Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 30 2018

We enhance Nick mercs with this for tonight at it you want to watch that guy's

For thousands of years

These creatures have remained in hiding around the world

And unless all the titles are found, oh my god

What the hell these creatures were here before us


My eval you blocked me on fortnight now you're going to die what the hell

Boys of nice boot. Oh

My god

What the hell ad oh my Oh

Oh shit

That's a 10 I said, hey mr. Go stating

What the hell okay, no do it he wants to headbutt somebody

Hayden on a

PC players

You can't ever hear their keyboard but like every pro for Gator dude it's just

You can't even hear yourself think when you play

Miss miss miss keyboard. It's like a dumb loud, dude. I don't know why you're so loud

This is crazy

You guys can do the Twitter a prime. Yo, you link your Amazon account to your Twitter account and Danny you

Have a ding chat. Listen, you have a thing. Will you click the subscribe button and you?

It's a link


that way

You when you click it it drive just drop down its drops. Why does it sound like the normal way I talk

Or something

Drops down and

there's the

Tribe you and then it said you can get a free listen and then listen with your free twist primal scream

With the free twist prime sub you can actually get all kinds of free skins

And you you're all - emos to the stream. Try listen, and then you say you

You click it, but you don't it. Yeah

That's not talking about yeah, we're gonna get hostage to protect

You have been removed from the mat 14 kills really, holy say he got


No, this shit was so fun, oh

My kale sorry guys, holy was that there the whole time what the hell

Hey ask me when I'm doing my - huh, hey Boxey don't straight to the city bar


Guys playing on controller

Everyone you guys have any tips any any words you'd like to say


My god, oh that's at


Swear to God. There we go

Bro-bro chat tech gift someone can someone find this cook there's a clip of day playing and it looks like he's beating his meat

Rude Niki's so talk today


Okay, I

Hurt my neck dude Nikki, Sona run

Nigga hey, buddy

Just uh, baby

He farted seven times

And I had to play through

Tyranny to achieve the ultimate success of second place

Okay, I need I need I need to you can screen cap it right now you find this motherfucker farted on me seven times

My nose hairs were tingling as I'm doing all this I'm in a gaseous cloud of green smoke. Oh


Made it

That means I just in life, you know, I did it

No, no, but I did it like today yeah, I did it it's done everything we could die tomorrow. We're good there there's good

That was so

Funny bro. Yep hurt you. Thought you heard it. You heard. Oh

My god, that was so funny

For more infomation >> Hamlinz Reacts to Our Nickmecrs Montage "We Enhanced Nickmercs with this Fortnite Edit" - Duration: 10:37.


Uproar - Lil Wayne | Brian Puspos Choreography | STEEZY.CO - Duration: 1:53.

Thank you guys for watching my video!

You can actually learn this choreography at STEEZY.CO

Yeah...go now :)

For more infomation >> Uproar - Lil Wayne | Brian Puspos Choreography | STEEZY.CO - Duration: 1:53.


SeRBa BiSa! Maia Estianty Jadi DOSEN UI, Netizen : SALFOK Makin Cantik Lebih Pantas Jadi Mahasiswa💖 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> SeRBa BiSa! Maia Estianty Jadi DOSEN UI, Netizen : SALFOK Makin Cantik Lebih Pantas Jadi Mahasiswa💖 - Duration: 3:28.


| Elogio della Follia | SLOW WAVE SLEEP [english subs] - Duration: 4:36.

[Tick-Tock] Precariousness

[Tick-Tock] Is flowing mild

[Tick-Tock] Inside the head

They ask me what this depressed face is

This gothic face that I wear when I'm with people.

Give me a second, please, there's a trout thorn in my throat:

This glass needs wine!

They ask me what this dazed face is,

Good-hearted people, sooner or later, will go away from here.

What a coincidence! This morning I booked my flight:

The cave awaits me like in my childhood!

I'm running late, But it seemed weird to leave suddenly.

I'm already thirty, I don't have a future,

But down on the streets, for some reasons, people notice me.

I understand that there are A series of rules,

Unwritten rules,

Needed to live in this Increasingly complex society.

Yet I am delighted that

Those little things I did At least have been enough

To make you smile

In this mess.

Can't you see that You're beautiful even when you dance strange rhythms?

Please, talk about you, now that there's more oxygen in your brain

Don't you know? I almost died when you stuttered.

And, I'll tell you,

If what you say is obscure and you can barely speak, you make me feel like myself.

Illusory masks, Often cover our boredom.

Why do we have to hide Behind rationality.

Algorithm forests Decide what to do,

What to eat, What to think,

Even who to love.

And, like squirrels, we are living in a borrowed den.

Let me nibble Your busy schedule.

I'll give you a bite, or maybe two, of my healthy madness...

...that shakes the buttocks!

...that tastes like the ocean!

...and that makes viral my huge desire of you.

Up to the sky,

The stars are playing for us.

Please, dance with me, and don't pay attention to the whistles

I will applaud you.

English credits in the description below

For more infomation >> | Elogio della Follia | SLOW WAVE SLEEP [english subs] - Duration: 4:36.


Jungle Listening Trailer - Duration: 0:48.

What's the connection between the jungle and listening well in English?

Find out the answer soon in my new series called 'Jungle Listening'.

For more infomation >> Jungle Listening Trailer - Duration: 0:48.


6 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Make A Movie - Gina Gomez Dunn & Scott Dunn - Duration: 11:17.

Hi I'm Scott Dunn and I'm Gina Dunn and you know I was thinking about something

today um the kitchen looking at salt it made

me think about today's video I just thought about the first person who's the

first person who's like this I should sprinkle this on my food you know it was

probably I thought to myself it's probably a caveman right a caveman which

means this is this is gonna taste good on my meat and then I thought there was

probably another caveman who came up to him and it was uh which is you can't do

that that's a rock looking thing you can't put that on your food and imagine

if the first caveman listened to that negative caveman we wouldn't have salt

all right it wouldn't have salt these things taste

better with salt how are you fast-forward to today and

2018 in Hollywood and there's cavemen all over Hollywood who keep telling you

you can't do that you can't do this you can't do that and a Saracen and we want

to talk to you today about our our second feature film and a low of the

Dead and all the things people say you can't do and we did them anyway and if

we hadn't we wouldn't you know be sitting here with a second feature film

so let's start

can't make a movie or especially a genre movie for anything less than a hundred

thousand or they won't take you seriously

well our production budget for Amanda of the Dead was just shy of thirteen

thousand that's it I round it up you know it's one of those things where you

have to work with what you got and tailor your script to fit your

budget and tailor your script to things that you have available resources that

you have available to you so like our co-producers chesil Melman and Ian

Sumner graciously lent us their apartment so we saved a lot of money on

the location say half the movie was shot there so right there you know saving a

lot of money when I was writing the script for Mandel I made sure that you

know we we stayed within the confines of I I knew how about how much money we had

to spend on this feature film right and I thought well I can write it in very

few locations but it doesn't but we didn't sacrifice any fun I think it was

about as fun it was as it was ever gonna be and I actually think that the

limitations made it a better movie and even our crew our our sound mixer had

all his own equipment our DP had it's all his own equipment and our associate

producer Oscar Munoz he lent us his camera gear so it was like just see

finding different ways to save money without sacrificing quality

number two can't be done in nine days not a feature film yeah and they were

right it was done in ten days so in that tenth day was really just a pick-up day

a pick-up day with a couple of additional scenes after editing and I

saw that there needed to be a few things to fill in and ten days is still crazy

but again caveman you bad caveman you said we couldn't do it no no we we were

actually the reason why we were able to do that is we kept our crew cast and

crew really small so we were able to move fast and we also rehearsed prior to

shooting we've rehearse with an actor this is something that I'm very gung-ho

about always get the rehearsals going before you movie that's where you know

that's where you get to work on it cuz when you're shooting you don't have time

to explore as much you should know what you're doing and you know you there's

plenty of room for improvisation on set I'm just saying do a lot of that work in

the rehearsals the third one this is a personal experience I I had been in

contact with a producer in Hollywood and we were talking and we had this sort of

disagreement and he said to me you're not a writer you're not a director I

mean you're barely an actor and I remember hearing that it was you know

obviously it's painful you'd painful to be told that you you're not something I

had just done in the feature film our first feature film schlep and it hadn't

gotten into any festivals yet he's like what festivals was it has it gotten into

yeah that's right nothing yet and I and weirdly enough a week later we

got accepted to our first glance Film Festival and we had a great showing and

yeah the audience loved it and it was just a nice thing where you know I'm

glad we didn't listen to people saying no you mean no one knows anything no one

can tell you that you can't do anything I mean they can say it but don't don't

believe it for a second it's it can be really good I will say after all the

time I've been in Hollywood it's been you know like 10 years and I will say

this it's about how you receive words like that if you people say you can't do

it you have really two options believe them or show them and I think it was

actually I'd like to thank that guy because it pushed me to really prove him

wrong the fourth thing this is an interesting one I edit my features we've

done - I've edited both okay so so just to recap he Scott wrote directed starred

and now edited man Day of the Dead Angela and I like doing it but also it

saves money you know you obviously you know how what our budget is it helps

save money but I also enjoy doing it I think that who could know the movie

better than me at this point but a lot of people were you know when I was

asking on slep like what should I do is my slap was my first movie so I was like

oh should I edit I get someone else and a lot of people like you shouldn't edit

your own you know you'll be too close to it and no it's just not how it's done

and I remember thinking yeah but I want to I feel like doing it

it's not like I ever felt burdened by it and it's like who knows the movie better

than you right exactly and so going into this mandel feature I I felt galvanized

incompetent in editing it and and I think this is something I'll be carrying

forward to future features because it's just fine and and you know editing

really it's direct writing is one thing directing is another thing

editing is another thing like if you can do all that that as a director the more

I think you'll be more enriched as an artist it's also staying true to your

own voice like how did you envision this movie well if you're the writer director

and editor you know you get the last say in everything so it really the film

really became Scott's voice and also they said don't do don't use Final Cut

Pro I mean everyone's using Adobe and I again or avid and and that's true a lot

of people are using that and and there's no problem with that and the only

problem is when people say you don't use Final Cut Pro I'm like hi yeah if you

can tell me why great if not then that kind of information that it's just so

because I don't do it but we did it anyway and it turned out great

number five oh yeah you can't make money self distributing your film or in other

words you need a distributor to make money making your film that's just not

true so for the majority people if you're really indie you're making your

first feature it behooves you to self distribute because each platform like

iTunes Amazon etc they take a percentage of all the sales that you make then the

distributor takes another 30 percent 20 30 whatever yeah after that it's like

then you start seeing some money and by that point it's like that's a long time

that's a lot of percentages to be taking out before you see any money and and and

in this case of man Day of the Dead and schlep we are putting our own money into

it we're putting our time sweat equity all these things into it and it's like

why give that percentage away especially in a day and age where you can

distribute yourself yeah you may I think we're trying to out Blum House the Blum

House model they they make movies for very cheap right and then they make

between like they make a ton back I mean the margins on their profits are I mean

they're it's amazing so we're doing that but crunching it down even further we're

talking like $13,000 that's insane but it also means that you have more of a

chance of making your money back and going into black you know I'm making a

profit with your money and that's me that's attractive to me so I would

suggest let's not let's not let people tell us no when they don't even they

haven't even tried it try it you'll see for yourself

number six film school now it's not like people said you can't do this you didn't

go to film school but it's not like we didn't feel that I mean I'm survival

like oh you guys didn't go to film school so like yeah I'm just gonna make

a movie I'm not gonna say sit here and say don't go to film school cause if you

went there that's great you're gonna learn so much and it's it's probably

really good to go to film school however don't let that stop you if you haven't

been there be smart surround yourself with people who who

know what they're doing who brings something to your movie don't don't be

so in your own head about you know I'm the director only I have I had the last

say of course you have the last say but everyone on your set is it if you got

the right people they're artists they have good ideas they're smart you

they're not trying to screw with your they're trying to help you bring your

vision get a good team together so that you can make the best product that's

that I give credit to everyone on our movie yeah I mean the vast majority of

our crew went to film school so they have that technical knowledge and stuff

thank goodness teachers which is great we needed it but they it was fun to

collaborate with them so yeah so if you haven't been in a film school so yeah

you know if you have a passion you have an idea if you have something you can't

get rid of from your head go make it surround yourself with smart people yeah

I will say that there's just no excuse you can make your own movie you can

shoot it on an iPhone you can get really really micro budget India and make a

really good movie it just all depends on what resources you have available to you

what kind of people will kind of do you have it comes back to there's a

lot of cavemen in Hollywood mm-hmm don't let those negative cavemen tell you no

okay otherwise well we wouldn't have salt right if we listen to all the times

people said you can't do that this world would be one boring place to live all

you filmmakers out there who who are waiting for permission I would ask you

just don't wait okay bad caveman bad listen to the caveman who made the salt


For more infomation >> 6 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Make A Movie - Gina Gomez Dunn & Scott Dunn - Duration: 11:17.



For more infomation >> BLUE SPAN IMMORTAL DOTA 2 AXE PUDG ABAD** SPEC SLAR - Duration: 7:18:43.


WATCH: Patchy Showers and Warmer Weekend Highs! - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> WATCH: Patchy Showers and Warmer Weekend Highs! - Duration: 1:53.


Teen connected to deadly shooting released, begins probation - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Teen connected to deadly shooting released, begins probation - Duration: 1:51.


What Jimmy Butler can teach us about the workplace - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> What Jimmy Butler can teach us about the workplace - Duration: 4:28.


PUBG Duo Gameplay - 11 Kills Saiga + Beryl + Kar98k + M24 - It's a Mazzacre! - Duration: 3:48.

Hey there folks!

This game has a lot of kills, including a good chunk of early game action..

..a revive, and some sniping towards the end. Enjoy!

2 and 1 behind. We're at least 5. (???)

So you got a damn friend

Punched him to death? (He got a saiga!)

His friend was coming to punch you to death

Someone is running around behind me

Might be someone on the roof.

Down, outside, on the right side.

Coming now

Oh so damn beautiful!

Oh so damn beautiful!

I get a boner sometimes.

Even dropped the first aids I see! (Yeah, "out with you!".)

Knocked 1, the 1 on top of the roof.

Tagged the other

I still need a level 2 vest, if you happen to see that.

Oh, 1 by the wooden house

Another 1 at the other side of the small building.


It's nice that they weren't listening. They should've heard our steps there!

Between the rocks

Ah, there.

Bluezone got me, of course. <ruining his vision>


Where.. (by the stone there)

I knocked the 1 at the marked rock. (Nice, the other 1 is more to the left.)

You didn't get.. nex, you didn't get him did you?


Get yourself healed up

Ooo, knock (knock, nice) at 190ish.

We should push up now, since its 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1. <2 vs 1 vs 1 rather :P>

He bled to death

Fuck, I have to open myself up to 1 of the dudes... (1 is dead) ...there he died.

The 1 to the left. (The other is above me)

He's very quiet.

He'll die to the bluezone.

Oh. (Far to the left! What the fuck? All the way on the left side.)


Sitting behind the 3 and camping. (Which?)

The 1 on the 3D spot.

Oh, I think he saw me there.

Or not. HEHEHEHE (Beautiful.) EHEHEHEHE

WOOO! (How the hell did he get to the left?) He might've proned his way over?

Because I looked.. I looked more to the right.

Between the 2 of us. (Yeah)

And that's it! Please consider to like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video. Thanks!

For more infomation >> PUBG Duo Gameplay - 11 Kills Saiga + Beryl + Kar98k + M24 - It's a Mazzacre! - Duration: 3:48.


[EN CC] T-Buster - EP03 - Give Us A Mission! - Duration: 12:11.

"T-BUSTER" by Synergy Media

EP103 - Give Us a Mission!

DAEJANG: Argh! I'm late!

Let's lend him a hand.

Please stop bothering me!

Besides, I have no interest in taking over the Earth.

You've done my homework so I'll keep my promise.

But please don't be a nuisance!

In that case, we'll sneak into your school.

No way! Don't you dare!

Captain GONG!

Take this with you.

Why would I take that to school?

According to our contract, you must carry...

...this combination gear...with you...

ANCHOR: Several wild pig sightings have been reported recently.

Really? Wild pigs?

I'm off to school now. / GONGJU : Piggy! Piggy!

Apparently, there's a wild boar in the neighborhood. Be careful!


What's DAEJANG up to here?

Can't you tell? He's receiving military training.

DAEJANG! / Yes, ma'am.

Do you have anything to say about your homework?


Your book reports - interesting, uninteresting, boring.

SUZI: So well written!

As for your animal sketches, they're animals all right...

With the faces of women...

Actually... it wasn't me who...

Ask your mother to come by tomorrow.


Now, let us begin.

Signal! Can you figure out what he's trying to tell us?

Go away!

He's waving at us. It's a greeting. See?

So he's happy to see us here after all.

Let's all wave back.

No! I wasn't trying to say hello!

What is he saying this time, Signal?

He's telling us to form an 'X' to say hello now.

Hmm...that's not an exactly easy way to say hello.

Go! Go away!

He's inviting us to come in now.

Oh yeah? Let's enter the building, everyone!

(Please don't come in!!!)

I swear he told us to come in. Captain has a personality disorder!

NAMI: Fantasic MICKEY! Go for it! So handsome! / MICKEY: Thank you!

Yay! Way to go, MICKEY!

Isn't he simply amazing? He's good at just about all the sports.

How come DAEJANG is just standing there?

He's the goalkeeper! He's supposed to block the ball.

Normally, it's reserved for the least athletic one.


Hey! What are you doing here?

You must be a sentry, seeing as you're standing still.

Shut up! Yikes!

Wow! CONG! Excellent keeping!

What was that about?

Wow! He blocked the ball with his face.

You make a good sentry.

Anyway, when are we going to conquer the Earth?


Give us a mission, Captain GONG!

No way!

Give us a mission!

Just stop bothering me!




Give us a mission!

Oh man...

Apparently, there is a wild boar in the neighborhood. Be careful!

Okay! I'll give you a mission.

Oh! What is it?

Capture the wild boar came down and take it back to the mountain!

Wild boar?

Don't you like it?

Well, use your Buster Coins first.

Please hug me.


Making every shot told.

I'm hungry.

Blazing up!

I don't see any wild boars by the way.



Here's one!

How cute!

This seems much easier than I expected.

It's right around here.

That ugly face looks strangely familiar...

This animal is staring right at me.


I'm so sorry...

You're the best! Facial blocking!

Wow! Great job, DAEJANG!

I'm embarrassed...

Captain GONG!

What? Why are they coming this way?


It's a wild boar! Run!

Oh! Wasn't this on TV?

Please help.

Hello, wild pig.

You must be hungry. Do you want something to eat?

No! Suzy, run!

I must save her!

Captain! We must combine in order to save her.

HEAVY! Hand him the Buster Gear!


Buster Coin!




You ugly little thing!

Medic! Take it higher!


Final! Buster! Phoenix!

Wow! So wild boars can actually fly.

Blazing up!

Guess we'll have a barbecue party later.

Good! Let's continue this way.

And take over the world!

Captain GONG! Please command us to attack!

Please stop blazing up.

I want some barbecued meat.


Are you alright?

I'm fine. Why don't we go find a flying pig?

Yeah, why don't we?

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