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mailbag monday #39 - Duration: 23:43.t is time for another mailbag which is a happy coincidence because I got stuff to
open where should I start let's start with that one I'd like to introduce the
beer of the day but I quite honestly can't remember what I got in that
growler I just went to the place and tasted some samples and pick this one I
wish they'd written the name on the tag yeah whatever I have that's not the
right blade that's a little saw blade actually there we go okay
I have repair tool at a value of 13 American pennies it says kind of tool if
that's really what it is can get out
help it's supposed to fold oh I remember this Wow how long ago do riza this is a
credit card knife it's designed to yea fit in your wallet and then you fold the
blade out and what happens and oh these pieces fold over and a little sponsor to
click it together and it's a knife it's actually relatively sharp for a factory
try it on whoa zoom back code again that actually worked pretty well against that
stuff appeared - yeah it's alright what else can I cut you know this stick okay
I mean that's just a tongue depressor but cuts into it very well obviously
this isn't gonna be your daily knife but that's probably just cheap carbon steel
nothing fancy it's not bad it's got a bitter an edge on it cool wonder how
much I paid for that yeah and when this was a long time ago actually this was
three and a half months it took to get here and I did buy it at auction when I
bought it at auction for 65 cents and I found another one that's currently on
auction and currently selling for 65 cents as well they typically go anywhere
in the BOK range you can find them more expensive but they're they're fairly
cheap and they're very good things for what it is right it's not it's not going
to be your mean outdoors survival camping sailing diving fishing hunting
knife or kitchen knife or whatever but as I guess just an emergency Neve to
carry in your wallet or something like that or throw in the glove box of your
car or something like that throw in your in your hiking backpack
just it's probably fine for that this one says it's stainless steel which I'm
fairly confident is bullshit know that I got that I think I'll just
keep using it for the rest of the day next thing enclosure box
times two
sorry I might want to put a bit more point on it it's a little bit blunt so
we have here two project boxes they look like they okay they do screw together
that's good they are in American they are three inches by five inches in the
rest of the world units they are eight centimeters by twelve and a half
centimeters if you wanted to build meters you can do that it's close enough
this isn't precision so I got two of them you don't oh yeah they did have
some mounting posts okay but they don't come with screws to hold the box
together and those little turrets aren't threaded but you can tap into the fairly
easily just with a screw I'm betting that I'll take like an m6 or something
like that or a number eight if you SAE okay that's good it's always good to
have a variety of different sizes of boxes and stock you never know what
project you're going to need a box for waterproof plastic cover project the
electronic case enclosure box 125 by 80 by 32 millimeters waterproof mm splash
resistant maybe I got these from Shin Roy 66 these were ordered or 96 American
to 54 Canadian and I got two of them and apparently I paid forty nine cents
shipping or 63 cents shipping next in we have electronic doesn't say
anything on this side it says module on this side more sharpening this another
project box oh it's a kit with its own little project box so that's pretty
awesome what is this this is an EQ kit branded kit so we have led a inductor 47
micro farad's he looks like a transistor a label does
a you so it could be something else a resistor and an s-1 which will be a
switch and then a bunch of pads that are labeled to practice there's not that
much to this little guy oh and then I posted my anything okay let's see what
came with it one honking big five million oh that's not a five millimeter
LED what is that that's a ten millimeter LED no heat no heat or something like
that that's a big K the inductor three four resistors in a couple different
values he is easy you a transistor white one one five a wax hmm that might be a
transistor and will push a button then it will push a button can AAB a couple
of Springs for batteries okay so that mounts off of there
yes soon and better if it was in frame wouldn't
it that melts off there I assume how white is that is that Tripoli space I'd
say it is double we fit in there maybe I'm thinking Tripoli though it's a
little bit different size yeah I think it's ripple fitting there probably
better okay so but we in rent single battery that's our cell transistor
inductor is this a jewel thief because there's no way you're going to be able
to power an LED from a single battery ax over here don't weigh up then it's a
bluish tinge white LED just like common ones but it's huge that well that's
quite fit through there okay another simple little kit to add into the pile
oak it's neffie once again this has been sitting around
here for so long that I don't have the actual listing this took 11 weeks to get
here however this search will find it for you a new DIY FLE - one kit simple
flashlight 1.5 LED soldering circuit board something like that I bought it
for a dollar 28 from a robot home they sell it right now but they're selling it
with looks like almost four bucks shipping which is just not performance
and there's the schematic of the thing so you one whatever that is I mean it's
it's a chip and then is the part number that's on
in 181 15 I'll have to look that up in a second so that and I wanted to have a
full battery and a little inductor and he resistor not sure why there's
multiple resistors oh that's why there's 247 ohms and two for practice cool free
resistors through-hole I don't need much practice on Springs and a shell and okay
so there it is so the yx8 one one five is in fact an LED driver not just a
transistor interesting it operates from 0.9 to 1.5 volts will start a voltage of
point nine eighty percent efficient there's a circuit so this is sort of
like a jewel thief but doesn't use a generic transistor like the whole street
does he strange interesting next thing is storage a bag
anyway that's something I would have ordered hmm I'm becoming less and less
impressed by that every cut that I mean so what are these oh these are little
yeah okay these are fir for my railroading endeavors what they actually
are designed for is push rods in a model aircraft and in similar vehicles where
is a piece of wire here there we go so this is the stiff steel music wire that
I use for for connecting between solenoids and leichter notes on the
so what you're supposed to do with this stuff let me just zoom in a little bit
so you can actually see what I'm doing is so what you do is run the wire
through a hole back here and then just screw that down as a set screw and it
clamps on everybody did if I would if it would if I was using a actual tool here
and not just my wimpy fingers where is a screwdriver there we go okay
that's still not grabbing on this is obviously not big enough wire hmm okay
after floating around I found this piece of brass tube that should work so you
put your push rod through there and you clamp down on to it with the set screw
think then this u bolt on to you hang on
so then this a little nut here you bolt on to a servo horn and then you can use
that just as a push rod rather than getting something big like that and
bending it down especially if using steel rod or something or a piece of
what music wire that's thicker than what I had so that's that could come in handy
I hope it will cuz I bought a bunch of them but that should come in handy for
for doing mechanical linkage like that on the railroad if I'm doing I don't
know maybe crossing gates or something like that or some other sort of
animation how much I paid for those gates
five twenty fifty push rod connector adapter linkages for
stopper for a servo arm pull rod there we go that's showing them in their
normal habitat that's an even better picture of it that's even the same kind
of servos that I've got okay I got these from New Age store new
underscore store I paid two dollars and three cents for no I didn't yeah for
twenty of them if you want only five it's 99 cents but really why wouldn't
you do this one last thing DC bucks step-down power spike converter etc
numbers things okay fairly descriptive and this is obviously a disposable knife
one of those DC bucket converter redeem yourself cut plastic wow wow that
dulled super fast it did seem really sharp when I started okay let's look at
this buck converter if it's what it claims to be on the back here we have
numbers we have oat max three amps in five to 15 volts two to three amps I'm
even assortment of voltages that come off the side it's label on the back to 5
volts 303 point three two point four eight one point eight one point five
default one point two five okay so what's going on in here we have four
point seven micro Henry inductor we have an eight pin chip that called itself one
a CS e feeding all these outputs we have an array of resistors is it
it's just creating a voltage divider to feed all those outputs that's cheap
oh and that's not a single pad those are split pads with the voltage on the
bottom on your screen and the ground common on the top
okay that's odd couple capacitors down there strange little buck converter so
this is DC buck step-down power converter board 5 to 16 volts to 1.25 or
1.5 or 1.8 or 2.5 or 3.3 or 5 point 3 volts I got mine from somebody called
best for cell who doesn't have this available anymore and I can't find the
actual listing but here is the same board currently on auction I got mine
for 84 cents and that number just seems like an auction number to me but this is
the same board so you can get them fairly cheap at auction if you try hard
and it it doesn't have a lot of information either just no potentiometer
just need a short circuit pad to the correct voltage okay I'll have to try
that mean though let's go and grab the datasheet on this thing
alright so MP 14.95 chip which is what it claims to be wide operating input
range four and a half to sixteen yeah as internal power mosfets uses a 500
kilohertz switching frequency so that's way above audio level and not going to
cause you too much grief and where is
so V in some capacitors and things an inductor 4.7 which we saw their current
limit 4.2 to 5 amps that's surprising it's such a little guy okay so here's
how it works pin 8 is a feedback pin connect to the
tap of an external resistor divider from the output to ground to set the output
voltage okay so that's what those shorting pads are just a bunch of no
resistor dividers to set the voltage VCC input since resistor bootstrapped
capacitor goes there ground feedback error amplifier comparator okay
nothing too surprising going on inside the box though oh and here's the math to
figure out the voltage divider on the feedback pin oh look that's pretty much
exactly the voltages that are that my mom module uses okay that's as much as I
need to know about that right now all right here's the high-tech test
setup got 12 volts coming in here from my power supply
turn on and then at the output let's let's just do this so I don't have a
negative voltage showing so that's with no strapping on right now showing 1.3
ish faults now then if I short one of these pairs of pads like that one up
there there we go short a pair of pads 5 volts or
three point three let's be zeros you're shorting it permanently the ball
besought her two point five four volts
one point come on one point eight one point five and the default one point
three with no resistors in okay if that thing can actually crank out the
amount of current it claims it might come in handy somewhere not sure exactly
where and here we have today's mailbag items the little buck converter could
come in handy these are the pushrod can't be adapt
your things for sorry for your servos I am gonna use those on the railroad
probably in a few different places project boxes always handy to have
kicking around this little factory it's got a buck converter and I got a boost
converter essentially it's a little essentially dual three kit flashlight
thing then there's this weird little knife the credit card knife how often
you can fold it back down into its credit card stealth mode it's like the
transformer of knives and then flip it back up into its full-on neffe mode okay
that's it doesn't hold this edge it doesn't come over very much of a point
on it but I it's not a daily use knife it's just an emergency knife but I can
probably hone it back down to a little bit better edge just so you have anyways
which I'll probably do I don't think it's going to be my permanent mailbag
knife because it's kind of goofy I like movie exacto anyway
thank you for watching thanks for stopping by I really appreciate it
comment some questions as always down below
thanks as always on every mail bag to my patreon supporters the couple of bucks
that those guys kick into the tip jar lets me keep buying this weird
assortment of stuff for the mail bags and ultimately eventually for projects
kits kit builds and other things thanks again for watching I will talk to you
🌞 MORNING TALK #7 🌞 - WTF Youtube?? - Duration: 7:02.-------------------------------------------
《晚吹 - 罪光燈》第26集 - 冷血扑頭黨(主持:歐錦棠 , 可宜 , 花家姐) - Duration: 22:35.-------------------------------------------
How to Pronounce OCTOBER - Months of the Year English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 2:17.hi Jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation of months of the year
today's month is October we're gonna have three beats for this month Ock toe
yeah it's like the thing on your foot and ber so to say ock focus on that
short open vowel oh and your mouth is going to be in a wide oval for the sound
the tip of your tongue will be down low in your mouth and the back of your
tongue will be pulled up as the back of your tongue is pulled up just go ahead
and push it up to the roof of your mouth for that K sound ock ock ock
next we're going to move to toe touch the tip of your tongue to the back of
your top front teeth for the t and then move to that o vowel o to do this your
mouth is going to open pretty wide and then it's going to move to pucker the
tip of your tongue will be pointed down and then just kind of let your tongue
follow along as your mouth closes and it should be in the right spot don't
overthink that toe toe next end with ber do this by putting your lips together
and then opening them for the B and then move to that er for the er vowel your mouth
is going to be rounded and tense and the tip of your tongue can be either pointed
down or rolled back which ever is your preference just do not touch your teeth
and do not let your tongue move for that er let's put it all together ock toe ber
October October October October October Halloween is in the month of October
give it a try I know people will notice the difference if you found this helpful
we'd love a like and a share and don't forget to subscribe if you're looking
for our products they are available on itunes google play and at Tarle Speech
dot comm thanks so much and I will see you next month
4 ท่า เปลี่ยนร่างหนา เป็นตัวบางร่างเล็ก - Duration: 6:33.Facebook : Kikykik
Instagram : kikykikth
CHEROFOBIA (Sub. ENG-ES 🇬🇧🇪🇸) - Duration: 2:29.CHEROPHOBIA
in this reality where, almost everything, aims at personal satisfaction,
there are people who have developed
a reluctance, a real fear of being happy
This is called "CHEROPHOBIA". But what is this?
It is not classified as a mental disorder,
but it is considered to be a form of anxiety
which implies precisely the fear of being happy.
In fact, those who suffer from it are so worried about having to face life's challenges
sad or heavy situations,
and fleeing from positive situations does not get to the negative ones..
to not suffer.
And so they live a perennial state of unhappiness.
The CHEROPHOBIC person has fear to face negative situations..
So he keeps away from suffering and sadness.
Practically makes sure that happy situations do not happen
stay away from those things that could excite him
to not suffer after.
it's an emotional anticipation
always with the thought in AFTER.
And this leads to the renunciation of engaging experiences, positives,
of pleasant meetings,
of something that could change life;
there is constant thought that something bad can happen.
and it is thought that
going in search of happiness is a waste of time
that joy is useless.
Basically it is a renunciation of one's life for fear of suffering.
There is a way to cure kerophobia:
must realize from where the problem started, where it comes from.
I do not want to go into this: there are specials for this.
I can say that,
if you feel like resounding in this
psychological-mental aspect
you can solve it, if you want it
And you can shine again.
Thank you for all the love you show me
see you next time! Bye
కన్య రాశి 2018 | Kanya Rashi 2018 | December Rasi Phalalu 2018 | Astrology In Telugu | Rasi Phalalu - Duration: 4:32.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE
How to Grow Money Plant | Money Plant in Ball | Money plant Decoration | Money plant//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:38.welcome to my channel
today i'm going to show you
how to grow money plant in old kids ball
i have two balls and looks very beautiful
i'm drawing round the cut line on the ball using a cup
cutting the circle line area using soldering iron
smoothing edges with a sharp blade
it's a small hole
inserting the nylon rope through the hole and make a knot for hanging
i just make a small hole for drainage
putting the soil into the ball
soil mixture
mixing the equal parts of coco peat and sand for the weightless soil
i'm going to plant a money plant cuttings
pouring water
draining water
in this planter we must use well draining soil mix and there should be a good drainage
because ball holds more water and too much wet will cause the plants and also plants will rot
making sure to make a good drainage and watering
keep the hanging ball money plants indoor or outdoor
and pour water every two or three days, if the climate is too hot everyday watering is needed to these plants
thanks for watching
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