Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

hello and welcome to low-budget gaming and welcome to yet another free game

alert and today's free game is Syberia and this is being given away by GOG and

this is free for the next two days so head over to gog and collect the game

Syberia is a point-and-click adventure game from the early 2000s there are

three games in total first two came out in the early 2000s 2002 and 2004 the

third one came out earlier this year and that third one is also on sale right now

but the first one is free right now so definitely claim this this is one of

my favorite series I loved playing the first two games also if you already own

Syberia 1 & 2 on Steam you can get DRM free versions on GOG as well and add it

to your GOG library so in order to do that head over to GOG connect now if

you're not familiar GOG connect is gog service where they offer certain games

from time to time for you for free if you already own them on Steam so right

now they are offering the two Syberia games so what you need to do is you need

to connect your gog account and your steam account and depending on what

games are available you can get them for free so since I already had one and to

Syberia on Steam I claimed both the games here as well so now I have two

copies of the game obviously the Steam version and the DRM free version on GOG

as well so that's a nice little thing to have as well so definitely check this

out if you already have them but otherwise definitely claim the first

game it is free and it is free for the next two days so make sure you get it

before them and make sure to tell your friends and family about this as well so

they can also get the game consider sharing this video on Twitter etc if you

want yeah thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one

For more infomation >> FREE Game Alert - Syberia ( - Duration: 1:50.


반도리/한글자막] 뒤죽박죽 이상한 과자교실 #1 의외의 참가자 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 반도리/한글자막] 뒤죽박죽 이상한 과자교실 #1 의외의 참가자 - Duration: 5:40.


Heart of Time FWC Pulse Rifle In-Depth Review! Best Pulse Rifle? - Duration: 4:47.

Hi guardians, today we are going to review a unique weapon the future war cult pulse

rifle the heart of time.

This is the pulse rifle that could have been sold during the first faction rally, but as

you all know dead orbit has won that time so we did not manage to get that weapon.

With the second faction rally happening now this weapon came back in the weapon pool of

future war cult and I was lucky enough to get one drop for me.

I was very excited about this weapon because this is one of the few fast firing legendary

pulse rifles in the game, and on top of that this is also one of the few weapons that has

dragon fly which is essentially the firefly from destiny 1.

This is the perk that causes a small explosion when you hit a precision kill, which is very

useful for crowd control in pve.

The heart of time sits in the 540 rounds per minute archetype like the Iron Banner The

Time Worn spire and the Lincoln Green.

It has the Rapid Fire Frame, Candle PS and the

Impulse MS3 sights Steady Rounds

Tactical Mag And Dragonfly

I like to use the Candle scope which is nice and clean, and tactical mag because without

it I find the reload speed a bit too slow for this gun.

So how does this gun performs in PvP.

Well it is a very fun gun to use, it really feels like playing with the Clever Dragon

back from Destiny 1.

For those who are not familiar with it the Clever Dragon was for a time dominating in

destiny 1 until they nerfed it.

But this gun is in no way as powerful as the clever dragon back in Vanilla Destiny, it's

great on the medium range but if you go a bit further than that then the damage fall

off is very noticeable and you will not be able to compete with auto rifles or scouts.

I like to use this gun on small to medium maps and I like to pair it up with the Sondok-C

submachine gun in my kinetic slot, because I am still not lucky enough to get an Antiope-d

drop for me.

For those who dont know it the Sondok-C is basically the blue version of the Antiope-D,

I made a video about this you can find the link in the description below or in the right

hand corner as a youtube card.

The submachine gun in my kinetic will cover the short range, and the heart of time will

do its job in the medium range, and as mentioned before stay out of the long range you won't

be able to compete with scouts and auto rifles.

The gun does bounce a bit but it is totally manageable, if you want you can use counterbalance

mod to improve that a bit.

I did just fine without it though.

I do find the reload speed a bit too slow for me, most of the time when I run out of

bullets I will just switch to my kinetic weapon instead of reloading because the reload time

is so slow.

You will find very often that you will need to disengage and find a safe spot where you

have time to reload all the weapons again.

And this can really slow your pace when you are on a good killing spree, so you just have

to be cautious with that.

The final perk dragonfly will not be that useful in Pvp, sometimes it does it work well

when guardians are clumped up together but that is very rare.

You will find better use with this in Pve where ads are more often clumped up together,

especially in public events.

The weakness of the fast firing pulses in PVE is very noticeable in their damage output,

the dps is lower than the popular auto rifles and the damage fall off can be quite drastic

when you pass the medium range.

This is a bit evened out with the usefulness of the Dragonfly perk, which will up the value

of this gun in PVE.

So having said all of this the heart of time is a very solid gun for both Pvp and PVe.

However at this time of the video I really need to compare this gun with the Iron Banner

Pulse rifle the Time Worn spire.

And when you put them together you will see that The Time-worn spire is better than the

heart of time in all aspects.

The range, stability, reload, and aim assist are all better than the heart of time.

Don't get me wrong the Heart of Time is still a very good pulse rifle, however I do need

to address the differences in order to make these reviews as objective as possible.

If you want to know more about the time-worn spire have a look at my in-depth weapon review


So the heart of time is a very solid gun , but unfortunately it does lack a bit when you

compare it with the time-worn spire and thus I am going to give this future war cult pulse

rifle a solid B.

Thank you so much for watching this video, I really had a great time testing this gun

in pvp and pve, the fast firing pulse rifles are really a good change from using auto rifles


I highly recommend you to try out this gun it is really fun.

Let me know which gun you want me to review next in the comments below.

Subscribe for more and as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Heart of Time FWC Pulse Rifle In-Depth Review! Best Pulse Rifle? - Duration: 4:47.


Failing at French (with Azren) - Duration: 10:23.

Oh hi! You know I've been trying to teach myself French for the last few weeks, and

there's only so much Amelie that you can watch in one lifetime. So I need a little

bit of help. I've got Azren here for me. And you consider yourself a polyglot. AZREN: Yes.

KYLE: Right. What does that maybe for the audience

who might not know. AZREN: So a polyglot is basically someone who speaks a bunch of languages.

KYLE: You deal a lot with that on your own personal YouTube, channel and so I

thought you would be the best person to bring into here... AZREN: Oh thank you. KYLE: ... to help

me out on my journey. I was kind of telling you before we started filming

how I am doing pretty good at reading French, but speaking French is not

working out 100% here. So I've cobbled together some objects and I'm hoping we

can try to have a bit of a conversation around them. AZREN: I'm excited. KYLE: All right. Cool we

start with this. A very important book. Now ... livre is how I say it in French. AZREN: Yeah.

Livre. You got a nice French 'R' in the back. KYE: I know it's

like, yeah. I could be very Anglican right now and be, like, "leever." La livre or le livre?

AZREN: Le livre. It's masculine. KYLE: It's masculine. Do you have any recommendations on how to

figure that out? Whether something is masculine versus feminine? AZREN: It's kind of weird.

Because I find them – so the thing about French is that it's one of those

things you just have to memorize generally speaking. KYLE: Right. It's kind of

like the the "i before e" rule that's true until it's not.

AZREN: Yeah, I mean it's just one of those things you have to know. But the

weird thing is that one ... here's the weirdest thing about French in my

perspective. I find that, like, I find that a lot of people (a lot of teachers) they

put a huge emphasis on this new le la, un une, like is it masculine or is it feminine. But the

funny thing is that it's actually probably one of the least important

things. Because if I say la livre to a French person

there is zero error of, like – they might register as a mistake, but

it's such a small one. It's not something that affects comprehension. By the

way that's a good book. KYLE: This video sponsored by The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. AZREN: Please tell me it actually was.

KYLE: What's that? AZREN: Please tell me it actually was sponsored by them. KYLE: No. It's not.

Je 'lees' un livre. AZREN: Je lis. KYLE: Je 'lee.' So, hmmm, is there a word that's 'lees?'

AZREN: L I S S E. Means, like, very smooth. KYLE: Oh smooth. Okay. AZREN: So French, if you have

any, generally speaking, final consonants don't get pronounced. KYLE: Je lis le livre.

AZREN: Yeah. That can work. "I read the book." I read the book. KYLE: I don't think I know what

'page' is. AZREN: Very similar to English. Page. KYLE: Page? okay okay okay. I know my I know

some of my numbers. I don't know if I can do – oh gosh – can I remember what a hundred


AZREN: Cent. KYLE: It is cent! It wouldn't be... is it trois cents? AZREN: Yeah, yeah. Trois cents.

KYLE: So trois cents... And then I can't remember 50. Because 50 is a different name again is

it not? AZREN: Yep. KYLE: Is it cinq dix? AZREN: Cinquante.

KYLE: Trois cents cinquante huit. AZREN: Oui. KYLE: OK.

That's how many 'page' are in this 'livre.'

AZREN: Exactly. That's right. KYLE: Now we're gonna go to, like, probably

currently my favorite word I've learned in French. AZREN: Is it actually? KYLE: I just think it's ...

I mean, okay, I don't want to bury the lead too much. So this, right here, we have is

an umbrella. Which is le parapluie. AZREN: Parapluie. Yeah. KYLE: This is gonna show my ignorance – cuz I'm

using this this app called Duolingo. Again, not a sponsor, but would totally be

open to sponsorship. It says right now that I'm 41% through the course of Duolingo.

And, A. we talked about this already they give you these really weird sentences

sometimes to read out. AZREN: Was it you I saw on Facebook? I think I have you on Facebook.

Was it you that posted a picture recently on Facebook of a Duolingo sentence? KYLE: Oh could have been!

AZREN: Like, the cat rolls pineapples or something? KYLE: Yeah, oh there's

another good one that I came across. But something like that. Like, no

one's ever gonna say that sentence. Ouvrir le parapluie. AZREN: Oui. Oui!

KYLE: My next course, I know, is about weather.

AZREN: Oh interesting. You could probably say something like 'I have an umbrella."

KYLE: I have? So... j'ai parapluie. AZREN: Un parapluie. KYLE: Oui.

KYLE: Ferme le parapluie. AZREN: Oui. "To close the umbrella."

KYLE: I was going to hit you, but I won't.

I get a little bit confused with not only just a masculine/feminine of

words, but also the like... in English we have give, gave, and given for instance.

Three tenses of the same word that we're doing. Where in French it looks

like you still say the word the same way in the sentence, but they're spelled

differently. And it throws me off every single time. So the biggest one I have is,

like, 'manges' (I'm eating). So it's spelled, like, sometimes with an S, without an S,

and sometimes with a G O N T at the end of it.

So I kind of instantly know like I'm eating, or to eat, or have eaten.

Something like that. But I always get confused about what I'm trying to say.

AZREN: It is a confusing part of French, and I find that for people who are learning, more

for conversational purposes, it actually makes it easier. Because especially

as a beginner because what happens – I don't know if you've noticed – but as a

beginner there's really only two, I guess, pronouns you use. I and you. KYLE: Right. AZREN: Because

you're mostly ... you're pretty selfish – this sounds weird – you're pretty selfish when

you're a beginner because you're always on the receiving end of questions. If you're

ever talking to people because you don't have the knowledge to drive

conversations. So what happens is that you're always in je, je, je, je, je, je.

Maybe some 'tu' because you'll ask about the other person.

KYLE: And then 'nous' is us. AZREN: But even that you won't use that much as a

beginner. You don't use that. And so what's nice is that the je and tu in

French usually sound the same. They're written differently. But they almost always

in most tenses, most of the time as a general they sound the same.

So I find that for beginners, often, it's actually kind of useful for them in the

beginning because you're like, "Oh least I know how to say it."

KYLE: Le chapeau. Le chapeau 'grees.' AZREN: 'Gree.' KYLE: Right. Don't say the last consonant. AZREN: Noire, non? Mmm. It could go either way.

Is it je porte un chapeau?

That sounds 99 percent correct. I'm pretty freaking sure that's right. It's

actually – here's a fun fact – depending on the day you catch me, my knowledge... So my

French is like my English, in terms o level.. It's obviously lower because English is my

first language. But generally it is. But the problem is, depending on the day that

you catch me, there are days ... so just

the other day (yeah I was right). But there are those days where

like my Chinese brain is better. KYLE: Oh got it! AZREN: Or my Spanish brain is better. Those days where,

like, if I switch between a Spanish lesson that I teach, French next, yeah my

brain will still be in Spanish mode. And it's kind of like, oh how do you say cow?

It's like I know cow... KYLE: Vache is cow in French. AZREN: Vache.. KYLE: Je porte chapeau gris.

AZREN: Un chapeau. KYLE: oh yes. Un chapeau. Am I beyond hope? AZREN: No! Nobody's beyond hope. That's the good thing about languages

So it's actually funny. Languages, in my

perspective, from my experience and perspective is it's kind of like, in

certain ways, like math. Or something else. Like that where some people do find it

easier than others. Like their brain, maybe their DNA or whatever it is, they

just – it comes more natural. Some people less natural. I feel like there are

some skills that if you're not good at it naturally, right, there's a harder

learning curve. If you're not good at languages naturally, there's still a

harder learning curve, but it's one that's possible to do. Because if I

were to throw you into China, and you had to learn (because you need to eat, need to

do stuff) you'll get it. You're not gonna be fluent. That's where we get into interesting

territory. I don't think everyone can be like super fluent, a hundred percent.

KYLE: But you should be able to speak it and be comfortable. AZREN: I think people – I think everybody has the

capability. Most people have the capability of going and becoming

functional to the level that they need. Need is a crucial part.

It's the level that they need to get to to be able to function in their life.

That is something everyone can get to. KYLE: What is, like, your biggest piece of

advice you can give to me as I continue learning French? AZREN: I would say – I would

probably say the biggest thing is make sure you're having your ... like you're

consistent with it. I think even probably equally, if not more important,

is that whatever you choose to do it has to be something that you enjoy. KYLE: I think

it was Tim Ferriss – listening to his podcast or watching a video. And he's

also someone who's learned like multiple different languages.

AZREN: Really? I didn't know that. KYLE: Yeah, like he's fluent in Japanese and a bunch of other ones.

Regardless, he was saying that how he started to actually learn some of his

languages was comic books. He would get whatever the Spanish version of

the Spider-Man comic he was reading to go back and forth. It was

something I'm interested in anyways, I might as well, like, learn

it in a different language at the same time. AZREN: Interesting. Huh. That's cool.

KYLE: Maybe I'll got and start buying French comic books. I'll go buy some Tintin. AZREN: Do it!

KYLE: What is the easiest way if people want to follow you on the Internet?

AZREN: Any social network is @polyglotazren

Sorry! YouTube is Azren The Language Nerd. Everywhere else @polyglotazren

Snapchat, Instagram, you name it I'm there. KYLE: I feel your pain. I am

@thekylemarshall everywhere except for YouTube. So branding is not my strong

suit apparently. Alright perfect! Thank you for coming out. AZREN: No worries!

For more infomation >> Failing at French (with Azren) - Duration: 10:23.





Tech Vlog #13: My drone is not flying ! What is the problem ? (Part 1) (Greek + English subs) - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Tech Vlog #13: My drone is not flying ! What is the problem ? (Part 1) (Greek + English subs) - Duration: 6:34.


Funny Disney Comics Part 5 If Disney Villains Were Smart! If Disney Movies Had Cops! - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Funny Disney Comics Part 5 If Disney Villains Were Smart! If Disney Movies Had Cops! - Duration: 6:37.


Crawl Space Termite Gap, Do I Need One? Are Crawl Space Encapsulation Termite Gaps Necessary - Duration: 2:45.

Hey, there.

Michael Church, and I want you to take a look at this video.

We get a lot of questions about do I need a termite gap above the vapor barrier?

Stay tuned.


As you can see in this video, we've got a bit of a termite gap between the foam board

and the vapor barrier and the top of the sill plate.

The sill plate is that piece of wood that sits on the block and Tennessee, it is actually

code that you leave a 3" gap minimum.

You can go higher if you need to, but a minimum of 3" to show whether you've got termites

tunneling up from behind the vapor barrier up and trying to get access to the sill plate.

That's a great question.

Do you need a termite gap?

It would probably have to be brought to the code's department of your local municipality,

if you're living in some part of the country that doesn't have termites, don't need a termite


But here in Tennessee, we got a lot of subterranean termites.

They like to crawl up cinder block walls.

I've even seen termite tunnels hanging down from joists and it was connected to the floor,

probably three or four feet.

It's just amazing what those little critters can do.

Anyway, make sure that if you're in an area with termites that you leave that 3", so your

pest control company can take a look.

And like I said, keep those questions coming.

And oh, real quick.

See this behind me?

That's a crawl space door obviously.

I want to encourage you guys to make sure you start locking these doors.

That's one that I got a guy, a friend of mine that's in security, he said one of the biggest

things people are doing now are breaking into crawl spaces and then breaking into the house.

They get in here and then while you're gone they tunnel up into the house from the crawl

space door.

So, put an alarm on it or something.

If you need to, just do whatever you need to, to keep people out.

We even had a lady up in Sevierville.

She had a squatter living in her house for over a year in the crawl space.

So make sure you secure these doors.

So that's the crawl space tip of the day.

Thanks again for watching.

Please like our videos down below and subscribe to our channel.

Appreciate you telling everybody about us and maybe Crawl Space NINJA will be coming

near you soon.

Have a great day and make it a blessed day as well.


For more infomation >> Crawl Space Termite Gap, Do I Need One? Are Crawl Space Encapsulation Termite Gaps Necessary - Duration: 2:45.


Energy Update – New Gateway Energy - Duration: 7:59.

Energy Update � New Gateway Energy

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

A �New Veil� has been broken through of a New Gateway Energy

We have come through the other side of a �veil� is the message that comes from the Divine

over and over.

This happened, the breakthrough last night in AEST.

So much was done and healed in �dreams�, on the astrals/multi-dimensions, so resting/sleeping

and feeling so tired that one �couldn�t keep their eyes opened� was felt strongly.

Yet at the same time a �veil� is in place with those who we are close to � like a

barrier or veil that needs to be earned to be broken through to be on this side so-to-speak.

Through a New Veil.

Others who have not worked through their energies to raise their vibration, are not able to

pass through, to �our side� until they EARN this.

(When I say �sides� it is to form a picture of what I am seeing to explain what I am..there

are no sides of the Divine).

This makes it much easier in a way for us here on �this side�, this NEW OPENING


It is like seeing others who we are/were close to in the past behind like a glass pane, where

we can see them, and we can hear them faintly but we are not able to �cross-over� back

to them as they are not through this �veil� � yet.

These are usually souls that in the past, we have assisted in some way or another, and

now this New Veil is in place that we are �unable to do so�.

This has been extremely tough and challenging for those who we are very close to, especially

a family member or members, that this has now taken place, sort of �for us� energetically

of the Divine.

As I was writing this, I was guided to the Ascended Masters cards.

And it is for those Masters who are Ascending is what the message from Spirit that came

with this.

Those who feel so deeply and strongly of their coming home to themselves of their greater

empowerment of owning their Sovereignty in the �here and now�.

Those who are �ready� as this does need to be earned �make no mis-take about this�,

this is very true.

As �Ascension cannot be rushed, fooled or cheated�.

As really, Ascension is the �action of rising to a higher level�.

And not �new-age� bullshit as someone wrote recently.

And it is the �action� of linking our Spirit to our Soul and Through our Emotions

that enables one to ascend.

This is �what Ascension is about� really.

As one can �only go so far� in their human ascension in �only� linking to their Spirit.

Being in spirit alone will not �suffice� or will only �take us to a certain point

or place� and then we will feel, we �need more than this�.

The Human body/being is the CENTRAL POINT between the Spirit and the Soul (in a way)

of that if one is purely operating from the astrals or their Spirit and not feeling and

connecting and integrating in the human being, through their emotions then dis-ease �comes

into play�.

If one is operating from in Spirit and the astrals only, then one becomes �top-heavy�

in Spirit and due to their being a disconnection from ones deeper emotions, the body will suffer

for this, eventually or now, it depends on each person.

�Our Body is our Barometer of the Soul (Annette Noontil).

As in our emotions are the key.

As our body is like a ship and our emotions are like our ships rudder.


And this is a process and can take time, layer after layer, level after level of peeling

off the old masks and emotions that have kept us �alive�.

For us to gently let go and to be very real and honest with ourselves in a way, that we

may have not done so before.

And if someone jumps in and says �I have done this� then this is a very brave soul

that does so.

As there is more, always more to this.

As this is not only �us here� this is Ancient and bloodlines, DNA and Generational

healing as well.

Through us, of healing our masculine and feminine for us ALL.

May you find the peace, love and joy that is within us all.

May this reading assist you in coming home to yourself, in feeling and recognising that

this is �bigger than just us�.

That it is time to rise and shine, in a way like no other for yourself.

That we do need to lighten the fuck up with this, truly we do.


�This is a sign of healing.

Your DIVINE HEALING POWER HAS AWAKENED and you feel compelled to help others to heal.

Just as you�ve been healed, so too do you want others to enjoy health and vitality.

You�re supported in making life changes so that you can continue to heal yourself

and others.

LET GO of any fears or restrictive thinking to fully open the MIRACLES of HEALING.

An illness or injury is healed or healing.

You are a healer.

It is a good and safe time for you to change to a healing career.

Study healing modalities�.


�This is about learning and teaching.

You�ve learned a lot from your experiences and relationships, and now it�s time to

pass that knowledge along to others.

Your current situation is bringing you opportunities for spiritual growth and teaching you some

important life lessons.

As soon as you understand and accept these lessons, OLD PATTERNS WILL DROP AWAY and be


This person or situation is bringing you important life lessons.

As yourself �What�s the blessing that this situation has brought to me?�.

Your life purpose involves teaching.

Forgive a teacher rom your past.

You are urged to teach others�.


�To find your desired outcome, follow the path of joy.

Your life�s purpose is supported by the joy and passion you feel when you�re thinking

about working on your purpose.

The joy that you feel within relationships keeps them alive, exciting and growing.

The joy that comes from your hobbies, gives you extra energy.

Of all the emotions, joy has the highest energy vibration.

Joy (insert your name here) has the power to removal all obstacles and attract all of

your needs.

Joy reminds us that we needn�t suffer at all.

We can fulfill our purpose, help ourselves and others, and heal through the power of


Stay positive and filled with faith to manifest your desires into reality.

Find the humour in this situation.

Enjoy a good laugh.

Develop hobbies that bring you pleasure.

To find your life�s purpose, do what brings you joy�.


�This is is a time for you to say persistent.

Give any discouragement to Lugh and the angels, who will buoy your faith and give you signs

of your progress.

You�re almost there, so keep going.

It may help to break large projects to smaller steps so that you�ll feel the thrill of

accomplishment with each step that you take.

Persistence pays off.

Stick with it.

Over come procrastination tendencies and take action today.

Stick to your priorities and promises.

Chip away at your dreams and desires with daily action steps.

Stay positive and visualize your dreams as already manifested.

Commit to your dreams for the long haul�.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – New Gateway Energy - Duration: 7:59.


반도리/한글자막] 뒤죽박죽 이상한 과자교실 #OP 하자와 커피점의 과자교실 - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> 반도리/한글자막] 뒤죽박죽 이상한 과자교실 #OP 하자와 커피점의 과자교실 - Duration: 6:13.


15 Most Horrifying Streets on Earth - Duration: 9:04.

• What dangerous mountain road was carved out by 13 villagers with chisels?

What country has a "road of death" that kills 300 people a year… but is still loved

by tourists?

These 15 roads and trails are some of the scariest you can find anywhere.

15 – BR-116, Brazil • This is a road that features basically

every danger imaginable, and it's the second-longest highway in Brazil.

• It's a well-known hub for child sex trafficking, and has the highest concentration

of big-rigs anywhere in the country.

• That, combined with unstable weather conditions and bad road surfaces, make some of the winding

mountain paths especially stressful.

Get past all that, and you still have armed gangs to contend with.

14 – Trails in Hawai'I Volcanoes National Park

• There aren't so much places to drive here, but there are about 150 miles of hiking

trails around active volcanoes.

• And believe it or not, the volcanoes aren't even the most threatening aspect.

It's the rugged terrain that strands hikers on a regular basis.

• Park officials had to conduct 21 search-and-rescue missions for stranded hikers in 2011, all

of them by foot.

The terrain is so uneven, neither land vehicles nor helicopters can be used for rescue operations.

13 – The Widow-maker, UK • The A537 in Cheshire country is only about

7 miles, or 12 kilometers, long.

Yet it is the site of a fatal car crash at a rate of about once a month.

• Known locally as the "Cat and Fiddle," this stretch is marked with sharp bends and

steep falls, and it is well-travelled by tourists and motorcyclists.

• The majority of the casualties there are a combination of the two – tourists on motorcycles.

12 – Atlantic Road, Norway • This is one of the most scenic roads in

the world, as it spans a number of islands surrounded by expansive ocean views on both


• The road is extremely popular with tourists because of the views, and the rollercoaster-like

nature of the road.

• However, storms can roll in quickly, causing wind gusts of over 30 miles per hour, and

huge waves that crash up over the road's surface.

• And those storms roll in quickly, and without warning.

It's easy to get stuck out there until the storm has passed by.

11 – The coast roads, Croatia • Croatia features a number of winding serpentine

roads, but those along the coast, like the Adriatic Highway, feature the most danger.

• These are mostly two-lane highways, with a sheer cliff into the ocean on one side,

and a rock wall on the other, with very little room in between.

• This is a bad combination with Croatians' notoriously fast driving habits.

10 – The Stelvio Pass, Italy • The highest paved road in the Eastern

Alps is a winding road full of hairpin turns that looks like it came out of a cartoon.

• The scenery is great, but narrow passages take you all the way to the top of the mountain.

By the time you're there, you've gone up about 18 hundred meters, or over a mile

in elevation.

• You'll also have a number of one-lane rock tunnels to navigate on the way.

9 – Federal Highway 1, Mexico • This road is over a thousand miles long,

and spans the entire length of Mexico's Baja Peninsula before becoming Highway 5 in


• It carries almost all the traffic on the peninsula, and is in awful condition.

Nearly all of the road is two lines, is full of blind corners and offers very little in

the way of guardrails or shoulders.

• Where there are guardrails, it's common to see breaks in them where cars missed their

turns and broke right through.

8 – James Dalton Highway, Alaska • The Dalton is over 400 miles long, is

mostly unpaved, and is usually snow-covered.

• There is no cell phone coverage, and the entire road is nearly devoid of all civilization.

Over the 400-mile stretch, there are exactly three gas stations.

• Because it's impossible to go at high speeds on this road, the trip usually takes

upwards of 12-to-14 hours to drive the entire length, and the entire thing is littered with

crosses where drivers lost their lives.

7 – The Zoji Pass, India • A narrow mountain road is scary enough

when it has adequate safety features.

• The Zoji pass is a one-lane, unpaved road with an uneven surface, that hugs a sheer

drop of thousands of feet to the valley below.

• It's closed for roughly half the year because of inclement weather.

6 – Guoliang Tunnel, China • Here is yet another path dug into the

side of a mountain with a steep cliff on the side.

• Only this one was dug out over five years… by a collection of 13 villagers with hammers

and chisels.

• And it kind of looks like it.

The road is uneven and has rock outcroppings sticking out everywhere.

But at least it has a wall protecting drivers from sliding off the edge… in some places.

5 – Los Caracoles Pass, Chile • This is one of the most challenging roads

to drive in the entire world.

Like the Stelvio Pass in Italy, it navigates a steep mountain with a winding, coil-like


• Unlike that pass, this one forms the border with Argentina and is frequently closed due

to snow and rockfalls.

• Of course, even though this road looks scary, and it has claimed the lives of some

careless drivers, it has a fairly solid safety record, all things considered.

4 – , Pakistan • The highest paved international road in

the world is technically only paved on the Chinese side.

• On the Pakistani side, it's a dirt trail on the edge of a cliff with no guardrail,

no shoulder, and no room for error.

• Oh, and it frequently experiences flash floods and landslides.

3 – The Road of Death, Bolivia • One of the most popular tourist destinations

in Bolivia is the Death Road.

• …For some reason.

• Thousands of bikers take the path every year, even though it claims the lives of about

300 people annually.

• The path is punctuated by sharp turns, steep drops, and a road that thins out to

less the three meters wide at one point.

And yes, cars drive on it, too.

2 – The Highway of Death, Kuwait • This "road of death" is a bit different

than the last one.

The road itself is just a standard, straight desert highway known as Highway 80 connecting

Iraq and Kuwait.

• But during the Gulf War, it was the site of one of the more controversial actions in

modern military history.

• When coalition aircraft noticed a convoy of Iraqi troops in military vehicles travelling

north in an apparent retreat, they bombed the front and back of the convoy along the

road, cutting off any chance for escape.

• For the next 10 hours, air strikes continued to pour into everything stuck in the middle,

destroying thousands of vehicles and their drivers.

• The scenes of utter destruction were some of the most shocking in the entire conflict,

so much so that combat operations ended the next day.

1 – Kabul-Jalalabad Highway, Afghanistan • This winding mountain pass features fast

drivers and overloaded trucks that get stuck and slide back when trying to climb.

• But it also runs through Taliban territory, and is a key road for trade, humanitarian

aid and military supplies.

• So in addition to the normal dangers of driving on a narrow, gravel mountain road,

there's also the threat of people taking potshots at your car, or driving over roadside


For more infomation >> 15 Most Horrifying Streets on Earth - Duration: 9:04.


This Kid Is The World's Biggest YouTube Celebrity - Duration: 3:44.

You know it's the 21st century when a child who only recently gained the ability to practice

basic motor functions is having more success at the age of 6 than you might over your whole


Meet Ryan, who over the last couple of years has become among the most viewed YouTubers

in the U.S. Yes, it may be hard to believe, but it's true: this 6-year-old is the world's

biggest YouTube celebrity.

Unpacking Ryan ToysReview

Ryan became such a big deal thanks to his YouTube channel, Ryan ToysReview.

As the name suggests, it features videos of Ryan unboxing new toys, playing with them,

and then giving his candid opinion about whether the toys are actually fun or not.

In an age where many YouTube videos seem staged and overproduced, Ryan's natural charm has

been a welcome antidote for many fans.

His parents started it

In what might be considered a sign of the apocalypse, Ryan ToysReview began when Ryan

asked his mother, "How come I'm not on YouTube when all the other kids are?"

They responded by setting him up with his own channel.

But his father told Tubefilter that he actually had an alternative motive for putting the

channel together.

"Ryan has a lot of extended family outside of the U.S.

So YouTube was a great way to share childhood memories with them.

It's also a great way for us to spend more time together as a family and to bond with


Entertainment factor

Unboxing videos have been popular on YouTube for a long time, but Ryan's stand out from

the rest because not only are they entertaining, they are actually useful.

Getting the perspective of a kid helps parents and children alike decide whether or not a

toy is worth buying, or whether maybe it's just not as fun as the advertising suggests.

But unboxing isn't all Ryan does.

On the sister channel Ryan's Family Review, the whole clan gets in on the action, branching

out into game nights, trips to the amusement park, or fact finding expeditions to the toy


Ryan isn't just a celebrity - he's a brand with billions upon billions of views.

Those toys

While cynics may wonder if toy companies are providing toys to Ryan in exchange for positive

reviews, his parents insist that isn't the case.

Instead, they buy all the toys themselves.

In fact, they buy so many toys, they have an entire room in their house dedicated just

to storing toys.

Don't worry, though, Ryan isn't a hoarder.

Once he's done with his reviews, most of the toys end up donated to charity.

Nice job, Ryan!

Play money

Ryan may spend his time playing with toys, but the money he's making is very, very real.

Exactly how much a YouTuber makes is always hard to guess, but Nailbuzz estimates that

Ryan's net worth is already a cool $20 million.

In fact, Ryan makes so much money these days that his mother ended up quitting her job

as a high school chemistry teacher in order to focus full-time on producing Ryan's YouTube


Sounds like a formula for success.

The channel ends when Ryan wants it to

Before you get worried that Ryan is being exploited, though, Ryan's mother is quick

to say that the channel only exists as long as Ryan wants to keep doing it.

If he ever decides he's had enough, they will respect his wishes and pull the plug.

Here's hoping that day never comes, though, because without Ryan's guidance, how will

America know what toys to buy?

For all our sakes, let's hope Ryan keeps having as much fun making his videos as we have watching


Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Kid Is The World's Biggest YouTube Celebrity - Duration: 3:44.


Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Temple run 2 Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 9:10.

Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Temple run 2 Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Baby Learn Colors with Temple run 2 Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 9:10.


Radio Tâm Sự 13: Yêu Một Người Trưởng Thành - Shinichi Phạm - Duration: 35:32.

For more infomation >> Radio Tâm Sự 13: Yêu Một Người Trưởng Thành - Shinichi Phạm - Duration: 35:32.


[AMV] Matt || Anything ( sub.español ) - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> [AMV] Matt || Anything ( sub.español ) - Duration: 0:43.


BUFFALO BUFFALO Magnetic Poetry Set - Kickstarter Video - Duration: 1:28.

- [Narrator] Tired of having too many choices

in your day to day life?

Overwhelmed by the limitless potential

and unbridled verbosity of your magnetic poetry set?

Tired of being able to express yourself

whenever and however you feel?

(booing crowd)

Your solution is here, and it is Buffalo,

a refrigerator magnet set,

where every word is the word Buffalo.

This is a proper, grammatically correct, English sentence,

it means buffalo from the city, Buffalo,

buffalo, that means confuse or intimidate

buffalo, that are also from Buffalo.

Buffalo refrigerator magnets let you create

perfectly correct English sentences of any length,

leaving virtually no room for confusing self expression.

(audience applauding)


People will love you at parties,

your coworkers will buffalo,

- Buffalo! - Buffalo!


- Buffalo!

- [Narrator] When life is simpler, it's more buffalo.


- Buffalo.

- Buffalo?

- Mark Ruffalo? - Buffalo?

- Buffalo. - Buffalo?

- Buffalo. - Buffalo?

- Yes!


- [Narrator] A great gift for buffalo and buffalo alike.

Buffalo now and we'll buffalo you in time for the holidays,

also you can get this add-on pack of emojis.

Buffalo Magnet set is a real product

intended for joke sentences only.

Buffalo Enterprises LLC makes no warranty

that your friends will ever like you

or you will ever find happiness.

Use of Buffalo Magnet Set is recommended

only for humans above the age of 5.

If Buffalo magnets are placed in eyes,

rinse with lukewarm water

and contact a poison control center immediately.

Void where prohibited, especially in California.

Share us on Facebook.

For more infomation >> BUFFALO BUFFALO Magnetic Poetry Set - Kickstarter Video - Duration: 1:28.


Ty Dolla $ign & Future - Darkside feat. Kiiara (from Bright: The Album) Lyrics - Duration: 3:55.

Ty Dolla $ign & Future - Darkside feat. Kiiara (from Bright: The Album)

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