Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

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For more infomation >> ICO Unlimited Scam | SHUT DOWN - Duration: 6:06.


Q&A | Year of Outfits Challenge Halfway Point | Dearly Bethany - Duration: 24:54.

how did you get the push to pursue this style journey even though you work full...

I would love to know how you deal with stress? who inspires you the most in life?

hey guys and welcome to my Q&A I decided to do a Q&A in general because I wanted

to be able to celebrate that we reached the halfway point of my year of outfits

challenge for those of you who don't know I'm taking a photo every single day on

Instagram of my outfit of the day and it's been super fun. I've met so many

awesome people and this is just yeah a way to thank you guys for being a part

of it. I am just really happy to do this. there's 22 questions so I'm gonna run

through them pretty quickly but yeah here we go. question number one how would

you describe your interior style? okay I guess you quantify it as bohemian

mid-century modern so it's like mid-century but it's lots of like plants

and mix-and-match pieces not everything is perfectly matching there's actually

quite a few of my antiques from heirlooms stuff I've inherited that I

love so much and even though those ones like aren't in the greatest condition

they means so much more to me than anything so I like to have a lot more

antique furniture if possible and then the bohemian part again is lots of

plants so the minute I started putting plants in my house my whole house just

felt more homey and alive it's also great if you're petite because a lot of

the furniture is low to the ground and if any place should have furniture that

fits you it's your house so that's why I really loved mid-century modern

furniture this piece is actually an old one it's an antique that I got off of

ebay I think yeah it was eBay last year and I just put on a little like wooden

legs on the bottom so that it's got more space it's area so that's just kind of

how I have treated my interior style the question two is really similar how would

you describe your interior style as in how would you decorate where you live

and any tips to make your home more homey yeah again it goes back to plants

I think that is really important to have only what's essential in your house

that's meaningful or beautiful or useful and everything else just we really have

to question if it belongs question three what was the most important thing you've

learned so far at this halfway mark you know I think the most important thing

has been to when you're finding your personal style to just forget what other

people are preaching that like this color red is the most important color to

wear this season forget all that stuff like what's important is what makes

sense for your lifestyle I really have found it helpful to have a color scheme

that I have personally that works best for mixing and matching and that type of

thing that's what I've learned really is true is just to forget all the rules

break anything that might even be a faux pas like everything needs to come into

question just so that you find your personal style question four favorite TV

show this is a really tough call for me because I have loved Outlander for the

past two years but lately stranger things I have been more excited about

watching every episode than even Outlander and I'm on the second season

right now and I don't know what I'm really gonna do when I ran out of

episodes next is what are your favorite bloggers Caroline from Unfancy. I got

to meet her online not really in life but online this past year I actually got

to co-write this one blog post on her blog on fancy which was about your top

10 favorite books for summer and so she let me like find a few picks that I

would give for fiction because I really like to read a lot of fiction books and

then she gave all of her picks for nonfiction books and through that

experience I realized like how genuine she is she also just hit a hundred

thousand on Instagram and honestly nobody deserves it more she is just

amazing number six favorite bands or artists you guys I have to admit to you

how much I have been listening to Elvis lately I think it's ridiculous how

addicted I am to the King like I never have really understood why people are

obsessed with Elvis but now I truly appreciate it for

is now that Halloween has come and gone I'm officially able to announce how much

I'm excited to listen to Christmas Elvis but more of a modern-day musician that I

would like to recommend Rusty Clanton his YouTube channel I'll give you a link

to that in the description below if you haven't heard of him by now but he's got

like an indie rock folk vibe that's really cool and I've been trying to

think of who he reminds me of it's very similar to Sleeping At Last which I've

loved since like 2011 when their album came out but I feel like Rusty's voice

and his lyrics are even better than that in my opinion other than that Christine

is perfect for somebody that I would recommend looking toward for music

because she always has awesome albums and new musicians but she's found some

of them that she knows personally that are just amazing

she has like a whole collection of vinyls and I always look to Christine

for like who I should listen to next I used to be so much more obsessed with

music when I was in high school and in college and to a degree I was snobby

about like who I would listen to but now I feel like if there's a genre of music

that I haven't really tried yet or didn't like it's because I really didn't

understand it yet so I've been trying to understand different genres of music and

appreciate it for what it is like I used to hate 80s music but now I've been

watching Stranger Things so much that now I'm like okay yeah eighties music

it's kind of Awesome number seven do you have any beliefs or

faith Wow you guys how do I even begin to describe briefly I'm a christian and

my friend who I have known since I was like five he is now a pastor in

Nashville and his his church is like what I would consider my home church and

actually he's got a podcast so I'll just give you a link to that but he's yeah

he's just phenomenal speaker so definitely want to recommend that number

eight do you wear a lot of the same things or just mix them up okay when I

first started my year about his challenge I was wearing just basics

and I then branched out into adding more unique elements to my wardrobe so now I

have been mixing and matching a lot like that's what I shop for but I am not as

minimalist as I once was when I started it and what I like to do now is just

find a lot more vintage pieces find a ways to make my style more unique in

that way so yeah my closet is growing it's still not as big as it used to be

last year so that's good but now I really love every single piece and I'm

shopping with more intention number nine who inspires you the most in life you

guys are asking me some really good questions okay my grandmother's would

definitely be who's inspired me the most in life one of my grandma's died when I

was 12 and I still have been told so by so many people like about her character

and I actually got to feed her her last meal so my grandma is so incredibly I

mean she still is very inspiring to me and my other grandmother is also very

inspiring to me I just found out yesterday that her heart is failing

and that's been just really hitting me a lot lately but why she inspires me so

much she raised three of her six kids in a chicken coop like a literal chicken

coop and she called it the shack and from there she ended up working both her

and her husband worked in a shoe factory then from there she wanted to do

something even more meaningful so she ended up doing work in a psychiatric

ward and now she's 92 and she has like over 30 grandkids even a great-great

grandchild and she is just like so full of life still to this day and I if I can

just be like my two grandmother's I will be so happy because like their legacy

is so important to me to carry on and I'm hoping I can call her this afternoon

before she does like more tests on her heart I am really nervous about what

life will be like without her but I love her so much that I just am like yeah who

inspires me is my grandma's one more note about that my grandma that passed

away when I was 12 she actually taught me a lot about art like she was an

amazing artist she taught her kids how to do art she taught me like how to mix

colors when I first was learning before I did lessons or anything and yeah so I

loved her for that she wanted to paint more while she was raising kids and when

asked about that she was just like you know I was painting pictures and to my

children that was what I was doing and so yes I loved my grandmother's both so

much number 10 what is your favorite way to

relax I read books every single night before bed and if I don't get a chance

to read a book that night I just kind of I got a little bit of insomnia from that

so the way that I love to relax is definitely by getting a historical

fiction book and just reading until I fall asleep and then the next night I'm

like where did I leave off again and I usually have to reread the same 20 pages

but you know is what it is I also really love to trail run I never knew how much

trail running could be so much fun until last year when I started doing it and

you know you get so worn out from it too so that's how I would quantify it as

relaxing and even while I'm running it's in the woods you're in nature it's like

solace I don't listen to music or anything I just listen to nature number

11 in what ways have you noticed your personal style evolving through the

course of this challenge I started with basics a lot I think that is really

important when you first start to identify just a few brands that you

really identify with before you start developing more of your personal style

and otherwise you are just wearing somebody else's personal style like when

I first started I wore Elizabeth Suzann almost every single day and then like

that was a really good launching point for me to be able to then go and find

pieces to wear on top and mix in with that number 12 how do you decide which

pieces are essential to add and how do you resist buying when it's not needed

or do you resist okay the answer to this question goes back to the video that I

did at really the beginning of the challenge I'll link you guys to that it

is how would you find your personal style and it's interesting that I did

that video before I started because I really took a lot of the concepts from

my knowledge of design like I've been a designer for 10 years so I know like the

basics of good design and so that's helped me shape all of this and have the

knowledge to move forward so how I resist buying things is I stick to a

color scheme so if I see an awesome marigold yellow what not like it's it's

something that I really might like but I don't buy it because it's not part of my

predetermined color scheme and that helps me mix-and-match it helps me be

able to pull out to close out of the dark can be like yep they match awesome

I'm running out the door otherwise before I did all that it was very hard

to try to mix and match things and have a closet that works together as a whole

so that is why I stick to a color scheme and that's how I'm able to resist a lot

of purchases and that's also how I make purchase decisions is I'm like oh my

gosh that is exactly my color I need to buy it and that's how I know okay

question 13 do you have a backdrop set up to shoot your outfits daily or do you

set up set it up and shoot all the outfits at once

no I take my photo every single day unless I am going on vacation and I

won't have my backdrop with me physically so if I physically can't take

a photo on a day upcoming I'll know that and I will like plan for that and take a

photo in advance and that's actually a really great travel pro tip is take your

photo of every single outfit you plan to bring on your trip

because then you'll know what you're gonna wear each day weather permitting

event permitting and it just helps me plan my outfits for vacation like

nothing else but yeah I think my photo every day question 14 I would love to

know how you deal with stress I personally would love to know how you

guys deal with stress because that is a biggie you know what's one thing I've

been realizing I've been doing is if I feel anxious I will just start humming

and then I feel like so much better because I feel like it's physically

impossible to be stressed while you're humming maybe give it a try next time

question 15 what did you wear on your wedding day and if you could do it all

over again would you wear the same thing absolutely not I would not wear the same

thing I I think that that will be something that would always be a

question in the back of my mind like if I were to get married today what would I

wear I you know I still really loved the classic styles that Zack and I chose we

both had like a black and white theme in our wedding and it was an evening

wedding too so it was beautiful I get all of the bridesmaids were black long

like full-length dresses and I like all those styles by I loved my dress

it was a sweetheart neckline and I loved that I had like a three foot train I

didn't even want to veil but I ended up putting on a full length veil and I

ended up loving that one and I still would probably do that because it was

just amazing now though like our wedding in general knowing us ourselves better

we would just go someplace secluded or maybe exotic and just have immediate

family maybe a few friends you know we had 150 people attend our ceremony and

then we had another ceremony where he's from well not a ceremony we had like a

reception there and it was just a lot of people which was beautiful and awesome

but at the same time it added distraction and I would never say to add

too much distraction to such an important day 16 any tips on

understanding your exact measurements she went on to say I have never quite

sure where to look at sizing charts and how do they look different on

different areas of the body and where they fall exactly and what weather

measuring myself is an appropriate way to get the true results yeah I could

probably do a whole video just about measurements and if you guys want me to

do that I definitely can I'm like just let me know if that would interest you

but there's a few areas that are really important to get right one is if you're

getting pants or like bottoms at all like skirts dresses anything like that

make sure that it falls at an appropriate part of your calf so for me

if I want to look taller I don't get something right under my knee anymore

I've learned that that's like not very good and what I try to do is either get

a full-length one or I will get one above the knee or I'll get one like

right in the middle of my calf so I measure my skirts from the tiniest part

of my waist where I know I want my skirt to be then down to mid calf and that's

how I get that length and then I do the same for dresses so I'll measure from

like the very top part of my shoulder and then I'll measure all the way down I

also think it's really important to measure your waist because there's lots

of times where pants and dresses and skirts like they have been too bulky on

me and then that's okay because you can get them tailored if they're too big but

ultimately it's best if they're a bit more tight and snug yeah that's what I

try to do is get the right measurements of my waist and so that's again like

your tiniest point is where you want to measure for that and then when you're

online shopping it's just something that you would measure against your your true

self see where your body fits into that whole scheme and if you're like right in

between two sizes then I would say to go up a size so then you can get it

tailored depending on the item I hope that helps yeah I think that is

something I could do a whole video about like tutorials and everything with that

17 explain what your perfect day would be like what you do in the morning and

who you'd be with I actually am going to do this I've taken a couple days off in

December to do exactly this like to to have a day off and do what I want to

do let me know also if this would be something you guys be interested in me

vlogging about so I think that I would love to wake up early I love to wake up

early I love to paint I love traditional oil painting and that's what

I love to do so much so I would definitely do that for you know four

hours or so and then I would love to trail run and I love to go to plays so I

would love it if like Zack took me to a play and then I would end my perfect day

reading some books at night these are actually really good questions so if you

guys find any of these questions that you want to answer yourself in the

comments I love to be able to like get to know you better too question 18

what's next I'm loving your year of outfits challenge and I'm hoping that

you'll continue documenting your style in some capacity once the year is up

okay year of outfits challenge will be done April 30th and then after that I

think I'll still just be doing more lifestyle shots so on Instagram I'll be

probably using less backdrops most likely this is just my guess but yeah I

think I'll still be doing lots of like fashion type stuff because I've I have

met so many amazing people through this and I've learned so much and I just want

to continue to spend time with you guys and talk about clothes so that won't be

going away I promise number where am I yes nineteen your

current 5 go to fashion brands and 5 go to fashion designer brands if money was

no object favorite ones Elizabeth Suzann, Nisolo, Everlane, Free

People and J.Crew for the ones that I wish I could afford more of I would say

that Elizabeth Suzann and Jesse Kamm I would buy a lot more from them if money

was no object like I would buy everything from them also

let's see Black Crane amazing there's are a bit pricier Betina Lou I love

them so much and yeah let's say that Oh

I'm gonna throw Chanel in there to 20 how did you get the push to pursue this

style journey through Instagram and YouTube even though you work full-time

outside of it yeah an object in motion stays in motion I guess I think that

it's really fun to be able to have a full time job in tech woo women in tech

honestly like it's fun to be able to pursue my personal style because as a

designer like any job it's really important to be able to have a personal

style but as I've learned through both being a part of hiring processes and

also being hired by companies to I found this super

impoi... impoinent? haha important to be able to express yourself as a first

impression through your personal style so yeah dress for the job you want and

if I dedicate one year of my whole life to finding my style that will just pay

off every single year for the rest of my life I will not regret this at all and I

decided to document it through Instagram and YouTube again it's like the third

time I've said this just in this video but I could not have done it alone

because like anytime I get feedback from you guys anytime you guys tell me about

awesome new brands that have ethics and stuff like it's just so amazing I also

get feedback just by like having comments and likes because that tells me

like is this worth pursuing because right now I'm wearing vintage guys and I

don't want to like I don't know what to say about that but it just really it

helps me to be able to understand how my my personal style is perceived you know

even if I hadn't documented it online definitely it's important to take photos

every single day of what you're wearing because how you think that that hemline

makes you look might not be what you meant to represent yourself like so

that's been super helpful 21 how do you stay motivated to do this every day

since it seems like a lot of work it seems like you're living a true passion

of yours and you're having such an influence

especially because you have a heart for fashion it's really inspiring um I see

motivated because you guys say awesome things like that and when I you know I'm

actually gonna be starting to transition to work from home full-time and to work

from home you could just slum it every day in your pajamas but I am choosing

not to and you guys are definitely holding me accountable with that so

that's really cool but again it's just the the community like you guys are the

best community I think I could have ever been a part of and this has been the

single most rewarding experience that I've ever had

and I truly mean that so yeah you guys are definitely what motivates me 22

you are a UI UX designer how do you balance work and YouTube I really like

out of respect for my company I leave all of my online work stuff off and i

just put my personal online stuff online but how i balance the two I guess I just

get really motivated to be able to be a part of a community like it works on a

different part of your brain I think if I had to only do one thing for like 60

hours a week I would lose my mind but the fact that you guys are there and

just I don't know it's just really fun to be able to do a different type of

different form of art through doing videos and Instagram like yeah I would

say that it's a different thing and even though they're both kind of designing

it's really fun to be able to have a tech job but I also have something

that's more of a hobby in my mind you know being a UI UX designer I am able

to verbally communicate and visually communicate a lot of what I do

but it's for a much different purpose than just having friendships and true

community like I have with you guys and I think that was my last question yeah

so that was question 22 so let me know it what you guys thought about these be

sure if you guys found any of these questions interest

or my answers bazaar you're welcome to just write about it in the comments I

will love to hear about that and thank you guys so much I was a bit insecure

about if I'd even get a question in my comments like wah wah but thanks so much

for 22 comments I'm really like I'm just so awesomely amazed at how great you

guys are so thanks guys and I'll see you guys next week bye

For more infomation >> Q&A | Year of Outfits Challenge Halfway Point | Dearly Bethany - Duration: 24:54.


18 Traits That Show You Are An Agent Of Transformation For The Human Consciousness - Duration: 4:07.

18 Traits That Show You Are An Agent Of Transformation For The Human Consciousness

by Conscious Reminder

Have you heard people talk about the �Shift�?

Well, somehow we all have heard about it right after the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.

Whatever changes are happening around us deserve to be noticed.

Have you observed the following changes around you?

Check the list below!

Do you feel that you are in this world for some important purpose or you feel that you

have some stake in making this world a beautiful place?

Do you feel that the world is not in the right position; as if things are not in the right

alignment and do you feel that you can solve this?

Do you feel that there are random changes happening in your life which are all leading

you to help other people around you?

Do you think that you have some ideas that can absolutely change the world?

Do you feel that you have something in you that can help other people around you?

Well, if you said yes to most of the above, then you are part of the change that is going

to happen to Human Consciousness; basically an �Agent� of Human Consciousness; an

incarnated soul who is supposed to cause a massive shift in the way Human Consciousness


These are the 18 traits that each agent of transformation for the Human Consciousness


They feel that they have a sense of purpose and this purpose is exactly what drives them.

It is this purpose that influences all of their actions and this is what defines them

in their entirety.

They feel that it is time that they initiate the change that they envision and wish for.

They are aware that there are some key areas that they are interested in and they are invested

in working on those areas because they believe that those areas can help the world in some


They are extremely empathetic and they know what others feel; thus they know how to handle

the people around them.

They wish to lessen the pain of people, animals and even plants.

It is their ultimate desire to alleviate everyone�s pain around them.

They do feel lonely because of all the things that they do.

Their creativity is at a high and they follow their passions of art as well.

They are also attached to animals and they communicate with animals in the same way as

they do with humans.

Their childhood is usually sad and full of pain, abuse and trauma.

They are attached to nature almost at a spiritual level.

They have a spiritual leaning but that is very different from the orthodox religion.

They are different in this aspect.

They love plants and they are sad if they aren�t able to spend time with plants.

They need that time to recuperate and feel better.

They are very sensitive and this also makes them anxious and sometimes they can also get

into addictions and some disorders.

They are intensely connected with varied cultures and regions as well as languages.

They could also have some brain centered disability as dyslexia, retardation, and autism and they

may also be fascinated by people who have intellectual disabilities or mental illness.

They are very amiable and this can also tire them out.

They do need solitude to get their power back.

They might have recurring physical illness.

They dream vividly about healing beings around them.

Do you have any of these traits?

If yes, then you are truly a person who will cause a major shift in Human Consciousness.

Yes, you are going to make this a wonderful place to live in!

For more infomation >> 18 Traits That Show You Are An Agent Of Transformation For The Human Consciousness - Duration: 4:07.


Pastă de măsline - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Pastă de măsline - Duration: 1:28.


Puberty Tips From Someone Who's Done It Twice - Duration: 4:34.

Hello, I'm Jackson Bird, I'm 27-years-old and I am going through puberty again.

Yeah. Really.

[upbeat music]

So when trans people go on hormones, we sometimes find it easy to explain the changes as if

we're going through puberty 2.0.

And that always gets a good laugh from people, but the reality of the matter is, we're not


That's exactly what's happening to us.

When we undergo hormone replacement therapy, it triggers the development of the same secondary

sex characteristics that people develop during their first puberty.

So that means for transfeminine people taking estrogen, their fat redistributes to their

hips and thighs; their skin softens; and they develop breasts.

For transmasculine people, like me, taking testosterone, our voices break and get deeper;

we grow facial hair... eventually.

And we grow a lot of other hair… everywhere.

Except on our heads, where those of us who are older, start to lose it.


Our bodies are growing and developing in different ways.

Especially when we first get started on hormone replacement therapy, we need a lot more sleep,

our appetites change, our body odors change, our sex drives increase for a bit.

Us transmasculine people get more acne, we get greasier, we have to shower more.

Like, so much more!

Sometimes twice a day because oh my gosh I always smell!

And trans people do an awesome job of documenting these changes on youtube and instagram and tumblr.

Especially when I was first starting out with physical transition, it was so helpful to

be able to look up videos from other people at the same point in transition and be able

to figure out what was normal and what I could expect to happen next.

But all of that is just like anecdotal shared experiences.

While there's some official research and definitive information that our healthcare

providers can tell us, for the most part we learn about the effects of hormones from these

online accounts from our peers.

Which is super cool and helpful, but not the most scientific.

At certain points, if I had a more specific question or wanted a more like definitive

resource on what my body was going through, I would actually… this is little bit weird,

but I would actually go to puberty sites designed for like teenagers who were going through

it the first go-round.

A little awkward to be doing that as an adult and, of course, it's not totally foolproof

because there's a lot of weird and scary misinformation out there on the internet

I mean, I don' t think that pimple on my jaw is the beginning of a parasitic twin, but

like that commenter on WebMD said it might be.

So I was relieved when I came across Amaze.Org.They are an initiative that takes the awkward out

of sex-ed.

They provide online videos and other resources for people who are going through puberty.

They partner with experts in the field to make sex-ed informative and relatable.

Their intended audience is young people going through puberty for the first time, but us

old farts going through puberty 2.0 can make use of it as well.

And, because I know a lot of parents and teachers watch my videos, there are resources on their

for you – because Amaze knows how crucial it is for young people to feel like they can

go to the adults in their life and talk about the changes they're going through.

But here is why I especially like Amaze and why I was so happy to partner with them for

this video: So not only does Amaze make cool animated videos that are so much better than

the dorky after-school specials from the 80s I was shown on VHS tapes in middle school

classes, but they also ACTUALLY TALK about gender identity and expression – and sexual


I was missing all of that in the resources that I had as a teenager so seeing organizations

now that are actually inclusive just means so much to me.

So whether you're going through puberty for the first time or the second, go check

out Amaze.Org and subscribe to their youtube channel!

And in the comments today, I want to know how you learned about puberty.

Did your school divide you up by gender and show you an outdated video?

Did your parents talk to you?

Did you happen to find a great site like Amaze.Org?

Or, did you find a not-so-great website?

Like I did.

Let me know in the comments below and bonus points for the most awkward story.

Because the more we share and talk about these things, the less awkward they become.

Thank you so much to Amaze.Org for sponsoring this video today.

And if you liked this video, please do give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends,

and subscribe for more videos every Wednesday.

You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram and Snapchat and Facebook and...

GoodReads... at jackisnotabird.

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> Puberty Tips From Someone Who's Done It Twice - Duration: 4:34.


iPhone X Destruction Videos Are The Worst (RANT) - Duration: 9:52.

What's going on French boy Connor, how welcome back to another video and today, I'm gonna be answering this simple question

What's inside an iPhone X a bunch of electronic stuff?

That's a good enough answer for me, but for apparently millions of people that's not enough

So let's take a look for ourselves my favorite unboxing channel on YouTube known as what's inside but before we get started as always with

Channels like these where I don't really think the people themselves are bad. I just don't really like the content

Please don't go some hate these people's ways as a commentator

I'm far more concerned with the popularity of this type of content that I am with the actual creators themselves

It's hard to fault people when all they do is find the niche have success in it and decide to just keep going with that

Because why not and because I think it's worth mentioning the father and son in these videos that you're about to see

They're actually pretty cool like the father has some really good information on some of his videos the son doesn't really seem like he has

An inflated ego despite the fact that their channels had a lot of success and they leverage their YouTube platform into doing really cool

opportunities like a bunch of work with

nonprofits and other international

Ventures like that which I have a huge passion for so it's hard for me to really say that these people are bad news

They're not they're doing their job, and that's fine so again not hating on these people

I just don't like the idea that smashing stuff on YouTube can get you

Popularity money and like whatever else that comes from that it just seems kind of ridiculous with all that being said let's see what's really

inside my phone axe


$1,200 poop emoji maker Oh


Wow what a masterpiece here's the thing with intros on YouTube they can be really cool and

Successful when they're done right, but if they're not done right. They might as well not be in the video

I wouldn't not the hard way with my first couple of videos

I made it intro just because I thought everyone usually if you have an intro and

Turns out wasn't funny wasn't that good, and I knew that when I made it

But I just thought it might as well

just leave it in here because

It's what people on YouTube do right the problem is people shouldn't just follow what everyone else does do what's good

Do it make sure your content better in this case just throw it out of your video, but a side note

I'm definitely not opposed to having an intro so if any of you are good at making intros want to make me an intro

Wanted to channel art whatever. It is hit me up the d-ends. Let's top okay. Sorry. I keep getting sidetracked

focus Connor come on focus

Hold on it's my door locked

Okay, thank you. God. Thank you

It's the dog poop emoji

inflatable giant poop emoji costume 60 bucks

iPhone X

1200 bucks

Embarrassing your kid in front of three million plus people on the Internet

Priceless still better than I do five

Okay, that's it

That was that was unfair that I would way too far this guy his son are nothing and I'm saying this very

Sincerely it's gonna. Send our nothing like daddy. Oh child abuse

I think it's ice-cream. It's nice. It's ice cream. It's chocolate ice cream with eyes on it

Dad's am I right so the joke here is the dad is saying that poop emoji looks like a pile of chocolate ice cream

I'm making it. Let's get some eyeballs on there and then

How does the ice cream do with the iPhone 10

Now you know those are the jokes you're gonna get when you look at a channel. That's primarily catering towards kids

It's hard for me to be like ah these people are so terrible

It's just a bad joke is what it is kind of comes with the territory of these technology channels

This feels really good at my hands. You sadistic pieces you're gonna have so much fun

Just destroying that phone all of us watch aren't you hey everyone look at how amazing this $1,200 phone is

Be a real shame if I blast it through it with a saw

How do you explain that occupation your friends and family? What do you do for work? Oh nothing me and my son just

Destroyed the latest iPhone like you know six figures a year doing it

It's kind of like a passion project, but except. It makes us a lot of money

I want to see this videos low effort, but that's not really the right term

I think it's more just like this type of content a solo effort

It's like everyone on the internet nowadays is making a video on the iPhone X. I mean, I know it's

But like guys we get it Apple made a new phone. Oh my gosh everyone

There's a new Apple product

Y'all have to smash it and do it and do whatever because it's the new iPhone the new iPhone everyone the new iPhone

It's understandable why these videos succeed on one hand it's like ASMR for the eyes and on the other hand

Everyone has curiosity everyone wants to know different things

And so if you think an object like a basketball and say what's inside a basketball people might think oh?

What's inside of us when I really thought about that?

but the problem of how this stuff is that none of these creators try to be unique they all hop in the same trends they

all make the same corny jokes and none of them really try to find ways to be unique and

Despite that videos like this one rack up millions of views for creators even though

They really don't put any sort of effort into this besides just the editing like you're telling me this requires effort

That's insane, I mean come on guys this cutting an iPhone in half

There's the two batteries

Insane reaction, dude you know what at least his kids on overhyping everything like Jake and Logan ball

Holy SH, dude I mean that it's actually getting scary on second thought keep doing you kids

We don't need anymore Logan Paul's in this world just be you I'm down for that we

Open so you don't have to you. That's so thoughtful

Thank you guys so much because whenever I buy a phone for $1,200 my first thought is what's inside this phone

Let me slice this open with a machine

It's like you could just unscrew the whole thing

But of course you don't want to be as your viewers aren't gonna watch that I just don't get the popularity of breaking stuff on

The internet spending $1,200 on a phone to destroy it it's like you're creating

potentially toxic waste for the environment you're doing all this stuff, but

Breaking stuff just isn't that cool breaking plates wow dude Logan cool. You like to break plates breaking an iPhone

That's insane guys cool. Just stop breaking stuff guys. It's not break

You don't need a break stuff to make a funny video or an interesting video of that so that's gonna be it guys I know

It's not some long expose on some crazy terrible channel

That's ruining the internet, but you're not gonna be able to get that every week

We don't have enough of channels like that on YouTube without all being said I hope you enjoyed this video

It was fun to make and I want to put my two cents in on

As to the whole new iPhone stuff life advice to young people out there don't buy a new phone to your old one breaks

The Apple Samsung all these companies advertising these new phones none of these phones really change in the world you might have like animated emojis

Cool, you know I don't and I don't need animated emojis in my life

If you do go ahead and buy it but spending $1200 on a phone

You can probably find better ways to spend your money as someone who's owned a flip phone an iPhone and pretty much everything in between

No new phones, not gonna change your life. Dude unless your phone's broken

Don't get anyone like the saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it anyways

I do. Hope you all enjoyed the video if you did be sure to subscribe and leave a like it really helps me out

I just have to say guys because I don't know if having to hit it before this channel comes out or right after but

We're pretty much out 100 subscribers, and that's crazy

I know it's still nothing and I'm not gonna do this every time

I hit another 50 subscribers, but it is really cool to see that I have triple figures on subscribers

and I got a video that had a thousand views so it's kind of cool man like it's it's cool to see this progress and

I so much appreciate all of you guys saying you know you can see this channel going far

That's the goal like I'm trying to make this a big thing so join the bandwagon

Hop on while you can you're one of the very first hundred people watching this channel, so that's pretty cool

Be sure to subscribe if you're not already

I keep using this in my videos

But go follow me on social media at your boy car now pretty much every social media platform. You can find DM me

Send me a message whatever you want to do guys. I want to talk to you, so hit me up. It should be fun

Thank you so much for watching as always if this video gets a million likes

I will wear a hat the next video so be sure to smash that like button your challenge for today read a chapter of

Any book I'm taking this challenge myself because I have like three books that I'm trying to read I I keep forgetting to read them

So read a chapter of a book until next time. It's been your boy Connor. How I hope you got a great day

yes, some please feel on the face like the one and warm up for ian's with a

For more infomation >> iPhone X Destruction Videos Are The Worst (RANT) - Duration: 9:52.

------------------------------------------- Scam | Review - Duration: 5:26.

Hey, what's up everyone Nicolas here and welcome to this video. Are you looking for some more information on your euro?

US net well if that is the case you're certainly at the right place cuz that's exactly what we'll begin and get into here in

A moment now before we do, payment proof, scam, withdraw, review, legit or scam, english, payment

I just wanna let you know that I do have a free video training that goes into depth on how

I've been able to utilize the internet for the past couple years

To generate a full time income now and been able to travel and do a lot of fun stuff

So if you would like to check that out, I don't know where to mentor with

That is mental nakhon. There's a link down in the video description

Without further ado let's get into information about euro UI US and what the heck is all about so

You know we do a lot of different reviews on this particular

YouTube channel and a lot of them, are you know binary options?

Trading software and then some of them are like high-yield investment programs and just a lot of stuff

You know a lot of things are coming across my desk and a lot of

People want me to do reviews on them, so I go out there and do my deep dig in and figure out

What exactly is it so that I can help them understand as well as don't give them some guidance and some

insights and stuff like that so

This program is not that I don't even know what this is

Basically what I can?

Calculate from this website is that if they're just saying join our

Website and we'll pay you that that's like if you just if you're a member of our site then

You're gonna be making a lot of money

And they even have like you know a social proof thing right here saying statistics last hour

we paid all these people a bonus of 195 27 23 109 165 and

They ordered payments they upgraded their status

So essentially like what's gonna be going on is when you get signed up then they're gonna. Ask you to

upgrade and and probably invest money and stuff like that but

Honestly guys like this is bad. This is just straight-out a scam like don't even consider getting signed up with this

And I don't normally come out and just say that kind of stuff

I like to give an unbiased review, and not you know really you know give like a hard a

hard verdict on it

But I mean just look at this stuff like it's I don't even know what they're saying right now free registration will borrow in

Total couple of minutes what does that mean?

Instruments of service will help to increase

Your income to $100 a day

Daily monetary bonuses to the active users earn rewards every week into the account

Like I don't what does that mean? I don't I don't understand it at all so I mean just the fact that it's so poorly

Done like that and then they're then they have this this graph up here talking about the markets

Like it didn't say anything about the markets and then all sudden. They have this

This ticker on top like I don't understand it at all so

Just with the lack of professionalism and the extreme lack of professionalism don't don't look at this stuff

It's all big

they're just software's that put that stuff in there who knows if

there's really five thousand people there might be I don't but it's just it's just a big scheme and

Eventually I mean nothing's gonna come about it. You're not gonna make money

But here's the thing guys it's like people always asking me about these type of

I still can't get over this site, but they're asking me like you know

What should I do and my my recommendation always is?

Don't rely on systems programs. Hype programs

Programs that are guaranteeing you money and and stuff like that

Rather build a skill, and it doesn't really matter

What skills as long as it's a highly profitable skill?

And one of those skills that I've decided to master and what's really helped me throughout the years is

internet marketing and

that's kind of what I go into depth more into my free video training on my website, which is again mentors Nick comm but

Like even just for example like on

this site they're saying like has invited twelve referrals has invited sixteen referrals and

They have an incentive program for referring people into programs like these

But also legit programs and legit products and services

and that's

What we teach in internet marketing and that's essentially what as what internet marketing is and you can do this in a lot of cool

Different ways and you can help companies build up their business

And you can handsome you can they will pay you handsomely for that you can build out your own business

And there's just a lot of freedom once you have that skill of internet marketing so again

I do recommend that if you'd like to check out what I'm talking about in more depth head on over to mentor with Nick comm

That is where my free video training is again. The link is down in the video description so

Beside that thank you for watching this video guys hopefully

I gave you some insights and understanding to stuff stay away from your own us it's just

It's bad this looks bad, so I don't stay away anyways, payment proof, scam, withdraw, review, legit or scam, english, payment

Thanks for watching this video if you do want to Connecticut connect with me further you need mentoring coaching or anything like that

Hit me up on social media all my links are in the video description, but thanks for watching the video

And I look forward to talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Scam | Review - Duration: 5:26.


7 PRINCIPII PSIHOLOGICE - CUM SĂ O FACI SĂ TE PLACĂ | Cum să o faci să fie atrasă de tine? - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> 7 PRINCIPII PSIHOLOGICE - CUM SĂ O FACI SĂ TE PLACĂ | Cum să o faci să fie atrasă de tine? - Duration: 6:22.


Bank Robbery Scene | The Dark Knight (2008) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.

Three of a kind, let's do this. That's it? Three guys?

Two guys on the roof. Every guy gets a share. Five shares is plenty.

Six shares. Don't forget the guy who planned the job.

He thinks he can sit it out and still take a slice.

- I know why they call him the Joker. - Why do they call him the Joker?

I heard he wears makeup. Makeup?

Yeah, to scare people. You know, war paint.

All right, everybody, hands up, heads down!

I said, hands up, heads down!

Let's go, pal, I'm making a withdrawal here.

- I said, hands up! - No!

Here comes the silent alarm.

And there it goes.

Heads down!

All right, tootsie, you're taking a dive with me.

- Down! I said, stay down there! - Don't hurt me!

Funny, it didn't dial 911. It was trying to reach a private number.

Is it a problem? No, I'm done here.

Sit down! Down!

Down! I said, stay down there!

Obviously we don't want you doing anything with your hands...

...other than holding on for dear life.

On the ground! Stay on the ground!

Nobody make a move! Nobody! Stay down!


You have any idea who you're stealing from?

- You and your friends are dead. - He's out, right?


Where did you learn to count?

They wired this thing up with like 5000 volts. What kind of bank does that?

A Mob bank. I guess the Joker's as crazy as they say.

Where's the alarm guy?

Boss told me when the guy was done, I should take him out.

One less share, right?

Funny, he told me something similar.

He what? No! No!

That's a lot of money.

If this Joker guy was so smart, he'd have had us bring a bigger car.

I'm betting the Joker told you to kill me soon as we loaded the cash.

No, no, no, I kill the bus driver.

Bus driver?

What bus driver?

School's out. Time to go.

That guy's not getting up, is he?

That's a lot of money.

What happened to the rest of the guys?

You think you're smart, huh?

The guy that hired youse...

...he'll just do the same to you.

Oh, criminals in this town used to believe in things.



Look at you. What do you believe in, huh?

What do you believe in?!

I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...


For more infomation >> Bank Robbery Scene | The Dark Knight (2008) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.


New Jurassic World Growler Dimorphodon Vs Indominus Rex Action Figure Dino Growlers Unboxing Review - Duration: 7:18.

Oh guys it's great to see you again we're gonna have a lot of fun today so

glad you came back today we have Jurassic world this is the die more food

on it has a screeching attack it has a like a nasty wound on the back lights up

so it's like you could use it for like I guess for like battles almost the making

like more realistic like if the dinosaur bit its back see if you take a closer

New Jurassic World Growler Dimorphodon Vs Indominus Rex Action Figure Dino Growlers Unboxing Review

blood underneath wow that makes it a lot more fun let's take a closer look at the

box - wow that is cool see him and then on the back she has chomping jaw action

let's see die more Fattah nefarious a ferocious fight for survival cool ok

let's open this up ok let's take a closer look at this guy

see here's his head he looks really cool he almost looks like a giant snake he

has little teeth big mouth it's I don't like his jaw is really loose here I mean

that I mean hey I guess it's alright it's just it almost makes you scared

that it might break off and here's where you put the bad read his skin feels

really cool - it is plastic but it almost like it's almost like a rubbery

feel like a lot of these Jurassic world ones he's got long wings here as you can

see here you can compare him to my hand if I hold him in my hand he's pretty

much a little bigger than my hand there and then let's see he's got a really

school cool skin pattern here it's like dark green it's like well like a lighter

green with almost this is almost like black and yellow

here's his claws his claws they don't move or anything then here you got the

wound on his back you see like bones and blood in there and then here you got his

tail and then he does have flapping action so if you squeeze his legs

together he flaps his arms and he opens and closes his mouth you see that

so that is cool that you know if you're playing even

with one hand you could squeeze it and move it through the air like he's diving

down to get somebody I mean it's easier if you use two hands but you could in

reality do it with one but it is a little harder so this is a really cool

one what do you guys think of this one make sure in my comments below you leave

me which one of the Jurassic world dinosaurs is your favorite I'm gonna

have videos on almost all of them and here's the wound on his back it actually

lights off if you push it and he screams almost like he's in pain like if the

dinosaur bit him let's go ahead and turn that light off let's take it close to

the water see that okay well guys he is really fun I mean this is a cool time or

foot on he's a good good size he's a playable size see like I said you could

you could do it with one hand like if you're diving down you're playing you're

diving down to try to maybe eat something okay

Wow guys is a great day to drive through the jungle it's so nice and quiet here

oh wow look at those big eggs there they look so cool oh oh do you guys see what

those eggs are oh no it's a t-rex oh he's angry cuz they're there he's

trying to she's trying to protect her eggs

oh no she's trying to get Pedro what is this

oh no look it's a time warp udon diving down he grabbed Pedro he's trying to fly

away with Pedro Oh No what's gonna happen to poor Pedro but oh no look at

this ah t-rex got him before he got away with

Pedro Pedro is safe go pepper go Wow peppers driving away so fast

because she's scared and when the t-rex is done you might try to eat them

Oh No what is this what do I hear off in the distance

Oh most indominus rex Oh No look he gets the t-rex Oh No

Wow boy talk about there talk about unexpected there the t-rex truck got the

Daimler food ah that was trying to fly away with Pedro and then the indominus

rex got the t-rex Wow boy what a battle that was I think the

indominus rex is gonna be the winner because he's the biggest out of all of

them Wow look at that he shakes them in his mouth and he throws them up over

here over the Jeep wow that is awesome guys

see he's telling you stay away oh no he's got the chief in his mouth he's

shaking the chief the pigs run away for their lives Wow look at that boy he's

shaking the Jeep and then he throws the Jeep over here Wow boy he's a strong one

click to subscribe

also put the bail button to be notified every time I make

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more

go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jurassic World Growler Dimorphodon Vs Indominus Rex Action Figure Dino Growlers Unboxing Review - Duration: 7:18.


OCTOBER READING WRAP UP || 2017 - Duration: 13:07.

Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video I am bringing you my October wrap up. So in

the month of October I think I read eight or nine books? I don't really

remember. A lot of them were very short, so it all not a great reading month for

me. To put it into perspective I think I read fourteen books in the month of--how

do months work--September! And nine is a lot less than that, and I do not feel

bad about that at all! I think it is totally fine to not read as much as you

usually do. Life gets in the way. In the month of October I moved flats, I got

incredibly sick, and those two things combined together meant that I didn't

have the time or wasn't able to read as much, and that's okay! It's totally fine!

So let's get into the books that I read. The first of those is Eloquent Rage by

Brittney Cooper. This has not yet been released, I think it's coming out in

February of 2018. It's a nonfiction book in which Brittney Cooper discusses the

rage and anger she feels as a black woman in the world, specifically in

America, and how that can cause quite a lot of anger because of how horribly

black women are treated in this country, and how systemic that horrible treatment

is. So it's about her learning to not quiet that rage to embrace it and use it

to channel change. And she examines the black female experience, she examines

race in America. It's absolutely brilliant. Brittney Cooper is so, so

brilliant. It's clear that with this book she wants it to be more accessible than

a lot of other feminist texts, and what Cooper does so, so well is she weaves

together the highly academic with the highly personal. Her narrative voice is so

funny, and so it makes all of that academic stuff easier to palate without

ever dumbing it down. I think this is 100% essential reading, I cannot

recommend it enough. As soon as it comes out in February you guys should

definitely check it out. Thank you again to NetGalley and the publisher for

giving me access to an early galley copy of this! I loved it. Next I read Carry On

by Rainbow Rowell. This is a very meta book. Rainbow Rowell wrote the book

Fangirl in which the main character writes fanfiction for this fictionalized

version of Harry Potter called Simon Snow, and this is the fanfiction that the

character wrote. So it's just a little bit meta. It

has a gay male romance at its core. I had so much fun reading it! The magic system

in this is based on the idea that as phrases or lyrics that kind of stuff are

repeated they gain power and so spells in this are common idioms and jokes and

song lyrics and poems and things like that it is so much fun to read I think I

have like three bigger criticisms of this I did still love it just gonna say

that the first is that the beginning is very info dumpy we get a lot of

exposition where we're told what's going on and we're told the whole backstory of

this world and these characters and that I did not like it made it a little more

difficult to get into the book I also thought that the last few chapters were

messy and my final little critique isn't the most compelling character in this

book who eventually does become a point of view character the main relationship

of this book the people who are depicted on the cover here are Simon snow and Baz

Baba's I don't know how to say his name anyway bass doesn't show up for a

hundred and fifty pages you get him in flashbacks but he is not actually there

in the present that was not the best a lot of time is dedicated to Simon snow

looking for bass but he doesn't show up for 150 pages and that was too long in

my opinion even though I'm going on and on and on about the criticisms I have of

this book I still really really really enjoyed it I think it's super fun yaa I

definitely recommend checking it out next I read river of teeth by Sarah

Haley guys I love this book I had so much fun reading it this is actually a

novella it's pretty short I got through it super quickly it is so much fun and

the concept is so so cool it is based on a weird bill that was proposed and I

think the nineteen tens in the United States there were two issues facing the

United States one was very regional in that Louisiana and the bayou regions of

the southeast issues with water hyacinths which are an

invasive species and then the other issue that the United States was facing

was a meat shortage and so this one Congress person was like hey I got an

idea that's gonna solve all of this and this was actually proposed legislation

the Congress person proposed that we bring over hippopotamuses hippopotami

and farm them in Louisiana and use them to eat up all the invasive water

hyacinths and then we would eat them to solve the meat shortage and so river of

teeth by Sarah Gailey imagines that that actually came to pass and now Louisiana

has a problem with violent feral hippos and so this novella

is a heist book about a ragtag group of hippo cowboys basically who are trying

to rid this area of Louisiana of its feral hippos and they ride non feral

hippos the main character is bisexual and another one of the characters is

non-binary it is so much fun it's so fast-paced its original it has awesome

representation I cannot recommend this book enough next I read stay with me by

i/o balmy and bio this is the first book for the story time with Squibbles book

club which is the book club the curated Run Run is a much better verb by Jose

over at schools reads this is an own voices book we follow a Nigerian couple

who are married and have decided that they are going to stay monogamous even

though during this time period and the culture in which they live it's the norm

to engage in polygamy but they faced mounting pressure to bring other wives

into their marriage because they have yet to conceive a child I thought this

was beautifully written I thought that the characters were impeccably crafted

it felt like every time Auto bio wanted to inject tension into the story it was

always like the worst possible thing and so for me these conflicts in the plot

that are putting the characters into interesting tension-filled situations

often felt kind of hyperbolic if that makes sense it was always this

worst possible thing where you're like okay I think something's coming up we're

gonna get like a big reveal or something big is gonna happen I don't know what it

is but then when you what that thing is it was always like oh

my god this is so much worse than I expected and so because of that I had

some difficulty really getting into this I still think it's beautifully written

Auto bio is just so good at the craft of writing I'll probably pick up more from

her in the future this book in particular was not my favorite next I

read the bone which by wrench Apeco this was kind of for me I wasn't crazy about

it I really liked certain aspects and I really didn't care for others this is an

own voices fantasy in which this fantasy world is asian-inspired the magic system

that we see seems to draw heavily on geisha culture and it is really well

done the world-building is one of his novels biggest strengths in this we

follow the titular bone which and when she finds out that she's a bone which

she starts to be ostracized by her society and then we go from there and

she goes through training and kind of the typical things that you would expect

in why I hate fantasy I loved the world building

I thought the magic system was so cool I also really liked cheap echoes writing

style I really enjoyed her prose however way too much time is spent describing

things and the middle really really dragged for me and so because of those

things I really liked and she's pacing it's just kind of a man book for me next

I read war on the 13th and the all-seeing eye written by Tania Del Rio

and illustrated by will stall and this was such a fun spooky

light-hearted read for October in this we follow Warren who is a young boy who

has inherited a hotel all of his ancestors have run the hotel but since

he's still very young it's in the hands of his incompetent uncle and his uncle's

wife who seems to be kind of nefarious perhaps there's a mystery about this

mystical object called the all-seeing eye no one knows what it does no one

knows where it is except that it seems to be in this hotel it is beautifully

illustrated the illustrations are so much fun and they're also incorporated

into the text itself and so every single page has some illustrations well I

literally just open it on a page that has no illustrations but you can I'm

saying like there's a lot of illustrations and they're so fun they're

all done in and white and red ink and I just had the

Tama life reading this next I read The Changeling by Victor love all this book

is absolutely amazing I am a total evolved convert I cannot wait to read

more of his stuff I loved this so much I think I'm gonna do a full review of it

and this we follow Apollo who is a book collector and seller and he is married

and recently has a child but then his wife commits this extremely heinous

violent act and it's about Apollo kind of trying to make sense of it and figure

out where she is disappeared to is this brilliant examination of parenthood and

of a specifically black fatherhood it also does a perfect job of weaving in

fantasy and horror elements at its core this is a modern fairy tale and it is so

so so well done I think this toes the line for those of us who are kind of

chickens when it comes to our reading I tend to think of myself as scared of

everything and I managed to get through this I loved this

I loved this it was so so great next I read the beautiful ones by Sylvia Garcia

marina and I really enjoyed this this was an advanced galley copy that I got

through net galleys so thank you to net galley and the publisher this is a

really fun Belle Epoque inspired fantasy ish there's very minimal fantasy

elements the fantasy elements are really only that the world that it's set in is

made-up but it's very very very clearly inspired by Paris during the Belle

époque time then there's also a little bit of telekinesis which is kind of fun

it didn't completely blow me away but I had a great time reading it I also

really liked that even though it's this quasi historical fiction romance thing

going on the main female character is very headstrong and really interested in

the sciences and speaking her mind and all that kind of stuff and I also really

liked the fact that the main antagonist in this book is very stereotypically

feminine and very into her own appearances I was kind of like oh I'm

not sure we're gonna like this but she's so fully rounded and as a reader you're

given this incredible understanding of why she is the way she is and because of

that she didn't feel like it proper cliche and I really really

enjoyed that and lastly I read a short story collection that completely blew me

away and that is her body and other parties by Carmen Maria Machado it's so

good guys it's so good it's very very eerie little spooky I really wish I

could finish this earlier so I could have put it in my spooky reads for

scaredy-cats video because I think this is a great eerie spooky read that's

never outright horror like I said this is a short story collection all of the

stories in some capacity examined the female body at times it's a celebration

of the female body and of female sexuality and desire it's also a look at

the ways in which the female body is abused and based by society and by

people in general it also reaches almost entirely lgbtqia+ women I feel like I've

been rambling a lot and I still haven't said the fact that this is magical

realism it's amazing magical realism I think my

favorite story in this why is the first one which is called the husband stitch

in which a woman has an unexplained ribbon of green around her neck and her

husband is increasingly curious as to why she has it around her neck I think

the story that most people are gonna talk about when they talk about this

book is one called what's the name of it I think it was especially heinous

it's not a traditional story but it is is a collection of short synopses of Law

& Order SVU episodes that as you read them over time slowly they turn into

this crazy surrealist fevered dream of a story about the character that we know

from Law & Order SVU so what it does is gives you the episode title this one

says the third guy and then it gives you a really short synopsis of it so this

one says Stabler never told Benson about his little brother he also never told

her about his older brother which was understandable because he didn't know

about him even or that's what the little episodes are like and some are shorter

some are longer and they all weave together it's just so creative and so

well executed I absolutely loved this short story collection you gotta read it

you just gotta so that's it all of the books that I read in October a lot of

them were pretty short and I didn't read a whole lot of them but that's totally

fine thanks much for watching if you like this video

give it a thumbs up hit subscribe to see more my face you can find me on Twitter

it possibly lit and on Instagram and possibly litora and I will see you next


For more infomation >> OCTOBER READING WRAP UP || 2017 - Duration: 13:07.


ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 14 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 59:16.

Majd: Silence! I demand silence!

People of Jerusalem, hear me well! I stand here today to deliver a warning! There are malcontents among you!

They sow the seeds of discontent, hoping to lead you astray! Tell me, is that what you desire?

To be mired in deceit and sin? To live your lives in fear?

Majd: Then you wish to take action?

Your devotion pleases me.This evil must be purged. Only then can we hope to be redeemed!

Man 1: This is not justice!

Man 2: You've no right to do that!

Man 1: And all of you stand idle, complacent in this crime!

Man 2: God curse you all!

Majd: See how the evil of one man spreads to corrupt others? They sought to instill fear and doubt within you!

But I will keep you safe! Here now, are four, illed with sin. The harlot, the thief, the gambler, the heretic!

Let God's judgment be brought down upon them all!

Altair: Your work here is finished.

Majd: No, no! It had only just begun!

Altair: Tell me, what's your part in all of this? Do you intend to defend yourself as the others have and explain away your evil deeds?

Majd: The Brotherhood wanted the city. I wanted power. There was... an opportunity.

Altair: An opportunity to murder innocents.

Majd: Not so innocent. Dissident voices cut deep as steel. They disrupt order. In this, I do agree with the Brotherhood.

Altair: You'd kill people simply for believing differently than you.

Majd: Of course not! I killed them because I could, because it was fun!

Do you know what it feels like to determine another man's fate? And did you see the way the people cheered?

The way they feared me? I was like a God! You'd have done the same if you could. Such power!

Altar: Once perhaps. But then I learned what becomes of those who lift themselves above others.

Majd: And what is that?

Altair: Here, let me show you.

Altair: Jerusalem needs a new ruler.

Malik: So I have heard.

Altair: What's this? No words of wisdom for me? Surely I have failed in some spectacular fashion.

Malik: You performed as an Assassuin should, no more, no less. That you expect praise for merely doing as told however, troubles me.

Altair: It seems everything I do troubles you.

Malik: Reflect on that. But do so on your way back to Masyaf. Your work here is done.

fast-forwarding memory to a more recent one

Desmond: We done already?

Vidic: Get up!

Desmond: Whatever you say, Doc.

Vidic: I'm ending the session. I'll be right there. You're sure about this?

Yes...No, everything's Denver. I don't see how he could-- Of course. I understand.

Vidic: You're in a lot of trouble, Mr. Miles.

Desmond: What's his problem?

Lucy: They're coming for you.

Desmond: Who's coming for me?

Lucy: Assassins.

Desmond: Hey, I had nothing to do with this!

Lucy: Sounds like they're mounting some kind of rescue attempt. Guess you're more important than you realize.

Desmond: Man, things just keep getting weirder and weirder around here.

Lucy: It was bound to happen.

Desmond: What do you mean?

Lucy: That little fight your ancestors started during the Third Crusade... It never ended. You're being held by Templars.

Desmond: Vidic's a Templar?

Lucy: There's no way you could have known. They hide it so well.

But to answer your question, Vidic works for them--we all do. Abstergo is their company.

Desmond: I thought Templars were old dudes with funny hats, who sat around drinking beer and plotting world domination with like the... lizard people.

Lucy: No, except the part about world domination I guess. Look, Desmond, it's complicated.

Half the stuff they say about the Templars comes from crazy tinfoil hat-wearing nutjobs.

The other half is misinformation intentionally produced by the Templars themselves.

Desmond: But they are the badguys, right?

Lucy: If there's one thing I've learned since I started working here, it's that there's no such thing.

It's all so relative. I guess the best way to explain it is... what they want is good, but the way they're going about it...

it's bad, really bad.

Desmond: What are they trying to do?

Desmond: Lucy?

Lucy: Yes?

Vidic: Ms. Stillman! I need to speak with you. Get up here, now!

Lucy: On my way, Doctor.

I'm sorry, Desmond, I have to go. You should turn in for the night.

The answers to all of your questions are right in front of you. You just have to know where to look.

Please desmond i'm gonna get in trouble if i don't leave and i can't leave until you're in your room

Desmond: Missed you this morning, Doc.

Vidic: Get in the Animus!

Lay, back we'll take care of the rest

Quit wasting time and enter your memory mr. Miles

The short blade, is best for quickly fending off multiple enemies

Al Mualim: Come in, Altair. I trust you're well rested, ready for your remaining trials?

Altair: I am. But I'd speak with you first. I have questions.

Al Mualim: Ask then. I'll do my best to answer.

Altair: The merchant king of Damsascus murdered the nobles who ruled his city.

Majd Addin in Jerusalem used fear to force his people into submission. I suspect William meant to murder Richard and hold Acre with his troops.

These men were meant to aid their leaders, instead they chose to betray them. What I do not understand is why.

Al Mualim: Is the answer not obvious? The Templars desire control.

Each man, as you've noted, wanted to claim their cities in the Templar name.

That the Templars themselves might rule the Holy Land and eventually beyond. But they cannot succeed in their mission.

Altair: Why is that?

Al Mualim: Their plans depend upon the Templar treasure, the Piece of Eden. But we hold it now, and they cannot hope to achieve their goals without it.

Altair: What is this treasure?

Al Mualim: It is temptation.

Altair: It's just a piece of silver.

Al Mualim: Look at it!

Altair: What am I supposed to see?

Al Mualim: This... piece of silver cast out Adam and Eve.

It turned staves into snakes, parted and closed the Red Sea.Eris used it to start the Trojan War, and with it, a poor carpenter turned water into wine.

Altair: It seems rather plain for all the power you claim it has. How does it work?

Al Mualim: He who holds it commands the hearts and minds of whoever looks upon it. Whoever... "tastes" of it as they say.

Altair: And Garnier's men?

Al Mualim: An experiment. Herbs used to simulate its effects, to be ready for when they held it.

Altair: Talal supplied them. Tamir equipped them. They were preparing for something. But what?

Al Mualim: War.

Altair: And the others? The men who ruled the cities, they meant to gather up their people, make them like Garnier's men?

Al Mualim: The perfect citizens. The perfect soldiers. A perfect world.

Altair: Robert de Sable must never have this back.

Al Mualim: So long as he and his brothers live, they will try.

Altair: Then they must be destroyed.

Al Mualim: Which is what I've had you doing. There are two more Templars who require your attention.

One in Acre, known as Sibrand. One in Damascus, called Jubair. Visit with the bureau leaders. They'll instruct you further.

Altair: As you wish.

Al Mualim: Be quick about it. No doubt Robert de Sable's made nervous by our continued success.

His remaining followers will do your best to expose you. They know you come, the man in the white hood. They'll be looking for you.

Altair: They won't find me. I'm but a blade in the crowd.

Al Mualim: Here, my gift to you. In gratitude for the good work you've done.

Rafiq: It's the hero of Damascus! Come in, stay a while! Tell me all about your adventures.

Altair: I'm afraid I don't have the time.

Rafiq: I see, too important for me now.

Altair: It's not that.

Rafiq: No, no. Of course not. How may I serve you then?

Altair: Al Mualim has asked I take the life of the one they call Jubair.

Rafiq: Ah, Salahuddin's chief scholar. Strange choice of target in my opinion.

But who are we to question the Master's work. I'm sure he has his reasons.

Altair: Then you're familiar with the man?

Rafiq: He's been quite busy these past few days. Organizing the scholars and sending them into the streets to preach.

Altair: What do they speak of?

Rafiq: Light and fire, cleansing sins, apocalyptic nonsense if you ask me. All this talk of paths, and a new world.

Altair: What about this new world?

Rafiq: Couldn't say. I don't pay attention to the ramblings of mad men. Much too busy with real work.

Altair: Very well. I'll walk among the people, see what I can learn. Where would you suggest I search?

Rafiq: South of here you'll find an academy and a guard tower. They're both good places to search.

There's also a hospital to the east you might want to visit.

Altair: I'll begin at once.

Rafiq: So eager! You've certainly changed--and for the better--I might add.

Bad news, Brother. I killed a Templar, this morning. Well, i suppose that's actually good news.

I even found a letter on him which i gave to Numair,

who said he'd find you and deliver it, but from the look on your face i suspect, this hasn't happened.

Go on then, don't waste any more time with me.Seek Numair and get that letter.

Altair, here, take this. I've been looking everywhere for you. Now i can finally return to Masyaf.

Last time I offer to do someone a favor.

I wish to see him to hear him speak.

It can, be arranged but, we must be careful.

There are still those who reject Illumination. They, would harm him.

And they are ignorant and afraid.

You seem sincere but, how do I know I can trust you ?

It hurts me to even hear you ask the question.

Very well, we gather each day at the Madrasa.

He comes to speak and then leads us into the city that we might cleanse it.

Could i join you then ?

Understand.That it is a difficult path we walk. Our work demands sacrifice.

I understand.

Then come and meet with us. Let us see how strong you really are.

We found the place, it's just as we described it.

I suspect he'll want to deal with this himself and quickly. Best we say nothing to the others.

A wise course of action. Truth, be told i'll be happy when this business is done.

Soon, my friend, soon.Today should see the last of them put to torch. Boy ! Come here !

You still have the letter i gave you ?


Go, and deliver it then. You will find the one it's meant for inside the Madrasah.

Locked away they might still be discovered but once burned

These texts can, no longer to harm

Jubair sees things the way they truly are, sees the poison you carry in your hearts and minds !

He works to cast it out ! Remove all texts from your homes and schools !

Give them to us they must be destroyed !

Violence is not the answer, my child !

In this we agree. So speak and i may stay my blade.

What is it your Master intends ? Why, destroy all this knowledge?

We lay the stones to build a road upon which, soon, all men will travel. It leads to a better tomorrow.

That is not what i see.

Then you are blind. The words upon these parchments, they are poison.

Jubair holds the cure, he'll free us from their lies.

It's nonsense you speak. You've lost your mind.

No, not lost but found ! I see the world for what it truly is ! He has shown, me so much ! I am illuminated !

Fanatic is all you are, and dangerous for it.

Do what you must, it changes nothing. We are not afraid.

You should be.

Altair, my friend, you have become quite a wanted man, as am i.

I must prepare my family for the trip back to the safety of Masyaf this afternoon.

Could you finish my last assignment in exchange for information ?

Some men must be eliminated in Jubair's quarter. Be fast, my friend.

It's great to see you back so quickly and in one piece.

I must return to my family but before i leave, this is for you.

I found a map showing where scholars are planning to burn books, and other sources of knowledge.

Please be careful, and let the future reunite us. I'll give your blessings to my family.

Altair ! Your name is on everybody's lips these days, and for once their words are kind.

If you're truly a changed man, perhaps you'd be willing to do me a favor.

Jubair has employed certain merchants to spy on the citizens for him. They feed him names in exchange for gold.

You'd be doing all the city a great service if you were to find these merchants, and destroy their stalls.

This should end their evil.

You've done a good thing today Altair. In exchange, i'll share my knowledge with you.

Your target is likely to be dressed, much like his followers so here is how to distinguish him, from the others.

He wears rich golden robes and carries with him a large pouch.

Find him, Brother. Make him feel pain.

Rafiq: What news Altair?

Altair: I've learned much about my enemy.

Rafiq: Share what you know then.

Altair: Jubair has become obsessed with purging the city of his knowledge.

Rafiq: A most terrible crime! Know I see why Al Mualim wants you to remove him.

Altair: He's using the city scholars to assist him.

They go out into the streets, harassing the people and collecting all their written works. I fear he intends to destroy them all.

Rafiq: He must be stopped!

Altair: That's why I'm here. He's to hold a meeting soon, at the madrasah ailasah. It's where I'll go. It's where I'll take his life.

Rafiq: I'll leave you alone to prepare. Bring glory to the Brotherhood.

fast-forwarding memory to a more recent one

For more infomation >> ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 14 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 59:16.


Could an Earthquake Destroy USA - Biggest Earthquakes Ever - Duration: 7:53.

Earthquakes occur when two blocks of rock below the Earth's surface rub against each


Where that tension happens underground is called the hypocenter, and up above we call

that the epicenter.

A little rumble could be the start of bigger things to come.

They are called foreshocks.

The bigger shocks that come after are called the main-shocks, which might be followed by

after-shocks that could come a day after or many years after.

We measure the power of an Earthquake from 1-10, judging its vibrations, or magnitude,

on what we call a seismograph.

Hundreds of small Earthquakes happen every day, but thankfully the huge ones are rare.

A 9.5 magnitude earthquake in Chile was the most powerful ever recorded, but scientists

say a 10 is possible.

Today we'll focus mostly on one country, in this episode of the Infographics Show,

Biggest Earthquakes Ever - What Would It Take To Destroy The USA?

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

We will first put into perspective Earthquakes in the USA when measured against quite recent

earthquakes that were some of the largest in recorded history.

Number three on the list of worst ever recorded earthquakes is one many of us old enough to

remember could never forget: The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, sometimes called the Christmas

tsunami due to when it took place and the ensuing tidal destruction.

This undersea megathrust earthquake measured 9.1 – 9.3, creating tsunamis up to 100 ft

high (30 meters), that quickly and devastatingly encroached coastal areas in 14 countries.

230,000–280,000 people were killed in all, from fishing villages on the western coast

of Sri Lanka to touristy hotspots in Thailand's beach towns.

Number four on the list of worst ever recorded earthquakes is Japan's 2011 Great East Japan


This too triggered a massive tsunami reaching up to 133 feet in height (40.5 meters).

It measured 9-9.1.

Casualties were fewer in number than the aforementioned disaster – 15,894 deaths – much in part

due to Japan's infrastructure and the fact that Japan had superior warning systems.

Many of the countries hit by the Asian tsunami had no idea what was coming their way, as

can be seen in videos of tourists in Thailand still hanging out on the beach as the tsunami


The USA is up there as having experienced one of the worst Earthquakes ever, second

on the list of worst ever regarding magnitude.

It was the 1964 Alaskan earthquake.

It too caused great damage to structures, and generated its own tsunami, but the death

toll at 139 was relatively small.

Some of those deaths were as far away as California and Oregon, with loss of life not accorded

to the Earthquake itself but the resultant tsunamis.

While fatalities were low, the Earthquake caused wide fissures in roads and forests,

destroyed many buildings, brought down bridges, and wrecked rail tracks.

Had that happened in a densely populated metropolis, it could have been devastating.

Well, one of the USA's most populated places are the cities and surrounding areas of Los

Angeles and San Francisco.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the US is destined to meet with a large Earthquake

in the not too distant future, and it could well be those areas where it happens.

The worst Earthquake on record in the USA did indeed happen in San Francisco, in the

year 1906.

The 7.9 magnitude beast occurred along 300 miles of what's called the San Andreas Fault.

This is a 750 mile long (1,200 kilometers) tectonic boundary that separates the Pacific

Plate and the North American Plate.

The earthquake brought the city to ruins, collapsing structures and causing widespread


It's thought that about 3,000 people died and of course many more were injured.

28,000 buildings were destroyed in total, and 250,000 San Franciscans lost their homes.

This was without doubt the worst Californian earthquake in terms of causalities and destruction

to buildings, but it wasn't the most powerful.

That was the Fort Tejon quake of 1857, that measured 7.9 in magnitude.

Apparently only one person died when his house collapsed on him.

Lesser quakes in the area have had a much more devastating effect.

In fact, outside of Alaska, Hawaii, South Carolina and Idaho, all of the USA's worst

earthquakes in terms of damage done have been in California.

Some of them happened not that long ago.

Shortly after the San Francisco disaster came the Long Beach earthquake in 1933.

It only had a magnitude of 6.4 but still claimed around 120 lives as people ran from collapsing


The state was criticized for not having strong enough buildings to ensure safety, and as

a result the state revised building codes.

Some say it was a lucky escape since over 230 school buildings were destroyed, but as

it happened close to 6pm, kids had already left the buildings.

Building codes were once again revised after the 1971 San Fernando earthquake.

It measured 6.7 in magnitude, and caused damage to many buildings in districts of Los Angeles

and beyond.

It's thought that around 58–65 people lost their lives.

49 of them were in one building alone: the Olive View Hospital in Sylmar.

One of the survivors recalled some years after the incident, "There was relief when the

shaking stopped, but there were still sounds of crunching…And groans."

The worrying thing is the hospital was built with earthquake resistance in mind.

Following this in 1989 and 1994, California experienced two more earthquakes resulting

in loss of life.

The 1989 Loma Prieta 6.9 earthquake was the first deadly earthquake to hit San Francisco

Bay since the 1906 disaster, and it took 63 lives.

Most of those people succumbed to a collapsed highway in Oakland.

The '94 quake hit Northridge in Southern California and measured 6.7.

60 people died, this time because their houses were structurally weak.

When scientists are asked which large cities are the mostly likely to be hit by a big earthquake

in the next 20 or 30 years, one that measures over 6.7, places in California are high on

the list.

The world's largest most populated city, Tokyo, is also up there.

As we write this, just recently a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit central Mexico, causing buildings

to collapse in the densely populated capital of Mexico City.

The full death toll is expected to be more than the 216 that has already been reported.

But the question we ask today, is what would it take to destroy entire cities in the USA

or even destroy the country?

First of all, scientists say what we already know from this show so far, that the worst

earthquakes that could hit the USA would very likely be in Alaska or in California.

The scientists say one of the worse places is the Cascadia Subduction Zone – the coast

from California all the way up to Canada.

They believe a 9.0 magnitude quake is very much possible, and if one happened of this

size in this coastal region, it would generate huge tsunamis that would envelop the American

west coast.

The last one happened in 1700, and they believe we are due for another anytime in the next

400 years.

According to Live Science, even though the San Andreas Fault is seen as a more dangerous

area, it is thought a quake of more than 8.0 is unlikely.

Former US Geological Survey scientist, Jim Berkland, who once had a book written about

him called 'The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes', has gone on record stating the one of these

regions is due for a "Big One" soon.

He has been right a few times in the past.

While California has taken the headlines for a long time regarding mass destruction by

earthquakes, more recent reports suggest that the Mid-West could also be an accident waiting

to happen.

In 1811 and 1812, a quake of 7.5 magnitude occured along the New Madrid Seismic Zone

in New Madrid, Missouri.

That was once thought to be a one off, but now science tells us it could happen again.

This could potentially wreak havoc in Missouri, Mississippi, Illinois, Indiana, Arkansas,

Kentucky, and Tennessee.

A large city such as New York has suffered minor earthquakes in the past, but as it doesn't

sit on any major fault line, it's unlikely to experience a big quake.

Its biggest ever was in 1884 and measured 5.3, and some media suggest another is on

its way.

In fact, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, 42 of the 50 states will likely experience

a damaging Earthquake in the next 50 years, but none so threatening as the one expected

in the Sunshine State.

Less reputable media have reported on a mega-quake that could rip apart the US and kill millions,

but so far science is not backing that up.

According to The Smithsonian, the all-out destruction depicted in the movie San Andreas

is way more fiction than fact.

If something big goes down, the magazine says that "even the largest of California's quakes

won't be felt by anything but seismometers on the East Coast."

A scientist did say, though, that when the big one comes, and it will, it will likely

unleash destruction on many levels.

It's thought that roughly 2,000 people will die, and a lot of the damage will come from


Be prepared said another scientist.

"Everyone should live every day like it could be the day of the Big One," he said.

"Because any day, even today, could be that day."

So, where do you think the next big earthquake will hit?

Have you ever experienced an earthquake?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called American Behaviors Considered Rude

in Other Countries?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Could an Earthquake Destroy USA - Biggest Earthquakes Ever - Duration: 7:53.


Spróbuj Się Nie Zaśmiać Z Wujkiem - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Spróbuj Się Nie Zaśmiać Z Wujkiem - Duration: 5:55.


RENOVANDO SUA DECOR como fazer duas flâmulas estilo Pinterest (rápido e fácil!) | - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> RENOVANDO SUA DECOR como fazer duas flâmulas estilo Pinterest (rápido e fácil!) | - Duration: 2:27.


Exclusive Experience Camp - Episode 2 - Essence Of Jiu-Jitsu - Duration: 9:55.

For more infomation >> Exclusive Experience Camp - Episode 2 - Essence Of Jiu-Jitsu - Duration: 9:55.


Handpan Clasificación arancelaria (CC)* - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Handpan Clasificación arancelaria (CC)* - Duration: 4:00.


The Decapitation of Darkside America - Duration: 8:49.

The Decapitation of Darkside America

The 43rd President of the United States of America, George Bush Jnr, spent Christmas

Day 2007 at Camp David (Maryland, USA).

On returning home to his ranch in Crawford, Texas, he found a severed horse's head in

his bed.

The horse's head was well known to George Bush.

It was severed from one of his most cherished horses, worth an estimated $350,000.

At 3.04am on Thursday 27th December 2007, George Bush Jnr's childhood home in Odessa,

Texas, (now a museum) was set on fire by an arsonist.

This may have been a cover story.

Insider reports indicated that the fire was associated with a Special Forces operation

to retrieve important Bush family documents concealed at the site.

To others it appeared that the Chinese Secret Society described by Benjamin Fulford was

beginning to leave its calling cards.

More details

An alternative reading of events was that the horse's head was placed in the President�s

bed on the instructions of Russian intelligence.

Russia, like China, was one of the major countries which wanted immediate release of The Wanta

Plan Funds and the NESARA global prosperity funds.

George Bush Snr, George Bush Jnr and Henry Paulson had been obstructing these disbursements.

On or around Friday 28th December 2007, Henry Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary, was shot

at close range in the chest, by an assassin.

He was reported to be in a critical condition.

On Tuesday 1st January 2008, Paulson was still alive, but with the bullet still lodged in

his chest.

He was too weak to be operated upon.

Henry Paulson died on Wednesday 2nd January 2008.

During 2007, Paulson had illegally conveyed substantial sums of money to Israel.

Like the American CIA, the Israeli intelligence community was in a state of internal civil

war as to how best to manage the Citibank / Lee Wanta / NESARA crisis.

Inside US military sources, some of who were present at the Paulson shooting, are said

to have confirmed his death.

Henry Paulson's family started to organise funeral arrangements immediately after seeing

him die in hospital.

An obituary was published on Wikipedia underneath Paulson's photograph, but was then removed

within hours of posting.

All major US news outlets had freshly updated Paulson obituaries ready to run.

More details

At this stage, the Bush White House was preparing an attempt to represent Henry Paulson's assassination

as a heart attack.

Other heart attacks were expected.

On Thursday 3rd January 2008, President George Bush Jnr was confronted verbally with the

death of Henry Paulson at a meeting.

"That's a lie," Bush responded.

"Well, produce him."

"I can't, he's sick."

"Yes, dead men are usually sick before they die."

"Can you produce the five Cheney assistants who have been shot?"


The word in Washington DC was that Henry Paulson had been quietly cremated in an attempt to

conceal the nature of his injuries and the manner of his death.

More details

At 2.00pm on Friday 4th January 2008, an image of Henry Paulson sitting next to President

George Bush Jnr and Vice President Dick Cheney, was shown on USA television (CNBC).

The Paulson image did not speak.

The Paulson body language and physiognomic responses were said to be atypical.

Fox News carried edited footage of the broadcast later in the day.

How this Paulson image was generated was actively discussed in US media circles.

It could have been a Paulson hologram, a Paulson lookalike, a Paulson clone or a CIA home video

(from their Osama bin Laden studio, perhaps).

These days, at the Camp David human clone laboratories (Maryland), and elsewhere, it

is possible to produce an adult human clone from originator DNA and a lab-double in less

than 36 hours.

More details about lab-doubles, DNA infusion, brain programming, and ultrasonic cerebral

downloads can be found

And more details about the Henry Paulson assassination and the PsyOps background to its public management

by the US Executive Branch can be found

On various occasions during the last week of December 2007 and the first two weeks of

January 2008, the US State Department and US Treasury Compliance confirmed Henry Paulson's


A complicating factor for PsyOps analysts was that three of the Camp David George Bush

Jnr clones were in active play at this time.

American clone-handlers took one or two of these mannequins to the Middle East for the

US State visit to Israel in the second week of January 2008.

The other(s) remained in the US.

Follow the DNA.

It's there in the lavatories, the handkerchiefs, the discarded nasal tissues, the cosmetics

applicators, the bedroom dust, the cutlery, the drinking glasses and the coffee cups.

More information about the lives, limitations and identification of human clones in covert

�lite management can be found .

A few days after Henry Paulson's death, the suggestion began to circulate that Paulson

had been assassinated by a Russian special operations unit, whose colleagues had also

put the severed horse's head in George Bush's bed at Crawford.

By the weekend of 5th-6th January 2008, the Bush White House had taken a tactical decision

to pretend that Henry Paulson was not dead, and to prosecute that pretence in the media.

A combination of library video footage, computer-generated imagery, holographic projection techniques,

Paulson clones, and an articulate financial lookalike called Edward Lazear would be used

to sustain the fiction of Henry Paulson's continued public presence.

This fiction persists today.

Exactly who, or what, has inherited Henry Paulson's ID is unclear, but it seems to be

able to discuss high finance quite effectively.

One of the five Cheney assistants who were assassinated met his death on Saturday 29th

December 2007.

He was in his mid-forties and was a close aide of the American Vice President.

The aide was shot at close range in the chest, and died.

More details

In the second week of January 2008, the whereabouts of Henry Paulson's Number Two, Robert M. Kimmitt,

the US Deputy Treasury Secretary, began to be questioned.

Did he, too, forget to duck?

Whatever actually happened, someone with his identity seems to have survived into subsequent


It was rumoured in 2008 that a list of 127 (one hundred and twenty seven) senior US Rogue

Faction people were targeted for assassination.

A second, separate, list of assassination targets applicable to alleged European perpetrators

of financial corruption was also said to exist.

Compared with all this red meat, Super Tuesday 2008 was an irrelevant sideshow; a Diebold

and Fox News fantasy to keep the goyim distracted.

In recent decades in the US, it has not been the job of the mainstream corporate media

to broadcast real news.

In 2007-8, indeed, agents of the US Executive Branch are said to have paid CNN $2.0 billion

not to report certain news.

Quite how these monies were represented in CNN's accounts, or in the individual private

accounts and tax returns of CNN's board

and executives, is not clear.

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