Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

yo yo yo CPA strength here with another video yeah my best video yet you know

how we do better every time better every time so what am i doing today I'm just

play a little basketball I might at my place Holiday Park I was actually gonna

do a video at the beach today I don't know why I usually hate people to tell

you what they were gonna do but it was it's been the boat the boat show down

there and it was like know where the parking I usually Park out there's no

park it was just a mess it stressed me out and then it's just something about

going to relax and have him to pay money that stresses me out as well mmm so I

figured you know what I've never like I didn't know if this would work there

were some bleachers over the that thing the cameras on and I figured I would

just shoot some hoop also the Sun was being the Sun was really affecting me so

oh oh I think I'm telling I do this game called levels here's my first shot at

the corner okay I miss so I'm old for one then you have five shots you go to

the two corners so here's here's the second shot I made that one so I'm one

for two now so I got three more shots you can do them at any time you want so

I have the side okay I missed that so I have two two shots left and I need two

more makes to go to the next level you need three out of five the top of the

key the side the two sides and then the two I guess in between the top and side

you'll see the five points I hit so I need so the pressures on oh oh the bank

was open it is a weekday it is a weekday folks it is a weekday banks open look

I'm like I'm like hey can I rise the occasion is the pressures on I don't

know can I do it what's JD boys gonna do first time on camera first time Oh nails

it you know you know the you know the dill I swear that was my first one so

I'm on round two right now round two be round 2 round two bit she got make the

first can you make the first one damn that's

all right Ian make it before this three four five games really fun

okay so what's here's my second shot Oh what we did oh won't fire it up what I'm

think I'm gonna go to the next round on camera

Oh fired up your boy fired up so he's got three more shots he needs to make

two more oh that was horrible shot damn damn fat

boy what you doing L so the Sun was all messed up on this one this is the first

time I've ever used color correction I've heard I've heard youtubers say I've

had to color correct it I don't know if I messed anything else up but I need to

make the last two and I did I did the time before am I gonna make the last two

this time why why you suck JT you really do suck bro I make sure and finish up

with the consolation so I hit two out of three only went to the second round but

that's not bad so now I think I'm just

some skills yeah boys got some skills right bring the backpack up to the park

you know what I'm saying meet somebody I'll be over at the park yeah look yeah

get some of that all right straight Thugga oh boy you fat piece of shit oh

lordy have mercy so yeah this is a game levels and the most I've ever gotten up

to was the seventh level probably in 2004 that's when I made it and then my

meth hey Dane Eugene Oregon over to the bridge under what the 106 bridge there

and down downtown and the Whitaker there in Eugene a place that you're not

supposed to go to so I was like Oh what where is that wherever they tell me not

to go or not to do I of course first thing I do so yeah I

invented this game and I used to play with my buddy Dale and I mean we just

would go at this he got to the sixth level before I got to the seventh level

I mean I was on meth fire I was just lights out just like surprised just fuck

it you know it's my snort of meth rail or something and then I was just on fire

I mean yeah yeah it was that stuff's fun for a little bit but yeah I kever since

that I could never I could never match that that focus that Drive and I think

after that time that was like in 2004 to 2007 teen so I think like 13 years later

I've only gotten to like the third or fourth level a couple times so yeah so

me and my buddy Dale in Oregon just like loved this game I can't I want to say I

believe I came up with it I don't know he might have like

co-authored it or something I don't know yo Dale if you hear this man holler at

your boy bro we made a dog if you're still alive

if you're still alive holler at your boy and if you're in jail I don't know I

don't know how you're gonna hear this I'm sure you have a fuckin cell phone in

jail though so I'm sure you're watching YouTube so jail if you're alive holler

at your boy holler JT blaze come on large ad you

said you'd pray for me buddy they said that's what he would always

say for me cuz I just pray for you cuz I'm like man it can't be no can't be

nothing good out there I don't believe in shit buddy but anyways this isn't

isn't about that but yeah I miss him so he was like loved the game with me

I've played this game at this court with my buddy Aaron a couple times we go

waggle whatever a if a who shine dog man you might you might or Kris but you

don't but you're a little one turn 180 turn around but you're a little kind of

like couple years younger but shut but shine dog Lauren you know this plugin

we go why go whatever miss OH your boys a sore loser I kind of play it

up for the camera there but I also I also played this game with my boy T

sushi tae sik's you know Thai sticks he's got the rhymes right when I say

fuck a platinum girl just gonna get in the way me popping my pills right

I clicked you're the best bitch I'm running up the only like Ron Artest

I told me needs a rice gum disc you see I just threw my hat down I always had a

horrible attitude and whether it was a football helmet my baseball glove

whatever I would throw it and I'm just a poor poor loser I mean I do I don't know

I wanted to show you I wanted to show you the camera I'm using you're such a

fucking weirdo JD what's wrong with you no I want to show you tear oh I'll be

like in a tear oh he's awesome I don't want to be say nothing of course I think

he's uh behind bars awaiting trial of course innocent until proven guilty

right I mean I know he didn't do it I don't even know what I don't even I

could just be making up but that's the thing I mean the real real rappers that

I can tell that the real I think a lot of people can tell who's real and who's

fake and this and that and I think that's why I get a lot of a lot of love

in my videos because I just I just really love doing these I honestly could

be I guess making a lot more money somewhere else but I enjoyed this so I

mean to even make a penny off this is fucking awesome and I never look at fat

boys gonna try dunk fat bort god damn you need to lay off tough fucking you

fat piece of shit actually I was like that's like six thirty to sixty that's

like 260 pounds so I was up to like 270 I don't know why the videos I'll chop

you like that I didn't chop it up I wish I had skills to chop it up and actually

dunk if you hold on I think I give it oh oh oh I don't want to go

oh-oh-oh I'm such an idiot well seriously that's 200 see look oh that's

my shoe yeah my shoe coach money and money no I was never an excuse of course

so the excuse was my shoe so yeah when I when I when I said I came up here

okay I started to get the levels again over one so when I said I'm in sixth

grade I walked up to Holiday Park with my two buddies and signed up for all

four to sign up for a little league baseball in sixth grade it was my buddy

Aaron and then another buddy of mine Ricardo and and I'll tell you what Aaron

used to never least a beaner needs to play basketball time he was better he

was better he got better than me because he got like taller than lankier he had

some skills he got better Ricardo was always way better than us a caveat

Ricardo was black I mean he balled the fuck out on us I never even came close

to beating him but uh yeah anyways Aaron had this thing he would not leave the

court till he until he made a shot so boom last shot that's it rap it's a rap

son til tomorrow CPI strength juices



Karl Anthony-Towns' Big Boy Tricycles (Ep. 1) | Fake Athlete Commercials - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Karl Anthony-Towns' Big Boy Tricycles (Ep. 1) | Fake Athlete Commercials - Duration: 0:46.


3D Printed Invention Produces 2 Liters Of Drinking Water Every Hour From Air - Duration: 4:14.

3D-Printed Invention Produces 2 Liters Of Drinking Water

Every Hour From Air

Did you know?

By 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion people will live in areas where water scarcity is prevalent.

This is concerning, but fortunately, not unsolvable.

In fact, a 22-year-old Indian entrepreneur has already presented a solution.

Jawwad Patel, an engineering student, has developed an invention that converts atmospheric

moisture into potable drinking water.

In other words, it pulls water from the air to produce drinkable water within a short

period of time.

Perhaps most notable is the fact that the device � dubbed the �Dewdrop� � was


Tech Story reports that the invention sucks in air using a fan, filters dust, and then

condenses moisture using the Thomson and Peltier effect to produce mineralized water.

The water is then stored for drinking.

When the container is emptied, it begins the process once again.

Because the Dewdrop weighs approximately two pounds, it is easy to carry wherever you go.

It is powered by a 12V 6000 man Li-ion battery and can produce about 1.86 liters per hour

of potable drinking water.

In the desert, the 3D-printed invention can generate 1.2 liters per hour.

The engineering student devised the interface to control the operation of the device and

its sensors, which detect humidity, temperature, and a few other factors.

Reportedly, Jawwad is already working on the next version of the product.

His plan is to incorporate a solar cell to power the Dewdrop and to provide the user

with the choice of hot or cold water.

Because he is from India, Jawwad is well-aware of the hardship that accompanies water shortages.

When he visited a small town in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, for instance, he witnessed

people struggling to survive without water.

It affirmed the need to develop an invention that can pull water from the air, so people

with limited resources don�t die of something as simple as thirst.

Jawwad sees the device being used by mountaineers and explorers, the poor and impoverished and

by campers who visit deserts and remote forests.

Though the device is news-worthy, it isn�t the first invention to pull and store water

from the air.

In the past, Fontus and Water-gen developed devices that convert atmospheric moisture

to water � but using a different technology.

Fontus designed a water bottle that is solar-powered and consists of a condenser connected to a

series of hydrophobic resources that repel water, then collect it.

Water-gen developed the Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) that works by dehumidifying

air as in air-conditioners.

The Israeli product sucks air, cools it down and, as a result, consent water and recycles

cold air.

The AWG can yield up to 450 liters of water each day.

Watch the video below to learn more:

At his core, Jawwad is an inventor.

He became passionate about electronics around the age of 12-13, and eventually had his own

laboratory to experiment thanks to his supportive parents.

A strict follower of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Jawwad wants the government to install tech

incubation centers for teenagers to help them innovate.

The areas of innovation he is particularly interested in are water, energy, and healthcare.

He considers these the three main fields in which India faces many problems.

The 22-years-old seeks to take his products to the rural masses through government channels,

rather than private companies.

For more infomation >> 3D Printed Invention Produces 2 Liters Of Drinking Water Every Hour From Air - Duration: 4:14.


Talking Tom and Friends - Un ami top classe (Épisode 31) - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends - Un ami top classe (Épisode 31) - Duration: 10:10.


7 Things Tag | Seven Things I Can't Live Without - Duration: 10:22.

hey guys it's Danielle with Danielle Minnesota vlogs and my friend Alicia

from happily ever minimal tagged me in the seven things tag so I'm going to

tell you seven things that I cannot live without and I was I had so much fun

brainstorming for this like I love my seven things I really don't think I can

live without any of them um I'm gonna be really like materialistic with my

answers you know of course I can't live without my family and my friends my

faith Lacroix sparkling water so it's gonna be more like surface here I'll get

right into it number one is my wedding ring my nails aren't so good right now

um it is just a simple round beautiful solitaire diamond and I love it

the bands are gold which I love yellow gold and my dad got my mom a new ring

gosh probably 20 years ago now and they traded in the diamond but she saved her

original wedding bands and she gave them to my now husband before he proposed

that showing anyways I love it um it's beautiful and I I'm a sucker for like

tradition and symbolism and I just love that it symbolizes our commitment to be

a family I talk about that all the time with with my son so okay number two is

my phone I told you I was gonna be materialistic I love my phone and oddly

enough I don't like talking on the phone I've never been a fan of talking on the

phone but I still can't live without my phone I love to text I love to research

things I can do all that for my phone oh I love researching I love reading blogs

i watch most of my TV from my phone a YouTube for my phone I really don't

know what we did before smartphones I love my phone number three I am cheating

and I am doing two things they're both kitchen utensils number one is my chef's

knife I really love to cook my husband is a butcher and so I'm very spoiled

with my knives and I use this every single time I cook I just I'm gonna get

banned from YouTube I better be careful I just love how it feels and how it cuts

and um yeah when I'm at someone else's house re cooking or even at her cabin we

don't have good nice at the cabin and I'm just very spoiled love it secondly

is really weird it's my old stained wooden spoon but I

cannot use another wooden spoon I just love this thing I use it everytime I

need a wooden spoon it stained from cooking dry black beans but I don't care

I love it number four pretty embarrassing this is my stuffed

animal from when I was a child his name is brownie and he is in rough shape but

I love him so much and I still sleep with him I just oh I love brownies

he's just so comfy you know what he is like a big bowl of comfort food brownie

all right number five is Chipotle I love Chipotle I go there at least once or

twice a week or more it's a problem and it is

I love it I just went an hour ago and I get one of two things every single time

so usually I try to go the healthy route and I get a bowl so I forego the carb

filled tortilla and since I'm already being healthy I try to get only one

other carb so I usually get brown rice but skip the beans and then I try to get

only one source of fat so I get either sour cream or guacamole

depending on how crazy I feel sometimes when I'm feeling naughty I want the

tortilla so I get the tortilla for the burrito and then I just go for it so I

get the rice and the beans and the guacamole and the sour cream and then

sometimes I even add chips and salsa I always get hot salsa on my bowl or my

burrito always two scoops and then if I get chips I get hot sauce as well was

that too much detail I love it and yeah it's a lot of food especially I mean the

burritos bad it's way too much food the bowl it's still like a lot of food but I

feel like it's pretty healthy I love Chipotle number six TV I love TV I'm not

ashamed to say it I probably watch two hours of TV daily I

do love to read but if I'm gonna be honest with you if I had to if I had to

live the rest of my life without TV or without books I would choose to not live

with books because I love TV okay so I love Bravo TV I'll of all the housewife

franchises I think the only one I don't watch is is it Potomac it's that suburb

of DC and I just have never been able to get into it but I pretty much

religiously watched everything else oh good

wasn't jealous good this year and I love Andy Cohen I've seen him in person twice

met him once loved him and and I love Netflix because I like to

binge I don't like movies I cannot sit through a movie I get antsy I can't do

it but I can binge watch a show for four hours straight I don't know what it is I

need an emotional break every 53 minutes okay so on Netflix right now what I am

loving is Manhunter not to be confused with mind hunters because it's very

confusing very similar titles but mine is Manhunter the Unabomber I think is

what it's called and it is chronicling the true story of catching the Unabomber

and the main guy is so cute he's not the Unabomber I'm not sick he's

the FBI agent I don't always meet him but

these are really cute like really cute and it's good it's just really good

check it out am i blushing secondly what I'm watching

right now on Netflix i think it's called living below zero

shoot in a text if i'm wrong and it is a reality show about people who live like

at the north pole basically like if they travel north they're going south and it

is so interesting because it is so different then how we live so different

one lady so that her nearest neighbor is 300 miles away her nearest neighbor we

have a cabin that's 200 miles away and it takes forever to get there like three

and a half hours and we have freeways highways to get there I bet it takes her

like six hours to get to her nearest neighbor if not more like that's crazy

and they all like they always have guns on them because getting attacked by a

grizzly bears it's like a real daily life thing it's crazy it's so good

my sister-in-law told me about it number seven is was it was like it's like a

beauty thing so it was a toss-up between mascara and hair product and I think I

would choose hair product um I'm not picky about what but I are dry my hair

it's pretty low maintenance but if I don't put either gel or mousse or curl

cream or I need something after I wash it if I don't do that it's disgusting

it's not even that it looks disgusting which it does but it just feels mmm

don't like it so yeah those are my seven things I love them I got so excited I

love it this is fun for me I'm going to take seven of my friends which will be

in below and I'll probably take you on Instagram if we are connected

but thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoy this as much as I did

probably not I hope you all have a great day if you're new I would love it if you

would subscribe to my channel and give this video a big thumbs up and we'll see

you next time bye guys


For more infomation >> 7 Things Tag | Seven Things I Can't Live Without - Duration: 10:22.


Essence of Murli 10-11-2017 - Duration: 7:55.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 10th November 2017

Essence:Sweet children, you have to pay full attention to shrimat.

The Father's orders are: Children, remember Me, imbibe knowledge and serve others.

( Otherwise we will not get success in service. Only when we "walk our talk" would we get success )

Question: What very good advice does Baba give you children for your progress?

Answer: Sweet children, keep your account. At amrit vela remember the Father with love.

Don't sit in remembrance just in name.

Follow shrimat and become soul conscious and become completely merciful and you will continue to make very good progress.

Question: What becomes an obstacle in remembrance?

Answer: The sinful actions you performed in the past become an obstacle when you sit in remembrance.

You children invoke the Father with your remembrance and Maya tries to make you forget.

You have to keep a chart of remembrance. Make effort and you will be threaded in the rosary.

Song: You are the Ocean of Love. We thirst for one drop!

Essence for dharna: 1. Perform each act according to shrimat.

Do service while being benevolent and merciful to everyone.

2. Instil the firm habit of having remembrance.

At the time of sitting in remembrance, pay attention that none of your friends or relatives or food and drink etc. is remembered.

Maintain a chart of remembrance.

Blessing: May you be a humble instrument and become light by giving the burden of all your responsibilities to the Father.

When you consider something to be your responsibility, your head becomes heavy.

"The Father is responsible and I am just an instrument"; this awareness makes you light.

Therefore, give Him all your small & large burdens the burden of effort, the burden of service,

the burden of fulfilling your responsibilities to your relations & connections the burden & become light.

If you have the slightest thought that you have to do something,

that only you can do that, then, that consciousness of "I" will make you heavy and there won't be humility.

By considering yourself to be an instrument, you automatically have the virtue of humility.

Slogan: A jewel of contentment is one whose decoration of life is contentment.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 10-11-2017 - Duration: 7:55.


Is YouTube Worth It? - Duration: 4:49.

Did you know that 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute? This

means more and more people are using YouTube videos to share their passions

or to generate revenue from their videos therefore you may be asking the question

is YouTube worth it or not because it's getting so competitive? in this video I'm

going to share with you 10 reasons why YouTube is worth it

Hello my name is Herman Drost from if you want to grow

your audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and subscribers on

autopilot hit the subscribe button or hit the bell notification icon here are

my 10 reasons why YouTube is worth it number one it's a huge traffic platform

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the net after Google 300 hours

of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute and almost 5 billion videos are

watched on YouTube every day this means it's a highly effective traffic

generating machine because you can reach a huge audience number 2

evergreen content because it's a second largest search engine on the net after

Google this means that many people are searching for how-to information using

YouTube for example I wanted to save money by changing the headlight lamp on

my 2010 Toyota Corolla I simply entered my question into the YouTube search box

and got the answer to save me 50 bucks the big lesson here is if you create

many how-to videos that rank in the search engines you'll get these videos

working for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week for years to come you make very

effective use of creating evergreen content you create it once and it works

forever number 3 great way to share your passion

if you have a passion or interest about anything and want to share it with the

world then YouTube is a great vehicle to share it with others many youtubers

started sharing their passion with others and it turned into a full-time

career number 4 generate revenue if your motivation for creating videos is just

to make money you won't get very far the most popular youtubers started because

it was fun and ended up generating revenue later I initially started my

YouTube channel to create design tutorials for my web design clients I

then discovered that YouTube videos rank better than websites and many people

started asking about how to use YouTube to generate traffic for their business.

As a result I discovered I had a passion for video marketing number five showcase

your creativity coming up with new video ideas scripting the videos shooting the

videos editing the videos and promoting them enables me to develop and express the

creative side of myself the more creative I get the more fun I have

number 6 help people when someone leaves a comment under my video that says I

helped them with something they're being struggling with for days weeks or months

it gives me a lot of satisfaction the more people I can help the greater

satisfaction I receive this means I'm making an impact on people's lives and

you can do it too number seven become a confident speaker before I started

creating videos I feared being on camera after just doing it and creating many

videos I became more confident in my speaking ability when YouTube introduced

live-streaming from your mobile phone I jumped on it initially I had a great

fear but when I focused on a message instead of thinking about myself I got

through it now I actually enjoy interacting with

a live audience it also has boosted my confidence to speak to a live audience

whether it's on camera or off camera number eight therapeutic I'm sure you've

all experienced struggling with a particular problem in your personal life

it could be sickness it could be boredom or any number of things for example when

I contracted acute bronchitis I lost a lot of my energy it was easy to feel sorry

for myself and get irritated by others in my family so instead of wallowing in

my misery I decided to create videos and found it very therapeutic it took my

mind off my sickness and lifted up my spirits number 9 community working from

a computer all day can be very lonely and you may be misunderstood by your

friends and family members about what you're doing interacting with people on

your YouTube channel helps you to connect with other people and build a

community if you want to belong to a community of like-minded people and

interact with other members be sure to join my facebook group Tube Video Boot

Camp I'll place a link to it in the description below this video number 10

have fun if you're not having fun creating videos and build your channel

you'll soon run out of steam I'm not going lie to you but there will be times

when you're not motivated or inspired to create videos when that happens just

take a break and your creativity motivation and inspiration

will return Click the card icon to discover the pros and cons of starting a

YouTube channel in 2018 if you want to learn how to grow your audience on

YouTube and generate traffic leads and subscribers on autopilot

click the subscribe button below and check out the related videos

For more infomation >> Is YouTube Worth It? - Duration: 4:49.


Приключения муравья ФЛИКА. По мотивам мультика для детей! Аудиосказка с картинками 1080 HD - Duration: 13:54.

For more infomation >> Приключения муравья ФЛИКА. По мотивам мультика для детей! Аудиосказка с картинками 1080 HD - Duration: 13:54.


Funny Disney Comics Part 4 Disney Comics That Will Ruin Your Childhood! - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Funny Disney Comics Part 4 Disney Comics That Will Ruin Your Childhood! - Duration: 5:26.


Dunja Hayali interviewt einen Echsenmenschen - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Dunja Hayali interviewt einen Echsenmenschen - Duration: 3:45.


Talking Tom and Friends - Babysitter Tom | Season 2 Episode 15 - Duration: 11:08.

[announcer] Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! And also Friday and Saturday...

-Wow! -All right!

Come on down to the crushtacular demolition derby,

for the ultimate in automotive destructaction!

It's gonna be destruc-terrific!

It could be fun, but where are the traffic signals?

I love that we're going to see the demolition derby live -

because we'll be there and we'll be alive.

How great is it that Ginger's mom could get us all tickets?

Sorry, guys, but I can't go to the demolition derby this weekend.



-[all laugh] -[Hank] Not looking like that you can't!


♪ Wa-oah! ♪

Why can't you go to the demolition derby, Ginger?

My new uncool nanny said I can't, and hid the tickets.

She treats me like a baby!

I had to sneak out of the house just to come here.

She thinks the derby is bad for my "impressionable, young mind-y wind-y."

-[Tom] Uh... -That's what she calls my brain!

But the rest of us can still get tickets, right?

-I mean, we'd miss you, of course, but-- -No.

She says she has to protect the mind-y wind-ys of my friends, too.

I'm conflicted. I really want to go to the derby,

but I'm also glad someone's looking out for my mind-y wind-y.

-[crashing footsteps approaching] -[woman] Ginjy-winjy! It's Nanny-Wanny!

Come on, my widdle Ginger-tot! Where are you hiding?

Wow, your nanny-wanny sounds-y wounds-y like a weal pwoblem.

Uh... And not just because she's keeping me from seeing the demolition derby.

-But mostly. -I just wish I had a cool nanny,

who's smart and fun and awesome.

Someone like, oh, I don't know...

-Sorry, Ginger, I'm too busy. -I'm talking about Tom!

He's the coolest. Look at these pictures.

I don't remember any of this, but it's all right here in crayon.

Unlike Tom, I've actually been to space. So, if you want to talk orbits-

-You were never an option, Ben. -B-b-b....

I would probably be the greatest nanny that people or goats have ever known.

But I can't. I've got a lot on my plate right now.

Oh, hi, Mother.

Just to let you know, Tom said he won't be my new nanny.

Yeah. Stop crying, I know it's sad, because if he were my nanny,

we could totally get those tickets for the demolition derby back and--

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ginger, stop right there!

Demolition derby tickets? Then, I'm in! I will be...

...the... coolest... nanny... in...

the world!

I put extra springs in the couch for Ginger's bouncing enjoyment.

-Ha. You don't need to thank me. -Why not just put a trampoline in here?

-And a moat with alligators? -Ben, that would be dangerous.

I know! I-- My point is, being a nanny is not supposed to be fun.

It's supposed to be hard and a bit awful.

-Like being an adult. -Aw!

You know where I stand on the issue of fun, Tom. I'm for it.

-Yes! -But babysitting is a huge responsibility.

Guys, this is what they call a win-win - we get the derby tickets

and Ginger gets the coolest babysitter in the long history of ever.

-But you have no training! -I don't need training, or experience,

or the advice of others who have "done this before,"

because I know how a kid thinks.

-Because you have the mind of a kid. -Nuh-h!

You're a rotten tomato face - poopy pants!

Do you see what I did right there? It's called thinking like a kid. Huh?

[Ginger] Bouncing! Yes! Coolest nanny in the world!

[exciting rock music]

-Hey, Tom. -Hey Angela, what's up?

Where's Ginger?

Probably resting after having a cool day with his cool nanny.

Oh, well, part of being a nanny, even a cool one,

is knowing where the person you're nannying is.

Let me tell you something.

I don't tell you how to be amazing. You just are. And I'm just a great nanny.

So, wherever he is, I'm sure Ginger is totally--

Aagh! Ugh.

-fine. -Agh.

Ginger, are you all right? What were you doing?

Finding out how far I could jump out of a tree.

-The answer is this far. -[comforting] At least you found out.

You could have really hurt yourself! Then it would have been my fault.


[Angela] We'll never see Ginger again, Tom.

Because of your bad nannying!

-You are a bad nanny-wanny! -A bad nanny!

-Bad nanny! -You are a bad nanny.

-[Hank] Also, you ate all the pizza. -I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

-I'm so sorry! -Whoa, don't sweat it, Tom.

-There's lots of pizzas in the world. -Yeah.

But there's only one Ginger... Ginger... Ginger...

[Ginger] Bleugh. Okay.

What do we do next?

Let's see how much wet cement I can fit in my mouth. That can't go wrong!

No. No more dangerous things. I've been so stupid.

It's my job to make you safe... safe... safe...

[distorted] Safe... safe... safe...


-Safe... -Aagh! No!

Safe is the enemy of fun.

Don't worry, Ginger. I can make safety fun.

You call this fun?

Yeah, and here are some earplugs, just in case anything loud happens.

But loud is how I live my life!

Aagh! Aaaagh!



-See? That just happened. -A-hem.

Trust me, we're still going to have a lot of fun.

But safe fun! Yay! I mean...

[quietly] Yay.

[laid-back melody playing]

Alright, I've got our next fun activity planned.

We're going to build a pillow fort!

[quietly] Oh, sorry.

But only with these two pillows, so it can't collapse.

[gasps] What?

Ginger! Stop. You're my responsibility and I am not going to let you get hurt.

-You brushed my teeth for me. -I didn't want you to bite your fingers.

Tom, I'm a kid. Sometimes kids get a little hurt. No big deal.

So, you're saying I can't protect you from every possible danger?

Right. So give up! Now, let's go look for rattlesnakes!


Hey, guys, Ginger said there was nothing I could do to guarantee his safety.

No one can be totally safe. Not even a safe. And they're safes.

You only think that because you haven't seen...

the Nanny Ball!

This is crazy! Tom, give me the key!

I'm sorry, but I cannot do that, little man.

I said that I would be the safest nanny ever.

You said the coolest.

That doesn't sound like something Nanny Tom would say.

Nanny Tom?

As a scientist, I rarely use this term, Tom, but I think you've gone a little

whackadoowhizoozoo-honk-honk-honk you know what I mean?

Hey, whatever it takes to protect Ginger. Now...

I have to go to the demolition derby arena to find a seat

that's big enough for his bubble. Keep him safe while I'm gone.

Now, just because Nanny-Wanny Tom has gone a little overboard doesn't mean

you can't have fun in there - catch!

Oh! Whoa! Good arm!

I heard a yell and a thud. Is it Ginger? Is he safe?

Calm down. The yell was me, and the thud was me.

Oh, what was I thinking leaving him? His safety comes first.

In fact, I'm cancelling our trip to the demolition derby.

-Aw! -But all of us were going to go.

It's not safe for his young, impressionable mind.

That. Is. It!

If I can't go to the demolition derby, I'll bring the demolition derby here!

No, Ginger! Stop! Please! You're gonna overheat! Ginger!

Stop! No!

Tom, going to the derby was the whole reason you became a nanny.

-[Ginger] Aagh! -That was a long time ago.

-It's hard to believe that was me. -It was yesterday and we still want to go.

I was looking forward to crushtacular destruct-action!

And I was looking forward to indulging my wild side

by calculating the angular momentum of the colliding vehicles.

Forget it, everybody. He's more nut-job nanny than Tom now.

Sorry, I know it's not very popular, but Nanny Tom has to do what's right.

-[distorts] Right... Right... -Guys!

if you take the key from him, we can all go to the derby.

Tah! Ginger, you are adorable, but they're not going to turn on me.

-Okay. We'll turn on him. -See? Wait.

-Grab him! -[Tom] Aw! Come on!

-[Hank] Sorry about this, Tom. -I didn't want it to come to this.

You have become an overprotective whackadoowhizoozoo-honk-honk-honk nanny.

But I have a plan to fix all that.

[Ginger] Whoo! Awesome!

Tom, we had the greatest time ever!

[Ben] Ha ha! Best time! So much science!

And remember, what we did to Tom was for his own good.

Still, I feel a little guilty.

Tom! Did you learn your lesson?

After a lot of time alone, I realized maybe I was being overprotective.

[sighs] I'm sorry. Can you let me out now?

Sure. Got the key right here.

[Nanny] Ginjy-winjy! Time to go for some ice cream-y weam-y!

[baby voice] I'm coming, Nanny-Wanny!

Oh yeah, my mom rehired the old nanny.

But it's cool, she's better than this whackadoowhizoozoo-honk-honk-honk.

At least her crazy comes with ice cream.

-Gotta go. -Wait!

Ginger, you have the key!

[car drives away]

He'll be back soon enough. How about we play some ball, Tom?

Whoa! All right. Oh, good arm!

For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends - Babysitter Tom | Season 2 Episode 15 - Duration: 11:08.


Did Love Win? - Duration: 3:20.

♫ upbeat guitar and drums ♫

ANCHOR: Now to that historic Supreme Court decision

legalizing same-sex marriage across the land

and it's profound.

[crowds cheering] REPORTER: There is a right to marriage equality, I repeat

speaking to you from the steps of the Supreme Court,

there is a right to marriage equality.

CARRIE: The 2015 Supreme Court decision

in Obergefell v. Hodges marked

a huge legal leap forward for LGBTQ people.

But what if marriage equality isn't so equal after all?

I'm Carrie Wade, queer disability rights activist.

And for some disabled queer people

getting married still means risking their health,

safety and independence.

That's because Social Security assistance programs

often come with marriage penalties.

Let's look at the two biggest

federal assistance programs.

Supplemental Security Income or SSI

provides monthly payments to people with low income

and resources who are 65 or older, blind or disabled.

If you quality for SSI you typically qualify

for Medicaid, too.

Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI

is based on work history instead of income.

You start receiving Medicare

after you've been getting SSDI for two years.

So there are some key differences

between these programs.

But in both cases,

marriage changes your benefit amount.

SSI benefits are cut based on your spouse's income

and if you receive SSDI through

the Adult Disabled Child Program

your benefits are cut off entirely

if you marry someone who's working.

That not only translates to loss of income,

but potentially health care services, too.

All because you decided to get married.

So for queer people on these programs,

marriage doesn't necessarily mean equality.

In fact, some still can't discuss their relationships

publicly even if they're not yet married

for fear of losing access to benefits.

That's the situation for Dominick.

He's a queer trans person

who's been with his girlfriend for 15 years

and he agreed to talk with me online

using only his first name.

DOMINICK: The penalty for me is,

I choose between: do I get married

or do I keep these lifesaving

health care services I need?

Because if I don't have those

I don't get out of bed, I don't go to the bathroom,

I don't eat, I can't work.

It's also limiting because Social Security

is now asking disabled people

if they're living as though they are married.

So that for me has been really hard

because I sometimes can't even admit

that we're together.

CARRIE: How has your girlfriend negotiated that

and how does she feel about it?

I assume you guys have had

a lot of conversations about this.

DOMINICK: She doesn't mention me, you know?

We don't talk about it because

I don't think we want to

have to go there.

CARRIE: Obergefell promises

equal dignity in the eyes of the law.

But marriage penalties mean that might not be

a reality for disabled people and our partners.

DOMINICK: It's the difference between

do I live or do I get married?

If that's not a fight for equality, I don't know what is.

CARRIE: To help get the word out about these penalties

please share this video in all the ways we can

and visit

for more information and ways to get involved.

Written and directed by Carrie Wade

This video was produced through

the Disability Rights Storytellers Fellowship

from AAPD and Rooted in Rights

with generous support from Time Warner

♫ ♫ ♫

For more infomation >> Did Love Win? - Duration: 3:20.


Karl Anthony-Towns' Big Boy Tricycles (Ep. 3) | Fake Athlete Commercials - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Karl Anthony-Towns' Big Boy Tricycles (Ep. 3) | Fake Athlete Commercials - Duration: 0:42.


Masters of Chinese Traditional Bawu Music - Relaxing Chinese Ba Wu music with forest sounds - Duration: 49:04.

Get married the asseveration

Moonlight under of tail bamboo of Phoenix

Butterfly spring side

Fishing song

Embroider the wallet

Night of dong nationality

Beautiful peacock of gold

Tea song

Festival noon song

The feeling of the water

Moon street

Seedling language fragrance of flower

Moonlit night

Masters of Chinese Traditional Bawu Music - Relaxing Chinese Ba Wu music with forest sounds

For more infomation >> Masters of Chinese Traditional Bawu Music - Relaxing Chinese Ba Wu music with forest sounds - Duration: 49:04.


Panasonic Eluga I5,Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier,Oppo F5,OnePlus 5T,Airtel349 plan,Jio Offer,Moto X4, - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Panasonic Eluga I5,Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier,Oppo F5,OnePlus 5T,Airtel349 plan,Jio Offer,Moto X4, - Duration: 1:13.


Vlogs by Ani / 52 - Edinburgh Fringe Festival | മലയാളം വ്ലോഗ് - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Vlogs by Ani / 52 - Edinburgh Fringe Festival | മലയാളം വ്ലോഗ് - Duration: 7:14.


Easy Video Marketing Strategies For Your Business - Duration: 4:34.

- Video marketing seems to be the buzzword

right now for businesses, but what does

that mean for you and how can you use

video marketing in your business?

In today's video, I'm going to share three

strategies you can incorporate into your business

today to start using this video marketing buzzword.

Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of

Just the Tips.

My name is Trena if you are new here

and I help creative business owners,

like you, get started here on YouTube.

If you're not subscribed to my channel, yet,

just make sure you click that red subscribe button

down below because every week I'm

posting new strategies and tips

that help you get your business on YouTube.

Like I said, today we're going to

talk about three strategies for you

to use video marketing in your business.

So video marketing is just a term

to start using video in your business, right.

Whether you're content marketing,

which is blog writing, or Instagram posts,

video is a great way to start marketing your business

because it lets people get to know you.

By putting yourself on camera,

it allows people to connect with you.

They start to build your know, like

and trust factor with you because

being an online business owner,

it can be difficult to have that

trust because what if this person steals your money

or you're not happy with what you get?

So by creating videos specifically for your business,

to show people your authority,

to show people your expertise.

It's going to be much easier to sell them

you course, your ebook, your one-on-one services.

So that's basically what video marketing is about.

It's just getting yourself out there on video.

So what are the three strategies you

can start doing to use video marketing in your business?

Well the first one I would suggest is: teach.

Any type of tutorial video or walkthrough

a step video with people really

shows them your expertise.

It shows them you are an expert,

you know what you're talking about.

Especially if you can talk about it here on YouTube.

Being on video is kind of like a hot seat,

but if you can share your expertise

and really talk about it openly and comfortably,

it really shows that people can trust you.

So one thing you might want to think about

for your video marketing strategy is

how can you teach people here on YouTube.

Like I said whether it's a screen tutorial,

make sure you show your face a little bit in the beginning.

Or, maybe, it's a tips.

You know, tips for editing your Instagram photos.

What can you teach to really show your expertise?

The second strategy is showing your process.

This is especially great for people who

work with one-on-one clients to show

people what it looks like when you work with somebody.

So this could maybe be a private video

or an unlisted video on your YouTube channel,

but you embed it on your work with me page on your website.

So somebody's interested in working with you,

you say this is what it looks like

when we start working together.

Show them your Trello board that

you use to filter people through your workflow process.

Show them the scheduling, show them the contracts you get,

or how to schedule your first call.

If you can show people that you have a process,

it shows people she's kind of a real deal.

She has this process and I think this

is easy enough that I could use.

So how could you show people your process

in a video to make people want to work with you?

And then the third strategy that you can do

for video marketing is show results.

I do a lot of testimonials around my launches.

I just did a launch a couple weeks ago

and I had all of my students do a testimonial.

I sent them the questions in advance

so they knew what questions to answer on the testimonial

and then I highlighted them every single day of my launch.

It shows people this is a real person.

This is what they were able to accomplish.

I think I could do that too.

You can do a case study of a client,

or have a client and talk about what

it was like to work with you.

Again, it solidifies your expertise.

It solidifies that trust so that they

want to work with you and it starts chiseling away again

with that know, like and trust factor

that's so hard to do as an online business owner.

So which one are you thinking about using?

Do you have a client that would do a testimonial for you?

Or maybe you want to show somebody your process?

Let me know which one you're thinking

about using in the comment section below.

I'd love to get to know more about you.

If you like these ideas and you want

me to do more videos about video marketing,

make sure you give this video a thumbs up

and subscribe so I know this is

the kind of content you're liking.

It just gives me a better idea

of what kind of content you prefer.

Thank you so much for watching

and I will see you next week.


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