Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

In the past few months, I've seen 4 movies.

Thor Ragnarok, and Blade Runner 3 times and where Blade Runner feels likes a four course

meal that is a journey with every bite, Thor Ragnarok is more like a big bacon cheeseburger.

It was in thinking about that analogy that I started to realize, with the exception of

the Guardians of the Galaxy films, it's becoming more difficult to find anything interesting

to say about the Marvel movies, by virtue of their cheeseburger assembly line.

Even the efficiency of their quality has become a redundant statement at this point.

The Thor movies have always felt like a bit of a strange anomaly in the Marvel universe.

The three movies couldn't be more different from each other.

The first, directed by Kenneth Branagh, is a Shakespearean drama about two brothers warring

for their father's love.

Thor the Dark World is about...uhm...well actually I don't really remember what the

Dark World was about.

There's some red oily thing?

And some elves.

And uhm...Natalie Portman?

I remember liking the second one once I managed to turn my brain off completely and just bathe

in the movies wonderful visuals and art design.

Even if it was at times, confusingly derivative right down to it's Portal 3 ending.

In Ragnarok, Hela, the Goddess of death returns to take over Asgard and Thor and Loki find

themselves kicked to the Gladiator planet Sakaar, run by Jeff Goldblum.

Thor is pressed into combat and, as you've seen in the trailers, when he gets there is

first opponent is the Hulk.

Thor Ragnarok is by far the best of the three, and might crack the bottom of my list of top

5 Marvel movies.

It knows not to take these Norse Gods in tights too seriously.

It actually has a comfortable plot that keeps things moving.

There are the expected charismatic performances across the board.

But what really makes Ragnarok shine is the direction by Taika Waititi.

After Edgar Wright left Ant-Man because he said he didn't just want to be a director

for hire, Marvel has gained a reputation for only hiring directors who who will fall in


And their homogenized quality might seem to support that idea.

Except for one problem..

Perhaps, no one was paying attention when James Gunn wandered on set and made Guardians,

a movie that felt fresh and interesting just when the Marvel formula was beginning to harden.

And we all loved it.

I think Ragnarok might be a little less broadly innovative than people are giving it credit


You can definitely see Guardian's influence here.

Ragnarok is working with a bright colorful palette that doesn't shy away from pastel

purples and neon yellows.

It distinguishes between its two primary locations symphonically, using an 80s synth techno for

the gladiator planet Sakaar, and a pretty standard orchestral score for Asgard.

But the area where it really surpasses Guardian's and every other Marvel movie is it's humor.

This is by far, the funniest film in the Marvel universe, a great comedy carrying what might

otherwise be an average Marvel plot.

And I think that is primarily due to New Zealand director Taika.

Whose previous directorial works include Flight of the Conchords and What We Do in the Shadows,

both of which I loved.

And boy does this feel like it was cut from the same dry humorous template as those two.

Right down Korg, a giant monster felt as though he was assembled from the rocks of New Zealand

and taken directly to Sakaar.

Which makes sense, given he's actually voiced by the films director, Taika Waititi.

Given his background, it's no surprise then that the director and cast interviews I read

estimated that anywhere between 80 to 90 percent of the movies dialogue was improvised, much

of it by Taika himself yelling suggested lines from behind the camera.

Now that can be a complete disaster in the hands of a poor director, but man does Taika

hold it together, unusual to see a satisfying big budget action movie that might be the

funniest movie this year.

And that's what I find remarkable about the film.

As with any other average or better Marvel movie, the rest is a mixed bag of really good

or meh.

The finale on the rainbow bridge made for a fairly satisfying conclusion.

Despite a lot of questionable green screen, there are a few moments throughout of astonishing

beauty that had me trying to take in the entire composition on screen.

Despite the clever use of music to separate locations in the movie, I never really heard

a memorable piece of score.

The film is stacked with nothing but charismatic actors and you can tell they're all having


Though Jeff Goldblum does play Jeff Goldblum, and Cate Blanchett's Hela, while I loved

the character's design, ultimately ends up in the same bucket of forgettable Marvel

heroes that can't hold a torch to Hiddleston's Loki.

But these are all quibbles and bits, like counting the number of sesame seeds on the

bun of a cheeseburger.

Should you pay to go see it?

I think so.

Who doesn't love a good cheeseburger.

Thing is, a lot of the setup here requires that you have knowledge of the previous movies.

And if you do have knowledge of the previous films you probably already know whether Ragnarok

is for you or not.

For more infomation >> Thor Ragnarok • TPN's Movie Review - Duration: 4:34.


সরাসরি আজকের সারাদেশের বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট টিভি ৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ INDEPENDENT TV News Today - Duration: 12:38.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদেশের বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট টিভি ৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ INDEPENDENT TV News Today - Duration: 12:38.


Stryker Shoots Wolverine | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.

Kayla! Kayla!


I love you.

- Hey... - I'm so cold.

Listen to me. I'm gonna get you out of here.


Just go easy. Nice and easy. That's it. That's it.

Okay. I'm gonna get you help.


I should make you pull the trigger.

But that would make us no better than you.

Throw the gun away.

Turn around.

Walk until your feet bleed. And then keep walking.

For more infomation >> Stryker Shoots Wolverine | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


Yakuza 0 1080p #8 - Duration: 1:24:11.

Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD

For more infomation >> Yakuza 0 1080p #8 - Duration: 1:24:11.


《晚吹 - 啪啪 Channel》第13集 -〈才女篇〉大家都(曾)是啪啪小學雞 - Duration: 22:08.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 啪啪 Channel》第13集 -〈才女篇〉大家都(曾)是啪啪小學雞 - Duration: 22:08.


Preguntas y Respuestas parte 1 - Duration: 9:36.

hello cupcakes I'm Rosie

and today I present to you: Questions

and answers

Q&A part 1 (in Español). Stay tuned for awesome subtitles!

(dis be part 1 yall)

the first question comes from....

(omg i butchered that name good)

"Hi Rosie I love your vids

"I got a couple questions but the main ones are:"

"Whos your main influence in fashion?"

"Have you ever had an existential crisis?"

"and will you ever come to Mexico city?"

Saludos! (dat means cheers!)

whoa that's a lot of questions

I think I'll start with "have you ever had an existential crisis"

(spanish is hard, yo)

Yes, its happened to me lots of times

at least once a year I have an episode

Im the type of person who can't deal with the mundane or with routine

I dont just get sick of it, it straight up depresses me

If i dont regularly make changes to my lifestyle I get hella depressed

Its sounds a bit exaggerated but its the truth

"whos your fashion idol?"

I dont have one. At least right now I dont

When I was real into Japanese fashion

like lolita and gyaru styles

There were lots of models that I loved and would stalk on social media

but currently there is neither a model nor actor or even youtuber who I idolize or admire

"Will you ever come to Mexico city?"

I really want to- I've always said I would go

but I aint gonna go alone so....

Im not sure. There's no definite plans as of yet

but if I COULD go I would like to go for an anime convention or for a fashion related event

(spanish has a lot of syllables, hang in there)

that would be dope

the second question comes from Edgar Vera (sup boi)

"what did you dress up as for halloween?"

I didn't really wear a costume but i did wear Neko Mimi

The next question comes from....

"hello marvelous Rosie"

"What do you do career wise and on your free time?"

This is actually the first time Ive been asked this I don't have a career

I just work and what I do for work has nothing to do with what I studied in school

and its very uninteresting so

i wont even talk about it

"Ive followed you since forever ago and I love you"

"I only dare to tell you so today cuz its my bday"

On my Facebook I replied to your comment but I'll tell you again

"congrats and happy bday"

The next question comes from...

"Are you still with your Asian boyfriend?"

"sorry but i forgot his name"

My "Asian boyfriend"

Thats right- a long time ago i made a vid called "My Japanese Boyfriend"

and his name is Yoshi btw

and no he is no longer my boyfriend

he stopped being my boyfriend 2 years ago

"Ive followed you since years ago but I dont see that you update your old blog"

A long time ago I had a blogspot blog

It was kind of a beauty blog about gyaru makeup and fashion

when I left gyaru I also stopped updating the blog

I haven't posted anything since then and I dont plan to do so ever again

"What's your Ideal outfit or your favorite?"

since i dont follow a specific trend right now its hard to say

now a days...well, i feel it has a lot to do with my age but....

I simply dress in whatever is comfortable

thats it

but now, especially with my hair being dark- I really like to wear a lot of white and pink

so i think that my ideal outfit would simply be anything that's pink

the next question come from...

( oh god i dont even know..... )

( i gave up )

"Hello Rosie, how long does it take for you to get ready 100% (hair, makeup and clothes)?"

Saludos (cheers!) to the person whos name I cant read

How long do i take to get ready?

If im straight out the shower and have to dry and straighten my hair, do makeup and all

I think in total its about 2 hours

the next question comes from...

"Would you ever come with me to Tijuana city to eat birria tacos?" (birria is like the bombest form of meat ever)

theres such a thing as birria tacos?!?!

"Youre so lovely and I love your kawaii style. Ive followed you since 2012 I hope you remember me"

so would I go to Tijuana to eat tacos?


you know what, its been ages since Ive been to Tijuana.

back in the day I used to live close to the Mexico border so I would give it my all with the Spanish language learning

I wanted to learn for all my homies in Tijuana whom I would visit regularly

they prolly all forgot me by now, but also i kinda dont talk to them anymore

sorry! But yeah Ive moved several times since then and each time I went more and more towards the north

so, its been like 4 years since Ive been to Tijuana? Or was it 3?

but YES I would love to come to TJ and have some tacos with you

I dont know when though. I dont have any plans to go at the moment

but if it ever happens that theres an opportunity to go, I will let all of you guys know

and all together we can go eat tacos

the next question comes from...

what the heck is this??

Im a dragon!!

"Do you live in Japan or the U.S.?"

Ive gotten this question a lot in the past

I think it was because I used to always vlog about Japanese things and places

like, everytime i went grocery shopping to Mitsuwa Id take pics

but no Ive never lived in Japan I live in the good U.S. of A

I live in southern California

and we have a lot of immigrants here especially from Mexico and China

and there's quite a lot of people from Japan and korea

the middle east and many other places

so yeah we have lots of Asian stores, restaurants and the like

I'm pretty fortunate to live in a place that's hugely diverse

people from all over the world are living here

I think that's one of the main reasons why I got into Japanese things

and because of that my interest grew into language learning as well

but yeah, I live in the U.S.

the next question comes from ....

"Do you still have dreams to accomplish?"

Dreams to accomplish...

not sure

I feel that at the start of every year I have tons of goals

but I dont ever accomplish them

well, its not that I cant accomplish them its just that I always change my goals suddenly

so for example if right now I said, I aspire to become a beauty vlogger or something like that

its very likely that come next month I wont be interested in becoming a beauty vlogger anymore

so whether I have goals to accomplish or not...I dunno

Im always changing my mind about things so I cant really say

the only sure thing that Ive always wanted to do since I was little is

Ive always wanted to visit Brazil

(or even learn Brazilian Portuguese)

One day I'll go for sure

The next question comes from...

Im not sure whether to read these names in english or spanish

Her question is "Do you use circle lenses daily?

No, I dont wear them everyday. Just when I go out (which is often)

The next question comes from...

"What state are you from?"

"and if you watch doramas which ones your fav?"

"and your favorite actor"

"also how old are you and what do you study"

dang, thats a lot of questions, homie

I'm American (USA citizen)

I live in southern California (born and raised)

my parents are from Mexico- from the state ofJalisco

(thats where tequila comes from!)

I dont watch "doramas" if youre referring to Japanese ones

but I do recommend a show called "terrace house" which is a Japanese reality TV show

its 100% in Japanese and you can watch it on Netflix (with subtitles!)

Favorite actor? I dont have a favorite actor....

( i dont even like watching movies)

Also, "How old are you and what do you study?"

Im old as f*ck

I know i dont look a day over 24 but Im actually in my 30s

what do I study? Well im not a student anymore but Im actually studying Japanese right now

I'm not studying for a career- but well, if it leads to that cool but...

anyway Im studying pretty hard

Im not studying it at a University Im just taking classes at a chumpy community college

I wish I could straight up go to language school but Im just taking a regular college course

this ends part one of the vid

look forward to part 2

thanks for reading the subs. they were prolly 90% accurate to what I actually said in spanish. woot

For more infomation >> Preguntas y Respuestas parte 1 - Duration: 9:36.


5 Steps to Choose Your Cricket Bat - Duration: 3:32.

G'day, everybody.

In today's video, we're gonna run you through how to choose your cricket bat.

It can be very overwhelming when you walk into a store and you see the big massive range

of bats.

So we've got five key points you should consider when buying your cricket bat.

It's important to choose a budget, or to have a budget in mind so that you can narrow down

your choices.

Most bats will come in a range of bats and varying price points.

For example, the New Balance DC range.

Same shape bats, different price points.

So there should hopefully be one that suits your needs.

It's important to know how you like to play your cricket.

Do you like to play off the front foot or the back foot?

If you tend to play off the front foot, you probably want to look for a bat with a low-to-mid

sweet spot.

If you prefer to play off the back foot, then you probably want a bat with a mid-to-high

sweet spot.

This will give you better value for your shots.

We can help you determine this when you come in-store and speak to one of our experts.

It's really important to consider the weight of the bat that you choose.

There's nothing worse than getting a bat which is too heavy for you.

This is really important when buying a junior bat, you want to make sure the bat is the

right weight, because obviously you want to try to be batting for longer than ten minutes.

You want to think you may be batting for a long time and making a lot of runs.

If the bat's too heavy, then you tend not to be able to play your shots correctly, which

means you can't time the ball right, which means obviously you get less value for your


A lot of people think that a heavier bat can hit the ball further, but this doesn't always

work out.

If you're not strong enough to swing the bat correctly, then it's actually going to be

worse off for you.

So it's really important to consider weight when you come and buy your cricket bat.

It's important to consider pickup when it comes to buying a cricket bat.

Pickup is different to the actual weight of a bat, because pickup refers to how it feels

in your hands and in your stance.

So it's always a good idea to come in-store, pickup a range of bats and pick the one that

feels most comfortable to you.

Pickup can be a fairly personal choice.

Some guys like a bat with a slightly heavy pickup, some guys like a bat with a light pickup.

So again, always really important to come in-store, pickup a range of bats, and pick

the one that feels best for you.


So you've gone through the range, you've narrowed it down,

you've selected your favourite two, three, four bats.

So now the guys in-store will go through, test the sweet spots on each of them, and

help you pick the best one.

So, hopefully now with these five points, we've given you a little bit more knowledge

on picking your perfect cricket bat.

Of course, nothing beats coming in, visiting us at one of our five locations, picking up

a bat, feeling them, having a swing.

So come and visit us at one of our five stores, or check out our full range at

For more infomation >> 5 Steps to Choose Your Cricket Bat - Duration: 3:32.


Science Box 3: How Far Do People Walk - Duration: 3:19.

Have you ever wondered how far you walk in a day?

A year?

A lifetime?

The average moderately active person takes around 7,500 step per day.

Now assuming the average life span is 80 years, if you maintain that daily average,

you'll have walked about 216,262,500 steps in your lifetime.

The average step length is 2.6 feet or about 31 inches.

Doing the math, you have walked around 110,000 miles,

which is the equivalent ofwalking about 5 times around the Earth, right on the equator.

FYI, the equator length is 24,874 miles.

A lifetime is quite a long time to think about.

Let's break it down into smaller timeline.

How about just a year, 365 days?

Do men walk longer than women do in a year.

Studies have shown that men walk 7,192 steps per day

and women walk 5,210 steps.

Thus, in a year an average man will walk around 2,625,080 steps, which equals to 1,292.6 miles.

Let's put that distance into the map.

Imagine a man in Zimbabwe walking in a year, he will get to Madagascar.

On the other hand, in a year an average woman will walk 1,901,650 steps equaling to 936.4 miles.

With that same analogy, a woman from South West China will get to India in a year.

You've known the difference in walking distance between genders.

What about the difference between people from different countries?

According the Fitbit's data (an activity tracker device) gather from their users,

you will be amazed.

In United Kingdom, the average person walks 6,322 steps per day.

In a year he/she will walk 1,136.2 miles,

That distance is equivalent to the distance from Birmingham to Iceland

While in Japan, an average person will walk for 1,288.3 miles in a year

by walking 7,168 steps per day.

The Japanese will get from their place to North Korea in a year.

Comparing to those countries, an average person in United States only walk 5,117 steps in a day.

Therefore, in a year, they can get only from Texas to Mexico City,

unless Donald Trump build the wall.

Finding out that if you're walking a whole year wouldn't get you that far

is quite a tedious thing.

That's why people have to invent different type of transportation to get us to the place

we want in short amount of time.

However, we should keep walking regularly to keep a healthy life.

For more infomation >> Science Box 3: How Far Do People Walk - Duration: 3:19.


... mer muss immer mer uffbasse wo mer hie gehe kann. Created by B.S. #Bembeltown - Duration: 1:36.

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