Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

We are going out

With alcohol (soju)

He's Dutch, He's from Almere


And we are in Itaewon

Tell them where we are

We are at GS25 now

That's like a little famous shop here

And you can get fucked up (drink a lot of soju) really cheap

But look,

As you can see, it's raining

We're waiting until it stops

And then we can finally go

For more infomation >> NIGHTLIFE IN SEOUL - Duration: 6:42.


我養了好多種類的貓【Cat Condo】 chu玩遊戲|有cc字幕 - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 我養了好多種類的貓【Cat Condo】 chu玩遊戲|有cc字幕 - Duration: 4:21.


94,85m² The Small Houses With Comfortable Interior Design Suitable For Narrow Plots | House Ideas - Duration: 10:01.

94,85m² The Small Houses With Comfortable Interior Design Suitable For Narrow Plots | House Ideas

For more infomation >> 94,85m² The Small Houses With Comfortable Interior Design Suitable For Narrow Plots | House Ideas - Duration: 10:01.


Will Knowing BTS (Kpop) Get Me a Girlfriend? | 24th Attempt in Finding GF - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> Will Knowing BTS (Kpop) Get Me a Girlfriend? | 24th Attempt in Finding GF - Duration: 8:17.


Essence Of Murli 16-10-18 - Duration: 8:17.

Om Shanti ! Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 16th October 2018

( We children know very well, Supreme Father Supreme Soul is ocean of all virtues, almighty, it can even be said he is ocean of all powers)

(what runs in an ocean ? Steamer . So today Baba remembers steamer ( in the Murli ) )

Essence: Sweet children, you are now sitting in a very big steamer.

Your anchor has been raised and you are going across the salty channel to the ocean of milk.

Question: In what do children especially feel tired? What is the main reason for becoming tired?

Answer: While moving along, children become tired of the pilgrimage of remembrance.

The main reason for becoming tired is the influence of bad company.

You go into such company that you even let go of the Father's hand.

It is said that good company takes you across and bad company drowns you.

If you become influenced by the company you keep and step off the steamer, Maya eats you raw.

This is why Baba cautions you children: Children, never let go of the Almighty Father's hand.

Song: Mother, o mother, you are the Bestower of Fortune for All.

( Navratri has started. Mother is remembered a lot especially during this time by all and we children )

Essence for dharna: 1. Continue to hold on to the Almighty Father's hand.

Attach your heart to the one Father alone. Wake up early in the morning and sit in remembrance.

( During early morning time, Baapdada meets we children )

2. Remain cautious about the influence of bad company.

Never stop studying due to the influence of bad company.

Blessing: May you be filled with specialities and attain the blessing of having easy yoga by being constantly co-operative in service.

Brahmin life is a life filled with specialities.

To be a Brahmin means to receive the blessing of being an easy yogi. This is the first blessing of this birth.

Always keep this blessing in your intellect; this is what it means to put your blessing into your practical life.

The easy way to keep a blessing permanently is to use your blessing to serve all souls.

To be co-operative in service is to be an easy yogi.

So, keep this blessing in your awareness and become full of specialities.

Slogan: Use the jewel in your forehead to become a lighthouse and grant a vision of your form and your elevated destination.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, who have come and met Baba once again after 5000 years,

love, remembrance and good morning, numberwise, according to their efforts, the spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 16-10-18 - Duration: 8:17.


Best Food for Late Pregnancy - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Best Food for Late Pregnancy - Duration: 5:13.



What's this?

I think it is milk




I think so too!


It's taste like protein!

I thought milk!

Good right?

So good!

For more infomation >> JAPANESE TRIES TO DRINK VITAMILK!!! (*MEETUP INFO) - Duration: 6:18.


10 Step Perfect Morning Routine (Your BEST Days Start Like This!) - Duration: 9:02.

Today we're talking about the perfect morning routine, and things that you need to avoid.

They can screw up your entire day.

So for me the perfect day starts at 5:00 a.m.

I wake up on time, I feel rested, and I'm motivated to start my day.

So how do you wake up motivated?

Well, the first thing you do not do is commit deadly sin number one, and that's hit the

snooze button.

You do not want to become someone who develops the habit of hitting the snooze button.

That extra 15, 20 minutes, 30 minutes of sleep - it's not gonna help you, and you're just

gonna be late waking up.

So my personal hack for waking up motivated I'm gonna break into three parts.

First up, my alarm.

So I don't use my phone, I use a recorded alarm.

And basically, it's my own voice telling myself in a 10-second period why I need to jump out

of bed, why I'm gonna have a great day.

I lay out all the things I need to do.

Next up, if I don't want to get out I just simply do a countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

This forces me to jump out of bed.

Next up, I've got a glass of water there waiting for me.

I down that glass of water.

because even if I try to go back to sleep I'm gonna have to use the bathroom here in

the next few minutes.

The next part of the perfect morning routine - I'm selfish.

My kids are asleep, my wife is asleep, I can go to the gym and take care of my body.

This is the most important asset you have, gentlemen, throughout life.

Take care of your body.

Now for me, I want to reduce all friction when going to the gym, so I've got my clothing

laid out at the end of my bed, I've got backup clothing in my drawers, I've also got a backup

set of clothing in my truck.

Literally three sets of clothing stashed, with extra shoes in my truck as well.

So when I head off to the gym I'm just not worried about not being able to find something,

so I don't use that as an excuse.

Now most mornings I'm getting in a pretty good workout.

I do a lot of weight lifting, I do a lot of stretching because of my lower back.

I jump into the pool, do a lot of stretching there, and

then hit the hot tub, shower, and I head home.

So now I'm back home, I go upstairs and I wake up my wife, because I want to spend quality

time with the woman I love.

So every morning my wife and I, we have coffee and we have a meeting.

We go over what needs to get accomplished, what we want to do with the day.

We talk about just some personal things, things we want to accomplish.

We build our relationship.

Now if our kids are not awake, I have to admit, sometimes I put the coffee on hold and I crawl

back into bed with my wife.

So at this point I'm happy to say that I've got no performance issues.

However, I know that 52 percent of men at some point in their lives will deal with erectile


And in case you don't know, gentlemen, ED is like a 'check engine' light.

Oftentimes there are other things going on in a man's life that are causing this issue.

You could have high cholesterol, you could have high blood pressure.

But the thing is, we need to go see a doctor and talk to a doctor about this, but men,

we are so bad about going to a doctor.

So what are you going to do?

You feel uncomfortable, you don't want to go talk to somebody about this.

Guys, that's why I'm proud to bring you Roman, the paid sponsor of today's video.

What I love about Roman is it's a one-stop shop where licensed U.S. physicians can diagnose

ED and ship medication right to your door.

With Roman there are no waiting rooms, no awkward face-to-face conversations or uncomfortable

trips to the pharmacy.

You can handle everything discreetly online.

Step 1, fill out a brief medical onboarding.

Step 2, chat with a licensed U.S. physician.

And step 3, get FDA approved ED meds delivered to your door in discreet unmarked packaging.

Guys, the link is in the description:

Again, gentlemen, that's

And when you use the link in the description you get your first month of care absolutely


And if you stick around to the end of this video I'm going to talk about a story, an

embarrassing doctor story, and again this just reinforces why I absolutely love what

Roman is doing here.

Next up in the perfect morning, I've now got time for my kids.

So they've woken up, they're going around the house, and I try to tell my kids I love

them and I try to kiss them every morning.

And that just makes the day feel so great.

We don't get to spend too much time, they're off busy doing their own things.

They're playing, they're running around.

We homeschool, so they're around quite a bit, but I go through and the way I show love to

my kids is I start to make breakfast.

So that's on me, and I make a good breakfast.

I try to get us all around the table.

Doesn't always happen, but in the perfect morning, yes we're all around and we're eating

some great food, and I'm asking them how they're gonna spend their day, letting them know that

I care about them.

And then in the perfect morning I spend time with Evestar.

She's our puppy, she's just turned a year old, she just has those cute eyes, but you

gotta love having a dog.

Next up in the perfect morning routine, I shower, I shave, and I get ready for the day.

Now when it comes to showering there is a correct way to take a shower.

I've got you covered - we'll check out this video right here, guys, on how to properly

take a shower.

And when it comes to shaving you want to pay attention to your shaving routine.

Have a routine, have a step-by-step process that you go through.

And if you want to learn how to shave properly I've got a video for you right here on how

to shave properly.

And then when I'm getting dressed I oftentimes use a valet.

This is basically where I've got my clothing laid out and I simply know - I've done it

the night before, so I know exactly what I'm going to wear that day.

I also have a uniform that I wear, Pretty much, I'm oftentimes wearing the same thing

again and again, because it sends the message I want to send and it's a controlled look

that I can come in here and I can change up a bit. and I can look good for when I need

to film a video like this.

So now I've got my commute.

I'm not gonna run into any traffic because I live about 3/4 of a mile from my office.

Now when I walk in my computer's oftentimes on and I simply sit down and then look at

my calendar.

So I've got my personal time scheduled, I've got my business time scheduled, I've even

got things that I want to accomplish a year from now scheduled.

I'm very detailed.

The reason being is if I spend the time planning and being detailed upfront I find that it's

easier to execute on things when the time for them pops up.

So for the perfect morning when I'm through with my calendar I create from scratch a priority


Every single day, I'm laying out - I'm identifying what's important and what is not.

The vast majority of things that are hitting us on a daily basis are noise.

There are only a few things in your business, at work, in your life, that are gonna make

a huge difference.

Try to focus in on those.things.

Now next up in the perfect morning, I am now checking my email and I am checking notifications

on my phone.

And both of these are deadly sins that if you start your day off - notice, I mean I'm

already pretty far into my day.

I'm at my office.

Because I get a lot of notifications from important people that want to contact me,

I get a lot of important emails, and if I let them hijack my morning it can ruin your

entire morning.

So it's at this point that I'm looking at those problems and I'm now coming in to deal

with them.

Next up in my perfect morning, I'm having my daily huddle.

So I bring in my managers, I bring in my team.

Twice a week I have an entire team meeting, all hands on deck, we're on Zoom and we

simply talk and we go over important issues.

But with my managers, I meet them pretty much every single workday, and we can identify

what we need to get done and we simply talk with each other and hash through issues.

So at this point it's now late morning, I've gotten a number of things knocked through

with my team with my company, and then I go through my phone and I start calling people.

I go over and I look at, you know, I haven't called my friend Rob for a while, haven't

called my friend Chris.

Let them know I'm thinking about them, that I care about them.

Speaking of which, my wife is calling in here.

But the thing is I try to build these relationships.

It's so important that you make a daily habit of building true relationships.

All right, so that's my perfect morning routine.

What do you think?

Let me know down in the comments.

And I know you guys want to hear my embarrassing story going to the doctor, so here it is.

I live in a small town and I see just a local nurse practitioner.

And I go in the other day and I'm asking, yes, for a prostate exam.

A buddy of mine died from prostate cancer.

I'm like, you know, I need to get checked out.

I thought, you know, I'm like past the age of 40.

I should get checked out.

And the nurse - I mean, the nurse practitioner I don't know.

But she brought in someone she was training who happened to be the wife of a friend of


And I'm just like, 'You got to be kidding me!'

And so of course she said, 'Well, I don't think we need to go through with this',

and I felt we need to.

But you know what, I changed my opinion because I'm embarrassed!

And I don't want to like, you know.

The point is if you live in a small town, if it's an issue that's important - and that's

an important thing that you need to get done, you need to take care of your body, and medical

issues and medical things like this can be embarrassing.

So guys, I absolutely love what Roman is doing, because they're making it easier for us as

men to take care of our bodies and live the life that you want to live.

Again, gentlemen, I'm linking to them down in the description.

That's gonna be

And you're gonna receive your first month of care absolutely free.

All right gents, that's it, take care, I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 10 Step Perfect Morning Routine (Your BEST Days Start Like This!) - Duration: 9:02.


Manchester police investigate separate reports of shots fired - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Manchester police investigate separate reports of shots fired - Duration: 1:12.


Nữ Đại Minh Tinh Trung Quốc Biến Mất | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 9:00.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

China's top actress has disappeared!

Or maybe has been disappeared.

China threatens more tariffs on the US,

in retaliation for US retaliation.

And a virus is infecting millions of Chinese pigs.

I guess I'll be taking a break from double-cooked pork.

This is China Uncensored.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.

I'm Chris Chappell.

Chinese superstar actress Fan Bingbing seems to have disappeared.

That's Fan Bingbing who played Blink in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

She's the highest paid actress in China,

and the fifth-highest paid actress in the world.

But since late July,

the 36-year-old actress hasn't been seen in public,

or really anywhere that people seem to know about.

Her Weibo account has been silent.

No new dresses.

Not even a cute cat.

There's also no word about why she's gone.

But the Chinese internet loves speculation.

The current rumor is that she's been abducted

by authorities for tax evasion.

I mean, she could be chillin' on a beach somewhere.

We don't know.

But in May, a presenter on Chinese state television leaked

a pair of contracts that supposedly showed Fan Bingbing

double-billing for a production.

Basically, she had two contracts covering the same work.

"The documents appeared to reveal an arrangement,

known as 'yin-yang' contracts,

wherein one contract reflects an actor's actual earnings

while a second, lower figure is submitted to tax authorities."

So it's possible she's been abducted because authorities plan

to use her as a warning to other actors:

Pay your taxes, or else!

Fan's disappearance is probably less dire

than that of the thousands of human rights lawyers,

religious believers, and other dissidents

who are "disappeared" on a regular basis by the Communist Party.

But it does show the overall repressiveness of the system in China.

After all, if Kim Kardashian or Beyonce

wasn't seen in public for two months,

no one would think they were being secretly held by the US government.

Too bad Fan Bingbing can't teleport her way out of detention.

In a move that's been a long time in the making,

the US Justice Department is requiring China's

two biggest state run media companies—

Xinhua and China Global Television Network—

to register as foreign agents.

Over the past year, two Russian outlets,

RT and Sputnik, have also been required

to register as foreign agents.

What this means is there'll be more limitations

to press credentials for all these media.

They'll have less access to lawmakers and other US officials.

This is causing a bit of a debate.

There are the free speech activists—

who don't like the government deciding

what counts as journalism and what counts as propaganda.

Then there's national security experts—

who are happy these state-backed propaganda outlets

are getting a little more scrutiny.

The law in question is the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

It was created in 1938 to tackle covert Nazi propaganda in the US.

But it was rarely used after World War 2.

Until recently.

Of course, state-run China Daily, who's distribution company

has long been registered as a foreign agent,

has not been that inconvenienced.

Why, you can see their newspaper boxes dotting the streets

of major US cities like New York.

China is retaliating in the trade war with new tariffs

on 60 billion dollars of American goods.

Which is a predictable response to the US's response...

to China's earlier response to the original US tariffs...

which were a response to China being a big fat cheater.

President Trump commented on China's latest tariffs,

saying, "If there's retaliation against our farmers

and our industrial workers and our ranchers,

if any of that goes on

we are going to kick in another $257 billion.

We don't want to do it,

but we'll probably have no choice."

Later he clarified he actually meant 267 billion dollars.

But anyway, it's not exactly tit for tat.

Since the US buys more from China than China buys from the US,

the US is able to hit China with bigger tariffs.

And if the new tariffs Trump is threatening go into effect,

tariffs would cover the majority of all US-China trade.

So for all of you who wanted to boycott Made in China products,

looks like a lot more people will be forced to join you.

A deadly African swine fever is sweeping across

at least seven Chinese provinces.

The virus has killed at least 40,000 pigs.

It's become a major disruption to China's pork industry.

And more importantly, it's super gross!

And not gross in a cool way,

like that glow-in-the-dark pork from a few years ago.

The good news is that the swine fever outbreak

is way too big to cover up.

So it's forced Chinese authorities to address it,

and state media to report on it.

But just to be clear,

state-run media says, it's an African swine fever.

And it's happening despite China's strict controls.

And again, please remember that this is

not some kind of Chinese disease.

It's "been circulating in neighboring countries for a long time".

The virus can apparently live in pork products,

including ham and salami, for a month or more.

And one of the reasons the infection has spread globally

is that "pigs can become infected

if they eat contaminated food scraps."

Wait, does this mean pigs are eating...pork?

Well, at least they're not forcing Muslims to eat pork.


There is one piece of good news, though.

The virus only kills pigs, and not humans.

So while pork prices in China are going up—

you know, because so much of the supply is dying—

at least it's still safe to eat bacon.

Well, as safe as it ever was.

And finally, a "nightmare" incident between

Chinese tourists and Swedish police.

At least according to state-run media.

A Chinese family of three tried

to check into a hotel in Stockholm,

but apparently hadn't made reservations for that night.

So the hotel staff turned them away.

The Chinese family refused to leave,

and insisted on sleeping in the lobby.

So the staff called the police,

who used what the Chinese son described as

"excessive violence" on the family.

See for yourself.

"This is killing!

This is killing!"

It's basically murder.

Just look at this cry for help!

Wow, he could be a professional soccer player.

All this, of course,

has blown up massively on the Chinese internet.

And China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed concern

about the safety and legitimate rights

of all Chinese citizens visiting Sweden.

Which makes sense.

No one treats Chinese citizens worse than the police in Sweden.

And before we go, it's that time when I answer questions

from China Uncensored fans who support the show on Patreon,

the crowdfunding website.

Uchida O. asks

While Tibet is strategically advantageous,

wouldn't a complete pull-out go a long way to making it appear

as though China is interested in human rights and democracy?

What do you guys think it would it take

for the CCP to relinquish Tibet?"

Well, unfortunately for the people of Tibet,

the Chinese Communist Party will never, ever let Tibet go.

It's too strategical value.

For one, there's gold in them there hills!

Or at least a variety of minerals and rare earth elements.

Then there's the border security that comes with controlling Tibet.

It's impossible to move an army through the Himalayas.

But if the Chinese Communist Party didn't control Tibet,

then it wouldn't have the Himalayas to protect China's western border.

And then there's the fact that most of Asia's rivers start in Tibet.

That gives whoever controls Tibet tremendous power over

all the surrounding nations.

If the Communist Party gave up Tibet,

then someone else would control the source of these rivers—

including China's rivers.

If you'd like to learn more about this topic,

see our episode Why China Will Never Allow a Free Tibet.

Link is below.

Thanks for your question, Uchida.

And if you want to see your question on the show,

become a member of the China Uncensored 50-cent army on Patreon,

for as little as a dollar per episode.

Link is below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

Well, sorry to say, that's the end of another China Uncensored.

But this isn't goodbye!

Hit that subscribe button and turn the notification bell on

so you know when we have more episodes.

And more episodes we will have.

A new one comes out every Monday,

Wednesday, Friday and sometimes Saturday!

For more infomation >> Nữ Đại Minh Tinh Trung Quốc Biến Mất | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 9:00.


Hungarian MRE H3 (ENG subs) I Mađarski CSO H3 I. Komplettírozott Élelmiszer Csomag H/5 - Duration: 12:37.

And finally after all this time I got Hungarian ration. And this is the last ration from our neighbouring countries.

I had Slovenian rations, Italian rations and now it remains only to try this Hungarian ration

Because Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina don't have MRE's

The color of this plastic bag is interesting

It has some information printed on it in black colour.

It's hard to read, you need to find the right angle or you will not see anything.

One of the important things is printed on the bottom - the best before date.

It's all in Hungarian, but it's not hard to understand the BBD stamp. And best before is 17.08.2018.

Its best before, not a production date because the date printed on it is just two days ago.

On the back it's clear, without any prints. To open it you need to cut it open.

I suppose this isn't NATO STANAG ration since everything is in Hungarian. There is no English or French.

Big can: pork and cabbage

Salami pate, made from pork and chicken meat with addition of 5% of salami sausage. You have two of them.

Two pate's "In a Hungarian way" made from pork meat with added taste of smoke

It's all made in company made Szegedi

4 packs of crackers, it says it's unleavened bread substitute

Heating tabs

Matches in a very nice box

Very crackling and thin bag that contains flameless ration heater and a bag with water

FHR has English instructions

Instructions in Hungarian

Lancashire hotpot... a name that does not really tell me what's inside

Do not drink - water bag for starting FRH

Probably contains salt to kickstart faster this FRH pack

List of contents - in Hungarian language

Folding stove

Very nice material, looks very sturdy. You have this spot for placing that heater tablet

One of the best folding stoves I have seen in military rations

Zip lock bag with various things inside

Dextrose tablets

Hard boiled candy, two lemon, one apple and one peach flavor.


One more candy, looks like blackberry flavor

2 spice bags

two bags of salt... but I'm not sure is it salt or not

Adittional bag that contains 6 packs of sugar

Chewing gum

Lemon flavored ice tea mix for from 1.2 liters up to 1.5 liters of water

3 paper tissues

instant vegetable soup

instant cocoa powder

now the breakfast...

Let's start this journey with hot pot

it should contain slow cooked lamb meat

-Very easy to use instructions-

you reseal this sticker to close the bag like this

instant tea powder as you can see with added sugar

chewing gum... looks like maybe 10 of them

dextrose can help you with instant energy boost

I had to use one of the US ration heaters to help out the British one since Hot Pack wasn't really heating much by itself

spice bag looks like it contains Vegeta, dry spices with salt

crackers are thin and tasteless

hot pot is really good, slightly sour

there isn't much salt in this, you can taste the meat you can find in very little pieces

it looks like slow cooked meal that also thickened it

let's add salt and spices

everything that was missing before you get after spicing it up, you get very interesting and tasty meal

I can understand why Hungarians choose this meal for their ration pack

really nice, particularly for their (Hungarian) taste

Tea was made in 1.2 liters of cold water and it's excellent

Very sweet and you can taste full flavor of lemon. Thumbs up for this also.

Let's continue to next meal

Instant soup calls for 2dcl of hot water

In cocoa mix you need to add 1.5dcl of water

I don't know can you see, but cocoa powder went bad, you can see something like spider web up there in the corner of the bag

now we have sugar we don't need

Pate in a Hungarian way

pork meat pate

in this pate you have 3 different kinds of meat

pork, chicken and dry meat (salami)... it's very oily

Pate in a Hungarian way smells like liver pate with some spices

Very very creamy pate and you can taste that smoke I was talking about in the opening

Pate in a Hungarian way really has that smokey taste

Salamis pate also smells like liver pate

I like Salamis pate more. It has much sharper and cleaner taste. Pate in a Hungarian way is like some kind of gue, sticking on your teeth and palate

They are not small as you can see and also you get two of the both.

Vegetable soup is very red, like one of the Hungarian trademark colours. Much spices and red like paprika red.

Sweet, slightly sour from the tomato. Maybe for us Balkan people food taste a strange soup, but for the Hungarians...

I expected something very hot and spicy, but this isn't the case. It's OK.

Let's try the little hard boiled candy....

Reminds me of candy we had 15-20 years ago (or more)

It's like when you live in Germany, but you are going back home to Croatia, Serbia or Bosnia for a visit

So you take biggest bag of candy because 50 or more kids are waiting for you to bring them something

XXXL bag of candy

And you just grab the handful of them and give it around... it's like that type of candy.

It's sort of say welfare type of candy. UNPROFOR candy...

This is it for the lunch...let's continue

One more of infamous UN welfare candy

I already tried the pate's so I will not be opening this two that remains

This should be something similar to our dish called Sarma. We shall see, I need to heat it up.

You get literally half of the can filled with meat, other half filled with the cabbage.

I've managed to mix it up and heat it a bit.

Really awesome meal, excellent taste it also has that smokey bacon flavor

One more detail I noticed, this crackers are almost the same taste as "Mlinci"

If you ever tried dry "Mlinci" before preparation - this is almost the same.

"Mlinci" are one of old traditional food in Croatian and Slovenian cuisine. It is a thin dried flatbread.

So Hun's basically made "Mlinci" and called it crackers.

Raisins... let's see how they call them in Hungarian

very strong and sweet smell

slightly fermented

lately almost everything smells slightly fermented to

this bag looks very cheap, but raisins inside are like they are recently made

First time in my life I see Vegeta as one of the ration content

Podravka could put some in our Croatian rations...

One of the biggest mysteries of this ration is - sugar

Instant tea is very sweet so you don't need additional sugar

You could use one with cocoa powder, but you have much more of this sugar packs left... for what I don't know

This would be all... please press like, leave a comment do you like this ration or not... B Y E

For more infomation >> Hungarian MRE H3 (ENG subs) I Mađarski CSO H3 I. Komplettírozott Élelmiszer Csomag H/5 - Duration: 12:37.


¥oung Kofla - Fiji (Edited by @francesco_bonato) - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> ¥oung Kofla - Fiji (Edited by @francesco_bonato) - Duration: 2:01.


Công Cụ Thiết Yếu Marketing Automation | Hệ Thống Online - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Công Cụ Thiết Yếu Marketing Automation | Hệ Thống Online - Duration: 5:42.


Freshtuff - Wake Up (RTVE) #VLOG - Duration: 11:06.

Well guys, we're going on a trip.

Where are we going Tony?

To Aranda de Duero, to my home town, to my summer house.

To finish some remixes for something that's going to be quite big.

What do you think we'll find there Oxbin?

Well honestly I'm not really sure what we'll find there, but probably not really high temperatures.

We just arrived from Defqon.1 so we're ready for anything!

I think we'll probably have mixed feelings.

So that's it we're riding the batmobile direction to...

The freshmobile.

We're going direction to a rough place, Tony says it's his hometown,

I don't believe him, but let's see what happens in the end.

We're going to do a few, ´cause it's not going to be just one.

We're going to do a few versions of the theme song of Wake Up a TV show.

That hasn't been released yet.

Probably when you guys see this it has already been released.

That's what I was thinking.

Only God knows!

Are we talking to the future?

Well I think the show is about the future.

Not exactly the future.

No spoilers please!

To sum up, it's based on virtual reality.

To sum up, the main character dies.

[He's Lying]

That's all you need to know guys.

So you recommend it?

Yes, I recommend it.

Where can we see it?

In Playz (Link in Description).

I think it will be released in October.

Probably when you see this it will already be October.

Oh my God he's crazy!

We're gonna

We're going to do a Remix pack.

We'll see which one they like the most.

And after that we'll see what is released in the end and what not.

Day 1

Stroopwafel (Native Dutch).

What a bomb! That's how Caine dropped them!

Day 2

Let's add tremolo here.

Yeah yeah do it.


It's time for a tour of the house.

Well I'm going to show you...

Wait! I'm going to lock myself out and we wouldn't want that.

This is the living room.

Very nice!

It's where we eat and take our breaks.

What you're about to see is the porch.

Not bad at all!

Here we have the house from the outside.

There's the swimming pool but as you can see we have our sweatshirts on.

Actually today the sun has come out.

But it's not hot enough, not yet.

Not yet.

Not yet.


Yesterday we had a fresh BBQ here.

A wild Tony appeared!

This is where we saw Ali-G yesterday.

A lot of scourers as well...

Yeah scourers.

You gotta love them!

Do you want one?

Nah thanks.

I've a got a bit of Diarrea...


Error! 404 not found

A lot of vegetables and not much chicken.


A lot of vegetables...

I have Fajitas!

...And not much goodness.

Back to the cave

Day 3

No no of course, we have to eat all the food we have.

We have to eat eggs tonight and tomorrow.

4 eggs each.

Hey! Why doesn't that stop entering and ejecting.


I'm going to change it before it's too late.

Here it was fine.

(He doesn't know how to talk)

(Dyslexia on the way)





Set the table!


(You can't make me).

I'm going to make a bed of cheese.

Give me, give me cheese.

A bed of cheese so I can tuck them in at night.

Everything improves with cheese.

It's really good!

Did you cook it with water from the fridge I mean from the tap? (Dyslexia again).

I was going to do it that way until Oxbin stopped me.

I didn't even think about it.

With the salt from the bacon it's fine.

Did you use both packs of bacon?

Yep, like an animal.

And all the pasta?


I tell you, if I weren't European...

Well actually I'm not that European.

I would swear I have some Asian origin.

Japanese specifically.

Are you flexible?

No 'cause...

Iv'e always been really curious about that culture.

We've all had sick obsesions with Japan.

Since Pokemon we all wanted to go there.

Not for me really.

I mean Pokemon obviously but not to go to Japan.

Me neither.

For me yes.


Ok! Ok! Ok! OK!

C'mon man, it's not going to work otherwise.

You should have done this the first day.

It's awesome I've ended up liking it a lot.

No reason to take it off.

I'm going to take it off but to put it on my other wrist.

Although I think this one...

If I force it I can take it off.

Awesome track!

I'm going to film Tony a bit.

Straight out of the shower.


We're going to a communion lads!

We're going to a communion in Aranda de Duero, of a lamb that has our name on it.

Last Night

Have you put salt?

What's your secret?

No, I'll put it on later.

All in?

Disgusting! I almost touched it.

A warrior's meal.

Weekend warriors!

That's literally boiling.

It's lava.

Don't even look at it!

What happens if I touch it?

You probably wouldn't be able to DJ in a long time.

That wouldn't be bad at all actually!

Show Sergio's sun burn on camera.

You can already see it.

It's your turn to take it out.


Last night

I'll come back.

I always come back.

Will you invite us over again?

Of course, but when it's a bit hotter.

It's freezing now!

For more infomation >> Freshtuff - Wake Up (RTVE) #VLOG - Duration: 11:06.


Il Tradimento di Xehanort - KINGDOM HEARTS STORIA & LORE COMPLETA II (Union X, Birth By Sleep, 3) - Duration: 30:44.

For more infomation >> Il Tradimento di Xehanort - KINGDOM HEARTS STORIA & LORE COMPLETA II (Union X, Birth By Sleep, 3) - Duration: 30:44.


[막달렌] 트젠꿘들이 스피커스코너에서 여성을 폭행하다 - Duration: 5:24.

This video is gonna be a quick response to the

incident at Speaker's Corner where

a bunch of male transactivists

decided to pummel a grandmother

because she wanted to attend

a talk about whether or not

the conservative

proposal to change the gender recognition act

so that you don't have to be a transsexual anymore to

be able to change your legal gender is a good idea.

Some transsexuals do actually oppose this

proposed reform, including Miranda

Yardley, who was scheduled to speak

at this event.

You're saying - you're doing this to a transsexual

You're doing this to a transsexual

"Transmisogyny" is a made-up word

And also, it's a concern for women's rights activists

like Dr. Julia Long who was also scheduled to speak.

Dr. Long: I'd like to begin by saying I think it's really ironic that

the first act that this committee, which calls itself "the women and equality's committee",

that the first report that they've published

is something that actually is thoroughly antithetical

to women's rights, and

the voices of women and women's organizations

seem to have been very much

ignored in the production of this report.

The couple of speakers who are in favour of the reform

were invited to speak, but they cancelled,

maybe because they anticipated this kind

of hostility from transactivists

themselves. Transactivists have a long history of

trying to intimidate or threaten

venues where these kinds of events are

scheduled, and trying to get them to shut down the events.

This was no exception,

they actually had to change to a secret location, which is why

they were meeting at Speaker's Corner

instead of the actual original venue,

which was forced to cancel after safety concerns.

The safety concerns being the threats

made to them by transactivists.

I have never seen an issue become so central

so quickly as the whole trans debate; it really has risen up,

sprung up from almost nowhere

in a couple of years, actually.

And now, what's happened is that

there is women who are now here, called "trans-exclusionary radical feminists",

even if they're just actually kind of

fairly normal women, with no major political stance,

are saying: "you know what? We're not entirely comfortable

with this idea, which has been put forward by Maria Miller, actually -

Maria Miller is a Tory MP who's never done anything for women.

She's very very conservative, so it's

not really a surprise to me that she

and the Tory party are pushing

this legislation change, because it is very regressive.

So here they all are, at Speaker's Corner, chanting at the

scary lesbians who've assembled

so that they can't go and watch this talk.

Sixt-year old Maria McLaghen is filming the protesters

this bloke runs out and tries to smack the camera out of her hand, but it doesn't work.

She decides that she's gonna film the guy, and she gets descended on

by two blokes who are trying to rip her camera out of her hand

At this point, even some of the transactivists are a bit concerned

and the young woman tries to get one of the transactivists.

He turns around and starts squaring

up with her and threatening her.

I've seen a couple of rumours that he was carrying a gun, but

I think that it is his finger pointing towards her,

and then there's something in his hand.

I don't know if it's a weapon, I don't think it's a gun.

So that's when they finally got the camera.

Meanwhile, the transactivist bloke squaring up to his

ally, the other one seems to think he's in a moshpit.

This mate attacks Maria, and then

his other mate comes in from the right side

to grab her as well, and she ends up on the floor.

And you can see they're trying to hide their faces

because they don't want the world to know that they're cowards.

But we've got clear pictures of each one of them.

Blond woman: I don't care! You're a piece of shit, I'm happy for them to hit her!

I'm happy for them to hit her!

Camera holder: Really?

Blond woman: Yeah, really.

Camera holder: Do you want to tell the police that they're inciting violence?

Blond woman: No, you tell them!

So let's look at how this brave

SJW in light blue

handled it when her fellow

trans ally was getting

threatened by a transactivist.

And there you have it: she turns away, because she's a coward.

I mean, these people,

coming to these events, attacking women's right

to assembly by beating up elderly women,

are just beyond contempt, really.

So, what can we learn from this?

I think it's really important more people show up to these events,

because they don't want us to, so we have to.

They're gonna carry on like this.

Wear a body camera, film them, they're cowards.

They want the world to think that they're feminine delicate flowers,

and they want so-called "TERFs" to be terrified of them.

And we can't have it both ways, so we're gonna film you, and we're gonna expose you.

Subscribe, because you're worth it

For more infomation >> [막달렌] 트젠꿘들이 스피커스코너에서 여성을 폭행하다 - Duration: 5:24.


Referencial Teórico - 8 técnicas secretas para fazer TCC rápido - Duration: 21:24.

For more infomation >> Referencial Teórico - 8 técnicas secretas para fazer TCC rápido - Duration: 21:24.


Box of Nerf Blasters Toy Weapons Toy Blasters for Kids Non Nerf - Duration: 6:57.

Box of Nerf Blasters Toy Weapons

For more infomation >> Box of Nerf Blasters Toy Weapons Toy Blasters for Kids Non Nerf - Duration: 6:57.


What's The Best Rep Range For Muscle Growth (New Research) - Duration: 5:49.

hey guys so let's talk about the best rep ranges for building muscle so the

classic thing that you learn it's what I learned when I was getting certified to

be a trainer they tell you that low low reps you know one to five reps is best

for strength medium amount of reps six to twelve is best for hypertrophy which

means muscle growth and anything over 1215 tends to be more ideal for muscle

endurance and there are some truth to this but there are also some myths about

this so in this video I just want to go over the research briefly and clarify

what how many reps exactly are optimal for muscle growth so there really is

some truth to the numbers which I just mentioned before if your goal is power

and explosiveness and getting strong as possible training between the 1 to 5 rep

range is going to be ideal for power and explosiveness 1-2 reps as heavy as you

can is gonna be best because you're lifting heavier weight and simply makes

sense you're not really gonna get stronger doing 20 reps of a deadlift

versus one or two reps of a deadlift at 90 percent of your one rep max again

when it comes to endurance endurance is basically your ability to endure through

a long period of exercise right and if you want to get better and insurance and

make sense to do higher repetitions you know 2025 rep squats that makes sense

you know you train for longer your training your ability to train for

longer however if the goal is to build the most amount of muscle and increase

muscle growth it's a bit more complex in there isn't a specific number that you

should be training for the goal is different it's not training as much as

possible lifting as much weight as possible the goal is the outcome of your

muscle lifting for strength lifting for endurance isn't really seeking after a

specific goal in terms of your physique however the 6 to 12 rep range which I

mentioned before and you hear over and over again does tend to be the best rep

range for building muscle it doesn't mean you can't build muscle doing more

than 15 reps or less than 5 reps I mean there are plenty of Olympic lifters that

consistently train less than 5 reps very very frequently and don't really do

higher reps and the a lot of muscle but that doesn't mean

it's ideal hence why you have guys in the 56 kg weight class lifting 150

kilograms over the head but they just look like average Joes who have been to

the gym for a few months in terms of muscle development in order to build

muscle mass you want to be accumulating a lot of quality reps and volume right

the total amount of exercise with good form and six to 12 reps is really gonna

give you the opportunity to train with good form get in a lot of quality reps

because if you're only doing one two or three reps at 90 percent of your one rep

max it's gonna be very difficult to achieve really really good form and

focus on the contraction of the muscles right because that's not your primary

goal when you're doing that exercise you're just trying to get that away up

but with slightly higher reps but still heavy weight you can focus on getting

good contractions and muscle damage but at the same time you're using good form

something else to consider is how to hide you're going to be so honestly I've

deadlift it's so heavy sometimes where the next day I feel sick because my body

is so worn out I just feel fried and I've only done one or two three sets of

1 or 2 or 3 reps you know and that's not that much volume that really isn't gonna

cause that much muscle growth compared to doing a lighter weight and more

repetitions but the next day after doing those really really heavy deadlifts my

central nervous system is burnt out right so you can't consistently keep

that up day to day to day today and it's gonna be much easier to be sustainable

with less weight high reps in better form whilst accumulating more volume

thus accumulating more muscle growth over time now there are lots of

different opinions on this and there are different studies coming out some

contradict each other but the truth is is that we kind of know what works what

works is progressive overload getting stronger right Plus getting enough

volume so if you're able to increase the weight consistently over time whilst at

the same time getting an adequate amount of volume in then you're going to build

muscle research has shown that you can even do the lighter weight in higher

reps plus you know more than 15 reps 20 reps on an exercise per to to achieve

the same sort of effect you need to take that

muscle failure which can be very exhausting and take a long time my

recommendation is to do a mixture of both the 6 to 12 rep range right and the

1 to 5 rep range so by doing the 1 to 5 rep range you're gonna train your body

to be able to handle bigger and bigger loads whilst at the same time you're

going to be able to accumulate that volume at the heavier loads so you're

gonna get stronger and you're gonna accumulate more volume and get stronger

continuously over and over and over again and this is gonna give you the

best of both worlds this is why a workout like this works so well an upper

and lower body day where you're focusing on strength right under 5 6 reps and

then upper and lower body day in the same week where you're focusing on

slightly higher reps this way you're training your muscles twice per week

which has been shown to be optimal for trained individuals and at the same time

you're going to be increasing a strength as much as possible while also also

accumulating a lot of volume so that's it for the video I hope you enjoyed it I

hope you got some value out of this leave your questions down below in the

comment section and I will get to them as soon as possible

or I guys catch you next time

For more infomation >> What's The Best Rep Range For Muscle Growth (New Research) - Duration: 5:49.


5 Boundary Basics in Dating Tips| Engaged at Any Age | Jaki Sabourin - Duration: 13:33.

have you ever had a man kiss you uninvited and really catch you off-guard

on a date or maybe he moved over in the booth next to you and put his hand

between your leg and you felt really nauseous or maybe you felt really

pressured to have sex and you didn't know what to do well where do you draw

the line in this video I'm going to teach you boundary basics in dating so

that you feel safe sane and secure it is so important to have healthy boundaries

in dating because not only does it create a really respectful dating

experience it set the stage for a really healthy relationship in the future so

it's really important you have healthy boundaries and you know how to implement

them and so let's talk about boundaries boundaries are the process of defining

what's acceptable to you now not setting boundaries and dating and relationships

is the biggest mistake you can make because you teach people how to treat

you you give your power away when you don't have boundaries so I thought it

was really important to make a video about boundaries boundaries make you

feel safe boundaries promote integrity it lets people know where what's

acceptable to you and what's not and it's really important that you convey

that bread up in front when you're dating so that you can feel safe when

you feel safe you relax and when you relax everything goes so much better but

it's really important you know what you know where to draw the line to begin

with so let's go over these five tips that are give you to help promote this

integrity and these are just what I call the boundary basics and so the first

boundary basic is know your limits do you really need to know what is

acceptable and what isn't acceptable when you're dating so for the purpose of

this video and everything that I teach I am teaching women how to deliberately

date and consciously create the man of their dreams and so having said that I'm

teaching you all how to have a functional committed relationship with a

man whether that leads to marriage or it leads to a long-term commitment that's

up to you but this is where I'm coming from when I

share with you and so you need to know your

limits if you're wanting to create a healthy intimate relationship the last

lifetime then you need to know what is and isn't acceptable to you and that's

what the first tip I want to give you is knowing your limits and so you need to

know if you're going to kiss them out on the first day whether or not he's cute

or not before you even go out you need to make these values really clear to

yourself you really need to know where you're gonna draw the line so that you

don't send the wrong signals to a man and also see you know when to step in

and hold that boundary and so here's what I recommend in terms of kissing and

so forth I think that a little kiss in on the first date or it may be even a

little more of a kiss on the first date is fine if if you're attracted to him

if you like him and the feelings are mutual I don't recommend getting into a

major make-out sessions on a first date because they can escalate really fast

especially if there's chemistry and it could cause you to do something you

regret and that may also lead to the man dismissing you as a potential life

partner because you want to you let him go too far men really respect women with

healthy boundaries they really don't expect you to sleep with them on a first

date or expect you to really make out with them I'm sure they're hopeful but

they need you to set the boundary and you need to draw the line so know your

limits know what's acceptable to you and be prepared to enforce that so that you

you have that high value you hold the value the values you've already decided

before you met him what would be acceptable and a good a good benchmark

for that is you know you do behave in a way that you'd want your daughter to

behave even if you don't have a daughter if you did have one would that be okay

if she was making out with the guy on a first date probably not right so use

your use your common sense with that but it's not not necessary they even kissed

a man on a first date you shouldn't have any expectation that you should do that

and only do it if you want to so let's move on to the second tip that I'm gonna

give you four boundary Basics in dating no the second one is use a feather not a

hammer I love this use a feather not a hammer and the reason why I love it is

because you know nobody wants to be rejected and sometimes

and you push the limit and it's up to you to to rein him back in but it's how

you'd say something not what you say it's okay to set a boundary if he puts

his hand between your legs it's you know and it's okay for you to set that

boundary it's just how you do it so I want you to use the feather I want you

to say like for example say he's saying you know the goal come on have another

drink with me and you don't want to know the drink so you could just say no thank

you you don't have to be no you don't have

to be really defensive you can just say no thank you

you know no thank you thanks for thinking of me but I've got an early day

tomorrow and so it's how you deliver that you know that boundary is so

important is men get rejected a lot and I'm not saying that you don't hold it a

stronger boundary if they do something inappropriate but it's how you say

something so if you don't want to kiss a man on a first date all you have to do

is say you know what I'm really enjoying getting to know you I'm not there yet

but let's let's take it let's take it slow and see where it goes you know and

just have a smile on your face when you're saying that and that's you know

honey is so much more tasty than vinegar right so we want to set those boundaries

with a little honey because it certainly will create more trust when you're not

becoming really defensive and biting this head off if he does something they

don't like okay now please share like and comment on my page so I can make

more videos that support you in this process and if you never want to miss an

episode just go ahead and subscribe to my channel okay let's go on to the third

tip I'm going to give you four boundary basics and so your power word is no and

the problem I have with and you might have a problem with this too and the

problem I used to have is just say no say no was really hard and I think for a

lot of women it's hard because we want to please them we don't want to

disappoint people and we certainly been conditioned to say to say yes a lot more

than to say no no it really is your power word and so I'm gonna give you

three levels of no that's really gonna help you right now and you need to

practice these knows out loud so that when it comes time to use the word know

it's going to it's going to be automatic for you and so know

the first know that I want you to use to say it to level one I'm gonna go to

attempt the first no is say there's a it's a they let's go back to the glass

of wine he's offering us a second or a third drink and you don't want it you

just have to say no no no just think like if a puppy

you know jumped on your leg or on your calf you wouldn't yell at the puppy you

just say no no no do you see that tone - no - no it's a nice deep rich no but

it's calm and so it's a no thank you so that's a level one no so let's go to a

level five let's say for example that he puts his hand on your on your leg no he

doesn't put it between your legs he just sets his hand on your leg but you just

met him and you don't wanted to put his hand on your leg so you can turn to him

and take his hand we put it back on his leg and say no no no right now or that's

not gonna work for me here so the tone is a little higher up it's a little more

energy to it but it's definitely not a ten where you just yell at him so it's

like no that's not gonna happen and it's no you know more more clear no

no that's not gonna happen right now or you can say slow down I like to take

things a little slower and so I'm just using a little more force but I'm being

very clear that it's a clear no and then a ten would be the extreme where he puts

his hand between your legs puts his hand on your leg but then he goes to put it

between your legs even if you're wearing a pair of denim and it's like no stop

that it's a 10 if - no it's a no is - no so I'm doing this to demonstrate yet I

want you to practice this because when the time comes and you're really

uncomfortable because you haven't been setting boundaries and and your

boundaries have been crossed and you've had a lot of boundary violations it's

really good to have this practice on your belt so practice the level one two

and three before you go on a date no and a no and no so that you're ready with

that and again going back to using that feather instead of a hammer and really

does depend on the situation but don't hesitate to use your power word no all

right so the fourth tip on boundary basics is listen to your body listen to

your body your body is your temple it is where you

spirit your intuition communicates with you and lets you know exactly if things

are ok with you or not you know when that guy went in for a kiss or put his

hand on your leg and you felt as queasy tummy

you thought that queasy tell me for a reason that's your intuition letting you

know through your physical sensations at what just happened wasn't okay with you

so you need to listen to your body that's where the signals will come from

let you know if you're out of balance or in balance it lets you know if it's okay

with what you're okay with what he's doing or you're not okay with what he's

doing because really your intuition knows first so you've got to pay

attention to your body that's why you have to be in your body don't go into

your head and your body so you can notice those physical sensations maybe

he puts his arm around you and your shoulders get really tight because you

don't want his arms around you just you just met him needs a stranger and so

make sure you pay attention to your body it's really gonna help you when it comes

to deciphering the language of feelings which is the language of your intuitive

heart it's your the language of your intuition and this flows through your

physical sensation so pay attention to that tightening in the chest or the

shallow breathing or the the pit in your stomach they're they're they're messages

sent to you to give you information about what's happening so that you can

make a good decision for yourself and hold a boundary if you need to all right

now stay to the very end because they have a free gift for you and I want to

support you in this process so the five the fifth and final tip that I'm gonna

give you four boundary basics is I love this one vote with your feet I want you

to vote with your feet and what I mean by this is that sometimes things do get

to the point where it's unacceptable there's some kind of inappropriate

behavior happening maybe your your date drinks too much and it gets a little

inebriated and he starts getting loud I want to empower you to vote with your

feet and what I mean by this is you get up and you walk okay get out of there

you don't owe anybody anything and you certainly don't want to put yourself in

a position where you're going to be physically harmed in any way or verbally

abused in any way and so if a man is has drank to mana trees going on and on

talking about something or he's be inappropriate in any way and you don't

feel comfortable here's a couple things you can do you can vote with your feet

you can say I'm gonna go to the restroom I'll be right back you can go to the

bathroom and you call an uber and then you can just slip out of the restaurant

and text them saying I I got tired I took off I have a nice evening and or

you can just not even come back you know that that's another thing if a man's

abusing you or he's being inappropriate in any way you don't know I'm an

explanation and so that's why I really recommend voting with your feet if you

have the courage just stand up and say you know what thanks for the drink

nice to meet you but I've got an early morning I'm gonna be taking off bye bye

and you turn around and you walk away you do not wait for him to give you

permission you do not need to wait or anything you're an adult and you have

adult power it's he didn't have when you're a powerless child so I want you

to use those adult powers and flex that muscle which is your voice find your

voice and vote with your feet if anything that happens is is disturbing

you in any way there's so many men in the world that are that are good men

that have values that are gentleman that I respect your boundaries and they will

not treat you that way and so don't ever put yourself in a

position where you don't feel like you can get up and leave you can always call

a call the waiter over for help but voting with your feet is really powerful

and it'll let him power you on future dates I hope this was helpful ladies

hold those boundaries men will respect you for it and all men are looking for a

woman think and respect that they can take home to their mom that they can

introduce to their friends and a woman that doesn't have boundaries is

definitely not a woman that a man's gonna see himself with long term and so

there's not only reasons to protect your values to keep yourself safe

so that you can feel safe and secure in this process but it also is because men

really respect women that have healthy boundaries okay my free gift to you is

my soul mate assessment just go to soul mate right now and take my short

quiz I'm gonna get on my mailing list you're also gonna get an assessment that

tells you exactly what frequency you're vibrating at and how close you are to

attracting your soul mates and then I'm gonna send you a feminine

exercise along with that assessment to help you ship further into alignment so

you can fast-track your ability to manifest your soul mates all right

ladies go to soul mate and i'll

to you in the next video thanks for being here today lots of love bye

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