Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 29 2018

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For more infomation >> Doodh lelo nahi mere pass Doodh hi Doodh hai musically Tik Tok compilation comedy dialogue 2018 - Duration: 6:07.


Guitar Cover of AXEL BOY - Rave Slaves! - Duration: 2:03.

Heyyy Everybody [cringey mickey impersonation in attempt to reasonate with viewer] Sumkid here. Hope you guys really enjoy this short and sweet cover

of mine but first make sure to go ahead and like this video!

oh yeah and subscribe that would mean the world to me. Now since that's out of

the way let's begin this video [subliminal messages plague your mind]

For more infomation >> Guitar Cover of AXEL BOY - Rave Slaves! - Duration: 2:03.


Sốc:Hàng loạt HLV nổi tiếng phán Tuyển Việt Nam qua mặt Philippines vào CK nhưng đội vô địch là... - Duration: 14:40.

For more infomation >> Sốc:Hàng loạt HLV nổi tiếng phán Tuyển Việt Nam qua mặt Philippines vào CK nhưng đội vô địch là... - Duration: 14:40.


【石垣島自駕遊🇯🇵EP1】超美川平灣 | 吹製琉球玻璃 | 滿天繁星的夜空 // Ishigaki Travel Vlog Day 1 & 2 - Duration: 10:13.

我是Jack I'm Jack

說起日本,你可能會想起京都、大阪這些地方 Speaking of Japan, you might think of Kyoto and Osaka

但我今天不是帶你們去那裡 However I'm not taking you there today

而是去一個比較上不太有名 Instead, we're going to a less famous town

但是近年越來越多遊客去的地方 Recently there're more tourists visiting this place

你準備好了嗎? Are you ready?

如果準備好,我們起程囉! Let's go!

由香港往石垣島的航班早上七點多便出發 The flight from HK to Ishigaki departs at around 7:30am

所以我們上午就抵達石垣島 Therefore it's still early when we arrived Ishigaki

到步後我們便乘租車公司提供的免費接駁客貨車 As we arrived, we took the free shuttle

到車場拿車,十分方便! to the car renting company. Very convenient!

我們成功抵達民宿 We have arrived the hostel

他們去辦入住手續 They're checking in now

這是一輛八人車 This is a big car

我從未試過駕駛那麼大的車 I've never driven one like this before

起初有點壓力 Was a bit nervous

但日本的道路是很容易駕駛的 but it's actually easy to drive in Japan

其它車全都很慢,沒壓力 Others are driving very slowly. No pressure!

他們全衝進去看房間 They're checking out the rooms

他們開不了門 Opps they can't open the door

這是我們住的地方 This is where we stay (living room)




你懂彈琴嗎? You play piano?

不懂 Nope

我也不懂 Me neither

我們很棒啊! We did great!

我們4:45pm泊車 We parked our car at 4:45pm

然後剛好6:45pm離開 and left at 6:45pm

剛剛好,如果不是就要多付100Yen Just fit! If not, we have to pay an extra 100Yen

我們在一間餐廳 We're at a restaurant now

八重山拉麵 Yaeyamasutairu

沒錯 Exactly

待會就看看八重山拉麵是怎樣的 Let's see how it looks like

好熱好熱 It's hot here

經過25至30分鐘的車程後我們來到川平灣 After 25 to 30 minutes, we've arrived at Kabira Bay

看看他們 Look at them

他們在拍照 They're taking pictures

我要過去囉! I'm going there!

如果10分是滿分,這海灘值多少分? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this beach?

11分! 11!

去完海灘後,我們會到八重山民俗村跟猴子玩 We're going to Ishigaki Yaimamura for the monkeys

到了 We're here

我們將會看表演 We're going to watch a show

他剛才說什麼? What did he say?

他說3:30pm可以去看猴子 He said we could go watch monkeys at 3:30pm

要小心口袋 Watch out our pockets

嘩!很大片草地啊 Wow! A large piece of grassland

去看猴子 Going to see the monkeys

牠們在上面 Up there

在上面 Right there

牠喜歡你 It likes you

牠想要你的手繩 It wants your bracelet

先看人家怎樣弄,然後到我們 Let's see how they do it, then it's our turn

我感受到氣從管的兩旁漏掉了 I feel that I didn't do it correctly

不是從管子中過 The air isn't passing through the tube

我們迷路了 We get lost

我們找到一間餐廳 We found a restaurant

然後我們去找車位泊車 Then we went to park our car

剛才有個阿姨帶我們去一個停車場 A lady brought us to a car park

但下車後,由於我們沒有網絡,我們找不到那間餐廳 But then we couldn't find the restaurant without network

所以我們現在要找路 We're now figuring how to get there

欸剛才我們... Hey we just...


我們待會去看星星 We will go stargazing tonight

天上很多星星,那是月亮 It's a starry night, and the moon too

待他們放下東西和拿蚊怕水後 After they unload their stuff and get the insect repellent

便出發去觀星! We will set off!

其實這裡也看得到 We can see many stars from here already

郊外一定很壯觀 It must be awesome out there

對啊! Yup!

因為今天天氣比昨天好太多 The weather tonight is much better than yesterday

你的相機螢幕很亮 Your camera screen is so bright

我們到了 We've arrived

我們來到天文公園 We're at the astronomy park

這裡可以看到很多星星 We can see many stars from here

超多的 A lot

我們駕駛了很久才來到 It's a long drive

這傢伙瘋狂說鬼故事 This guy was telling ghost stories

我沒有,我只是問旁邊的車子有沒有人 I didn't. I just asked if there's anyone in that car

好,拿蚊怕水 Ok, get the insect repellent

那是石垣市的夜景 That's the night view of Ishigaki

上面有很多星星 Many stars up there

嘩!用影片模式都能拍到一些光亮的星 I can capture those bright stars even in video mode

這在香港很難做得到 We can hardly achieve that in Hong Kong

就是這樣,石垣遊記第一集來到尾聲 That's the end of the first episode

下一集,我們會繼續周圍去 In the next one, we'll continue to explore Ishigaki

如果你想看得話,記住訂閱我 Please subscribe my channel for upcoming videos

然後點擊訂閱旁邊的鈴子 And turn on the notification

那我下次出片時,你就第一時間知道了 So that you'll know at once when I upload a video

下次見 See you soon

我們在煮蛋作早餐 We're cooking eggs for breakfast

但是不開爐子 Without switching on the stove

還有多久? How much longer?

五分鐘對嗎? 5 minutes?

還有一分半鐘 90 more seconds

看看蛋熟了沒有 Let's see if they're cooked

以我的經驗,是應該不熟的 I think they're not

你可以解釋一下剛才發生什麼事嗎? Could you please explained what happened?

我發覺原來是要開爐的 I just realised we have to switch it on

那你剛才為什麼說不用呢? But why you said we didn't have to?

原來是要開爐,然後下蛋時放一碗冷水 We should turn it on, and give cold water when putting the eggs

那糟糕了 Gosh

還要煮多久? How much more time do we need

現在過了5分鐘 It's over 5 minutes now

好美的蛋 Nice eggs

其實現在已經不美了 They're not nice now

我們要看看如何煮熟它們 We need to figure out how to cook them

這應該可以了 Should be fine now

我們多煮了數隻蛋 We cooked several eggs more

原本想讓你們在梳洗後享用的 Planned to serve you some eggs for breakfast

但弄成這樣真的不好意思 But then we messed up

蛋白在裡面 There's egg white in it

大家都是對著鏡子吃蛋 You guys are facing the mirror when eating

你看他的樣子 Look at his face

大家在練習這個舞步 We're all practising this move

For more infomation >> 【石垣島自駕遊🇯🇵EP1】超美川平灣 | 吹製琉球玻璃 | 滿天繁星的夜空 // Ishigaki Travel Vlog Day 1 & 2 - Duration: 10:13.


पुणे बहुउद्देशिय क्रिडा संकुल मनसे वृत्तांत अधिकृत - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> पुणे बहुउद्देशिय क्रिडा संकुल मनसे वृत्तांत अधिकृत - Duration: 0:31.


The "M-Cave" Found by Kenny Veach - Duration: 7:33.

Kenny Veach posted a comment on Youtube, claiming to have found a mysterious cave in Nevada.

Visitors replying to his comment were soon demanding evidence.

In exploring a desert like the face of the moon, Kenny was fond of pushing his endurance

to the limit.

Was it this personality trait that led to his disappearance, or did he succeed in finding

the M-Cave, and lose himself, within the bowels of the earth.

On June 30, 2014, Kenny Veach saw a YouTube video featuring Paul H. Utz, the son of an

Area 51 Technician.

Paul claimed that his father was involved in testing a revolutionary organic energy

source, in the Nevada desert.

The organic matrix of the power plant was suspected of being alive, and intelligent.

Veteran hiker Kenny Veach considered that desert his home turf.

Kenny left a reply which said, this revelation meant nothing, compared with a discovery he

had made himself, while hiking in the vicinity of Nellis Air Force Base.

He said he found a hidden cave.

It's entrance was shaped like a perfect capital letter "M".

As he approached it, he recounted, his whole body began to vibrate.

The closer he got to the entrance, the stronger the vibration became.

Because he was armed only with a survival knife, he thought it best not to enter the


Kenny Veach was 46 years old, and ruggedly handsome, however he was unprepared for the

backlash in the YouTube comment section.

He was accused of being a liar.

He decided to provide the only proof respected on YouTube... a video of the mystery cave.

Equipped with a camera and a small firearm, he returned to the canyon.

He saw plenty of wildlife, but failed to re-locate the cave.

The last comment ever posted on YouTube by Kenny Veach was to announce his impending

third hike, into the canyon.

He invited people to join him.

Nobody did.

He has been missing since November 10, 2014.

Volunteers searched for him in the Sheep Mountains, where his cell phone was found, sitting on

a rock, near the site of an old mine.

While no tracks were found leading away from the site, there was also no trace of him inside

the mine.

Kenny Veach was an extreme hiker.

He refused to carry a GPS tracker, or even a simple compass.

To test his endurance, he would bring less food and water, than he would need.

The wilderness would often lead him on such long hikes, that his toes would turn black

and blue.

One might call Kenny a "high-risk hiker", who ran out of luck.

To others, his long experience, meant he could only have been the victim of foul play.

Perhaps he crossed paths with armed smugglers.

Kenny was rumored to have had financial problems.

He uploaded one video trying sell his inventions, and another trying to sell his house.

One theory holds that he left his phone behind intentionally, walking out of the desert,

to assume a new identity.

But according to his family, he would never abandon his adult daughter.

His girlfriend Shery has been quoted online, as saying that, although Kenny was full of

life and seemed optimistic, he may have suffered from depression.

She believed he might have been avoiding, taking his medication.

Reportedly Kenny's father checked out, when Kenny was 20 years old.

He told Shery, if he ever decided to go that way himself, no one would ever find evidence

of his remains.

But there is another possibility... that Kenny found the mystery cave.

He bravely entered its dark interior.

And then the presence, which had initially warned him away, made itself known to Kenny

Veach, ensuring that never again, would he see the light of day.

For more infomation >> The "M-Cave" Found by Kenny Veach - Duration: 7:33.


Siêu Phẩm - Móng Gấu Trắng Bọc Bạc Rồng 3d - Bọc Vàng Bạc Ở Đâu Uy Tín , Đẹp Nhất - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> Siêu Phẩm - Móng Gấu Trắng Bọc Bạc Rồng 3d - Bọc Vàng Bạc Ở Đâu Uy Tín , Đẹp Nhất - Duration: 7:23.


Liam relives the legends of Manchester United – On the go with EF #88 - Duration: 7:25.

Hi everyone. I'm Liam. I'm still in Manchester. Today, I'm very excited.

We're going to go on a guided tour of Old Trafford,

the football stadium for one of the biggest football clubs in the world: Manchester United.

Let's go!

This is the Manchester United logo.

It's got a pretty cool emblem with the red and yellow.

I guess this would be the red devil And two footballs on either side.

It's weird I never actually noticed that there was a boat here on top.

When I was a young boy, I wanted to play for Manchester United.

It turns out I have some physical limitations, so I can't do that.

Let's see. Here it says something about the beginnings of the club.

It was founded in 1878, but it was only named Manchester United after 1902.

During the Second World War the stadium was severely damaged by German bombs

and United temporarily located to Main Road, Manchester City's club.

Nowadays, I think Manchester United fans

would find it almost sacrilegious to play in Manchester City,

so only during war would something like that be accepted.

Here we have a wall full of famous Manchester United players:

George Best. This is before my time, before I was born.

Right here is a guy I do remember, Wayne Rooney.

That was when I started watching football, when I became interested in football as a kid,

and I watched Wayne Rooney play together with Cristiano Ronaldo.

Obviously, here's the man, the myth, the legend: David Beckham himself.

He could be the most famous football player.

There are so many trophies in here. Clearly, Manchester United is a successful club.

1997, the year I was born. 1972, way before I was born.

I wonder where the Champions League trophies are.

I can see some of the trophies that they won over there.

I think you can take your picture with them. Let's go do it.

Can I have a photo? Yes.

Stand here. You can't touch them, but you can do a bit of that.

Okay. These are the real trophies, yeah?

They are actually replicas of all the trophies. We're not allowed to keep them.

1, 2, 3 …. Two thumbs up! Oh, I like that one.

I look so pleased. I like that one. That looks amazing.

And the other one? I think I like that one better.

Really? I look crazy in that one.

Maybe the first one is better. Yeah, let's do that one.

That's the best one, isn't it? Alright. Let's see.

Beautiful. I feel like Jesse Lingard, like I just won three Premier Leagues at once.

We're a bit late. We're going on a guided tour. We're going into the stadium now.

Wow! This is crazy. I've only ever seen this on TV. It's such an interesting feeling to be this close.

You can kind of smell the grass.

It's kind of a surreal feeling being this close to the action - or the grass.

Even though nothing's happening, it feels like the action.

I can just imagine what it's like seeing Lingaard and Lukaku and Sanchéz running around

scoring goals and the whole crowd roaring.

I need to come back here when there's an actual match.

Even the tour guide is excited.

Chewing gum board. Interesting.

This is the room where they have press conferences.

After every game, the two managers come in here and give a press conference.

Always the visiting manager comes in here first.

The next stop is the VIP Lounge. Very important people.

Anyone know who this is? Usain Bolt.

Usain Bolt. The fastest man in the world. He comes in here, but not for long. Then he's gone!

Very fancy indeed. We're approaching the locker room now.

I want to know what it's like inside. I hope it doesn't smell too bad.

Wow! This is brilliant. Victor Lindelöf from Sweden.

This is Alex Sanchez's spot in the locker room.

In the beginning, this drinks cabinet opened this way

but he didn't like the fact that the cold air went in his face,

so they had to change it so it opens this way.

I don't know. I thought it was a funny story. Alexis gets what he wants.

It's an international team. Alexis from Chili and Lindelöf from Sweden,

We've got Rashford, an English guy. Romelu Lukaku. Lukaku's a big buy.

They all look like the same size. I thought Lukaku's would look a bit bigger.

Yeah, you would have thought so. But he's not because -

He's very tight.

His shoulders are quite wide, but then he's quite narrow because he hasn't got any belly fat.

Martial, Mata, Lingard, Paul Pogba. This was an expensive purchase, let me tell you.

Does anybody have any questions about the change room?

Where are the showers?

In there. We can't go into the shower basically because it's all disinfected.

Nice dressing room.

Now we're going to approach the dugout. Now we're very close to the action indeed.

I feel like a Manchester United player. It's very big.

Oh, there we see the Sir Alex Ferguson stand.

It's named after the legendary manager, Sir Alex Ferguson.

It was so good that he got knighted. One of the most successful managers of all time

respected by Manchester United supporters and rivals alike.

What a great experience.

It was amazing to finally see a stadium that I've seen so many times before on the telly.

What's your favourite sports team? Leave your comment below

and the best comment can win this Manchester United scarf.

Make sure you tune into the next episode, which is a holiday special. See you next time!

Next episode: Holiday Special

For more infomation >> Liam relives the legends of Manchester United – On the go with EF #88 - Duration: 7:25.


Box of Toys Cowboy Set Toy Guns Vide for Kids! - Duration: 2:46.

Box of Toys Cowboy Set Toy Guns Vide for Kids!

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Cowboy Set Toy Guns Vide for Kids! - Duration: 2:46.


S. Korea Supreme Court orders Mitsubishi to compensate Koreans for WWII forced labor - Duration: 2:59.

the Koreans forced to work for Japanese firm and during World War two have

finally won in two separate court cases the South Korean Supreme Court has

ordered the company to pay almost two dozen victims for the unpaid work they

did decades ago Japan responded with anger

Lee Jiwon tells us more after an 18-year legal battle the Supreme Court decided

on Thursday in the first case to uphold a lower court ruling ordering Mitsubishi

Heavy Industries to compensate 823 plaintiffs for unpaid work at Mitsubishi

factories back in 1944 the court ordered the firm to pay around 71 thousand US

dollars to each of them or in case her deceased their relatives the supreme

court reasoned that the 1965 agreement under which Japan paid South Korea 500

million u.s. dollars to normalize their diplomatic relations did not terminate

the right of individuals to seek reparations in the second ruling the

court ordered Mitsubishi to compensate for elderly woman at a relative of a

plaintiff for his thigh the plaintiffs first sued Mitsubishi back in 1999 in

Japan for making them work without pay at a Mitsubishi aircraft plant in Nagoya

in 1944 after losing their lawsuit in Japan in 2008 the plaintiffs filed

another one in Korea in 2012 the Japanese firm has continuously appealed

but Seoul Supreme Court on Thursday upheld previous rulings that it is

inhumane and illegal to force teenage girls to work at ammunition plant the

ruling comes about a month after the top court upheld a 2013 ruling that ordered

a Japanese steel maker to pay each of four Korean plaintiffs for unpaid work

during World War two the case and the latest one have deepened the divide

between the two countries the Japanese government has once again strongly

protested Tokyo's foreign ministry summoned the South Korean ambassador to

register its objections and its foreign minister taro kono released a statement

saying the ruling is unacceptable and goes against the 1965 agreement

coño also strongly urged the South Korean government to take appropriate

steps or Japan do all it can including an international trial to defend what

economic activities he said were legal Mitsubishi said that it deeply regrets

the ruling and that it will talk with the Japanese government to formulate a

response South Korea's foreign ministry said it respects the court's ruling it

urged Japan to stop overreacting and summon the Japanese ambassador to object

to Tokyo strong words the ministry also said it will continue discussions within

the government about a response to the recent forced labor rulings it'll also

work to heal the wounds of the victims while at the same time striving to forge

a future-oriented relationship with Japan Jiwon Arirang news

For more infomation >> S. Korea Supreme Court orders Mitsubishi to compensate Koreans for WWII forced labor - Duration: 2:59.


한글자막) 사당역 꼬막비빔밥집! 연안식당 / 속이 쭉쭉 풀리는 해물탕에 꼬막비빔밥 한큰술! / VLOG 브이로그 먹방 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 한글자막) 사당역 꼬막비빔밥집! 연안식당 / 속이 쭉쭉 풀리는 해물탕에 꼬막비빔밥 한큰술! / VLOG 브이로그 먹방 - Duration: 3:24.


S. Korea's Financial Supervisory Service holds international symposium to vitalize fintech industry - Duration: 2:27.

FinTech refers to new technology that aims to improve the delivery and use of

financial services according to a report from Ernst & Young around 30 percent of

those surveyed here in the nation claims to use such services regularly but

that's less than half the usage rate in China the further vitalized the industry

Korea's financial regulator held an international symposium Houdini shares

with us what was discussed as soon as a person stands in front of the camera an

AI base cognitive services system analyzes ones age sex and even his or

current mood the system is currently on trial in banks in India and Singapore

which helps identify customers including high net worth individuals all these are

being put together and being implemented by banks to support their customers

better and service their customers betas this interactive booth is part of an

international symposium prepared by the Financial Supervisory Service on

Thursday a total of 19 organizations including

financial companies and research institutes around the world took part in

the event to discuss changes in the way financial services are created and

delivered to consumers Korean participants had a chance to learn from

global tech giants like Google Amazon and Microsoft and their experience in

innovations made possible by artificial intelligence big data and cloud

solutions speakers from around the world also shared their insights about Korea's

FinTech industry financial services industry globally is on the cusp of a

major transformation and so now is the right time for financial services

companies in Korea to start investing in technologies like cloud and artificial

intelligence to provide transformation within their businesses compared to

other countries like the US or China South Korea's French tech industry is

lagging behind however the Financial Regulator is

hopeful that Korea still has the potential to lead the industry Korea has

a high the highest smartphone internet penetration ratios and Korea also has a

high literacy digital literacy ratios and people's are very eager to adopt new

technology in their financial behavior Korea's financial regulator says it aims

to create a fin tech friendly supervisory environment

in the future such as introducing more firms to its designated agent system

which refers to financial companies outsourcing their core functions to a

FinTech innovator Carini Arirang news

For more infomation >> S. Korea's Financial Supervisory Service holds international symposium to vitalize fintech industry - Duration: 2:27.


【Logres】 Genius Genius' s Evil spirits destructive skill level 1 to 5 damage - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 【Logres】 Genius Genius' s Evil spirits destructive skill level 1 to 5 damage - Duration: 3:38.


Gov't to increase incentives for firms bringing operations back to S. Korea: Prime Minister - Duration: 0:36.

increase incentives avoid South Korean companies that bring their overseas

operations back home part of a bid to help the local economy and create more

jobs according to Prime Minister Nguyen the

government will lower the criteria for onshore companies under the new measures

firms that relocate 25% instead of the previous 50 percent of their offshore

operations back to the nation will be eligible for tax cuts and subsidies

since 2013 and the government has provided benefits for small and

mid-sized manufacturers these new measures will cover big companies and IT

service providers as well

For more infomation >> Gov't to increase incentives for firms bringing operations back to S. Korea: Prime Minister - Duration: 0:36.


PewDiePie - B-Lasagna (Mr. Majestic's Revised Clean Version) *REUPLOAD* BEST VERSION ON YOUTUBE! - Duration: 2:18.

Pewdiepie: I don't like you T-Series!

Nothing personal kid but I must go all out, just this once...

---- or ------ whichever will it be, sit the ---- down, T-Series! I'm here to spill the real tea

You tryin' to dethrone me from spot on number one but "You India You Lose" so best think

think you haven't won when I'm through with you we're gonna be completely

------' done 'cos we've only just begun I review you *clap clap* zero bye ---- gone!

So come on T-Series, lookin' hungry for some drama Here, lemme serve you ----- Lasagna....

----- Lasagna! ----- Lasagna! T-Series ain't nothin' but a ----- Lasagna!

----- Lasagna! ----- Lasagna! Look at T-Series, they just cryin' for their mama!

---- Lasagna! -----Lasagna! T-Series ain't nothin' but a ---- Lasagna!

----- Lasagna! ----- Lasagna! T-Series just wet themselves in their pyjamas!

So who the hell is Bob and why you wanna kiss him (eww) I'm a blue-eyes White Dragon

while you're just dark magicians (ooh!) You got a fifth of the population in

your nation but I got nine year olds the world to hold your defecation (oops!)

Motu Patlu! What the ---- is that even supposed to mean?! Your language sounds like it comes from a mumble rap community!

"No Papa! No Papa! Yes Papa!" "Johnny!" Now download the sugar and lets throw this ------' party with some

----- Lasagna! ----- Lasagna! Look at T-Series, they just cryin' for their mama!

---- Lasagna! ----- Lasagna! T-Series ain't nothin' but a ----- Lasagna!

----- Lasagna! ----- Lasagna! Look at T-Series, they just wettin' their pyjamas!

----- Lasagna! ----- Lasagna! T-Series ain't nothin' but a ----- Lasagna!

You got a population of 1.32 billion...

But most your videos can't seem to hit even a million...


For more infomation >> PewDiePie - B-Lasagna (Mr. Majestic's Revised Clean Version) *REUPLOAD* BEST VERSION ON YOUTUBE! - Duration: 2:18.


【阿湯哥商店診斷365】第60集正在展店有碰到熟手提離職 - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> 【阿湯哥商店診斷365】第60集正在展店有碰到熟手提離職 - Duration: 1:39.


All Mobile Phones Brought into the Country illegally After December 31 Will Be Blocked in Pakistan - Duration: 3:07.

All Mobile Phones Brought into the Country illegally After December 31 Will Be Blocked in Pakistan

All Mobile Phones Brought into the Country illegally After December 31 Will Be Blocked in Pakistan

All Mobile Phones Brought into the Country illegally After December 31 Will Be Blocked in Pakistan

All Mobile Phones Brought into the Country illegally After December 31 Will Be Blocked in Pakistan

All Mobile Phones Brought into the Country illegally After December 31 Will Be Blocked in Pakistan

For more infomation >> All Mobile Phones Brought into the Country illegally After December 31 Will Be Blocked in Pakistan - Duration: 3:07.


Немного о себе... - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Немного о себе... - Duration: 1:40.


Nat'l Assembly passes some 60 pending bills, including bills on drunk driving at plenary session - Duration: 1:38.

just over a week with just a week to go before the National Assembly concludes

his regular session this year another plenary session was held today with

members passing some 60 pending bills including a legislation to toughen

punishment for drunk driving Kim Morgan has two highlights from that session

after weeks of discussions rival parties agreed to pass some 60 pending bills at

a plenary session on Thursday they include two revised bills that have been

named the unit Apple Act named after a soldier who died earlier this month

after being hit by a drunk driver in the southern city of Busan the revised

bill's calls for a lengthier prison term for those who caused death while driving

under the influence of alcohol the current minimum sentence is one year

which will be raised to at least three years and up to life imprisonment in

cases where the drunk driver causes injuries prison terms will range from

one year to 15 years compared to the present law which carries a maximum

sentence of 10 years with no minimum limit

another key bill passed during Thursday's session was he revised law to

tackle the increasing problem of revenge porn cases the bill will now punish

people who not only film such videos illegally but also those who distribute

them without the victims consent even if he or she agreed to its filming aside

from this bills on improving working conditions for part-time lecturers at

universities was also passed with a new law guaranteeing their contract to last

at least one year these latest developments came as part of bipartisan

efforts to pass as many bills before the regular session ends on December 9th kim

mok-yeon arirang news

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