Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

hello and welcome to low-budget gaming and welcome to yet another free game

alert and today's free game is Syberia and this is being given away by GOG and

this is free for the next two days so head over to gog and collect the game

Syberia is a point-and-click adventure game from the early 2000s there are

three games in total first two came out in the early 2000s 2002 and 2004 the

third one came out earlier this year and that third one is also on sale right now

but the first one is free right now so definitely claim this this is one of

my favorite series I loved playing the first two games also if you already own

Syberia 1 & 2 on Steam you can get DRM free versions on GOG as well and add it

to your GOG library so in order to do that head over to GOG connect now if

you're not familiar GOG connect is gog service where they offer certain games

from time to time for you for free if you already own them on Steam so right

now they are offering the two Syberia games so what you need to do is you need

to connect your gog account and your steam account and depending on what

games are available you can get them for free so since I already had one and to

Syberia on Steam I claimed both the games here as well so now I have two

copies of the game obviously the Steam version and the DRM free version on GOG

as well so that's a nice little thing to have as well so definitely check this

out if you already have them but otherwise definitely claim the first

game it is free and it is free for the next two days so make sure you get it

before them and make sure to tell your friends and family about this as well so

they can also get the game consider sharing this video on Twitter etc if you

want yeah thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one

For more infomation >> FREE Game Alert - Syberia ( - Duration: 1:50.


THE MONROES - Drink To That - Duration: 3:10.

When night is young 'n' I just got paid

Ain't gonna drown my sorrows in the shade

Gonna go out walkin' on the avenue

Tonite I'll get so high I`m over you

Bet'cha bottom dollar if you got one to spare

You can't take it with you so blow it while it`s there

I'll drink to that I'll drink to that

When the game is up 'n' the chips are down

And it seems your whole world's spinnin' upside down

When your lover's gone and it's all gone wrong

When the nights are too damn short 'n days too long

You can't take it with you boy cause this is where it's at

I'll drink to that You bet your hat

Lady Luck is a knocking at your door

One thing's for sure

I need some love like I never needed love before

I need some more

Till were on the floor

Let's drink some more

I'll drink to that

When the beat goes on

And it all breaks down

And the bands so high their feet don't touch the ground

Give the boys a hand

Time to make you stand

Just gimme something I can understand

Cause it ain't out there waiting somewhere this is where it's at

I'll drink to that

You bet your hat

I'll drink to god

I'll drink the lot

I'll drink to god damn anything you got

Cause it ain't out there waiting somewhere this is were it's at

I'll drink to that

Feet on the mat

You bet your hat

I'll drink to that

For more infomation >> THE MONROES - Drink To That - Duration: 3:10.


반도리/한글자막] 뒤죽박죽 이상한 과자교실 #1 의외의 참가자 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 반도리/한글자막] 뒤죽박죽 이상한 과자교실 #1 의외의 참가자 - Duration: 5:40.


JustPierre - XO Tour Llif3 [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 2:50.

Alright Alright

I believe in God so I'm alright If you confess with your mouth that Jesus

is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved

Child, hold your head, don't cry On the real, He would never lie

For our sins, Jesus gave His life He said, "It is finished", then He died

But this ain't where it ends He rose from the dead

Did just what He said He rose from the dead

Put nails in His hand But He rose from the dead

Yeah, He rose from the dead Jesus loves you, yeah, you're precious in

His sight He called you the apple of His eye

No matter what you're facing in this life Just know that He's right there by your side

In Him, I am resting He saved me from suicidal thoughts and deep

depression And He can save you too, yeah, He can save

you if you let Him Just quit the second guessing and receive

the gospel message Yeah, trust me, I'm a witness, yo

Just when I was feeling low, He stepped in and healed my soul

Took everything I did before and through it in that river, bro

Not to be remembered, no, Jesus is our living hope

Whoa Child, hold your head, don't cry

On the real, He would never lie For our sins, Jesus gave His life

He said, "It is finished", then He died But this ain't where it ends

He rose from the dead Did just what He said

He rose from the dead Crown of thorns on His head

But He rose from the dead Yeah, He rose from the dead

Alright Alright

I believe in God so I'm alright Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord

Jesus Christ!

According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through

the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable,

undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded

through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time

For more infomation >> JustPierre - XO Tour Llif3 [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 2:50.


Heart of Time FWC Pulse Rifle In-Depth Review! Best Pulse Rifle? - Duration: 4:47.

Hi guardians, today we are going to review a unique weapon the future war cult pulse

rifle the heart of time.

This is the pulse rifle that could have been sold during the first faction rally, but as

you all know dead orbit has won that time so we did not manage to get that weapon.

With the second faction rally happening now this weapon came back in the weapon pool of

future war cult and I was lucky enough to get one drop for me.

I was very excited about this weapon because this is one of the few fast firing legendary

pulse rifles in the game, and on top of that this is also one of the few weapons that has

dragon fly which is essentially the firefly from destiny 1.

This is the perk that causes a small explosion when you hit a precision kill, which is very

useful for crowd control in pve.

The heart of time sits in the 540 rounds per minute archetype like the Iron Banner The

Time Worn spire and the Lincoln Green.

It has the Rapid Fire Frame, Candle PS and the

Impulse MS3 sights Steady Rounds

Tactical Mag And Dragonfly

I like to use the Candle scope which is nice and clean, and tactical mag because without

it I find the reload speed a bit too slow for this gun.

So how does this gun performs in PvP.

Well it is a very fun gun to use, it really feels like playing with the Clever Dragon

back from Destiny 1.

For those who are not familiar with it the Clever Dragon was for a time dominating in

destiny 1 until they nerfed it.

But this gun is in no way as powerful as the clever dragon back in Vanilla Destiny, it's

great on the medium range but if you go a bit further than that then the damage fall

off is very noticeable and you will not be able to compete with auto rifles or scouts.

I like to use this gun on small to medium maps and I like to pair it up with the Sondok-C

submachine gun in my kinetic slot, because I am still not lucky enough to get an Antiope-d

drop for me.

For those who dont know it the Sondok-C is basically the blue version of the Antiope-D,

I made a video about this you can find the link in the description below or in the right

hand corner as a youtube card.

The submachine gun in my kinetic will cover the short range, and the heart of time will

do its job in the medium range, and as mentioned before stay out of the long range you won't

be able to compete with scouts and auto rifles.

The gun does bounce a bit but it is totally manageable, if you want you can use counterbalance

mod to improve that a bit.

I did just fine without it though.

I do find the reload speed a bit too slow for me, most of the time when I run out of

bullets I will just switch to my kinetic weapon instead of reloading because the reload time

is so slow.

You will find very often that you will need to disengage and find a safe spot where you

have time to reload all the weapons again.

And this can really slow your pace when you are on a good killing spree, so you just have

to be cautious with that.

The final perk dragonfly will not be that useful in Pvp, sometimes it does it work well

when guardians are clumped up together but that is very rare.

You will find better use with this in Pve where ads are more often clumped up together,

especially in public events.

The weakness of the fast firing pulses in PVE is very noticeable in their damage output,

the dps is lower than the popular auto rifles and the damage fall off can be quite drastic

when you pass the medium range.

This is a bit evened out with the usefulness of the Dragonfly perk, which will up the value

of this gun in PVE.

So having said all of this the heart of time is a very solid gun for both Pvp and PVe.

However at this time of the video I really need to compare this gun with the Iron Banner

Pulse rifle the Time Worn spire.

And when you put them together you will see that The Time-worn spire is better than the

heart of time in all aspects.

The range, stability, reload, and aim assist are all better than the heart of time.

Don't get me wrong the Heart of Time is still a very good pulse rifle, however I do need

to address the differences in order to make these reviews as objective as possible.

If you want to know more about the time-worn spire have a look at my in-depth weapon review


So the heart of time is a very solid gun , but unfortunately it does lack a bit when you

compare it with the time-worn spire and thus I am going to give this future war cult pulse

rifle a solid B.

Thank you so much for watching this video, I really had a great time testing this gun

in pvp and pve, the fast firing pulse rifles are really a good change from using auto rifles


I highly recommend you to try out this gun it is really fun.

Let me know which gun you want me to review next in the comments below.

Subscribe for more and as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Heart of Time FWC Pulse Rifle In-Depth Review! Best Pulse Rifle? - Duration: 4:47.


Tech Vlog #13: My drone is not flying ! What is the problem ? (Part 1) (Greek + English subs) - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Tech Vlog #13: My drone is not flying ! What is the problem ? (Part 1) (Greek + English subs) - Duration: 6:34.


Pileated woodpecker back to the wild after rehabilitation! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Pileated woodpecker back to the wild after rehabilitation! - Duration: 1:05.


Crawl Space Termite Gap, Do I Need One? Are Crawl Space Encapsulation Termite Gaps Necessary - Duration: 2:45.

Hey, there.

Michael Church, and I want you to take a look at this video.

We get a lot of questions about do I need a termite gap above the vapor barrier?

Stay tuned.


As you can see in this video, we've got a bit of a termite gap between the foam board

and the vapor barrier and the top of the sill plate.

The sill plate is that piece of wood that sits on the block and Tennessee, it is actually

code that you leave a 3" gap minimum.

You can go higher if you need to, but a minimum of 3" to show whether you've got termites

tunneling up from behind the vapor barrier up and trying to get access to the sill plate.

That's a great question.

Do you need a termite gap?

It would probably have to be brought to the code's department of your local municipality,

if you're living in some part of the country that doesn't have termites, don't need a termite


But here in Tennessee, we got a lot of subterranean termites.

They like to crawl up cinder block walls.

I've even seen termite tunnels hanging down from joists and it was connected to the floor,

probably three or four feet.

It's just amazing what those little critters can do.

Anyway, make sure that if you're in an area with termites that you leave that 3", so your

pest control company can take a look.

And like I said, keep those questions coming.

And oh, real quick.

See this behind me?

That's a crawl space door obviously.

I want to encourage you guys to make sure you start locking these doors.

That's one that I got a guy, a friend of mine that's in security, he said one of the biggest

things people are doing now are breaking into crawl spaces and then breaking into the house.

They get in here and then while you're gone they tunnel up into the house from the crawl

space door.

So, put an alarm on it or something.

If you need to, just do whatever you need to, to keep people out.

We even had a lady up in Sevierville.

She had a squatter living in her house for over a year in the crawl space.

So make sure you secure these doors.

So that's the crawl space tip of the day.

Thanks again for watching.

Please like our videos down below and subscribe to our channel.

Appreciate you telling everybody about us and maybe Crawl Space NINJA will be coming

near you soon.

Have a great day and make it a blessed day as well.


For more infomation >> Crawl Space Termite Gap, Do I Need One? Are Crawl Space Encapsulation Termite Gaps Necessary - Duration: 2:45.


Energy Update – New Gateway Energy - Duration: 7:59.

Energy Update � New Gateway Energy

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

A �New Veil� has been broken through of a New Gateway Energy

We have come through the other side of a �veil� is the message that comes from the Divine

over and over.

This happened, the breakthrough last night in AEST.

So much was done and healed in �dreams�, on the astrals/multi-dimensions, so resting/sleeping

and feeling so tired that one �couldn�t keep their eyes opened� was felt strongly.

Yet at the same time a �veil� is in place with those who we are close to � like a

barrier or veil that needs to be earned to be broken through to be on this side so-to-speak.

Through a New Veil.

Others who have not worked through their energies to raise their vibration, are not able to

pass through, to �our side� until they EARN this.

(When I say �sides� it is to form a picture of what I am seeing to explain what I am..there

are no sides of the Divine).

This makes it much easier in a way for us here on �this side�, this NEW OPENING


It is like seeing others who we are/were close to in the past behind like a glass pane, where

we can see them, and we can hear them faintly but we are not able to �cross-over� back

to them as they are not through this �veil� � yet.

These are usually souls that in the past, we have assisted in some way or another, and

now this New Veil is in place that we are �unable to do so�.

This has been extremely tough and challenging for those who we are very close to, especially

a family member or members, that this has now taken place, sort of �for us� energetically

of the Divine.

As I was writing this, I was guided to the Ascended Masters cards.

And it is for those Masters who are Ascending is what the message from Spirit that came

with this.

Those who feel so deeply and strongly of their coming home to themselves of their greater

empowerment of owning their Sovereignty in the �here and now�.

Those who are �ready� as this does need to be earned �make no mis-take about this�,

this is very true.

As �Ascension cannot be rushed, fooled or cheated�.

As really, Ascension is the �action of rising to a higher level�.

And not �new-age� bullshit as someone wrote recently.

And it is the �action� of linking our Spirit to our Soul and Through our Emotions

that enables one to ascend.

This is �what Ascension is about� really.

As one can �only go so far� in their human ascension in �only� linking to their Spirit.

Being in spirit alone will not �suffice� or will only �take us to a certain point

or place� and then we will feel, we �need more than this�.

The Human body/being is the CENTRAL POINT between the Spirit and the Soul (in a way)

of that if one is purely operating from the astrals or their Spirit and not feeling and

connecting and integrating in the human being, through their emotions then dis-ease �comes

into play�.

If one is operating from in Spirit and the astrals only, then one becomes �top-heavy�

in Spirit and due to their being a disconnection from ones deeper emotions, the body will suffer

for this, eventually or now, it depends on each person.

�Our Body is our Barometer of the Soul (Annette Noontil).

As in our emotions are the key.

As our body is like a ship and our emotions are like our ships rudder.


And this is a process and can take time, layer after layer, level after level of peeling

off the old masks and emotions that have kept us �alive�.

For us to gently let go and to be very real and honest with ourselves in a way, that we

may have not done so before.

And if someone jumps in and says �I have done this� then this is a very brave soul

that does so.

As there is more, always more to this.

As this is not only �us here� this is Ancient and bloodlines, DNA and Generational

healing as well.

Through us, of healing our masculine and feminine for us ALL.

May you find the peace, love and joy that is within us all.

May this reading assist you in coming home to yourself, in feeling and recognising that

this is �bigger than just us�.

That it is time to rise and shine, in a way like no other for yourself.

That we do need to lighten the fuck up with this, truly we do.


�This is a sign of healing.

Your DIVINE HEALING POWER HAS AWAKENED and you feel compelled to help others to heal.

Just as you�ve been healed, so too do you want others to enjoy health and vitality.

You�re supported in making life changes so that you can continue to heal yourself

and others.

LET GO of any fears or restrictive thinking to fully open the MIRACLES of HEALING.

An illness or injury is healed or healing.

You are a healer.

It is a good and safe time for you to change to a healing career.

Study healing modalities�.


�This is about learning and teaching.

You�ve learned a lot from your experiences and relationships, and now it�s time to

pass that knowledge along to others.

Your current situation is bringing you opportunities for spiritual growth and teaching you some

important life lessons.

As soon as you understand and accept these lessons, OLD PATTERNS WILL DROP AWAY and be


This person or situation is bringing you important life lessons.

As yourself �What�s the blessing that this situation has brought to me?�.

Your life purpose involves teaching.

Forgive a teacher rom your past.

You are urged to teach others�.


�To find your desired outcome, follow the path of joy.

Your life�s purpose is supported by the joy and passion you feel when you�re thinking

about working on your purpose.

The joy that you feel within relationships keeps them alive, exciting and growing.

The joy that comes from your hobbies, gives you extra energy.

Of all the emotions, joy has the highest energy vibration.

Joy (insert your name here) has the power to removal all obstacles and attract all of

your needs.

Joy reminds us that we needn�t suffer at all.

We can fulfill our purpose, help ourselves and others, and heal through the power of


Stay positive and filled with faith to manifest your desires into reality.

Find the humour in this situation.

Enjoy a good laugh.

Develop hobbies that bring you pleasure.

To find your life�s purpose, do what brings you joy�.


�This is is a time for you to say persistent.

Give any discouragement to Lugh and the angels, who will buoy your faith and give you signs

of your progress.

You�re almost there, so keep going.

It may help to break large projects to smaller steps so that you�ll feel the thrill of

accomplishment with each step that you take.

Persistence pays off.

Stick with it.

Over come procrastination tendencies and take action today.

Stick to your priorities and promises.

Chip away at your dreams and desires with daily action steps.

Stay positive and visualize your dreams as already manifested.

Commit to your dreams for the long haul�.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – New Gateway Energy - Duration: 7:59.


Two Mosques in Uskudar and Bakara Chapter of the Kuran - Duration: 2:51.

hello everyone welcome here is a video showing two different mosques in Uskudar

of Istanbul and I have voiced over the first 13 verses of the baqara chapter of

the Quran this is in Turkish however I have included the translation in this

video enjoy people Thank You, in the name of Allah, Alif LAAM Meem, in this book, there should be no misunderstanding, it is to guide the people to the right path...

the people of the book know the difference between right and wrong, they pray, and spend there good fortune...

on the path and proper guidance of Allah...

and they know the previous written books truth, plus they know the truth of the judgement day...

those are the ones that know the true path, and they are walking in this path...

and these are the ones that are saved...

the ones that do not believe, will not believe whatever you tell them...

these are the ones that have closed their eyes and ears and their eyes have a drape in front of them...

for them, there is a big awakening coming...

some of them say, they believe, but they actually don't...

they think they are fooling others and Allah, however they are actually fooling themselves...

in there hearts there is pain...

Allah has increased their pain because of the lies they speak...

there is further pain coming for them...

it is said to them to get along with everyone on this earth...

those are the ones that cause mischief, but they don't know this...

when we said to them, believe like others, they reply "why? you think we are stupid, like the others..."

be careful, because the true stupid are those who don't hear the truth...

but they don't know this...

For more infomation >> Two Mosques in Uskudar and Bakara Chapter of the Kuran - Duration: 2:51.


Good Samaritan used belt as tourniquet for shooting victim - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Good Samaritan used belt as tourniquet for shooting victim - Duration: 0:55.


Vamos Jogar Asphalt 8 Airborne #01 - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Vamos Jogar Asphalt 8 Airborne #01 - Duration: 4:30.


반도리/한글자막] 뒤죽박죽 이상한 과자교실 #OP 하자와 커피점의 과자교실 - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> 반도리/한글자막] 뒤죽박죽 이상한 과자교실 #OP 하자와 커피점의 과자교실 - Duration: 6:13.


Subway's High School Playbook School of the Week: Nov. 10 - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Subway's High School Playbook School of the Week: Nov. 10 - Duration: 2:24.


Daigo Presents "Kemonomichi" - Ogawa Joins the Battle!! ep2 - Duration: 4:04.

Kemonomichi Guilty Gear Showdown Ogawa of Light, Machabo of Darkness

Trusted Acquaintance GAZL | Koichi

They've always had a sort of rivalry.

I'm sure that's why you chose this match-up in the first place.

Understand that Machabo is essentially disliked by the Guilty Gear community.

Like, a hundred percent.

In June 2017, a certain Machabo interview created a stir within the GG community.

"Even becoming the world champion in Guilty Gear didn't bring me happiness."

That article was horrendous.

Everyone should be mad about that.

Like, do you have absolutely no gratitude toward Guilty Gear?

I think he should apologize to all GG players.

That's how tactless I think that was.

To the general public, Machabo appears to be the one on the "light" side.

He's the one who makes all the media appearances, and meanwhile Oga-chan (Ogawa) gets treated like bad guy.

I think it should be the other way around. Oga-chan is light, Machabo is the dark one.

I mean, I don't really have anything against Machabo.

But I think when you put those two on screen, people will be like, "Let's go, Machabo!"

Meanwhile the GG community will be saying, "Let's go, Ogawa!"

Regarding Machabo's interview remarks: "Even becoming the world champion in Guilty Gear didn't bring me happiness."

Challenger Zato Ogawa Why has he even been playing this game?"

I mean, I'd like to ask him.

"If it didn't bring you happiness, why are you still playing?"

If I'm being honest...

...I'm pretty blessed with great people in my life.

I'm probably more or less on the "happy" side.

He is loved.

Toshinsai 2017 Teammate Kansai Guilty Gear Community Rukky

Ogawa gives me his perspective on things.

I take a lot away from his insights.

There's sort of a moé-character thing going on....

"Toshinsai 2017 Teammate Korea Guilty Gear Community Daru"

He's incredibly studious.

And he's an incredibly consistent player.

Actually talking to him, I found him to be an interesting guy.

The Toshinsai victory was all thanks to my teammates.

They acted as tremendous defenders at every pivotal moment.

It was my first great win in awhile.

I was so happy.

Ogawa found happiness in Guilty Gear.

Machabo became the world champion and yet found no happiness.

I'm not just saying this. Sometimes I really worry about Oga-chan.

(Without Guilty Gear) I'm pretty sure he'd be dead.

He lives like there's no tomorrow. I don't want him to misstep.

He's the kind of person who has to have something to focus on.

It's not about Guilty Gear for Oga-chan,

it's about Zato.

Talk all you want about Guilty Gear, but it's Zato that gives Oga-chan's life purpose.

When Zato gets weaker, Oga-chan gets weaker.

When they make Zato a fun character, Oga-chan becomes a fun guy.

When people talk trash about Zato, Oga-chan gets mad as though it's him they've insulted.

They're synchronized.

Machabo goes through life making light of that stuff.

"Zato must be all you have in life." Machabo knows that, y'see.

We've got to show Machabo an Ogawa he's never seen before, or there's no chance he'll win.

I mean even then...

Oga-chan can't beat him.

That in itself is fascinating.

It's because I know he probably can't win...

...that I want him to win.

"Coming up next: Ogawa receives a video letter"

For more infomation >> Daigo Presents "Kemonomichi" - Ogawa Joins the Battle!! ep2 - Duration: 4:04.





NFL Commissioner Just Woke To The Worst News Of His Life When He Saw Who Sued Him Overnight. - Duration: 5:16.

NFL Commissioner Just Woke To The Worst News Of His Life When He Saw Who Sued Him Overnight.

Sometimes even the greatest friendships fail, and duos like Sonny and Cher find themselves

at an impasse where they just can't get along.

That seems to be the case with National Football League Commissioner Rodger Goodell and what

was formerly known as "America's team" owner, Jerry Jones.

Jones is the longtime owner of the Dallas Cowboys and has worked quite a bit with Goodell.

He knows what the good, the bad, and the ugly are in the NFL, and he knows who is responsible

for it.

Every team owner has a vested interest in the league doing well, and at this point,

it has become clear that Goodell isn't what's good for the league.

The National Anthem protest that led to the largest nationwide NFL boycott in history

has hit the league's bottom line hard, and the trickle-down effect to the teams has been

incredibly detrimental.

That means that the commissioner, who is supposed to be looking out for the good of the league,

isn't doing his job, and Jones intends to do something about it.

Daily Mail reports that Jones, who has been threatening to sue the NFL has now decided

the best course of action will be to block commissioner Goodell's contract from being


It's safe to say that Goodell isn't thrilled with the proposition:

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is reportedly threatening to sue the NFL and several owners

over contract negotiations with embattled commissioner Roger Goodell, going so far as

to hire high-profile lawyer David Boies, who defended scandalized Hollywood executive Harvey

Weinstein against accusations of sexual harassment.

Goodell's contract is set to expire in 2018, and although Jones is not on the committee

responsible for negotiating a new deal, the Cowboys owner is threatening to serve legal

papers if the committee extends the NFL Commissioner, according to the New York Times.

Jones declined to comment through a team spokesman.

A spokesman for Boies also declined to comment.

The NFL protest wasn't the first issue that Jones had with the commissioner.

Undoubtedly, the commissioner has to make some tough choices, even ones that might infuriate

the teams or the owners, and up to now, everyone has accepted that.

However, the differences between now and then is that when it came to tough decisions that

were detrimental to an individual time, like benching a player, Goodell has no problem

with it.

But when a whole slew of owners asked him to make a decision that would be good for

the league but would tick-off the social justice warriors, the man seems to have his hands

inexplicably tied behind his back.

"Jones's issue with Goodell ostensibly began when the Commissioner suspended Cowboys

running back Ezekiel Elliott for six games back in August after the former Ohio State

star was accused of domestic violence by his former girlfriend, Tiffany Thompson.

Elliott, however, has remained on the field thanks to a series of rulings and court appeals.

Last week the second-year running back was granted an emergency injunction that lifted

the suspension again and allowed him to play in Sunday's 28-17 win over the visiting

Kansas City Chiefs.

According to the report, Jones told the owners of the Chiefs, Atlanta Falcons, New York Giants,

New England Patriots, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Houston Texans that legal papers had been

drawn up and would be served if the negotiating committee decided to extend Goodell's deal.

Jones was a nonvoting member of the owners committee that is negotiating Goodell's

extension, but the six aforementioned owners recently revoked that status after he told

them of his plans to sue, according to the report.

Goodell's salary is no longer disclosed publicly since the NFL changed its tax status

in 2015.

But he did earn $34.1 million in 2014 and was paid a whopping $174.1 million over the

first seven years of his tenure as commissioner."

Jones has referred to Elliott's suspension as an 'overcorrection' for Goodell, who

admittedly mishandled the suspension of former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice back

in 2014.

Goodell first suspended Rice only two games after [a] video emerged of the former Rutgers

star dragging his unconscious fiancée out of an elevator at an Atlantic City casino.

However, that suspension was extended indefinitely after another video was released depicting

Rice striking his fiancée in the elevator.

Rice has been out of the NFL ever since.

Jones has questioned the suspension of Elliott, who has maintained his innocence.

In fact, Ohio prosecutors decided against pursuing a case against Elliott last year.

'Zeke is a victim of an overcorrection,' Jones said in an October radio interview."

Perhaps Jones is right, and Goodell could have fallen back on his desire to only do

what was best for the league and that Elliot was in the wrong place at the wrong time to

get the kind of reputation that the league wanted no part of.

He still could have probably gotten away with that reasoning had it not been for this confounded


This commissioner sticking to these guns and letting the players do something that is ripping

the league apart is proof positive that whatever is motivating Goodell isn't what's good

for the league, and Jones plans to do something about it.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> NFL Commissioner Just Woke To The Worst News Of His Life When He Saw Who Sued Him Overnight. - Duration: 5:16.


This Kid Is The World's Biggest YouTube Celebrity - Duration: 3:44.

You know it's the 21st century when a child who only recently gained the ability to practice

basic motor functions is having more success at the age of 6 than you might over your whole


Meet Ryan, who over the last couple of years has become among the most viewed YouTubers

in the U.S. Yes, it may be hard to believe, but it's true: this 6-year-old is the world's

biggest YouTube celebrity.

Unpacking Ryan ToysReview

Ryan became such a big deal thanks to his YouTube channel, Ryan ToysReview.

As the name suggests, it features videos of Ryan unboxing new toys, playing with them,

and then giving his candid opinion about whether the toys are actually fun or not.

In an age where many YouTube videos seem staged and overproduced, Ryan's natural charm has

been a welcome antidote for many fans.

His parents started it

In what might be considered a sign of the apocalypse, Ryan ToysReview began when Ryan

asked his mother, "How come I'm not on YouTube when all the other kids are?"

They responded by setting him up with his own channel.

But his father told Tubefilter that he actually had an alternative motive for putting the

channel together.

"Ryan has a lot of extended family outside of the U.S.

So YouTube was a great way to share childhood memories with them.

It's also a great way for us to spend more time together as a family and to bond with


Entertainment factor

Unboxing videos have been popular on YouTube for a long time, but Ryan's stand out from

the rest because not only are they entertaining, they are actually useful.

Getting the perspective of a kid helps parents and children alike decide whether or not a

toy is worth buying, or whether maybe it's just not as fun as the advertising suggests.

But unboxing isn't all Ryan does.

On the sister channel Ryan's Family Review, the whole clan gets in on the action, branching

out into game nights, trips to the amusement park, or fact finding expeditions to the toy


Ryan isn't just a celebrity - he's a brand with billions upon billions of views.

Those toys

While cynics may wonder if toy companies are providing toys to Ryan in exchange for positive

reviews, his parents insist that isn't the case.

Instead, they buy all the toys themselves.

In fact, they buy so many toys, they have an entire room in their house dedicated just

to storing toys.

Don't worry, though, Ryan isn't a hoarder.

Once he's done with his reviews, most of the toys end up donated to charity.

Nice job, Ryan!

Play money

Ryan may spend his time playing with toys, but the money he's making is very, very real.

Exactly how much a YouTuber makes is always hard to guess, but Nailbuzz estimates that

Ryan's net worth is already a cool $20 million.

In fact, Ryan makes so much money these days that his mother ended up quitting her job

as a high school chemistry teacher in order to focus full-time on producing Ryan's YouTube


Sounds like a formula for success.

The channel ends when Ryan wants it to

Before you get worried that Ryan is being exploited, though, Ryan's mother is quick

to say that the channel only exists as long as Ryan wants to keep doing it.

If he ever decides he's had enough, they will respect his wishes and pull the plug.

Here's hoping that day never comes, though, because without Ryan's guidance, how will

America know what toys to buy?

For all our sakes, let's hope Ryan keeps having as much fun making his videos as we have watching


Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Kid Is The World's Biggest YouTube Celebrity - Duration: 3:44.


Pennywise Dancing to Big Enough - Duration: 0:48.










For more infomation >> Pennywise Dancing to Big Enough - Duration: 0:48.


New Hope for Cancer Therapy - Duration: 3:05.

Welcome to Retirement Millionaire Daily's Weekly Update, where we answer questions from

readers like you.

Today, I'm really excited to be talking about a brand new study that just came out in the

journal Science.

The reason we're excited about this study is because it connects cancer therapy with

the gut bacteria that lives in everyone's bodies.

These collective healthy bacteria, called the microbiota, and they help with everything

from modulating our immune system to digesting our food.

Now the first thing you need to understand about this study is that antibiotics kill

bacteria… and they kill both good and bad bacteria, including the microbiota I talked


So what this study did is they looked at people who were undergoing cancer therapy, some of

whom had also recently taken antibiotics.

What they discovered is that people who took antibiotics actually had a much lower response

rate to their chemotherapy.

This is really ground-breaking stuff because they also found that people who had a certain

bacteria, Akkermansia muciniphilia, actually had much higher response rates.

And scientists are now starting to think that certain gut bugs, like the Akkermansia, actually

help with certain types of cancer therapy.

Now longtime readers are familiar with the fact that we've talked about the importance

of keeping your gut healthy for years… especially when it comes to the bacteria inside.

That's why we recommend things like probiotics that you can find in yogurt, kimchi, or even

in a few pills you can take now and then, especially after you're sick.

The same thing applies when you take antibiotics.

You really want to replenish that healthy bacteria.

Now another point of this study is that the cancer patients were actually receiving immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy is a new type of cancer treatment that's really been coming onto the scene in

the last couple years.

The reason we're excited about it is because there's so much promise.

The fact that it's actually taking care of cancers like melanoma, which are some of the

deadliest out there.

Now, immunotherapy works by basically training your own body's immune system to fight the

cancer cells.

This is great stuff.

And, in fact, it's something we've covered in our book, The Living Cure, which if you

already have a copy, you're familiar with.

And if you don't have a copy, you can get one on our bookstore, or even better - you

can get one if you come to our webinar next week.

In fact, on Wednesday, November 15, my boss, Dr. David Eifrig, is going to sit down with

Dave Lashmet, who's the editor of Stansberry Venture Technology.

They're going to talk all about immunotherapy and lots of great new advances in cancer research.

I really recommend you tune in and in fact, there's a link below to get you signed up.

So keep coming back and watching us every week.

Like, share, and subscribe.

And we'll see you next time.

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