Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

Mimajit presents


Mimajit presents THE CHRONICLE OF A DRUM WOMAN Listen to your nature, do not throw your butts

Hello everyone, I hope you are in good shape!

In any case, feeling better than a friend I've just met.

Are you aware of the giant iceberg that broke away from Antarctica?

All that ice that goes up in smoke,

it makes me sick!

But what are you doing?

Let me explain the reasons for this tremendous emotion ...

A few days ago, as I was humming, walking down the avenue,

I saw neon figures with large claws in the distance.

No, they were not aliens, but a team of volunteers in love with the Earth.

MeGomNet is a group of people who meet together

to reduce the scourge of cigarette butts.

Because people took the bad habit of throwing their butts on the floor.

This problem has come since the Anti-smoking law in public places.

Nowadays a cigarette is made of 4000 different, varied products.

50 products among those 4000 are carcinogenic.

That is what we found on 2sq2.

You may imagine, at the end of the day,

we would have a full truck.

Indeed, some butts are picked up by the cleaning services.

But very often, butts continue their lives at the very spot they were thrown away.

And the plastic and chemical poisons they contain, in contact with water,

will be spreading around.


Into the sand in which children play

into the earth, down to our water tables

into the sewers where they will travel as far as the rivers, the seas and the oceans

in which we swim, in which our dear friends, fishes, also swim.

Here is a farandole of the sea, on a bed of nano-plastic.

When we think there are several hundreds of thousands thrown out in the world every second

and therefore several trillion a year,

this is frightening!

And it's not over, butts do not just pollute.

I have something stuck in my throat.

So, whoever you are, a total stranger or a close relative,

you have to know I love you.

But whoever you are, a stranger, or a relative,

when taking woods sometimes a little too dry

roads when driving your car

courtyards of your building

in short, the public space for an ashtray ...

I feel sad.

Because I know that by doing it, down deep inside,

you do not want to harm others or hurt anyone ...

And yet, you saw how such a small thing like that can cause so much damage!

I also know that we might have very good intentions

by throwing a butt on the ground.

It creates jobs.

Does it create jobs? No. It doesn't. It's extra work.

We won't use specific staff for butts.

As for me, what makes me sad is not butts, but homeless people outside.

I understand but...

Is it because I am against war that I should tolerate poverty?

As for me, I do not want a hygienist society without any shortcomings.

In order to bring it back into balance, throwing my butt is an act of resistance.

I do not wish a peaceful society where everyone would get along well.

In order to balance it, slapping your face is an act of resistance

Well, indeed we are not helped by all of the films.

I'm the Queen of the world.

But let's go beyond what we are offered.

let's go and get our own strength from our mind, from our heart!

Do not wait for bans, penalties, repression

to respect what surrounds us!

It's great what I have just said ...

This is already the case Lena.

Throwing butts on the ground is fined up to 68 euros.

It's significant somehow.

And indeed what am I doing with my butt?

Put the but up your ass!

Everybody can use the extinguisher on the side of public trash bins.

before putting butts into it.

And to be sure to be autonomous wherever you go, you can take

either pocket ashtrays made of cardboard or solid ones.

At a political level, citizens and institutions

could make the firms which produce and sell cigarettes

pay for the cost of collecting and recycling butts,

because nowadays it's not the case at all!

No ecotax for us. So you pick up your cigarette butts and we earn a bunch of money.

Madre mia!

If your heart tells you, you can also organize or join a voluntary collection of butts.

But frankly,

it would still be good that everyone cleans his shit.

It's not written...

If you work in private or public authorities,

you can suggest to install

ashtrays that can be collected

by a specialized company.

So there are several

and the one I met is CKFD.

Our purpose Lena is to manage smoking areas.

How do we make it? It's simple.

There's a technician who cleans the ashtray, the area, and collects the butts. who weighs all that,

Once stored, we send them to Brest to turn them into plastic sheets.

In Brest? I read that recycling

could be done in England.

It intrigues me, let's see how it goes on the spot.

Welcome Lena. Nowadays most butts

that are picked up, end up in the trash

and are either buried or cremated.

Here we have developed the first

cigarette butt recycling unit in France.

If you do not mind, I invite you to come and visit it.

We want our unit to be remarkable.

To do this, we prefer manual steps rather than mechanized ones

we have developed a clean closed-loop technology

to recycle the water we use.

We compensate energy by wind power

and finally our recycled material is itself recyclable.

Ah, I feel good sitting down.

But reassure me, I have a doubt.

Can't we get anal cancer sitting on this?

Don't worry Lena.

Our plastic blocks are cleaned up between 80 and 100%

and do not almost contain pollutants

as nicotine which may completely disappear.

- So don't worry, no problem. - All right.

Now I believe in reincarnation.

Of course, many of you have thought about it since the beginning of this sketch.

The best waste is the one we do not produce.

We can reduce tobacco or stop it.

But it's your own business.

Everyone has his own choices, his own rhythm.

Everyone does not necessarily have the strength or desire

to stop participating in this petrochemical genocide,

organized by tobacco companies

that deliberately put deadly substances

to make us sick and addicted.

If I'm here today, after all we've just been through together in this video,

it's just to ask you, for all living beings and the ones to come:

please, listen to your nature, do not throw your butts ...

Okay, I'm gonna have a cigarette.

Of course there are many other organizations that take the problem of cigarette butts to heart.

A big cheer to all of you

and feel free to come together.

Go on, let us go on and together, let's g et rid of cigarette butts.

Thank you to the members of MéGomNet association for their trust and support.

A series written, directed and interpreted by Estelle Brattesani

To find on ... To support on ...

For more infomation >> Ecoute ta nature, ne jette pas ton mégot - 16 - Duration: 7:01.


►Clarifiez Vos Objectifs Pour Éviter De Tomber Dans Ce Piège 🎃 - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> ►Clarifiez Vos Objectifs Pour Éviter De Tomber Dans Ce Piège 🎃 - Duration: 7:08.


Как жить в балансе. Как найти гармонию в жизни. Жить в гармонии с собой. - Duration: 13:44.

For more infomation >> Как жить в балансе. Как найти гармонию в жизни. Жить в гармонии с собой. - Duration: 13:44.



Hi, I'm James Brown, and I'm the creative director of Pattern Designers.

In this video, I'm going to walk you through how I became a textile designer.

If you'd like to stay til the end, you can get a free textile design cheat sheet.

How I started.

So, how did I start out?

I was always into drawing, always into art.

Drawing, drawing, drawing as a kid.

Through school, loved art, loved geography, and maths as well, but art was my best subject.

I went on to college, 16 to 18, did a BTEC National in Art and Design in the UK.

I'm currently ... A little background.

I currently live in Australia, but I'm originally from the UK.

So, did this BTECH National in Art and Design, covered a range of subjects in art, so architecture,

woodwork design, pottery, surface pattern design, illustration, photography, a little

bit of everything, and, looking back, we did a section in pattern textile design, and I

was really good at it, and I can't believe that it was missed.

In college, if they would have ... At the point where I was deciding to go university,

if they would have said, "Oh, you can be a textile designer, and do this illustration,

but in repeat patterns and placement prints for textiles to go on garments," I probably

would have gone, "Yeah, I would love to do that."

It's a bit of a shame it wasn't pointed out there.

Anyway, I went on from college to do a degree in illustration.

That started out, on the first six weeks, you did two weeks of photography, two weeks

of illustration, two weeks of typography, and I went to university to do illustration,

I knew I was going to do illustration, so did that, completed the course, got a degree,

and the only thing missing from my university course was the key of how to get work in illustration,

how to get a job in illustration, how to get freelance work in illustration, and that was

missing from my course.

These days, they probably give you a lot more insight in how to get work as an illustrator,

and the courses will probably crossover a lot more into graphic design illustration,

because they're kind of merged now.

So, that's how I started off.

If I was going back to the beginning, 16, I would probably ... These days, I would probably

head over to YouTube, find as much information in the types of art you want to learn, specifically

for textile design.

There's not tons out there, but it is out there.

Head over to Skillshare, do as many online courses as possible, maybe do a part-time

job while I'm learning this from 16 to 18, and then 18, having a portfolio ready, ready

to hit the market and go out there, get a job in textile design, get some freelance

work in textile design, and just do it that way, so you haven't got that three years waiting

to finish your course, a university course, and I'm not saying university is a wasted

amount of time, but if your goal is to get a job in art, in textile design, or illustration,

the faster the better.

The more you learn, the quicker you learn, and the quicker you can do things, the faster

you're going to get a job.

My freelance illustration career.

Out of uni, my mom bought me a brand new Apple Mac.

A Tower G3.

Old school in the year 2000.

I then learnt how to use Photoshop, how to use Illustrator, and how to do graphic design.

I then used the graphic design work that I'd produced in about three months to get a job

in graphic design at a newspaper.

Had this job for about a year, then I got made redundant, and decided I wanted to focus

on illustration, and a career in freelance illustration, because I'd done it at university.

I wanted to use my degree to the best of my potential.

So I did.

I headed towards editorial illustration, book publishing, and advertising, because I knew

that that was where the main bulk of illustration work was.

I did okay.

I didn't do super awesomely.

I was constantly working from style to style, and doing different styles, combining Illustrator

with hand drawn, because I started off doing more hand drawn work and then graduated into

Illustrator, because it was just faster to get work to the clients, and more efficient.

You don't have to rub stuff out, you can just change it within a few clicks.

I used to use a mouse, now I use a Wacom.

So, that's where I started, as a freelance illustrator, and I'd say the main bulk of

my career's been learning new techniques.

New techniques in illustration and new techniques in how to sell my work.

How to do graphic design.

How to build websites.

How to build promotional material.

I taught myself a lot, and I'd say to you guys out there, learn as much as you possibly

can, because that's how you'll get to where you want to get to.

My transition into textile design.

In 2011, I met a girl called Milly Blunt.

She was working for Karolina York, well had just finished working for Karolina York Print

Studio in Sydney, and she was setting up her own textile design studio.

She now runs Camilla Frances Prints.

They're based in London and they're doing very well.

While she was setting up her studio over here in Australia, she took three weeks out to

teach me how a textile design studio runs, and so I learnt a lot of tips and tricks of

what the nuts and bolts are to run a textile design studio in 2011.

How to do repeats, how to make good flow in prints, how to use color, trend, mood boards

to produce a collection of artwork, how to sell to clients, how to present to clients,

how to present at Premiere Vision, so I learnt a lot from her and thanks, Milly, because

you taught me a lot.

I wouldn't be doing the career I do today without your help.

My textile design studio.

Said I want to run a textile design studio and seriously dedicated all of my time to

being a textile designer and running a textile design studio.

So, producing prints every day, getting trend boards, and working from trend only, and producing

a collection of artwork to sell to clients.

From there, I started presenting my work to clients.

I didn't get my work printed onto silk, because I couldn't afford to, so just started selling

via online, email, and phone calls, and got a bit of work out of it.

Got consistent work out of it, Nana Judy, Cotton On, Target, BikBok, SleepMaker mattresses

is a bit of weird one.

I really enjoyed doing that work though.

So, yeah, ran a studio for quite a few years.

Working full time as a textile designer.

Working full time as a textile designer is awesome, I've got to say.

Working as a freelancer.

Working full time.

I much prefer working full time.

Gives me that consistency of income.

I'm not always hunting for work.

I get to produce artwork day in, day out, get it signed off, and it goes on garments.

I currently design for 1-7 boyswear, for an Australian retailer.

They have approximately 320 stores Australia wide.

The garments I produce for are shirts, t-shirts, board shorts, shorts, jackets.

Each quarter has three themes to work to.

Each theme we work to, we produce ... The consistency in boys wear is dino prints, shark

prints, trucks and cars.

They're the key big sellers.

There's also key colors that we work to that are consistently in stores.

I work with a designer and a buyer.

I'm the design manager.

The buyer buys the product that we ... Chooses how many units of each product that they're

going to buy.

The designer designs the garment and places the my graphic design on the garment.

In general, we have to sell one to two thousand units per week.

In general, we order 10 to 30 thousand units of one product.

So, I have one dino t-shirt, it gets printed on 10 to 20 thousand.

That 10 to 20 thousand, generally, needs to sell one to two thousand per week, and needs

to sell out within 12 weeks, or 10 to 12 weeks, so that the product doesn't have to get marked


And stuff that you don't learn as a freelancer, you don't learn about that sales, and units,

and how many units your artwork is going on, which is a really great insight to how ... Because

it's real.

It's super real.

As a freelancer, you do your artwork, hand it to the client, they tick it, or they say,

"Oh, I want this amended.

I want these colors amended," and you do that, and then you sign it off, and you see it in

store, you see it online, but you don't get those unit sales.

The unit sales is really important, because you base the current design ... My current

designs that I design, they're based on last year's sales as well.

They're based on color, attributes like is it a dino?

Is it a shark?

Is it a truck?

Those sold 15,000 units for 10 weeks flat.

We're going to one of those this year, but reinvent it, renew it, do a new version.

You know that, based on those previous year's sales, you've got a winner, because it sold

so much last year, you've just got to look at it from another perspective, and produce

fresh, new artwork that's in line with trend, but is going to sell the units as well.

Love it.

Love full time work.

Now you know how I became a textile designer.

If you want to learn some more, I have a free textile design cheat sheet in the description.

Please subscribe to my channel and like this video.

Share it on Facebook.

Share it on ... No, you can't share it on Instagram, but share it where you want to.

Be nice.

I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> TEXTILE DESIGNER :P HOW I BECAME A TEXTILE DESIGNER - Duration: 12:41.


इन चीज़ों के साथ आइसक्रीम और मिठाइयाँ हैं ज़हर समान | DANGEROUS FOOD ITEMS WITH ICE CREAM & SWEETS | - Duration: 4:20.

Welcome to health care at home

Few days ago we were talking about Opposite Food Combination

I often notice in parties that people eat lot of food because there we've various varieties which is harmful

Because the food served in parties is been prepared with lot of spices and ingredients

Which itself is dangerous due to excess spices and oil used in it

To add more harm in it, as soon the variety of food if over in marriages & parties

Moment the food counters are over there is an another counter i,e Ice Cream

Combination of Food and Ice Cream is highly harmful for your body

Drinking water is also not recommended after food because it dilutes your digestive juices

But if you had Ice cream just after having the food

Immediately your digestive system will become slow

In result constipation, loose motion and even your stomach will be upset for sure

Never eat Ice Cream immediately after eating food

Don't even eat Ice Cream immediately prior eating food

But if you want to eat Ice Cream then at least wait for 30-60 mins post eating food

I've also notice one more thing, Non- Veg food is also served in lot of big parties accompanied with Sweet dish

People eat Chicken and further they eat lot sweet dishes like cakes etc

This combination will upset your stomach guaranteed

So whenever you eating consume never eat sweet dishes immediately after that

And if you like sweet dished then don'e eat chicken immediately after having it

Similarly you shouldn't take juices along with chicken

Often juices are served in parties and people consume juices just after eating chicken

This will also upset your stomach

So neither you have to drink Juice nor eat Sweet dishes with Chicken

Also don't eat Ice cream as this create problems in digesting chicken

In result the protein of Chicken doesn't get properly absorbed by your body

Never eat Potatoes with Rice as it creates bloating

Slow down the digestive system & aren't good for the stomach.

Often I notice people eating Potatoes with Rice or putting Potatoes in Pulao

Lot of veggies get prepared along with Potatoes and are eaten with Rice

But if you've put in Potatoes in the veggie, eat it with Chapati instead Rice

But if you are a Rice lover then avoid Potatoes and can eat Rice with other veggies or Dal

But the combination of Rice and Potatoes are not beneficial for yoru health

Along with this, one more thing to be careful about

Never consume Milk along with Food

This also works an Opposite Food

Food gives you energy which is the best

Similarly Milk itself is very much beneficial but their combination is prohibited

So never consume Milk along with Food

Rather whenever you want to drink Milk, don't eat and drink anything pre and post driking milk

This way your body will get complete nutrition of the Milk

So whenever you are consuming Milk don't eat anything at least for 30 mins after or before eating food

If you can maintain the gap for 60 mins that is well and good

So the Milk should be consumes seperately only

Eat fruits in morning and after 30 mins drinking Milk is good for your health

But here also if you had citrus fruit then you should maintain the gap for at least 60 mins

Still we have lot of opposite food but I'll update you in my next episode

Rest our wish is only that you stay healthy, busy, carefree and be with us.

To meet us you have to subscribe this channel. Tell to your friends & relatives

To subscribe this channel. Get the health benefits by sitting at home.

And do support us in our motive. Our motive is that maximum number of people

Should get the health benefits by sitting at home only

So don't forget to share & like our videos as much as you can. Thank you…

For more infomation >> इन चीज़ों के साथ आइसक्रीम और मिठाइयाँ हैं ज़हर समान | DANGEROUS FOOD ITEMS WITH ICE CREAM & SWEETS | - Duration: 4:20.


Best Replays of the Week International #70 - Duration: 12:21.

Hello I'm Luke Kneller and welcome to Best Replays of the Week.

In this episode we have:

A medium with a will to win

A pair of heavies standing united

And a Tiger with brain to back up their brawn.

But before we get started

I want to refresh your memory

about how YOU can get featured on Best Replays of the Week.

You can even snag yourself some gold if you get featured!

It's easy! Here's how you do it.

First upload a replay on

Click login, select your region, and then click log in again.

You'll be taken to,

so use your Wargaming account to log in.

Once you're back on wotreplays, find a big Upload Replay button,

click 'Choose file', then navigate to the replays folder.

Find and select your replay, press 'Open', then the orange Upload Replay button.

Click on Contest and then BRW.

There's no need for any trouble with time stamps.

Just enter a short description and hit send.

Remember, we want your amazing replays,

and you can get gold and the chance to show off! It's a win-win!

Did you get all that? Good! Now let's get onto the first replay!

Our first replay was submitted by mikle21 from the EU server.

He's going to show us how a medium tank with a tough, flat side

can take an entire team's worth of fire…

And reign victorious when the battle is done.

The E-50 is a German powerhouse,

with a great gun and thick set of armor to make up for its….eh...

lack of curves.

Mines is an old map, and since its inception,

the hill has been the main focus for thick waves of fire.

This sounds like a great place for Mikle to take his intimidating German armor.

Aha, arty knocks the tracks off this French autoloader.

This is a perfect opportunity to quickly remove this dangerous French foe.

The T49 and AMX CDC on the other hand are not so exposed,

and they are being supported by heavy fire from their base.

No matter though as the E-50s side armor soaks it all!

Ouch! Mikle reversed an inch too far

and received a heavy hit from the Object 704.

The Russian BL-10 gun rang true for its shooter today.

Apart from that, we're back to the sweet sound of ricochets.

But amid this musical number,

a smarter than average T34, switched to high explosive

allowing some damage to seep through.

It doesn't take long for our embolden commander to run out of hitpoints.


Lookie here, thanks to Mikle's efforts of distracting so many enemy tanks,

the east flank is overrun and the team cleans up the remaining enemy tanks.

While the other numbers don't speak so highly,

Mikle soaked over 5 times his own tanks HP!

A valiant earner of our Steel Wall award.

Next we'll go over to the American server

where ruben1alpha is going to demonstrate how to play a support medium.

The Leo PTA has great mobility

and a great gun so swamp is a great place to do it!

A true confederate tries to give his team an early lead,

and ruben does just that!

Three well aimed shots with the Leo's 390 alpha gun

makes for some nice starting damage.

Alas, that's not enough and the team have been overrun on the eastern flank.

Time to try and reclaim some of the lost advantage.

Hang on! This T25 Pilot and E-50 think they have the hardened metal

to take on our confederate. Not a chance.

Another duo, will these two be able to stop our confederate?

Not without shells they won't!

The shame is too much...

Meanwhile, the western flank that had been holding steady

have run out of stamina and are being repelled.

Time to even out the odds!

Slow down there Strv,

you were still spotted while attempting to flank

and our quick thinking vindicator knows just what to do.

Well, someone else can have that one.

Did someone say free damage?

Yes please!

Nicely done ruben1alpha.

Showing us exactly how effective

a medium tank with no armor can be when used

in the right positions.

Now let's head back down to Tier VI

with _HeartBreak3R_ from the EU region.

Will our hearts be broken, or the enemy's?

The VK 30.02 (M) is a monster when top tier,

boasting mobility, armor, and firepower.

Everything he needs to shred his way through the middle road on Lakeville

Meeting a Leopard along the way barely warrants a parting glance

as he leaves but a scratch on _HeartBreak3R_'s thick front plate.

Now it's time to become a Killionaire

and knock out guns before the battle has even properly begun.

Well aimed shot

after well aimed shot leaves the enemy scrambling for cover.

Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

No! It's an Alecto!

It doesn't want to be left out on all the fun

_HeartBreak3R_ is having on the front line.

Unfortunately for the Alecto, the fun didn't last long.

However, now the formidably armored AT-8

stands guarding the pass.


With some skillful baiting and angling the AT-8 becomes far less deadly

and is soon peppered full of holes.

Eight kills in but there are still more to get.

Two well aimed shots on the Matilda

puts our hero one step from their goal...

Maybe it's too late...


That T-50 is right back where the enemy team started

and the 10th kill is secured.


Along with a cheeky platoon invite to gather a strategic crucial contribution.

In just 3 minutes and 45 seconds

our hero managed to kill two thirds of the enemy team.

Securing an elusive Pool's medal

as well as our Top Gun award.

All the while not losing a single hit point.

Well played _HeartBreak3R_.

Now that engines have warmed up,

let's triple R into a Brother in Arms display from the American region.

Our champions are Kirbymar in an M103

and DSKKorp in a VK 45.02 (P) Ausf.B.

Two VERY well armored heavies.

Wait, top tier Himmels as heavies. Ha!

This is going to be brutal.

Kirby makes a strong opening play in the center window

where he is hull down to that T34.

Meanwhile, Korp drives to the banana where it is best,

putting the VK's very strong frontal plate to best use,

and effectively barricading the pass.

Not much initial activity from either team

as they size each other up through the gaps and windows.

Suddenly an ST-1 comes barreling down the banana

with no intention of stopping.

This Braveheart style charge

gives a +10 courage buff to all surrounding tanks

and soon a landslide of enemy tanks are pushing towards Korp.

Kirby quickly responds to their friend in need

and assumes a perfect hull-down position just behind.

Let the melee begin!

Korp meets Braveheart head-on

and facehugs first enemy tanks.

This fantastic tactic nullifies the numerical advantage

as the soldiers behind don't have a clear shot.

So good, Korp. This is my style of fighting!

Let's not forget the rest of the team

as that crossfire from the Charioteer on the hill is spot on,

and the reds start popping.

This failed push has left the enemy team short of tanks,

which allows our team to go into cleanup mode.

It looks like the other team has a similar set of odds

that our brave platoon had

but they don't even attempt to work together

and get hunted down 1 by 1.

Kirby gets the lion's share of the remains,

managing to secure a top gun with the much more nimble M103.

Nicely done you two,

the enemies charged in but lacked your coordination

and fell like dominos.

9 Kills for Kirbymar and DSKKorp together, with plenty of damage.

Now we have finally arrived at the Best replay of the Week.

It was submitted by... BeleaDeOm?


Be-be-bele Ah De Om

Belea... BeleaDeOm at... yeah. BeleaDeOm from the EU region.

The mighty vehicle of choice for this battle

is the Heavy Tank No. 6.

A monster of a tank when top tier.

It has formidable armor,

leaving it only vulnerable to artillery

and very high pen Tier VI guns in this match.

This 88-mm gun with 220 alpha makes short work of these puny panzers.

Hmm, as mentioned arty will be a threat.

BeleaDeOm better not forget that again.

The western flank has been lost and the battle in the city rages fast,

with many allies being destroyed.

Some great-play will be required to swing this battle.

Be... BeleaDeOm, BeleaDeLom...

BeleaDeOm, time to show us how it's done!


That was quite a display!

A tank graveyard's been raised in the city surrounding our champion.

All the while remaining safe from the artillery.

Lesson well learnt it seems from that opening Grille shot.

This Firefly underestimated our champion

and has been left with nowhere to run.

BeleaDeOm destroys the troublesome medium

and remains in shelter.

Now that they're unspotted it should be safe to…

Wooow, what reactions!

That was a quick shot!

I wasn't expecting that KV-85 to pop out there

but I'm not BeleaDeOm— they swatted it like a fly!

A swift drive behind the building leaves the enemy without a clean shot.



OK, now it's payback time.

This Bishop is spotted

and a good shot between the buildings

leaves him struggling to retaliate.

Que the building trick. Check

This Chi-Nu and Grille could be anywhere by now

and there's only 5 minutes remaining.

Surely the best choice now, is to cap and draw them out.

The Grille attempts to blind shot the usual locations.



A-a-a-a-and nope.

The Chi-Nu must now attempt to fight our champion to reset

but a well-aimed shot in his track stops him cold.


Our hero doesn't recklessly kill the Chinese medium though.

Pay attention to BeleaDeOm's position.

They knew where the arty was firing from.

Great thinking!

Shall we try to hunt the arty with 3 minutes left on the clock?

Nah, that is far too risky, much safer to cap.

As the arty is alone

there is no chance to get spotted

so the best place to cap is in the open,

where the blind shots are least likely to land.

Let's watch the fireworks!


What a phenomenal carry, from start to finish!

A great display of mind and mouse

earning a Pool's medal for 10 kills

and almost 4,000 damage in a Tier VI game.

Spectacularly done, BeleaDeOm!

You are the best of the week.

That's it for this week.

I can't wait to see lots more replays from you.

But remember to turn your replays saver on in the options.

So head out there and get your treads dirty!

There's gold to be earned!

And by the way,

Best replays of the week is now on the World of Tanks reddit.

You can check it out with the link in the description.

I'm Luke Kneller. Thanks for watching.

And I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Best Replays of the Week International #70 - Duration: 12:21.


Eleaf iStick Kiya 50W TC Kit - Ultra small and user friendly vape pal - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Eleaf iStick Kiya 50W TC Kit - Ultra small and user friendly vape pal - Duration: 2:28.


iRig Keys I/O - Integration with SampleTank 3 for Mac/PC - Duration: 4:07.

In this video we will show how iRig Keys I/O works right out of the box

to control virtual instruments from IK Multimedia.

When you start up iRig Keys I/O for the first time, the factory preset which loads by default is

designed to work seamlessly with IK Multimedia virtual instruments

like SampleTank 3 and Miroslav Philharmonik 2.

For this example, we will look at SampleTank 3.

First, launch SampleTank 3.

Rotate the data knob and scroll between the folders in the SampleTank 3 library.

Press the data knob to folders, subfolders, and to load an instrument.

Play the keyboard on iRig Keys I/O to trigger notes

of the loaded instrument in SampleTank 3.

Slide your finger on the touch sensitive pitch control up and down to change the pitch of the loaded instrument.

Slide your finger on the touch sensitive mod control up and down

to control the amount of vibrato or tremolo on the loaded instrument.

If you need to play notes higher or lower than the range of the loaded sound in SampleTank 3,

press the octave up or down buttons to shift the range of the keyboard an octave at a time.

Press the program buttons (up and down)

to browse and load program multis according to the current live set preset loaded in SampleTank 3.

Rotate knobs 1 through 4 on iRig Keys I/O

to control the first four macro controls of SampleTank 3.

As soon as you touch a knob, its value will be displayed.

To access macro controls 5 through 8 on your iRig Keys I/O,

press the alt button on the left side of the display.

Then, controls 1 through 4 become the controls for macros 5 through 8 in SampleTank 3.

The pads on iRig Keys I/O

can trigger drum kit samples loaded into

part 10 of Sampletank 3.

If you want to trigger sounds on another part using the pads,

you will have to change the MIDI channel from the factory default setting of channel 10

to the part you want to play.

For example, if you want to trigger sounds on part one,

you will need to change the pads to MIDI channel 1.

First, press the alt button, and then the edit button.

Rotate the data knob until the display shows Pre

then push the data knob to confirm.

Rotate the data knob until the display says Pad

which means you want to modify a setting relative to the drum pads.

The display now shows CH

which means that you will be modifying the MIDI channel for all drum pads.

Now you can the pads to trigger notes on part 1 within SampleTank 3.

The same set of features applies, in the same fashion,

for Miroslav Philharmonik 2.

For more infomation >> iRig Keys I/O - Integration with SampleTank 3 for Mac/PC - Duration: 4:07.


New Year LetterSchool handwriting apk Lowercase abcdefghi D'Nealian 3x Speed letters - Duration: 11:34.

New Year LetterSchool handwriting apk Lowercase abcdefghi D'Nealian 3x Speed letters

For more infomation >> New Year LetterSchool handwriting apk Lowercase abcdefghi D'Nealian 3x Speed letters - Duration: 11:34.


別の猫が出産した子猫達を受け入れ、不眠不休で14匹の子猫のお母さんをこなす猫【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 別の猫が出産した子猫達を受け入れ、不眠不休で14匹の子猫のお母さんをこなす猫【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:11.


Visiting British Pub in Seoul and Trying British Food and Ale! [KoreanBilly's English] - Duration: 9:10.

For more infomation >> Visiting British Pub in Seoul and Trying British Food and Ale! [KoreanBilly's English] - Duration: 9:10.


iRig Keys I/O - Integration with SampleTank for iOS - Duration: 3:33.

In this video we will show you how iRig Keys I/O works seamlessly with

IK Multimedia virtual instruments for mobile devices.

When you start up iRig Keys I/O for the first time, the factory preset which loads by default is

designed to work seamlessly with IK Multimedia virtual instruments for

mobile devices like SampleTank and Syntronik for iPad.

For this example, we will look at SampleTank.

First, launch SampleTank.

Press the program up and down buttons to browse and load instruments from the SampleTank library

or SampleTank multis in live mode.

Play the keyboard on iRig Keys I/O to trigger

notes of the loaded instrument in SampleTank.

Slide your finger on the touch sensitive pitch control up and down to change the pitch of the loaded instrument.

Slide your finger on the touch sensitive mod control up and down

to control the amount of vibrato or tremolo on the loaded instrument.

If you need to play notes higher or lower than the range of the loaded instrument,

press the octave up and down buttons to shift the range of the keyboard an octave at a time.

The knobs on iRig Keys I/O can easily be assigned to any parameter in SampleTank.

While touching one of the four knobs, tap the MIDI icon

and following the on-screen instructions for MIDI learn,

tap the parameter you want to control,

and then rotate the selected knob.

To access knobs 5 through 8 on your iRig Keys I/O,

press the alt button on the left side of the display

and repeat the same procedure from the previous step

to assign these knobs to four more parameters for SampleTank.

The transport buttons to the left of the alt button allow for

remote control of the transport on SampleTank.

Press the record button to start recording

and play the keys on iRig Keys I/O to record some notes.

Press the stop/return to start button

to stop the recording and return to the beginning of the song.

Press the play button to start playback of the song.

For more infomation >> iRig Keys I/O - Integration with SampleTank for iOS - Duration: 3:33.


Internet Offer _ Robi 8GB Internet Data Only 98Tk_ Latest Internet Offer_ bangla 400 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Internet Offer _ Robi 8GB Internet Data Only 98Tk_ Latest Internet Offer_ bangla 400 - Duration: 2:43.


בריאות טבעית - פרק 2 - הרב יובל אשרוב (עם כתוביות בעברית) - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> בריאות טבעית - פרק 2 - הרב יובל אשרוב (עם כתוביות בעברית) - Duration: 12:12.


Jabier Muguruza - Ez zait gustatzen poesia - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Jabier Muguruza - Ez zait gustatzen poesia - Duration: 5:06.


Using Seed Tape - Growing from Seed Tape // The Gardenettes - Duration: 1:59.

I'm rolling out the white carpet to make seed sowing a breeze!

This clever biodegradable paper is pre-sown with seeds that makes growing from seed even easier.

Although growing seeds is both fun and rewarding there are times when it can get a little fiddly.

Some tiny seeds can be tricky to handle and young seedlings often need to be thinned out

so they have plenty of room to grow.

But here the works been done for you.

The seeds in here have been evenly spaced out so each little seed can grow to it's full potential.

These Roll n' Grow Garden Kits are perfect for veggie patches, each sheet is 45cm wide

and 2 metres long.

Or you can trim it to suit your garden bed.

Each seed variety gets its own dedicated row with the seeds evenly spaced and the combo

of plants is grouped together to suit different planting times.

This Salad Veggie Garden includes; beetroot, lettuce, carrot, spring onions and radish

and can be planted at virtually any time of the year.

Now if you'd like to choose your own combination of edibles, then get your hands on some Seed Tape.

And planting this is simple as laying it out, covering it up and then watering it in.

And with 5 metres of tape in each packet, you can grow a full garden or plant rows

in succession for a continued harvest.

If you're short on space and don't have the room to plant out long rows you can still

grow a herb garden using these clever little mats.

These small round discs are perfect for planting into pots or popping into the corner of your garden.

And with several varieties to choose from it couldn't be easier to have abundant herbs fresh

at your finger tips.

I love gardening with my kids but sometimes they can be a little over enthusiastic with

the seed sprinkling so I reckon these seed tapes can really help reduce waste and guarantee

a bumper harvest.

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