Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

La, la, la~


Yes, let's do this.

Please wait.

My clothes look bad?


No, it's new! It's not worn out!

For today,

I'll be holding a drawing contest...

But I wonder what the other girls drew.

I don't know why there are chairs.

This clothes is from my personal collection.

My eyebrows...

Eun Chae drew snow man? Well, I heard

the theme is "winter."

So, I think I wil...

Well, you have to dress warm in the winter. Should I take these off?

I think of Christmas trees...

And what else?

What are these?

These are just my glasses.

Nothing special.

I will put them back on.

It's not prescription.



That's right. As for me...

I was going to draw clothes.

Like a designer...

Do I look okay on screen?

Put the glasses back on?

Do I look ugly?

It's so dirty.


I was going to draw clothes.

And I was going to draw

a Christmas tree.

That's what I'm thinking.

It's a little dark in here.

But all the lights are on...


I don't know what's happening.

It's too dark.

And I don't know why.

Should I draw a padded jacket?

Okay, I will draw....

Please pick. Clothes

or Christmas tree. Please pick.

What should I draw?

Clothes or a Christmas tree?

Christmas tree?

Or clothes? Please choose!

Design clothes?

Draw a Christmas tree?

[Reading comments]

What should I do?

I see "clothes" a lot.


Christmas tree...

What should I draw?

I see trees.

I see clothes.

Pepero snacks?

What about both?

Clothes on a Christmas tree?

I will draw both, if I have time.

I can't draw that, guys!

Okay, I will draw a tree.

I will plan it out first.

I will do that.

It's going to look like this.

Hello, "Joonchul."

I'm not good at math.

We helped this fan to get better.

This fan wasn't to meet us on stage.

Let's do that. Good luck.

Should I take off this bull? Oh?

Uh oh...

It's all smudged.

Do I have to take it off?

I thought it was a sticker where you have to leave on...

Oh no...

How embarrassing.

It's gone, guys. It's gone. See?

Okay, it looks better this way.

I bought these myself.

You can't see any marks on my face! It's gone, guys.

Are you guys satisfied?

Okay, let's get right to it.

Christmas tree.

They are green.

But mine will be...

My Christmas tree will be...

Should I fix the camera?

I will draw a purple tree.

And I think you will pass

your test! Fighting!

Okay, let's get right to it.

Christmas tree!

Finger heart?

Put some snow on the Christmas tree? I will do that.

I will draw a purple one.

First off...

I love purple.

That's why my Christmas tree will be purple.



What the heck is this!

What does a Christmas tree look like?

I will search it.

Please let me~

I will search about Christmas tree.

"Christmas tree."


How should I search?

Okay, guys?

Check this out.

I see a great one.

A good Christmas tree.

Alright, I will use this as my model.

Christmas tree and a star!

It's an instruction on how to draw a Christmas tree.

I will draw in 9 steps.

Since we have 9 members in our group.

Okay, let's get right to it.

I can't talk while I draw.

I'm not a multi-tasking person.

Okay? 1.

This is the 1st step. And the 2nd one...



[9 layers] 4...





Isn't it good?

And finally...

I will use...

I will...

I will draw the trunk.

I will be the trunk of the tree.

It's not crooked!

It's supposed to look like that!

I will use pink.

I will draw the trunk of the tree.

I hope I'm not plagiarizing...Wow!

It looks good!

It's cute!

Who is in the back?

You mean, the star?

On top of the tree?

Well, I will draw a diamond.

Okay, let's draw a diamond on top of the tree.

Okay, I will draw that!

Oh that scared me!

Okay, as for the diamond...

How should I...

I will use black.

Okay, let's do this.

This is an important step.

It's too easy!

It's done! See? Ta-da!

I love it.

What's wrong with black?

It's my favorite color!

I love white, black and purple.

Where should I put our initial?


I'm good at calligraphy...

Is that what it's called?


What color should I use? Red?

Yellow? Hm...

I will plan it out.

I have a good idea. Check this out.

Diamond~ DIA~

What should I look at?

What should be my reference?

No? What?

The colors are clashing? No way~

What else should I add...

What color should I use...


I have something good.

Do it amazing...

Check this out.

I will use red.

This sweater is pretty!

Come on!

Give me a break~

I look like "Ddoksoon"?

That's my dog's name.

The color is off?

I will upload this picture later.


Check this out.

"Do it amazing"!


I look like my dog? Thanks.

I love my dog.

[Fooling around]

I have to add some snow.

I will draw some snow.

I have to use my imagination now.

Check it out!

Are these clouds? Or snow?


Draw Santa Clause? I have no idea~

Green snow?

No way~

I like these snow that look like clouds...


What should I do?

Okay, first off...

I will draw Eunice on the top.

She loves yellow.

That's right.

I will use yellow to represent her.

I'm going to draw circles.

These remind me of Eunice.

I think I have to use another color

to write out her name.

Or something.

What should I use?

I will go by age.

I like white.

What should I use?

Brown? No?

Is that an ugly color?

I don't have even color.


I will color it using peach.

All right.

It's not visible... Hm...

I don't know what to do.

[Coloring in DIA]

[In peace]

[With her right hand]

[Using up and down strokes]

Okay, that's peach.

It's fine.

Ju Eun likes blue-ish colors.

Jenny is next.

Jenny is sexy.

So, I must use dark.

To match her skin tone.

She looks great in dark colors.

So, I will use dark colors.

Not gray.

I will use black.

What shapes should I draw?

She looks good in black.

And I will draw hearts.

To represent her cute, sexiness. Check it out!


As for me... I'm the truck!

I'm the trunk.

Oh? [LOL]


Oh, we had Ju Eun! Oh my!

I forgot about her!

I'm so sorry!

What should I do? Oh my!

Oh darn it!

Oh darn it!

I will give her the biggest space at the end! Okay, that's that.

Up next.

It's Chae Yeon.

She is up next. [LOL]

Chae Yeon, first! Okay...

She loves eating.

She ate a lot today.

She keeps asking me to eat.

So, I will draw...

What should I draw? Um? Um?

Strawberries? Flowers?

She likes flowers, too.

I will use red!


Red flowers?

Ye Bin is up next? Um...


No, I will draw Chae Yeon's layer.

Draw strawberries on her space?

I will draw flowers...

But I'm not good at drawing strawberries.

We don't have time.

Yes, it's all up to me!

As for Ye Bin...

She is very pale!


She is so pink, too.

I will use pink to match her color.

Pink for Ye Bin!

I will draw this. Check this out.

This is for Ye Bin!

I can't draw peaches.

I don't know how to.

Eun Jin is a lanky girl~

So, I will use green.

She reminds me of a tree.

How can I draw a tree...


I'm not biased.

I love all the members.

As for Eun Jin...

I will draw these.

She is the tallest member.

I will draw a long line.

Draw chickens?

I'm so random?



Who's next?

Eun Chae~

Eun Chae and Som Yi.

And finally, Ju Eun.

Eun Chae...


Why am I laughing?

She is the shortest one!

She is cutie~ So, I will use yellow.

I drew these stars! Ta-da!


Eun Chae~

And Som Yi~ As for her...


What should I draw?

She is very foolish.

What is a "foolish" color? Hm...


I'm 166cm.


A green frog?

Why? Som Yi?

Use white?

For Som Yi?

Is that going to be visible?

Som Yi... I will use...

I will use sky blue.

Or orange?

What a foolish color. It's so random.

I will use orange

to represent Som Yi.

It's orange, for sure.

I will use another orange color.

It's so random, right?

That's her, alright.

And lastly!

Ju Eun! She is...

I will use tree color.

Maybe not.

She likes brown.

Her clothes are brown.

I will use this brown crayon.

I will draw something huge for her.

I will color it in.

Check it out. It's done.

What's a seashell color?

Isn't it brown? It's sky blue?


Why are you getting angry?!

Oh, come on~

Why are seashells sky blue?

Ju Eun likes brown!

You guys don't know that!

It's not ruined!

You should've told me earlier!

You guys are talking about those edible seashells, right? They are brown!


These are brown!

Check it out! See?

Edible seashells!

They are brown!

I'm right! See?

I should pay more attention to my members?

I think I do already~


Seashell color...

Oh, "sora" is "cloud" in Japanese? Oh~

Is that why?

I'm sorry.

Okay, it's almost done.


As for me...

I like clothes.

I will put something around the trunk.

I will choose white.

Check this out. It's white.

Someone put red!


It's not going to work.

I will use this color instead.

I will draw some clothes.

It's so not visible. You can't even see it!

Can you see it?

Can you see it? Those are clohtes.

I will draw buttons, pockets...





What should I add? Please tell me.

On the Christmas tree.

[Please tell her now]

Time flies? It does.

I'm imaginative?

I'm Adolf Hitler?


How can you say that?!

I should draw Santa Clause?

We only have 6 minutes left.

I can't draw it again.

I will draw socks!


In what color?

Draw a cake? Socks?

I can't draw socks.

What should I do?

These are socks!


The background?

I will show you.

Draw a rainbow? I will do that.

I will use all colors of the rainbow. Red,



Green. Blue.



That's a rainbow~

I already have a diamond on top of the tree.

Candy cane?


I will draw candy canes.

Check it out.

Stars? Stars?

(Technical difficulties)



I've seen a rainbow in snow.



Stop drawing?

I'll stop. It's enough.

It's done.

This is DIA's Christmas tree.

A winter tree, rather.

That's snow.

I don't know if you can see it, but..


I should give this away at the fan meeting event?

It's not umbrella.

Those are candy canes.

This picture has everything.


I have to go now.

It's now 8:40pm. It's been fun.

Thanks for watching.

See you guys next time.

Please look forward to our "Daily DIA show." Bye`


For more infomation >> 171109 [DAILY DIA 2] 데일리 다이아 56회-다이아 사생대회-희효니 (DIA Drawing Contest - HuiHyeon) Eps 56 - Duration: 40:38.


Karl Anthony-Towns' Big Boy Tricycles (Ep. 1) | Fake Athlete Commercials - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Karl Anthony-Towns' Big Boy Tricycles (Ep. 1) | Fake Athlete Commercials - Duration: 0:46.


The tears of God ... - Duration: 2:32.

He looks at the World ...

And ...

In the arms of his mother ...

He is crying ...

And we beg ...

Pray ...

For more infomation >> The tears of God ... - Duration: 2:32.


Riverdale 2x06 Extended Promo "Death Proof" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 2x06 Extended Promo "Death Proof" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:41.


3D Printed Invention Produces 2 Liters Of Drinking Water Every Hour From Air - Duration: 4:14.

3D-Printed Invention Produces 2 Liters Of Drinking Water

Every Hour From Air

Did you know?

By 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion people will live in areas where water scarcity is prevalent.

This is concerning, but fortunately, not unsolvable.

In fact, a 22-year-old Indian entrepreneur has already presented a solution.

Jawwad Patel, an engineering student, has developed an invention that converts atmospheric

moisture into potable drinking water.

In other words, it pulls water from the air to produce drinkable water within a short

period of time.

Perhaps most notable is the fact that the device � dubbed the �Dewdrop� � was


Tech Story reports that the invention sucks in air using a fan, filters dust, and then

condenses moisture using the Thomson and Peltier effect to produce mineralized water.

The water is then stored for drinking.

When the container is emptied, it begins the process once again.

Because the Dewdrop weighs approximately two pounds, it is easy to carry wherever you go.

It is powered by a 12V 6000 man Li-ion battery and can produce about 1.86 liters per hour

of potable drinking water.

In the desert, the 3D-printed invention can generate 1.2 liters per hour.

The engineering student devised the interface to control the operation of the device and

its sensors, which detect humidity, temperature, and a few other factors.

Reportedly, Jawwad is already working on the next version of the product.

His plan is to incorporate a solar cell to power the Dewdrop and to provide the user

with the choice of hot or cold water.

Because he is from India, Jawwad is well-aware of the hardship that accompanies water shortages.

When he visited a small town in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, for instance, he witnessed

people struggling to survive without water.

It affirmed the need to develop an invention that can pull water from the air, so people

with limited resources don�t die of something as simple as thirst.

Jawwad sees the device being used by mountaineers and explorers, the poor and impoverished and

by campers who visit deserts and remote forests.

Though the device is news-worthy, it isn�t the first invention to pull and store water

from the air.

In the past, Fontus and Water-gen developed devices that convert atmospheric moisture

to water � but using a different technology.

Fontus designed a water bottle that is solar-powered and consists of a condenser connected to a

series of hydrophobic resources that repel water, then collect it.

Water-gen developed the Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) that works by dehumidifying

air as in air-conditioners.

The Israeli product sucks air, cools it down and, as a result, consent water and recycles

cold air.

The AWG can yield up to 450 liters of water each day.

Watch the video below to learn more:

At his core, Jawwad is an inventor.

He became passionate about electronics around the age of 12-13, and eventually had his own

laboratory to experiment thanks to his supportive parents.

A strict follower of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Jawwad wants the government to install tech

incubation centers for teenagers to help them innovate.

The areas of innovation he is particularly interested in are water, energy, and healthcare.

He considers these the three main fields in which India faces many problems.

The 22-years-old seeks to take his products to the rural masses through government channels,

rather than private companies.

For more infomation >> 3D Printed Invention Produces 2 Liters Of Drinking Water Every Hour From Air - Duration: 4:14.


VLOG 12 | Filipino Day | SIGNwithGab | Gabriel Manalo - Duration: 11:21.

Hi Guys

Good day

for this vlog 12

for Filipino day celebration

Why are you posing?


it is nice costume

Wait for them, we are going to up Mph

She is beautiful

I don't like a Slipper

She visits here

The Legend of Sampaguita

it's nice to see to your beautiful Rose again

i have been waiting for that. i wish the time will never stop

I always pray to god that our family will solve their

so that we can be together

that is what they want,

they want war

we will give them

plan our police

For more infomation >> VLOG 12 | Filipino Day | SIGNwithGab | Gabriel Manalo - Duration: 11:21.


Keep Moving Forward (Clip 1) // Bayless Conley - Duration: 2:00.

Get ready to discover answers in the Bible

with Bayless Conley.

Colossians 3:15 from The Amplified Bible says, "Let the peace of God act as an umpire continually

in your heart, deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your


Well, what does an umpire do?

An umpire says, "No, that's out of bounds.

No, that's fair.

Keep going."

And sometimes as we pray about something or lean in a certain direction, we've got peace

in our heart.

The umpire is making a call: "Go forward."

Other times, you are thinking about pursuing a certain route of action; and every time

you move that way, the peace just flees.

The umpire is making a call.

He says, "You better stop.

You better think about it."

And I think that God can lead us in ways that are not necessarily spectacular but are altogether


I remember with the Sausalito campus we finally got a bank to agree to loan us two million


At the time that was absolutely astronomical to me; and, frankly, I was in a panic over


I was thinking, "God, if this doesn't work, they won't be able to find You, but

they know where I live."

And I've got to go to the bank the next day to sign the documents, and I'm freaking


I prayed earnestly about it, went to sleep that night; in the morning I woke up, and

I had a tangible peace.

I went right down to the bank and signed the documents.

I knew God was speaking to me.

I don't think we should require more than that.

For more infomation >> Keep Moving Forward (Clip 1) // Bayless Conley - Duration: 2:00.


Bachatas 2017 Romanticas Mix - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce - Bachatas Lo Mas Nuevo 2017 - Duration: 1:17:06.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Bachatas 2017 Romanticas Mix - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce - Bachatas Lo Mas Nuevo 2017 - Duration: 1:17:06.


ନବରତ୍ନ ପଲଉ | Nabaratna Palau Recipe | How to make Navratan Pulao | Odia - Duration: 4:48.

Namaskar. Welcome to

Today we will make Navratan Pulao using pressure cooker

Which can be prepared in less time during any occasion or at any time

Before starting the recipe, please subscribe our channel if you are not subscribed yet

And press the bell icon next to subscribe button so that you will never miss our latest videos

Let's start with today's recipe

We need all these ingredients for making Navratan pulao

Basmati rice - 1½ glass

I have measured the rice in this glass and soaked it for 30 minutes

Water - 1½ glass ( Measure with the same glass for pressure cooker)

In vegetables :



Green peas

Paneer cubes

Desi ghee - 2 tbsp





Black cardamom

Cinnamon stick

Mace / Javitri

You can prepare this recipe using any of these spices as per the availability

Sugar - 1 tbsp

And salt to taste

Turn on the flame and heat up the pressure cooker

Then put 2 tbsp of ghee in it

Put cloves




Add 1 tbsp of sugar and stir

Sugar has melted now

Now put all dry nuts and fry for 30 seconds

Then add fresh green peas

Add paneer and all vegetables

Put a pinch of salt

And mix well for some time on medium flame

It's been 3 minutes

Here it got fried a little and turned golden brown in colour

Now add the soaked basmati rice

Then mix everything gently

Otherwise it might break

Fry it on low flame for a minute

Then pour 1½ glass of water in it

Let the water boil on high flame first

Then close the lid of pressure cooker

Cook the rice for 1 whistle on high flame

And 2 whistles on medium flame

Turn off the flame

Once the cooker cool down completely, open the lid carefully

Here all rice and vegetables got cooked well

Get it out in a serving plate

Navratan Pulao is ready to serve now

You can serve it with raita or with any other Indian gravy

So try this recipe at home

And share your experience with me in the comment section below

Thank you

See you soon in my next video

You could subscribe my channel by clicking on this face icon

For more infomation >> ନବରତ୍ନ ପଲଉ | Nabaratna Palau Recipe | How to make Navratan Pulao | Odia - Duration: 4:48.


Holocaust survivors recount their memories of Kristallnacht - Duration: 2:05.

There, in the street, I saw brownshirts, volunteer fire people, boy scouts

("Hitler youth", as they were called), carrying a flame in one hand and a brick in the other.

They were coming to my house.

November 9, 1938, there was a change.

I, as a child , didn't notice the changes with the boycotts and the things that were

happening, But that night, at 10 o'clock, I was awakened.

I went to the window, and I remember my teeth chattered.

I was so afraid

For more infomation >> Holocaust survivors recount their memories of Kristallnacht - Duration: 2:05.


Pujan Rohani - ZUSAMMEN:ÖSTERREICH Integrationsbotschafter, Familienbetrieb [DE] [HD] - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Pujan Rohani - ZUSAMMEN:ÖSTERREICH Integrationsbotschafter, Familienbetrieb [DE] [HD] - Duration: 1:58.


Asian to European Makeup [ENG Sub] แต่งหน้าเป็นสาวยุโรปสไตล์ Emma Watson - Duration: 8:09.

Hello everybody!!

Today's look is a European-style transformation

inspired by

Emma Watsonnnnmian (Thai Temple's name)

Let's get to the tutorial!

Starting off with a primer

to extend the makeup wear.

This one is a clear gel which is very hydrating.

Take one scoop and apply all over the face.

Remember it's not a jelly. Don't eat that scoop.

Next, we're also gonna use this Illamasqua foundation .

It provides medium-full coverage, very long-lasting

and not so heavy.

Would recommend for bridal or graduation makeup.

This color is perfect for light-yellow skin.

Let's conceal the under eye

and set with a loose powder.

We've been using this powder to death

but there's still a lot inside.

Lightly apply the powder foundation on the rest of the face

for extra coverage, and to lock everything in place

allllllll day long.

Contour with the neutral brown shade

not too gray, not too orange

for a natural look.

On the perimeter of the face.

The side of the nose and under eye shadow.

Create the eye bag for a round eye effect.

Try to draw them equally on both sides.


lightly apply it in the crease

Deepen this area with a deep brown shade.

Starting from the brows and drag it down to the nose.

This technique is a key to transform your face.

She looks starving just now lol.

Draw straight brows

and further define the shape with a concealer.

Remove those excess hairs.

Set with a black mascara.

Apply this champagne shadow all over the lid.

This is the collaboration between Cute Press and Beauty and The Beast

starring Emma Watson.

Apply on the inner corner as well.

Go in with this matte brown on the outer V

and under the bottom lash line.

Mix 2 blushes in the palette and apply on the cheeks.

a bit lower than normal.

Highlight above the tip of the nose

to create a shorter nose effect.

just like cute European girls.

Highlight the cheekbones

and the cupid's bow.

This step is very crucial.

Apply a nude liner on the waterline.

Follow with a dark brown on the bottom lash.

Draw a very thin line as close to the lash line as possible.

We've been using this one in almost every video

by Mistine's Maxi Black

because it's dammmmmm good.

Apply mascara on top and bottom.

Pile it on.

No need to use false lashes on this look.

You see she doesn't look like a person

Thai person anymore.

This is optional but you can use a brow pencil to dot freckles.

If you already have it then good for you.


Follow with these dark brown dots for more dimension.

Small freckles, big freckles, scatter freckles, colorful freckles (Tounge twister)

Blend everything in with the sponge

for more natural look.

Finish off with a nude lipstick.

Draw a very thin upper lip

to create a shorter nose.

Be careful not to make it look like pig's nose tho.

And that's the finished look.

but if you want a bolder Parisian look

by all means go for the vibrant red lips.


The European makeup look inspired by Emma

Wat Samian, Wat Soitong, Wat Srisaket (All temple's names)

It kinda turns out like this.

We also did a wear test for you guys.

It's 10 PM at night now.

Everything is still on except for the lips.

It's been 12 hours since the makeup applied.

After one blotting, everything still looks fresh.

The combination of primer and foundation did work well for me.

You can find the list of all products used in the description box.

All the base products are from Illamasqua.

This video is not sponsored by the way.

And that's it for today guys. See you in the next video!


For more infomation >> Asian to European Makeup [ENG Sub] แต่งหน้าเป็นสาวยุโรปสไตล์ Emma Watson - Duration: 8:09.


Talking Tom and Friends - Un ami top classe (Épisode 31) - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends - Un ami top classe (Épisode 31) - Duration: 10:10.


Cómo hacer CALENDARIOS personalizados con FOTOS 📸😍 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer CALENDARIOS personalizados con FOTOS 📸😍 - Duration: 3:22.


7 Things Tag | Seven Things I Can't Live Without - Duration: 10:22.

hey guys it's Danielle with Danielle Minnesota vlogs and my friend Alicia

from happily ever minimal tagged me in the seven things tag so I'm going to

tell you seven things that I cannot live without and I was I had so much fun

brainstorming for this like I love my seven things I really don't think I can

live without any of them um I'm gonna be really like materialistic with my

answers you know of course I can't live without my family and my friends my

faith Lacroix sparkling water so it's gonna be more like surface here I'll get

right into it number one is my wedding ring my nails aren't so good right now

um it is just a simple round beautiful solitaire diamond and I love it

the bands are gold which I love yellow gold and my dad got my mom a new ring

gosh probably 20 years ago now and they traded in the diamond but she saved her

original wedding bands and she gave them to my now husband before he proposed

that showing anyways I love it um it's beautiful and I I'm a sucker for like

tradition and symbolism and I just love that it symbolizes our commitment to be

a family I talk about that all the time with with my son so okay number two is

my phone I told you I was gonna be materialistic I love my phone and oddly

enough I don't like talking on the phone I've never been a fan of talking on the

phone but I still can't live without my phone I love to text I love to research

things I can do all that for my phone oh I love researching I love reading blogs

i watch most of my TV from my phone a YouTube for my phone I really don't

know what we did before smartphones I love my phone number three I am cheating

and I am doing two things they're both kitchen utensils number one is my chef's

knife I really love to cook my husband is a butcher and so I'm very spoiled

with my knives and I use this every single time I cook I just I'm gonna get

banned from YouTube I better be careful I just love how it feels and how it cuts

and um yeah when I'm at someone else's house re cooking or even at her cabin we

don't have good nice at the cabin and I'm just very spoiled love it secondly

is really weird it's my old stained wooden spoon but I

cannot use another wooden spoon I just love this thing I use it everytime I

need a wooden spoon it stained from cooking dry black beans but I don't care

I love it number four pretty embarrassing this is my stuffed

animal from when I was a child his name is brownie and he is in rough shape but

I love him so much and I still sleep with him I just oh I love brownies

he's just so comfy you know what he is like a big bowl of comfort food brownie

all right number five is Chipotle I love Chipotle I go there at least once or

twice a week or more it's a problem and it is

I love it I just went an hour ago and I get one of two things every single time

so usually I try to go the healthy route and I get a bowl so I forego the carb

filled tortilla and since I'm already being healthy I try to get only one

other carb so I usually get brown rice but skip the beans and then I try to get

only one source of fat so I get either sour cream or guacamole

depending on how crazy I feel sometimes when I'm feeling naughty I want the

tortilla so I get the tortilla for the burrito and then I just go for it so I

get the rice and the beans and the guacamole and the sour cream and then

sometimes I even add chips and salsa I always get hot salsa on my bowl or my

burrito always two scoops and then if I get chips I get hot sauce as well was

that too much detail I love it and yeah it's a lot of food especially I mean the

burritos bad it's way too much food the bowl it's still like a lot of food but I

feel like it's pretty healthy I love Chipotle number six TV I love TV I'm not

ashamed to say it I probably watch two hours of TV daily I

do love to read but if I'm gonna be honest with you if I had to if I had to

live the rest of my life without TV or without books I would choose to not live

with books because I love TV okay so I love Bravo TV I'll of all the housewife

franchises I think the only one I don't watch is is it Potomac it's that suburb

of DC and I just have never been able to get into it but I pretty much

religiously watched everything else oh good

wasn't jealous good this year and I love Andy Cohen I've seen him in person twice

met him once loved him and and I love Netflix because I like to

binge I don't like movies I cannot sit through a movie I get antsy I can't do

it but I can binge watch a show for four hours straight I don't know what it is I

need an emotional break every 53 minutes okay so on Netflix right now what I am

loving is Manhunter not to be confused with mind hunters because it's very

confusing very similar titles but mine is Manhunter the Unabomber I think is

what it's called and it is chronicling the true story of catching the Unabomber

and the main guy is so cute he's not the Unabomber I'm not sick he's

the FBI agent I don't always meet him but

these are really cute like really cute and it's good it's just really good

check it out am i blushing secondly what I'm watching

right now on Netflix i think it's called living below zero

shoot in a text if i'm wrong and it is a reality show about people who live like

at the north pole basically like if they travel north they're going south and it

is so interesting because it is so different then how we live so different

one lady so that her nearest neighbor is 300 miles away her nearest neighbor we

have a cabin that's 200 miles away and it takes forever to get there like three

and a half hours and we have freeways highways to get there I bet it takes her

like six hours to get to her nearest neighbor if not more like that's crazy

and they all like they always have guns on them because getting attacked by a

grizzly bears it's like a real daily life thing it's crazy it's so good

my sister-in-law told me about it number seven is was it was like it's like a

beauty thing so it was a toss-up between mascara and hair product and I think I

would choose hair product um I'm not picky about what but I are dry my hair

it's pretty low maintenance but if I don't put either gel or mousse or curl

cream or I need something after I wash it if I don't do that it's disgusting

it's not even that it looks disgusting which it does but it just feels mmm

don't like it so yeah those are my seven things I love them I got so excited I

love it this is fun for me I'm going to take seven of my friends which will be

in below and I'll probably take you on Instagram if we are connected

but thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoy this as much as I did

probably not I hope you all have a great day if you're new I would love it if you

would subscribe to my channel and give this video a big thumbs up and we'll see

you next time bye guys


For more infomation >> 7 Things Tag | Seven Things I Can't Live Without - Duration: 10:22.


Essence of Murli 10-11-2017 - Duration: 7:55.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 10th November 2017

Essence:Sweet children, you have to pay full attention to shrimat.

The Father's orders are: Children, remember Me, imbibe knowledge and serve others.

( Otherwise we will not get success in service. Only when we "walk our talk" would we get success )

Question: What very good advice does Baba give you children for your progress?

Answer: Sweet children, keep your account. At amrit vela remember the Father with love.

Don't sit in remembrance just in name.

Follow shrimat and become soul conscious and become completely merciful and you will continue to make very good progress.

Question: What becomes an obstacle in remembrance?

Answer: The sinful actions you performed in the past become an obstacle when you sit in remembrance.

You children invoke the Father with your remembrance and Maya tries to make you forget.

You have to keep a chart of remembrance. Make effort and you will be threaded in the rosary.

Song: You are the Ocean of Love. We thirst for one drop!

Essence for dharna: 1. Perform each act according to shrimat.

Do service while being benevolent and merciful to everyone.

2. Instil the firm habit of having remembrance.

At the time of sitting in remembrance, pay attention that none of your friends or relatives or food and drink etc. is remembered.

Maintain a chart of remembrance.

Blessing: May you be a humble instrument and become light by giving the burden of all your responsibilities to the Father.

When you consider something to be your responsibility, your head becomes heavy.

"The Father is responsible and I am just an instrument"; this awareness makes you light.

Therefore, give Him all your small & large burdens the burden of effort, the burden of service,

the burden of fulfilling your responsibilities to your relations & connections the burden & become light.

If you have the slightest thought that you have to do something,

that only you can do that, then, that consciousness of "I" will make you heavy and there won't be humility.

By considering yourself to be an instrument, you automatically have the virtue of humility.

Slogan: A jewel of contentment is one whose decoration of life is contentment.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 10-11-2017 - Duration: 7:55.


UNBOXING...DALLA BUSTA DEL PANE! #posteitalianeregalaemozioni - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> UNBOXING...DALLA BUSTA DEL PANE! #posteitalianeregalaemozioni - Duration: 8:21.


Is YouTube Worth It? - Duration: 4:49.

Did you know that 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute? This

means more and more people are using YouTube videos to share their passions

or to generate revenue from their videos therefore you may be asking the question

is YouTube worth it or not because it's getting so competitive? in this video I'm

going to share with you 10 reasons why YouTube is worth it

Hello my name is Herman Drost from if you want to grow

your audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and subscribers on

autopilot hit the subscribe button or hit the bell notification icon here are

my 10 reasons why YouTube is worth it number one it's a huge traffic platform

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the net after Google 300 hours

of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute and almost 5 billion videos are

watched on YouTube every day this means it's a highly effective traffic

generating machine because you can reach a huge audience number 2

evergreen content because it's a second largest search engine on the net after

Google this means that many people are searching for how-to information using

YouTube for example I wanted to save money by changing the headlight lamp on

my 2010 Toyota Corolla I simply entered my question into the YouTube search box

and got the answer to save me 50 bucks the big lesson here is if you create

many how-to videos that rank in the search engines you'll get these videos

working for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week for years to come you make very

effective use of creating evergreen content you create it once and it works

forever number 3 great way to share your passion

if you have a passion or interest about anything and want to share it with the

world then YouTube is a great vehicle to share it with others many youtubers

started sharing their passion with others and it turned into a full-time

career number 4 generate revenue if your motivation for creating videos is just

to make money you won't get very far the most popular youtubers started because

it was fun and ended up generating revenue later I initially started my

YouTube channel to create design tutorials for my web design clients I

then discovered that YouTube videos rank better than websites and many people

started asking about how to use YouTube to generate traffic for their business.

As a result I discovered I had a passion for video marketing number five showcase

your creativity coming up with new video ideas scripting the videos shooting the

videos editing the videos and promoting them enables me to develop and express the

creative side of myself the more creative I get the more fun I have

number 6 help people when someone leaves a comment under my video that says I

helped them with something they're being struggling with for days weeks or months

it gives me a lot of satisfaction the more people I can help the greater

satisfaction I receive this means I'm making an impact on people's lives and

you can do it too number seven become a confident speaker before I started

creating videos I feared being on camera after just doing it and creating many

videos I became more confident in my speaking ability when YouTube introduced

live-streaming from your mobile phone I jumped on it initially I had a great

fear but when I focused on a message instead of thinking about myself I got

through it now I actually enjoy interacting with

a live audience it also has boosted my confidence to speak to a live audience

whether it's on camera or off camera number eight therapeutic I'm sure you've

all experienced struggling with a particular problem in your personal life

it could be sickness it could be boredom or any number of things for example when

I contracted acute bronchitis I lost a lot of my energy it was easy to feel sorry

for myself and get irritated by others in my family so instead of wallowing in

my misery I decided to create videos and found it very therapeutic it took my

mind off my sickness and lifted up my spirits number 9 community working from

a computer all day can be very lonely and you may be misunderstood by your

friends and family members about what you're doing interacting with people on

your YouTube channel helps you to connect with other people and build a

community if you want to belong to a community of like-minded people and

interact with other members be sure to join my facebook group Tube Video Boot

Camp I'll place a link to it in the description below this video number 10

have fun if you're not having fun creating videos and build your channel

you'll soon run out of steam I'm not going lie to you but there will be times

when you're not motivated or inspired to create videos when that happens just

take a break and your creativity motivation and inspiration

will return Click the card icon to discover the pros and cons of starting a

YouTube channel in 2018 if you want to learn how to grow your audience on

YouTube and generate traffic leads and subscribers on autopilot

click the subscribe button below and check out the related videos

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