Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

Today's going to be a very fun video.

My friend Rikki has sent me a birthday gift.

And she told me I need to open this on camera.

So that's what I'm gunna do.

But to start off, I'm quite nervous for this gift

because if you don't know Rikki the way I do

She's super sneaky!

Like she texted me with a bunch of questions

and then she sent me this photo.

Which if you don't know, this is Rikki's

"I'm up to something no good" face.

I'm on to you Rikki.

So I have this, this is what I got.

And I'm going to open it on camera.

I hate these things they're so difficult to open.

And I could get a scissor but I'm not.

Okay I'm not looking.

There's a card first.

I'm going to read the card.

It says my name!

(screams and gasps)

It has a cat! Oh my god!

Look at this little cat!

(gasps) Awh.

It says "Happy Birthday, hope you enjoy. Love Rikki. Love you."


It's a box.

I'm not going to look at it yet.

Oh it's open.



(gasps) Oh it's so cute!

It's a Manatee!

Oh my god!

It's so precious, I gotta open it.

It's so cute!

(big gasp)

It's so cute!

Oh my god.

I just killed it!

So you put tea in it.

I'd have to put like loose leaf tea in here.

And then like you just put it in the cup and it goes like this.

You're so precious.

You mean a lot to me.

I need to get a cup, I'll be right back.

So then I would do it like this and (gasps)

Oh my god thank you Rikki! Thank you, thank you!

I don't know if I wanna use you

for tea, I just....I love you.

I'm sorry, I don't know what to say in this video because

I'm just very very emotional and happy.

For those of you who don't know

Manatees are my favorite animal.

Like I love Manatees so much.

And I'm just so happy, and I love tea.

Thank you Rikki! (laughs)

This is so cute.

Oh my god.

I'm just very happy.

okay good bye!

For more infomation >> Surprise Birthday Gift! - Duration: 2:46.


Como Hacer un Pesebre Luminoso con Tapas de Cd´s y Laca Vitral - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> Como Hacer un Pesebre Luminoso con Tapas de Cd´s y Laca Vitral - Duration: 12:56.


I Copied Stranger Things Kids' Instagrams for a Week... - Duration: 13:40.

So if you're not watching this all the way through

Come on oh you finished all of season two stranger things yeah, I'm looking at you

So I tweeted you guys I was like hey

between me some of your favorite photos that some of the stranger things kids to take it and I only had time to do a

Few the kids pictures however if you want me to do the whole cast ready

Let's get this to the spinny chair comes in yeah, okay, wait

30,000 likes that's a lot of likes, but um come on they look cute you gotta do it I

Mean if you haven't liked this video. No that's a stranger thing

Comedy a lot so hard of my own jokes

Okay, how many Moses Instagram you want for me to recreate for a week if you're new and you're not subscribed

What's up three chins

Also this video because it's so related to Instagram I wanted to do an Instagram giveaway

So hello if you're not following my Instagram at Jesse page. I've put together a ton of my favorite shit sake mushroom

Stuff try to keep it PG guys, yeah a ton of fun shit

I have to do is follow me on Instagram and your own mentor piece

Professional youtuber of trying guys, okay, I just want to throw a compliment to the stranger things kids

I just really appreciate that and I'd love to see them like interact with each other off camera also incredible singers and dancers and

Their instagrams are very cute and like personable like they all kind of match each other's personalities, so yeah, I recruited millions

I recruited Finn's you'll see

Let's get started

Or should I go upside-down?

Okay, so the way that I did this was first. I took the photos for a week and then for the next week

I posted them all to my at Jessie trash Instagram, which is my second Instagram?

but if you want to see me do it on my main insta I

Was scared people would hate on me and be like you're copying them and on my trash like those are my true MVPs

So I took a ton of the pictures you guys sent me the most and I just recreated all those this photo has to be

Actually one of my favorite photos have been ever taken so this is a picture of Finn in a record store

I'm gonna show you guys me taking the photo really I'm gonna enjoy this picture actually love that one

That's a cute puppy so in the photo

He also has glasses, and I got the closest thing I could to the black glasses that yeah

And we're gonna see how it goes. Okay, I'm excited

I also wanna buy a Harry Styles vinyl while I'm here so we have our vinyl one of my favorite

To do with the hair down

Like that yeah, that's ingrain

Try it again, we gotta get serious like mouth open a little bit a little bit more down unfortunate

The next photo I decided to recreate

Sorry, have a cold. I don't sound like myself. I'm a bit bad upside down, okay, Jesse

Okay, so this photo. She took this really cute picture on snapchat

She looks twenty times cuter and more wholesome than I ever will let's get into it. We're currently

Lobby of my apartment building just to get the photo. Oh what a great angle, Jesse. I hope you're enjoying looking at my butt oh

The exposure it's because I'm really pale

Oh my god its third filter third filter, you can tell

This looks like my hair's actually short

Honestly, I'm sure I think we got it. Okay, so I'm like ignore that I'm what's a striking. It's insane. I mean

I'm not as cute

Or should we say she knows what's up?

Decided to do another selfie a little bit difficult because my hair is blue and long, but I actually made it work

So we're at CVS and we're about to get the rainbow headband for one of Mellie selfies, and it's such a cute selfie

You're actually really excited to like replicate it we went from like meme to like adorable and awesome in like two seconds. Let's do this

We found the Zap color. She is her head bandwidth. I should tie my her back. I'm thinking my hair looks kinda short

All right, also the glasses


perfect no way


It's just a lot of work

Okay, oh

My gosh the glasses are more in her face. I knew like pull more


Decided I have to recreate some of these

So there are a lot of car selfies that have been done by the cast we're gonna get a lot of those done right now

Flannel we're recreating his meme right here the Eternals like a dude. Yeah, okay the facial expression

That's what really wins it so he needs to be like amazing excuse me we're makers

What's happening? I would be a cute dude

Wait the Lighting's must be more of my nose, oh my gosh alright, let's see

I'm an artist let's be real this has to be the best picture of me

That's ever going out on the Internet, art. You can see the soul being sucked out of my eyes?


Where the legendary meme glasses Julie my hair like this I

Guess this is what I would look like if I had shorter hair kind of yeah

Haha oh

My god his caption keep it hashtag delish hash, okay. I'm using that caption too. That's hilarious. He played as a walking by like

Alright, let's see I feel like that's a winner yeah, that's looking pretty acted perfect

Yeah, this one was taken in a Dairy Queen

I know because I was bribed with blizzards when I was 13 for a whole year every Wednesday

The closest Dairy Queen was like super far because there aren't as many on the west coast so I went to Baskin Robbins

So this this is where all the photos will be going Jesse trash

I'm wearing the striped shirt like Finn and we're about to take a picture in front of the cakes put it right here. Sorry here


Tell them forty

Uglies Instagram because it's so wholesome and sweet, and it just makes me happy

But anyways he posts a lot of these pictures with

Different people and he'll just be like make sure to follow that what is supportive friend

That's so cute, so how do we create what I do use everyone that takes a picture of him just looks proud of him

It's quite the wholesome selfie. It's so cute so like right

That's how he does it he likes smiles with the camera. Oh my god. You look like

You're sitting and I'm standing I think yeah, I'm over his shoulder

Yeah, so I finished taking all the photos, and then this is amol to my Instagram

It's never just one episode is it at some point today. I'm going to be posting my first picture

And it's gonna start

Right now I spent a lot of the morning editing the photos to try to make them look kind of similar

And I'm actually considering this picture for my main Instagram

I think it's really cool, and I think I got the editing pretty similar

I wonder what vinyl he's carrying and then Milly you seem to have like a tiny bit of a greenish tint so I added

That I Stan look at the editing on this Wow incredible, okay, let's run down the contrast yes

And then make it a little bit darker, too

This must be really funny to watch we're using vsco cam by the way in case you're curious

I feel like he'd have great taste in music. Okay. Here's mine

That's a good picture of me. Oh yeah, yeah sure

Honestly pretty I guess it's like the same intention is but into it the same meme and as you're aware yeah

It's so spot-on hello, it's a lot later, I'm spending my Saturday night by myself. I've been sick while I'm filming this

I'm a

To go to the Grove and go and see if my book is at the Barnes & Nobles there which is so exciting but also

I'm about to go on my Jessie trash and post the first stranger things photo

So I'm pretending them on the phone right now to freak out in public cause I'm too socially awkward to

actually freak out but

What that was so cool?

I realize that these videos people talk about like their results and stuff they all looked better than me

Let's be real moment of silence for me

I just look like the weird off-brand Hot Topic version of them and all these photos first photo

I posted was the one of him in the record store, and I came up with my own caption. Are you ready for this?

Spotted a wild Jessie Paige in her natural habitat this species is commonly found looking through assorted vinyls or getting into new relationships

On Club Penguin she's also found crying over old One Direction interviews


Nothing but respect from my president besides point I posted the photo and a lot of people realized there were like this looks a lot

like this one picture of things was it like the

Overwhelming majority of people that realize it was like one out of every like eight to ten comments which pretty cool

It's a pretty similar photo am I the only one who thought of at Finn wolfhard?

Official when I saw this a job to me, please I also cry of her fetus One Direction. I love your comments

Okay, this looks like that one picture of Finn wolfhard. I'm weightless. I'm kind of obsessed with Finn so excuse me

Mean same aren't we all so a lot of people notice like no one was mad about it, though

They were just like oh like this looks a lot like that one picture of him, and I was just like huh

But it wasn't like the overwhelming majority of people that realized then I posted

The one that looks a lot like Millie's like I showed this to every person

They're like that looks exactly like hers

But I think because it was so easy to recreate a lot of people didn't realize it looked like hers

And I could not find one comment that suggested. It looks like Millie's which is really interesting to me

I decided to post this one and use the exact same caption this was another fin one

I use the caption stairs so for the other fin photo

I posted it complete with some hashtags that prove that I'm an intellectual as offended as well

I love ironic hashtags of course naturally, okay, so first thing

I have to say is their photos are really cute and low-maintenance

Like they were pretty easy to recreate which was really cool, though

It was a little bit hard because they have a lot of photos like fancy clothing that they probably get like styled for and stuff

So I tried my best, but I think it's really cool. How they also post content

That's just like quickly in their phone or in the car

You know what I mean

So as for like whose photos got recognized the most everyone knew I was posting within pictures, and it gets because Millie's photos

They're a bit more similar to what I posted though. She's better at it than I am let's be real self deprecation

That would be my new single


Lot less people realized that I was posting her photos as for the fin photos

They also like required more effort and just stood out more also making more of a scene in public

Which I'm like how did he do it? What else I actually really liked the photos

I was very highly debating posting the record store to my main Instagram

Let me know give this a thumbs up if I should let me check my analytics so to see if anything

Changed it says that I got more impressions actually so I guess like more people viewed my page

Page because I'm Jessie page



posted a lot more to Instagram more than I typically did and

It shows you which posts are like your top post for the month

And two of the top posts where stranger things related

So one of them is just like at one of those freaking sick recreation of the set

It's just me holding everything of waffles

I said I'm a part of the Eggo waffles fandom because I am the second one that came up

It's the photo of me at the record store

I got to post a lot of photos are really different from what I typically post typically. I post trash. Let's be real

I'm not just saying that because I live off of self-deprecation. I just my contents trash. I would do it again

I actually would it was so much five and Finn's photos in particular are so much fun his facial expressions

Hilarious the meme is strong with this

Hello, my people. I appreciate you all I'm gonna feature your Instagram and Twitter posts and your pages

I personally also just love sci-fi not to mention of the kids great at Instagram

But they're incredible actors and actresses - okay we guys enjoy and I will see you guys in

the future we

Just saying on a scale once his head. I would rate this video

at 11


For more infomation >> I Copied Stranger Things Kids' Instagrams for a Week... - Duration: 13:40.





It�s fitting that Michael J. Fox stars in this video, given the fact that he�s a long

time sufferer of the second most common neurodegenerative disease on the planet, Parkinson�s disease.

It�s a disease that several recent studies have linked to pesticides, like Monsanto�s

�glyphosate� Roundup herbicide, and some of which are already built into GMO crops

like corn, soybeans and more.

That being said, it�s also important to note that a recent study published in the

journal Biomedical Research International found that Roundup herbicide is 125 more toxic

than regulators have claimed. (5) You can read more about that here.

These agricultural pesticides have also been linked to autism, cancer and Alzheimer�s

disease, you can read more about that here.

This is just one out of many reasons as to why we should just label Genetically Modified

Organisms(GMOs), and why everybody has a right to know what they are eating. Everybody should

be given the freedom of choice, regardless of whether they believe GMOs are harmful or


Why We Have A Right To Know

�Any politician or scientist who tells you these products are safe is either very stupid

or lying. The hazards of these foods are uncertain. In view of our enormous ignorance, the premature

application of biotechnology is downright dangerous. By slipping it into our food without

our knowledge, without any indication that there are genetically modified organisms in

our food, we are now unwittingly part of a massive experiment.� � David Suzuki, CC,OBC,PH.D

LLD, Geneticist

There�s a reason that several countries around the world have completely banned GMOs

and the pesticides that go with them (or have severe restrictions). One of the biggest reasons

are the detrimental effects they can and are having on human health.

For example, Sri Lanka recently banned glyphosate from their country because of its possible

link to a fatal kidney disease. (6) You can read more about that here.

In Argentina, deaths from cancerous tumours have as much as doubled in areas where GM

crops are grown and agro-chemicals are used. (7)

Several studies have also shed light on glyphosate�s potential to be an endocrine disruptor. Endocrine

disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with the hormone system in mammals. These

disruptors can cause developmental disorders, birth defects and cancer tumours. (8)(10)

Another popular study, supported by hundreds of scientists from all over the world was

the Seralini study. It provided good evidence linking GMOs to cancer, liver/kidney damage

as well as severe hormonal disruption. It was published and went through a rigorous

peer-review process in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology. The study was then

retracted after Richard E. Goodman a former Monsanto researcher become the associate editor

for biotechnology at the journal, which sparked outrage among many scientists who supported

the study.

Again, over a hundred scientists condemned the retraction of the study and a new study

was conducted addressing the criticisms of the old ones . It was then republished again

in multiple journals. (9) You can read more about that study here.

What also has people scratching their heads when it comes to GMOs is the secrecy and political

corruption that seems to follow. For example, Wikileaks cables reveal that the State Department

was lobbying all over the world for Monsanto, and other major biotech corporations. They

reveal that American diplomats requested funding to send lobbyists for the biotech industry

to meet with politicians and agricultural officials in �target countries.� These

included countries in Africa, Latin America and some European countries. This is significant

because the documents also indicated that the United States government planned to �retaliate

and cause pain� on countries refusing GMOs. You can read more about that, and access those

documents here.

The list as to why GMOs should not be approved as completely safe for human consumption is

very long and could probably fill up thousands of pages with information from science, to

corruption and environmental degradation and more. Despite this fact, most of North America

is still struggling to put a label on these foods.

Despite the setbacks, a tremendous amount of progress is being made. A large amount

of awareness has now hit mainstream media as a large collective across the planet now

openly opposes GMOs. They�ve been banned in various places and two counties in Oregon

have even been successful with their ban efforts.

The GMO topic is a great example of a topic growing, being questioned and examined outside

of the mainstream media. It�s a topic that became so big in the �underground� news

world (for lack of a better term) that the mainstream media had no choice but to pick

it up.

As we continue to push forward I have no doubt that GMOs will eventually become extinct,

and that a large majority of us will be able to see through the false justifications that

have been used to bring them into our world. They are not needed, and we shouldn�t be

made to believe that they are.

For more CE articles on GMOs please click HERE.

The information presented in this article is when it comes to GMOs/Pesticides and human

health is just a fraction of available information in the public domain. I hope this encourages

you to further your research if interested.

Federal Lawsuit Exposes Dangers of GMOs

In 1996, Steven M. Druker did something very few Americans were doing then � learn the

facts about the massive venture to restructure the genetic core of the world�s food supply.

The problem of unawareness still exists today, but it�s getting much better thanks to activists

like Druker.

Druker, being a public interest attorney and the Executive Director of the Alliance For

Bio-Integrity, initiated a lawsuit in 1998 that forced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) to divulge its files on genetically engineered foods.

He�s recently published a book on the lawsuit (2015). In the book, Druker provides details

of his experience, and he�s also released the documents on his website showing the significant

hazards of genetically engineering foods and the flaws that the FDA made in its policy.

It�s called Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our

Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public.

The book has some very impressive reviews. For example, David Schubert, Ph.D., molecular

biologist and Head of Cellular Neurobiology at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies

said that this �incisive and insightful book is truly outstanding. Not only is it

well-reasoned and scientifically solid, it�s a pleasure to read � and a must-read.�

Stephen Naylor, Ph.D., CEO and Chariman of Mai Health Inc., an individual who spent 10

years as a Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Pharmacology and the Mayo Clinic

stated that Druker�s �meticulously documented, well crafted, and spell binding narrative

should serve as a clarion call to all of us.�

Joseph Cummins, Ph.D. and Professor Emeritus of Genetics at Western University in London,

Ontario believes that Druker�s book is a �landmark� and that �it should be required

reading in every university biology course.�

John Ikerd, Ph.D. and Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the

University of Missouri further accentuated the previous statements by saying that the

evidence is �comprehensive and irrefutable; the reasoning is clear and compelling. No

one has documented other cases of irresponsible behaviour by government regulators and the

scientific establishment nearly as well as Druker documents this one.�

In publishing his book and filing this lawsuit, Druker exposed how the agency covered up the

warnings of its own scientists about the risks, lied about the facts, and then ushered these

foods onto the market in violation of federal law.

Dr. Jane Goodall wrote the foreword to the book,

�As part of the process, they portrayed the various concerns as merely the ignorant

opinions of misinformed individuals � and derided them as not only unscientific, but

anti-science. They then set to work to convince the public and government officials, through

the dissemination of false information, that there was an overwhelming expert consensus,

based on solid evidence, that GMOs were safe.�

Check out the book here.

It�s also noteworthy to mention that Druker has actually served on the food safety panels

at conferences held by the National Research council and the FDA, presented lectures at

numerous universities, met with government officials throughout the world, and conferred

at the White House Executive Offices with a task force of President Clinton�s Council

on Environmental Quality.

For more infomation >> JUST LABEL IT – WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT'S IN OUR FOOD & HERE'S WHY - Duration: 9:55.


Are You The Parent Of A Superhuman Indigo Child - Duration: 6:49.

Are You The Parent Of A Superhuman Indigo Child

By consciousreminder

In the late 90s, one woman started to realize that a bunch of the children born around the

Generation Y era had something tangible and yet spiritual in common.

She began to study them and decided that they all had something in common.

She believed that something was very important, spiritual even, and gave the children powers

that made them special.

Is your child a superhuman Indigo child?

Here�s how to find out.

Indigo Children.

�According to a pseudoscientific New Age concept [Indigo Children are] children who

are believed to possess special, unusual, and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities,�

says Wikipedia.

The concept was developed by Nancy Ann Tappe and later expanded by Jan Tober and Lee Carroll.


The concept was developed in the 1970s by parapsychologist Nancy Ann Tappe, who claimed

she started to notice a commonality among kids born during that era.

Tappe, who claimed to be able to see auras, said she noticed many children who had indigo



Tappe claimed that she had synesthesia, which is a condition wherein a person�s sense

are crossed.

They will often hear or taste colors, or see sounds.

It was her synesthesia, said Tappe, that helped her notice auras and the influx of indigo



In 1998, �The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived,� written by husband and wife

lecturers Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, was published.

An international conference was held in Hawaii in 2002 that centered entirely around Indigo

children and drew around 600 attendees.

There have since been other conferences.

Books and films.

Indigo children are making their way into popular culture.

Aside from the Carroll and Tober�s book there has been a documentary about Indigo

Children, �The Indigo Evolution,� and two feature films: �The Indigo Children�

and �Indigo.�

Psychic traits.

According to the website Spiritual Growth, indigo children can travel between worlds

and dimensions as they sleep.

Of course, there�s no concrete evidence that this is possible.

What they would do on said journeys remains a mystery.


Signs of Indigo Children have existed since as far back as the 1950s but the majority

of Indigos were born during the 1980s.

According to Tappe, as much as 80 percent of babies born in the 1980s are Indigo children.


According to some accounts, a commonly perceived downside of being an Indigo is ADD and ADHD.

According to the New Age Journal �They bore easily, they are impulsive and they do things

super fast.

Giving them medication is not the answer.�


Indigo�s minds are said to function in a way that is more chaotic than those who have

come before them.

According to the New Age Journal, �They create chaos everywhere they go.

They can sense dishonesty a mile away and are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations

within their homes, schools and work places.

Gone are the days of threatening �wait till your father gets home,� or �you�ll be

suspended,� the Indigos don�t care!

They [don�t] fall for hidden agendas.�

Behavioral Patterns.

It�s said that Indigos can be spotted by certain behavioral patterns.

According to Spiritual Growth, �They are born feeling and knowing they are special

and should be revered.

An Indigo knows they belong here as they are and expect you to realize it as well.� Of

course, this sounds like all millennials (or brats), but apparently, Indigos are this way


More behaviors.

�These children are more confident and have a higher sense of self-worth.

Absolute authority, the kind with no choices, negotiation, or input from them does not sit


The educational system is a good example.

Some of the rules we so carefully followed as children seem silly to them and they fight

them,� says Spiritual Growth.

�This course also falls in line with what we tend to know of kids with ADD.�


The following is a list of possible Indigo traits.

If you check off most of these boxes, your child might be an indigo.

Strong willed, born in 1978 or later, headstrong, creative, an artistic flair for music, jewelry

making, poetry, and so on, prone to addictions, an �old soul,� intuitive or psychic.

Yet more Indigo behaviors.

Indigos are said to be insightful.

Perhaps this accounts for the popularity of the term �hack� in the modern era.

Spiritual growth says that adults often view an Indigo as anti-social unless they are with

other Indigos and that they often feel lost and misunderstood, which causes them to go


Indigo and the outside world.

Inidgos are said to be isolationists.

They are either aggressive and prone to acting out, or they are introverted.

They are also independent and proud, and want to help the world in some deep way.

They easily bond with animals and are susceptible to depression and insomnia.

Crystal children.

The next aura group after Indigos are Crystal or Star Children.

They are said to be born between 1990 and 2010.

According to the website Star Children, �The Crystal children began to appear on the planet

from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier.

Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our

inner and higher power.

They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the

Law of One or global oneness.

They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet� The first thing you will

recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature.

They are very sensitive, warm, and caring.

Don�t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also

very powerful.�

For more infomation >> Are You The Parent Of A Superhuman Indigo Child - Duration: 6:49.


Nikon D3400 Menus | looking at the Menus on the Nikon D3400 - youtube - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Nikon D3400 Menus | looking at the Menus on the Nikon D3400 - youtube - Duration: 2:26.


Nail Art Coloring Pages for Girls - Painting and Drawing Coloring Books for Kids - Art for Kids - Duration: 10:29.


















Coloring Pages

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