Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 30 2018

Hello, Complexly friends!

My name is Nicole Sweeney and I am a producer here at Complexly, mostly working on Crash Course,

but also on some other stuff, like the federal court system videos on this very channel that you should definitely go check out,

because I happen to think that they're pretty great.

Next weekend is the Project For Awesome and as always I am super excited about it.

If you don't already know, The Project For Awesome or P4A is an annual charity event that includes a 48hr livestream and an awesome IndieGoGo campaign

AND lots of people all over YouTube making videos about charities that they care about,

so that people will go to and vote for those charities to receive some of the money that's being raised.

The thing that I love about that is that it encourages everyone in the community to get invested in an organization

in a way that doesn't actually require you to spend any money.

It's an opportunity to think about a cause that matters to you and to go find the people who are doing the work to fix that thing.

It's also a really cool chance to flex your creative muscles and try to tell other people why the charity that you picked is so great.

SO! My playlist.

This playlist begins with some advice on identifying causes that you care about, and how to get involved,

and then pick a charity that does work on that cause.

Then, I've got some videos talking about how the heck to make your video in the first place.

Even if you've never made a video, you can make a P4A video.

There are some videos from lovely vloggers who made videos explaining their whole process from beginning to end;

tutorials on how to do the whole thing – shooting and editing – on a phone;

and then some slightly higher level (I guess? I don't know.)

videos on how to spruce up your sound or lighting if you've made some videos, but wanna make your P4A video extra snazzy & special.

Plus, Hank made a video with some P4A specific tips about how to, like, talk about your charity and get other people excited about it.

Then, as a bonus, the decade old original P4A vlogbrothers video.

Thank you for watching, happy video making, and don't forget to watch the 48hr livestream next weekend,

and check out all the awesome perks on the Indiegogo campaign, and all of that other stuff at


For more infomation >> Nicole's Project For Awesome Video Making Playlist - Duration: 2:04.


Why Has DAREDEVIL Been Cancelled By Netflix? - Duration: 6:19.

No why do these bad things keep happening

what's up everybody today I'm here to talk about why has their devil been canceled

now I think that is terrible news because I am a huge fan of the show that

is produced by Netflix now I think that this is sad news for the fans you know

this is sad news because I believe that of all the Marvel produced shows by

Netflix daredevil was the best I thought that season 3 was great it has one of

the most incredible fight scenes I've seen on TV and it's very sad news but

it's not something that I think it's such a surprise so why has Netflix

canceled the show well it has nothing to do with lack of views or popularities

for sure it has to do with what goes on behind the scenes and that's what a lot

of the public do not know like we don't really know but a lot goes on behind

producing these shows and a lot goes on with licensing a character for a period

of time you know or only the copyright the copyrights to the character and

that's where things can get messy and I believe that that is the reason why

Netflix canceled the show we all know that Disney is going to be starting

their own streaming service and daredevil was a Marvel character and

Marvel's owned by Disney so obviously Disney will not gonna land a character

to the opposing team if they want to compete with them especially because the

show is great so that's why I think it's very sad news because obviously this is

Disney pulling back their power and pulling back all these characters and

you know my only hope is that Feige that is a person in charge he will do

something great with it and we know that so far he hasn't really disappointed

people are very happy with him being tired and what he has done with the

Marvel Universe you know he basically introduced all these characters to the

world you know the movies are super successful we don't

know if they're gonna use daredevil for a TV show or they're gonna be bringing

them to films or whatever but it is clear to me that the reason why Netflix

is no longer able to continue the series it's because of some agreement or

disagreement that is going on with Disney we all know that these new almost

pretty much everything you know Pixar Marvel Lucasfilm ESPN what else you name

it and now acquiring Fox and it's it's sad because you know if you don't have

that many people to compete that means you don't even need to create that such

quality content that's my biggest problem with Disney only everything but

that said Disney is also very capable you know their entities like Marvel is

an example of that their movies have been very successful in a pretty sure

they will continue to thrive but the sad part for daredevil show is that

obviously if they they will bring the character back somehow but will it be

with the same actors will it be the same character arc it's not um it's very

unlikely that they would continue the show where stopped because it was

produced by Netflix and that's where I think that we as the fans suffer because

I thought the show was really great I went to film school so when I'm watching

a show or a film I analyze and I enjoy all aspects of it and I think they're

Delvaux it was a complete package at the grant it had incredible action scenes it

had beautiful cinematography great character arc I thought that you know

this was the best Matt Murdock that portrayal that we have seen so far and

it's really really said that we will no longer see this but we only have these

three seasons that will be there available for us but I I was not done

with Fisk I wanted to see more I wanted to see Elektra back but

unfortunately it's not going to happen one of the things that they said when

they actually posted the constellation note is that we look forward to more

adventures the man without fear in the future and

obviously this is something that DS me will probably take over but I think it

is a pity the only shows that actually stand right now is Jessica Jones and the

Punisher but they will also be canceled for sure the only reason they're not

canceled yet it's because they are still in production as we speak they're being

filmed so they're not going to stop it right now but as soon as the move the

the the series are done and launched there probably will really is the same

note because they did that with iron fist and did that with Luke Cage and

even though I believe our fist was the weakest one of all all the shows and

that but then following Luke Cage and now daredevil you could totally see a

pattern there and it's nothing to do with the views it has to do with Disney

and fortunately probably getting back what it's theirs why I really wanted to

see more but unfortunately it is what it is I would love to hear Europe you know

the daredevil constellation are you a fan of the show like myself you think

this is terrible news are you excited for what they will be doing with this

character moving forward drop a comment below and if you enjoyed this video

don't forget to hit that thumbs up subscribe for more and we'll see you

next time bye real now that I stopped recording

someone is making noise outside guys you don't have no idea how hard it

is to record in New York City okay now is fight

For more infomation >> Why Has DAREDEVIL Been Cancelled By Netflix? - Duration: 6:19.


MMD - I Wouldn't Mind - Luka Megurine (MOTION DL) VOSTFR - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> MMD - I Wouldn't Mind - Luka Megurine (MOTION DL) VOSTFR - Duration: 1:02.


Руны дня прогноз на сегодня 1 декабря / Наталия Рунная #рунныймаг - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Руны дня прогноз на сегодня 1 декабря / Наталия Рунная #рунныймаг - Duration: 2:33.


SFR 196: Cash-Causing Models - Duration: 29:12.

- Boom! What's goin' on everyone? It's Steve Larsen.

This is Sales Funnel Radio and today I'm gonna

teach you guys about cash causing frameworks.

I've spent the last four years learning

from the most brilliant marketers today.

And now I've left my nine to five to take the plunge

and build my million dollar business.

The real question is, how will I do it without VC funding

or debt, completely from scratch?

This podcast is here to give you the answer.

Join me and follow along as I learn, apply, and share

marketing strategies to grow my online business,

using only today's best internet sales funnels.

My name is Steve Larsen and welcome to Sales Funnel Radio.

(upbeat music)

Whazzup, guys?

I'm excited for today.

This is an episode I actually ripped

as from a Facebook live.

I did it off the whim

but it ended up really, really awesome (laughs).

And I was just doing it to the group,

The Science of Selling Online,

if you're not part of that group, it's a free group.

It's where I just kind of can geek out a lot of times.

If you like this stuff, there's more of that on that group.

So, anyway,

anyway, I went live.

And I wanted people to understand,

a lot of people ask me thing like,

well, Stephen, how do you know this is gonna work?

Or Stephen, it seems you're able to know a little bit,

not that you can predict the future,

and I'm never, you know,

but like that you understand what the numbers

would mostly be and where kind of success

will kind of come out of before you go do it.

And I'm like, well, yea, it's 'cause

I'm just following the framework.

And so, what I wanna do is I just rift- a little bit here

so you guys understand.

I made the decision early on.

I remember, I remember kind of where I was.

I actually,

there's a lot of, there was a lot of

colleagues of mine in college that were studying

different areas, you know, like I'm gonna study marketing

or study this, or study that, or study supply chain

or systems, or whatever and I remember thinking

to myself I want to go, I wrote this down guys,

this was an actual goal of mine like five, six years ago.

I wanted to learn how to be a consultant

to small businesses, okay.

And I wanted to learn,

I wanted to start businesses and sell businesses.

Guys, it is hilarious to be that I'm doing that now

and which is crazy.

And I realized though that the talent and the skill

that I wanted to learn was I wanted to learn

how to make it rain in a company.

And that's what this episode is about.

That's what this episode is gonna teach you.

I went in and there's a very specific method

that I have used to do that, okay.

And I know what it is.

It has not been an accident, okay.

I did a lot of making accidents and mistakes in areas,

it's not that I don't anymore,

but, man, I know why its working, okay.

This episode will teach you why that is.

It's one of the biggest gifts I can give you.

Thank you so much for being a follower.

Let's cut over to that now.

If you guys did like that, again, please rate and subscribe.

That really means a lot to me.

I love reading those ratings.

It actually make my day, so it means a lot.

Anyways, guys, thanks so much.

Hopefully, you'll enjoy this episode.

This has been,

this is life changing stuff right here

and I hope that you do what I did, take it seriously

and write down what it is you wanna do, okay.

I wanted to learn how to make it rain in a company.

Wrote it down, right and you have to do that part of it.

Anyways, this is how it's all happened.

Thanks, let's cut over.

What's up, my friends, how you guys doin'?

If you guys are just barely gettin' on,

I've done Facebook live in the group here for a little bit.

We have grown since I last went on

from like 2,200 members, we're almost at 4,000.

It's crazy.

So, welcome and real quick,

I just wanna teach you guys some cool stuff

on why my stuff works so well

and why I can see other people's don't.

I'm just gonna be honest about it, okay.

That's cool.

Give you a little hashtag replay though

if you guys are brand new in here

and you guys are just barely getting in.

If you guys are live though, welcome, welcome.

What's up?

Just chillin' to this song again, many I freakin' love it.


Alright, here we go.

Hey guys so I just, I've been doing a lot of,

been doing a lot of Facebook lives.

I've been doing a lot of training in general.

I did, yesterday I did two back to back webinars.

It said it was two back to back webinars,

in ClickFunnels which is a ton of energy

to see if you've never done that.

It's hard to just do one and if you do them right,

like, I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna sound gross,

but I'm like sweating, I'm exhausted, just on one.

Two of them back to back, like is murder.

Absolutely murder.

I was talkin' to one of my friends, Dave Lindenbaum,

it's funny he's like yeah, two suck.

He's like I've done three, he's like,

I would not wish that on my worst enemy.

You are so wrecked by the end.

But it was two back to back webinars yesterday

and the one Funnel Away challenge.

Which was,

so anyways I was spent.

I was absolutely spent by, by the time I went to sleep.

It was like 1 a.m.

Anyway, so I, guys real quick

I just wanted to walk through a principle here

and I know it's the reason why I'm succeeding in this stuff.

And this might sound weird for me to say that,

might sound weird for me to go ahead and teach it,

but anyway, I just want you guys,

is it cool if I go through that a little bit?

We all got thick skin on here,

I can just kinda say what needs to be said.

Is that alright?

You guys cool with that?

Cause I, I wanna teach a few things here.

There's a few patterns for why I know my stuff is working

and working very, very well.

And I think that, there's a few ways, there's a few reasons.

Some of it comes from just internal, right,

and the way I approach myself on this stuff.

First of all, can you guys hear me okay?

You guys got me alright here?

Yeah, okay, Dan said cool, okay just say it.

Alright, there's a few things for how I approach things

individually in my own mentality

and my mindset with this stuff.

However there's a few things though that

for the way I approach the business.

Okay, I, I look at myself and I look at the business

as two separate things.

I mean really, we're very similar,

who's that rapper that said I'm not a business man,

I'm a business, man (laughing).

Who, I can't remember who the rapper is that said that.

But I look at myself that way a little bit,

like right I am the business, man,

right, rather than a business man.

And so when you look at, anyway,

I, it's gonna kill me, I can't remember who that was.

Okay, in my business I compete

right, on a lot of differences, right.

I compete on differences.

My, my and I compete with strengths, personally.

When it comes to me though, as the attractive character,

I compete with mostly just differences.

It's not so much strengths, right.

Someone's always better, faster,

stronger, than me personally.

Someone's always quicker.

Someone's always a better writer.

So I don't compete with strengths

when it comes to my personality,

I really compete with differences.

When it comes to the business though,

it really is mostly just strengths

as far as my business goes.

When it comes to offers, it's back to differences though.

I don't know if that makes any sense at all

what I'm saying there but there's a relationship

there though, you guys gotta get used to.

One of the reasons why my stuff does well

and one of the reasons why,

one of the reasons why my stuff has accelerated so quickly

is because, a few different principles that I follow.

Guys if I'm gonna go, I'm the worst cook ever,

but if I'm gonna go bake a cake, how do you bake a cake?

Just tell me right now, what are some of the things

that you use to go bake a cake.

How do you go do that?

What are some of the things that I do?

What's the process?

How do I bake the actual cake?

How do I put it together?

Someone said it's, someone said Jay-Z, someone said Kayne,

so I don't know, it's one of those two.

Right, how do I bake a cake?

I go in, right, I'm gonna have a similar kinda things.

I'm gonna go in, I'm gonna get flour, I'm gonna get sugar,

I'm gonna get eggs, right, that's as far as I know.

There's probably some chocolate in there somewhere,

some, I, I don't know.

I really have no idea how to bake a cake

but there's a way to do it, right.

There's a process to baking a cake.

There's a process of putting it in the oven

for how long it's gonna be in there.

There's a process behind that, 'kay.

How am I gonna go and how am I gonna get,

good at, at a sport?

I'm actually looking at Brazilian jiu jitsu right now,

I really wanna fight Russell (laughing).

He and I wanna roll and I'm stoked about it, 'kay.

And so I'm gonna go take jiu jitsu for the next year

and then he, I'm gonna try and choke him out

and he's gonna try and choke me out and be fun, 'kay.

But there's a process for that.

There's a process to learn

that kind of sport and discipline.

There's a process for me to go learn how to freakin' walk.

Right, there's a process for me to learn

how to be on the internet.

There's a process for, and when you understand that,

right, people are like oh yeah, no I totally get it.

But that's not the way people act.

And when I look on the internet

and I see what people are doing out on the internet,

most the time they're just doing stuff

and that's better than doing nothing,

but they're not adhering to any kind of framework.

There's no pattern in what they're following.

There's not a frame, there's no system, there's no format

or formula, they're just kinda doing stuff.

And because of that, it's really easy for me to look at

and be like, oh yeah, that's why you're failing, right.

And I don't mean that in a negative way.

That's not negative at all, it's just the truth, 'kay.

Frameworks are what save you in this game.

Frameworks are what save you in anything in life.

And funny enough, when you look at like,

I call it art versus science, right,

there's more science to this game then there is art.

Which should be very relieving for you to hear.

There is more science than art.

Which means I don't need to be as much of a creative genius

as much as I do just learning some of the frameworks

that make success happen, 'kay.

And I'm not just talking mentality stuff.

Okay, mentality stuff,

I have a hard time with that sometimes.

When I say mindset training, that's such an overused term.

It gets fluffy and I don't really like it.

Okay, but like, learn the framework.

Learn the process, learn how to go and actually, okay,

if I'm gonna do a webinar, if I'm gonna make an eBook,

if I'm gonna write something, if I'm gonna do that,

if I'm gonna be an Olympic skier,

if I'm gonna go and I'm gonna learn how to ride a bike,

if I'm gonna, anything in life has a pattern for success.

Right, first, right and when you understand that that's how,

really it's like 80% framework, 20% art.

Which is awesome, it's so relieving when I finally

realized that and understood that.

So what I'm looking for when I go funnel hack somebody,

what I'm looking for when I go

and I'm looking at an influencer

and I'm seeing how they're behaving,

I can close my eyes and I know, I see,

this is why I can speak without notes,

because in my mind, in my brain, I can close my eyes

and I can follow a framework inside of my head

and I know the next step.

Which means the decision making power of what do I say next

is kind of gone, I just know that now I need to be talking

about this next thing and now what's coming up,

I know the, okay and now I need some testimonials

and I've told enough stories,

let me just dig back into my bag of stories.

Which story would fit as a testimonial

for that scenario best?

Bam, that one, insert here.

Okay, now what's next,

okay let's go call to action, let's go here.

Okay, in my head I'm just following frameworks.

That's the secret.

When I'm building a funnel, it's the same process

every freaking time regardless of product, price, industry.

It doesn't matter, it's the same process

and that's what people get stuck up on, 'kay.

I do a lot of coaching.

I do a lot of coaching.

I've already coached today for three hours I think.

Yeah, I do a lot coaching and I'm about to go on

for another hour and a half here, soon.

Probably about 20 minutes here, 'kay.

And what's, what's frustrating for me is when somebody

thinks that they are an exception to that rule.

You are not.

You are not, okay.

And what happens is when somebody believes

they're an exception to the rule, what I've noticed,

is that they don't believe that it's 80% framework,

20% art, it's not, that's why this is the science

of selling on line, I explicitly took out the term art

because I want, that's why the name of this group

is the Science of Selling Online, okay,

because it's more science than art.

It's a little bit of creativity of your own flare,

that's it, but it's not the majority.

And when somebody thinks it's majority,

that's when they fail, 'kay.

When I'm funnel hacking somebody,

I'm not just funnel hacking what products are they selling,

how are they selling them?

I'm looking to see the framework

that they introduced the product to the market with.

I'm looking for the framework.

I'm looking what's the pattern, what's the formula.

What's the step by step by step.

Do this, then this, then this, then this,

then add a little bit of flare of your own at the end, 'kay.

It's so relieving to understand that

and it's so relieving to feel and know and understand that

because it means I don't have to be

what college was trying to teach me to be.

It's actually the exact opposite.

I don't need to be a creative genius

to have a lifestyle and success off of the internet

or any business in general, 'kay.

I don't need to be a creative genius.

I don't need to make something totally brand new,

completely prolific, something that nobody's ever seen

before in order to actually make money,

that's not true, that's the biggest fallacy ever in the game

and that's been the weirdest thing for me to realize.

Hindsight's 20 20, right?

But forever, as I looked backwards,

I'd be like oh man, and I'm starting to see those patterns.

Forever the issue was I walked around for years, my friends,

trying to answer the question, what product should I sell,

when all along the market was trying to tell me

what it wanted me to sell it, 'kay.

That's all I'm tryna figure out, all the time.

So when I'm going in and I'm funnel hacking somebody

and I'm lookin' at that red ocean and I'm steppin' back

and I'm sayin' oh, interesting, what I'm doing

is I'm trying to see what product

the market wants me to give it.

I don't even have to have that answer.

I don't even have to know what the product is.

I don't even have to know.

Guys when I, I was the number one affiliate for this book,

right, right and a lot of it was because of

that offer that I gave you guys.

I didn't know what the offer was gonna be

when I started selling it, you all gave me the answer.

Did you just hear what I said?

So 375 books, you all gave me the answer.

We decided together what it is that you wanted to include

in the offer when you bought this book through my link.

I just gave it back to you.

The same principle is true for your own products,

not just affiliate stuff, not just for your codes,

not just for your info products, I don't care.

There is such a smaller amount of art and creative genius

in this game than people realize.

So what you need to get good at is learning to be attentive

and see the patterns.

The reason I got to be a good funnel builder

and so fast at ClickFunnels is because I can close my eyes

and in my head I see the framework

for the perfect webinar funnel.

I see all the elements in a perfect webinar script.

I know exactly right, in my head, I can see the framework

of an awesome, epic upsell video.

I know the framework in that script.

It's a framework.

I don't have to come up with what to say,

I just need to know I need to have elements

that talk about that, that, that, that, that, that, that,

plug it in, play, bam, done, 'kay.

You guys gettin' this?

It's not just to trial close, I'm actually asking.

'Kay, 'cause what I want you to understand

is that it is the science of selling online.

Which is the name of the group

and it's the name for a reason.

We talked about, we talked about, I was gonna,

it was gonna be the science and art of selling online

but I took out art because I don't want you to think,

the game's easier than you might be thinking it is.

It is easier than you're thinking it is.

And it took me like three years, like 17 business tries,

to actually understand that because everybody in college

and all the books and all these gurus

and all the people around, a lot of them, not all of them,

there were one or two particularly who were not,

and they were teaching me the correct way to do it

and when they were teaching me to use the market

to gather the data on what to sell

rather than tryin' to come up with it on my own.

There was nothing like, no input, zero, zero, zero, zero.

Like I could not come up with something.

I was like I'm not really a creative genius kinda guy.

Which might shock a lot of you guys.

Like hey Stephen, you totally are,

you're this crazy creative guy.

I'm not, I'm following a pattern, that's it, right.

So I know that there's a few products coming out here soon

that I'm excited to get out to you guys.

There's a few products coming out here soon

that I haven't announced yet, that I'm really pumped about,

but I am using the market and I'm asking things in a way

to start slowly pulling out and harvesting,

that's what they want, that's what they want,

that's what they want and you are literally building

the very offer that I hope to give back to you.

Now I'm gonna go make the product obviously

and the product's gonna be freaking epic,

but as far as what it is,

you should not be doing a lot of that

deep dive work on your own.

In fact it's better if you don't.

It's way better if you don't.

It's far better if you don't.

And the reason is, is because

you don't fill your own wallet.

I've said that multiple times,

but like your opinion doesn't matter.

You're not the one buying your thing.

So if you're like, oh Stephen

I don't know if I like that product yet,

you're not the one buying it, right.

You don't fill your own wallet.

So like, you gotta get outta your head

and think back, be like, alright, fine,

what do they want, what does the market want?

What is it that they're asking?

Give that, learn what that is, figure out that is.

What are they asking?

What are they telling me that they want?

And then you just be and guys, the game gets so easy

when you realize that it's just

about learning the frameworks.

So if there's some piece of advise I could give,

besides that, it would be this:

Choose frameworks, choose models to go learn

that result in cash as a rule not an exception.

Did you hear what I just said?

I am not interested in learning

and this is the other reason

why I've been doing so well with stuff,

because I don't want to learn frameworks and rules

and science of things where I am an exception to the rule

and that's what causes money.

I only go learn, it's the reason why I don't

go learn Facebook ads, guys.

Because for me to learn the framework

to make a successful Facebook ad,

I could go learn it, I know I could,

I know I could be really good at it, okay.

But I don't go study that personally

and yeah it might be your thing,

which is great, but I don't because there are sometimes

these little tricks I feel like I have to go play

in order to make it work super well,

I don't wanna learn the tricks.

I wanna learn the rules that result in cash

not exceptions to the rule that result in cash.

So go learn frameworks.

That's the reason why I obsess over webinars so much.

As a rule, if I do this and I tell an origin story

and I come up with a good hook and I got the origin story,

alright which is a great intro, then I got three secrets

which attack your vehicle, internal and external related

false beliefs and I go through

and I have some testimonials there.

Then I go through stack slide

where I present the actual offer.

Then I go through closes where I tell reasons

why you should act now and I go through

and I put that in a thing called a webinar funnel.

It as a rule, typically results in cash

and because of the numbers and because the way it works out,

they're very easy to make profitable.

So I was like, when I saw that

and when I started seeing that,

when I was working at ClickFunnels,

I watched Russell do that, I was like huh.

We launched things so quickly there.

I started asking the question,

that wasn't even like done yet.

How come that worked?

That actually wasn't, huh, that actually didn't look

visually that good yet, why did he make a million dollars

in three weeks on that, interesting.

Why is it that he, he had 8,000 options on that page.

Like half of it's broken, how come it still worked?

Right, and it was with Facebook ads,

people who probably didn't even really know

who he is that much.

You're like, how did that work over there?

It's because he has frameworks in his head

that result in cash as a rule not an exception to a rule.

I do not learn frameworks that where I have to have

an exception to a rule in order to make money.

And too many times people are tryna look

for the flash in the pan, right,

the little thing that is cool that is,

but it's fleeting and it leaves.

And that's why it doesn't work.

Cause you spend all this time, right.

Those things work as like little tiny add-ons

when you already know the base thing that causes money,

when you already know.

Is this making sense?

When you learn that rule, that framework to the rule.

When you learn the system, the formula that causes cash,

rather than the exception to the rule that causes cash.

Right, the only time where I can learn that

is when I already have this base down.

When I got that 80% down.

Then I can go learn that little 20% real fast,

right take fast and quick money off the top.

Then I can take fast and quick money right off the top

and then it gets super easy, super, super easy.

So anyways, I'm really stoked about this.

I hope you guys understand what I'm tryna get across here.

Stop learning flash in the pan stuff.

Stop learning things where it's like, it doesn't totally...

That's not, that doesn't result in cash as a rule.

So I don't study things that are like,

I don't study things that are like,

how should I say this?

I study becoming an attractive character.

I study offer creation.

I study sales itself.

What is the psychology of sales that makes sales happen?

The internet could die tomorrow

and I know I'm gonna be okay because of the framework

about sales that I know that's in my head, right.

I know that someone could put me on a stage right now

and I will over deliver and I will probably sell more

than everybody else that's on there

who's been selling for a long time

but doesn't have a framework and hasn't been studying this.

Those are bold claims and I totally get it

and I understand that.

You have to understand though, that, that's the reason why,

is because of the framework.

It's because, I'm just following it in my head.

Okay, I'm only, and this one Funnel Away challenge thing

that I've been doing, right, funny enough looking back,

I'm only supposed to be going like 20 to 30 minutes on them.

I'm not trying to go a long time.

That's not my goal but there's so many little pieces

that I'm trying to help people understand

when it comes to learning these frameworks

and understanding that it's more about science

then it is art, it's more about understanding formulas

that cause cash then it is learning exceptions

to rules that cause cash.

I'm tryna, I've been going for like 50 minutes in 'em

and the, and what I'm doing literally,

I'm just following a script in my head.

I know where I'm leading it.

I know where I'm able to actually follow a little bit

of a rabbit tangent but how to bring it back in.

I know and it's only come because of like,

insane sickening volume, right,

the amount of time just doing it.

Mat time, 'kay, time on the mat.

How much time have I spent on that mat.

How much, right.

Sometimes, I can't remember who told this story.

They told a story about how,

you know take two different fighters, right.

Or even people at the gym.

And I can't remember what the story exactly was,

I remember the principal and what he was using an example.

So take two people at the gym.

Alright, two people at the gym.

Person A goes to the gym and they get to the gym,

they might go to the water fountain, right.

They go to the water fountain and they're like,

alright, alright, I this is.

They go to the water fountain and they're like,

they talk to somebody for a little while, right.

Then they go to the, then they go over to the,

I don't know like an elliptical machine

and they like set up their settings for awhile.

Then they go and they'll be on there

for a few minutes kinda warming up.

Then they'll go talk to somebody else for awhile.

Then maybe they'll go over to the restroom

and the locker room for a little while.

Then they'll come back over, right

and then they do one or two sets of this and they leave.

That's person A.

Person B comes in, actually spend a little bit less time

but it's like it's so hyper-focused it's ridiculous.

'Kay, they're in there, they're in there.

They're working hard, they're extremely sore.

Every set they're almost dropping it.

They're going to failure every single time.

Who's gonna be more successful?

Right, obviously the person who's gonna be more successful

is the person who's like,

killing it, 'kay.

I'm tryna get mat time.

I want as many times on the mat as possible

for me to just be actually swinging to hit the ball

not prepping to hit the ball, 'kay.

So that's why I go do things.

That's why I have this, I have a, I,

it's like these little mantras in my head.

One of them is mat time and I was like, right.

One of the people, one of the people on my web,

on a webinar yesterday they did not get as many people on

as they were supposed to, which kinda sucked.

But and I was like, I could call it off.

But in my head, mat time.

That's all I said to myself and no questions asked,

I just stepped forward and just did it.

Mat time and I just did it

because I need more time on the mat.

I need more time moving forward on it.

I am perfecting my craft.

It's hours and hours and hours of doing the thing, 'kay.

And too many times people are like, well I did it once

and it didn't really work.

Well like yeah, it's 'cause you freaking did it once, right.

How many times it take you to learn to ride a bike?

You gotta, anyway.

You guys gettin' this?

You have to study frameworks.

You have to study, which is awesome and it's debunking

a lot of the mystic.

I hate the whole mystic and mentality

that people are promoting about entrepreneurship, right.

Where it's people like lookin' off in the sunset

and they're like, they believe, I don't know,

they're like god's give to humanity

and that they're the change to the world.

Yeah they can change the world, but frankly

they're just making value

and people are paying them for that value, okay.

Learn the framework behind it.

Don't be allured by the art behind it.

Don't be allured by trying to become this creative thing

and adding your own flare

and that's actually the way to failure.

Just learn from people who are doing it

and have done the thing.

That's it.

Learn from the people who are doing it

and have done the thing and have done the thing

long enough that they've created their own frameworks, 'kay.

My wife and I were talking about this

two or three nights ago.

It's kinda fun, she and I are just sittin' around

the kitchen table and we were talking about it.

And I said, I said one of the things

that has made me successful with this

is that I realized that when,

I realized that...

I needed to follow the person that has the biggest cheese.

Who actually has been doing the thing super, super long.

And when I go and I find that person

and I see the people who have the biggest cheese,

what I'm looking for is I'm looking for the person

who has dived in to yesteryear's experts

and they're super cra--

this is the reason I follow Russell.

Listen to what I'm about to say.

'kay, this has been one of the biggest shortcuts ever

and it's the reason why I've only been playing the game

for like, really like four years and you all know who I am.

This is it right here.

I went and I found and I became cognizant of this

probably about a year and a half ago, 'kay.

What I did is I went and I found

and I started paying attention to people

who consumed yesteryear's experts like an animal, 'kay.

Straight up animal.

Just a freaking beast and they consumed it

and they learned yesteryear's experts,

the frameworks that they were using

and what happened is when they consumed them

and they became an expert, they got so good at the,

at yesteryear's experts and their frameworks, that they

started creating their own versions of the framework.

That's what you're looking for, 'kay.

I'm not just looking for somebody who understands

that, 20 years ago this is how it was happening right.

Or 10 years ago this is how it was happening.

Right, I don't care if it's business

or some skill you're learning or a hobby.

I'm looking for somebody to go follow and learn from

who has been in the game so long or has consumed the game

so much that they are literally producing

their own frameworks that have equaled success

because what it is, is it's a shortcut

to having to learn yesteryear's experts, 'kay

and the frameworks that have come through.

And I was talking to my wife about this

and I was teaching her this.

I was like, that's, that's where the big secret has been.

So, when I go in and I'm learning and I wanna go learn

Brazilian jiu jitsu, okay I wanna go learn and fight.

I wanna be, I wanna do that.

And so what I did is I went and I found somebody, right.

I talked to Russell.

Russell's huge into that sphere.

I talked to somebody who knows that area

and my question to him is who has the biggest cheese.

That's actually what I asked him

and he knew what I was talking about

'cause he knows that's how I run, I said that.

And he goes, he says there's a guy you need to go learn from

and he said who ya lookin' at.

And I said this person, this person, this person.

He said they're good.

That person's great over there too

but he said you need to go learn from this guy

because he's been in the game so freaking long.

And I, I understood immediately what he was talking about.

'Kay, you're tryna find the freaking Yodas.

You're trying to find the ninjas.

You're trying to find the individuals

and the people who are like, they've been in it so, so, so

long that they've been producing

their own frameworks successfully, 'kay.

That's the reason why there's stick figures

in Russell's books and that was the sign to me

that I knew I needed to follow him like crazy.

He has distilled down, literally dozens of experts,

down to his own stuff and then is producing

his own frameworks so now when it comes to marketing

and funnel education, my coach, I only listen to Russell.

That's it.

When it comes down to listening to,

actual like hard core like sales scripts

and sales tactics, I only listen to Grant Cardone.


Cause that dudes got mat time, holy crap.

When it comes to building systems in my business

that make things run on autopilot,

I only listen to Alex Charfen.

Why, because that dude has got mat time

and he has followed other experts

and he has his own frameworks that he's developed.

The framework is what not only makes you cash

but is also a symbol that that individual

typically knows what the heck they're talking about, okay.

Why do you guys like following me?

It's because I like to do those funnel drawings.

Right, a lot of you guys find, found me that way.

I like to and I go in and I distill down,

listening to all these people and seeing it

and coaching over 1,800 people personally

in this process, for two or three years, 'kay.

That's a lot of mat time.

And so I see the patterns that cause success.

I see the patterns that cause failure, right,

and which ones and the ones that routinely cause failure

is the art ones and the ones that routinely cause success

is the people who take their emotions out of it,

realize that they are not are not their feelings,

get past their feelings and they just do the science of it.

They're like, you know, I didn't wanna publish,

but I'm just, I'm freaking doing it 'cause he said to.

And they're just doing that.

And they're just following the people

who have their own frameworks.

And they're just doing the success and science based ones.

You guys gettin' this?


Rock on.

Go watch what I'm doing

because that's how I execute.

We'll see you guys later, bye.

(upbeat music)

Boom, just try to tell me you didn't like that.

Hey whoever controls content controls the game.

Wanna interview me or get interviewed yourself?

Grab a time now at

(calm music)

For more infomation >> SFR 196: Cash-Causing Models - Duration: 29:12.


How Surge Pricing and the Uber Marketplace Work | What Moves Us | Uber - Duration: 2:33.


- Hi, I'm Katherine Gorman, and I'm here today

with Arundhati Singh and Kristin Kaiser.

I feel like everyone had the same idea

to come to the beach today, and it's gonna be

really pricey to get home now.

- Yeah, with a crowd like this, surge pricing is probably

in effect, prices are gonna be higher than normal.

- But nobody's a fan of surge pricing.

It sort of feels like you're getting taken advantage of.

- I know it may feel that way, but in actuality,

Surge was created to ensure that we deliver reliability.

Surge actually only kicks in when the number

of riders looking to get home exceeds the number

of drivers available, and what Uber tries

to do in real time is to correct

that imbalance by raising the price.

For drivers, the higher price actually attracts more of them

into the area to meet that rider demand.

And as more drivers start to come into the area

to meet that demand, surge pricing will start to come down.

- And riders have choices in these scenarios, too.

They can wait for drivers to become available,

our prices update every few minutes,

or they can share a ride with Uber Pool for a lower price.

- So do you guys want to wait it out

and go get a cup of coffee?

- Yeah, I think that sounds like a great idea.

- Let's do it.


- I think the fundamental question here is,

if you know when big events are gonna happen

or when you're gonna have a lot of demand,

why not send drivers to where they need to be ahead of time?

- So drivers don't want to be sitting around not earning.

But there are things that we can do

to deliver that reliability.

Something we're working on right now is driver promotions.

These help drivers plan ahead to drive during busy times

and areas to prevent marketplace imbalance.

- But how do promotions for drivers

help Uber be more reliable?

- Driver promotions are offered in advance

to help drivers plan to drive

in those busy times and places.

For example, we have Consecutive Trips, and we have Quest.

With Consecutive Trips, drivers earn extra

for driving in those really busy times and areas.

- And with Quest, drivers earn extra

for completing multiple trips over several days.

The hope is that by carefully offering these promotions,

we can encourage more drivers to get

on the road to drive during busy times

and in busy areas to meet that demand.

- Got it, so the main focus is trying

to bring balance to the marketplace.

- Yeah, absolutely, and that's why we are

constantly building new tools to bring

that reliability to our riders and drivers.

- Supporting a healthy marketplace

for riders and drivers, that's what moves us.


For more infomation >> How Surge Pricing and the Uber Marketplace Work | What Moves Us | Uber - Duration: 2:33.



For more infomation >> FAMAS É A MELHOR ARMA DO JOGO!? 14 KILLS NA RANQUEADA NO GARENA FREE FIRE - Duration: 12:57.


[FREE] Reggae Fusion Type Beat 2018 - "Dawtah Riddim" | Free Type Beat | Reggae Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Reggae Fusion Type Beat 2018 - "Dawtah Riddim" | Free Type Beat | Reggae Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:52.


BORA #41 - O FIM DA ROTA FURACÃO SCAPE! Chegamos em Grenada (English/Spanish CC) - Duration: 13:33.

As a last challenge

the wind began to crack 50 to 55 kilometers per hour

Nothing is easy!

We're here, enough ...

here we are coming already

full of boat

All these people here must be I do not know if by race

I would know that Granada is quite full already because it is where everybody

to escape from the hurricane season up there

Come, everyone comes to stay here.

some put the boat out of the water and return to their homes

others, who do not even stay here

but it's the last!

This month's challenge will be anchor in this damned wind

Hi, I'm Luzia. but you can call me Lulu

Me and my family let go of all the our things on dry land to live a dream

try to go around the world on a sailboat

Here with us this is our dog Lola!

we want to meet new places

new stories

and enjoy all this time together

What's up, Bora?

What's up, Lulu? Where are we coming from?

In Granada, finally!

Do you know how many days we traveled here?


Thirty ... You know everything!

We got exactly 30 days to get here.

we are finally arriving

Are you happy to arrive?

Let's start now, you know what?

No, we will not! The carnival...

Oh, it's ... We're negotiating. who's going to have carnival next week

so the beginning of classes we do not know if it starts next week, or after the carnival ...

What you want?

After the carnival!

After the carnival? So are you going to go out dressed in the carnival here?


But the coolest, people ... We planned to get here in 30 days.

from point A to point B

between this path changed everything

changed wind, had hurricane, has a lot of condition that we had to adjust ourselves

boat was defective, he had to pack for there, more time here, less time there

but at the end of the day satisfaction is huge of people are coming

thirty days passed super fast right?

We did not get a fish, did we?

but also, we did not fish ... we did not put the fishing rod

but the important thing is that we're getting there

There, shoot Larinha.

There it is there Carriacou, which is one of the islands of Granada

I hope I can stand now at least a few days

There's going to be a regatta here ...

We do not even know how to ride a boat right. and we want to participate in a race already

Shall we take part in a boat race?

Call regatta ... Come on? Let's go?

We only caught fish unintentionally.

unintentionally and it was a peasant right?


It was a swordfish, it was giant right?

Did you see him jumping?

Daddy is happy, very happy

that we managed to get here alive ...

What do you have to fire now?

What's up, Bora?

We arrived!

My anchor, my right arm commanded very well

Wow, it was hard to anchor here, huh?

Yeah man...

Nothing is easy!

You have to come with emotion ... with emotion

Coming, eeeee!

A damn wind, and loosen the anchor and almost knocks on another boat

We still go, and we come, my love!

we send well, we send well

Thirty days at sea

I'm so crazy about having a beer. in a bar down here


No, off the boat I want to get out of here!

We arrived in Grenada, I'm going to do the paperwork now

Do you exchange the flag, please?

What flag is the one from here?

I do not know, search ...

Lola is desperate, right Lolinha?

Lola ... come here Lola! Lola has a day since she does not go down to make a sherry

She's here, she does not leave behind me.

right Lola right Lolinha?

We have downloaded Borinha and she is already desperate wanting to enter

In a little while, my love. in a little while everything will work out

That's it, we finally arrived in Grenada!

Luzia, what are you doing, my love?

Choosing my birthday list

List of what?

My birthday, it's going to be on August 22nd.

What are you going to do?

I go first: find starfish

Two: join shells I only have these for now.


where is...

Three: Mermaid Candle or Cake Carrot flavor cake

Four: pizza and hot dog

Five: Glasses or napkins pink or mermaid flavor

Six: bladder and air conditioning

air conditioning is the most precious thing of this boat

We only call on a special day, right?

Seven: Present

Let Lara and Lisa play with me.

for four whole days of what I want

the happiness of the sisters ...

now you have to make the number eight

No, it's seven years and seven gifts. fine!


The cake will taste like what?


I Love!!

I think ice is missing now

Bora's fashion is now


Today will come the material of the girls' school only a damn rainy day

We did not get off the boat today.

and the forecast of the next two days is ...


So we dropped our table here.

which looks very good It's like a sofa, but it's also a desk.

And what are we going to see now, Lulu?


What are we going to see now?


and movies this

Ash left a lot of movie there for us. There are about 200, I do not know how many movies there are.

there's Harry Potter, what else is there?

only has the first

only the first? Ah, but then we get on Netflix

What else are we going to see?

Spiderman, is not it working?

And do we eat popcorn today?

Popcorn in the pan, start to munch

I do not know the rhythm of the song

popcorn in the pan, starts to munch

you do not know either

I want to see popcorn jump popcorn with guarana

And it just rains ...

rain and our water collection system

It's a little bomb that we call here.

those little dogs, that hose that comes here and the bomb

We hook up in a hose that goes to the tank. It's super cool!

only the tanks are already full We do not need water anymore.

and it does not stop raining, it does not not to not to

Then, we bought a DVD in Martinique

No one else has the DVD player, but finally I found it, I had 3 in the supermarket, I found 1

So glad I went to get home. get home, get on the boat

the plug was not coming in, then I looked at 4 islands I did not find an adapter

and on the neighboring boat here from Horizonte Fine folks, had an adapter

I got the boat in the rain, I went there I got the adapter

and the DVD does not work ...

because of the region

but let's try, the guy left us a collection

from 1927 to 1968

and then

another collection from 1968 until 2013

It's one movie a year.

There is more to this movie than anything else.

has Game of Thrones

has a thing hit

but so far it did not work

had one that worked! But I have no idea what movie is going to be

and I hope it's not an inappropriate movie for you guys

Dreamworks is father

Oh, is Dreamworks all right?

What do you want to see? German, English, what?

Hey, you started?


But you can not see this movie

we close our eyes

in violent parts

Luzia, what did you say about the rain?

she unites us!


Cold, movie, pizza, table ...


Wow, I can not believe this we look back at how much we've done!

from there buying the boat there inside a radio station

then all that excitement of waiting for the girls on the boat

passing through St. Barths World Cup games

very nice also St. Kitts, a wonderful fort that is part of UNESCO

patrimony topped spectacular It was very cool, that visit.

knowing the history of that island called Montserrat

until our greatest fear appeared

Hurricane Beryl! We were running away of hurricanes

month that the probability of a hurricane was 1% and he was there

but looking on the bright side this led us to

to know Antigua, which is a wonderful place

we know English Harbor we made great friends

I enjoyed it too, we did not water there I had to clean the watermaker

slapped the engine, screwed the cable into the propeller

then we, in return, met Jacques Cousteau's island

then snapped another cable

the other, hey, we love being anchored at the foot of the Napoleonic Fort

there on the island Les Saintes

certainly one of the places most charming of our entire trip

We loved those little islands. which lie south of Guadalupe

we went to Martinique we went to the water park super cool

we had several fun days there in St. Lucia

I tasted rum fucking there including a rum rumba

We also did mud bath of the volcano

we dived

is impressive, looking back, the amount of adventures and learning that we had

to get here

at the end of what we called the Hurricane Scape Route

was the end of our great first challenge

that was to escape the hurricanes and go somewhere safer

For more infomation >> BORA #41 - O FIM DA ROTA FURACÃO SCAPE! Chegamos em Grenada (English/Spanish CC) - Duration: 13:33.


SOURCE: Lakers Trying To Trade Brandon Ingram - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> SOURCE: Lakers Trying To Trade Brandon Ingram - Duration: 4:14.


Discreto & Lil Jay - Dile-Ma - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Discreto & Lil Jay - Dile-Ma - Duration: 3:39.


Top 5 The Haunting Of Hill House Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 10:34.

Hello horror fans - and welcome back to the scariest channel on YouTube - Top 5 Scary

Videos - your friendly neighborhood fright fanatics, and your go to guide for all the

terrifying tales that this world has to offer.

What's going on guys - as always I'll be your spirit guide Jack Finch - as we once

again head up to that horrifying house on the haunted hill - creek open the door to

the red room - and take a look at the Top 5 Haunting of Hill House Fan Theories That

Will Blow Your Mind.

Roll the clip.

Now I hope I'm not harping on - but as some of you may well know, Mike Flanagan's latest

Netflix masterpiece - The Haunting of Hill House - is perhaps my favourite conversation

topic at the moment.

If you haven't checked out our latest video on what makes Hill House so damn good - then

make sure you take a look, we'll leave a link at the end of this video.

Since it crept up on us and blew us all away, The Haunting of Hill House has resonated in

the minds of horror fans the world over - and had us all scrambling over what the hell was

actually going on in the Red Room and whether there was something more to the Crain Family.

Well, let's find out shall we?

Before we jump into that though horror fans, you know how it is by now - if you're a

fan of this video, The Haunting of Hill House - or just Top 5 Scary Videos in general - then

please, be a dear and hit that thumbs up button, as well as that subscribe bell so you can

stay up to date with our latest and greatest uploads.

If you've got a suggestion for a future scary video that you just can't keep to

yourself - then make sure to speak your mind in the comment section down below.

On with the show.

Kicking off at Number 5 - The Black Mould

(Insert clip: Hill House Episode 7, Hugh checking out the black mould in the basement.)

In Episode 7, Eulogy - following the incredibly tense Two Storms episode - we find Hugh tearing

the house apart after discovering that it's riddled with a strange, inconsistent mould.

Not any old mould either - of course, this is the Crain Family - it's highly toxic

black mould - pretty much a death sentence for anyone in the property business.

Well - as the remaining episode's unfold - the black mould narrative kind of gets unresolved,

and we never truly find out it's purpose as a device within the show.

One theory suggests that the Black Mould is much more important than it may seem - and

ultimately, was the real downfall of the entire Crain family.

You see, black mould can cause irreparable psychosis in the human brain - and on the

surface it may have lead to the Crain family hallucinating the haunting of Hill House.

I mean - that kind of sits with the whole stranger than fiction narrative of the show,

and give us real, physical evidence of the paranormal happenings that take place - but,

I don't know, that's kind of a cop out as far as I'm concerned.

However, reddit user CyberToaster goes one further - and they suggest that the black

mould is a completely supernatural entity in itself.

Throughout the show the house itself as referred to as a living being - the Red Room is it's

stomach, the walls and pipes are it's skin and veins - so what if the black mold was

Hill Houses brain? - it's very DNA?

An ancient monster that's lingered far longer than the ghosts of Poppy and The Tall Man.

It would explain away a lot of the shows supernatural phenomena - and give practical meaning to

Nell's and Olivia's dream - as well as Luke trying to set fire to the house to no


It's interesting - but I'm not sure if I'm convinced.

Well - what do you guys think?

Coming in next at Number 4 - Blue Is The Warmest Colour

And no - not that film - we'll keep this PG-13.

Let's talk about colour palettes for a moment.

One thing that stuck with me after finishing the series was Mike Flanagan's incredible

use of colour throughout each episode - and how it perfectly managed to balance the subtle

shifts through time - the past and the present, as well as alluding to a much more important


In cinema - colour is an incredibly powerful form - it subconsciously suggests tone and

emotion, giving life to a scene oftentimes before we've even realised it's intention.

If you look back through Hill House - you'll notice the vivid demonstration of two very

important colours.

Red, and blue.

Although the spectrum may not be as obvious or deliberate in some instances - it's always


The warm, vibrant tones of red, orange and yellow - often representing the comfort and

warmth of childhood.

And the cold, oblique shades of blue.

However, all is not as it may seem - because as we know, in the show - Red is the enemy

of the Crain Family.

It's what they're simultaneously running away from and also hurtling towards - The

Red Room.

It's the colour blue where the family finds their strength and make reparations - which

is interesting, because blue is often associated with psychic power and supernatural sensitivity.

The colour blue is the Crain Family's one weapon against Hill House, often manifesting

itself around three particular characters.

Which leads us to our next point.

Swinging in at Number 3 - The Three Sisters.

Got you again.

Sorry, it's a bad habit.

I also had to put it in, because one of the few scenes where we see Shirley, Theo and

Nelly all together - kind of - which is interesting in itself.

I don't want to read too much into it - but the real point is that the Three Sisters are

perhaps the most important characters in the show, and the real reason why the Crain family

ultimately saved themselves.

In Episode 3, Touch - we are subtly informed about the idea of psychic intuition - manifested

most prominently with a young Theodora, who gradually demonstrates the ability of psychometry

- the ability to obtain information about a person or object by touch.

And this is what makes up the bulk of this theory - the fact that Theo, Shirley and Nelly

are all physical representations of the past, the present and the future - a common device

in early horror literature, which fits neatly with the theme and Flanagan's interpretation

of Hill House - and his admiration of Shirley Jackson's original work.

Theo's manifestation is the most obvious of the bunch - she serves as an insight into

the historical horrors of Hill House.

Shirley's is perhaps more subtle - she is a mortician, obsessed with the preservation

of the dead and their living form.

She is the only Crain child seen taking photographs - preserving the present, and living in the


And then we have Nelly - a child who lives her entire life being haunted by the ghost

of her future self - and who ultimately leads the Crain family to their future resolution.

Next up at Number 2 - The Five Stages of Grief

And this theory - isn't really a theory at all anymore, because it's pretty much

all been confirmed as canon by Mike Flanagan himself.

The show manages to deal with death, remorse and regret in an incredibly responsible way

- and each episode manages to slowly give light to the truth like a coffin being slowly

lowered into a grave.

But like with many things in The Haunting of Hill House - there's much more to it

than first meets the eye - and it lies with the Crain Family themselves.

They all represent the five stages of grief.




Depression - and finally, Acceptance.

Firstly - Steve, the oldest Crain sibling - represents denial, the first stage.

He's constantly refusing to believe what actually happened at Hill House as a child

- instead bolstering himself against the paranormal, actively trying to explain away the supernatural

with logic and rational thought.

Next, Shirley - who represents anger.

One of the show's main plot points is Shirley's grudge against Steve - as she sees him as

a sellout for divulging the families secret into a best selling novel.

She's often the source of confrontation for the Crain siblings - even as a child.

Theo represents the third stage of grief, bargaining.

One of Hill House's most intense scene is Theo's monologue about not being able to

feel anything - and her bargaining with the universe to end her disconnection.

Luke's is perhaps the most obvious - depression.

He visibly deals with emotion in a very visceral way, and his history of addiction is his characters

white whale throughout the show.

Depression is what formed Luke as an adult - manifested from the horrors he witnessed

as a child.

And finally - Nell, who represents acceptance - the final stage of grief.

In The Red Room - when confronting her siblings as a ghost, she explains to them - I love

you completely, and you loved me the same.

That's all.

The rest is confetti.

Nell had come to terms with her own death, haunted throughout her own childhood - and

she comforts her brothers and sisters to do the same.

And finally - at our Number 1 spot - The Red Room.

Now - here's something that actually may blow your mind.

After the series has reached it's final conclusion, we can look back with the realisation

that the Red Room presented itself to each child as a different space.

For Luke it was his treehouse, for Theo it was her dancing room - for Nelly it was the

games room - but when the siblings finally confront the real Red Room - each of them

are confronted with a vision that they had to escape.

What's interesting in those final few scenes is that something in each dream is vividly

red - Steven's jumper, Luke's converse shoes.

But - hold onto that thought, because it's in the final few scenes of Hill House that

suggests our happy ending - actually wasn't happy at all.

At the finale, we see Luke surrounded by his family - proudly celebrating 2 years of sobriety

- free from his heroin addiction after confronting his inner demons, together with his siblings

in the Red Room.

But - take a closer look, because that cake - is vividly red.

The show's creators have smirkingly hinted that this is true - but it's heartbreaking

to imagine that not only did Hill House ultimately consume Nell Crain - it also managed to finally

kill her twin, Luke.

Starkly enough - this would play into Olivia Crain's ultimate goal of killing the twins

and complete this theory.

Originally, Mike Flanagan intended for the show to end on a more ambiguous note - with

a scene of the surviving Crain family members gathered in front of a window that resembles

the one seen in the Red Room.

However, Flanagan ultimately felt that this was a twist too cruel - so perhaps Luke's

red cake was a subtler way to suggest the Crain family didn't have such a happy ending.

And - now I'm sad.

Unfortunately folks, that's all we've got time for in today's' video - cheers

for sticking around all the way to the end, I sincerely hope you've enjoyed it.

If you were a fan of this video - make sure to give us a thumbs up, and show us some love

in the comment section down below.

If you'd like to continue on with your horror binge - feel free to hit that playlist floating

shortly above.

As always, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Top 5 Scary Videos

- and until next time, take it easy.

For more infomation >> Top 5 The Haunting Of Hill House Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 10:34.


Top 10 Scary Subliminal Messages In Songs - Duration: 11:08.

Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the Internet – I am your host

Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking the Top 10 Scary Subliminal Messages in Songs.

Are your favourite songs hiding something?


Find out here….

But before we get into this video, I just want to ask you guys what your favourite song

is, or if that is too hard – what about your favourite band?


10 - Justin Bieber and the illuminati In 2015 Justin Beiber, Skrillex and Justin

Bieber released a music video for Where are U Now" in which thousands of images were

flashed on the Canadian popstar.

It seems that the images were drawn by fans at the Jack U Headquarters and overlaid…

or were they.

I don't know.

Either way, if you pause the video at opportune moments, you can see a lot if illuminati images

imposed over the star… and satanic images.

And phrases like hand jobs for god.


These flash before your eyes really quickly, but psychologically speaking – surely we

can pick up on them?

9- David Bowie Foreshadowed his Own Death I LOVED the Album, Black Star.

It came out on the 8th January, 2016 – David Bowie's 69th and last ever Birthday – he

died two days later.

The public were totally shocked as Bowie had never referenced his illness…or hadn't


The title song of the album was released on the 19th November 2015, and a second track,

Lazarus, was released on December 17th.

Both tracks heavily foreshadow the stars untimely death.

In Blackstar, Bowie appears to be singing about the day of a death – with a candle

lit vigil.

It is probable he is singing about his own final reckoning as he writes: Something happened

on the day he died, his spirit rose a meter and then stepped aside.

Somebody else took his place and bravely cried –

He goes on to sing I'm a Blackstar.

I'm not a popstar.

People have deciphered this to mean the passing of icon status to another.

David Bowie is a black star – a dead star.

Again, in Lazurus, he appears to be Eulogising himself.

He sings "look up here, I'm in Heaven" He also sings that just like a bluebird, he

will be free.

The music video for the track, which came out 3 weeks before his death makes things

pretty clear, too.

When listening and watching now – it is so obvious Bowie knew he was going to die

and the album was a self aware final farewell from one of the greatest musical icons of

all time.

8 - Ash – Evil Eye Good old Ash!

The popular 90s and naughties Rock band wanted to jump on the bandwagon of backmasking and

included a little nod to Satan in their song Evil Eye.

Released in 2004 on the album Meltdown Evil eye is a song that sounds like it is about

a girl that is working her way into a guys head so much so that he cant stop thinking

about her.

Like I said though – there is a scary secret message that is actually a bit rude.

At the beginning of the track, if played backwards, lead singer Timothy James Arthur can be heard

to say She's giving me the evil eye, suck Satan's rock.

Except he doesn't say rock.

Jadas Priest had to go to court over this song – we have Better By You, Better Than

Me at number 7 So Better By You Better Than Me was originally

by Rock Band, Spooky Tooth, but it was covered by Judas Priest in 1978, and the latter English

Metal Band version was pretty popular in its day.

While some loved the power rock track, others were convinced it was riddled with hidden

satanic messages and led to a spate of suicides.

Some said the track had the phrase Let's be Dead hidden in it!

The track was reportedly behind the suicide attempts of 19 year old Ray Belknap and 20

year old James Vance in Reno, Nevada in 1985.

Ray shot himself under his chin and died instantly, James survived but was severely disfigured

and overdosed three years later.

His parents claimed that the cursed track made the young men do it.

Before James overdosed, he gave an interview to say that the music made him do it The three

week trial was heavily scrutinized by the music industry…eventually it was thrown


I guess the scary thing about this hidden message is that I was singing it at the top

of my voice a lot without realizing what I was saying!

Foo Fighters – All My Life which is about…well… you're about to find out at number 6

I enjoy a bit of Foo Fighters – and I certainly did back in 2002 when this Grammy award winning

song came out.

Young teen me was all about some rock.

I remember screaming the lyrics to this at Reading 2005!

Anyway, lead singer Dave Grohl said in an interview that the song is about his keenness

to perform oral sex.

I guess it makes sense…

Don't let it go to waste – I love it but I hate the taste!

5 - Hotel California by The Eagles I went to California and passed by the alleged

hotel California ! It was great…!

This is anther one of those songs that sounds upbeat …and California makes me think of

sunny times and sunny climes.

Apparently not.

Apparently the song is about yielding to Satan.

So I heard Shane Dawson talk about this one and he seemed really freaked out, but honestly

I am not too sure…..

ALLEGEDLY when played backwards you can hear something along the lines of - Yes, Satan

organized his own religion… but when played forwards the song also seems to be pretty

devil heavy – the lyrics go - And in the master's chambers,

They gathered for the feast, they stab it with their steely forks, But they just can't

kill the beast.


4 - The Beatles – I'm So Tired and Revolution 9

Sooo this song added fuel to the fire of the Paul is dead conspiracy!

Back in 1966 fans of the Beatles became convinced that Paul McCartney died in a car crash.

The Beatles were known to add in cheeky backmask messages for their fans but this..this is

something different.

Fans swear that clues of Paul's death are littered through Sgt Pepper and the White


At the end of I'm So Tired, it is thought that John Lennon says: Paul is a dead man,

miss him, miss him, MISS HIM.

On Revolution Number 9 an announcer's voice says Number 9 a lot….when played backwards,

it is thought that it sayd Turn me on Dead Man.


3 - The Police – Every Breath You Take.

Every Breath you take seems like a sweet song – it often is played in the top 20 most

romantic songs of all time, but no.

No no no.

If you truly listen to the lyrics it is much more sinister.

Every breath you take…Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take I'll

be watching you.

Every single day Every word you say Every game you play Every night you stay I'll be

watching you.


It turns out that STING wrote this song after breaking up with his wife and is depicting

an obsessive stalker.

The song was the most heard song in the United States for 8 weeks in 1983.


How many maniacs did it inspire?!

Sting Later said he wrote the song If You Love Somebody, Set them free.

2 - Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven…..or…stairway to hell.

It was WIDELY rumoured in the 1980s that rock band Led Zeppelin were backmasking secret

evil messages in their music!

In 1981, Christian DJ Michael Mills began stating on Christian radio programs that Led

Zeppelin 's "Stairway to Heaven" contained hidden Satanic messages that were heard by

the unconscious mind and was secretly indoctrinating people into becoming Satanists.

This was corroborated by the Parents Music Resource Center.

According to an alarming number of sources, stairway to heaven, when played backwards,

says - Here's to my sweet Satan - He will give those with him 666/There was a little

toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan.

But I personally feel this is clutching at backwards straws and actually this says more

about various religious groups trying to control music, rather than rock bands trying to control


Butttt maybe I'm wrong.

Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin dismissed the accusations and said that people would need

a lot of time on their hands to come up with such a crazy theory.

Have a listen – what do you think?

1 - Pumped Up Kicks – Foster the People I really like this song, it just sounds like

a nice upbeat indie track…until you find your singing… you better run, better run,

outrun my bullet.




If you actually listen to the lyrics….

Things are pretty dark.

The opening verse goes Robert's got a quick hand.

He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan.

He's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid.

Yeah found a six shooter gun.

In his dad's closet hidden oh in a box of fun things, I don't even know what

But he's coming for you, yeah he's coming for you.

The popular 2011 song is actually written from the perspective of a psychotic kid with

homicidal thoughts – basically a highschool student thinking of enacting a mass shooting.

Mark Foster wrote the song about the growing trend of teenage mental illness.

The Bassist of the band actually survived the Coloumbine shooting in 1999.

SO That was the Top 10 Songs with Scary Subliminal messages ….

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Subliminal Messages In Songs - Duration: 11:08.


What If The Titanoboa Snake Fought A T-Rex? - Duration: 6:34.

Picture this - the king of all dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the most ferocious

beast throughout the Cretaceous Period - going head to head against a behemoth of the Serpentine

species - the most fearsome, the most gigantic creature to have ever slithered across this

planet - The Titanoboa.

Who would win - what carnage would they create - what havoc would they wreak?

Well - let's find out.

What's going on internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube

- Life's Biggest Questions, the place where we disseminate hypothetical showdowns quicker

than you can shake a tail feather on a dinosaur.

As always, I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - as today we ask the question,

What If A Titanoboa Snake Fought A T-Rex?

Roll the clip.

There are perhaps few creatures throughout ancient history that could stand toe to toe

with either of these ultimate predators.

Granted - they existed during widely differing times on Planet Earth - and were both ferociously

adapted to their environments, but for the sake of this showdown - let's say that these

two great monsters met face to face, in one epic battle to crown the ultimate beast of

the ancient world.

The Titanoboa - the monster snake with unparalleled power - and the Tyrannosaurus Rex - the Tyrant

King of the Dinosaurs with a bite that could decimate the most impenetrable defence.

Well the jungle is quiet - the showdown is set - and in the distance comes a mighty roar.

Before we watch these beasts tear each other limb from limb though folks - we want you

to answer a question of our own.

Here at LBQ we try our utmost to cover the widest spectrum of hypothetical questioning

- from alternate divergent realities, to mind bending mashups of popular culture - but most

importantly, we want to know what gets your brain buzzing - so if you've got a burning

idea for the type of content you'd like us to deliver, speak your mind in the comment

section down below.

Also, stick around till the end - where we'll be reading some of your best comments from

the past few days.

Weighing in at a staggering 14 metric tons - and measuring over 40 ft in length - the

Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore like no other.

It was the last known member of the tyrannosaurids - and was amongst the last non-avian dinosaurs

before the Cretaceous Paleogene mass extinction event - you know the one.

Rest in Peace Littlefoot's Mum.

Oh - right - you mean the other one.

Yeah, that one too.

The T-Rex was tearing fools up over 68 million years ago - when everything was bigger and

much more scary - and it was stacked with a massive skull that packed its primary weapon,

it's jaw - balanced alongside a long, heavy tail.

Relative to its large and powerful hindlimbs - the T-Rex is most famously known for it's

- well, it's short stubby little arms.

Don't let them fool you though - because they were unusually and notoriously powerful

for their size, paired together with two razor-sharp clawed digits used to rip open its prey in

close combat.

This guy was the undisputed apex predator of its environment - and would often feast

upon hadrosaurs - armoured herbivores like ceratopsians and possibly sauropods.

The fact that its prey are some of the most well-armoured dinosaurs known is pretty telling

- the T-Rex was well fed - put it that way.

There are also reports that suggest the Tyrannosaurus was a pack animal - suggesting that the T-Rex's

large brain-to-body size proportion was indicative of it being up to six times more intelligent

than the average dinosaur.

Which leads us to our contender - who isn't the average dinosaur at all - but instead,

the king of all serpents.

Measuring in at over 42 ft - and weighing in at around 1100 kilograms - the Titanoboa

is the largest snake ever found - which existed around 60 million years ago - and filled the

gap as the dominant species after the dinosaurs faded from the picture.

They were expert ambush predators - and the Titanoboa flourished as the most ferocious

apex hunter on Earth for over 10 million years.

In our showdown then - the Titanoboa would be the likeliest contender to make the first


If it got the jump on the T-Rex by stealthily slithering in the dense undergrowth of our

convenient battle arena, then it would have the potential of ending this showdown pretty


Now - the Titanoboa wasn't a venomous snake - but like it's Boa predecessor was a constrictor


A very large constrictor snake.

It is believed that the Titanoboa was capable of crushing it's unfortunate pray with a force

of over 400 lbs per square inch.

If it managed to wrap its entire 40 plus ft body around the T-Rex, then there is little

that the big guy could do - other than slowly, and painfully suffocate.

However - remember those short stubby arms with the two razor sharp claws at the end?

Well unfortunately for the Titanoboa - it just activated the big guy's trap card.

Some paleontologists suggest that the reason the T-Rex maintained its arms through evolution

was as a means to slash its prey at close quarters.

They were bevelled, and deathly sharp - and were capable of exerting massive amounts of

devastating pressure.

Stature alone states that the T-Rex could cleave the Titanoboa with relative ease, even

when restrained.

And at that point - the Titanoboas only means of attack against the T-Rex would be spent.

And then the real devastation would begin.

The King Lizard could inflict up to 12800 pounds of pressure with a single bite.

That's not all though - just a single one of it's massive conical teeth could exert

a staggering 431 thousand pounds of pressure per square inch.

The T-Rex could cleave megaherbivores such as the Triceratops with relative ease, and

the Titanoboa would be small fry against its colossal jaws.

Hey - he's the king for a reason.

Well there we have it questioneers - the ultimate outcome of this epic showdown, what do you

guys think?

Do you agree that the T-Rex would take down a Titanoboa with ease?

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Before we depart - here's some of the more comical things you guys have had to say over

the past few days.

Nova City says - What if Jack Finch was not a disembodied floating voice?

Well, Nova City - I ask myself that same question on a daily basis - and I'm still not entirely


Don't let me out.

Wolf Animations says - U need 1 million subs.

That would be nice, Wolf Animations, thank you very much.

Well, you heard them - make sure to hit that thumbs up button, and ding that subscribe

bell - and we'll be seeing you soon.

As per usual, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest

Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If The Titanoboa Snake Fought A T-Rex? - Duration: 6:34.


Go Huawei Outta That! #Ad - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Go Huawei Outta That! #Ad - Duration: 2:19.



Sam is already awake.

I don't know...

Sam is younger here.

This was playing before.

This is Heaven?

What's this?

This is his girlfriend?

He didn't see him.

Hellooo...we're dead.

This is not present.

That girl is his greatest hit?

Does Sam see her?

She doesn't see him.

He doesn't have it.

Dean wants to...

...for this thing to be longer.


Where's the other?

Oh, but why?

So Mary and John were having problems.

So it happened like this?


Don't tell him that! That his an angel.

What is it?

Oh here it goes. Zach found them.

While you're fighting...

Who is this?

Oh he's in that bar.

I think it is the same where he was before he died.

Where's Jo?

And Mary?

They show her, but it was more Dean's isn't' dream actually.

Hes' working with technology here too.

Yeah, he's continuing.

For more infomation >> SUPERNATURAL - 5x16 "DARK SIDE OF THE MOON" (PART 1) REACTION - Duration: 10:32.


The Making of a Xmas Card - Duration: 2:31.

Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and I'm about to try and make my Christmas card. So

It involves the tree and it also involves matching jammies

With my dog who's over there. Um

This is gonna be super fun. So here is the making of a Christmas card when you are involving an animal

Okay, so I'm hoping somewhere in there I actually got a picture so I'm gonna leave the

jammies on and the dogs jammies on just in case

But I also had to bring in this lovely light source because the lighting I think was off

And I don't know if these light boxes are hand all the pictures or not

I don't know if I got a good picture or not

cause the dog does not like to stay still

I could be really nice and post my picture

Like right now at the end of this video and then you wouldn't have to, you know, wait to see it

but you know what forget that okay, so

Not doing that cause this picture is gonna go at my Christmas card

So for anybody getting a Christmas card, I don't want to spoil the picture number one number two

I'm gonna post it on Christmas morning on like all social media and shit


You know

follow me on social media

If you want to see that that's it for this video

If you liked it, click the like button and subscribe to my channel

I make a new video every Tuesday and Friday

Thank you guys so much for watching. MWAH!

For more infomation >> The Making of a Xmas Card - Duration: 2:31.


Shawnee Peak opening early thanks to November snow - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Shawnee Peak opening early thanks to November snow - Duration: 0:39.


5 Natural Ways to Get Thicker Lashes - Duration: 3:29.

5 Natural Ways to Get Thicker Lashes.

I loved having great lashes again, but wasn't wild about spending about $100 a month for

the pharmaceutical lash grower.

So I stopped, and like Cinderella at midnight, my lashes returned to their former, scraggly


Eyelashes naturally thin with age as eyelash follicles, like hair follicles, slow or stop

producing new lashes.

But the way we treat our lashes affects their lusciousness, too.

Scrubbing, poor diet, and some medications can make lashes fall out and become harder

to replace.

Here are natural ways to preserve the lashes you have and aid new growth.


Groom Correctly.

Brush eyelashes daily with an eyelash/brow comb or a clean mascara wand.

Condition eyelashes by applying a drop of vitamin E oil to the brush, then comb from

the base to the tip of eyelashes.


Remove Eye Makeup Thoroughly.

Completely remove eye makeup daily, but avoid harsh scrubbing and pulling.


Apply Olive Oil.

Olive oil is known to strengthen and stimulate eyelash growth.

Put a few drop of olive oil on a Q-Tip, coat lashes, let set for a few minutes, then rinse.


Add These Vitamins.

Vitamins B, D and E are said to promote lash growth and strengthen lashes.

If you're not eating enough foods with these essentials – leafy greens, eggs, asparagus

– then consider taking a multivitamin daily.

Also, consider a biotin supplement, which aids hair, skin and nail growth.


Coat with Castor Oil.

At bedtime, coat lashes with a top-grade, cold-pressed castor oil, then sleep.

Wash off the castor oil in the morning.

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