Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 7 2017

If you want the Skull,

release Flick now.

Of course.

Whatever you say.

-(GRUNTS) -Bandon, what are you doing?


Protecting myself.

I'll be all right. I'll be all right.

What'd you do to him?

Infected him with a contagion.

If I don't cure him soon, he'll die.

Why? I've done everything you asked. Everything!

I know. I'm sorry, Wil.

I trust you, but...

I just can't trust the Druid.


The Skull is this way.

But if you do this, there'll be no turning back.

That's the idea.

Nice try.



What are you doing here?

Making sure Bandon doesn't leave with the Skull.

So, you were in on this?

That bickering outside, that was just for show?

For more infomation >> 'There'll Be No Turning Back' Ep. 205 Official Clip | The Shannara Chronicles (Season 2) - Duration: 2:35.


What Men Wish Women Understood About Their Emotional Needs: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - Duration: 9:47.

if you correct a man too much again it can make him feel like it's like a child

why don't you do this how come you didn't do that and he feels like you

know child and no man wants to feel like a child

thank you so much for tuning back in to our second act with Paige and Silke we're continuing our conversation

today on love and relationships and we're happy to welcome Richard Drobnick

back to our program Richard thanks for joining us again ...thank you so much as

you may recall from our last segment Richard Drobnick is the director of

the Mars and Venus Counseling Center in northern New Jersey and he specializes

in marriage and family counseling relationship counseling correct Richard

right yeah which is you know exactly what we want today because not only do

you speak from a man's point of view which is we were always interested in

hear what men are thinking you've also you don't just talk from theory you talk

from practice you've been married 32 years right that's a huge accomplishment

so so you you you walk the talk so to speak yeah and then we you know what we

want to focus on today is the emotional needs of men and women and how they

differ and what men wished women understood you know about them so

Richard what are the inherent emotional differences in men and women know

men want to feel trust it like a can-do guy they want to feel that a woman can

count on them let's say a man has his grumbles at work and he comes home from

work instead giving a lot of unsolicited advice

nagging ..yeah okay there you go or just letting him know what he could

do what he should do how he should do it like the unsolicited advice a man feels

that is like criticism like it's a way of saying you can't really

count on me and so it'll feel like criticism and it'll deplete his energy

so one important piece of advice is that for man to feel counted on is to maybe

say something like oh that's really a difficult thing at work but I can count

on you or you got it I you can handle that that kind of theme now if a man

says well I need I need I need some advice about this of course and

then you can give it but not unsolicited that'll deplete him okay that's the

big that's what that would be one big thing men wish women ooh don't stop the

unsolicited advice yeah we can call him like the home home improvement committee if you want to change your man to be a

certain way he's gonna feel well what's wrong with me the way I am well and and

you know what a big aha thing for me on our last program and also you know in

today is another point is the alone time that men really need and how that is

misinterpreted by women so what do men wish women knew about needing their

space their alone time their cave time ...what when a man goes to work let's say a

man when he goes to work it's easy for him to get focused on work to goal

oriented in his head achievement oriented and forget about his wife so a

man has to remember that on his need is to feel appreciated and a woman needs to

make sure she lets him know that but a man also has to remember to give her a

text give her a call what about what you would say that what what men wish women

knew is that if I don't send that text if I don't give that call it doesn't

that doesn't mean that I forgot about you that was a big that that hit me like

wowI needed to know that because I feel like that all the time

that's not true at all it's not true at all ... you see what I like about our

conversation Richard is not is like if you don't get the text or you don't get

the email understanding those differences going back to your point of

Education you know maybe by knowing those

differences that we're trying to get out today we don't make an issue out of it

because there's no issue there necessarily yeah it's a balancing one is

that we don't make an issue of it but if if we if we're not getting of one's not

getting her needs met enough then it becomes an issue

well that's true that's true and he can be educated and remember to do those

things because it's important to his woman

yeah to both of us the other thing that that I found again to me was new

information and I'm pushing 60 here is that men naturally that men naturally go

through a cycle of getting close pulling away and getting close again tell us

about what does that mean what what do men wish women understood about that

what a man wish women know about that is that once again the cycle is natural

okay a man can feel this need this need for closeness and connection and feel

very satisfied and close and then when he's off doing his own thing that he can

be very unfocused goal oriented and not have that need as much until he then

remembers I do need that closeness and connection and we couldn't call it a

rubber band the jargon of Mars Venus but he's out there then he'll remember he

needs that closeness and connection and then be back ...I guess Richard the you

know the point or one of the points that also spoke strongly to me is that the

man's independence that you know we shouldn't take it as a slight because

women do tend to feel emotionally isolated when that happens you know it's

not a slight at all again a good metaphor again I I started to use this to kill

this metaphor for the woolly mammoth thing but one

man's out you know at work with doing his thing he's doing it for his wife

he's doing it for his family he knows that he knows that but she doesn't know

that and if he doesn't let her know that of course she might believe that so he

can come home from work and be ridiculed and go I'm what am i doing I'm doing

this for you you know what I don't get it and then a man will not understand

being criticized or judged and a woman's not understanding why he could have

forgotten about me so once again education it's ...well based on our

conversation in your article would you agree that maybe one of the number one

things men wished women understood is just that they need to feel needed yes

they need to feel needed we say needed again appreciated

recognized recognized accepted what I'm doing is good see some good in

me not just what I didn't do today not just what I forgot to do but remind me

tell me what I did do so needed but also appreciated in all these words

yeah it's a broader maybe than just needed but it falls into that kind of

category ... limit the unsolicited advice I think we said yeah yeah and you know you

can always say something like gee honey um can I make a comment about

something or you know thought about something well you have to say well it

was for your consideration of you know blah blah blah might be some advice or

a suggestion and he's so much more willing to hear that then why don't you

do that and you didn't do that if you correct a

man too much again it can make him feel like it's like a child why don't you do

this how come you didn't do that and he feels like you know child and no man

wants to feel like a child so there's a way of saying that in a way that will

help a man be able to hear that as constructive information well like you

said it really is all about education no matter

how old we get we just we don't get it until it's you know somehow pointed out

in in these sorts of conversations and we hope that you know some of what

you've heard here today will resonate with you I will link to Richard's

articles and all the information absolutely to best educate yourself read

the book men are from Mars Women are from Venus we'll link to that as well

Richard thank you so much for joining us again and we'll see you again soon on

another episode of our second act with Paige and Silke looking forward to

Thanks thanks Richard bye-bye

for joining us today for more love and relationship advice

after 50 visit our website and if you haven't already done so

please be sure to subscribe to our Channel buttons right over here thank you

For more infomation >> What Men Wish Women Understood About Their Emotional Needs: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - Duration: 9:47.


What Turks know about POLAND? [Kult America] - Duration: 4:07.

Many people don't realize that Poland and Turkey share some common history.

For example Adam Mickiewicz died in Istanbul,

There's also a village that was founded by a Pole, not far from Istanbul.

But on today's episode of Kult America I'm exploring the streets of Istanbul

to find out what common Turks know about Poland.

What comes to your mind when you hear "Poland"?

I think about dances and beautiful girls,

Also some kind of wooden dolls. That's all that comes to my mind.

I know nothing about Poland.



What is the capital of Poland?

No idea.

Lord knows, nothing comes to my mind.

I've heard the name of the country, but I don't know what are they doing there...

Are they doing breeding or something?

I don't know much about Poland, I know more about Canada.

Its the country that is very close to Germany.

And it's about the same size.

I know Poland because of the WWII.

I don't know much,

but I know that Poland used to have some troubles with Germany.

Actually, we don't have that much

business relations with Poland.

So if you ask me or any Turk about Poland

no one would know a thing.

What do you know about Poland?

Men wear skirts there.

And Poland also has cherries.

Do you know any famous polish person?

Maybe a premier, or...


I know Lewandowski! Everybody knows him.

Do you know any famous Pole?

No. Only Lewandowski.

I know about Lech Wałęsa.

He was fighting to make Poland a free country.

He fought and he won. I like him.

Do you know where Poland lays?

What continent?

In Africa?



In Europe, in Europe.

No, I have no idea.

Somewhere on the top of Europe.

Somewhere above Germany? Or beside...

Somewhere close to Germany.

Do you know where Poland is located?

I swear to God, I don't know.

In Africa, or Asia? Or in Europe?

I don't know, no idea.

I am not sure, but it is close to Lithuania.

It is a neighbor of Russia and Germany.

That's all I know.

Somewhere near Russia, but I'm just guessing.

Have you heard about Polonezkoy?

I did.

Do you know it was founded by a Pole?

I do. I go there often so I know.

Did you make friends with any Pole?

I did, I know a few families.

I know that there's a huge polish community.

Polish people built it? That's such a beautiful place. Poland must be so amazing.

It is very beautiful. I've been there a few times.

If the whole Poland is like that town, it is an outstanding country.

We'll show this video to Poles. Maybe you have a message for them?

Of course. We are all humans,

and with the help of God we will live in peace and love.

I wish our relationships will be better, and we'll have common businesses.

I love Polish people

They are quite special.

It's the country I consider to be our friend.

It's the country that we love.

Poland is very special to me.

It seems that young Turks knew about polish football heroes.

wheres older people kind of knew about legendary figures like Lech Wałęsa.

But if you are curious about the greater connection between Turkey and Poland

I highly recommend you watch the two video that I've produced here about a year ago

"Adam Mickiewicz died in Istanbul" and "Visiting Polish village in Asia".

It's not the very obvious connection, but all the same the connection is there.

Thank you for watching Kult America and please subscribe.

For more infomation >> What Turks know about POLAND? [Kult America] - Duration: 4:07.


Used Shuttle Buses For Sale | 2006 GMC C5500 Glaval 22 passenger shuttle bus For Sale - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Used Shuttle Buses For Sale | 2006 GMC C5500 Glaval 22 passenger shuttle bus For Sale - Duration: 2:57.


[Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.3 [3/5] - Duration: 12:58.



If my father finds out that

your motorcycle hit my car,

and didn't have money to pay me,

but keep pestering me like this,

He will crush you till death.

How come your father is so brutal?

He is.

He is so possessive of me.

I'm his only daughter.

Plus, I'm this pretty.

No wonder he's so possessive.

Who told you that you are pretty?

I told myself.


Don't you find me pretty?

Don't you find me pretty?

how come you got stunned

when you saw me for the first time?

What now?

Should we go back to your café?



can I eat first?

Are you hungry?


I haven't had anything yet since morning.

And I just ran with you.

Okay, let me take you to eat.


Your father could still be around.

Don't take advantage of me.

Which way?

This way.

Do we still have rice left?

Yes, we do.


you came home early today.

Namkhing, this is my mother.

Mom, this is my friend, Namkhing.

Sawasdee ka.

That's P'Pok.

Sawasdee ka.

I'm hungry, mom.

What do you have for me?


Eggs with tamarind sauce.

Stuffed omelet.

Boiled eggs in sweet gravy.

Fried eggs.

Sour curry.

And your favorite,

deep fried cat fish in chili paste.

What do you want?

What do you want to have?

Well then,

can I have eggs with tamarind sauce,

Stuffed omelet

and boiled eggs in sweet gravy?

You seem to love egg dishes.

The best.

Take a seat.

I'll bring it to you shortly.

It's okay, mom.

You should have some rest.

Let me help you.


I want deep fried cat fish in chili paste.

Give me lots and lots of it.


Let's start.

Let me cut this into pieces for you.


How is it?

Is it good?

Very good.

If you pass by my shop,

feel free to come in.

It's on the house.

Thank you so much.

Please make yourself at home.

I have to go over there.

You are lucky.

Your mother is kind.

and she's a good cooker too.

You have good food to eat everyday.

I rarely eat at home.


I'm sick of P'Pok's nagging.

Your brother?

He doesn't seem to be tough on you.

Wait until you hear him nagging.

Because you are a bad brother to him.

or else he wouldn't nag at you.

Keep eating.

It's so good.

If I were you,

I would come home everyday to eat.

Cause you adore food so much.

I'm hungry.

I know.

Have this.

I'm going into food coma.

You did eat a lot.

I'll bring Kris and Em with me next time.


are you using that as an excuse

to come see me?

It's not about you at all.

You know what?

Your mother's food is really good.

You are strange.

You have good stuff at your own home,

but you keep loitering outside instead.

Look, who's talking.

Who tried to run away

from her own father earlier?

Oh, right.

I think he is still looking for us now.

Are you nuts?

It's been a while already.

You don't know my father.

He never gives up easily.

Especially when he's angry.

He doesn't let go.

He's so stubborn.

I don't give in to him either.

Have you heard about

"the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"?

I have found that apple today.

What now, mom?

He came to my café.

I had to run.

Tell him

not to chase after me again,

or else I disappear forever.


It's not right to make such threat to your parents.

It doesn't concern you.

Let's go back to my café.


We should go take your bike.

Walk me to it.

Have you called her?

She didn't answer my call.

I think your friend has abducted P'Pong.

My friend?

No, it's your gang's boss.

Namkhing doesn't even close her café properly.

We can't get hold of her either.

Calm down, Em.

Let's sit down and talk.

How could she blame it on Namkhing?

Take it easy.

Let's sit down and talk about it.

Don't get flipped out.

Jued, shut your mouth.

I won't let anyone insult P'Pong ever.

Give me a break.

You also insult my friend.

But you insult P'Pong.

Come on, Em.

Take it easy.

It's pretty clear who started this.

Let me tell this to you that

I really like this type of woman.

Hot, Sassy, Fierce

I want.

What the hell is wrong with him?

This is not the time to joke around.

I don't want to see you two fight.

Stop arguing.

Well, I don't want you to…

You better shut up.

Take it easy.

You don't get anything out of this arguing.

Just kick them out.

They won't be able to bring

Namkhing back anyway.

We won't go.

Calm down.

Don't fight.






did you do anything to him?


are you okay?

Where have you been?

You didn't lock the café.

We couldn't reach you on phone.

We are so worried about you, you know?

My father came.

Pong helped me flee.

Did you hear it?

Your friend took away my friend.


Didn't you say you just wanted

to get your money back?

What is this about?


You wanted to get your money back?

You already gave it to her

and now you want it back?

What kind of people you guys are?

P'Pong is in need of money.

He is in debt.

And his mother is sick.

Enough, On.

You were born in rich family.

You will never understand how struggle it is

when you really need money.

Stop already!

You are so damn annoying.


Calm down, bro.


You should calm yourself down too.

Hey, Em.

Thank you for today.

It's okay.

It was my pleasure.

Well, I should go now.


Is your mother sick?

That was why I wanted the money back.

Is it enough?

How will you get money?

Racing, probably.

Racing again?

What else can I do?


I don't even have my high school degree.

Who would want to hire me?

And to get 300 baht a day for work?

It's gonna be too late.

My mother needs money now.

I think this is the best way out.

You don't have a better way of making money?

What's wrong with the motorcycle racing?

I don't cause any trouble to anyone.


Are you sure about that?

What about that accident with my car?

If you lose,

you must pay the bet.

You even steal your mother's money.

Isn't this called a trouble?

All right.

I'm a bad boy.


I said that to make you think.

Not to be sarcastic.

I'm not sarcastic.

I really mean it.

What else can a bad boy like me do?

I'm a bad boy.

A loser.

And I don't like anyone to butt in my life.

Do you get it?


I won't butt in your life ever again.

Is this how you want to live your life?

Go ahead.

You can go now.


Where will you get the money?

It's my business.

Leave me alone.

If you are a good man like others,

I wouldn't want to care.

Don't you have the better way to speak to me?

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.3 [3/5] - Duration: 12:58.


Pasandonos El Modo Clasico (Normal) SSBC 0.9.1 - Duration: 12:23.

For more infomation >> Pasandonos El Modo Clasico (Normal) SSBC 0.9.1 - Duration: 12:23.


Callahan - The Last Winter At Home - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Callahan - The Last Winter At Home - Duration: 2:42.


How to choose a rescue dog. Adopting and rescuing a dog part 3 - Duration: 6:59.

imagine knowing what kind of dog to select and adopt as your future dog all

that and more coming up hello that rubber my name is Saro I'm a dog

trainer I also coach dog owners welcome if you're new here and you want to

become an educated dog lover and have a well-behaved healthy and balanced dog

make sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon as well so you will

get notified as soon as I post my next video in part one and two of these mini

series I talked about why dogs end up at the shelters and also how to approach

the adoption process itself in this video I'm going to talk about how to

select your future dog as your newly adopted dog most of the tips that I'm

gonna share in this video it applies whether you are adopting a dog or

getting a new dog number one is don't adopt the dog because of its look the

way they look that's the first mistake dog owners they make they select the dog

because they like the look of certain dogs or certain breeds looks of a dog

they don't give you exactly what you want when it comes to selecting a dog it

really doesn't matter what breed of dog you select all the breeds and all the

dogs at the end end up being the same thing they become a pet a domesticated

animal as a pet living with human so it doesn't matter really what breed you

select of course I don't suggest a working breed for example a border

collie or German Shepherd to live in an urban setting in an apartment they're

just not designed for that kind of lifestyle don't get me wrong they are

great family dogs there are great dogs in general but it is not fair to them to

live in a setting as in apartment because they are work oriented they are

bred to work and when you put a dog who's working mentality in a apartment

style urban living style life is just a disaster to happen number three is see what

kind of dog will fit for your lifestyle see it from the dogs perspective which

brings me to next point which is see what you can

offer for that dog learn about that dog spend some time with that dog the dog is

in the shelter go and walk the dog spend some time with the dog get to know the

dog ask the staff questions about the dog try to learn as much as you can

about this dog see if this dog matches with you connects with you if you are

able to help this dog which brings me to the next point don't fall in love with a

story that you hear from the dog the story of the dog may melt your heart may

affect your heart and soul but that doesn't mean that is the right dog for

you when you approach adoption from emotional point of view people tend to

make mistakes and choose the wrong dog just because the dog had a horrible life

and horrible past it doesn't mean that it's a perfect dog for you and you

should adopt this dog because of this and that and that it's just not fair to

the dog if you feel that that dog is out of your league

don't even think about adopting that dog let somebody who's perfect for that dog

to adopt that dog don't take away that opportunity for someone who's perfect

for that dog to adopt that dog and you make that mistake of adopting this dog

that may not be perfect for you and you may not be perfect for that dog I'm sure

there is the right person right family for that dog and there's a dog that is

perfect for you all you have to do is have patience and just search and wait

until that dog matches up with you until destiny brings that dog around to you so

the next point that I have is don't try to commit to the dog after a week or two

there are many rescue organizations or even few shelters that allow you to

adopt the dog after the process of fostering so they call it foster to

adoption so what that means is you foster the dog you look after the dog

until they find the right family for the during this period you who are fostering

this dog you may fall in love with this dog you may find it that this dog is

actually the ideal dog for you and you may end up adopting this dog so I highly

suggest to foster to adopt a dog so during that period that you're fostering

the dog you are getting to know the dog you just remember that a dog won't open

up itself and won't show its real personality maybe after a month the

first week or two are just honeymoon period this is the time the dog is not

showing its real personality I've heard and have come across a lot of stories

that people have end up rescuing a dog because after a few weeks they just fall

in love with the dog and they say what the heck I'm just going to adopt this

dog even though it's not the perfect dog for me but they fall in love with the

story and fall in love with the dog and what happens after a month or two the

dog becomes comfortable and relaxes in that environment and starts showing its

real personality it might have anxiety might have so many behaviors hidden

behaviors that start coming out and now that person is sock with this dog and

because they have signed up the papers they can't do anything about it so

they're stuck with the dog and the dog now is stuck with them so this is a very

important step that you want to take you want to make sure that you can always

return the dog back to the shelter or the rescue organization even after

months so you don't end up with the wrong dog in your hands and that dog

doesn't end up with the wrong people so by following all these tips and

considering all this point you can make a better decision on selecting your

future dog and adopting the dog that is ideal and perfect for you and that dog

is going to really benefit from you as well I hope you like this video if you

like this video give it a thumbs up share and comment in my next video I'm

going to talk about what are the steps that you need to take when you bring a

new adopted dog to your home don't miss that if you want to have a healthy well

behaved balance dog consider subscribing to my

channel and I'll see you next time now until next time have fun with your dog

For more infomation >> How to choose a rescue dog. Adopting and rescuing a dog part 3 - Duration: 6:59.


Arabic Remix - Halet Hob ! (Dance Maza) HD Remix - Duration: 5:39.

Arabic Remix - Halet Hob ! (Dance Maza) HD Remix

For more infomation >> Arabic Remix - Halet Hob ! (Dance Maza) HD Remix - Duration: 5:39.


Трудно быть твердой с ребенком. Не могу быть требовательной к ребенку. - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> Трудно быть твердой с ребенком. Не могу быть требовательной к ребенку. - Duration: 10:43.


#aeronuts в Хорватии - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> #aeronuts в Хорватии - Duration: 7:18.


Стоит ли говорить близким людям правду, которая ранит, и как именно - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Стоит ли говорить близким людям правду, которая ранит, и как именно - Duration: 6:34.

------------------------------------------- Die neue Dimension der Rechtsrecherche - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Die neue Dimension der Rechtsrecherche - Duration: 1:34.


[Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.3 [2/5] - Duration: 15:27.

I think I'm going to ask for my money

back from Namkhing.


Are you sure about it?

I have no other option.


I don't like this idea, P'Pong.


Please reconsider it.

Think again, P'Pong.

If Tae knows about this,

it's really humiliating.


He won't know.


what do you think?

I think it's a good idea.

This is the best way out.


I don't think it is.

The important thing right now

is to return your mother money.

And this is the fastest way to do.

So it's the best way out.


But there're other ways to make money.

Don't do it, P'Pong.

I'm not okay.

Please don't, P'Pong.

Please don't go to her.


Come on, On.

Do you really think you can stop him?

Stop whining.

It's annoying.

Jack, you moron.

P'Pong asks for advice.

So he wants to hear our suggestion.

And my suggestion is that

don't do it.


can I have your key?


Stop, Jued.

If you let him have your key,

you are dead meat.

Sorry, bro.

Damn it, Jued.


full tank of fuel.

It's all yours.


Jack, you fool.

How could you lend him your bike?

I'm not afraid of you, bitch.

Another thing is

even he doesn't have my bike,

he can find the way to see Namkhing somehow.

Don't mention her name.

Let me slap your mouth.

(Talk to her)

(What are you waiting for?)

( Go.)

Take it easy, On.

P'Pong has made a decision.

Don't stop him.

Go the hell away.

Thank you so much.

Please come again.

Sawasdee ka.

Why are you here?


Well what?

About the money.

Ah, wait a minute.

I'm about to give it back to you.

It's good that you are here.


I'm sorry.

My mother needs this money.

But don't worry.

I pay you back bit by bit.

No need to.

My mother has paid it for me.

Take this money back to your mother.

Didn't you say you parents must not

know about the accident.

It's okay with my mother

but not my father.

Anyway, thank you.

What are you doing?

I want to capture it.

I didn't know a guy like you

can look droopy like this.

I want to save it to view later.

You look ugly.



Give it to me.


It's ugly. Delete it.


Delete it.


Let go of me.

Not until you delete it.

Delete it.


Then I'm not letting you off.

You can just ask if you want to hold me.

Don't need to use that

delete order as an excuse.

Just ask nicely.

I'm not stopping at just holding.

What are you going to do?


I thought you liked me to do this.

Let go of me.

My father is here.

Let go of me.

Come here.

What are you doing?

What is this?

Why do you have to avoid your father?

I don't know what his purpose is.

He could see us holding

each other back there.

If he had seen us,

I would have got punched.

That's true.

Then, he must come here about my car.

If he finds out that

you are the one who hits my car,

you'll be in serious trouble.

What to do?

I don't know.

I only know that I don't want to see him.


Your bike.

Where is it?



Hurry up.

Here, wear this.

How to use this thing?

Are you okay?


Yes. Go!


Don't block us.

Get off.

We will run over you.

If you dare.

We need to talk.

Where are you going?

Who is this bloke?

Hi, mom.



Damn it.








I said stop!



We ran out of gas.

What should we do?

Come on. Hurry up.

Keep the change.



Why are you running after me.

Go back.





Make way!



Move away!

It hurts!

What's the rush?!


get in here.

Why does it have to ring at this moment?



What's wrong?


What happened to him?

He cut my call.

Gosh, you fool.

Why moaning?

You made us scared.

He rarely answers your call anyway.


shut your mouth.

All right. Let me try.

P'Pong always answer my call.

He cut your call too?

No way.

He always answers our call.

Let me call him.

Go ahead.

Don't tell me he cut your call too.

He's turned off his phone.

We've been together for a long time.

But this is the first time he did this to us.


he's into some kind of trouble.

What should we do now, P'Jack?

I don't think so.

He doesn't have any trouble.

It's all because of that bitch, Namkhing.

P'Pong doesn't care about us anymore.

It's all because of you, Jack.

You should not have lent him your bike.

It has nothing to do with me.

So, what are we going to do?

He doesn't answer any of our calls.

We don't know his whereabouts.

What now, P'Jack?

I've got an idea.

I know how to get hold of him now.

Good thing that he has turned off his phone.

How come?

How many errors do you have to fix?

Not just fix,

I have to rework the whole paper.


I got marked up all over the page.

Crazy, right?

I worked so hard on it.

If I had known,

I would rather have someone

done this paper for me.

Come on.

Look at what you wrote here.


It's a masterpiece writing.

No, there're many errors in it.



The problems are wrong.

You incorrectly analyzed it too.



Jack who?

Why does he text you?

How did he have your Line ID?

I don't know.


it's that day he asked for my Line ID

to ensure us that Pong

would pay back Namkhing.

would pay back Namkhing.


Do you want me to answer it?

Or you want to do it yourself?

It's all right.

I'll do it.

Sawasdee krab, Emma.

What do you want?


I just want to know

if Namkhing is there with you by any chance.

No, she's not here.

You are a lady.

You should talk nicely.

Why do I have to talk nicely to you.

I'm hanging up now.

Just tell what you want to talk.

Come on. I just get to talk to you.

Don't shut me down yet.

Stop bugging me.

What's the matter?


I can't get hold of P'Pong.

P'Pong said

he wanted to see Namkhing at her café.

Pong goes to Namkhing's café.

Namkhing doesn't say anything about it to me.

She probably texted you but you haven't read.

Check it.


Namkhing's mother texted me that

Namkhing's father is on his way to the café.

That sucks!!

Jack, go to Namkhing's café right away.

Someone is going to be dead meat.

She's hanged up.

So, Jack?

Did you get to have Namkhing's number?

I saw you fooling around with her.

She said we should go to Namkhing's café now.

You are useless.

I'm going now.


I heard she said someone is dead.

Who is dead?

I think your friend has abducted P'Pong.

My friend?

No, it's your gang's boss.

Namkhing doesn't even close her café properly.

We can't get hold of her either.

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Monster Romance | EP.3 [2/5] - Duration: 15:27.


"SANTO REMEDIO" Una Sola Hoja de Mango Puede Eliminar la DIABETES y el COLESTEROL Casi al Instante - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> "SANTO REMEDIO" Una Sola Hoja de Mango Puede Eliminar la DIABETES y el COLESTEROL Casi al Instante - Duration: 3:25.


5 САМЫХ ПОДЛЫХ ЗНАКОВ ЗОДИАКА 🐍👿 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 5 САМЫХ ПОДЛЫХ ЗНАКОВ ЗОДИАКА 🐍👿 - Duration: 3:24.


Making Water LEVITATE! The Leidenfrost Effect Explained - Duration: 9:08.

>> ALEX: Woah!

Hey guys, I'm here, let's get technical.

Check this out, this blew my mind.

With me, I have some water, a hot plate, a pipette and, of course, a pair of safety glasses.

Shoutout to NoCry send me a pair and sponsoring this episode.


When I take some water and pipette it on this hot plate, which is turned off and completely

cool, check out what happens.

Pretty typical.

Now check out what happens when I pipette some water onto this hot plate.


That's so cool!

Well, no actually I guess it's hot.

Not to mention, the other day, I was just standing around, minding my business, holding

a ladle of liquid nitrogen, you know, the usual, when I found out that Vsauce had uploaded

a video.


Which way IS down?

Excited, I ran to find my computer and start watching, but, in the process, I spilled my

ladle of liquid nitrogen.

As first, I freaked out, you know, I really like my ladle of liquid nitrogen.

But then I saw something cool: when I spilled the liquid nitrogen, it doesn't just make

a puddle and a big ol' mess like water would.

It balls up, and the balls roll around.


What's going on here?

I'll tell you after the wipe!

That is the Leidenfrost effect.

How does it work?

Well, to get to the answer, let's take a look at what I thought the first time I saw

the Leidenfrost effect.

Wow, that's amazing!

But wait, hold up, this can't happen every time, right?

Like, I've seen water boil.

And I was right.

The hot pad with the Leidenfrost effect was at a balmy 220 degrees celsius, or 428 degrees


Let's see what happens if we bring that temperature down a little bit, say, to 200

degrees celsius.

It just boils and evaporates like normal.

This is a huge clue as to how the Leidenfrost effect works.

See, we all know that when water gets hot enough, it turns into steam, and the hotter

a substance is, the quicker the water will evaporate when put on it.

So what if we had a surface that was so hot, that the instant water hit it, it turned into


THAT is how the Leidenfrost effect works.

The moment the water hits that hot plate, a little bit of it evaporates and turns into


This creates a sorta cushion for the water, a layer of steam between the water droplet

and the hot plate.


As we discussed in a previous video, which I strongly recommend you check out, click

the i, heat is just a measure of how fast molecules in a thing are moving.

The way things change temperature is they come into contact with either faster or slower


All of the molecules bump into each other, and if the end result is the original substance

having faster molecules, the substance just became hotter, and if the end result is the

original substance having slower molecules, the substance just became colder.

If molecules move fast enough, a substance will undergo a phase change.

Gasses have faster moving molecules than liquids and liquids have faster moving molecules than


That's the skinny, back to the Leidenfrost effect.

When each drop of water hits the plate and a little bit of it evaporates, it creates

that layer of steam.

Because the molecules in the water vapor move faster than molecules in the water, they end

up hitting the water, bouncing into it, some escaping from the edges, and making it a sorta

smooth crescent-like shape.

This is called film boiling...

Hey, does anyone have a kodak?

No, nope, not that type of film.

... and it's because that layer of water vapor insulates the water droplet so well, it just

levitates around and doesn't boil.


But, wait a second Alex, just Weight a Second heh heh pun.

Does that water just stay in beadlets and fly around forever?

I mean, it has to go evaporate at some point, right?

Yea, it does.

If you just kinda leave the drop of water there, eventually it will go away, but it

will go away very slowly.

This is because air is great for insulting stuff.

To prove it? *snaps fingers* I am now in a wet suit.

I wear this thing all the time when I go surfing, and a lot of other people who engage in beachy

activities and want to stay warm do too.

SciShow has a great video on wetsuits work, but the important thing to know here is that

wetsuits really are wet, there's a layer of water in them.

Now, water is pretty good at insulation, it has a thermal conductivity of .58 watts per

meter kelvin, but you know what's better at insulation that water?


That's why, when Destin of Smarter Every Day went diving in the frigid waters of Silfra,

Iceland with his wife, they wore drysuits, and not wetsuits, because air has a lower

thermal conductivity than water, thus making it better at insulation and keeping people


I'm gonna take this off now.

THAT is why water droplets on the hot plate take so long to evaporate: air is just that

bad at transferring heat.

Speaking of air and insulation, have you ever looked at a pot of 385 degree celsius molten

lead and thought to yourself, man, I really want to put my hand in there.

Well, now you can, thanks to the Leidenfrost effect!

Disclaimer: Please please please for the love of all that is holy please do not try this

at home.

Because the Mythbusters already tried it!


As long as you wet your hand before you put it in, the Leidenfrost effect will kick in

and form a sorta glove of air around your hand, thus not making it completely protected.

>> ADAM SAVAGE: One human hand, in molten metal.


That's freaky!

You can feel the water boiling against your fingers.

You can feel that SHCCHKK right there.

>> ALEX: Except, once again, do not try that yourself.

It looks cool but they are professionals.

>> PHILIP DEFRANCO: Don't be stupid, stupid.

>> ALEX: The Leidenfrost effect is named after Johann Gottlob Leidenfrost, and 18th century

German doctor who first wrote about the effect in his paper A Tract About Some Qualities

of Common Water in 1756.

In this English translation I found, the paper starts off with "To the most illustrious

Royal Academy of Scientists of Berlin.


G. Leidenfrost offers his reverence and wishes you health."

So he must, he must really like those guys.

Along with Leidenfrost effect, Mr. Leidenfrost also gave us the concept of the Leidenfrost

point, which is the coolest temperature a surface needs to be for a certain substance

to achieve the Leidenfrost effect.

The Leidenfrost point can be derived from equation, Zuber's equation, but that's

too long and complicated to go into here so let's fast forward.

Basically, all you need to know is that the Leidenfrost point changes depending on which

substance you're talking about.

For water is about 220 degrees celsius, but for liquid nitrogen, the temperature of the

floor is high enough.

That's why, going back to one of our first examples, you can spill liquid nitrogen on

the floor and see Leidenfrost effect.

You know, it's pretty hard to get those droplets to stay in one place, whether they

be water or liquid nitrogen, and that's because the layer of gas in between the droplet

and the floor is, as one study puts it, "virtually frictionless."

But what does that mean?

Well, there are two kinds of friction: static friction and kinetic friction.

Think of it like this: imagine I'm trying to push this copy of Turtles all the Way Down.

Now, is it actually going to move if I just lightly press on it?

No, of course not.

Will it move if I push a bit harder.


So, naturally, you've got to question, how much force do you have to put into Turtles

All the Way Down, or TAWD, to actually get it to start moving.

That is static friction.

Kinetic friction is the force acting against TAWD when it's in motion, making it a little

hard for me to continue to push.

Lucky for us, and scientists, water droplets levitating around because of the Leidenfrost

effect have a very low static friction and kinetic friction.

That means you don't need too much to get those water droplets going, you'll see that

even the tiniest nudge makes them go crazy, but also, when they start going, it's not

that easy for a droplet to stop, a matter of fact, it's possible for them to travel

a full meter, if not further.

And when friction is out of the equation, liquids can move in some pretty cool ways.

Undergraduate students Carmen Cheng and Matthew Guy at the University of Bath over in England

got the water to move in pretty cool ways.

They found out that if you put water droplets on a hot, serrated surface, the Leidenfrost

effect propels them in a certain direction.

You can even make them climb uphill, or travel a maze, all thanks to the Leidenfrost effect.

Ok, so this is cool and all, but besides being a neat little thing I can show in a video,

can we actually use this effect for anything?

Well, a couple applications have already been discussed on the interwebs.

You can sprinkle a bit of water on your frying pan to see if it's hot enough for the Leidenfrost

effect to occur, thus making it hot enough to make pancakes, this Reactions video talks

how nuclear power plants need to be cooled with water without the Leidenfrost effect

getting in the way, and this SciShow video touches on its applications in cooling electronics

and inkjet printing, but to me, the most mindblowing application of the Leidenfrost effect is powering


So, you know how the Leidenfrost effect propels water on a serrated surface?

Well, research done by Dr. Rodrigo Ledesma-Aguilar and Dr. Gary Wells shows that, if you put

water in this little circular grooved contraption, it will continue to spin around and around.

If you put dry ice in that contraption, it too will spin.

Then, with the help of magnets and copper coils, boom: AC Voltage.

There's not a ton of dry ice on Earth, you know, compared to water and whatnot, but you know what has lots of it?


NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has found that carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring

element over on the red planet, so it there would be an ample amount of dry ice, which

is just frozen carbon dioxide.

Combine that with the Leidenfrost Effect and we've got power stations and, thus, colonies

on Mars.

So when we do get to that red planet, the Leidenfrost effect will be there every step of the way.

Thanks for watching, DFTBA, and explore on.

If you want to experiment with the Leidenfrost effect at home, here's what you'll need.

A hot plate or pan or something you can heat up to 220 degrees, water, a pipette helps,

and, of course, safety glasses.

That brings us to today's phenomenal sponsor, NoCry.

NoCry makes amazing safety glasses for an amazing price.

These things are anti-fog, anti-scratch, anti-glare, lightweight, and they look great.

That rhymes!

Perfect for experimenting, DIYing, really any scenario where you need eye protection,

or if you just wanna look really cool.

Look like I just did a science.

I have the black and green ones, which are my personal favourite, but they also come

in black and orange and white and pink.

Click the link at the top of the description to check them out and grab a pair, and use

code "Technicality" for 15% your order.

That's Technicality for 15% off.

Massive thank to NoCry for sponsoring this episode and supporting Technicality.

If you like this video, it would help out a lot to press the like button, subscribe,

if you haven't already, and check out this other physics experiment I did which involves

disappearing balls ooooooh.

Or check out this video I was talking about earlier where I do an experiment with heat and marshmallows and microwaves!

Thank you to all my Patreons, especially the ones on screen right now, see y'all next time!

For more infomation >> Making Water LEVITATE! The Leidenfrost Effect Explained - Duration: 9:08.


Justice League NEWS Post Credit Scenes CONFIRMED!!! Darkseid And Green Lantern To APPEAR? - Duration: 7:46.

do you get technical I'm on TV


we do this together

what are your superpowers against a rich

they'll take you from here do I know you what did you do this weekend

nothing very interesting on November 17th don't miss the extreme experience

of our new film and join the league in 3d or 40 if you're one of the first to

book your tickets right now the popcorn will be on us stop right there

I'm in check out this amazing epic action-packed film

don't miss Justice League on November 17th in a cinema complex near you and

experience the magic of the movies what is good youtube Warstu here

another video on the Justice League movie so just see movie comes out here

in England next Friday and in America next Thursday I believe just video may

contain my exploiters at least I don't think it's spoilers but someone may come

out and say I spoil it so in a recent interview with actor Jason Momoa who

plays a command in the Justice League movie and also in the forthcoming aqua

movie at the end of next year Jason Momoa she's something major that fan

should stick around through the Justice League credits so Marvel have been doing

post-credit scenes for so long and the only time DC extended universe I guess

you could say that have done it was during the Suicide Squad and if I

remember correctly it was to Bruce Wayne and Amanda Waller post-credit scene so

this isn't the first time we're gonna see a post-credits scene so during the

interview with BBC radio I think it was he had this to say they do the actors

said confirming that the fans will need to wait for the extra scene you got to

sit through the whole thing and go through the credits after the interview

described the scene as excited murmur confirmed that the scene had slipped his

mind and it sounds like it was one shot by

the infamous Zack Snyder opposed to Joss Whedon and reshoots I forgot that it was

in the script it's fantastic so that's pretty cool it does confirm rumors and

sources that I had been told before that there were multiple post-credit scenes

so this is pretty standard now it mean if you go to watch a movie they're gonna

want to promote another movie inside the movie because if you've watched a movie

and you've left not wanting to watch another movie then really that movie has

actually failed so there's been so many rumors about what the post-credit could

be but seen as Jason Momoa is a saying you've got a sit it's probably an app

command mirror kind of tease because he is the next DC film coming up next year

they're finished wrapping Aquaman so it most likely will be that but there's

also been lots of other rumors that there could be Darkseid apocalypse beast

Darkseid teased at the end I'm gonna keep saying it's gonna happen because

originally that was the plan to have a dark side teased dark side was supposed

the movie so if they're gonna cut in from the movie a melis put them in a

post-credits scene also flashpoint movie could be teed up as we don't know when

Justice League 2 is coming a lot of people speculated to accumulate that

flashpoint is going to be Justice League 1.5 as if they're doing the flashpoint

movie properly it's going to tell a lot more than that the narrative being based

around the flash even though a lot of flashpoint was based around the flash

but you had Martha being the Joker you had Thomas Wayne being Batman etc so

there could be multiple post-credit scenes Aquaman

Green Lantern Shazam Darkseid what you guys think the post-credit scene could

be there's been lots of rumors I mean apparently one of them is the flash race

in Superman which will be pretty funny to see cuz that would be pretty awesome

so Aquaman really comes out in December I believe post Justice League so there's

gonna have to be some kind of a little tie in at least so in a recent interview

I didn't want to mention this but it's just very strange to me seeing as we've

had the flash in the Suicide Squad movie where he caught Captain Boomerang put

him away and he was in Batman vs Superman as well I'm pretty sure I got

caught the scenarios right but he wasn't both them in small cameo roles well it's

come out that Justice League doesn't actually say that barry allen is the

flash which kind of makes no sense because if you see in the extended a

Batman vs Superman you see that when he's looking for the flash he has the

emblem and obviously when we get the nightmare scene he's coming back and

he's in the flash suit I mean if it's got no name why has he got the flash

suit Ezra Miller had this to say Barry is just barry at this point there's even

a scene that was cut from the movie where he's going on and on and on trying

to figure out who he should be and what he should call himself so yeah he

doesn't have a sim her name just yet um which is pretty weird because I'm pretty

sure that Bruce Wayne either says in the trailer where he throws the Batarang at

him Barry Allen all the flash you mean quote

me if I'm wrong but it's been odd that everyone else has got a superhero name

cyborg shouldn't be established either if the flash isn't established now we

know that a flashpoint movie is going to be the origin story of the flash but

if he's gonna have a connection to the speedforce or like we've seen multiple

trailers that if you can move faster than light I guess you could say why are

they caught in the flash and it also might not say this things have to

progress you know I agree this original Barry Allen was played an incredible

incredible a clever scientist we acknowledge that and respect that we

want to apologize to the fans who are mad about the ring

there the fascism even racing about the ring thing he outlined so yeah it's kind

of weird how the whole kind of Justice League is based around the flash weirdy

because the flash looks like the most fun character in it Jason Momoa out come

on looks like a badass but it looks like the movies gonna bake them round the

flash so for the flash not to actually have the name the flash he's gonna be a

bit weird and if he's not called the flash and we have a bar board he hath on

the reverse faster no that's gonna be really weird because in the rig in the

earlier trailers we had Henry Allen in jail with Barry Allen bitters to visit

him in and if you all know the story where Nora Allen gets killed and his

dad's framed for it but really is Evol thought so if a reverse flash is gonna

turn up in post-credits scene for example there now it's coming it's

strange that a character that has actually appeared in bat versus Superman

and Suicide Squad who should be more well known than cyborg and Aquaman

because he's appeared more hasn't actually got a superhero name so that's

very weird so guys let me know in comments down below what post-credits

scene do you want when are you going to watch this epic movie that we've all

been waiting many many many years to see and who do you think is gonna stand out

and is the infamous dark side is its dark side gonna tell I'm a massive dark

side fanboy if you follow me on instagram you see I keep posting dark

side images as I really want dark side to turn in the movie anyway guys this is

a short video just on about the post-credits scene being confirmed cuz

yeah Jason Momoa said that so guys please subscribe as you would that be

cool let's try and get to 10,000 subscribers that would be freaking

awesome like subscribe share with your best friends and all that kind of stuff

and hit that Bell button down below to join the notification squad and I will

catch you you know video guys very soon catcha


For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Post Credit Scenes CONFIRMED!!! Darkseid And Green Lantern To APPEAR? - Duration: 7:46.


easy rangoli designs for beginners with dots | rangavallikalu designs with dots | creative rangoli - Duration: 2:13.


For more infomation >> easy rangoli designs for beginners with dots | rangavallikalu designs with dots | creative rangoli - Duration: 2:13.


Trailer del Canale! - Duration: 0:44.


For those who did not know me I am Karp

In this channel I will bring Anime and Games videos


I will bring about 2 videos a week, and if you are here by chance I invite you to watch some of my videos

and if you like I invite you to join

Let me know in the comments below that you think about my channel

And maybe even suggest some video to do

And nothing guys we see at the next video!


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