Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

Welcome to the latest video on How To Use YouTube Ads - Understanding What They

Are Is Key. Now this is all about getting clarity in your own mind about YouTube

ads, so why are YouTube ads beneficial to you and to your business? Be sure to

watch the video to the very end so you can get details on how to download my

free pdf entitled: "How Much Cash Are You Missing Out On". Consider these facts:

1. YouTube makes its money by allowing businesses to advertise on its own

platform. So advertisers produce and upload a video onto the YouTube platform

in the hope that people will see it and buy whatever it is that they're selling;

and 2. YouTube also makes money by allowing business owners like you to

advertise by using YouTube as a marketing tool. So why is it then that most

business owners don't understand what a YouTube ad is and as a consequence

are missing out on a massive opportunity.

Hi, my name is Jeff Laming from Video Cashflow and in this video we're going to demystify

the meaning of YouTube ads and open your eyes to a world of massive potential and

opportunity. Before we do so, if this is the first time you're watching a Video

Cashflow video and you like what you see, hear and read, then please click the Subscribe

button at the bottom of this video so you can get access to more video marketing

and business videos on a weekly basis. So, just to recap, YouTube makes its

money by allowing businesses to advertise on its own platform so

advertisers produce and upload a video in the hope that people will see it and

buy whatever it is that they're advertising. These are the types of

videos you normally see on television and at the cinema...."Do people still go to

the cinema?" Is that a smart thing to do? if you're a big branded multinational

company then, maybe or probably, it is. If you're anything or anyone else then the

answer is "No", simply because YouTube is a social media platform as well as a video

hosting site and those types of adverts are a

turn-off for most people. And secondly, you may also recall that YouTube also

makes its money by allowing business owners like you to use YouTube as a

marketing tool. In other words, by producing your own video with a strong

call-to-action to, say, a landing page. Now these are the video ads that you

normally see on YouTube. Firstly at the beginning of another video where it says

"You can skip the video after five seconds". Here's an example........

These are called TrueView In Stream ads. I'll leave a URL link in the description

box below this video for you to find out a bit more about these in stream ads. And

secondly, there's ads that show up in the right hand of the screen when you click

on another video...... These are called Discovery ads or In

Display ads. Again, I'll leave a URL link in the description box below for you to

find out more information on discovery/in display ads. Either way, these

two different types of ads are videos. So you have a video effectively attaching

itself to another video i.e. the in stream ad; and you have a video being promoted

as an in display or discovery ad. Now here's the golden nugget you need to grasp and

understand to get absolutely clear in your own mind: When people talk about a

YouTube ad they are NOT talking about a traditional type of television advert

that most of us are accustomed to (and have been conditioned to understand what an

"ad" is). A YouTube ad is actually your video being promoted to a designated

target audience. The key word here is "promoted". So, next time you produce and

upload a video to YouTube as part of your weekly ritual to increase views, get

more subscribers, and so on, consider promoting that video as a YouTube ad at

the same time. For your video to be promoted as an ad, you need to ensure the

video has a strong call-to-action; contains content that is relevant,

educational and informative; and it's no longer than 90 seconds or 2 minutes long.

Why no longer than 90 seconds, you may ask? Because YouTube, whilst being a

search engine, a video hosting site, and a social media platform, it's also a

highly effective and potentially lucrative marketing tool. This is another

fact that it's lost on most business owners. And here's another vital fact to

understand the huge potential that YouTube offers savvy business owners

like yourself. How many videos are uploaded to YouTube every day? At the

last count I think it was something ridiculous like 300 a minute. That's like,

430,000 a day....3 million a week;.....12 million a month.....

and about 145 million a year. Astonishing! Now, here's the simple economics of what I've

just explained above. There are not enough video ads i.e. videos attaching

themselves to other videos (that's the In Stream ads) or being promoted as In

Display or Discovery Ed's. to meet the huge

supply of normal videos that continues to increase at such a phenomenal rate

mentioned earlier. So with that in mind, take time out to run through this video

again. The content is repeated in the description box below and you can also

view the subtitles and closed captions on the video screen itself. Give yourself

the chance to grasp and fully understand what the term "YouTube ads" really means.

All it is is industry jargon that is misleading and so-called YouTube experts

that continually refer to the term don't realize that most people don't

understand what it means. To sum up then; 1. We know what YouTube ads means i.e.

promoting your own videos. 2. We know how YouTube makes money by allowing big

companies to advertise and allowing business owners like you to promote your

own videos; and 3., we know there's two types of TrueView ads: In-Stream ads and

In-Display/discovery ads. In the next video, I'll cover the way that

YouTube charge for promoting your video and the type and quality of

traffic that you can expect to generate. Plus, why you must start using YouTube

ads, especially if you have less than 100 subscribers and less than 10,000

combined video views on your channel. Thanks for watching. Look out for another

video on video marketing and YouTube coming your way next week. And if you

like this video please click the Like button underneath the video; feel free to

share the video with friends, family, business colleagues and associates and

by all means leave a comment or ask a question in the Comments section, also

underneath the video. Don't forget to hit the Subscribe button if you'd like to

get more videos on video marketing and business tips, tactics, techniques, and

strategies that will help you with your own online business. Nearly forgot - here's

a link for you to download your free PDF copy of: "How Much Cash Are You Missing

Out On?" You'll find the link in the description box below the video. Enjoy!

Until next time....bye for now.

For more infomation >> How To Use YouTube Ads – Understanding What They Are Is Key - Duration: 7:39.



For more infomation >> WILD BACHATA DANCE DOCUMENTARY +12 - Duration: 2:22.


Dushmano se mehfooz rehne ka wazifa by kamran sultan - Duration: 3:44.

Dushmano se mehfooz rehne ka wazifa by kamran sultan

For more infomation >> Dushmano se mehfooz rehne ka wazifa by kamran sultan - Duration: 3:44.


Kittens First Reaction To Birds .. & MORE !! - Duration: 12:54.

For more infomation >> Kittens First Reaction To Birds .. & MORE !! - Duration: 12:54.


Trump Visits Beijing, Volunteer Santa Claus - Monologue - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Trump Visits Beijing, Volunteer Santa Claus - Monologue - Duration: 2:39.


SECRET MISSION IN SUBIC + My boyfriend will be in the vlogs? - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> SECRET MISSION IN SUBIC + My boyfriend will be in the vlogs? - Duration: 10:24.


Тюлень - шоу | Морской котик на арене цирка_ часть1 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Тюлень - шоу | Морской котик на арене цирка_ часть1 - Duration: 3:25.


Havana - Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug | DiVàl Cover - Duration: 2:35.

hello there, im DiVal (Valantis)

If you liked my cover video then please leave a thumbs up down bellow

Don't forget that your subscription to my Channel means a huge support to me and my music

and if you hit the notification bell you will get notified every time i upload a new video.

You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram

I do daily posts that you'll never see here on youtube.

See you next time :D Bye bye!

For more infomation >> Havana - Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug | DiVàl Cover - Duration: 2:35.


Former confidential CIA documents reveal secrets of North Korean founder Kim Il-sung - Duration: 1:01.

Newly unveiled documents suggest the founder of North Korea, Kim Il-sung,... who is the

grandfather of North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un,... may not have been who the regime claims he


Voice of America reported this week,... citing once-confidential CIA documents,... that Kim's

original name was Kim Sung-ju ,... and he impersonated "General Kim Il-sung,"... a famous

anti-Japanese independence fighter of the time.

According to the documents,.. the real general Kim had disappeared at some point,.. and Kim

Sung-ju took over his identity.

Kim Sung-ju moved to Manchuria at 14,... unlike the real General Kim who was studying at a

Japanese military academy at that age,... and it was revealed Kim Sung-ju murdered two

people before being appointed North Korean leader by Stalin... when Kim was 33 years


The confidential CIA documents were written in September 1949 and reported to the U.S.

State Department in December of that year,... six months before the Korean War started in

June 1950.

For more infomation >> Former confidential CIA documents reveal secrets of North Korean founder Kim Il-sung - Duration: 1:01.


コンビニシリーズは実話?嘘??Is The Annoying Customer Series Based On True Stories? - Duration: 10:04.

Hey, kids it's me PDRsan

Are the annoying customer stories true?

There's no way someone would act like that

are comments I get frequently

Annoying Customers


are all

based on things I experienced while working at a convenience store

so they are all


After #10 I started taking viewer submissions

so I don't know if they're all true


I don't think all of them are true, but I do think 80-90% of them are true stories

How can you say that with no proof PDRsan!?!?

Crazy people

People who like to take their stress out on other people

cranky old people

dumb kids

people with no common sense

there's one place all of these people love to go

the convenience store

Weirdos come at all times

but the night shift is by far the worst

They're like bugs attracted to light


I'm going to tell you a few of the most memorable things that happened to me during my 10 year stint at 7-11...

I might have already talked about them in previous videos, so sorry in advance

There were a few Izakaya (Japanese bars) around the 7-11 I worked

We would occasionally get drunk people come in just so they can fall to the ground and start sleeping


So on this day a black out drunk homeless looking guy came in


he falls over in front of the copier


he didn't just fall, he went face first...

broke his tooth

and the floor was covered in a sea of blood

for real

Someone called 119 and the homeless man was take away in an ambulance

and of course


can you clean that up!?


The blood was not just on the floor

it was on the copier, some of the books and other stuff...

it was like I was cleaning up after a murder scene or something

as I was mopping up the blood

I found something

What do you think it was?

A tooth

I found the


blackish yellowish

Sorry, if you're eating right now

So I found the mans





There was this 40 year old businessman who'd come everyday

he was pretty tall]

and his hair

was as white as Doc Brown

I didn't really think he was annoying

He was pretty unfriendly, but most people are

so he was just another customer

Okay so now for something completely different

Porno mags

Porno mags in convenience stores are usually taped shut

Well this doesn't, but they usually do

When I first started I don't think they were taped shut

The reason for taping them shut is

well You don't really want people reading porn in the store

but the main reason is

most porno mags come with a DVD

So many people steal those DVDs

Just by taping it shut the amount of people stealing the DVDs went...

Well some people will steal them no matter what

but it did help

back to the main story

So one day the white haired business man started taking the tape off the porno mags and reading them

and it wasn't the one time! He'd do it every time he came to the store

So my senpai at 7-11

went to tell him off

Excuse me sir, but can you not take the tape off of the magazines and read them

is what he said


How do you think the white haired business man responded?

Left the store?


What he actually did was

While me and my senpai weren't looking

he crushed a bunch of the bread that we sell

and then left

wow way to me such an adult mate...

This happned after 3:11 (the big earthquake)]

I don't know if you guys remember

but after the earthquake all the food and water was sold out at all super markets and convenience stores

and when water does come in, it's like a few bottles

so are store made a rule

1 bottle of 2l water per person

but of course


during the night shift a man came and bought a bottle of water

that's fine

The same man comes back

and tries to buy another bottle of water

I'm sorry, but it's 1 bottle per person

is what I said to him


it's my first time coming here today

was his response

what a scumbag

Dude, you came here 30 minutes ago


I would remember that

Dude, come on

I've never even come here before! It's my first time!

so that went on for a bit

and to be honest

I'm not sure if I gave in and sold it to him

or the dude gave up and left

I can't remember

What I do remember

is going home and remembering this incident and just losing faith in humanity...

as I stared at the ceiling...

People who are always angry

This isn't about a certain person

it's just about angry people in general

You don't remember doing anything to offend them, but they're angry

Should I microwave the bento sir?

Of course dumbass!!!

Yes, sir

Jesus Christ!

Shall I put the warm stuff and cold stuff in different bags?

Of course! What are you stupid?

Do you need chopsticks?

How am I supposed to eat without chopsticks!?!?

This time of person would come at least once a week

I feel like it made me stronger as a person


it still made me feel like shit

Also there were


an old lady who wore her coat as trousers while running around with a kids shovel and bucket

guys who'd take the porno mags into the toilet

People who just want to piss you off

That will be 150 yen

You hate me don't you?

That will be 150 yen

You hate me right?


Why don't you just be straight with me

You hate me


I hate you (this conversation actually took place...)

the fuck?


and the list goes on

but I don't want to make this video too long

and just thinking of these customers makes me want to cry

I'm gonna end the video here


Before I go

If you're thinking of working at a convenience store



people who make no sense

angry people

will come to your store

Well I don't know if you'll encounter a lot of them

but you will encounter these people at least once

and there will be lots of teeth gritting moments


it's not all bad

there are good things





*Duncan getting angry*

I just thought of a good thing

You get to eat the expired food!

unless your store doesn't let you eat the expired goods...

then it just sucks

also if the wage is low

don't even bother

Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b

Don't forget to subscribe ^^

Do you still want to work at a convenience store after watching this video?

Also if you work at a convenience store

can you tell me

if you're happy working there

or if you have grievances let me know what they are

is it the low wages?

low wages doesn't really get anyone motivated

and no expired goods is just shit

anyway let me know

Also check out my last few videos


Stupid construction...

For more infomation >> コンビニシリーズは実話?嘘??Is The Annoying Customer Series Based On True Stories? - Duration: 10:04.


Hillary Rodham Clinton Reacts to 2017's Election Results - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Hillary Rodham Clinton Reacts to 2017's Election Results - Duration: 4:35.


Hillary Rodham Clinton Is Worried About Trump's Government - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Hillary Rodham Clinton Is Worried About Trump's Government - Duration: 6:22.





【アサシンクリードブラザーフッド】しよけんプレイ#09-7 - Duration: 10:01.

PS3 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood # 09 - 7

For more infomation >> 【アサシンクリードブラザーフッド】しよけんプレイ#09-7 - Duration: 10:01.


Mike Harward at Mercury Media uses - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mike Harward at Mercury Media uses - Duration: 1:07.


Nakamura Tome @ JIMTOF 2016 - Duration: 2:25.

We are focusing on multi-tasking machining,

From the raw material to the finished component in one machine

And to make cycle time faster

meaning more rigid because rigidity is important.

So multitasking and than rigidity makes a part correctly and faster.

Mr. Nakamura, the founder, could not get enough quality

therefore he started to make a machine by himself

so now we are making turning machines and milling machines

His idea is to combine

We are working with FANUC for a long time and we are still using FANUC only.

We made our software by ourselves

And than on a FANUC interface

So now it is combined.

The control in still FANUC

but the software is by ourselves

We can make the program in a very short time with our new software.

It is 3D smart pro system.

We want to support the customer

Thats why we have to have the best dealer

to support a customer.

Finally we found M+E

they can support a customer technically

therefore we talk each other.

It's like a marriage.

We like them and they like our products.

So therefore we starting to promote our machines to Hungary with M+E.

Today all machines look the same in the world

Other company make same axis use for the lower turret

and the sub-spindle.

But this one has two Y-axis, upper and lower.

And as like I said, it is individual.

So heavy Y-axis milling, upper-lower together

Or heavy milling and the finish is done on the otherside.

Anything possible on these machines.

This is only Nakamura-Tome, I think, in the world.

It is many things different inside.

Looks same but many thing different.

This is our unique point, compared with others.

For more infomation >> Nakamura Tome @ JIMTOF 2016 - Duration: 2:25.


MitumituTV - Infinityverse 【Mitumitu Musics Free】 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> MitumituTV - Infinityverse 【Mitumitu Musics Free】 - Duration: 2:36.


National Assembly to shift to three-party system after lawmakers defect from minor ... - Duration: 2:33.

The National Assembly has become a more favorable environment for the opposition.

Several lawmakers from the minor conservative Bareun Party have defected to the main conservative

group, the Liberty Korea Party.

The Bareun Party no longer has enough seats to qualify as a negotiating bloc, so now affairs

in parliament will be decided by just three parties

Kim Min-ji reports.

Eight lawmakers that defected from the minor conservative Bareun Party have officially

rejoined the main opposition Liberty Korea Party.

In a press conference Thursday,... the lawmakers,... along with the Liberty Korea Party chair Hong

Joon-pyo,... stressed the need to unite the conservative bloc to keep the liberal government

in check.

"Politically, the dust hasn't quite settled yet,... but we will clear things up now and

come together... based on the people's hopes for us to keep this left-wing government from

running amok."

"I am here to uphold calls to stop the agenda of the Moon Jae-in government.

That's why we have become the first to join efforts to unite the conservative bloc."

The exodus comes just ten months since the Bareun party was launched... in a split from

the Liberty Korea Party following the power abuse scandal that led to the impeachment

of former President Park Geun-hye.

A ninth lawmaker, Joo Ho-young,... currently the Bareun Party's floor leader and acting

chair,... will join them after the minor party's national convention next Monday.

With that,... the main opposition party will have 116 seats in the 299 seat parliament.

That's only five seats fewer than the ruling Democratic Party of Korea -- which has 121.

The new paradigm will without a doubt cause some anxiety in the ruling bloc.

With the 2018 budget proposal pending... along with a string of other major bills,... it's

going to be extra important for the ruling party to get the opposition on the same page.

It'll have one party less to contend with,... but a diminished influence on the legislative


(Standup) "The main opposition is already opposed to

most of the ruling party's policies,... so that gives the People's Party -- which holds

40 seats -- the deciding vote on almost all matters."

The ruling party has already called the lawmakers' reinstatement a political regrouping... that

has no cause or support from the people.

As for the Bareun Party,... it's expected to focus on building solidarity among the

eleven lawmakers it still has,... and highlight itself as a reformist conservative group,...

in contrast to the Liberty Korea Party.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

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