Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

(Music Plays)

Hey it's Rachel. Today on Crack Your Bible we are finally going to be finishing up

the last end of Genesis 7. Now again - I'm going to just try to speak right through

just because I did get a new computer, finally, to edit on, but Final Cut Pro has

changed a lot since I first learned it when I was younger. So I might edit this

video on my old software until I can like figure out what is new with Final

Cut Pro X. So anyway, I wanted to talk about the ice ages and global warming

because you hear a lot about the ice ages, climate change, icebergs are melting,

ice sheets are melting. And how did we even get to an ice age? Because everybody

says, "oh it's man-made!" "Oh, it's because of aerosols." "oh it's because

you're driving SUVs," "oh it's because you eat beef." Ok, well what what contributed

to the climate change before there were CAFOs or these commercial agricultural

feed lots, which is what a CAFO is. What did they do before you had hairspray that

was an aerosol? What did people do before SUVs? How did we get this climate change

and the only answer is Noah's Flood. Now we are at the tail end of Noah's Ark, No,

we're on the tail end of Genesis 7, where Noah is in the ark and after seven days

the rain came and it actually flooded enough to pick up the ship, (Genesis 7:10-12 on screen) the ark, and

it rained for the next 40 days and 40 nights, and then for the next 150 days

the waters rose to be about 22 feet above the tallest mountain peak. (Genesis 7:23-24 on screen) So what

happens when you have springs from the deep bursting forth, and you also have

the vault of heaven, so like this ice shield around the earth falling, or

remember we're on Pangaea at this point, so I don't know where you've ever lived

but I can tell you that when you have Springs from the deep open up, when they

burst forth, you're going to have a lot of hot water in the ocean, especially if

you're having all sorts of springs break open. And you have to remember that Noah

lived at a time where you have this vault of heaven around the earth, so you

get the Jurassic sized animals and plants that we see in the fossil record -

because it acts like a greenhouse. And these greenhouse gases the carbon can

make things grow giant. And if God has a shattering of that, so that all falls to

the earth, you're going to have ice. But not only that, you're going to have a lot

of damage on the earth. And we already talked about this in my layers video -

about sedimentary rock forming layers and we see this in the geological record.

And when you have the springs of the deep burst forth, it's an underwater

volcano, you're going to have hot water. So the seas are already warm because it

has been in this green house type area, but once that that vault of the heavens

has been shattered, whether a meteor. And you know, sometimes I wonder if the Gulf

of Mexico is that meteor hitting the vault of heaven, because we do know that

the Gulf of Mexico was formed by a heavenly body, like something from outer

space, coming and hitting the earth and that's how we have the Gulf of Mexico. So

that could definitely pierce the vault of heaven. That would make it fall, and of

course God is in control of everything so that would obviously be one of the

ways that could have happened. I wasn't there so this is just an educated guess/

So the springs of the deep burst forth, you have underwater volcanoes, then you

have the vault of the heaven falling, so you're increasing the amount of water on

earth. But you have warm seas and then you have the volcanoes and

what happens when you have warm water, if you have a lot of warm water, and then

you have cold fronts coming in, not only are you going to have thunderstorms like

crazy, because I have lived in places where cold and warm fronts hit and a

thunderstorm comes in, or if a cold and a warm front hit, you have a tornado which

again, creates a lot of damage. But when you have this warm warm water what it

does is evaporates very quickly and spreads out over the earth. And then if

you have a cooling effect - and volcanoes cool the earth because they throw soot

and carbon into our atmosphere. It thins the ozone layer and it blocks out the

sun's radiation and it blocks out its light, it blocks out its heat. So you only

have UVA lights coming in, which damages a lot of stuff, but it blocks a lot of

the heat. So you have a cooling effect. So you have water that condenses - turns into

a gas - spreads out over the land and then quickly cools. So you have it raining this

warm ocean water down as it condenses with the cold air. And now, it's not just

rain, it's snow. Like wherever it is north, because we do know that the earth is on

an axis, so we have the north and south poles. And it's not just straight up and

down - it's on a 23 and a half degree slant. So you have the colder areas where

the Sun doesn't have as direct heat hitting the earth. It's going to be

cooler there. So you have all of this warm ocean water evaporating, spreading,

and then hitting cool fronts, because we don't have that greenhouse effect

anymore. It's cooling rapidly turning into snow and what happens you form ice

sheets, you form glaciers, and it's not something that happens over

a bajillion years it can happen quite quickly if it is just non-stop rain or

non-stop snow depending on your location, for 40 days and 40 nights. Now we see

that canyons can be formed in a matter of hours and St. Helen's explosion, we saw

what was once a forest turn into something that looks similar to canyons

in the Grand Canyon, where you have this striation of rock due to sedimentary

rock like, being separated out by their density, and then they slowly fall and

then water cuts through very quickly and then all of a sudden you have this

Canyon and then it looks like - "oh, this has been here forever!" But because it's

happened in our lifetime, we know like, oh this actually form very quickly, and the

same thing can happen with ice sheets and polar caps. You can see the same

thing with glaciers. And when you have snow quickly coming down and it slightly

melts a bit or gets wet but doesn't melt completely, and then you have more snow, it just

compacts, compacts, compact until you have this giant ice block. You have this

glacier. And what do we see? We see this throughout the world. We know that

mountains were cut out because we had an ice age. And how did all of this ice get

there? Well it's this hot water from the ocean evaporating and then all of the

carbon in the atmosphere, thanks to the volcanoes that is blocking the sun's

heat, so now it's very cool. And now it's so cold that we're forming ice sheets.

It's... the Bible is the one that is, like, telling you "this is how it happened!" We

know that Noah, he got into the ark in the spring, so it's already going to be

crazy with just the showers and things like

that, because in the spring, not only is it cool,

it it rains quite a bit. So on top of the fact that God is just making it pour,

you're going to have a lot of crazy stuff happen. And something that actually

came out in 2016, NASA wanted to know why the Earth's

axis, axes, (here's the North Pole. Now remember it's on 23 and 1/2 degree

angle) wobbles. Because the earth isn't a complete globe,

it kind of it bends out an extra 26 miles around the equator and that throws

out the rotation of the earth a bit. Instead of just going like this, it's

kind of like... and what we see is that the poles are starting to wobble a great

deal. And they found out, NASA found out, it's because... it's not from the ice melt

from the North Pole or the South Pole, its actually dealing with groundwater

missing in areas near the Caspian Sea. So when you have a lack of groundwater, it

throws off the balance of the earth. So if the springs of the deep are bursting

forth, they're losing that groundwater because they're spewing it out and

upwards, and it's going all over the place, what's going to happen? You're

going to have the balance of the earth thrown off quite a bit. And if you have

the balance of the earth thrown off significantly, because there's enough

water to cover the earth by another 22 feet from the tallest mountain peak,

you're going to have a gigantic wobble. And I've told you guys before that my

former job was in the healthcare, medical field, so whenever you have to centrifuge

blood, what you do is you put it in. And the faster you spin, it separates things

out and that's what could have happened with the earth. You have this

displacement of water, the balance is off, you're going to have a significant

wobble on the Earth's axes, and that can pull the continents apart. When you have

the continents being pulled apart, before you no longer have that Pangaea,

you have separate continents. And we do know that this is something that

happened. But now if you look at the Bible through a critical eye and you you

apply science to it, you're like, "okay this makes sense! This is what the Bible

tells us happened!" And we know that the earth was covered in water for a little

over a year. Months were different. I mean back in Mosaic times (Moses is the one

that wrote down this account) they had leap years of 385 days, because months

were either 29 days or 30 days and it was a little different because you're

never going to have that perfect like... "this will be 29, the next one will be 30"

because there's always like minute little fractions of hours and minutes, and then

all of a sudden you have a leap year. But this is what happened in Noah's day. And

I'm going to include a bunch of links - I'm actually just going to make a

playlist about kind of the science behind this from people who are not

Christians, but so that you can kind of understand the science of what is going

on. Because well yes I do have a background in some sciences, it's more of

the biological sciences, but nevertheless I still understand how some of these

things work. And what I see is that science, the geological record, is backing

up what the Bible says. Now is it the timeline that Science says "Oh, it happened over

trillion years?" Of course not! That doesn't fit. But when you condense it

down into the timeline of a Bible, now it's starting to look like this is

exactly what happened. So I want people to like critically think about these

things and don't shy away from science because you think that this is too

difficult to understand because it's not. And I want you to be encouraged because

when you see the science, you see God. You're like, "this is exactly what God did!

This backs up the Bible!" And when you can see that the Bible is backed up by

science, when you can go outside your door,

you can see the signs, you know that "hey! this backs up that faith that I have." And

that's really a nice feeling to have. It's like, I don't need those things to

have that faith, but it it feels nice to know that I can see the signs of this

Bible story that I read about in 2017 or whatever you're watching this. Like, I can

see those signs. I know that it happened because I see it right here. It's not

just blind faith - I see the work of God's hand. So that's just something that I

wanted you to think about. I wanted to share that with you because that was

just on my mind - like centrifuges and how centripetal force works, and how the

axes move around the heavenly bodies, and how the North Star has not always been

Polaris, because of the wobble of the Earth's axis or axes. And also the fact

that with all of this violent bursting forth we know that things were a lot

larger and through all of this volcanic activity, things would have been cooler.

But also, all of this debris and soot would have been in the atmosphere for

quite a long time and could significantly cool the earth for years,

which would lead to an ice age. But not only that, UVA rays are coming in so

plants, once the ark is settled and you have all of that volcanic ash, which is

really great for growing things, once you have that you're going to have a lot of

UVA rays so things aren't going to grow as big and what do we see happen? We go

from like Jurassic sized animals, these humongous plants, to things that are the

same size that they are today. We don't have these gigantic creatures because we

don't have the atmosphere for it, the vault of heaven, is gone. We don't have a

greenhouse effect, so the cooling, and the UVA rays contributed to that and that

only backs up what the Bible says. So anyway, I hope you enjoyed that. et me

in the comments below if you've seen anything else about Noah's Ark and how

science backs that up and I would like you to like, subscribe and share and I'll

talk to you later. bye!

(Music plays)

For more infomation >> ❄ Ice Age & Global Warming Caused by Noah's Flood | Genesis 7 - Duration: 16:07.


Farming Simulator 17 Bale Making And Transport New Mods - Duration: 25:18.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two New Class Mods You can use to make and transport Square Bales.

I download this Claas 900 Series As Ne Mod But IT IS Same as Smety (CMT) Tractor So Skip this mod it is an old one

CLAAS QUADRANT 5300FC Square Baler 4.000l Capacity 25Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 250Hp

CHEVANCE KOLOS S320 FlatBed Trailer 3 Design Setup 12m Length

CLAAS SCORPION 7055 Telehandler 156Hp 40Km/h Top Speed IC CONTROL

Very good job I like this Telehandler So Much

The Baler Is Super Fast

TUNED New Holland CR10.90

I wil load some Straw Bales to CHEVANCE KOLOS S320 Trailer to test trailer and CLAAS SCORPION 7055 Telehandler

Bale Fork : Fork Cotech With Claws

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Bale Making And Transport New Mods - Duration: 25:18.


Royal Krunch - Top - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Royal Krunch - Top - Duration: 3:29.


Texas Governor Just Looked At CNN And Said ONE WORD That Left Them All Speechless. - Duration: 4:38.

Texas Governor Just Looked At CNN And Said ONE WORD That Left Them All Speechless.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was just recently on CNN to be interviewed about the church mass

shooting that took 26 lives.

CNN's Chris Cuomo started off the interview by immediately inferring that guns were to

blame for the attack.

Right as he said this, Gov. Abbott came right back at him with some facts that left him speechless. Watch:

"At the time this crime occurred killing was illegal in Texas, it's the same kind

of thing in New York just last week where it wasn't a gun that used it was a truck

that was used to mow down people on the bike lane."

"Same thing happened in London where you had people using bombs to blow up a concert

area or knives to stab people."



The governor is absolutely right.

Liberals forget the fact that taking guns away from everybody won't solve anything.

It's about confronting evil where it exists and if he hasn't noticed two good guys with

guns are the ones who took him out.

The shooter didn't have a gun license, in fact, he was denied one.

But still, the man found a gun.

So the liberal argument that gun laws would have prevented the shooting doesn't apply


Liberals are refusing to even mention Johnnie Langendorff and Stephen Willeford who had

guns to take down the bad guy.

Who knows what would have happened if those two didn't have guns and had not have chased

him down.

The shooter could have went on to kill even more people.

For more infomation >> Texas Governor Just Looked At CNN And Said ONE WORD That Left Them All Speechless. - Duration: 4:38.


Coywolf: 'They're big and they're aggressive' - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Coywolf: 'They're big and they're aggressive' - Duration: 1:43.



Hellow guys , welcome to one more

video about achievements

in this videos i will show how take

star's achievements

has today spread on the map more than 1600 stars

so, to you take achievement like these

you only need catch each one stars

no matter which city you catch

as long as you get the stars

has 5 achiev in this category

take 1 star, like this

take 10 stars, 100 stars

500 stars , and 1000 stars

taking 1000 stars you gain all 5achiev

in this category

ok? its a short video

dont has much to explain

its only take stars

if u have any doubts comment

click in like

share with your friends

to came future videos of achievements

tks guys , until the next.

For more infomation >> TIBIAMEBR RIXESTER CONQUISTAS ESTRELAS - Duration: 1:52.


Father of 10 collapses while in Fort Pierce police custody - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Father of 10 collapses while in Fort Pierce police custody - Duration: 1:42.




Thanks to there being so much sugar in the foods that people eat today along with processed

ingredients it is very difficult to avoid sugar in the diet.

One child, however, has only been fed food that is completely organic thanks to the right

amount of knowledge and dedication from her parents.

Grace Cooper is now two and a half years of age, and she has never eaten a single gram

of sugar throughout her life.

This is an amazing feat due to the fact that foods today have so much hidden processed

sugar in their content.


that a leading baby formula had trace amounts of what could be a dangerous chemical.

Melamine was found in the formula and this is used to make plastic and was found in the

baby formula that is popular in the US.

There have also been babies who have died or got sick in China from the baby formula

that was polluted.

While breastfeeding is the way to go for anyone wanting to feed naturally, what happens when

the baby has passed the breastfeeding stage?

Almost all of the foods for babies sold on the market today are said to be organic and

healthy and 100% veg or fruit.

However, in reality, they are often but and some of the leaders on the market are packed

with processed sugar and preservatives.

These are unhealthy, and parents are better off preparing and making their own baby food,

so they know what ingredients are in the food.

One shining example is Grace Cooper, whose parents did just that.

MOTHER PASSED HEALTHY DIET ONTO DAUGHTER Shan, the mother to Grace, said that when Grace

becomes old enough to understand why her mother does not like to her sugary and processed

foods, she will allow her to make her own choice as to whether to remain on a diet.

Shan has had to deal with allergies of food all of her life and redesigned her diet so

that she can perform at maximum capacity.

Shan cut out all gluten, dairy, and processed foods and she passed her diet, which is loaded

with fresh fruit and veg, onto her child.

12 SIGNS YOU'RE EATING TOO MUCH SUGAR The diet of Grace is heavy in nutrients, and so

it is responsible for the strong immune system of Grace.

She plays with children who have coughs and colds, and she does not get sick and has only

had one single cold in all her life.

Her mum said that when she is old enough she can choose what she wants to eat and she will

perhaps eat so many sugary foods that she will not feel well.

However, she will learn, and instead of gobbling down 12 cupcakes she might eat only two or


Shan said that she wants Grace to eat what makes her feel good and that is what any parent


She said that they were taking steps one day at

a time.



Asteroid Mining: Our Ticket To Living Off Earth? - Duration: 7:04.

You ever spend a little too much time on the internet and decide you really want to see

what living on another planet might be like?

Well I've got some bad news… if you thought the San Francisco housing market was out of

control you're not going to believe what a townhouse goes for on Mars.

The components of your average one story house weigh somewhere around 100 tons.

Considering it costs minimum of $10,000 per pound to shoot something to space, a Mars

move would cost roughly 2 billion dollars.

But maybe the answer to cheap space construction is already out there?

The most practical way to build stuff in space is to do it… with other stuff in space.

And until they open the first hardware store outside of earth's gravity well, our best

bet is asteroids.


What IS an asteroid?

Billions of years ago, Earth and the other planets began to condense.

Dust became rocks, and rocks became building blocks of planets.

Most of these were knocked into deep space, or aggregated to become our solar system's

planets and moons, but a few hundred million never got big enough.

Asteroids are essentially little chunks of protoplanet that never made it.

Millions of these, about 4% the mass of the moon altogether, are trapped in a belt past

Mars, where Jupiter's gravity keeps them from condensing.

But thousands of asteroids cross Earth's orbit.

So why not catch one and mine it?

If that sounds like the plot of your 32nd favorite Bruce Willis movie, you've got

a point.

But mining asteroids could actually be in our future.

Why would we want to harvest tiny protoplanets?

Because they're full of interesting stuff.

When large planets like Earth form and cool, all their heavy elements like metals move

towards the core.

It's the destiny of their density.

But asteroids are so small and light, they never quite formed layers, and those rare,

heavy elements are more accessible.

Harvesting the riches of asteroids might be essential for establishing future space settlements,

powering interplanetary travel, and building things that are definitely not moons.

Because why spend money to bring stuff from Earth if your building materials are already

up there??

Different types of asteroids hold different useful ingredients for Off-Earth survival.

Carbon-based asteroids contain complex organic molecules that may hold clues to life's

origins, and water, which we'll need anywhere we want to keep that life going.

Stony asteroids hold elements like silicon and magnesium, while metal asteroids, in addition

to shiny, expensive space bling like gold and platinum, also have iron and nickel: which

are great for building stuff and who knows, might even make good space coins.

Of course, mining an asteroid is a lot harder than it sounds.

Getting there is the biggest challenge, because blasting out of Earth's gravity pit requires

so much energy and fuel.

But once you're up there, asteroids' low escape velocities make it easy to hop between

'em, or even send stuff back to Earth… or Mars.

We could even mine our rocket fuel from asteroids too.

Here on Earth, we use a lot of electronics, and many of their components are made from

"rare Earth elements", which like the name says, are difficult to find on our planet

(either because we've mined all we can reach cheaply, or they're trapped deeper in the

Earth where we can't get them easily).

As we race to always have the newest gadget, our supply of these metals may run out in

15-20 years, but on asteroids those elements are abundant and easy to get to, so space

iPhones for everyone!

Or Galaxies.

Get it?!

The only likely way to make space mining profitable is to refine and build things *in* space.

There's at least 10 good prospecting targets near Earth, but how do you land on a big lumpy

space rock?

Asteroids look solid, but their low mass and weak gravity mean they're actually more

like floating rubble heaps.

One bad hop could eject an object right off the surface.

And this is where the giant space nets come in.

In microgravity, it would actually be possible to wrap and snare an asteroid to land on it

or even drag it around.

Surveying asteroids for mining has one more bonus: We'll know where all the big ones

are, and hopefully avoid any extinction-level surprises.

It should come as no surprise that without laws humans tend to act stupid.

With so much at stake we have to consider what to do if space pirates become a real

thing, or if asteroid wrangling technology falls into the wrong hands.

There's only one space law on the books.

The Outer Space Treaty was signed in 1967.

It's meant to prevent any nation from declaring land in space as their own, though I seem

to remember one country sticking a flag on the moon.

Still, we'll definitely need a space sheriff to keep things shiny.

This idea isn't too different from how the United States promoted westward expansion:

A government supports the drawing of maps and early exploration, and good ol' capitalism

builds transportation and establishes an economy around new resources.

But… depending on your perspective, Westward Expansion wasn't all that great.

It makes you wonder if we humans even have the right to permanently damage land that

isn't part of our own planet?

So sure, the idea is a little "out there", but assuming it's legal, and we don't

bounce off into the vacuum of space, and we figure out how to make fuel, water, and factories

up there, there's plenty of stuff in asteroids to build the space house of our dreams

Stay curious.

For more infomation >> Asteroid Mining: Our Ticket To Living Off Earth? - Duration: 7:04.


The Stunts of Future Man • Future Man on Hulu - Duration: 3:00.

I am Josh Hutcherson, and I play Future Man.

Today, basically, we're shooting my action dream sequence.

If Peter Pan and Neo had a kid--

it's your boy.

Future Man is about a guy who's always dreamed of being

a hero but isn't good at anything, who finds

himself in a position to prevent the extermination

of all mankind.

While traveling through time.


These two future warriors who come

back, they seem to get in fights almost everywhere they go.

That's how they get in and out of jams.

She makes Jason Bourne look like a pussy.

When we're doing a fight scene,

we ask the actor what they're willing to do.

I've worked with Derek.

I know he'll go for it.

Hard enough for ya?

Eliza's, like, a straight up athlete.

And Josh?




I don't know.

We'll find out.

Savior, my ass.

I don't know why he hates me so much.

You're physically weak, and nothing like we expected.

The stunts on this show have been great because there's

not much CG at all.

You're gonna be like, oh, man, that hurt.

Why? Because it was real.

Freddy's great.

We mostly storyboarded a lot of the action,

and then he went and filmed it.

Those previses that we shoot and edit

are used as templates for all departments,

including the actors.

From Josh's clumsiness--

Get off my legs!

Tiger's aggressiveness, and her wittiness.

To Wolf's strength.

Everybody has a unique style, and it's

going to be awesome to see.


3, 2, 1!

3, 2, 1.


God, don't shoot!

What the fuck, buddy?

I don't think there's ever really been a half hour

comedy that's a very funny comedy, that

has extremely awesome action.


It's, like, the big budget movie.

So, it'll be exciting.

Seth and Evan just always seem to push the envelope.

Effects is hot.

Fire in the hole, guys.


Some kind of crazy stunt, or a fight.

Let's go!

Every episode has something crazy going on.

Is he OK?

We're soldiers.

You think we like killing people?

You sure seem to.

We kill because we have to.

Not because we-- we like it.


You're doing a great job.

Keep it up!

Fuck you!

For more infomation >> The Stunts of Future Man • Future Man on Hulu - Duration: 3:00.


Papa John's Finally Responds to Neo-Nazis' Love of Their Trash Pizza - Duration: 1:39.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

//// In case you haven't heard, Papa John's pizza is trash, but their level of poor quality

pies decreased significantly after their CEO John Schnatter blamed lower sales on the NFL

players' protests during the national anthem.

As a result, they gained a whole new support group, Neo-Nazi's.

One alt-right publication posted a photo of a Papa John's pizza with pepperoni's shaped

in a swastika.

The caption read, "Papa John's: Official pizza of the alt-right?."

In addition to the swastika post, the author Adrian Sol also wrote, (headline)

"[It's] starting to make economic sense to be pro-White.

This might be the first time ever in modern history that a major institution is going

to be completely destroyed explicitly because of public outrage over their anti-white agenda."

Now the pizza company is finally making a statement denouncing the support of Neo-Nazi's

who also flooded Twitter with Papa John's KKK imagery.

"We condemn racism in all forms and any and all hate groups that support it.

We do not want these individuals or groups to buy our pizza."

While denouncing Neo-Nazi's should always be a given, it's not certain that Papa John's

can turn around the bad reception of the company after Schnatter's statements.

Oh, and I've had Papa John's once and it was the most disgusting cheese I've ever tasted

on a pizza.

Sales are down because it's gross.

as a former papa john's employee, FUCK papa john's, fuck their disgusting pizza, fuck

papa john himself, domino's is a million times better

Papa Johns: "I can't be seen with you Nazis.

Go around the back...I'll leave the door open."

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Papa John's Finally Responds to Neo-Nazis' Love of Their Trash Pizza - Duration: 1:39.


Lawsuit filed after St. Lucie County Deputy's arrest - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Lawsuit filed after St. Lucie County Deputy's arrest - Duration: 1:30.


New Dj Mix remix video hindi song remix old new mix remix bollywood dance remix video song - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> New Dj Mix remix video hindi song remix old new mix remix bollywood dance remix video song - Duration: 1:40.


New Romantic Song New bollywood Song Hindi Song hd kya karu dard kam ni hota 2018 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> New Romantic Song New bollywood Song Hindi Song hd kya karu dard kam ni hota 2018 - Duration: 4:13.


5 Investigates report draws lawmaker's call for reform - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 5 Investigates report draws lawmaker's call for reform - Duration: 2:03.


Tuesday's Child is a fan of team sports - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Tuesday's Child is a fan of team sports - Duration: 1:26.


Learn Colors with Snake Xylophone Funny Bad Baby Colors Videos for Kids Babies Toddlers By Suti - Duration: 4:22.

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Snake Xylophone Funny Bad Baby Colors Videos for Kids Babies Toddlers By Suti - Duration: 4:22.


9 Biggest AdWords Mistakes - Duration: 6:23.

Hey there!

I'm Benjamin from Loves Data.

In this video you'll learn the 9 biggest AdWords mistakes that you need to avoid when managing

your account.

By avoiding these common mistakes will put you ahead of the competition.

You'll be rocking AdWords in no time!

And even if you don't have time to apply all of the tips to your own campaigns today, even

a small change can have a positive impact on the performance of your account.

Let's jump in and cover the 9 biggest AdWords mistakes!

// Mistake number 1 is - Not using keyword match types.

There are 5 main keyword match types that you need to be aware of.

These are Broad match, Broad match modified, Phrase match, Exact match and Negative match.

If you're just using broad match keywords then your ads will be displayed on wide range

of keywords, which means you'll need lots of negative keywords to ensure your ads appear

for the most relevant terms.

Here's a comparison of the different match types that can trigger your ads.

You can see as you move from broad match to using broad match modifiers you will reduce

the number of impressions of your ads.

As you move to phrase and exact match you become even more precise.

Exact match keywords can be useful for focusing in on your most important keywords, but they

also come with limited search volume, so you'll need to balance the keyword match types you

use in your ad groups.

Mistake number 2 is - Being too shy with negative keywords.

Adding lots of negative keywords won't hurt the performance of your campaigns, in fact

it will help you achieve higher click through rates and your ads will be more relevant as

people are searching.

If you find that you're adding the same keyword to more than one campaign, then create a negative

keyword list in the shared library.

This will allow you to manage a single list of negative keywords that are applied to multiple


Mistake number 3 is - Skipping the use of branded keywords.

I've found that bidding on your own branded terms is the cheapest traffic you can acquire

from AdWords, but it's not just about cost, it's about visibility and conversions.

Having a paid ad along with your organic listing on search results will lead to more clicks.

Google and Bing have both done studies on incremental clicks and found that running

ads on branded terms will increase your traffic.

And since you get to control the message and landing page, you'll also see higher conversion


Mistake number 4 is - Only having one ad variation per ad group.

You always want to be testing new things and this includes your ad variations.

If you only have one ad in each of your ad groups you're likely to be missing out big


You absolutely want to be testing your ads.

Having two ads within each of your ad groups allows you to test different calls-to-action

and messaging to see what works and what doesn't.

Here are five things you can start testing in your ads now...

Include location specific details.

Test different calls to action.

Include credentials and awards.

Try different selling points, including prices and promotions.

And try testing changes to punctuation and capitalisation.

You should always be testing!

Mistake number 5 is - Not considering the relationship.

It's important to consider all of these elements; the keyword, the ad and the landing page.

The better the relationship between these elements, the better the performance of the


It's simple, it's logical, but it's often overlooked (and not just by beginners).

Mistake number 6 is - Incorrect geographic targeting.

When it comes to setting your geographic target I recommend using the data you currently have

at hand to help you decide.

If you can find the locations where you're currently receiving conversions, then start

with those before you begin expanding your reach.

Some people immediately feel that their product or service will succeed with a global audience,

even though they're only currently converting very localised customers.

This simply isn't the case with AdWords.

I've found that when people insist on starting with a larger geographic target that includes

areas where they don't have any existing business things tend to fail.

Start with the locations where you're currently winning.

You can always expand later.

Mistake number 7 is - Poor landing page experience.

If you're really serious about getting the most out of your campaigns, then you really

need to be starting with the landing pages.

You need to think about where people land and then work from there.

And if you don't have a suitable landing page, you might want to reconsider launching that

new campaign...

Rather than investing in something that won't work, spend the time fixing your landing pages,

or at least setting up some quick optimisation tests before your launch your campaign.

Mistake number 8 is - Not using the Search Terms report.

Because of the keyword match types there's a difference between the keyword you are bidding

on and the search term that someone enters when they're on Google.

The Search Terms report allows you to see what people are searching for...

Review these search terms.

You'll find the report within the 'Keywords' tab - just click on 'Search Terms'.

You should spend time here on a regular basis reviewing the search queries and deciding

if they're good - in which case you should add them to an ad group.

If they're not good, then you'll want to add them as a negative keyword.

Mistake number 9 is - Missing conversions.

I don't see this as often as the other common AdWords mistakes, but it does pop up from

time to time.

Make sure you take the time to track conversions.

You should have conversion tracking setup before you launch your campaign.

// So they're the 9 biggest AdWords mistakes that you need to avoid.

And the great thing with AdWords is that once you start optimizing your campaigns you'll

quickly see the improvement.

Even spending one day a month checking and improving your campaigns using these tips

can have an impact.

Remember that the key to success with AdWords is to consider the relationship between these

three critical elements - the keyword you are targeting, the ad that you are displaying

and the landing page you are sending people to.

The better the relationship, the better the performance of your campaigns.

So what's stopping you?

Load up your account, if you haven't already and put a big tick next to each of these common

pitfalls and rock your account!

You can (and will) succeed at getting the clicks and conversions you're aiming for!

Do you have any tips you'd like to add?

Let me know in the comments below!

And if you found this video helpful, then please like it, so I know to make more videos

like this.

See you next time!

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