Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

Yep, today I'm speaking about speaking- again. And that's because I don't care

what business you're in, from saddles to tools to high-end

services, it's the fastest way to build credibility, attract clients, and more

importantly to make money quickly. And today I'm helping you to get those gigs.

Hello there I'm Nafissa Shireen and welcome to

Living Forward TV, where we help you to create a thriving business you absolutely love

all around your personal freedom and each week we also bring you extra

resources that you can use in your business right away so you can get

results faster. today I'm giving you access to an in-depth training video

that I did where I share with you my six step system to get and keep yourself

fully booked with quality speaking gigs. If you're ready to get booked and get on

stages, then give me a quick like and make sure to grab a pen, grab a notebook, and

take a lot of notes, because we have a lot of content today and you're gonna

want to watch the video to the end. There's so much training and resources

out there on why you need to speak, how to write your talk, how to craft your

talk, how to perfect the offer, how to follow up, you get the picture, right? But

beyond a few tips and maybe some downloadable directories of where to

find gigs or venues, there's really not much training out there on how to

actually get the gigs and believe me if it existed, I'd have found it. Because

when I first started my business, it took me over a year to get booked and I just

kept getting one no after another and I was experienced at speaking. It was

heartbreaking and I was desperate. I was just looking for some kind of training

to help me and I couldn't find one. And if you've been struggling to get gigs or

you've been turned down or maybe you're actually holding back out of fear that

you're not going to get booked or your fear of rejection, you're not alone.

I'm telling you, simply downloading a list of venues or reaching out casually

to places you don't know or putting some feelers out there is just a recipe for

frustration and disappointment. I know because I experienced it. The first and

most crucial step in getting speaking gigs is to really shift your mindset

about this and to view it as a key part of your marketing system and you also

want to consider that getting the gigs is a system unto itself. I kind of geek

out over systems because they're predictable and when it works you can

repeat it, duplicate it, and get the same results. And if you're willing to do the

research, the preparation, and get organized, you're

gonna find that the time you invest upfront will save you months and months

of frustration and heartbreak. And here's something else that's really important,

before you ever reach out you want to be so prepared so the event host is

excited to hear from you. Remember they get bombarded with lots of

requests for people that want to be on their stage and you want to make sure

you get noticed and that they're gonna feel like you're a really good choice. I

once shared a car ride with an event host who told me that she gets so many people

asking to speak at her networking event and she really wanted to help them and

do something for them but she just couldn't put them on her stage. You know

why? Because they weren't Speakers. You see, event hosts,

they're really nice people. However as nice as they are and as much as they

truly do want you to succeed, they don't want you to make their stage your

testing ground. And you have to understand that when it comes to their

stage three things matter: 1) will this speaker fill the room 2) will he or she

hold the room and 3) will this person be drama-free and abide by our

guidelines. That's why the most important thing you can do before you ever reach

out is to really do an online search of yourself clean up your online presence.

And I really talk in more detail about this in our detailed training that you

can access below this video. And the next thing you want to make sure is that when

the event host looks you up, and yes they're all going to do that, that all of

your branding reflects that you are a speaker. Now you don't want to be too

detracting from your main brand or your main business. What you want to do is

simply enhance it by adding speaker to it. I'm going to give you a few ways you

can do that. The first thing you want to do is optimize your LinkedIn presence to

show that you're a speaker. And if you want to see what that looks like I will

put a link to my LinkedIn page below so you can see what I've done - you want to

put pictures of you speaking on all of your social media platforms so that

you're putting a message out there that you are a speaker.

The other thing you can do too is to simply add the word speaker to all your bios

and business cards and have testimonials ready to go. And finally have a speaker

kit ready. This way when you do reach out you'll

already stand out from the masses. You'll show that you're professional and the

event hosts won't even question whether you're a speaker and I tell you

in our detailed training below how you can actually get ahold of all my

templates on how I did this so that you can use it in your business. And even if

you've never spoken before I tell you what you need to do so that it's not an

issue. You know I really think this piece about being ultra prepared is probably

the most important piece of the puzzle when it comes to getting booked and I

encourage you to really really devote some quality time to it. It's once you're

prepared is when you want to do the, to start reaching out. And you want to start

researching places when you've prepared yourself so that's when you want might

download listings or go find places where your ideal client hangs out, attend

venues and make relationships, and then when you know where your ideal client is

hanging out and you're prepared, that's when you reach out. And here's probably

the next most important tip that I can give you: don't be wishy-washy. Don't make

it all about you. You want to make sure that the event host just

feels like you know what you're doing and you want to ask them how you can

serve them. Don't ask to speak, offer them what you think is the right talk for

their audience. Don't make them decide. And that's

another important thing, you know you don't want to be coming across that you

need a favor from them. That's the last thing they need. They're busy

and they want to get their events full so study their venue, see what they need,

and offer your talk with a clear title, let them know why you think it's good

for their audience, and this is going to show them that you've done the research,

that you've done the homework, and that you're there for them. And believe me you

will really really stand out and get noticed and again I go into this in

detail in our training below and I even tell you how you can get your hands on

my word-for-word scripts that I use when I reach out and they get me booked. So

you're gonna want to watch that and learn how to get them. And here's

something to remember, every talk you give isn't just to attract ideal clients.

I mean, that's your primary focus. It's also an advertisement to help you

get more gigs so you can attract more clients. So on the day of your talk keep

that in mind. Show up early, be helpful, stick to the

rules, and please don't use the f-bomb. I don't care if it's your brand.

I mean look, I've got a potty mouth, but I always respect someone else's stage

and even if you think it's okay or safe, just don't do it. Like at worst is

disrespectful, at best-- I mean at best is disrespectful, I would say at worst it

can kill your speaking career. And you know, finally, when your talk is over, make

sure you get someone to take pictures of you so that you can put them up all over

social media and shamelessly self-promote yourself as a speaker. That way

people will see you out there speaking and you'll get noticed by other other

event hosts and you will become sought-after.

Make sure that you watch our detailed training below this video and that's

gonna help you put all this into practice and happy bookings! If you found

today's episode helpful, please share it with someone who you know needs it and

subscribe to my channel. And I also want to hear from you, leave me a comment

below and let me know what you found most helpful today and if you have more

questions or you need more help then I'd love to invite you to join me in the

Living Forward Facebook Community. I come to you live each week on

"After the Episode" to take your questions and it's also a great place to network and

build your business. All you have to do is go to,

click the "Join Now" button and I'll see you on the inside.

For more infomation >> How to Get Speaking Gigs That Get You Clients - Duration: 8:41.



For more infomation >> 👽⚠ ▶ THE BEST VIEWS OVNIS November 2017, REAL OVNIS CATCHED BY CAMARA, REAL UFO - Duration: 8:19.


Ram Clear easy and fast | speed up your any android Device - Duration: 3:09.

Ram Clear easy and fast speed up your any android Device

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For more infomation >> Ram Clear easy and fast | speed up your any android Device - Duration: 3:09.


Farming Simulator 17 JCB 526-56 Telehandler - Duration: 16:08.

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