina

Half tea spoon chili pepper

Half tea spoon cumin

Half lemon

1 clove of garlic


1 table spoon of dib roman

2 table spoon of olive oil

Mix at food processor. You can service with oil and chili pepper

If you like the video please dont forget to subscribe the channel


For more infomation >> Eggplant Appetizer Recipe - Duration: 1:52.


October Reads // This Savage Song, Like Water, Spellbook of the Lost and Found, etc! [CC] - Duration: 8:49.

hello, it is currently October 31st, happy Halloween.

this video won't go out on Halloween, who am I kidding? I have a Christmas candle

burning above me on my bookshelf, so pretty on brand. let's talk about the

books I read in October. I read five books. it felt like my worst reading

month of the year just because only one and a half of the books I read this

month were actual physical books, the rest were all audiobooks, which was weird, so I

feel like it barely sat down and read at all in October. the first book I read

was An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson. An Enchantment of Ravens is a

story of fair folk and I was told it was a story fair folk for people who didn't

like a court of thorns and roses by Sarah J Maas and I did not like that, so

I was quite excited about this story, but I'm also beginning to realise that I

might just not like stories about fair folk. in this story, humans are the only

ones capable of producing craft. So things like writing, painting, art, music, anything

like that is considered craft and thus only humans can participate it. if fair

folk do, they like burst into flames or something and additionally there are

rules surrounding what craft can depict of fair folk. so essentially fairies go to

humans for their craft. Isobel, our main character, is the most

renowned portrait artist in all of her small village, or maybe of all of the

world, I don't know, called Whimsy and so a lot

of fair folk go to her to have their portraits done. the autumn Prince who

hasn't been seen in Whimsy in years has his portrait done and she depicts a

vulnerability in his eyes, a sadness in his eyes, and as a result, he has seen as

weak and she has to go on trial for her crime of making him appear weak. I really

like the world-building and the concept of the crafts situation and also the

felt autumnal on every single page. however, aside from kind of the mood of

the story, I found the characters and the plot to be really flat. Isobel seems

pretty generic in terms of being a YA heroine who would do anything for

her family and possesses the skills not a lot of people have. aside from those

two things her ability to paint and her like, love and undying support and do

anything for her family, she didn't have much going for her to me.

I just like didn't get anything else from her character. the romance is pretty

bland almost like the core of them falling for each other was told it was

kind of a tell not show thing and summed up in like a paragraph of time passing.

which I just felt was really... like, how am I supposed to know that these people are

falling in love with each other? we don't see that transition. I don't know this

one just didn't really do it for me personally. I didn't find any characters

I enjoyed but I know a lot of other people liked it so you might like it too.

and it is a very autumnal and I do like the writing. I would like to read more

from her in the future. the next book I read in the month of

October is the Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moira Fowley Doyle. this is

another just beautiful cover set in a small spooky, rainy, Irish town. this is

the story of things going missing. two best friends go to a party along with

the rest of their year in school and things just start going missing

everywhere. they all wake up the next morning having lost things. the two of

them meet these three misfits who are all mourning their own losses and hiding

really big secrets and they work together to find what's been lost. the

two main characters are on the page bisexual and there's another main

character who's queer, as well, and there's a lot of really good realistic romance and

representation. one of the characters is also partially deaf, which I find really

interesting representation to read about in books because you don't see it that a

lot. this has an incredibly poignant setting where you can see and feel every

raindrop. her writing has such a good job of describing... it's setting a scene. I

also listened to part of the this on audiobook which was a really great

narrator, Irish narrator, really good different voices so I recommend that.

there were a lot of perspectives which I know can be a drawback for many and

sometimes it took me a while to figure out who was who at the beginning of the

story but I really liked that I like multi narratives. so one thing that I

wasn't a huge fan of is the ending. It wasn't quite what I was looking for and

I feel like that's kind of a lot of people's opinions on this book, but I

just really liked it and I found it a very visceral reading experience, so this

is one of my favourite books I read this month. I super enjoyed it. it was a great

spooky witchy Halloween read. the next book I read or listened to was This Savage

Song by Victoria Schwab and you've probably seen this cover before or heard

about it in the past, but I didn't really know much at

all going into it except that it was about monsters.

in brief, the story is about monsters that were formed as a result of our, of human,

violence and human transgressions and those different things form different

types of monsters that now kind of overrun this city. and the story follows

these two main characters, a young girl who has never had a solid family support

system, her father is in charge of this organization that murders monsters,

essentially or uses monsters to defend humans, it's complicated. and it also

follows a boy who grew up with a loving family, but he is actually a monster and

doesn't know if he wants to be a monster and it's kind of this really interesting

discussion of nature versus nurture and who are the real monsters, things like

that. I super liked the idea of this story I was super into it, in fact I

think I gave this like a 4.5 out of 5 stars. I really liked this novel. I just

thought this is a really great balance between a cool urban fantasy where you

want to know what's happening but also a really great metaphor and a lot to

unpack. I really liked it. I have Our Dark Duet on my cue from the library so I'm

excited to listen to that soon. the fourth book I read in the month of October

was Like Water by Rebecca Podos. Like Water follows a girl named Savannah or Vanni

and she has grown up in this small town in New Mexico where everyone pretty much

just stays there. not a lot of people end up leaving the state or the city even

and she wants to leave but then her father is diagnosed with Huntington's

disease and has to stay at home and help her mom take care of her father.

additionally this is an exploration on sexuality and Savannah has always been

into boys and she's slept with a lot of boys she kind of uses sex and like

hooking up with different boys as a way to distract herself from her unhappiness in

her life, then she meets this girl, this other teenage girl, and falls in love

with her. and it just explored the fluidity of sexuality. and also she

works at a theme park as a mermaid, so if you're into that, it's pretty fun. I like

this book a lot. I liked what it was saying and I liked a lot of the writing.

the story itself didn't do much for me. I liked the characters and I liked

writing. I liked that it had great Latinx representation, there was a lot

in this in Spanish, which is cool and it's a really cute queer romance. and the

last book I listened to in the month of October was A Like in the Dark by

Malinda Lo. I have not read anything else by Malinda Lo, this is my first book and

I am still excited to read Ash. this one didn't really do it for me.

this is story of Jess, who is a queer Chinese-American art school student and

she's in love with her best friend. this book is really pitched as a thriller and

the second half of the novel is I suppose kind of like a thriller and it

changes perspectives and it goes into like police interviews after an event

happens and things like that. so the point of view completely changes for the

second half and like goes in and out of different perspectives and it's strange.

I usually like that kind of shifting of narrative, but this just didn't really

flow. there is like a queer love triangle where Jess is in love with her best

friend, but her best friend meets a new girl and Jess doesn't like the new girl,

so there is a love triangle, which I'm not really a huge fan of and I should

have like, going into it I knew there was a love triangle so it can't put that

against it because I could have not read it.

I do think it'd be really great for fans of E Lockhart, especially if you really

like Genuine Fraud, E Lockhart's most recent novel. A really good

unreliable narrator situation. I'm also not the biggest fan of main characters

being in love with their best friends, but the best friend doesn't notice even

though it's really obvious to everyone. it's just not for me. I think in general

it was a mix of things I thought I would like, and things I knew I wouldn't like,

and ultimately the things I didn't like overwhelmed things I thought I would

like cuz the things I thought I would like weren't great. I don't know what was

worse, that description or the sound in the background right now. it wasn't my

favorite. ultimately I feel like I didn't read a lot that I super loved this month

I think it was like a a 2 out of 5. let me know what you read in the comments. thank

you for watching. let me know if you have checked out of these books and if you

feel the same or differently. I'll see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> October Reads // This Savage Song, Like Water, Spellbook of the Lost and Found, etc! [CC] - Duration: 8:49.


Disney Pixar #Cars 3 Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Rusteze Trev Diesel Train Cars 3 Disney - Duration: 10:06.

Disney Pixar Cars 3 Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Rusteze Trev Diesel Train Cars 3 Disney

For more infomation >> Disney Pixar #Cars 3 Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Rusteze Trev Diesel Train Cars 3 Disney - Duration: 10:06.


Hotelo - Pisciana | Hotelo em Domicílio - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Hotelo - Pisciana | Hotelo em Domicílio - Duration: 3:18.


Let out | Phrasal Verb Lesson | Spoken English Expressions Course - Duration: 0:39.

To let something out .to let something out means to release something. it can be

a physical thing or something more abstract, like emotions. also we let our

pets out, especially dogs, so that they can do their business – go poop and pee

outside, and not in the house! there's too much air in the tire! we need

to let some out! what are you thinking?! come on, let it out, tell me! When's the

last time you let the dog out?

"the question is, who let the dogs out? Who let the dogs out? who!? who!? Who!?

give me an example with this phrasal verb down here!

practice makes perfect.

For more infomation >> Let out | Phrasal Verb Lesson | Spoken English Expressions Course - Duration: 0:39.


This Is Us - You've Chosen to Love (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> This Is Us - You've Chosen to Love (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:30.


Американцы Слушают Русскую Музыку: ВРЕМЯ И СТЕКЛО, ЛСП, TATARKA - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> Американцы Слушают Русскую Музыку: ВРЕМЯ И СТЕКЛО, ЛСП, TATARKA - Duration: 10:30.


Family Comes First - "Flesh" Full Free Maverick Movie!! - Duration: 1:37:32.

(foreboding music)

- Why am I here?

I didn't narc or anything!

I didn't fuckin' snitch!

Please, please, please no.

Please don't kill me.

(gun pop)

- Let's ride.

(engine revs)

(funky industrial beats)

(door creaks)


- Bad ass kid that likes to fight.

- [Nick] Yeah.

- What are you doing back?

- Don't be mad.

I'm just tryin' to make a little bit of extra money.

- No, I know that.

I'm talking about what are you doing back in town?

It's been what, eight years?

- Yeah.

Figured it was time to come home.

- Come home to what, this?


- Ain't nothin' like it.

- You shittin' me?


Come on look, let's take a ride.

You buy me a drink.

- Aight.

- What can I say about this man?

He has been a fixture in the community and has been

responsible for the crime numbers dropping steadily

over the years.


I present to you, my friend, our chief, Alonzo Coleman.

(cheers and applause)

- Wow, thank you,

and thank you Bill for that humble introduction.

You truly are a great friend and mentor to me.

Wow, it's been a long, long journey

but I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the love and support

of my beautiful wife, Janet.


As you all know, I grew up here, born and raised.

My father was a security guard who taught

my brothers and I that, to be honorable,

meant to help the man next to you.

All my life, all I've ever wanted was to clean the streets,

make it a better place for our future generation.

Now I believe that every single day,

we're taking a step toward making that achievement happen.


So I am here to serve you, to serve my city,

for as long as you would have me.

God bless you and have a good night.


(slow soulful music)

- [Janet] Maybe we could go on a nice long vacation,

get out of the city or the country for a while.

- You know I was thinkin' the same thing.

Where you wanna go?

- [Janet] Hmm, how does Paris sound?

- Expensive.

- Stop it, you know that we are more than fine

when it comes to that.

- Yeah we are.

(sexy synthesizer beats)

- Damn.

- You keep dressin' like that,

I'll take you anywhere you wanna go.

- Is that right?

- That's right.

- Let's see where else I can go.

(sexy synthesizer beats)

- The old man asked about you before he passed away.

- Yeah?

- He regret it too, ya'll weren't on best better terms.

- Yeah well that's life.

Just came back for a little while to see my family

before I pass through.

- So we're you heading?

- [Nick] Away.

- Need some on the trip?

- Nah man, I don't need anything.

- [Casper] You sure?

- Yeah, I'm good.

- So uh, at least tell me where you going?

- I got a little place, man I'm cool.

- You gone by to see your girl?


- No that was a long time ago bro.

- Yeah well she still asks about you every time I see you.

She has a kid now, by some low life over on the south side.

- Hmm.

Yeah, but um, how's Alonzo?

- The local hero?

We don't speak much,

being that won't be good for business dealings,

you know him being a cop and all?

- [Nick] Right.

His family?

- Yeah.

You should stop by and see 'em when you get a chance.

- Yeah I might do that.

- So uh, when's the last time you had a girl, bro?


- You know what man.

- What nothin'.

When the last time you had some puss-ay?


- [Nick] You trippin'.

- Trip a nut.

Ay, yo Dino!

That one right there?

Bring her here.

- Ay man, you know you ain't gotta be doin' that.

- Man look, I'mma make sure my little brother's straight,


- Aight.

- [Casper] Relax, I gotchu.

- [Nick] Aight.

- Boss, I don't trust this Griffin dude.

- Yeah well I don't either.

- You need me to go in there with you?

- Nah I'm good.

Hold tight.


- Casper.

This is Eve.

She's heard so much about you.

- Eve.

- Griffin here tells me that nothing happens

in this city without you knowing about it?

- Is that what they say?

- I'm a business woman.

And I'm here to offer you a business proposition.

- I'm listening.

- My employers and I, we deal in a certain type of business.

One that requires a certain level of anonymity,

but that will be very lucrative.

- Pardon my bluntness but ah, I don't speak in bullshit.

No time for it.

I like to get straight to the point, so uh,

if you don't mind, what exactly are we speakin' on here?

Guns, money, drugs?

- Flesh.

- Excuse me?

- Flesh Mr. Casper.

Human, in particular.

(finger snaps)

You see anything you like?

- Prostitution?

- I'm not a pimp Mr. Casper.

And my clients are certainly not on order looking for girls.

Like I said,

I'm a business woman

and I deliver to the highest bidder.


blonde, brunettes,

anything you like,



- This has all been real entertaining but uh,

I'm not interested.

- Without Eve, she can easily take you out of business.

She's tryin' to keep you in a percentage.

- Take me out of business?

This isn't my business.

So she can have it all as far as I'm concerned.

- What do you think is gonna happen?

All the drugs, money,

it's only a matter of time.

Every low level thug like yourself is already in my corner

because they know who I am

and they know what I'm capable of.

- This isn't Mexico, so try that shit if you want to.

This is your lane

and I'll be sure to stay out of the way of it,

and gentleman, lady,

'scuse me.

- Is this gonna be a problem?

- No ma'am.

- Good.

- So was that a big waste of time?

- I ain't talkin' bout shit.

Let's ride.

- Yes sir.

- Sir?

The mayor's on line one and your wife

is holding on line two.

- All right, well the mayor's just gonna have to wait.

- Yes sir.

- Hey honey.

Oh you wanna have lunch today?


Anything for you.

Alright, love you too.


- Sir?

Your brother's here to see you.

- Brother?

- Yes sir.

- Okay give me a second.

- [Secretary] Yes sir.

- You know, let the mayor know that I get back with her

as soon as I can.

- Certainly sir.

- Alright.



- Wassup.

- Oh man.

It's been a long time, welcome home.

- Yeah I appreciate that man.

- Look at you, man!

All grown up and everything.

You been stayin' out of trouble?

- Well you know I'm tryin' to.

Look at you.

What you the man now, huh?

- Oh man, this ain't nothin'.

C'mon man, let's step outside.

So, how long you been in town, man?

- Just today bro.

- How long you stayin'?

- Not long.

I'm actually headed out west, I thought I'd stop in,

see my brothers before I left.

- Brothers?

- Yeah man, brothers, plural.

I got two of 'em right?

- Seen him yet?

- Ran into him last night.

- How is he?

- Do you really care?

- Nah, not really.

But you know we brothers, right?

- Yeah, he's fine.

- Good.

Anyway man, why don't you come by tonight?

Come by the house, see the family,

have dinner with me and family, see your nieces and nephews.

- Yeah I'd like that, man.

- You know man, after your mom passed away,

I ain't think I see you up in these parts no more.

- Yeah.

- Then when old man passed away,

you didn't show up to his funeral.

- Yeah, that's not.

- My bad.

- Listen man, I'm happy to be here with my brothers

and that's all that matter, right?

- You right, you right.

Look, here go my card.

My number's on the back.

Call me around seven,

I get the address to where the house is.

- Cool, cool.

- It's good to see you, bro.

- It's good to see you too man.

- Are you okay?

Casper? - Mmm, yeah.

Sorry, I'm good.

- No, wassup?

- Nothing.

- Now I know when something is bothering you.

So don't give me that.

- I guess you do know me well.

- Yeah.

I do.

- I guess you know you the only one beside my brother

that I trust, right?

I want to take you away from all this Kree.

Away from this world.

- What world?

Me managing the club?

- C'mon you know what I'm talking about.

- It's the only world I see.

- [Casper] I understand.

- I gotta get back to work.

- Okay.

(smooth electronic beats)

(upbeat synthesizer melody)

- [Remy] Nick?

- Wassup man?

- [Remy] What the hell?

- [Nick] What you doin' on this side of town man?

- Man, I live right around the block from here.

- Right around the block?

Okay, okay.

- Yeah I gotta get to this money,

you know what I'm talkin' about.


- Get this money, huh?

Oh you still out here nickel and dime,

what you got in your pockets, huh?

- Not exactly.

Question is, what are you doin' on this side of town?

You're not here to see Cheryl, are you?

- Just stop in to say hello.

Can I just say hello?

- That's not a good idea.

She's with someone else now.

- But I just wanna see her.

Is that cool?

C'mon man, it's me.

- Alright. - Ey?

- This is not a good idea.

- I know, I know.

I heard you the first time.

C'mon man relax, chill out, c'mon get it.

(groovy electronic beats)

- Was that the witness that found the body this morning?

- Yes sir.

- He was just here, right?

- Yeah, he was.

- Man, alright.

Let's see what Carly comes up with.

- Kay.

- I was taking out the trash and I saw the body.

That's all.

- And uh, this is the man you identified right?

- Yes that's him.

- You sure?

- Yes.

- Alright, sit tight.

- Yes sir.

- Good job, good job.

- Thank you.

- So was that her?

- Uh, he said he had something for me.

- Body's not in the morgue.

- Okay, let me know when they get back

to you with that, alright?

- Yes sir.

Is the Captain up to speed on this?

- Yes sir, he sure is.

- Okay good, good.

I gotta meeting I need to get to.

Keep me in the loop on this, alright?

- Alright. - Yes sir.

Let's take a trip to the morgue.

- Hey, let's do it.

(heavy hip hop music)

- Alright, stay here.

- That's cool.

- Hey.

- Nick.

- Yeah.

- What are you doing here?

- Came to see you.

- See me?

Through all these years,

I moved on and you shouldn't be here.

- Did he do this to you?

- You were gone all those years so I had to move on.

- I understand.

- How you get here?

- Closure.

- Closure?

That's not fair.

When I needed closure you were nowhere to be found.


- [Man] Who the hell's at my door?

- I need to go.

- I need you. - I'm sorry.

- Is this what you want?

You want somebody beatin' yo ass everyday?

- Just go, please.

- You wanna fuck her?

What are you doin' here, who are you?

- Nobody.

- Yeah keep walkin' motherfucker before I beat ya ass,

like I'm about to beat her's.


- Nick, just leave him alone!



Stop, just leave him alone!

Nick leave him alone!

- C'mon man, we gotta get outta here!


- I'm sorry.

I told him to leave.

I'm so sorry.


- What the hell was that?

- I don't know, man!

- You just beat the shit out of one

of your brother's top guys!

You didn't know?

Man, I'm sorry I thought you knew!

- Take me to the club!

- Listen man, that is not a good idea!


(slow electronic beat)

- Poor girl.

Are you scared?

It's okay,


- What are gonna do to me?

- I'm gonna take care of you.


She a virgin?

- Yes.

That's 15 girls.

- When my uncle gets here,

make sure you set out the best one for him.

- Yes ma'm.

- And Griffin?

Send someone to break this one in.

- Yes.

Yes ma'am.

- [Nick] Ay yo, we need to talk.

- Hey man.

- Hey, wait you can't be bustin' up in here like that!

What's wrong with 'chu boy?

Ay look, relax, aight?

Give us a minute.

- Look, let me call you back.

- Ay, why you ain't tell me?

- Tell you what?

- That Cheryl's with one of your guys?

- Cheryl?

Man fuck that bitch!

I told you what it was,

so why does it matter who she's with?

- Because he beatin' her ass.

- Yeah, yeah, and tell me when I'm supposed to care?

You come bustin' up in my spot with some bitch,

you ain't spoke to in years.

I mean is that what we really here talkin' about?

- Hey, I tried to tell him.

- Remy, shut the fuck up and go sit yo ass down somewhere!

Look bro, I run things around here and I can't have you

runnin' around town beatin' people's asses 'cuz you feel

some type of way about some bitch,

you used to fuck some years ago.

That's going bring unnecessary attention to me

and you to people we don't need all up in our business,

including Alonzo.

- What business is that?


- All that, now you wanna talk business?

Remy go get a drink on me.

Close the door behind you.

Whatchu doin' hanging around that cornball?

- He's my friend. - Friend, huh?

He's a wannabee stickup kid whose too damn scared

to stick somebody up.

Squandered all his baseball times

when you got tryin' to get hooked on the pipe.

I keep that boy on the up and up

so he won't lose track of you.

- Mmm, okay.

So that's why you keep him runnin' around for you?

- It is what it is.

- Is what it is, okay.

So is that what you want from me?

- What?

What kind of shit is that to say to your big brother?

We family.

I would never want no low level type shit like that for you.

- Okay.

So what is it?

- There may be some problems that I'm not prepared

to deal with.

I got this cartel bitch coming into town

setting up shop.

- Cartel?

- Yeah, she's movin' in and she's settin' up shop.

And it ain't goin' be pretty.

- You talking drugs?

- It may be that.

There may be some things that I need to check into.

- Alright.

- Mmm, somebody want seconds?

- And thirds, and fourths.

- Saw your brother, huh?

- Yeah, yeah.

- When was the last time we saw him?

- Oh man, it's been years.

You know Nick was always a loner, even when he was a kid.

Me and Kevin used to tease him all the time because

he always wanted to go and play by himself.

But, I think that was cool though,

'cause if he wasn't playing by himself,

he was always fightin' somebody.

- How was his mom towards you two?

- Know what, she was good.

Even though my father had lied and gotten her pregnant

while he was married,

she never blamed him for her pregnancy.

She allowed him to come over and play with

us as much as he wanted to.

But when she died,

Nick took it hard.

Then he just disappeared.

- What about your dad?

- Oh he loved Nick to death.

He was his favorite.

As Nick got older, he became distant

and when mom passed he always shut the old man out.

- Wow. - Yeah.

That's Nick though, he was always stubborn

and did whatever he wanted to do.

But who can blame him?

- Sounds like somebody else I know?

- Yeah, yeah. - Mmm-hmm.

(doorbell rings)

- I get that. - Alright.

- Wassup man?

Nothin' much?

- This is nice, bro.

- Appreciate it, appreciate it.

- Janet.

- This is for you. - Hi Nick.

Thank you.

So good to see you again.

- It's good to see you too.

- Kids.

- Wow.

- This is your Uncle Nick.

- Hi Uncle Nick.

- [Nick] How you doing?

- Hi Uncle Nick.

- [Nick] Hey.


- How about we eat?

- Let's do it.

- Boss, Griffin's here.

- Bring him in.

- I thought our business was concluded.

You here to sell me some more of your

boss's business venture?

- Boss? (laughs)

Casper, how long we known each other?

I'm an opportunist.

You and I are no different.

Why you think we been able to do business for so long?

- Yeah but things change.

What do you want Griffin?

- Alright look, the cartels are moving in.

The Mexican borders can no longer hold these guys back.

They have the product and the means to make anything happen.

What she's offering, not just to you my friend.

It's a way to sustain.

How can you go to war with somebody with an army?

- Who says you need an army,

when you can just cut off the head?

- Nevertheless, consider this a courtesy offer.

For your assistance, she's offering you 40%.


- Oh, hold up, hold up, let me get this straight.

Let me get this straight.

So, she wants to come in and take over my shit

and offer me 40% of my own shit?


Dino you hear this shit?

Nigga you done lost your motherfuckin' mind!


- 40% is better than nothin', wouldn't you say?

- Well you tell that bitch if she wants it,

come and get it.

- Fair enough.

- Yo Griff, be safe out there.

Go get the car.

- [Dino] Yes sir.

- This is nice bro, this is real nice.

- Appreciate that, bruh.

I'm doin' well for myself.

It's good to be in my position to be able to give back

to the community.

You know, I can hook you up with a job if you want.

- A job, huh?

- [Alonzo] Yeah.

- To be a cop?

Don't think so.

- [Alonzo] Nah, but it sounded good right?

- It sounded real good.

- So have you decided what you's gonna do with yourself?

- [Nick] Nah man, just float around, see the world.

Got no responsibilities, nobody depending on me,

just get away.

- Just float around and see the world?

- That's right.

- [Alonzo] Man that sound like one lonely ass life.

- Well you know, you know how I do, man.

It works for me.

- I feel you.

You know before he died,

he told me to give you something.

He always thought you would be the best out of all of us.

- Yeah, I don't think so.

- [Alonzo] Man why you hate him so much?

- Why I hate him?


'cause he used to get drunk and beat the hell out of my mom.

- What?

- Yeah.

Used to come late,

complainin' about his perfect life with ya'll.

Get drunk, beat, rape my mom.

- [Alonzo] Get the fuck out.

- He did it for years man,

until we moved away, he couldn't find us.

Despised him.

Everything he was.

- Man I'm, I'm sorry bruh, I didn't know.

- Yeah.

But you could remember for the great man he was

and I'll remember him for everything else.

Well anyway,

thanks for dinner.

You have a beautiful home and a beautiful family, bro.

Take care.

- Alright, bruh.

(heavy electronic rock)

(crying and yelling)

- No!

- Your fuckin' noise, shut the fuck up!

- No!

Agh, no!


- Shut the fuck up!

- You ain't goin' nowhere.

- No!


- You like it?



- Yeah!

- Give it to her, give it to her!

(heavy electronic rock)

Hell yeah!

(guns pop)

- Men.

They always wanna put their dick where it doesn't belong!

(gun pops)

(hip-hop club music)

- How long you been workin' for my brother?

- Look, I was gonna tell you about that.

- About what?

- He saved my life and I owe him.

- You not cut out for this life Remy.

You need to get out while you still can.

- And do what? (laughing)

End up like that shit (mumbles)

Your brother's not the same man you knew him as.

It's just, different.

He runs the city and he's not the guy to cross.

- Yes.

Yes everything'll be fine, no worries.


I'll talk to you soon.

Alright, bye.

- Still working?

- Yes.

It seem like it doesn't stop even when I'm home.

- The kids are asleep.

You wanna come up and join me for a bath?

- Mmm, I'd love to,

but I didn't get a chance to work out today

and I wanna, I gotta let off steam.

- Alright babe,

just let me know when you're coming up, okay?

- I promise you, I will.

- I'll see you.

- Alright.


- So what happened to you after your mom died?

- Just went away, man.

Got locked up foolin' around for assault and battery.


- Can't sit still, kept movin'.

- Bad attitude will get you in trouble!

- Yeah you did, you did.

- Yup, yup.

Fuck I gotta go,

across town and see my old lady.

You got some scratch I could borrow for a cab?


- Yeah, yeah.

Let me see what I got.

There you go.

- You got more I could borrow (whispers)


- Here man.

- Thanks.

- Ay, you know anybody that's puttin' down some place?

- I'll look into it.

- Cool. (mumbles)

- Will do.

(hip-hop club music)

- Hey. - [Nick] Hey.

- My shift's about to end in a minute

so if you want to get out of here?

Okay, I'll change, be right back.

(suspenseful music)

- Casper this is rather unorthodox my friend.

Us meeting like this?

- Trust me, I agree.

But the feeling is mutual.

So uh, what you know about this Eve chick?

- That she means business.

The cartels are behind her.

She's very powerful,

too powerful for other, you're right.

- So she's already approached you?

- She has.

- And?

- Business is business, right?


- You Italian bastards, ya'll some scared motherfuckers.

- Watch who you talkin' to, boy.

- Boy?

So what you gatherin' the flesh, man Marcello,

I mean, 'cause you too damn scared to go to war

with this bitch?

- Obviously, I'm smarter than you Casper.

It's prostitution, what's the difference?

- You have a daughter, don't you Marcello?

- Yeah.

- She still up at that little private school up north right?

What happens if she's snatched up or so?

You cool with that?

I mean it's just prostitution right?

It's not prostitution you dumb prick!

I tell you what,

you can sit back and watch her move in on you,

but it ain't goin' to happen to me, I guarantee you that.

- Well, you'll be on your own then.

- So be it.

(suspenseful music)

(upbeat rock melody)


(upbeat rock melody)


(upbeat pop melody)


- You shouldn't smoke.

- Well then, as of today I quit.

- That easy?

- Yes, that easy.

- Well if it's that easy, why don't you quit this life?

- This is not what I wanted it to be.

I wanted more,

I had dreams,

just got stuck.

- Got stuck?

- I'm a painter

but unfortunately painting doesn't pay the bills,

despite how much I tried, so I turned to dancing.

- And prostitution?

- No.

- [Nick] No?

- Well I guess, huh?

You're my first, oh wait, that didn't sound right, no,

your brother paid me to hang out with you,

not to sleep with you.

I wanted to sleep with you.

- Mmm, did you?

- Mmm-hmm.

It's a long time ago.

- I'm not judgin'.

(hushed speaking)

- What's going on now?

- Chief it's Dean, he's cracking.

- So take care of it.

You called me down here for that?

- Sir he asked to see you.

- Is this a joke?

- No, sir he's inside threatening to make a call.

- A call to who?

Alright, alright.

I'm going in.

- Chief I don't think that's a.

- [Alonzo] Give me your gun.

Ya'll wait right here.

- [Joe] I can't believe this.

(suspenseful music)

- Dean?

What's going on man?

- Sir please put the gun down.

- Okay.


Just relax, okay.

I'm puttin' down the gun.

Just relax.

What's going on?

- [Dean] I can't do it anymore, I mean I can't!

- Okay.

Alright, just relax.

I can get you some help.

Just don't do anything else.


(gun pops)


- Sir, sir, sir!

- I'm right here, I'm fine, I'm fine.

- Yeah, heard the shot so I sent Renner out back

to check it out.

- Alright.

Make sure his family's taken care of.

- Yes sir.

So what we write this up as sir?

- What it was.


- Fuck.

- You ready?

- Yeah, whose that?

- Miguel Dontez.

He got a nice little operation going on,

on south side of town.

Similar to your brother's.

- Hey!

We don't fight that way here.

- That guy you're fighting,

never lost.

Be careful.

- Okay.

Let's do this.

(groovy rock beats)


- Don't lose to this asshole.


(funky electronic music)


- [Fighter] Huh?

(bluesy electronic music)



- [Miguel] Get the fuck up.

- Wooh!

- I like him.

- [Miguel] He's Casper's little brother.

- Really?

That's good to know.

- The situation's been handled.

I appreciate you checking in Stefan.

- No problem.

I knew he was a snitch.

- Yeah,

him snoopin' and askin' about my girl,

she had to be dealt with.

- And that dumb fuck didn't realize we knew he was a CI.

And now he got the cops all on our business and shit.

- Don't worry about any of that.

- And Griffin?

- I don't trust him, never have.

- You know, he's bringing a lot of eyes to the city.

I'm even hearing things for the Feds.

- Is that right?

Feds, huh?

That may be a problem we'll check into.

- Nick?

You alright?

We haven't heard from you in a few days.

- I'm fine.

- You look like shit.

- Hey.

- Look Nick, you gotta give me something here.

The bosses are beginning to worry about ya.

- What you want me to say?

That you handpicked me to go undercover

to bust my own brother?

Yeah, I can say that shit.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Do the job, alright, you need to grow the fuck up!

- Hey man fuck you!

- Relax.

Look, give me a second would you?

And this?

- I'm fine, man.

- If I fall for you, you know,

you said you could handle this.

- I can.

- We've been undercover for eight months now

following this trail and it's led us here.

Casper popped up on Ice's radar when these girls

started going missing and you know why.

Now despite how you feel Nick, you've got a job to do.

- Casper says something's big about to go down

and he needs me.

- That's what we want right?

- Yeah but, I don't think it has anything to do with

these missing girls.

- You don't think?

Look at me kid.

I need you to understand one thing and one thing only,

I mean, you're my guy.

You've been a part of my team for the past three years

and I will do anything for you.

But listen to me and listen to me carefully,

there is a real possibility that Casper

has everything to do with this

and I need to know now that you're prepared

to do what's necessary when the time comes.

- Yeah.

- Recognize anyone?

- Griffin Wright and Evelyn Santiago

- Yeah I thought that might help.

- Yeah I check into it.

Give me everything you can on Miguel Dontez.

- Dontez? - Yeah.

- Dontez is a known affiliate of Francisco Donar.

I mean he runs one of the biggest Mexican cartels.

- Casper said the cartels are moving in.

- Darn it!

Look, you just gave us gold.

Motherfuckin' gold.

- Now you're connecting the dots kid.

Good work.

- Yeah.

(heavy hip-hop melody)

- Can you tell your monster to wait in the car?

- What do you want Alonzo?

- You know I played this out in my head

over and over again, a thousand times,

and I knew this day would come.

- Do what you have to do Chief.

- Oh I am.

You see that's why I brought you out here,

as your brother and against my better judgement,

to give you the opportunity to get out and leave.

- Leave? - [Alonzo] Yeah.

- You think I owe you something because you came down

off your high horse to come get with us common folk?

Let me tell you something,

I ain't you and never will be.

- It ain't about that.

You see you in deeper than you ever realized Casper.

I'm trying to throw you a lifeline.

- I don't need you to throw me shit.

Trust me, I realize exactly who I am.

And I'm slowly working my way back to the stores.

- I'm your brother.

But don't force my hand.

- Good luck with that.

- He's different, you know?

Makes me think about things that were important to me.

He sees me for more than just this.

- Sounds like somebody may be fallin' a bit.

- Me, no.

I think I just like the idea of being treated like

a human being for a change, not just a piece of meat.

- I can understand that.

Uh, gentlemen, the bar's not open yet.


Excuse me, the bar is not open yet.

(gun pops)

- Agh!

- Take her.

Deliver the message.

- Chief, the numbers on these missing girls are going up

and you don't seem to have any answers for me.

- Your honor, my men and I are diligently working on this,

but I just don't have the resources

to put more bodies on it.

- Mmm-hmm, I get that.

But as the numbers keep going up,

this is going to become a real problem for our citizens.

- Trust me, I know.

But let's be honest.

It's only prostitutes and runaways that's coming up missin'.

- Mmm-Hmm.

And the minute it's not one of those,

we're gonna have the whole world at our doorsteps

including every press outlet you can think of.

- Okay.

I can handle it.

- I know you can.

And it's a good thing this is my last term because

the way this city views you,

you're definitely gonna be the next major.

- And with your blessing?

I'd gladly accept that offer.

- Mmm-mmm.

When the time comes Chief, you won't need my blessing.

(sad keyboard beat)


- Shh,

it's me.

It's okay.

It's okay baby.

Your safe.

Did they do this to you?

I'll make you feel better okay?

- Please no.

- This is definitely gonna make you feel better.


(slow mournful music)

- Do you want me to send one of our guys back here?

- No.

Let her rest.

She's gonna need it.

- What the hell is going on out there Captain?

You have no leads or nothing for me,

yet, my men are out there killing themselves.

Bodies are ending up in dumpsters.

What next?

- I understand sir.

- [Alonzo] You understand what?

- That we have a problem sir!

Why all of your men coming to me Karl?

Do they trust me more than they trust anyone else

in your station?

- With all due respect sir,

you're the one who handpicked the officers

for that task force and quite frankly,

they look to you for orders.

I seldom know what's going on in that unit.

- Captain, I only offered my assistance

because I have experience in running task forces.

The mayor was breathing down my back.

Now, if I have to come down and run your entire division

myself, by all means, let me know,

because I sure as hell don't need you running around

here doing nothing, if that's the case.

- That's not what I'm saying sir.

All I'm saying is these guys are working hard

to find these girls.

And no one's talking.

And whoever's moving in, is taking over big time.

From all angles.

- What do you want Captain?

- We have a potential name that keeps popping up

every time we jack someone up.

- Who?

- Kevin Casper Coleman, sir.

We all know who he is,

and if he's not doing it,

I guarantee he knows what's going on.

- So you expect him to snitch?

- I know it sounds ludicrous sir, but it is an option.

- No, it's downright ridiculous.

Now I suggest you come up with something better than that

Captain, or it won't be just my ass dangling over the fire!

Do I make myself clear?

- Yes sir.

- [Alonzo] You're dismissed.

(slow mournful music)

(door slams)

(gun snaps)



- I can give you what you want, whatever you want.

- Give me half.

- Okay.


Keep recordings on everything.

It's for insurance.

- Yeah, everything.

Open it.


(cries in pain)

What's this?

- Look, Casper's way in over his head.

She already sent him a message.

- [Nick] And the girl?

- They took her!

That's what they do.

- Get over here.


- I can get you whatever you need.

(gun pops)

(suspenseful music)

- Yes?


- Okay.

We're on the way back now.

Get the girls ready.


(heavy breathing)

- Hey what's up sir?

- Where have you been?

- I got called up on something but look,

I got something for you.

Check this out.

- What's this?

Where'd you get this?

- Sir, shit is about to hit the fan.

Hey look, if they find out that-

- So the Feds are watching Casper?

- We can't touch him.

Look, Captain tried to put a task force on him,

the Feds came in and shut it down,

so I took what they gave me and brought it straight to you.

Hey look sir, if they were watching Casper,

they could've damn sure been watching Edgar too.

- Yeah.

Other than the Captain, who else knows this?

- [Joe] No one, sir.

- Good.

Keep it that way.

Everything's gonna be fine.

Look I got something I need to check into.

Keep your following on this.

- Alright sir. - [Alonzo] Alright, cool.

- Where's Nick?

- I don't know.

I haven't seen him all day.

- [Casper] Get his ass here asap!

- Okay.

- You hear about Alonzo?

- If he gets in the way then he becomes a problem.

- Now I wonder what's taking him so long, man.

- He should have been here by now.

- Yeah I know.

(tires screech)


- Shit!

What happened man?

- Griffin's dead.

- Jesus Christ.

- You, you was shot?

- I had a vest, don't worry.

You need to hear this.

- Look, Francisco arrived on a private charter today.

I mean something is about to happen,

if he's in town personally right?

- [Nick] Yeah.

- What the hell's on it?

- The trail letters to the wrong brother.

- Shit.

- I didn't expect to see you here so soon.

- We have a problem.

The Feds are watching Casper

and I'm sure you heard about Edgar.

- I did.

How is that a problem for us?

- Those girls brought a lot of attention to this city.

Casper's a big time drug dealer

so naturally they'd go after him first.

But my men are involved.

We brought you some of those girls.

- And for that, you and your men

were very well compensated Chief.

- That's not the point.

- That's exactly the point.

I made sure to cover all tracks leading back to us.

Now you said, that you would take care of Casper.

Is that gonna be a problem?

- I gave him an option.

What he does with that option, that's on him.

- You assured me and my uncle

there wouldn't be any problems.

- And I held to that so far.

You make sure you tell him that.

- Nevertheless, your brother needs to be eliminated.

The trail ends with him.

- And the girls?

- I'll give you a few.

You stay the town hero.

And everybody's happy.

You bust the local drug dealer,

take home a few girls in the process and everybody wins.

- And you lay claim to Casper's territory.

- It's a win win.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I have a few guests here to review the merchandise,

including my uncle.

- Francisco?

He's coming here?

- Yes.

No worries Chief.

You, you sit back and enjoy the show.

(hardcore rap music)

- Where have you been?

- What happened?

- She's dead.

- Who?

- Kree.

- What you plan on doing man?

- What do you think?

- I can't let that happen.

- What?

I tell you what, just go pack your little bags

and haul ass like you always do.

This ain't got shit to do with you.

What's this?

- [Nick] It's Alonzo.

- What does that have to do with anything?

- That's why I'm here.

- What does that have to do with anything?

- Cas, somebody see you.

- What?

- Immigrations and Customs Enforcement.

I was assigned to a task force dealing with human traffic.

We've been tracking Eve for months.

She led us here.

- The fuck!

- They brought me in because

they thought that she was connected to him.

- You sold me out.

Your own brother.

Whatever happened to blood is thicker than water?

You ain't my man!

- Don't do this.

- Do what?

You all I ever had.

Now this, you're a motherfuckin' liar!

- Alonzo's gonna pay.

- You motherfuckin' right he's gonna pay.

By my own hands.

- Not like this.

- Pick it up.

Pick that motherfucker up!

Pick it up!

Pick the, pick it up.

- You gonna have to shoot me.

Is this what she want?

You wanted the opportunity to leave, now leave!

(door knocks)

- Woah man, what are you about to do?

- Remy, pack ya shit and get outta town.

- No way man.

I got your back.

- You got my back?

I'm a Fed.

- What?

- I'm a federal agent.

- Woah man, that's deep.

What are you gonna do?

- Listen man, where I'm going, I might not make it back.

- I'm not gonna turn my back on you now,

even if you are a pig.

- Okay.

- Let's go fuck some shit up.

(heavy rock drum rolls)

- You look fabulous. - Thank you.

(intense electronic music)

- She's small.

I'll have this one right now.

- You can save her for later.

I have a special treat for you.


- When I return, we'll discuss this?

- Certainly.

Get these to the back.

- It's not gonna be easy.

- No.

- I'mma go in and get the girl.

This what I want you to do.

- Okay.

- Stay here and wait for backup.

- I'll be your backup, make sure no one gets outside.

- Yeah, you be my backup.

- That's right.

- Don't shoot yourself.

- How do you use these things?

(heavy electronic music)


- Collier,

I got a bad feeling about this.

I need you and Renner to get outta town as soon as possible

and I'll see you later.


Alright, bye.


(suspenseful music)

- What the fuck!



(knife slashes)

- C'mon, c'mon.

Listen, listen, it's me, it's me.

- Oh, Nick.

Okay follow this path out, it's gonna lead you out.

I gotta get out, they're waiting.

- You're not coming?

- No I can't.

- Why not?

- You gonna have to trust me, okay?

Go, go, go.


(suspenseful music)

(trippy electronic music)

(gun pops)

(heavy metal music)

- Take care of it.


bring him back in one piece, alive.

(heavy metal music)

(gun pops)

(gun pops)

- Perfect.

I'm on my way.

(suspenseful music)

Baby brother Nick, huh?

Causing all this ruckus in my building.

What are you doing here?

- Oh fuck.

That girl's bigger than my fucking dad.

You got this.

Let's go.

- What am I gonna do with you?


No answer?

(fire alarm rings)

(guns pop)

(ominous bell clanging)




- You alright?

- Yeah man I bust up my ankle, just go, get 'em, get 'em.

(suspenseful synthesizer beats)

- Alonzo!

Put it down!

- Coward?


(heavy metal music)


(bone cracking)

- You should've stayed in your lane.

Now I'm gonna teach you.


Guess I'll be minus one more brother.

(gun pop)

- You look like shit.

- Yeah, thanks.

- Yeah, well you got two days to get your ass outta my town.

(cop sirens wailing)

- You better go.

- Yeah you right.

Good job.

- Hey, hey, bring the ladies this way, okay?

We got a vehicle waiting for 'em alright?

Yeah, this way, this way, yeah.

It's a damn shame.

I would say what a cute too, motherfuckin' ass.


- Agent Taylor?

I'm Captain Byers.

This is GBI Agent Winters

- Hey, how you doing?

- Alright, Captain.

- It's nice of you guys to help.

- Ay, no problem, listen uh, I got my guys searching

the area for you, anything you need, just let me know.

- Alright, roger that, roger that.

- [Agent] Hey guys, let's go to it, let's go to it.

- You know I had my suspicions

but this is still tough to swallow.

Chief Coleman had it all.

Why would he do this?

- Well I guess that's just a million dollar question, right?

Hey, excuse me Captain.

- Yes sir.

- Great job.

The girls are fine

They're on their way to the hospital

to get checked out right now.

- Hey man, thanks for having my back today.

- You did a great thing.

If it wasn't for you, those girls wouldn't have been saved.

Get your shoulder a little better man.

(upbeat hip hop beat)

- How's the leg?

- How's your shoulder?

- I'll live.

- So uh, does this mean, I'm a pig too?

- Nah man, means you a hero.

- A hero?

I like that.

- It's true.

I like all of that.

- C'mon hero.

(mysterious music)

(organ music)

- I figured you'd be here visiting mom before you left.

I saw on the news he's goin' down as a hero

who helped bust a sex trafficking ring.

- That was for his family.

- I guess I'll never understand why cops do what they do.

You do all the work and he goes down as a hero.

- Did you hate him that much?

- We all choose our paths.

And he chose his.

So to answer your question, no I didn't hate him,

actually the complete opposite.

My brothers mean everything to me.

He just chose his path.

Take care of yourself bro.


I love you, man.

- I love you too.

For more infomation >> Family Comes First - "Flesh" Full Free Maverick Movie!! - Duration: 1:37:32.


EverReady Chapter 1 - Duration: 6:58.

[Matt] And then everything was silent.


uncertain future

[Kelly] Increase by five percent.

(cat meow)

And that is why I predict our sales will increase by 5% in the next quarter.

If only James was as easy to predict huh?

Ok, I have to go get dressed right meow.


I love you, you're the only man for me.

Go ahead.

I'm 35 Jess, all my friends are married.

Time is running out.

Matt and I are just friends why does everyone keep asking about him?

Can't a guy and a girl just be-

[Matt] Friends.

Kelly and I are just friends that give each other advice you know we both, we both haven't

been in a relationship in at least 10 years so we get together every-

[Kelly] Weak in the knees.

If I don't feel that it's a bad sign.

All I want is someone who is caring, meticulously clean-

[Matt] Funny, generous, honest-

[Kelly] Honestly Jessica?

If a guy touches your hair that's a sure fire sign that he likes you?


I need a guys perspective.

[Matt] It's pointless so I ask Kelly you know?

We talk about dates, give each other advice, where to-

[Kelly] put my hands.

I never know what to do with my hands and my tongue feels like 10 times as-

[Matt] Beginning to think that I'm still-

[Kelly] Not

[Matt] Ready.

[Matt] Come on you're not gonna be an old cat lady.

[Kelly] I already am.

I just wish I knew what all of these signs mean.

Oh wow, they really take great care of each other.

[Matt] Yeah

[Kelly] I can't even keep a plant alive.

I'm never gonna find that

[Matt] I take it last night wasn't-

[Kelly] Long story.

I reach for the dinner menu and he stops me.

[James] I'll have that one there.

Thank you very much.

She'll have the citrus salad and we'll go light on the dressing, possibly on the side,

and then we'll swap out the feta cheese for the bleu cheese.

[Kelly] What kind of sign is that?

[Matt] Well

[Kelly] Yeah?

[Matt] Citrus means he thinks you're exotic.

[Kelly] Ooh

[Matt] And bleu cheese

[Kelly] yeah?

[Matt] well that means-

[Kelly] yeah?

[Matt] He thinks you smell like stinky feet.


[Kelly] You're the worst.

[Barista] Matt?

[Matt] One iced upsidedown soy caramel macchiato extra caramel.

[Kelly] Oh why thank you.

I was gonna order one before work.

[Matt] Yeah well you know now you don't have to.

[Kelly] Ok so was he being rude or nice?

You know he didn't even ask me what I wanted.

Part of me thinks it's classy but dressing on the side?

Is he calling me fat?


So most of the time he looked back at me with great eye contact.

Even raising an eyebrow here and there, and that's a sign that he's into me.

But then other times I would look at him and he would quickly look away, and that's a sign

that he's not into me.

Like maybe he's a little shy?

I also read that when a guy looks left then looks at your face and then looks right, that's

not a good sign.

So his hands pointed at me but his feet weren't.

He straightened his hair and he yawned a lot but he also fidgeted a lot.

He took these deep breaths and also had this nervous funny laugh like "wahahahaha".

So was he nervous because he's interested or because he wanted to be out of the situation?

[Matt] Where have you been getting your info?

[Kelly] These are signs.

Later he dropped me at home on my porch.


I had a really good time


[James] Yeah I had a really really good time.

[Kelly] Thank you

[Matt] Mhm, mhm


[Kelly] Good

[Matt] Yeah

[Kelly] And then he leaned in so I hugged him and tried to kiss him.

Only to look down and see that he was reaching to pet my cat.

And then he looked surprised or scared or happy and he said thanks and I said


[James] Thank you

[Kelly] You're welcome

[James] Thank you so much

[Kelly] You're welcome

[James] Ok



[Kelly] Have fun!

Why did I salute him Matt?

[Matt] I don't know

[Kelly] Oh and have fun?


Ughhh have fun with what?

Have fun with your drive home.

Have fun never calling me again.

Have fun, you know, walking through doors properly.

I was up late thinking about this so I needed coffee to get me to the coffee shop so I could

get more coffee so that I'm awake for my presentation at work today.

I just wish I knew what these signs mean mmh.

They have it all figured out.


[Kelly] What are you doing?

[Matt] This is gold.

This is pure gold.


[Kelly] What are you-

[Matt] Shh, this is a sign.

[Kelly] It is?

[Matt] Yeah

That if it wasn't for me you'd look like a doofus for your presentation.

[Kelly] Oh haha yeah.

Yeah, you know uhh yeah I should go.

I should be going.

[Matt] What?

Are you sure? I mean-

you got plenty of time.

[Kelly] Oh ya

[Kelly] Thanks Matt, thanks, I just gotta-

[Matt] Ok

[Kelly] Yeah bye

[Matt] Yeah you gotta- its a door.

(nervous laugh)

[Kelly] Is it a sign?

For more infomation >> EverReady Chapter 1 - Duration: 6:58.


Trump concludes positive state visit to S. Korea at Seoul National Cemetery - Duration: 2:15.

Before taking off, the American leader stopped by the Seoul National Cemetery, the resting

place for many of the fallen soldiers from the Korean War.

Silencing the initial concerns and voices of opposition, Trump seems to have left a

lasting impression and helped improve relations with the Moon Jae-in administration.

Kwon Jang-ho has the full story.

Before leaving for Beijing on Tuesday, President Donald Trump visited the Seoul National Cemetery

to honor those who died in the Korean War.

The U.S. leader and First Lady laid a wreath at the memorial tower before carrying out

a traditional incense burning ritual.

The couple also signed the guestbook, leaving a message saying, "We honor the fallen heroes

that lie here - your sacrifice will always be remembered."

President Trump was only in South Korea for just over 24 hours, but it had been a packed

schedule, including a meeting with President Moon Jae-in, a welcoming ceremony, a state

banquet and a visit to the U.S. military base Camp Humphreys.

He even tried to fit in a visit to the demilitarized zone on Wednesday, but that was cancelled

mid-air when weather conditions forced his helicopter to turn around.

It had been a surprising last minute decision to go, as White House officials last week

had categorically denied that he would be going due to scheduling difficulties.

But Seoul's Blue House officials said that on Tuesday President Moon had convinced him

to change his mind.

Trump was said to be have been 'pretty frustrated... as it was something he had wanted to do',

according to the White House Press Secretary.

Another photo opportunity at the DMZ would have sent a further message of improved relations

with President Moon and South Korea.

But even without it, the mood has been very positive, right from the beginning when President

Moon gave a surprise welcome for Trump at his first stop at Camp Humphreys and the two

shared lunch with the South Korean and U.S. soldiers.

Trump thanked President Moon for his hospitality on several occasions and even took to Twitter

to express his gratitude.

Before Tuesday, there were some concerns about how well the two leaders got along, but this

trip seems to have gone a long way to address that.

Eyes will now to turn to Trump's meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and whether

that will also have as positive an outcome.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump concludes positive state visit to S. Korea at Seoul National Cemetery - Duration: 2:15.


10 Steps: K-Beauty Games with Jenn Im & NBC Olympics - Duration: 8:32.

Hey everyone I'm Jenn Im and today I'll be meeting some athletes who are going to

be representing the United States in the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in

Pyeongchang South Korea in 2018.

Korean culture is known for its beauty and

cosmetic lines so we're going to put each Olympic hopeful to the test with

our K-Beauty knowledge.

In this episode we're doing 10 Steps.

We're gonna throw each athlete into the K-Beauty gauntlet and see who comes out on top

So lets go ahead and meet our athletes.

So here I am in the room with Amy.

Like first off, let me just say your story is so inspirational. You've gone through so

much and you've accomplished so much as well.

I mean I'm blown away and I'm so happy to be here with you.

So we've got some ice breaker questions.

Really's called The Facts and the Furious.

So the first question is...what's on your playlist right now like what is one artist

that has been on repeat for you?

Amy: Okay so just in the last week

K.Flay. Do you know K.Flay?

Jenn: No

Amy: Oh she's amazing

Jenn: So what kind of music is it?

Amy: So it's like pop but it has this beat but it's like indie and it's I don't, I don't know how to explain it.

Jenn: I'll have to listen to it.

Amy: Yeah it's like a

female Tom Waits if you've heard like yeah it's like got this deep beat.

Jenn: Like soul.

Amy: Yeah and like it's got this soul it's a kind of a mix of everything but

it's got really good bass and yeah so that's just been on repeat.

Alex: I've really been into Motorhead. Yeah some old sort of hard core metal. Some of my teammates are

really into it and I wasn't exposed to it a lot when I was younger and that's

just that's what I've been into a lot of Motorhead, a lot of Lemmy lately.

Jenn: Nice, do you listen to music while you ride or...?

Alex: I listen to music when I free ride but when we're competing you have to be able to hear the other

competitors running. A lot of people a lot of competitors have music when they

compete but in Snowboard Cross you rely so much on being able to hear what's

going on around you that you can't have music in.

Jenn: If you're on a deserted iceberg

and you have one food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?

Ryan: Oh this is simple. Pizza.

Jenn: Pizza? You know, pizza answers. But are you like thin crust? Deep dish?

Ryan: Oh I ain't picky if I'm stuck on a deserted iceberg, I'll take anything.

Give me some pizza. I'll take cheese I'll take pepperoni. Bacon chicken ranch.

Jenn: Pineapples?

Ryan: Give me pineapples.

Jenn: Oh my god.

Alex: Probably have to say salmon. Yeah, love salmon.

Jenn: Do you like smoked salmon, raw salmon...?

Alex: Anything. Yeah, smoked, you know a little lemon on it. Grilled, it's great.

Erin: Does hot chocolate count? Jenn: Yes, absolutely!

Erin: Ok, I'll say with that.

That's the first thing that popped into my mind when I heard cold.

Jenn: Now we're gonna have our little challenge.

Ryan: Bring it on.

Jenn: So this is called the 10 Step Challenge. So I'm not sure if you know but Koreans, we have a

very extensive skincare routine. We love our products.

These are all mine actually. Come from my own bathroom. I use all of this stuff.

Ryan: Very colorful and nice collection.

Jenn: Thank you, thank you. So the first step is an oil cleanser this is

the first step to just remove the makeup off your face.

Ryan: I know all about that.

Jenn: You do?

Ryan: No.

Jenn: Oh I was like wow!

Then we go onto a water-based cleanser. This is to get everything off your face to make

sure everything is gone.

Alex: I usually just have dirt on there.

Jenn: The third - this is a chemical exfoliator.

So this is gonna, you know, get all the dead skin off.

Fourth we've got a toner. You gotta put the pH levels back into your skin.

Essence for extra nutrients.

Serum for some extra love.

Sheet masks to...

Amy: Sheet masks to put moisture in your

skin or treat your skin.

Jenn: Exactly.

Amy: And the reason I know that is because I used to

be an esthetician. So I used to do skincare professionally.

Jenn: Ok...that''ve lived so many lives. That's insane.

An eye cream for your eyes. Moisturizer to seal it all in.

And then 10. SPF so if you're gonna go out you got to put that one on.

Alex: Luckily, the last step I know all about SPF.

Jenn: That's good. That's the most important one.

Alex: Gotta block the sun.

Ryan: And so you wear all of this in one day?

Jenn: Yeah!

Ryan: Wow, it must be difficult being a girl.

Jenn: I love it! It's like pampering.

Now I gotta jumble them.

Erin: Okay should I like not look?

Jenn: Yeah. You could close the eyes.

Erin: I'll close my eyes.

Alex: Oh you don't even have the...

Jenn: Uh huh, uh huh. It can't be that easy.

Alex: I could not tell you the order again, but I'm gonna try.

Jenn: Is the timer ready?


Ryan: Oh, what is this? Can you tell me what this is? Eye cream?

Jenn: There's some English on these.

Ryan: Alright, sunscreen. There was, I think maybe a mask...

Ok...over there.

Jenn: Woah!

Alex: Eye cream. That goes over here.

Um...eye mask is somewhere in here. block, that's at the end.

The cleansing water is up front.

Jenn: You've got 10 seconds.

Alex: Oh my gosh.

Erin: Ok, I just don't remember...

Jenn: There you go.

Jenn: You've got 10 seconds. 10 seconds.

Ryan: Oh man, we're going quick.

I think that was there.

Oh man I'm going to fail.

Let's put that there. There. There. There. And there.

And where's that go?

Jenn: Okay.

Amy: Oh what is this one?

Well interesting because I don't remember...okay I think...

I think I'm right, but I don't know if that one was right.

Alex: Biopeel.

Oh my gosh I'm just going to...oh

Cleanser. No, here.

Jenn: Okay...


Erin: I don't like your sound effects.

Jenn: Ok, you happy with this?


Jenn: Is this your final answer?

Erin: No...I don't know!

Jenn: You gotta 10 out of 10.

Amy: What do I win?

Jenn: You, you might win the episode.

We're doing other people and this is crazy. You're the first person and

you got them all in the correct order.

Amy: I'm the first one to do this?

Jenn: This game and you got 100%.

You mixed these two up. So you're freakin' close.

Alex: Yeah.

Jenn: You jumbled these two up.

Alex: Ah shoot.

Jenn: But you got those two right.

So, you know...not terrible!

I mean you got the beginning, middle and end.

And just switch these two.

Alex: Doesn't matter, right?

Jenn: Okay, well, you're clearly...this is pretty new to you.

Um so this is wrong. This is the essence, which is goes there.

It's also wrong with the toner.

Okay you were right about the exfoliant...I found that impressive.

Oh you got the serum right!

Ryan: Alright we're two for...

Jenn: So...40%.

Ryan: You know, for not knowing anything about

makeup and the daily routines of a female I think I did pretty good.

Jenn: Yeah, you got the SPF. That's like the number one thing.

Ryan: That's all I gotta worry about.

Jenn: Exactly, just smear that on your face before you go out and you're good to go.

Oh my gosh you actually did a really good job.

Toner, essence...wait a minute...

You literally got a hundred percent.

You got all the 10 steps right.

Erin: I told you...I'm pretty competitive.

Jenn: Whoa, I'm impressed!

Alex: 50%. I will take that.

I will take that, especially because they were so close over here.

I gotta be honest with you I don't even really use soap

when I wash my face. Just use some water and some friction but now, now I know...

Jenn: Do you moisturize after or do you just

wash your face and you just, you just go about your day?

Alex: I just wash my face with water and I put

sunscreen on and that's...that's what I do.

Jenn: What about at night?

Alex: I'll brush my teeth and I'll rinse some warm water on my face

and that's sort of it.

Jenn: Just get a night cream

and I'll sleep better at night knowing you're exposing your face.

Alex: No I just I just use some

warm water and that's it.

But now I'm gonna be a pro.

Jenn: Well that concludes

K-Beauty with NBC Olympics.

I feel like the athletes are gonna dominate their

sports and maintain a clear complexion.

Thank you so much for watching America

I'm Jenn Im and I'll see you in PyeongChang! Bye.

For more infomation >> 10 Steps: K-Beauty Games with Jenn Im & NBC Olympics - Duration: 8:32.


Pres. Moon arrives in Indonesia, ready to empbark his 8-day South East Asia tour - Duration: 2:16.

President Moon Jae-in has a packed schedule that takes him to Vietnam and the Philippines

in a span of eight days.

After a little less than a seven hour flight, the liberal leader arrived in Jakarta, the

first stop of his South East Asia tour.

Hwang Hojun starts us off with the South Korean leader's continued diplomatic efforts.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in arrived in Indonesia on Wednesday evening, ready to

kick off his eight-day trip to three South East Asian nations,...

Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines for bilateral summits and regional forums.

His first stop, Jakarta, Indonesia, which is the largest importer of South Korean arms,

is his first ever state visit since taking office.

Soon after his arrival, President Moon hosted a meeting to communicate with and encourage

the Korean residents in Indonesia.

President Moon's bilateral summit with his Indonesian counterpart, Joko Widodo will take

place on Thursday at the presidential palace in Bogor, about 60 kilometers away from the

Indonesian capital.

In addition to the summit, President Moon will take part in a forum of roughly 300 business

leaders from the two countries dubbed the "South Korea-Indonesia business roundtable

and summit."

It is expected that he'll use the opportunity to introduce his administration's so-called

"New South Policy," which seeks to improve diplomatic and economic ties between Seoul

and its Southeast Asian neighbors.

On Friday, President Moon will fly over to Da Nang, Vietnam to attend the 25th Asia-Pacific

Economic Cooperation forum where Seoul's chief diplomat is set to introduce his country's

key economic policy initiative of "People-oriented, sustainable growth."

The forum will involve officials and leaders from 20 other member economies, including

President Trump, who had just visited Seoul on Tuesday.

And on the sidelines of the APEC meeting, a bilateral summit is due to be held between

President Moon and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

On Sunday, the South Korean leader will head to his final destination, Manila, in the Philippines,

to attend the East Asia Summit and the 20th ASEAN plus three Heads of Government summit.

A one-on-one with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang is also expected to take place on

the sidelines of the ASEAN forum.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News

For more infomation >> Pres. Moon arrives in Indonesia, ready to empbark his 8-day South East Asia tour - Duration: 2:16.


Мультики для малышей - Паровоз - Конструктор - Собираем паровоз - Мультики для мальчиков - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Мультики для малышей - Паровоз - Конструктор - Собираем паровоз - Мультики для мальчиков - Duration: 2:18.



Hi everyone it's Lukmi here.


I am just so frustrated

with the gay dating world.

In my head I like to say that

oh I'm not looking for someone


I'm just going to have some fun

until I meet someone.

Until someone comes along

but I don't know if I'm

doing that to protect myself

(To save face)


I would love to have someone just there.

I'm making this video because

in the past

few weeks

I've been on Grindr


I've met some people online

and even though we've had good conversations

and stuff

I just get blocked all of a sudden.

I question my personality at times.

I always think

I'm a warm type of guy



I don't know

misinterpret that.

I'm happy to be me

and I might have some insecurities

but all in all

I think I'm

a good guy to have

in your life.

But yes...


so frustrating.

I don't if I

try to be nice

to people and

you just

get treated horrible.


Can't even find someone.

I go clubbing and

it doesn't work.

You know...

I go on apps.

It doesn't work.

It just

drains you.


It's better to...

It's better to not use those apps at all


you end up feeling like horrible

because you try to

save face but also

try to find someone but

you wreak, wreak of desperation.

At the end of the day I just want to be loved.

I'm over it.

I just...


I don't know.

Thanks so much for watching.

I really don't like to do

videos like this.


I don't know.

I felt I had to

express my emotion

because I'm very sad.

For more infomation >> FRUSTATED WITH GAY DATING - Duration: 2:53.


My Road to Radical's Redemption! - Duration: 4:32.

Hello everybody, welcome to a new vlog!

Tonight, I'm going to 'The Road To Redemption', or Radical Redemption's own party.

I'll have to admit, I've never been to one of his own parties before.

Of course I've seen him play multiple times. I've always enjoyed his sets, a.o. on Hard Island, hence the shirt.

It takes place in a new location in Breda, I'm actually really curious about both the location & the party.

I've high expectations; of course he'll be playing sets on his own like "Spell of Sin"

He'll be playing with Warface and of course Minus Militia, I'm very curious.

I'll be taking you with me, and I'll see you guys there!

We've arrived, as you can see. The location looks great so far.

Enough toilets, we had our coins pretty quick. Let's dance!

Guys! It's absolutely amazing, but also incredibly hot!

Radical's live set was really great.

I must say it is incredibly hot. Last time it was this bad as at Intents Festival

Totally worth it though

Hello! It's time to go home. I had an incredible night.

The sets were really chill, the sounds was good.

The only downside was the warmth actually. But I enjoyed myself immensely

I've you liked this, give that thumbs-up and subscribe for more! I'll see you next time!

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