Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

(jazz guitar)

- Hi, everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.

Sometimes when you're looking for some more interesting

and rich-sounding arpeggios, it can be a good idea

to start working with what you can find

if you go beyond the strict diatonic arpeggios on a scale.

So that means you are not looking at the arpeggios

that you get by just stacking thirds within the scale,

but you try and alter them and use other notes.

And one of the arpeggios that I use really a lot like this,

especially in my sort of melodic minor and alter sounds,

is the dom7(#5) arpeggio.

If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,

about improvising over chord changes,

interesting arpeggios and chord voicings,

then subscribe to my channel.

If you want to make sure not to miss anything,

then click the little bell notification icon

next to the subscribe button.

The A7(#5) is found

in two different melodic minor scales.

So it's found in D melodic minor.

(Jazz Guitar)

Where you have it here.

(Jazz Guitar)

And it's also found on the seventh degree

of Bb melodic minor.

So that would be this scale.

(Jazz Guitar)

And here you have it here.

(Jazz Guitar)

One of the reasons why this arpeggio works so well

is probably because, if you take it apart,

you can look at this being

(Jazz Guitar)

an augmented triad with an extra note.

And since the augmented triad is really a huge part

of an melodic minor sound, so if we listen to like a

(Jazz Guitar)

D minor/major, which is sort of

the basic melodic minor sound.

Then the top part of that is, of course,

the augmented triad.

The same goes for the the kind of sound that you have

if you have a Lydian dominant.

(Jazz Guitar)

Now the starter for that is also gonna be

an augmented triad.

So that's probably the reason why

this connects so well with the melodic minor.

So now I'm going to give you three examples

of how I use this arpeggio.

The first one is going to be on an altered dominant.

So the A7(#5) works really well

as a sort arpeggio that you can

put on top of Db7alt.

So I'm gonna do that with a II V I

in the key of Gb major.

You can actually also use

the A7(#5) arpeggio on an A7alt,

but I'm gonna save that for another video.

(Jazz Guitar)

The first part of this line, on the A5 minor seven chord,

is using a B major or a Cb major, if you will, arpeggio.

So I'm just using a descending sweep like,

(Jazz Guitar)

to go down there.

Then I'm encircling the Ab.

(Jazz Guitar)

And then moving up to the B.

And here on the Db7alt,

I'm using the arpeggio, so just from the root.

(Jazz Guitar)

And then from the C# down to the B,

resolving to the third of the Gb.

(Jazz Guitar)

If you relate the arpeggio to a Db root,

then we have the A, which is a b13.

We have the Db, which is the root,

the F, which is the major third,

and then we have the G, which is a #11 or a b5.

So that gives us this kind of chord sound.

(Jazz Guitar)

Which is like a Db seven with a b13 and a b5.

(Jazz Guitar)

Here I'm using the A7(#5) arpeggio

on a tonic minor.

So on a D minor/major sound.

And the line is really simple in the beginning

because it's just, really, D melodic minor and stuff, so.

(Jazz Guitar)

Start on the fifth, third, then inserting the root.

(Jazz Guitar)

And then from the root, running up the scale.

(Jazz Guitar)

And then the second bow will get the arpeggios.

So, first on the #5, and then down to the root.

(Jazz Guitar)

And then just up the arpeggio.

Up to the #5, resolving that

to the ninth of D minor/major.


Again, so D minor/major, then the sound we get

is just the sound of the D minor/major.

(Jazz Guitar)

Because that's just that augmented triad.

And then we get the 11th in there as well.

So in that way, it's sort of closely related

(Jazz Guitar)

to the tonic minor sound.

It's well worth while, also, checking out

the other version for your tonic minor.

So the other version, in this case, would be

the one that's found on the seventh degree.

And that will be like a C#, dominant seven, sharp five.


(Jazz Guitar)

In this final example, I'm using the A7(#5)

on an Eb7 Lydian dominant.

So I'm using an arpeggio constructed on the seventh degree

of a Bb melodic minor scale.

So that means...

(Jazz Guitar)

This as a part of this scale.

(Jazz Guitar)

And the progression that I'm using is first G minor.

And then Eb7, and then F major seven.

So really, that's just a IV, Ivm type progression

in the key of F major.

The line is first encircling the root of the G minor.

(Jazz Guitar)

And then using the triad from the third,

so a Bb major triad.

(Jazz Guitar)

And then going into the arpeggio.

(Jazz Guitar)

So the A7(#5) arpeggio.

(Jazz Guitar)

And then a small scale one.

(Jazz Guitar)

And then resolving to the third.

(Jazz Guitar)

On the F major seven, and then just sort of taking this

short, A minor pentatonic run on it.

(Jazz Guitar)

If we look at the A7(#5)

against an Eb root

then what we get is the #11,

the seventh, the ninth, and the third.

So we kind of have, because, of course, Eb7

and A7 are tritone substitutions of each other,

so in that way it's actually a complete cord,

what we have here for the Eb7.

And that's probably also why it works so well.

And in this case we can just...

We can also still just use the Db or a C#,

whichever way you wanna look at it,

as the important note in the context,

because that's the one that needs to resolve

down to the fifth of the F major seven.

Do you have an arpeggio that you use a lot

that's not like a straight diatonic arpeggio,

like the one that I'm talking about here?

Because this is something, of course I've talked about this

in my videos before and it's probably a topic

that I want to return to,

because I find that it's a very nice way

to put out some very specific sounds of a scale.

And it's also just a nice variation, a nice change

from having all the straight diatonic arpeggios

that we use all the time.

If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar

and this is the first time you've seen one of my videos,

then subscribe to my channel.

I publish a new video every Monday and Thursday,

and I've been doing this for quite some time

so there's already a lot of material on my channel.

If you wanna help me keep making all these videos,

then check out my Patreon page.

I have a small community of people

that are supporting me over on Patreon,

and it's really that that makes it possible

for me to keep on going with making the videos every week.

If you support me on Patreon,

I can also give you something in return.

And we have a small community,

and we also have a private Facebook group.

So there's a lot of stuff happening.

Check it out, there's a link in the description.

That's about it for this week.

Thank you for watching, and until next week.

For more infomation >> My secret arpeggio and 3 places i use it! - Duration: 7:07.


Ellen DeGeneres Shows Support for Portia de Rossi | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 0:59.

Ellen DeGeneres is proud of her wife.

The TV host tweeted out the simple message after Portia de Rossi posted about the time

she auditioned for a Steven Segal movie.

In Portia's tweet, she wrote that the meeting took place at his office and he told her it

was important that they had chemistry.

So he sat her down and unzipped his leather pants… and Portia ran out and called her


The story is slowly making the rounds and Ellen wants everyone to know that she's

proud of Portia for being brave and coming forward.

Other women have also accused Steven Segal of sexual harassment and misconduct, and the

action star has yet to respond to any allegations.

But now that Ellen's tweeting about him, he might have to say something.

For more infomation >> Ellen DeGeneres Shows Support for Portia de Rossi | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 0:59.


Luxembourg⎮ Autumn love - Duration: 2:12.

I haven't uploaded a video in a long time.

I went on a weekend to the forests of Luxembourg to find myself.

This autumn adventure is just a beginning...

For more infomation >> Luxembourg⎮ Autumn love - Duration: 2:12.


Events races get a McLaren 675LT for freeeee #4 | Asphalt8 - Duration: 1:45:11.

For more infomation >> Events races get a McLaren 675LT for freeeee #4 | Asphalt8 - Duration: 1:45:11.


Kūjeliai - Kaip Susirast Panelę? - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Kūjeliai - Kaip Susirast Panelę? - Duration: 3:16.



For more infomation >> ANEDOTA #2 - JOÃO MARTIM E O SEU COMBOIO! ATENÇÃO +18 - Duration: 4:12.


WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY | Hunting for rutting Deer - Duration: 8:48.

hello welcome to the vlog as we are well into autumn today I've come over

to Bradgate Park in Leicestershire in the hope of capturing some rutting stags


Over the years I've captured quite a few images of rutting deers but as of yet

I've not got one I really like if I'm perfectly honest and certainly have I've

not got one that I think's print worthy this autumn though I'm hoping to change

that. I'm going to travel around a few

different locations capturing images of rutting deer and hopefully I'll be able to

capture that single image. So I'm at Bradgate Park today I've had a quick

trot round already and it's clear that there's deer all over the park and

they're very active there's not much rutting action at the minute but

I'm hoping that will change when the sun starts to go down. There's a lot

of photographers here already and a lot of the stags are sort of looking a

little bit like celebrities surrounded by the paparazzi, It's about

two hours before sunset now so I'm gonna see if I can get myself a position and

hopefully pick up a couple of captures of the rut


Just to give you a quick overview a Bradgate park just over there is Leicester this

is the main area the main visitor centre just down there Bradgate Park

I've got a few woodlands and this open area here is where all the deer are

allowed to roam free - a group of deer... don't know if you can tell on camera just

about there and there's a stag sitting with them - there's also a stag although you

can't see him hiding just in this area here so I'm hopeful that these two might

have a bit of a set-to in a little while so I'm going to get a head down there and set up

I'm conscious of the group of photographers that are over this way

just above here I'm a little curious to wonder what the what the

attraction is over there so I might have a quick I've quit nosey over there as well.


just behind me here we've got another stag as well... just there not the

biggest have stacks of seen I must admit that certainly bigger than the chap

sitting next to me so I'm hopeful with a little bit of action quite soon


after photographing the stag that's down there by himself I came up here to

photograph this group and I'm a fair distance away and this camera has a decent

zoom on it and as soon as I settled down this this stag in the main group

here just looked at me straight in the eye...One thing I haven't noticed was

that I was sitting with the sun behind me and the deers in front of me and the

wind was coming from the same direction so what the stag was probably doing

was probably picking up on my scent and wondering who that smelly git over there is :D


just moved on to a different area of the park now other stags are still

behind me looks like it's gonna be a no action forthcoming over there so I've

just come over to this little group here... see them on camera they're also

just zoom in a touch... see them here basking in the autumn sunshine there's

also a small stag with this group as well. The deer over here look

quite young. I'm going to see if I can get myself into position

I've got some nice golden sunlight glistening over the top

Going to get into position and pick up a few images of this group here


this particular group of deer seem to be very, very nervous.

So I'm not going to approach them too closely but it seems everywhere I

walk a the minute in this area of Bradgate Park there's another deer looking

at me... we've got these guys over here which I've just walked around and

circle you see them sitting over there and there's a stag

sitting up there and is also a stag over there and if we have a look over this

wall here into this woodland we have a chap there by the tree... or a lady should I

say not a chap... and just behind this no admittance sign they've gone off now but

there was a big stag... there is hiding away in the woods and disappointingly

this is not an area I can enter and I don't think I want to get close in this anyway if I'm honest.

So I'm obviously surrounded by lots of different groups

of deer lots of stags and different species of deer as well but as yet

there's just been no rutting action whatsoever

there's promise there's lots of different groups and stags are eyeing each

other up but as yet it's just no action forthcoming and it's begin to get really

frustrating. I'm going to go back now to the two stags was that earlier and hopefully

they'll have a bit of a set-to before before the sun goes down


I was aware before I came out today that the particular image I'm looking for is

probably going to take multiple visits so I'm not too disappointed it didn't get

what I was looking for this today but that said I think I've come away with at

least one pretty decent image so I'm quite happy with that for now as

always thank you kindly for watching if you've enjoyed this vlog please do me a

favor and click that light button and hopefully I'll see you soon


For more infomation >> WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY | Hunting for rutting Deer - Duration: 8:48.


Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman Troxell USMC Birthday Message - Duration: 1:03.

Good Morning, Marines. I am Command Sgt. Maj. John Wayne Troxell.

The Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Marine General Joe Dunford.

And I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all

a very happy 242nd birthday.

You know, the Marines are all about teamwork. And as the SEAC, I've been able to travel

all over the world and see Marines executing great teamwork:

most recently, when I visited a Marine artillery battalion in Raqqa, Syria.

where the past five months, this Marine artillery battalion has fired over 30,000 rounds

onto ISIS targets, killing many enemy fighters and assisting greatly in the liberation of the city of Raqqa.

So please enjoy your birthday. Have a wonderful one, and Semper Fidelis! Oorah!

For more infomation >> Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman Troxell USMC Birthday Message - Duration: 1:03.


When Artist-ing Gets Awkward #4 - The Effect of Being Popular (or not) - Duration: 6:56.

first I'm gonna tell you an awkward little story. when I was a kid... I can't

remember when this was. might have been eight or nine years old? one day my mom

decided that I was going to be able to have a birthday party and I don't mean

just the usual "let's have cake with Grandma". there would be loot bags and we

had a pile of balloons to play in. it was supposed to be the real deal and I was

allowed to invite kids from school. you know, even ones that I didn't really hang

out with outside of class. you know a real birthday party! so I invited some

kids from school, a few friends (who I did hangout with regularly) and my

cousin. and true to the usual childhood trope, no one came. my cousin showed up

and we played and it was really really fun. my childhood brain just thought

"hey more loot bags!" right? I mean like you know these loot bags had Lion King swag

in it. Lion King came out that year I think... and I was really into it.

there were like stickers and toys and stuff so I was like "I'm okay with

having ten leftover loot bags! not a big deal to me!" we got to play in a room full of

balloons which was super unusual, and we had fun. um except that our parents sat

at the table not ten feet away from us and talked about how pathetic it was and

how she was never gonna throw me a party ever again and holy crap how can they be

having so much fun right now... you know , typical adult conversations and

over analyzing and stuff like that. and of course I heard the whole conversation

and so immediately I thought "well there's something wrong with this,

maybe I should also be overanalyzing why no one was there" and I often often think

about how different my life would be if I didn't have that experience of being

kind of indirectly shamed for what had happened to me. It does kind of affect my

outlook on events even now.. okay so the last time I had showed at this little

gallery it was called "all things". this happened like three or four years ago

and that one was actually pretty successful because I ended up selling

like half of my work. it's kind of amazing and unusual in that sense but I

got so hung up the fact that so many people just didn't show up and didn't

say anything... and I mean like anyone who actually says they're gonna go like

/officially/ says they're gonna go and then they just don't and then they don't

/even say anything/ so that I couldn't even really feel like I could celebrate

the actual success of the show itself. it was kind of like it.... selling half your

work at a show is pretty amazing. I was pretty chuffed about that. this time

I didn't even really directly invite people because I didn't want that to

happen. I didn't want people to feel pressured to say they're coming to a

thing and then just not show up because I find that to be significantly worse.

I mostly just posted cards around town and posted it to Facebook

and things and showed it to people and that was it... because I didn't want to

have fake RSVPs this time . the other artist i was working with had a huge circle of

friends and family to invite and so it was crowded!

it was a really kind of big turnout which is cool. but it was super awkward

because I didn't know anyone and they all knew each other. so the reception

itself was a gigantic disappointment and yeah so it's been some days since that

happened and I don't really know what to do with myself. I just don't.

I've only been working on all those paintings since beginning of summer. I

was working pretty solidly on that like I was doing one or two paintings like

every week. I was so busy. I had so many days where I just didn't even get to

wind down before going to sleep. it was a lot of work. and now that

it's over my days feel kind of like empty because I don't have anything to

work on now. so how do you continue when things feel so pointless,

you know what I mean? like how do you continue doing work when your work

doesn't give back? and I guess the answer to that is you just kind of do. so now I

can do more sketchbook stuff, trying out new things! I just ordered a pack of

watercolor paper to experiment with. next year I think my plan will be to do

as many group shows and possibly publications as I possibly can, because I

find that those are significantly better you know you're more likely to sell

single pieces in group shows... at least I am anyway... and yeah. overall I'm glad I

did it because um I don't know it's kind of nice to have all your working filling

half of the little gallery. it's kind of cool. I get to put it on my CV?? yeah so

good for me! yaay. it's up all month so we'll see. we'll see what happens.

probably nothing but we'll see. and I just thought I'd update you on how the

show went. thank you guys for your cool support last week and all your

regular comments and I really appreciate that we have this cute little tight

circle going on. I hope you guys enjoy my a little sketchbook page here with the

space cat and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> When Artist-ing Gets Awkward #4 - The Effect of Being Popular (or not) - Duration: 6:56.


CHANGE OF DIRECTION 180º | How to Dance Kizomba – Kizomba for Beginners #15 - Duration: 5:47.

Hi Bailadores!.

We are Carlos and Claudia,… Welcome to ¡Deberías Estar Bailando!.

It has never happened to you that you are dancing Kizomba, the dance floor is crowded

and suddenly you are blocked, unable to move because you would crash with someone?.

If so, today we are going to teach you how to get out of that situation.

The space we occupy on the dance floor is very important.

And to control it and move respecting others, we're going to teach you a very useful technique,…

Let's Change of Sense during the Dance.

Are you ready?.

In tutorial #5 we teach you the Change of Direction, a technique that helped us

to turn 1/4 of a turn with our partner, and thus be able to dance in another direction.

Well today we are going to go a little further, and we will make a 180º turn.

Imagine that we are doing a Walk,…

1, 2 and 3

And suddenly, we find other couples that block us.

We can go back, of course, but we do not stop having little space in front,

and behind us there is.

What do we do?,… Turn around.

And to change our sense of dance, we will use the same technique as with the Change of Direction,

but we will add an extra quick step that will allow us to turn a little more.

In this way,…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,… AND 7

Our right foot turns to orient us, see?.

But this is a quick step, and to understand it better, we like to count it this way,…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Cha Cha

Now we could continue with a new Walk in this Sense.

1, 2, 3,…

I show you complete.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Cha Cha, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Cha Cha, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

In our case girls, it will be our left foot that adds that extra quick step

to turn a little more.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,… AND 7

Our left foot turns to orient us, do you see?.

Now with Cha Cha,…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Cha Cha

I show you complete continuing with a new Walk.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Cha Cha, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Cha Cha, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

To indicate this Change of Sense, we will need to hold the woman very well,

to get her to turn as much as we do.

Of course, without forcing or dragging her in an exaggerated way

because we could make it lose her balance.

We will notice that man makes us turn more,

and that is why we add our extra step.

This way we get the amount of turn that the man indicates and we avoid losing the balance.

We show you,…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Cha Cha, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Cha Cha, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Of course this resource is not only for when we are blocked,

we can use it at any time during the dance.

This new technique, the Change of Sense, is a great resource for those moments

in which the dance floor is full and we need to control the space we occupy very well.

We must always be respectful of others.

And here's the tutorial today,

if we have taught you something, a Like is the easiest way to thank it.

And share this tutorial with someone like you, who wants to learn to dance Kizomba.

If you have not subscribed yet, subscribe to be part of this amazing Community.


Because dancing will change your life,…

You should be dancing!.

See you in the next tutorial. A hug.

For more infomation >> CHANGE OF DIRECTION 180º | How to Dance Kizomba – Kizomba for Beginners #15 - Duration: 5:47.


Bill Warner, PhD: Sacred Hate Speech - Duration: 3:28.

(sweeping instrumental music)

- There's a lot of talk about hate speech these days.

YouTube, Facebook, and others

are going to eliminate hate speech.

Well I wish them luck with that,

but I'm gonna be talking about some hate

I bet they're not able to eliminate:

the hate that is found within the doctrine of Islam

for the unbeliever.

For instance, Quran 98:6.

The unbelievers amongst the Christians, Jews, and pagans

will be in the fire of Hell.

These are the worst of creatures.

Who's of the worst of creatures?

People such as myself.

Now, I don't know,

but when I'm called the worst of creatures,

does this qualify for hate speech?

Then we have a piece of hate speech

that's repeated five times a day by every good Muslim.

The first sura of, or chapter of, the Quran

has seven verses, and Muslims repeat these

every time they pray.

The seventh verse says, not those who anger Allah

nor those who go astray.

Who are these people who angers Allah?

The Jews.

Who goes astray?

The Christians.

So constant prayer by Muslims

condemns the Christians and the Jews.

Now then, let's talk a little bit more about hate,

sacred hate.

Quran 48:29.

Muhammad is the messenger of Allah,

and those with him are the severe against the Kafirs

and merciful amongst themselves.

Notice that Muslims are to be severe amongst people

such as myself but merciful unto themselves.

This is sacred hate and sacred love.

It has a technical name and is part

of the ethical system of Islam.

Al-Walaa wal-Baraa, hating what Allah hates, Kafirs,

loving who Allah loves, Muslims.

Is this hate speech?

Quran 8:55.

Surely the vilest of animals

in Allah's sight are the Kafirs.

The vilest of animals.

Other translations of this verse are lowest of animals.

So, I'm the lowest of animals according to Allah.

Hate speech?

I don't know; might be.

Quran 4:144.

O ye who believe, Muslims, take not Kafirs for friends

rather than believers.

Do you wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourself?

In other words, having a Kafir as a good friend is proof

for Allah that you're not a good Muslim.

Here's another verse.

Quran 66:9.

Strive hard against the Kafirs and the hypocrites,

moderate Muslims, and be firm against them.

Their abode is Hell, an evil refuge indeed.

So Muslims are to strive against me.

Now then, it's not just the Quran,

but the Sira and the Hadith,

which are the Sunnah of Muhammad, also include hate.

Let's take one example.

Muhammad, in the last nine years of his life,

committed 95 acts of jihad.

Is this hate when he was sending out people

to kill, rape, torture, and steal?

I don't know; it seems like it might be.

Islamic doctrine is filled with hate,

but I am officially called a hater by CARE,

the Committee on American-Islamic Relations,

and SPLC, the Southern Poverty Law Center.


Because of talks just like the one you're hearing now.

For this kind of talk, I'm called a hater.

When I talk about how Allah hates,

I'm the one who's the hater.

So join me in becoming a hater.

That is, a scholar of Islam who knows

what Islam says about you, the Kafir.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Bill Warner, PhD: Sacred Hate Speech - Duration: 3:28.



For more infomation >> 3 EXERCÍCIOS PARA PERDER BARRIGA E DEFINIR BRAÇOS, GLUTEOS E PERNAS! Treino Simples, Rápido e Eficaz - Duration: 10:50.


Male Friendships are Just Bullying - Duration: 3:18.

- Suck it!

- Suck it, dude!

- You suck it!

- Hey! What's all this for?

- What? Oh, Katie.

It's just that the bulls are about to stampede.

- Nice! What does that mean?

- The bulls, Katie!

The bulls are the boys.

- And tonight, these stupid motherfuckers

are gonna run amuck at the big game.

- Hey Raff, why don't you go fuck your sister

you freaking dongle?

- Guys, please don't fight!

- Katie, you gotta understand.

This is just bulls aka guys being guys.

Dudes all rip each other.

It's how we bond.

- Take this stupid ass piece of shit here, right?

You still crying over Amy?

- Sorry she wouldn't marry you

because you'd make a bad dad.

- What a serious problem.

- You guys are one to talk.

At least my parents still talk to me.

- Boys, wow! These comments are horrible.

- Just guys being guys.

You know! Like I've been catfishing Trap

for the past two weeks.

- Whoa, wait! Monica's not real?

- Oh no, she's real.

Just not the one you've been talking to.

- No, that's fine.

That's cool. That's cool.

Because I maxed out your credit cards

on geriatric porn subscriptions, you piece of shit.

- Guys!

- Yo, jokes on you man because I love fuck your grandma.

- Oh fuck you!

- No, no really.

She's an older lady who can teach me a lot in bed.

She's like fine wine, man.

- Shut up!

- No way! She can't get wet.

- Never say that! What's happening?

Are you guys even friends?

- We are! We're best friends.

- These guys got me through like a pretty hard time

in my life.

They were there for me when no one else was.

- Aw, don't go getting all soft on us,

you piece of shit.

- I'm not getting soft.

And the bulls gotta get stomping anyways.

I'm trying to celebrate my birthday over here.

- And bulls of a feather stomp together!

- Do any of you know what bulls are?

- Wait, wait, wait!

Before we go, we gotta give you your birthday present.

- Oh, that's right!

- What?

- One punch for every year you've been alive.

- Alright, well fuck you motherfuck...

- One, two, three, four...

- Alright, stop it!

You're gonna kill him!

- You call those punches.

I fuck all your sisters.

- One, two, three...

- Hello, 911.

There's a terrible beating happening.

- [On Phone] Let me connect you to the dispatcher.

- No, there's no time to wait!

They're gonna kill him!

That's what you get, you stupid fuckers!

I'll fuck all your sisters!

- Welcome to the bulls!

- Hi, it's Zach from College Humor.

Thanks for watching.

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You can also screenshot me

and turn me into a meme with one of the following poses.

Let me know how that goes.

For more infomation >> Male Friendships are Just Bullying - Duration: 3:18.


BUILDING MY MAIN WORLD! | Growtopia - Duration: 12:36.

Rebuilding my world!

World name is ZSTEP

For more infomation >> BUILDING MY MAIN WORLD! | Growtopia - Duration: 12:36.


Merlin Final Thoughts - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Merlin Final Thoughts - Duration: 8:14.


Asbestos Contractor Philadelphia 888-221-9855 Asbestos Contractor Philadelphia PA - Duration: 1:19.

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For more infomation >> Asbestos Contractor Philadelphia 888-221-9855 Asbestos Contractor Philadelphia PA - Duration: 1:19.


DON'T GO TO ZHARKI !?! | PUBG - Duration: 6:38.

DO it for the Ph-views! do it for the vues! yeah,

do it- do it for them vues!

Yeah, do it for the Vine!

some vines...

Vine got shut down.

ok, tell me does my guy look EXACTLY like markiplier.

wait, i wanna go get myself on fire!

Hot AF Recording!

Hot AF Recording!

Somebody is just ear rapeing their mic ow! that hurt-and -and there we go...

alright, where are we- where are we dropping.

oh, you want me to do it? im great at this.

you usually do it.

i dont know if your GREAT at it.

-wai-wai-wait whats our flight path.

hold up uh, and we're coming in from the south-


Please tell me im not the only one that hears that!

lets go to zharki.

look at my green maker.

no one ever goes to freakin zharki.




BAIL! -he jumped early.. uh, i fell.

guys, i forgot my shoot!

NOOO! thrown off united airlines again!


yeah, looks like there might be one guy up


no? we might the the only ones going zharki.

i thought you said no one goes here.

now theres one guy, your a lier! i said there might be like one or two, like

look around, do you see anyone?

No! we're all by ourselves -Alright! then we're the only ones here!

there you go! theres uh, theres uh, buggy up here

i already see it.

alright, if you find another car, let me know cuz i just want to collide two cars together.

spooked is gonna have to rope himself to the tire.

YES!! sorry zach. ok

i dont have a rope though -if it was me it would be racist, soo, we

cant do that... -you guys gotta help me find one.

"if it was me it would be racist" he says yeah! -ok

OK.uhhm, your laughing but its a very serious offense.

they make fun of me for hording all the smoke gernades

but they come in handy so much.

OH F---ing Sh--, that scared the P--- out of me!

What the f---! good god that was soo loud,

im sorry, did i forget to say "Frag out"?

no you didnt say frag out! you didnt say sh-- zach!

there is a motorcycle helmet up here if anyone wants it.

dude, there is like no backpacks... ...there is no guns,

-there is NOTHING, heh this is why no one goes to zharki...

thanks dude!

ill be sure to find a gun and kill you with


i dont want to alarm you but, the white circle NEVER GOES AROUND ZHARKI...

alright im on my way out.

please take your time... im trying so hard dude,

the controls in this game are not the most intuetive

you guys ready?

line up on your right lane.


*Banjo starts to play*




Shoot him!


DUDE! im down!

pick me up! please!

dude the blue is coming in!

dude! the blue is coming! get 'm up! get 'm up! get 'm up!!!

wait is it? oh my god.. dude.. ow...i think i broke a rib...

Buggy Gang!!!

Lets go!

Buggy Convoy!! follow me!

buggy convoy!

hey Zach, check this out..

yeah whats up im gonna,


f--ing what did you do?

i didn't do anything, -YOU pit maneuvered me!-I was gonna pit maneuver


gaw-haha-d, there is a rock right there!

wait we just left him in the back..

PLEASE! hey man the blue is coming..

i dont wanna die! lets wait for- Hold down shift!! you idiot,

Oh yeah i keep forgetting about that, -check this out son!

i dont drive much, in this game, uh, i was gonna try to pit maneuver him,

and i screwd up




My car!

Spooked! pick me up!

That was awesome.

That was your fault!

i didnt do anything i swear!


Dont shoot me, im gonna die!

i cant...

ow thats a wall, oh, walls break, alright cool.

that one doesnt, alright.

where are we going?

matthew! you gotta follow me!

ok, i cant get past this wall!!

-That way!!!

we gotta go matthew...

hey! whats up spazz!

oh my god,




No! leave him!!!

leave him!

leave him!

leave him!

PLEASE!!! leave him!

i cant, i cant leave him dude! its too late for him!!!


you killed him....

hes fu--ing dead.. no!

i dont want to go with you your a monster!

zach you just killed yourself!

he was holding us back!

picking up my weapon, thanks dude!

oh no!!!

that escalated quickly!

spooked we gotta go!! thats why theres only like, 60 people alive,

this world is dangerous!

uh oh,

i dont like the sound of that! whats goin- OHHH!!!

please!! please!!!

spazz no mercy!!

NO!! no russian...

no russian!! i just wanna live....

stop moving!! that is the most american thing i've ever

seen you do... why?

NO RUSSIAN DUDE! no russian!

ok, we should- we should like legitimate leave... alright! lets go!-quickly!

why are we in such a big hurry, it barely got through Zharki!

Oh my god! put him down!

hes-hes like a, horse with a broken leg, just shoot him.

Now, take his RIFLE! thats my rifle!

he doesn't deserve it.

uhhh... wait!

well that ended quickly!

for some reason we're not dead last!

DUDE there is a guy thats alive! he just saw everything!!


aww man,

he took our buggy...

For more infomation >> DON'T GO TO ZHARKI !?! | PUBG - Duration: 6:38.


🔴🔵 [Tarraxinha] - Shane Jackson - Na Tua Ft. Jay-Cee73 & Pitxo - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Tarraxinha] - Shane Jackson - Na Tua Ft. Jay-Cee73 & Pitxo - Duration: 4:54.


Road Trip | STAGE Fright Episode 4 | Queer web series - Duration: 8:18.

Where are we going anyway?

To the beach!

What is it?

Overheated – I guess

You think I know that stuff?

Give me your phone

There's a pond in walking distance

Come on!

Hey Leyla, it's Philipp.

Your intern.

I'm on the way to the doctor's with Isabell

She collapsed

Nothing serious.

I think she just…


Yes. Thanks, bye.

You are not going to quit the rehearsals, are you?

Don't let those idiots ruin your dream

Too bad I put all eggs in one basket

And now I'm pregnant

Do you want to keep it?

No idea.

What, no idea?

You can't just get rid of it

I don't know how this could work with a child.

And the father? – No idea!

I don't think he'd be willing to be a father

Or I'd be stuck with an idiot who was ok for sex,

but who I don't bear everyday life with. No thanks.

And who'll take care of the child with you?

I know someone who can handle nuts pretty good.

And how will our child be called?


And if it's a girl?

Why? Bruno is a beautiful name!

So you moved here for a guy you screwed with

Not just screwed.


What are you doing if he breaks your heart?

Quit everything?

Bullshit. I don't quit.

And there's nothing left he could break.

You could go back to Siegen and finish your studies.

I can't.

Why? Is there another one who broke your heart?

You're badass!

Sorry, that doesn't work – at all!


Awesome! – Let's swim!

Here's your birthing class!

So you're for sure staying here after the rehearsals?


I have to pee



Are you ok?

I got my period!

That's great

Obviously it was my hormones the whole time

That's why I was so bad at the rehearsals

I'll manage now

and Leyla will cast me for her next play

I heard she's in talks with the Volksbühne.

Or Schaubühne?

Never mind. Berlin, in any case.

That'd be awesome!

Let's go!

I didn't want to tell you –

but I thought about it all the time.

Everyday I told myself: 'no, you're not pregnant!'

I was sure rehearsals would turn out well in the end!

Maybe they will now?

Hello car.

Can we leave? I'm hungry!

Me too.

I hope it will start again…


You're really cranky, when you're hungry.

Shall we go and eat something?

Did Astrid call you?

Sorry it took us so long-

She won't come back!

Everbody's playing the Diva right now. It's the worst!

If I can do something–

Her Job! Shouldn't be too hard

Is that a promotion?

If you want to call it that


Hey Bruno, good to see you – you left that.


Are you coming to my place later? You and the girl?

Champagne is in the fridge.


Is everything alright?

You want to go first to the bathroom?

Next thursday

Hey Gunnar, wait.

It has to pour like a wave through the auditorium!

Let's keep talking later.

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