Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 14 2018

Hello mates, my name is Risk and today

do you remember a game quite long ago that a lot of youtubers played that

a lot of youtubers played that its main objective was to ruin your childhood

Now do you remember it was a demo?

If the answer is yes, then welcome to the full version

Of "Alphabet Lane" if you remember it's about cookie man and cookie monster and

I mean it's it's a full version. What can I say? I did not find this game, by the way

Somebody by the name of Aiden told me about the full version. So Thank You Aidan

This was made by Lucy tech. This video game was made with Lucy Tech or Bouncy Tech

Let's go into the game guys, please.

Did I did I break something?

I may perhaps

This is how I see real life, I love pixel graphics so much

This is how I wish it was able to see the real life. Just pixel everywhere.

Oh, it's just so good

Press F to listen to voicemail

Nobody listens to, okay

Hey, Rachel. I just want to let you know that we're all here and waiting for you.

I know it's got to be hard and I understand if you want to cancel

We'll wait out here a little bit longer and

then we're gonna go inside. Hopefully we'll see there

Way to go mr. Developer

I'm so mad at him now

because I caption my videos, and that part right There did not have any subtitles or captions

therefore I have to create captions for you

And It's just gonna take me time

Because I do create captions for the videos

Every time that I create captions do just turn them on

bottom right corner, you know, it's near you know

Making this the screen full size kind of a button

And yeah, I just do it to make the videos a bit more enjoyable

You know, I enjoy watching with captions so

Figured might as well just make captions

How do I control this game? Okay, I feel like...

Something weird to happen. Therefore I wasn't able to move properly.

Is that a

Is that a self smoking cigarette? Look at that! It's smoking itself

Look how how much smoke coming out of this


That's a cigarette



oh did something happen?

Sorry, I was I was imagining

That I was imagine if you were looking to somebody talking them eye to eye

and all of a sudden their eye started like moving weirdly and in their perspective, it's like




Can I leave? What is that?

I guess I cannot leave

What was my objective again? I'm sorry I didn't catch that.

I could barely hear the guys speaking. So I don't exactly know what happened

I'll truly now once I edit the video so

editing Risk will enjoy this I guess what is that Oh,

Press E to pick up.

Well It's great there is subtitles or did it was it F cuz I just press to F just now. I'm gonna go

So where am I going exactly?

I know that I need to meet up with a guy but where exactly?

I really hope it's not an alphabet Lane

Man, that place is spooky heard some nasty stories about that

Something about let's players

Going there to record

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel

Can you help us?

There's something not right the puppets I think there's some... People inside

His hands look like chicken wings, I'm sorry

I'm sorry Rachel. My hands are chicken wings

Alphabet Lane studio. Well, that's a creepy photo

I would not go to a studio where there's like a creepy Cookie Monster look "eh" like

Oh yeah, take another look at that, will ya?

Not disturbing at all

Great job

Did I scare you?

Man like I was sitting so long in silence

so I thought I'm just gonna make like a small crow noise like a Ha

But it also happens that I didn't edit anything

it actually happens that when I said that or when I made the sound

Mr. Munchie appears on screen.

So we're currently is this a studio? I just went through the front door

And this is what I see. I'm pretty sure this is not what you see after you go through the front door

Actually, I cannot assume I went through the front door. There was no...

I wasn't able to see my character went blind after going outside

as if we were playing Stifled

You know

Whenever you're outside, you're blind, but when you get some story pieces all of a sudden

You can see! You're no longer blind. No need to use echolocation

What does it say?

Dressing rooms, okay

Sorry I was just curious. Wow what is this?

I don't know what this is, but I bet you can play Fortnite on it.

And that's all I'm thinking

I'm sorry my

I'm so sorry. I'm actually laughing at that joke. I'm actually sorry

that was not a funny joke. That was not remotely funny

But why am I laughing?

Press F to pick up the key.

Oh, is it still in the door hole? Oh it is!

Okay, that's kind of cool. I like that

Good attention to details

even though there is no actual holes. Like there is no hole to put it in the handle

Was just stuck in the handle and the handle repair itself as soon as they pulled it up

or maybe the developer didn't think about that which I find it very highly unlikely

because the developer

Because this developer thought about creating captions

No he didn't. Anyway

Did you like the story? It was my own version.

I just started I didn't stop reading

that's that's the kick to it

That's the secret.

I'm sorry guys, I think you get what I'm getting or what I'm saying.

Excuse me, but why in a studio there was just straight-up

prison bars

What are you holding some sort of a secret sauce? Oh god

I don't know something secret?

What is that over there?

Excuse me, sir. Do you know do you know where the bathroom is?

Oh, yeah. It's right above right

He's gonna start running after me, isn't he?

if you do

I'm gonna start running too

at you or to you

Actually, it's the same thing

at you or to the right side because there is an open door over there

Make a move fatty

make a move fatty. Come on

Wow Okay

I'm not scared by this baby game. What are you talking about?

Jump, man

Mr. Munchie stop!

You have something to say to me say to my face.


Don't trust him,

but why? he seemed like such a nice guy

The only reason he's not killing me is because he's too lazy to jump above the boxes


So I wish there was somebody in the studio

Called Adam

now the reason why I wish that is because if I find him I can be like Adam

I'm sorry

Trippin in the bathtub is like

number one way of dying


Rachel Rachel

Rachel, I'm Rachel

Wake up

You may not know me, but I know you Rachel

Now let's skip the pleasantries

You need to get out of here, and I need to go

Deeper for you to get out you need to go upstairs into the vents

Your friends it was too late for them, but it's not too late for you.

I need to go downstairs

However downstairs has a bit of an electricity problem

I need you to turn off the power if you turn off the power down here. I'll unlock the upstairs door for you

And from there you can make your way to the exit. See you then


Oh by the way, can you also get my secret sauce after you turn off the power?

How about that?

Why is he moving already? What?

I just saw him moving.

Can we not do this?

Is that a possibility?

Okay, I'm gonna how do a crouch?

I don't crouch I guess, I guess I just stand like this not hiding from Po


If you would like to see more of this game 200 likes

Do I not have a flashlight? I can barely see anything

So yeah, thank you for leaving the like in the video. I appreciate that.

I think I hear steps somewhere Oh God

wait I wanna... Do I want to die by this guy?

Cuz think about it I could put it in the thumbnail. Okay, nevermind

I'm less greedy now. Let's not do that. Let's go towards the blue light.

The red light is him, by the way

Because red means dangerous/scary.

Oh this could not go wrong

*Went Wrong*

Got ya huh, Oh God

Okay. Sorry. I was just trying to make

Actually I wasn't even trying to make a joke

I just wanted to spawn back here cuz I know I already made a bad decision

What is this ventilation? Sure, I'll go ventilation

Need to ventilate this man.

I was seeking fresh air ever since third grade dude,

come on, where's my fresh air?

The ventilation room is just like a shitty

freshener sticker that you put in a car

actually not even that it's just like a...

It's just two cubes that you put in a car. Okay

back to the video game guys, focus focus please focus


Rachel focus

focus Rachel


I don't know why I'm using my real accent

Rachel Rachel focus focus Rachel


Rachel watch out

Po please

Sorry not scared of this game actually. Oh God

Rachel Rachel focus focus Rachel

Not on him.

Focus Rachel

Rachel focus focus.

Oh, I'm playing... Am I not dead?

Oh hold on Po. while I watch this episode of

"What The Hell?"

Focus Rachel Rechal focus.

Oh god, I'm probably gonna create a lot of work for me in the subtitles.

Just repeating the words "Focus Rachel"

What is that line over there?

Is that said a light?

Is that lamp is?

That a lamp or is that a puzzle?

Otherwise, I will say my famous line of "Is that a puzzle"

Which everybody seems to like Oh gosh. What was that sound?

Oh I'm in the water, okay

Chains in a kid's studio

I was about to say

I was about to make a joke there about discipline

But I think

I mean if I want to keep ads in the video, I'm not gonna make that joke

I'm just gonna refer or do


Make it indirectly Oh

Oh Rachel, you focused. Good job Rachel!

Like where did Po go?

Po doesn't interrupt while watching movies!

I don't see him anywhere actually

yeah, I don't see him anywhere at all

And also, I found a room here. So

I don't know that strategy of just watching a movies

Called "One More Episode Mom"

Leave a like if you understood the joke

Um, this video is gonna be littered with dislikes, I'm sorry.

I'm just sorry to myself

The hell is that sound oh we turn off the power

therefore the electricity lines are no longer and


Which means

I feel like a dumb kid trying to solve a math puzzle. What does it mean? I don't know

God, damn it.

I mean I know what it means. I'm just stumbling upon my words

cut me some slack


Is that a problem?

Is that a problem dude, I don't like problems.

What did I do?

Oh I focused, that's what happened

Sorry, sometimes I black out when I focus. Okay, what's wrong with this door? Excuse me?

What's wrong with this

Door? Okay, whatever. It seems like something the door has feelings I guess

My bad, I didn't know the door didn't want to open

is the chef still around?

Let's just ask is he still cooking?

Because if so, I do not want to be on the menu

Because I don't know what he's cooking

maybe the ventilation?

I mean guys, I don't I really have no clue

where else to go

Po just disappeared. Okay, he just

He's asserting dominance

Is that a T pose?

Yeah, look at that

That's a wild Po in his natural habitat

asserting dominance over the wall

Lamp. The lamp!

It's not a lamp but

he's asserting dominance over it and that's all that matters.

Hey Po


Buddy, will you focus for a second?

do I go behind I'm gonna grab the key? That's what I do, right?

Let's go


Po go let's go

Shtic you dead


what else was I supposed to do?


all right. I know these rooms layout by heart. So

I don't this is a different room. Turn down power


Well, what's cooking boy?

what's cooking boy?

Get down to my level!

help me I'm being chased by a red light. Oh

Why do I sound like a man dying? Aren't I Rachel?

I don't know where to go guys

Ventilation was sort of dominance over. What does it say?

Yentilation good

it's actually ventilation again. Oh, he does check the power room

Okay. Did he clear the room? Nope. Is he coming my right my way?

Doesn't matter!

Oh he's T posing again. God dammit that scared me

T pose this dummy oh god, oh god

He doesn't know, he doesn't know.

Let me get out of here real quick

Oh God, let's hide here for a second. Well

Is he gonna see me?

Oh he didn't see me

Easy game well played

I call this the "Stealth".

Oh gosh, oh gosh. I heard something move

perhaps a key somewhere fell Oh God

I mean I can see the red light he's totally looking at my room.

Oh gosh, I'm leaving

I mean the joke is not funny at the second time. So I'm just leaving


Let's just go to the ventilation room

Because last time he asserted dominance over there when I turn off the power

So maybe this time something happened over there?

Huh something did happen. Okay.

I'm just stupid apparently

Well, you look like a dumbass

Sorry, I need to be more family-friendly

Oh God Birdy?

Birdy where'd you go?

Okay, I guess that answered my question

Didn't have to be so mad about that though.

Oh, I can hear him there. He's a block the

He's blocking that way


*Stupid bird*

That's how you sound like you sound like a stupid bird

why do we have an extra beak on your head idiot? Okay

What's that over there? Why is it green?

Press F to operate vent router

Did I, Did I, Did I F it?

Did I F it? I don't know if I F'ed it

Get yiffed

All right. So, what did I...

Did I screw with the vent system? Is he dead?

Did I die cuz I?

What happened?

Is it still birdy or is it...

Hallucinations and is this even a part of the game anymore?

Am I off script? What am I doing? Man

this is just like I remembered it in the show

All the chains and everything.

I mean it all makes sense now.

I see!

All right, where am I this time?

Oh god it sounds like there's something in this maze.

I don't like that if I have to be frank with you, I don't like that

Oh Great, it's not just any maze. It's big maze

Wait no, am I back to the chef's storage area?

I am

it's the Bitch


I let sometimes emotion take control of me

Well then

Oh god, he's coming, he's coming!

I better turn right

Oh God, there was a lot of lockers here. When is that a room over there? It is!

Well, what's in the room?


Sup boy, sorry I can't get over that.

Oh no it's the Cookie Monster.

It's the Cookie Monster is I want to see how he kill me

Sorry, I wanted to see how he kills me. Okay, there is a checkpoint right here chill

It's actually mr. Munchie

Okay, let's run towards the red light cuz we all know by now. That's red means. Okay go.

Oh that's no good I can hear I can hear Birdy

Oh Birdy what the

What a F word

there is a red coming from there too

oh you three?

Oh great, the great three!

Sorry, I can't really think of anything insulting right now but

You three are in big trouble

The amazing three

The threesomes of the dream! The dream team.

Okay, so I just did I make it back to the beginning what happened?

oh there is another chef over there

I'm running the other way then

How many chefs is there how many Po's huh?

*Dead end*

Okay, where do I go? Where do I run to?

Oh god he's T posing again

Stupid T poser get out of my way!


Idiots! A bunch of idiots. I just went behind your back

Idiots! Hey, why is it red? Why is it? Okay good.

I was about to say why is it red is it locked

Get me out of here!


Hit the gas!

Rachel focus focus Rachel

Rachel focus, focus

Rachel, Rachel focus focus Rachel, oh

It was a setup!

I'm mad about Rachel not being focused

Does it what does it say? What does it say?

Is that is that a phantom Freddy? Oh, no, it's mr. Munchie

T Posing asserting your dominance after winning I see

how many chins does he have? Jesus

Okay, I had to

I gad to go underneath his hand cuz am...

I don't know maybe I'm standing on some sort of a conveyor belt so we you know

Just just take a game


Slap the game on there.

Boom you have a video game

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So thank you guys so much for watching the video. I really hope you enjoyed this episode

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Alphabet Lane? More like Beta Lane


For more infomation >> RUIN YOUR CHILDHOOD | Alphabet Lane - Duration: 24:08.


Elimi Bırakma 13. Bölüm Fragman - Duration: 0:45.

I will not leave my son to you

You left me in darkness Azra, get me out of that darkness

I would like to see the authorization letter that you made Serap sign.

I wanted to find and surprise Cenk, where can I find him?

even though i was innocent you denounced me,

I've waited this moment for years.

You're gonna be fine, okay?

- A girl came and she asked about you

who is she?

If I don't remember wrong, her name was Ece

For more infomation >> Elimi Bırakma 13. Bölüm Fragman - Duration: 0:45.


7 Wacky Ways Birds Use Feathers - Duration: 10:52.

SciShow is supported by Skillshare.


You don't need to know much about birds to realize that their feathers are pretty awesome.

They come in a dazzling array of shapes and colors, they keep birds warm and dry, and of course, allow them to fly.

And since feathers are made out of the protein keratin, they're also super strong and mostly waterproof.

But that's not all they can do.

Thanks to millions of years of evolution, there are other, lesser-known functions of feathers that are equally cool, and many of them give certain birds unique abilities.

Here are seven of them.

We generally think of birds using their mouths to make sounds—or, more accurately, their vocal organs, called syrinxes.

But feathers can also do the trick.

One example is with male club-winged manakins, super cute little birds that live in South America.

They use their feathers for mating calls as part of an elaborate dance.

Their club-shaped wings include a few special feathers, which happen to be shaped so that they rub against each other and produce high-pitched sounds—like adorable car horns.

Ornithologist Kim Bostwick discovered this unique ability about a decade ago after seeing video of the birds' courtship behavior slowed way down.

She realized that individually, moving the feathers did very little acoustically.

But when they moved together very quickly, one feather, which is bent, strikes another, which has seven ridges on it.

This ultimately allows the feather to vibrate at 1500 cycles per second and create that high pitch.

The mechanism is essentially the same as what crickets use to create their chirps, or what scientists call stridulation.

Other birds make audible noises with their feathers to attract mates, too, but use other methods.

For example, male American woodcocks fly extremely high in the air and flap their wings very fast, making characteristic twittering sounds.

This is thought to be from what's called aeroelastic flutter, which basically comes down to air moving past feathers.

In the woodcock's case, they have very narrow feathers at the edge of their wings, and the gaps in-between them create a whistling sound.

Hummingbirds also make noise this way, using their tail feathers.

If enough feathers vibrate at the same frequency, it can increase the volume of the sound.

Next, instead of creating sound, some feathers play an important role in dampening it.

If you're a bird, especially a fairly large one, flapping your wings or even just gliding can make a lot of noise.

And if you're trying to hunt, that racket is not exactly helpful.

Most birds of prey, or what ornithologists call raptors, are usually such fast flyers that sound isn't necessarily an issue.

But owls move much more slowly, so stealth is key.

The secret to their near-silent hunting ability is three special feather features.

First, there are serrations, or comb-like structures, right where air first hits the wing.

These break up the air as it moves across the wing, reducing turbulence and overall noise.

Then, at the trailing edge, or rear part of the wing, there are wispy fringes, which scientists think help smooth the airflow as it comes off the wings.

Finally, a soft, velvety covering on the tops of the wings forms a microscopic mesh that is exceptionally good at absorbing sound.

These strategies are so effective at noise-reduction that engineers are now borrowing the designs for use on planes and wind turbines,

and they've already had some success with 3D-printed, owl-inspired coatings in preliminary tests.

But stealth may not be the only reason driving the need for silence.

Biologists studying owl evolution think keeping quiet is important not just to avoid tipping off prey, but also for accurately detecting it, which is largely done by hearing.

And hearing also depends on, what else? Feathers!

Feathers are critical for owl hearing, but it's not in the way you might think.

The iconic ear tufts may look like ears, but scientists aren't sure what they do—maybe they're used as camouflage, or some kind of visual display.

But either way, they are not for listening.

Instead, hearing depends on owls' heart-shaped faces and on what are called facial discs:

the concave shape around each of their eyes.

This area is lined with stiff reflector feathers, which amplify and direct sound waves into owls' ears.

They're basically like radar dishes.

These feathers have abnormally thick centralshafts and are packed extremely close together, just about as close as they physically can be.

That makes for a good reflecting surface, and it allows owls to hear and pinpoint the source of very soft noises—which is kind of their thing.

The special feather-lined discs are thought to be one reason why owls are such expert hunters.

After all, they're really good at nabbing mice or voles, or whatever might look tasty, and most of them do it at night.

Most other raptors hunt during the day and have excellent vision.

A few also have facial discs, which helps them hear better, but they're less pronounced than in owls.

Owl vision isn't too shabby, either, but biologists have found that, thanks to their superior hearing, they can still hunt even in complete darkness.

Without these facial feathers, though, they tend to misjudge the location of quiet sounds—at least, according to one experiment with a barn owl.

While owl feathers are finely tuned for nocturnal hunting, birds known as grebes use their feathers in a less impressive, but still important way: They eat them.

Specifically, to slow digestion and prevent pokey fish bones and insect or crustacean parts from damaging their digestive tracts.

This is maybe the strangest feather function, and grebes are the only birds known to do it.

But it does have some logic.

Typically, birds that have trouble breaking down hard foods will eat tiny stones so that the rocks can grind up the food in their gizzards, which make up one part of a bird's stomach.

It's kind of like having a mortar and pestle in your body, because nature is just really hardcore that way.

But grebes, for unknown reasons, don't do this, and just rely on chemical digestion in their stomachs.

Scientists think the feathers—which can fill up to half of the gizzard—do two things.

First, they slow digestion down, forming feather balls that the bird will eventually cough back up.

That gives things like bones time to dissolve.

A second, smaller feather ball also forms in a later part of the digestive tract called the pyloric pouch.

This is the last stage before food moves into the bird's intestines, so any non-dissolved sharp bits could be a problem if they make it through.

So the feathers here are thought to filter out all the possibly dangerous items.

This strange habit, then, of self-plucking and consumption, seems to be related to the grebe's diet.

But that does not make it any less bizarre.

Other water-based birds use their feathers in some strange ways.

Black herons in Africa, for example, fish with a technique known as canopy feeding.

In this method, the bird covers its head and wraps its wings in a circle.

It fans out its dark feathers to form an umbrella, which it then hunts under—like a little fishing hut.

The exact reason for the canopy is unclear, but some scientists think this method scares off tiny fish, while leaving the larger and medium-sized ones to the herons.

It's also possible the shade draws fish in or reduces glare.

Green herons, which live in North America and Central America, have also been known to drop feathers onto the water to attract fish.

This kind of bait-fishing doesn't always work, and isn't restricted to feathers, but it is a relatively rare case of a bird using a tool.

One of the more impressive feather adaptations belongs to the sandgrouse, a desert-dwelling, pigeon-like bird.

Since water is at a premium, and baby birds can't yet fly, adult birds—usually the males—use specialized belly feathers to pick up water and ferry it back to their nests.

Which is a little bit adorable.

Males collect water by walking into a shallow pool, and in bursts, rocking their bodies back and forth—a filling process that can take 15 minutes.

The feathers themselves pick up water thanks to their unique structure.

When dry, the feathers have coiled barbules, the secondary branches on feathers.

But when they get wet, the barbules naturally uncoil, and their hair-like extensions pull in water through capillary action.

That's when water sticks to the walls of a thin tube enough to pull it up, despite gravity.

While it doesn't sound like a lot, a single bird can pick up 40 milliliters this way—plenty for a baby bird.

Once the adult flies back, chicks then kind of "milk" the feathers for their liquid.

Biologists studying sandgrouse suspect that one advantage to this method is that the adults don't have to sacrifice any of their own water intake to feed the chicks.

They can just soak their belly feathers, and avoid any messy parent-child competition.

Finally, most birds have scales on their feet, but a few have feathers, including northern birds called ptarmigans, which use them like snowshoes.

The added feathers quadruple the area of their foot, spreading out the bird's weight and making it less likely they'll sink down into the snow.

We know this thanks to one curious Canadian physiologist back in the 1970s, who tested this function in three different species of ptarmigans.

He plucked the foot feathers from some birds, and left them intact in others, then measured how much each sank into the snow.

He found that feathering reduced the sinking by about half, and concluded that this feather adaptation probably helps the birds save a lot of energy when traveling.

If that's not amazing enough, though, it turns out that some species grow these feathery snowshoes every year.

In the summer, they don't need the feathers, so they molt them off.

But by the time winter rolls around, they've grown out their claws and sprouted bright, white feathery shoes, which scientists think might also help keep their feet warm.

Clearly, there's a lot more to feathers than just flight—as cool as flying is.

Feathers are wonderful soundmakers, they're water bottles, and they even come in handy as snowshoes.

As a bonus for us, there's also plenty of ways we can benefit from some of these remarkable adaptations—like owls and their ultra-stealthy feathers.

Which means we'll have much more to thank birds for.

Thank you for watching this episode of SciShow!

And thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this episode and this whole week of SciShow.

Skillshare is an online learning community with over 20,000 classes in everything from accounting to writing.

Some of their most fun and popular classes are in art, like this one taught by painter Sharone Stevens on how to paint watercolor feathers.

This relaxing class covers everything you'll need to paint realistic styles of feather, from bluebird to peacock.

She covers the basics for beginners, but the lessons never lag, if you're a more advanced watercolor painter, either.

Right now Skillshare is offering SciShow viewers 2 months of free unlimited access to Skillshare by clicking on the link below.

So follow the link to take this class, or any of the over 20,000 others on Skillshare.


For more infomation >> 7 Wacky Ways Birds Use Feathers - Duration: 10:52.


Elimi Bırakma 13. Bölüm Fragman - Duration: 0:45.

I will not leave my son to you

You left me in darkness Azra, get me out of that darkness

I would like to see the authorization letter that you made Serap sign.

I wanted to find and surprise Cenk, where can I find him?

even though i was innocent you denounced me,

I've waited this moment for years.

You're gonna be fine, okay?

- A girl came and she asked about you

who is she?

If I don't remember wrong, her name was Ece

For more infomation >> Elimi Bırakma 13. Bölüm Fragman - Duration: 0:45.


VICTORIOUS ORIANNA SPEEDPAINT | Wandakun - Duration: 14:06.

For more infomation >> VICTORIOUS ORIANNA SPEEDPAINT | Wandakun - Duration: 14:06.



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With those dedications on so you stayed on will fight on every single video

Also, follow my social media, so stay tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

But yeah, that's why you'll crash another video so I would be doing another challenge cold

Okay, tell me one

One cheap

Pomerance he's gonna be the only one that talks about

Murray TV on me, the only one that talks. Okay. So all the time you'll tell me what you think it is

And we have here Mahmood

And the cameraman is Lance boy. Now. We're gonna start with them Wow the a detailed

Cheddar and sour cream. All right. Do I let him know if he's right or no? Yeah, they say everyone's score Anthony

Take one you think things are like you don't like it turn sideways

Did you know what you want to take care buddy? Okay, so I'll skip you and go to Dylan. Okay, Dylan deal crap

whoa, I may be wrong, but I think it's like

Sour cream and onion, okay

And no one can see right that one let's go ah, it's he's sweet. Okay, so you already a good choice

I'd say sour cream sour cream with what?

What I said, yeah, okay, they're real the chip what was okay, so the chip is sour cream and onion

Yeah, it's probably my I tried it on my live stream and it was disguised

You like them you'll eat the whole ship right I think they're like

Okay, so now we're going to start is everybody finish getting their taste buds, okay start off

We think we'll start with dill crap again. I am

I know I can't choose to but

Yeah, I think

It's barbecue, okay. Next is Anthony, I'd say barbecue Michael

I'm gonna go out of the realm here. I'm gonna go with the loaded baked potato. Okay, guys, you ready? It is the cheddar and

Yeah, you can take some water guys don't worry

Wow, you can't oh, okay. Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. Oh, it's the least amount of points in who's

Currently ever has to but you

I'm gonna catch up one more round. I have one more chance

I robber gets you below if you want to do you wanted to know I know but round one is almost over

I don't know why you kept having me buy these chips. I said robber. There's so many pokémon

Guys put them down. Right? Did you have enough water? I don't want anybody have a joke

It's good, it's gonna be confusing if we do it guys some fun. Whoever has the most points at the end wins

We're not going to eliminate so we cleared your taste buds with the water, right? Okay, so let's go for the next one

Let me I'm gonna be a little tricky lost

Everybody, okay. Nobody feels like they're choking

Faking them people margrock into elimination or just kiss you ever gets the most you

Don't show them on camera you said I'm sorry

I try to cancel don't touch she gets anxious inside, especially when you can't see ya like really that you are a creep

Okay, guys good. I

Think cameraman you're doing a good job the alley man doing a good job

That is you I thought I am good. What is this

One end eclipse for michael montage - I have to go take the know I know I know it I gotta leave I

just realized

Lance what is it? Let me know. Let us cast of the cast. Hi Robert. You purse starting with Robert branch. I

Can take the last one just alright. You knew I'd say, it's Ranch

Villa de Dillon ranch. Oh, I know. I don't honey must all right

Tony mustard. Alright time for the next. I know you're anywhere. Damn it. I can't do this, dude

Leave me no swag that go move move get to pick one

Alright why just coming apparently Michael got right it was funny

Okay, and Michael Michael Michael scream like this

Guy's Bolivar and see let her talk. So the moon is giving the chips out right now because I wonder

Okay, no slipping it, so I'm holding you get disqualified you

Ready and three two one take a bite


Let go

Let go

Dil crap Billy furniture. What do you think? It is? Obviously, okay. See you all got it right pickle. Who's that?

Right now

Robert bring it down, right or O'Connor. Could I get a drink? I don't

Really agree Anthony's three and yours, you know I have four right? Yeah. No. Yeah. All right guys

Ready guys no fluid. Hey, you want to give it out my tongue Oh

Eating it it's a good burger

I know you're right where you want. That's all

Matter back everybody has their back this little bit of hurt. All right guys. Try chips now. Where is it? I can't there. This is

This oh I know what it is. Okay loser. Let me go last

Dupin Dylan you see it

Mosca chip, okay

All right, you guys all ready? Oh, I know. I'm Anthony

You want to take over my job? You could take old over. Yeah this way I could get the you want to do it

Dylan I think it's arranged. All right, miss my



All right, Robert Memphis barbecue and now you're all tied Robert, yeah

But best

Hurt your tail. All right. Yeah. It's

Okay. No Robert is the only one who got it right? I know I'd like a drink guys. All right, boy if you don't

We're all tied now I'm gonna god I'm not gonna drink sitting there mine girls kiss every soul time. Yeah, don't jinx it bride

Can't peeps. Okay, I'm Jenna I'm agreeing with you. Oh, oh, sorry. Can we can we continue now, please? All right

Nice try your chips. No way this one. Yeah

You guys tasted it Wow Norman go



What do you think it is

I'd say

it would primarily be a

Honey mustard

Well, I think Michael got all right


They're out. All right

Your turn Robert Buffalo ranch. All right, and for you villains need hands

All right, so all the correct answers Buffalo Reggie, yeah

Peggy back off me boom. They're both you guys are both in the lead. Hi

I should stop you have a horse on my shirt like oh, yeah. Mom the next one. Is there a vinegar flavor?

I took that that when I have a horse on my shirt

You know who it is one by some American Pharoah, yeah, okay when he was in the Derby

How many flavors a lot remains please yep. All right guys we got how many flavors this one this yes. Okay guys

I'm laughs. Tell me the laughs I call this no, come on again Robert. Oh, I

Wanna go with mozzarella and marinara. All right

Mike G

All right


Marinara you remember right?

Yeah, all right

The pink patina, which do they get it right yet. Oh you guys drink

bugs now

Wait, look look there's two more. Oh goodness. No, I gotta hide the chips

Yeah, all right Blanche how long I'm even filming with this, uh, Wow three minutes

All right

Well, by the way guys to Robin do some contract signing will be okay and the Bombers center. So which show that bonus episode?

We've been taping. Let me see what it says. Oh

It would be up top Dillon they don't think it's week yet. I don't know I can't tell doing

My boobs in ready. Did he get a chip?

Gonna have to give out chips

Yeah, don't ready

Telling you ready? We didn't even

Know I know it's don't really see like blindfold we've been blindfolded. I

was just fixing my

See right, no, I'm icicles. Anyway keep the clothes home

All right guys pick it up

Can't remember


I might answer, okay

All right, guys, what do you think it is

I'll go last. All right beeps these ants blindfolds. Oh

You're funny Thomas

All right

This is too good. All right, what is it I'm thinking

You say it wasn't sure

Ranch all right

I think what Mike you say

All right, Anthony

I'm gonna have to go

What Robert said?

All right

So the correct answer is what Dillon and Robert said you bull doing and Robert you bull a buckle up


It's a bit obvious the last one yeah if you remember everybody can use hand sanitizer

That sit, okay Michael, where's my tip oh

Yeah, now I know because that sort of take a bite all right

The lead we found these for you and we found these oh, wow we went to

I want to be last. Okay will immerse Michael?

Well our cut see about this chip is like it's rough

And but other than that I would say the flavor is marinara

Robert marinara, what's wrong Mary? Damn? What's wrong Mary Nana?

Marinara yeah

And the winner is well Dylan and Robert Irvine Wow, well Oh show me and Rob I got

It right my god

I got one wrong one right amigo

remember the ranch one week I

Said puppy must know how to run

So their time

What was your last Gus

The ranch one he got that one wrong

Guys me and Dylan and Robin will fight it out in air hockey bout

right now in the earth free briefcase

At Bates a black eye and you broke man. Peace guys

All right. Ready Dylan to me right now

Can't you get the money

It's gonna be like, where's my gosh, it'll rub it in line my eyes hurtful not stopping the way for a while

Yes, same with me boy. Now. It's all right


What do you guys think up? There's a video

I actually had so much fun doing this before you guys came to mark

All of their links

With Isis

Or their linguist Venus for low. So you guys will know Peniel ascribe to them. So

Thank you guys for watching and peace out

For more infomation >> BLINDFOLDED PRINGLES TASTE TEST CHALLENGE - Duration: 18:43.





Grindelwald Opening Scene | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:44.

Dougal, settle down now, please.

It won't be long.


- British, huh? - Yes.

- First trip to New York? - Yes.

Anything edible in there?



Must get that fixed. Um... No.

Let me take a look.

Welcome to New York.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> Grindelwald Opening Scene | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:44.


3D Model of Mercedes Logo Review - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Mercedes Logo Review - Duration: 1:06.


3D Model of Basketball Ball Review - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Basketball Ball Review - Duration: 0:46.


3D Model of Currency Simbols Review - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Currency Simbols Review - Duration: 0:46.


War Thunder gameplay en español. # Partidas TERRESTRES REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 2:20:57.

For more infomation >> War Thunder gameplay en español. # Partidas TERRESTRES REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 2:20:57.


[FREE] "DAYBREAK" 🏝 Dancehall x Afrobeat x Wizkid Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 5:02.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> [FREE] "DAYBREAK" 🏝 Dancehall x Afrobeat x Wizkid Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 5:02.


3D Model of Energy Drink Can Review - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Energy Drink Can Review - Duration: 1:16.


Getting Roasted (Youtube Animator) - Duration: 5:25.

Yoooo 808 nation its yoyo 808 And before ayeeee its interupting yoyo808

i said this at the end of the vid too but i know some of you be dipping mid way throught

the vid cough ...anyway i made this video shorter so i could ofcus more on the frames

and stuff tell me what you like better in this poll shorter high quality vids or longer

low quality vids thanks) HAHAHA SORRY i told yalll i was gonna start doing that and before

i was the well know extremly handsome extremely skilled amazing youtube animator you see before

you today i was a chubby weird kid who always drew sonic in class and the only way to defend

myself from the straight onslaught of roasts and bullying was to become a shinobi in the

accient art of roasting also known by our ancestors as the dozens now i didnt have a

stunning bounce talking cartoon to teach me but i got yall now one of the main components

of roasting is metaphors boy you look like a blank you need to make sure it something

that vaguely resembles the person for example ……..

It can also be something so bizzare it can be seen as funny like m and my home girl emma

were roasting goth girls and she sent me this and that had me rolling agh he i mean ….rollinggggg

yo whos doing these drawing bruh But if there is one thing that you cant do

one thing that breaks all of the roasting ten commandments one thing that will promise

you an instant L no matter how badly you flammed someone dont sststststs stutter bruh goddd

no j just dont man dont do it If you don't get yo wannabe utoonz outta here

bruh Boyy you look like a burnt mario mushroom

Boy i know yyy yoyy yoou Gasp i i stuttered maybe he didnt here it

may- omae wa mou shindeiru


Cough yeah man just avoid suttering at all costs unless you wanna look like the dirt

logo in the top of my screen YES ITS SOIL NOT POOP

Before you roast someone make sure you are not a walking L yourself the thing about roasting

is to keep going until someone either flops a joke stutters of just runs out of things

to say if you try to roast someone rocking trash clothes or rocking a yoyo808 hairline

yes i brought it up in the video first cuz i know yall ima see you in the comments talkin

about some HAHA what about that time you had that dorito

chip logo in yo head that kim posiible boo- Shut up i said it first

It just wont happen bruh no matter what you say it will be bounced back to you litterally

ysterday when i was facetiming my boy nasty b to record the roasts for the drawing an

roasting my subs video i posted on wednesday HINT HINT WINK WINK

We were roasting eachother cuz my computer was taking forever and a day yo load ,......thanks

acer for giving me this oversized brick of a computer that always big botty claps my

animations right when im about to finish them And i was flaming him only for him to clown

me saying i had the hair and the body type of kodak black …..

With yo nasty braids lookin like travis not ol asap not he lookin ahh

Shut yo kodak black wanna be lookin outta here ole kodak wack face ahh

Cough...i dont know what youre talkin about

J just learn from my mistakes make sure you are presentable before you try to destroy

someone's will to live

Honestly tho i dont even know why in tryna teach you guys how to roast considering im

basically your freaking punching bag you guys literally zuko itachi flame me in the comments

like Just finished makin the youtube video ima

upload it this finna be a breeze

You look like a darkskined ybn nahmir without dreads

Y yo chill i aint come here for all that I didnt know a dude could look so ugly …..jk

This is beyond me I I just wanna make videos man im just chilllin

Yoyo yo edge up wasnt ready bruh GUARD

Nibba yo nose lookin like some mario tubes GUARDDDD

This was only under one video bruh ONE VIDEO Moral of the story

Yall aint shi

Ayeeee we back on this endcard what did you guys think of the frames in this video i have

been making my stories shorter on purpose so i can focus more on the frames and actually

make stuff move more i hope you liked it anyway shoutout to the titter gang be sure to join

the instafam like share and comment as i reply to every comment on new vids and if you yes

you wanna join the newest wave on the way to the youtube animation destination be sure

to subscribe and join the 808 nation

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