Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

This time we will go back to the year 2015

and will take you to a place that turned out to be very unique even for Poland

and one of the very few places in such good condition

which is full still today full of mystery

uncovering them took us a long time and many explorations

this is a huge factory complex spreading over many hectors of land

once employing thousands of workers

Because this is a very unique location and some parts of it remain active to this day

the factory's location as well as what it used to produce, will remain a secret

in this episode we will take you into the abandoned fallout shelter

and a storage area for civil defence supplies

and with this footage we start a new series of episodes from this area

We are entering the fallout shelter marked S-150

Civil defence storage

I am in a room with some kind of air filtration equipment

a manual crank

some loot crates

inside the crates are more parts for the air filter that is installed here

heavy... can't even lift it

some more of the same

but I won't open it

road signs...

I think it probably from around the area

this area covers something like 60 hectors of ground so it had normal roads

unguarded car park - 1 hour = 3 zloty

I'm sure this was part of the area

and what do we have here? Is it...

a radio

unfortunately its broken

an accumulator... I wonder if it still works?

doesn't work...

I'm disappointed :)

a calendar from the year 1990

and a telephone to urbex polska :)

more crates

kind of looks like ammo crates

some kind of rubber bands

some kind of instruction manual


the bags have begun to mold

from the moister that can be felt here

even new ones

someone was bored and stacked them

a medic armband

this is the most interesting... a training grenade

its good that no one has stolen anything

airsoft rifle pellets

we have some benches stacked here

no other furniture

more air filtration units just like at the entrance

also works

and to that...

an electric system with a button

- what did you say you noticed about the air filtration?

One is on this side

and this one is responsible for the row of corridors and rooms on this side

so there are two separate systems

and this is also puzzling

there air stairs up, a gate, but...

a concrete slab

and bricked up

why is it like this?

Emergency Exit - and it should be like this so did they do it on purpose?

if its like the other one, then its on purpose

in the next episode...

For more infomation >> Secret War Factory - Episode 01 (Fallout Shelter S-150) - Duration: 8:01.


Events races get a McLaren 675LT for freeeee #4 | Asphalt8 - Duration: 1:45:11.

For more infomation >> Events races get a McLaren 675LT for freeeee #4 | Asphalt8 - Duration: 1:45:11.


The Noob Trap - Brawlhalla - Duration: 4:38.

You're a spammer.

Get some skill and stop spamming.

You can only win by spamming.

You're going to be hearing this a lot in brawlhalla, especially at the lower ranks below platinum.

Weird enough, it'll happen when you beat your opponent more than when you lose to them.

But what does it really mean?

Did you do something really dishonorable?

Did you break some taboo?

Are you a plague on the community now that you have been labeled a spammer?

Absolutely not.

I see people asking a lot, someone called me a spammer, oh no, I don't wanna be a spammer,

how do I stop being a spammer?

Listen, you gotta chill ok?

You didn't break any laws, you're not a plague, and you didn't dishonor your family.

When someone calls you a spammer, the right way to respond is, thank you.

What it means is that you skillfully found the opponent's weakness and abused the ever

living juice out of it.

You squeezed them dry as hard as possible and made tears go down their eyes as they

find the only words they could utter after being destroyed by you, spammer.

Just think about it, do people who beat you ever call you spammer?

Why would they even do that, if they won then they knew how to beat you especially if you

were spamming a move that didn't make you win.

The only time you get called a spammer is when people keep running into the same moves

that you are doing and they get really pissed that they're so bad but don't want to admit


So their first instinct is not not blame themselve, but put the blame on you.

So then they go into ego protection mode and they turn getting hit too much by a certain

move into the enemy is a spammer with no skill and the lost didn't count cause bespammers

are bad and can only win because of cheap moves duh.

No, that's just wrong on so many levels.

Listen, if I can destroy someone in a 1 v 1 just by doing one move because they keep

running into it.

I will do that, easy elo.

It doesn't make me bad at the game, it doesn't make me a cheap dirty player.

It just makes them dumb enough to keep getting hit by the same move over and over again.

So don't fall for the spammer trap.

Don't be scared of people calling you a spammer, Don't avoid doing what you think is the best

against your opponent just so you can dodge the, "you're a spammer" comment.

You want to be called a spammer.

That's how you know you're doing good.

Not that using the same move over and over is that good.

In high elo, people will adapt to all your habits, you do side air three times in a row,

you're gonna get punished.

You keep ground pounding at the same time when you try to edge guard?

You're getting reversed edge guarded.

It's just that you mostly get called spammer in lower elo when you're doing good against

the enemy, and chances are, most of the time, you're not spamming at all.

Think about it, when you got called spammer, did you really do the same move more than

3 times in a row?

If not, you didn't spam, the enemy just kept getting hit by that move and it stood out

to them, that's it.

A lot of people especially in lower elo will also argue that it's only spamming if you

use signatures like more than 3 times in one stock.

There's this common agreement among players who has frail egos that signatures are unskillful

and only noobs do it.

No no no.

Signatures are a vital part of brawlhalla, there's a button that's mostly dedicated to

it out of 4 non movement buttons.

It is the only thing that makes a legend unique.

So you bet using signatures is intended and not unskillful, it's the opposite.

You have to really know your character to be able to use their signatures effectively

because they're way easier to punish than light attacks.

So if someone calls you a sig spammer, then again, say thank you because you probably

just used your signatures skillfully to destroy your opponent.

Good job.

Give yourself a pat on the back everytime you're called a sig spammer.

But you know, obviously don't blame me if you lose because you keep using sigs for no

reason, I take no responsibility for that.

So whenever you beat someone and they call you a spammer, wear that label with pride,

you have done nothing wrong.

Don't let the people with frail egos bring you down.

Rise above and keep playing and having fun.

Let those salty people drown in their salt as they call anyone who beats them for the

thousandth time a spammer so they can feel better about themselves.

Thanks for watching, like and subscribe if this helps you.

Keep beating the whiners who shout spammer and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> The Noob Trap - Brawlhalla - Duration: 4:38.


Domastic - Tonight (feat. Chris Linton) - Duration: 3:06.

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

Domastic - Tonight (feat.

Chris Linton)

For more infomation >> Domastic - Tonight (feat. Chris Linton) - Duration: 3:06.


Colores en el viento - Pocahontas (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Colores en el viento - Pocahontas (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 4:06.


Notes and Jokes Doctor in the Kingdom: A collection of true stories - Duration: 3:11.

Notes and Jokes Doctor in the Kingdom: A collection of true stories

By Osama Bahudila (Author) At those links:*Version*=1&*entries*=0*Version*=1&*entries*=0*Version*=1&*entries*=0*Version*=1&*entries*=0

For more infomation >> Notes and Jokes Doctor in the Kingdom: A collection of true stories - Duration: 3:11.


Sarah Talks About the Divisive Power of Fear | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 4:29.

- Hi, everybody!

- Thank you for tuning in on this,

the one-year anniversary of Trump losing the popular vote.


I know that came out hot and liberal, so let's see,

we have to say something for the other side too.

Emails, nothingburger, lock her up!

Okay, here we go. (audience laughing)

So this week is the one year

anniversary of the presidential election.

And it made me reflect on where I was a year ago, on Election night.

When it was finally official and Trump had won,

I felt something I'd never felt before,

which was this overwhelming... survival-based fear.

I had the sudden urge to buy a gun

and stockpile water and weapons and canned goods.

In an instant, I basically became a liberal doomsday prepper.

I really did.

Like I suddenly needed a vest

with like a thousand pockets.

And for the first time, I felt an actual kinship to the far-right

militia person who thought Obama would end the world.

I might as well build a bunker and sleep in there but, you know,

I need so many creams and... It's a whole process.

it wouldn't work.

But I realized it's that feeling or fear that makes us the same.

We are, all of us, both paralyzed and motivated by fear.

There's a famous Maya Angelou quote and it goes:

"Show me the Carfax."

That is not right...

That's not right.

It was, oh! It was... No.

"People will forget what you said,

people will forget what you did, but people will

never forget how you made them feel."

I do think she did the Carfax one as well.

But the point is that tapping into people's feelings is more

powerful than anything else. Facts really don't change people,

feelings change people.

When we hear facts that counter our beliefs,

we tend to just dig in deeper, you know?

and then the facts don't really matter do they?

If you told a climate change denier that humans contribute

to global warming, they would say that's a lie, it's a hoax.

Just like if someone tells me Obama was born in Kenya,

I'd be like, "That's simply not true."

Now granted, one of those "facts" comes from 97% of the

world's top scientists, and the other was written on, like, the

bathroom wall at the Golden Corral. But,

Still, it's hard for us to change what we believe,

unless something hits us right here. You know?

In our left tit.

It's a tongue twister you know.

Unless it hits us right here. In our left tit.

Left tit.

Sorry. I just spiraled off into my own world for a moment.

The most successful politicians are the ones who tap into feelings.

One example is Barrack Obama, who tapped into our hopes.

And another is Donald Trump,

who tapped into something possibly even

more powerful -- our fears.

It's powerful because we all fear so much -- real things, and things

that are just, not yet known to us. We fear the unkown, and that's

why Trump's campaign was so effective.

He took our fears and our rage and he gave us a place to put it all,

and that place was each other.

And when we're divided, we're easily controlled.

So the challenge - for all of us - is to resist divisiveness and try

to see ourselves in each other as best as we can.

As the saying goes,

"Be the change you wish to see in the Carfax."

God d***** that's such a f****** catchy ad.

For more infomation >> Sarah Talks About the Divisive Power of Fear | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 4:29.


DBD 🔴 Halloween war gestern, heute ist Dienstag - Duration: 3:29:15.

For more infomation >> DBD 🔴 Halloween war gestern, heute ist Dienstag - Duration: 3:29:15.


A Hat in Time #04 - To będzie hit! [Napisy PL] - Duration: 40:50.

For more infomation >> A Hat in Time #04 - To będzie hit! [Napisy PL] - Duration: 40:50.



Hi! my name is Angel Alferez

Welcome to my YouTube channel

Every Thursday at 20 p.m (Spain)

new video!

Today I bring a new video

These past weeks I've been very busy with work, studying for the motorcycle license and personal issues

And I didn't had the time to upload videos as regular as i wanted!

It's because of that, that I'm going to make some changes in the channel

And from now on I will upload videos once every 15 days

Because If I want to keep up talking about interesting issues I rather do it offering quality than quantity


This week I want to talk about coming out as a transgender at work!

An interesting topic for all of you that has planned to do it!

Or like in my case that already i've done it!

or me it was big step because I made public that i was trans

At the beginning I was very afraid

Especially of how the people would react about transition and transsexuality

I Even thought that maybe it could be a problem and be fired

Finally I did it because it was stupid to hide something that in the end everybody will notice with all the physical changes!

To talk about it I speak with one of my coworkers

That lived all my transition since I started working as female to today that I'm respected and recognized as male

So here's the video!

Today I'm on the place that I spend more hours: my job!

As you can see, i'm in company with one of my coworkers

Let me introduce Alma. She's one of my coworkers and we've been working together for almost 2,5 years!

And I wanted to talk with her to share her point of view and her experience about my transition here at work!

So let's begin!

Q: Before You knew me, Did you know anyone that were trans?

A: No I really never met anyone that is Trans, openly. You are the first trans person I know.

Q: What was your perception of a trans person, before knowing anyone from the trans community?

A: As I said before I've never met someone from the trans community. But I've never think something about it. Just a person like you are. A normal guy! And nothing different about it!

Q: You knew me as female (Angeles) and now male (Angel). What did you think when I told you I was doing HRT and the physical change to be male, and in conclusion I was transgender?

A: Sincerely It wasn't a big surprise for me. Maybe I thought about it some time but I didn't thought you actually was doing the physical change!

Q: Now talking about work. Did you think that being trans maybe could be a problem with the company, other coworkers or an affect to my job?

A: The first time that I met you I knew that you where serious and responsable, and yes I met you as female.

A: Not in any moment I thought that doing the transition would affect to do your job well or in your relationship with other coworkers!

Q: Now that you have seen all of my changes and you can see all of this with perspective.

Q: Did you think that really transitioning here, has affected to my work, company or with others?

A: I think that it's totally the opposite. Now seeing all with perspective i see you more confident, relaxed and more open to speak with others

A: Totally a positive experience that helped you was reflected in your work

For more infomation >> TRANSEXUALIDAD Y EL MUNDO LABORAL | Ang Alferez FTM - Duration: 8:00.


Arrow | Inside: Deathstroke Returns | The CW - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Arrow | Inside: Deathstroke Returns | The CW - Duration: 1:24.


Arrow 6x05 Inside "Deathstroke Returns" (HD) Season 6 Episode 5 Inside - Duration: 1:24.

- Sorry that was work.

- Don't apologize,

I appreciate the meeting.

- You helped me find my son.

The least I can do is help you find Joe.

- Episode 605 is called Death stroke Returns.

It was written by Ben Sokolowski

and a new writer to our staff, Spiro Skensos.

And it was directed by Joel Novoa.

- Thanks for coming kid.

- Let's go get your boy.

- We talked about having

Manu Bennett back on the show.

And this is the episode where we see him come back.

It sees Oliver and Slade teaming up

and going abroad to go and look

for Slade's son.

The thing the writer's were most excited

about with this episode was seeing

both Slade and Oliver

deal with being fathers.

Again, that's the overarching theme

of the year is family

and specifically with Oliver fatherhood.

- What are you doing here?

You're not SCPD.

- He's not and this is not a federal case.

- Still doesn't explain

what John Digger who works personal security

for the mayor is doing at a crime scene.

- At the same time

back in Star city,

the team is dealing with the fall out still

from the photograph of Oliver

that we saw st the end of 601.

The FBI is now on their tail

and interrogating everybody on the team

and, the thorn on the team side and really trying to drill

down and get to the bottom of who Oliver really is.

For more infomation >> Arrow 6x05 Inside "Deathstroke Returns" (HD) Season 6 Episode 5 Inside - Duration: 1:24.


Gunki TV - Monster Dutch Pike - Fish Spotting (French Subtitles) - Duration: 24:34.

For more infomation >> Gunki TV - Monster Dutch Pike - Fish Spotting (French Subtitles) - Duration: 24:34.


NFL Collapse: Monday's Game Was One of Lowest-Rated in History. - Duration: 3:23.

NFL Collapse: Monday's Game Was One of Lowest-Rated in History.

It's getting a bit superfluous to state that the NFL has a ratings problem.

It's a bit like saying that Greece has a budgetary shortfall or that Lindsey Lohan

has career issues: The trope is so old and the issue so formidable that such simple language

seems unsuitable for the gravity of the issue.

If you don't believe it, believe the "Monday Night Football" ratings this week.

According to NBC Sports, the matchup between the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers drew

a 7.6 rating on ESPN.

Not only is that lower than last year's Week Nine game between the Seattle Seahawks

and Buffalo Bills, it was also the lowest-rated Week Nine "Monday Night Football" game

since 2007 and one of the lowest-rated in history.

There's even more trouble if you look closer at those two games.

The 2007 game in question — which involved the Pittsburgh Steelers and Baltimore Ravens

— was essentially over at halftime, with Pittsburgh taking a 35-7 lead into the locker

room on the way to a 38-7 victory.

While the Lions haven't lived up to expectations and the Packers are without star QB Aaron

Rodgers, who's lost for the season, both teams are still within striking distance in

the NFC North, particularly if the division-leading Minnesota Vikings continue to have their usual

quarterback-related problems.

(The Vikings are currently starting Case Keenum at the position.

For the uninitiated, the only more unreliable thing in the stadium on any given Sunday that

Mr. Keenum is playing would be if there were a Yugo in the parking lot.)

And while the Lions-Packers game wasn't exactly the most thrilling thing you would

ever see, it was at least closer than the aforementioned contest between the Steelers

and Ravens, with the Lions winning 30-17.

Now, we don't want to subscribe to the fallacy of the single cause here.

The NFL has a lot of problems, especially when it comes to ESPN's "Monday Night


There's cord-cutting, traumatic brain injury, ESPN's political drift to the left and the

growth (and renewal) of other sports like basketball, soccer and baseball.

However, let's face facts: At least part of the ratings freefall the league is experiencing

has to do with the anthem protests and the league's response to them.

The freefall certainly began accelerating rapidly the moment that Colin Kaepernick started

the whole kneeling trend, and the politicization of sports this year has just made things worse

for the league.

It's worth noting that Lions owner Martha Ford has asked players not to kneel, although

the venerable Packers have been one of the more active teams in terms of demonstrations.

It's gotten bad enough that one man rented a plan to fly over Lambeau Field with a banner

that read "Real men and NFL owners should stand for our country."

Week 10 might be a little better for the NFL and ESPN, at least as far as "Monday Night

Football" is concerned.

The 6-3 Carolina Panthers are involved, at least, although the unexciting Miami Dolphins

and Smokin' Jay Cutler are their opponents.

However, for fans who are boycotting the league over its perceived disrespect for the anthem,

it could be the 1984 49ers facing off against the 2001 Patriots and they still wouldn't


And that's the real problem.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> NFL Collapse: Monday's Game Was One of Lowest-Rated in History. - Duration: 3:23.


lionel messi 2017-top fc barcelona leo messi biography-lionel messi real life story - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> lionel messi 2017-top fc barcelona leo messi biography-lionel messi real life story - Duration: 3:47.



For more infomation >> 👽⚠ ▶ THE BEST VIEWS OVNIS November 2017, REAL OVNIS CATCHED BY CAMARA, REAL UFO - Duration: 8:19.


Bastille - World Gone Mad (from Bright: The Album) Lyrics - Duration: 3:16.

Bastille - World Gone Mad (from Bright: The Album)

For more infomation >> Bastille - World Gone Mad (from Bright: The Album) Lyrics - Duration: 3:16.


Ram Clear easy and fast | speed up your any android Device - Duration: 3:09.

Ram Clear easy and fast speed up your any android Device

Hi friend I hope today I show here in this video

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For more infomation >> Ram Clear easy and fast | speed up your any android Device - Duration: 3:09.


5 RIDICULOUS Wars in History - Duration: 6:36.

Throughout the course of human history civilizations have periodically clashed and declared war

on each other because of territorial disputes, political ideologies, and religious beliefs.

Sometimes it's all three all at once.

Sometimes, however, there are conflicts that sprung out of ludicrous reasons -reasons that

could have been avoided or immediately resolved without having the need to bear arms and lose

hundreds, if not thousands, of lives.

That is why, in today's list, we are going to count down to five of history's unbelievably

ridiculous wars that were fought.


THE FLAGSTAFF WAR In 1840, British forces who were stationed

at New Zealand decided to hoist the Union Flag over a small town called Kororareka.

The town was known for its seedy establishments and shady characters.

Thinking that no one would at all mind, the British proceeded to let their colours fly

as a sign of their presence over the country.

However, a tribal chief named Hone Heke rode into the small town and chopped down the flagpole

because of his strong distaste towards the presence of the British empire who have turned

the entire island country into their colony.

You would think that the British would just let it go but, instead, the garrison elected

to put up another flag which was then taken down by Hone Heke.

This happened about two more times where the final flagstaff was reinforced with an iron


In a much more forward thinking time, the issue could have been settled domestically

but because the British, in those days, were intent on reinforcing their sovereignty over

their colonies that the House of Commons back home declared that Hone Heke and his people

were a nuisance and were needed to be taught a lesson.

Initially, the House of Commons ordered missionaries to be sent to speak with Hone Heke.

When that failed, Hone Heke and his tribe descended into the small town in 1845 to drive

out the British, taking a few innocent lives along the way.

The British were eventually kicked out of Kororareka and their flag was taken down once


Later on, the British returned with more troops and firepower that ultimately ended the rebelling

tribespeople after 10 months of bloody skirmish.

The British remained in the territory but never dared to fly their colours over the

small town once again.


THE WAR OF THE OAKEN BUCKET In Italy, in 1325, one of the most senseless

wars was fought because people were simply trying to find a good excuse to shed some

blood and kill each other.

The rival city-states of Modena and Bologna were constantly in conflict because of their

religious loyalties.

The people of Modena paid devotion to the Holy Roman Emperor and the people of Bolognese

opted to back and support the Pope.

During this time of the Catholic Church's schism, believers were constantly at odds

with other people who did not share their faith.

But unlike the Holy Wars and the great political conspiracies that enveloped this schism, what

happened between Modena and Bologna was more deserving to be in a National Lampoon movie

than in the history books.

One day, soldiers from Modena – for some strange reason – decided to steal a bucket

from a well in a Bolognese town.

This sparked outrage amongst the people of Bologna and they began to mobilise their troops

because they needed to get their bucket back no matter what.

Unfortunately for the Bolognese army, which numbered at least 30,000 soldiers, they were

pushed back and routed by the 7000-man Modena garrison and thousands lost their lives all

because of a stolen bucket.

To this day, the fabled bucket is being kept in Modena – on public display – as a way

of mocking their ancient rivals.


THE WAR OF DAHIS Cheating in any form is frowned upon in any

culture but having to declare war is kind of a stretch.

In the year 568, the 40-year feud between two Arabian tribes began because of allegations

of cheating during a horse race.

Dahis was the name of the horse from which the feud got its namesake and was owned by

a king from one of the tribes.

During the race, when Dahis was extremely close to winning the race, warriors from the

opposing tribe allegedly forced the steed off its course and leading it to lose the


The King who owned Dahis demanded that his money he bet on his stallion be returned because

of the turnout and because he sensed shenanigans.

The other tribe refused to return the money and insisted that they won fair and square.

When the King sensed that his money was never going to be returned, he ordered his people

to start killing people from the other tribe.

Not to be intimidated by murder and homicide, the rival tribe began killing off the King's

men and tribespeople.

The conflict spiralled out of control and transformed into a decades-long war costing

thousands of lives.


THE PIG WAR It would seem that animals play an integral

part in ridiculous wars throughout history.

Coming in at number two is the aptly named Pig War.

Don't think that this is just a small scuffle between two nations because in 1859, the Pig

War was a full-scale war.

During that time, the United States and Great Britain laid claim to a chunk of land in San

Juan, just between the coasts of Vancouver and the US mainland.

On the island was a large presence of American settlers who have called it home as well as

the employees of the Hudson's Bay Company who were from the British Isles.

The first shot of the war rang out on June 15th, 1859 when an American farmer shot a

black boar dead after discovering that the animal had been feasting on his potato patch.

Unfortunately for the farmer, the black boar was owned by the British settlers on the island.

After tensions soared and the farmer was threatened with arrest, the whole incident reached the

ears of the mainland and the US army dispatched a captain named George Pickett together with

a small band of troops.

Pickett declared the entire island of San Juan as US property and, to no surprise at

all, it did not please the British who, in turn, sent a naval fleet of heavily armed

ships to the coastline.

A standoff similar to the Cold War ensued with everyone teetering on a knife's edge

for weeks.

Finally, the two nations brought their conflict to the negotiating table and agreed on a joint

military occupation of San Juan.

Though bloody conflict did not erupt, it was one that had the potential to be destructive

had one officer's finger slipped on a trigger.


THE WAR OF THE STRAY DOG As one of the most outrageous military conflicts

in the 20th Century, the so-called War of the Stray Dog brought two nations, who were

already at odds against each other, clashing hard, triggering an international crisis.

Since the Balkan War in the 1910s, Greece and Bulgaria has already been at each other's

throats and their relationship is strained to say the least.

Tensions finally escalated – and it escalated rapidly – when a Greek soldier was shot

dead after he was allegedly crossing the Bulgarian border because he was chasing after his runaway


It did not take much for Greece to rally their troops after the incident and they soon invaded

Bulgaria and occupied several villages in their wake.

The city of Petrich was bombarded with artillery shells and the conflict claimed the lives

of 50 people until the League of Nations stepped in and forced the two nations at the negotiating

table where, after learning of the misunderstanding, a ceasefire was proclaimed to put a stop to

the ridiculous quarrel.

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