Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

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For more infomation >> ICO Unlimited Scam | SHUT DOWN - Duration: 6:06.


18 Traits That Show You Are An Agent Of Transformation For The Human Consciousness - Duration: 4:07.

18 Traits That Show You Are An Agent Of Transformation For The Human Consciousness

by Conscious Reminder

Have you heard people talk about the �Shift�?

Well, somehow we all have heard about it right after the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.

Whatever changes are happening around us deserve to be noticed.

Have you observed the following changes around you?

Check the list below!

Do you feel that you are in this world for some important purpose or you feel that you

have some stake in making this world a beautiful place?

Do you feel that the world is not in the right position; as if things are not in the right

alignment and do you feel that you can solve this?

Do you feel that there are random changes happening in your life which are all leading

you to help other people around you?

Do you think that you have some ideas that can absolutely change the world?

Do you feel that you have something in you that can help other people around you?

Well, if you said yes to most of the above, then you are part of the change that is going

to happen to Human Consciousness; basically an �Agent� of Human Consciousness; an

incarnated soul who is supposed to cause a massive shift in the way Human Consciousness


These are the 18 traits that each agent of transformation for the Human Consciousness


They feel that they have a sense of purpose and this purpose is exactly what drives them.

It is this purpose that influences all of their actions and this is what defines them

in their entirety.

They feel that it is time that they initiate the change that they envision and wish for.

They are aware that there are some key areas that they are interested in and they are invested

in working on those areas because they believe that those areas can help the world in some


They are extremely empathetic and they know what others feel; thus they know how to handle

the people around them.

They wish to lessen the pain of people, animals and even plants.

It is their ultimate desire to alleviate everyone�s pain around them.

They do feel lonely because of all the things that they do.

Their creativity is at a high and they follow their passions of art as well.

They are also attached to animals and they communicate with animals in the same way as

they do with humans.

Their childhood is usually sad and full of pain, abuse and trauma.

They are attached to nature almost at a spiritual level.

They have a spiritual leaning but that is very different from the orthodox religion.

They are different in this aspect.

They love plants and they are sad if they aren�t able to spend time with plants.

They need that time to recuperate and feel better.

They are very sensitive and this also makes them anxious and sometimes they can also get

into addictions and some disorders.

They are intensely connected with varied cultures and regions as well as languages.

They could also have some brain centered disability as dyslexia, retardation, and autism and they

may also be fascinated by people who have intellectual disabilities or mental illness.

They are very amiable and this can also tire them out.

They do need solitude to get their power back.

They might have recurring physical illness.

They dream vividly about healing beings around them.

Do you have any of these traits?

If yes, then you are truly a person who will cause a major shift in Human Consciousness.

Yes, you are going to make this a wonderful place to live in!

For more infomation >> 18 Traits That Show You Are An Agent Of Transformation For The Human Consciousness - Duration: 4:07.


Puberty Tips From Someone Who's Done It Twice - Duration: 4:34.

Hello, I'm Jackson Bird, I'm 27-years-old and I am going through puberty again.

Yeah. Really.

[upbeat music]

So when trans people go on hormones, we sometimes find it easy to explain the changes as if

we're going through puberty 2.0.

And that always gets a good laugh from people, but the reality of the matter is, we're not


That's exactly what's happening to us.

When we undergo hormone replacement therapy, it triggers the development of the same secondary

sex characteristics that people develop during their first puberty.

So that means for transfeminine people taking estrogen, their fat redistributes to their

hips and thighs; their skin softens; and they develop breasts.

For transmasculine people, like me, taking testosterone, our voices break and get deeper;

we grow facial hair... eventually.

And we grow a lot of other hair… everywhere.

Except on our heads, where those of us who are older, start to lose it.


Our bodies are growing and developing in different ways.

Especially when we first get started on hormone replacement therapy, we need a lot more sleep,

our appetites change, our body odors change, our sex drives increase for a bit.

Us transmasculine people get more acne, we get greasier, we have to shower more.

Like, so much more!

Sometimes twice a day because oh my gosh I always smell!

And trans people do an awesome job of documenting these changes on youtube and instagram and tumblr.

Especially when I was first starting out with physical transition, it was so helpful to

be able to look up videos from other people at the same point in transition and be able

to figure out what was normal and what I could expect to happen next.

But all of that is just like anecdotal shared experiences.

While there's some official research and definitive information that our healthcare

providers can tell us, for the most part we learn about the effects of hormones from these

online accounts from our peers.

Which is super cool and helpful, but not the most scientific.

At certain points, if I had a more specific question or wanted a more like definitive

resource on what my body was going through, I would actually… this is little bit weird,

but I would actually go to puberty sites designed for like teenagers who were going through

it the first go-round.

A little awkward to be doing that as an adult and, of course, it's not totally foolproof

because there's a lot of weird and scary misinformation out there on the internet

I mean, I don' t think that pimple on my jaw is the beginning of a parasitic twin, but

like that commenter on WebMD said it might be.

So I was relieved when I came across Amaze.Org.They are an initiative that takes the awkward out

of sex-ed.

They provide online videos and other resources for people who are going through puberty.

They partner with experts in the field to make sex-ed informative and relatable.

Their intended audience is young people going through puberty for the first time, but us

old farts going through puberty 2.0 can make use of it as well.

And, because I know a lot of parents and teachers watch my videos, there are resources on their

for you – because Amaze knows how crucial it is for young people to feel like they can

go to the adults in their life and talk about the changes they're going through.

But here is why I especially like Amaze and why I was so happy to partner with them for

this video: So not only does Amaze make cool animated videos that are so much better than

the dorky after-school specials from the 80s I was shown on VHS tapes in middle school

classes, but they also ACTUALLY TALK about gender identity and expression – and sexual


I was missing all of that in the resources that I had as a teenager so seeing organizations

now that are actually inclusive just means so much to me.

So whether you're going through puberty for the first time or the second, go check

out Amaze.Org and subscribe to their youtube channel!

And in the comments today, I want to know how you learned about puberty.

Did your school divide you up by gender and show you an outdated video?

Did your parents talk to you?

Did you happen to find a great site like Amaze.Org?

Or, did you find a not-so-great website?

Like I did.

Let me know in the comments below and bonus points for the most awkward story.

Because the more we share and talk about these things, the less awkward they become.

Thank you so much to Amaze.Org for sponsoring this video today.

And if you liked this video, please do give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends,

and subscribe for more videos every Wednesday.

You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram and Snapchat and Facebook and...

GoodReads... at jackisnotabird.

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> Puberty Tips From Someone Who's Done It Twice - Duration: 4:34.


iPhone X Destruction Videos Are The Worst (RANT) - Duration: 9:52.

What's going on French boy Connor, how welcome back to another video and today, I'm gonna be answering this simple question

What's inside an iPhone X a bunch of electronic stuff?

That's a good enough answer for me, but for apparently millions of people that's not enough

So let's take a look for ourselves my favorite unboxing channel on YouTube known as what's inside but before we get started as always with

Channels like these where I don't really think the people themselves are bad. I just don't really like the content

Please don't go some hate these people's ways as a commentator

I'm far more concerned with the popularity of this type of content that I am with the actual creators themselves

It's hard to fault people when all they do is find the niche have success in it and decide to just keep going with that

Because why not and because I think it's worth mentioning the father and son in these videos that you're about to see

They're actually pretty cool like the father has some really good information on some of his videos the son doesn't really seem like he has

An inflated ego despite the fact that their channels had a lot of success and they leverage their YouTube platform into doing really cool

opportunities like a bunch of work with

nonprofits and other international

Ventures like that which I have a huge passion for so it's hard for me to really say that these people are bad news

They're not they're doing their job, and that's fine so again not hating on these people

I just don't like the idea that smashing stuff on YouTube can get you

Popularity money and like whatever else that comes from that it just seems kind of ridiculous with all that being said let's see what's really

inside my phone axe


$1,200 poop emoji maker Oh


Wow what a masterpiece here's the thing with intros on YouTube they can be really cool and

Successful when they're done right, but if they're not done right. They might as well not be in the video

I wouldn't not the hard way with my first couple of videos

I made it intro just because I thought everyone usually if you have an intro and

Turns out wasn't funny wasn't that good, and I knew that when I made it

But I just thought it might as well

just leave it in here because

It's what people on YouTube do right the problem is people shouldn't just follow what everyone else does do what's good

Do it make sure your content better in this case just throw it out of your video, but a side note

I'm definitely not opposed to having an intro so if any of you are good at making intros want to make me an intro

Wanted to channel art whatever. It is hit me up the d-ends. Let's top okay. Sorry. I keep getting sidetracked

focus Connor come on focus

Hold on it's my door locked

Okay, thank you. God. Thank you

It's the dog poop emoji

inflatable giant poop emoji costume 60 bucks

iPhone X

1200 bucks

Embarrassing your kid in front of three million plus people on the Internet

Priceless still better than I do five

Okay, that's it

That was that was unfair that I would way too far this guy his son are nothing and I'm saying this very

Sincerely it's gonna. Send our nothing like daddy. Oh child abuse

I think it's ice-cream. It's nice. It's ice cream. It's chocolate ice cream with eyes on it

Dad's am I right so the joke here is the dad is saying that poop emoji looks like a pile of chocolate ice cream

I'm making it. Let's get some eyeballs on there and then

How does the ice cream do with the iPhone 10

Now you know those are the jokes you're gonna get when you look at a channel. That's primarily catering towards kids

It's hard for me to be like ah these people are so terrible

It's just a bad joke is what it is kind of comes with the territory of these technology channels

This feels really good at my hands. You sadistic pieces you're gonna have so much fun

Just destroying that phone all of us watch aren't you hey everyone look at how amazing this $1,200 phone is

Be a real shame if I blast it through it with a saw

How do you explain that occupation your friends and family? What do you do for work? Oh nothing me and my son just

Destroyed the latest iPhone like you know six figures a year doing it

It's kind of like a passion project, but except. It makes us a lot of money

I want to see this videos low effort, but that's not really the right term

I think it's more just like this type of content a solo effort

It's like everyone on the internet nowadays is making a video on the iPhone X. I mean, I know it's

But like guys we get it Apple made a new phone. Oh my gosh everyone

There's a new Apple product

Y'all have to smash it and do it and do whatever because it's the new iPhone the new iPhone everyone the new iPhone

It's understandable why these videos succeed on one hand it's like ASMR for the eyes and on the other hand

Everyone has curiosity everyone wants to know different things

And so if you think an object like a basketball and say what's inside a basketball people might think oh?

What's inside of us when I really thought about that?

but the problem of how this stuff is that none of these creators try to be unique they all hop in the same trends they

all make the same corny jokes and none of them really try to find ways to be unique and

Despite that videos like this one rack up millions of views for creators even though

They really don't put any sort of effort into this besides just the editing like you're telling me this requires effort

That's insane, I mean come on guys this cutting an iPhone in half

There's the two batteries

Insane reaction, dude you know what at least his kids on overhyping everything like Jake and Logan ball

Holy SH, dude I mean that it's actually getting scary on second thought keep doing you kids

We don't need anymore Logan Paul's in this world just be you I'm down for that we

Open so you don't have to you. That's so thoughtful

Thank you guys so much because whenever I buy a phone for $1,200 my first thought is what's inside this phone

Let me slice this open with a machine

It's like you could just unscrew the whole thing

But of course you don't want to be as your viewers aren't gonna watch that I just don't get the popularity of breaking stuff on

The internet spending $1,200 on a phone to destroy it it's like you're creating

potentially toxic waste for the environment you're doing all this stuff, but

Breaking stuff just isn't that cool breaking plates wow dude Logan cool. You like to break plates breaking an iPhone

That's insane guys cool. Just stop breaking stuff guys. It's not break

You don't need a break stuff to make a funny video or an interesting video of that so that's gonna be it guys I know

It's not some long expose on some crazy terrible channel

That's ruining the internet, but you're not gonna be able to get that every week

We don't have enough of channels like that on YouTube without all being said I hope you enjoyed this video

It was fun to make and I want to put my two cents in on

As to the whole new iPhone stuff life advice to young people out there don't buy a new phone to your old one breaks

The Apple Samsung all these companies advertising these new phones none of these phones really change in the world you might have like animated emojis

Cool, you know I don't and I don't need animated emojis in my life

If you do go ahead and buy it but spending $1200 on a phone

You can probably find better ways to spend your money as someone who's owned a flip phone an iPhone and pretty much everything in between

No new phones, not gonna change your life. Dude unless your phone's broken

Don't get anyone like the saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it anyways

I do. Hope you all enjoyed the video if you did be sure to subscribe and leave a like it really helps me out

I just have to say guys because I don't know if having to hit it before this channel comes out or right after but

We're pretty much out 100 subscribers, and that's crazy

I know it's still nothing and I'm not gonna do this every time

I hit another 50 subscribers, but it is really cool to see that I have triple figures on subscribers

and I got a video that had a thousand views so it's kind of cool man like it's it's cool to see this progress and

I so much appreciate all of you guys saying you know you can see this channel going far

That's the goal like I'm trying to make this a big thing so join the bandwagon

Hop on while you can you're one of the very first hundred people watching this channel, so that's pretty cool

Be sure to subscribe if you're not already

I keep using this in my videos

But go follow me on social media at your boy car now pretty much every social media platform. You can find DM me

Send me a message whatever you want to do guys. I want to talk to you, so hit me up. It should be fun

Thank you so much for watching as always if this video gets a million likes

I will wear a hat the next video so be sure to smash that like button your challenge for today read a chapter of

Any book I'm taking this challenge myself because I have like three books that I'm trying to read I I keep forgetting to read them

So read a chapter of a book until next time. It's been your boy Connor. How I hope you got a great day

yes, some please feel on the face like the one and warm up for ian's with a

For more infomation >> iPhone X Destruction Videos Are The Worst (RANT) - Duration: 9:52.


Handpan Clasificación arancelaria (CC)* - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Handpan Clasificación arancelaria (CC)* - Duration: 4:00.


Homekeepers - Rev. Allen White - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Rev. Allen White - Duration: 28:31.


Who is Danica Roem? - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Who is Danica Roem? - Duration: 3:36.


EnaGames Ena - Skull House In Ashton Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 5:02.

EnaGames Ena - Skull House In Ashton

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - Skull House In Ashton Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 5:02.


Travel vlog: Iceland | Best things to do when it rains & Polyglot Conference 2017 - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Travel vlog: Iceland | Best things to do when it rains & Polyglot Conference 2017 - Duration: 5:53.


Name That Song - Lyrics Edition (w/ Evan Gregory of Schmoyoho) - Play Along At Home! - Duration: 10:06.

TOMMY: I like the fake start in that record.

My life is --- and then he goes again. My life is

brilliant. My life is...

[swoosh / music plays] Today we're going to play a new

game on the channel and to do that we have a special guest with us. This is Evan Gregory.

How are you doing, sir? EVAN: I'm good, man. Thanks for having me. Good to see you.

TOMMY: It's nice to have you here. Most of you

probably know Evan and his work but for those who don't,

what do you do? EVAN: I'm part of a group The Gregory Brothers

and we're mostly known for our YouTube channel Schmoyoho where we

created a series a videos called Auto-Tune The News.

It's now Songify The News. You might have seen

videos that we did over the years like the Bed Intruder song or

the Double Rainbow song... where in we take things

that were never supposed to be a song and make them into a song.

TOMMY: Well, listen, since we're both giant music fans we thought we'd

play a game of Name That Tune. It's going to be The Lyrics Edition.

Now, Ben Churchill is here and he's going to read us off some lyrics from

the 80s, 90s, and the Oughts, and we have to guess what they are.

And he's going to give us multiple choices. How do you think you're going to do, sir?

EVAN: I'm a musician so I'm aware of music. I have a lot of knowledge

of music but I got to be honest... I'm intimidated because

as a blind person I assume your ear is so

finely tuned and keenly aware of

songs, I assume you're going to kill me. TOMMY: Well, I don't know.

I'm pretty much a groove based guy so we'll see how we go. Ben Churchill.

You want to take it away. BEN: Here we go. We're going to start with the 90s.

BEN: First song. "There are many things that I

would like to say to you

but I don't know how." TOMMY: [gasp] What do you think?

Do you think you know what it is? EVAN: I'm feeling pretty good about this one.

I have an image of listening to this song in my

prom dates car. BEN: Is it Green Day with

Basket Case? Third Eye Blind with

Semi-Charmed Life? Or Oasis with Wonderwall?

TOMMY: Evan, just write your answer down.

EVAN: I'm trying to fake you out by writing a lot.

Tommy can't put this over on me. I know he's going to be counting

my pen strokes. He's picking up on everything that

I'm doing over here. TOMMY: My guess is going to Oasis and Wonderwall.

EVAN: I had Oasis too. BEN: That's correct.

You both got it. Alright next song.

"Hunger hurts but starving

works when it costs too much to love."

Alanis Morissette with You Ought To Know?

Fiona Apple with Paper Bag. Or The Cranberries?

with Linger? TOMMY: Alright, write down your answer there, sir.

I don't know. I'm going to go with The Cranberries and Linger.

EVAN: I put Fiona Apple.

BEN: The correct answer is Fiona Apple. TOMMY: Ohhhh!

Nice one, dude. Very good.

EVAN: Feels so good. Only she --- TOMMY: Chuck Mangione!

EVAN: Only she could write a lyric so pained. BEN: Next song.

"Fresh new kicks and pants.

You gotta like it that now you know

you wanna dance."

Is it Bel Biv Devoe with Poison?

MC Hammer with You Can't Touch This?

Or is it Kris Kross with Jump?

TOMMY: You all set? EVAN: Yeah, I got an idea here.

TOMMY: I think I know. I'm going to go Kris Kross.

EVAN: I put Kris Kross. BEN: The correct answer

is MC Hammer. BOTH: Go on! Damn.

EVAN: I felt like I knew that song but obviously there are

some verses that were going

right by. TOMMY: Dude, that must be from the 12 inch.

BEN: Alright, here's the next song.

"Shake your head to the sound. Put your hands

on the ground." We have Coolio

with Gangsters Paradise.

Michael Jackson with Black or White.

Or Lou Bega with Mambo No. 5. TOMMY: I'm going to say

it's Black or White from Michael Jackson.

EVAN: I put Lou Bega. BEN: The correct answer...

is Lou Bega. TOMMY: Stop!

EVAN: [fanfare sound] TOMMY: Where? What part?

"Shake your head to the sound. Put your ---" Ahhhh!

EVAN: Yeah, I have no idea when it comes to the

song. I was just trying to imagine that lyric

happening in any one of those songs. Definitely was not going to happen

in Gangsters Paradise. At no point, would Coolio tell you how to dance.

TOMMY: No way. No, no. no.

BEN: Alright, time for the 80's. "Slow change may pull us apart.

When the light gets into your heart, baby."

EVAN: I do not know what this, but something about that

lyric is so 80s. BEN: Soft Cell with

Tainted Love. Simple Minds with Don't You Forget About Me.

Or The Human League with

Don't You Want Me. EVAN: This one is a tough one for me.

TOMMY: Oh, me too! And I've heard all three of these records

a million times. EVAN: Yeah. But you

know the chorus. TOMMY: I'm going to go with SImple Minds

and Don't You Forget About Me from The Breakfast Club. EVAN: I went with Human League.

BEN: The correct answer is SImple Minds.

TOMMY: Hey! Alright, I got one. EVAN: It's already happening.

Tommy's clawing his way back in. BEN: Next song...

Here we go... "So glad we've almost made it.

So sad they had to fade it." EVAN: I love that rhyme.

Rhyming made it with fade it. TOMMY: Oh, it's genius.

It's so creative. You'd never see it coming.

BEN: Is it Rick Astly with

Never Gonna Give You Up. Duran Duran with Hungry

Like The Wolf. Or Tears For Fears with

Everybody Wants To Rule The World? TOMMY: I'm going with

Everybody Wants To Rule The World from the great Tears For Fears.

EVAN: Man you really sound confident. TOMMY: Songs from the Big Chair.

EVAN: Golly. I put Duran Duran. BEN: The correct answer...

Tears For Fears. TOMMY: Come on.

Come on. Now we've got a game. EVAN: Oh, guys it's Tommy's round.

BEN: Here's the last song for the 80s.

"Emotions come. I don't know why.

Cover up love's alibi." TOMMY: I don't know. I feel like I'm

in trouble. EVAN: I've got to fit into the choices here.

BEN: Eurythmics with Sweet Dreams. Blonde

with Call Me. Or The Cure with

Just Like Heaven. EVAN: Alright, I got an answer. TOMMY: I do too.

I don't know if it's right, but I'm going to go with

Eurythmics and Sweet Dreams. EVAN: I put The Cure.

BEN: The correct answer is Blonde

with Call Me. TOMMY: Nobody. No point for that one.

EVAN: That's embarrassing. TOMMY: Is it more embarrassing for us or Blondie?

BEN: Here we go. The oughts. That's what we call it, right?

TOMMY: Yep, the oughts. BEN: "You own it.

You better never let it go. You only get one shot.

Do not miss your chance." EVAN: I think I know this one.

TOMMY: Do you? EVAN: Yeah.

BEN: Is it Snoop Dogg with Drop It Like It's Hot? Is it Justin Timberlake

with Sexy Back. Is it Eminem with Loose Yourself.

TOMMY: Wow! You locked in?

EVAN: Yep. TOMMY: I'm going to go with JT and Sexy Back.

EVAN: I put Eminem. BEN: The correct answer is...

Eminem. TOMMY: Ohhhh!

EVAN: "You beter never let it go"

TOMMY: Nice one. Nice. BEN: Okay here we go. Next song.

"If I'm alive and well. Will you be

there holding my hand?" TOMMY: See the way he puts the accent on the wrong syllable

like that? It's pretty funny. BEN: Is it Snow Patrol

with Chasing Cars? Is it

The Killers with Mr. Brightside?

Or is it Three Doors Down with Kryptonite?

TOMMY: Ooh, he's got one. I'm just going

to take a shot in the dark. I'm going to go with The Killers

and Mr. Brightside. EVAN: I know this one and it's

Three Doors Down. BEN: The correct is Three Doors Down.

TOMMY: Ohhh!

EVAN: It actually took me longer than it should have

because your very tricky reading.

It was duplicitous in nature.

The way you were

putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable.

BEN: Here's the next one. "And I don't know what to do

because I'll never be with you."

EVAN: That one is so vague and generic that could be any song.

TOMMY: That could be anything. EVAN: That could be in any song.

BEN: Is it Plain White Tees, Hey There Delilah?

Kings of Leon, Use Somebody? James Blunt, You're Beautiful?

Okay, the choices really helped me on this one.

I can't be totally confident because I do not know that lyric,

but I know the character of each of those three songs.

TOMMY: Me too. I'm going to go with Plain White Tees and Hey There Delilah.

EVAN: I went with James Blunt.

TOMMY: Of course. That's right. BEN: The correct answer...

James Blunt.

Here we go. Last one. "Let's do it.

Let's do it. Let's do it."

EVAN: Oh my god. BEN: "Let's do it. And do it.

And do it.

Let's live it up."

TOMMY: I totally have this one. EVAN: I don't know this one.

TOMMY: Come on! BEN: Beyonce, Single Ladies.

The Black Eyed Pease, I Got A Feeling.

Usher, Yeah!

EVAN: [laughing] TOMMY: Now you've got it, don't you?

EVAN: Yeah, I think so. I think so.

I'm not sure. TOMMY: It was only number one for 10 weeks.

And I'm going to with I Got A Feeling from The Black Eyed Peas.

EVAN: Black Eyed Peas, I got "Let's do it. Let's do it.

Let's do it. And do it. And do it. Do it.

Let's live it up. Let's live it up. Mazel Tov!

[both laugh] BEN: That's correct.

Evan is the winner. TOMMY: Nicely done my friend.

EVAN: Wow, thank you. Thank you. I never thought I would say thank you

to Three Doors Down but thank you.

TOMMY: They helped you. That was a good one.

EVAN: Putting me into that final lead. TOMMY: Well, this was so much

fun. Thanks Evan for being a part of this. And don't forget to check out

The Gregory Brothers and all the stuff that they do. And if you're not a subscriber,

please go on ahead and do that. EVAN: Man, thanks for having me. This was a blast.

And incredibly gratifying. TOMMY: Because you won, you creep!

How dare you win on my own channel.

[music plays]

BEN: I felt like "pants" would have been a giveaway on that one because he's

known for those crazy pants. TOMMY: The Hammer pants, yeah.

EVAN: Yeah, but don't we all wear pants really. Kris Kross

they were wearing backwards pants.

That's a whole style they wanted to draw attention to. They might be rapping

about their pants. TOMMY: Or crapping about their pants.

EVAN: Oh boy. TOMMY: Come on. You set me up. What am I supposed to do?

For more infomation >> Name That Song - Lyrics Edition (w/ Evan Gregory of Schmoyoho) - Play Along At Home! - Duration: 10:06.


Reacting To Rejects By Lia RBLX - Duration: 3:26.

Hey Guys It Is Venus chain Gamer And Today We Are going to be reacting to a video called rejects

For more infomation >> Reacting To Rejects By Lia RBLX - Duration: 3:26.


スバル、東京モーターショー2017に「スポーツセダンタイプのコンセプトモデル」を出展 「S208」や「BRZ STI Sport」も発表予定 - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> スバル、東京モーターショー2017に「スポーツセダンタイプのコンセプトモデル」を出展 「S208」や「BRZ STI Sport」も発表予定 - Duration: 7:39.


Top 5 Shocking Dan Bilzerian Facts - Duration: 3:14.

Top 5 Shocking Dan Bilzerian Facts Theres a good chance you've heard of him

but if not Dan Bilzerian is an American professional poker player who loves the ladies and loves

living a lavish lifestyle and with that kind of life a lot of crazy and shocking things

tend to happen and that's what were going to be talking about today.

Hey youtube im court Mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started on this list I want to know who is your favourite celebrity and


Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also don't forget to subscribe to this channel if you havnt already and like this video so

we can keep giving you awesome top 5 lists.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 shocking Dan Bilzerian facts.

In at number 5--Heart problems- you couldn't tell by looking at him but this guys actually

suffered from a double heart attack.

This happened back when he was 25 years old.

He then had a 3rd heart attack at the age of 32.

His most recent pulmonary embolism took place when he was traveling from Las Vegas to Hawaii

between poker tournaments.

And he doesn't seem to care about his health all that much because when this happened he

discharged himself from the hospital early and asked his million twitter followers to

take up a million dollar bet that he wasn't going to die.

At number 4--Smushball- Smushball is Dans 3 legged Persian doll faced cat.

And like many celebrities Dan made his cat a social media account.

You can look him up on instagram . Smushball is a little bit conceded I mean his instagram

is full of pictures of just him- poor dan never gets a shout out.

And his description reads- I have 3 legs and the face of an angel.

But I must admit this cat is ridiculously cute.

But you know what else is ridiculous?

This cat had 772 thousand followers.

That's like 770 more followers then I have.

Dan has 23.1 million followers at the moment… but I think he better watch out- I think smushballs

coming for him.

In at number 3--father went to prison- Dans dad Paul Bilzerian owned a robotics company

back in the 80s.

At the young age of 10 Dan was told that his father was going to prison for stock fraud.

Paul was found guilty of artificially inflating a companies worth before moving the investments

as share prices spiralled.

After Paul served the time for his crime and was released- but he was thrown right back

in again due to the disappearance of his half- billion dollar fortune into a network of offshore

accounts and charities.

Coming in at number 2--Arrested- like father like son I guess.

Dan has also been arrested but his crimes were much different then his fathers.

Dan was actually arrested on bomb-making charges.

If you follow him on social media youll see he often posts pictures of his gun collection.

So you know this kind of puts up a bit of a red flag.

But then On December 9th 2014 while at the LAX International Airport he was arrested

on unrelated charges of constructing a bomb.

And he was found guilty.

And at number 1--Mormon- Dan was actually a part of a Mormon community for a while.

During Dans time in school he acted out and got expelled.

After he was expelled for a second time he was sent top a military academy in hopes that

it would straighten him out.

But it was around this time that Paul was released from prison.

He had bought a new company and uprooted his family 2 thousand miles a took them to Utah.

Here dan attended a Mormon school and found life extremely boring as he couldn't relate

to his conservative classmates.

And what happens when kids get bored?

They act out of course.

So Dan acted out and got himself expelled once again.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 Shocking Dan Bilzerian facts.

Thank you guys so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Shocking Dan Bilzerian Facts - Duration: 3:14.


Классификация губ по Стивену Катберту - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Классификация губ по Стивену Катберту - Duration: 4:09.


LiAngelo Ball and Two Other U.C.L.A. Players Reportedly Detained in China - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> LiAngelo Ball and Two Other U.C.L.A. Players Reportedly Detained in China - Duration: 4:17.


Beatrice Egli: Mit "Herz an" 500.00 Klicks auf YouTube! - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Beatrice Egli: Mit "Herz an" 500.00 Klicks auf YouTube! - Duration: 1:53.




Researchers at Purdue University recently used a form of artificial intelligence to

�read� people�s minds.

How did they do it?

First, three female subjects were each, stuffed into an fMRI machine.

They watched videos on a screen from inside depicting animals, people, and natural scenes,

while their brains were scanned.

The scientists collected 11.5 hours of fMRI data in total.

At first, the �deep learning� program had access to the data while the subjects

watched the videos.

This helped train it.

HOW TO DECODE THE HUMAN BRAIN Then the A.I. used this data to predict what brain activity

would take place in a subject�s visual cortex, depending on the scene depicted.

As it went on, the deep learning program decoded the fMRI data and placed each image signature

into a specific category.

This helped scientists hunt down the regions of the brain responsible for each visual.

Soon, the deep learning program could say what object a person was seeing through their

brain scan data alone.

Researchers then had the A.I. program reconstruct the videos without any access to them, from

subjects� brain scans alone.

It did so flawlessly.

These findings should give us a better understanding of the brain and how it functions.

It will also help develop more advanced forms of A.I.

The results of this study were published in the journal Cerebral Cortex.

Zhongming Liu is an assistant professor in Purdue�s Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering

and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

He�s been studying the brain for nearly two decades.

But it wasn�t until he started using A.I. that he made major progress.

Dr. Liu told Futurism, �Reconstructing someone�s visual experience is exciting because we�ll

be able to see how your brain explains images.�

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