Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 29 2018

All right today we got a pretty sweet WLOG coming up

I got to grab a few things before I head out for the day

I got to grab some two-stroke oil because we are gonna be using the leaf blower and then I need to grab a rake

Too because we're gonna be cleaning some gutters, but let's grab this stuff and that's let's get to it

All right, if you don't know who I am. My name is Alan Lee and I own and operate

Honestly handyman services here out of Sacramento, California, and I'm also the founder of handyman

Which is a professional website helping people start their handyman business or take their hanging business to the next level

I have been in business currently for about two years and some people have asked me more about my

The independent contractor Frank that I have working with me

He's doing great. Been working with me now for about a week week and a half. So doing great

He's off on his own, you know making its own money, which is great

And then we have a we have a split with that. So it's that's pretty exciting to have him going

I'm actually working with him on Thursday. I worked with him a little bit last night too. So

Anyways, we are going to go to Home Depot right now. We got to grab some gas for the

Floor of the leaf blower and then we're going to be cleaning some gutters and putting in some cool gutter guards. So

Pretty sweet. I like these this style of gutter guards

I don't know if you guys have so much gutter guards, but I'm pretty excited for this style

I think it's a really good style and we kind of went with a more expensive style. So it's kind of cool. So

Anyways, we're gonna go to Home Depot, then we're gonna get to the job. So let's do it guys

Also, one of the most common questions I get is what is a WLOG?

But will log is simply a work log and it's fun to say so let's give this will outgoing

And my phone has been ringing off the hook lately man, we got all those gutter guards

So we are and then we got some gas

so we're heading over to the job now and I

I wonder how many of you guys like answer your phone like every every time someone calls

I haven't I mean I don't answer my phone nearly

Yea here I don't answer all the time for sure. It's probably like one in

Maybe 20. I mean, I don't know that's bad or not. But huh. Curious. What do you guys do?

do you guys answer your phone every time someone calls every time a client calls or I mean cuz they leave a voicemail and then

in my voicemail

I have them text me so I just find that's easier for me because like if I was on the phone

I'd be on the phone all day and one get anything done, but

Anyways, let's get going to the job right now

We're gonna get they're gonna get some gas put in this leaf blower and then we're gonna get started

All right. We're here at the house

Let's get up here and take a look at what we got going on here


This is our roof

Should you see there's a lot of debris here all around we got to clean that the garage

There as well then all along here

Let's see. What about this on this side a little bit on this side and those gutters are just super clogged

So what we're gonna do is we're going to first off put some gas in the

Malik lower blow all these leaves off and then we're gonna come back. We're gonna put the new gutter guards in the gutters

so that's basically our mission for the day, but I got some pretty sweet gutter guards that

That we're using for this i'm excited about that. Also. We are trying out a new pricing structure

So i'm going to be talking about that a little bit later here. So that is pretty exciting. So, let's get to work

Alright first things first. We got a mix mix this gasoline for two-stroke and my

My leaf blower here. It recommends forty to one. So that's we're gonna be mixing it out

So we're gonna mix it at a forty to one

Here's my little kind of measuring cup that I use and it has an actual marker for you know

40 to 1 right there and this is all based off of you know, how many gallons so it's got a one gallon

One and a half down to gallon two and a half gallon whenever I do this

I usually only gallon and gallons worth of gas just cuz this gas doesn't last forever

It's really only good for a few months

So you don't want to get more than you need and a gallon is the the smallest that I have for this cup

So that's what I go with and I usually run through a gallon, you know before it goes bad. So we're gonna get to it



All right, here are the gutter guards that I got

So here are the gutter guards they got these the ones that I really like they're all metal they are made by

Really made by a Miramax and metal locking gutter guards absolute love these things

All right. I got the

Got the first two in and you could see here. They are just basically some

Metal grates, you know what I really like about this is you know

It doesn't allow any leaves in there and the leaves that do get on there. Usually get washed off by

By water or wind so it's worked out really well

I've installed these quite a few times you see I only got two so

Got to keep going and as I keep going I'll just make sure all the rest of the leaves are gone out of my way

Before I put one on but this is kind of the this one needs to be snapped together. Just a smidge more

But that's kind of the outlay of it

Okay. So basically what you do here is this just slides up underneath the shingles here and just slides in you overlap it a little

bit here, and then you kind of just hit it in till it goes underneath and

Then they will just go

all kind of just fold underneath the front of

Underneath the front of the gutter edge here

And then

Once they're all in the gutter edge

Kind of just pinch it down and then you got a nice

Even spot see those for these that come forward a little bit just like that

So that's the whole look of that and then this is what it looks like without it

So you could see that there's a lot of coverage going on

So that's pretty much how you install so I got a little bit more to go for sure. I got all the way around there

And then I got to come around this side here and then I just got to do the front of the garage

There's nothing really on that side


We don't have too much more to go, but we're gonna get going here. You can see there's already some

There's already some leaves that have fallen and see how it's kind of catching it and shooting them off

You all right I just finished up a section

So I'm going to go back through with the leaf blower just blow everything out of that section before I close that section up and

Then we'll close it up on gone to the next one. All right, we're almost done here

we got all the way around there and then around the front of the house and

Then halfway around the back of the house now. We just have this run to finish up right here and

Then we got to go down and finish up underneath that patio there and then do the front gutter on the on the front garage

really this thing goes pretty smoothly except for

just the only issue or the only hard part about these uh

These gutter guards is you doing the corners you got to make it work. So it's always surrounded by

Gutter guard this lady actually needs a new roof here pretty soon

This roof isn't looking isn't looking too hot. There's a few spots in it over over the porch that aren't looking too good

But I'm wearing a mask because it's super super smoky here. I mean, it's like believe it or not

It is

2:40 in the afternoon and you can't even really see the Sun

It's so smoky just because we have all those fires going on around us right now, but pretty crazy. So we're gonna finish this up


Ok, I got all the gutter guards in place

So now I'm just gonna go off and blow

Blow this roof off one more time

All right

Just laid my last my last gutter guard here on the garage got everything finished here on the whole house

as you can see that there's a few leaves already on the roof and those leaves have fallen since I

Had last been on there and blew everything off

But we got all the gutter guards off we got

Most of the leaves cleaned up which gotta do a little bit more cleanup here and then we got to get out of here

But that's pretty much it

This tree last winter this branch looks you broke off actually where there's green stuff

It's the only live part on the tree, but now well, I guess there's a few live parts up there

But now this tree pretty much needs to go. So that might be a

Job down the road for sure

So that's funny actually talked to those people about that tree when I was in there and I like oh, yeah

We need that thing to go

because you know the last last winter that big old branch fell down so they're afraid the whole tree is going to come down but

That tree is pretty dead. So I told them that we could definitely get to it

so I'm gonna write them up write them up an estimate for that and probably me and Frank will come over and

Take that down for them. Oh and then so they're pretty sweet about that

So we are heading home now, man

This smoke this smoke is coming in thick by the day. Like look, look at that that over there is the Sun

Just crazy that the Sun like it's barely even seen because of all the smoke just like so thick but anyways, okay

So we are changing up the way that we're pricing and it has to do with the handyman law here in California. So

you know, like I talked about a few times in the past videos is I found out the law in in California regarding handyman is

And some of you guys have have hinted towards that as well that a handyman can only do five hundred dollars per project

Which I knew that

but the the question was what is defined as a project and

A part of the CSLB a project is including everything that's on one estimate

at one house, so

So if I do a job that is more than five hundred dollars on it on an estimate in one day or whatever

Then that is over the limit

There's some of the gray areas that I don't completely understand in that but we'll kind of let it go as it is

So what we're changing up to what we've been

what we've been told that we should do is

Do go to an hourly rate. So we are now charging an hourly rate

You know 90 dollars per hour with the two-hour minimum both me and Frank are running with that

It's a whole lot easier to estimate because I don't have to do estimation days. So it's pretty sweet

And it's working out pretty good

So this job totaled, you know, so it's 90 bucks an hour two hour minimum plus ain't even need the materials. Obviously

I'm not I'm not paying for their materials

So this job I was there for four hours

Total labor was 360

Got out of there. Got it done. They were happy the next job that will do for them. Is that tree?

So that'll be a pretty sweet one and I'll get all that firewood. So that'll be that'll be good to go

I won't be able to use it this year, but you know, we'll have to let it sit for a few years

But that works out pretty well. So I am heading home now

I'm gonna meet up with Frank got to exchange some checks and talk about talk about business and whatnot

And then I'm gonna go home and start my real job, which is being a father and a husband. So super excited about that

So thank you all so much for tuning in. I hope you all have a fantastic day and we'll see you on the next vlog

For more infomation >> My Handyman Hourly Rate / WLOG - Duration: 13:45.


Video: Gusty winds, but some sunshine - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Video: Gusty winds, but some sunshine - Duration: 2:56.


The Best Golf Swing Rotation Drill! - Duration: 10:20.

they're so good had to get a second one

today we're talking about golf swing rotation how do we get the rotation we

need to produce the results we want let's do it right now oh if you haven't

yet subscribed to the channel hit the subscribe button and the building

notification so you don't miss anything also if you like any of the products I'm

using like the motivo golf mats I'm hitting off of there are links in the

description below click those tection my Amazon page you're all set up there hope

it helps you now we're gonna get to how to get more rotation my man Joe from

sharper golf I'll leave a link to his channel as well set me his swing I'm

gonna break it down for you show you what we're trying to get him to do which

is rotate and the best drill to get more rotation in your swing okay sounds good

let's rock okay so Joe's a really good player and has a very very solid swing

there's just a few things we need to work on to really get him where he can

even be more consistent more power more control and we're gonna start off with

his backswing okay if you just look at his backswing he does the classic kind

of rotate everything move which you know kind of makes sense but it gets you in a

little bit of trouble notice he's he's here and he's bringing that Club way

inside that's a combination of trying to keep it low and rotate that face open at

the same time and when you do that that's what it looks like right here

and then he's very what we call laid off at this position and we need to fix that

a little bit okay just a little tweak is gonna make a huge difference right here

then if we look at his face on view okay this is a critical and compared him to

let's say the Tiger Woods obviously the greatest player Ivor right so we can

learn a lot and a couple things you're gonna learn is this one Joe he likes to

transfer his weight to his back foot when you do that you slide off the ball

too much so he's sliding off the ball and he's transferring that weight over

here and then he stays back on his downswing thus his hands are way behind

the ball we always talk about forward shaft lean here's the thing is you're

not really trying to get your hands forward all you really want to do is

look at Tiger okay he doesn't shift to his right side he

rotates and creates a little bit of space in between where his hips started

and where they are at the top of his backswing and then he moves his lower

body as it's rotating it's moving forward into that front where the front

hip was and now he's like half his body is ahead of where it started out that's

why his hands are so far forward at impact because his body has his lower

body has rotated and moved forward therefore his hands are connected to

that point he's not trying to get forward shaft lean it happens because

he's rotating through the shot and transferring that weight around his body

to that forward foot Joe he hold he stays back thus his hands are back she

can get a very high weak iron shot with not much nobody called compression

you're not compressing that ball because your hands are behind the ball and

impact so we're gonna change that through a drill we're gonna work on it's

gonna fix everything at the same time you're gonna love it here we go

get your alignment stick okay that's all you really need and I'll show you how

this is gonna help you on your backswing from this view and then our face on view

at the same time so you're just gonna hold your alignment stick down

shaft right here what we're trying to do is take that back

watch okay so I got one shaft down on the ground one shaft right here up

against my left side and I'm gonna take that back and as I'm taking it back I'm

not gonna rotate my hands open I'm gonna keep that shaft kind of against my body

the whole time and work it up and have a shut face it's gonna feel shut it's not

really that's where where you want it to be okay so instead of this that shaft

would come this stick would come off my body I wanted to stay on my body right

to this point right in here and then we're gonna work up here and then I want

that shaft to go this way and flatten out here that's going to be the move

okay we're going to practice this over and over and over up here

up here

there you go we're just doing like 3/4 power less than 3/4 power coming up here

just attached to my body to my hands get about 3 o'clock and then up and you have

to rotate or the stick whacks you in the side and you have a mark right here it's

not gonna be pretty okay so if you flip I'm hitting my

ribcage but if you rotate you get your body out of the way and you're not

hitting yourself so we want to go half power maybe less than half power and

just get that move going get the move

just keep working that now the other piece of it you can do at the same time

I'll show you that from over here okay the next thing is as you're doing this

stick drill you're rotating right here you want to keep an eye right here okay

you don't want this to ever go out here you don't want that to happen you want

this to go around like this okay that's your back swing right in here and then

as you come forward you're rotating through so this let's say it's right

there where you started right right on your hip you rotate and then when you

come forward you want it to be about in the middle of your body and thus your

hands would be forward of where you started but the club head has to be back

because that's where the ball is so your hands will automatically be ahead of the

ball because your weight is rotated and moving this direction that's how you get

that forward shaft lean it's through rotation though cuz you gotta you can't

just slide your body forward and no rotation that'd be bad

you've got to rotate and the body's moving forward so now

your hips are here now you're here when you make impact so just make a conscious

effort like I'm not going here I'm just doing this right in here while using

this so that's the drill like for guys like Joe and if it's like you you're

gonna need the exact same drill to get the rotation you need to get those hips

turning otherwise you're gonna hit your side all the time and if you're looking

for more forward shaft lean it's the same exact drill because that's getting

your hands ahead of the ball that's why your weight has to come forward on your

downswing but it can't go back you're not you're losing power as your hips

shift to the right so don't do that let you do it a lot okay warm up like that

that's your drill you constantly go back to this you can never do enough of these

alright this drill has been around a long time and it's tried-and-true it's

going to get you the pieces that you need to make better ball contact and get

better rotation more power through that ball so after about a ten thousand times

then you should be good okay for a long time and hopefully you saw it

and it'll start making a different sound and that's called compression ball

contact crisp ball first divot later it's gonna be good so there that's the

simple drill for more rotation Joe I hope it helps you out alright and that

you really start making better ball contact those hands will start going

forward and you'll stop losing distance and hitting these weak iron shots I'll

leave a link for Joe's channel sharper golf check them out good luck to you man

hope you're getting better and doing some more cool golf content thanks for

watching the video hope this helps hope this helps everybody you know just

improve our games grow get better learn more shots more techniques more drills

it's constantly trying to improve alright I love you guys

see you in the next video

For more infomation >> The Best Golf Swing Rotation Drill! - Duration: 10:20.


TOP 10 Животных, Удививших Мир 😹 2 😹 AMAZING AND FUNNY ANIMALS - Duration: 6:02.

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video do not forget to put LIKE,

and to not miss the new video click on the bell.

And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!

For more infomation >> TOP 10 Животных, Удививших Мир 😹 2 😹 AMAZING AND FUNNY ANIMALS - Duration: 6:02.


How To Make Short Film - কিভাবে প্রফেশনালি শর্ট ফিল্ম বানাবেন - Make Vlog, Song, Drama (Like Pro) - Duration: 16:14.

How To Make Short Film

Film - কিভাবে প্রফেশনালি শর্ট ফিল্ম বানাবেন

Make Vlog, Song, Story, Drama (Like Pro).

In This Video I am going to show you how to make professional looking short film, drama,

Vlog, Song, Story etc look like professional or film industry.

This video actullay I sharing some strategy for making more powerful look like boss film.

Bangla film making Tutorial। how to short size for film making। types of camera shots.

For more infomation >> How To Make Short Film - কিভাবে প্রফেশনালি শর্ট ফিল্ম বানাবেন - Make Vlog, Song, Drama (Like Pro) - Duration: 16:14.


Double Bottom Stock Chart Pattern Explained - Duration: 6:59.

Double Bottom Stock Chart Pattern Explained by David Moadel

welcome to looking at the markets with David Modell double bottom pattern this

is one of my favorite stock chart patterns it's not just for stocks it's

also for commodities Forex crypto currencies whatever it is that you're

trading it's powerful it really is and what it is is when you have a stock or

ETF or whatever it goes down to a certain level bounces right off of it

and then retests that level and you can call this a support level if you want to

okay it's a support level meaning that the market is demonstrating not just

once but twice that it doesn't want to bring the price below that level the

more times it bounces off of a certain level the stronger that support level is

and so when it bounces right off of it once and then bounces right off of it

again that's even stronger for the support level all right and a triple

bottom that could be even more powerful but we're just gonna stick to double

bottoms in this video and this is from s py also known as the spiders okay and

that is an ETF by State Street that tracks the S&P 500 and so this is a

pretty good proxy for the S&P 500 and we're in the middle of a double bottom

pattern as I'm making this video all right we're right in the middle of a

double bottom pattern here we are there's spy spwhy bounce right off of

this 260 let's say 264 level okay went down to around 264 bounced right

off of it so you can call that a support level but if you're not sure whether

it's a strong support level yet guess what it retested it went back down to

around the 264 level and then bounced right off of it again today balanced

right off of it I mean this is about as textbook as it gets

bounced almost exactly to the tick off of that same level all right and this

isn't the first time did it back here went down to let's call this the 257

level let's say bounced off of it and then came right back down to it almost

exactly the same level around around that same number round 257 or so and

then it was like a springboard for the next few months just up and up and up

that's powerful that's the market showing not once but twice that it

doesn't want to bring it below that level so these are two textbook examples

from the most popular ETF in the world SBY the spiders so we're in it right now

and that's why I'm bullish on this right now

not necessarily could it go down again it could it could form a triple bottom

or it could just go straight down there's no guarantee none of these work

a hundred percent of the time but it's a pattern that I've found to be pretty

powerful oftentimes let's take another look because those aren't the only two

times that s py or the S&P 500 ETF have formed double bottoms here's 2015 late

2015 bouncing twice off of approximately the

same level it's not an exact science okay you can't expect it to be

mathematically down to the penny or down to the tick to be exactly the same level

came right off of it went down again another double bottom here you could

even consider this whole thing a double bottom although it's not exact it's kind

of slanted all right but as we can see there's been a history of double bottom

patterns what's going on there that's the market going down shaking out all

the beginners okay because people who are beginners in the stock market when

they buy they usually buy high and then it goes down they sell low and they lose

the market will do that it will shake you out and it'll frustrate you if

you're a beginner because it'll go down and then head fake up and then go

down again and a lot of beginners will just give up

here they'll say you know what this whole stock trading thing is not for me

and they sell here when all they had to do was recognize the pattern and say oh

that's a double bottom right there good chance it's gonna come back up and if

you held on you would have gotten your money back

even if you bought at a high price you would have gotten your money back just

fine okay let's get another example this is e W Z the iShares Brazil ETF okay

textbook double bottom pattern came down to the same level around 31 and you can

see this is a long-term double bottom pattern alright yes I've seen them in

day trading that's fine they can work there as well I've seen them in swing

trading and I've seen them in long-term position trading this is a longer-term

one it took a took a long time to form this double bottom pattern this is for

patient long-term investors but it worked great textbook right here in the

Brazil ETF here during the summer and fall of 2018 I hope you're better able

to recognize the double bottom pattern perhaps I'll make a video on triple

bottom patterns maybe I'll do that I don't know let me know in the comments

what do you want to see is this helpful to you have you used this pattern on

your own with success tell me all about it give this video a thumbs up if you

liked it and subscribe to my youtube channel if you haven't done that already

that way you can receive the latest updates on my financial educational

videos and I do coach people in trading and investing chart patterns things like

that so you can email me anytime my name is David Modell my email address is

David Modell at thank you so much for watching and listening I'll

talk to you again soon


For more infomation >> Double Bottom Stock Chart Pattern Explained - Duration: 6:59.


【フォートナイト/PC】VANCスクワッド。スポンサー募集開始【VANC】 - Duration: 40:13.

For more infomation >> 【フォートナイト/PC】VANCスクワッド。スポンサー募集開始【VANC】 - Duration: 40:13.


Car Driving in Highway Road | গাড়ি ড্রাইভ ভিডিও | SET HD Video Free Footage | Night Video | Official - Duration: 2:15.


For more infomation >> Car Driving in Highway Road | গাড়ি ড্রাইভ ভিডিও | SET HD Video Free Footage | Night Video | Official - Duration: 2:15.


Volvo Sensus Connect - test i recenzja - Jest Pięknie za kierownicą [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 2:53.

A car is more than a steering wheel and gearbox. It's dozens of different functions, some more, some less necessary. Today I'm reviewing the Volvo infotainment system.

System you see on the screen is one of the more easy to use, in my opinion. Vertical display is more natural and everything is within reach.

There's seat and steering wheel heating controls, as well as phone connection, GPS and music settings.

Apart from the main button and volume dial, everything is operated on a touch screen.

There are 4 sections on the main screen – GPS, media, phone and fourth one with other functions. Clicking each of them takes us to a submenu, where we can start the navigation, play music or phone someone.

On the top of the screen there are icons showing the network or Bluetooth connection, similar to smartphones. This is also why I find this system more natural and intuitive for a smartphone user.

If you have Android phone, you probably use Google Maps. You can have them here with Android Auto. If you don't know Android Auto yet, link somewhere above me and in the video description.

In Volvo cars, Android Auto is shown on the bottom half of the screen. That's clever as it lets you access car functions without exiting Android Auto.

Sadly, after pairing with phone, Android Auto prompts aren't shown on the driver display, unlike Honda CR-V.

If you want to access other car functions, swipe left on the main screen. This is also a gesture available in smartphones, natural for anyone who stopped using the indestructible Nokia 6310.

Climate and seat controls are visible on the bottom of the screen.

You can input the address drawing letters on screen or on the keyboard. The drawn letters look wonky but the system can tell them apart. And the wonkiest letters are easier to draw than typing on the screen keyboard.

A few months back, I drove Volvo XC40 and there was only screen keyboard which I didn't like.

What car functions do you use most? Do you use built-in GPS or the one in your phone? Let me know in the comments below.

New car video next Thursday, same time. Thanks and see you soon!

For more infomation >> Volvo Sensus Connect - test i recenzja - Jest Pięknie za kierownicą [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 2:53.


Conquering Fear, Part 2 - A Path Forward | Pastor Allen Jackson - Duration: 2:09.

Hey, it's Pastor Allen, and we're working on a little topic around "Conquering Fear."

And on our last session, we talked specifically about worry and anxiety – you know, what

they were, how they find their way in our lives.

Definitions aren't enough, though.

We need a plan to get to a different outcome.

You know, if we just keep doing the same thing and expecting something to be different, that's

by definition, "insane."

And I don't want to do that.

Even injecting God into that equation isn't really an adequate answer.

We need a plan to let God's purposes show up in our lives.

Well, I want to share a verse of scripture with you.

It's from the book of Proverbs, chapter 6 in the sixth verse (NIV®).

It says, "Go to the ant…consider its ways and be wise!

It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and

gathers its food at harvest.

How long will you lie there, you sluggard?

When will you get up from your sleep?

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest-and poverty will

come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man."

Now Solomon, the author at least credited with the Proverbs, is the wisest of all the

Israelite kings, and he uses an ant to give life-instructions to you and me.

And I think we're probably as smart as an ant.

In fact, I think the message of scripture is be as smart as a bug.

Well, what intrigues me is it says there are two things that want to come into our lives:

scarcity and lack.

That's a new idea to me, that there are things that are of disadvantage to me that

are looking for an opportunity to fill my life.

So the methodology for avoiding that is cooperating with Scripture.

It's an invitation to be intentional and to do something.

Sometimes people use God-language – fuzzy words – to avoid the truth of Scripture.

If you say you're trusting God and you're not working, you're not trusting God.

You're living in disobedience.

And disobedience won't bring the blessings of God.

Put a plan into place to cooperate with God, and He will bring His greatest blessings to

your life.

He'll do it every time.

You can trust Him.

I want to pray: Lord, help us to hear and do what You've instructed us to and not

just listen, in Jesus' name, amen.

God bless you!

For more infomation >> Conquering Fear, Part 2 - A Path Forward | Pastor Allen Jackson - Duration: 2:09.





Blind People Use Instagram | Here's How! - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Blind People Use Instagram | Here's How! - Duration: 5:36.


What Moves Us - Open Marketplace | Uber - Duration: 4:16.


- Jonathan thank you so much for taking the time

to sit down with me today.

I want to start with the fundamentals.

Uber operates an open marketplace.

Can you walk me through that?

- Absolutely.

An open marketplace means just that:

It's open to everybody who wants to make a living.

You can drive whenever you want, wherever you want,

and however you want.

We offer broad access to work and we expand access

to mobility for riders.

The freedom and flexibility that this affords

is hard to understand, until you actually try it.

In a typical 9 to 5 job you can't just come

and go as you please.

- All of that flexibility sounds really great.

But I think lot of people are worried about

having too many drivers and that meaning low wages.

- Uber wants every driver to earn as much as they can.

But earnings are also tied to the marketplace.

It's not as simple as raising rates.

- Why isn't it just as simple as raising rates?

- We've raised rates in the past.

And we've seen two things happen.

The first effect is on the rider side.

Higher rates means fewer people request rides.

That's not good for drivers.

Secondly anybody who has a license

and passes a background screening can be a driver.

So as soon as we raised rates, more drivers

joined the network.

- So even more drivers join the network,

what does that mean?

- More drivers results in fewer riders per driver,

and that negatively affects earnings.

- Why not just limit the number of drivers?

- Well if we were to restrict access to drivers,

we would not have an open marketplace anymore.

It would violate the principle of Expanding Access.

The other thing that it would do is that

because there would be fewer drivers for any

number of riders, it would increase the amount

of surge pricing.

Ultimately it would make Uber more expensive

for its riders.

- Won't you have times anyway when the number of drivers

is higher compared to the number of riders?

- We are in an open marketplace.

So earnings are always gonna be function of market demand.

If you drive on a Friday night, for example,

there will be lots of demand and lots of earnings potential.

But if you drive in a comparatively slower time

like the middle of a weekday, for example,

your earnings potential is going to be lower.

- I understand, but it just sounds like Uber is saying

to drivers, sorry you're at the mercy of the marketplace.

- You should really talk to Jenna

who is working on a lot of our efforts to help

build the technology to better balance our marketplace.

- Hey Jenna.

- Hey Katherine.

- Hey good to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

- So I was just talking to Jonathan and he was saying that

driver earnings are a function of demand.

Can you tell me more about that?

- Jonathan's right.

The more rider demand, the more earnings opportunities

for drivers, but that's where Uber can help.

Looks like our ride's here.

- Hi, Jenna?

- Hey, Christopher?

- Yes, come on in.

How are you today?

- [Jenna] Good how are you?

- [Christopher] Good.

- So Christopher, Jenna here works for Uber,

and we were just chatting about how Uber can increase

demand, so that drivers can earn more.

- That sounds good to me.

- So we're always trying to increase earnings opportunities

for drivers by increasing rider demand.

We do this through things like rider discounts

or products like Uber Pool that attract more riders

based on its affordability.

More riders means more opportunities to earn for drivers.

- So Christopher, Uber is an open marketplace.

How did you get stuck driving on Saturday?

- I didn't get stuck.

I'm going back to school, and so during the week,

I'm busy with school work.

So I can open an Uber app wherever I am

and drive around the city. Plus on Saturdays,

you can make more money.

- We want drivers like Christopher to be able to

plan ahead of time.

So we give them information in the app

that helps them decide when and where to drive

based on past trends.

It'll usually be times like commute hours or around events.

We can't actually control earnings,

but we can help drivers understand when and where to drive

to make the most of their time on the road.

- And when drivers are earning on the platform,

more drivers will want to drive.

That's how an open marketplace works best.


- Supporting an open marketplace

for riders and drivers, that what moves us.

For more infomation >> What Moves Us - Open Marketplace | Uber - Duration: 4:16.


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Are you old enough for it?

For more infomation >> ЕСТЬ ЧЕ ПО ВОГУ? | VOGUE DANCE | HOUSE OF PANDORA - Duration: 1:57.


How To Cook Latkes for Hanukkah || Mayim Bialik - Duration: 14:02.

- Hey hey hey, it's Chanukah time!

The reason that I'm standing here

in this ridiculous apron is that today

we're going to make the traditional Chanukah food,

which is called a latke.

You might call it a potato pancake,

but you'd just be wrong.

The recipe for latkes is so simple, so elegant.

It involves potato, onion, some sort of binder

like an egg or an egg substitute, and that's pretty much it.

Then we take oil, beautiful golden, emollient, radiant oil.

We heat it up real hot and then

we fry these potato onion balls of goodness in the oil.

Latkes are delicious, and they are especially delicious

when you top them with things like applesauce or sour cream.

But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but

let's not make the same old recipe

the Jews have been making for thousands of years.

The Jewish people are so amenable to change.

We're so flexible, we're so adaptable.

We can be as modern as the next group

of historically ancient people, I think.

Here's what we're gonna do today, we are going to

(drum roll resounds) modernize the latke.

(audience cheering) The first thing we need to do

in order to modernize the latke

is to make the basic latke recipe.

So let's get started.

For the purpose of our cooking today

I'm gonna use a product that is 130 years old.

No, not the box silly, the company.

This is Manischewitz Latke Mix.

This mix makes latkes which are fast and easy

and pretty much taste like the real deal.

They taste like they're just out of your bubbe's kitchen,

but with that modern flair that Jews today desire.

And speaking of modern, check out the new packaging

that Manischewitz is using.

It's so sleek, it makes me feel so fancy.

It's familiar, yet fresh.

It's comforting, yet sleek.

Everything you want in a latke mix and more.

OK, we're gonna make latkes.

The instructions are right here on the back of the box

and what is says is in a medium bowl

it says beat two eggs with a fork until well blended.

Here's what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna use an egg replacer.

If you like to use eggs, more power to you.

I'm going to make an egg replacer

to the equivalent of two eggs.

(upbeat music)

(spoon tapping bowl)

I need six tablespoons of water.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

This is just how my egg replacer has me do it.

Why do I count out loud?

'Cause I'll forget if I don't.

Here's my medium bowl.

I'm gonna put my egg replacer in there.

The next thing we do is we add two and 1/4 cups cold water

and mix well.

If you have a large measuring cup, that's fine.

Technically things are more precise

when you do them in smaller amounts.

I learned that in chemistry lab.

There's two. (water pouring)

I'd be super happy to explain that if you'd like me to.

Basically the margin of error increases

with a larger measure, so always better

to use smaller if you can.

Everyone's like, I just got annoyed with Mayim.

She is annoying.

I'm mixing the water with what would be the egg.

I tend to be a messy cook, but that's fine.

Stir in contents of package.

So here's our little package.

Everything you need to make latkes is literally in here.

You put it in.

You can see it has little bits of onion,

but it tastes like the real deal.

We mix it, and what we wanna do,

it's gonna seem liquidy right now,

but you allow it to sit for about three to four minutes.

And yes, if you have a whisk you can also use a whisk.

And basically it starts to thicken.

So this is a great time to get your oil ready.

The oil needs to be really hot when you're making latkes

so I'm gonna start that right now.

I have heated these two heavy skillets.

It's not critically important to heat them before,

but I think it's a good idea.

You want things really, really hot when you're making latkes

then you add oil and I know you're like,

oh oil, it's so unhealthy.

Yeah, we just do it once a year.

We make latkes once a year, so just chill out.

Once you have a hot pan and you put in the oil

the oil gets hot pretty quickly.

You can test it if you want,

but it's starting to bubble which means it's very hot.

If it starts smoking, it's really time

to go ahead and put your latkes in and lower the heat.

Smoking, that's too hot.

This is our latke mix, which as you can see has solidified

as I told you it would and we're going to drop spoonfuls

of the latke mix into the oil.

(oil sizzling) That's the sound.

I'm gonna try and do some little ones

'cause the kids today like things small

like little, tiny latkes, oh, they're so cute.

Now we wait. (clock ticking)

This is me waiting.

Oh yeah.

(festive music)

For anyone who grew up in a home that made latkes

this is literally the sound

and smell of Chanukah right here.

It makes me a little emotional.

Once you flip them once you don't really wanna touch them

that much more, so you want to let them cook.

You can see that once you flip them

the insides start kinda oozing out.

You want that stuff to get cooked pretty well

so you give it a couple more minutes,

but this is not a long process.

You can use a little less oil than I used.

It really depends kinda on how you like 'em.

They're gonna be drained anyway.

I drain on paper bags.

So what you wanna do is we want to remove them from the oil.

And here are the paper bags that I have prepared

for them to drain on.

And if you're a person who really values cleanliness

and neatness in the kitchen, you might want to have someone

who doesn't help you make latkes 'cause it is definitely

a little bit messy, a little bit drippy cleaning up oil.

Takes a little bit of work when you're done.

This is smoking for some reason.

The fire alarm doesn't go off.

Now that we've made our traditional Manischewitz latkes,

let's modernize them.

When you think modern what do you think?

I think millennials.

We had a joke on The Big Bang Theory recently

that millennials love avodado toast.

Let's make an avocado toast latke.

An avocado toast latke is pretty simple.

The latke will serve as our toast

and we're gonna put mashed avocado, diced chives,

and some Himalayan salt on top.

We can't just use regular salt, that's so banal.

We are cutting an avocado.

Please do this safely.

Yes, there are many avocado injuries that occur.

That's the way I tend to do it.

And there's no true magic to getting the avocado out.

This is how I do it.

I'm choosing a pretty bowl just 'cause.

And squeeze all the avocado out.

And avocados like to be mashed.

If you have a mortar and pestle, take it out now. (laughs)

And some people like more of a mash-y avocado topping,

some people don't.

Now if you don't know what chives are, that's fine.

Chives are baby scallions.

If you don't know what scallions are, turn off this video.

I'm just kidding.

Scallions are green onions.

Chives are little baby scallions.

And it's nice to make them look cute and tiny

so that's what I'm gonna do.

There's no art or magic to this.

Please don't slice your fingers off

'cause my insurance policy isn't that good.

You're like, Mayim Bialik made me chop my finger off

while making chives.

All right, it's time to assemble our avocado toast latke.

We have our mashed avocado, diced chives.

Let's go get the latkes.

Ooh, don't wanna brag, but those look kinda nice.

You wanna pick your toastiest latke that you can find

to get that kind of avocado toast feel.

Here's one that feels pretty crunchy. (mimics knocking)

There are many ways to put avocado onto this.

If you have like piping material stuff

like 'cause you like to ice cakes and things

you can go ahead and put it in there.

I don't know that I think that that's necessary.

So I'm just gonna kinda do this.

A little bit of avocado.

Here are some chives just for a good time, pretty.

And here is the Himalayan salt, which is pink

and tastes a little bit different.

It's got a richer flavor than regular salt.

I know you're thinking, what are you people in LA smoking?

It does taste different, I promise.

A little Himalayan salt, and this is everything

but the bagel seasoning blend, which is basically everything

that goes on an everything bagel

Poppy seeds, sesame, onion, blah, blah, blah.

It gives it a nice little kick, just a little bonus

and looks really pretty.

There's some toasted sesame seeds on there, too.

And voila, this is modern latke number one,

the avocado toast latke.

Modern cuisine sure loves their Buffalo-style, don't they?

They put it on wings, they put it on cauliflower.

Let's put it on a latke.

First I'm gonna prep some celery.

Celery kind of cuts some of that spiciness

as does ranch dressing, which we'll get to in a second.

But what I'm doing is I'm taking

the teeny, tiniest piece of celery that I can find

'cause we're doing this on a mini latke

and I'm just gonna dice it tiny, make it super cute.

'Cause the millennials like things small, too.

And let's grab a latke.

You can make your own Buffalo sauce if you want

or you can use a packaged Buffalo sauce.

(upbeat country music)

In a squeezy bottle, which makes it easy to dispense

is ranch, this comes in vegan and regular forms.

And this you can really do however you want it.

And here we have a really cute Buffalo latke. (laughs)

I know what you're thinking.

Those two were good, but kind of on the simple side.

I am ready to do the most complicated

of the modern latkes.

The third latke I'm going to modernize is a beast literally.

I am going to do an animal-style latke.

In Yiddish we call it a vilde chaya latke.

That means wild beast. (roars playfully)

What's animal-style, you say?

Well I'm sure we'll get a lot of thoughts

in the comments below, but to me animal style means

Thousand Island, cheese sauce, and onions.

How do vegans have Thousand Island?

Well, you can buy vegan Thousand Island

or you can actually whip some up yourself.

And even if you don't have Thousand Island in the house

and you're not vegan, here's how you make

a modified Thousand Island.

Thousand Island is actually made of mayonnaise,

either vegan or regular, ketchup, and some diced pickles.

You put in some mayo.

A lot of this is really

about the color that you want it to be.

This is literally like my favorite thing in the world.

And, (laughs) so what we're gonna do,

we're gonna dice the pickles so that they're tiny.

Some people like it chunkier.

There have been many late nights in my life

where I was eating something

and didn't have any Thousand Island in the house

and this is what I was doing at midnight.

(knife tapping cutting board)

I don't think it's unhealthy.

You can go ahead and taste it if you want,

but basically if it's the color

that you think Thousand Island should be,

it's the right mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup.

(spoon tapping bowl)

All right, let's assemble this beast.

We're gonna take, let's use a larger latke for this one.

This is basically like a nacho-style cheese sauce.

This is vegan, but you don't have to use a vegan one.

I'm gonna a drizzle a little bit.

It's gooey, I'm just warning you.

Drizzle a little bit.

It's not gonna look attractive yet, but I'll get there.

That's the nacho cheese sauce.

Then a little bit of Thousand Island.

And I already prepped some sauteed onions.

(giggles mischievously)

Behold, the wild beast vilde chaya latke.

All right friends, whether you like 'em old school

or millennial-school, get educated

about the making of a latke with a company

hip enough to appeal to every generation of latke makers

for the past 130 years.

Thank you Manischewitz for this awesome,

modernizing of the latke experience.

And now it is time to taste the latkes.

Let's bring in Noi to taste the latkes.

Noi, the last man who still wears a hat backwards.


- I'm really hungry. - OK.

Well try the avocado.

You like avocado toast? - I love avocado toast.

- OK, go for it. - I had my eye

on avocado toast. - Go for it.

- OK, let's try.

- [Man] Wow!

- Is it fun? - Oh my God, it's so good.

- He's also an actor, but I think he really likes it anyway.

- No, this is my style. - It's good?

- It's so crunchy. - 'Cause you're a millennial.

- That's, oh my God, it's good.

- Good, OK. - It's good.

- Finish it up, gotta get to the next one.

- Can I finish it? - Yeah.

- Can I get Buffalo ranch. - OK, this is Buffalo ranch

with celery, it's gonna be a little spicy.

It's gonna have a little kick!

- Oh! - Spicy, oh.

- The spice came. - Do you need somethin'?

Well, that's what the ranch is for,

to kinda cut the spice.

- Can I have some of that grape juice?

- Yeah sure, here you go. - 'Cause, a little spicy.

- I know that you're nervous about the next one

because you might be turned off by the notion

of like vegan cheese. - Right.

- I think you might be surprised.

- OK. - And you know,

Thousand Island and grilled onion, that's a good time.

- Got it, yeah, - Be obese, do it.


I like it.

- It should feel like animal fries.

- Yeah, it's like heavy. - Yeah.

- This is heavy. - That's a meal.

- I wouldn't be able to finish the whole thing.

- Oh Jesus. - But it's delicious.

You go for it.

- OK, thanks for watching.

That is delicious, what is wrong?

It's so good! - It's so good.

- Oh my God!

- It's delicious.

I might go for the regular cheese.

That's just me. - There's something wrong

with you. - But it's delicious.

- Get out of here with your backwards hat.

He wears a backwards hat, what does he know?

This is delicious, l'chaim, happy Chanukah!

- [Noi] You will like get so fat.

(mumbles with food in mouth)

- This is delicious, Noi.

Oh by the way, make sure to like and subscribe.

I think we might need to do more cooking episodes.

Leave your comments below.

How do you like your latke?

Have you ever heard of a latke?

You have now, thanks for watching, see you next time.

This is delicious.

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