Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

Top 10 Most Beautiful Daughters Of Bollywood Celebrities - New Generation Bollywood Actors Daughters

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Beautiful Daughters Of Bollywood Celebrities - New Generation Bollywood Actors Daughters - Duration: 5:11.


Learn Colors for Children with Wooden Toy Funny Clown Tumbling 3D Educational Video for Kids - Duration: 1:39.







For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Children with Wooden Toy Funny Clown Tumbling 3D Educational Video for Kids - Duration: 1:39.


LA IMPORTANCIA DE LA VITAMINA "C" EN LA SALUD - Dr Alberto Martí Bosch - Duration: 53:06.

For more infomation >> LA IMPORTANCIA DE LA VITAMINA "C" EN LA SALUD - Dr Alberto Martí Bosch - Duration: 53:06.


Giúp mẹ thổi cơm - Tiết mục hát múa vui nhộn dành cho thiếu nhi - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Giúp mẹ thổi cơm - Tiết mục hát múa vui nhộn dành cho thiếu nhi - Duration: 3:38.


Big Man | 빅맨 - EP 7 [SUB : ENG, CHN, IND, VI] - Duration: 59:22.

That must be Hyera.

I'll get it.

(Episode 7)

Hey! Dongseok was outside, so I brought him in.

I bought porridge, so I'll bring it right in.


What are you doing here?

I heard Mira was sick,

so I stopped by on my way to work.

But what about you?

Oh, I had something to ask her.


- What were you talking about? / - What?

- Well... / - You should go first.

If I feel better, I'll go in this afternoon.

No, no. Don't come.

Don't come, and rest.

Dongseok, I'll see you later.

Sure. I'll come later.

You haven't left yet either?

No. See you later.

I'm sorry about last night.

I was just too angry

and said things I should never have said.

You hurt my pride first, though.

Otherwise, I never would have said such things.

It was the first time I had ever proposed,

but you kept evading the question, using

- silly excuses... / - That hurt your pride that much?

Enough to insult my late father?

Please leave for now.

I'm not well. I'm tired.

Let me ask one thing.

Are you pushing off your answer

because of Kim Jihyeok?

No, I'm not.

I don't know what's what anymore.

"What a man should do after kissing a woman."


I'm sorry, I needed you to review...

But what are you reading?

I got an e-mail

and this popped up when I clicked on it.

So this is what they call e-mail spam.

But it's a search engine.

So Mira. Kim Jihyeok.

Why did you put them together?


Did you ask her to monitor him?

Yes, Sir.

You never noticed anything strange between them?

Please don't beat around the bush.

I'm not well, as you know.

I thought they seemed interested in each other.

Okay. You may leave.


Hey, Mira.

Are you feeling better? Did you have your porridge?

I wanted to stop by with some fruit after work.

What do you like?

Should I bring something I usually eat

like pineapples?


Where are you? In the lobby?

Wow. I was just heading to the lobby, too.

Wait right there.

I'm almost there. I see you.

I told you not to come in.

Let's get something to eat. It's my treat.


What are you doing?

I'll be honest.

I was a coward. I was afraid I'd lose you.

I'm sorry. I love you, Mira.

Please stop. People are staring.

I won't hide our relationship any longer.

I'll be open and proud.

- Drink slowly. / - Let go.

I'm going to drink myself to death.

Talk about choosing the wrong girl.


What should I do?

What should I do, Mom?

What else? You need to let go of your feelings quietly.

She's the first woman he's ever liked.

It's not that easy.

Why do you think she never told you?

It's because she has no feelings for you as a guy.

- Really? / - That's not necessarily true.

If she had no feelings for you,

she would've told you right away to make you stop.

- That's true. / - You brat.

You found your brother after 30 years.

You shouldn't start a fight over some woman.

You're right.

Yes, he found his brother after 30 years,

but Mira is the first woman he found in 30 years, too.

She's just as important.

You're right, too.

Give up on her.

If it's messy from the start, it won't end well.

There are plenty of women out there.

Why do you want someone so complicated?

- Give up? / - I think...

Mira's opinion matters the most in this case.

See how she feels. If she doesn't like you,

it's not too late to give up on her then.

That's true. I should talk to her first.

Mira. I'm going to see her now. Mira!

Good luck!

Why is his life always so messy?

Nothing is ever easy for him.

- I need to tell you... / - I have something to...

You first.

I'm sorry, Sir.


are you sorry about?

Consider what happened this morning as an accident.

An accident?

And I'm sorry for not telling you

that Dongseok and I were dating.

It's okay.

You had no reason to tell me.

What did you want to say?

It's nothing now.



you just gave me your answer.

It's cold tonight.

Go in. You'll catch a cold.

I'm sorry.

I'm deceiving you too much

to be honest about my feelings.

A subpoena from the Prosecutors' Office came in.

Do you want me to postpone it?

Or request that it be kept confidential?

No, I'll go.

And there's no need to keep it confidential.

Let it go public.

That way, my brother will help me.

How will the questioning go, Prosecutor Chang?

Really? They're done gathering evidence?

This will be a pretty exciting game.


Just a minute.

Thanks anyway.

Don't worry. It'll have an interesting ending.

What's up?

- I heard you were subpoenaed? / - Yes.

Can't you postpone it for health reasons?

It's not like that will help. I should go.

You can't undergo questioning when you're not well.

Don't worry. If it gets too hard for me,

I'll just grab my chest and collapse.

- What? / - Just kidding.

Can I help in any way?

I don't know.

They won't imprison you right away, will they?

I doubt that.

And if they do, there's nothing I can do about it.

Take care of yourself until you have to go in.

I'll try to think of something, too.

- Okay. Thanks, Big Brother. / - Wait.

Mira returned to the FB team.

She did?

Yes. She should be of help by your side.

You must've been shocked when you heard we were dating.

No, I totally understand.

I think you look good together.

Big Brother.

But keep it a secret from Mom and Dad.

They'll have a fit.

That's why I couldn't tell you either.

Why? You think they'll disapprove?

Why would they disapprove of someone like Mira?

All parents think their son is the best.

Anyway, this is a secret between us, okay?

Sure. I'm sure it will work out.

You've been transferred back to the FB team.


Go back to what you had been doing.

Yes, Sir. I will.


don't feel bad about me.

Be good to my brother.

That will make me feel better.

Yes, Sir.

Is he naive or stupid?

I heard you're back on the FB team?

- Yes. / - Good.

Come with me to the Prosecutors' Office tomorrow.

- Prosecutors' Office? / - I'm to undergo questioning.

It's nothing special, but I think

I'll be more at ease if you are next to me.


Not at all. This is my job now.

Good. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow.

Legal department? I'm So Mira of the FB team...

Let the game begin.

Did you get the document?

Good work. Thanks.

No, not now. Go see him later.

Kim Jihyeok is with someone else right now.

I'm counting on you.

Thanks for coming. Shall we go?

What are you...

Dongseok is going in for questioning today.

We felt down, so we came to see you. Is that okay?

Sure, of course it is, but...

Please come in. Give me a minute.

Please have a seat here.

You should've let me known first.

This way.

Please have a seat.


Don't worry too much about Dongseok.

He's smart, so he'll do fine.

Thanks. That makes me feel better.

We got you an outfit on our way here.

For me?

Try it on.

It fits well.

Let's see.

It looks better if you button it all the way.

Let's see now. It looks good on you.

Honey, how does our son look?

Good. It looks good on you.

I'm sorry, but I have nothing to bring out...

- Would you like some tea? / - No.

You haven't eaten yet, have you?

Let's go eat.

Yes. What do you want to eat?

I'm fine. Pick whatever you want.

No, let's go somewhere you want today.

What do you want to eat?



It's a bit run-down for you, isn't it?

No, I like it. You like it, don't you?

Yes, of course.

I'm fine as long as our Jihyeok likes it.

I really wanted to bring

my mother and father here.

This is what I envied most

after school orientations and graduations.

Going to Chinese restaurants with Mom and Dad

and getting black bean noodles and sweet and sour meat.

I see.

You must've been so envious, you poor thing.

It's okay. It was just for brief moments.

I wasn't heartbroken or anything.

I only said it because it came to mind.

Please eat.

Thank you

for being so good to someone like me.

No, compared to all you've suffered,

this is still not enough.

Not at all.

I think I had the wrong attitude.

For the last 30 years,

I was upset about the things I've lost.

I never thought about doing something for my parents.

From now on,

I'll repay you for everything you gave me.

We did exactly as you asked. Happy?

Good. Thanks.

That's plenty for bait.

- Was that the chairman? / - Yes.

It's time. Cast the bait.

- Yes, Mr. Do. / - We have a problem.

Kang Dongseok may be arrested after questioning.


Our sources in the Prosecutors' Office say

they have the documents on the foreign contracts.

If that's true, he'll be imprisoned immediately.

What? That can't be.

I kept it for him somewhere nobody knew about.

Are you certain?


The questioning may run late, so you should go.

I'll call you when I'm done.

No, I'll wait here.

I may not be able to come out.

What do you mean?

I thought you were just going in for questioning.

I'm just saying there's a risk, that's all.

That's absurd.

There's no way.

If I'm locked up,

one thing will nag at me.

What is it?

Not having heard your answer to my proposal.

I think that will hurt me the most.


That's weird. I left it right here.

Mom, did you touch the document in this box?

Why would I touch it?

Then what happened to it?

He'll be imprisoned for sure, then. This is bad.

Why did Hyunsung suddenly appoint a new president?

It wasn't sudden.

It had been prepared for a while.

Jihyeok ran things for a while

before he became president.

He was only recently discovered as the long-lost son.

What could he have done in that time?

It hasn't been long since it became public.

So he was already working before then.

It's just that it wasn't in the media until recently.


Anyway, our issue is

something that happened while you were the president.

You look serious now.

Would you like some tea?

Okay. How long until we get his arrest warrant?

Thank you.

We should have it in a few hours.

Arrest him as soon as we have it.

I'll end the questioning then.

Arrest him as soon as he walks out.

- Yes, Sir. / - Yes.

You contracted the construction in Guchang-dong, right?


You know that's enough to arrest you.

I'll get to the point.

The contract is under your foreign branch,

but you went and signed the contract yourself.

Wait, no...

I did not do that.

The contract was for Hyunsung Market.

Who else, other than you, the president

could have signed such a large-scale contract?

You can't be telling us that a mere employee signed it.


- I did not do it. / - President Kang Dongseok!

We don't have the contract,

but we confirmed the money trail!

That's enough evidence! Do you understand?

Let's stop here.

You may go.

Here he comes!

A statement, please!

It may be difficult to arrest him once he goes home,

so pull him over after a short while and arrest him.

Yes, Sir.

- Yes? / - Delivery.

- Give it to him. / - Okay.

I'm from the Prosecutors' Office.

An arrest warrant for you has been issued.

- Yes, I'm... / - We received crucial information,

so hold off on the arrest.

Yes, Sir.

I'm sorry for the trouble. You may leave.

It makes no sense. Look at the timing.

It was while Kang Dongseok was president, so why...

It does make sense.

Kang Dongseok told us that

Kang Jihyeok was working there before he took office.

Our primary suspect is someone else.

I'm done. Where are you?

Yes, thank you. Yes.

He saw the document being delivered to the prosecutor.

Thank goodness!

I can finally breathe now.

Will you be okay?

Of course I will be.

You may be harmed.

This happened because I lost it.

I must take responsibility.

I hope the prosecutor believes

the one I signed is the original.

Don't worry.

Luckily, we had a copy.

It will be difficult to distinguish from the original.

But we had to say that the first document they had

was a forgery that you had created. Sorry, Sir.

That's fine.

As long as Dongseok isn't hurt, I'm fine.

Understood. Excuse me then.

Wait. But about this...

I wish that you won't tell the chairman and Dongseok.

Okay, Sir. I won't.

How did it go?

Game over.

It's a happy ending.

It all went well.

Really? Everything went well without a hitch?

You won't be arrested or anything?


Thank goodness.

Are you still upset?

Let's not talk about that anymore.

When I saw you with Kim Jihyeok,

I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

But do you know what was more embarrassing?

I was more worried that my heart

would stop again.

That embarrassed me more.


The reason I told you about your father

while knowing how much it would hurt you

was to bring you down to my level.

To make you as embarrassed as I was.

I'm still nervous

that you would leave me.

And that everything will stop.

Can't you put me at ease now?

Okay, I will.

Everything went as President Kang Dongseok planned.

That kid is so devious.

Your parents must be waiting for you. Why are we here?

We need to celebrate.

It was the most exciting day of my life.

Another glass, please.

- Is someone coming? / - Yes.

There he is. Big Brother!

How did it go? Did it go well?

Yes, thanks to you.

I didn't do anything.

So everything is okay?

It all went well.

And I have another piece of good news.

What is it?

Mira has

agreed to marry me.


Nice. Congratulations.

I wanted to tell you first

since I felt bad about keeping it from you before.

You don't need to feel bad.

And it would be weird for Mira not to have someone.

That's true.

But are you sure you didn't have feelings for her, too?

That's ridiculous. That's not even funny.

We're just president and employee.

Plus, we didn't even get along.

There was such a wide gap between us.

We couldn't even hold a decent conversation.

But I'm sure she listened to you.

That's because I was her boss.

What else could she do but do what her president says?

We were just president and employee.

We never crossed that line.

I never said you did. Why are you so flustered?

I am?

Anyway, you're saying you were president and employee.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, of course.

Do you agree?

What do you want to hear from me?

I'm just kidding since he's so flustered.

And Big Brother, be nicer to my Mira from now on.

You two will be

family soon.

Of course.

I will.

Why are you drinking alone? Is something wrong?

You don't look well.


I'm tired. It's been a tiring day.

True, a lot has happened today.

Let's drink, just you and I.


Big Brother, get up.

You should go home.

He's a lightweight. I'm surprised.

Mr. President. Get up. Let's go.

- What? / - Get up.

You're super hot.

Sure. Let's go. Let's go!

What are you doing?

I told you that I'd pay him back generously.

Now, let's start our party for real.

Turn right.

- Go straight. / - Pardon? Straight?

We have to make a right to go to the hotel.

Where do you want to go?

To the market.

You're driving anyway, so drop me off there.

Pardon? But...

I won't make you give back the money,

so just go.


Why aren't you drinking?


I don't want to drink.

You? Don't want to drink?

That's a first.

What's wrong?

I'm just sad.

Sickeningly sad.

Do you want me to drink that for you?


What should I do?

You should wait.

Wait until she accepts you.

Yes, I'm Hedgey. Hedgey!

I can't be sad over some girl.

Right, Mom?


It's because it's my first time.

I was caught off-guard.

It's nothing, but I just feel sad for no reason.

Right, Mom?


That's true sadness.

I can't fool you, Mom.

I feel like I can breathe again!

I think I can drink again.

Pour me a glass.

I remember

When the persimmons grow

I remember my mom

My mom gave me her heart

rather than sing me a lullaby

I remember my mom

She worried I'd get wet in the snow

She worried I'd get wet in the rain

She worried I'd fall down in this harsh world

She worried I'd be hurt because of love

I remember

When the persimmons grow

I remember my mom

She said

I was an apple to her eyes

I remember my mom

Compare it to last year's numbers.

If you'd leave me your number...

I was nervous.

Then I said...

I was so nervous...

My parents keep nagging.

Listen up! Everyone stop what you're doing!

We're going out. It's a company outing!

Let's quit for the day and go eat. My treat!

You mean, right now?

Yes, right now!

- Cheers! / - Cheers!

Here's to our half-day of working

and afternoon of inebriation!

And to our best president ever!

- Bottoms up! / - Bottoms up!

Everyone, bottoms up! Empty your glasses!

That's nice.

Did something happen today?

No. We never properly celebrated the Zaroque deal.

Especially you and Mr. Choi

went through a lot because of me.

You're acting strange, like you're leaving us.

Leaving? Then our company would be done for.

Nonsense! I haven't done anything.

As Mr. Gu said, I always made a mess.

You took that to heart, didn't you?


What happened to the DNA test I asked for?

I told you it's urgent!

How dare you ignore me? Do you want to die?


Fine. Get it done by then.

It's very important.

The rest of my life depends on it.

It will either be heaven

or hell.

Isn't it nice here?

I always feel good whenever I come here.

It's nice. It's lively.

This market saved me.

Until I met my real family,

these people were my family

and this was my home.

And that's why I'm saying this.

If anything were to happen to me,

please take care of this market and the people.

They were critical in getting the market deal through.

They all made a sacrifice for me.

I don't want anything else.

Just take good care of these people.

Don't worry, I'll take good care of them for you.

Thanks, Dongseok!

Hey, you said brothers don't need to thank each other.

Oh, did I?

Sorry about that.

Now you're saying, "Sorry"?

What's with me? I'm the one who said it.

It's because I'm so dumb.

At least you're healthy.

I wish I could give you my body right now.

That's genuinely how I feel.

Thanks for the thought.

Hold on.

You came all the way here.

Side dish Mom! What's good today?

Pack some up. Everything!

Wait here, okay?

I got you soy sauce beans and spicy squid.


And here.

You keep this.

What is this?

It's the silver medal I won

in a national competition in high school.

Why are you giving this to me?

It's the only thing I can brag about.

Think of me when you look at it.

Okay. Bye.

- Get home safely. / - Okay.

Now I feel better.

Thanks for today, Dongseok.

Where do I start?

It's so easy.

Kang Jina, is there anything you can't do?

Why is it so dark? Is there a power outage?

Hey, Jina!


Next, a toast for Kang Jina.

Hey, raise your glass.

What's with the look?

You want a love shot? Fine.

If you want to do it that badly.



Eat up.

How do I eat this?

Why aren't you eating?

I'm full from just watching you eat.

What's gotten into you today?

- It's my birthday. / - Your birthday is in winter.

I told you I've been reborn.

Then that day should've been your birthday.

I was like, in Mom's womb then.

I entered the world today.

You're so crazy.

What are you doing?

Sing for me.

Hey, Jina. If you want to go crazy, do it alone.

Don't try to make me into a weirdo too.

Can't you just go crazy with me?

Just for today.

Please, Big Brother?

Big Brother?

Fine. Okay.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you, dear Sister

- Happy? / - I don't like the "dear Sister" part.

Change it to "Dear Kang Jina."

- You called me "Brother". / - It's up to me. Do it!

I'm going to lose my mind.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you, dear Kang Jina

What am I doing?


Let's drink ourselves to death tonight.

What if Father and Mother come home?

They went to Jejudo for a seminar. No one is home.

What? What about Dongseok?

I asked him to stay at a hotel so I can have a party.

Hey, so...

It's just you and I alone in this house.

Don't I look pretty today?

Why are you doing this to me?

Are you afraid? Big Brother.

You! Gosh!

Get off!

You're not my brother, are you?

You can't be.

I'm right.

I read through the document all night.

If this is true, you'll be heavily punished.

Why were you so careless with the document?

A thought went through my head at that moment.

Puppet president.

Yes, the two people you asked to run the test on

aren't related at all. Not in the slightest.

I knew it.

But why did they appoint you as their puppet president?

Why their son? And their eldest son, at that?

I just don't get it. Why did they do that?

Was there a deal made?

For money perhaps?

What a piece of trash.

Was that directed at me?

Do you make deals with your family?

Would you cuff your father for money?

You're coming off strong.

Do you want to see who's stronger?

Let's see whose skull cracks open first.

Who picks part-timers on grades instead of looks?

I'm so tired from walking all day.

I want meat.



Excuse me. One more order, please. Just one.

I just don't get it.

You borrowed money from me to buy stuff,

but I didn't have enough so you couldn't get the squid.

So how do I owe you?

Money is irrelevant.

The person's heart is what matters.

You deprived me of my squid which I longed for.

So, you owe me.

Fine. I'll buy you squid.

That's much cheaper than meat.

I don't want squid right now.

There will come a day when I really want squid.

Buy it for me then.

You owe me squid again.

- What a lunatic. / - Look who's here?

It's Hedgey's eternal sidekick, Lee Daeseop!

Hey, there.

You should greet your elders, jerk.

That jerk.

She's as thin as a model,

but she eats like a pig. Goodness.

I'm ruined. What do I do?

I heard Hedgey is probably going to prison.

But he's been living in luxury.

True. I wish I could live as a corporate heir.

Me too.

What's so good about being lied to like that?

- It's better to live in peace here. / - Lied to?

President Kang Jihyeok of Hyunsung Distributions

will soon be released after questioning.

President Kang will speak with the press

regarding his feelings about the investigation.

Isn't our job done once he goes to prison?


Then you'll have to pay more than what was agreed upon.

Yes, I understand. Thank you.

This jerk thinks I work for him.

He keeps ordering me around.

I recorded this too, so save it onto the computer.

Yes, Boss.

Don't you dare mess with me.

I'll release the recordings and we can die together.

Hey, Jina.

I kept telling you that you aren't my brother.

Look at this.

I'm sorry, but we're not family.

No, it's one or the other.

Either I'm not my mom's daughter, or you're a fake.

What are you talking about?

- Look at this! / - Fine. I will.

I'm busy right now, so let's talk later.

- Hey! / - Let's talk later.

Hey! Listen to me, you idiot!

You're a fake!

- What? / - Jihyeok.

- I'm at Beomsik's office. / - What?

He saved his calls with someone on his computer.

I just heard it and...

Jiseok, listen carefully.

The reason that family took you in...

I'll call you back.


What are you doing?

- Lee Daeseop? / - Hey, about before...

- I didn't greet you properly... / - You jerk.


Stop right there!


Listen to me, you idiot! You're a fake!

Here he comes!

A statement, please.

I'm President Kang Jihyeok of Hyunsung Distributions.

All the charges

the prosecution has made against me...

Things are finally back to normal, don't you think?

You know what this family means to me!

Please tell me it isn't true!

The one I gave you is a fake.

Beat Kim Jihyeok until he's just short of dying.

We made that jerk family because of my wretched heart!

Would you be satisfied if they are all in prison?

Mr. President! Wait!

Will you trust me if I do what you wanted?

I'll kill you all.

Because I know I'll lose in the end.

For more infomation >> Big Man | 빅맨 - EP 7 [SUB : ENG, CHN, IND, VI] - Duration: 59:22.


The World Alliance for Efficient Solutions in 90 seconds - Duration: 1:59.


I'm fed up of hearing the problems of climate change.

I want to hear about the solutions.

Because these solutions… They really exist!

They create jobs, make profit, boost clean economic growth.

They would make sense even without climate change.

They are not only ecological, they are just logical.

With Solar Impulse,

we have built an airplane powered only by the sun.

Now we have to make what was possible in the air,

possible on the ground.

1000 profitable solutions to protect the environment.

1000 solutions to help decision makers

achieve much more ambitious energy targets and policies.

You are working on clean and innovative products and technologies.

You are looking for investment opportunities.

You are seeking solutions that are ready to be implemented.

You can become a member of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions.

And together, let's improve our quality of life on Earth.

Crazy idea you think?

Maybe, but we've done crazy before.

For more infomation >> The World Alliance for Efficient Solutions in 90 seconds - Duration: 1:59.


Big Man | 빅맨 - EP8 [SUB : ENG, CHN, IND, VI] - Duration: 59:20.

You're a fake! Listen to me, you idiot!

Here he comes!

A statement, please!

I'm President Kang Jihyeok of Hyunsung Distributions.

All the charges

the prosecution has made against me

are true. I admit it,

and I will accept appropriate punishment.

I apologize for what I've done.

But please know that I did all of this on my own.

(Episode 8) I believe it is wrong for my personal actions

to hurt Hyunsung Group's image.

What a good boy.

My greed is the only thing to blame.

Dongseok was right, wasn't he?

I am sorry!

Yes, he was.

You're saying Chairman Kang Seonguk wasn't involved?

This is insane.

What will happen to him? Will he go to prison?

He just admitted it to the public. He's done for.

That's weird. He's not the type to do that.

He's full of surprises.

He's such a fool.

Mr. President.

Long time no see.

Can we talk inside?

Yes, I was going to call you, too.

Why did you say that to the press? You...

I'll explain later.

Would you look at this first?

One is what you gave me,

and the other one is what I got from Jina today.

But the results are different. Completely different.

Jina's must be a fake, right?

But it's too believable to be a fake.

But the one you gave me has to be real.

But if this isn't a fake,

why are the results so different?

Did they run the tests incorrectly?

I'm sorry, Sir.

What do you mean, you're sorry?

The one I gave you

is a fake.

No way.

Why would you say that?

You have no reason to deceive me.


I deceived you.

There's no way.

No, that doesn't make any sense.

Why would a millionaire pretend to be my father?

And why would the whole family be so nice to me?


It's not true, right?

It's not true, right?

I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry.

Stop that.

Why do you keep apologizing?

Just what did you lie to me about?

You are not related to them.

All the documents I gave you were fabricated.

My family lied to me

and you lied to me too?

No. Those people are my family.

They're my family no matter what anyone says!

No. Say it isn't so.

You have no reason to lie to me!

I told you that you're the only person I trust!

It's not true, right?

Please tell me it isn't true!

Gosh, where did that runt go?

You go this way.

You go that way. Go!

They all cried for me.

Father and Mother...

Dongseok was so nice to me.

No. This doesn't make sense.

- Sir. / - You know what that family means to me!

I longed for a family for so long!

I can't lose them so suddenly like this.

They're my family.

They're definitely my family!

- Jihyeok. / - Don't come any closer.

Let's talk later.

I can't believe you.

I'll check and check again.

Let's talk later.


Jihyeok, you have to get over here.

You have to listen to their calls.

There's proof that they lied to you.

Where are you?

If you go to a lot behind Guchang Elementary School,

there is a container...

You little rat.

Daeseop. Daeseop!


We have the warrant, so go and arrest Kang Jihyeok.

Hey, Lee Daeseop. Just what did you find out?

What made you call Hedgey so desperately?

Tell me.

Tell me, you jerk!

You won't?

You're bleeding a lot.

It's no fun if you die too soon.

You know,

I don't understand idiots who remain loyal.

They know they're going to die.

Beat Kim Jihyeok until he's just short of dying.

Sure, that's not hard. But why...

His heart. We need his heart.

I guess that's a better use for him.

He was about to have his heart ripped out.

What are you going to do?

- I'll kill them all. / - I'll go with you.

- Stay out of it. This is about me. / - I'll help!

Stay out of it!


It's so good to see you, Jihyeok.

Would you please forgive me?

To be honest, I was very sick.

I almost died.

Take this and forget everything that happened.

I've been lying to you.

Don't worry. If it gets too hard for me,

I'll just grab my chest and collapse.

Kim Jihyeok's arrest warrant has been issued.

The detectives are on their way to his home.

It's finally over.

Now I can sleep well.


He's a fake, isn't he?

What? Who's a fake?

Kang Jihyeok.


Who orchestrated it?

Was it you?

What are you talking about?

I ran a DNA test on him. He and I don't match.

Unless I'm adopted and he's your real son?

Did you

tell him about this?

I did.

I showed it to him and told him we're not family.


Did he seem to believe you?

I'm sure it hasn't hit him yet.

But he'll figure it out. The DNA test doesn't lie.

The number you have dialed is currently unavailable...

Hello? Dongseok.

What's up?

Kim Jihyeok found out everything.


- He's here. / - What?

Just tell him...

Just tell him you're sorry, and that you were wrong.

- Me? / - I don't know...

what he might do. I'm serious.

If you say you're genuinely sorry, he'll calm down.

Dongseok, please.

If he's there, let me talk to him.

I'll beg him not to do anything.

There's no need. I'll take care of it.

Dongseok. Dongseok!

Did you know?

Know what?

Was it you

who wanted my heart?

Well, it's not so much that I wanted it,

but that my body needed it.

Why me?

You became family for me when I didn't have one.

Why did it have to be me?

We didn't take anything from you.

We gave you more instead.

We let you feel what a family is like

and gave you fame and fortune.

We gave you everything you have ever dreamed of.

You didn't take anything from me?

You said yourself that you didn't have anything.

We simply gave it to you and then took it back.

You didn't lose anything.

It would've been better

had you cut me open and took my heart.

You took

the most important thing from me.

So what?

You're here to kill me?

If you also knew and deceived me, you too...

Stab me then.

Do you know what nobodies like you always do?

Threaten people with a knife, like that.

Why? Because that's all you know how to do.

There's nothing in that head of yours,

and you have nothing, so...

Stab me.

But kill me in one blow.

I survived after losing my own heart.

If I survive again, I'll kill you.



Dongseok did nothing wrong. He did what I told him to.

I planned it all to save my son. So please...

Why did you do it?

You said you were my father.

You held my hand and cried for me!

You said you wanted to be my father!

- Let go! / - Stay still!

- Let go! / - Stay still!

- I'll kill you all! / - Stay still!

- Stay still! / - Let go of me!

You! I'll never forgive you!

Let go of me!

Let go of me!

My poor brother.

Wait, Sir! Sir!

Wait! Mr. President.

Mr. President! Wait!

Mr. President!

Who are you?

"Whenever I thought of you,

I felt like my heart was shredding into pieces."

"Not a day has gone by

without thinking about you, Jihyeok."

- I can't believe this. / - What are you doing?

Mom said that.

Her acting was so good when we first met that idiot.

You really did that?


- Isn't it funny? / - Is it that funny?

I never knew my family was so talented in acting.

How could you trick even your own daughter like that?

You were just as impressive.

You should go into acting.


Why don't we film a family sitcom?

The title would be

"Sewer". "The Sewer Family".

What do you think?

We're 1,000 times dirtier than trash.

- How perfect. / - That's enough.

You disgust me.

- It's not like we wanted to do it! / - Enough.

Let's just eat.

Don't mind Jina.

She's just upset that we didn't tell her.

I know, Mother.



- So Mira. / - Yes?

The person you requested to see refused to see you.

- Hello. / - Was it fun?

Was it fun toying with naive Jihyeok?

- Daeseop, I... / - I'm sure she didn't know.

Auntie, she was the worst one.

They planned everything from the start.

We were fooled by the professionals.

And she was their star player.

Stop hiding your true nature and acting nice.

I'll spit on your face.

He's wrong, right?

You're not like that, right?

Don't worry! I'll get out soon!

Of course. Those jerks did it all.

You'll get out since you did nothing wrong,

but I'm worried about how much this hurt you.

Come on, Mom. This isn't my first time.

Don't worry!

Who am I? I'm Hedgey.

I'm used to being kicked around.

I'll make sure the ones who did this to me see blood.

I'll make them pay for everything.


So Mira came earlier, didn't she?

All she would do is upset you.

How could she be so shameless?

How dare she come here?

Was it fun?

Was it fun toying with naive Jihyeok?

How much does he know?

Does he know we were trying to take his heart?

Given what he was saying and how he looked...

things may get very bad.

We'll just make it irrelevant that he knows.

I'll just kneel once.


Attorney General.

I apologize.

What are you doing?

You don't seem drunk. What are you doing?

You're making me uncomfortable.

I was out of line. Please have mercy on me.

Why are you doing this?

I don't know what to do.

Please, Attorney General.

I understand. I'll close the case.

Please get up.

Thank you, Attorney General.

This is nice.

I admit it.

I lost.

There's no winning or losing between us.

The game ends with a handshake.

That outfit looks good on you.

Most people look awkward their first time.

Anyway, let's begin.

You've admitted your guilt

and called a prosecutor "trash".

You wouldn't dare ask me to go easy on you.

We'll follow the law and lock you up.

I have something to tell you.

Go on.

I'm sure my birth parents are out there somewhere.

I swear on their names that

there isn't an ounce of deceit

in what I'm about to tell you.

- Attorney General! / - Thank you for the thought.

Mr. Chairman, I was happy just seeing you.

I need to speak with you urgently.

Yes. Call me any time.

- What? / - The Hyunsung corruption case.

It's more than just corruption.

There are incredible crimes hidden beneath it all.

If this goes public, Hyunsung will be finished.

I knew something didn't make sense.

Now it all makes sense if what he says is true.

Prosecutor Yong.

How important do you think

large corporations are to this country?


Even if it's rotten,

you can't knock down a load-bearing pillar.

You've done well. We got our message across.

I'm sure they'll start fixing things.

That's good enough.

Let's go eat.

- But Sir, we should finish... / - What shall we eat?

Everything nearby is about the same.

Aren't you sick of eating the same thing all the time?

I'm sure you are.

I'm Noh Jaegu.

I'll be replacing Prosecutor Yong Jiho.

The prosecutor has been changed?


Kim Jihyeok.

Hyunsung Group has filed charges against you for fraud.


Would you like an attorney?

Remember me?

No? I was in

the legal department at Hyunsung Group until recently.

We saw each other in passing a few times.

I never asked for you.

You asked for a public defender.

It happened to be my turn.

What a coincidence, right?

What are you trying to pull?

The prosecution has solid evidence against you.


I heard you received a very large deposit

not too long ago.


So anyway,

can we transfer this into your account?

I don't want the prosecutors to catch me.

Kang Dongseok, that rat.

I'll cut to the chase.

Just admit to the fraud charges and

I'll get you out on probation.

Oh, and

they've offered this for your compensation.

Call your master who feeds you!

That I'll tear out their throats!

- Stop! / - Stop!

Even if my body is torn to shreds, I won't let this go!

The Hyunsung corruption case has made

a surprising turn as President Kang Jihyeok has been

charged with fraud. Hyunsung Group...

Those evil jerks!

They're the ones who did everything!

Those snakes...

Kang embezzled company funds and...

This can't be.

Our first impression was correct.

He was like a thug.

How could he fool everyone like that?

- I know. / - I'm shocked.

I was totally fooled, too.

I thought he worked hard for the company.

He did work hard.

- But he embezzled funds. / - I don't know about that.

I don't think he was trying to deceive us.

Why are you taking that con artist's side?

Did he grow on you?

Think about it.

From all the presidents you've seen or heard of,

has anyone worked as hard for the workers

and the company as he did?

- Well... / - Yes or no?

Put your hand on your heart and tell me honestly.

Wasn't President Kang Jihyeok the best?


Yes, you're right.

- Hello, Mr. President. / - Hello.

Nice to see you.

I'll be taking over Hyunsung Distributions again.

- Let's work together. / - That goes without saying.

It's an honor to serve you again.

It's an honor for me too

to work with you.

Hi Mira. Come in.

Things are finally back to normal, don't you think?

You took it too far.

- What? / - You framed him for fraud.

You're still talking about that idiot?

Is he all you ever think about?

You made me think about him. You said that

you'll get him a lawyer and take care of everything.

But he found out everything.

Even about us trying to take his heart.

But he was brain-dead at the time.

You had no choice.

Regardless, he became a thorn in our sides.

Framing him was our only option.

And you're not involved in this.

You didn't do anything.

And it's not like you got hurt, so why do you care?


I gave this to him.

I knew everything, but I gave it to him.

You did it for me.

I thought once you returned from China,

you'd put everything back to where it was.

I trusted you

because the person I love would do that.

But the person before me...

What should I do then?

We made that jerk family because of my wretched heart!

We made him president to take the fall for my crimes

and framed him for fraud! Should I tell the truth?

And what about my family?

Would you be satisfied if they are all in prison?


You'll be part of our family soon.

Then you'll see truckloads of jerks like Kim Jihyeok.

If you want to be on top,

people trampled beneath you must work.

We can't worry about the useless losers

who are beneath us.

What are you doing? Tell the truth!

Get those jerks locked up and you get out!

What's keeping you?

No one here will believe me.

What do you mean? There's the law.

We'll go by the law.

The law?

That only a word in books.

It's the people who enforce it in the end.

Hey, do you think

you can get a copy of the recordings

from Beomsik's computer?

Right, we can use that.

I made a copy of all of them just in case.

I can bring it right away.

Wow. I'm impressed!

Who knew you were so smart?

Did you think this big head was filled with rocks?

I have a few brain cells in between.

Good. We can use that.

What? How?

Should I give it to the prosecutor?

No. The prosecutor and attorney are all in on it.

They're all puppets on Hyunsung's payroll.

Then what do we do?

We'll bypass them

and submit them at court.

Judge Lee Eunho?

I'd like to be a witness.

No, not with the prosecutor.

I want to speak with you directly.

You summarized the recordings?

I printed the text.

I have the USB flash drive with the files, too.

Good. Bring them to court later.

But there's something strange in the recordings.

Beomsik asks,

"There's a woman with Jihyeok."

"What about her?"

Don't go, please.

Then the other person says,

"She's irrelevant. Kill them both."

Who could that woman be? Do you think...

So Mira.

You mean that those jerks wanted to kill Mira, too?

So she was expendable to them, too.

Those jerks.

So Mira asked the judge to let her be a witness.

Can't we just have them refuse?

We can control the prosecutor,

but the judge isn't one of ours.

I'll try to stop her myself.

But if she ends up taking the stand...


Where are you going?

I tried to kill him.

To save you.

I tried to remove his respirator.

I see.

Dongseok, I don't wish him luck and fortune.

I just want to send him back to where he came from.

Only then can I return to where I came from

and live by your side.


I'll do what you want.

Not for him, but for you.

Can you really do that?

You'll be by my side for the rest of my life.

If you are uncomfortable, so am I.

If only for that, I'll do it.

Thank you, Dongseok.

We can't do anything about the trial today.

But at the next trial,

I'll tell them to withdraw the charges of fraud.

Is that good?

- Yes. / - And once he's released,

I'll give him plenty of money and send him abroad.

That'll settle the matter, don't you think?

There will be reporters there as well.

Release it in front of everyone.

When I give the signal, give it to the judge.

If he denies you the chance,

explain the content to the reporters.

Then the judge will have no choice.

Yes, Mr. Do.

So Mira is headed to the courthouse.

Do what I told you before.

You're a good person deep down inside.

I've seen you suffer because of your guilt,

and how hard you worked for him because you felt bad.

When you think about it, he's the true victim.

What are you trying to say?

I want to save him because I feel bad, too.

If we wanted to, even if we can't get him executed,

we can have him rot in prison for the rest of his life.

You know it. You've seen enough.

There's nothing Hyunsung cannot do in this country.

If you tell the truth, it will not help him one bit.

But I don't mean

there's nothing you can do to help him.

This is the DNA test result that he gave

the Hyunsung family to claim he was their son.

This was proven to be a fake.

Just prior to this incident, the defendant was

part of a violent gang which is how

he was able to fabricate and orchestrate all of this.

The prosecution rests.

They're the ones who faked and orchestrated everything.

This is ridiculous. They're the guilty ones.

Say he's insane, and that you think

he truly believed they were his parents.

Then everything can go back to normal.

He will be released for medical reasons

and the public will sympathize with him.

Then everyone wins.

He wins, and we win.

Defense. Do you have anything to say?

No, Your Honor.

Any evidence to submit or witnesses to call?

No, Your Honor.

Both parties, approach the bench.

Someone requested to be a witness today.

She's an employee from the company who worked closely

with the defendant, so I thought it would be relevant.

What do you think?

That's fine.

- And you? / - If prosecution is fine with it, then...

We will listen to the testimony of the final witness.

Please bring her in.

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth

and nothing but the truth.

If I lie, I will be punished for perjury.

Please take a seat in the witness box.

Prosecution, you may question the witness.

You worked closely with the defendant

since the day he was inaugurated

and spent the most time with him. Is that correct?

That's correct.

So you must've seen him more than anyone else.


What did you think of the way he spoke and acted?

Did he appear normal to you?

When I first met Kim Jihyeok...

To be honest,

he seemed unstable.


I realized he has reasons for that

and that he is the most clear-headed person I know.

And I will tell you

what I saw and how I felt about this incident.

He would never lie...

"She's irrelevant. Kill them both."

So she was expendable to them, too.

Hyunsung and I...

Stop her testimony! She's lying!

Please sit down. She's not done.

There's no need to listen any further.

I'll admit everything!

- Jihyeok! / - I planned it all.

Everything the prosecution claimed is true.

Are you crazy?

Your Honor, please look at this! Please!

I have all the evidence here!

Stop it, you jerk!

It's useless. We fabricated all of that!


I'm sorry, Your Honor.

I longed for a father and a mother so desperately!

So I faked it all.

I needed someone to call a father.

I needed someone to call a mother.

I longed for them so badly!

That's why... That's why I became a fake son!

I see.

Since the defendant admits it, I'll accept it.

But why did you change your mind?

Because I know I can't win.


I know I'll lose in the end.

It got boring. Kim Jihyeok admitted to all the charges.

I'll report in detail once I get back to the office.

I don't get it. What got into him?

Do you think they threatened him again?

No, he's not the type to get scared of threats.

Then why?

I understand.

He wanted to protect her.

He would do something like that.

We submitted the petition to the court as instructed.

Good job.

Shouldn't we tell the chairman?

This happened because of me.

I'll take care of it.

Yes, Sir.

2703. You have a visitor.

Her name is So Mira.

Are you well?

Are you eating well?

I'm sorry.

If it's not too late, I'll try telling them.

If I tell the truth...

Don't do anything stupid.

- Kim Jihyeok. / - What's your deal?

Why do you keep telling me what to do?

I know everything.

I know you have been wronged terribly.


You will fight on my behalf or something?

All that will do is upset them more.

Then the person who will be harmed from that

is not you, but me.

So don't do anything.

You're of no help to me.

You're right.

I'm of no help.

I lied, despite knowing everything.

I saw them lie to you, but turned a blind eye.

But you should've given me a chance to come clean.

You shouldn't have stopped me.

Stop bothering me and get lost!

I said not to get involved!

Erase me from your life.


That's what you can do for me.

Get out of my life, and get out of my sight.

Mr. President.

Lies just roll off your tongue, don't they?

Do I still look like your president?

Let's go.

On May 7, 2014, So Mira has been promoted

from the FB team...

- Don't let go. / - I won't, so...

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth...

Stop her testimony! She's lying!


What happened yesterday?

I said I'd take care of it. Why don't you trust me?

You made things worse.

Will you trust me

if I do what you wanted?

What will you do about that guy, Dad?

What about him?

Don't you have a conscience at all?

It's not like there's anything I can do.

The judge will take care of it.

Let him go.

Otherwise, I'll go somewhere and just die.

You brat! How dare you say that to your parents?

If you can, let him go.

There's no harm in letting him live.

Who knows what will happen when?

- Goodness... / - I can't live in this house anymore.

If you won't do it, I'll post it all over the Internet.

Why are you so worked up?

You still think he's your brother?

He's not, that's why I'm doing this!

What do you mean?

Don't worry, Jina.

It'll work out the way you want.

What do you mean?

Like Jina said, we should have a little shame.

I'll take care of it so there's no backlash later.

This is the final verdict for Defendant Kim Jihyeok.

You have been found guilty of fraud

under Rule 372 of Criminal Code.

You are sentenced to three years in prison.

However, the plaintiff has submitted a petition to

reduce your sentence and

since you admitted your guilt and confessed,

your sentence is

reduced to five years of probation.

Kim Jihyeok.

Take it.

There is your passport and plane ticket inside.

Someone will meet you when you land.

Do whatever he says.

I put in some money, too.

It's for looking out for me until now.

It would have been fine if you were my brother,

but you're not.

I'm returning the smell of trash that you gave me.

I'll see you there.

Please go.

Go and never return.

It's done and over with.

That's good enough.

Just return to who you used to be now.

They're not people you can mess with.

I know you're angry, but just let it go.

That's the only way you can survive and

the people around you will be at ease.


At least you're back.

I guess they felt a little guilty at least.

What will you do now?

Should we burn their house down?

Will you let them get away with it?

You said you'd draw blood.

I'll do anything you ask me to do.

I can go to prison for a few years.

If you want revenge, do it.

I'll help.

They're not people you can mess with.

I know you're angry, but just let it go.

That's the only way you can survive and

the people around you will be at ease.

I needed a drink last night, so I drank alone.

I kept thinking of that jerk.

I felt rotten.

I felt really rotten.

It's all over now.

You can forget it now, Father.

I can't believe the stuff I had to go through.


Wake up, jerk!

What? Does it hurt? Does it?

Get over here!

You jerk.

Let go.

You'll get blood on me. Gosh.

I was wrong.

Stop hitting me.


Hedgey must be in a lot of pain.

You want to live?

Then say it.

"I'm trash. I'm a dog."

Say it, and I'll let you live.

Why aren't you saying it?

You are trash. You are a dog.

You are trash!

Die, you jerk!

Send that Kim Jihyeok out of the country, too.

Really? Kim Jihyeok really boarded the plane?

Okay. Thank you.

You were going to take a trip abroad, right?

I'll send you. Just let the waves take you.

If you do,

you'll get there eventually.

Thanks for keeping your promise.

Be by my side now.


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