Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 13 2018

it`s time to sleep

oo it`s a party

they want to eat you

ooo it was just a nightmare

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For more infomation >> LOL DOLL IN THE NIGHTMARE AT 3AM | HALLOWEEN episodes | LOL Surprise! | Kids Cartoon - Duration: 1:25.


Detective Donut vs Pro Gamers: The Gaming Competition Mystery w Mixed Up Superheroes Game - Duration: 12:45.

This video is an ad for Lunchables with 100 percent juice!

I'm getting so good. I'm totally gonna win the Lunchables with 100 percent juice video game competition tomorrow night

Play as Jackie and Platy in this new awesome superhero game.

All you have to do is look around and use the Platypus to pick up the stackers to get the most points

This is it! Only one more move and I win! I hope he can't read my expressions.

He has no clue! This will be my first time ever beating him in chess.

Hey look both ways before you cross the street now we can go

Ha! I'm going to win the game!

What do you have to say about that!

Just as I thought, completely speechless.

Check m.....

Sorry about that

Who even plays board games anymore?

Anyways, I have a super important case for yourself

There's a case from the Lunchables with a hundred percent fruit juice gaming competition the lead player of Team platypus

Ness did not show up this morning his gaming partner Yoshi reported

My chess game ruined!

Ness hasn't been seen since practice last night or Yoshi says she found his iPhone

abandoned in the practice room Yoshi says this is odd because Ness never goes anywhere without his iPhone.

OH, snacks

Don't mind if I do

My donut!

Team platypus needs a replacement player and that's gonna be

You! You need to snoop around, find Ness and figure out why he's not there.

You messed up my chess game, you ate my donut and now you want me to sit around playing video games all day!


There's no way! I hate video games! It's not gonna happen.

Oh hi! You must be team platypus replacement player.

I'm Yoshi I'm the brains of the team but ever since Ness has been gone there's kind of been a lack of spirit

I'm very disappointed because I thought I was the brain of the team but ever since he's been gone

I just haven't been thinking very well and it just makes me very disappointed

But you know, that's all okay, because I think that you replacing will be amazing. Hold on

So you're my partner

Yeppers! The one and only number two Yoshi! That's me. What's your name?



Your name is


Uh yes.

So team platypus consists of Mario and Yoshi

Yep, that's it

Okay, let's get you into training cuz you have a lot to learn before tonight because there's gonna be a lot of people

Well, well, well it looks like team lame-o-pus got another lame member.

Who's this?

That's just team Jackolope. Link and Kirby are big bullies.

Just ignore them.

Hey Mario why don't you run away and go clean some toilet pipes.

I don't run away, ever.

Why don't you come say that to me over here

Let's get him!

Welcome live viewers. The big Lunchables with one hundred percent fruit juice gaming competition is tonight!

Don't you just love seeing your kids play video games instead of doing something productive like,

I don't know, anything else at all? Let's go check out our competitors

Interesting training exercises. Don't forget to press those cheer or boo buttons.

I'll catch up with you guys! I need a nap.

If you guys are done here, we need to actually start playing the game!

Video games? I don't even like video games.

What did you just say?


Play it!

I don't want to.

I said play it!

I only like board games.

Have you ever played a video game?

Why would I?

I'm going home.

I thought you said you wouldn't run away ever

How do I play

That's how you win!

Who did you pick?

Team Platypus.

Boo, team Jackalope all the way.

You wish. All you have to do is look around and use the Platypus to pick up the stackers to get the most points.

I don't know if I can. Wow they're floating! That's kind of cool.

Oh I got one!

Did you guys hear that?

New guys starting to crack.

No I heard it too!

Is that Ness?

Look out!

For what?


It sent him inside the game!

Long time no see brother! Good job escaping!

Oh shush!

Aren't we in a big pixel!

Are you two done?

I think so. How do we get you guys out of there?

Okay, here's the plan.

Stupid machine, I knew that Puzzler guy's stuff was gonna be trash!


Who's the Puzzler?

That's none of your business.

Oh I think it is my business.

You're not a real gamer.

Who are you?

You're right, I'm not a gamer. I'm a detective. Detective Donut.

Oh and I know who you are! You're someone that doesn't like gaming. You're someone that wants to shut down the Lunchables with one hundred percent Juice gaming competition.

I recognize that pin you're wearing.

You are the announcer!

How'd you figure it out?

Kids these days and their video games. Everybody should play board games again!

Nobody ever plays games like chess anymore.

You're wrong. I still play chess. And I didn't like video games either.

Just try it, trust me.

Hey, this is actually kind of fun, I think


We're getting out of here

I got it!

You kids! When I get you I"m gonna...

So you're a detective?

I knew your name wasn't Mario.

Yeah, sorry about that.

Yoshi come on we have got to start practicing.

Well, I guess I should be going.

Well actually....I mean detective donut. We were wondering would you teach us how to play chess?

Wait, really?

Yeah, that'd be fun to beat you on a different game for once.

Oh, you're on! We'll be back later

So detective donut has beaten my first machine

Let's see how he performs

With the next one

You too can play as Jackie and Platy in the awesome new superhero game. Click the link in the description box below to play the cool mixed up game.

Comment down below what score you get in the game.

For more infomation >> Detective Donut vs Pro Gamers: The Gaming Competition Mystery w Mixed Up Superheroes Game - Duration: 12:45.


Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory 2018 Predictions! - Duration: 11:39.


dark days are over!

Impact finally seems to be going from strength to strength, which makes Bound for Glory seem

more like a review of the company than a Pay Per View name.

However, judging by the card it seems like it's going to be a hell of a show, and unlike

a certain other wrestling promotion cough WWE cough isn't trying to jam eleventy billion

matches into one show, that still somehow doesn't have room for a New Day match.

With just six matches on the card for Bound for Glory though, expect everything to get

the breathing room it deserves and if this year's Slammiversary is anything to go by,

it is, there's a lot of the same guys here, this is going to be lit.

I'm El Fakidor Laurie Blake and these are my predictions for Impact's Bound for glory


Matt Sydal & Ethan Page vs Rich Swann and TBA

Ethan Page you little sneak, coming out and ruining match between Matt Sydal and Rich


Powerbombing Swann off the apron and into the ring.

Which tbf was rad.

Yep Page's third eye is also open which means we get the revenge match here with Swann

bringing a mystery tag partner with him.

Which I guess means that Swann will win?

We're recording this on Thursday so it's kind of tough to know… don't mess this

up for me Rich, I will be so cross, you're my Wonderwall.

Eddie Edwards vs Moose - Moose

Moose and Eddie Edwards have had a rough friendship in Impact in recent 2018, in WWE they would

be women.

The pair teamed together, got mauled by OVE alongside Tommy Dreamer and Edwards even had

Moose's back as he went for the championship against Austin Aries at Slammiversary.

But Aries brain buster must have rattled something around in Moose's noodle, because he came

back different.

With Stockholm syndrome at least - attacking Edwards during a tag match against Aries and

Killer Kross and being very rude to Oli Davis during their workout video from Wrestling

MediaCon, shameless plug.

In recent weeks Moose has held Eddie's wife Alisha hostage and said that Eddie wasn't

there for him when he was in hospital - it was Aries and Kross who went in to check on


I think this is a difficult one to call and actually plays into the outcome of the main

event as Moose is allied with Aries and Edwards has made a new friend named Johnny Impact,

or Johnny wherever the hell he is that day, Johnny Mundo, Johnny Walmart, Johnny Pornhub.

So in all honesty I think it could be Moose picking up the win here, upping the stakes

for the main event as Impact's one buddy in the entire world is left on the bench after

suffering a loss.

Then he can come hobbling out using the old kendo stick as a crutch.

Tessa Blanchard vs Taya Valkyrie for Knockouts Championship

So Taya Valkyrie hasn't had the greatest run in Impact so far, her first stint was

cut short after there were issues surrounding whether or not she would be allowed back into

the united states.

Then she returned and continued her feud with Rosemary, which she lost after being put through

a table with a pile driver.


But she returned, turned face and challenged Tessa Blanchard for the Knockouts Championship

late in September.

Tessa's been having a hell of a run after winning the title from Su Yung, however, she's

not exactly mates with anyone in the locker room any more.

Speaking of Su Yung I feel like there's no way this match won't pass without her

involvement in someway, since Tessa won the Knockouts championship Su has basically hoovered

up her former mates, sticking them in the coffin and turning them into undead bridesmaids.

So if she manages to get hold of Allie to, that would be all of Tessa's ghosts coming

back to haunt her on one evening - which i'm guessing could either give Taya the win, or

cause Tessa to retain via DQ.

So my prediction is that Taya wins, but whether she becomes the champion is kind of up in

the air.

LAX vs The OGz

These guys had such an amazing match at Slammiversary, that went to some really dark places, so I'm

super excited to see what they do here.

A Concrete Jungle Death Match sounds both extreme and a bit silly and I love it.

And this time the teams have an extra member each with The OGz, Homicide and Hernandex

teaming with King, while LAX are teaming with Konnan who is returning to the ring for the

first time since 2013.

And considering what happened at Slammiversary I feel like he's super gonna regret that


This is being billed as the final confrontation between the two teams and the decider of an

epic blood feud.

I mean come on, little richie was run over, we've had a cease fire, a street fight.

It's basically gangs of new york but with less fancy hats.

LAX were victorious at Slammiversary with help from Konnan but i think this is his time

for comeuppance and we could be seeing the OGz standing tall come the end of this match.

OVE vs Brian Cage and the Lucha Brothers

This is going to be an OVE Rules match, which sounds very lopsided, eh we win.

Yeah we win, we decided.

But most likely OVE's only rule will be that there are no rules and everybody gets

a screwdriver or railroad spike.

Or copy of the WrestleTalk magazine.

Jimmy Havoc.

This combo of folks have met a few times before with Cage saving the lucha bros from a beat

down and the six men facing off last week on Impact when Sami got himself disqualified

by throwing the ref to the ground before the swolverine could strike

Then the brawl spilled to the wider arena.

I can't wait for this match - Pentagon and Sami Callahan tore absolute chunks out of

each other at Slammiversary for our entertainment so I can't wait for them to do the same

to the other four blokes in this one - though even with chunks missing

Brian Cage will still be massive.

It's hard not to go with whatever team Cage happens to be on

In this feud, mostly because he's so big he has his own gravitational pull.

But OVE could really do with a win in this feud and a lot of the promos seem to suggest

even they are aware that they are down on their luck in Impact, all shaved heads and


Not like me.

So I'm giving it to OVE in the hopes this thing stretches out a little longer.

We need one more Pentagon and Callahan pay per view match.

Austin Aries vs Johnny Impact - Impact World Championship

So this is the big one.

Johnny Jonathan Impact, Mundo, Pornhub, WhereHeWorks vs Austin Aries, the vegan belt collector,

he doesn't collect vegan belts, it's vegan, comma, belt collector.

I am hyped for this match, I think both guys are outstanding, and I love the fact that

the stakes seem so much higher with Aries' little faction of likeminded souls taking

over Impact.

Like he's some sort of vegan cult leader.

Don't drink the coolaid, because it's got animal fat in it.

Johnny and Aries have gone back and forth a few times on Impact recently and really

built this match up.

Johnny has been back in Impact for a year now and struggled to become champion failing

against Eli Drake at last year's Bound for Glory, whereas Aries is a three time champ

who walked in and won the title for a second time on his big return.

Aries is cocky, Johnny is cocky, just in different ways, this is an ego off if anything.

Aries has said that Moose and Killer Kross won't be at ringside for this match, but

you can bet your arse that'll be a load of old tosh and Killer Kross will come out

looking like a knock off Agent 47 and Moose will wear something tie-dye.

Which is where I think my prediction from earlier comes into play, who should come out

to see these two off but Eddie Edwards, kendo stick in hand, he herds the Moose and the

Kross away from ringside, leaving Johnny the opening to land Starship Pain pick up the

win and become Impact Champion.

Those are mine but what do Oli and Luke think, check there predictions out by clicking the

link onscreen now, its all to play for, the hair is on the line, god I hope I don't

have to keep this.

I've been El Fakidor and that was lucha.

For more infomation >> Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory 2018 Predictions! - Duration: 11:39.


Dance Moms: 45 Second Auditions for Nationals (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: 45 Second Auditions for Nationals (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:30.





GTI performed at 'INBOX SCTV'! WOW! Million audiences!? - Duration: 3:33.

Hello, Treasures!

We're going to performing at very popular music show 'Inbox'

How famous 'INBOX' is? Donggyun will explain

It's like Indonesian Music Bank!

But it will be shooting at suburban area.

There's always more audiences when shooting at suburban areas.

so how do u guys feel today?

it's an honor to be here, and hope we all can enjoy the performance.

It's gonna be super fun~~!


Let's go!

It's a life of super star.


we had tough day today.


We're at airpot now... what time is it?

It's almost 7Pm

Great work! GTI!

Please remember our hard works!

Our camera man, Heesoo did great job, too.

Well done everyone.!

Inbox was like 'the dream stage' for Donggyun

and what's like dreams came true?


Aoora said "Say something"


Actually, we could do better...

Which means you want to be improved, right?

Let us practice harder and

We have lot more stages to go on!

For me, it was great.

Personally, I really enjoyed it.

and there were more than 2000 audiences, right?

It was super crowded

It's my first time receiving that big acclamation.

Yes, I can't forget how our audiences shouted to us.

Thank u and love u so much, Indonesia!

Again, Thank you so much for GTI members

and GTI crews!

Let's fly back to Jakarta to have a good rest.

Let's eat amazing meal tomorrow.

Take it easy! sexy! crazy! and cool!


For more infomation >> GTI performed at 'INBOX SCTV'! WOW! Million audiences!? - Duration: 3:33.


4.7: Mastodon Bot - Replying to a Mention - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> 4.7: Mastodon Bot - Replying to a Mention - Duration: 8:30.


Ночные рубашки для полных с Алиэкспресс. Красивые ночнушки - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Ночные рубашки для полных с Алиэкспресс. Красивые ночнушки - Duration: 1:19.


Gülperi 6. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Gülperi 6. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> CANTE APENAS O FUNK QUANDO PERMITIR (NOVAS MÚSICAS) - Duration: 4:08.


「Nightcore」→ Natural ✗ Heathens (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:54.

Nightcore - Natural X Heathens (video includes subtitles)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Natural ✗ Heathens (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:54.


Meet Ghana's Rich Kichen - African Foods That you will Never Find Anyehre Else 🍍🍍🍠🍠 - Duration: 15:08.

For more infomation >> Meet Ghana's Rich Kichen - African Foods That you will Never Find Anyehre Else 🍍🍍🍠🍠 - Duration: 15:08.


How To Change Photo Background In Adobe Photoshop - Duration: 10:44.

How To Change Photo Background In Adobe Photoshop

How To Change Photo Background In Adobe Photoshop

How To Change Photo Background In Adobe Photoshop

How To Change Photo Background In Adobe Photoshop

How To Change Photo Background In Adobe Photoshop

For more infomation >> How To Change Photo Background In Adobe Photoshop - Duration: 10:44.


Источник пассивного дохода Секреты Китайской медицины Магазин Китайской медицины - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> Источник пассивного дохода Секреты Китайской медицины Магазин Китайской медицины - Duration: 7:55.


Pig Family 🐷 Lunch | Cartoon for Children | New Full Episode - Duration: 1:29.

Hi! Please enjoy the new episode of Pig Family cartoon: Lunch!

For more infomation >> Pig Family 🐷 Lunch | Cartoon for Children | New Full Episode - Duration: 1:29.


Nhạc không lời hay nhất | Lonely Dance - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Nhạc không lời hay nhất | Lonely Dance - Duration: 3:51.


【Dead by Daylight】コメントはあかりちゃんが読み上げてくれます。 - Duration: 1:33:43.

For more infomation >> 【Dead by Daylight】コメントはあかりちゃんが読み上げてくれます。 - Duration: 1:33:43.


alec + clary || кто я теперь тебе [часть 2] - Duration: 2:02.

It's gonna be OK.

I love you.

Bring Alec back. Please.

I couldn't live without you.

You're all I have left.

You're my best friend.

I would've done the same thing.

Stop pretending this never happened.

We always seem to find our way back to each other.

I see you brought a guest. Your boyfriend?

I don't think I can live without you.

The kiss that will set them free is the kiss you most desire.

You can fool yourself, but not the vitis veritas.

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