Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 30 2018

7 Home Remedies to Treat Loose Motions.

Rainy season is already there.

Apart from the cool showers, there is something which accompanies monsoons.

And that is stomach infection and loose motions.

The problem of loose motions can be chronic or acute depending upon the severity of the


It is also followed by bloating, stomach cramps, fever and fatigue.

The rectal area can suffer minor cuts and inflammation due to frequent toilet visits.

If the loose motions persist for more than 3 days, consult your doctor.

You can go for some home remedies as well for treating loose motions.



Turmeric, as we know, contains antibacterial properties which can kill the issue causing


Drink turmeric water in the morning and evening.

Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric to a cup of water and drink it twice a day.



Ginger is blessed with a number of medicinal properties which can help you in digestion.

Boil an inch of the ginger piece in some water and drink the water.



Bananas are rich in pectin and fibre content along with potassium.

If you're suffering from loose motions, then eat one banana thrice a day to curb your

bowel movements.


Apple Cider Vinegar.

It has been said in some ancient scriptures, that apple cider vinegar has the solution

to every health problem except the death itself.

It has excellent anti-bacterial properties which can cure your loose motions if the bacterial

infection is the cause behind it.

Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water.

drink this concoction twice a day.

You can add few drops of honey to it.



Yoghurt is rich in a bacteria called lactobacillus which is a good bacteria and restores the

balance of good bacteria in your body.

Eat a bowl full of curd twice a day to ease your bowel movements.



Pomegranate juice just like apple cider vinegar, have excellent antibacterial and antifungal

benefits which are a good remedy for loose motion.

Drink a glass of pomegranate juice to curb your loose motions.



You can prepare a cinnamon tea by boiling the cinnamon stick in water.

drink it twice a day to cure your loose motions.

You can also add some ginger to the tea to fight infection.

For more infomation >> 7 Home Remedies to Treat Loose Motions - Duration: 4:20.


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For more infomation >> Thăm Vườn Cây Cảnh Của Đào Bình, Cây Bồ Đề Rừng Thế Đẹp ,Bonsai Đồng Hới ,Dân Dã Thôn Quê Son Doong - Duration: 11:33.


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For more infomation >> Try not to laugh Wasabi Challenge | THANKS FOR 200 - Duration: 20:16.


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NaNoWriMo 2018 | Day 29 Vlog - Duration: 6:29.

Hey, there! It's Diane, the nursing geek. I completely forgot to record anything

this morning. I'll tell you why. I had a bit of a scare: my computer started doing

really strange things. The computer I use is a Microsoft Surface, which is... it's a

tablet that kind of functions as a laptop. It does not have a ton of memory

and it is impossible to expand the memory because of the way it's built, as

far as I know. So it's been getting close to full and I've been paring things off

here and there, and today it just started doing very weird things while I was

sprinting for words this morning. So I dropped everything and backed up again,

pulled out my terabyte drive, and pulled like all the photos off of it, all the

videos of it - which I had been kind of doing anyway and so that didn't buy me a

ton of space, but at least it bought some. But that ate up any extra time I might

have had to film anything. So I did get a thousand and thirty five words done,

which brought me to 49,159 words. [mouths "this close, this close"]

Gonna try to hit 50k tonight. Since I had class last night, as I do on Wednesday

nights in general, I was not able to do Alex the Patchwork Nerd's livestream. So

I'm going to do it after the fact and get some words that way. I don't know if

I'll do the whole two hours, because I have a pretty early day

tomorrow, but I'm gonna do at least some of it and we'll see how that goes.

Okay! I'm - according to Scrivener - at fifty thousand two hundred and seven words.

So, yay! And it's still the 29th, so even if it turns out

that Scrivener and NaNo's website disagree by a few hundred words or

something, I've got plenty of time to get to what the website thinks should be the

right number of words. Yeah. Now I gotta figure out how I'm doing this. Last year,

I had few enough documents that it worked to just copy paste from Scrivener

into the NaNo box. I don't think that's gonna work this time because, well, let me

show you. So they're sort of chunked out, but I have a lot a lot of individual

documents here and ... I'm having trouble scrolling down...there we go. Yeah, so the

copy/paste method would take probably long enough to write an entire other

chapter. I think what I'm gonna have to do is compile this into Word and copy

paste from that. Let me try that. Okay, well we're all compiled! I will say that

*this* is making me a little nervous here, because even just compiling it to Word, I

lost a couple hundred words. And that's with adding the chapter headers, which... I

really need to name my folders better, but yeah, whatever. Let's go ahead and

select all ... copy ... and ...

Oh, there's Alex! Yes, I was in the middle of her livestream - the recording

of her livestream - and decided if this passes the validation test, then I am


Do I remember where to find the validation piece?

"Check your official word count total." There we go. Okay.

Okay! I won! So, yeah, yay! I'm gonna call that good for tonight, and I will keep

writing tomorrow. I do still plan to attend Brooke's livestream tomorrow

evening and I will probably do Alex's... the rest of Alex's because she

did an additional 30-minute sprint I guess, which I'm not doing right now

since I did hit 50k and need to sleep. I will do that tomorrow and see how much

farther I get and see if I can find the ending because I'm not there yet.

Getting closer. Yay for 50k! So let me know how you're doing, whether you're

closing in whether you've got a different goal that you're aiming for,

let me know down below in the comments, and I will see you tomorrow. In the

meantime, have a great day. Bye!

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