Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

Thank you Warner Brothers for the free and early game code

For more infomation >> LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Complete Walkthrough Part 3 - Avenger's World Tour - Duration: 15:34.


New Sinister Law Allows Australian Police to Listen in on Phones - Duration: 4:54.

New Sinister Law Allows Australian Police to Listen in on Phones and Smart Devices Even


Passed not so long ago by parliament in Queensland, Australia, Australian police have been granted

the power to turn smart phones, fridges and speakers into listening devices.

Using existing technology, it will be done through the police remotely installing software

into these smart devices for surveillance purposes.

Ian Stewart, Queensland police�s chief commissioner stated in so many words that the new state

law will help police combat terrorism� Thus, the surveillance will only be used for terrorist

related purposes.

However, how many Australian citizens know that worldwide we are being subjected to more

and more false flag terrorism, so that the powers that be can expand their matrix of

world control, introducing more unjust draconian laws as a consequence, in a Big Brother/Sister

totalitarian police state?

The affects of the new law will be monitored and periodically reviewed.

An annual report will be put together, documenting the to be made surveillance authorizations.

Holland then where next?

Then there�s Holland who will be introducing a new law early next year which, in effect,

gives police the authority to use new surveillance technology capable of surveying a whole city

block at any time.

It has been reported that the police can accomplish this through using just one smart meter in

the control grid�

With this surveillance technology, if the police don�t like what they see or hear,

they will be able to monitor any smart device or wireless application in the grid, as a


The Dutch Senate had voted to give greater surveillance powers to intel agencies.

These new surveillance laws are being introduced without the people�s consent, making it

nothing more than a gross invasion of privacy in the smart grid colonization: Who will be

the next country to follow suit?

What you can do

Be it through apathy or ignorance, having fallen for the �convenience� con, most

people have gone into tacit agreement with the smart system.

That is, basically, authorities have carried on legislating and overseeing the implementation

of the smart grid system because the people haven�t stepped in and formally expressed

their disapproval.

There is much for the people to formally express their disapproval over: Besides the encroaching

mass surveillance capabilities, the consequential threat from abusive controlling authorities,

hack-ability, the smart grid system also threatens to bring on a massive rise in ill health:

As part of the smart grid system in the Internet of Things, harmful electromagnetic frequencies

will be used in conjunction with the new 5G wireless technology planned to roll out soon.

However, a number of countries have expressed their objection.

One activist organization demanding accountability from the authorities rolling out the smart

grid system is the In-Power movement, who, so far, have been quite successful in getting

justice done.

In effect, they will be able to support what we-the-people can do in our local communities

as a stand against the smart grid system, which is indeed, a clear and present danger:

Instead of rolling over like lame and docile dogs, or wait for someone else to do something

about it, the In-power movement can support activist citizens.

It can provide important information on what appropriate actions to take against those

involved in administering this harmful technological control system that seriously threatens our


The important information can be found on the In-Power movement website.

Here is the must-see introductory video:

Final thoughts

We cannot allow citizens to sleep-walk and passively accept these laws and technological

advances towards a totalitarian global fascist state.

Spread the word to these citizens.

Warn them of the dire consequences if no action is taken.

Tell them to at least take action for the well-being, safety and freedom of their children�

What else will we have forced on us?

How about worldwide mandatory vaccinations?

Or forced body tissue submission for the state�s compulsory DNA database, or microchipping

and the threat of imprisonment if you don�t comply?

Don�t give them an inch so that they will take a mile.

For more infomation >> New Sinister Law Allows Australian Police to Listen in on Phones - Duration: 4:54.


Secret Method: How to Lose Weight Fast with Baking Soda - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Secret Method: How to Lose Weight Fast with Baking Soda - Duration: 3:27.


Jake Paul Could Get in BIG TROUBLE for This - Duration: 5:51.

What is a connor learn nation I'm your host killer corner why's Guerra?

into the

garlic garlic cake

Coward pick

coward peg

coward panting coward peg

coward peg

Jay Paul alert

Jay Paul Jay Paul Jay Paul alert

So this first story is coming from my favorite youtuber known as Jake Paul

he's basically just a vlogger but apparently is a big deal because

Everyone on YouTube still talks about him as if he's anything more than just a guy who makes vlogs for kids

Jake Paul's like The Crying Jordan meme. It's just taking so long from the fade into relevancy

I'm just thinking to myself like is this ever gonna happen. Anyway. Let's see what Jake Paul is up to

Oh, Shh

Okay, so Tuesday Jay Paul uploaded a new video titled somebody stole rain burrow security footage. I mean rain bruises car

That's fuckin lame name

Let me just say and well his car actually didn't get stolen at all actually his whole vlog was pretty much just a promo for

Need for Speed kind of a weird thing you did a brand deal for them

And yeah, that was basically the video sidenote me for speed, just like Jay Paul still somehow. I think in 2017

I don't know why the prestigious organization known as EA sponsored Jake's video which according to his description was

Family-friendly PG clean well if that's the case


I love how Jake just walks in on this dude showering is if that's like a normal thing for guys to do

This is guy stuff

Chicks don't get broke. This is guy stuff

That's what you get for not making us buffaloed

Don't think I didn't see you trying to sneak a peek there jakey boy. That's that's a lawsuit waiting to happen, bro

Like really I'm pretty sure that's grounds for a lawsuit correct me if I'm wrong guys, man

I'm actually a felt when I saw this in Jake's video. They're just like man

We can't go another day without Jake Paul ruining something

I'm trying to keep this new show as unbiased as possible, but hey guys that's actually just an industry secret, okay

You say that and then you follow up my butt and you can say whatever

Opinion you want to without it coming off as your opinion team sir. This is all the time, but guys in all honesty

Yeah, it kind of has a reason to come after Jake Paul for this right like that is so unnecessary and uncomfortable, man

But I will say head and shoulders get Jake's boy over here, man

I mean this guy is perfect for the brain smooth as a baby's bottom from head to toe okay

So now it's time to play our favorite game called this has to get Jake on trouble right you're not timing YouTube's okay with Jake

Paul recording is naked friend in the shower. Even if it's Jake Paul

Somebody's do something about nudity and sexual content if a video is intended to be sexually provocative

It is less likely to be acceptable for YouTube in all seriousness. I think Jake's in the clear on this one

Let's keep going

What is and isn't allowed sexually explicit content like pornography is not allowed?

Videos containing fetish content will be removed or age restricted depending on the severity of the acting question in most cases

violent graphic or humiliating fetishes are not allowed to be shown on YouTube could this be considered a fetish content I

Think so we can make the case for that a video that contains nudity or other sexual

Content may be allowed if the primary purpose is educational


Scientific or artistic and it isn't gratuitously graphic for example a documentary on breast cancer would be appropriate

But posting clips out of context from the same documentary it might not be Jake

You know I Love You Man, but this is not art

If you make that argument

I'm gonna flip out

Remember that providing context in the title and description will help us and your viewers determine the primary purpose of the video, yeah

That's not gonna happen. It's Jake and Paul my final verdict Jake Paul's guilty. I mean come on guys

He has to be guilty on this one watching this video reminded me of the og h3h3 video on DJ

Khaled where his boy had to go around the house recording Khaled in the shower and his chick oh

My god

Guys that was good

and this is kind of the same thing like let's not pretend that Jake Paul isn't a

Crazy person for going into his friend's shower and recording him. It's weird dude. That's gonna be it for the video guys

There's a slow day in drama days. That's all I've got just the Jake Palmer, but anyways. I hope you guys enjoyed

Please be sure if you enjoyed the video to like and subscribe really helps me out try to start getting these videos monetize

but I can't do that unless you guys start liking and subscribing because

My numbers aren't good enough for it yet youtube come on man

Help me out, baby, and as always if we get a million likes on this video

I'm wearing a hat the next one so be ready for that car roller nation now over




I'll do it

For more infomation >> Jake Paul Could Get in BIG TROUBLE for This - Duration: 5:51.


Fenty Beauty Review | Foundation and Matchstix Contour Sticks | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 11:31.

Okay disclaimer, I looked really really good until I needed to give my son a bath our IP lashes and lipstick today

I'm gonna be giving you a brutally honest review on the Fenton Beauty foundation and the contour sticks from application all the way to

Longevity we got a lot to cover. I have you real close in so you can just stare at my face

My name is Amber

Mancha if you're into beauty and babies then you might want to subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything and

today we're gonna be getting into Fendi Beauty, which I already said, but by the way giving you a little bean sprout I

Started with this foundation. I put it on at 5 a.m.. And it is now

8:30 1

P.m.. The packaging of the fenty Beauty foundation. It is just this little box fenty Beauty by Rihanna

On the outside it says medium to full coverage for all long wear light as air

And I am in the shade it always says your shade on the the bottom come on shade

I am in the shade 310, and then it has all of your ingredients on the back

What confused me about the Sephora description was it explains it as?

medium coverage buildable to full coverage

But then if you go down a little bit it says buildable to medium or full coverage

Which which one is it is it light coverage that can be buildable to medium or full, or is it medium coverage?

I need to know these things Sephora. It is 32 milliliters or

1.0. 8 fluid ounces

Which is actually a little bit more than I get for my makeup forever?

And that's kind of I am like just way out of the frame good lord

So I ran out of this, and I am in the shade Y 375 if you need to make comparison

But this is what I'm coming from it does retail for $34 which is nine dollars cheaper than this

Getting into the bottle it is a nice glass

Bottle its frosted it's clean. I really like the white cap it says funky beauty in the front shake

well, which this is the first time I've ever noticed this on a foundation, and I feel like an idiot, but I shook it I

Never shake my foundations ever. Do you shake your foundations?

Let's start a conversation in the comment box down below

I need to know this be I feel like I'm really really behind when you take this off

It does come with a pump praise the Lord

Jesus because it's 2017 people get a frickin pump on your foundation, okay?

Getting into the initial application

You'll see that I start to dot it on with my fingers, and then I start to rub it out

And you'll see my initial shock

I was like oh my god it turns from like a liquid

To a gel to a powder in like this weird way, and I was just so happy because I was like okay

I don't need to set this which was it was beautiful when I put it on. It was just flawless

I got this airbrush finish it was

great um and then and then I started to put on my other products and what I found with my other products was that the

Foundation really allowed the other makeup to stick to it

Which in some cases was good for like the powders for like my bronzer and my powder contour

but it was kind of bad for my creams because I felt like my

My concealer stuck, and I couldn't really blend it out very easily

And I used the Tarte shape tape concealer

And I am in the shade medium so when I put that under my eyes

And I put it on my nose and down here by my jawline

I felt like it was a little bit more difficult to blend out my

powders went on beautifully

And I did not set my face which was amazing that was one of the things that kind of Drew me to this at first

Because I was like any way that I could wear less makeup

Yes, I don't I'm aging people I'm aging okay

I don't want to age, but it happens and the more powders you put on the more

It's gonna sit in your fine lines the more you're gonna

Show you no wrinkles, and and I just I don't want to be cake face so I applied it

I put on all my makeup and


felt like it looked beautiful, and then I got ready for work and

he probably took another hour before I went outside and

It wasn't right away, but this

oxidizes and it oxidizes slowly so

Let me just tell you that sometimes you'll get something and you'll put it on the skin

And then you'll look away and look back and you'll see it start to oxidize

Not this it didn't even oxidize in the store like I didn't I didn't even think about it

I matched my skin tone, and I played with it for a little bit, and I was like yeah, this is great. I

hate when things exceed ice and the reason is because if I'm a 3 10 in

person when I put this on my skin and

then it goes

More orange, or it goes a little darker

Typically what I would do would be to go a shade lighter

But my issue then becomes am I a 300 is that going to oxidize?

Dark enough for my skin tone

I don't know I might have to take this back and then get that

But I hate that I don't want to be an in-between shade I just want

You to match my skin tone, okay?

I don't know about the process that goes into making a foundation what it takes to make it?

Why they oxidize why they don't oxidize?

I just know that some brands do and some brands don't for those of you

Who don't know I am on television and I got to the television studio everything was great walked in under the lights and my face

was orange


Like oh my god and like I

Was just it there was nothing I could do. I'm there at a television station my makeup is all done

I'm like and here it doesn't look it

Looks great it looks fine, but I just I don't know in the sunlight

I have a couple pictures that I'll insert it just it oxidized a little bit more

Than I would have liked so the other thing that I noticed and you can start to see it. You can see it here

I got a dark patch here. I got a dark patch here

I have one right here

My lights are really bright in here, so you might not be able to see it

I'll try to add another picture if I have one

But all of a sudden I have these dark patches on my face that I don't have on my face

before I have the


So what are these dark patches now mind you I have dry skin

So I did use quite a few primers. I applied this like I would apply any other

foundation I do have to say



Duper light weight. I don't feel like

I don't feel like I have anything on my face, which is really great however

I do feel like when I was on camera at U which is the television station which is H?

D. I felt like you could see just all of the texture in my face. I felt like it just

Nothing was hidden, and I was like. What is going on like I said, I've been wearing this since 5:00 a.m.

So I do have to say that the longevity this does hold up

Well, it does hold up really really nicely

You know and if you guys want to see me go into depth about how I get like my flawless finish

usually I will put a card up here I believe I'll put a card up here about how to

Flawless skin or how I get my flawless skin getting into the creams

I did get the Fenty Beauty contour stick and this was in the shade

Is in the shade truffle conceal correct and contour long wear light as air layering?

This is a chubby little contour stick

Now I will say that in here. I was like umm

that's a little warm to be a contour stick, but when you

Like apply it and you

Blend it out when I blended it out

I thought it looked really really nice and the one that they had above this was a cooler tone

But I didn't like it for me, and I think the one that they had below this was too dark

So this is the one that I decided to go with these retail for

$25 so I put this on the the

Contours of my cheeks right here

I put a little bit on my forehead the issue that I have with this being such chubby stick is

I really like contouring my nose

it's just a little fat for that so I needed to take a brush and

Put it in there, and then apply my nose contour with my brush I did not

Like the way that this applied

Over the fenty foundation. I don't know I felt like it was dry

I felt like when I went to blend it out like it was a struggle and I blended it out with a

Flat top kabuki brush, and I don't know why I just said that so weird kabuki brush

But this one's from RC cosmetics, and this is what I blend out with all the time

and I just kind of tried to you know shove it up that way and just

Make sure that I wasn't like

Getting around. I don't know I I didn't like these two products

together I

Don't know. I just don't feel like the contour stick blends out that

That great, maybe I'm just doing it wrong. I don't know but ideal this has got to go back $25 for this

I just didn't I did not like it. I don't know. I just I really

Really wanted to love this, and I just don't you know it'll perform

Well on on camera here

but I don't want to buy a foundation just to do that and I also don't want to buy a

Foundation to perform on camera, and then you're watching me, but this isn't something that I would wear out in public


Know it really bothers me that I would do it in here, and then I'd go outside

And I'd be orange so it's not something that I can wear in public

So I would say for me somebody with dry skin that

These are a no

These are just my thoughts my opinions. You know what if you get this and it works amazing for you, I I?

Great, I you know. I really wanted it to work for me

And it didn't so disappointed because I just wanted to be a part of what everybody else is doing

Do me a favor and let me know what your skin

Type is and what your favorite foundation is of all time and leave that in the comment box down below

and if you liked this video you may like some of my other review videos

So I will link a playlist down below, and I will link some of the playlists up in the cards

I don't know where they are, but I will figure it out. They're up somewhere popping right now

If you like this video give it a big thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve

world domination and

You can follow me on all my social medias which is Facebook Twitter Instagram


Here and my blog at adventures in mama calm and hit that round

Subscribe button so that you don't miss anything and hit the notifications if you want to see my big ugly face all the time

I'm YouTube and your emails it'll be great and other than that. That's it for me, and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> Fenty Beauty Review | Foundation and Matchstix Contour Sticks | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 11:31.



Hello Leo's one of your students reached out to me and wanted me to thank you for all

the hard work you do with with vocal lessons and things of that nature

helping out bands on the road and such I think it's a wonderful thing and I think

something that a lot of singers don't realize that is necessary as it is

and it seems like you have some very very happy clients and I wish you

all the best moving forward thank you for doing such great things for people

on behalf of the singing community we thank you I hope you have a wonderful





BABY SHARK Sing Along with Bad Baby Super Simple Song for Children - Duration: 1:57.

BaybyShark do do do do do do, Mama Shark do do do do do do, Papa Shark do do do do do do, Grandma shark do do do do do do, Grandpa Shark do do do do do do, Let's go hunt do do do do do do Run away do do do do do do Save a last do do do do do do It the End do do do do do do

For more infomation >> BABY SHARK Sing Along with Bad Baby Super Simple Song for Children - Duration: 1:57.


Mystery F-unit - Duration: 1:49.

[2001: A Space Odyssey theme song]

[Lesile A200 train horn honks two long blasts, a short one, and a long one]

[EMD 567 engine]

[Lesile A200 horn honks a short blast repeatedly]

For more infomation >> Mystery F-unit - Duration: 1:49.


Do You Have Enough Patience? - Duration: 5:25.

Oh hey I'm Jake.

And ya know what? I wanna give you a And why am I giving you high fives?

Well that's a fantastic question because today. Well one...actually let me start again

I'm giving you a high five because I love you and you just deserve one.

But also because we're gonna do some good. We're gonna start this DONG off

with some good and that is by doing Tab for a Cause.

It is a browser extensions that donates to whatever charity you choose each time you open a new tab.

People that have used it have raised over $400,000 for charity so far

and it also doesn't cost you a thing.

It is really cool and Tab for a Cause was nice enough to sponsor this episode

And we're also gonna be running Tab for a Cause as we explore these DONGs, things you can do online now guys.

Hey are you patient? How patient are you?

I won't tell you what to do but BAM!

Side note this isn't in real time because when I played I took 69.738 seconds to press it.

Stats will be displayed here showing you a graph of when people clicked it.

I am more patient than 89.36% of those who played. So I mean that's pretty good? Maybe? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

If you can be even more patient than that you clearly have ambition…

Virtual Magician which is a creepy but awesome DONG.

Basically the computer can figure out what you chose or at least it could for me.

First pick a number or word from this list.

I'll choose 901.

Shhh!! Don't tell.

Now pick the color of it down here.

Is it more than 6 digits long?


Which color reflect my current mood?

Pink, obviously.

When it says truck I think of the word "highway."

Now click the box your word or number was in and say whether or not you're over 25

and now it'll put the answer behind the box you're going to pick and WHOA!

Now you can see how it did it and….oh….magicians never reveal their trick unless I buy them

a coffee or snack but I'm not going to because I need to save all my money for

Paper Clips which is a game that gets pretty complicated as you go.

It pits you against market forces and your job is to make paper clips.

You'll have to make the first bunch of them by clicking on this button but once you have

sufficient funds you can purchase an auto clipper which makes the job easier.

You'll also need funds to purchase more wire because once you're at zero spools

it stops production.

When you make your first 2,000 paperclips you can purchase a processor which determines

the speed of which operations are completed.

More and more elements get added as you make paper clips and it gets confusing.

So if you wanna stop thinking about markets and just mindlessly spend money check out

Spend Bill Gates' money.

Now unfortunately you only have 90 billion to spend but if you're wise you

can get a lot of valuables.

I'll buy 23 hamburgers.

I'll purchase a pair of headphones and four skateboards and eleven bikes.

And 22 jet skis, 6 speed boats, 15 bars of gold.

Ya know ll this spending is getting a little tiring, I might need a cup of coffee...naw ya know what I don't

wanna spend too much money.

After all, I only have $89,992,103,432 left. Hannah why did you write so many digits.

Play with it and let me know in the comments how long it took you to spend all of it and

what you bought with it. Hopefully you bought me a lotta nice things like a lot of llamas, and tacos and spaghetti.

Once you've blown through all that cash take

The visual quiz.

It takes you through ten different words like, teach, drive, and heal.

Adjust the slider depending on how important they are to you on a scale from 0 to 10.

At the end it will suggest a profession.

For me it recommends being a teacher.

I will think on that heavily but for now let's head to

This doesn't take too much effort as long as you have 30 seconds and a pair of eyeballs

to stare in the center of this. If you don't have eyeballs that is okay. That is fine.

It has a little countdown right here and will alert you when time is up.

When it is, look around and if you're anything like me, the world will look all weird and


The more you focus directly in the middle, the stronger the effect will be.

But hopefully you aren't too disoriented because you'll need your mind for

Rabbip, a fun but time-intensive word game.

You will be given the first and the last letter and two down here to choose from.

Once you determine what you think the word is, pick a letter.

If you have no idea, guess.

But keep in mind that guessing incorrectly loses you a life.

Additionally, if you don't guess in the time allotted you also lose a life so think


BUT STAY CALM and sift through movies with

Cinesift, a website that allows you to browse through a collection of films by online distribution

platform or dvd.

Of course you could go to netflix or amazon prime but who has the energy to sign in to

one and then the other and oh my gosh I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

So I could watch the Godfather but if I want to use netflix the first one that shows up

is Pulp Fiction.

Once you figure out what you're gonna watch take a relaxing

Tram ride through a peaceful landscape as this personified cat.

Use your right arrow key to continue forward and to brake just hold down the left for a

few seconds.

I could do this allll day but this DONG must come to an end eventually.

Or right now.

Links to all the DONGs can be found in the description below and before you start DONGing check out Tab for a Cause

And then DONG away so you're helping some people, helping your brain

You're DONGing, we're DONGing, everyone's DONGing together

which is the most important thing one can do.

It really brings us as people closer

Also there's a playlist of DONGs over here. What else is going on?

I don't know I saw Thor: Ragnarok twice. I really liked it. Did you see it?

Leave a comment below. And as always, thanks for watching.

Just a piece of cardboard.

For more infomation >> Do You Have Enough Patience? - Duration: 5:25.


50 nombres americanos para niñas - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:05.

50 american names for baby girls



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 nombres americanos para niñas - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:05.


Ask Yourself These 10 Questions And Find Out What's Your Life Purpose - Duration: 2:50.

Ask Yourself These 10 Questions And Find Out What�s Your Life Purpose

by Conscious Reminder

We all have something inside of us that we can share and contribute to the world.

But most of us find it difficult to find our purpose.

If you also feel the same, then this article is for you.

In the process of growing up, we all encounter changes in our life plan and this happens

because we are told to follow a specific path in order to succeed.

Our natural talents and abilities get disregarded and we are forced to take a path that is painful,

hard, unsatisfactory and unclear.

All this happens because we are forced to take up a career that is not meant for us,

that is not in tune with our life purpose.

Our life purpose is not something that must be looked out for.

People often try to look for a specific life purpose while their whole life is often a

purpose in itself.

All that you must do to find your life purpose is to go within yourself.

You must go back to the childhood days in order to figure out what you are naturally

inclined towards.

You must change your mindset.

Currently, your mind is wired to accept any job in order to earn money, but you should

be clear about this that, you will only take up that work which gives you satisfaction

and brings joy in your life.

Here are a few questions that can help you discover the purpose of your life:

What do you spend your time doing?

What would your dream day look like?

What do you do in your spare time?

Who are you jealous of?

What comes easily to you?

What do people usually ask you advice or help with?

What do strangers compliment you on?

What did you want to do when you were younger?

What have you been doing for the past 10 years?

What sills have you built?

What can you talk about effortlessly with your friends and family?

Life is an amazing gift.

Do not waste it with the things that you do not want to do.

Follow your dreams, live your passion.

Have you discovered your life purpose?

If your are interested in haring your experiences, we would be more than glad to read about it

in the comments section below.

For more infomation >> Ask Yourself These 10 Questions And Find Out What's Your Life Purpose - Duration: 2:50.


How to make craft | Cotton buds and shopping bag wall hanging | Easy Crafts | Creative Diy Art - Duration: 10:57.

How to make craft | Cotton buds and shopping bag wall hanging | Easy Crafts | Creative Diy Art

How to make craft | Cotton buds and shopping bag wall hanging | Easy Crafts | Creative Diy Art

How to make craft | Cotton buds and shopping bag wall hanging | Easy Crafts | Creative Diy Art

How to make craft | Cotton buds and shopping bag wall hanging | Easy Crafts | Creative Diy Art

For more infomation >> How to make craft | Cotton buds and shopping bag wall hanging | Easy Crafts | Creative Diy Art - Duration: 10:57.


50 American names for baby girls - the best baby names - - Duration: 2:04.

50 american names for baby girls



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 American names for baby girls - the best baby names - - Duration: 2:04.


KIRMIZI ÇİZGİ 10 KASIM 2017 FULL PART 1 | SPOR GÜNDEMİ ve HABERLERİ 10.11.2017 - Duration: 22:36.

For more infomation >> KIRMIZI ÇİZGİ 10 KASIM 2017 FULL PART 1 | SPOR GÜNDEMİ ve HABERLERİ 10.11.2017 - Duration: 22:36.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 karakterbemutató előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Xenoblade Chronicles 2 karakterbemutató előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 3:20.


Top 5 Strange Taylor Swift Facts – Look What You Made Me Do - Duration: 2:56.

Can you believe its ben 10 years since Taylor released her self titled Debut album.

This singer song writer has been in the spotlight for a while now- and when your in the spotlight

all your childhood moments and secrets come to light and that's what were going to be

talking about today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know whats your favourite thing about Taylor?

Let me know your answers down in the comment.

Also don't forget to subscribe to this channel and like this video so we can keep bringing

you more top 5 lists.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 strange taylor swift facts.

Coming in at our number 5 spot--The repair man- it turns out Taylor learned how to play

a guitar in a very interesting way.

One day her family had a computer repair man stop by and it was actually him who taught

Taylor how to play her first 3 guitar cords.

It was after that at the age of 12 that she came out with her first song Lucky you.

And now she knows how to not only play the guitar but also the banjo- piano- ukulele

and electric guitar.

But just think all of this steamed from a computer repair man helping her to learn her


That's pretty cool when you think about it.

In at number 4--Perrier- yep Im talking about the water.

Apparently taylor is obsessed with it.

She always makes sure her refrigerator and dressing rooms are stacked with this drink.

And she likes all of the flavours.

And I never realized before but there are so many flavours such as- black cherry- pomegranate-

blueberry- strawberry- key lime and tangerine lime.

At least theres a lot of variety.

At number 3-- Disney obsessed- oh you and me both girl.

You all know I love Disney.

Taylor has been quoted saying she is obsessed with Disney everything.

But I mean lets be honest…how could anyone not be?

Disney is great.

Taylor loves Disney and the Disney channel so much that she appeared in the Disney feature

movie Hannah Montana.

So yeah that's pretty cool.

Coming in at our number 2 spot--Just around the river bend- turns out theres one film

that can make taylor swift cry no matter how many times she watches it or how old she gets.

Now normally when you think of sad movies that make you cry titanic or the notebook

comes to mind.

But with Taylor that's not the case.

The one movie that can always get her is actually Pocahontas.

Girl wasn't kidding she really loves Disney.

And in at number 1--Upbringing- ok this fact just made me love Taylor even more.

Growing up Taylor lived on a freaking Christmas tree farm in Pennsylvania.

Yep the jealousy is real.

About this she said- it was an actual Christmas tree farm.

We had like 15 acres.

It was really fun as a kid.

It was a Christmas tree farm though so that's why im sort of obsessed with Christmas.

Yeah I really love Christmas.

I wish it was all year round.

Everyones buying gifts for each other and theres sort of a feeling about it.

But I think that the fact I love it so much is probably because I grew up on a Christmas

tree farm.

I also spent my summers at the jersey shore- on the bay in Stone Harbor.

I walked everywhere barefoot.

It was the most amazing- magical way to grow up.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 strange taylor swift facts.

Thank you guys so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

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