Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

What's up guys my name is amber, Mancha and today

We're gonna be recreating this face chart that anastasia beverly hills put out on twitter. I saw it and I was like

Yes, can I wear this every day, please?

Obviously it's not something that you can wear out all the time

But if you're looking to have fun and get a little creative, then this is the stop for you

So let's get started on the left side of the face Church

She doesn't have an eyebrow, so I'm gonna make mine disappear

And I'm doing that by using a glue stick, and you just want to make sure that it's super flat

I didn't use enough layers

So you want to go in and make sure that you can't see any of the texture of the hair at all and make sure

That it's tacky and just super flat to the skin so that when you set it with powder

And then you go back over it with foundation it completely disappears. I'm new at this trick so

Bear with me if you have any tips definitely let me know in the comment box down below

Because my eyebrows are black

I have to color correct them with an orange to help them disappear under the foundation and here I'm using the la girl Pro

Conceal in the shade Orange, then I'm taking the darkest

Foundation that I own which is the Maybelline Dream?

Airbrush foundation, and that is in the shade caramel also, sorry about the lighting

I didn't set my ISO correctly it changes in the middle of the video, but you'll see it get brighter and darker anyways

I'm putting the darker foundation on the outside and then I'll put a lighter foundation on the inside to give me a mask like appearance

Here, I'm using the Kat Von D

Lock-it concealer, and then I go in with a lighter Foundation, which is the Make Up For Ever in Y?

375 and I'm just going to blend that all over the middle of my face and over this eyebrow

Area to make sure that that's nice and blended in and disappears with the rest of my foundation and yes

I'm using morphe shadows for an honest Asya look blasphemy I get it

I'm taking this pink and putting that as my transition shade and

Then I'm going to put that under my waterline as well

Then I'm taking the Kat Von D. Lock-it concealer again, and this isn't the shade to l7 guys if I miss any prod

They'll be listed in the description box down below, but I'm using this to carve out the front half of my eyelid


Then I'm setting that with the lightest shade in the morphe 35n

Palette you guys can use any shadows that you want

These are just the ones that I had on hand but anyway will do and then I'm going to go in with a black

Eye shadow and I'm going to do the outer corner of my eye and wing it up towards my eyebrow

and the outer corner is on the top and the bottom obviously as you can see I

Dragged the black eye shadow a little bit more towards the front on the bottom

and then I really really wing it out by my eyebrow next taking an orange shade we're gonna work on the more clown side and

they have the orange part in by the nose and then dragging it up through the eyebrow now I

Set this brow, and then I put foundation over it, and then I set it and you can see a discoloration there

You can't see it when it's all done, but you can definitely see it here, so I did something wrong

But you're just gonna drag that orange area up onto the forehead and then taking black eye shadow

I'm gonna start at the inner corner and

Make it like a diagonal up towards the back and there's gonna be two lines

There's gonna be a line from the inner corner going up on the forehead

And then there's going to be a line from the outer corner going up on the forehead and then the black eye shadow

Comes down around underneath the waterline, and you just want to fill it in as opaque as possible

I took this felt tip liner from

CIT London and put that into my waterline and then got it into the lash line on top of the eye

And then I used it to help me build a wing on the other eye and make those two little lines on the outside corner


Then I'm carving out the inner corner with black body paint and you want that area to be as thin as possible

Finally we've gotten to the point where I fixed my eye, so then I'm taking a Mac 212

And I dip that into some black mehron body paint, and I'm using that to really

Define this clown. Eye and

Make my points really really sharp this brush for precision body painting is

Amazing I need like 17 of these things

and then I'm also taking the body paint and dragging it underneath the eye just to make sure everything is nice and bold and just


Taking black eye shadow on a fluffy brush

I'm doing the cheek detail which comes out to the cheek bone, and then goes back inside

Which is really awesome because it goes down towards the mouth, and it gives you just this like really wicked

Face shape I feel like I should do this every single day, and then I'm following that with black body paint as well

Now getting into some of the clown detail

I'm just using I'm tapping the tip of this brush onto my eye to make sure that these lines are super small and then sometimes

using the corner and

There's like a triangle that crosses over at the top

And then the same triangle that crosses over at the bottom with two little lines

you can follow the face chart or pause the video just to see where my lines are, but you're just Criss crossing lines and

Then I'm just taking the brush and on the top and the bottom

I'm just pushing it down very lightly and just kind of stamping eyelashes

And of course you can't forget the cutest detail on this thing

There is a tiny little heart at the bottom of one of these points

I thought it was adorable so of course I had to add it and

Then I'm taking that 212 brush again and stamping eyelashes on the other side

And then I'm taking this little pencil brush with a lot of water and black body paint

And I'm using that to draw on these little circles

and then I'm following up some of these lines with just a little bit of a white highlight to make them pop and

putting a white highlight against these black lines will make you definitely look more like a cartoon and

Then I'm filling in my opposite waterline with white eyeliner because we did black eyeliner

The other side and in the picture she had a light eyebrow

So I'm just using a lighter brown eyeshadow to fill in the eyebrow and not take away from the look

And of course we can't get away without contouring i'm just using a cool

Brown eyeshadow to do this in the cheekbones and then on the side

That's more of like a clown. I bring it down to the bottom of my cheekbone and then drag it down towards my chin to

Make it really cut up, and then i'm going in to give a quick contour to my nose, but nothing spectacular

Now I thought I was gonna go in and shade first

but i'm actually gonna do that after she's got a piece by her mouth and

I was like you know what maybe I should wait until I do these lines

But this one didn't have a black body paint line anyway, so kind of scratch that and then I did one on my chin

but we you can see where I make that decision to quit doing this and go in with the black body paint to build the

Heart so the heart is I'm just using my 212 sorry

It's fuzzy here guys, but I'm using my 212

And I'm building my line and what I'm doing is I'm using

It as a precision brush and using it just on the tip and then every once in a while

I'll just kind of bend it so that it gives it like a ripped

Texture to look and that way it's not just a straight line all the way around the face

and then I'm bringing that heart down and connecting it in the middle of my nose and

dragging it through the middle of my face all the way down to the chin and

then I'm outlining the lips and

Just adding a little bit of the crack to detail and then just drawing where the clown nose will be I also

Outlined the top of my lip in the middle, I look like a really crappy pirate

And then I'm taking this orange shade and I am blending it out on the clown side of my face because that's where we're gonna

Have some red lipstick, and you really want it to look smeared

And then I'm going into this pink blush shade and the morphe 10b palette

And I'm putting it on the clown side more up towards my eye, and then on the regular

I guess kind of regular side but more on the cheek, and then I'm taking a red lipstick

And I'm putting that on the clown side and I end up dragging it to

open up my mouth a little bit on the sides as well because it is a Messier look and

Then I'm backing that with black body paint

And then I'm going to shade in certain areas all the way around the heart

And I'm gonna put my darkest area towards the black line and let it get lighter as it comes out

I Was just randomly picking areas on where I wanted to shade so you can do the same thing or you can have a reason for

Where your shading, but I just saw parts, and I'm like yeah shading looks good there, so let's do that

Then the little clown nose was red, so I painted that red

And then I go in and highlight the pink area with white now

I had extra water on

My brush which allowed this to kind of bleed, and you'll see it kind of spread out

which is really cool because it makes it look like drippy and on purpose and

That's it I had so much fun with this and I was so proud of how it came out

I hope you guys enjoy it too. If you did, please give this video a big thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve world domination

And don't forget that you can follow me on Twitter Instagram snapchat

My blog at Adventures of Mama calm, and I will see you next time oh and Facebook

I don't know if I said Facebook. Okay, bye



Hide and Seek event (Beelzemon server), 100T total prizes! - Duration: 16:17.

For more infomation >> Hide and Seek event (Beelzemon server), 100T total prizes! - Duration: 16:17.


Electric Discharge Clearly Seen on Comet 67P | Space News - Duration: 10:30.

Welcome to Space News from the Electric Universe,

brought to you by The Thunderbolts Project™


The French author Marcel Proust once stated,

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes

but in having new eyes."

In 2017, the journey of space discovery demands new eyes

and indeed an entirely new way of perceiving our universe.

In our own celestial neighborhood in our solar system

no type of object consistently provokes greater surprise and perplexity than the comet.

As we've reported in recent episodes,

no reasonable debate can remain that the more than half century old

dirty snowball hypothesis of comets is falsified.

Every comet mission to date has refuted the consensus belief

that comets are fluffy aggregates of ice and dust

that condensed or accreted billions of years ago

out in the "Siberia" of the solar system.

Comet nuclei are not icy or snowy.

They are desiccated, rocky bodies that appear virtually

indistinguishable from asteroids.

Comet activity, including powerful jets and the production of the cometary tail and coma,

cannot be the result of sublimating volatiles and outgassing,

a fact that only grows more evident with each new discovery.

A new image released in the last week by the European Space Agency's Rosetta team

underscores the desperate need for new theoretical pathways in comet science.

Here we see one of the clearest, perhaps undeniable, images to date

of an electrical discharge on a comet nucleus.

The image was taken on July 3rd, 2016, by the Rosetta spacecraft at comet 67P.

At the time, the comet was at a distance of about 500 million kilometers from the Sun,

a distance at which astronomers do not expect sublimation

of invisible hypothetical water ice.

The lead author of a new scientific paper on the observation states,

"We saw a bright plume of dust, blowing away from the surface like a fountain...

It lasted for roughly an hour,

producing around 18 kg of dust every second."

The team admits they have no idea what mechanism could have actually powered

the so-called plume.

The ESA's website states,

"Initially, scientists thought that the plume might have been surface ice evaporating in the sunlight.

However, Rosetta's measurements showed there had to be something more energetic going on

to fling that amount of dust into space."

The lead author states,

"Energy must have been released from beneath the surface to power it.

There are evidently processes in comets that we do not yet fully understand."

The understatement of this comment cannot be overemphasized.

As we see in this side-by-side image comparison,

the structure of the so-called plume has its ideal analog

in the form of an electrical discharge in the laboratory.

The electrical nature of this type of cometary phenomena

has been self-evident since long before the Rosetta mission.

In 2004, when the Stardust spacecraft arrived at the comet Wild 2,

scientists were astonished by the comet's explosive jets

some of which emanated from the dark unheated side of the asteroid-like nucleus.

Principal investigator Donald Brownlee said in 2004,

"We thought comet Wild 2 would be like a dirty, black, fluffy snowball.

Instead, it was mind-boggling to see the diverse landscape in the first pictures from Stardust,

including spires, pits and craters, which must be supported by a cohesive surface."

Nothing in the behavior of the comet's jets fit investigators' expectations.

Stardust investigator Dr. Benton Clark stated,

"Another big surprise was the abundance and behavior of jets of particles

shooting up from the comet's surface.

We expected a couple of jets,

but saw more than two dozen in the brief flyby."

A June 17, 2004, NASA report described the conundrum,

"The team predicted the jets would shoot up for a short distance,

and then be dispersed into a halo around Wild 2.

Instead, some super-speedy jets remained intact,

like blasts of water from a powerful garden hose."

Of course, a garden hose is a completely inappropriate analogy

for such explosive jets in the "vacuum of space".

As we've discussed in many recent episodes,

astronomers have sometimes used the same terminology

in their attempts to explain light-years long stellar and galactic jets.

The question is,

what mechanism confines the jets and prevents their dispersal?

On 67P, the merging filaments within the collimated jets reveal a vital clue,

as seen in the side-by-side comparison with a plasma discharge in the laboratory.

Radio astronomers have now measured the electric currents in galactic jets

which produce tremendous velocities

and confine the jetted material up to many hundreds of thousands of light-years.

If comet jets and plumes are also electrical discharge phenomena,

as the Electric Universe model has always predicted,

the mystery of the velocity and confinement of the jets is resolved.

Another problem for comet scientists is that the hypothetical apertures,

required for the collimation of material that is supposedly outgassed from a comet

or the "nozzle" from which a hypothetical garden hose would release its stream,

have not been seen on comet nuclei.

This problem is acknowledged in the paper

"Cometary Jet Collimation Without Physical Confinement"

published in the 2012 fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union.

It states,

"Contemporary models postulate that these jets collimate

when the expanding gases and dust pass through a physical aperture or nozzle.

However, recent high-resolution spacecraft observations

fail to detect such apertures on cometary surfaces.

Recent high-resolution images of comet nuclei reveal that the gas and dust

expelled by the comet is organized into narrow plumes or jets..."

"Furthermore, these models do not explain why cometary jets

appear to be directed normal to the local gravitational potential.

This is especially puzzling because the jet velocity,

typically 300 m/sec far from the comet,

greatly exceeds the escape velocity of only about 1 m/sec."

As we've also recently reported, it could not be more clear

that dramatic comet activity has nothing to do with sublimating ices.

Scientists using NASA's Hubble Telescope

have detected unprecedented activity from the comet C/2017 K2

at a billion and a half miles from the Sun

or 16 astronomical units (AU).

Comet water-ice ceases to sublimate beyond just a few AU.

The scientists can only propose that the comet must have been recently

"gravitationally kicked out of the Oort cloud"

and is therefore covered with pristine hyper-volatiles,

surface ices of methane, carbon monoxide and/or nitrogen

that might sublimate at such a distance.

Such attempts to cling to discredited theory

grow more disturbing with each new discovery.

The electric theory of comets has successfully predicted

the extraordinary geology of comet nuclei

and the completely unexpected findings of comet activity

at great varieties of distances from the Sun.

The bright, so-called, plume on 67P can be seen as an electrical discharge

resulting from an explosive redistribution of charge on the comet nucleus.

Neither an imaginary reservoir of subsurface ice

nor theoretical nozzles from which outgassing supposedly sprays like a garden hose

will ever account for this type of remarkable cometary phenomena.

The Rosetta mission and other spectacular voyages in space discovery

represent remarkable technical achievements and yet, tragically,

they are also enormous missed opportunities.

Before seeking out new landscapes to explore

comet scientist must see with new eyes which might perceive a self-evident truth,

comets and the universe in which they exist are electric.

For continuous updates on Space News from the Electric Universe,

stay tuned to

For more infomation >> Electric Discharge Clearly Seen on Comet 67P | Space News - Duration: 10:30.


Welcome to the Austradium - Duration: 2:49.


Get play of the game

Get play of the game, yeah!

no no No NO!

Chris get up!


Do you know what a trebuchet is, Jack?

I know what a trebuchet is you condecending #$@%

They're fucking adorable, look at him

It does nothing

Alright, let's get the hell out of here!

It's too bright!

Alright, let me get out

Right next to the flag

Watch out for Chris' high explosives on the left

Actually it was me who planted it

It's okay, we gagged the lieutenant so he may never talk again

Oh. the helicopter hit the rotor!

Oh my god!

Oh my

Oh my

Oh, Oh Lordy

I can mortar your town


Whats that? I can't hear you

Oh god eject

Jesus Christ!


Yeah I see him

Oh dude I nailed him!


For more infomation >> Welcome to the Austradium - Duration: 2:49.


Blue Poppy in Watercolor/Aquapastel (watercolor crayon) Real Time Tutorial - Duration: 19:59.

hi there Lindsay here the frugal crafter today we are going to paint a blue poppy

and this is kind of a funny funny little project because I'm like I'm just gonna

do a very quick and easy watercolor card we haven't done one of those for a while

I just want to have something kind of fun and loose and I came up with this

and I was like I really don't like the way this looks

yeah try again so then I came up with this and I actually really liked

painting it had a good time I recorded it and then I went to playback and I had

it like off the frame like that for like a half the video so I was like oh well

third time's the charm we're gonna try it again and hopefully I

could take the things I like the best about these first two examples and put

it on third and I also really wanted to do this because I've had a lot of people

asking me about these Jane Davenport aqua pastels and the new watercolor

palette so it would just give me a chance to kind of show it in action so

first thing I'm going to do is just grab a water bottle and just I want to spritz

it I mean I'm doing that instead of instead of using just a brush to what

the background just so I get more of a random a random look and I'm gonna make

sure I don't stick that way up there I've moved my my camera holder so that I

have a little bit um a little bit so I don't have to reach so much when I'm

working but you haven't kind of gotten used to filming that way so I'm putting

some yellow in here onto this wet background and remember it's un-uniformly

wet so I'm just turning my palette around the way you usually use it just

so I can get some interesting blends I don't want everything to be really

smooth I want there to be kind of like chunks of color here and there

this color is kind of like a olive brownish green it's called water sprite

there are five greens in this palette which is quite a bit so I just want to

let you know that this is the sea glitz palette from Jane Davenport and a neat

thing about all of like the Jane Davenport palettes and also the Prima

palettes there's enough room to put about seven half pans down the center

and so what I do is like if I have a a like a watercolor set that like I don't

like the palette that the pans came in I'll take those and I'll like see what a

set needs to make it more versatile and that's what I will

in the middle of these pallets so that way if I'm going like to a friend's

house to paint or and go like on vacation I don't have to take a bunch of

house I'm just going to take one with a variety of colors I can mix all sorts of

other things from so I know that I want a blue flower so I'm kind of just adding

this blue in here the more water you have I'm use these paints granulated it

and it could be because they're more of a craft quality and they have fillers in

them but they do give you a beautiful granulation and I'm going to kind of

make the most of that that ability by really flooding the paper so the more

water you have if your paints want to granulate they're gonna granulate more

and I also like to get a little bit of earthiness in here so I think that's uh

this is kind of like a little bit of a bronze it's got a little metallic to it

not a ton but I kind of like it because it's just kind of warm and it just gives

me a nice bit of of character so in this area right here where it's a little bit

lighter what I'm gonna do is do my lighter color and I am going to lift out

a little bit of that blue these colors lift really well and I think that's

because they are they kind of are craft quality they're gonna be the granulate

granulating colors lift more I'm gonna go in there with just a little bit of

green just enough to kind of mark off that area and then I'm gonna go around

it with some yellow and one thing I really like about these crayons

they're very pigmented they work really well on wet paper and the thing I like

about these is sketching on wet paper so that would be the first thing I would

try if I were you and you are new to this and this product so I've got this a

blue this is called Botticelli and it's almost like a bottle blue actually and

what I'm going to do is just kind of sketch some roughly petals because I

want to have kind of like a really fun loose really expressive flower here so

I'm just kind of going around I'm twisting my crayon as I go cuz I think

that kind of helps me get that get that look that I'm after I can put some of

the veins in now things are going to smoosh out and get a little fuzzy

because I'm working on wet paper but that's part of what I really like about

this this process and this product and and

it's you know kind of so far my favorite way to use these now I haven't spent a

lot of time working on working with these but but this is I think my

favorite way to use them and I can go around and fill in every time I do this

these flowers I make them bigger I don't know if you do if you do that you like

it more comfortable it's like yeah it's bigger now and I can go in and add a

little bit of shading a little bit of veining and just keep in mind that we're

working with watercolor it's gonna do what it wants to do it's a rebel right

it's not gonna just do our bidding we're gonna we're gonna suggest where we would

like things to go and it's gonna do whatever darn well pleases and that's

why I love watercolor it's a rebel after my own heart and

we're gonna put a few little buds poppy buds it kind of like snakes and they got

that I kind of diamond like rounded diamond shape up here and I'm doing this

in such a light green that if I make an error and I don't like it

it can just turn into the background now if you do decide you want to sharpen

your crayons they're all pigment right so you just peel back your peel back

your wrapper and then save them like in a pill case or a empty water color

palette or something so that you don't waste that beautiful yummy pigment and

I'm gonna go in with a darker green and

a little bit more definition to the buds and stems now a lot of you guys are

probably wondering how do these compare to Caran D'ache. Caran D'ache is a more opaque and

they are softer and they're waxy err so like I like to use my Caran Dache - watercolor

crayons on colored matte board because they really show up if you use these on

colored matte board they really wouldn't show up that well but if you use these

as an under painting and one over with your Caran Dache you get a really nice you'd

get a really nice effect These are more like a watercolor

pencil with lists' watercolor pencil i would say more so than a watercolor

crayons after than a watercolor pencil so not exactly but they almost remind me

of the old Derwent aqua tones that are discontinued that I really loved so that

that's kind of nice I'm adding a little bit of this reddish brown in here this

color is called Gauguin

because I found the yellow on its own mix of blue just as missing something

and this will give it a little bit of an orange tint so I think it will really

make that blue pop a little bit more now weird about blooms and I'm gonna see if

I have any blooms on either of these because I'm gonna show you how to keep

them or how to avoid them now I did blot up most of my water puddles so I don't

really have a lot of blooms that a little bit of one there but so these

areas where we have puddles if I leave those alone I'm gonna have some really

interesting little ruffly edges if you don't like that what you can do is take

a brush and dry it off really well and just lay it in the color laid in that

puddle and blot it up and that's going to that's going to give that more of a

flat it's gonna dry a little more flat now I'll leave that one just so you can

see so when we when we go back after it's dry you're gonna see a jagged edge

so I'll leave that one there for your so you can see I'm going to keep on working

went into wet because I think that it's kind of fun and I think a lot of times

people are afraid to do it and I think you should at least try it once if it's

not your cup of tea that's fine but try it and see what happens because I think

you might be kind of surprised at the effects that you can get I can zoom in a

little bit more and then you can see a little bit more detail as I am working

and I'm just gonna blend out a little bit there with my soft brush another

thing I wanted to show you because I've had some people asking about it is this

brush here now there'll warning on this brush so this is the little travel brush

so to open it you just simply pull the two things apart and to close that you

push them together the thing I want to warn you about this is it will trap

water in the barrel it's hollow in there so that the the bristles kind of retract

and I kept wondering why I was getting why I was getting water dripping and

it's because it was in the barrel now my furnace just went on I'm gonna pause the

video and come back in a second and continue on the tutorial okay so it's

continued on so what I basically would say is that if you're gonna use this

brush don't dunk it too far deep into the water or water's gonna get into the

barrel and you're gonna have have drops of water on your picture I prefer to see

your brush anyway but this is really cute it does fit into the container so I

know it's gonna be popular I just want to make sure that you know you kind

are aware of that so you don't end up with with water dripping on your picture

you don't want it so what I'm going to do here is use some of the watercolors

to work in with our painting here and also I want to take that blue crayon

that I have that's right here it's in the wrong spot I'm going to scribble it

out onto my palette so I have a little bit of color to work with now the thing

that I did find out about these is that putting a wet brush to the tip of the

stick it doesn't want to release the pigment as well that way but it will

really sit really well that way I'm not sure why that is but but that's

just something that I found so for my darkest colors and I'd like to go in

with my darks fairly off the bat I'm using this color here called Neera

Danimal which is kind of like oppression blue I would swear it's Prussian blue

and I am gonna use a little bit of the scene in which is more of like a a

cobalt tone and I am gonna go in and kind of add it into my darker areas and

the paper is still quite wet so I am NOT like looking for really crisp details

here I mean if your paper dried on you while you were doing this it's what it

wouldn't look bad I'm just really just letting it do what it wants to do the

paper I'm working on is a Strathmore watercolor card they're very inexpensive

and what I do is I pick them up in a bulk pack of a hundred and I will link

that below in case you're looking for them

you also come in packs of like 30 or 50 I think I got my vein a little bit wrong

here so I'm just gonna smudge it out if they you want the the V needs to be

going towards the center and I kind of got confused with that edge there and I

had them headed a little off so I'm gonna let that water settle in I also

want to curve this a little bit more I think I feel like I had some pointy

edges and I want more fluid curvy edges there anytime you have a really big dip

like that you could actually make that an overturned pedal just kind of by

connecting the dots with a curve so if you have to like really curvy spikes you

can just kind of connect them I hope that makes sense

and I'm just kind of picking some of the petals apart figuring out what's going

to be a back petal gonna be a front petal if there's if

there's both sometimes there isn't because there's not room and I so funny

I've been closed captioning my videos and every time I say the word room like

do we have enough "room" for this or I'm gonna go into my you know I'm gonna put

a shelf in my room it comes up as rum like you know rum that you drink so that

was in one video it's closed captioning this morning it said I'm gonna need a

lot of room for this like I'm gonna need a lot of rum for this you know like oh

my gosh what everybody must think cuz I'm like always talking about rum and how much I need

for every project oh my goodness I thought that was very funny but uh I

know alcoholism is not a laughing matter I just thought the closed captioning was

funny so please don't don't jump down my throat on that I don't record this video

fourth time my goodness gracious four full times I recorded it I decided I

would let the furnace noise slide this one's gonna be demonetized oh boy

so yeah I'm just going in to throw in some of the veining and you can always

go in with like a kind of piece of credit card and scrape it in too because

the paper is really wet still because we really soaked it and that would give you

a crisp line that would not dissolve would not fade at all when you are you

know when you're working so there's lots of different ways to get these details

depending on what you prefer and I really like the tone from the crayon the

best so I'm gonna look at how pretty that is it's almost like it looks like a

bottle blue doesn't it it's just like that pretty it's such a pretty almost

like sooo glossy color and I'm gonna throw some of that in here and there and

you could kind of see stuff kind of like fading out where be from the water

because the paper is so wet so when you want detail to stain you won't really do

you want really bright like in crisp lines you want to let the the paper dry

underneath but I just think this is really kind of fun to get these

lost-and-found edges

and that I think I want that one I think I want I want to be lighter but I do

like that color from the stick there I'll try I'll show you what I mean about

trying to pick this up off the tip let's see if we can get that too I mean it

picks up a little bit that's not bad it's not quite as good as like putting

it on your pallet though I think does help though the more you use it because

you kind of wear down there like a any dried fill on it all right no we're

gonna let that could be a little bit and work on the work on the bottom here I

don't know if I want to put any leaves and it gets really maybe just some

sketchy leaves it can get really messy and really a little too loose very

quickly I want a little bit of yellow in there oh why you might not get a good

bloom there because my paint is still moving I think I'm gonna dry it in just

a second anyway just to get just so I can move on and do a little bit of

detail on the flower I don't want to do a ton but if you want a little bit okay

so I'm gonna dry this and pause the video and we'll come back when that's

dry and finish it up okay and so you can see a bloom there that's where I like a

water drop had landed on there and he sees kind of like spidery edges and that

one you can just see a little bit of a ruffle there I did end up blotting it

though it was taking a long time to dry so you know just so you know you can

play with how much water you leave for the blooms that you want so now I Ament

I'm actually going in a little bit with a crayon to kind of redefine some of

these lines because I do love that color it's on there and then I will refine it

with my brush

using a little bit of a little line work there so just also keep in mind when

you're heating if you're if you're heat drying your blooms won't be as strong

anyway and also careful of the heat tool around this because I can feel like it

got softer just because it was near where I was using the heat gun so I you

want to be aware of that so you don't end up melting here your crayons so you

know don't leave them in a hot car and that sort of thing

I actually think I will try this little brush but I'm going to be careful just

to dip the tip of that in the water because I don't want to get a bunch of

water up in the barrel and I tend to just like really you know dunk my

brushes in and you know whip around in there so it's kind of a hard habit for

me to break so even though the brush the bristles don't hold a lot of water the

barrel will if you if you dip it too too far in the water so you might want to

have like a little bottle cap or something just to to dip from if you're

taking this out with you traveling you generally don't travel as much water as

you'd use at home anyway but I just wanted to make you aware of that because

that could be a bummer if you almost done a painting and then you you end up

you know going in to put a final detail and and a big load of water comes out of

your brush

so it's really cute then it's useful if you're just doing a small area but I

definitely prefer to use to use a juicier brush myself that will carry a

little bit more paint and water in the bristles and I mean it's always a

challenge with a tackle on brush that hasn't been like you know designed to

act like a a fur brush like the mimics because the the water just wants to slip

right off of the bristles so it doesn't like hold the paint and water and

release it slowly like a like a animal hair brush or like a brush that's

designed to behave like an animal hair brush does so it's just you know just

kind of getting used to that for me anyway I mean maybe if you're not

already used to that type of brush it wouldn't even bother you and this kind

of you know puttering around ironically I think this one's taking me longer than

me all right and then maybe just a little bit of oh my goodness my brush I

just slide it on me grab some of that earthy I do like that earthy green

because it's still pretty transparent a lot of times you get an earthy the

earthy colors are really opaque and I don't like opaque there's a color that I

need I've talked about before there's a color I'm not very fond of it's called

chrome oxide of chromium green and it's just such a opaque babypoo color it's

awful and and I know other people like it so I don't want to I don't want to

you know poop on anyone's party but but it is like it is a really difficult

color to work with because it just makes everything muddy and and it's yucky this

was actually this color here is actually pretty transparent for an earthy green

so that's kind of nice but I do feel like it helps being mixed in with one of

its neighborly greens on the set on the in the paint set because then you get a

much you know much nicer more vivid more lively color so if you like green this

is a set for you because there's a lot of green in there

there I'm gonna throw a few extra pans down the center so that I can uh so that

I can make it a little bit more useful for the way I like to work what I'm

painting about I grab a little bit of this because it's got that little bit of

glitzy metallic in there can you look at that seven all our time things in focus

today I had this big long to-do list and I gotta tell you today I've got like

maybe you wouldn't have things it's awful I think this is pretty much gonna

do it I hear the school bus pulling up out front I'm gonna call this a day I'm

pretty happy for this this is how it looks when it's dry pretty much I hope

you enjoyed this if so give me a thumbs up if you have any questions on these

crayons or watercolors or whatever let me know in the comments below there is a

very in-depth review of her watercolors on my channel it's the first two sets

but they're the same paints just different colors so check that out if

you're interested thanks for watching until next time happy crafting

For more infomation >> Blue Poppy in Watercolor/Aquapastel (watercolor crayon) Real Time Tutorial - Duration: 19:59.


Nintendo's RiceGum (Lil Pump Mashup) - Duration: 2:25.

Calling all units

lies fired, lies fired in front of Gamestop

There's about to be a 1096 in progress

Send in all available sub bots, send in the backups

Send in the big talk, send in the Chain Chomp unit

Send in the


You wanna be famous, with all the click bait, lies and shit

But it's cool, if that's how you'll act you'll be dead after this hit

Oh no, you're getting pissed? Gonna make a response to this? You gotta be fucking kidding me

A fake reviewer who gets shit for free?

Talk like you eating some post

Don't even know how to roast

All you do is try to boast

Your channel's gonna be toast

All not impressed, think I did this all alone

Well I didn't little bitch because i've got iDubbbz's clone

WOOH! You have been lying, ever since your little Poke balls were hanging

Let subs think you did it all

When you're basically Nintendo's very own Jake Paul

How bad? You try to get games for free

Disappoint all your viewers by fleeing instead giving them what they came to see?

Boy gotta lie, gotta lie, lie, lie

Because when you've got no amigos, replace it with an amiibo

You really don't see your subs cringing so hard, mentally scared, they're so tired of your collection of Pokemon cards?

No no no no, you think they're gonna say

"Oh my god you're super cool, and your Target vlogs make me drool"

"You earned my subscription, you're not about the profit"

"I'll make sure to like, subscribe, and comment!"

You're god damn moronic, so do your best to change

Because if you don't, you are fucking deranged

This boy does the giveaways, but really does he, huh?

Where's the Corrin code? It's in your boyfriend's load

Your like Mason without the talent, like CND but mentally challenged, like Durv but...

Actually yeah, you're a lot like Durv

Say you're going to review games, but dude you're going to claim this absurdity

How can you claim that's not lame when you're too scared to go in on Termini?

Little hoe, little bitch, suck my 6.9 inch post

Admit that we just won this debate

Ignore us and you will accept your fate

Get it? Because what you're doing is wrong?

And failing to change will only send your channel to the grave?

This rap may be cringey, but you know it's all fucking true

Jesus Christ, you're a stable as a tumblr user

Lying about anxiety and shit, what a fucking loser!

For more infomation >> Nintendo's RiceGum (Lil Pump Mashup) - Duration: 2:25.


Let's Get Personal ~ Q&A Time!!! - Duration: 6:23.

what's up guys welcome back to my channel. we are doing another Q&A so I'm

super pumped about that. first of all excuse how I look. I woke up

feeling like absolute garbage. I had a whole plan on how I'm gonna shoot this

video. i was gonna do it outdoors at a bunch of cool different spots. that's not

happening anymore. I'm in my house. let's just get right into it. so a couple of

questions that I get every single Q&A no matter how many times I answer it in

the comments or anything as much as people know about me they still ask

these questions. one. how long have I been drumming. at this point it's been about

14 years. I am 22 years old. it's another question. I know I look 16.

let's get over that. I am 22. am i self taught or did I take lessons. I am

self-taught and yeah now that we got those out of the way let's get into the

real questions. when will you come out of the closet. I just did. I'm also not gay.

how do you feel about people sliding into your DMS. just like I slid into this

frame I'm not a fan. that hurt sliding in. yeah I think it's super weird when

people are like hitting on me and sending me marriage proposals. it's a

little weird just because I don't know anyone. even if I did know you it'd still

be weird if you're proposing to me every

day. um so a second part of the question is

are you single. yes I am. I have no time for anyone. how do you monetize your

videos. I don't. again this is a question I get so often. drum covers whether it's

me doing it, Casey Cooper, Matt McGuire, Luke Holland, all of us we don't get any

money for our drum covers because they're not our songs. we have the

original songs playing in the background so the ads that you see in the beginning

of our videos, the money that's going that's coming out of that is going

straight to the record companies. everyone thinks I'm super rich from all these videos.

like no I make zero dollars on my covers so just you know making that clear. how

are you feeling after your hospital visit. some of those you who follow me on

my social media you would have seen a post of me in a hospital gown and wires

all over me and I looked really loopy because I just woke up from the

anesthesia. I'm gonna make a whole video dedicated to this but I'll just say it

real quick. so that was a procedure called an endoscopy. it was my third time

getting it done. it's when they put you to sleep and then they stick a tube down

your throat that has a camera and they take like biopsies on in your stomach

and on your intestines and all this stuff because I've been having a lot of

health issues the past two years and we didn't know what it was. we kept doing

all these tests. finally figured it out. I found out I have celiac disease which

means I have to eat everything gluten-free, watch out for

cross-contamination and it's a complicated thing. it's all good. i'm working

on it. I'm just glad that we have an answer. thank you everyone for your well

wishes I really appreciated it. one thing a lot of people don't know about me is

that I love sitting on the floor so welcome to my favorite place on earth,

the floor. do you have a PO box. I don't but I do give out my address to

patrons if they want to send me stuff so if you are interested you can check that

out. name 4 fun facts about yourself. skittles are my favourite candy. I have

boxes and boxes of skittles. people send me skittles. I buy skittles. like my whole

closet is filled with skittles and they're gluten free so I could still eat

them which is awesome. I love reading handwritten letters. when you guys send

me handwritten letters that's the best thing I could ever receive, my friend

send them. I keep them. also just because handwritten letters are really personal and

that's why I like sending my patrons handwritten letters even though my

handwriting is horrible. 3. I'm not a good swimmer at all. don't ask me to save you

because I could barely save myself if I was in the ocean. I love doing puzzles.

I'm doing one right now let me show you. so we got the sky going on there. this is

a thousand-piece puzzle. I just started it. will you ever make a silver play

button video. I absolutely we will once I actually get my silver

play button. so YouTube when you hit a hundred thousand subscribers they give

you this plaque that has a silver play button. that's for a hundred thousand. so

as you know I hit a hundred thousand a while ago. I'm already at two hundred

twenty thousand I think but I have yet to get my silver play button but I

promise once I do I'm gonna do an unboxing video and all of that and show

you guys because clearly it's all because of you that I got this silver

play button so once I get it you will see it.

well my camera just died yeah um okay come and focus yeah okay cool. this

question honestly had me cracking up because it's so true. when you were in

school did you ever bring up your YouTube channel in class discussion or

use it for a class project. let me tell you something really fast. when I first

went to college which at this point was five years ago, I used any

opportunity i could to mention that I'm a drummer and mentioned that I have a

YouTube channel and that was because I had like 5000 subscribers. a lot of times

for the first day of class the professor will just go around the room and say you

know tell us a little about yourself and every single time I would just be like

hey I'm a drummer. I have a YouTube channel. look me up. kristina schiano.

all this stuff and everyone would just look at me like what is this girl doing

but in my mind I'm just like hey I just have to promote any way possible so that's

that's what I did. that that question was it really made me laugh because it's so

true. Tyler or Josh. you know I've thought about this a lot. I love Tyler and I love

Josh. Tyler is married so I have a better chance with Josh so I'm just gonna go

with Josh. I also met him at NAMM once and he smelled really good just saying.

and that is going to conclude the Q&A. I'm probably going to go eat some food and

then take a nap. yeah I just feel like I got hit by a bus as usual. I will see you

guys next time. and have a good day. I love you.

For more infomation >> Let's Get Personal ~ Q&A Time!!! - Duration: 6:23.


Cough Remedies & Topical Cough Medicine | Vicks VapoRub - Duration: 1:33.


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Check out our other helpful videos.

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And share your tips on how you ease your cough in the comments.


For more infomation >> Cough Remedies & Topical Cough Medicine | Vicks VapoRub - Duration: 1:33.


Elevating Your Frequency And Vibrating Even Higher - Duration: 4:08.

Elevating Your Frequency And Vibrating Even Higher

by Adeana M. Slater,

The energy to stagnate or settle is becoming less and less enjoyable or desirable.

This is good news.

This means we have crossed yet another threshold or hurdle not only individually but collectively.

You may not know your true soul calling and mission YET.

This does not mean you are behind or are missing something.

You have have been aware all along that things in your life need to change.

Whether you heed that message is something entirely different.

But like I spoke of in the last message to you, your lessons will continue to show itself

until you finally �get it� and understand.

This is not to say you are incapable or unaware.

Most of you are aware and awakened to these lessons placed before you and they have become

very challenging and difficult.

The repeated questions, turmoil, cycles, patterns, belief systems, societal templates, are ALL

restrictions to the freedom of your very heart and soul being as well as the World.

This is why we are given this opportunity to change and be better.

Love more.

Feel absolute peace and joy in our lives in every moment we take a breath in of life.

As Unity Consciousness, our joined efforts of ONE are the New Earth.

We are WHO we have been waiting for.

The opportunity to change is now and is available to all blessed souls who choose to dip their

toe in with their hearts desire in a whole new direction.

We must band together and set the bar of love, forgiveness, peace, and joy.

This is a joined effort.

It will take ALL of us to create this new World we live in.

Love does not exclude anyone.

We are truly in this together.

Think about the ways you become truly happy and what gives you the most joy.

Really spend time with this notion in your moment time as you co-create your current

reality with your perception and beliefs.

Listen to music.

Walk in nature.

Connect with loved ones.

Happiness and joy will ALWAYS uplift your soul frequency and vibration.

Spend time in your now moment appreciating ALL you have.

Remember that intention and appreciation are the true manifesting tools to bring to you,

your hearts true desire.

Again, these answers are already within you.

The goal here is not to solve all of the Worlds problems in a day, but to connect and love


This needs to happen first and foremost.

You will be unable to hear your heart and soul intuition if you have any doubts or insecurities.

Let these come up and available to you through situations, circumstances, events, people,

and relationships.

Any challenge you have in life is ready and available for you to learn and grow from.

Nothing is punishment.

Experience is everything.

The more you cycle through a repeated hardship, the stronger you become.

This is for a reason.

You will become undoubtably stronger and wiser as a soul.

It is true for you that the seeming worst case scenario has made you into the soul warrior

(Masculine/Feminine) that you are to this day.

No, you don�t wish to repeat the lesson.

The goal is to triumph and move forward.

Let that be your mantra.

We become challenged, we learn, we heal, we rise� and then repeat.

Everyday is a new day.

Each new day may bring with it a new challenge, but we GOT THIS!!

I love you all.

For more infomation >> Elevating Your Frequency And Vibrating Even Higher - Duration: 4:08.


Sagittarius Men in Relationships — Can a Sagittarius Man Settle Down??? - Duration: 5:27.

can Sagittarius men settled down and focus on one person? because what I've

noticed about Sagittarius men is they tend to be all over the place. they may

entertain, for a lack of better words, several people at the same time, several

partners. and I also find Sagittarius men tend to have a diva complex. sometimes

they can be players, right? Sagittarius. their opposite Sign is...Gemini.

so I feel they're bit detached all the time, even when they settle down.

when I watch like when I observe I should say Sagittarius men that are

married you don't feel that they're married when you meet them like they may

not be the person who's gonna talk about their partner right away when they meet

you right like there's this independence about them like they're alone even when

they're married even when they have kids they can be funny Sledge attachment can

be really funny really great sense of humor but they have a free-spirited

attitude there's just like rebellious and it's almost like they have this

nomadic attitude that just constantly they're moving they're going places like

like it's hard for them to settle down they may love traveling going all over

the world so even when they do settle down when they do get married when they

do have kids they need a partner that is okay with our detachment because I'm son

love on some level they're gonna be a bit detached right they're gonna be like

a free spirit they want to do their own thing like I find Sagittarius men that

do get married they still want to pursue their artistic hobbies they still want

to travel they still want to they're like they still want to you know they

don't lose themselves right they're not like well now I'm married and I need to

focus on my partner and kids no such Oteri's men are just like well I am

married but I'm still a person and I need to travel and I need to I still

want to be an actor I still want to I still want to be musician so there's

this sense of like detachment from from home from the ideas

of stick sticking with one person or something like that not not that they

can't they can they can be good husbands good partners they can settle down with

one person they can be devoted and everything but I'm saying on a spiritual

like on some level the Sagittarius man is detached um is never gonna be fully

like glued to you you know they're not gonna be okay with a boring life with

the mundane life they want they want to spice up their life they want to travel

there when I'm they want colors and interesting things happening in their

life constant movement so if you think that he's gonna just settle down and

give up his sort of player attitude hmm you know I don't know I think that

they're they're always gonna want to have fun there was gonna want to go out

and party so they need a partner who sort of understands if you were your

partner to sachit areas man and you don't want to go party you have to

understand that he has a need to go party he has a need to go out and have

fun and be independent and make other people laugh and so you can't expect

like if you constantly need emotionally and you just need him to be home and do

home chores and things like that I don't know this guy's just he wants to pursue

his goals he wants to do his thing and wants to he still maintains his

individual individuality and individual goals and stuff separate from you right

he's like whoa that's you this is me this is what I want to do so I think

that's how such Oteri's men tend to be of course not every not all Sagittarius

men are the same they're very different people but if they have Sun in

Sagittarius there's a sense of like wanting to have fun and be free and be

creative and travel and being individual and expressive

stick so they're not gonna usually give that up that easily and just forget it

so that's my take on Sagittarius men and settling down and having sort of a

traditional stable mundane lives you know married and partnerships so they

can be really fun partners if that's what you like if you like comedy

interesting things traveling adventures this this guy will keep you on your toes

will always keep everything spicy and interesting and flavorful but if you

expecting him to just give or give up all these dreams all these music all

these art and just settle down and forget it I don't know may not be what

his plans are so thank you for watching video thank you for watching this video

if you have anything to say please share your thoughts and I hope to see in my

next video bye bye

For more infomation >> Sagittarius Men in Relationships — Can a Sagittarius Man Settle Down??? - Duration: 5:27.


Destiny 2 Osiris's Plan to destroy the Vex? - Duration: 14:34.

The Vex have no hope.

No imagination, no drive, no fear.

All they have is the pattern.

Everything must fit.

If it can be made to fit, good.

If it can't, it gets cut away.

They think this is the end of them, a path with no escape.

And yet, here they are, there they were, and there they will be, and there they will have


For them, there is no paradox.

There is only the pattern.

And the pattern needs the Vex to see it to completion.

And so the Vex must be.

For the mind of Vex, is that faith?

Welcome back Guardians, what you just heard was Praedyth speaking in the Vault of Glass

from the mission the Paradox from Destiny 1.

(Vault of Glass).

This mission is pivotal to understanding whether the Vex can ever be defeated; how do you defeat

a time-traveling race that can predict its own end and un-do it.

(VEX TELEPORTING, new trailer).

Well, with the release of the Destiny 2 Curse of Osiris trailer (trailer footage), and after

taking detail notes on every mission, adventure, scannable and world quests for IO and Nessus,

I believe we can determine how to beat the Vex once and for all.

The artwork featured in today's video was provided by Gammatrap and would not be possible

without your support on Patreon.

Patreons can get access to digital versions of the artwork and other pieces like phone


If you would like to chat lore in real time, tune into my twitch channel, I am usually

live for 5 hours after releasing a lore video, the link is below.

We are often helping people in the leviathan raid and talking lore.

[RAID footage] This is myelin games and I hope you enjoy

this latest Destiny 2 Lore episode.

[INTRO] Let's start with the Destiny 1 Paradox mission.

In Destiny 1 a secret ending was added to the Vault of Glass mission, Paradox, and was

part of the exotic quest line for No Time To Explain.

To activate the secret ending you have to collect three ghost shells in the Vault of


The Ghost shells are narrated by Praedyth, a Warlock who as lost to the Vex inside the

Vault and originally formed part of Kabr's fireteam.

The Ghost shell reads, So the Vex have predicted their own annihilation.

When did they believe this would happen?

Can the calculations of minds the size of planets be wrong?

And this They think this is the end of them, a path

with no escape.

And yet, here they are, there they were, and there they will be, and there they will have


For them, there is no paradox.

There is only the pattern.

And the pattern needs the Vex to see it to completion.

And so the Vex must be.

For the mind of Vex, is that faith?

After collecting the Ghost Shells and activating the secret ending you enter the final area

of the Vault of Glass, normally this would be where you encounter Atheon and battle him

in the Raid, however now the area is dilapidated, overgrown and filled with Taken Vex.

Preaedyth says, Welcome to the end of the Vex.

Their "immutable" future.

Enslaved to a will they don't understand.

A will long dead here.

Dead, eon's ago.

But then they won't end will they, because you're here.

The Vex won't spare the city.

They' won't even thank you.

But that's the thing about light, you never know where it will shine.

Immutable is put in quotation marks because immutable means unable to change, but obviously

the Vex have changed it because in our timeline they still exist.

The quote also hints at the importance of Guardians saying, "Dead eon's ago.

But then they wont end will they, because you're here."

Remember that we go on to destroy Oryx the Taken King, so I believe that this hints at

Guardians actually preventing the Vex being destroyed by Oryx, we potentially prevented

this future.

I have previous videos that go into this theory in more detail, essentially that the Vex use

Guardians to destroy Oryx and save their own future.

Regardless, the main point I am trying to make about the Paradox mission ending is;

Oryx had a real impact on the timeline of the Vex, even if he was not successful overall,

he was able to use the power to make taken, which he learnt from the Darkness, to threaten

the Vex so dramatically that they actually predicted their own annihilation.

We also see this to be true in the Books Of Sorrow, Oryx takes the Vex and the Vex are

unable to simulate Oryx and his true power.

So, for the most part, using the powers of the Darkness seems to be quite effective in

stopping the Vex, or at least slowing the Vex.

However, in Destiny 2 Asher Mir is very confident that the Vex will succeed over the Taken,

and not even the power to take will stop the Vex.

In the World Quest on IO, you are tasked with investigating Taken activity and discover

that the Taken are capturing Vex.

Here is what happens.

"Ikora we found holding cells, I think.

Like a prison for Vex."

"Perhaps the Taken have invented Law and order"

After you clear this area of captured Vex, Asher Mir would say this,

"Well, out guy got away again.

Asher, what was it you just said?

That it's suicidal for the Taken to turn the Vex into scary void robots?"

"Completely suicidal!

The Vex infect whatever they touch.

Their self-replicating subroutines would consume the Taken from the inside out.

Perhaps they simply don't realize the dangers."

Asher is completely convinced that even the Taken would be consumed and infected by the


Destiny 2 really makes us question the effectiveness of the Darkness in stopping the Vex and that

the Vex have evolved to some degree since Destiny 1.

It now seems that given enough time the Vex will infect the Taken, where as in Destiny

1 that was much more of a stalemate between Oryx and the Vex.

In Destiny 1, if the Darkness, or more accurately Taking Vex, cannot be used to stop the Vex,

what about the Light?

Well, I am sure many of you have heard the ingame dialogue that refers to how the Vex

cannot simulate Guardians and the Light.

Your ghost says this in the Adventure Deep Conversation on Nessus

"That Mind said one last thing as it died.

It's afraid.

Afraid of your Light – the one thing in this galaxy it can't simulate.

Probably old news to Ikora, but I'll ping Vanguard."

The simulations are very important, the Vex use simulations to gather data on their enemy

and ultimately win.

So it appears that we are still at an advantage for the time being.

In addition, other guardians have used the Light to allow us to defeat the Vex.

For example, Kabr from the Vault of Glass, Kabr consumed the Vex infecting himself and

using hist Light made the aegis, a relic in the Vault of Glass that allows us to destroy

the Templar.

The Relic: The Aegis grimoire card from Destiny 1 reads,

I have destroyed myself to do this.

They have taken my Ghost.

They are in my blood and brain.

But now there is hope.

From my own Light and from the thinking flesh of the Vex I made a shield.

The shield is your deliverance.

It will break the unbreakable.

It will change your fate.

Kabr has likely left us with the greatest clue to defeating the Vex, to defeat the Vex

we need to combine the Light, the only thing in this Galaxy that the Vex do not understand

and cannot simulate with, the Vex themselves.

It seems like Osiris understands this, in the Curse of Osiris Trailer we see Osiris

wearing the Sunbreaker gauntlets which at first look standard however, on closer inspection

they are the completely wrong colour, they are white, rather than golden.

They are white like the Vex fluid themselves, the radiolarian fluid.

Has Osiris learnt from Kabr, to defeat the Vex we need to introduce the Vex cells to

the light, but unlike Kabr, Osiris has created a way of introducing the Vex cells in a controlled

fashion, through his Gauntlets.

Maybe this explains his ability to control time like the Vex.

During the trailer we see Osiris clash with Vex, whilst a fireteam in the Vault of Glass

is frozen.

Using this information, I am relatively convinced that we need to treat the Vex like a Virus,

and like a Vaccination, Osiris is injecting Vex cells into his system, fusing the light

with Vex cells and granting him immunity from the time-warping powers of the Vex; allowing

him to infiltrate and undermine the Vex system.

Here is the thing, this is extremely dangerous, Guardians like Asher mir have been exposed

to Vex cells and are being consumed, their Light has not been able to save them.

If you speak with Asher he says this, "It is consuming me.

If I do not find a way to reverse this, I will die."

It seems like only Osiris knows how to merge with the Vex network and not be converted

into the Vex himself.

Asher Mir's misfortune with losing his arm reinforces my point, being infected with the

Vex makes you part of the system, Asher says this in the IO world quest,

"I retract my earlier hypothesis.

Something is happening to the Vex.

They can all feel it.

*I* can feel it; I can feel something grasping at my arm to rip my very essence out of my


End this, Guardian!"

Asher feels what the Vex feels, if Osiris has worked out how to introduce Vex cells

to his body and still remain in control, he should understand the Vex and could become

a Virus in their system.

I believe that Asher Mir is beginning to understand this too, that to defeat the Vex we must defeat

them as a whole, we must infect their entire system, just like they are doing to us.

In fact, in the adventure, Cliffhanger on IO Asher Mir has designed a Virus that we

introduce into the Vex Collective.

Guardian, we must somehow become part of the Vex system, become a Virus in their system

yet we must proceed with caution, in our efforts to become a Vex virus, we may unknowingly

give more data to the Vex, we must join the system and take everything, yet give nothing,

we cannot let the Vex understand us or simulate us, for if they were to achieve that our plans

will be halted.

With that being said, I have one concern, one specific Exo entered the System, Cayde-6,

and I fear that whilst in the system Cayde unknowingly gave crucial data to the Vex,

Ghost: This Conflux is specifically attuned to Exo programming.

But why would the Vex have access to… oh, it must be Cayde.

Did Cayde accidently give the Vex access to Exo programming, a piece of data that could

be unraveled to learn more about Guardians and destroy us… oh Cayde.

That concludes this latest Destiny 2 Lore episode, leave the word, "Virus", to symbolize

how we need to fight the Vex infection with our own virus!

As usual it has been a pleaure, this is myelin games.


For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Osiris's Plan to destroy the Vex? - Duration: 14:34.


Nahant woman unexpectedly taken into ICE custody - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Nahant woman unexpectedly taken into ICE custody - Duration: 1:45.


Há uma grande mudança em andamento 6 de novembro de 2017 - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Há uma grande mudança em andamento 6 de novembro de 2017 - Duration: 1:29.


Qi Music Meditation for Balance | Himalayan Singing Bowls [ASMR] - Duration: 51:08.

For more infomation >> Qi Music Meditation for Balance | Himalayan Singing Bowls [ASMR] - Duration: 51:08.


Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING P2 - Duration: 11:21.

Hi, I'm Tara, and I'm Natalie and this is Natalie and Tara Try Stuff

Welcome back. Welcome back. I mean, no. Not welcome back... this is

totally not (Totally) the same day that (Nooo) we filmed out other pumpkin spice video.

Not the same day at all... it's November. It's November now. Halloween was like two weeks ago...

which makes it weird that you still have your Halloween decorations up, considering it's November.

Hold on.

[Action montage]

[with action montage-y noises]

[it's pretty intense]

So yeah, (yeah) November (November) We totally don't have a month-long lag on our videos.

Welcome to Natalie and Tara Try Stuff and today we are

as Tara keeps saying and it's grossing me out doing "Everything Pumpkin Spice Liquid"

If you didn't see the previous video we uh we got really just

like weirded out by this whole pumpkin spice "Why's" Why is this a pumpkin spice thing?

Why? No NO. no--don't flavor things pumpkin spice that don't need to be flavored pumpkin spice.

We found a lot of alcohols that should not be- and just beverages in general- but a lot of alcohols that

should not be pumpkin spice flavor and we're gonna try them out today so let's just- [gasp]

Let's just get to it. Totally not the same day we're gonna start with

Not the same day.

We're gonna start with breakfast again. We are starting with caffeine because we need it.

Okay. We have a pumpkin spice tea, a pumpkin spice coffee, and a pumpkin spice almond

beverage which is a creamer so we're gonna start with our pumpkin spice teeeeea.

I, first of all, hate tea. So this is gonna be fun.

Tea just tastes like dirty water me. Hot. Dirty. Water.

I like this tea. This is really good. Like this is like bath water. Harney & Sons fine teas. it comes in this adorable tin.

I could drink this actually, maybe with a little bit of sugar.

Try number two. mmm... it's okay. But for someone who haaaates tea, like you, to be mildly okay with it.

Yeah. That's pretty good. This is a thumbs up then. She's HATES tea.

I say we move on. Moving on. Although don't you love my pineapple mug-

I mean, Tara's pineapple mug, but I get to use it when I'm here.

Okay next we're gonna do plain coffee but with pumpkin spice almond beverage as a creamer

And it's orange! Oh my god it's super orange. I was not expecting that.

I did not expect it to be orange colored.

Huh. [gag] It's better than the creamer coffee-mate creamer.

I choose the tea over this. No. Yeah, I like the tea better. No. Nooo. Its okay, its just not great.

Now we have Dunkin Donuts pumpkin spice coffee.

I don't know if I've ever had Dunkin Donuts coffee. Isn't it supposed to be good? That's what I hear.

Like, I don't know, you guys tell us. I really don't know about- Do you like Dunkin Donuts coffee?

Yeah, I hate it. Oh, God I hate that!

Is Dunkin Donuts coffee always super strong? Is that why people like it so much? ummmm Idon't know.

Alright. I think all these are crap. Next thing! Next thing!

We have spar- ciders. We have ciders.

This one is a sparkling cider non alcoholic. That fake stuff, when you were a kid, that you got to drink for champagne.

And this one is hard cider. It's Ace Pumpkin Hard Cider.

Which this one's already better just because it's got alcohol in it.

We're gonna go cider first because we can't get into alcohol just yet. Sparkling.

That's so unfortunate. Here's the thing it's not good enough to drink without alcohol in it.

That's my official review. Yeah. We have a cider. A pumpkin cider.

i've never heard of a pumpkin cider. I haven't had pumpkin cider before.

Ace makes really good cider so I'm pretty hopeful on this one. I'm all about it. Let's try this out.

Huh. I dunno. It doesn't taste like pumpkin. I doesnt taste like anything apple or pear or any of the

other normal ones either though. It's its own unique...... I don't know if I like it..... I don't hate it.

It's so funny how often pumpkin doesn't taste like pumpkin. Yeah. That makes me think, it's real and not like pumpkin flavored?

Ooh I don't- there's a weird like- "after." Here's the thing, [snort]

This stuff- I'm just, every time there's- "here's the thing." What was I... Iwas reading or watching...

I don't know, something that kept doing that "here's the thing" about everything.

Here's the thing. Here's the thing.... um here's the thing-

It's only gonna go downhill from here. Oh. Like the rest of the stuff we have to try

is is one alcoholic so we're gonna go downhill from here but it's also like it

should not be pumpkined. It's gonna get bad. Like in that "does it pumpkin question mark."

Like, shouldn't. You shouldn't... you should've just, no. should just gotten- nope.

Should've just stay away from away from. No, back away from the pumpkin. Does it pumpkin? No.

We're back to coffee.

This is regular coffee and I managed to find Bailey's pumpkin spice

[gross out gibberish] Why? Bailey's why? why why why?

Get off of the pumpkin spice bandwagon. We're gonna make some Irish coffees but

We're gonna try this Bailey's first. People do drink Bailey's on the rocks.

It's good. I don't think ever would.

Oh it smells terrible. I see that there's spice in it, it's just not that- Pumpkin-y. Yeah

We're doing an Irish pumpkin spice coffee. [drunkin gibberish]

How much do I wanna put in there? Just like a big old whap. And then some Jameson.

Do we need to taste test the Jameson? I think we have to taste just the Jameson.

We'll I don't have a cup to taste test the Jameson in. No just put in the coffee.

I don't think I'm gonna like this at all.

I'm just gonna throw this out there. What was your first clue? I don't think I'm gonna like this.

Ummm... Nope. Nope no part of this. I mean, Irish coffees are already a little bitter to begin with.

Yeah I don't know if I like Irish Coffee if I think about it. But this is like, this is, this is

just too bitter. I think with other Bailey's you get a little more sweet don't you?

I think I'm gonna drink this anyway. Okay. You want the caffeine is what you want.

I want the caffeine and.... and gettin drunk sounds fun. [you can actually hear Taras eye roll] Next Thing.

So I went a little overboard when purchasing alcohol for this video. You think a little? Welllll, it just all sounded so fascinating.

I got some pumpkin spice Kahlua because why not?

and then this pumpkin spice vodka. Like whwhwhwhwhy? Nothing about that- Pumpkin spice sweet potato flavored vodka.

We're gonna go ahead and try both of these first. On their own. Like yeah, just

to taste them. So you're gonna go on the Kahlua first I'm gonna do the vodka? Yeah.

Why am I gonna sip on vodka? I don't want to do that.

I don't hate that. I mean it's tastes kind of like cough medicine but like I've definitely had worse flavored vodkas.

I don't hate the Kahlua.

I can't drink cognac and I'm yeah yeah I can't it's the smell thing like I can't get

past and this is like I don't know I might have to plug my nose.

this spells terrible! it's not so bad. Smells so bad.

Oh. this isn't that bad. I mean, that't not good...

but it's not like, I've had, i've definitely had worse flavored vodkas.

I don't really like milky alcohol. It's it's definitely something you do in college and then stop doing.

Oh, I never did. Oh I did. I like that. I love that! I like that a F***ing lot!

Oh, that is so good! Holy Jesus! Ooohhhhh! Okay, on their own- not good, at all. No. But, and this is really

sad for you watching this in November um you can't get this! You didn't like White Russians?

No, I don't. Oh my god this is great. This this is a whole entire...

I could do a five minute video about this this is so good.

We're gonna finish these and then we're gonna go on to the next thing.

Last one. This is how this whole thing- this whole alcohol part started was, I had heard

there was a pumpkin spice sake. Now I _____ love sake. Pumpkin sake? No!

This one is Happy Owl pumpkin, and this is, I went hunting on the internet for this.

And here we are, and I think it's gonna be so gross. Here we are. And we're ending with

it because that would be, just, why not end on a low note?

Why not end on our lowest point? Yeah okay there's so much alcohol around us right now. I know.

I'm just like looking at all the bottles before us

Doesn't even smell like sake.

Are you sure? Yeah. Savory aromas of pumpkin, mineral and spice. Complex earth

and oil flavors. Dry with long spicy finish. That's okay. It's not as bad as I hoped it was.

I know this was supposed to be the like the pinnacle. This was

supposed to be the thing that like that that that like made this video

worthwhile. So basically this is like a fail of a video.

What a waste of a video! Waste of a video. I'm havin some more. Oooooh boy, she's going for another one.

Ewww I don't like that one as much.

Well that was fun. Our public service to you we have tried

all these pumpkins spice things so now you don't have to. Favorite thing. Fo Sho!

Oooooh! Oh wait this is a different video. I was gonna say the yogurt.

I'm going to start you over. You're drunk. I'm starting over.

Okay favorite thing, definitely (oh yeah)

the pumpkin spice White Russian. Least favorite thing

oh that the Dunkin Donuts spiced coffee. Dunkin Donuts spiced coffee, I'm so sorry.

Compared to our last video of the pumpkin spice food stuff, this was a lot less painful.

Which I was surprised. I actually thought like beverages should never touch pumpkin.

Like, Noooo. I am a big enough girl to admit that I was wrong

Whoa! This time! Whoa! Never before has it happened. No! This is the first time ever in the history of the world.

Natalie, did you just admit that you were wrong? I mean, I was a little wrong.

Did you just admit that you were a little wrong about that? Yes, I did.

[dreamy music, harps etc...]

This is the best day of my life.

I'm so happy. Like Christmas came early, in November. It's not that early it's November.

Worst thing, Oh worst thing... we did that. We're not drunk at all.

This adventure was brought to you by me, I'm Tara and I'm Natalie and this was Natalie and

Tara tried stu- pumpkin liquidy stuff. That's not how it's supposed to work.

Fine, This was Natalie and Tara - Your not gonna do it with me? No.

I'm Tara, and I'm Natalie and this was Natalie and Tara try... Oh my God.

Why? Why did we start a YouTube channel? Why did we do this?


For more infomation >> Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING P2 - Duration: 11:21.


West Clark County Schools reasseses options after referendum rejected - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> West Clark County Schools reasseses options after referendum rejected - Duration: 1:15.


Learn Colors with Happy Trees Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Trees for Children and Toddlers - Duration: 10:21.























Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Happy Trees Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Trees for Children and Toddlers - Duration: 10:21.


How To Test & Use Inexpensive LED Light Strings For Your Model Railroad - Duration: 14:31.

now that we're getting close to Christmas you see these LED light

strings in many stores I got picked this up at Old-Time Pottery you could find

these in Michaels and any other craft store now they use either two or three

double A batteries in here which brings it to three to four and a half volts I'm

going to show you how to separate these and use them on your model railroad now

I paid 495 for 99 for now just this past week but if you go after Christmas you

can get them like half-price or 60% off I did that last year on a few of them

that I picked up at CVS and I'll show you those also so let's get started with

this right now hi I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things we're

gonna learn something today about LED lights I got four of them right here

that I already made up and I'm going to show you how I did this I got a resistor

in here and I put some shrink back tubing over top of it and we're good to

go to add these to our building so let's

get started with this and I'll show you how I do it as we open this box you'll

see that there's not much to it you get a little string of Lights or a string of

LEDs and you get this little container or receptacle here where you could put

your batteries in there takes three double A batteries and a set of

instructions which really doesn't tell you anything so what we're gonna do

we're gonna do some experimenting with this and see what we could do with these

lights and you and let me get down to this end of it here and you can see is

doubled back so it doesn't short on the other wire one wire comes this way and

one wire comes that way and it's covered with insulation so it doesn't get

shorted on anything else there but I'm going to pull this off here there's the

wires right there and they're pretty thin why

I'm gonna get some batteries I'm gonna show you how bright these are to begin

with I have three new double-a batteries and all insert them in here and let me

turn the lights off and you can see bright they are or how did they are and

these are warm white eye but I did that because I didn't want them to be too

bright because I'm gonna put these on in buildings just got a switch on it so I'm

gonna cut off the last ten put this side over here and I'll make sure that these

aren't shorting out anywhere and then I'll turn this back on let me cut the

lights now they possibly have a little resistor

in here so what I'm gonna do we're going to hook this up to my power supply with

the 3.3 volts and see how that looks there I have some alligator clips and I

hooked up to my power supply okay and the black one right here is the negative

so you can look on here this is the negative side and your power goes

through there through the batteries and over here is the positive side and you

can see they have a wire going through here up to the positive terminal right

here right now I get turn the power supply on okay and now turn the power on

on here and you can see now this is three point four volts let me turn the

lights up and you can see what they look like here now we could knock these down

and divide these and say you want to put three in the building we can do that

and I'm gonna show you how to do that so we have 20 lights on this string all

together and I put 10 I cut it off at 10 so we could do 3 3 & 4 on one string or

any combination that we want to let's get started with them that put the

lights back on so we could see what we're doing here and let me turn the

power supply off what I want to do here let's hook this up to the red right here

and see what it looks like and it may look just a little bit brighter so what

I'm gonna do I'm gonna switch it back and forth to see if we could tell the

difference between the voltage here so that's the 5 and that's the okay that's

the 3 and that's the 5 will go back 3

and 5 it's just like the eye doctors this one better or is that one better we

have our choice of the voltages we want to use I don't think it really matters

because the way that we're going to hook it up if we need to we could use a

resistor to limit the current on the LED so what I'm going to do right here I'm

going to cut off three of these LEDs in fact I'm going to use this on the one

that doesn't have the resistor on it so we'll take this one one two and three

and cut right in the middle there so we got three three of them right there now

the type of wire that they use on there has just a coating on top of it that we

could scrape off

because this is too small for my wire strippers I mean my own wire strippers

only go up to 26 gauge so we'll just strip that back like that now I have the

string of three right here I put a hundred ohm resistor on the breadboard

right here and I have this hooked up to the 3.3 volts so let me turn this on and

this on you could see the difference on there I have three of them together on

3.3 volts with a hundred ohm resistor in series with it and they look pretty good

for lighting up a building and we're going to try this out and we're gonna

incorporate a resistor in there I played around with different configurations

here even did it without a resistor and burned out the centre LED on here but

now I have it hooked up to five volts and I have a 68 ohm resistor in there so

there's that and here's the original I'll shut the lights off and you take a

look at it so 68 looks pretty good for lighting up the buildings and we might

be able to go a little bit brighter maybe I could drop it down but we could

play around with that but 68 looks pretty good and I have five of them so

we're good to go with playing around with using the 68 ohm resistor and the

maybe three to four LEDs on a string what I did here was twisted the wires

together from the resistor and the lead from the LED and I'm going to solder

them on there just make sure that my is hot enough and I already applied the

flux to the wires she's hot let the solder melt right into it

I'll bring that up here and what I'll do is I'll put some some shrink wrap on

there that's good and tight right there I've cleaned that up a little bit I'll

put some shrink heat shrink on that all the way back to here cover up the

resistor and then we'll have our two leaves there for our power on it before

I put the shrink tubing on there we'll just make sure that this works and just

okay so it works I have an assortment of heat shrink tubing and I found one that

works perfectly and I'll put it right there and heat it up it'll cover the

resistor and cover up the solder joint on there and we'll be good to go with it

I have four LEDs on this strip and a 68 ohm resistor so we'll just shrink this

tubing up right here over top of the resistor and the splice that I did okay

here we are we now have a strip of four LEDs and a resistor 68 ohm resistor on

here that we could use to mount anywhere on our layout in a building for lighting

outside a building on a billboard or anything these are really small LEDs on

here there's one right there so that's how small they are so and you

could bend these wires back this way and have them anywhere in your building or

anywhere else on your layout to have some lighting on there so there we go

with that and I'll show you how to mount this into a building in another video

and make a little connector for on the end so all you have to do is put your

wires at the back of the building and you're good to go

well I hope that was informative I learned something there and I hope you

learned something on that too now you could pick these up anywhere

especially after Christmas and you get maybe 20 lights in there but you could

also get the strip's I have one of them come and they should be here today I'm

filming this on Monday and so I have the the strip of a hundred LEDs coming so

I'm gonna be experimenting with that too and if I get them early enough I'll put

them in this video also but if I don't they'll be in another video last year

after Christmas I picked up about four boxes of these at CVS for about $2 a

piece they're a string of 50 lights for a Christmas tree now these can be used

on your layout for lighting up over a valance or something like that

I've seen these used many times and to two boxes of these will run 25 feet I

picked up four of them and I also picked up another one of these this is a 30

string of Lights of LEDs and this was at Michael's and I also picked this up

after Christmas you can get some pretty good deals after Christmas on LED

lighting in any craft store Home Depot has it old-time pottery is where I got

the these Michaels Joanne's Hobby Lobby it'll usually go as far down as 75% off

so you can get a pretty good deal on them coming up on Saturday we have a

another episode episode number 18 of Model Railroading For Beginners and it's

going to be on mistakes that modelers make especially the new ones look for it

on Saturday at 10 a.m. if you want to get any supplies or parts that I used in

this video go ahead on over to my Amazon page

trainsandthings and you could find a lot of different things in there

including books on track planning and DCC some Digitrax components and

NCE-even editing software and a bunch of stuff that we use

here on this workbench right here so We'll see Ya

For more infomation >> How To Test & Use Inexpensive LED Light Strings For Your Model Railroad - Duration: 14:31.


NARUTO and FRIENDS dancing WKWK Land - Duration: 4:01.

Wkwk land, beautiful country

Wkwk land, no need to worry

Wkwk land, i'm your guide tonight

Don't expect. I'm gonna make you ride

We call it indonesia, but they call us wkwk land

We always laugh with wkwk, that's why we are wkwk land

You know om telolet, tow missle horn from wkwk land

Ofcourse because we spam your djs, we are wkwk land

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it

Our tv show? Please you don't ask for it

You made a robot. Hey, what's your religion. Stop it! (wkwk land)

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it

Our tv show? Please you don't ask for it

Yo this my country, welcome to wkwk wkwk land

We love rich chigga, the rapper with the best flow

Only the rapper that i listen to he's from jakarta how

I don't care if you got medals event it's silver and gold

Just go back to your country, take your ship and don't comeback bro

Yeah... Okay... Gua bukan rapper, but but butt listen

Kids jaman now i'll be, damn they are wow

Growing up too soon, what you know spacetoon

Playing no balloon freakin out laws

Papi mami papi mami, happy anniversary

It's only been one month, what the hell is going norak

Kids jaman now, it doesn't seem fair somehow

Born in iphone generation not like us, desperation

Stay in school, don't be fool

Whis world is cruel and just be cool, oh break the rules!

Leave your motherland welcome to wkwk wkwk land

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it

Our tv show? Please you don't ask for it

You made a robot. Hey, what's your religion. Stop it! (wkwk land)

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it

We boiled the puppet and we cry over itWe boiled the puppet and we cry over it

Our tv show? Please you don't ask for it

I'm proud of my country baby! Wkwk wkwk land

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