Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

hey everyone is Amy here welcome to my youtube channel thanks for joining me

for this little yin yoga break we're gonna be exploring Swan pose today which

is very similar to pigeon pose if you typically practice vinyasa yoga you

might be used to this posture being called pigeon pose so we're gonna enjoy

short practice we're just going to be pretty much working with that posture to

really deeply open up our hips and ground our energy and who knows what

else so roll out your mat and I'll see you on the other side all right we're

gonna start in child's pose so come over onto your hands and knees I'm just gonna

whip my hair back quick into a little bun resting your forehead down on your

mat just wiggle around a little bit let your body release here and we'll just

take five deep breaths just using these five breaths to ground into your

practice today as you exhale just let go of whatever you were previously doing

and breathing then to really feel yourself here in this moment

breathing in to feel your body breathing into this practice feeling yourself here

on your mat and your next inhale begin to rise up onto your hands and knees and

let's just do five more breaths through a little bit of cat-cow so spread your

fingers wide push down through the hands around your back

and then inhale arch your spine gazing up exhale round through your back inhale

arch through your back lift your chin open your heart exhale around just take

it nice and slow moving with the rhythm of your breath inhale arch pick two more

like that on your own flowing with your breath

all right and then tuck your toes lift your hips stretch yourself up and back

through downward-facing dog maybe just pedal out your heels just a little bit

and then preparing for a pigeon on the right side send your right leg up and

just stretch out through the right toes big breath in exhale bring your right

knee to your right thumb just kind of in that general area and you can kind of

tent your fingers here and maybe just rock around a little side to side and

just kind of see if you can let your hips settle into this pose find your

sweet spot and if your hips are really really tight if you have a pillow or a

blanket handy just slide it right underneath this right hip that support

what might feel really good for you we're gonna breathe and stretch your

chest open lift up and then exhale just walk your hands out you can come down to

your forearms maybe you want to rest your forehead all the

way down onto your mat if you have again folded blanket a yoga block pillow

nearby you're welcome to rest your head on that as well and then suddenly then

we're gonna hold this for about 20 breaths see if you can remain really

present with your body and the sensations that you're experiencing on

the inside

keep the breath nice and deep breathing towards your belly breathing in so deep

it feels like the breath is circulating down into your hip joints

when you exhale see if you can allow all parts of your body touching the floor

let them lean into the floor so just think about really surrendering your

weight to the earth relax your jaw maybe even softening around your shoulders a

bit and again coming back to that deep deep breath taking the breath towards

the base of your spine

notice if your mind isn't 100 if you're thinking about something other than this

moment and just come back into feeling mode out of thinking mode into feeling

the sensations in your body

maybe the sensations again are intense as we sink into this posture and hold is

a little bit longer maybe these sensations make you want to move or

wiggle or escape somehow and see if you can just observe be curious about what

you're feeling

let's take three more deep breaths

maybe breathing out that last time through the mouth and then just

beginning just slowly slowly walk your hands up tall pigeon breathing tuck your

back toes reach back slowly could move right to hands and knees swinging the

hips a little side to side here all the way back through down dog maybe notice

being just the difference between the left and right sides of your body

holding this pose for a little longer than what we might normally do in a

vinyasa class for me has a really grounding effect start to feel really

solid steady grounded in my body that's what it's like for you and then we'll

switch sides so if you are up here in down dog feel free to stretch that left

leg up take a nice big lift of the leg breathing in and then exhale everybody

bring your knee towards your left thumb your left foot comes close to your your

right hip and then again you can just rock around a little bit maybe we go

into the pose sometimes it's helpful to take this back leg and tuck it in a

little bit rolling the top of your right thigh towards your mat use your props

prop up that left hip if you need to take a big breath lift up the chest

exhale begin to walk your way out onto your elbows maybe lowering your head

down to a yoga block or to your wrists settling and we'll be here for a few

minutes deep deep breathing

centering your awareness inside your body so you're deeply connected to your

inner self in a feeling mode so we spend most of our our day in thinking mode up

in our heads when we come to our mat it's really time to drop into feeling

mode release the stress the tension that you've accumulated in your body and a

lot of times we can release that through stretching of course breathing moving

but also feeling there could even be emotions that may begin to arise as the

physical tension begins to release so your breath here is gonna support that

process when you exhale we're clearing out the stress and inhaling to restore

the muscles that are being stretched breathing in to restore the joint be

breathing in to restore our inner energy tank the hips are related to the first

and second chakras energetic sensor centers in the body and specifically the

second chakra relates a lot to emotions so sometimes as you start to deepen into

your hip joints emotions will emerge that just need to be felt that just need

to be accepted

we're going to take about five more breaths on the side

let these breath be deep breathing way down into your belly

on your next inhale begin to rise walking those hands up nice and slowly

who and then when you're ready you can ease yourself back again maybe you just

drop both knees into Child's Pose or come through down dog give a little sway

of the hips then bring your knees down to your mat stretch through Child's Pose

just for a few breaths

and then from Child's Pose you can just walk your hands up and maybe you want to

take a few more yoga stretches to complete this practice for yourself

maybe that was just a little break a little stretch that you you gave

yourself for the day if you are feeling ready to move into whatever you've got

going on next let's just close the practice here bring the palms to touch

take one last cleansing breath in through the nose out through the mouth

I know my hips are feeling really awesome right now thank you for joining

me for this little yin yoga break if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and

be sure to subscribe to my channel so that you can practice with me more often

and leave me a comment let me know how your hips are feeling and I would love

to know so I'll see you next time thanks again and namaste

For more infomation >> Yin Yoga Break ♥ Swan (Pigeon) Pose to Release the Hips | Hip Opening Yoga Stretch | 14 Minutes - Duration: 13:48.


10 Maneiras de economizar bateria no IOS 11 (Iphone) - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> 10 Maneiras de economizar bateria no IOS 11 (Iphone) - Duration: 6:09.


BOSS HOG 28" PIZZA CHALLENGE in South Dakota!! - Duration: 6:50.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Very very excited today I'm going for my

second win in the state of South Dakota I'm here again with magic Mitch or

Michelangelo be sure to check out his channel the links are in the description,

we've done a bunch of pizza challenges now together but we are in Sioux Falls

South Dakota we're at Boss's Pizza and Chicken we're taking on their Boss Hog

Pizza Challenge now this has 28 inches in diameter total we had to go with

three toppings so we went with pepperoni ham and onions had to go with at least

two meats but we've got one hour to finish this thing if we lose it's gonna

be about 60 bucks we definitely don't want to pay that so if we win we're

going to get the meal free and we will get a total of $200 and gift

certificates which we can then use to get sweet t-shirts to add to our

collections are you ready? Absolutely! Let's get this challenge started!

all right corrections - no ham we went with Canadian bacon, pepperoni and the

healthy onions but a lot of people have tried this thing over 300 teams only

about 20 have won so we're gonna try to beat it like I said we've got one full

hour our friend Molly Schuyler actually did this by herself and has the record

which is 14 minutes so there's no glory in it but we're still gonna try to beat

her 14 minute record so are you ready Yes I am! 1, 2, 3. . . Boom! Cowabunga!

And it's not in triangles here this one is in squares or party style because

like they said here at Boss Pizza and Chicken - it's always a party lets eats!

Four minutes and 20 seconds in delicious delicious pizza it's really freakin

awesome the amount of sauce combined with all of the toppings and everything

the cheese they use is frickin delicious, but yeah let's try to be probably won't

break ten minutes but we'll see I think we'll break the fourteen. Great

challenge so far!

This middle row was pretty much the Continental Divide separating his side

from my side so now I'm just working my way down while he finishes all the rest

over there

Ah there we go

9 minutes and 55 seconds just dominated the Boss Hogg Pizza Challenge here at

Boss's Pizza and Chicken here in Sioux Falls, South Dakota would you think of it

Great taste in pizza love really saucy though I was trying to make my

pizza sandwiches and a little difficult Michelangelo liked it the

Raphael fan liked it but awesome we got the $60 pizza for free we were

going to get $200 and gift certificates which we'll be able to use those to get

more food maybe some dessert after this one before we head to Green Bay to drop

him off that tour basically with Mitch is now complete but we'll also get on

their Wall of Fame I think we're like the twenty-first team to win but thank

you to Magic Mitch be sure to check out his channel if you haven't already he

has I think over 150 wins now all throughout the world and then he of

course as you guys know edits all the videos on this channel so thanks to

Mitch thank you two bosses pizza and chicken here in South Dakota it was my

second win in the state of South Dakota and overall with number 469 thanks for


For more infomation >> BOSS HOG 28" PIZZA CHALLENGE in South Dakota!! - Duration: 6:50.


ВНИМАНИЕ КОНКУРС - Duration: 44:41.

For more infomation >> ВНИМАНИЕ КОНКУРС - Duration: 44:41.


How I Find Products on Amazon that Make Me $5000 PROFIT a Month without much Effort at all - Duration: 14:50.

what's going on guys it's Brian with BG media innovation and today I'm gonna

talk to you guys about how I find products on Amazon that make me roughly

five thousand dollars a month now spoiler it is not private labeling and

spoiler it is not retail arbitrage so stay tuned because we're starting right


alright guys so this is really really exciting and this is something that I

basically discovered now I'm not you know arrogant or naive to think that

sorry naive were arrogant enough to think that I'm the only one that came up

with this or that I'm the only one that actually practiced this in the first

place but what I do know is that I'm one of the first people to implement this

and I'm one of the first people to actually profit off this method and

since I ever released my course on this a lot of people have been doing it a lot

of people have been using this method and a lot of people are making a lot of

money doing this and I'm one of them so basically to give you a really really

um cut-and-dry method on how to actually perform this basically what you're gonna

do is you're gonna go to coupon sites now I'm gonna pull one up here

it's called VIP on Comm okay and what this basically is is this piggy backs

off of private laborers private labeling if you don't know is basically when you

source products from overseas typically 99.9 percent of time it's from China and

you basically get a product manufactured that you know is on Amazon already that

it has high sales and you know low competition so you're basically just

trying to cut yourself out a piece of that pie if you're looking for an

in-depth private label course one that I took I didn't take the entire course

because I've been private labeling for a little over a year now and I had success

in it but what I did take is the PPC module which is something I highly

highly highly recommend for anybody that's getting into it especially if

you're already an FBA seller okay so that course is linked in the description

below it's Amazon's are sorry it's Amazon's it's a Kevin David's private

labeling Amazon FBA ninja course and it's phenomenal I'll link the entire

course for you and I'll link a couple modules that I recommend like I said if

you're if you're already an Amazon seller check out the PPC course there is

some stuff in that that will blow your mind so basically this method that I'm

talking to you about is a new-age form of arbitrage that is not you know retail

arbitrage in the sense that you go into a store and it's not online arbitrage in

the sense that you know you're buying stuff from other sites that you're gonna

see that race to the bottom with because if you know anything about retail

arbitrage in the generic way that it's taught you end up listing your item

on you know a listing that's already excite for example it was this wine

glass or something like that on Amazon and what would happen typically is you

know ten to thirty other sellers would buy this glass as well doing the same

arbitrage and then drop everybody would drop their place prices to get the buy

box and it would just be a constant race to the bottom until there was no profit

to be made and you'd eventually be losing money now you will not see this

here with this method and what you will see is almost instant sales so I'm

talking you know a day or two sales max if you're reading your products right

profit margins from anywhere from depending on what you're willing to

spend profit margin is anywhere from about five dollars per item all the way

up to like a hundred if you really pay for the max but typically you're gonna

see about five dollars - anywhere from like five dollars to thirty dollars per

item and you can buy you know ten to fifty dollars a knife it's ten to fifty

dollars well well excited about teaching this today guys sorry so anywhere from

you know ten to fifty items a day you can practically buy on these sites now I

have an entire course on this I plug it really fast before we get into the

method I don't want to kind of keep talking about this because I really want

to demonstrate it for you cuz it's really really cool and you can make a

lot of money doing this but I actually have an entire course on that this

that's really in-depth that basically sells for ten dollars through the

discount link in the description it's the first one first discount link is my

course and you're not gonna find any better value on the internet period you

can take that course for ten dollars it literally goes step by step through

everything that you need to know and also you know some some in-betweens that

I'm not gonna demonstrate and some stuff on the back end later on once you list

your products through FBA that will help protect you from other potential sellers

and stuff like this so that's something that you're not gonna find value wise

anywhere else on the internet I promise you that

ten dollars will buy you you know limitless profit because you can take

these methods and I'm about to show you replicate them and make you know

anywhere from one thousand if you really start small all the way up to like 10

G's really if you want to scale it up now the highest I've ever scaled this up

is about five thousand a month but and that's profit guys that's not sales now

I'm gonna show you my my seller account and you'll see here that I'm roughly a

little bit over five thousand in sales and this is something that nobody shows

you know their I have to sell accounts by the way this is one that I do with

one of my prime products and also with my retail

arbitrage in this method that I'm showing you now nobody shows you that

but I have scaled this all the way up to about five thousand dollars in profit

that's five thousand dollars in sales roughly you know in the last thirty days

it's probably 3,000 3,500 could be up to four thousand dollars profit depends on

the product now enough of that you know that'd be yes let's just get right into

it I want to show you you know the methods so let's actually log in really

fast cuz apparently I don't even know if that's the right path or haven't locked

in and so long and I barely ever do this I do this in my free time here and there

so you guys can scale this up much much higher now I'm also good at it and

you'll get better as you go but you can you can take this and run with this and

do whatever you want with this and literally buy one product a month all

the way up to you know a couple thousand I don't even know how many units I've

sold for 28 in the last 30 days now some of those are private label products but

you know I barely scale this up because I don't have time with all the content

that I'm creating across the board so let's just get into it basically this

method you'll see here that this is basically coupon products where most of

these are you know either their vendors or their other private label ours that

are giving discounts on their products now why are they giving discounts on

their products because this is a coupon site where people come here and they

they expect basically now with the new Terms of Service that amazon has you

can't give an incentive for getting a review but private label are still

basically want to give their products away or really really cheap with the

underlying expectation that they're going to get a review okay so what these

products are mostly private label errs that are all listening their products

with the intention of potentially getting a review for a really really

cheap product now let me just you know pick and choose what I'm gonna do here

if I were gonna sell sell this product potentially I could buy this for a

dollar so that's a dollar profit or a dollar um that I'm spending to buy this

product what's it basically worth it's ninety four percent off now I haven't uh

the coupon code ran out for this but this is a bad example let's just find

one that I can show you really fast and you can this is just one coupon site by

the way there's about 4 in the course that I talked about and there's also two

or three others that I don't you can find them you can kind of go

through them but it's a little bit more in-depth and I'm gonna show you here

they must have updated their site this is strange one let's go to a different

one I don't like jumps on because they've just updated and to be honest

it's a little slower now but right here okay so this is a decent example it's

probably not the best example because I don't think the profits that high on it

let's try this one so this basically is $1.99 it's the same

thing as if I were to go on Amazon or on VIP on but this is on jump cents so I

went through the deals on jumps and to find this another coupon site where

people list private label stuff and this one actually isn't in the core so you

could take this and run with it see this one right here this is one 97 that I

would pay its ninety percent off its normal retail price from Amazon so you

can see here that it sells for Amazon for now on Amazon for 1975 okay now if I

wanted this I would simply request it and obviously my deals are folks I need

to make a purchase but let me just show you what I mean so this one's $1.99 to

refer me to basically get it to my door with Amazon Prime now you need Amazon

Prime I'll also link a free 30-day trial to Amazon Prime if you want to try this

out in the description below you see that this retails for 1649 so what would

my potential profit if I sold this be I hate this site this site ever since they

updated this new look it's really really slow I'm really hoping that they fixed

that but you can still make a lot of money on this one where was that there

it is so this is the coupon code that I basically get it but before then this is

something I teach in my course that a lot of people make a mistake by they buy

this assuming that they can sell it so what I do is I tell them to go into

their seller account and I'll just show you my inventory really fast just to

kind of show you all of all this the things that I've listed in the past that

I sold that it made me profit so there's millions of them this is how much I do

this because you can make a lot of money and this is how I built basically a lot

of my my what I'm like this I built up a lot of money to basically get in a

private labeling so if you're looking to get into private

products but you don't have enough you know startup to buy your inventory this

is a great method to do just to get your initial startup money so basically what

I teach people to do is to go into inventory and add a product and then

we're gonna check to see that we can sell this product first and foremost and

we can so we sell this sometimes you'll see that it says you know it's

restricted and that means that you can't sell it in that category sometimes

you'll also see that it's just restricted for the brand and that means

that they they basically filed for brand registry and you can't sell that brand

it's one one step that you mustnít that you that you must whoa I'm excited today

that you need to take just to make sure that you can sell it but once you make

sure that you can sell it you can basically make this profit so like I

said now that we've met you basically understand that we can sell this 16:49

is basically what we understand that we could sell it for now there's some other

things that go in but like you might want to take a dollar off to basically

get the buy box eventually so we'll discount it to about 1549 then

it costs us $1.99 so we'll say you know two dollars here to purchase it $1 to

drop to get the buy box that's three now to shift this into Amazon and my Scott

might cost us three but if we ship this in with a bunch of other products it

will might cost us three to send like 20 products in so I never count the

shipping because this is gonna come free to my door because I have Amazon Prime

and that will also be linked in the description guys if you want that so

it's free and my door because I have Amazon Prime it's two dollars to

basically purchase it's a dollar to that that I'm not making on it to get the buy

box which basically leaves my profit margin at thirteen forty nine right now

clearly Amazon's gonna take their cut of that of that 1349 but that might only be

like six bucks maybe that might be five bucks that might be four bucks depending

on the pond on the actual product now if you're looking to you know basically

find out what that actually is you could simply just go to what is it

Amazon profit calculator and I haven't used this in so long can't spell

calculator either revenue calculator after your FBA Revenue calculator simply

paste the si n in and will tell you what you actually you know you make off that

it's really really easy to use but typically this is just an example of

some that you could probably make like seven

eight bucks on just by simply buying the coupon shipping it back into Amazon for

FBA or simply merchants fulfilling it now if you're interested in you know in

an in-depth course on this that basically takes you through the entire

process and gives you a bunch of examples on a bunch of different coupon

sites then teaches you how to ship all the products into FBA make sure that

you're profitable and combat other sellers that might have an issue with

this and on top of that you know basically ensure that you're profitable

check that first link in the description it's my my amazon course it's basically

called uh I think it's called drawn so many blanks here today it's terrible

retail arbitrage Pro utilizing Amazon to your advantage and you know you guys can

get that you can start making money as as soon as you know two weeks so I think

my next payout is it ends Thursday and I'll be paid the 20th so I might make

another two grand on the 20th something like that

you guys can scale this up do the same exact thing I'm doing it's very very

very easy to do you know and take that and run with it and use it to whatever

you want now you can you can buy this product you can buy a hundred more you

can buy twenty more it's up to you to basically do it's really really easy

comes right to your door you simply unpackage them repackage them up send

them in to Amazon and that's it's as easy as that guys so I teach you the

entire steps in the course if you you kind of understand what I'm talking

about and you're already an FBA seller just you don't need to take the course

basically just simply take this and run with it I just wanted to bring this to

you guys because there's a lot of value in this method there's a lot of money to

be made and as you can see there's a lot of products and I cannot buy them all

now there's probably a good I don't even know there's like eight thousand people

in my course art right now but from what I know there's there's probably a good

forty to fifty of them that are actually doing this and making money doing it and

doing it well you can be the next you know that fifty first person that fifty

second person but you have to take action okay so I wanted to share this

with you guys because I think that there's a lot of value here you know

take this and run with it you can make a lot of profit making money online is not

hard you know depending on whatever method that you use it's not difficult

you just have to pick something stick with it and you know follow it up with

action ok guys so if you like this video please like the video it really helped

channel grow I'm trying to grow this YouTube channel so we can get this

content out to more people and help more aspiring entrepreneurs

it really helps channel grow when you engage with this content so comment on

it you know let me know what you think of this method you know do you think

that you can make money are you skeptical do you think it doesn't work

you know do you do that you like this video do you think that this is a sleazy

way to basically purchase products that are cheap and then get them you know

sell it for a profit because one thing that you aren't doing is you're not

hurting the FBA seller you're basically capturing the buy box for about a day

your item sells and then you know it's it's that easy

they never hear from you again you make the profit and you know they get the

sale so it's it's not a bad thing but I'd love to hear your thoughts with that

being said I'm gonna end this video here and I will see you guys tomorrow

For more infomation >> How I Find Products on Amazon that Make Me $5000 PROFIT a Month without much Effort at all - Duration: 14:50.



For more infomation >> SAYKO LİSELİLER SİZDEN GELENLER 2017 DERLEME #1 - Duration: 13:51.


Tiago Lemos | Skateboarding | Prepare for IELTS & TOEFL Course - Duration: 9:00.

What's up dudes and dudettes? today we are focusing more on informal vocabulary.

we've been doing a lot of formal stuff. to do that we will be reading an

interview on Thrasher. with our good friend Tiago Lemos from Brazil. So you're going

to learn a little bit about skateboarding, definitely a lot of very

good informal, casual and slang vocabulary, and it's excellent because

this is a really normal exchange. a really normal conversation between two

people. if you don't know what Thrasher is, Thrasher is amazing if you want to

improve your informal English, so I put a link in the description. of course you

can continue practicing also with the podcast, get free audio book versions of

magazines just like this, or get actual magazines or– or books to start reading.

because that will skyrocket your English, I promise!

by the way if you didn't know, if you want extra videos, live video chats and

just to communicate a lot more personally, you can join this – the Patreon.

so check that out if you want more information. but besides that, I think we

are ready to start – oh – but definitely click down here the three dots. will be

so much easier to read with me, and to use the imitation technique to pause and

repeat what I say to really improve your speaking and confidence in English.

alright so let's find out what's happening, what's up, what's going on, with

my main man, Tiago. "the interview issue" Tiago Lemos, by Lui Elliott. "Tiago. what

up? when I first met you it seemed like you only knew the words acai, doggy, and

rice and beans. you perfect your English yet?" "nah not yet dog" "do you have a middle

name, how about nicknames?" "yeah my middle name is lemos and my last name is soares.

when I was younger I used to have the nickname Mini Indian" "how did

you get that nickname?" "Ah, man. I don't remember. some homie gave it to me and

then everyone started calling me that. maybe because I looked like a little

Indian." "how old are you and where do you currently live?" I am 26 years old and I

live in Long Beach. I have a visa right now, but I go back and forth from here and

Brazil." "whereabouts in Brazil are you from?" I'm from Jaguariúna, which is about

an hour and a half from São Paulo." "what's it like living there? what

did the kids do growing up?" it's a good small city with lots of trees, fresh air

and a lot of nature. there's good people all around. growing up we would do things

like fly kites, play football, swim in the river, go in the jungle, just little kid

shit" all right so a lot of really good vocabulary, and Thiago sounds like a

really cool dude. let's do a little review. your full name is your first name,

middle name, and last name. some people don't have middle names, that's more of a

cultural thing. it depends on where you're from. *sorry about the Portuguese

pronunciation* I'm doing my best! :D a nickname is not your real name, it's a

playful name that your friends or relatives give you. his nickname here is

Mini Indian. some people don't call me Kallan, they shorten my name and they

give me a nickname, Kal. maybe– you probably have a nickname too. homie is an

extremely informal way of just saying "friend".

you guys are my homies. word! whereabouts – "whereabouts are you from?" it's a fairly

common way of asking where are you from? but whereabouts is less specific. it's

being general. if someone asked me, "whereabouts are you from?" I would not say

the specific name of my city, because it's a small city. so I would generalize

and mention a large city nearby, because that's whereabouts, that's generally

where I'm from. so tell me whereabouts are you from? you can give me the

specific town or city, or you can generalize and give me the larger area.

that's especially helpful if you know that someone does not know your country

very well. he grew up in a nice town. lots of trees, fresh air. fresh air means

there's very little pollution. he says they would do little kid shit. to

add "shit" at the end like this just means "stuff" it's a little vulgar, but it's very

common. for example, "what are you doing today?" well you're doing English shit. so

you can use it in a negative way too, to mean it's something you don't enjoy, or

again you can just use it in an informal way to mean stuff. all right let's find

out more about Tiago – oh – but first, before I said "my main man" this is another way

of saying homie or good friend. your main man is not just a

friend, it's a very good friend. "how old were you when you picked up a skateboard?

do you remember your first board and how you got it?" "yeah I was 10 years old when

I started. the first one was an old board that the homies gave to my brother and

he ended up giving it to me. first came the board, then the trucks, and the wheels.

everything ended up in my hands. step by step. whenever someone would change their

wheels or trucks, they would give me their old stuff. the boards were heavy

because they were made of marfim. okay let's pause quickly, to pick something up,

means to start doing something as a habit. for example people pick up smoking,

they pick up a hobby, blah blah blah! a board is just another very common word

for your skateboard. I think they just didn't translate, but marfim is ivory. so

his first skateboard was made out of ivory. that's interesting. these are the

trucks of a skateboard. they're very important. let's continue. "I've always

wanted to skate one of those boards to see what it's like" "no you do not. they're

so heavy and they hurt when they hit you." "what was it like skating a maple board

for the first time as opposed to marfim" "I could do tricks so much better.

everything would actually pop. they feel so much better." "you said your hometown

was covered with a lot of nature. where would you go skate when you were a kid?" I

would skate around my house in the street with my friends, after my brother

took me to the skate park, that was a little far from my house, I just started

to go there every day." "my older brother got me into skating

when I was younger and I would always want to go skate with him. would you go

skate with your brother a lot? does he still skate?" "yeah he taught me a lot of

things: crooks, feeble grinds, and how to drop in on

quarter pipes. he doesn't skate anymore. I've tried to push him to start skating

again, but he wasn't into it. he was so good too. I saw him doing a lot

of crazy tricks. things like kickflip back tail backside flips.

now he's a working man. he has a kid and goes to church with his family." alright

so these words here those are just some skateboard tricks, that's not very

important for us right now. for something to pop means to jump. especially with a

skateboard. to have a good pop means to get a lot of air, for the board to

actually push off. but you can just use this for general things too. if it pops

it– it jumps, it really gets off the ground!

the only skateboard term I'll focus on here is a quarter pipe. this is a quarter

pipe. you've probably seen one. a skatepark is where you go to skateboard.

is a park for skateboarding. "do you remember the point where you fell in

love with skateboarding?" "I went to Barcelona when I was 18 or 19, and got a

taste for how skateboarding really was. from skating spot to spot, to going on

filming missions with filmers and photographers,

I saw how everything in skating was. seeing all of that firsthand just blew

my mind. I knew that it's what I wanted to do with my life." all right so he went

to Barcelona, he saw a lot of cool stuff. to see or do something firsthand means

to do it or see it yourself. is not on TV, you're not reading it, you are doing it!

and if something blows your mind, or if it blows you away, you are astonished. you

are very very very impressed! "were you into anything else that you dropped at

the time for your skateboard?" "well I was really into flying kites. sometimes I

would stop skating for a while to play with them. it's different in Brazil

because you battle to cut each other's kites down. before you fly it up, you'd

attach a piece of glass to your kite to cut the line of your friends'. there would

be a lot of them just floating around, going at it. whoever goes down, you have

to run to try to get your kite back before anyone else picks it up. if

someone touches the tail before you do, it's theirs to keep forever." that's

pretty cool I didn't know about this kite flying culture in Brazil. If there's

any Brazilians watching, tell me what you think is–is it really that popular? and

do you fly kites, or did you fly kites? if something is floating, it's in the air.

it's not really moving, there's really no speed. you can be falling or just staying

in the air. but again you're just kind of there. to go at it. here it means to kind

of be fighting. let's go at it – it's like let's fight. very different, "to have a go

at something" means to attempt something. all right. so Tiago seems like a really

cool guy, if you want to continue this interview again you can go to the

Thrasher website. and if you want to continue practicing English in general,

the podcast is available. you can get audiobook versions of a lot of magazines,

or just start reading physical magazines like this or other

books. I will be waiting to see your questions and comments, especially from

any Brazilians who are here! that's it, ciao guys!

For more infomation >> Tiago Lemos | Skateboarding | Prepare for IELTS & TOEFL Course - Duration: 9:00.


Gabriel Makes A Big Wet Mess In The Kitchen! - Duration: 3:00.

Hi, everybody i just wanted to give a little brief intro to this video to give it some context

Lately gabriel and his walker has been, bumping the dog

Water ball that's in the kitchen because he it makes the water move around he's kind of discovering that he can

Bump it and make it splash like that but, today he figured out. That he can, move it if he pushes it

Got water everywhere so anyway that's what this video is it's pretty cute give it a like

And subscribe to our channel if you'd like to see more videos of gabriel being cute i'll. Be sure to put that

right there and

Enjoy, the video leave us a comment thanks for watching

well crap

Now you can try to open the freezer


For more infomation >> Gabriel Makes A Big Wet Mess In The Kitchen! - Duration: 3:00.


What to do on a first date - Duration: 8:03.

Hey guys, so today I just want to tell you about two dating experiences I had

recently that you can learn from. Ooh. Stay tuned.

All right, okay, so the first date that I went on, the guy

was tall dark and handsome, totally my type, and he got disqualified. Wanna know how?

Of course you do because how does tall dark and handsome and totally my

type get disqualified; well, we met at a coffee shop, I got there first

and I ended up ordering myself a coffee and a - or actually a latte - and a muffin

and I went and sat down and in the restaurant section which was served, like

they had servers there, anyway so the dude shows up

and he looks great and all the rest was good and then he sat down. Here's a

couple things that that didn't go right, or that probably could have happened

differently on his part; one, is that we were in a restaurant where there were

servers refilling our water glasses a lot in two hours, and he didn't order

anything and he didn't leave a tip. Now, no he didn't buy anything but those servers

were still serving us so to me that automatically stood out it's a red flag

as him being cheap, not a good quality. And I actually went back the next day

and gave that server a tip because I felt bad for him because he did his job

even though we didn't actually buy anything and I had already tipped when I

was at that when I had paid for my coffee at the till there. Anyways, the other

thing that he did wrong was that two hours is a long time for a first date

and even if it's going spectacularly always have something else to do because

if she starts to feel like she's the one that's got to leave that's the last

impression that sticks, and you always want to leave them what wanting more.. you,

you always want to leave them wanting more,

yes, so make sure that you've got something else planned. I mean if you've

got a dinner plan for the first date then yeah you can linger a bit but if

it's during the day then make sure that you have somewhere else

and if you're really interested in her and it seems like she's interested in

you you can always say, I'm sorry that I have to go which I hadn't planned

something else but let's get together again, I'd love to see you again. So then

the other thing that he did- didn't do was he never touched me, like at all. So

probably he was nervous but nonetheless you must build sexual chemistry and

sexual tension, and touching is a great way of doing that because it breaks that

intimacy zone, and I did other videos on where to touch a girl so you can watch

those. I always believe in second chances so yep got a second chance with that one,

ended up going for a walk. So far he's invested no money which is significant

because it's already showing me that he's either watching his dollars or

super thrifty or whatever, and I know that he makes at least three times as

much as I do so I would expect him to at least buy me a coffee, and on our second

date I bought him a coffee. I'm not a gold digger - I'm definitely not a gold digger,

I've gone out with a guy who had lots of money and dumped him because he

wouldn't hold my hand, and I went out with a guy who was six figures in debt

because he did hold my hand - so you know it's not about that, it's about where's

my worth to that guy and what kind of lifestyle are we gonna have if he won't

even pony up the dough for a coffee and I'm the one supplying coffee even

though I make way less than him, not cool. Alright, so then the other guy

that I went out with, who was - and probably still is - quite a bit shorter,

balding, and had a bit of a belly on him but he actually had quite a bit of

personality and he was a leader and so we actually met up and we were supposed

to just have coffee and he hadn't eaten and it was around dinnertime so he said

let's eat, and I already ate so I'm like okay well I'll snack or something. But he

took the lead he said do you like... whatever... and I said yep, and he ordered

it. He asked me if I liked something else and he

ordered it. Women love men who lead. He asked me what kind of wine I'd I'd

like if I wanted a glass of wine and what kind I usually drink. I said I like

Pinot Noir, he ordered a Pinot Noir. He didn't check

the menu, he didn't check the pricing, which showed that he wasn't cheap. And he

was very good about touching me so he touched my hand or touched my forearm

and all of that throughout the date, he was very easygoing like he obviously

wasn't nervous, I told him don't show up nervous because that's such a turn-off,

and he also had us moved to another table that was more private when it

eventually came up so he could actually sit beside me, which was a smooth move,

and that also allowed him to be more in my intimate space and touch me again

more frequently. Now what happened with him that wasn't that were the

deal-breakers was that I should have done my homework because he's got

younger kids and that's definitely a no-go zone for me. You can have your own

deal-breakers, that's that's a deal-breaker for me; I've already been a

stepmom several times I don't want to do it, I'm allergic to children. Which is

fine, good, good for him to know that's not what I'm gonna sign up for, my fault for

not double-checking. By the way, side note, women get a lot of emails on dating

sites, like they just get a lot of emails, so forgive us if we don't get back to

you right away, if we don't get back to you at all,

dididida, by the way, also this guy he emailed me twice and said, hey what

was it about my profile that that didn't work for you, and that's how I ended up

actually saying yes to the date, but it was also how I ended up saying yes to

the date before double-checking to make sure that he didn't have my

deal-breakers which was children. Any other thing to that that he that I would

say he shouldn't have done, or that was a bit of a flag, was that we joked a little

bit, we had some naughty jokes going on but he took it too far like he wouldn't

let go of the sexual aspect, which of course, you give a guy any thread of

sexual naughtiness then he's gonna run with it, but you gotta like you gotta nip

it in bud on the first date. And never text a

girl the next day and say you're thinking about her in bed until you've

actually bedded her. Finally he lied about his height because I wear high

heels and whatever, maybe I'm vain - well I am vain - I want to be with a guy who's

taller than me and if this guy actually probably doesn't even know that he lied

about his height because he's shorter than what he indicated in his dating

site profile which I think with him he probably just doesn't even know it, but

some guys will lie on purpose because they're insecure about it and then that

just translates into a guy being, one, insecure, and two, a liar. So don't do that,

be honest, you're allowed to fib or round up by half an inch. If it's an inch, sorry

you got to go with what whatever your real height is. So that's my two recent

dating stories and I hope that you learn something from it. Feel free to comment

and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> What to do on a first date - Duration: 8:03.


Spontaneous Cooking for the Soul Ep #3: Roasted Carrot & Pumpkin Soup with Tofu Croutons - Duration: 21:32.

Hey Friends,

Welcome to the 3rd episode of Spontaneous Cooking for the Soul which is a series that

is geared towards a more unplanned cooking and recipes that we cook on a daily basis.

If you've watched the 1st and 2nd episodes then you already have a sense of this series.

Otherwise these videos are filmed in the spur of the moment whenever spontaneity kicks in.

Just like the previous episodes, this video is a little longer than our usual videos.

Today Kevin's making a tangy sweet creamy Roasted Carrot and Pumpkin Soup that highlights

bold autumn flavours.

Tofu croutons add a bit of crunch and protein and it makes this soup a complete meal.

If you are not cooking, please just sit back, relax and watch.

Let's cook.

Start by preheating the oven at 180°C [350°F] while we prepare the vegetables.

As usual you'll find a printable version of the recipe with the ingredients list on

our website.

We picked up this big pumpkin at the grocery store on our previous grocery shopping and

it's big enough for at least 8 - 10 meals.

We'll be using only about a quarter from this pumpkin today, which equals to about

1 kg.

This will make enough soup for 5 – 6 people.

We are going to refrigerate or freeze the rest so that we can have a couple more meals

for the week.

For the size, pumpkin is really one of the cheapest vegetable you can find at this time

of the year.

You can peel and cut the pumpkin any way that is easy for you.

We prefer to slice it first then peel the skin off in small sections.

You can save the seeds and roast them too as they make a good snack.

Once peeled and cut into chunky cubes, place the pumpkin pieces in a large mixing bowl.

Now peel and cut the carrots into 5-cm or 2-inch pieces.

This will make it easy to just add them to the soup later on.

Add the carrots to the mixing bowl.

Drizzle with 1 – 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Then add the ground cumin and a little salt.

Toss and mix well.

Then transfer the pumpkin and carrot onto a baking tray (lined with parchment paper)

and bake for one hour.

We forgot to add in the garlic cloves, so just disperse them unpeeled in between the

veggies on the tray.

While the vegetables are roasting, let's make the tofu croutons.

Cut the tofu into 1-cm thick slices.

Heat a skillet on medium-high temperature.

Add one tablespoon of coconut oil or vegetable oil.

Once the oil is hot, place the tofu slices into the skillet.

Fry until the tofu is crispy on one side.

This will take about 7 – 10 minutes.

Then turn and fry until they are crispy on the other side.

Remove from the pan and place on some absorbent paper.

Let the tofu cool a little.

Then, cut the slices into crouton-sized cubes or a little smaller.

Place the tofu cubes back into the skillet on medium-high temperature.

Add some salt

a pinch of paprika and some cracked pepper to taste.

Pan-fry dry without adding any more oil for a few more minutes until the tofu is crispy

and somewhat dry.

Turn off the heat and set the tofu aside.

We'll be using the juice from two freshly squeezed oranges in this recipe.

They will add a beautiful flavour and a hint of tanginess to the soup.

Try to get sweet oranges for this recipe.

Else if the oranges are on the sour side, use just one or omit them completely if you

don't like the soup to be tangy.

Keep the orange juice aside for now.

Let's start to make the soup.

In a large pot, add one tablespoon of coconut oil.

Add a teaspoon of minced ginger and roast for a couple of minutes.

We always keep minced ginger on hand.

We make our own and we've shared a tutorial on this before.

If you haven't watched it yet, I'll leave a link in the description or you can also

find it in the top right corner of the video.

Now add the cooked rice and sauté for about 1 minute.

The rice will thicken the soup and it's also a great way to use up left over rice.

We are using vegetable bouillon powder, you can also use a veggie stock cube.

Else you can use vegetable broth instead of water.

Now add 2 cups of water or vegetable broth.

Stir and simmer on medium heat for about 10 minutes.

Check on the pumpkin and carrot by testing them with a fork.

If cooked, remove from the oven and add them to the pot.

We didn't add the garlic as we just want a hint of the aroma that has been infused

in the vegetables while roasting.

You may want to add 1 – 2 cups of water at this stage if most of the water has dried up.

Then cover the pot and let everything simmer for about 10 minutes on medium low temperature.

While the soup is simmering, Kevin's chopping up some curled parsley for later.

Turn off the heat and allow the soup to cool a little.

You may add a little water to help with the blending.

Purée the vegetables with a handheld immersion blender.

Alternatively you can use a blender and process the vegetables and rice in small batches at

a time until smooth.

Add the coconut milk and orange juice.

Mix well, taste and season with salt.

Simmer for another 5 minutes.

If the soup is a little on the sour side, you can add a little sugar or maple syrup

to taste.

Turn off the heat and lastly stir in the chopped curled parsley.

Now we're ready to serve.

Ladle the soup into individual serving bowls and top with the tofu croutons.

Garnish with some more chopped parsley if desired.

If you've enjoyed this recipe, please give us a thumbs up.

And please subscribe to our channel, if you are not already, for more recipes.

Also, we have a newsletter that we send out every time that we have a new recipe.

We will have some giveaways that will be announced on the blog soon so make sure to join our

mailing list so that you don't miss anything.

I'll see you soon in our next video, enjoy the rest of the week!

For more infomation >> Spontaneous Cooking for the Soul Ep #3: Roasted Carrot & Pumpkin Soup with Tofu Croutons - Duration: 21:32.


Upstate sheriff's office offers active assailant training - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Upstate sheriff's office offers active assailant training - Duration: 1:21.


Jennifer Garner Set Up Intervention for Ben Affleck | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:10.

Ben Affleck owes a special thanks to Jennifer Garner for staging an intervention after he

reached a breaking point.

That's right, Us Weekly reports that just days after celebrating Saturday Night Live

producer and girlfriend Lindsay Shookus' Emmy win in mid-September, Ben reached a breaking

point and once again lost grip on his alcohol addiction.

He was spiraling and was unhappy, so he turned to the one person who has always been there

for him – Jennifer Garner.

An insider says he told her everything that was going on with his life and he as devastated

but knew he had to change.

So Jennifer, along with his brother Casey, found him help at a rehab facility.

The source adds that even after everything Ben and Jennifer have been through, she is

going to continue to be there for him when he needs her.

No matter what the circumstance.

Affleck reportedly entered an inpatient 30-day program on September 25th.

For more infomation >> Jennifer Garner Set Up Intervention for Ben Affleck | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:10.


Grilled Chicken with Avocado Pesto | Food Network - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Grilled Chicken with Avocado Pesto | Food Network - Duration: 0:59.


Top 10 Scary Makeup That Looks Too Real - Part 2 - Duration: 5:44.


Welcome back to Most Amazing, I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today we are getting pretty

darn creepy as we talk the Top 10 Scary Makeup that looks too real….part 2!

If you haven't seen part one, there is a link to it floating around above my head!

For this second serving of scary, I've gone looser with the term "real" …. Because,

like, zombies and witches aren't officially real…but if they were…these make up artists

have down a great job of making themselves look like actual ghouls….put it this way….I

wouldn't want to run into any of the people on this list


a dark night….make up or no makeup!

OKAY lets do this!

The Robots are Taking over at number 10!

Look how cool this is!

This futuristic look was created with makeup by Danielle Atchison and constructed on her

sister as a model.

Is it her sister though, or is it a terminator machine waiting to strike?

This would make an awesome Halloween or costume party look!

Uh oh, here come the robots!

She's MELTING at number 9 Have you guys seen the House of Wax movie?

I do think the original is better because Paris Hilton….LOL….none the less, the

idea of scary waxy figures melting around you is pretty terrifying …and so is this

make up look I found on Pinterest.

I like the detail of the sliding eye with the lashes down her cheek.

Creepy…..and probably quite easy to replicate!

DO you want to play a game at number 8 we have this insane Jigsaw make up look.

Saw is one of the scariest movie franchises there is and Jigsaw scares the bejesus out

of me!

Get outa here Jigsaw!

Small youtuber, Samaro, has created a great jigsaw tutorial using make up techniques and

liquid latex.

She is freaaaaaky.

I actually really enjoy some of her vidoes and she deserves more followers, so go check

her out.

We have a Medical Skull at number 7.

How awesome is this?

This clever use of makeup makes it look as if this guy is half living man, half old time

medical skull.

Half of him is alive, the other half is being used for science!


This look was created by body paint artist, Lisa Berzel for a make up trade show in LA.

Other than some medical tape around the eye, this look is all make up.


Uh oh, it's the Zombie apocalypse at number 6 …oh no wait….it's Miles.

I found this step by step look creation post on Miles Wood Art's blog spot and it looks

pretty awesome.

Miles has created three small areas of prosthetics, the rest is clever paint and shading to create

this awesome zombie look!

5 Scary Wooden Doll This is truly truly incredible!

Make up artist Stephanie Wood made the front page if reddit with her awe inspiring wooden

doll look.

Stephanie said some prosthetics were used as well as lots of make up.

How awesome are the before and after shots!

What a talent!

You can follow Stephanie on her Instagram, stephhany_marie- it looks like she needs some

encouragement to start creating again.

4 - Could this be the snow queen at number **….it looks like it!

Hans Christian Anderson's tale would have been even scarier had I imagined this woman

here as the villain….she is even scarier than something I could conjure up in my imagination.

I mean, this look is truly awesome …. The bright white face and hair contrasting with

the red lips and the pure black eyes is epic.

Get a load of this scary Old Hag Demon at number 3

Clever shading and black contact lenses make this look look truly real and truly terrifying.

It looks like she is preparing to suck out your soul!

I also just noticed the bullets over her shoulder..

Woah there!

How cool does this look at number two, we have a messed up upside down face.

Imagine seeing someone like this at a party!

You would be so confused!


What is happening here!

The artist has done an amazing job making it look like her face has been cut in half

and mirrored here.

I am guessing she used some moulding latex for her nose, although it is hard to tell

from this picture, it could just be shading.

Either way, this is a reasonably simple look you can create at home.

Not so simple at number one, but extremely effective, lifelike and haunting, we have

this sick masquerade.

Woah, what a look!

So the makeup artist has fashioned a mask out of what looks like human flesh, but is

actually clever paint.

This is a pretty skilful look that not all of us would be capable of recreating, but

when done well…then…woah!

Some simple liquid latex and a whole heap of fake blood make this look possible…the

contact lenses are a nice touch.

The gif of this woman moving her mask is so haunting I will probably see it in my dreams.

Thanks for watching to the end!

Why not check out the Top 10 Scariest Gifs and our Top 10 Scary RESURRECTION Stories!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Makeup That Looks Too Real - Part 2 - Duration: 5:44.


Moby Paints Shirtless with The Shirtless Painter - Duration: 24:33.

(playful music)

- Hello, and welcome to another episode of,

yep, you guessed it, The Shirtless Painter.

Anyone can paint, and anyone can paint anything,

including my special guest, my good friend

and fellow artist, Moby.

- There are two things that are sort of incorrect

with what you just said.

- Please, yeah, let's break it down.

- Shirtless Painters.

(beep) - Welcome to

The Shirtless Painters.

- And the other is

I have a feeling we have the potential to be friends,

but we just met.

- So you said "My good friend"--

(beep) - My new acquaintance

who I just met a few minutes ago.

- And potentially good friend.

- And potentially good friend by the end of this,

fingers crossed, Moby.

- Hi. - Hi.

There's a lot of problems in the world.

A lot of people disagree on a lot of things,

but I think there's one thing we can all agree on,

and that is that blacklight posters are cool.

So today, we're gonna paint our own blacklight posters

because honestly, I can't afford the high prices

of some of these store-bought ones.

So, let's jump right in.

- Okay.

- No blacklight poster in my mind

is complete without some sort of trippy alien.

I'm gonna just go ahead and get a trippy alien going here.

- Okay, you know, I actually was planning

on painting aliens as well,

so thank you for stealing my idea.

- You're welcome.

Did you ever own a blacklight poster?

And if so-- - Oh!

- What kind?

- Yes, as a matter of fact, I did, and it scared me.

It would have been, 'cause I'm old,

how old are you?

- It's never been discussed on the show,

but I'm somewhere between 20 and 50.

That's all I'll say.

- Okay, well I'm older than your age range.

I'm 52. - Okay.

- So in junior high school, before I became a punk rock kid,

I really wanted to fit in with the cool kids

and so I started smoking pot with them.

Well, I started stealing drugs from my mom

and giving it to the cool kids.

- Okay. - As a way to endear myself

to the cool kids, but I also

listened to the music that they like,

which I've since come to really love,

but at the time that was like

Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin,

and I was 12, 13 years old, and if I'm being honest, like

Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin scared me.

- If you're just hearing that music for the first time,

it sounds like something that,

like a twisted wizard would listen to.

So I can only imagine--

- By the way, "twisted wizard" is not the name of a band.

It should be starting right now.

- It should be.

"Twisted Wizard", guys, let's look into if that's taken,

'cause we should at least squat on that name.

Get the website or something.

- Okay, so I tried to like that scary music,

which to be very clear, I have since come to love,

but at the time it scared me. - Sure.

Right, you're just a boy. - And so my first and only

blacklight painting was

do you know Led Zeppelin IV,

it's the guy holding the lantern.

Twisted wizard holding the lantern

and I had a blacklight poster.

I didn't have a blacklight.

I think I might have gone to the hardware store

to get a black light bulb, but that made it even scarier.

- Yeah, blacklight posters are, you know,

the effect on their own is pretty scary,

or, you know, exhilarating, depending,

and you know, once you'd flip on that blacklight,

all bets are off.

- So that was my blacklight poster.

And then I heard The Clash on the radio

and stopped trying to fit in with the cool kids,

and became a weird, depressed punk rock kid.

- As we all do.

Yeah, Joe Strummer, (tapping paintbrush)

he didn't have time for blacklights.

He was too busy of a guy. (tapping rapidly)

- I've got a lot of Joe Strummer stories.

- What's he like?

Dish. - Well, he's dead now.

- He's dead, okay, we know that.

He's passed.

- It's one of the weirdest things

about being a sort of public figure musician,

is you get to meet and work with your heroes.

- Sure.

- So like, and this is like,

I'm just gonna name-drop if that's okay?

- Please, yeah, we encourage name-dropping on this show.

- So I went on tour with David Bowie, and--

- Heard of him.

- I sang a Joy Division song with Joy Division.

- And now you're here with me.

- Played jazz versions of Sex Pistols songs

with Steve Jones.

- Wow.

- But Joe Strummer,

so I met him the second or third time I played Glastonbury,

which is a huge festival in England.

And my percussionist was friends with him

and I went there and I was like,

"You're Joe Strummer, like, you started The Clash

"with Mick Jones and Paul Simonon and Topper Headon."

I think that was the drummer's name.

- Yeah.

- And I assume when I'm meeting my heroes

is that they're gonna act like royalty,

because in my mind, they were.

So I met Joe, and he was just this happy,

ebullient, gregarious drunk.

- Good for him; he's earned it.

You know what, if anyone has earned the right to be drunk,

it's Joe Strummer.

- Someone brought me to like some after-hours event there

and like walked me through the kitchen,

I was very drunk and very high, to this disco.

I think it's called Smoke and Mirrors.

And I walked in and Joe was there

and the DJ was playing a Donna Summer song

and Joe and I saw each other and we yelled,

like, "Joe!" "Moby!"

and we hugged and we fell down on the floor,

and we're rolling around,

and we danced to this Donna Summer song

and told each other that we loved each other,

and that was the last time I saw him.

- Wow, well I think that's a pretty beautiful final memory

of old Joe. - Yeah.

If you meet your heroes, it's a crap shoot.

Like I was at a party recently and Neil Young was there.

- Oh, please, please, tell me this.

- And someone said, "Oh, do you wanna meet Neil Young?"

And I was like, "Of course I do," 'cause I love Neil Young.

- Sure.

- But then I thought, what if I get him on a bad day?

And what if he's a dick?

And then I lose 20 of my favorite songs of all time

for one five-second meeting.

- Did you opt to not--

- So I said no.

I'd rather go home and listen to After the Gold Rush

than get a handshake with Neil Young.

- I think in your case that might be smart,

because it sounds like you've had

enough positive experiences

that you're just begging for a let-down.

- Yeah.

Well, there've been some either negative ones,

or just challenging ones, AKA, or i.e. Bill Clinton.

I loved him as President, but I saw him speak once,

and he re-litigated his Whitewater case for 30 minutes

and he was so angry and so bitter

that people were just walking out.

- Oh boy, Bill.

- [Moby] I was like, "Bill, "I loved you, Bill."

- Geez Louise.

Bill, you're still welcome on the show,

but come on, don't re-litigate--

- [Moby] And you were a great president.

- This is ancient history.

Don't try and re-litigate at this stage.

- Squatting down is tricky, 'cause I'm like

don't wanna look fat.

- That's okay; this is a body-positive show.

- You say that, but it's not really.

Like, you say that as--

- There you go.

- Like a really thin, healthy, in-shape person.

So it's like a hair model to say, like,

"Oh, any, like it's okay that you're bald."

It's like, "You're a hair model."

- Well, people have sounded off with all sorts of takes

on my body in the comments section.

Lots of creative criticisms

that I'd never even though of before.

- I learned something a long time ago.

Don't pay attention to comments.

Especially now that we know that like,

the really negative ones are people who are being paid by--

- Russia.

- Yeah, like, so now when someone,

if someone comments something really egregious,

I just say like, "I'm so happy for you

"that you have a steady job working for Putin and the FSB."

- Right, yeah, "How's the weather in Russia?"


That'll shut 'em up.

- When I learned not to look at comments

or take them seriously

was when someone commented on something,

this was a long time ago,

and they said that they were going to find me,

stab me, and watch me bleed to death on the street.

And I suddenly realized, like,

why would I hand my emotional wellbeing over

to a complete stranger who might or might not be real,

but if they're real, are a belligerent sociopath?

- That's a great point.

I feel like we've fostered a nice community

within The Shirtless Painter, you know, community.

Not to use the word "community" twice, but

(Moby laughs)

you know, there are some bad apples in there,

and we see you guys, and you need to cut it out

or go back to Russia.

- [Moby] Yeah.

- Or if you're in Russia, come here,

and, you know, paint with us,

but stop the negativity for once.

- [Moby] Well, it's sort of that question,

like what do you wanna remember on your deathbed?

- [The Shirtless Painter] Right.

- And do you want to remember

spending time with friends and family

and trying to make the world a better place,

and doing interesting, creative things,

or going online and criticizing people you've never met?

- Right, getting a really good zinger in at,

you know, Kylie Minogue or something.

Not that I have anything to say about her, but--

- And the subtext of negative, trolling comments,

apart from being like an employee of the FSB, is that,

like the moment someone posts something really troll-y,

they're basically announcing to the world

that they hate themselves.

- Sort of a rubber/glue situation ultimately.

- Rubber/glue.

- Not to be confused with rubber cement,

but more rubber, "I'm rubber; you're glue."

- [Moby] Yeah.

- We all know the rest.

Just to bring you up to speed on what I'm painting here,

I'm just sort of,

I'm treating my blacklight poster

as sort of just like a get-together

for all the staples of a blacklight poster.

So you got a sorta trippy eyeball, a little alien.

I'm painting a peace sign now, but I'm giving him,

or her, a sort of Sorcerer's Apprentice

Mickey Mouse wizard outfit,

'cause we were talking about wizards just a minute ago.

- Hm, I think I screwed up a little bit.

Oh, no, I didn't.

I can use the trowel!

- See?

That's a great attitude.

I like to say on this program

there are no screw-ups, only pleasant whoopsies.

- Yeah, I feel like Bob Ross right now,

where it's like someone watching gonna be like,

"Oh, he ruined his painting."

And I was like, "Or did I?"

- Hm, I've never heard of him.

- So one thing I wanted to talk about

is a vegan festival that I've helped organize.

- Now, would this be the-- - Circle V.

- Circle V festival?

- So, and I'm gonna give a little bit of a shameless plug,

it's November 18th, if you're in downtown Los Angeles,

and all the profits go to benefit Mercy for Animals.

It's a farm animal welfare group.

And tons of people, like Reggie Watts is performing,

Davey from AFI; they have a band called Dreamcar.

Tons of speakers, different food trucks.

So November 18th.

You spend money to go to a festival

and all the good money goes to Mercy for Animals.

So by the way, what do you do

when you're not hosting Shirtless Painters?

- I usually just kinda go to sleep.

I live here in the studio (Moby laughs)

and I paint all day.

I'll paint.

You know, I'll paint by myself.

But you know, when I'm not painting,

there's no windows in this room

and I do live here, so it's kinda just,

I just sorta naturally fall asleep

over in the corner there.

And then I sleep 14 hours or so and I'm rested

to start doing it again.

- So you're like a sloth, without any negative connotations.

- Yeah, no, I'm a proud sloth.

We're also sloth-positive on this show, so

any sloths watching, we honor you, and--

- How much do you know about sloth trivia?

- You know, I don't know too much.

I know they're sleepy and three-toed, but--

- Sometimes they move less than 18 inches a day.

- [The Shirtless Painter] Wow.

That's the life, man.

- And there are two reasons

why there are a lot of sloths in the world.

One is that because they don't move around much,

hunters don't see them. - Oh, perfect.

- Two, because they don't move around much,

they get moldy, so when you're in the jungle

and you look up, the sloth has mold camouflage.

- And you probably don't taste too great, either,

if you're covered in mold. - Yep.

And the third is their crazy claws hook into the branch,

so even if someone shoots them,

the claws keep them attached to the branch.

So I think in the rainforest, people know,

just don't kill sloths. - Don't bother with sloths.

That's a great, you know, I admire that.

That makes me like sloths even more,

and I already liked 'em, you know, pretty well.

Tell me about this character that I'm seeing here,

'cause I've seen him, or her, before.

- [Moby] Okay.

Gender neutral. - 'Kay.

- Years ago, in 1984, I dropped out of college.

I had been a philosophy major,

but then I started having crippling panic attacks

so I had to drop out of school,

and I moved home and I was sleeping on my mom's couch

and I was broke and anxious,

and I got a job at my local record-store-slash-head-shop

called Johnny's in Darien, Connecticut.

And I started working there,

and every single bag that left Johnny's

had to have a drawing on it.

And up until this point

I'd sort of left visual arts to my family.

You know, my mom a painter, my uncle a sculptor,

my other uncle was a photographer for the New York Times.

My grandmother was a painter.

So like, I did music; they did visual arts.

But then I started working at this record store,

and so I started drawing him and then, her, it,

gender neutral. - Thank you.

- So then when I started making records

I would go out into the world

and oddly enough, every now and then

someone would want an autograph.

And I felt really cheap and crappy

just going like (burbling).

And so I started drawing this guy, girl, it,

and I started using it in videos

and putting it on t-shirts

and so he, she, it has taken on a life of their own

and it helps, because it's the only thing

I know how to draw.

- And do they have a name, or any kind of,

has there been any kind of backstory

or anything developed over the years?

- The name is Little Idiot.

Just sort of-- - Whoa, Moby.

- Well, 'cause I'm little

and I'm not very smart, so it's not--

- Oh, so this represents you?

This is sort of a stand-in for you?

- Yeah, an avatar almost.

- An avatar.

It's not just a film.

- Yeah, so that's the Little Idiot.

- I encourage everyone at home

to take a page from Moby's book

and use this as an opportunity to think of your avatar.

I mean, what, you know,

think of a fun little character, you know?

You could send him or her or it on adventures,

or you know, sign your checks with this character.

- Just send it in lieu of money on your tax return.

- Sure, yeah.

The government will appreciate it.

- [Moby] Yeah.

- And if they don't, screw 'em.

You know, I'm not big on taxes.

- [Moby] If you have jury duty, just send it.

- Yeah, send a little hand-drawn doodle,

and then they'll understand.

I'm officially endorsing that move.

- I had an ex-girlfriend, this was pre-sobriety,

and she worked in a marijuana dispensary.

And before I got sober I loved alcohol and drugs.

Marijuana, AKA pot--

- AKA ganja, AKA grass. - Jazz cigarettes.

- Jazz cigarettes.

Jazz weed.

- You know, it's the only drug I've ever done

that I didn't like.

- Now here's a question:

were there any blacklight posters around when you did it?

- Yes.

I would go to like,

my friends had older brothers

listening to Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin,

and they would have like bongs and shag carpeting

and blacklight posters, and I pretended I was okay with it.

- Sure. - And the truth is

I was terrified, AKA the story of my entire life

up until this point.

- Speaking of drugs, just adding a little mushroom here,

just because it feels like that's--

- Looks a little bit more like a lotus root

from a Chinese restaurant, but--

- And you know what?

That's actually what it is.

- It's like a pacifier for a baby,

but it's a psilocybin mushroom.

- Right, see, that's the suck end,

and that's sort of the decorative outside

and then the baby has a fun little, you know.

- There are anthropologists and ethno-botanists

who believe that mushrooms and organic psychedelics

are what sort of like gave us

that 2001 obelisk consciousness moment.

- Hm, interesting. - Like, before that

we were scared apes, and then we had psychedelic drugs,

and our prefrontal cortex just expanded.

- [The Shirtless Painter] Just opened right up.

- Yup.

I gotta say,

even though I'm sober,

as I age I could make exceptions

for some organic psychedelics 'cause they're pretty special.

- It's just like stuff that you put on a salad.

It's growing out of the earth.

- It is if you think about it.

Like the first time I did mushrooms, it was so odd.

I was like, "Okay."

And think about the logic of this.

There's a plant, a little mushroom,

about the size of my pinkie

and if it's growing, I can stand an inch away from it

and I'm not breaking any laws.

I can put my finger on it,

and I'm not breaking any laws. - Still clean.

- The moment I pluck it, I've suddenly committed a felony.

- [The Shirtless Painter] You're in possession

at that point.

- But then if I put it in my mouth,

I haven't broken any laws.

- It's a very interesting web we weave.

I'm just gonna add a little bit

of glowing sorta highlights to your Circle V here,

just so everyone can really remember that it's coming up.

There's one thing I always like to add,

and that is my wife.

So I'm gonna go ahead and add my wife here.

- Oh, you have a wife?

- I do have a wife, though she sort of is a shape shifter.

She takes-- - She's a human wife?

- Today she's gonna be a skull.

A glowing skull.

- I have crippling attachment issues,

so I can't even have relationships.

But thanks for asking.

- No, any time.

All right, so I'm just adding my wife's sort of skull here.

Add the lower jaw.

And she's sort of a happy skull, of course,

happy to be involved, in such good company.

- [Moby] What's your wife's name?

- Darden. - Not Aleister?

- [The Shirtless Painter] Nope, just Darden.

- Speaking of Aleister Crowley,

so he was part of sort of a gnostic,

quasi-Satanist movement. - Okay.

- He was a British writer

and he inspired a lot of 20th century gnosticism

and quasi-Satanism.

The reason I mention him

is 'cause he had a huge role to play

in a weird way, tangentially,

with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Los Angeles.

- Aleister, you dog, you.

- The man who started the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,

and I feel a little bit like post-modern Rain Man right now,

but was this guy Jack Parsons.

And Jack Parsons was an early 20th century rocket scientist

and his rocket technology helped the Allies

win World War Two, and he helped NASA set up

the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.

But when he wasn't doing that,

he was also an Aleister Crowley devotee

and practiced gnostic sex magic.

- Wow, sex magic. - Yup.

And, going even deeper,

one of his early acolytes was L. Ron Hubbard,

and L. Ron Hubbard was kicked out

of Jack Parson's Aleister-Crowley-worshiping-sex-magic cult

'cause he was too unhinged.

- So he had to start his own.

- So then, yeah, he was like, yeah, like "(bleep) you guys;

"I don't need your stupid Aleister-Crowley-sex-magic cult.

"I'll go start my own."

- But you know he was bummed.

You know, I mean, take it from me,

it never feels good to be kicked out of a sex-magic cult.

It stings.

- And then Jack Parsons exploded.

- Really? - Literally,

not figuratively.

Not like in a sort of like, "Oh, my shit's exploding."

- He blew up. - "And blowing up."

And "Buy my records."

It's more like he actually literally exploded.

- Wow. - And no-one knows

if it's 'cause he was experimenting with jet fuel

or spontaneous combustion for like,

involving chemical elements.

- Wow. - Yeah.

- Now, I didn't wanna copy you by doing stars,

but I did wanna do a bunch of little tiny glowing things,

because I think it'll look cool,

so I did a bunch of question marks,

as though maybe the Riddler kinda came in

and did a pass at this painting.

Moby, when you're like in your office, or working,

and you throw a wadded up piece of paper

across the room into the wastepaper basket,

do you ever kinda go, "Moby!"

You know, like how people say "Kobe"?

- Kobe's a sportsperson, right?

- He's a sportsman.

And people sometimes go, "Kobe!"

But I think it could be kind of a fun opportunity for you

to say "Moby" when you do that.

- I would rather say "Kobe,"

because my friend Wiley has this amazing old chihuahua

named Kobe. - Oh, okay.

- Who wears like an LA Lakers jersey

and is just one of my favorite creatures on the planet,

so I would say "Kobe"--

- But it would be understood that you're talking

about a small, elderly dog.

- I'm gonna do something really terrible.

I'm gonna ruin my painting.

- Okay.

I'm excited.


- Okay, so I gotta ruin my painting quick.


- "I am become death."

- [Moby] Yeah.

- [The Shirtless Painter] That was said by the inventor of--

- Well, to quote Robert Oppenheimer,

who did an interview after he invented the,

really one of the people who helped

with the Manhattan Project

to invent the nuclear bomb,

and there's this, it's the greatest thing

on the internet on the YouTubes.

It's an interview with him,

and he's sort of looking below the camera,

and he says, "Some of us wept; some of us prayed."

And he said, "And I thought of the verse

"from the Bhagavad Gita where

"Vishnu reveals his multi-armed form to someone,

"and says 'I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.'"

I don't really know anything about the Bhagavad Gita

except from that Robert Oppenheimer quote.

- It sounds pretty fun.

I mean, I would check it out.

(Moby laughs)

Okay, while you're doing that,

I'm just gonna take the opportunity

to sort of add,

I'm gonna add a little rainbow here,

and I'm gonna kind of--

- [Moby] Okay, we're going in very different directions.

- I'm gonna add it all in one swoop.

- Okay, while you're doing that, I'm just gonna touch up.

There. Done.

- Great, well, I think we got

a couple of great-looking blacklight paintings on our hands.

(Moby exhales)

But a blacklight poster is only as good

as how it stands up to a blacklight,

so what do you say we get to it and see how these--

- Yeah, how about, but

do we want to have sound effects

when the blacklight goes on?

- Oh, definitely.

We're gonna have tons of sound effects.

- But we should do them.

- Okay, cool, yeah.

Sort of maybe psychedelic,

trippy sound effects? - Yeah.

- Okay, all right.

So let's go ahead and-- (claps)

(trippy music)

(The Shirtless Painter and Moby vocalizing)

♫ Take your trip through the galaxy

(Moby vocalizing)

♫ Then you'll find a new reality

♫ Who are you

- Huh.

I'm surprisingly pleased with my painting.

- Yeah.

I don't mean to toot our own horns here,

but I will say, these things look sick as (bleep).

- Yeah, like yours just screams 1973 head shop.

Mine just screams someone with attachment issues

who spends way too much time by himself.

- Well, Moby, I just wanna thank you so much

for stopping by and sharing this trippy experience

with me today.

It was a pleasure,

whoa, check that out.

Peace, man.

It was a pleasure painting with you and chatting with you,

and to all of you at home,

if you would like to see more of Moby

and experience some other cool people and things,

listen to the blacklight poster

and check out the Circle V event which is coming up.

- November 18th in downtown Los Angeles.

- Thanks for joining us today on The Shirtless Painter.

I encourage you to get out there, create your own avatar,

use it to sign your checks, and you know,

if you wanna send it in lieu of money to the IRS,

then go ahead and do it.

We'll see you next time.

(jazz music)

For more infomation >> Moby Paints Shirtless with The Shirtless Painter - Duration: 24:33.


Relationship Advice: How to Escape Bae's Rage When She's Mad | CoupleThing - Duration: 2:04.

What's wrong babe?

Nothing, I'm fine.

I'm fine means she's 100% not fine. If your

girlfriend has ever been mad at you, which let's face it she has, you have to

tread very lightly if you want to get out alive.

Hey come cuddle with me babe!

I'm all set... Christopher.

You know you're in trouble when she calls you by your actual name.

Men want to make it better as fast as possible.

Just thinking about you!

Code Red. If simple gifts don't cool her down, you need to find out the root cause of her anger.

I made you a cake.

Really? I thought you were... Don't let yourself get tricked.

Love you to DEATH.


l'm just gunna cut a little slice for myself.

Are you sure you're not mad?


And if all you get are cold one-word

But never forget, you are a man. You're genetically stronger and smarter than

women. You have nothing to fear, so go back in there and tell her the truth.

She's acting like a bitch!

I have something to say.

Are those your dirty socks?

But luckily, the anger never lasts. So even though you drive each other nuts sometimes,

you wouldn't change a thing.

I'll be right back babe.

Christopher! How many times do I have to tell you?

Okay, you might wish you could change some things.

For more infomation >> Relationship Advice: How to Escape Bae's Rage When She's Mad | CoupleThing - Duration: 2:04.


Win ANY Argument like Kellyanne - Politics: Episode 3 - Duration: 6:38.

Today Barack Obama came out and said British people smell funky

Does he really have a deep-seated hatred towards British people?

Barack Obama got up there and commended, and got up there and

said some of the nicest things I've ever heard about British people

yet you're focusing on the one diss.

That wasn't that good

I can do better

I'm continuing to learn about politics

and in this lesson we're going to learn about "spin"

basically it teaches you how to win any argument

even when you've been proved wrong

So Aaron, what's "spin"

"Spin" refers to a presentation of the facts

that might not be the most direct presentation of the facts

let's say this mustard dispenser is reality

and we might be seeing the same thing

but we're seeing two totally different sides of reality

so by spinning it, I'm showing you the reality I'm imagining

and I'm seeing an alternative reality!

see what I did?

You're saying it's a "falsehood" and they're giving Sean Spicer

our press secretary gave alternative facts to that but the point remains-

Wait a minute! "Alternative facts"?

Let's say something bad happens

You don't necessarily want to get up on a stage

and tell everybody "something bad just happened"

so you put your spin on it

to make it sound like it was a good thing

An example, we can we can play a game

so you tell me something awful that might happen

and I'll spin it back to you so it sounds good

okay so let's get into character

of course you'll be Kellyanne Conway

Perfect! I have the hair

Okay so you're gonna have to defend the president's actions here

so the first one

"The president killed my dog"

The president just saved you a ton of money on dog food

okay Kelly put your spin on this one

The president just came out and publicly said

that he hates newborn babies

We right now have a president who has shown more appreciation for adults

than we've ever seen before

I feel like right now we're kind of somehow being unfair to Kellyanne Conway

because really both parties spin

so let's say there's a presidential debate between Hillary and Trump

afterwards the news stations are gonna interview the communications staff

from both campaigns and the room that those interviews are held in is known as

"The spin room"

Oh join us afterwards for "The spin room"


Really? I was joking!

It would be like "now that we've heard from the candidates

now let's hear what their campaigns have to say in the spin room

"In the so called 'spin room'"

"The spin room"

the spin you put on something that happens it says more about your

presidency than what you actually do


I like playing the game

Wanna do another one?

Keep throwing stuff my way

Okay let's let's adapt this to real life

okay let's do this one you've definitely been caught out in a lie

You go to work and you're late, everyone knows that you're late

You say "I'm sorry my dog was sick I had to take him to the vet it was an emergency

it couldn't be avoided"

Your boss says "I was in the bar last night"

and I saw you drinking heavily

I know that you're just hungover

You're a very smart man

You're saying I am? Or "The boss"?

The boss yes

Am I hungover? This is fully irrelevant to this discussion

Fully irrelevant

You're you're correct in certain ways

but I think we need to focus on the real issue

which is a corporate culture that

makes it very very hard for somebody

for an individual to thrive and I am

fully dedicated to working with you as much as we need to do to kind of figure

out how to have a healthier and stronger culture for all of us to kind of thrive

in and all of us to do our best work in and I mean if I look like shit you look like shit

so let's figure out a way to kind of

partner together and both smell like fucking roses

That was like poetry of arguing

So I think again it seems to me that the idea is to shift focus and also

if possible shift blame

Exactly so it's deflect so that one was a full

deflection where it's I was so caught that like if I were to say I wasn't caught

you would laugh me out of the room

it was so bad I need to agree with you

because obviously if I'm agreeing with you if you like it it's good

It's healthy

and I've noticed you also throw in a

good compliment here and there

Oh of course

okay try one on me I wanna try this

I know we're roommates

I come home with three pieces left of my mama's famous meatballs

three of my mama's famous meatballs left

I write "Aaron. No eating!"

I come home from work one day, the meatballs are gone

there's a tomato sauce stain on your shirt

Look we can discuss who ate what

but I think the real focus here needs to be on our friendship

and also our living situation

every week I pay rent on time I'm always very clean we can both agree there and

you're a very handsome man

and I just thought "Wow! Isn't it great that we such good friends?!"

I would have thrown in "I think your mother would have wanted me to have some"

and she's a great cook

That would've been genius!

But otherwise that was great

but essentially you kind of got the gist of it where you

you shift slightly away from like the focus

and you bring up other things

so it's like you bringing up the friendship

the roommate, I was like "You ARE a good room mate!"

This fictional apartment we share together is fucking clean!

So thank you Aaron, I think I'm ready for for politics now

Keep in mind, neither of us lied once.

For more infomation >> Win ANY Argument like Kellyanne - Politics: Episode 3 - Duration: 6:38.


Thinking of Starting a Cake Business - Duration: 3:20.

I'm Lorelie and I have a question for you. Are you thinking of starting a cake

business? Because if you are I can help. First watch this clip and tell me what

you think at the end. It's a clip of myself and my husband delivering a

wedding cake to Manhattan. Tell me if you think it looks like fun and then I'll

tell you what I have to offer. See you on the other side.

So how fun was that? I love what I do and I want you to love what you do, so if you

love to bake and decorate and you're thinking... I want to start a cake business

or I want to do a little side thing, you're in the right place because I have

the most incredible book for you. It's step by step how to make a wedding cake.

It's your basic three-tiered wedding cake stacked and all the step by steps

are in here with pictures and all my recipes, my best recipes. So you can go to

the wedding cakes for your website and you can see all about this book and it's

on Amazon. And I also have the same book in eBook and Kindle and also you can get

just the recipes so if you just want the recipes you can also get those. And if

you do become a customer please let me know, because I want to give you other

things. There's a special page at the website that you can have special access

to and it has all kinds of downloads it has a video, and it has even has a little

book called Six Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Cake Business.

and then there's the Cake Crew. So you get a lot of great stuff with this book.

So let me know and I will invite you into the crew on Facebook and I'll see

you soon. Thank you so much for watching. Allright bye bye

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