Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

- [Cameron] 44.




(slow music)

(zombie vocalizing)



- [Vince] Jesus!

- [Cameron] Mommy!

- [Vince] Just leave him!

Come on!

- [Lisa] Get up!

- [Cameron] Two.


- [Vince] Hurry the hell up!

Did it bite him?

- Ow! - Shut it!

- Don't talk to him like that.

- Did it bite you?

Next time, I'm not helping the little shit.


And if either of you gets bitten,

I won't waste a second watching out for my own.

Got it?

(slow, tense music)

(slow, tense music)

- Cam?

You are such a sweet boy.


Cam, can you listen to mommy for a minute?

I love you very much.

You can keep that.


Can you remind me

of what we're supposed to do if we're ever apart?

Please tell me, baby, it's important.

- I have to keep running and, um, stay away

from people that aren't friends.

- That's right.

Very good.

And Cam?

Honey, Mr. Vince isn't our friend anymore.

- He's not one of the monsters.

- I know that, sweetie, but,

but he's not very nice, is he?

- Yeah.

- Okay.


- [Cameron] Five.

- [Lisa] Is he here?

- [Cameron] Six.

- The building with the lights on it

that Mr. Vince wouldn't let us go to?

That's a good place to go.


Don't forget.

Cam, you wanna play a game?

Let's put your backpack on.

- What's this for?

- This is for your invisibility suit.

We're gonna play hide and seek.

I'm gonna close my eyes,

and you're gonna find a good hiding place.

And you're gonna count to 100.

- But that's so many.

- Out loud.

And then I'm gonna come find you.

It'll be fun.

- One,


no peeking.

- I won't.




- [Cameron] Eyes closed.






(slow, tense music)

- Vince, I need to talk to you.

It's about us.

- Aw shit.

Here we go.

Look, what happened back there could have been the end.

We need to be more careful.

- I get it.

- Where is the little guy anyway?

- We're just playing a game.

- Alright.

- It's hide and seek.

He's counting to a big number.

It'll take a while.

- That's great.

- I want--

- [Cameron] 19.


- What?

(slow, tense music)

- I know why you put up with him.

- Whoa, it's not like that.


I'm fond of him.


(slow, tense music)

- Lock the door.

There's a key on the side table.

Lock the door.

(slow, tense music)

- As in?



It ain't that bad.

Are we some kind of goddamn family or something?


- Not like that.

(slow, tense music)

Let's just take it slow.

- [Vince] Now that you're into it, you're gonna complain?

- [Cameron] 29.


31. (laughing)


- [Man] I wonder if he's in here.

- [Cameron] 33.

- Are you drunk?

That's what this is about?

Goddamn, you're cold.

- Not like that, I said.

- Okay.

- I'm not cold.

- No, you're cold as hell.

(slow, tense music)

What the fuck?

You're infected.

(shucking) (gasping)

(slow, tense music) (gasping)

(slow, tense music)

- [Lisa] Cameron.

- [Cameron] 51.

- [Lisa] Oh, my baby.

- [Cameron] 52.


(zombie vocalizing)


(zombie vocalizing)



- Cameron?

I'm so sorry.

I love you.

- [Cameron] It's okay, mommy.

(slow, tense music)

Don't be sad.

(slow, tense music)

Should I come out now?

- Well, we're still playing a game.

And I don't know where you are.

Keep counting.

- [Cameron] Alright.







63. (Vince groaning)






69. (tense music)










79. (Vince groaning)









88. (yelling)













- Why did you hide here?

(heavily breathing)

- [Cameron] Mommy?

I'm sorry I tricked you.

- No.


Baby, don't look, please go.

- It's okay, mommy.

- No.

No, I can't.

Oh, I can't.

(slow, tense music)

(soft orchestral music)

(groaning) (heavily breathing)

(soft orchestral music)

I can't leave you, sweetheart.

I love you.

(soft piano music)

(tense music)

- [Narrator] Watch new scary bits every Tuesday,

Thursday, and Friday.

(upbeat electronic music)

For more infomation >> Turned | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 12:34.


Character Spotlight - Anita Vanilla - Duration: 2:40.

Tolinhos, prepare to be terminate!

Anita Vanilla is nothing to be concerned about

She's just an average young lady, carrying on her average life

doing human stuff, the way humans do! Nothing suspicious


She is just a regular fan of GUTS, like you and me!

It's always been her dream to join the show and become a pop star

Or did you think she was an actual villain

building a bomb to wipe out humanity or something like that?

Ok, now speaking seriously, her real name is not Anita Vanilla

but QWERTA - and she is joining GUTS!

For those of you who had been living in a cave,

she is a very impressive robot, with one little, tiny flaw: she is FUCKING evil!

For the last decade, QWERTA's been developing masterplots

to wipe out humanity, but her clueless nature has always been her greatest enemy

Her lack of understanding of basic human nature has led to the creation

of those ridiculous disguises, which became her trademark!

QWERTA's newest scheme involves her infiltrating GUTS

and using the prize to take over the world! Such a lovely plot

Her newest character is an average woman called Anita Vanila

so let's play along, otherwise we'd ruin all the fun!

So, ladies and gentleman, get ready to be terminated

I mean, give Anita our warmest welcome!

I will destroy… I mean, protect the human race

They are doing an amazing job taking care of everything and I am very thankful to them

Olá, I'm a harmless female called Anita

HUE HUE HUE esse é só o começo

For more infomation >> Character Spotlight - Anita Vanilla - Duration: 2:40.


Canal One Stop: Erros de Gravação do Canal - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Canal One Stop: Erros de Gravação do Canal - Duration: 3:00.


800 Essex Drive for Sale in Prosper, TX - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 800 Essex Drive for Sale in Prosper, TX - Duration: 2:03.



Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video I'm doing a spoiler free review of

Victor LaValle's The Changeling. Oh boy! I was completely blown away by

this book. In this we follow Apollo, and he's very happily married. He and his

wife recently had a son, and Apollo is just completely infatuated with his son.

one day paulus wife who has increasingly been

distant almost as if she's exhibiting postpartum depression she commits this

heinous violent act and then disappears and the rest of the book is about Apollo

trying to find his wife and figure out why she did what she did it is just

brilliant it is nothing short of brilliant I would classify this as

literary fiction that has elements of genre fiction so well and its core it's

very literary it has elements of fantasy and elements of horror woven throughout

first thing to know Victor the wall can write like hot damn could he write a

sentence he knows when to be short when to have longer sentences he knows when

to throw in a swear word when to not swear even if someone to go flowery and

when to go straight forward his prose is just brilliant it is a joy to read it is

so much fun to read I think sometimes when you read really really really good

writers you can feel a little self-aware if that makes sense like they're patting

themselves on the back for being so good at writing and you as a reader kind of

rolling your eyes like calm down buddy I see your ego showing through on the page

not the case with Victor the wall his sentences are perfectly crafted and not

pretentious they're just that good so we get that for the whole duration of the

book and it's just so wonderful to read if you are familiar with what a

changeling is then you could probably guess maybe that this book is at its

core a fairy tale and it's like a throwback to the original fairy tales

that were very dark and that were generally manifestations of the fears

and anxieties of that particular point in time for that particular cultural

group and that is what this book is it's oh it's just so good we've all clearly

notice this stuff when it comes to fairy tales this book is a fairy tale and then

it has those fantastical elements and it hits a lot of the same beats as a fairy

tale but it is all this manifestation of ears and anxieties

of today in this case it's looking at Apollo and his relationship with the Sun

and his perception of himself as a father so this book is an examination of

parenthood and the anxieties and fears of modern Parenthood but specifically

it's looking at black father with it and I should also say this is an own voices

book Laval is a black man and so Apollo is this kind of microcosmic examination

of the figure of the black father and it's just it's such a brilliant

construction so we have those two elements lavalle's brilliant prose and

his great structural setup and it's just like where are you gonna go wrong you

can't go wrong another thing that I absolutely loved is that this is a

modern fairytale emphasis on the modern Laval incorporates technology into this

fairy tale so phones and texting and calling and Facebook all that kind of

stuff is blended so well with the fairytale fantasy elements I'm just so

impressed because I think it's really hard to incorporate technology into

books because it immediately expands the world of your characters right like they

suddenly have access to like all the information and all the other people in

the world then that kind of stuff obviously I'm being like slightly

hyperbolic but you know what I mean I'm so creating an insular story is really

difficult but evolve does a great job of it and he uses it to build tension to

build this sense of thread and that was another thing I love is that there's

this sense of dread that's woven throughout the story and it's a very

slow build at first but it crescendos I swear you could like graph how it builds

because it is so perfectly time and paced and executed I just it's so well

done and so by the end of this book you're just this ball of tension I've

mentioned several times when I have brought this book up in my various

videos that the most horrific parts of this book don't actually take place on

the page they are alluded to very heavily and you can infer what's gonna

happen but the actual act of horror takes place off screen so to speak off

page I know because of that the tension of this book is so perfectly built up

and now what was also really well done is that the buildup of tension mirrors

the build-up of fantasy elements so this book starts

very grounded in reality and then slowly but surely and then it builds and builds

and builds and builds we start to realize that there are elements of the

fantastical in Apollo's world and it is just a joy to watch them all build it

will say I had two fairly minor critiques the first is that Emma who is

Apollo's wife she is a fascinating character but love all kind of

mythologize --is her it's not the right pronunciation I don't even know he kind

of turns her into this distant mythical figure and because of that obviously as

a reader you feel that distance and I really wish that she come back into play

a little bit sooner the other group I would have is that sometimes the vols

metaphors were very heavy-handed like character is literally named Apollo and

he trans to himself I think it's like I am the god Apollo and he does that over

and over again and so like you couldn't see that there's probably a very heavy

metal or woven in there and I wish he had backed off just a tiny tiny bit in

those kind of situations but again a very very minor critique I just love

this book so so so much I think it was brilliant

I think love all is gonna hold a similar place to Neil Gaiman in my heart and in

my mind this is so so good I cannot recommend it enough if you've never

heard of it before you're welcome it is a brilliant brilliant read thanks so

much for watching if you liked this video give it a thumbs up hit subscribe

to see more of my face you can find me on Twitter it possibly lit and on

Instagram it possibly literate and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> THE CHANGELING BY VICTOR LAVALLE: SPOILER FREE REVIEW || 2017 - Duration: 5:56.


IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!! - Duration: 2:48.

it's not even Christmas yet.

It's Christmas!!!!!

Hashtag Zoe

Hashtag Zoe, what are you even doing?

I'm decorating for Christmas!

um it's the first week of November and it's not even Christmas

yeah it's basically Christmas time

And Halloween was just last week you haven't even finished the good candy yet. can I have

this one and also everyone knows that Thanksgiving comes first oh my gosh

Oh my gosh, Felicia I wonder if Spotify released their

Christmas playlist in Hashtag Zoe it's probably too early for that they start playing

that stuff and deceitful

(Christmas Music Plays)


what's what the menorah you're not even Jewish

well you're Jewish and you're always at my house so I got you girl

oh oh you have a dreidel collection in your backpack and you're getting on my

case for decorating early well these are the original fidget spinners do you know

the song right Oh dreidel dreidel dreidel I made it out

of clay wait these are actually all made out of wood do they even make dreidels

out of clay anymore I should look that up in the encyclopedia but it's all over

this Christmas present well how do you even know they're gonna like this if

gift receipts don't even last that long and I mean come on my little pony is so last year!

you're right dream horse party might be better barbie dream horse love for me dream

mores yeah that's why I don't need a gift receipt

oh I thought you said it was too early to shop at Christmas present

Felicia, what are you doing?

Happy Holidays Felicia!

It's Christmas!!!!!

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!! - Duration: 2:48.



The Air Force Academy is where Air Force aviators are graduated

Now we will tell you how to be one of them

and how is the admission for you that dream of being an Air Force pilot

Hey people, today we came to Air Force Academy

Where the cadets are trained

And yes, it's possible to become a pilot without money

The Air Force Academy graduate all its cadets

So if you dream about be a military and fly, here it's an opportunity

It isn't easy, the tests are very disputed

At video description you can access the website link

To check the availability to apply

So let's go

To talk a little bit more about training

here is Cadet Leite

Some people dream about be a pilot but don't have the correct information

and their parents can't afford in-flight training

to become a pilot, but at the Academy, all training

it's paid by Academy

and you will have a subsistence allowance

So don't wast this opportunity

to come to Academy. How is the AFA admission?

You have 2 possibilities, you can join the EPCAR

that is the Air Force high school

Or direct to AFA that is the AFA college

Both are from a public tender. EPCAR is from a 14 to 18 years old.

Meeting the physical and psychological requirements

You can join EPCAR, after 3 years you come to AFA.

Or you make make a test direct in AFA with you high school

The first opportunities are for EPCAR student and after this the AFA candidates

Which airplanes do you fly here?

We fly gliders, we have 5 here

But to our CV, we start in T-25, this airplane behind us

How many hours do the cadets fly solo here

In average 13 hours

Are you kidding me

You spend 4 years to graduate?

Yes, the first year is administrative subject

And who flys gliders start the flight

But who doesn't only start to fly at the second year in T-25

mixing fly and administrative activities

of management and aeronautical sciences course

The third year is exclusive to management and aeronautical science, with no flights.

And we fly at the fourth year in T-27 Tucano

you have 2 graduations here

Yes, management and aeronautical science

People can visit AFA?

Yes, we have cadets available in weekends and holidays

Do they have to schedule?

It's is not necessary, just come to AFA

At Jaguaí South Gate

And saying that want to visit.

For more infomation >> COMO SER UM PILOTO DA FORÇA AÉREA - Duration: 4:23.


Massive Online Paydays Review | Can You Have Results? - Duration: 7:55.

hey what's up everyone nikka rap class here and welcome to thmassive online paydays review massive online payday massive online paydays reviews massive online paydays scam massive online paydaysis video are you

looking for some more information on on massive online paydays well if you are

you're certainly at the right place because that's exactly what we'll be

getting into here in a moment okay so before do get started I just want to let

you know that I do have a free video training on my website that goes into

depth on how I've been able to utilize the internet for the past few years to

build out all full-time income and travel the world so if you would like to

check that out please go to mentor with the link is down in the video

description but without further ado let's get into this information about

massive online paydays okay so here's the big thing is and this can happen

from time to time with stuff online is that this is just the front for Mobe

okay and that name is always changing let me come over to some of the pages

that I just opened up and I'll show you what this exactly mean okay so I know

they they change up the name all the time or they have changed it up and I'm

so mo means my own business education it used to be likmassive online paydays review massive online payday massive online paydays reviews massive online paydays scam massive online paydayse my online business

empire and a couple of things but right now it's called my own business

education okay so it's an educational company that teaches you sales marketing

all the above and they have a bunch of different products courses and events

and stuff like you can see right here on the page so I'll get into that here a

little bit more here in a second but basically what it is you know they're

getting you in for $49 they have a you know a good sales page and a sales video

that gets you involved for $49 okay so then you know you click on this and the

way that I know this is that if you come down you click on all these things which

I have that brings up all of these pages okay the privacy policy and everything

and this is for mope okay so here's the products they events they have a lot of

you know there's the terms and conditions and stuff like that so this

is the owner matt lloyd and you know here's the things that people will have

their own

there are pinions on these type of programs so basically what happens is is

you could start for the $49 and that really is just the beginning okay so

basically what you do is you get started then you you join up and then you start

buying other products because you get coaches when you get started you and you

they have you buy other products they have you go to the events and these this

kind of stuff is not cheap now not to say that the education and value is not

there but this stuff is not cheap in the least bit okay I one of my hands

actually got involved with this system and she's gone to like events in Vegas

he's going to Costa Rica I think there was another one in Florida and she

actually hasn't told me exactly how much she's paid but I know based on all the

deep digging and research that I've done and what people have told me that people

have Network and stuff that are involved in mo is that it is multiple thousands

multiple tens of thousands a lot of time as well especially for the events okay

so you know there that's you know they have high-value products at a high price

so if you are smart person and a good marketer and you want to market this

system you can make a lot of money okay so when they get you started they get

you coached up and everything then that's what they want you to do is they

want you to promote the the product that courses and everything and promote

things like the $49 course here so you can get people in and then the coaches

can take care of the rest so if you are a good marketer you certainly can do

that okay I've even been involved in programs similar to Mobe here and have

made a good amount of money because I believed in the products and I

constantly were sending a lot of traffic to the site now if you are a new person

and you're just coming in not really knowing anything about driving traffic

building a list and promoting offers to that list then you have a long learning

curve ahead of you okay I'm not saying that you can't do it I'm not saying you

can't get involved in mobile and crush it out because there are

people that have done that I'm just saying that a lot of times I see this a

lot of the times most of the time is that it's the newbies that come in they

get started and a lot of times they can even drop you know tens of thousands of

dollars going to all these events and masterminds and stuff like that and

still have nothing to show for because they have not mastered the skill of

driving traffic to a landing page creating an email list and creating an

audience and continue to be able to promote to that audience okay so that's

a big thing that I wanted to break down here is that if you want to get involved

with stuff like massive online paydays review massive online payday massive online paydays reviews massive online paydays scam massive online paydays online paydays or Mofaz it clearly is that you you

likely want to know that kind of stuff before going in now obviously like I

said you can learn it as you go in but I just feel like you're at a better

position if you know that stuff beforehand I learned affiliate marketing

early on without having to invest tens of thousands of dollars and therefore

I'm able to come in do programs like mo but I've never been involved with mo but

programs that are very very similar like MO and in my first 30 days 60 days 90

days I'm crushing out ten thousand dollars a month okay if you if you do

not know what to do it's a lot easier to get frustrated and then ultimately quit

and that's what happens a lot of the times is that people come in they spend

a lot of money and they just don't have results and then they get frustrated and

they quit and a lot of times they will call it scams and that's why this type

of stuff comes up where people are I call that's a scam a scam it's not

really a scam it's the fact that people didn't know how to market this

particular program and even further they spent a lot of money so they don't feel

the value was reciprocated okay so the reason they come out with different

fronts like massive online paydays four Mobe is because you know they've started

turning in a lot of customers and you know sometimes it just kind of runs dry

a little bit where the conversions where people aren't you know buying as much so

they have to like kind of change the name change the angle a little bit so

they can get people in from a different way and then start up selling them with

the coaches and the events and products and all that kind of stuff so

yeah so hopefully that makes all sense a lot of sense that's what I really what

just wanted to let you know that's kind of thing with my reviews I you know I

let you know about products and systems and stuff like that but I also like to

lay down the insights as well because that's I think people are thirsty for

insights they just want to know what's going on behind the surface and that's

what I do to deliver to that so if you do have any questions further you can

leave them down in the comments or hit me up on social media all my links are

in the video description if you want to go check out my free video training that

I talked about before certainly go to mentor with that is mentor and the reason that I you know I'm very passionate about that and

really would recommend you go do that is because it's the stuff that I learned

early on like I've been talking about so that if you learn this stuff it's all

about you know driving traffic building a list and promoting to that list and

doing that without investing tens of thousands of dollars in the beginning

okay so if you would like to learn that stuff I would recommend then you go to

mentor with Nick comm so that you can learn that stuff and then when you

master it you can get involved in stuff like massive online paydays mob or

whatever it is and then come out and crush it because you already have this

stuff in place okay so again mentors Nick comm link is

down in the video description and then yeah thanks for watching the video guys

look forward talking soon

For more infomation >> Massive Online Paydays Review | Can You Have Results? - Duration: 7:55.


SlendyTubbies 2D multiplayer jogando com (Anthony GamePlay BR) - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> SlendyTubbies 2D multiplayer jogando com (Anthony GamePlay BR) - Duration: 5:11.


LGR - Crysis 10 Years Later: A Retrospective - Duration: 14:10.

"Can it run Crysis?" For a decade now this has been the go-to question for any new

computer... or old computer, or calculator or pinball control, or really anything at

all because that's more of a punch line than a serious question these days. But

10 years ago whether or not something ran Crysis was a legit inquiry, and for

good reason: nothing ran Crysis! At least, nothing ran

Crysis to its full potential. When it launched for Windows PCs on November 13.

2007. Crytek's new game was an unparalleled juggernaut of graphical

fidelity and forward-thinking tech. Under the hood was CryEngine 2, an engine that

was uninterested in only being the most impressive in 2007. Nope, it sought to be

the most impressive for years to come. Crysis was so hard to run that even the

best graphics cards of its day were unable to smoothly play it maxed out.

Your best-case scenario was using something like the 768MB nVidia

GeForce 8800 Ultra, which at the time was the fastest single card solution on the

market and cost over 800 US dollars. But even this beast could only crank out seven

frames per second on the very highest settings! And while it was one of the few

that could get into the 20s at lower resolutions, several competing cards on

the market couldn't even render enough frames to count. So when this game was

new there was no one playing it with all the bells and whistles *and* a decent

framerate, because it simply wasn't possible yet. Whether this was due to

ballsily ambitious design, bad optimization, or a combination of both,

the result was that Crysis was the go to game for benchmarking purposes over

the next several years. And any time a new GPU came out to the question was

inevitable: "Can it run Crysis?" But Crysis was more than just a glorified benchmark

or a graphics snob tech demo. I mean, it was those things, no doubt, but it was

also a shooter worth playing in its own right. I remember downloading the demo

and being absolutely hooked from the beginning because it felt like a

spiritual successor to Crytek's previous game, Far Cry, just with way more detail,

improved combat, and much more environmental interaction. Of course it

looked and ran like day-old dookie on my system but due to the stealth meets

action FPS gameplay and the infinitely variable

physics sandbox, it was an intoxicating combo I couldn't resist.

So when the full game was out I was all too happy to grab a copy, free it from

its cellophane prison, and pop the DVD into my Windows Vista rig knowing all

too well that I would not be able to fully enjoy all its features yet.

Thankfully today it's no problem to run Crysis on even a half-decent PC so for

the rest of this video we'll be fulfilling my 2007 fantasies and be

enjoying Crysis on a machine that can actually run Crysis. Crysis begins with

logos, brand deals, animations, notices, copyrights, and finally a very green main

menu. And before we do anything else it is Crysis tradition to jump straight

into the graphics options because there are a lot of options to optionally

optionate here. And this was built to use DirectX 9 for the most part. DirectX 10

was available, and it had some graphics options for that as long as you had

Windows Vista. Or at least that was the idea since it turned out you could

activate a lot of the DirectX 10 features through tweaking some files and

get many of the DX10 options in 9. They didn't all work perfectly but they were

there. Once you have all that sorted it's time to get onto the game itself and

it comes in single-player and multiplayer flavors. Eh, the multiplayer

was there on launch at least. It has since been disabled after the GameSpy

servers shut down some years ago. There are some fan patches for getting online

multiplayer to work since the publisher, Electronic Arts, never patched it. But

good luck finding a match on a whim, you're probably gonna have to wait

around for a special event of some kind, or just get on a local network and play

in classic LAN mode if you happen to know... "real people." We're just gonna be

sticking to single-player for the most part in this video though. The game

really comes alive on the harder difficulty modes, I do recommend playing

them. It's rather fascinating what it does with the hardest one - disabling

not just a crosshair but making the enemies speak their own native language,

and not English. After that you get a pre-rendered but rather pointless intro.

Just a trailer for the game that you're seconds away from playing, I'm not really

sure what the point of this is. After this though is a scene rendered in real

time that is a little bit more useful, introducing you to the

main characters: a US Special Forces group known as the Raptor Team. Mm how machismo.

After this you're literally tossed into

the game world where you play Nomad, also known as Military McBoringSoldier. He's

not a silent protagonist but he may as well be with how empty of a vessel he is.

Anyway, due to some unknown interference you lose control of your chute and

miss the landing zone entirely, dropping you into the ocean temporarily

losing your powers so you can get reacquainted with them. And from here

you're given an effective but unusually dark tutorial. I don't mean that tonally,

I mean like, it's just dark, it's hard to see stuff. Crytek could have easily blown

their wad from the very beginning if they chose to. But they didn't, instead

choosing to reveal the true splendor of the environment and the lighting and

everything until after you're familiar with the mechanics. Once you do get

through all that though you get the full daytime reveal and wow: look at all the...

everything! This was mighty impressive back then. Honestly it still looks pretty

good. Although it looked more like this when I first played it, and it was

probably the same for many of you too that's just -- hehe -- that's just how it was.

Yeah, seeing this huge island set before you it just seemed like anything was

possible! But it's worth noting that Crysis is not an open-world game but

more of a series of large instanced zones taking place across a huge map. You

don't really run into invisible walls so much as you do... creative ways to try and

limit you from going outside the mission area one way or another...


The story takes place on the fictional Lingshan Islands in the Pacific Ocean

which has been subjected to a hostile takeover by North Korean armed forces mm,

compromising American archaeologists along the way. And that is why you, a

group of US special elite soldier dudes, are going there to try to evacuate them.

That's the main mission at least but along the way there's all sorts of side things

that keep coming up, and the result is that you're gonna be shooting a lot of

dudes. Not to mention messing around with the

environment! The level of physicality going on was pretty unprecedented at the

time. You can pick up and interact with hundreds of objects that would otherwise

just be static details, including bottles, and fruits, and animals, man. Yeah you can

pick up animals, why not; throw a chicken at a guy,

it's not gonna do anything but you can do it!

*chicken and shooting noises*

You can also use explosives to demolish buildings and

vehicles in spectacular fashion

*buildings and vehicles exploding spectacularly*

and cut foliage into little pieces using a spray of bullets, or punch down trees a

couple years before Minecraft made that popular. Hehe, "poplar."

Or take the slow and more quiet route by going invisible with silenced weaponry. Yes you are equipped

with a Nanosuit which can augment your armor, strength, speed, and stealth. And

you're presented with a wide range of weapons including pistols, shotguns,

rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers, remote explosives, gauss guns and even

some sci-fi stuff! Most of which have alternate fire modes of varying types.

And each weapon can be customized on the fly with upgrades you loot off of

enemies: suppressors, sights, scopes, magazines, lighting options, sleep darts,

grenade launchers, and more. You want a 10x sniper scope on a 12 gauge or a

laser sight on a minigun? It's absurd and it lets you do it so why not!

This leads to an arsenal that is constantly evolving, keeping the game

feeling fresh. Combined with the suit abilities and the environment often

falling apart around you in chaotic fashion, and each playthrough can feel

quite unique. This combination of stuff was just so

cool to me back then. I hadn't seen this kind of weapon customization, especially

on the fly, and not hidden away in some kind of menu. It just made the whole

thing feel more organic like it was constantly changing at any time due to

random pickups. There are also quite a few vehicles to hop inside, many of which

have their own set of weapons. You got things like boats and trucks, APCs,

and VTOLS, and just all sorts of things litter the map. And for some reason

everything has nitrous, even pickup trucks and boats. So I always just

assumed the North Koreans hired Dominic Toretto to design their vehicles. Now, as

for the story itself... well, slight spoiler alert maybe?

You probably gotta know this by now: it's aliens! It's always aliens in

these kind of games. While there's plenty of crazy crap happening in the first

half of the game due to the North Korean army, the latter half of the game is

pretty much all aliens. Rather cold, squid-like aliens who gradually litter

the island with more snow and tentacles than a Frosty the Snowman hentai. As to

whether or not this all comes together effectively, well, I've seen it said that

Crysis begins as a great game, then becomes a bad game,

before finally turning into a good game by the end of the campaign. And you know

what, I somewhat agree with that. When Crysis is at its best you're sneaking

through forests scouting out enemy bases and more or less role-playing as the

Predator, executing a plan of assault with what feels like an infinite number

of gameplay outcomes. But when Crysis is at its worst you're on a far more linear

path blasting through swarms of soldiers with eagle vision and aliens with cheap

attacks that just aren't satisfying to kill. Although I admit, being able to grab

the smaller ones and just punching them into submission, that's pretty sweet, but other

than that they're just annoying. Then there are these zero gravity levels

which, yeah. I can take or leave. It's often confusing to navigate in this mode

and there's almost zero opportunity to use the tactics that you've learned up

to this point. I guess that's kind of the purpose of an extraterrestrial vessel:

levels just there to mix things up, and it achieves that. And I remember being in

awe of the awesome alien ship design back in 2007. This is just such a cool

thing to explore, especially in such high detail. However, as back and forth as I go

with these zero-g levels, the VTOL stuff after that? Screw that completely. it's

awkward to control, with a mouse and keyboard especially, and your ship is

made of aluminum foil or something, making for far too many sudden deaths

and quicksave spamming. Especially when the random tornadoes show up, alongside

bundles of enemies taking random potshots. Still, despite it being a kind

of an up-and-down experience, I think Crysis is lots of fun even ten years

later. At least in the levels where it gives you free rein to approach each

situation how you want to by experimenting with tactics, physics,

abilities, and customized weapons. Still kind of sucks that the protagonist is

about as interesting as a bucket of sand, I'd rather play anyone else on the team.

And it seems Crytek knew this because the next game in the series was Crysis

Warhead in 2008, a standalone expansion pack where you played your teammate,

Jason Statham -- I mean -- Psycho!

*Psycho Statham speaking*

Psycho's story parallels

that of Nomad's in Crysis, which makes sense seeing as Psycho frequently

went off to completely different parts of the island during that campaign. The

single-player story here is about half as long as the original game's 12 or so

hour campaign, but the new weapons, improvements to the AI, and a protagonist

with an actual personality make it worth playing if you liked the main game. Also

introduced with this was an extra disc called Crysis Wars, a standalone

multiplayer version of Crysis Warhead with several new modes and balancing

tweaks. Then in October of 2011, several months after Crysis 2 was already out,

they released Crysis for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. And it made sense

seeing as they'd already made a console-friendly engine for Crysis 2. So they

used the tech to bring over the original game. It was mighty impressive

considering what they had to work with in terms of hardware, and they even took

the chance to remove those crappy VTOL levels entirely because of the player

backlash four years prior. Anyway that's pretty much it for what I want to talk

about in this video regarding the original Crysis a decade later. I would

still heartily recommend giving Crysis a shot, especially on PC where it still

looks and plays pretty nicely on a modern machine. Sure, it's no longer the

cutting-edge graphical powerhouse it used to be, but that's fine!

The gameplay still holds up for the most part and its experience of stealthy

action gameplay with a crazy interactive environment holds up pretty well. It's an

engaging feeling of an open-world FPS without relying on open-world FPS tropes

that we see so often nowadays: like obnoxious amounts of trite collectibles,

radio towers, territory takeovers, arbitrary crafting, and randomly

generated encounters to pad out the game length. That stuff isn't here and it

doesn't need to be and it's better for it, I think. It's a scripted single-player

shooter that plays it straight while still providing a satisfying feeling of

open-ended possibilities and player experimentation. And you can now get

Crysis without that hellish SecuROM DRM that it originally came with that

limited the installs to 5 and all that kind of junk. At least, if you get it

online through stores GOG, which are of course DRM-free. I'll

provide an LGR affiliate link to buy it on GOG DRM-free down below in the

video description if you'd like to visit it that way.

But even if not then I hope you enjoyed this LGR retrospective taking a look

at Crysis a decade after the fact. Holy crap I'm getting old. And if you want to

continue to get old with me then perhaps you'd like to see some of my other

videos revisiting all sorts of things, new and old, and older, and newer, and

everything in between because that's what I do. New videos every Monday and

Friday, so thanks for sticking around if you do that. And as always thank you very

much for watching what you just did!

For more infomation >> LGR - Crysis 10 Years Later: A Retrospective - Duration: 14:10.


للنجاح حكاية | والت ديزنى - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> للنجاح حكاية | والت ديزنى - Duration: 3:29.


The Time Zack Morris Lost His Teacher's Car Investing In Potatoes - Duration: 3:33.

♫ Zack Morris is Trash

- [Narrator] Zack Morris asks Mikey if he can borrow

$300 to replace his father's new video camera.

Zack accidentally dropped it off the roof

while secretly filming his twin teenage neighbors

practicing aerobics.

Miss Bliss is teaching her class about the stock market.

The class invested $50 in a small airline that

recently merged with a larger airline,

pushing the price of the stock up three dollars

and generating $150 in profit for the class.

This gives Zack a great idea.

He asks Miss Bliss where he can learn more about stocks.

She says the library.

Then he asks Miss Bliss:

- Where is the library?

- [Narrator] The question every 8th grade teacher

dreams to hear.

Mylo tells Miss Bliss her beat up, old car is,

once again, leaking oil all over the parking lot.

Miss Bliss says she finally saved up enough of

her school teacher salary to buy a new car

that will be arriving in four days.

Zack and Mikey break into school at 6 AM.

Zack convinces Mikey to join his plan by promising

him enough money to buy a room full of video games,

a trip to Yankee stadium, and a private jet with

Justine Bateman from Family Ties as his personal stewardess.

And what's Zacks plan?

When he went to the library, for the first time in his life,

he read about a guy who made $300,000

in potato stocks in 15 minutes.

So Zack wants to sell all of the classes stock

without their permission and invest the money in potatoes.

When Mylo asks what they're doing at school this early

Zack says they're here for a special project.

Then he asks Mylo what he knows about potatoes.

Mylo says potatoes are the food of the nineties,

and it's National Potato Month, which is all Zack

needs to hear to commit fraudulent trading

before first period.

Zack convinces the rest of the class

to go along with his bold investment strategy

with this compelling sales pitch.

- Therefore, potatoes equal mega bucks.

- [Narrator] Lisa and Nikkie aren't sold,

so Zack tells them they'll make enough money

to pay for a Beverly Hills shopping spree

and a habitat for the endangered condor.

When Nikki's about to ask Miss Bliss what

she thinks of all this, Zack tells her it will

ruin the surprise when they use some of the money they make

to buy chrome rims for her new car.

Zack shows up the next day to announce their potato stock

has gone up $6,000, which comes to $300 per student.

The amount Zack needs to replace his father's video camera.

Zack says it won't be long before he's able to buy Malibu

and rename it Zack's Beach.

Mikey tells Zack they're playing a dangerous game.

They bought the potatoes on margin, which means if

the stock price drops they'll owe a lot of money.

Zack tells Mikey to relax, and they should wait

24 more hours to sell because he's got a great

feeling about these potatoes.

The price of potatoes plummets ten minutes later.

When Miss Bliss asks what's going on, Screech explains

Zack took it upon himself to take all the classes money

and invest it in potatoes.

But it wasn't just the classes money.

Because Zack bought the stock in Miss Bliss's name

on margin and then it crashed, Miss Bliss now owes $1,500.

Miss Bliss says this is the most dishonest behavior

she's ever seen and is no longer able to afford her new car.

Miss Bliss comes to class the next day

and apologizes for being, understandably, pissed off

that Zack made the whole class lose her hard-earned money.

Zack was going to sell his dirt bike to pay Miss Bliss back,

but now he doesn't have to.

Miss Bliss announces she now owns 3,000 pounds of potatoes,

and tells the class it's their new job to sell them,

so she can hopefully buy a car sometime next year.

So, now, instead of learning history and math,

the class is cold-calling people in the phone book

trying to sell them potatoes and Miss Bliss is stuck

driving a junker car that leaks oil.

Lets review.

Zack Morris broke his fathers video camera

spying on teenage girls.

Broke into school to commit fraudulent stock trading,

so he could invest the classes money in potatoes.

Convinced his classmates to go along with it

by promising impossible riches.

Got greedy after he made the money he needed.

And lost everything costing his teacher a car

and his classmates a decent education.

Zack Morris is trash.

♫ Zack Morris is Trash

For more infomation >> The Time Zack Morris Lost His Teacher's Car Investing In Potatoes - Duration: 3:33.


¡Cerca 'Chucky' del 'hat trick'! - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> ¡Cerca 'Chucky' del 'hat trick'! - Duration: 0:37.


'Chicharito' no pudo más y salió de cambio - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> 'Chicharito' no pudo más y salió de cambio - Duration: 1:51.


Why The Girl From Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect' Video Looks So Familiar - Duration: 1:53.

The music video for Ed Sheeran's sugar-sweet love song "Perfect" has everything you could

want in a winter love story: gorgeous scenery, cozy cabins, snowball fights, snow angels,

skiing montages, and… an intriguing match for the bashful Brit.

Playing the role of Sheeran's friend-turned-lover is actress Zoey Deutch, and chances are you've

seen her around.

After getting her start with a guest appearance on NCIS in 2011, the 23-year-old daughter

of '80s icon Lea Thompson has come to snag her fair share of screen time over the years.

Fans of Disney Channel's The Suite Life on Deck may recognize her from her role as Maya

Bennett, the girlfriend of Dylan Sprouse's character, Zack.

Others may recall her work in The CW's Ringer, in which she played the rebellious teen Juliet

Martin, acting opposite the show's star Sarah Michelle Gellar.

"Who would've ever thought that picking up trash would be this exhausting?"

While she began her career in television, she's since moved on to star in a number of

feature films, including Vampire Academy and Dirty Grandpa with fellow former Disney kid

Zac Efron.

Afterwards, Deutch acted alongside big screen pros Bryan Cranston and James Franco in the

comedy Why Him?

"I wanted to say, dad, that I love you."

"I love you, too, honey."

"I love you more."

"No you don't.

Love you to the moon and back!"

Then, in 2017, she took on the leading role in the drama Before I Fall, which told the

story of a teenage girl forced to relive her final day over and over again.

Deutch has also appeared on several magazines covers, modeling for the likes of InStyle,

Marie Claire, and Vanity Fair.

Deutch's appearance in "Perfect" wasn't her first starring turn in a music video.

In 2014, she appeared in The New Division's video for "Opium," which also featured a wintery

landscape and cabin setting.

By now, this promising up-and-comer should be a pro at running in the snow.

Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> Why The Girl From Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect' Video Looks So Familiar - Duration: 1:53.


Top 10 Teens Given INSANE Prison Sentences - Duration: 6:51.

It is always shocking when an adult commits a gruesome


However, it is even more shocking and disturbing when we see young teenagers breaking the law.

It is a pretty controversial topic because a lot of people believe that minors shouldn't

be sentenced to life in prison without parole because their brains are still developing

and it would be inhumane.

But sometimes, their brutal acts are enough to send them to prison for the rest of their

life despite their young age.

So let's take a look at the top 10 teens given insane prison sentences.

John Silva starts off this brutal list in at number 10 . He was just 15 years old when

he was convicted of first degree murder.

John kidnapped his friend, gagged him and then wrapped him up with wires, bandages and

elastic so tight that it actually suffocated him to death.

After he died, John dumped the body into a septic tank.

He was later arrested and he was sentenced to a life sentence without the possibility

of parole.

If he had been 18 years old, he would have received the death penalty.

Up next in at number 9 is Joshua Phillips.

Back in July 1999, he was 14 years old at the time when he was convicted of first degree

murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Joshua hit his 8-year-old neighbor with a ball while they were playing baseball.

He then dragged her body into his room and strangled her with a phone cord for fifteen

minutes, hit her again with a bat and then stabbed her 11 times.

Whoa this kid definitely has serial killer tendencies.

After the girl was reported missing for one week, his mother discovered that Joshua's

waterbed was leaking and she actually found the poor little girl's corpse stuffed inside

of his bed.

Stabbing their way into number 8 is Brian Lee Draper.

Brain and his accomplice were only 16 years old at the time when they broke into their

classmate's house, cut the power and stabbed a girl 29 times.

During the investigation of the murder, police discovered that the two young boys had recorded

their plan to murder the girl in advance on video.

Apparently, they were influenced by the scream franchise and the Columbine high school massacre.

They were both convicted of a mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility

for parole and 30 years to life for being convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.

Lionel Tate makes his way into number 7.

He has the unfortunate title of being the youngest American citizen to have been sentenced

to life imprisonment without possibility of parole.

So, back in January 2001, when he was only 12 years old, he was convicted of first degree

murder for battering to death a 6-year-old girl.

He stomped on her so hard that her liver was lacerated, she had a fractured skull, fractured

rib and swollen brain.

That's a pretty extreme way of murdering someone.

He clearly has no remorse or moral compass.

Number 6 brings us to Eddie Devine.

At the age of thirteen, he was with his friend when they forced a woman into a car, drove

around while they raped and assaulted her with an icepick.

The woman was able to escape when they stopped for gas.

He was later arrested and pled guilty to all of the charges.

So, he was sentenced to 30 years for armed carjacking, 30 years for sexual battery, 30

years for armed robbery and 30 years for kidnapping.

In total he was sentenced to a total of 120 years in prison.

Murdering their way into number 5 we have Christian Joel Scott.

He was only 15 years old when he shot and killed another boy during a planned robbery

back in 2015.

He was convicted of first degree murder, attempted murder and robbery and he was sentenced to

110 years in prison.

He will become eligible for parole after he serves a total of 33 years but I doubt that

he will be released since he shot another teenager in the head at such a young age.

Kenneth Young comes in at number 4.

He was sentenced to serve four life sentences for robbery when he was 14 years old.

His mother's drug dealer threatened Kenneth and he said that if he didn't help him rob

places, he would hurt his mother.

So, Kenneth tried to help the drug dealer with an armed robbery but they were both arrested

while fleeing the scene.

The dealer got one life sentence while Kenneth received four life sentences without the possibility

of parole.

Wow, that is a pretty harsh sentencing for a teenager.

He didn't even murder anyone and he is probably going to die behind bars.

And now in at our number 3 spot we have Travion Blount.

He was only 15 years old when he received six life sentences.

Whoa, is this real life right now?

Travion and two other teenagers robbed dozens of teenagers at a house party at gunpoint.

Even though there were no casualties and no shots were fired, these crimes were taken

pretty seriously.

Travion was offered a plea deal but he took his chances in trial and was found guilty.

He probably could have been released by now but because of the risk he took, he will spend

the rest of his life behind bars.

Harvey Miguel Robinson climbs up this list in at number 2.

He is one of the youngest serial killers in American history.

When he was just 17 years old, he killed and raped his first victim he then went on to

killing and raping two other women when he turned 18.

He attempted to rape and kill his fourth victim but thankfully she was able to escape and

he was later arrested.

He was sentenced to death for his heinous crimes and he is currently waiting on death


Finally in at our number 1 spot is Jesse Pomeroy.

He is infamously known as America's youngest serial killer because at the age of 14, he

trapped and attacked seven other younger boys and murdered them in cold blood.

He would take his victims to a hidden location, tie them up, strip them naked and severely

beat and stab them to death.

When he was arrested, people wanted Jesse Pomeroy to be sentenced to death but the governor

at the time denied it.

Instead, he sentenced him to spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement which

some people might argue is actually worse.

Well there you guys have it…

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