Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

Military Films about "PARTYZANES AND GERMAN POLICE" 1941-45! War Movie HD Video!

For more infomation >> Military Films about "PARTYZANES AND GERMAN POLICE" 1941-45! War Movie HD Video! - Duration: 1:43:50.


Couple's Court | 고발 부부 [Gag Concert / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 7:17.

(Couple's Court)

Hello, viewers.

I am Jo Chunghyeon, the host of this hearing.

At this hearing is a married couple of 25 years

that always fights about the same thing.

Husband, Lee Changho

and wife, Lee Hyeonjeong.

We'll have this hearing to find out the truth behind

who the real problem is.

Husband Changho, please ask the first question.

I'm the husband Lee Changho and I work.

To my wife...

Stop cussing, I can hear you.

My wife Lee Hyeonjeong,

do you admit to the charges of

manufacturing poison?

- Why would a housewife... / - Alright, alright.

That's why I prepared some evidence.

This is a photo of breakfast.

Hyeonjeong, you made this yourself, correct?

- Yes. / - What is this?

Can't you tell? It's kimchi stew.

What's in this kimchi stew?

- Kimchi. / - Yes.

- Tofu. / - Yes.

Mushrooms, domestic pork shoulder...

- All things that are good for you. / - So what?

It tastes terrible!

As soon as I had a taste of this stew,

my tongue started rolling back...

My eyes went like...

They started flipping.

I saw my left brain and right brain that day!

Even now!

All my organs are having

a rock festival in here!

If that's not manufacturing poison, what was that?

How was that manufacturing poison?

I was thinking of my husband's health.



Look at the shape I'm in.

I'm all skinny and dried up!

I said I'd fix myself something to eat

yet why did you insist on making me something?

I want you to respond to these poisoning charges.

All the husbands out there are watching.

Hyeonjeong, please respond.


I won't make kimchi stew anymore.

I'll change it to bean paste stew.

No, no!

Do you want to see me die?

It doesn't matter what kind of stew it is!

You're the one that's making it!

What do you want?

Joint-ownership of our apartment?

I'll concede! I will.

We live in a lease. There's no ownership.

Don't be ridiculous.

Alright, calm down, both of you.

For your information,

I have also never finished a meal

that my wife has made.

When I'm eating with my wife and

happen to make eye-contact...

She's expecting to give birth next May.

What's he talking about?

Hyeonjeong, you may question him now.

- So Changho... / - Yes.

You accuse me of poisoning...

Stop making that face.

You made some accusations.

But did you know that you're charged with

kidnapping and imprisoning a famous person?

I don't have the strength to kidnap a person.

- I can't even beat you. / - Yes, yes. I'm sure.

Now listen.

On 13th of October, 2017,

in a pipe in our boiler room...

20 Sejong the Great were found

tied up tightly with a rubber band.

And two days later

under the veranda mat,

6 Sin Saimdangs

were found wrapped in plastic.

All around the house,

Yi Hwang and Yi I were found and rescued.

A total of $1,500 was found.



Inside the shopping cart of

Changho's frequent shopping site...

Was a $1,500 bike.

Now how do you explain this?

The pieces fit just like a puzzle.



That was...


Can't I even put something in my shopping cart?

Be honest.

You stashed away $1,500 to buy this bike.

- Well? / - No, I didn't.


You need to clearly explain these charges

on kidnapping and imprisoning famous people.

All the wives out there are watching.


Was that money stashed away to buy a bike?

Please respond.


Well... That's not my money.

If it's not your money and it isn't mine,

whose money is it?

I don't know...


Maybe that money was always in the house.


Changho, what you're saying is...

The money has been there...

- Since the house was built. / - Right.

To find out if this is true,

I'll bring in the man who lives in the same building

in unit 908 as a testifier.

- Testifier, come on out. / - What the...

What's going on?

Hey, 508.

Minsang's dad.

What's going on? What an embarrassment.

- Well... / - Gosh...

- Testifier, take your seat. / - Yes.

What is it?

- I have a few questions for you. / - Yes.

According to Changho,

our apartment came with $1,500.

Is that true for your unit?


The apartment came with $1,500?

There's no such apartment in Korea!

See? He denies it!

They usually have $5,000 hidden.

You still haven't found $3,500.

Go find it now.

For my unit, I broke through the ceiling

and there were gold bars hidden.

That's why I'm on the golden floor.

Hurry and look for it now!

I'll go and look now!


This is why I said you need to pick a good house!

Yes, yes, Alright then.

- I'll ask the next question. / - Yes.

Testifier, I hear that you're an avid cyclist.

Is that true?

Yes, I enjoy riding.

Alright then.

What do you think of someone

that never rides a bike

spending $1,500 on a bicycle?

He must be out of his mind.

A newbie doesn't need a $1,500 bike.

A $200 bike is just fine!

Did you hear that?

I'll give you $200,

so I'm taking $1,300.

But the shipping fee costs $1,300.

You've probably never bought a bike.

The handle comes from Russia.

The frame comes from Japan.

The wheels come from Ukraine.

If you take a good look,

it says made in AmeChiPanRuKraine.

Yes. Yes, that's right.

The bike is made in Ame...


- Um... Ru... / - Ru...

It's something like that!

Yes, yes. I see.

You two are so in-synch.

You're the perfect duo.

So then...

To see if this is true,

I'll bring in the testifier's wife

to hear her side of the story.

I'm sorry.

It's free shipping. He's being ridiculous.

Don't look through your house.

Look outside.

He probably has a stash in the fire hydrant.

Poison me instead.

- Get over here. / - Poison me.

- Get over here! / - This ends the hearing.

Dear, I'm sorry. It's not true!

For more infomation >> Couple's Court | 고발 부부 [Gag Concert / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 7:17.


(ENG SUB)Is that a Music video?? No,it is MOVIE!!Wanna one-Beautiful reaction[GoToe REACTION] - Duration: 12:15.

Hello. My lovely subscribers

This is GoToe

Today we will see the MV

Wanna one - Beautiful

MV released in 13th

but I am not in Korea at that time

(Traveling Europe for a days)

Sorry for the late reaction

Now, the time is dawn of 16th

The time from the song release

Beautiful is always TOP 1 in every music chart

I thought how big is the fandom of the Wanna One

For doing this MV reaction of the Beautiful

I didn't this song for few days

So I think I need to listen this song ASAP

and talk about it later

Let's see this together!!!

When you see the title

You can guess this song is ballad mood

Beautiful song

That is Daniel??

Mood is like a highteen movie

(And actually that was a movie...)

(Trying to understand a story)

It is not a music video... That is MOVIE

Oh.... So handsome.....

(I think OngSeongWoo is like an actor)

(Until that time, I can't understand what happened)

(Trying to understanding story)

They lost Daniel....?

(He can't understand until that time)

They are sibiling and lost each other....?

(That the all you understand after 2 minites..?)

Ong Seong Woo is

His face is actor type

He fits so well in MV

(So handsome)

They met X 10

They met!!!!!!!

I was almost crying at that scene

He pass the exam

Is is possible

put whole stories in one music video?

(At that time, I didn't know that length of MV was 8 minutes)

I don't want accident plz

Oh.... They are fighting

He learned boxing

He overcome normal people easily

(What... are you talking about..?)

I think problem happen bcz of this situation

(Failed to be a dectective)

I think Daniel will be a boxer instead of him

(Failed a again)

Look at that action scene

That is so unique idol that doing fighting action

It is first time to see those level of action in idol MV

He just passed the exam.....

to be a police officer...

It is not a music video....

That is MOVIE. Definetely movie

He sold his motorcycle

(I really like this part of the song)

My two bias in Wanna One

(GoToe's PICK)

The song is really nice~~~

Now, it is mixed with the sound of the MV

I think it is much better if you listening the song only

(That is not good....)

I don't want sad ending

That is end....?

(Just dropped him and...?)

Do they have 2nd version?

Yes guys. We saw Wanna One's new song

Beautiful together

Actually we need to call it

MOVIE not music video

They have good, stable story

and I think the end is not that good I think

I am wondering next story

That MV has behind story or...

that will be connected their next album?

If you know that, please leave a comment

I am so curious now

Story of this MV is

Not a special story

Just like genaral highteen movie story

In Wanna One , I really like Daniel Kang and

Ong Seong Woo, Two guys


That two guys are main characters

I think I am satisfied about that

but I am just worried a bit

If you are fan of other members

You don't like this kind of part distribution

I am worried about that a little

Actually If they want to make it like a movie

It is impossible to distribute the part equally

Members are not 5~6 people

They have 11 members

There is no movie with 11 main characters

and also I am not a director

So I don't talk about this more

Actually MV is more focused

on a vidual part rather than sound

So music was less amphasized

But the song is really nice

As I told when I saw the MV

Not listening it with the MV

When you listen the song only

That is really good song I think

and the most memorable part of the MV

is action scene

Few years ago,

MV in 1990, 2000th was

(Yes, I was born in 1990)

At that time, normally they used actor

at the MV

(Most of the MVs are movies at that time)

I recommend 'A glass of soju of 임창정'

I don't know why but It is because I am old man

It looks much better those type of MV like movie

with the whole story rather than simple, meaningless MV

Nowadays, they think MV itself is not very important

(They released song very fast)

It is very nice to see it

MV with the whole story, I prefer it more

Except that, music itself

is really good

That must have reason that stay in TOP1 chart for days

That is impossible to do that

only with the power of singer's fandom

It means this song is popular

to the public too

That is really nice, not only MV also song

That is the end of this video

Thank you for watching

and see you in my next video

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB)Is that a Music video?? No,it is MOVIE!!Wanna one-Beautiful reaction[GoToe REACTION] - Duration: 12:15.


PORNO TALK | AlphaQ | Motovlog EP. 47 | - Duration: 9:05.

right before we get cracking let me just apologize for what I said in the

previous episode of vlog the episode 46 I do know and uh and I'm very much aware

that I said something that's very much inappropriate and offensive and and that

I offended many of you guys who watched that video so yeah I apologize I'm sorry and

I do mean it I'm sorry I'm sorry for saying that I was a

Cornering Jehovah

all right how's it going, ladies and gentleman? My name is AlphaQ and welcome

back guys to the channel for another traffic jam huh

rush hour fucking rush hour so he is smoking like an absolute twat it's it's

wrong it's really wrong

just like the word bollocks bollocks.. bleh.. bollocks

yeah just like the word bollocks saying "twat" in English US just sounds

really really wrong as someone *chocking noise* I chocked on my.. I chocked on my spit as someone

pointed out in the comment section of the previous episode of make up your

fucking mind dipshit in the previous episode of vlog he is taking a picture

of the traffic jam that's good he's trying to prove something to someone

move move for fuck's sake

honestly what the fuck are we doing here so for

the last couple of weeks oh we got a vid.. no, not a video a few

videos that went viral well not not really viral.. I mean you know it's

kind of underground-ish you can't really find them but you know people have been

talking about it for the last few weeks they're actually pornos and well not

really pornos they're more like

documented sexy time shall we say they got spread out people were looking for

it they still are everyone's.. arrgh! everyone's been looking for those videos

fair enough everyone loves pornos, right? and of course I watch those videos they're

pretty mediocre to say the least they are very much homemade quality-wise

which I'm not a fan of but I'm not gonna talk about you know the videos like I'm

trying to make a review video on those videos I want to talk about the more

important things.. oh come on! they kind of went viral but they're not you know what I'm

talking about that's fine that's fair enough

but there's something that to say the least bothers me it's the fact that oh

that's that looks scary that that looks really really scary seeing that bus trying

to make the turn hello officer

he looks pissed I don't know he's on about he's not talking about anything I

don't know what I'm on about about what isn't okay is the fact that you know everyone's been

joking about it everyone's you know making fun of and the females and

everyone's been making memes and things like that and

really bothers me to say the least because well yes yes it's uh it's a part

of the consequences that you uh you gotta take I know it's a it's a it's

it's a tough pill to swallow but getting their videos spread out like that and the

possibility of their family members finding out about it


jeez and getting what they get from their vam.. vamilies? families their family members

is already depressing Got 'em! But having people like the

internet people joking about it and making memes and and and and the likes

it's just you know adding more unnecessary depression and even one of

the girls.. I said girls yeah no one's joking and making memes

about the guys which is what quite unfair if you wanna you know make fun of those videos

at least make one for both parties you know not just the girls and making fun

of them is already unnecessary in the first

place so it's even less ethical to only make fun of the girls it just pisses me

off you know people these days making fun about something that's to be honest

not funny and I mean sexy time itself sexual activities have already been

pretty much an everyday thing so um making fun of those people those girls

more specifically is just completely unnecessary and unethical I might add.. nice voice crack

I know it's a cliche but what would you feel when that happened to you I mean try to put your yourselves on

their shoes that's the ugliest BMW ever the ugliest BMW ever made well second.. second

second worst.. the active tourer, the 2 Series active tourer the

front-wheel drive one the soccer mom is a lot worse it just looks very soccer

mom ish and mediocre well at the very least they make a good

lesson that we can learn from especially girls yeah we're having a partner and

you're having a sexy time with them as soon as they start you know taking

their phones or cameras or whatever, stop just stop

don't let 'em no matter how horny you are nobody no matter how wet you are stop

because when you break up eventually they will I repeat they WILL spread

those videos they will send those videos to someone and those someone will send

those videos to someone else who's very much a dickhead like this guy and the

ripple goes but who am I?

It's none of my business so I shouldn't give a shit about it and

just mind my own business I think that's gonna do it, that's gonna

conclude today's episode of vlog thank you so much for coming around and I hope you

guys enjoyed it and if you guys did don't forget to hit that like button and

show me your thoughts and leave your opinions in the comment section down

below and don't forget subscribe if you haven't already and you can also follow me

on Instagram and Twitter the links will be description box down below and final words

from me said stay alert, awesome and safe out there.. that is gonna hurt

I've been AlphaQ, I'm out peace oops I forget to turn on my blinkers

that woman is just that woman just needs to shut up

For more infomation >> PORNO TALK | AlphaQ | Motovlog EP. 47 | - Duration: 9:05.


Quarreling Brothers | 형제 진행형(ing) [Gag Concert / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 6:43.

(Quarreling Brothers)

Nice, "Music Bank" is on.

I'm so tired.

Let's watch some soccer.

Shoot... Shoot!

Why'd you hit me?

Beat it. Your big brother's trying to watch TV.

But I'm watching now.

But I'm going to watch. Beat it.

I just started watching.

I just got here. Beat it.

You beat it.

What? What? What?

You told me to beat it?

If you have time to watch TV,

crack open a book, dummy!

If you have time to watch TV, get a job, you bum.


Why you...

You little high school twerp!

Go to commissary, you soldier.

Geez! Move it!


Give it back!

What? What? What?

Why'd you hit me?

Why'd you hit me?

Because you hit me!

I'm hitting you because you hit me.

- You hit me! / - You just hit me!

- You hit me! / - You hit me!

- You hit me first! / - You hit me first!

- You hit me first! / - You hit me first!

- You hit me first! / - You hit me first!

- Sheesh! / - Sheesh!

- Geez! / - Geez!

First place this week is Red Velvet.

Nice! My loves, Red Velvet!

Red Velvet!

Why'd you hit me?

Red Velvet is mine.

They're mine!

Why are they yours?

You like I.O.I!

I changed my mind!

Says who?

- Geez! Why'd you hit me? / - Why'd you hit me?

- Stop hitting me! / - Why'd you hit me?

- You hit me! / - Stop hitting me!

- You keep hitting me! / - Stop hitting me!

Man! Geez!

This guy keeps talking back...



Don't make me mad and beat it.

He's always hitting me... So annoying.

Stop grumbling.

I can say what I want. He's not the boss of me.



I said stop grumbling.


You know, you know... For me...

I hate you the most! The most!

Well... I hate you the most.

Man! Geez!


He's so annoying.

I'm hungry. I'll make some noodles.

I'm starving.


Want some noodles?

Hey... Well...

It's pretty great...

You make some good noodles...

What? What? What are you doing?

So you want some.

You want your noodles chewy?


Go ahead...

Make them elastic like rubber bands...

What? What, fool?

Rubber bands...

I like them over cooked.

Eat up.

Dang it... The kimchi...

Eat the egg.

I don't like eggs.

You eat egg with every meal.

This is so good.


So hot but delicious.

Hey, get some cold rice.

You get it.

Do what you're told!

Why'd you hit me?

Use this body of yours.

Move your butt to the kitchen and get it.

Move your foot!

I will if you get it!

Move your foot and I'll get it!

- I will if you get it! / - I'll get it if you move it!

- I will if you get it! / - Move your foot!

- Move your foot! / - Get it!

- I'll get it if you move it! / - I will if you get it!

- I'll get it if you move your foot! / - Get it!

- I said to go get it! / - Move your foot!



Hey, hey. Beat it.

He's always beating on me.

Is he a gangster? He's so annoying...

Hey, I said no grumbling.

I wasn't grumbling. What's he talking about?

I said no grumbling.

Don't grumble or mumble!

What? What? What?

- Stop making those weird sounds! / - What? What?

I can't even use my fists now.

Fine. You're in trouble now.

- You know... / - What? What?

Your favorite hat.

- Stop it! Stop it! / - Your hat...

I'll bend it! Yes! Yes!

- What are you doing? / - See this sticker?


Alright, alright. Go ahead.

- What? What? Bring it. / - This.

Your favorite pair of jeans.

- Hey! Those are expensive! / - Your jeans...

- I'll take your jeans and... / - No!

- Go ahead, go ahead. / - Alright, alright.

- Go ahead. What? What? / - This.

- Your workbook for your midterm. / - What? What?

I'll spill soup on this.

Go ahead.


I never study anyway.

That's nothing to be proud of, dummy.

- Dummy? Dummy? / - Yeah.

Fine then. Your laptop.

It has the resume you wrote for your interview.

I'll smash it!

- Go ahead. / - What?

I'll only fail the interview like I always do.

That's nothing to be proud of, you bum.


There's porn in there.

Hey... That's...

That's for after you graduate high school.

I won't delete them.


You're trying to act like such a big shot over porn.

- I said not to watch! / - No!

For more infomation >> Quarreling Brothers | 형제 진행형(ing) [Gag Concert / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 6:43.


【Undertale|| Meme ||Vietsub CC】Mmm Yeah yeah ~ - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> 【Undertale|| Meme ||Vietsub CC】Mmm Yeah yeah ~ - Duration: 0:50.


Neymar JR ►PSG • More Than You Know • Goals and Skills • HD - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Neymar JR ►PSG • More Than You Know • Goals and Skills • HD - Duration: 3:26.


Skyrim VR Review - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Skyrim VR Review - Duration: 10:06.


【Undertale ||Comic Dub|| Vietsub CC || 】Bãi biển vui vẻ :)) - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> 【Undertale ||Comic Dub|| Vietsub CC || 】Bãi biển vui vẻ :)) - Duration: 0:40.



For more infomation >> THEOXXH-DISSTRACK VLAD MUNTEANU - Duration: 3:08.


Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 3:09.

(Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun)


- Myeonghun. / - Myeonghun.


We're friends, right?

- Right? / - Right?

Can just one of you talk?


- Okay. / - Okay.

They can't just pass by.

Free food samples?


I mean guys.

I went on a trip to Spain recently.

Do you know how the guys there

tried to hit on me?

- Wow! Senorita! / - Wow! Senorita!

Wow! I'm blind now.

I'll help you up.


Your welcome.

Thank you.

Myeonghun, want to get in trouble?

- Why are you crying? / - Why are you crying?

He always drools when he sees me!

- Pervert! / - Pervert!


You ran into me when I was walking

in Gangnam in a see-through outfit.

You saw my outfit and said something

while going like this.

What did you say?

Wow. Sexy, sexy.

Wow. Sexy, sexy.

Yikes. Taxi, taxi.


I'm telling you this because I don't think you know.

I don't like you.


I'm blinded again.

Guys, you know what I'm best at?

- Kimchi stew? / - Bean paste stew?

Gaining weight?

No, acting cute.

My crush played a prank on me

so I went, "I hate you, I hate you!"

Do you know what he said?

It was just a joke, you dummy.

It was just a joke, you dummy.

That really hurt, Bob Sapp.

You really look similar when it's dark.

I said I don't like you.


Myeonghun's 20th birthday is coming soon.


How about we throw Myeonghun a surprise party?

- Great. / - Great.


What should we get as gifts?

Let's get him a shirt with our photos.

Let's all give him kisses.

You all need to be punished.

Put your head on the ground.

Get down.


Why won't you go down?

For more infomation >> Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 3:09.


油瓶の捲菸教學-吸菸有害健康 未成年請勿吸菸 - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> 油瓶の捲菸教學-吸菸有害健康 未成年請勿吸菸 - Duration: 4:00.


Play Doh Disney Princess Belle Dress Up - Duration: 20:28.

Play Doh Disney Princess Belle Dress Up

For more infomation >> Play Doh Disney Princess Belle Dress Up - Duration: 20:28.


Bozbaş - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Bozbaş - Duration: 6:31.


LEGO City Railway station Terminal Build Review (Part-2) || Kids Toys Zone - Duration: 10:15.

Kids Toys Zone

For more infomation >> LEGO City Railway station Terminal Build Review (Part-2) || Kids Toys Zone - Duration: 10:15.


Silly Interview | 잉?터뷰 [Gag Concert / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 5:11.

(Silly Interview)

Welcome to all the reporters and

audience members to this VIP preview of

the movie "Insadong Murder Scandal."

We'll bring in the director and actors

and interview them.

Let's bring them in with a round of applause!

It's the director and actors.

Hello. Please have a seat.

Let's have the director and actors

greet the audience.


I'm the director of "Insadong Murder Scandal."

I'm Song Jungeun.

Hello! I'm Park Soyeong, a rookie actress.

Hello, I'm the rising star Kang Yumi.

Let me ask the director first.


I heard you were very popular

with the actors on set.


I was able to meet all their requests

which is why they said that.

That's true. Director, buy me lunch.


Don't be ridiculous!

You and I aren't close!

- I didn't know it was like this here. / - Director!

Are we close?

Are you angry?

I was confirming our friendship in a louder tone.

I never get angry.


Please have a seat.

I have a question for Soyeong.

I hear you had great chemistry with Yumi.

When did you two become so close?

When Yumi and I filmed together,

we both took cigarette breaks together.

Now we even share our last cigarettes.

Should we go for a smoke after this, Yumi?

Shut it before I bury you.

Mr. Kim!

Mr. Kim!

That's no way to handle things.

What's wrong with him?

- Have you heard of method acting? / - Yes.

He's still in the situation that he was acting out.

Cut this.

Cut this.

Cut all of this!

Is he threatening someone?

No. He's ordering rice rolls.

I want 4 rolls cut up and 4 rolls just as is.

I like eating it like a burrito.

Such detailed acting! Great, Wooil!

Why are you complimenting him?

He's my nephew.

Alright, have a seat.

I have a question for Yumi now.

You had some shocking scenes for this movie.

Were there any difficult moments?

The hardest thing...

I had to dance passionately...

In front of a big crowd.

I bet you were embarrassed.

No, I'm a total psycho.


I like to lose myself and just dance.

I feel like dancing even now.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Oh, sorry.

What the...

No, no!

Okay. Calm down.

- Are you okay? / - Yeah.

I got a bit too worked up. I'm sorry.

Most importantly, I played two different roles.

I wanted to show various sides of myself

so I became possessed.

I was possessed by Park Hyoshin.


♪ A good person ♪

I'd sing like that.

One day, I was possessed by a grandma ghost

but she was a foul-mouthed grandma.

I'd be sitting still...

Sitting still and suddenly...

What are you looking at, you bum?

You son of a...

Get away.

Beat it!

Get lost!

Yumi, have you been possessed again?

No, I just can't stand you.

Get lost, you bum!

Don't look at me like that?

♪ Get lost ♪

Calm down, Yumi.

I didn't know I'd be cussed out here.


Calm down.

For this movie,

I hear there are many action scenes.

If it's not too much trouble...

- Can you show us a scene? / - Of course.

- Thank you. / - Show them.

I wonder what they've prepared today.

Who's this?

That's Yumi's stunt double.

Don't worry about him.


You call this a painting?

This is trash.




This useless hand.

I don't need it.

I should hit myself.


I'll hit myself hard.

I don't feel any pain.

I bet.

I'll hit my wrist.

With the edge of the ruler.

I avoided it.

You avoided it, Yumi?



- Get it together! Please get it together! / - Let me go!

That's it.

I'll have to make you snap out of it.

Shouldn't you stop her?

Calm down, Soyeong!

What's your deal?

I didn't know you get hit with a bamboo sword here!


For more infomation >> Silly Interview | 잉?터뷰 [Gag Concert / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 5:11.


Gag Concert | 개그콘서트 [ENG / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 1:14:35.

(Acting Idols)

A movie about

a psychopath with bad vision.

We'll start the audition for...

"I Saw the Devil... Or Did I?"

First candidate, come on in.


I'm a rookie actor, Kim Hoegyeong.

I believe the set-up is key in acting.

The set-up is very important.

What will you show us?

I'll play a guy preparing for an exam.

Alright. Ready... Action.

Let's solve this problem.

1 is 3.

Hold on. What are you doing?

The set-up is that I'm having a good-luck ceremony.

Don't come up with strange things!

Forget that. You're done with the exam now.


Let's check our answers since the exam is over.

What did you put for 1? 3?

I put 3 too!

How about for 2? 4...

I'm ruined!

What is it?

The set-up is that I'm checking answers

with the dumbest kid in school.

Why would you check answers with him?

You're out! Go sit down.

Coming up with weird scenarios...

Next candidate, come on in.


I'm a Hollywood actress, Nami Oh.


You're out.

Don't you recognize me?

I'm Puss in Boots.


More like a hick in boots.

I'll show you my acting.

- No. / - Here I go.

A scene of me on a date with my boyfriend.

Just a moment...

Okay! Action!

Honey, I'm here.

Oh, hey.

Come on.

Play with me. Play with me!

That wasn't cute at all.

- Play with me. / - What the...

That's not cute at all. It's weird.

Honey, play with me.

Hey, I'm over here.

- Hey! Gosh... / - Fine.

- I'll play with you. / - Yeah, play with me.

That was fun.

Hold on.

- I'm so tired. / - Are you a cat or an egg?


Your face looks oily.

It's because of you!

I'll wipe it off.

- Yeah, wipe me off. / - Okay.

I smell something weird...

What are you doing?

This is Hollywood!

If you do this, the guys go crazy!

They love it!

They say I make them shed tears!

- Excuse me. / - Yes.

You're shedding.

Go sit down.

- You're out. / - Sheesh...

Last candidate, come on in.

What brings you here, ma'am?


I'm an actress of 40 years. I'm Kim Jeongja.

We're sorry but the only roles

we have left are roles anyone could play

like the spinster at the amusement park...

There are no roles anyone can play in acting.

Even if it seems like anyone can play the role,

you give it your all

to show disciplined acting.

This is the spirit of acting.

I am merely

like a drill sergeant at boot camp.

A drill sergeant?


You'll jump at the count of 3.

Do you have a girlfriend?

No, sir!

Do you have an ideal type?

I like a cute girl, sir!

At the count of 3

jump into my arms.


Don't make me angry.

I tried to hit on you

so I'll act as the spinster at the amusement park.

Junbae, come here.

Let's play the shooting game.

You get a prize if you shoot down the doll.

Oh, I didn't hit a single one.

I'm so sad!

1... 2...


They all fell over!

Give me my prizes!

Ma'am, you almost broke the stage.

Your acting...

Was too ridiculous.

There is no ridiculous in acting.

I was merely expressing the spinster's

spirit of eating as she'd stand in line

for churros and ice cream

instead of the rides.

This is the spirit of acting.


The scene where she rides the rides.

Just drop everything and show us that.

There is no dropping everything in acting!

In acting, you give it your all

and it comes out when you show

your showmanship to the audience.

I am merely...

Like a pro wrestler.

Here I go!

Alright... From the top rope...

An arm bar!


Now that I've tasted victory,

I'll act as the spinster at the amusement park.


Let's go in the haunted house.

This is the best place to get a bit physical.

I'm so scared, Junbae!

What will I do?

Gosh! Goodness!

I'm so scared!

Goodness! Goodness!



Please breathe, Junbae!

Oh, no!

A real ghost will start haunting this haunted house!

- Junbae! / - Ma'am...

You're out!


I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.

Before I go,

a cigarette should be fine.

I look just fine.

It's still fine.

I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.

We're going to be taking over two nightclubs today.

Do you know why I never get caught cheating?

I have two cell phones.

I have two chins.

I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.

I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.


Put a dragon on this arm.

Baby, should we get our fortune told?

That fortune teller is amazing.

I got much prettier.

I manage my gang.

I manage my girlfriends.

I try to take care of myself.

(Countryside Love)

Gosh, I'm so tired.

What are you doing?

What's this piece of lumber?

Birds kept pecking at your rice.

You don't have a scarecrow, so I stood in your field.

Hey, take that out.

That must've been hard.

With a friend like you,

I'm not getting married.

I don't need to get married either!

You're all I need.

Hey, good work.

- Have some water. Say ah. / - Yeah.



That girl from Seoul...

She always looks so pretty.

What's your deal?

What's your deal?

You said you weren't interested in girls.


What does a hick like you know about dating?

Dating? I know.

I know a lot!

Yeah? Then...

What does a crush mean?

Do you know?

I know what a crush is!

What is it? What's a crush?

An island girl.

So you know.

I told you!

Your pronunciation confused me!

Say it gently.

Anyway, you'd better not play dirty.



What a nice day for an outing.

Want to go for a drive?

What's that?

The key to my cultivator.

It's a convertible with no roof.

A cultivator?

You're trying to get a girl with your cultivator?

Cultivate your mind!

That wasn't funny at all.

Looks like I win by default.

Gosh... Hey...

Excuse me, miss.

- Do you have good vision? / - Yes.

- See that mountain in the distance? / - Yes.

My dad owns everything from here to there.

Soon... Soon...

It'll become my property.

You ogler!

You're getting a girl with your land?

I should land a punch on your face!

That wasn't funny either!


Why are you fighting again?

- You! / - What's your deal?

Do you want to take part in this war too?

Things are going to get real ugly.

What are you saying?

I'm not interested!

You guys getting married first...

That's the way of life!


Looks like that girl

doesn't think much of our village.

- No. / - No.

- Look here! / - Gosh...

Is this a playground?

Is this a playground?


Then why...

Are you playing with my heart?

You cheater!

You ogler!

- Get over here! / - What is it?

What is it?

- Look here! / - Yes?

- Are you a call center? / - What?

Don't say you love me when you don't.

- You cheater! / - What are you saying?

I have weight!

I'm fat and have extra weight!

What are you saying?

Why would you pull your shirt up?

Why are you fighting again?

- You! / - What's your deal?

Why do you keep hitting on her?


What are you talking about?

I'm not interested!

I can't stand her...

- Move it. / - What the...

- Here it is. / - Don't!

Don't! Don't!

Take this!

What are you doing?


I was watering a flower.

Get him.

- I'll hold him, you hit him. / - Hold him!

What are you doing?


I'm allergic to pollen.

Move it, cheater!

What are you doing?

What? I'm fertilizing the flower!

You're taking a dump?


Don't be ridiculous!

Hey, Seulgi.

You're in my neighborhood?

You should've said so.

There's nowhere to sleep at my place.

- Let me go. / - Seulgi?

Let me go. I'm out of this war.

I think I found someone new.

He's totally ridiculous.

- Excuse me. / - Yes?

- Your friend is coming? / - Yes.

My place has a lot of empty rooms.

She can stay there.

- Really? / - Yes.

I found a place for you to sleep. Come quickly.



This guy will let you stay the night.

Thank you, sir!

- Seulgi? / - Yes.

Let's go have a drink, sir!

You are not Seulgi!

How is this Seulgi? Where is she?

- Let's go have a drink, sir! / - Geez!

(Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun)


- Myeonghun. / - Myeonghun.


We're friends, right?

- Right? / - Right?

Can just one of you talk?


- Okay. / - Okay.

They can't just pass by.

Free food samples?


I mean guys.

I went on a trip to Spain recently.

Do you know how the guys there

tried to hit on me?

- Wow! Senorita! / - Wow! Senorita!

Wow! I'm blind now.

I'll help you up.


Your welcome.

Thank you.

Myeonghun, want to get in trouble?

- Why are you crying? / - Why are you crying?

He always drools when he sees me!

- Pervert! / - Pervert!


You ran into me when I was walking

in Gangnam in a see-through outfit.

You saw my outfit and said something

while going like this.

What did you say?

Wow. Sexy, sexy.

Wow. Sexy, sexy.

Yikes. Taxi, taxi.


I'm telling you this because I don't think you know.

I don't like you.


I'm blinded again.

Guys, you know what I'm best at?

- Kimchi stew? / - Bean paste stew?

Gaining weight?

No, acting cute.

My crush played a prank on me

so I went, "I hate you, I hate you!"

Do you know what he said?

It was just a joke, you dummy.

It was just a joke, you dummy.

That really hurt, Bob Sapp.

You really look similar when it's dark.

I said I don't like you.


Myeonghun's 20th birthday is coming soon.


How about we throw Myeonghun a surprise party?

- Great. / - Great.


What should we get as gifts?

Let's get him a shirt with our photos.

Let's all give him kisses.

You all need to be punished.

Put your head on the ground.

Get down.


Why won't you go down?

(Silly Interview)

Welcome to all the reporters and

audience members to this VIP preview of

the movie "Insadong Murder Scandal."

We'll bring in the director and actors

and interview them.

Let's bring them in with a round of applause!

It's the director and actors.

Hello. Please have a seat.

Let's have the director and actors

greet the audience.


I'm the director of "Insadong Murder Scandal."

I'm Song Jungeun.

Hello! I'm Park Soyeong, a rookie actress.

Hello, I'm the rising star Kang Yumi.

Let me ask the director first.


I heard you were very popular

with the actors on set.


I was able to meet all their requests

which is why they said that.

That's true. Director, buy me lunch.


Don't be ridiculous!

You and I aren't close!

- I didn't know it was like this here. / - Director!

Are we close?

Are you angry?

I was confirming our friendship in a louder tone.

I never get angry.


Please have a seat.

I have a question for Soyeong.

I hear you had great chemistry with Yumi.

When did you two become so close?

When Yumi and I filmed together,

we both took cigarette breaks together.

Now we even share our last cigarettes.

Should we go for a smoke after this, Yumi?

Shut it before I bury you.

Mr. Kim!

Mr. Kim!

That's no way to handle things.

What's wrong with him?

- Have you heard of method acting? / - Yes.

He's still in the situation that he was acting out.

Cut this.

Cut this.

Cut all of this!

Is he threatening someone?

No. He's ordering rice rolls.

I want 4 rolls cut up and 4 rolls just as is.

I like eating it like a burrito.

Such detailed acting! Great, Wooil!

Why are you complimenting him?

He's my nephew.

Alright, have a seat.

I have a question for Yumi now.

You had some shocking scenes for this movie.

Were there any difficult moments?

The hardest thing...

I had to dance passionately...

In front of a big crowd.

I bet you were embarrassed.

No, I'm a total psycho.


I like to lose myself and just dance.

I feel like dancing even now.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Oh, sorry.

What the...

No, no!

Okay. Calm down.

- Are you okay? / - Yeah.

I got a bit too worked up. I'm sorry.

Most importantly, I played two different roles.

I wanted to show various sides of myself

so I became possessed.

I was possessed by Park Hyoshin.


♪ A good person ♪

I'd sing like that.

One day, I was possessed by a grandma ghost

but she was a foul-mouthed grandma.

I'd be sitting still...

Sitting still and suddenly...

What are you looking at, you bum?

You son of a...

Get away.

Beat it!

Get lost!

Yumi, have you been possessed again?

No, I just can't stand you.

Get lost, you bum!

Don't look at me like that?

♪ Get lost ♪

Calm down, Yumi.

I didn't know I'd be cussed out here.


Calm down.

For this movie,

I hear there are many action scenes.

If it's not too much trouble...

- Can you show us a scene? / - Of course.

- Thank you. / - Show them.

I wonder what they've prepared today.

Who's this?

That's Yumi's stunt double.

Don't worry about him.


You call this a painting?

This is trash.




This useless hand.

I don't need it.

I should hit myself.


I'll hit myself hard.

I don't feel any pain.

I bet.

I'll hit my wrist.

With the edge of the ruler.

I avoided it.

You avoided it, Yumi?



- Get it together! Please get it together! / - Let me go!

That's it.

I'll have to make you snap out of it.

Shouldn't you stop her?

Calm down, Soyeong!

What's your deal?

I didn't know you get hit with a bamboo sword here!


(Quarreling Brothers)

Nice, "Music Bank" is on.

I'm so tired.

Let's watch some soccer.

Shoot... Shoot!

Why'd you hit me?

Beat it. Your big brother's trying to watch TV.

But I'm watching now.

But I'm going to watch. Beat it.

I just started watching.

I just got here. Beat it.

You beat it.

What? What? What?

You told me to beat it?

If you have time to watch TV,

crack open a book, dummy!

If you have time to watch TV, get a job, you bum.


Why you...

You little high school twerp!

Go to commissary, you soldier.

Geez! Move it!


Give it back!

What? What? What?

Why'd you hit me?

Why'd you hit me?

Because you hit me!

I'm hitting you because you hit me.

- You hit me! / - You just hit me!

- You hit me! / - You hit me!

- You hit me first! / - You hit me first!

- You hit me first! / - You hit me first!

- You hit me first! / - You hit me first!

- Sheesh! / - Sheesh!

- Geez! / - Geez!

First place this week is Red Velvet.

Nice! My loves, Red Velvet!

Red Velvet!

Why'd you hit me?

Red Velvet is mine.

They're mine!

Why are they yours?

You like I.O.I!

I changed my mind!

Says who?

- Geez! Why'd you hit me? / - Why'd you hit me?

- Stop hitting me! / - Why'd you hit me?

- You hit me! / - Stop hitting me!

- You keep hitting me! / - Stop hitting me!

Man! Geez!

This guy keeps talking back...



Don't make me mad and beat it.

He's always hitting me... So annoying.

Stop grumbling.

I can say what I want. He's not the boss of me.



I said stop grumbling.


You know, you know... For me...

I hate you the most! The most!

Well... I hate you the most.

Man! Geez!


He's so annoying.

I'm hungry. I'll make some noodles.

I'm starving.


Want some noodles?

Hey... Well...

It's pretty great...

You make some good noodles...

What? What? What are you doing?

So you want some.

You want your noodles chewy?


Go ahead...

Make them elastic like rubber bands...

What? What, fool?

Rubber bands...

I like them over cooked.

Eat up.

Dang it... The kimchi...

Eat the egg.

I don't like eggs.

You eat egg with every meal.

This is so good.


So hot but delicious.

Hey, get some cold rice.

You get it.

Do what you're told!

Why'd you hit me?

Use this body of yours.

Move your butt to the kitchen and get it.

Move your foot!

I will if you get it!

Move your foot and I'll get it!

- I will if you get it! / - I'll get it if you move it!

- I will if you get it! / - Move your foot!

- Move your foot! / - Get it!

- I'll get it if you move it! / - I will if you get it!

- I'll get it if you move your foot! / - Get it!

- I said to go get it! / - Move your foot!



Hey, hey. Beat it.

He's always beating on me.

Is he a gangster? He's so annoying...

Hey, I said no grumbling.

I wasn't grumbling. What's he talking about?

I said no grumbling.

Don't grumble or mumble!

What? What? What?

- Stop making those weird sounds! / - What? What?

I can't even use my fists now.

Fine. You're in trouble now.

- You know... / - What? What?

Your favorite hat.

- Stop it! Stop it! / - Your hat...

I'll bend it! Yes! Yes!

- What are you doing? / - See this sticker?


Alright, alright. Go ahead.

- What? What? Bring it. / - This.

Your favorite pair of jeans.

- Hey! Those are expensive! / - Your jeans...

- I'll take your jeans and... / - No!

- Go ahead, go ahead. / - Alright, alright.

- Go ahead. What? What? / - This.

- Your workbook for your midterm. / - What? What?

I'll spill soup on this.

Go ahead.


I never study anyway.

That's nothing to be proud of, dummy.

- Dummy? Dummy? / - Yeah.

Fine then. Your laptop.

It has the resume you wrote for your interview.

I'll smash it!

- Go ahead. / - What?

I'll only fail the interview like I always do.

That's nothing to be proud of, you bum.


There's porn in there.

Hey... That's...

That's for after you graduate high school.

I won't delete them.


You're trying to act like such a big shot over porn.

- I said not to watch! / - No!

(Say Anything Festival)

Hello, viewers!

This is the Say Anything Festival.

- I'm turning 60 this year. / - What?

I just said anything!

First contestant, come on in!

The woman in the front row.

You're my ideal type.

He's looking for his ideal type just anywhere!

Is something wrong with that guy?

Hwisun is getting married in April.


But I don't know what year.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Everyone! Everyone!

Why aren't any of you responding?

He got angry for getting no response!

That's a rage issue statement.

How could you lose your temper?

Let's meet the next contestant!

How cute.

The shark wasn't cute! It was scary!

Are you a shark?

I'm sorry, honey.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Prosecution, do you have teeth?

I have no teeth.

- He has no teeth! / - Amazing!

He has no teeth!

That kind of toothlessness deserves a praise.

Good job! Stamp, stamp!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he the company president?

I'll look around some more.

- He was just shopping! / - Amazing.

Yeongjin, what brand do you like?

Trouble maker.

Let's meet the next contestant.


My son-in-law.

It's nothing but enjoy.

Thank you for the food.

I said it was nothing.

She really made nothing!


Yeongjin, how is your mother-in-law?

The dinner table is about to break.


From kicking it.

With your foot.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he professing his love like in a movie?

Who wrote on this?

It wasn't a profession of love!

Who wrote on that sketchbook?

Yu Huiyeol.


Let's meet the next contestant.



Is she making a wish?

Thank you!

She wasn't making a wish! She was begging!

A begging for change statement.

♪ Here we go, I want to take a break ♪

Let's meet the next contestant.

I'm here to inspect your gas.


It wasn't a gas inspection!

- It was an intestinal gas inspection! / - Amazing.

♪ Will you leave after the gas inspection? ♪

♪ Let's meet the next contestant ♪

Jack. Jack!

Is she looking for Jack?

- A bird goes... / - Chirp, chirp!

- A duck goes... / - Quack, quack!

She was imitating a bird!

- Amazing. / - A kindergarten teacher statement.

- Duck... / - Soup!

- Pork... / - Rinds!

Let's meet the next contestant.

A swordsman?

- Here! Here! / - Here! Here!

- If I get you, you're it. / - Here! Here!

He's not a swordsman! It's the zombie game!

Zombie bang!

Next contestant, go!

Today is Halloween. No entry without a costume.

- Hello. / - Come on in.

He was allowed in without a costume!

- Amazing! / - An amazing face!

A free face statement.

Robert Halloween.

From the Say Anything Festival,

this has been caster Don Lee...

And commentator girls and boys shouldn't play.


(The Participation Show)

Hello, I'm Song Yeonggil the comedian.

We'll be picking one of you in the audience

and make you into the female lead of a drama.

Raise your hand if you've wanted to be

the female lead in a melodrama.

Over there...


Come on up.

If you just stand here,

our actors will make you into a female drama lead.

The drama starts now.

A big round of applause!


My name is Suri.

My surname is Jeong.

I'm Jeong Suri.

Yes, boss.

I've arrived where Miss Jeong is.

What is she doing?

Miss Jeong is practicing ballet.

Yes, she's really trying hard at ballet.

I didn't think she'd actually do it but she is.

Alright, I'll let her know.


A message from the big boss.

He says to make yourself free

tomorrow after lunch.

And another thing.

He says to tell you he loves you.

Not the boss...

My heart.


I promise.

Never again...

Will I use my fists.

Of course...

Aside from when I'm protecting you.

We're running away where my boss can't find us.

Get on the motorcycle.

Get on.

Get on now.

Sit sideways.

Girls sit sideways.

You're keeping up.

Left! Right!

Left! Left!

Pretty good.

Where are you going in such a hurry?

Hide behind me.

You rats...

This way.


Let me go!

You've brought me shame.


I'll never give up on Suri.

You punk...

You're out of your mind.


Are you making those sounds with your mouth?

What are you doing?

Let's be men

and each take a hit.

Suri, stand aside.

I'll go first.


Hold on...

It wouldn't be fun if I did it.


You hit him for me.

Come here.

You should warm up.

You have bad joints.

Many people want this.

At the count of 3

kick his butt hard.

Really hard!




What the...

Fine. It's my turn.


You can kick him too.

Kick him hard.

1, 2...

You win.

Boss, it's the cops! Run for it!


You're charged with theft

for stealing my heart.

You're charged with arson

for setting my heart on fire.


Attempted murder.

Because of you...

I feel like dying.


I sentence you to life....

With me...


You're as light as a feather!

Hold it!


You say she's as light as a feather.

Why were your veins bulging?

Quiet, you.

- What's his deal? / - Hold it!

I'm Detective Don Lee in violent crimes.

You look more like Don King.

What's with your hair?

You're supposed to be catching criminals.

Move it.

A gangster.

Just one look at your eyes and I know.

I'm a veteran.

This girl's eyes say that

she's in love with me.


You've fallen for me, right?

I don't think so.

No, you're lying.

That's it.

Into the room of truth...

What are you doing?

Don't be ridiculous!

What are you doing to the lady?

Leave Suri alone.


You choose.

Who is your man?

Is it time for me to choose?

I'll hit last place on the head hard with this mallet.

Hold on. I think I'll need this.

Then why are you even here?


I'll hit last place on the head hard.

Here I go.

1, 2, 3!

I don't think I'll need the helmet.

I feel confident now.

That was unexpected.

Next is 3rd.

I'll hit him harder than the last one.

1, 2, 3!

What a relief!


You beat Geunji.

Pretty good.

Let's go to the room of truth.

Last is 2nd place.

I'll hit him as hard as I can.

1, 2, 3!


You have brought me shame.


(YOLO Inn)

- Dear. / - Huh?

Come help me with this...

What are you doing, dear?

I asked for help!

You're playing your guitar here?

Okbun, when you were younger,

you liked it when I played the guitar.

That's why I was practicing.

Is that what it was?

Let's go back to the old days.

Shall we?

♪ The rainy sea ♪

Two people!

What are you doing?

♪ Starts to calm down ♪

Two people!

What are you doing?

Why do you keep saying two people?

Fine, I'll say something different.

♪ Is my dear coming today? ♪

Three people!

- Three people! Sweetie! / - Three people...

- Three... / - Sweetie...

Who is this woman?

I told you not to show up when Okbun is around!

Oh, whatever.

Who was that woman?

The boiler repairwoman.

- The boiler repairwoman? / - Yes.


Your head's going to need repairing.

My head?


- Ouch! It's not like that! / - Are you insane?

- Grandpa! / - Grandpa!

Hey, there.



What's with the plastic gloves in this cold weather?

I don't have real gloves

so I'm wearing these.

- Gosh... / - Goodness...

I'll give you $10.

Buy some gloves.

- Thank you. / - Grandpa.

It's cold

and I can't afford long johns.

- You can't afford long johns? / - I can't.

Take this. And that.

Don't try to trick me!

See? Asking for long johns is going overboard!

You were right.

So what brings you here?

We're out of rice at home.

Can we get a bag of rice?

We're hungry.

- That's terrible. / - Poor things.

Bring some rice.

- I have rice. / - He's giving us rice.

- Alright. / - Here.

Is one bag enough?

Yes, just one bag.

Alright, I'll give you some.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

How does this bag hold so much?

It's just your imagination.

- It is? / - Yes.

- Keep pouring it in. / - Hold on.

Hold on.

What's this?

What's this?

You didn't think I'd see this?

See? We should've came when it was darker!

Run for it!

- You brats! / - Gosh...

Those brats...


- Gosh... / - Dear.

Don't get so angry.

- You've been craving snow crab. / - Yes.

I steamed some snow crab.

Snow crab?

That sounds delicious.

Doesn't it?

Look at this.

That snow crab looks so good.

I'll get the meat out.


Was it a cannon?

What's this?

Eat it. Snow crab.

How is this snow crab?

It's snow crab.

I bet it'll taste crabby.


It's domestic crab.

That smells like your breath.

It smells like your breath.

Eat it.

- Eat it? / - Eat it. It's good.

Eat it.


I'll get more meat for you.

No need...

That's enough.

Enough shooting.

- Anyway... / - Yes.

Don't you like steamed rice cake?

I love it.

I steamed some.


- Where's the rice cake? / - Where is it?

I steamed some...

Where's the rice cake? Oh, boy...

The rice cake...


What's this?

Here it is! The rice cake.

Isn't that a butt cake?

A butt cake?

It was just steamed at the mill.

Are you sure it wasn't farted on?

Farted on?

Take this off me.

How can I eat this?

Eat it.

I can't.

Eat it.

I don't want to.

Is it dirty?

It's dirty.

I ate the crab.

You eat something once.

You never eat anything in this skit.

Eat it, eat it!

Eat it!

- Eat it! / - I don't want to!

- Where are you going? / - I don't want to!

Hello, is this YOLO Inn?


Why is it so cold?

- You're cold? / - Yes.

Use this blanket.

Thank you.

So cold...

- Sir. / - Yeah.

- I'm cold too. / - You're cold?


Jump! Jump!


I'm all heated up.

Thank you for warming me up.


We're here to spend the night.

Eat up and enjoy yourselves.

Wow! Snow crab!

It's in season these days!

- That looks delicious. / - It is!

There's rice cake too.

This looks good.

I'm going to eat it.

- I'm going to eat it. / - I'm going to eat it.

You always eat all the food.

You'll gain weight.

That's nothing to fight over.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.


I should feed the goat.



Eat some paper.

Eat some paper. It's your favorite.

Eat up. That it.

Mr. Kim! Mr. Kim!

- Mr. Kim! / - Yeah?

Some nice young people

came to our village to volunteer

and give free haircuts.

Is this for free?

- Yes. / - It's for free!

A haircut...

Yes, yes.

- I should get one if it's free. / - Of course.

I'll make you look nice.

- Good. / - Honey.

- I'll do you first... / - Yeah.

I'm taking yoga these days. Want to see?


Alright, show me.

This is the cat pose.

Wow, you're so flexible, Seunghye.

Honey, I feel like someone's watching us.


Who's watching?

The rice cake...

Nice job.

What are you talking about?

The old man is eating paper.

Stop joking.

I wasn't.


Press down on my back so I can stretch out.

Where? Here?

Or here?

That tickles!

- What tickles? / - Honey!

Dear! Dear...

♪ Oh, happy day ♪

- ♪ Oh, happy day ♪ / - ♪ Oh, happy day ♪

- ♪ Oh, happy day ♪ / - ♪ Oh, happy day ♪

(We Need to Talk 1987)

We've all been waiting for this day.

The philosophy and dance departments

are going on a joint trip!

Is everyone here?

I don't see Bongseon yet.

Bongseon? What happened?

She'll be here soon.


All that luggage...

Are you going to the army?

Why's your bag so big?

I only packed a little.

Jeonggeun, where's your stuff?




This trip is going to be 3 days

and all you brought is a toothbrush?


What about you, Daehui?

I'm sharing his.


I was...

- A bit late. / - What the...


All this stuff...

Are you immigrating?


What's with the TV?

I have to watch "March of Youth."

Sobangcha is on this week.


I tend to be thorough.

I packed all sorts of good stuff.

Oh! I forgot my hat!


You can wear mine.

It'll be cold.

I didn't bring a jacket.


Wear mine.

Oh, right!

I have to pay for the trip but I didn't bring my purse.


Use your own money! Your own!

Alright now.

I'm the manager of this trip.

Everyone, pay up.

- Here. / - What do I do?



That's my share. I paid.

- This is for pocket money. / - Sejin.

Bongseon, are you going to stay behind

since you can't pay?


Man! We haven't even left yet and I'm starving.


Have some rice roll...

I'm eating one.

That's a rice roll?


Guess what I brought.


Such a rare fruit...


Do you know what my wish is?

It's eating one whole banana by myself.

Here, have one.


I'll save this.

Daehui, do you want one too?

A banana...

I'm so sick of eating bananas all the time...

Fine, just give me one.

Why are you eating the peel?

I know!

Did you think I'd actually eat the peel?


I have to peel it.

You're peeling a banana with a knife?


Daehui, your dad is strict.

How did you get permission

to take an overnight trip?

I lied to my dad and

told him that I had to stay overnight

in Seoul for an interview there.

Make sure you tell my dad that when you see him.

Got it?

My banana!

You made me drop it!

I'll give you another one.

The train is about to leave soon. Let's go.

- Let's go. / - Come on.

What a waste!

All this stuff...

Sobangcha is so dreamy, aren't they?


I wonder if Daehui...

Got to his interview safely.


Why is the house so empty?



I haven't been a very good father to you.

This desk...

The same one I got him in elementary school.

The pocket money I've given him...

He's been saving it up in here.

You're a good son.

You're a good son.

That's it! You're a good son!

You're such a good son!

You're the best!


But still...

Since Daehui isn't around...

I sure miss her.

It's driving me crazy.

I miss Minkyoung!

Where did you go, Minkyoung?

- Minkyoung... / - Sweetie!

My son isn't coming home today.



We can do whatever we want.

I've been waiting for this day for so long.


I even wore this racy outfit.

That's dynamite!

Come here.

I prepared a lot for you today.

Don't open your eyes

until I tell you to.


Hold on. Let me turn the lights off.

What? You're turning the lights off too?



I'm going to open my eyes.

I'm opening them!

Where did you go?

Where did you go?

Where did all my stuff go?

My stuff!

That pig! You pig!

The piggy bank!

(Couple's Court)

Hello, viewers.

I am Jo Chunghyeon, the host of this hearing.

At this hearing is a married couple of 25 years

that always fights about the same thing.

Husband, Lee Changho

and wife, Lee Hyeonjeong.

We'll have this hearing to find out the truth behind

who the real problem is.

Husband Changho, please ask the first question.

I'm the husband Lee Changho and I work.

To my wife...

Stop cussing, I can hear you.

My wife Lee Hyeonjeong,

do you admit to the charges of

manufacturing poison?

- Why would a housewife... / - Alright, alright.

That's why I prepared some evidence.

This is a photo of breakfast.

Hyeonjeong, you made this yourself, correct?

- Yes. / - What is this?

Can't you tell? It's kimchi stew.

What's in this kimchi stew?

- Kimchi. / - Yes.

- Tofu. / - Yes.

Mushrooms, domestic pork shoulder...

- All things that are good for you. / - So what?

It tastes terrible!

As soon as I had a taste of this stew,

my tongue started rolling back...

My eyes went like...

They started flipping.

I saw my left brain and right brain that day!

Even now!

All my organs are having

a rock festival in here!

If that's not manufacturing poison, what was that?

How was that manufacturing poison?

I was thinking of my husband's health.



Look at the shape I'm in.

I'm all skinny and dried up!

I said I'd fix myself something to eat

yet why did you insist on making me something?

I want you to respond to these poisoning charges.

All the husbands out there are watching.

Hyeonjeong, please respond.


I won't make kimchi stew anymore.

I'll change it to bean paste stew.

No, no!

Do you want to see me die?

It doesn't matter what kind of stew it is!

You're the one that's making it!

What do you want?

Joint-ownership of our apartment?

I'll concede! I will.

We live in a lease. There's no ownership.

Don't be ridiculous.

Alright, calm down, both of you.

For your information,

I have also never finished a meal

that my wife has made.

When I'm eating with my wife and

happen to make eye-contact...

She's expecting to give birth next May.

What's he talking about?

Hyeonjeong, you may question him now.

- So Changho... / - Yes.

You accuse me of poisoning...

Stop making that face.

You made some accusations.

But did you know that you're charged with

kidnapping and imprisoning a famous person?

I don't have the strength to kidnap a person.

- I can't even beat you. / - Yes, yes. I'm sure.

Now listen.

On 13th of October, 2017,

in a pipe in our boiler room...

20 Sejong the Great were found

tied up tightly with a rubber band.

And two days later

under the veranda mat,

6 Sin Saimdangs

were found wrapped in plastic.

All around the house,

Yi Hwang and Yi I were found and rescued.

A total of $1,500 was found.



Inside the shopping cart of

Changho's frequent shopping site...

Was a $1,500 bike.

Now how do you explain this?

The pieces fit just like a puzzle.



That was...


Can't I even put something in my shopping cart?

Be honest.

You stashed away $1,500 to buy this bike.

- Well? / - No, I didn't.


You need to clearly explain these charges

on kidnapping and imprisoning famous people.

All the wives out there are watching.


Was that money stashed away to buy a bike?

Please respond.


Well... That's not my money.

If it's not your money and it isn't mine,

whose money is it?

I don't know...


Maybe that money was always in the house.


Changho, what you're saying is...

The money has been there...

- Since the house was built. / - Right.

To find out if this is true,

I'll bring in the man who lives in the same building

in unit 908 as a testifier.

- Testifier, come on out. / - What the...

What's going on?

Hey, 508.

Minsang's dad.

What's going on? What an embarrassment.

- Well... / - Gosh...

- Testifier, take your seat. / - Yes.

What is it?

- I have a few questions for you. / - Yes.

According to Changho,

our apartment came with $1,500.

Is that true for your unit?


The apartment came with $1,500?

There's no such apartment in Korea!

See? He denies it!

They usually have $5,000 hidden.

You still haven't found $3,500.

Go find it now.

For my unit, I broke through the ceiling

and there were gold bars hidden.

That's why I'm on the golden floor.

Hurry and look for it now!

I'll go and look now!


This is why I said you need to pick a good house!

Yes, yes, Alright then.

- I'll ask the next question. / - Yes.

Testifier, I hear that you're an avid cyclist.

Is that true?

Yes, I enjoy riding.

Alright then.

What do you think of someone

that never rides a bike

spending $1,500 on a bicycle?

He must be out of his mind.

A newbie doesn't need a $1,500 bike.

A $200 bike is just fine!

Did you hear that?

I'll give you $200,

so I'm taking $1,300.

But the shipping fee costs $1,300.

You've probably never bought a bike.

The handle comes from Russia.

The frame comes from Japan.

The wheels come from Ukraine.

If you take a good look,

it says made in AmeChiPanRuKraine.

Yes. Yes, that's right.

The bike is made in Ame...


- Um... Ru... / - Ru...

It's something like that!

Yes, yes. I see.

You two are so in-synch.

You're the perfect duo.

So then...

To see if this is true,

I'll bring in the testifier's wife

to hear her side of the story.

I'm sorry.

It's free shipping. He's being ridiculous.

Don't look through your house.

Look outside.

He probably has a stash in the fire hydrant.

Poison me instead.

- Get over here. / - Poison me.

- Get over here! / - This ends the hearing.

Dear, I'm sorry. It's not true!

(Bongsunga School)

Hello, I'm the teacher of Bongsunga School,

Kim Daehui.

Let's get started with Bongsunga School!

Who wants to talk first?

Who are you guys?

We're from "Produce 101."

We didn't make the cut. I'm 104th, Ryu Samuel.

I'm 103rd, Song Daniel.

102nd. I'm the lucky one, Jang Obok!

See that?

They don't just do this for anyone.

He's nervous.

Don't I look uglier from up here?

Get me down! I'm about to pee my pants!

Come down.


- I bet that really hurts. / - Alright.

Are you a statue?

That feels better.


So are things going well for you guys?

Of course. I got a casting call from SM.

I got a casting call from YG.

I got a call from my mom.

She says to come home and feed the cat.

Go feed your cat.

Before that

we have an announcement.

What is it?

Our group will be disbanding.

We'll become solo artists.

I'll be back as a model.

I'll be back as an actor.

I'll be back as a female idol!

The Unit!

What is this?

Is that dancing?

This is horrible.

Saturday night, 9:15!

Look for Jang Obok!

Alright, go sit down.

Who wants to talk next?

Hi, everyone!

These days, guys that live alone

are more popular than handsome guys.

I live alone. I'm Honnam.

Why are you looking at me with pity?

I'll tell you how great it is to live alone.

If you have a girlfriend, it's such a pain.

You'd be getting along fine

and then she'll suddenly ask you...


"Why are you dating me?"

All of a sudden!

What kind of question is that?

- Because I like you. / - Right.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Then... What about me do you like?"

- What is that? / - Enough!

What? It's because I love you.

I love being with you. I go in for a hug

and then she says...


"Is this why you're dating me?"

- Totally! / - Right!

People, you don't need to worry about this stuff

if you live alone.


I went on a fishing boat

so that I could have freshly caught raw fish!

That sounds great!

I got seasick 2 minutes after getting on the boat.

I was sprawled out for 2 hours on the boat.

The captain must've felt bad.

He gave me seasickness medicine.

But after taking it...

I got diarrhea.

The captain apologized and said

it was his constipation medicine.

After that

I was spraying out of both ends.

I tried to turn to the captain for advice.

He was also seasick.

The two of us had to lie down on the boat

for 23 hours with the engine off.

And when we arrived ashore after 30 hours,

I had lost 8kg.

But I succeeded in my diet so I'm fine!

You know, you don't look so good.

I always look like this.

You know what?

You should find someone to date and get married.

I don't understand what's great about marriage.

I don't get it!

I bet you're envious of a single guy like me!

Yeah, being married is so tiring.

I want to rest at home on the weekend

but my wife's friends visit every weekend.

- What a hassle! / - When they come over...

They whisper so much amongst themselves.

So chatty.

They say they don't understand why

their husbands can't be as good as me.

They say their husbands have pot bellies

and that I don't have an ounce of fat.

They're amazed at how I took care of myself.

Then my wife says to her friends angrily...

- "You all don't know anything!" / - Why?

They ask, "What is it?"

She says she wants to be a better wife

but she's sad that she's not good enough.

It's so tiring.


You made that up, didn't you?

You made that up!

That was ridiculous!

No, fool!

You made that up!

Honnam, are you okay?

Try this medicine.

What kind of medicine is this?

I don't know!

So you try it!

Don't be ridiculous!

- Come on. / - Give me something you know!

Sit down.

- Calm down. / - He's mad.

Who wants to talk next?

♪ I'm back, back, back, back again ♪

Who are you?

Hello, teacher.

I drink burdock tea instead of barley tea.

I'm Wu Eongjae.

What do you keep pointing at?

- Teacher. / - Yeah.

- There are those times. / - What times?

- There are those times. / - What do you mean?

♪ There are those times when your dad gets mad ♪

♪ At your mom and it becomes a big scary fight ♪

♪ Then your mom really loses her temper ♪

♪ And tells your dad to leave the house ♪

♪ Your dad said as he was leaving ♪

♪ The plan worked, son ♪

♪ After your dad leaves, your mom says ♪

♪ I'm going to go out and party too, son ♪

♪ My parents need ♪

♪ Two bags of acting award trophies ♪

What are you saying?

- Teacher. / - Yeah?

There are those times.

What times?

There are those times.

What do you mean?

♪ There are those times when you're sad to see ♪

♪ A big clump of your dad's hair in the bathroom ♪

♪ But as a son, you feel like you should ♪

♪ Buy your dad some hair tonic ♪

♪ That's when your dad says ♪

♪ Your mom shaved, son ♪

♪ Then your mom says ♪

♪ I've only done one side, son ♪

♪ Dad, you can cry after hearing this ♪

♪ She used your razor, dad ♪

Alright, sit down.

♪ It'll grow, grow, grow back in no time, right? ♪

Alright, alright.

Sit down.

This next class is very important.

It's history.

That's so boring!

It is not boring!

Who are you guys?

Hello, teacher. We're the fun-loving brothers.

The Fun Bros! Yes, baby!

So exciting, so exciting!

Just watching you guys is fun.

So what brings you here?

Teacher, we'll show you how literature

doesn't have to be boring and it can be fun.


Ernest Hemingway.


Can you make people cry

by writing a novel using 6 words?

Of course.

Should we make a bet?

- Let's bet. / - Let's bet!

Let's bet!

♪ Candy to my ears ♪

♪ So sweet like honey ♪

♪ Such a smooth voice ♪

Yes, baby!

So exciting, so exciting!

My butt hurts.

That wasn't exciting.

Teacher, we'll show you how world history

doesn't have to be boring and it can be fun.


Leonardo Da Vinci thought up of the helicopter.

I did it!

If I can make it like this drawing,

I'll be able to fly!

You fool! Don't be ridiculous!

How can this thing fly?

Like this!

- How? / - Like this!


I could do that too.


Let's make a bet!

Make a bet?

♪ Candy to my ears ♪

♪ So sweet like honey ♪

- ♪ Such a smooth voice ♪ / - Go sit down!

- Teacher. / - Go sit down.

This has been the Fun Bros!

So exciting, so exciting!

Who wants to talk next?

Anyone there?


Hi, guys.

- She's so pretty. / - Who are you?

I'm an elegant woman.

My name is Tina.

Ssan Tina.


You look like you're in a great mood today.


I opened up a skin care shop.

Please tell some people you know.

I have a flyer.


It's an exaggerated advertisement.


- Geunji. / - Yeah? What is it?

Can you swing by my shop if you're free today?

You don't need to get skin care.

We can just shoot the bull.


Let's talk about life.

I can't make it today. How about tomorrow?

I'm all booked up tomorrow.

No. I'll try to rack my brain.


I'll try to come up with something.

Okay, okay.


I'm free.

So annoying...

Would you like to converse later on?


Want to shoot the bull?

- Oh, that. / - Yeah.

So are we going to talk later?

I'd rather knock your teeth out.


I'll pay $500 to go to your skin care shop.

I'll give you $1,000 so beat it.


I made $5,000 this month doing this!

- For real! / - Sit down.

Who wants to talk next?

That's so weak for a man.

- Everyone say it. Man! / - Man!

- Man! / - Man!

- Man! / - Man!

I'm the strong man, Gangnam!

- Kids these days are too weak like them. / - Weak!

I'm saying a man shouldn't be this weak.

Kids need to be strong and powerful!

Look at this.

Rubber duck!

This rubber duck is too weak!


This is why he's always

bumping into things.

Because he's weak!

Make this mouth powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

Rubber duck would say,

"Why duck serious?"

- Man! / - Man!

Make his hair powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

Rubber duck would go...

♪ I bumped into something ♪

- Man! / - Man!

Make his body powerful...

- Man! / - Man!

Rubber duck isn't a duck...

He's about loyalty!

- Man! / - Man!

Who wants to talk next?

I will survive.

I will survive in nature!

Who are you?


I moved to the mountains to escape the city.

My surname is Shin and my name is Dosi.

- I'm Shin Dosi. / - I see.

There are no dentists on the mountain.

What do you do when you get a cavity?

No need to spend a lot of money on a dentist.

I don't even brush my teeth.

There's no need to.

If I chew on some hard tree bark...

It gets rid of cavities?

- I lose teeth. / - What?

They're all broken in here.

I had to get 8 implants.

I couldn't afford them so two of them are just candy!


I bet you spent a lot.

How do you make money on the mountain?

Nature provides me with money.

The nearby mountain is filled with

balloon flower root and wild ginseng.

If I just pick those and sell them...

You make money?

I get a beating.

Someone owns that land.

I have 9 lawsuits against me.


Alright, go sit down.

Before I go...

A lot of city folks get sick.

- I'd like to cure them. / - Me, me.

You're sick?

I feel a bit chilly.

- I think I caught a cold. / - You feel chilly?


Hold my hands.

We lock hands like this.

Then we share our energy through our hands

as we stare at each other.

I don't think it's working.

Is this the right way?

Yeah, for us to get together.

You scared me...

- Amazing. / - I feel great.

We should get together.

Take this instead.

He really got hit.

Is everyone done talking?


Mr. Principal.


People come first.

I am the 19th principal of Bongsunga School,

Moon Gyojang.

Thank you.

Daehui, do you like baseball?

I love baseball.

I'm sure you know baseball shigns too.

Yes, I know the shigns.

Do you know what this means?

I don't know that one.

People come first.

I just added this in to throw you off a bit.

Nice one!

Let's throw each other signs of love!

What was that?

Come home early tonight.

I love you.

I started playing in an amateur baseball league.

Each player has a different position.

First, there's the battuh's box.

Batter's box.

In the outfield, there's the

left fielduh, wight fielduh and centuh fielduh.

Left fielder, right fielder and center fielder.


1st bashe man, 2nd bashe man, 3rd bashe man,

shortstop, pitchuh and catchuh.


1st base man, 2nd base man, 3rd base man,

shortstop, pitcher and catcher.

Let's hit a home run of love!

It's out of the park.

I love you.

Do any of you students have any concerns?

- Me! / - Me!

- Me! / - Yes.

- Me! / - The Fun Bros.


We want to debut overseas.

And we need a special English name for ourselves.

A special English name for the twins?


Control C, Control V.


So exciting, so exciting!

- Control C, Control V! / - Everyone...

Have a week filled with fun.

Luck, luck, luck, luck!

So exciting, so exciting!

For more infomation >> Gag Concert | 개그콘서트 [ENG / 2017.11.18] - Duration: 1:14:35.


Xiaomi vs Lego: Mi Robot Builder – Обзор / Review - Duration: 19:28.

Hi! Today I'd like to tell you about very interesting set. It's not Lego set as you can see.

I filmed this movie a few evenings and I hope I miss nothing :)

Mi Robot Builder contains 978 parts. The main model is about 30 cm high.

We can see that it's working time is more than 10 hours. We can program it without code.

On the back side of the box we can see Xiaomi sign. This manufacturer creates a lot of interesting electronic devices.

The parts of this set are compatible with Lego parts.

The package is very pleasant. Let's open it!

Here we can see two motors and controller.

The parts are sealed in packages. There are the charger, tires, user manual and building instructions in the bottom.

Instructions book has good protection and it's cool. Unfortunately modern Lego sets have no such protection.

Also we have cells for parts. It is convenient.

So I like this package very much. It is reliable, intelligent and very handy.

The tires have good quality. I suppose the materials are the same as in Lego tires.

I know that Lego Education sets have cells for parts too. It would be cool to introduce something like this in Technic sets.

In addition to Building Instructions we get User Manual. It has many useful information about this set.

Controller can be charged via any of ports.

There are no adapter for charger in the box. It's not good.

Here we can see how to turn it on, how to install the application, how to solve the problems and so on.

Let's take a look at the instructions book.

In the beginning we can see funny pictures.

Than it's time for the Help page.

The paper is rather thin. The steps from another side are visible.

It's only main model building instruction. In the end of the book we can see parts list and the link to B-model.

B-model looks very cool. More building instruction are coming soon.

The fresh parts have smell. I hope it will disappear.

Colors differ from Lego. The blue is a bit darker.

The red color is orange.

The white color is awesome. Lego parts aren't white at all.

The dimensions of the controller box are 11 x 9 x 5 studs.

The dimensions of the motor are 14 x 5 x 5 studs. The wire length is about 28 cm. The motor shape is similar to Lego Mindstorms.

I planned to film very detailed review of parts but it's unnecessary because all the parts have very good quality.

Parts connect each other without problems and are compatible with Lego.

By the way blue axle pins have the same color as Lego pins but 3L blue pins are darker.

The tires fit wheels well. We can see the size 68,8 x 36 mm.

Many parts are similar to Lego but have its own design.

There are many spare parts in this set. Maybe they are needed for B-model. In the same time I haven't found two 3/4 pins.

The parts connect very good. There were a few exceptions with 3L axle pins – sometimes they are inserted too tight.

Three days later the smell decreases but I still feel it. The plastic is good so I hope the smell will disappear. By the way my Lepin Porsche has no smell after one year on the shelf.

The instructions are more difficult than modern Lego instructions. There are no mistakes – only one typo.

The instructions have its own logic of assembling process and submodels management. It is interesting to feel the difference.

The Robot can be controlled via smartphone. Also it has embedded program – balance system.

I tested it a few times. Sometimes it balances almost without moving. Sometimes it drives forward or backward.

Unfortunately the Application isn't available in my country so I can't try it.

Search for videos on YouTube for application demonstration.

Let's turn it on.

I think after calibration it will balance very well.

The wheels are connected to the machineguns via chains and cardan shafts.

It's working :)

It is very funny robot. I think this system has great potential.

There are two outputs for motors and two inputs for sensors here.

I hope we will see more interesting sets in the future.

I'd like to insert balance system in my Feller-Buncher.

This set contains not too many electronic parts but it is much cheaper than Lego Mindstorms.

One more cool functions on Application is route drawing.

I'd like to return to the parts. The white color differs from Lego. The orange color is very cool.

The blue color isn't important because there are only pins in blue and they are almost invisible in completed models. The gray color is similar to light bluish grey in Lego.

So I like this set very much. It's a pity I can't install the application. Thanks for watching! Bye!

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