Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

Life is not a merely a game,

It is the search that we embark on within ourselves. He is the one who has discerned this.

He is the one who disregarded the unstability of life to accept it's pace and it's relentlessness.

to accept it's pace and it's relentlessness.

Who is he?

He is an explorer,

the one who has surveyed the swiftness of time to become an achiever.

That is the story of


Namaskara. You could also be a part of Jignaasu.

How? If you come across pictures /illustrations of Shankarnag anywhere,

you can send it to us through whatsapp, mail or

Facebook immediately.

Don't forget to share the teaser of this

docu-film and tell us your thoughts and opinions in the comments.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Jignaasu | Shankar Nag | Docu-Film Teaser with English Subtitles - Duration: 0:46.


Những May Mắn Của 12 Con Giáp Tháng 11/2017 - Duration: 13:38.

For more infomation >> Những May Mắn Của 12 Con Giáp Tháng 11/2017 - Duration: 13:38.


6 Thrillers que tienes que ver / Korea Aegyo - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 6 Thrillers que tienes que ver / Korea Aegyo - Duration: 5:05.


BREAKING: NFL Just Received FINAL Death Blow To Their League With Incredible Name Change - Duration: 4:44.

BREAKING: NFL Just Received FINAL Death Blow To Their League With Incredible Name Change.

The National Football League has become a national disgrace starting at the top with

who calls the shots and has perpetually refused to stop players from disrespecting our flag

and country.

The league got what they had coming to them when they didn't get ahead of the issue

and got behind it instead.

The National Anthem protest that started last season with former 49ers player, Colin Kaepernick

that many hoped would just fade away, did not.

In fact, it spread like a virus, infecting every single team in the NFL.

That "cancer" has now killed America's former favorite sport and now the NFL may

be forced to change their name to something much more appropriate after being hit with

the final death blow to the league.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, as well as the spoiled millionaires that make up the

teams, drastically overplayed their hand, assuming that the American people would just

turn a blind eye to the blatant disrespect being shown to the flag we love.

Because of their flagrant disdain for our nation's heritage, the largest nationwide

boycott in recent history slammed into the league like a freight train, draining their

bank accounts, and putting the entire league into jeopardy.

The NFL simply can't sustain the hardship any longer, especially after getting the worst

news of the season so far.

So far, the damage done to the NFL was done by their furious former fans who have left

the league in droves.

Those who used to spend their time watching or going to the games have taken to social

media to inform everyone who supports the league that we won't be supporting them.

Significant pressure was put on sponsors to pull their advertising.

It took a while for this to happen, with Papa John's Pizza, one of the largest (former)

supporters of the NFL going first and now other heavy-hitters are following.

The financial exodus has paved a way to a new name for the NFL and it's perfect.

Hannity reports:

Following last week's announcement from Papa John's founder John Schnatter that

they would begin removing NFL-related advertisements, NBC executives are now warning the National

Football League that other mega-sponsors are mulling whether to follow the pizza chain

and pull future ads from the 2017 season.

According to Ad Week, NBC-Universal executive Linda Yaccarino told a round-table discussion

that Papa John's "wasn't alone" in expressing their outrage over months of professional

athletes "taking a knee" during the US national anthem.

"None of NBC-Universal's NFL advertisers have pulled out of NBC's Sunday Night Football

or Thursday Night Football games.

However, a 'list of advertisers have made themselves very clear: if you continue covering

the political coverage of the issue, we will not be part of the NFL,'" she said.

"Because think about it: they have half the country that is cheering about that, and

they have half the country that is emailing them, saying, don't do that.

So that's a real thing."

The NFL has been struggling to regain its footing following weeks of players choosing

to "take a knee" during the performance of the US national anthem.

After this major blow was announced the National Football League was hit with a major shot

to their ego with what they really deserved – a name change.

In a letter to the editor of the IslandPacket, Anne Quigley of Bluffton, South Carolina,

proposed a perfect idea in response to the National Football League disrespecting the

nation and that's to take "National" out of the name.

While "Football League" would suffice for what they are, she suggested that they

replace "National" with a word that perfectly describes what these players really are.

"I would submit that the players in the National Football League who do not want to

stand for the national anthem should change the name of their organization to remove the

word "national," Quigley wrote.

"Perhaps they could be the Disgruntled Football League?"

This woman is absolutely right that if these millionaire players want to continue to disrespect

the nation that provides them an incredible living for playing a game, then they should

change their name to accurately reflect their attitudes.

It should actually go even further than that, in that anybody who hate America while taking

advantage of our freedoms to make those statements, should be fired from the public eye since

sending such a message is an abuse to their platform and actual "privilege," which

they think they don't have.

It's doubtful that the name will change, despite the fact that it should, but one thing

has changed for certain the NFL may never recover from it.

The once respected sport and America's favorite is a shadow of its former glory.

The league has lost all respect and only time will tell if they can get it back.

However, it's already too late to salvage this season.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING: NFL Just Received FINAL Death Blow To Their League With Incredible Name Change - Duration: 4:44.


How to hack the game "Name that tune" - Duration: 1:18.

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For more infomation >> How to hack the game "Name that tune" - Duration: 1:18.


งานโคลน รถสิบล้อ บังคับ รถดั๊ม Dump Tuck รถสิบล้อ มีคลิปรถไถ ให้ชม Varanon Wittayasarnronnayuth - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> งานโคลน รถสิบล้อ บังคับ รถดั๊ม Dump Tuck รถสิบล้อ มีคลิปรถไถ ให้ชม Varanon Wittayasarnronnayuth - Duration: 5:15.


The National for Wednesday November 8, 2017 - Duration: 1:04:01.

For more infomation >> The National for Wednesday November 8, 2017 - Duration: 1:04:01.


Video: Close to freezing for morning commute - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Video: Close to freezing for morning commute - Duration: 2:23.


Editing - Car Interior Photography Combining Two Photos - Duration: 18:38.

okay in this video we're going to take two photos one exterior and one interior

of the mercedes-amg the gla45 and combine them into one photo

before we get started and here you see some CA some chromatic aberration here that of

course happens when you do take wide-angle photos sometimes so we're

gonna remove that and didn't remove it completely so we're just gonna do a

slight adjustment here and just eliminate that there there that's good

so that's gone and we'll just take a little look see if there's anything else

I'll probably in Photoshop kind of fix up some of these things there's some

dust and some dirt and really not a big deal but we'll just go through it and

take out a couple of those

all right now in Photoshop we'll just zoom through this and this just this is

just taking care of some of the some of the dirt and some of the dust that's on

the interior

okay now the what we're gonna do now is we're gonna kind of adjust some of the

some of the the outside there we do see some trees a little bit of the of the

building where I was shooting and we're just gonna eliminate this before

we bring in the the new exterior and we're just gonna

well speed through this and this is just using the polygonal lasso tool

we're just gonna kind of single out this area and we're just

gonna we're gonna modify the feather here just by one pixel and what that

does it just gives the selection less of a kind of a sharp selection so

and then we're just gonna fill the portion that I selected here with white

and we'll just paint that with a white brush okay that looks good that's fine

there's a little little bit of jaggedness over here on the

driver's seat so we're just gonna adjust this just a bit so it's a little less

less obvious take the hardness down on the brush we'll just kind of brush a

little bit there now of course you could have done the selection with the pen

tool the pen tool would have probably been a little more accurate with some of

the angles this selection I had here there wasn't a lot of angles and the

polygonal lasso tool is honestly for me it's just a little quicker to do

a quick selection on this alright that's probably there that's better there when

we bring in the background it's gonna it's gonna probably mask out a little

bit of that anyway okay so that's the left side window and if we look here

there are some some portions here in the review mirror this is simple enough

we'll just sample the color and we'll just kind of paste over that but we're

gonna bring in a little another photo with this just to have a little

reflection on the the rear of your mirror we'll just patch this it was kind

of a reflection I assume

a portion that's just a reflection let's just leave that

okay so that's good for that now for the the windshield we do have quite a bit

here so we're just gonna do the same thing

we'll use the lasso tool quickly go through this here and careful here with

the with the screen okay and now selecting here with the the rearview

mirror you have to go around these little little bumps here but what we're

gonna do is we're gonna feather the selection again which is gonna take away

a little that that jaggedness around those okay that's good and we'll do the

same thing we'll use a brush and we'll just simply paint with white I mean we

could just fill that with white I find this just as fast and just paint

over this here alright that's good so that is pretty much gone and that's good

I mean it was a quick selection but we are gonna bring this background in this

is one I took back in 2015 was just of it was of Death Valley in California and

we're gonna put this as the background for this car here

all right so let's select all of this and we're gonna copy and paste it into

the photo it's a little smaller because I did have to do a slight adjustment

with the angle so let's just stretch this to fill with a free transform and

we'll just move that into position now with this to get an idea of where we

want to put it we'll drop the opacity of this layer just so we can see where this

will fall in the photo so just play around with this a little bit here see

what works best and that's probably quite good right about there yeah that's

good okay great all right now we're just gonna turn off that layer and we're

gonna do select color range on the background layer and what we want to do

is make a nice selection here of just the windows where we can bring in the

background layer all right so that's selections good there and again what

we'll do we're gonna select and we're gonna modify the selection and what

we're gonna do with this one is we're just going to expand it a bit not

feather it but expand out the selection just by one pixel as you see with the

selection we're gonna have to mask some of that out but that's quite easy and

we'll bring in this selection here and what we're gonna do with this is we're

gonna create a mask which will put that directly where we need it and there we

go so that's a good start here now with this we have it in the opacity we will

change this will just adjust it to see what works best here and that's probably

good 100 percent looks quite good 90 a little before and after okay so that's a

good start there now with this mask we're gonna have to adjust the mask and

what we're gonna do is we're just gonna paint over some portions here obviously

the skies should not be anywhere in the interior we're just gonna make sure that

there nothing falls in here and there's going to be some other adjustments we

need to make around the dash, the top of the dash near the

windshield I will take out the little portion here in the rearview mirror on

top there

okay that's pretty good so far and the mirror here we're gonna have to get a

little closer to it we're to take this out this is just gonna be kind of a

quick mask really just to take it out this just makes it easier when I'm

blending in the other photo for for this side mirror now the hardness will just

create will just increase the hardness here so we get around these corners and

just a quick mask a little painting there yeah that's pretty good yeah that

looks good zoom around here see if there's anything else all right yeah so

the dash here it's very very it's lit quite well and it kind of blends into the

background so we'll just paint this we'll see where we're gonna have to end

the mask paint this here yeah I'll do a little better job in a sec here but

which want to get an idea of where the dash ends where the

background begins turn this off and take a look

I'll switch our brush

we're gonna do we're gonna mask this out but we're gonna make a better selection

here so with the polygonal lasso tool again what we'll do is we'll just trace

along the corner here quickly on again this is something you could do with the

pen tool I find this just as fast and we'll do is just paint over this

blend and selection we should modify the selection just a bit there just to have

a better transition here with this selection alright that's pretty good

this little there's a little portion here behind the screen I don't know what

it is it's probably supposed to be there I'm gonna take that out it's a little

distracting yeah we'll do the same thing over here you just kind of trace the

angle of this okay that's good it's just like that and same thing here we're

gonna paint that away and modify the selection there just feather it 1 pixel

again great and paint this

okay so that was good for course start there there's some little touch-up we

got a little bit in through the screen here so we'll just take that out you

know it does have a little border that looks pretty good okay that's good start

alright so there we are for now I'll just try this opacity again a 100

percent we're gonna we're just gonna flatten this for now I mean we could

continue with separate layers but I think that's where I want that I'm not

going to move that in the next selections I'm gonna do is gonna

influence the whole the whole photo so we do want it on the top layer but first

we're just going to take out this little portion here this little black bit and

there we go so it just eliminates that little just a bit of a distraction there

okay so it looks pretty good

next up we're gonna do we're gonna duplicate that layer and we're gonna add

a little bit of lens flare to this

now the lens flare let's put it on 105 millimeter prime and we'll just move

that to where we want it I think that would work quite well for this photo we

do want the light coming in through the interior

so let's eliminate this a bit

the opacity now these portions here I'm probably gonna take those out they can

be distracting I don't like those every time we'll just use the gradient tool

just kind of eliminate that or just really decrease it a bit and next we're

gonna bring in this is just a separate flare it's just a photo of a flare and

what we want to do is bring that in and we're gonna change we can change the

size and the position but also the blend mode for it to look realistic we're

gonna have to change the blend mode so increase the size a bit here that's

probably pretty good push enter put that as a top layer and we'll change the

blend mode to screen and that looks good and we'll move that over to where the

lens flare is and it just adds a little more realism to the the actual sun

effect itself and we'll we'll kind of play around with the opacity see what

looks best that looks pretty good opacity 74 perfect

background let's just play around with this see what it looks best as well

a combination of the lens flare and the the other flare the separate JPEG flare

I brought in so we can play around to really whatever you want whatever you

think looks best as a blend of both of those layers itself okay that's good so

this now we're gonna take a portion of this photo so it's the same thing we use

for the background and we're just gonna use a piece for the the side mirror it

is blown out there and we'll just bring a portion of this to bring a little more

realism to the reflection of the mirror itself so let's just we'll cut a portion

and what we're gonna do is we're going to copy it in here just above the

background layer and I did turn off the two top layers while I work on this here

and the reason we want this in the position that's in is to the flares we

do want those over everything that's happening on the in the interior of the

car so that's probably an okay position there now we don't we just want a little

bit of a background some sort of something in this review mirror so it's

not completely blown out in white and the blend mode will change on this to

darken and we're gonna zoom in we we obviously have to mask a little this out

and we can do that quite quick so what we're gonna do is we're going to create

the size we need here I'm just gonna go a little bit into the interior on the

side door because I'm probably gonna do another selection there on that and what

we're gonna do is select the the inverse of course we made a selection we want to

select everything that's outside of this

all right that's pretty good now it does blend a little bit into the

interior so we're gonna do another selection here now as you can see on the

interior and the side of the door there is a reflection it does get a little

white at the top of course and we want to maintain a little bit of that okay

let's try this again okay good same thing again selects modify feather

one pixel and we'll paint this there it looks great perfect and there we go is

it is a perfect mask no it's not but when we bring in the two top layers it

is going to cover a little bit of that anyway a little bit of the background

here on the side let's get rid of this I

don't think you're even gonna notice this once the the two top layers are on

but let's just do it anyway all right we're gonna blur this just a bit and

that's just with a reflection it probably would not be tack sharp so just

with a radius just a very small blur just add a little blur to that layer

zoom out it looks pretty good we'll add these so it almost brings it it almost

blows it back out but if you look closely you can see kind of a

mountaintop within that rearview mirror now back in Lightroom

now what we're gonna do is we're just gonna do some final sharpening in

Lightroom we're gonna bring that up and we're gonna bring that the masking we

only want to share sharpen of course the the details of fine details let's bring

that mask up to there that's probably good and okay perfect

and we're gonna bring in a little vignetting just a bit here the back of the seats itself probably wouldn't be too

lit so we do want to bring a little bit of the vignette and the shadows back in

on those two corners

that's how you blend both an interior and an exterior photo you can really bring

in any outside you want to have any background in your car interior photos

and that's it we'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Editing - Car Interior Photography Combining Two Photos - Duration: 18:38.


Thiết kế thi công phòng karaoke tại Lai Châu 0984 158 658 - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Thiết kế thi công phòng karaoke tại Lai Châu 0984 158 658 - Duration: 3:30.


이달의소녀탐구 #209 (LOONA TV #209) - Duration: 0:57.

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE - Sweet Crazy Love"

(Group photoshoot!)

JinSoul: We finished the photo shooting portion at here~

Choeery: Finished!

JinSoul: Now we will prepare for the next photo shooting!

Kim Lip: See you soon!

(They're ready to to go to the next shooting site!)

Choerry: We are here to fix our make up~

Choerry: Let me tell you where I fixed~

(Choerry explaining every single point of fixed make up...)

Choerry: They changed my lip color to something deep color~

JinSoul: Talk in a fun way, Choerry! Choerry: JinSoul, Do it for me in a fun way!

JinSoul: We are... changed our outfit...

(Fail to talk in a fun way!) Kim Lip: No fun.

JinSoul: Where is mullae-dong? Is it close to Hongdae?

(They don't know the streets of Seoul...)

Choerry: Hongdae? JinSoul: It's in Hongdae, right?

*Mullae-dong is little far from Hongdae Kim Lip: Is it not?

(Actually they didn't know the world too... Because they were singing New York before move to LA...)

Kim Lip: Well, should we head over to Mullae-dong?

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #209 (LOONA TV #209) - Duration: 0:57.


Colors Learn disney frozen elsa wrong mouth Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:08.

Colors Learn disney frozen elsa wrong mouth Finger Family Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Colors Learn disney frozen elsa wrong mouth Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:08.


Những Câu Nói Hay Về Cuộc Sống Dù Bạn Là Ai Cũng Nên Nghe Một Lần - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> Những Câu Nói Hay Về Cuộc Sống Dù Bạn Là Ai Cũng Nên Nghe Một Lần - Duration: 12:07.



Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))



Hát múa Mẹ là quê hương - Bài hát hay dành cho thiếu nhi - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Hát múa Mẹ là quê hương - Bài hát hay dành cho thiếu nhi - Duration: 5:44.


Tima Finovskiy - The Zone (Dave Weckl Band) Drum Cover | Drum School - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Tima Finovskiy - The Zone (Dave Weckl Band) Drum Cover | Drum School - Duration: 3:42.


Halloween 2017 Lights - Behind the Scenes - Duration: 5:00.

Hey There!

Welcome to the behind the scenes tour of our Halloween 2017 Lights.

We'll take a look at many of the elements that went into this show.

We'll take a look at the lights on the house, the sign box, the lights that go on the fence,

the screen and projector, the giant spider, and the eyes that move in the windows.

Take a look at this video's description for links to many of the parts I used.

For the lights on the house, I used HolidayCoro's PixNode strips, with the square pixels every

2 inches.

Along the top of the porch, I used 1 inch PVC with conduit hangers to hold the pix node


The pixels are WS2813's from Ray Wu's store on AliExpress.

The WS2813 work just like the WS2811's but they have the secondary backup data line,

so a bad pixel doesn't take out all the pixels downstream.

From under the garage door, I have an extension cable for the sign box, an audio cable, black,

low voltage landscaping wire for power injection and yellow, CAT 6 Ethernet for the pixels

data from the Teensy 3.2.

The audio lines connect to an inexpensive Aukey FM transmitter.

Putting the transmitter outside gave me enough range to cover the entire block.

Inside the garage, I use a Harbour Freight Digital Timer to control power to the lights

and sign box.

The main panel in the garage consists of a power strip with USB outlets, a Raspberry

Pi 3, 400 watt 12 volt power supply, terminal strips, fuse block, and the Teensy 3.2.

The Pi connects to the Teensy 3.2, which generates the data stream for the pixels.

The Pi also connects to the projector via a long HDMI cable and has an audio cable that

goes to the FM transmitter.

Next we'll take a look at the sign box.

The sign is a P10 64 by 32 LED matrix.

It displays how much time until the next show and the FM frequency during the show, with

some effects.

It contains a 350 watt 5 volt power supply for both the matrix and the 4 5 volt outputs

used by the fence pixels.

Also inside the sign box are a fuse block, terminal strip, Ron's Pi Matrix adapter, and

a Raspberry Pi Zero W. The Pi Zero W is responsible for running the matrix and is configured as

a Falcon Pi Player remote for the Pi 3 in the garage.

All of this is housed in a BUD industries NEMA weatherproof box.

The lights on the fence are powered by the 5 volt power supply in the sign box.

I've run power to both ends of the pixel strips on the back of the fence.

There are strip on both the upper and lower part of the fence.

The pixel strips are the WS2813, similar to these pixels on the house, also from Ray Wu's

store on AliExpress.

For fill lighting, I put a red LED flood light in the tree in the graveyard.

I used a thin piece of clear plastic over the top of the light to reduce water from

pooling in the light.

The screen is about 5 feet wide by 3 feet high and is made from a white table cloth.

The frame is made using 2 x 2 wood, with metal L brackets and Tees.

The screen is attached using lots of heavy duty staples.

The ropes are tied to metal eyes on the frame and attached to 8 inch long plastic camping

spikes in the ground.

Spikes are also used at the base of the frame.

The projector is setup inside the garage.

I build a raised shelf for the projector to sit on.

A 30 foot HDMI cable runs from the projector, above the garage door, back to the Raspberry

Pi on the main panel.

This lets me use the Falcon Pi Player to run the lights and the video from a single Pi.

The 8 foot tall giant spider is made from 1 inch PVC pipes and fittings.

A rope run through each pair of legs to hold the joints together.

The rope at each foot is staked to the ground.

Along each leg is a mini purple led string which is held in place by orange velcro.

All of those string, along with the face, connect back to the power box, which is velcroed

to the top of the spider's body.

Inside the power box is the end of a 15 foot power cord, a USB power adapter for the face,

and a 3v power supply for the led strings which connects to an 8 way splitter.

Silicon caulking seals up the cables that pass outside of the box.

The face of the spider is made from a waterproof box with a clear lid.

A PVC fitting is glued to the back of the box to attach it to the body.

The power cable runs through that fitting and inside the spider back to the power box's

USB adapter.

Black tape masks the internals of the box.

Inside the box are two 16 led NeoPixel rings for the animated eyes.

Additionally, an Adafruit 5 volt Arduino Trinket runs the various animiations for the eyes.

In the upstairs windows are two large eyes that randomly look around.

Each eye is made from multiple layers of foam board.

An Arduino Uno controls the servos that move those eyes.

A second power supply is used for the led strips that illuminate the eyes.

The signal and power cables run to the back of each eye.

The servos, in the middle of each eye, have addition support from small acrylic sheets.

The eyes are each held in place by three spring tension rods.

I hope you've found this video helpful.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below.

Thanks for watching.

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