Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

Grill on the embers eggplants

Half tea spoon tahina

Half tea spoon chili pepper

Half tea spoon cumin

Half lemon

1 clove of garlic


1 table spoon of dib roman

2 table spoon of olive oil

Mix at food processor. You can service with oil and chili pepper

If you like the video please dont forget to subscribe the channel


For more infomation >> Eggplant Appetizer Recipe - Duration: 1:52.


Disney Pixar #Cars 3 Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Rusteze Trev Diesel Train Cars 3 Disney - Duration: 10:06.

Disney Pixar Cars 3 Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Rusteze Trev Diesel Train Cars 3 Disney

For more infomation >> Disney Pixar #Cars 3 Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Rusteze Trev Diesel Train Cars 3 Disney - Duration: 10:06.


Американцы Слушают Русскую Музыку: ВРЕМЯ И СТЕКЛО, ЛСП, TATARKA - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> Американцы Слушают Русскую Музыку: ВРЕМЯ И СТЕКЛО, ЛСП, TATARKA - Duration: 10:30.


Trump concludes positive state visit to S. Korea at Seoul National Cemetery - Duration: 2:15.

Before taking off, the American leader stopped by the Seoul National Cemetery, the resting

place for many of the fallen soldiers from the Korean War.

Silencing the initial concerns and voices of opposition, Trump seems to have left a

lasting impression and helped improve relations with the Moon Jae-in administration.

Kwon Jang-ho has the full story.

Before leaving for Beijing on Tuesday, President Donald Trump visited the Seoul National Cemetery

to honor those who died in the Korean War.

The U.S. leader and First Lady laid a wreath at the memorial tower before carrying out

a traditional incense burning ritual.

The couple also signed the guestbook, leaving a message saying, "We honor the fallen heroes

that lie here - your sacrifice will always be remembered."

President Trump was only in South Korea for just over 24 hours, but it had been a packed

schedule, including a meeting with President Moon Jae-in, a welcoming ceremony, a state

banquet and a visit to the U.S. military base Camp Humphreys.

He even tried to fit in a visit to the demilitarized zone on Wednesday, but that was cancelled

mid-air when weather conditions forced his helicopter to turn around.

It had been a surprising last minute decision to go, as White House officials last week

had categorically denied that he would be going due to scheduling difficulties.

But Seoul's Blue House officials said that on Tuesday President Moon had convinced him

to change his mind.

Trump was said to be have been 'pretty frustrated... as it was something he had wanted to do',

according to the White House Press Secretary.

Another photo opportunity at the DMZ would have sent a further message of improved relations

with President Moon and South Korea.

But even without it, the mood has been very positive, right from the beginning when President

Moon gave a surprise welcome for Trump at his first stop at Camp Humphreys and the two

shared lunch with the South Korean and U.S. soldiers.

Trump thanked President Moon for his hospitality on several occasions and even took to Twitter

to express his gratitude.

Before Tuesday, there were some concerns about how well the two leaders got along, but this

trip seems to have gone a long way to address that.

Eyes will now to turn to Trump's meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and whether

that will also have as positive an outcome.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump concludes positive state visit to S. Korea at Seoul National Cemetery - Duration: 2:15.


Pres. Moon arrives in Indonesia, ready to empbark his 8-day South East Asia tour - Duration: 2:16.

President Moon Jae-in has a packed schedule that takes him to Vietnam and the Philippines

in a span of eight days.

After a little less than a seven hour flight, the liberal leader arrived in Jakarta, the

first stop of his South East Asia tour.

Hwang Hojun starts us off with the South Korean leader's continued diplomatic efforts.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in arrived in Indonesia on Wednesday evening, ready to

kick off his eight-day trip to three South East Asian nations,...

Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines for bilateral summits and regional forums.

His first stop, Jakarta, Indonesia, which is the largest importer of South Korean arms,

is his first ever state visit since taking office.

Soon after his arrival, President Moon hosted a meeting to communicate with and encourage

the Korean residents in Indonesia.

President Moon's bilateral summit with his Indonesian counterpart, Joko Widodo will take

place on Thursday at the presidential palace in Bogor, about 60 kilometers away from the

Indonesian capital.

In addition to the summit, President Moon will take part in a forum of roughly 300 business

leaders from the two countries dubbed the "South Korea-Indonesia business roundtable

and summit."

It is expected that he'll use the opportunity to introduce his administration's so-called

"New South Policy," which seeks to improve diplomatic and economic ties between Seoul

and its Southeast Asian neighbors.

On Friday, President Moon will fly over to Da Nang, Vietnam to attend the 25th Asia-Pacific

Economic Cooperation forum where Seoul's chief diplomat is set to introduce his country's

key economic policy initiative of "People-oriented, sustainable growth."

The forum will involve officials and leaders from 20 other member economies, including

President Trump, who had just visited Seoul on Tuesday.

And on the sidelines of the APEC meeting, a bilateral summit is due to be held between

President Moon and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

On Sunday, the South Korean leader will head to his final destination, Manila, in the Philippines,

to attend the East Asia Summit and the 20th ASEAN plus three Heads of Government summit.

A one-on-one with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang is also expected to take place on

the sidelines of the ASEAN forum.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News

For more infomation >> Pres. Moon arrives in Indonesia, ready to empbark his 8-day South East Asia tour - Duration: 2:16.


Мультики для малышей - Паровоз - Конструктор - Собираем паровоз - Мультики для мальчиков - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Мультики для малышей - Паровоз - Конструктор - Собираем паровоз - Мультики для мальчиков - Duration: 2:18.


Korea posts biggest gain in credit rating among OECD countries - Duration: 1:47.

South Korea has maintained a strong sovereign credit rating.

Despite the geopolitical risks, Seoul's ratings from three main agencies -- S&P, Moody's and

Fitch -- have spiked more than that of any OECD members over the past decade.

Kim Hyesung looks beyond the numbers.

Korea has posted the biggest gain in sovereign ratings among members of the Organisation

for Economic Co-operation and Development over the past decade.

According to the Korea Center for International Finance Wednesday, the three major global

credit rating agencies, S&P, Moody's and Fitch ranked Korea's sovereign credit rating 14th

out of 35 OECD members.

Moody's rated Korea's sovereign rating "Aa2," S&P gave Korea an "AA" rating, and Fitch gave

it an "AA-" rating.

These are the third highest grades on Moody's and S&P's ratings scale, and the fourth highest

for Fitch,... placing Korea ahead of China and Japan.

Over the last ten years, Moody's and S&P have upgraded Korea's sovereign rating by three

notches each, while Fitch has raised it up one spot.

Only five countries including Turkey, Chile and Mexico saw their sovereign ratings upgraded

by Moody's over the same period, making Korea the only country in the OECD that has received

three-notch gains from Moody's and S&P.

The report attributed the hike to Korea's fiscal soundness and solid economic growth

rate that has remained in the two to three percent range.

OECD countries that suffered from the fiscal crisis, however, saw their sovereign credit

ratings go down.

Greece saw the biggest downgrade by Moody's, with a fall of 13 notches.

And Italy, Portugal, Iceland and Japan all saw their ratings drop due to concerns over

their fiscal soundness.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea posts biggest gain in credit rating among OECD countries - Duration: 1:47.



For more infomation >> CAMPAGNA CALL OF DUTY WWII ITA #4 - I SOCCORSI SIAMO NOI - Duration: 15:45.


Shop Update November 8th Two Thousand and Seventeen - Duration: 10:51.

Hello and welcome to Donald Vlogsifys woodshop. I'm your host

Donald Vlogsifys. Donald Matthews is my real name, I think

Ain't sure anymore

Oh Lord what a mess.

The only spot in the shop that's clean.

Let's see here. What was that gonna say? Oh! Yeah.... Uh

This really isn't a build video. I just got some cleaning up to do thought I'd

Turn on the camera and hang out for a little while

uh give you

Some ideas of the things I got planned and whatnots and stuff


General uh

Stuff. put some light up here

I kinda like these things cuz I can move the light where I want it at.

Put some LED bulbs in there we're good to go usually can anyway

Pretty much the same thing over here

I've got a CFL over here in this one

But I'll eventually change that to a LED when

When that one burns out. let's see here...

Let me check and see if you can see me

If you can see what am I doing? Do I need to bend over or stand up? What's going on. Let me check that out

So back to the plan. Uhhh.....

There.... Let's see here. Of course, I'm gonna clean up in here a little bit tonight.

Got a big mess

I haven't a touched on a lot of organization or anything quite a while I've just been playing do them a woodwork

It's truly getting to be a problem

As far as plans on what I got going on there's gonna be a couple things there

Probably won't be much of a build video or anything the next week or two

I'm gonna be playing with Sketchup trying to learn a little bit about it.

Playing around with it and trying to incorporate it into a little bit more

Into it a little bit more trying to incorporate it a little bit more into my builds. So I have some kind of plan to

go by instead of just trying to eyeball everything cuz I

want to get into building a little bit more in the way of furniture and stuff like that and

When you go to eyeballing and stuff like that. It, just don't work out so great.

I probably will be, I'm going to try to

uhhhh..... I get paid Friday. Hopefully get the components and everything to....

I cannot talk tonight I can't even think

I'm gonna try and get everything I need to do Russ's

Scrollsaw challenge he extended it to November 15th

So I get paid Friday

So I hopefully over that weekend there by the 15th. I'm getting something done

and enter that.

And that's probably gonna be about the extent of any kind of build videos or anything like that because like I said I want to

Play around was sketchup and learn a little bit about it

And there's really no point in me doing any videos on that cuz I don't know what I'm doing with it.

I know a little bit, but not a whole lot.

Just gonna be sitting in front of a computer watching YouTube videos and stuff on how to use it

Main reason behind that is my roommate bought a

fireplace insert that we're gonna be using for heat, so if she wants me to build....

a cabinet and I kind of want to too, so

Using that Sketchup will help me get the dimensions right because it's.... she's wanting to go into a corner

kind of facing out like this and

That's gonna take a little bit of figuring. That...

It's easier to try and do it in the Sketchup then to eyeball it as I do it along because I had no mathematician

I'm really am not. I hate math. I don't do do well at it

If it weren't for some of the apps on the computer and my phone

I'd be in trouble. Uhhhh.... there's that

Here soon.....

I may get to work on it some next week the uhhhh....

Cole jaws for

The Chuck that moon pie moon pie Sent me.

Ken..... Ken Moon.

Check him out at moon pie creations

I'll put a link to his channel; actually I'll put a link to the video that I'll be using to make those Cole jaws

up there

I'll put the link to this channel down below in the description.

I need to build those because it's

Just be a lot easier to do the bottom of bowls when I turn them with that then

try and build a

Jam Chuck or stuff like that. It just seems like it'd be easier to have those around


After that I'll probably going back to making some pens and stuff like that

Trying to make a few extra bucks in real life and all that which I mean

This is real life, but it's on YouTube, and I've got other stuff going on out in the world

Anyway, I need to get this shop cleaned up

A blow dryer!

For when you want to hurry along drying stuff.

cuz I

Sure don't have anything up there to dry anymore. Lord have mercy.

And I know that is not a good place to keep my tools it rolled off the bench, okay

Reckon that ought to be another project for me to do this place to put my uh

Turning tools


devices for using on the Chuck

Rather than just laying them around willy-nilly to get lost.

What's left of a tenon

I'm actually thinking about taking that

wire spool

and putting some casters on the bottom of it and maybe like a

around on one side, cut a board to go along up in there to set.....

My turning tool in that's why I need the board go along across there just

Not sure which way I'd want to turn it.

Cause, that's really not safe, but

That's how I'd see what tip I needed.

That way is more safe

But in the moment of turning I'd be

Pulling one out and another one out trying to find the tool I was looking for.

I don't know. I may end up doing that.

And that'll also give me something to roll over here while I'm turning to set my stuff on.

Who knows?

There's an idea that's kind of what I got scrolling around in my head

Anyway, I'm gonna get

to cleaning up.

Have a lovely day. Thank you for watching. Have a lovely night check out Ken Moon at uhhhh....

Moon Pie creations

Check out Russ clarity at simply wooden creations

I'll leave the link to those guys channels down below, and if you click on that I button up there

it'll take you to the scroll cotton... scroll contest. the scroll saw contest announcement and

The cole jaw....

Video of Ken Moons um

Have a lovely whatever lovelyin your lovely and lovely lovely

Have a lovely life because life is short, and it's meant to be enjoyed. Peace!!

I need to figure out and build something a place to put my saws too. I got plenty I

I-I- I Got plenty of things I need to make

Getting the stuff to make it with... that's the problem. I got a lot of pallet wood two by fours that......

For more infomation >> Shop Update November 8th Two Thousand and Seventeen - Duration: 10:51.


<英語リスニング> KABUKI COOL 2017/4/6 (字幕付) - Duration: 2:19.

Exploring 400 years Kabuki history at around.

Look at several key plays.

In 1600's Kabuki evolved differently in 2 major regions.


In Edo, Aragoto play with strong muscular heroes was popular.

Check out this Mie pose from "Shibaraku".

Very cool.


Then Aragoto with heroes walks is aggressive and very muscular.

In the Kamigata play, movements are more feminine.

Stride more small and movement flows more.


Wagoto plays were popular in the Western Japan.

They evolved from romances about handsome lovers and courtesan.

They are gentle and more glamorous.

Young Izaemon thought scrabbles beautiful Yugiri.

That's you, right?


From the 1616's own word, some amazing writers appear.

They created unique Kabuki narratives.

Every era had its stole waiter.

Is that right?

Yes, for example, Chikamatsu Monzaemon, he wrote about real life events, and turned them

into hits.

the Love suicide "Sonezaki" is about a couple who have nowhere to turn.

A prostitute Ohatsu highs a love in say she will killer some, put a foot against his neck

to signal he is also willing to die.

Such a sad moment.

Then in modern Kabuki, we work with people from other genre of the theater.

One example is international director Yukio Ninagawa.

He turned Shakespeare 12 nights into a Kabuki play.

Their set use mirrors and flowers.

So pretty.


Its magical.

It was very new take on Kabuki.

For more infomation >> <英語リスニング> KABUKI COOL 2017/4/6 (字幕付) - Duration: 2:19.


《龍珠超》115:來了!自在極易功真的來了! - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 《龍珠超》115:來了!自在極易功真的來了! - Duration: 5:27.


U.S. President Donald Trump addresses South Korea's National Assembly - Duration: 3:22.

Trump became the first American leader to address the nation's parliament in nearly

a quarter-century.

His speech mainly centered on North Korea,... warning the regime of the dangerous path it's

on, and calling on countries including China and Russia to fully implement UNSC resolutions.

Kim Min-ji has the highlights from that speech.

Trump's address to the National Assembly, the first by a sitting U.S. president in 24

years,... was relatively reserved with no surprises.

But he did send a stern message to North Korea during his speech,... which lasted over half

an hour.

Trump said the weapons that Pyongyang possesses,... are not making the regime safer,... but putting

it in grave danger.

(English) "Every step you take down this dark path increases

the peril you face.

North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned.

It is a hell that no person deserves."

In fact, the North Korea nuclear issue has topped Trump's Asia tour,... following a series

of missile launches,... as well as the North's most powerful nuclear test back in September.

He said that the world cannot tolerate the menace of the rogue regime and its threats

of nuclear devastation,... calling on the international community, including China and

Russia, to fully implement UN Security Council resolutions,... downgrade diplomatic relations

with the regime and sever all ties involving trade and technology.

(English) "All responsible nations must join forces

to isolate the brutal regime of North Korea, to deny it and any form, any form of it, you

cannot support, you cannot supply, you cannot accept.

It is our responsibility and our duty to confront this danger together, because the longer we

wait, the greater the danger grows and the fewer the options become."

For America's part,... Trump said the U.S. will not be intimidated by the North,... and

neither will he permit his country or his allies to be threatened or attacked.

The U.S. leader warned Pyongyang that while America does not seek conflict or confrontation,...

it will NOT run from it.

(English) "This is a very different administration than

the United States has had in the past.

Today I hope I speak not only for our countries, but for all civilized nations when I say to

the North,...

Do not underestimate us.

And do not try us."

However, Trump did say that the U.S. will offer Pyongyang a better path... should it

cease its threats and dismantle its nuclear program,... despite the crimes it has committed.

(Standup) "There had been concerns that he would step

up his rhetoric... as he has done previously,... especially this being the only parliamentary

address during his five nation Asia tour.

It was instead was more or less in line with the comments he made Tuesday during summit

talks with President Moon Jae-in,... in which he called on North Korea to come to the table

and make a deal.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> U.S. President Donald Trump addresses South Korea's National Assembly - Duration: 3:22.


Video Marketing - How to Get More Views on YouTube - Duration: 1:25.

So this morning's video tip comes to you courtesy of a little issue I faced today.

So, I went to my car needing to go somewhere and see that I've got two

tyres that are down...And I need to fix it immediately, otherwise I can't go

anywhere! So, the first thing I do is: I google

where are there's a garage that's open nearby to me where I can get it sorted. Well folks,

when you are creating video content, the same thing is true for people who are

searching on YouTube. They are looking for "something". They want information, they

want advice, they want tips, they want fixes, they want something that will

allow them to get a better or a different result or they want to be

entertained. BUT...They are looking for 'something'. And the question is - when you

are creating video content: how clear is it that you are solving a problem of

fixing something or making life better for those who find that content? If that

message is not a hundred percent clear, chances are you won't get anywhere near

the reaction that you want. Ao it pays to be very very clear that you are a solver

of problems, you are the provider of value, you are somewhere where it's worth

spending time energy and effort watching that video. That's my tip for today

For more infomation >> Video Marketing - How to Get More Views on YouTube - Duration: 1:25.


Playing HQ Trivia - Duration: 12:04.

I'm gonna win this thing today man I can feel it

I'm about to play this game called HQ I think this game is about two weeks three

weeks old I feel like I was one of like the first people to play it I

started on like the first day or what I thought was the first day and I think we

had like five somebody just gave me an extra life that's so crazy how like as

soon as this video starts somebody gives me an extra life

speaking of extra life this is a good time to go ahead and plug my extra life

thing so I wasn't planning on plugging that right away but might as well since

this guy just whoever this is shout-out to whoever that was that gave me

an extra life oh wait it's not even on there alright anyway about this game

so it's only four iPhone users right now you probably heard of it there's 28,000

people 30,000 people on the game right now but what it is it's a game show it's

like twelve questions or ten questions something like that everyday 3 p.m. and

9 p.m. oh it's 40,000 people here when I first

started this bruh no lie there's like 5,000 people with the grand prize is

always $250 now this thing is growing like crazy in just like a couple weeks

I've never I think the highest I've gotten to like was like the seventh or eighth

question hopefully today I'll make it past that and win because I haven't won

yet man it's time for me to win something this guy's name like Scott

Rogowsky or something like that Sunday night and this

is HQ the trivia show you play on your phone where you answer tough questions to win real money

Scott Rogowsky 15 questions tonight tonight's jackpot is a record smashing $2500

yes yes let's make HQ history gold I don't know we thought oh white out cuz it's snow

right 50,000 people professional golf Association right where's it prize

that's be professional yes for

Association professional I was gonna nervous thinking it could be a prize

I need to have more confidence in myself man my camera battery's about to die

ladies seniors

impressive oh wait everybody run eliminated some

I have an extra money thank you shoutout the that guy whoever you are in

the game you can only use one extra life at a time - who knows that mr. tenuous

is it a free like it's empty what was that really gave me an empty box

Alan won't let me play anymore but America's Got Talent

oh wait it's American Idol jennifer hudson actress hey I was thinking

Jennifer Garner America I can see this game like really blowing up I mean tech

I guess it is blowing up I think a big thing they're gonna need to do is find a

way I guess they're like kind of finding a way to do this get people to stay in

the game so I remember whenever I first started playing it would be like 6,000

people at the beginning but then everyone like as they lose they would

just like close the game and I do it all the time to so it's like at the end of the

game then they end up having like 200 people like still watching it

seems like now it started we had like 50 and 50,000 beginning now there's 47,000

so this like secret gifts that they give at some point like later in the game

that definitely helps I was how I guess

Denmark Denmark supporters suit Campbell

I'm don't even know what I answered alright so you see how there's 25,000

so my battery just died so now I'm using the GoPro but like I was saying we have 50,000 people in the beginning

over half the people left so I think they're gonna have to find a way

to like to solve that issue also I'm not sure if they're making any money right

now I've read something like all that money's coming from investments I mean

investors right now but I can see them having like ads in the future yeah

they're like 12 questions on like the sixth question like halfway

through they'll have an ad for some company or those gift boxes that they

give away I can see like that gift box being sponsored by like Nike or

something Battle Creek Michigan General Mills because like no the other two

people but yeah they definitely need to find a way to not have over half the

people leave when they lose you know alia Shawkat just nine players left

after that one I'll say 96° I don't know anything about Celsius

what do you see Celsius

seven people Oh they're probably playing as teams we do that to at work sometimes

people maybe one person could be taking home that cash who's it gonna be Q 5 Q 15

sorry what is the only NHL logo that features hockey gloves wins

it's the Penguins I feel like I know this I don't know what we shall see

there's only one NHL logo that features hockey gloves which is strange because

they're all hockey teams one logo has the players it's being held

that should've been like one of the first questions that was easy

alright I'll try again tomorrow at 3:00 wait I wonder how much they win 500 5 winners taking home $500 each

but guess what we're doing it again tomorrow at 3pm Eastern Standard Time

this is Scott Rogowsky signing off

but some more info on the game so it was made by the let me turn this down it was made by

the creators of Vine so everyone remembers Vine it was like a big thing

hopefully this doesn't end up like Vine so like remember Vine was like a really

big thing but then wait I have another extra life or is that just like my same

one that I use I don't know but I hear like after Vine shut down they started

working on some or after they sold Vine to Twitter they started working on some

other stuff those things they didn't work out then they made this this is a

big thing hopefully it doesn't like die like Vine did you know but I'm going to

try again tomorrow if you want to hook me up with an extra life feel free Find Skyy

I'm don't even know how you hook someone up with a extra life what would you even do OH

ad referral code maybe okay that's all you would do so if you want to hook me up

you know you can go ahead and that's it

don't really know how to end this video so just walk away

For more infomation >> Playing HQ Trivia - Duration: 12:04.


Disney Cars McQueen Cruz Ramirez Dinoco King McMissile Miguel Camino Mack Truck Boost Disney Cars - Duration: 10:05.

Disney Cars McQueen Cruz Ramirez Dinoco King McMissile Miguel Camino Mack Truck Boost Disney Cars

For more infomation >> Disney Cars McQueen Cruz Ramirez Dinoco King McMissile Miguel Camino Mack Truck Boost Disney Cars - Duration: 10:05.


The Olympics, thorny issues of Seoul and Japan discussed during Trump's 2-day stay in Seoul - Duration: 1:55.

North Korea issues was the focal point talks during the summit between Presidents Moon

and Trump.

But according to our Lee Unshin, other important topics including sports and historical matters

was also brought to the visiting American leader's attention.

From the upcoming Olympics to the lingering issues between Seoul and Tokyo,...

President Trump's 2-day stay in South Korea gave us many topics to talk about outside

the regional security issues that dominated the agenda of the visit.

Upon arrival in South Korea, the U.S.

First Lady Melania Trump first attended an event at the U.S. ambassador's residence - An

initiative called 'Girls Play 2', aimed at encouraging girls to be more active and boosting

opportunities for them to play sports.

With dozens of school kids and the head of the PyeongChang 2018 organizing committee,...

the first lady stressed the importance of gender equality in sports, and that girls,

too, love being athletic just like boys.

(English) "As we look forward to the Olympics,...

I call on all of us to encourage even more girls to play sports."

Later in the evening, the U.S. first couple enjoyed a state banquet hosted by President

Moon Jae-in, which had some flashpoints for the Seoul and Tokyo relationship.

Moon personally introduced one of the guests to Trump - an 88-year old Korean named Lee


She is one of the few surviving victims of Japan's wartime sexual slavery.

And among traditional and fusion delicacies served during the four-course meal,... a grilled

prawn said to have been caught in waters off the nation's easternmost island of Dokdo.

While numerous historical documents including a Japanese map show the island as Korea's

territory, Tokyo has been repeatedly claiming that the island belongs to them.

As a response to the dinner, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga stressed

the need to avoid any move that could harm Seoul-Tokyo relations.

Lee Unshin Arirang News.

For more infomation >> The Olympics, thorny issues of Seoul and Japan discussed during Trump's 2-day stay in Seoul - Duration: 1:55.


BEMBI FOLGE 44 - Verspäteter Wochenstart mit Bembi... created by B.S. - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> BEMBI FOLGE 44 - Verspäteter Wochenstart mit Bembi... created by B.S. - Duration: 1:36.


The Truth About The Cast Of Will & Grace - Duration: 6:26.

Will & Grace is back!

The cast has reunited for the NBC sitcom that broke new ground and entertained millions

from 1998 to 2006.

If you just can't get enough of Will, Grace, Jack, and Karen, here's the behind-the-scenes

scoop on the stars of the game-changing sitcom.

"Will" he or won't he?

The entire leading cast initially passed on their roles, according to Megan Mullally,

who played the boozy, eccentric Karen Walker.

Mullally was hesitant because she felt the character was too similar to Christine Baranski's

role on Cybill.

And then I though, ' Well, I don't know how I could make it any different, because she did a pretty damn good job."

Regarding the casting of Will, she said,

"Eric McCormack had been playing a manly cowboy in a series in Canada and he didn't want to

play gay."

However, McCormack has never confirmed Mullally's claim that he didn't want to "play gay."

The A.V.

Club reported that McCormack told Will & Grace co-creator Max Mutchnick he simply wasn't

ready to commit to the series because he was still exploring options.

"Max called me, 'This is the best part you're ever gonna get in your life, you're insane

if you walk away!'

But I did, I walked away for about a month and then I said, 'I think I made a terrible


Regardless of why the actors were hesitant at first, we're just happy they signed on

and created some of television's greatest characters.




Persuasion and booze

Though Karen was always the resident lush on Will & Grace…

"Honey you say potato I say vodka!" was Debra Messing who required a bottle of vodka and two persuasive showrunners to

get her to sign on for the series.

Speaking with the New York Daily News, Messing said that when she initially turned down the

role, Mutchnick and co-creator Dave Kohan showed up at her door with booze — and a

lot of determination.

Messing recalled, "They poured me several shots, we spoke for several hours and they

pitched me the show.

I'm a lightweight.

I didn't need much to be a little giddy.

By the end of the evening, they said, 'Will you do it?'

I said, 'Let's talk tomorrow.'"

Obviously, she came around, and in case you're thinking she was tricked into the gig, don't

worry — Messing loved the attention.

She said,

"To come from a time when you have to beg your agents to beg their friends to get you

in the door to allow you to audition, it's a much different feeling to know people have

faith in your work.

It's really a wonderful, encouraging, exciting feeling."

In the closet

It may seem shocking today that an actor would be fearful of coming out of the closet, but

1998 was a very different time.

Sean Hayes, who plays the unapologetically flamboyant Jack McFarland, felt conflicted

about sharing his orientation.

He had come out to those who knew him, but remained closeted publicly for what he now

feels like was too long a time.

Hayes told the Los Angeles Times, "I didn't want the responsibility, I didn't know how

to handle the responsibility of speaking for the gay community.

I always felt like I owed them a huge apology for coming out too late."

He also noted that the show received violent threats and said, "It was a really rough time

for me, but I was also having the time of my life."

Years of bullying

In 2014, McCormack participated in My Life My Power, a mentorship program founded by

mixed martial artist Daniel Puder.

In a powerful video for the organization, McCormack, who is straight, shared some very

personal stories of how he endured bullying as a kid.

"I was called 'f--' pretty early on."

There was one particularly painful event in sixth grade when bullies restrained him and

forced him to participate in a mock wedding — with his male best friend.

"My best friend, Bill and I had been misunderstood for many years, it was of course, when two

guys are that close and play a lot of games, they must be gay."

Allergic to everything

In 2017, Messing issued a lengthy list of forbidden items before attending a swanky

Manhattan event — mostly based on her numerous allergies.

According to Page Six, it read:

"Debra is allergic to ALL WHITE FISH, chicken, mushrooms, gluten, dairy, butter (except feta

and goat cheese).

Debra does not eat game, beans, yogurt, broccoli, cauliflower.

She is lactose intolerant.

She cannot have cheese or milk (only coconut milk).

Debra is allergic to wool, cats, cashmere, down feathers, FLOWERS and gabardine [a type

of woven cloth].

The only flower she is not allergic to is orchids."




Messing has been open about her allergies in the past and has even credited allergy

medication for saving her career.

A complicated family

While appearing on an episode of TLC's Who Do You Think You Are?, Hayes discovered a

lot about his paternal lineage — and it turned out to be pretty messy.

His great-grandfather, Patrick Hayes Jr., did a stint in prison after being accused

of assault by his father, Patrick Hayes Sr, who struggled with alcoholism.

Additional research led Sean to believe that the strained family dynamic is what led his

great-grandfather to flee to America.

It's a sad tale of grief and attempted redemption, a pattern Sean said he repeated when he packed

his car and went to LA at age 24.

"I wanted to get away from it, and Patrick Jr. did too, I think.

I feel this sense of camaraderie with him."

Not exactly what you'd expect from the guy whose infectious energy made him the expert

of "making an entrance," right?

"Huge promotion!"

An attempt to avoid stereotypes

Though she isn't a household name, Shelley Morrison earned her comedic stripes as Rosario,

Karen's fiery El Salvadorian housekeeper.

"Listen lady, I'm gonna snap you like a twig and throw you in a bush."

Ironically, this career-changing role happened to also be a well-worn TV trope — something

Morrison had actively tried to avoid.

Speaking with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Morrison said,

"I had to change my name in the mid-'50s so I wouldn't be locked into only playing ethnics.

But obviously that didn't work.

Someone once asked me, 'Is there anything you would like to play that you haven't played?'

And I said, yes, a Swedish milkmaid."

Clearly, comedy was always going to be in the cards for her, regardless of her character's


"Talk about a basket of deplorables."

Karen: The Musical

In what was probably a crushing blow to diehard Karen fans, Mullally's plans to star in a

spin-off Broadway show called Karen: The Musical got scrapped at the last minute.

According to USA Today, Mullally was all set to hit the boards in 2007, but the Will & Grace

creators got cold feet.

Mullally said, "I wasn't thrilled about it.

We had an email exchange in which they gave me written permission.

And the way that they let me know was they didn't contact me personally, they did it

through their lawyer.

And I was really creeped out by that."

"I don't think I can go on."

"Don't do it!"

"Karen, don't be ridiculous!"

"There we go, nice and cold."

Clearly, all parties involved let bygones be bygones, and reunited for the Will & Grace

reboot — but honestly, wouldn't Karen: The Musical be amazing?



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