Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're doing something a

little bit different. We're sharing a recent milestone and how we're going to


(light chiming music)

Today, we wanted to say thank you for all your support.

Since we officially launched around May 2017, we've steadily grown and a lot of you

have shown your support by liking our videos, leaving comments, and subscribing.

Some of you have even asked us directly for credit card and Amazon links,

knowing that it would help support the channel. We can't thank you enough. I

would be lying if I said it's not hard work to keep the channel going. As many

of you know, I still work full-time, so Trip Astute is my side gig. But I

wouldn't keep doing it if I didn't get all the support from the community. My

goal was to reach 1,000 subscribers before the end of 2017,

and we've reached it a month and a half earlier than expected. So, we wanted to

celebrate by doing a giveaway to our community. We're giving away five $20

Amazon gift cards. All you need to do is enter using our giveaway form located on

our website. I've included a link in the video description. You don't have to

purchase anything, but there are multiple ways to enter and gain entries. By

signing up for some of our social media channels, you'll not only earn an extra

entry into the contest, but you'll also get content that we have outside the

YouTube channel. All you have to do is click on any or all of the options to

enter. The more options you complete, the more entries you'll earn. And of

course, there's no pressure to enter. On December 1st, we will randomly select

five winners. We'll contact each winner via email to confirm their contact

information, and then send over a $20 Amazon gift card. Again, thank you all for

supporting this channel and helping us to grow. We can't tell you enough how

much this community means to us and how excited we are to see our community grow

in the coming year. Until next time, travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> 1,000 Subscribers Milestone Giveaway | Enter Now for a Chance to Win a $20 Amazon Gift Card - Duration: 2:00.


ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 15 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 17:44.

Jubair: Every single text in this city must be destroyed!

Soldier: My friend, you must not do this.

Much knowledge rests within these parchments. Put there by our ancestors for good reason.

Jubair: And what reason is this?

Soldier: They are beacons, meant to guide us. To save us from the darkness that is ignorance.

Jubair: No! These bits of papers are covered in lies!

They poison your minds, and so long as they exist, you cannot hope to see the world the way it truly is!

Soldier: How can you accuse these scrolls of being weapons? They are tools of learning!

Jubair: You turn to them for answers and salvation. You rely more upon them than yourselves.

This makes you weak and stupid. You trust in words, drops of ink. Do you ever stop to think of who put them there? Or why?

No, you simply accept their words without question and what if those words speak falsely, as they often do? This is dangerous.

Soldier: You are wrong! These texts give the gift of knowledge. We need them!

Jubair: You love your precious writings? You'd do anything for them?

Soldier: Yes, uh, yes, of course.

Jubair: Then join them!

Jubair: Any man who speaks as he is just as much a threat. Do any else among you wish to challenge me ?

Jubair: Good. Your orders are simple enough.

Go out into the city, collect any remaining writings and add them to the piles in the streets.

When you're done, we'll send a cart to collect them, that they may be destroyed.

Jubair: Why? Why have you done this?

Altair: Men must be free to do what they believe.It is not our right to punish one for thinking what they do, no matter how much we disagree.

Jubair: Then what?

Altair: You of all people should know the answer. Educate them. Teach them right from wrong. It must be knowledge that frees them, not force.

Jubair: They do not learn. Fixed in their ways as they are. You are naive to think otherwise. Confused. For which there is but one cure.

Altair: You're wrong. And that's why you must be put to rest.

Jubair: Am I not unlike those precious books you seek to save?

A source of knowledge with which you disagree? Yet you're rather quick to steal my life.

Altair: A small sacrifice to save many. It is necessary.

Jubair: Is it not ancient scrolls that inspire the Crusaders? That fill Salahuddin and his men with a sense of righteous fury?

Their texts endanger others, bring death in their wake. I too, was making a small sacrifice. It matters little now. Your deed is done, and so am I.

Rafiq: Altair! Tell me you've met with success?

Altair: Yes. Jubair's fires are extinguished. His life as well.

Rafiq: Excellent news! I had no doubt you'd succeed!

Altair: You should have seen it. The scholars followed him so readily.

It wasn't just books they fed to fire either, but any man who opposed them.

Rafiq: Such ignorance breeds only evil. You've done good thing this day.

Altair: As with my other targets, he believed he was doing the right thing. Clearing a path to a better future.

Rafiq: Of course he would. Such is the landscape of a madman's mind.

Altair: The things I've seen these past few weeks... It's as if all the land has gone mad.

Rafiq: And this is why we fight to end the war. That sanity might return. The people are desperate for direction.

It's easy for men like Jubair to prey on this, and turn them towards evil! You should go, Altair.

Return to Al Mualim. Tell him what you saw, let him know the good you've done this day.

Altair: Safety and peace, Rafiq.

Rafiq: Upon you as well.

Fast-forwarding memory to a more recent one

Al Mualim: Welcome home, child. What news?

Altair: Another of the named is put to rest.

Al Mualim: Then it would appear your work is nearly complete, and your status restored.

Altair: A question, master. If I may?

Al Mualim: Ask and I will answer.

Altair: Why these men? Jubair and Sibrand?

Al Mualim: Ah, don't you see? They pave the way for change.

Ensure threats both old and new are not given cause to intervene.

Altair: To weaken them is to weaken our enemy. I suppose that makes sense...

Al Mualim: Were these men to continue their work, our work would quickly be undone.

Altair: How is that? We've caused them much grief.

Al Mualim: We strike at the arms, yes. But this is a hydra that you face, and it is quick to replace that which is severed.

Altair: Then we should lop off its head and be done with this.

Al Mualim: Soon, soon. We are close. Only one more man stands between us and our ultimate goal.

Altair: I will return to my work. The sooner this last man dies, the sooner I might face our true enemy.

Al Mualim: Before you go, I have a question for you.

Altair: Of course.

Al Mualim: What is the truth?

Altair: We place faith in ourselves. We see the world the way it really is, and hope that one day all mankind might see the same.

Al Mualim: What is the world then?

Altair: An illusion. One we can either submit to, as most do, or transcend.

Al Mualim: What is it to transcend?

Altair: To recognize nothing is true and everything is permitted. That laws arise not from divinity, but reason.

I understand now that our creed does not command us to be free. It commands us to be wise.

Al Mualim: Do you see now why the Templars are a threat?

Altair: Where as we would dispel the illusion, they would use it to rule.

Al Mualim: Yes. To reshape the world in an image more pleasing to them. That is why I sent you to steal their treasure.

That is why I keep it locked away. And that is why you kill them. So long as even one survives, so too does their desire to create a new world order.

Take your equipment, seek out this last man. With his death, Robert de Sable will at last be vulnerable.

Altair: It will be done.

Al Mualim: Safety and peace upon you, Altair.

For more infomation >> ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 15 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 17:44.


Bogas in the PALMAR dam #Part 5 - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Bogas in the PALMAR dam #Part 5 - Duration: 4:40.


Bilgisayardan iPhone'a Müzik Atma (Kolay ve Basit yolu) | Send music to iPhone - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Bilgisayardan iPhone'a Müzik Atma (Kolay ve Basit yolu) | Send music to iPhone - Duration: 2:51.


Multiplayer race 🏁 #4 | Asphalt8 - Duration: 1:06:30.

For more infomation >> Multiplayer race 🏁 #4 | Asphalt8 - Duration: 1:06:30.


MASTERCHEF (OR NOT) - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> MASTERCHEF (OR NOT) - Duration: 4:52.


Za molitvata - Otec Nikon - Duration: 57:50.

For more infomation >> Za molitvata - Otec Nikon - Duration: 57:50.


O que eu prefiro ? | Karol Clorado | Libras e Ative legendado | - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> O que eu prefiro ? | Karol Clorado | Libras e Ative legendado | - Duration: 8:03.


Max Parrot Training With Ruroc - Duration: 1:02.

Hey I'm Max Parrot, and I'm here in Saas Fee.

I haven't been able to snowboard for a couple of months because it was Summer back home,

and I needed a little break.

So I'm pretty hyped to be here in Saas Fee and just getting back on my board.

Nothing too crazy, just a good feeling of hitting some rails and some jumps, a couple

of spins and just getting ready for the season.

I love thinking about the future, I did achieve many, many, many goals I've had in mind.

But one of my main goals that is still ongoing is that I wanna win every single contest.

There are still some contests that I did podium, like a bronze or silver medal,

but I haven't won yet.

I would love, at the end of my career, to say I've won every single contest that is

on the tour.

It's been a really good time here in Saas Fee.

Lots of good riding, and I just can't wait for the season to start.

For more infomation >> Max Parrot Training With Ruroc - Duration: 1:02.


''Can We Be Facebook Friends?'' ((LEVEL-UP)) - Duration: 11:42.

((MANDARIN)) 他说两个人 Tā shuō liǎng gèrén He said two people

((MANDARIN) 两个人,你说得对 Liǎng gèrén, nǐ shuō dé duì Two people, you're ready

((MANDARIN)) 甜茶 Tiánchá sweet tea

((MANDARIN)) 我们都要甜甜的茶 Wǒmen dōu yào hē tián tián de chá we both want to drink sweet tea

((MANDARIN)) 好。热茶! Hǎo. Rè chá! OK. Hot tea?

((MANDARIN)) Cold tea Bīng chá 冰茶

((MANDARIN)) 对 Duì right

((MANDARIN)) 一共? Yīgòng? two people

((MANDARIN)) 两个人,对 Liǎng gèrén,duì two people, right

((MANDARIN)) 好好 Hǎohǎo OK,OK

((MANDARIN)) 好,我明白 Hǎo, wǒ míngbái OK, I got it

((MANDARIN)) 嗯 Ń yea

((MANDARIN)) 你从哪里来的? Nǐ cóng nǎlǐ lái de? where are you from?

((MANDARIN)) 福建 Fújiàn Fujian

((MANDARIN)) 南方 Nánfāng the south

((MANDARIN)) 你去过中国? Nǐ qùguò zhōngguó? have you ever been to China?

((MANDARIN)) 没有 Méiyǒu no

((MANDARIN)) 但是你哪里学的? Dànshì nǐ nǎlǐ xué de? but where did you learn?

((MANDARIN)) 我自学的 Wǒ zìxué de I'm self-taught

((MANDARIN)) 自学的?好厉害的 Zìxué de? Hǎo lìhài de Self-taught? How awesome!

((MANDARIN)) 我们一起讲中文啊 Wǒmen yīqǐ jiǎng zhōngwén a Let's speak Chinese together

((MANDARIN)) 国语 Guóyǔ Mandarin

((MANDARIN)) 你中文讲的很好啊 Nǐ zhōngwén jiǎng de hěn hǎo a Your Chinese is very good

((MANDARIN)) 你太过奖 Nǐ tài guòjiǎng You are being too nice

孔子曰: Kǒngzǐ yuē:

三人行必有我师 Sān rénxíng bì yǒu wǒ shī. Duì bùduì? There is always something more to learn

((MANDARIN)) 厉害啊 Lìhài a awesome!

((MANDARIN)) 你也从福建来的吗? Nǐ yě cóng fújiàn lái de ma? Are you also from Fujian?

((MANDARIN)) 大家都来自福建啊? Dàjiā dōu láizì fújiàn a? Everyone is from Fujian?

((MANDARIN)) 对 Duì right

除了国语之外还会讲别的语言吗? Chúle guóyǔ zhī wài hái huì jiǎng bié de yǔyán ma? Any other languages besides Mandarin?

((MANDARIN)) 英文啊 Yīngwén a English

((MANDARIN)) 我家乡话 WǒJiāxiāng huà My hometown language

((MANDARIN)) 本地话 Běndì huà the local language?

((MANDARIN)) 什么? Shénme what?

((MANDARIN)) 只是好奇而已 Zhǐshì hàoqí éryǐ I was just curious, that's all

((MANDARIN)) 那你呢? Nà nǐ ne? how about you?

((MANDARIN)) 还有 Hái yǒu there's more

((MANDARIN)) 我会日语,韩国文。。。 Wǒ huì rìyǔ, hánguó wén... I know Japanese, Korean....

((MANDARIN)) 这么多 Zhème duō so many

都是自学的吗? Dōu shì zìxué de ma? You taught yourself all of those?

都是自学的 Dōu shì zìxué Yes, I taught myself all of them

我弟弟 Wǒ dìdì My younger brother

他会说吗? Tā huì shuō ma? Can he speak?

我的兄弟 Wǒ de xiōngdì My brother

哥哥 Gēgē Older brother

像不像 Xiàng bù xiàng Do we look better than you?

像但是你比较高一点 Xiàng dànshì nǐ bǐjiào gāo yīdiǎn Yes, but you are much taller

对,你说得对 Duì, nǐ shuō dé duì Yes, you're right

为什么? Wèishéme? why

我不晓得。。就是自然的 Wǒ bù xiǎodé.. Jiùshì zìrán de I don't's just natural

我学习中文因为我想去北京 Wǒ xuéxí zhōngwén yīnwèi wǒ xiǎng qù běijīng I study Chinese because I want to go to Beijing

而且我想去日本 Érqiě wǒ xiǎng qù rìběn Also, I want to go to Japan

我也喜欢 Wǒ yě xǐhuān I also like..

你也喜欢什么? Nǐ yě xǐhuān shénme? You also like what?

我也。。。。 Wǒ yě... I also...

我也喜欢学中文因为我喜爱中国人 Wǒ yě xǐhuān xué zhōngwén.... I also like to learn Chinese....

因为我喜爱中国人 Yīnwèi wǒ xǐ'ài zhōngguó rén because I love Chinese people

酷毙了! So cool!

都是吗? Dōu shì ma? both of you?

学中文都是因为想去北京? Xué zhōngwén dōu shì yīnwèi xiǎng qù běijīng? learn Chinese because you wanto go to Beijing?

我也是这样但是。。。 Wǒ yěshì zhèyàng dànshì.. It's also the same with me, but...

我很喜欢学别的语言所以 Wǒ hěn xǐhuān xué bié de yǔyán suǒyǐ I like to learn other languages so.....

这是我的爱好 Zhè shì wǒ de àihào this is my hobby

我英文学的是一半一一半的。。。 Wǒ yīngwén xué de shì yībàn yīyī bàn de. I haven't really fully learned English

你可以跟我们练习一下 Nǐ kěyǐ gēn wǒmen liànxí yīxià You can practice with us a bit

我可以拿走吗 can I take that away Wǒ kěyǐ ná zǒu ma

可以。 拿。。 you go Kěyǐ. Ná..

小心小心 Xiǎoxīn xiǎoxīn be careful

我们好了 Wǒmen hǎole we're ready

谢谢 Xièxiè thank you

'' Can we have Facebook?''

可以 Kěyǐ sure

等一下 Děng yīxià hold on for a sec

中文的名字叫老鼠 Zhōngwén de míngzì jiào lǎoshǔ My Chinese name is Rat

绰号 Chuòhào Nickname

找不聊 Zhǎo bù liáo I can't find it

你可以给我发个留言 Nǐ kěyǐ gěi wǒ fā gè liúyán you can sned me a message

我就会回答你 Wǒ jiù huì huídá nǐ I respond to you

这手机没有中文字吧? Zhè shǒujī méiyǒu zhòng wén zì ba? This phone doesn't have Chinese characters?

好好! Hǎohǎo! OK, OK

晚安 Wǎn'ān goodnight

再见 Zàijiàn goodbye

再见 Zàijiàn goodbye

哦你知道吧? Ó nǐ zhīdào ba? Oh, you know?

你知道吗? Nǐ zhīdào ma? Do you know?

你怎么知道我会讲国语? how do you know that I speak Chinese? Nǐ zěnme zhīdào wǒ huì jiǎng guóyǔ?

因为她们刚才告诉了我 Yīnwèi tāmen gāngcái gàosùle wǒ because they just told me

是吧 Shì ba Oh yea?

她说你们两个会讲 Tā shuō nǐmen liǎng gè huì jiǎng she said that both of you can speak

是吧 Shì ba oh yea?

你也来自福建吧 Nǐ yě láizì fújiàn ba you must also be from Fujian

对啊 Duì a right

你讲的很好 Nǐ jiǎng de hěn hǎo you speak very well

谢谢 Xièxiè thank you

你去过中国学的吗? Nǐ qùguò zhōngguó xué de ma? did you go to China to learn?

我一直在美国自学的 I've been teaching myself in America the whole time

在美国自学的? Zài měiguó zìxué de? Self-taught in America?

怎么自学啊? Zěnme zìxué a? how did you teach yourself?

说来话长 Shuō lái huà zhǎng It's a long story

为什么说来话长? Wèishéme shuō lái huà ? Why it's a long story?

你讲太好了 Nǐ jiǎng tài hǎole you speak too good

你自学的吧 Nǐ zìxué de ba You taught yourself?

我已经学很久 Wǒ yǐjīng xué hěnjiǔ I've studied for a long time already

你用什么自学? Nǐ yòng shénme zìxué? what do you use to teach yourself?

我第一次开始学中文的时候 Wǒ dì yī cì kāishǐ xué zhōngwén de shíhòu when I first started learning Chinese

我一直在听录音 Wǒ yīzhí zài tīng lùyīn I always listened to recordings

还有一直在跟中国人说话 Hái yǒu yīzhí zài gēn zhōngguó rén shuōhuà also..always spoke with Chnese people

因为在那个校园在Akon U Yīnwèi zài nàgè xiàoyuán zài Akron U bcause on that campus at Akron U

有各种各样的中国人 Yǒu gè zhǒng gè yàng de zhōngguó rén there are all kinds of Chinese people

留学生 Liúxuéshēng exchange students

留学生都讲国语 Liúxuéshēng dōu jiǎng guóyǔ The exchange students speak Mandarin

所以有很多机会 Suǒyǐ yǒu hěnduō jīhuì so there are many opportunities

学比较快 Xué bǐjiào kuài you learn faster

对对 Duì duì right

这是好的办法,对吧 Zhè shì hǎo de bànfǎ, duì ba this is a good method, right?

你会别的语言吗? Nǐ huì bié de yǔyán ma? Do you speak any other languages?

不会讲 Bù huì jiǎng I can't speak

在福建的本地话 Zài fújiàn de běndì huà the local language in Fujian

我不会 Wǒ bù huì I can't speak

我会广东话 Wǒ huì guǎngdōng huà I can speak Cantonese

广东话我也会啊 Guǎngdōng huà wǒ yě huì a I can speak Cantonese , too

((CANTONESE)) 係咩? Oh yea?

係呀! Yes!

我都識講廣東話嘅嘞 I can speak Cantonese, too

我都識 Me too

我識講好多語言啊 I can speak a ot of languages

好力嘅 very good

晚安 goodnight

再见 Zàijiàn goodbye

For more infomation >> ''Can We Be Facebook Friends?'' ((LEVEL-UP)) - Duration: 11:42.


El Tamborilero, Villancico Animado - Canticuentos - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> El Tamborilero, Villancico Animado - Canticuentos - Duration: 1:56.


Gimper - Tururu! /Remix Ruzio - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Gimper - Tururu! /Remix Ruzio - Duration: 0:20.


BISCOITO LIGA DA JUSTIÇA - Cozinha Nerd da Varni - Duration: 5:25.

Hello, everyone, another Varni"s Cookies is starting!

And today I'm gonna be making Justice League cookies.

Here we have Flash, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

So due the Justice League debut, I will be making this cookies for you.

Before anything, you can subscribe to my channel and active the notifications,

to know all the new videos to came out.

Just remember the cookies' recipe is at my blog.

The link is down below.

To make the symbol of any hero, I printed an image on internet and cut off in a parchment paper.

So I put on the cookie and outlined with food pen.

Just you know, this pen I'm using is food pen, okay?

It's not ballpoint pen!

So Ioutlined with the mold, and then I outlined with a very little tip with black royal icing.

I let them dry and fill it.

So, after you fill just let them dry, and then fill all the cookie with some color you

like. I used white.

Let them dry and it's ready!

And this was my Justice League cookies!

I hope you'd liked, if so like it and see you soon!

For more infomation >> BISCOITO LIGA DA JUSTIÇA - Cozinha Nerd da Varni - Duration: 5:25.


Learn English with phrases invented by Shakespeare - Duration: 7:49.

We have something different this week.

We're looking at phrases invented by William Shakespeare.

Yeah, really.

You're going to learn from Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare is the greatest English writer and poet who's ever lived.

He died 400 years ago, but here's the thing.

We're still using phrases and expressions that he invented today.

So let's look at some.

First one.

We often use this phrase when we're telling a story.

It means quickly and unexpectedly.

Shakespeare used it to talk about how fast we can fall in love because that can happen

quickly and suddenly.

Falling in love is a nice surprise, but we can use this phrase with bad surprises too

– things that shock us.

For example, all of a sudden, an alarm went off.

The lights went out and all of a sudden, I someone grabbed my neck.

The lights went out and all of a sudden, I someone grabbed my neck.

Next one?

Shakespeare wrote a play about a man called Macbeth.

Macbeth was a murderer.

He killed four people and his wife, Lady Macbeth, encouraged him to do it.

She said, 'Go on kill them.

It'll be good for us'.

So he did, but after the murders, Macbeth felt badly about it and his wife wanted to

comfort him, so she said 'What's done is done'.

Can you guess what she meant?

We say this when we want to point out that you can't change something that's already


So if you spill some milk, there's nothing you can do about it, and I might say 'Forget it.

Move on.

What's done is done'.

That's great, Sally.


Sally's coming to our party.

You invited Sally?


Oh no.

What's the matter?

Well Peter's coming.

He hates Sally.

She dumped him.

Well it's too late now.

What's done is done.

What's done is done.

OK, here's another expression from the play Macbeth.

One of the characters gets tragic news – terrible sad news.

All his family have been killed at once – all of them at the same time, in one go.

And that's the meaning of 'in one fell swoop'.

We say it when a lot of bad things happen at the same time, as the result of a single


I've got terrible news.

What's happened?

You know I told you there's new management at the company.


Well, they let everyone go.



They laid off 300 people in one fell swoop.

Oh my.

They laid off 300 people in one fell swoop.

Oh my.

Let's have a happier phrase now.

We use this expression to say something happened by chance.

These days we normally say 'as luck would have it', so we drop the word 'good'.

It means by lucky chance.

Let's see it in action.

IWe've had a difficult month.


First the car broke down.

That cost a thousand dollars to fix.

And then we had medical bills.

Another thousand dollars.

We didn't know how we were going to pay the electric bill.

But as luck would have it, I won a prize in the lottery.


Two thousand dollars!

But as luck would have it, I won a prize in the lottery.

OK, I've got two more for you.

Here's one Shakespeare used in several plays.

Now the word 'fair' here means treating people equally, in the right way.

If a game is fair, then everyone has an equal chance of winning.

And playing fair – that means following the rules of a game and not cheating.

So if someone cheats, it's not fair play.

Oh hurry up Jay.

Just a second.

What are you doing?

I'm looking in the dictionary.

But that's cheating.

He has no sense of fair play.

He has no sense of fair play.

Our last phrase is the opposite of fair play and Shakespeare invented this expression too.

Foul play is when you do something dishonest and unfair.

Footballers are sometimes sent off because of foul play.

But foul play has another common meaning today.

If someone dies and it wasn't an accident or natural death, it's foul play.

So it's is some kind of violent criminal action that results in a death.

What do you think?

He's dead.

Yes, but what happened?


Maybe it was suicide.


I think there was foul play.

You think?

I think there was foul play.

You think?

Now there's an interesting thing about all these phrases and expressions.

Native English speakers just say them, and we don't normally know that they come from

William Shakespeare.

And there are hundreds more phrases that he invented, so we're planning to make another

video on this topic.

Let us know in the comments if that's a good idea.

And if you enjoyed this video please share it with a friend who's also learning English.

And make sure you subscribe to our channel so you don't miss our future videos.

See you next week everyone.

For more infomation >> Learn English with phrases invented by Shakespeare - Duration: 7:49.


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Complete Walkthrough Part 3 - Avenger's World Tour - Duration: 15:34.

Thank you Warner Brothers for the free and early game code

For more infomation >> LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Complete Walkthrough Part 3 - Avenger's World Tour - Duration: 15:34.


How Does SEO Work | GoDaddy - Duration: 2:39.

You've heard the term SEO, but you're not sure what it's all about,

or if you even need to care.

This video provides an overview of how SEO works and why it matters.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

SEO's goal is to get your website the best possible rank

in organic, or non-paid results,

on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Every day millions of people search online for products and services.

Years of research proves that people rarely look beyond the first page or two of results,

and they most often click the links at or near the top of the page;

which is where you want to be when people search for your products and services.

Search engines use complex formulas and processes called algorithms to analyze,

index, and rank the millions of sites on the web.

You can optimize your site to align with these algorithms by applying techniques

that act as signals to search engines.

Search engines evaluate these signals and use them to assess where your website

should rank compared to other sites.

These signals include keywords, meta tags,

and links to your site from other sites.

An important thing to keep in mind is that search engines are sophisticated;

they analyze for quality,

not quantity,

in order to provide search results that are relevant and trustworthy.

The first step in optimizing your site

is to think about your target audience.

Who are they?

What will they want to see and learn when they visit your site?

What words or phrases are they likely to use to search for your products and services?

Use that knowledge to create compelling,

well-written content

that engages your audience and spurs them to action.


flooding your website with keywords that degrade the readability and appeal of your content will hurt your rank,

not help it.

Making your site easy for people to share on social media is another way to optimize.

Adding buttons for Facebook,


Pinterest, and other social media sites

is a great way to make your site more shareable.

Use of backlinks can also improve your website's ranking.

Backlinks are created when someone puts a link to your website on their site.

Search engines take note of backlinks.

However, having a bunch of random websites linking back to yours

won't boost your search engine ranking.


quality and relevance are key.

If this is all sounding complex and time-consuming,

well it can be.

The good news is that there are automated tools and expert services to help you,

such as GoDaddy's Search Engine Visibility tool

and SEO Services.

Everyone with a website should care about SEO.

So optimize!

For more infomation >> How Does SEO Work | GoDaddy - Duration: 2:39.


New Sinister Law Allows Australian Police to Listen in on Phones - Duration: 4:54.

New Sinister Law Allows Australian Police to Listen in on Phones and Smart Devices Even


Passed not so long ago by parliament in Queensland, Australia, Australian police have been granted

the power to turn smart phones, fridges and speakers into listening devices.

Using existing technology, it will be done through the police remotely installing software

into these smart devices for surveillance purposes.

Ian Stewart, Queensland police�s chief commissioner stated in so many words that the new state

law will help police combat terrorism� Thus, the surveillance will only be used for terrorist

related purposes.

However, how many Australian citizens know that worldwide we are being subjected to more

and more false flag terrorism, so that the powers that be can expand their matrix of

world control, introducing more unjust draconian laws as a consequence, in a Big Brother/Sister

totalitarian police state?

The affects of the new law will be monitored and periodically reviewed.

An annual report will be put together, documenting the to be made surveillance authorizations.

Holland then where next?

Then there�s Holland who will be introducing a new law early next year which, in effect,

gives police the authority to use new surveillance technology capable of surveying a whole city

block at any time.

It has been reported that the police can accomplish this through using just one smart meter in

the control grid�

With this surveillance technology, if the police don�t like what they see or hear,

they will be able to monitor any smart device or wireless application in the grid, as a


The Dutch Senate had voted to give greater surveillance powers to intel agencies.

These new surveillance laws are being introduced without the people�s consent, making it

nothing more than a gross invasion of privacy in the smart grid colonization: Who will be

the next country to follow suit?

What you can do

Be it through apathy or ignorance, having fallen for the �convenience� con, most

people have gone into tacit agreement with the smart system.

That is, basically, authorities have carried on legislating and overseeing the implementation

of the smart grid system because the people haven�t stepped in and formally expressed

their disapproval.

There is much for the people to formally express their disapproval over: Besides the encroaching

mass surveillance capabilities, the consequential threat from abusive controlling authorities,

hack-ability, the smart grid system also threatens to bring on a massive rise in ill health:

As part of the smart grid system in the Internet of Things, harmful electromagnetic frequencies

will be used in conjunction with the new 5G wireless technology planned to roll out soon.

However, a number of countries have expressed their objection.

One activist organization demanding accountability from the authorities rolling out the smart

grid system is the In-Power movement, who, so far, have been quite successful in getting

justice done.

In effect, they will be able to support what we-the-people can do in our local communities

as a stand against the smart grid system, which is indeed, a clear and present danger:

Instead of rolling over like lame and docile dogs, or wait for someone else to do something

about it, the In-power movement can support activist citizens.

It can provide important information on what appropriate actions to take against those

involved in administering this harmful technological control system that seriously threatens our


The important information can be found on the In-Power movement website.

Here is the must-see introductory video:

Final thoughts

We cannot allow citizens to sleep-walk and passively accept these laws and technological

advances towards a totalitarian global fascist state.

Spread the word to these citizens.

Warn them of the dire consequences if no action is taken.

Tell them to at least take action for the well-being, safety and freedom of their children�

What else will we have forced on us?

How about worldwide mandatory vaccinations?

Or forced body tissue submission for the state�s compulsory DNA database, or microchipping

and the threat of imprisonment if you don�t comply?

Don�t give them an inch so that they will take a mile.

For more infomation >> New Sinister Law Allows Australian Police to Listen in on Phones - Duration: 4:54.


Cape de portage Grimawak en sling - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Cape de portage Grimawak en sling - Duration: 1:25.


Blue Halo Smokey Eye Tutorial - Duration: 24:26.

hi guys thanks for joining me on my channel today if you like the look I'm

wearing then keep watching and I'll show you how to do the eye makeup

so the stuff you're going to need is if you have a beauty blender that's perfect

that would be great because then you can kind of clean up under your eyes if you

don't, then here's a little trick. You can take one of these triangular sponges and

just rip it! and then you see how it gets that kind of textured textured look to

it that actually works really really well, so wet this completely just like

you would with a Beauty Blender and get it completely saturated squeeze out all

of the water and use this just like a Beauty Blender much less expensive than

that but it works quite well another trick is to take your loose powder and

the sharp edge of your triangular sponge dip it in just the edge can you see that

okay so you have it on the edge like that and what you're gonna do is rather

than taping your corner eye you're gonna go underneath your eyelashes to the

outer corner of your eyebrow like so and stamp it like that you see that

so that little stamp is gonna be your guideline you don't want to take your

eyeshadow past that point okay? so I'll just do that on both sides there you go

so now you have a little crazy line, and you look a little nutty! so now we're

going to get started the other little thing that I'm going to show you is

Indian eyeliner this is called Hashmi Kajal

I use this religiously it's it's my go-to thing what I do is since this is

my own I can take a brush like this one this is a makeup forever liner brush and

you can run that just kind of roll it in the product like so and you can run that

over the waterline like that now the thing I love about this is when you're

doing like a smoky kind of smudgy eye look it's really really nice because it

already it kind of smudges out beautifully but it remains on the

waterline really well clean up under the eyes a bit so we're gonna make a mess

under the eyes let's just ignore it for now and we'll get to the eyes okay so

the next thing I'm gonna do is take a palette now I have a palette called the

NYX this one here it's called the NYX wicked dreams palette and it's got a lot

of really beautiful shades there's 24 shades that come in the palette and it

looks like so really beautiful and we're going to be working with the Blues today

so this blue right over here and I think there's a darker one on this side we'll

be working with those colors gonna do is actually tap this on close to my lash

line just like so and I'm going to put a little bit in the front of my eye I know

usually everybody puts highlighter there but we're gonna do a little bit of a

different look today so I'm gonna put some in the front and I'm just kind of

pushing it in now I'm getting a little bit more and then putting some on the

end and I'm leaving the center empty so don't put it there and now remember that

you put a little tap line of powder don't go past that point okay so here we

go I put some on and you can be you know trying to be a little bit careful about

it but if you kind of mess it up it's not a big deal because this is a smoky

smudge you kind of locate and Messier is okay so look at how beautiful this color

is though it's stunning here we go

so we got some there and we've got some there now you're gonna take a brush you

can either take a brush that looks like this or one that looks like this so

basically you need a blender okay and you're gonna blend it out I'm gonna use

this one you can get this from Mac there's a whole bunch of different

brands that make them I think Sigma makes them but you can get them

everywhere and then I really like the the one from Real Techniques it's one of

my favorites too so I'm just gonna take a little bit more product just to help

me blend this out and now I'm going to top it off and then apply it with the

brush and again I'm not going to past that point and I'm just gonna kind of

what you do is you pull in from the outside don't go like a wind washer or

you know like a windshield washer don't go back and forth you're actually gonna

go like inwards so start on the outer point and come in and you're going into

the socket line this is the little my battery totally died so I completed the

eye look on one side and now I'm gonna finish hit on the other side for you so

sorry about that so I like I said I was doing the blue and stuff and now I'm

taking the lighter color from the NYX palette which is this one here okay the

the whitish yellow there and we're going to apply that to the center using

a small detail brush basically and that's going right in the center here so

I had already applied that when the battery died so there's that and what I

did is take a brush that looks like this you can get them from different brands

and I actually am going to spray it and wet it a little bit and you can use

water you can use rose water you can use mist and fix if you have that I'm using

cinema secrets moisture spray brings moisture back to your face it kind of

livens it back up again we're gonna apply a little bit more like packed on

color like so and by wetting the brush a little bit it saturates it more with

color so you get more intensity and then I'm putting a little bit in the front as

well and I know like right now this I looks crazy but it'll come you have to

go through that whole like crazy stage first and then it kind of comes together

if you just keep going keep blending keep going it'll work the key is gonna

be blending oh and I'm gonna put the little powder that I had before actually

and create that line that I had before because obviously after my battery died

it faded away so I'm just gonna put that back and that's right there for you okay

so again we're just putting that blue color packing it on good and then take

your blending brush that looks like this and what I'm actually gonna do is take

another pallet of mine I'm using the color, this is the Viseart palette and I

love it so much as you can tell it's a mess but I'm going to take the color

that's kind of a bricky brown color

and I'm going to use that as my transition color so applying it with

like a pointed brush or a blending brush you're gonna take it take top it off cuz

this stuff is really potent it's very pigmented and kind of take that above

your blue and into the socket and kind of going again from the outside corner

end blend it and bring the two together and

now I'm gonna because this is a dark area and this is usually where you would

do some contouring I'm bringing it right up to the brow in the front and that

gives you like a beautiful contoured socket it's already done on this side as

you can see and I'm just blending this brush is fantastic for blending by the

way the only thing I find with it is you can go overboard with your blending the

strokes have to be very light as you can see I'm holding the brush from the back

where the rubbery section is maybe that's why it's like that actually and

blending from back here that way cuz if I was doing it from here I would

probably blend everything away completely so I'm just again bringing

some of it up making take a little bit more and blend and I'm gonna add a

little bit of this taupey type of color and blending blend blend blend there you

go and now if you want you can go back and take a little bit of that blue

that's left on the brush I'm not taking more product

I'm just taking what's on the brush and adding that back in so that I don't lose

the depth of that color and just adding a little more there we go

okay so now I'm gonna take a pointed brush and I'm taking the lightest two

colors that I have in this palette again this is the Viseart palette

eyeshadow - palette number one okay and this is a

makeup artist favorite so they're beautiful colors blend beautifully I'm

going to take that and put it just in the front of my eye here just like that

and kind of blend that out so it's a nice brightness there and then I'm going

to take the two colors again and on the outer part of my brow bone just out of

here I'm not adding it here where we had already put the darkness because that

would defeat the purpose there we go just applying it there go back to my I'm

gonna take a clean blending brush and just softly blend that out so there's no

harsh lines anywhere blend blend blend there we go I have a cream eyeliner look

it's a it's the kind that you can wet this one is from Ben Nye it's a cake liner

and I love these for being able create intense black eyeliner liquid

looks you know really intense you can smoke it out you can do to so many

things with it and it's washable so if you make a mistake you can wipe it away

and that's that everything with makeup right like if you make a mistake wash it

off start again and have some fun it's not a big deal so I'm taking my moisture

spray and just spritzing the the actual contact and I'm taking a small this is a

makeup forever liner brush and I think this one is number 250 straight it's a

really nice tight brush

and I'm gonna just put that in the color and kind of roll it so it picks up color

and you can see it's already drying like I don't have a pool of water in here

there's enough there when you have a damp just picking up a little bit what a

wetness from there adding it in and now we're going to do our eyeliner so the

way to do this is to start on the outside corner what I do is just go to

the outside tip and just create a flick like that and I use that flick to come

back inwards

and then I kind of top along the lash line now what I'm doing here is I'm

putting a little bit of eyeliner on before I put my false lashes on because

what that does is cover all the skin that might show through on my lashes and

I don't want that to happen so I'm just gonna cover that up with a little bit of

black eyeliner and I like to work in layers in my makeup so I'm going to come

back to this eyeliner after the lashes as well so there's that

I'm just kind of poking it in pressing it in I'm not trying to create a

straight line across I'm kind of creating dashes and then pulling the

dashes so they blend out because nobody's gonna really see that part okay

there we go now I'm gonna curl my lashes very very important step so I have my

Billy B Lash curler and what I do with this is hold it as close as I can to my

lashes and then I kind of walk it out and keep stamping as I go you're gonna

have it like looking really freaky but it'll work really well and give you a

really beautiful curl - you just said really like four times but so here we go

I'm looking down in the mirror and you clamp it as close to your lash line as

you can hold for a count of five okay okay and then step out do it again

step out and you see the way it is now I look really freaky but it gives you a

really nice natural curl to your lash then I'm gonna put my voluminous mascara

and again my stuff is very well-loved it's all erased off of there but this is

carbon black voluminous from L'Oreal so I'm putting a light coat of that on my

lashes and I'm gonna put a little bit on the top end too so that any eyeshadow

that might have come on my lashes isn't creating like a weird color on them so

that when I put my false lashes on there's not going to be a shadow of

whiteness there okay so that's done and now we get to the fun part the false

lashes so I'm just using this is precision lash adhesive from Revlon

and I have my lashes are from Red Cherry I think they're Red Cherry number 1

fantastic lashes they have a nice thin band to them and that makes them easy to

apply when you get lashes that have a really thick base band at that part at

the front like where you're actually going to be applying them they can get

really hard to be flexible and get on your your eyes so here we go now the

best way to do this is with a mirror down on the table rather than looking

into a bathroom just like I've been doing everything else so you keep your

eyes open but looking down and then you kind of bring them close to your lash

line and you can see I'm not I'm taking my time here I'm not rushing applying it

to the center and then grabbing the ends and bringing them closer some people

like to use tweezers I'm I'm more of a hand person so I'll use my hands and

there we go

and I'm just bending it down to attach it and kind of pinching them together a

bit so that's one set of lashes there we go and then make sure they're on I kind

of take my finger and push against the curve of the lash by doing that it kind

of pushes them in and attaches them even more okay so there's that and I'm going

to do the other set of lashes so we're actually doing a double set of false

lashes talked about drama all girls need drama in their makeup not in their lives

okay so now we do exactly the same thing

sorry I'm not in frame sorry about that

okay so there is the other set okay and I'm just pinching those together and

making sure they're set together these ones are nice and secure because I did

them while the battery was charging maybe that's what I need to do is invest

in more batteries for sure black eyeliner I'm using Milani's I'll show


like this one for for everyday kind of use I don't like it so

much for parties and stuff because I do find that it travels but like I said I

am using the Hashmi eyeliner I'm just adding more drama so I'm putting a

little bit more so I'm just adding a little bit here and mostly I'm putting a

little bit on the bottom of my eye just on the outer edge and then I'm gonna

take a little brush like so and just kind of blend that out I think this one

comes in Real Techniques little kit that comes with four eye brushes and it's

fantastic too for details so just blending that out

and now I'm going to go back to the NYX palette just making a mess and dropping

things everywhere and taking that blue color that we had started with and

putting a little bit of that under the lash line so we want to kind of bring

the two together and I'm actually going to go in and take this darker and more

intense kind of shut through with a little bit of a blue sparkle too which

is really nice

I'm going to take a little bit of that and add that to the bottom lash

and that just gives a little bit more depth and intensity to this whole look

and then I go back to my pencil brush and my Viseart palette and take those two

colors so really we've only used about four colors in total for this look but

you don't even have to do that if you only have like a brown shadow a deep

blue one and something with usually in those like quads you get something with

a little bit of a lighter color that you can put in there then you're set you

don't need to do anything else there you go just make sure they're both lookin

similiar there we go and yeah well I go back to my cream Ben Nye cream liner

and it's kind of dried out now so I'll add a little bit more liquid to it so

it's nice and damp again and now we're gonna do our more dramatic eyeliner so

I'm just rolling it in there and starting at the front I'm doing a

very thin line at the front just like that and blending it over where I click

the eyelashes because really the eyelashes are also kind of giving you an

eyeliner look now especially with two of them stacked on top of each other

and then we can create that wing

am i in frame there sorry

and you see how we had that powder line there it's giving me a nice clean line

that way

good there you go I'm gonna take a little bit of that and add that to the

bottom lash and that just gives a little bit more depth and intensity to this

whole look and then I go back to my pencil brush and my Viseart palette and

take those two colors so really we've only used about four colors in total for

this look but you don't even have to do that if you only have like a brown

shadow a deep blue one and something with usually in those like quads you get

something with a little bit of a lighter color that you can put in there then

you're set you don't need to do anything else there we go just make sure they're

both looking similar there we go and yeah well I go back to my cream Ben

Nye cream liner and it's kind of dried out now so I'll add a little bit more

liquid to it so it's nice and damp again and now we're gonna do our more dramatic

eyeliner so I'm just rolling it in there and starting at the front I'm doing a

very thin line at the front just like that and blending it over where I put

the eyelashes because really the eyelashes are also kind of giving you an

eyeliner look now especially with two of them stacked on top of each other

and then we can create that wing

am i in frame there sorry

and you see how we had that powder line there it's giving me a nice clean line

that way

good here we go and that's the I look so I'm gonna come back I'm gonna go finish

the rest of my face and come back and you'll see the finished look okay be

right back

For more infomation >> Blue Halo Smokey Eye Tutorial - Duration: 24:26.


Não Brinque com Fogo! - Duration: 7:20.

A short film from Silêncio no Set

Hey. what are you doing there?

Are you crazy? What are you doing alone?

Is this what im thinking?

Dude, don't do this!

Really man! Don't do it!

Cool things to do with fire

Yeah man!

I thing that it was very funny.

There's nothig missing now.

Our mother always said

"Don't play with fire, its really dangerous"

Make sense.

Hey man, your head is hot.

Relax bro.

Hot head?

Me? Hot head?

This box...

Seduced us!

It seduced!

This damn box seduced us!

Bro, it's just a box, it's only kitchen match.

Well i just thing that maybe it's time to live this place.

This short film is dedicated to all the fathers, mothers and children.

It destroyed all the house man!


At least there is one more.

Every day, young and kids are seduced by kitchen match

Don't play with fire

Subtitles by: Oberdan Papa

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