Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017



Do you know you are a multidimensional being?

Your body isn�t big enough to contain you.

In recently published research produced by a team from the Blue Brain Project, neuroscientists

applied a classic branch of math called algebraic topology in a whole new way to peer into the

brain, discovering it contains groups of neurons.

Each neuron group, according to size, forms its own high-dimensional geometric object.

�We found a world that we had never imagined,� says lead researcher, neuroscientist Henry

Markram from the EPFL institute in Switzerland.

�There are tens of millions of these objects even in a small speck of the brain, up through

seven dimensions.

In some networks, we even found structures with up to eleven dimensions.�

And that�s just so far.

The Swiss research initiative is devoted to building a supercomputer-powered reconstruction

of the human brain.

As to the complexity of the brain and why so much of it remains a mystery, �The mathematics

usually applied to study networks cannot detect the high-dimensional structures and spaces

that we now see clearly.�

What consciousness is and where it resides is still only theory to date.

In the September 2017 issue of NeuroQuantology, a peer-reviewed journal of neuroscience and

quantum physics published a groundbreaking paper that could accelerate science�s understanding

of consciousness:

Our brain is not a �stand alone� information processing organ: it acts as a central part

of our integral nervous system with recurrent information exchange with the entire organism

and the cosmos.

In this study, the brain is conceived to be embedded in a holographic structured field

that interacts with resonant sensitive structures in the various cell types in our body.

Essentially, Dr. Dirk K.F.

Meijer, a professor at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, hypothesizes that consciousness

resides in a field surrounding the brain in another dimension.

The entire body is a conduit and a collaborator with consciousness as a feedback loop.

If you enjoy science, just reading the abstract will leave you breathless and thrilled to

see science is catching up with what the indigenous, sages, and mystics have known for thousands

of years.

The Power of Direct Experience

So, how did past and present �seers� come to understand consciousness before science?

It�s through direct experience by connecting with higher fields of consciousness, i.e.,

Universal Consciousness coupled with the observation of Nature that one can begin to see life�s

bigger picture.

From the book What Is God?

Rolling Back the Veil:

The consciousness of Creation, what indigenous peoples call Ether, is the universal medium

connecting and infusing the totality of existence as the defining force behind all matter.

All that transpires in the seen world is symbolic of consciousness.

This is where everything observed and processed through consciousness, whether on an individual

or collective level becomes relevant.

This is where all �meaning� and �purpose� are derived�through subjective experience

on a local level, though all of life from a state of non-local totality has no other

meaning than to exist; to BE.

�All the Universe is continually making love, its mechanism of perpetuity!� ~ TWEET


Written from the heart of direct experience, What Is God?

mirrors many aspects of Dr. Meijer�s hypothesis.

Summarizing the latter, your multidimensional energy field is a recursive looping toroidal

field containing your aura.

The brain is a receiver of the thoughts generated between your aura (energy field) in collaboration

with other energy fields (higher/lower) consciousness.

Consciousness itself is multidimensional.

It will continue to take a multidisciplinary approach to research to begin to unravel the

deeper mysteries of the Universe and humanity�s connection to the Cosmos.

In the meantime, imagine if our education system introduced this little-known fact to

children on their first day of school.

Wouldn�t you be excited to learn more about how the Universe works � science, math,

and the spiritual world suddenly relevant, personal, and interconnected?

Might we take more responsibility for our actions, for each other and the world?

Call to Action

Your brilliant future here now is when our education system merges science and spirituality

(material and immaterial worlds).

But, you don�t have to wait!

Take responsibility for yourself.

Make sure you�re making the transition to Humanity 2.0 with the free guide: Humanity

2.0: Activating Your XFactor.

Realize Inner/Outer Freedom and finally master your life.



Is the Brain Really Necessary The Answer Seems to be a No Brainer - Duration: 9:00.

Is the Brain Really Necessary The Answer Seems to be a No-Brainer

This is what we�re told: Your brain is where your mind, consciousness and personality reside.

�Reductionism,� noted the English writer & philosopher Colin Wilson, is the �simple

theory that tries to explain the mind in terms of physical mechanisms.� Thus, consciousness

�is a mechanism of the brain and nervous system.�1

Put another way: Our mind, our consciousness, our awareness and our personality all come

from the brain�s chemical and electrical machinery.

When the brain works our �mind� is its product.

And when the brain stops working we simple cease to be.

That�s the standard scientific presentation.

The opposing view is we have a �soul�, a conscious self-awareness that uses the body

and brain to gather and process information.

When the brain stops working the �soul� leaves the body to continue its existence

in a so-called �afterworld�.

Thanks to modern CAT scans, scientists can see inside people�s heads and view their

brains, with some surprising results.

The results don�t prove we have a �soul� but certainly reveals there is something very

wrong with the mechanistic theory that �mind is a function of brain.�

CAT scan image (left side) of the water filled skull of a French civil servant.

Despite the lack of brain matter, this man is able to function in life.

Right images are of a normal brain.

There are people with 9/10ths of their brain cells replaced with water, and they still

function normally.

Refer to the images above.

On the left, the dark area in the CAT scan is water (cerebrospinal fluid) and on the

right is a normal brain.

The horrifying photo to the right shows mother and her child with hydrocephalus.

In babies, who have a soft skull, excess water in the brain can result in hugely inflated


In adults the same process results in a brain that is squashed against the side of the rigid

skull (as in the CAT scan).

In some cases less than 10% of brain remains, yet these people often continue to function


We are told or presume this is impossible because the image (on page 37 of the print

magazine) shows the areas in which various functions of the mind take place.

The second image illustrates the way electrical and chemical impulses turn the brain into

our mind allowing us to think, to have memories and to function in our daily lives.

But it appears there is something wrong with this concept� Well, maybe not wrong but


The CAT scan image of the water filled skull belongs to 44-year-old French civil servant

(proving, I guess the old adage, that civil servants are often brainless) who is married,

has two children and lives a normal life.

Another case often cited in the literature is of a man with a brain weight of between

50 and 150 grams � normal brain weight is 1,500 grams � who has a first class honours

degree in mathematics and a tested IQ of 126.

This man was documented by neurologist Dr. John Lorber who ran the spinal bifida unit

at Sheffield Hospital.

He studied 600 people who had this condition.

Some had �only� between 50 and 70% of their brains replaced by fluid, some between

70 and 90% replaced fluid, and there were 60 people who had 95% of their brains replaced

by fluid.

Of the last group, half had an IQ of over 100 (which is considered the mean average

for intelligence).

There are enough cases of, for all intents and purposes, average people who have their

head filled with water not normal �grey cells�.

This is a challenge to the accepted theory that mind, personality and consciousness are

the result of chemical and electrical activity between �grey matter� in the brain.

Perhaps the idea that our personality rests in our heart or liver has something going

for it?

Aristotle believed the brain just served to cool the blood.

How does the medical and psychology establishment explain the �inconvenient� fact there

are a considerable number of people who can function without a brain?

Simply by distorting or ignoring the data available from CAT scans.

Here are a few quotes:

�Scores of similar accounts litter the medical literature and they go back a long way,�

observes Patrick Wall, professor of anatomy, University College London.

He adds, �To talk of redundancy is a cop-out to get around something you don�t understand.

How can we explain it?�2

�There is a tendency in the medical community and elsewhere to marginalise anomalous observed

phenomenon, to shove such troubling stuff into a closet where it can be safely ignored.�3

�We live in a definition based reality, with a peer review ensuring that definitions

are maintained.�4

�If the facts in a discussion are against you, ignore them or change them.�5

And here are the two common explanations:

�We use such a small percentage of our brains anyway � perhaps as little as 10%.�

��there is such a high level of redundancy of function in the normal brain that what

little remains is able to learn to deputize for the missing material.�6

Here is a further thought by a neurologist:

�[The discussion] reminds us of the mystery of memory.

At first it was thought that memory would have some physical substrate in the brain,

like the memory chips in a PC.

But extensive investigation of the brain has turned up the surprising fact that memory

is not located in any one area or in a specific substrate.

�As one eminent neurologist put it, �memory is everywhere in the brain and nowhere�.

But if the brain is not a mechanism for classifying and storing experiences and analysing them

to enable us to live our lives then what on earth is the brain for?

And where is the seat of human intelligence?

Where is the mind?�

�One of the few biologists to propose a radically novel approach to these questions

is Dr. Rupert Sheldrake.

In his book A New Science of Life Sheldrake rejected the idea that the brain is a warehouse

for memories and suggested it is more like a radio receiver for tuning into the past.

�Memory is not a recording process in which a medium is altered to store records, but

a journey that the mind makes into the past via the process of morphic resonance.

Such a �radio� receiver would require far fewer and less complex structures than

a warehouse capable of storing and retrieving a lifetime of data.�7

My position is close to that of Sheldrake.

As a way of finding a solution to the metaphysical riddle of �do we have souls�, I postulate

that the body and the brain are actually antennas that pick up limited wavelengths of information

[see main article �Antenna Theory of Consciousness� in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 10 No 4].

My concept also takes into account the �spine brain�, with its associational cerebellum.

I consider this the seat of the �Monkey Mind� � the Body Mind we use for everyday

worldly functioning.

(Note that in the CAT scans the cerebellum area of the brain remains intact).

The skull brain I consider a link to the cosmic whole, what in some literature is referred

to as the �Higher Self�.

My Antenna Theory of human consciousness has much to recommend as an explanation of the

�brainless� phenomena.

I suggest that the people involved are missing only one aspect of their consciousness � their

connection to the stela cosmos � but retain the use of their spine brain and cerebellum

to continue to lead their daily lives.

To check if my hypothesis has value, it would be interesting to see if the severely affected

have a spiritual awareness and creative ability.

What are their dreams and sleep patterns?

Can any electrical activity in their brains be found and assessed?

The fact that this research apparently hasn�t been done may be simply because, as quoted

above, �There is a tendency in the medical community and elsewhere to marginalise anomalous

observed phenomenon, to shove such troubling stuff into

a closet where it can be safely ignored.�

For more infomation >> Is the Brain Really Necessary The Answer Seems to be a No Brainer - Duration: 9:00.


PRINCES HIGHWAY DUPLICATION (from Winchelsea to Colac) - Duration: 2:44.

G'day it's Dash

Just going for a Sunday cruise

to see what's been happening with the Princes Highway or M1

between Winchelsea and Colac

So thanks for watching

Feel free to like,

drop a comment, share this video,

share any of my videos or subscribe to my channel

Also check out my drawing footages.

which can be found on my other (and main) channel

For more infomation >> PRINCES HIGHWAY DUPLICATION (from Winchelsea to Colac) - Duration: 2:44.


PENNYWISE CHAT STORY -- The It Clown on Hooked - Duration: 9:03.

hi everybody I'm Paula and I am an hooked I have a story here called hello

Pennywise and this is one of those text or chat stories and I thought this would

be cool to read this one is by Ethan and it looks like rug har I'm not sure how

you say that so let's see how this goes Kyle says Wow did you see that movie

what movie now we have bill talking Stephen King's it No

well it was about this clown named penny wise okay bill doesn't seem all that

interested does he and Kyle says and he kidnaps kids and then murders them and

then there's a lot at the begi wait a minute what and then there's this kid at

the begging at the beginning named Georgie and he gets his arms tore off oh

gosh that's not scary sounds a little gory don't you think yeah wait wait what

Oh what what yeah oh look they got a picture call

wait oh there's a lot of waiting going on what that's that's penny wise oh they

saw him okay that's impossible since bill no it is wait he's coming closer

listen carefully they killed him in the movie but but what he came back how this

is Bill I don't know well how did they kill him first

I don't know I went to the bathroom when that part happened wait what Kyle says

that are you kidding me no oh no oh oh what oh oh no that's what I say

and actually I think that's penny wise from the older movie or the was it a TV

movie I'm not sure he's in my bathroom that's bill talking now why you can read

hi now bill bill answer me

bill oh I don't know I have your contact wait a minute

now that's Pennywise okay all right this is getting a little bit scary what did

you do to bill exactly what I'm about to do to you oh no no what turn around

no don't turn around Kyle don't turn around messaging system Kyle is now

offline wait a minute what okay well I looked for part two of that and I could

not find it so we will have to come back to that and this one only has part one

so far apparently they're working on the others and it is called Pennywise the

dancing clown and it looks scary yes look at that picture

Georgie kisses bill wait what wait a minute bill ooh you got cooties all over

me what Georgie starts to walk out of the room

Georgie don't stay out too long or mom will have a bird mom will have a bird

okay so bill is Georgie's brother I take it I didn't remember the names okay yeah

I will Joe Georgie but be carefully be

carefully wait be careful sure I will with the paper

boat oh no I'm not gonna like this at all this part I don't like this no this

is scary and I'm sure you all already know what happens okay with the paper

boat bill gave georgie georgie plays outside in the rain and the boat goes

down in the sewer drain wait this sounds like a rap song okay no I'm not gonna do

it I will not do it Pennywise pops up from hiding in the sewer drain

oh no that's Georgy talking in case you couldn't read that it's this little time

okay Georgie starts rubbing wait bubbling for help I think it's supposed

to be mumbling wait I'm not sure hello Georgie I could just hear penny wise

being really creepy well aren't you gonna say hello and Georgie says nothing

what's going on bucko do you want a balloon no don't

take it Georgie don't take a back away you don't

want it sorry I'm not supposed to talk to strangers my dad said so yes Georgie

don't talk to strangers no we don't want you to that's very wise if your father

very wise indeed yeah penny wise sounds really smart bunny well Georgie I am

penny wise the dancing clown and you are Georgie

yeah George you didn't know that so you know this is something you know

Georgie's learning a lot right now there there now we know each other I have a

trouble reading today what is this yeah I guess so I've got to go go without

this I could just see penny wise showing him the boat no Georgie don't go penny

wise brings out the paper boat my boat

exactly Georgie hesitates to take it good Georgie run home oh what's wrong

there you want it of course you do there's cotton candy and rides all sorts

of prizes down here oh my gosh if somebody peeks out of a sewer drain and

tells you there's rides and cotton candy and stuff down in the sewer don't

believe them okay I mean just don't and balloons out all balloons everybody

wants balloons right all kinds of colours

do they float wait don't say that Georgie

oh yes Georgie they float I should be doing voices for these but you know I am

like the worst at voices they float and he's got to say it again cuz he's so

creepy Georgie starts to put a hand down the

sewer drain no Georgie no no no and when you're down here will with me I typos

you'll float - oh gosh no that was scary and I didn't like how that ended it

could have ended different from the movie okay and that was penny wise and

dancing clown and that was by Hayden's Deuter I don't know how to say it but

it's only part one and I don't know what part do was gonna be okay well anyway

guys I am going to read some other stories I noticed that there are a lot

of new ones and a lot of really interesting looking things up here and

some of them are scary some of them more neat looking like funny so I want to

look around and of course we know there's even five nights at Freddy's and

there's probably other things that are popular too like I wonder if there's any

cuphead stories and I think I even saw some venturi and tell stories so I'm

gonna come back and look because I think that would be really cool so anyway guys

you'll have fun and again this is hooked and it is an app that you can get on

your phone or you can read the stories anywhere and it's free yeah that is

really super cool and it's text or chat stories and I will talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> PENNYWISE CHAT STORY -- The It Clown on Hooked - Duration: 9:03.


20 Simple Life hacks and awesome Condom ideas - Duration: 10:35.

Simple life hacks and awesome ideas

For more infomation >> 20 Simple Life hacks and awesome Condom ideas - Duration: 10:35.


Learn Colors with Baby, Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes for Children with Kids Songs - Duration: 11:07.

[intro music]

>> Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

[closing music]

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Baby, Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes for Children with Kids Songs - Duration: 11:07.


Sui Ve Sui | Punjabi Folk Song | Meenu Palta | USP TV - Duration: 2:31.

Sui ve sui

Tangi panghude oo pai gaye pyaar tere naal goode

Zalma sui ve

Haye zalma sui ve oo haye zalma sui ve

Sui ve sui

Tangi panghude oo pai gaye pyaar tere naal goode

Zalma sui ve, haye zalma sui ve

Sui ve sui

Tangi padchatti oo meri saas badi kapatti

Zalma sui ve, haye zalma sui ve

Sui ve sui

Tangi sarhaane oo meri nanand bhuna lai daane

Teri saas vadan na jane, ghar wich pai gaye ghane mane

Zalma sui ve, haye zalma sui ve

Sui ve sui

Na seeta ghagra ae ki kitta oo valeya tabbara

Main mar jaungi taan mukk jau jhagda

Pichhon rall ke pauna bhangda

Zalma sui ve, haye zalma sui ve

Sui ve sui

Ta seeta cholla tu turr gayo laam vich dhola

Ro-ro ho gaya ae sir polla

Zalma sui ve, haye zalma sui ve

Oo haye zalma sui ve

Sui ve sui

Tangi panghude oo pai gaye pyaar tere naal goode

Zalma sui ve

Haye zalma sui ve oo haye zalma sui ve

Oo haye zalma sui ve oo haye zalma sui ve

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