Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

Surah Yaseen ka wazifa in urdu by kamran sultan | Surah Yaseen ka wazifa in urdu

For more infomation >> Surah Yaseen ka wazifa in urdu by kamran sultan | Surah Yaseen ka wazifa in urdu - Duration: 3:17.



For more infomation >> КАК УЧАСТВОВАТЬ В ICO / ПЕРСПЕКТИВНОЕ ICO МОНЕТЫ CAJUTEL (CAJ) - Duration: 15:37.


peru vs nueva zelanda 2018 - Duration: 33:26.

For more infomation >> peru vs nueva zelanda 2018 - Duration: 33:26.


Lord of the Rings: Easterlings (Part 2 of 2) - Duration: 6:10.

With the Dark Lord temporarily defeated, the Easterlings were free from his direct influence.

However the hatred and corruption that was bred into them for generations, led them to

despise the people of the west, most especially the men of Gondor.

As the Easterlings spread from the lands around the Sea of Rhun, they once more came into

conflict with the west.

In the year 490 of the Third Age, the Easterlings invaded Gondor but were ultimately defeated

by Tarostar, son of the king, who ascended to the throne in 492 and took the name Rómendacil

in the year 500, following their victory.

Decades later in 541, the Easterlings again invaded, this time attacking Ithilien and

killing the old King of Gondor in the fighting.

Rómendacil's son Turambar then inherited the crown and continued the war, defeating

the Easterlings and following the into the lands of Rhun, parts of which were conquered

and held for many years.

With the Easterling threat diminished, Gondor was able to expand into the south as well,

but the prosperity of these years eventually came to an end, when the Easterlings marched

west in 1240, only to be defeated once again.

After losing another war, the Easterlings threat diminished again for several centuries,

during which time several groups joined together to become the mighty confederacy of Wainriders.

When a devastating plague left the Kingdom of Gondor weak and vulnerable, the Wainriders

saw an opportunity, and invaded the lands of Rhovanion in 1856, slaughtering and enslaving

its population.

A few decades later the Northmen revolted and with the aid of Gondor took back some

of their former lands.

However the Wainriders would get a chance for revenge in 1944, when they allied with

the Haradrim of Near Harad and Variags of Khand, to invade Gondor from both the North

and South.

And while the Wainriders won a great victory in the north, killing King Ondoher and his

sons, the invaders were defeated in the south, allowing the defending army to then march

and finish off the remaining Easterlings.

After a thousand years, spent recovering part of his strength, Sauron took refuge in Dol


Knowing that the Dark Lord was still dangerous, the Valar of Aman sent the Istari around this

same time, five Maia spirits which took the form of elderly men, instructed to give council

and help protect the free peoples against the looming threat.

Of these powerful being, the two blue wizards alatar and Pallando ventured into the far

east, while the others focused on the west.

Although little is known concerning their ultimate fate, the blue wizards were believed

to have fought against Sauron in their own ways and may have played pivotal roles in

limiting the size of the Easterling armies.

Meanwhile many believe Sauron directed the Witch King of Angmar to wage a terrible war

against the Kingdom of Arnor, destroying their lands and people, before Gondor and the Elves

could counter-attack, defeating the dark armies, and forcing their retreat to Mordor.

With an evil being known as the Necromancer rumoured to have taken refuge in the forest

of Mirkwood.

Gandalf the Grey went to investigate, causing the Dark Lord to flee into the East where

he would rally the Easterlings once more to his cause.

This began the period known as the Watchful peace in the west which lasted roughly four


When the years of peace ended, a new group of Easterlings known as the Balchoth allied

with the Orcs to invade the lands of Calenardhon in 2510, defeating the armies of Gondor.

However the northmen, known as the Eotheod soon intervened and ended the invasion.

Over the next few decades the Easterlings continued their raids into the west, this

time focusing on the lands of Rohan, and killing their king Eorl in the year 2545.

After 3000 years, Sauron had regained some part his former strength, but would never

be whole again without the power of the One Ring.

And so when he learned that the Ring had been discovered, he prepared for a final confrontation

with the free peoples of the west.

The War of the Ring, as it became known, began roughly in the year 3018 of the Third Age,

and came to involve the Easterlings, along with Haradrim and Variags, who served in the

armies of Mordor, fighting in both the Southern and Northern campaigns.

In the south, they fought against the armies of Gondor in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields,

however the bulk of their forces were sent north, meant to sweep through Dwarven lands

and join the Orcs of Dol Guldur in the destruction of the Woodland Realm.

From there they would attack Lothlorien, before passing through the Misty Mountain to take

Rivendell and marchg south.

Opposing the great Easterling army were the Dwarves of Erebor and the men of Dale who

held them back for 3 days before being forced to retreat into the Lonely Mountain.

Although the city of Dale was lost, the battle continued at the gates of Erebor where King

Brand of Dale was killed.

The Dwarven King Dain, upon seeing the death of his ally and friend, rushed to his side,

and died defending his body.

After suffering tremendous loses, the surviving humans and dwarves took refuge inside the

mountain until word at last reached them, that Sauron had been defeated in the South

and his armies dispersed and destroyed.

With their master fallen, the Easterlings lost their ambition and many deserted, allowing

for the combined armies of men and dwarves to charge out of Erebor and force the Easterling

invaders into retreat.

Thanks to the efforts of these allied warriors, Sauron's eastern reinforcements were ultimately

held off and they never again posed the same kind of threat against the west.

Although fighting continued on into the Fourth Age, The Easterlings were eventually subdued

by Aragorn, known after the War of the Ring as King Elessar of the Reunited Kingdom

For more infomation >> Lord of the Rings: Easterlings (Part 2 of 2) - Duration: 6:10.


Seth Explains Teen Slang: Blazey Eye, Pre-Laming - Duration: 4:26.

-You know, I'm 43 years old, I'm married, I have a kid.

But nothing makes me feel older than when I don't know

the new slang terms teenagers are using,

and it seems like, these days, teen slang terms

are evolving so fast that sometimes it's hard to keep up.

So we decided to give you a little primer

on new teen slang terms in a segment we call

"Seth Explains Teen Slang."

[ Cheers and applause ]

Our first new teen slang term is blazey eye.

It means "When you're so high,

one of your eyes is looking in the other direction."

For example, "Mike smoked two whole bowls,

and he's got blazey eye so bad,

I can't tell if he's staring at me or his own nose."

[ Laughter ]

Next up, we have pubstitute.

Let's see what it means.

"A substitute teacher whose breath smells like alcohol."

[ Laughter ]

Here it is in a sentence -- "We had a sub for algebra today,

and when that pubstitute asked me to solve a proof,

I just said, 'I'm guessing 80?'"

[ Laughter ]

Our next teen slang term is inspired by "Game of Thrones."

It's the Night's Watch.

The term refers to the guys at at a school dance

who stand by the wall the whole time."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Here it is in a sentence --

"I don't have a date for homecoming,

so I think I'm gonna skip it or I'll end in the Night's Watch,


[ Laughter ]

Next up, it's khaki sack.

This is when your friend wears khakis to school

so you all take turns kicking him in the balls.

[ Laughter ]

For example, "Accidently missed 5th period

because we were in the quad playing an extra long game

of khaki sack with Preppy Steve, #HeProbablyCan'tHaveKids."

[ Laughter ]

Our next teen slang term is wanktuary.

It means, "The one place in a house where you can masturbate

without someone walking in on you."

Here it is in a sentence -- "The guest-room closet

was my refuge, my shelter --

indeed, the only true haven I had --

until that fateful day when my father went looking

for his tennis racket, and, alas, my wanktuary was no more."

[ Laughter ]

Next up, we have "deodoraunt."

Here's the definition.

"Deodorant you put on to get rid of the weird smell

at your aunt's house."

Let's hear it in a sentence.

Spent a weekend at my Aunt Judith's,

and when I got back, I needed four Speed Sticks

to mask the smell of raisins, broccoli, and old carpet,


Moving on, this slang term is really specific

to kids in the chess club.

This is very specific to kids in the chess club.

It's "rook shook."

Let's see the definition.

"When you are shocked by something that happens

in a game of chess."

For example, "Mason was lulled into comfort

by Tyler's standard Sicilian Defense opening,

but he lost his Queen in a Smith-Mora Gambit.

Boy was left rook shook."

[ Laughter ]

Up next, you've heard the term dad bod.

Well, this is God bod.

It's someone whose body resembles God's.

For example, "Saw Tim at the beach and his long white beard,

luxurious white hair, and flowing white robes

really made his bod look heavenly,

#GodBod, #AndItWasGood."

[ Laughter and applause ]

This next one's really blowing up with the teens.

It's Sprite Club.

This is a safe place where teens who can't handle caffeine

can just sit and drink Sprite.

[ Laughter ]

Let's see it in a sentence --

"The first rule of Sprite Club is no Sierra Mist!"

[ Laughter ]

Next up, it's Wile E. Cyrus.

This is that girl in choir

who always has a new gadget from ACME.

[ Laughter ]

For exa-- [ Laughs ]

It's very helpful, 'cause before,

you didn't have a slang term for this.

For example, "Beth's 'Ave Maria' solo was going great

until she suddenly powered up her pair of ACME rocket skates,

flew through the air, and crashed into

a fake tunnel someone painted onto the brick wall,

#WileECyrus, #MeepMeep."

[ Laughter ]

And, finally, most of you have probably heard

of pre-gaming before a fun party.

Well, last term is "pre-laming."

Let's see the definition.

"When you drink before something you know is gonna suck

to make it tolerable."

[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]

For example, "Ben and I are pre-laming before Josh's party

because we're pretty sure it's gonna be a total Sprite Club."

[ Laughter ]

This has been "Seth Explains Teen Slang."

For more infomation >> Seth Explains Teen Slang: Blazey Eye, Pre-Laming - Duration: 4:26.


KOTONOHOUSE - ファインダー Re:package (orig. livetune) - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> KOTONOHOUSE - ファインダー Re:package (orig. livetune) - Duration: 5:17.


Иностранцы Слушают Русскую Музыку: ЛЕНИНГРАД, TATARKA, ДЕЛЬФИН, МОНЕТОЧКА - Duration: 16:02.

For more infomation >> Иностранцы Слушают Русскую Музыку: ЛЕНИНГРАД, TATARKA, ДЕЛЬФИН, МОНЕТОЧКА - Duration: 16:02.


Bắt Cóc Trẻ Em Bán Sang Trung Quốc Tống Tiền - Sung Vlogs - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Bắt Cóc Trẻ Em Bán Sang Trung Quốc Tống Tiền - Sung Vlogs - Duration: 5:38.


மகள்கள் செய்த காரியத்தால் வெளியே தலை காட்ட முடியாமல் தவிக்கும் ஸ்ரீதேவி | Tamil Cinema News | News - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> மகள்கள் செய்த காரியத்தால் வெளியே தலை காட்ட முடியாமல் தவிக்கும் ஸ்ரீதேவி | Tamil Cinema News | News - Duration: 1:21.


Will It Slime? Clear Crunch Slime! Toys Time - Duration: 7:12.

Clear Crunch Slime

Toys Time

For more infomation >> Will It Slime? Clear Crunch Slime! Toys Time - Duration: 7:12.


MALDIVES. DAY 8: KURUMBA /// VLOG #87 - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> MALDIVES. DAY 8: KURUMBA /// VLOG #87 - Duration: 9:07.


Trump touts major achievements during his five-nation Asia trip - Duration: 2:07.

U.S. President Donald Trump has hailed the achievements made during his marathon 13-day

tour of Asia.

In what he dubbed "a major statement," Trump said Asian leaders had agreed to confront

the North Korea issue head on... and would treat the United States more fairly on trade

under his administration.

Kim Hyo-sun reports.

President Trump made a televised statement to the nation on Wednesday,... summing up

his lengthy five-nation trip to Asia.

Hailing the achievements he made while sitting down with Asian leaders,... Trump explained

that his tour had three major goals - uniting the world against North Korea's nuclear threats,

strengthening alliances in the Indo-Pacific region and advancing fair and reciprocal trade

with other countries.

Highlighting that his state visit to South Korea was the first made by a sitting U.S.

president in 25 years,... Trump reiterated that he shared the same view with President

Moon Jae-in in dealing with the threats posed by Pyongyang.

(ENGLISH) "We have to denuclearize North Korea.

Tough new sanctions from the UN Security Council.

South Korea agreed to harmonize sanctions and agreed with ... to fund .. It's unacceptable."

President Trump also stressed that his message was well received by Asian leaders.

"Maximum pressure of North Korea.

They're responding by cutting and expelling North Korean diplomats and workers.


The U.S. leader added that Asia understood the importance of fairness and reciprocity

when it comes to trade,... touting successful negotiations with Asian leaders, including

a renegotiation of Washington's trade deal with Seoul.

He also explained that such momentum will be sustained through a new framework for trade

that benefits the U.S. and its partners.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump touts major achievements during his five-nation Asia trip - Duration: 2:07.


Future Type Beat 2017 "Super Slimey" | (Prod By @101DaExclusive) - Duration: 2:13.

Future Type Beat 2017 "Super Slimey" | (Prod By @101DaExclusive)

For more infomation >> Future Type Beat 2017 "Super Slimey" | (Prod By @101DaExclusive) - Duration: 2:13.


"Using the Metronome" Roland FP-90 / FP-60 #04 - Duration: 1:04.

Using the Metronome

Changing the Tempo

Disable the Down Beat

Use [◀] [▶] to select "Down Beat."

Use [-] [+] to select "OFF."

If this is "on," the down beat is sounded.

For more infomation >> "Using the Metronome" Roland FP-90 / FP-60 #04 - Duration: 1:04.


UniSA Online. Study Construction Management On Demand. Apply now. - Duration: 0:16.

Ours is a world on demand.

So why should the way we study be any different?

UniSA Online.

Apply now.

For more infomation >> UniSA Online. Study Construction Management On Demand. Apply now. - Duration: 0:16.


UniSA Online. Study IT & Data Analytics On Demand. Apply now. - Duration: 0:16.

Ours is a world on demand.

So why should the way we study be any different?

UniSA Online.

Apply now.

For more infomation >> UniSA Online. Study IT & Data Analytics On Demand. Apply now. - Duration: 0:16.


School addresses bullying days after 14-year-old student dies by suicide - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> School addresses bullying days after 14-year-old student dies by suicide - Duration: 1:20.


SkyDesk Support - Creating and Using Snippets in Ticket Responses: Fuji Xerox - Duration: 1:16.

This video explains how to increase productivity of the agents, using Snippets in SkyDesk Support.

Snippet in SkyDesk Support is an effective feature to use when there are phrases which

are repeatedly used in your help desk, like greetings and concluding lines.

By only typing few characters,  Snippet will automatically replace

the corresponding sentences which you have configured in advance.

In order to use Snippets, first setup Snippets.

In Ticket detail view, reply to tickets to open the editor.

Hover to the Snippet icon on toolbar and click "Add Snippet".

As an example, enter "greeting" in Snippet Name and the greeting phrase in Snippet Description.

Click save.

That's it for the settings.

Next, let's use the Snippet.

When you reply to messages, enter "greeting" and press the tab key.

With only few keys, you can enter the phrase which you often use.

SkyDesk Support has various useful features other than Snippets.

Visit SkyDesk today, to try out SkyDesk Support for free.

For more infomation >> SkyDesk Support - Creating and Using Snippets in Ticket Responses: Fuji Xerox - Duration: 1:16.


University of South Australia Online. Study On Demand. - Duration: 0:31.

The way we engage,

consume, create and manage our lives has changed.

Ours is a world on demand.

So why should the way we study be any different?

Discover a more connected way of building your career

with degrees designed specifically for online learning.

The University of South Australia Online.

Study On Demand.

For more infomation >> University of South Australia Online. Study On Demand. - Duration: 0:31.


UniSA Online. Study Health On Demand. Apply now. - Duration: 0:16.

Ours is a world on demand.

So why should the way we study be any different?

UniSA Online.

Apply now.

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