Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

(surf rushing)

(melancholy ambient music)

- My name is Chloe Dubois,

and I am the co-founder of the Ocean Legacy Foundation.

(surf crashing)

(waves breaking)

(melancholy music builds)

We are teaching people about the effects

of plastic pollution on the marine environment.

We take groups of people out to incredibly remote locations

and clean up marine debris.

(outboard motor whirring)

(water sloshes)

(bags rustling)

(boat motor speeds up)

(bags crackling)

- [Taylor] Right now we're in Squitty Bay

Marine Provincial Park, in Lasqueti Island,

near the southern end.

Our mission was to come clean up the beaches

that were reported as hot spots.

- [Man] There's material all along here,

all along this coastline.

- I got involved with Ocean Legacy because they

do things a lot differently than most other groups

and I was really inspired.

I wanted to make time to help out

and spread the word of what they do here,

and capture what they do.

I see lots of videos, I see a lot of things

about the state of our ocean and our beaches and stuff,

but I wanted to see for myself.

At first glance, it's kind of like,

oh, this is a beautiful area,

classic west coast beach.

Then you look closer and closer

and you see how dirty they are.

(melancholy music)

- Let's roll it, eh?

- I can even... - Oh yeah we're good.

- [Taylor] Toothbrushes, plastics, metal,

scrap, rope, you name it,

but the worst that we've seen out here is styrofoam.

- This is a styrofoam pit, polystyrene material.

It's caused by large chunks of styrofoam

that wash up on the beach from docks

and basically break up and then you get these pits.

We've found pits that are close to two meters deep

along various shorelines.

Pretty nasty stuff, I mean,

once it breaks up you get millions

of these small pellets and they're

virtually impossible to remove from the environment.

Huge issue, not a lot of solutions

right now for this stuff, so, workin' on it.

(sorrowful music)

- These beautiful places, they mean something to me.

I really enjoy these places and I'd really

like to see them protected and cared for,

so when I arrive to these beaches and

just see them trashed and littered,

it really bothers me.

The more you dig, the more you find.

The more logs you lift up, the more you find.

It's just really sad.

(hopeful music)

- When people come on our expeditions,

it changes people's lives on such

a fundamental level, because they're able

to really see their impact in the world

and how their consumption affects the world directly.

Most people will vow to never use styrofoam again

or to change their plastic habits.

All these little changes in one person's life

can make such a big difference

if we all start doing that together.

(hopeful music)

(gentle waves breaking)

For more infomation >> Lush Cosmetics: Cleaning up plastic pollution with Ocean Legacy - Duration: 6:32.


DJOKA- TOUT EST NOIR - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> DJOKA- TOUT EST NOIR - Duration: 2:28.


Kang Gary's dance that makes us crazy ❤ Sup Esp [Engsub] - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Kang Gary's dance that makes us crazy ❤ Sup Esp [Engsub] - Duration: 2:13.


Influenza: causas, síntomas y remedios caseros para combatirla - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Influenza: causas, síntomas y remedios caseros para combatirla - Duration: 4:40.


ROMAIN FONTAINE | 2017 🇫🇷 - Duration: 3:27.

Filmed by :

For more infomation >> ROMAIN FONTAINE | 2017 🇫🇷 - Duration: 3:27.


Watch Live: GWF LEGACY | Nov 11th | 7PM | - Duration: 2:13.

Hello Berlin! Where are you?

This is the German Wrestling Federation!

[VINCENZO] You need to demand stronger opponents.

[MARTIN] I don't want your help anymore!

I just want to give you back what's yours!

[ERKAN] They are just two little children, who

have no business to be in Pro Wrestling.

[RAMBO] Cash Money Mafia versus Toni & Ronaldo for the Tag Team Titles.

[TONI] This match will be awesome!

[ORLANDO] If you don't like it here, why aren't you leaving?

[ALI ASLAN] I was born here, I'm a German citizen.

You should be the one leaving!

[ORLANDO] Okay! The loser leaves the country!

[LUCKY] I want to be best wrestler in the world.

Of course I accept every title opportunity I get. That's

what I dreamed about the whole time.

[TARKAN] You want it? You'll get it!

On November 11, the hunt begins!

[RAMBO] Who wins the match, will be the next GWF matchmaker.

[AHMED] I'm very confident that I'll win the election and the match.

[RAMBO] If you say so...

[MIKE] I will be the Special Referee for your match against Rambo at Legacy.

[ICARUS] I beat 29 wrestlers to earn this match!

[PASCAL] You two really think it's about you...

You are such morons!

[COLEN] I love to fight!

And then, my friend...

I'm going to get the title!

Still there?


For more infomation >> Watch Live: GWF LEGACY | Nov 11th | 7PM | - Duration: 2:13.


China's Fed Up With Your Garbage | China Uncensored - Duration: 6:19.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

China's garbage ban stinks!

And we're back.

The Chinese Communist Party has come up

with a brilliant solution to its pollution problem—

blame it on the foreigners!

Pollution is one of the few problems

the Chinese regime can't ignore.

Because it's really easy to see.


hat is if you can see anything.

So after decades of rapid industrialization

and economic growth at any cost,

the Chinese regime is doing what it does best—

cracking down on things.

In this case, pollution.

But the Party is also doing

the other thing it does best—

shifting the blame.

China is banning foreign garbage.

"Foreign garbage is loathed by everyone,"

as one Chinese environment minister put it.

In this notification to the World Trade Organization,

the Chinese regime announced it would ban

the import of 24 kinds of solid waste.

That includes things like paper,

as well as, "tires, textiles, plastic, and glass,

and it will limit the importation of other waste

such as steel, copper and aluminum scrap."

China is also banning other types of waste,

like Jersey Shore DVDs.

The reason?

Protection of human health or safety;

Protection of animal or plant life or health;

and Protection of the environment.

Now you might be asking yourself,

China imports foreign garbage?

I mean,

I know the US imports a lot of Chinese garbage.

But who imports actual garbage?

Well, you may not know this,

but garbage is big business.

You may see a pile of trash,

but I see gold!


You hear me?!

Recycling other people's garbage

is a global industry worth billions.

And China is a huge part of it.

In 2016,

China imported 45 million tonnes of scrap metal,

waste paper and plastic,

together worth over 18 billion dollars.

And it's the United States

that's sending China most of its garbage.

According to the Solid Waste Association of North America—

yes that's a thing—

"China is the largest export market

for recyclables generated in the United States.

They import about 13 million tons of paper

and nearly 800,000 tons of plastic

from the United States annually."

And really it creates this circle of life thing.

China makes a lot of cheap goods.

They're packed into cardboard boxes,

and sent to the United States,

where they're briefly,

and then thrown away.

And all that waste ultimately makes a trip

back to where it started—

China—to be recycled.

It's beautiful.

But the benefits of recycling the world's garbage

went way beyond money.

30 years of China's manufacturing boom

was fueled by garbage,

garbage the Chinese regime encouraged the world

to give to China.

Take copper for instance.

It's essential to modern living.

You can't transmit power or information without it.

But why mine your own copper

when the rest of the world is throwing theirs away?

According to the book, Junkyard Planet,

in 2012,

almost half of China's copper

was made from recycled scrap.

And 70% of that scrap

came from the United States.

Same goes for plastic and paper.

It's cheaper, quicker,

and easier to recycle plastic and paper

than it is to drill oil wells or cut down trees.

And it's a huge energy save on top of that.

According to Bloomberg,

"Recycling 1 ton of paper saves enough energy

to power the average American home

for six months,

while using recycled material to produce plastic

reduces the energy required

by as much as 87 percent."

So since China has benefitted so much

from recycling the world's garbage,

why the ban?

It's a convenient scapegoat.

Rather than dealing with

the root causes of pollution—

which are numerous and complex—

the Chinese regime can blame

the problem on foreigners,

and point to the ban as a tangible step

toward solving the problem.

The reality is,

most of China's pollution problem

comes from internal factors.

While recycling foreign garbage

has created a booming industry,

it's not always run in the safest

or most sanitary way,

China's own recycling system is a mess.

According to the World Bank,

in eight years China will be throwing away

1.4 million tons of garbage a day.

Twice as much as the United States.

Half of that will be burned.

And according to an in-depth report by NPR,

"they're burning garbage the cheapest way possible,

filling China's skies with an unknown amount

of cancer-causing heavy metal and dioxin emissions."

Rather than solving the environmental problems,

"this crackdown will actually worsen them —

and do so at the expense of jobs

and economic growth around the world."

According to this study,

40,000 American jobs relied on

the garbage and recycling industry.

And in China,

that number is multiples larger.

The Chinese ban on foreign garbage,

while giving the Communist Party

something to boast about,

actually hurts Chinese people,

and doesn't really do much

to protect the environment.

In the meantime,

what happens to all that garbage?

Well, right now,

it's piling up in Hong Kong.

Eventually, other southeast Asian countries

will be able to take some of it

to give their economies

the boost it did for China.

But most of the garbage

will end up in landfills.

Or the ocean.

So what do you think of China's garbage ban?

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Are you tired of sorting through

all that garbage on YouTube,

just to find a few pieces of gold?

Well now you can do to,

where we upload 24 karat gold

half-hour episodes every Friday.

Go there now:

For more infomation >> China's Fed Up With Your Garbage | China Uncensored - Duration: 6:19.





The Flower that Only Blooms ONE Night a Year - Duration: 4:20.

She blooms in full and her beauty is only witnessed by the night sky and, by dawn, she

wilts even before the sun's first kiss; with only her fragrant scent left as the ghost

of her evening arrival.

Known by many names such as the Princess of the Night or the Queen of the Night, the Cereus

cactus is a species of cactus whose flower only blooms at night, typically between the

months of July and October.

However, one class of cereus – possibly coming from the species Epiphyllum Oxypetalum

– blooms one night a year and enthusiasts of this species make it a point that they

do not miss it.

The blossom it produces on the night it blooms is described to be the size of a new-born

infant's head and, by dawn, its pristine, white petals wilt and the flower dies leaving

only its strong fragrant scent that is equally anticipated by many.

This night-bloomer has trumpet-shaped flowers with creamy-white, waxy petals.

In full bloom, the flower can measure up to 4 inches wide and as much as 8 inches long.

Depending on how they are grown and cultivated, these cacti can stand erect or be trained

to sprawl a trellis.

Unfortunately for most of us, this Queen of the Night is only found in deserts, the subtropics

of Southwestern United States, Central and South America, and the Antilles.

However, at least one species of Cereus has been successfully grown from clippings and

is now a popular houseplant.

Without their sought-after blooms, these cacti typically look fairly common with gnarled,

dry nests or a strange cactus-orchid hybrid with leaves – not really something that

will turn heads and make a jaw-dropping impression.

According to Marc Hachadourian of the New York Botanical Gardens' Nolen Greenhouses,

the plant is "kind of big and gangly and awkward," as he describes the cactus species.

He continues by saying that the "lure of those blooms is worth it," referring to

the plant's extraordinary behaviour when its buds begin to blossom.

These night blooming flowers will not actually begin to blossom until they are about four

or five years old; and by then, they will only begin with only a few flowers.

With a little patience and time though, the incidence of blooming flowers will increase

as the plant ages.

Some breeders speed up the flowers' blooming process by keeping their plants in dark environments

all day to mimic night-time conditions during blooming season.

But regardless of the methods to make the buds blossom, the Cereus will only open its

buds at night and will wither and wilt by dawn.

You may think that with this peculiar behaviour that the plants would have died out by now

but these night bloomers are pollinated by a species of moth - called the Hawk Moth - that

is drawn to its fragrance.

Several other species of nocturnal insects and animals like bats also contribute in pollination.

The occurrence of the bloom is quite a rarity that many enthusiasts and hobbyists make it

an annual event where they would gather like-minded friends, family members, and even passers-by

to witness the Queen of the Night awake from her slumber in an explosion of intoxicating


A Facebook page called The Queen of the Night Society has even turned itself into a small

community in their little neighbourhood of Hudson, NY.

The members of the group have their own plants and they are more than happy to exchange tips

and tricks in caring for their little night blooming plants.

At the Tohono Chul botanical garden in Arizona, staff at the facility spend months closely

monitoring all 300 of their native, night-blooming cereus to make sure that they are in peak

health and, of course, to know when they are due to bloom.

On the night that the flowers are expected to bloom, Tohono Chul operates late into the

night and sets up a small event serving food and drinks to both loyal guests and curious


According to Jo Falls, an educator at Tohono Chul, "…it's really just an excuse to

be out in the desert after dark to see what many people see as this absolutely magical


Because the flowers bloom according to specific weather and environmental conditions such

as rainfall, humidity, and temperature, most species go full bloom during rainy periods

in the summer.

Some plants even seem to follow a lunar cycle where buds open up around a full moon.

Blooming typically happens between sunset and midnight and it takes at least an hour

to three hours for all the petals to unfold.

Once they do, a wave of fragrance resembling magnolia or gardenia will flood its area and

the senses of those around it, beckoning them like pheromones to marvel at its beauty.

Unlike the character in Mozart's Magic Flute, this Queen of the Night is a lady of wonderment

and beauty; and like a fickle lover, she will quickly slip away from your grasp once you

take your eyes off her when the dawn breaks.

For more infomation >> The Flower that Only Blooms ONE Night a Year - Duration: 4:20.


Objetos Sexuales De La Industria Cinematográfica👙💄🎥 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 22:25.

For more infomation >> Objetos Sexuales De La Industria Cinematográfica👙💄🎥 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 22:25.


Mi marido tiene familia | Capítulo 55 - Resumen - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Mi marido tiene familia | Capítulo 55 - Resumen - Duration: 4:00.


RENOVANDO SUA DECOR como fazer duas flâmulas estilo Pinterest (rápido e fácil!) | - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> RENOVANDO SUA DECOR como fazer duas flâmulas estilo Pinterest (rápido e fácil!) | - Duration: 2:27.


Mi marido tiene familia | Daniela se desmaya al saber que Gabriel la ama - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Mi marido tiene familia | Daniela se desmaya al saber que Gabriel la ama - Duration: 2:07.


Cómo Hacer Más Grande Tu Triángulo De La Vocación | Coach Juan Carlos Menéndez - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Cómo Hacer Más Grande Tu Triángulo De La Vocación | Coach Juan Carlos Menéndez - Duration: 4:21.


Dr. Cleaner Pro for Mac - Duplicate Files - Duration: 2:15.

Welcome to this tutorial for Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro.

In this video,

we'll teach you how find and delete duplicate files on your Mac

with Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro.

Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro is an all-in-one App

that offers Memory Optimization,

Disk Cleaning and System Monitoring

to keep your Mac optimized for the best performance.

To get started,

click the Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro icon on your menu bar.

The Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro overview dashboard appears.

Click System Optimizer.

The System Optimizer menu popup appears

with Junk Files Tab selected by default.

Click Duplicate Files.

The Duplicate Files screen appears.

Select specific folders you want to be scanned

by clicking drag folders to be scanned

or simply by dragging folders to the duplicate files window.

The folder you selected will be added to the scan list.

Click Scan.

Dr. Cleaner Pro scans your selected folders for duplicate files.

When the scan completes,

you're provided with the list of duplicate files.

Here you can sort through the list,

filter them by folders, documents, photos, media, and others.

You can also see a preview of the file if available,

as well as the total numbers of duplicate files found.

You can select files individually,

or choose Auto-select to select one copy each of all duplicate files.

Click Deselect All

to clear all selections.

In this example,

select one of the duplicate files you would like to delete.

Click Next.

A popup appears for you to confirm your selection.

You can remove the file to trash

or permanently delete it.

Click Remove to delete the selected duplicate file.

Dr. Cleaner Pro deletes your duplicate file

and a "Complete!" confirmation appears

with the file size of the deleted file.


You've just learned how to find and delete duplicate files on your Mac

with Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro.

This concludes this tutorial.

For more information,

go to the following website.

For more infomation >> Dr. Cleaner Pro for Mac - Duplicate Files - Duration: 2:15.


Being Positive Every Day Inspires A Happy Baby! - Duration: 15:04.

Hey everybody future Jacob here tell me because I'm from the future

So in today's video you can find an interrupting wife

Cute baby stuff we go for a walk

Well we play with toys

It was a pretty pretty low-key day the internet was down so

For most of it, so I couldn't play on his phone. I don't play my phone, but I play them a little bit

But anyway

The longest intro ever longest intro ever is a pretty chill day

I hope you all enjoy the video before we get started be sure to subscribe to our channel

It's a little button right there that says subscribe on it. You should click on it if you already have

Thank you very much. Make sure you click that Bell and give us a like

Before you go any further cuz you're gonna like this video

Give it a like

Good morning buddy good morning everyone

Yeah, we got up and our internet was out

And then I called the internet company oh, and they don't know what's wrong they said it could be an outage

So we're hoping this video actually gets posted on time yep

It may not so the judgment we're very sorry

But they're gonna do their best the good morning to everybody Gabriel you watching The Today Show

This kid likes the Today Show Gabriel took a nap I took a shower now he's up

And he's hungry

So I'm waiting on the longest countdown in the entire world to finish so his bottle will be warm

he's got a minute and a half left a

minute and a half

All better

So we're cord cutters if you're if you're not familiar with that term that means we don't have cable we use

An internet streaming device like Roku Apple TV to get our

TV stuff like we subscribe to Netflix and Hulu and Amazon Prime and everything like that there are very very few

Cons to being a cord cutter

We've we've done it we did it years ago several several years ago saved a ton of money


Every now and then the internet goes out and you

Don't have TV, or you don't have Netflix and all that stuff

We do have an antenna so we do get local channels and here in the DFW area that means we get like

65 70 something random channels, you know you get

your big ones ABC NBC Fox

CBS that kind of stuff so we watch normal TV with commercials like regular people

Or we can stream and typically we like to stream, but days like today the Internet is out and

The shows that we usually rely on

To keep things calm

Are not here so we jump over to PBS KIDS

See what thomas the train or Clifford's up to

And oh man lord help us if it's Caillou

That kids like that kids terrible

Yeah, it's Thomas


all right, so

This one's been fed and napped a couple times

We've been cooped up in the house

Watching PBS playing with toys, so thought it was time to get out. It's a little cool a little dreary today

But uh not too cool, but either way he's

Figure that out. He's bundled up

Got his hoodie on he's a cute little hat. We're gonna go for a walk down to the parking back

You excited you ready?


I hope y'all can see this, but the goose I brought traffic

Over by the park

That's hilarious

He's a jerk this people teases get it. They're the FedEx truck. There's people just need to get out and shoot the beasts away

We've got your feet up at the park some days you just gotta go to the park put your feet up

So it's it's a legitimate dreary day. It's in the 60s. Maybe the low the high 50s low 60s

Overcast cloudy I


slightly slight breeze

So it's it's cool. I got my chai tea

You know for the road hit

I mean, I'm a fan of days like today

Feels like fall to me so we walk by the little playground over there, and there's leaves in the swing

there's leaves all over the ground out here and

You're not, I just like it this is my kind of weather make it just a hair colder

And then I could I could do this for a while. I like this kind of weather

Sometimes you got to put up both feet

All right, so it's time for the honesty portion of our walk

I like me and honest with you guys probably on our little strolls

This is uh what we've what I have started referring to as me and Gabriel's

Positivity walks, we take every day

During the first five or ten minutes of the walk. I like to list out loud

Things that I'm thankful for you know

Thankful to live in a city that has a lot of opportunities

I'm thankful for the cooler weather

I'm thankful for this Sarah has a job that allows me to stay home with Gabriel

You know those kinds of things I lift them off, and I I feel like it

feeds my positive energy

Which in turn?

Puts me in a better mood. You know makes me happier and things like that and in that positive energy


Gabriel's positive energy, and we always knew I mean real early on that he was one of the happiest babies. We've ever seen

His kids always smile

And it doesn't get upset very often except when you try to put him down for a nap or when he's hungry

but other than that he's always happy and we want to continue to

nurture that in him we want him to grow up to be just a positive optimistic kid and

So one of the things I'm doing to try to I

Guess train that or nurture that in him is to be as a positive person myself

optimistic seeing the good things

You know in everyday life and trying to say those out loud

speaking them out into the universe you know being thankful and

Setting that example for him so that he grows up to continue being a smiling. He'll be a smiling, baby

becomes a

smiling adolescent

Hopefully a smiling teenager, and then a positive adult that can

You know hopefully?

Keep that going on with his kids and so on so there's want to be positive example

You know and something else that we're doing like that is we tell him you are a kind generous

loyal person

So we kind of instill those traits in him from a very early age, and I've been saying that to him every day

I've got a list that

I say

You know every morning midday. You know some point

usually takes place I

Have been kind of captive on the table, and I tell him you are a good person

And because I want him to grow up believing that and to know that about himself that he is a good person

He's positive person he's a loyal person. He's generous. You know

those positive traits


We'll see. Hopefully it'll work

anyway, I just realized this time for him to eat some solid food and I

Haven't had lunch yet either so it's time for me to eat some solid food

Also, today's starting to get away from me a little bit, so we're gonna head back to the house

And I think I'll give this kid

Some more apples. He seemed to really like that yesterday

I got some sweet potatoes

But they need to be thawed and that's gonna take too much time so some give him some apples. He likes that

time for some apples

They cold

Kids got some apples in

He's ready to drop some balls into that cow

Or chicken

Well alright

You get credit for that


There are a lot of things going on here that I don't quite understand

All right, there's a chicken in the cow hand you chew it on the chicken speed I?

Like the kid plays by his own, can you pull it out?

Well there you go and

Now we're chewing on it nope she's forcing the chicken down in there

He's in there

I can't get it out all right. Well. We had to figure that out later, okay

I'm gonna have a very late lunch

And then Sarah's coming home a little bit early because I got to take care of a few things out in the world

this evening so

I'm gonna eat some lunch, and then hopefully she'll be here pretty soon. I mean you can do it with that

Well that's putting it in something, can you get it out good job you were so smart put it in here

Put it in there

You're so smart yeah, yeah, buddy

Clothes clothes, baby

No you do it oh

That was very cool. Oh, it's good. Yeah

You just woke up

Do it


Good job buddy, you don't even you were so smart. You don't even care that mommy's excited

You are so smart Hey look is humne


Are we playing in your baby pins

We're playing in your baby piece

You busy you gotta go

You gotta go exploring listen good you cheek?

Too much hard laying

Too much hard playing

Thus ends today

That's a pretty good day

Went for a walk it was enjoyable

toys were played with

Did he figure out the ring toy for you no ah

Good you figured it out for you. Yep, I miss everything

Alright well

if you like this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel to see more on the little Bell so you get the

Notifications and leave us a comment tell us anything you want to say positive things you want to say

positive things

Nobody says anything mean, but we like positive things you got to cut that out that was a little too

passive-aggressive passive-aggressive

Thank you for watching. Yeah. We'll see you all next time

For more infomation >> Being Positive Every Day Inspires A Happy Baby! - Duration: 15:04.


Urdu Tutorials Recording URDU Poetry with Audio Effects | TECHNICAL SAJID - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> Urdu Tutorials Recording URDU Poetry with Audio Effects | TECHNICAL SAJID - Duration: 6:17.


Decorating CBC's The National Set | CBC Life - Duration: 2:57.

This is the CBC television news

The National began as The National News in 1954 and they're about to launch with a

brand new set of anchors.

I've been given the task of decorating a portion of the

set to look like almost an archive of CBC's history

Now Steve a lot of us

don't get to see behind the scenes which is absolutely amazing so tell us a bit

about who you are and what you do here

My name's Steve Penney I'm the senior

director of the new National and it's my job to work with the editorial team to

get this broadcast on the air every night.

Peter has signed off and they've come up

with a new way to present the news basically with a multi post format and

create a whole new world for these guys to deliver your information into

The shelves that I'm working on there which I'm very very excited how do you see

that sort of working into your vision of presenting the news?

It's gonna be this

little thing that you'll see in the background of different shots and

there's gonna be hints of our past going through the ages from radio to

television film and it's just off there in the back as this reminder of our past

Well we're just kind of just thing yeah cuz it going through the archives

that it was fascinating and amazing it's like it's so much history there and for

you guys to bring it on set which is great because it is part of CBC's

history it brings it all celebrate it

Traditionally when I would be decorating a

bookcase I'd use books or say even plants or decorative accessories to

create Heights and balance but in this case I have to rethink everything

because it's all this interesting equipment from the archives so in a way

I'm sort of looking for interesting shapes and textures and I guess just see

how that works

I've got something for you these are Knowlton Nash's glasses they were found

by the former director of the National Freddy Parker's been here for 45 years

and that is such a great legacy that should be on her wall

Yeah that's

awesome okay like a really really cool idea we could use for these okay

Now this television I found is fantastic apparently was donated by Peter Mansbridge

Which makes it the perfect piece to link the old National to our

current one coming up I think this is fantastic

I'm gonna leave you to this

Okay I will make this a focal point for sure okay so

much thank you Steve

I think it's coming together there's a few holes above here

I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek watch the National weekdays at 10:00 starting

tonight when all of this comes together

For more infomation >> Decorating CBC's The National Set | CBC Life - Duration: 2:57.


Abandoned Texaco - Photographs and Background - Duration: 2:58.

Only 90s kids remember Texaco gas stations.

If you fall before or into the United States aforementioned group, you may

remember the company's last major advertisement campaign in the mid-2000s.

Being a longtime official supporter of the US Olympic team, the company decided

to celebrate the team's quest for gold in Sydney, Australia. As a result the

Texaco inside Outback US Olympic animals were put on the shelves.

The quirk of these plush toys were that they were able to morph into different sports balls.

Perhaps that was the very reason why they are listed as rare collectibles online.

It's hard to believe a lot were purchased as a toy that could

readily and easily become a flying indoor projectile wouldn't seem very appealing to parents.

It was shortly after this toy launch that Texaco as a company began to be picked over.

After filing for bankruptcy in 1987,

the largest case of such the United States had ever seen up until 2001, and a series

of ethical lawsuits, such as their image damaging, 1993, billion-dollar

class-action lawsuit due to severe ecological pollution of the Amazon, and a

170 million dollar racial discrimination settlement in 1996, Texaco had no choice

but to jump into a tank of circling sharks once it was clear that profits alone would not save them.

The energy corporation Chevron bought out Texaco in

October of 2000; two months after the plush toys were advertised,

with Shell buying out Texaco interest in their joint ventures in 2002.

Just like that an international company that had persisted for 100 years vanished.

This ironically though appropriately described shell of a building is all

that remains of a once-proud Texaco gas station. Even before the buyout Texaco was

slipping under, closing several gas stations years beforehand. In 1995 this

gas station fell victim to those closings. The owner and operator of a

local ready-mix company arrived at the old station where they needed concrete

to fill in the spaces the building and pumps left in the ground.

Seeing that they were just going to trash the building completely he offered to pay

$500 dollars for the structure, around $800 in today's money.

He then jacked it up and towed it away. He soon sold it for parts including

everything from doors to pipes. He was unable to sell the actual building however,

and thus it is sat, disturbed only wants to be moved farther away from

the road

For more infomation >> Abandoned Texaco - Photographs and Background - Duration: 2:58.


Dr. Cleaner Pro for Mac - App Manager - Duration: 2:11.

Welcome to this tutorial for Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro.

In this video,

we'll teach you how manage and remove apps on your Mac

with Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro.

Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro is an all-in-one App

that offers Memory Optimization,

Disk Cleaning and System Monitoring

to keep your Mac optimized for the best performance.

To get started,

click the Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro icon on your menu bar.

The Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro overview dashboard appears.

Click System Optimizer.

The System Optimizer menu popup appears

Click App Manager.

The App Manager screen appears.

Click Scan.

Dr. Cleaner Pro scans your installed Applications.

When the scan completes,

you're provided with the list of Apps installed on your Mac.

Here you can sort through the list and check available updates for your Apps.

Click Update to open your browser

and bring you to the official website of the App,

where you can download the updated version.

Back in the list of installed Apps,

select the Apps you would like to remove.

Click Remove.

A popup appears showing you the items that will be removed.

Click Proceed.

Dr. Cleaner Pro cleans your Applications

and a "Complete!" confirmation appears

with the file size of your recovered space

and the number of apps removed.

Note that, some Apps may require

a Manual Deletion due to some access restriction.

Simply click Manually Delete

to view the App's location,

right-click the App,

and select Move to Trash.

A popup appears,

saying Finder wants to make changes.

Enter your User Name and Password and click OK.


You've just learned how to manage and remove apps on your Mac

with Trend Micro Dr. Cleaner Pro.

This concludes this tutorial.

For more information,

go to the following website.

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