Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

On this episode of China Uncensored,

how to construct a giant mountain ...out of a molehill.

Welcome back to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

All the Chinese Communist Party wanted

was for the world to look on in admiration

at the once-every-five-years Party Congress.

Nothing like a fake election to trick the world into thinking

you have democracy.

Of course, to do that,

the Communist Party needed to make sure

all the world's attention on China

was positive.

So they've done things like

shut down factories near Beijing

to ensure blue skies.

They restricted chemical transport along the Yangtze River

to avoid the risk of an embarrassing environmental disaster.

They even hired a bunch of grandmothers

to publicly shame people into behaving better during the congress.

Yes, Big Granny is watching you.

What I'm saying is,

they've basically put the whole country in lockdown.

So as long as nothing happened that would,

I don't know,

draw a giant spotlight on the Communist Party's heavy-handed authoritarianism,

everything would be fine.

As long as they don't do something stupid, like

create a major international incident in Hong Kong...

Ah, shoot.

I mean, shoot for the CCP.

I thrive when the CCP does stupid things.

And honestly,

it's amazing how badly the CCP bungled Hong Kong last week.

It all has to do with this man,

British activist and friend of the show

Benedict Rogers.

You see, he's been particularly vocal about all the bad stuff the Chinese regime

is trying to do in Hong Kong.

Things like sentencing student activists to jail time.

Or purging democratically elected officials.

So when Rogers was planning a trip to Hong Kong in October,

he started getting threatening messages

from the Chinese Embassy in the UK,

and a warning that he would be denied entry.

Okay, threatening a British citizen.

Surprisingly, it backfired.

Rogers flew to Hong Kong anyway.

But he didn't make it out of the Hong Kong airport.

He was stopped by security,

and then deported without being given any reason.

And remember how the Communist Party

wanted to make sure absolutely nothing went wrong

during the Party Congress?

Well, cue international backlash.

From the media...

and from the UK government.

"Ben Rogers is an outstanding and articulate

champion of freedom, democracy,

human rights and the rule of law

in Asia and elsewhere,

well known to members on both sides of the house,

and his treatment was frankly utterly scandalous.

Those responsible have certainly not heard the last of it,

of that I think we can be sure."


And while Chinese officials are used to

inviting dissidents "to tea,"

i.e. summoning them to have a stern talk...

This time the UK said to the Chinese ambassador,

"Your tea time's got nothing on us.

Can I offer you a scone with clotted cream?"

And then 12 international lawyers wrote a letter

about how Hong Kong's rule of law is under threat.

Quick, the CCP needs a distraction.

So, does anyone want to watch

a three and half hour speech

about national rejuvenation?

Whoa, sorry.

I think I was having a Chinese dream.

Back to Rogers.

He's decided that in the wake of all this,

he wants to set up an NGO in London

geared toward influencing policy-makers on Hong Kong issues.

If only the CCP had literally done nothing—

and just let Rogers just visit his friends in Hong Kong

and then leave again—

none of this would have happened.

But it's too late for making smart decisions.

Now, it's damage-control time.

State-run media,

give us your spin!

Ha HA!

Decolonization in action!

Yes, this wasn't about eroding the freedoms of Hong Kong.

It was about decolonizing Hong Kong from the evil British.

Any country that would try to exert control over Hong Kong is evil! long as that country is Great Britain and not China.

Maybe Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam can explain

why the decision to deny entry to Rogers

was totally legit.

"Immigration matters under the Basic Law

are Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy.

But if immigration matters become matters of foreign affairs,

then under Basic Law,

foreign affairs like defense are matters for the Central People's Government."

So Hong Kong has a high degree of autonomy,

and immigration matters are managed independently by Hong Kong....

except when the CCP wants to control them directly,

which it can do because Hong Kong

has a limited degree of autonomy?

It's almost like she can't get the story straight,

because there is no independent rule of law in Hong Kong anymore

and decisions are arbitrarily made.

Okay, let's try someone else.

Maybe Lawrence Ma,

a pro-Beijing barrister in Hong Kong,

can get us out of this train wreck.

He knows how the law works!

He explains that Hong Kong has the rule of law,

and its immigration isn't just subject to the whims of Beijing.

He gives an example.

"We have denied entry for people

who come in for political purposes—

for example, in 2006,

a bunch of Falun Gong organisers from Taiwan

wanted to come in for a conference for cultural purposes—

and we have refused entry."

That's just more proof of what Beijing is doing.

That's the opposite of the point you wanted to make!

Forget it, let's go back to Carrie Lam.

Is there anything you can say to put out this fire?

"So you certainly can't exclude the possibility

that Chris Patten could be denied entry on a future visit."

"Well I can't exclude any possibility

because immigration matters will change

depending on the case."

You just said,

that Hong Kong could potentially kick out

even the last British governor of Hong Kong

if he tried to visit.

Cue international media backlash.

Well, certainly this hasn't come back to bite anyone.

As this editorial from the South China Morning Post says,

"If we really want to make world news,

let's ban Chris Patten.

Had Benedict Rogers been allowed in,

he would have visited the jailed Occupy youngsters,

criticised the authorities and not attracted global media attention."

But hey everyone,

the Chinese company Tencent has made a mobile game

that lets you clap for Xi Jinping's speeches!

Surely that will distract you!

So what do you think about

the Party's bungled attempts to smooth things over

for the 19th Party Congress?

Leave your comments below.

Once again I'm Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

You know it's hard to keep track of

how many times the Chinese Communist Party

has bungled its international image.

Wait, no it's not!

You can just visit China

where we upload full half hour episodes of the show

every Friday,

and get the complete rundown.

Why if I were you,

I'd be on right now!

For more infomation >> Trung Quốc Tự Làm Xấu Mặt ở Hồng Kông | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 7:12.


Fall Book Haul | 2017 - Duration: 9:53.

Hey guys it's Trina and this is my fall book haul. I've got nine books that I

have bought, or been sent, or just received in the past few months so I'm

going to be showing you what those are. I'm also going to be doing a second haul

that will be coming up soon with all kids books that I have recently received

because you guys may know that I am expecting my first child in... just over a

month, which is terrifying by the way. But I have gotten a lot of kids books

recently and that'll be a separate video so keep an eye out for that if you guys

are interested in it but I'm gonna get started with a book that was sent to me

by Disney-Hyperion and this video is paid promotion with Disney Hyperion to

promote the release of Follow Me by Sara Shepard. This came out on November 7th

and it is the sequel to the book The Amateurs which came out last year. This

is Sarah Shepard's new mystery series and I have read so many Sara Shepard books. I

have reviewed all of the series that are out so far, her YA series.

The Perfectionists, The Lying Game, the entire 18 books in the Pretty Little Liars

series. So Sara Shepard is an author that I genuinely enjoy and I have done a

separate review on the first book in The Amateurs trilogy. So this is a trilogy,

it's just gonna be three books, or at least that's the plan for right now, and

the interesting thing about this series that I'm really into as someone that's

read a lot of her books is that each book in the trilogy is going to follow a

new mystery. Like there is an overall kind of mystery going on, but each of

them follows a whole new mystery instead of just one long you know series

following the same thing where you're never really getting the answers. You get

the answers at the end of the first book about its mystery. The characters that we

follow in this series are all like amateur detectives, sleuths, that have met

online on a website that is dedicated to unsolved true crimes. The first book's

mystery is about a girl that went missing five years ago no one knows what

happened to her. The last person that saw her alive was her younger sister. It's

five years later and her sister goes on that unsolved crimes website and meets

some people interested in the case. They all agree to come and meet her,

maybe she'll have some information that the police didn't really take seriously

or that they overlooked. So these people are trying to figure out this

mystery on their own. Some of the characters in this book are in high

school, some of them are college age, so it's kind of - to me it kind of teeters

between young adult and new adult. The second book follows a new mystery. It

does follow the same characters that have met on that website and this one is

about a social media star has gone missing one night at a party. She was

last seen having a fight with her boyfriend and then was never seen again

and the weird thing is, is that the characters from book 1 notice that this

social media star that went missing looks a lot like the girl that went

missing in book 1 and maybe there's a connection there. So these characters get

involved in the case again to try to figure out what happened in this

disappearance. Definitely one that I really really want to check out. It was

on my November TBR so hopefully I will finish it by the end of the month and

have some thoughts to share with you guys about it in my wrap-up. Next I

purchased a copy of one of my favorite author's books. I actually pre-ordered

this. That is This Darkness Mine by Mindy McGinnis. This is a YA contemporary about

a girl who's got her life in order, she thinks she's perfect. Her model of

perfection is she's got straight A's, she knows exactly what school she's going to

go to, she's got the boyfriend that is perfect on paper, she never does anything

bad - or what she considers to be bad - and then she learns that she was supposed to

be a twin but her twin did not survive and was reabsorbed in the womb. And she

believes she absorbed her twin's heart so her twin is still kind of like alive and

is slowly trying to take over their body. So now instead of being the "good

girl" she starts having all these desires to do bad things and she's blaming it on

her dead twin. So it is a really weird premise. It is pretty dark. I ended up not

really enjoying this book and I have given you guys my review of it in my

October reading wrap-up. Part of my issue is that the synopsis doesn't really

prepare you for what the book is actually about and around halfway

through the setting kind of just switches gears. It becomes much more

about like the medical side of things. It is set in a hospital, it deals with

injuries and surgeries and I was not prepared for that and those things just,

I couldn't stomach reading them at this point in my life because of like

personal situations. A lot of people actually really like this and I can

definitely see the appeal and this keeps making it on a lot of lists of like the

best books of the fall. If you like unlikeable characters and weird, dark

stories that end in ways that make you go 'what on earth did I just read?' I think

that you might enjoy this book. [laughs] Next I was sent the Magnus Chase and the Gods

of Asgard series by Rick Riordan. This is a trilogy. These were also sent to me

by Disney-Hyperion last month and this is a series about Norse mythology.

We're following a main character who is 16 years old and he finds out that he is

the son of a Norse God and he kind of gets pulled in to this big war that is

about to happen. I did read the first book in this series last month and again

I talked more about it in my October wrap up but I definitely think that if

you like Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson or the Heroes of Olympus series that you

would definitely like this one too. Tor Publishing kindly sent me an advanced

copy of Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire and this is the third

book in the Wayward Children series. The first book was Every Heart a

Doorway, the second book was Down Among the Sticks

and Bones. This book is coming out in January of 2018. I am so excited for this

book! I love the first two books in the series.

I love the audiobooks of this series and I am gonna definitely be reading the

print, this advanced copy coming up soon because I want to get it read before

January, and then I think I'm just gonna go back and listen to the audiobook once

it comes out because I can't miss out on the audiobook. I guess I should tell you

guys what the series is about. So the series overall is following different

children that have found doorways into other lands and they've gone through

them and they've lived there and then one day they are kind of spit back out

into the real world for whatever reasons and they're having trouble adjusting to

life back in the real world because nobody believes like these lands of

magic that they've been in even exist. All three of the books in this

series do follow different characters so you just learn about their worlds and

what you know they've gone through and I just think it's a really interesting

fantastical series. Next up I am going to do an unboxing for you guys. This box was

sent to me by Freeform books. It's for The Belles obviously so I'm just gonna

show you guys what's in it because I don't often have like promo unboxings

for you. I do already know what's in here. A lot of people have already gotten this

box but here's mine. So the book is obviously The Belles by Dhonielle

Clayton and this is, I think it's a fantasy, it could be like a futuristic

thing I'm not entirely sure but it's about girls called Belles who can

control beauty like it's this magical power that they have and our main

character is wanting to be like the best Belle in the kingdom. She wants to like

be the royal family's personal Belle and once she gets into the palace she and

the other Belle's learn that you know things aren't exactly what they seem. She

learns that her powers may be far more great and terrible then she's been led

to believe and she is asked to do something that would really like test

the system that is already in place. This one is releasing in February of

2018 so again I'm hoping to read it soon. And then we have the goodies that were

in the box. There is this golden masquerade mask. There's also this

compact mirror in the box. Also a zipper pouch that you can keep anything that

you want in it that just has the like book cover floral images and the book

title on it. And then lastly there is this box of delicious looking French

macarons and these are from Dana's bakery and they are the flavors

birthday cake and strawberry shortcake. I love macarons. I don't get them very

often so I'm very excited about these. You know, give sweets to the pregnant

lady. Of course I will appreciate that. The last two books in my haul are books

that I have already showed you guys in my monthly PageHabit unboxings so I

didn't want to talk too long about these, I just wanted to kind of save them for

last but I did get Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel in their

September box. This one is a YA paranormal story about a new guy at

school that is not quite human and the main character starts to fall for him

but bad things will happen if they get together and like his presence is an

omen of death. Some people on my unboxing video let me know that they have read

this and that they really enjoyed it so that's great to hear because I haven't

read a lot of paranormal romances lately and I am still really intrigued in

reading this book I just haven't gotten to it yet. And then in their October box

I received Last Star Burning by Caitlin Sangster. A plague has taken over the

earth and our main character lives in a safe city but her mother was a traitor

so she is branded a criminal and she's about to be executed and

her only hope of survival is to escape the city and be out there in the world

that's very dangerous and she has to team up with her enemy in order to

survive in the world. So survival element is always a thing that sounds very

interesting to me. So these were the last two months choices from the YA PageHabit

book box and I'll link my unboxings of those down below if you

want to see the other things like the goodies that came in those boxes and

hear a little bit more about these books. Those are all the books that I have

added to my collection this fall. I hope maybe I helped you guys find another

book that you are interested in, that you didn't know very much about before, or if

you've read any of these books please let me know what you thought about them.

If there's one that you think I should get to sooner than the rest let me know

that too. Any of these books that I have already

read and reviewed I'll put links to those reviews where you can hear more of

my thoughts below. Thank you guys so much for watching. I will have a children's

book haul up soon if you guys are interested in that and yeah let me know

what you guys have recently hauled. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you

in the comments. Bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> Fall Book Haul | 2017 - Duration: 9:53.


ให้ภาพมันอธิบายความในใจ combine harvester รถเกี่ยวข้าว มีคลิป ให้ชม Thawatchai Hlongsomboon - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> ให้ภาพมันอธิบายความในใจ combine harvester รถเกี่ยวข้าว มีคลิป ให้ชม Thawatchai Hlongsomboon - Duration: 2:16.


Bottle Squad Going On A Lion Hunt | Superheroes Videos For Babies | Cartoons For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 49:30.

Bottle Squad with a boom we are ready to zoom

Bottle Squad!

Bottle Squad ! Be strong,

Be brave,

Be smart,

Be kind

Solving problems we don't mind!

We are the closest friends you'll ever find.

Bottle Squad

Ba Ba Bottle Squad

"Today, we're going to tell you the story of how all of us babies went on a LION hunt!"

"OOO! That is a day we cannot ever forget.

Yeah, the day our help was needed to catch a BIG ONE !

He had ventured out of the national park. Are you ready pets?

We're going on a lion hunt,

We're gonna catch a big one!

We're not scared!

"Oh no! Tall grass!"

We can't go over it,

We can't go around it,

We can't go under it!

"We' have to go through it!"





"Ba ba boom, We're ready to zoom"

We're going on a lion hunt,

We're gonna catch a big one!

We're not scared!

"Oh no! A lake!"

We can't go over it,

We can't go around it,

We can't go under it!

"We' have to fly across it"





We're going on a lion hunt,

We're gonna catch a big one!

We're not scared!

"Oh no! A cave!"

We can't go over it,

We can't go around it,

We can't go under it!

"We' have to go through it!

Do we have to go through it

We're going on a lion hunt,

We're gonna catch a big one

We're not scared!

"It sure is dark in here…

I feel two wet ears (You feel two wet ears?)

I feel one wet nose (You feel one wet nose?

I feel two sharp teeth (I feel two sharp teeth

"He's waking up!"

















WHEW! We made it!" Let's go and inform the authorities"

"You're wondering what happened next, huh?!"

"He is back in his part of the forest.

At least,

I think so,

right Ben?"


"Ha! Got ya!"

"We power up and don't give up! That's our Ba-Ba-Promise to you!"

For more infomation >> Bottle Squad Going On A Lion Hunt | Superheroes Videos For Babies | Cartoons For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 49:30.


IT'S GAME !! DON'T WATCH THIS VIDEO (horrible horror) - Duration: 12:55.

Where is this clock?

that i break it

pork ***

ehi man, i'm fox and i'm scared we are on One Late Night

a nice game "a short horror game experience" WOW

i see this game from pewdiepie (his top) but i never see gameplay

then it will be "wow" there is a it's ballon

IT'S IT This is a chat with Linda

which tells us "i see you soon" em..em it's a pe**s?

ah, it's a hand hand sorry We fell asleep... perfect

Ok, we are in game we are in our office and we fell asleep

we can sit down and we can get out of the chair

i don't understand how do we hide ourselves we'll see

Oh my god i have the music at most

ehi... is there anyone?

"Robert's Office" he always came to work but disappeared

we can get in?

no, it's close ehi

ehi is there anyone?

ehi you

Oh my god what was that

you stop.. uncle stop

shut-up SHUT-UP oh

no you don't understand There is a printer dumbfounded

by the devil this poor don't have chair

ah BI**H

you are poor it looks like a normal office

o my god

run in here now close the door

there is a kitchen in a office


the bathroom rightly

why does he beat his heart



For more infomation >> IT'S GAME !! DON'T WATCH THIS VIDEO (horrible horror) - Duration: 12:55.


Effective Listening Skills - Duration: 5:27.

It's a huge misconception that more talking equals better communication. Well

I'm here to tell you that effective listening is often exactly what you need

to become a better communicator. So we're going to talk about six tips to make you

a more effective listener.

Hello again friends. Welcome back. I'm Alex Lyon.

If we have not met yet, this channel is all about helping you,

a rising leader, become a more effective leader so that you can bring out the

best and all the people around you. And today we're going after effective

listening skills. I have another related video that I'll link to in the card

above or the description below about the barriers to effective listening. But in

this video, we're gonna take it a step further and look at ways to build up

your positive skills. And the bottom line for great listening is feedback. You as a

listener are trying to give whoever is speaking positive feedback that will

help them know that you are listening. And by doing that and making that your

focus, you will become a better listener. So the first tip is non verbal feedback.

Now when people are listening closely to you, they're doing things like making eye

contact. They're nodding and they're showing you through their facial

expression that they're paying attention to what you're saying. Now I'm not

suggesting that you necessarily fake this but if you take a genuine interest

in what they're doing you want to make sure you show it. Now the alternative is

and you've probably seen this people give you like a stone face. They have

this neutral or blank expression on their face and it doesn't really seem

like they're listening. It seems like they're judging you. So you want to be

aware of your facial expression and you want to give positive nonverbals that

show that you are listening to them. That's good feedback. the second tip is

verbal feedback and you want to keep this pretty compressed. So as the person

is talking at the right moment you say things like I hear you or I know where

you're coming from or that makes sense. Some kind of short verbal utterance that

shows them gives them feedback, that you are listening to then. It could be as

short as uh-huh yeah. Even that alone gives them a cue

that you are paying attention to what they are saying. Now the next tip is to

listen to the big picture. This is a huge effective listening tip because a lot of

times we get so caught up in the details, in fact, this is a barrier to effective

listening in the other video I mentioned, but you want to listen to the

big picture and that'll help you stay focused on what they're saying, not the

details so much. And if you're in a content or a work-related setting, you're

listening for the overall idea the big- picture idea and if you're in a social

situation talking to a friend and so forth you want to listen to the big-

picture emotion. So let's say they're frustrated or they're happy you want to

connect with that emotion and when you're listening to that big picture

emotion you're going to show them that you're interested and be much more

focused and tracking with what they are saying. The next tip is you want to stay

on them. and what I mean by stay on them is keep the conversation focused on them

as a person and also focus on their topic. So you might have an occasion to

jump in and say something. Be sure that you don't take over the conversation and

all the sudden make it about you and make it about the topic that you really

want to be talking about. that's not good listening. Now, that might be good talking,

but in this video we're working on good listening. So stay on them. The next tip

is when you do have the occasion to talk make sure that you're talking turn is

concise. So you want to say whatever you have to say and it's completely

appropriate while you're listening to chime in and add a sentence or two here

or there but make sure it's concise, like limited to about a sentence and then

bounce it back onto them. Ask a follow-up question. Probe into something

they just said so you give your opinion then you bounce it and ask them another

question. That'll help the conversation stay on them. It'll make you a more

effective listener. And the last tip is like the gold star bonus tip of the

whole video. Take action. A lot of times people miss out on this easy opportunity.

If you're in a professional setting you want to let the person know what you're

going to do about it. They shared some information,

say okay I'm gonna follow up. And then follow up with an email or send them

something that they asked for. And if you're in a social situation one of a

really classy move that shows that you care about the person is you follow up

with them the next time. So then the next time you touch base with them or see

them you say, hey say by the way whatever happened with a situation at work? Or how

did that work out with your dog? Is she's still sick?

You follow up. Maybe you follow up by sending them a text may be followed by

sending them an email or something on social media. But that follow up is

really what's gonna take your listening to the next level because that shows

them that you care. That's feedback that shows them you were in fact listening

and you get a lot of credit for that follow up. So those are six tips to more

effective listening skills. Question of the day. which one of these do you

struggle with the most and which one of these do you think you're naturally best

at? I would like to hear both sides of that coin and I look forward to reading

your comments in that section below. So thanks. God bless. And I will see you in

the next video.

For more infomation >> Effective Listening Skills - Duration: 5:27.


Fırında Karnabahar Tarifi -İşaret dili - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Fırında Karnabahar Tarifi -İşaret dili - Duration: 3:20.


HOW TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF | MOTIVATION OF VOLUNTEER 【JAPAN VLOG 2017】奥様は外国人 どうしてボランティアをやってますか? - Duration: 9:53.

Fried egg

Today is snowing...

Let`s sit much more closer.


Great job for helping.

It`s a Thanksgiving colouring page how to make turkey.

Why I volunteer, the reason is

I want to help the area where I live

and with the educational activities I can help kids to learn more.

and to help them to be more interested in english for the future. That`s my answer what I am thinking about my volunteering.

I`m so busy but...

I love to make my time to do so.

The answer from me is

I love this members

That`s the best!

Mine answer is

oh, we were talking about that

If I can do something good

and if I can help somehow

I can speak in english and help others to learn english through reading english books.

Thank you very much!

In Japan,

many people want to learn english

from a little age

learn english is the best way to do by pictures and the sound.

I think, it`s very important.

That`s why I like my volunteering (english reading book club in Japan)

Thank you very much.

Me...I really like english picture books so much that`s why

the pictures of english books are very cute, colourful

and I like english books.

Plus, I love this members of our club that`s why I volunteer.

Thank you.

My answer is I like english very much

that`s why I volunteering in english book reading club.

And one more...because I love this volunteer members of this club.

And I would like to be around them.

That`s why I volunteer here.

For more infomation >> HOW TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF | MOTIVATION OF VOLUNTEER 【JAPAN VLOG 2017】奥様は外国人 どうしてボランティアをやってますか? - Duration: 9:53.



For more infomation >> DDB CHAIR SANTIAGO, SINIBAK SA PWESTO DAHIL SA 'JUNKET TRIP'—SMNI NEWSBLAST 11/20/17 - Duration: 2:12:04.


John Hancock | How to Learn English Slang | Slang English Vocabulary Lesson - Duration: 0:59.

Your John Hancock.

Who is John Hancock?

Well, you should be asking who was John Hancock.

Because he was an American revolutionary, although, most of us don't remember him for

that reason.

What we do remember him for was his very large signature.

You can see here in the Declaration of Independence, he has by far the largest signature.

What is a signature?

A signature is how you write your name on an official or very important document.

For this reason, if you hear "John Hancock", you know that somebody is probably talking

about your signature unless if you're in a history class.


We're almost done.

but before we finish, I just need to get your John Hancock right here at the bottom of the


"We're almost done buying the house.

We just have to go back to the realtor tomorrow and give 'em our John Hancock" To make sure

you really understand, write an example in the comments

For more infomation >> John Hancock | How to Learn English Slang | Slang English Vocabulary Lesson - Duration: 0:59.


Mugabe agrees to step down as Zimbabwean head of state - Duration: 0:51.

Robert Mugabe, the long-ruling president of Zimbabwe has reportedly agreed to terms of


For days he had defiantly refused to step down following a military takeover.

According to CNN, Mugabe agreed on Monday to leave office and drafted his official resignation


The president and his wife Grace... will be granted full immunity and will retain all

of his private property.

No details regarding the date of his resignation... but according to the report, the resignation

letter must first be delivered to the speaker of Parliament in order for Mugabe to formally


On Sunday, Mugabe was given 24 hours by his political party Zanu-PF, to either resign

or be impeached.

He was widely expected to announce he will step down in a televised address the same

day, but caused widespread shock by refusing to do so despite being under house arrest.

For more infomation >> Mugabe agrees to step down as Zimbabwean head of state - Duration: 0:51.


[TV - Giải Trí Official] Bình Trọng Tiết Lộ Nội Dung LÀNG Ế VỢ 4 - TRAILER 2018 cực kì đặc sắc. - Duration: 20:34.

For more infomation >> [TV - Giải Trí Official] Bình Trọng Tiết Lộ Nội Dung LÀNG Ế VỢ 4 - TRAILER 2018 cực kì đặc sắc. - Duration: 20:34.


GIÀ - Da LAB x Max Benderz (Official Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> GIÀ - Da LAB x Max Benderz (Official Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:16.


What is Retraction Watch? - Duration: 2:49.

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to talk about the blog Retraction Watch.

To start with, in scholarly publishing, a retraction of a published scientific article

means that the original article should not have been published and that its data and

conclusions should not be used as part of future research.

The Retraction Watch website or blog, at, reports on retractions of scientific papers.

The blog was launched in 2010 and is produced by science writers Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus

and their capable staff.

Their tag line is "Tracking retractions as a window into the scientific process."

The motivation to create of Retraction Watch came from the interest in increasing the transparency

of the retraction process.

The founders noted that retractions of papers were not announced and rarely publicized.

This led in some cases to the paper continuing to be cited and built upon; despite the retraction.

The blog has been a hit with 96,000 subscribers and over 150,000 page views per month.

The blog was started and supported later with grants from the MacArthur Foundation, the

Arnold Foundation, and the Helmsley Trust.

The retractions being covered start with the site's launch in mid-2010 although some

go back to the "best of" prior to 2010.

A priority would to cover more retrospectively if the funds were available.

The blog currently reports on about 500-600 retractions per year up from 200 in their

first year.

Retraction Watch has been a valued service and made instant news when begun.

They have helped shed light on scientific misconduct.

Let us hope they continue to prosper and even expand.

Well that's it.

I've released a new eBook called, "Scholarly Publishing: A Primer."

It is a short, focused guide on some of the essential topics that are integral to academic


Starting with the basics of scholarly publishing, it then moves onto the specifics of book and

journal publishing, then marketing and promotion, then to organizations and standards, then

to rights and licensing, and finally it looks at trends in publishing.

It was born out of videos on this channel.

See the link in the notes below for more information on the book or how to purchase it.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the link to my video on peer review.

And make comments below or email me with questions.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> What is Retraction Watch? - Duration: 2:49.


North Korea could launch another ballistic missile before year end - Duration: 1:37.

The National Intelligence Service warn...

North Korea is trying to upgrade weapons capabilities to hold leverage against Washington.

That recently...

Pyongyang seems to have conducted an engine test for its ballistic missile.

Kim Hyun-bin shares with us their analysis.

South Korea's intelligence agency says that there is a possibility that North Korea could

launch another ballistic missile before the end of the year.

During a briefing to the National Assembly's intelligence committee, the National Intelligence

Agency said on Monday that suspicious movements have been detected at North Korea's missile

test site and added that the regime seems to have conducted an engine test for ballistic


The spy agency and military experts say that North Korea is trying to enhance its ballistic

missile capabilities.

(Korean) "Kim Jong-un ordered during his new year's

address the completion of the regime's nuclear arsenal.

That is why the North has conducted its sixth nuclear test and kept developing its ICBM


6 .

North Korea claims that the rockets are meant to send a satellite into orbit while Seoul

and Washington say the regime's main purpose is to develop an intercontinental ballistic

missile that can reach the U.S. mainland.

Seoul's spy agency also said during the briefing that the North has inspected its military's

General Political Bureau for the first time in two decades punishing Bureau's chief Hwang

Pyong-so and deputy chief Kim Won-hong along with other military officers.

The inspection was led by the vice chairman of the North's ruling Worker's Party Choe


The bureau is one of the most influential military institutions in charge of key personnel

management of military branches.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea could launch another ballistic missile before year end - Duration: 1:37.


How to Box Up Thanksgiving Leftovers - HGTV Happy - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> How to Box Up Thanksgiving Leftovers - HGTV Happy - Duration: 1:01.


[SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1 - SC Green "NO") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 7:39.

Wow... Son of a bitch...

God dammit!

What happened?!

Oh, finally came back.

Look for yourself.

I... I don't know what happened.

I pushed the button than it sparked and smoke out of it.

Why you touched something without telling me?!

Hey! Don't you yell on me.

You went silent and didn't respond to me.

What was I suppose to do?! Just stay here and wait?!

I don't know man... I don't know.

Alright! Forget it. Look behind you.

There should be a control panel. You see it?

Yeah. I see it.

Okay. Hit the green button.

This should open the door to a next corridor.

Alright... I'm going in.

Stay in contact.

I don't want you to go silent again.

Hey Bonnie!

Seen better days?

Yeah, yeah... Me too, me too.


I've got the chip.

I'm getting to hell out of here man...

What the?

Richard? Are you seing this?


God dammit!

And what do we have here...

It' time...

For the citizens of this city...

To know how it feels to be helpless in the middle of chaos!

When there is no one to protect them!

I will make them suffer!

For more infomation >> [SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1 - SC Green "NO") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 7:39.


[SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1 - SC Red "YES") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 4:41.

Richard come in!

Richard come in already!

Richard where are you?!

Hloy shit!

What the hell is this..?

Oh God...

It's not happening...

It's all in my head... It's not happening...

What the..?!!

It... It can't be...

It's impossible!

Richard come in God dammit!

Oh God! Come on... Don't do this to me...

Turn on...

But... How?

What the hell..?

Get back...

Stay back!

Get back! GET BACK!!!

Oh... No...


You released us!

For this, you'll be rewarded!

With a quick death!

It's time...

For the citizens of this city...

To know how it feels to be helpless in the middle of chaos!

When there is no one to protect them!

I will make them suffer!

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