Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

I'm not a hypochondriac, but I have just made a video about hypochondria.




That's completely mental.


Before we begin:

Let's begin.

As hypochondriacs are very afraid of being seriously ill,

it's not unsuall for them being freaked out by some physical conditions...

Ah, my arm!

It hurts.

I think that it's a tumor.

I have a headache.

It might be a tumor.

It's not a tumor!

It's not a tumor, at all!

Am I too pale today?

Wait... my heart...

It's beating somehow wrong...

Stop, stop...

My eyes are definitely strange today...

Could it be a beginning of heart attack?

This must be serious...

There is something wrong with my foot. I'm

one hundred percent sure that it's the disease I read about!

Don't worry. You are fine. You are healthy...


These are exactly my symptoms!

I should go to doctor...

But what if he says that I'm dying?

So according to this website,

I could have one of these five diseases

or I could have all of them...


Cold again!

Or is it something worse?

Believing that they are ill, they often

look for their disease online or in handbooks

which can bring quite worrying results.

George, hello, how are you?


Bad, John. I feel bad.

What's happening?

It's already sure, John.

According to the information in this medical handbook,

I am in the last stadium of linogrobeeagnosis

which is a deadly disease.



George, you don't have any linogrobeeagnosis,

you are healthy as hell.

That's not true. I have all the symptoms.

George, goddamn it...

There are about 3 days left of my life...

You are not ill!

I have already written my last will

and I decided

that you would get my shoes.

But the much worse thing is that some hypochondriacs

are even used to taking a giant amount of

preventive medicines all day long...

The morning dose of medicines!

One lecitin...

one calcium...


a dose of geritol

just for balance.

I love the iron flavor.

Now goodbye diseases!

After lunch dose coming!

Vitamin C,

vitamin E,

and my loyal L-lysine.

And the last dose for a good night.

So nytol,

excedrin for my headache,

and this syrup.

Double dose, it was a hard day!

I would say that a real challenge can come

when a hypochondriac travels to an exotic country.

Guys, I have finally found an untraditional trip for us.

We will travel to Congo in Africa!





But there is...



tsetse flies,

typhoid fever!



Are you ok?

Yeah... I am...

Don't worry, I have already done everything needed

to be safe from tropical diseases and we are vaccinated.


The trip will be great.

Hundreds of deadly diseases in millions of mosquitos

trying to kill you!

Despite the fact that I'm not a hypochondriac

I know that other people usually don't take

this disease seriously.

You don't understand me. I'm seriously scared!

I think that I caught a dangerous disease

and I'm afraid that I'm dying!

So just...

Eat some chocolate, it will make your mood better.

The treatment of hypochondria is pretty hard.

It's not about just one cure or one special vitamin.

However some people continue trying to make something like that...

No, not supervitamins. It consists of therapies,

medical consultations and many times some cures.


some effective supervitamins for every problem could be good...

Maybe in the future.

If you enjoyed this video, please give it like.

Subscribe to my channel, I will be enthusiastically happy, if you do so

and see you soon.

With another video.

For more infomation >> Hypochondriacs IN ACTION - Duration: 6:12.


Disney FROZEN ELSA Wedding,Pregnancy and Childbirth Compilation - Duration: 8:35.

Disney Games Frozen Elsa Wedding, Pregnancy and Childbirth Compilation

Elsa does everything what doctor said that is good for pregnancy

Elsa decorate a room for the babies

It looks like the babies are coming

Congratulations, Elsie and Jack got twins

Elsa and Jack are very caring parents

Elsa is such a good and gentle mom

She adores her twins

For more infomation >> Disney FROZEN ELSA Wedding,Pregnancy and Childbirth Compilation - Duration: 8:35.


VideoJugadores - 1x00 Martin Garabal - Duration: 14:11.

For more infomation >> VideoJugadores - 1x00 Martin Garabal - Duration: 14:11.


Lawsuit alleges police covered up report on judge's daughter - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Lawsuit alleges police covered up report on judge's daughter - Duration: 2:14.


'We want it be to be larger than life,' says Christmas Fantasy House decorator - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> 'We want it be to be larger than life,' says Christmas Fantasy House decorator - Duration: 1:33.


Beautiful Weather in Auckland Botanic Gardens - New Zealand - Duration: 6:15.

Hi Everyone

Kubic here


We are going to...

Auckland Botanic Gardens

Let's go!

Auckland Botanic Gardens

... occupy...

... 64 hectars

Let's take a look

Park provides...

... its territory for...

... sculptures collection

This one is call "Turn"

*russian version of Turn :)


Let's go inside

Like a home garden



Apple blossom



Everything blossoming

This is Waka

It is gate to...

... New Zealand garden

I like the landscape design

This sculpture is called "Tuna"

Common kinds of NZ plants...

... are presented here


A spider web

Where is the big spider then?


Luckily such spiders don't exist in NZ


This one is called...

Sporadanthus ferrugineus

Sounds like Gary Potter's spell




This one is "Splayed"

"Splayed" means splayed :)

It is built from 103 shovels


Pretty hot today

... but better near the pond

Check this huge Aloe out



The sculpture name is...

Bird Lady

The Palm alley

Forest flowers make this place magical

I like it

Amazing installation

Check these cactuses out

Thanks for watching

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... and see you soon



Would you like to take a walk

Weather is awesome


For more infomation >> Beautiful Weather in Auckland Botanic Gardens - New Zealand - Duration: 6:15.


To shoot or not to shoot: Officers make life, death decisions every day - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> To shoot or not to shoot: Officers make life, death decisions every day - Duration: 1:37.


John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:15.


How to Save on Heating Costs - Duration: 4:48.


Well, friends, as they say, winter is coming. [winter SFX]

Staying cozy can be really tough if you live in a drafty house or poorly insulated apartment.

But don't worry, there are lots of ways to fix your place without a lot of time or


Step 1: Identify your heat source.

Homes are equipped for gas heat, central air, electric baseboard heat, wood stoves, et cetera.

If you don't know which kind you have, you can ask your landlord, or do some detective

work yourself.

If you're stumped, some kinds of heat, like gas heat, need to be turned on by the utility


A general rule, though, is that most heat sources work better if you keep them at a

fairly even temperature most of the time.

If you keep the house cold and then crank up the heat by 20 degrees when you come home

after work, you're only going to make your heating system work harder and crank up your

utility bill.

It might be a good idea to check your rental agreement, if you have one, to see if your

landlord requires you to keep your house at a certain temperature; some rental agreements

might ask you to keep the thermostat set to at least 55ºF to prevent pipes from freezing.

I don't know if you would want to have your house colder than that, though, seems a little


But also it's good to not have frozen pipes. That happened to me one time. It was bad...

Step 2: Hit the hardware store!

This is the best place to find weatherproofing materials, and most of them don't require

special tools or equipment.

If you've got a drafty place: plastic sheeting. It's all—it's cheap, easy, and crucial.

You can also look for rubber seals to press into the doors and windowsills to seal cracks,

as well as power outlet covers to prevent drafts.

It also doesn't hurt to grab an indoor thermometer so you can keep an eye on the temperature

in your house.

Almost all of this stuff will be in the same aisle of the hardware store.

And it's a little bit more pricey, but you might want to look out for a radiant space


Decent-quality space heaters run $50-$100 and can help heat smaller spaces so you don't

have to crank up the heat over the whole house.

Step 3: Be strategic with your heat.

Identify which rooms you spend the most time in and which rooms you just need to stay warm

enough so that the pipes don't freeze.

This is where that radiant space heater can come in handy. Keeping one in the bedroom

and shutting the door ensures that the heater can warm up the small space enough for you

to be comfortable.

Be safe with that heater, though, follow the instructions, do not burn your house down.

Step 4: Your mom was right: It's cheaper if you just put on a sweater. So bundle up!

Hit the thrift store for sweaters, scarves, fingerless gloves and blankets. Layer leggings,

long-sleeve shirts and thick socks under your PJs to keep you nice and toasty.

And having a nice big fluffy robe to put on when you get out of the shower—always super


If you have long hair, try wrapping it up with a towel or big hair clip after you shower

so you don't have wet hair making you feel colder.

Step 5: Try to bring things in that will enhance your sense of coziness and warmth.

Light some candles. Try turning on a couple soft-lighting table lamps in each room to

make your home glow a little bit. Convince yourself it's warm by putting on the Netflix

"Yule log" video.

Drink your favorite heated beverage, like tea, or hot chocolate to make your insides


The Danish concept of "hygge" (sorry for the pronunciation) might also be useful to

research—the Danes have a ton of coping mechanisms for getting through a long winter.

Step 6: Dance party!

If you hate waking up on a cold, dark morning, have a playlist ready to go with your favorite

dance songs (this really works and I like it) so you can feel motivated to get yourself

up, move around a little bit, warm yourself up.

Trust me, that new Kesha album: full of bops. Gotta getcha all toasty—feeling the burn.

Step 7: Still freezing? Is your bill unaffordable?

Find out what energy assistance programs you might qualify for if you are low-income.

Many states in the U.S. have energy assistance programs that you can apply for throughout

the season. Just Google your location and "energy assistance program."

If you live in a place that gets cold, what are your heat-saving tactics? Let us know

in the comments below! We live in Montana so we need all the help we can get.

And if you just want to learn more about adulting with me and Rachel, subscribe to us at

Do I look ridiculous?

[off-screen] Yes. In a good way.

[muffled] Well friends as they—

[muffled] They can't hear [BLEEPED] can you?


[mic rustling sounds]



[off-screen] Yeah


[off-screen] Yeah, it's that mic squeaking up against the stuff...

[off-screen] ...little mouse in there

No little mouse!

To prevent fi— fipes from preezing.

Layer leggings, long sleeved shirts, and thick pockets under your PJs—

Thick pockets?


For more infomation >> How to Save on Heating Costs - Duration: 4:48.




Equally feared and respected, the shaman has been a key figure throughout the history of

human civilization.

Could we someday revive their long-forgotten abilities and if so, what could we accomplish

using the supernatural powers they once wielded?

Similar to the distinct types of magical practitioners, shamans were also classified into two different

tiers � �black� or �white�.

The black shamans were renowned as the most powerful and were sometimes called as �warrior-shamans�

because they fought evil forces and were named military advisors during a war.

They secured their power from the North Star and could be easily spotted as they usually

wore black robes with very few, if any decoration.

The main role of the black shamans was to confront demons and the dark gods on behalf

of their clients.

This role they fulfilled by cursing and blighting enemy crops or herds.

During a war, the black shamans rode side by side with the army and helped to win campaigns

using their mystic powers.

In times of peace, they had a more constructive role as emissaries, diplomats or political


Some shamans were so powerful and recognizable that they inspected the preparation and signing

of treaties with the relevant magical formalities.

Black shamans were extremely feared, even after they died.

In the 16th century when an occult one died, he was put in a coffin, his corpse then nailed

down with sharp stakes so he could not transform into a powerful undead creature that haunts

the living.

In contrast to the powerful warlords described above, the �white� shamans gained their

magical powers from nature and everything that surrounded them.

They performed at a tribal level, mostly as healers and mystics and they only had to deal

with beneficent beings.

It was their task to tame angry or evil spirits and exorcise them if they possessed humans.

Besides the mystical encounters, they helped the tribe prosper and live at peace with the

spirit world as well as the natural environment.

On a physical level, because of their great knowledge and power of understanding, they

were employed in an administrative role to take care of tribal affairs.

Shamans, either black or white were great spiritual leaders who could change the tide

of events that were to follow.

They possessed great intellect and understanding of the world, therefore providing remedies

for the injured or alleviation for the dying.

In ancient times, having such allies by your side was worth more than a treasure chest,

as they could help you win the hardest battle.

Shamans of old believed in three worlds of coexistence linked together by the World Tree

or Tree of Life.

These were the Lower World or Underworld inhabited by the dead who were awaiting reincarnation,

the Middle World or Middle Earth, where human spirits were incarnated, and the Upper World

or Heaven, the house of the Gods.

Various non-human spirits also inhabited each of these three worlds.

The shamans could access these other worlds in trance using the means of spirit travel.

It is intriguing to note that in medieval times, European witches were presumed to fly

to their Sabbats using their enchanted broomsticks.

It is clear that this was not done physically, so the sorceresses were also practicing a

shamanic form of spirit flight.



Burglars break into home while family sleeps - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Burglars break into home while family sleeps - Duration: 1:28.


Corgi | Le Plaisir Du Corgi | Chien Monde Corgi part 24 - Duration: 4:47.


For more infomation >> Corgi | Le Plaisir Du Corgi | Chien Monde Corgi part 24 - Duration: 4:47.


Gun Violence - A Conversation Part 1 - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> Gun Violence - A Conversation Part 1 - Duration: 9:30.


Heath Robinson - Author's Spotlight - Duration: 2:03.

I'm Heath Robinson. I am writer, a game designer, and I am one of the co-founders

of Infinite Black. I have been writing stories for as long as I can remember.

As a kid, I would write out, I was writing whole novels

written out in long hand, I had binders full of the pages that I

had written and those stories were highly inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien. I've

been a Tolkien fan, also, basically as long as I can remember.

It was kind of a tradition in my household that as soon as you were old enough

to understand, even if not read it for yourself, you had The Hobbit read

to you. And, so, I remember Mother reading me The Hobbit

when I was pretty young, maybe second grade I think.

I got away from that for a while though. I went to college for geography

and I did my Ph.D. and then I went on to be a college professor

for about four years, but once I was working as a professor

I decided that I wanted to pick up writing again, and I was working on that kind of as a hobby.

Another thing that I was doing during that time was starting to develop

games. My brother and I really wanted to do a project together and so we developed

the board game War of Kings, and the goal was to take it to Kickstarter

and get it funded and get the game produced. And we did that. And

I really became very interested and really fascinated with

that whole idea of being able to go from zero, just an idea, all the way

to a finished project, and so after we had done War of Kings, we

wanted to keep going. So I've done lines of terrain systems, TerraTiles,

and then I did Incantris, a second board game. And then I started working with

David, and we did Elder Dice, and that project basically launched

Infinite Black, and I am getting to go back and work with my writing again.

So, it won't be just a hobby anymore. It is actually going to be an integral part of what

we are doing and what we are developing with Infinite Black. And so I am really looking forward

to crafting the world through the writing and getting that out to


For more infomation >> Heath Robinson - Author's Spotlight - Duration: 2:03.


Sweden Vs Italy l Friendship Match l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 12:34.

Sweden Vs Italy

Gamer and News Footbal

The first touch and the ball is in play off we go

And here's the Sweden team today

Probably one of the two front men will slip back guiding it through

Real chance, just go well. What a start to the game?

That would have been for them Alan the first goal coming so early, but not quite where he's kicking himself

He can't believe he's missed from so close in to

market to roll out

Da me an

Hand driver

And that's broken up by the defender before the cross could come in

It's said it, that's a corner

He's put in the corner Belleville a goodly with the Heather - hi-yah unlucky give him another chance, I think he'll took that away

Hey there egg down


This could lead to a chance. It's good attacking play. It could be a chance

when he played away brilliantly

Kind of chance has come to him so early in the game. I have to say it reacted perfectly

really sharp right from the off and they've taken the lead here I

Just ended up in the back of the net quite high up to here. I'm not sure whether we actually

Meant it just to go under the bar. Maybe we'll find out afterwards

So the first goal it's one Dale


Here's a chance to attack

Marco to Rollo you've gotta shut off now well, there's the equalizer and a really good start to the game

It's always thrilling where both teams

Show that they can score in a match I wonder where we'll go from here

Well great scenes of jubilation here having got that equalizer had to work so hard to achieve it so

Away we go at one all

Here is your Hansen and Trey's Granquist

Cut that out well well read getting forward

Well as a team now slipping it through these two stay cool down

And there it is the goal and they put them into the lead

Oh, they've got another one island their honor goal here

Italy well with this lead



egg down

Oh as close Alan offside is given. He's quick enough

He doesn't need to do that. He can afford to give those defenders a yard or two you know because he's quicker than them in

Senior trying to divert it in defended well

Hola Toivonen

I like the look of this attack

Could get the ball into the box now oh, that's a good clean tackle to stop the attack, this is very risky

Came in with the challenge and the ball broke free

They spread it out wide here chance to get some ice over hit isn't it and it's the goalkeepers ball

They're getting numbers forward quickly recognizing the potential of a counter-attack

Looked set up for the counter-attack, but in the end they didn't play it right

This how they love to play on the break

Now fuckin driver

Now it goes into the wider areas where they've got a winger waiting will haven't be a throat

As we come towards halftime Italy do have the advantage not by much

But of course if they can see it through at this stage

They will get what they came here to get think me will feel at halftime when they talk over this first half

They've got a little bit

room for improvement

They could pose some danger now

space for the shot

Now here's a chance to show how good they are at corners that maybe increase their advantage here comes the corner?

Oh, that's good defending

challenges for the ball

Come back to get a touch and get involved in the game

Who wrote opening them up with a through pass had you power, but not too much direction

He's coming forward with some danger shreds it through it could be a chance

Well, he's gone. There's a big moment for them in the match they've pushed their lead now to two ahead

They've played well to this point, but sometimes a two goal lead can be a dangerous one. We'll see

As to remind a31 it is now a scholar

That's halftime and 3 1 is the score at the break

2nd half coming out if you just joined us Italy lead

Marco to Rollo here's cheer om overlay and they past not completed really

Onto the attack now

And driver here's the chance oh, that's such a classy goal

that's a very tidy finish right up into the top corner - for him on the day and

- very well taken goals

I have to say it's so one-sided today, but all credit to the team they're racking up the girls

And it gives it back to it


Jirô a mobile a in on the goalkeeper her Rollo can finish it off

The one Anu the ball about there Martine before creating the chance was really good

They picked the right pass every time their goalkeeper almost got there, but it wasn't a strong enough touch

He has anointed himself this day having got a touch on it feels he should have done better

But only we expected this such a one-sided affair, but look at the score line

That's good movement forward here

Egg down it can cut it back now and that ball belongs to the goalkeeper

Hey there

And driver

It's with edit Barolo, and there's quite a wild effort at goal although, you've got good contact on the ball

The managers going to bring on a fresh player now

Neatly intercepted

And they get it away

Marco - Rollo

Darmian and that's good support as they build this attack crisp defending that

Insignia it's with an edit shredding it through insignia hit the post

Attacking well here

Probing with the pass mask or great work by the goalkeeper the ball is his these made sure he's protected it

Hey Dad real chance when it has to clear it

Headed down to a teammate here zero immobile a able to cut that out with some sharp movement

On the move and able to cut out the pass

Well the home team has been outplayed and the home supporters have lost their will to support I think

Well haven't they just you could hear a pin drop here seen one or two heading for the exits, then I'm impressed

Just a few moments in the game where you wonder whether Italy might get caught out and that

Position of prominence might be threatened it hasn't happened, and it's unlikely to happen in the time. We've got left

Gone out over the touchline that'll be a throw to the opposition

Now this is interesting whether the manager is just going to switch things around a little bit

Well there's one for him to chase him behind

Whipped in from the wide area

Miss kid really with the header. Yep, not known for you said in and you can see why there without effort

Quick-witted and quick in this movement to to intercept there

Olá Toivonen

Trying to steer it through in on the goalkeeper

But come off the goalkeeper still in play and now the shot looked and control anything, but what a miss yeah?

He looks so composed and then to do that

Teammates won't Lane forget that

And it's come to an end now as the referee blows the whistle for the last time

We'll look at that school line and it emphasizes what we've seen in the shape of the game as well

Very one-sided well the first whistle they weren't top and it never altered for the entire

90 minutes wonderful stuff

It was absolutely

extraordinary exceptional

Elegant excellent well so often we think of these creative abilities

But a couple of goals here one the match for his team

For more infomation >> Sweden Vs Italy l Friendship Match l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 12:34.


Caring For Those Who Care: Jackson (S01E03) - Duration: 6:36.

NARRATOR: We're on a journey across the country

to share caregiver stories.

Meeting all our caregivers, the one thing that I've noticed

is how the person they're caring for

is always at the forefront of whatever they're doing.

Today's episode is a caregiving story that spans four decades.

This is Jackson's story.

JACKSON (VOICEOVER): My name is Jackson Mitchell

and I'm a caregiver.

For the rest of my life, this is my job.

I don't expect to do anything else.

We got married in '76, we met in '74.

She has a lesion in her brain that

controls a lot of her behavior.

In that sense, that sadness and mostly guilt,

are no longer part of her brain.

The lesion took care of that.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): When I became a caregiver,

the first thing I did, was blame myself for not

taking better care of her.

She would pass out.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): I didn't realize how quick I could get

out of my chair and get to her.

And if anything is not what I expected it to be,

then I call the ambulance.

Which I've had to do three or four times in the last five

years, let's say.

But this is where we're at.

I've been accused of being suicidal,

because I wear this medical bracelet that says

do not resuscitate.

But it's only common sense, if anything happened to me,

she couldn't take care of me, so let me sleep.

I have no family.

She has.

She'll be taken care of.

I'm going to die taking care of her, and that's it.

This is my new job, and that's where it ends.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): My day is simply to watch

over her like a hawk actually.

I have cameras installed.

They are a great help, watching, and being

aware of her every move.

If she drops something, I'll wait

to hear how long it takes for her

to start moving away from where she dropped something.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): If I don't hear anything,

then that tells me I'd better have a look.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): Even though she knows the difference

between right and wrong, guilt and sadness are

no longer part of her brain.

Because, since the sadness no longer exists,

I make it a point to make her burst out laughing,

if only for a fraction of a second at least once a day.



these obsessions, because of the lesion, again, she's a hoarder.

She goes to bed exactly at the same time every day.

She eats always the same thing.

She takes her medication.

When that is done, she gets ready to go for her walk.

She walks 3/4 of a kilometre.

She goes to Tim Horton's.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): She knows she's with me 24/7.

This is her time away from me.

So, I have to let her go.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): She will call me,

because by then she doesn't have enough energy

to come back home.

So, I go pick her up, and it's been that way

for the last 10 or 15 years.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): I picked up golf because I hate solitude.

I play every day,


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): And then things started to go

really wrong with my wife.

So then, I had a choice to make, and I quit golf.

Golf is just a game, this is important.

I'm no longer retired.

I have a full-time job.


NARRATOR: To thank Jackson for sharing his story,

we got Jackson a tablet, so that he

can be connected to the outside world

while still caring for Jocelyn.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): There are support groups.

I'm finding this out now, but there are support groups.

Go there.

Whenever I'd get into trouble, she would

always, always stand by me.

So, I'll be damned if I'm going to let her down.

Now, she's the one needing me.


JACKSON (VOICEOVER): I have decided that my priority

is her, and that's it.

At least now, I know she's safe.

And, that's enough for me.


For more infomation >> Caring For Those Who Care: Jackson (S01E03) - Duration: 6:36.


What is Journey to the Tree of Sorrows? - Duration: 2:41.

Journey to the Tree of Sorrows is inspired by

the Lovecraftian mythos. It is based in Lovecraft's

universe, but it is an original

story. The name Journey to the Tree of Sorrows goes

way back for me. I was just starting to just make

marks on a piece of paper. I had not plan at all. I really did not

know what I was going to do. I just started moving charcoal on the paper and just

see where it went. When I was working on this piece I was

alone, it was a night. I vividly remember

that there was like a thunderstorm in the background and it was just an

awesome atmosphere and I was really enjoying it. And this tree

emerged in the piece, in the charcoal. And

in my mind I said, "This is the Tree of Sorrow".

And, there was a man going to

that tree. He was on a journey. So, I named the piece "Journey

to the Tree of Sorrows" and ever since then

that name and that man's journey has stuck with me and resonated

and I have contemplated, "What is the journey?"

and "What is the Tree of Sorrows?"

So, Journey to the Tree of Sorrows is a story arc that

David and I are telling through stories, through

the art, and through games. Everything is helping

to develop something else. We have been working simultaneously

on the board game, actually a couple of board games,

stories, all of David's art, and it is really interesting

to see how these bounce off of each other, because we will start

writing a story and talking about and then, "That's a neat idea for a game"

and then start developing a game based on that. And then it

circles back, and we come up with a really neat idea while we are working on the game

that circles back and then influences the stories.

Journey to the Tree of Sorrows is like nothing else that I have seen written before.

It is a unique idea, it's

influenced by Lovecraft, heavily, but its

such a different take, I think, on Lovecraft,

that I think it is fresh. I think that Lovecraftian fans

will really enjoy it

because it is so different

from everything else that's out there.

For more infomation >> What is Journey to the Tree of Sorrows? - Duration: 2:41.


David's Artistic Process - Duration: 2:41.

This is going to be the final piece. It's in progress you can see this

is all graphic and I actually have charcoal around here. But it all

starts in my sketchbook. It all starts with

an idea in my head and then it just goes down in thumbnails that

really take anywhere from five seconds to maybe tops

thirty seconds. And at that point I'm really just

exploring ideas and putting shapes, really just focusing

on the shapes, when I am working with the thumbnails

and, when I explore those shapes I really

just, I am just looking at how those shapes fit

in the space that I'm looking to create my art in.

And most of my art is 11 by 17, some of it is larger

than than and some of it is smaller, but for this piece I knew it was going to be an 11 by

17 piece, so the shape, the ratio of

height to width was this so I knew what I had to work with there.

And, so I created the thumbnails accordingly.

And, it was all about, I knew that I was going to continue the theme of

having the eclipses up top and then also the large eclipse there

so, I was really focused on how this skull

with this crown fits in this space here.

And then, I came up with a couple of ideas that I liked and I

took that to the sketch phase. I did a few sketches

a little more detail there, and then I took the

sketch that I liked and then started a new drawing that was

tighter, more detailed, and so one of the things

while I am doing the drawing I am looking at

or exploring ideas, that is when I came up with the inscription on

this here and how did I want this crown

to look, and so forth. And so now,

after I do the drawing, I take it to what's called the final

drawing or with this, this is the final piece,

again, this, it needs a lot of work, but

the final piece will have a lot

more rendering, a lot of time will go into

working on highlights and shadows, really trying to make

each part of this object pop, make it three

dimensional, and it really starts just from thumbnail,

to sketch, to drawing to finished piece.

For more infomation >> David's Artistic Process - Duration: 2:41.


Caring For Those Who Care: Mandie (S01E01) - Duration: 5:55.


NARRATOR 1: We were asked to create a web series

centered around caregivers.

So we thought we'd do something special to give

back to those who give so much.

NARRATOR 2: After a search across Western

Canada for caregivers, we found Mandie.

This is her story.

MANDIE: My name's Mandie.

I've been married to my husband Paul for almost 12 years now.

Our life is different than most people I think.

Our middle child, Moses, something always

seemed a little bit different about him,

that he wasn't developing the way

other children were developing.

And it started to become more and more obvious.

And he didn't sleep at all.

And I began to realize that life was

going to look a little bit different

than I had previously thought.

He has autism spectrum disorder as well as epilepsy.

Right now, we're working pretty hard on potty training,

which we've been working on for five years.

It's not the most pleasant of things.

There's lots of crying and screaming,

probably from both of us.

And then there's our lovely little daughter

Rose, who is four.

And she has cerebral palsy.

Like, I look at my oldest son, who is 10,

and he's very mature and very responsible.

But I know that he wants way more from me.

And I don't have the time to give it to him.

Like, you can only offer your most,

and you can't offer more than your most.

And when you have a child with a disability or a severe delay,

it shakes everything up.

It rocks their world a little bit.

You lose a little bit of who you think you are

and who you think you'll become.

And I haven't had really time off at all since having Moses.

So I mean, maybe what I do for myself is I wake up

and I make sure I throw on some makeup.

To me, it makes me feel like I'm presenting a more

in-control person, which maybe makes

me a more in-control person.

I don't know.

So I've found this year to be a more difficult year.

This is the first year where he's

been too big for the stroller.

So without the stroller, it's very focused time on Moses.

He would run, or he would try and climb out of a window

or try and dart across the highway.

He had no concept of danger.

And before, having that stroller was kind of like my break,

my mental breather.

He would just be.

There wasn't a worry about him running

away or getting into something.

Like, I could just run.

I feel like without the stroller,

I really lost a big sense of my independence.

It means I've been really stuck in the house,

and I'm such an outside person.

Looking at my door and seeing it as an obstacle instead

of a door is a strange thing.

NARRATOR 2: After hearing her story,

we knew that we wanted to do something--

NARRATOR 1: --something for her and something for her family.


Do you like animals?


Guess what?

Memberships for the whole family to go to the Calgary Zoo.


Check it out, open it up.


NARRATOR 2: Look, you can go on every ride

that you want for a whole year at Calaway Park.

NARRATOR 1: Put it together?

MANDIE: So this is amazing.

There's no gift that could have been greater than a stroller,

which sounds really silly, but it

just means kind of independence, to just get out and be normal.

I have my choice to either look at life and think,

wow, this thing is very difficult.

But ultimately, I'm at peace and grateful.

And obviously, that's like a mental decision

and I'm not always there, but I've kind of

chosen to make that a purpose.

NARRATOR 2: Mandie's story is unique,

but one that's all too common.

NARRATOR 1: According to Stats Canada,

28% of Canadians aged 15 and older

provide care to family members or friends

with long term health conditions,

disability, or aging needs.

NARRATOR 2: Spending so much time

caring for others, caregivers often forget

to take care of themselves.

So we want to challenge you to think of someone in your life

who spends time caring for others

and consider what you can do for them--

nothing grand, nothing crazy, just something

to bring a smile to their face and let them

know that you appreciate them.

NARRATOR 1: You can make a difference to those around you.

Even just by sharing information on the resources

that exist to aid caregivers can make a big impact.

Everyone deserves to be cared for.

And sometimes, it's the smallest gestures that matter most.

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