Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

What's up guys my name is amber, Mancha and today

We're gonna be recreating this face chart that anastasia beverly hills put out on twitter. I saw it and I was like

Yes, can I wear this every day, please?

Obviously it's not something that you can wear out all the time

But if you're looking to have fun and get a little creative, then this is the stop for you

So let's get started on the left side of the face Church

She doesn't have an eyebrow, so I'm gonna make mine disappear

And I'm doing that by using a glue stick, and you just want to make sure that it's super flat

I didn't use enough layers

So you want to go in and make sure that you can't see any of the texture of the hair at all and make sure

That it's tacky and just super flat to the skin so that when you set it with powder

And then you go back over it with foundation it completely disappears. I'm new at this trick so

Bear with me if you have any tips definitely let me know in the comment box down below

Because my eyebrows are black

I have to color correct them with an orange to help them disappear under the foundation and here I'm using the la girl Pro

Conceal in the shade Orange, then I'm taking the darkest

Foundation that I own which is the Maybelline Dream?

Airbrush foundation, and that is in the shade caramel also, sorry about the lighting

I didn't set my ISO correctly it changes in the middle of the video, but you'll see it get brighter and darker anyways

I'm putting the darker foundation on the outside and then I'll put a lighter foundation on the inside to give me a mask like appearance

Here, I'm using the Kat Von D

Lock-it concealer, and then I go in with a lighter Foundation, which is the Make Up For Ever in Y?

375 and I'm just going to blend that all over the middle of my face and over this eyebrow

Area to make sure that that's nice and blended in and disappears with the rest of my foundation and yes

I'm using morphe shadows for an honest Asya look blasphemy I get it

I'm taking this pink and putting that as my transition shade and

Then I'm going to put that under my waterline as well

Then I'm taking the Kat Von D. Lock-it concealer again, and this isn't the shade to l7 guys if I miss any prod

They'll be listed in the description box down below, but I'm using this to carve out the front half of my eyelid


Then I'm setting that with the lightest shade in the morphe 35n

Palette you guys can use any shadows that you want

These are just the ones that I had on hand but anyway will do and then I'm going to go in with a black

Eye shadow and I'm going to do the outer corner of my eye and wing it up towards my eyebrow

and the outer corner is on the top and the bottom obviously as you can see I

Dragged the black eye shadow a little bit more towards the front on the bottom

and then I really really wing it out by my eyebrow next taking an orange shade we're gonna work on the more clown side and

they have the orange part in by the nose and then dragging it up through the eyebrow now I

Set this brow, and then I put foundation over it, and then I set it and you can see a discoloration there

You can't see it when it's all done, but you can definitely see it here, so I did something wrong

But you're just gonna drag that orange area up onto the forehead and then taking black eye shadow

I'm gonna start at the inner corner and

Make it like a diagonal up towards the back and there's gonna be two lines

There's gonna be a line from the inner corner going up on the forehead

And then there's going to be a line from the outer corner going up on the forehead and then the black eye shadow

Comes down around underneath the waterline, and you just want to fill it in as opaque as possible

I took this felt tip liner from

CIT London and put that into my waterline and then got it into the lash line on top of the eye

And then I used it to help me build a wing on the other eye and make those two little lines on the outside corner


Then I'm carving out the inner corner with black body paint and you want that area to be as thin as possible

Finally we've gotten to the point where I fixed my eye, so then I'm taking a Mac 212

And I dip that into some black mehron body paint, and I'm using that to really

Define this clown. Eye and

Make my points really really sharp this brush for precision body painting is

Amazing I need like 17 of these things

and then I'm also taking the body paint and dragging it underneath the eye just to make sure everything is nice and bold and just


Taking black eye shadow on a fluffy brush

I'm doing the cheek detail which comes out to the cheek bone, and then goes back inside

Which is really awesome because it goes down towards the mouth, and it gives you just this like really wicked

Face shape I feel like I should do this every single day, and then I'm following that with black body paint as well

Now getting into some of the clown detail

I'm just using I'm tapping the tip of this brush onto my eye to make sure that these lines are super small and then sometimes

using the corner and

There's like a triangle that crosses over at the top

And then the same triangle that crosses over at the bottom with two little lines

you can follow the face chart or pause the video just to see where my lines are, but you're just Criss crossing lines and

Then I'm just taking the brush and on the top and the bottom

I'm just pushing it down very lightly and just kind of stamping eyelashes

And of course you can't forget the cutest detail on this thing

There is a tiny little heart at the bottom of one of these points

I thought it was adorable so of course I had to add it and

Then I'm taking that 212 brush again and stamping eyelashes on the other side

And then I'm taking this little pencil brush with a lot of water and black body paint

And I'm using that to draw on these little circles

and then I'm following up some of these lines with just a little bit of a white highlight to make them pop and

putting a white highlight against these black lines will make you definitely look more like a cartoon and

Then I'm filling in my opposite waterline with white eyeliner because we did black eyeliner

The other side and in the picture she had a light eyebrow

So I'm just using a lighter brown eyeshadow to fill in the eyebrow and not take away from the look

And of course we can't get away without contouring i'm just using a cool

Brown eyeshadow to do this in the cheekbones and then on the side

That's more of like a clown. I bring it down to the bottom of my cheekbone and then drag it down towards my chin to

Make it really cut up, and then i'm going in to give a quick contour to my nose, but nothing spectacular

Now I thought I was gonna go in and shade first

but i'm actually gonna do that after she's got a piece by her mouth and

I was like you know what maybe I should wait until I do these lines

But this one didn't have a black body paint line anyway, so kind of scratch that and then I did one on my chin

but we you can see where I make that decision to quit doing this and go in with the black body paint to build the

Heart so the heart is I'm just using my 212 sorry

It's fuzzy here guys, but I'm using my 212

And I'm building my line and what I'm doing is I'm using

It as a precision brush and using it just on the tip and then every once in a while

I'll just kind of bend it so that it gives it like a ripped

Texture to look and that way it's not just a straight line all the way around the face

and then I'm bringing that heart down and connecting it in the middle of my nose and

dragging it through the middle of my face all the way down to the chin and

then I'm outlining the lips and

Just adding a little bit of the crack to detail and then just drawing where the clown nose will be I also

Outlined the top of my lip in the middle, I look like a really crappy pirate

And then I'm taking this orange shade and I am blending it out on the clown side of my face because that's where we're gonna

Have some red lipstick, and you really want it to look smeared

And then I'm going into this pink blush shade and the morphe 10b palette

And I'm putting it on the clown side more up towards my eye, and then on the regular

I guess kind of regular side but more on the cheek, and then I'm taking a red lipstick

And I'm putting that on the clown side and I end up dragging it to

open up my mouth a little bit on the sides as well because it is a Messier look and

Then I'm backing that with black body paint

And then I'm going to shade in certain areas all the way around the heart

And I'm gonna put my darkest area towards the black line and let it get lighter as it comes out

I Was just randomly picking areas on where I wanted to shade so you can do the same thing or you can have a reason for

Where your shading, but I just saw parts, and I'm like yeah shading looks good there, so let's do that

Then the little clown nose was red, so I painted that red

And then I go in and highlight the pink area with white now

I had extra water on

My brush which allowed this to kind of bleed, and you'll see it kind of spread out

which is really cool because it makes it look like drippy and on purpose and

That's it I had so much fun with this and I was so proud of how it came out

I hope you guys enjoy it too. If you did, please give this video a big thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve world domination

And don't forget that you can follow me on Twitter Instagram snapchat

My blog at Adventures of Mama calm, and I will see you next time oh and Facebook

I don't know if I said Facebook. Okay, bye



Hide and Seek event (Beelzemon server), 100T total prizes! - Duration: 16:17.

For more infomation >> Hide and Seek event (Beelzemon server), 100T total prizes! - Duration: 16:17.


Welcome to the Austradium - Duration: 2:49.


Get play of the game

Get play of the game, yeah!

no no No NO!

Chris get up!


Do you know what a trebuchet is, Jack?

I know what a trebuchet is you condecending #$@%

They're fucking adorable, look at him

It does nothing

Alright, let's get the hell out of here!

It's too bright!

Alright, let me get out

Right next to the flag

Watch out for Chris' high explosives on the left

Actually it was me who planted it

It's okay, we gagged the lieutenant so he may never talk again

Oh. the helicopter hit the rotor!

Oh my god!

Oh my

Oh my

Oh, Oh Lordy

I can mortar your town


Whats that? I can't hear you

Oh god eject

Jesus Christ!


Yeah I see him

Oh dude I nailed him!


For more infomation >> Welcome to the Austradium - Duration: 2:49.


Elevating Your Frequency And Vibrating Even Higher - Duration: 4:08.

Elevating Your Frequency And Vibrating Even Higher

by Adeana M. Slater,

The energy to stagnate or settle is becoming less and less enjoyable or desirable.

This is good news.

This means we have crossed yet another threshold or hurdle not only individually but collectively.

You may not know your true soul calling and mission YET.

This does not mean you are behind or are missing something.

You have have been aware all along that things in your life need to change.

Whether you heed that message is something entirely different.

But like I spoke of in the last message to you, your lessons will continue to show itself

until you finally �get it� and understand.

This is not to say you are incapable or unaware.

Most of you are aware and awakened to these lessons placed before you and they have become

very challenging and difficult.

The repeated questions, turmoil, cycles, patterns, belief systems, societal templates, are ALL

restrictions to the freedom of your very heart and soul being as well as the World.

This is why we are given this opportunity to change and be better.

Love more.

Feel absolute peace and joy in our lives in every moment we take a breath in of life.

As Unity Consciousness, our joined efforts of ONE are the New Earth.

We are WHO we have been waiting for.

The opportunity to change is now and is available to all blessed souls who choose to dip their

toe in with their hearts desire in a whole new direction.

We must band together and set the bar of love, forgiveness, peace, and joy.

This is a joined effort.

It will take ALL of us to create this new World we live in.

Love does not exclude anyone.

We are truly in this together.

Think about the ways you become truly happy and what gives you the most joy.

Really spend time with this notion in your moment time as you co-create your current

reality with your perception and beliefs.

Listen to music.

Walk in nature.

Connect with loved ones.

Happiness and joy will ALWAYS uplift your soul frequency and vibration.

Spend time in your now moment appreciating ALL you have.

Remember that intention and appreciation are the true manifesting tools to bring to you,

your hearts true desire.

Again, these answers are already within you.

The goal here is not to solve all of the Worlds problems in a day, but to connect and love


This needs to happen first and foremost.

You will be unable to hear your heart and soul intuition if you have any doubts or insecurities.

Let these come up and available to you through situations, circumstances, events, people,

and relationships.

Any challenge you have in life is ready and available for you to learn and grow from.

Nothing is punishment.

Experience is everything.

The more you cycle through a repeated hardship, the stronger you become.

This is for a reason.

You will become undoubtably stronger and wiser as a soul.

It is true for you that the seeming worst case scenario has made you into the soul warrior

(Masculine/Feminine) that you are to this day.

No, you don�t wish to repeat the lesson.

The goal is to triumph and move forward.

Let that be your mantra.

We become challenged, we learn, we heal, we rise� and then repeat.

Everyday is a new day.

Each new day may bring with it a new challenge, but we GOT THIS!!

I love you all.

For more infomation >> Elevating Your Frequency And Vibrating Even Higher - Duration: 4:08.


Qi Music Meditation for Balance | Himalayan Singing Bowls [ASMR] - Duration: 51:08.

For more infomation >> Qi Music Meditation for Balance | Himalayan Singing Bowls [ASMR] - Duration: 51:08.


Spaces - We Are Savvy S1 (Ep 18) - Duration: 22:36.

For more infomation >> Spaces - We Are Savvy S1 (Ep 18) - Duration: 22:36.


Learn Colors with Happy Trees Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Trees for Children and Toddlers - Duration: 10:21.























Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Happy Trees Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Trees for Children and Toddlers - Duration: 10:21.


How To Test & Use Inexpensive LED Light Strings For Your Model Railroad - Duration: 14:31.

now that we're getting close to Christmas you see these LED light

strings in many stores I got picked this up at Old-Time Pottery you could find

these in Michaels and any other craft store now they use either two or three

double A batteries in here which brings it to three to four and a half volts I'm

going to show you how to separate these and use them on your model railroad now

I paid 495 for 99 for now just this past week but if you go after Christmas you

can get them like half-price or 60% off I did that last year on a few of them

that I picked up at CVS and I'll show you those also so let's get started with

this right now hi I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things we're

gonna learn something today about LED lights I got four of them right here

that I already made up and I'm going to show you how I did this I got a resistor

in here and I put some shrink back tubing over top of it and we're good to

go to add these to our building so let's

get started with this and I'll show you how I do it as we open this box you'll

see that there's not much to it you get a little string of Lights or a string of

LEDs and you get this little container or receptacle here where you could put

your batteries in there takes three double A batteries and a set of

instructions which really doesn't tell you anything so what we're gonna do

we're gonna do some experimenting with this and see what we could do with these

lights and you and let me get down to this end of it here and you can see is

doubled back so it doesn't short on the other wire one wire comes this way and

one wire comes that way and it's covered with insulation so it doesn't get

shorted on anything else there but I'm going to pull this off here there's the

wires right there and they're pretty thin why

I'm gonna get some batteries I'm gonna show you how bright these are to begin

with I have three new double-a batteries and all insert them in here and let me

turn the lights off and you can see bright they are or how did they are and

these are warm white eye but I did that because I didn't want them to be too

bright because I'm gonna put these on in buildings just got a switch on it so I'm

gonna cut off the last ten put this side over here and I'll make sure that these

aren't shorting out anywhere and then I'll turn this back on let me cut the

lights now they possibly have a little resistor

in here so what I'm gonna do we're going to hook this up to my power supply with

the 3.3 volts and see how that looks there I have some alligator clips and I

hooked up to my power supply okay and the black one right here is the negative

so you can look on here this is the negative side and your power goes

through there through the batteries and over here is the positive side and you

can see they have a wire going through here up to the positive terminal right

here right now I get turn the power supply on okay and now turn the power on

on here and you can see now this is three point four volts let me turn the

lights up and you can see what they look like here now we could knock these down

and divide these and say you want to put three in the building we can do that

and I'm gonna show you how to do that so we have 20 lights on this string all

together and I put 10 I cut it off at 10 so we could do 3 3 & 4 on one string or

any combination that we want to let's get started with them that put the

lights back on so we could see what we're doing here and let me turn the

power supply off what I want to do here let's hook this up to the red right here

and see what it looks like and it may look just a little bit brighter so what

I'm gonna do I'm gonna switch it back and forth to see if we could tell the

difference between the voltage here so that's the 5 and that's the okay that's

the 3 and that's the 5 will go back 3

and 5 it's just like the eye doctors this one better or is that one better we

have our choice of the voltages we want to use I don't think it really matters

because the way that we're going to hook it up if we need to we could use a

resistor to limit the current on the LED so what I'm going to do right here I'm

going to cut off three of these LEDs in fact I'm going to use this on the one

that doesn't have the resistor on it so we'll take this one one two and three

and cut right in the middle there so we got three three of them right there now

the type of wire that they use on there has just a coating on top of it that we

could scrape off

because this is too small for my wire strippers I mean my own wire strippers

only go up to 26 gauge so we'll just strip that back like that now I have the

string of three right here I put a hundred ohm resistor on the breadboard

right here and I have this hooked up to the 3.3 volts so let me turn this on and

this on you could see the difference on there I have three of them together on

3.3 volts with a hundred ohm resistor in series with it and they look pretty good

for lighting up a building and we're going to try this out and we're gonna

incorporate a resistor in there I played around with different configurations

here even did it without a resistor and burned out the centre LED on here but

now I have it hooked up to five volts and I have a 68 ohm resistor in there so

there's that and here's the original I'll shut the lights off and you take a

look at it so 68 looks pretty good for lighting up the buildings and we might

be able to go a little bit brighter maybe I could drop it down but we could

play around with that but 68 looks pretty good and I have five of them so

we're good to go with playing around with using the 68 ohm resistor and the

maybe three to four LEDs on a string what I did here was twisted the wires

together from the resistor and the lead from the LED and I'm going to solder

them on there just make sure that my is hot enough and I already applied the

flux to the wires she's hot let the solder melt right into it

I'll bring that up here and what I'll do is I'll put some some shrink wrap on

there that's good and tight right there I've cleaned that up a little bit I'll

put some shrink heat shrink on that all the way back to here cover up the

resistor and then we'll have our two leaves there for our power on it before

I put the shrink tubing on there we'll just make sure that this works and just

okay so it works I have an assortment of heat shrink tubing and I found one that

works perfectly and I'll put it right there and heat it up it'll cover the

resistor and cover up the solder joint on there and we'll be good to go with it

I have four LEDs on this strip and a 68 ohm resistor so we'll just shrink this

tubing up right here over top of the resistor and the splice that I did okay

here we are we now have a strip of four LEDs and a resistor 68 ohm resistor on

here that we could use to mount anywhere on our layout in a building for lighting

outside a building on a billboard or anything these are really small LEDs on

here there's one right there so that's how small they are so and you

could bend these wires back this way and have them anywhere in your building or

anywhere else on your layout to have some lighting on there so there we go

with that and I'll show you how to mount this into a building in another video

and make a little connector for on the end so all you have to do is put your

wires at the back of the building and you're good to go

well I hope that was informative I learned something there and I hope you

learned something on that too now you could pick these up anywhere

especially after Christmas and you get maybe 20 lights in there but you could

also get the strip's I have one of them come and they should be here today I'm

filming this on Monday and so I have the the strip of a hundred LEDs coming so

I'm gonna be experimenting with that too and if I get them early enough I'll put

them in this video also but if I don't they'll be in another video last year

after Christmas I picked up about four boxes of these at CVS for about $2 a

piece they're a string of 50 lights for a Christmas tree now these can be used

on your layout for lighting up over a valance or something like that

I've seen these used many times and to two boxes of these will run 25 feet I

picked up four of them and I also picked up another one of these this is a 30

string of Lights of LEDs and this was at Michael's and I also picked this up

after Christmas you can get some pretty good deals after Christmas on LED

lighting in any craft store Home Depot has it old-time pottery is where I got

the these Michaels Joanne's Hobby Lobby it'll usually go as far down as 75% off

so you can get a pretty good deal on them coming up on Saturday we have a

another episode episode number 18 of Model Railroading For Beginners and it's

going to be on mistakes that modelers make especially the new ones look for it

on Saturday at 10 a.m. if you want to get any supplies or parts that I used in

this video go ahead on over to my Amazon page

trainsandthings and you could find a lot of different things in there

including books on track planning and DCC some Digitrax components and

NCE-even editing software and a bunch of stuff that we use

here on this workbench right here so We'll see Ya

For more infomation >> How To Test & Use Inexpensive LED Light Strings For Your Model Railroad - Duration: 14:31.


NARUTO and FRIENDS dancing WKWK Land - Duration: 4:01.

Wkwk land, beautiful country

Wkwk land, no need to worry

Wkwk land, i'm your guide tonight

Don't expect. I'm gonna make you ride

We call it indonesia, but they call us wkwk land

We always laugh with wkwk, that's why we are wkwk land

You know om telolet, tow missle horn from wkwk land

Ofcourse because we spam your djs, we are wkwk land

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it

Our tv show? Please you don't ask for it

You made a robot. Hey, what's your religion. Stop it! (wkwk land)

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it

Our tv show? Please you don't ask for it

Yo this my country, welcome to wkwk wkwk land

We love rich chigga, the rapper with the best flow

Only the rapper that i listen to he's from jakarta how

I don't care if you got medals event it's silver and gold

Just go back to your country, take your ship and don't comeback bro

Yeah... Okay... Gua bukan rapper, but but butt listen

Kids jaman now i'll be, damn they are wow

Growing up too soon, what you know spacetoon

Playing no balloon freakin out laws

Papi mami papi mami, happy anniversary

It's only been one month, what the hell is going norak

Kids jaman now, it doesn't seem fair somehow

Born in iphone generation not like us, desperation

Stay in school, don't be fool

Whis world is cruel and just be cool, oh break the rules!

Leave your motherland welcome to wkwk wkwk land

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it

We boiled the puppet and we cry over it

Our tv show? Please you don't ask for it

You made a robot. Hey, what's your religion. Stop it! (wkwk land)

We have komodo, we ride and fly on it

We boiled the puppet and we cry over itWe boiled the puppet and we cry over it

Our tv show? Please you don't ask for it

I'm proud of my country baby! Wkwk wkwk land

For more infomation >> NARUTO and FRIENDS dancing WKWK Land - Duration: 4:01.


Virgin Galactic Aims to Fly SpaceShipTwo to Space This Year - Duration: 4:34.

Virgin Galactic Aims to Fly SpaceShipTwo to Space This Year

Virgin Galactic has been making steady progress flight testing its new SpaceShipTwo, the VSS


The Unity has now conducted six air-launched glide tests after being dropped from the larger

mothership, WhiteKnightTwo, from about 50,000 feet.

This week, Virgin Galactic President Mike Moses said at the International Symposium

for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight that he hopes "to be in space by the end of this

year," as reported byAviation Week.

Powered flight tests in the atmosphere will come first, which involve firing up the VSS

Unity's rocket engine for the first time.

A last round of flight testing beyond the atmosphere is expected to proceed the launch

of commercial tourism and research flights to suborbital space.

The VSS Unity is the second SpaceShipTwo craft in a planned fleet of suborbital spaceplanes.

The first spaceship, the VSS Enterprise built by Scaled Composites, was destroyed in a fatal

crash on October 31, 2014 before ever making it to outer space.

The VSS Unity was under construction at the time of the incident, and in response to the

crash, the second ship was reinforced with a more robust structure and outfitted with

more instrumentation, making the VSS Unity heavier than the Enterprise.

As a result, the Unity will not fly above the internationally recognized border of space�the

100 km (62 mi) Karaman line�but rather will fly above 80 km (50 mi), which the U.S. Air

Force recognizes as the border of outer space.



"We didn't finish the test program [with Enterprise], so now Unity is our test vehicle," Moses said

at the symposium.

"We've added a lot more structure, a lot more instrumentation because you don't know the


You don't know the actual environment you're going to fly in.

We had to be on the conservative side.

We'll be able to pull that weight back out after we've done it, but initially we won't

be going all the way to the Karman line.

We're going to aim for the 80-km U.S. definition of space."

Moses described the glide test program for Unity thus far as "amazingly successful,"

including tests of the "feather" system that rotates the tail of the plane up over the

craft so it tips over like a badminton birdy for reentry into the atmosphere.

The crash of the VSS Enterprise was caused by a premature release of the feather locking

system during the craft's fourth powered flight, an error that was ultimately attributed to

design flaw.

Moses says the feather system is operating more smoothly on the Unity thanks to adjustments

made to two redundant actuators on the system that "kind of fight with each other" when

they are not properly balanced.

Two more SpaceShipTwo craft are also under construction by The Spaceship Company, a joint

venture between Virgin Group and Scaled Composites.

"Next up is to start assembling the wings and the fuselages and then bring those parts

together," said Moses.


Before the VSS Unity can fly above the atmosphere, Virgin Galactic will conduct powered flight

tests to collect data on acceleration through supersonic speeds and external heating on

the craft, as well as simulated atmospheric reentry, which will be fully tested on the

first flight to space.

A date for the first powered flight test of the VSS Unity has not been set, but Moses

said there would be "a couple" more glide tests before Virgin fires up the rocket engine.

Virgin Galactic has taken its time returning to flight after the mishap in 2014, but hopefully

the aerospace company's reusable spaceplane will make its first trip above the atmosphere

before the end of the year�and then you can finally join the waiting list for a ride

in a rocket-powered spaceplane.

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