Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

Three Keys To Spiritual Ascension

by Joy Jackson,

Three of the most invaluable tools for helping us along on our path of spiritual ascension

(higher consciousness) are free and available to all: dreams, prayer and meditation.

If we would take advantage of these tools in a regular basis, much of the guesswork,

confusion and difficulties in our lives would vanish.


Dreams give us a reading on what is happening in our lives, and provide a door to our soul

(our higher consciousness) for Divine insight, and higher dimensional teachings.

Dreams begin to awaken us to the fact that we are spiritual inter-dimensional beings,

in time-space, but not of it.

They are like a telegram from the higher self to the conscious mind.

They awaken us higher resources and libraries of wisdom and knowledge within ourselves,

giving us information on what is happening in our daily lives, and how to meet and move

through the problems that face us.

Dreams also give us insight into our future, so we are forced to ask, �How could I know

a thing like that?� A dream helps us realize that we are here only temporarily on the stage

of waking reality.

What we call life is really a school house.

There are many schools or levels of consciousness in the universe, and earth is one of the most


During our sojourn here we are learning more about the true nature of our beings.

We are learning that we are infinite creative unconditional love energy, and that all of

our hurts, disappointments and disillusions come from a failure to recognize this truth

of who and what we are.

The purpose of the game of life is expanding our heart center and growth.

In all our life experiences we either go through or grow through them.

If we just go through them, then we will cyclically repeat them again and again until we learn

the lesson behind the appearances.

If we grow through them, then we are free of our karma and to move on to the next step

in our evolution.


An often misunderstood valuable inner tool for ascension is prayer.

Prayer is the formulation of a request within our mind, or aloud, of what we prefer or need.

Most of us are used to asking from a source of fear and separation, rather than from a

place of oneness with Creation as our divine birth right as creators.

To pray most effectively it helps if we are relaxed and present within ourselves, and

allow ourselves to be filled with a strong sense of light and love.

Negative repetitive thoughts of ours, such as being unworthy of receiving, will undermine

such positive efforts.

In the laws of physical Universe, like attracts like; repetitive negative thoughts manifest

negative outcomes and circumstances.

If we affirm and feel light, love and wholeness, we invite them to enter our reality.

When we pray for things, opportunities or a particular relationship to manifest, it

is helpful to include a request for �this or something better.� Our ego (the rational

fixed mind) is often too attached to specifics and fixed outcomes.

The ways of the soul are often beyond the understanding of our unharmonized consciousness.

There may be a wonderful new dimension or opportunity awaiting us that we have not yet

thought of, that will be brought into our life we are but open to receive it.

Love, opportunity, joy and abundance await us, but they may not come through the specific

people or channels we have in mind.

We must be willing to release ourselves and others into our soul�s care, trusting that

we will find what we seek, and that all things are working out for our highest good.

We may also send prayers to others of light and love, but must honor and release them

to manifest as their soul sees fit.

Prayer is not intended by the light be used in a manipulative way, or we will attract

such darkness onto ourselves.

We can help support others through prayers, but also must avoid attempting to control

others lives.

It is honoring the power of the Universe to support and actualize our preferences for

our highest good.

It is often unwise and unfruitful to pray that someone else change to meet our expectations,

or that someone else loves us.

We must avoid trying to run other people�s lives through prayer.

We can send others light and love, but must honor and release them to use it as they see


Prayer, then in summary, is a way of focusing our conscious mind on goals and life direction.

It is honoring the power of the Universe within us to support and actualize.


Meditation is our highway to enlightenment.

It helps us get in touch with our Divine spark, the Soul, or God within.

It opens us to higher levels of consciousness and rejuvenates our mind, physical body, energetic

body and spirit.

Our perception depends upon our level of consciousness (vibration, energy), and meditation is the

way to keep our energy at its highest.

Although positive changes often are experienced immediately from a regular meditation practice,

many are accumulative and gradual.

It delivers a significant reduction in stress, anxiety and an overall improvement in our

intuition, health, and feelings of inner-peace.

Many also experience an acceleration of guidance through dreams, visions and synchronistic


When we meditate regularly, clearing each day as we go along, asking for insight to

problems, we will tend not need as many dreams to show us what is happening in our life.

We will already know.

We will see how we are setting ourselves up.

Also, we gain a greater sense of clarity on life missions and directions which can be

formulated and manifested through prayer.

Our dream images and meditation images are the same.

Until we gain a very clear and objective, however, it is still quite easy for us to

allow the conscious mind to get in the way of insight we receive during meditation.

That is why the dream state is much more reliable until we have been meditating for a number

of years and can recognize the difference between conscious desire and genuine intuitive


Meditation is not a magical drug that relieves all ills overnight.

It begins to sensitize us to our problems at hand, and supports us in maintaining our

energy levels, so we are better able to deal with whatever catalysts are trying to teach


The purpose of it all, is to know ourselves and to see all lessons as positive catalysts

for us to learn and grow from.

Often our guidance likes to keep things simple.

We have come to earth to learn and each of us has free will and must find our own way.

What we seek is within us.

Although we were not handed a manual of living when we incarnated on Earth, we were assigned

angels, guides, teachers who walk with us.

Not one of us travels alone.

These wise and powerful beings are unable to infringe upon our free will, and do not

make our decisions for us, but lead us to insight so that we can make our own wise decisions.

If others, whether incarnated in a physical body or not were to make our decisions for

us, we would not learn.

For more infomation >> Three Keys To Spiritual Ascension - Duration: 8:00.


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For more infomation >> [FREE] Killy x Yung Pinch Type Beat | XANNY ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:31.


The Twilight Zone S01E15 HD 720p To Protect and Serve (2002) TV Series GREEK SUBS - Duration: 21:24.

For more infomation >> The Twilight Zone S01E15 HD 720p To Protect and Serve (2002) TV Series GREEK SUBS - Duration: 21:24.




Albert Pike had a vision of three world wars in 1871.

Albert Pike had a vision and he then wrote a letter to Mazzini and posted it on August

15, 1871.

In the letter, he outlined in great detail the plans for three world wars, which he said

would then bring about One World Order.

Today people have marveled at just how accurate his vision and predictions were as two of

the wars have already taken place, World Wars I and World War II, while World War III is

yet to happen.

LETTER OF ALBERT PIKE The letter that Pike sent to Mazzini was sent to have been put

on display in London in the British Museum Library and copied by a former intelligence

officer in the Royal Canadian Navy by the name of William Guy Carr.

However, the British Library has confirmed that they never had the letter.

Carr also said that he learned about the letter of Pike from Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of

Santiago and he was the author of The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled.

There has not been any proof to this day that the letter had ever been written but it is

often quoted and it has been the topic of a great deal of discussion.

Supposedly extracts from the letters have been seen and they seem to show how three

World Wars would take place and that Pike knew about them a long time before they happened

in a vision.

FIRST WORLD WAR The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati

to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic


The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and

Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war.

At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments

and in order to weaken the religions."

SECOND WORLD WAR The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences

between the Fascists and the political Zionists.

This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism

be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.

During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order

to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time

when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.

THIRD WORLD WAR The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences

caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders

of Islamic World.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political

Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight

to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm

which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism,

origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority

of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,

disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass

or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will

receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer,

brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the

destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Of course, World War III has not yet arrived, but recent events and unrest suggest that

perhaps it is not too far away.




For more infomation >> FUTBOL A ROMANYA 2-0 TÜRKİYE MAÇ SONU YORUMLARI TURGAY DEMİR & ERSEN MARTİN & AYKUT İNCE 09.11.2017 - Duration: 24:19.


Nala and Rainbow paws - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> Nala and Rainbow paws - Duration: 10:46.


How to Draw Cheeseburger Coloring Pages for Kids - Hamburger and Sauce Coloring Books for Children - Duration: 10:05.










Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> How to Draw Cheeseburger Coloring Pages for Kids - Hamburger and Sauce Coloring Books for Children - Duration: 10:05.


No One Wants Having to Do with the US Anymore - Duration: 10:14.

No One Wants Having to Do with the US Anymore

by Edward Morgan

Except for Kiev�s madman, no one wants to play with the United States anymore.

Japan and South Korea, of course, have no other recourse but to accommodate the outgoing

superpower for their own sake as well, or that of the corporate gangsters which have

been put in charge of the industry by Western puppetmasters.

But elsewhere in the Middle East where the root of the petrodollar emanates, another

organic realignment is ongoing.

The leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called on neighboring

Iraq to remain vigilant in the face of American plots, warning that the US is not trustworthy.

In a Thursday meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Tehran, the Leader expressed

Iran�s support for the Iraqi government�s efforts to develop ties with regional states.

Ayatollah Khamenei, however, advised the Iraqi nation to remain �cautious about the Americans�

deceptions, and never put trust in them.�

�The Americans created Daesh [Takfiri terrorists] themselves, but now that the terrorists have

been defeated by the Iraqi government and people, they pretend to be supportive of this

important development,� the Leader said.

�However, they will undoubtedly not hesitate to harm Iraq again if they find the opportunity,�

the Leader added.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei (R) receives Iraqi Prime

Minister Haider al-Abadi (C) in Tehran, October 26, 2017.

(Photo by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah

Seyyed Ali Khamenei (R) receives Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi (C) in Tehran, October

26, 2017.

(Photo by Ayatollah Khamenei underlined the importance

of unity among different Iraqi ethnic groups as well as Baghdad�s support for the country�s

popular forces as the key reasons behind the recent victories against terrorist groups

and their sponsors.

Abadi, for his part, stressed Baghdad�s determination to safeguard Iraq�s unity

and territorial integrity, noting that the government will never allow the country to

be threatened with disintegration.

The Iranian warning does have a strong bases even in recent times.

Washington is pouring gasoline on the fire of disputes in the East and South China Seas

between Beijing and its neighbors to curb China�s rise and undermine its efforts to

resolve the issues peacefully, analysts told Sputnik.

Given the growing tensions, Beijing sees the modernization of the country�s defenses

as one of its top priorities.

The United States continues their efforts to contain China�s activities in the East

and South China Seas by weaponizing the ongoing maritime dispute between the Southeast Asian

nations, Shen Shishun, director of the Center for South Pacific Studies of the Chinese Institute

of International Studies, told Sputnik, suggesting that Washington�s maneuvers will only bolster

patriotic sentiment among the Chinese.

�The US is trying to curb China, relying on third countries,� Shen told Sputnik China.

�There is a conflict between China and Japan over islands in the East China Sea, but it

is precisely because of the US that this problem emerged.�

According to the Chinese academic, the Diaoyudao (Senkaku) Islands, which �historically belonged

to Beijing,� ended up in the hands of Japan due to Washington�s post-WW2 foreign strategy.

Over the past few centuries the archipelago has repeatedly changed hands.

The Okinawa Reversion Agreement of 1971 between Tokyo and Washington recognized Japan�s

sovereignty over the islands.

�The United States deliberately misinterprets historical facts related to this matter, uses

the situation around the islands to increase tension in Sino-Japanese relations and exploits

the contradictions between China and its neighbors to curb [Beijing],� Shen said, adding that

the US strategy is futile.

Dmitry Mosyakov, director of the Center for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania at the

Institute of Oriental Studies, believes that the anti-China sentiment promoted by Washington

and Tokyo could set relations between the US-Japanese alliance and China back decades.

According to Mosyakov, Washington and Tokyo are not seeking compromise on the Diaoyudao

(Senkaku) territorial dispute, but, on the contrary, are fanning the flames over the


On Monday US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis met with his counterparts from Japan and South

Korea on the sidelines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations� (ASEAN) Defense

Ministerial Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus) in the Philippines to discuss �deepening security

cooperation.� A Department of Defense (DoD) press release said that �the three ministers

reaffirmed that freedom of navigation and overflight must be ensured.�

ADMM-Plus is an annual meeting that brings together the defense ministers of 10 ASEAN

countries and eight �dialogue partners,� which include India, China, Japan, Australia,

New Zealand, South Korea, Russia and the United States.

Mattis also held bilateral talks with Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera.

The two �expressed serious concern about the situation in the South China Sea and reaffirmed

their opposition to unilateral coercive actions by claimants, including the reclamation and

militarization of disputed features, which alter the status quo and increase tensions,�

in a clear reference to China.

China�s Charm Offensive: Beijing, Manila Manage to Reach Compromise

Speaking to Sputnik, Mosyakov highlighted that the Sino-Philippine relationship appears

to be a viable alternative to the US-Japanese strategy: Beijing and Manila have managed

to reach some compromises in the South China Sea.

For instance, Philippine fishermen are allowed to fish in the area of Huangyan (Scarborough)


�China�s relations with the Philippines show that� the discussion of existing problems

between the two countries on a bilateral basis brings success,� the Russian academic stressed.

During the ASEAN ADMM-Plus summit Chinese Minister of Defense Chiang Wanquan emphasized

Beijing�s intention to work closely with the association to build a safer Asia.

He signaled that China is willing to actively develop relations with ASEAN countries in

many areas, including joint naval exercises and cooperation to combat terrorism.

At the same time Beijing opposes the involvement of external forces in its territorial disputes

with neighboring states.

This stance was voiced by Fu Ying, chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National

People�s Congress of China, at the recent annual meeting of the International Valdai

Discussion Club.

She confirmed China�s readiness to continue negotiations on the islands, but spoke out

against turning the disputes into an unnecessary geopolitical confrontation.

She stressed that the interference of other countries, primarily the United States, in

China�s relations with neighbors may only escalate tensions in the region.

Meanwhile, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which took

place in Beijing on October 18-24, 2017, also addressed the issue of regional security.

The congress�s resolution envisages the modernization of the nation�s defense as

one of its top priorities.

It also emphasizes the need to transform the People�s Liberation Army (PLA) into a world-class

armed force.

The resolution�s emphasis on �the need to implement a military-strategic course with

a focus on new conditions� is largely regarded as a message to Japan, which is steadily drifting

away from its post-WW2 policy of pacifism under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

According to the South China Morning Post, the PLA Navy�s South Sea Fleet has recently

deployed a squadron of submarines to the disputed waters of the South China Sea to increase

battle readiness.

Beijing�s actions in the region prompt concerns among its ASEAN neighbors.

Earlier, in March 2017, reports emerged claiming that China could have been involved in the

militarization of its artificial islands in the South China Sea.

In response, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian admitted that Beijing had engaged

in a large construction endeavor in the region, but said �most of the building is for civilian


Satellite imagery released in March 2017 depicted the buildup of a military installation on

a northern island of the Paracels.

According to Taiwanese media sources, the construction looked like �preparation for

a harbor.� They assumed that China may be seeking to bolster its naval presence in the

maritime area.

The Paracels are claimed by a number of countries, including China, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Indeed, the bully is on its death throes.

Yet all is not lost, even when glory is gone�

�Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the

flower; We will grieve not, rather find

Strength in what remains behind; In the primal sympathy

Which having been must ever be��

? William Wordsworth

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